AICC / Publications / q003

Q003230: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti re-'u-um ke-e-nu mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu (d)asz-szur (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 sza _uru_-ni-nu-a (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ a-na _lugal_-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ib-bu-u zi-kir-szu

sza _szesz-mesz_-ia _gal-mesz szesz_-szu-nu s,e-eh-ru a-na-ku ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en u_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _uru_-ni-nu-a (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir ad_ ba-nu-u-a ina _ukkin szesz-mesz_-ia _sag-mesz_-ia ke-nisz ul-li-ma um-ma an-nu-u ma-a-ru ri-du-ti-ia (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ ina bi-ri i-szal-ma an-nu ke-e-nu i-pu-lu-szu-ma um-ma szu-u te-nu-u-ka zi-kir-szu-nu kab-tu it-ta-'i-id-ma _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki tur gal szesz-mesz_-ia _numun_ É _ad_-ia isz-te-nisz u-pa-hir

ma-har (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-te _an_-e u _ki_-tim Asz-szu na-s,ar ri-du-ti-ia zi-kir-szu-un kab-tu u-szA-az-ki-ir-szu-nu-ti ina _iti_ szal-me u4-me sze-me-e ki-i qi-bi-ti-szu-nu s,ir-ti ina É ri-du-u-ti Asz-ri szug-lud-di sza szi-kin _lugal_-ti ina lib-bi-szu ba-szu-u ha-disz e-ru-um-ma

ri-id-du qi-nu _ugu szesz-mesz_-ia it-ta-bik-ma sza _dingir-mesz_ u-masz-szir-u-ma a-na ep-sze-ti-szu-nu szur-ru-ha-a-ti it-tak-lu-ma i-kap-pu-du le-mut-tu _eme hul_-tim kar-s,i tasz-gir-ti ki-i la lib-bi _dingir-mesz ugu_-ia u-szab-szu-ma sur-ra-a-ti la szal-ma-a-ti _egir_-ia id-da-nab-bu-bu ze-ra-a-ti pa-Asz-ru lib-bi _ad_-ia szA la _dingir-mesz_ u-ze-en-nu-u _ki_-ia szap-la-a-nu lib-ba-szu re-e-mu ra-szi-szu-ma a-na e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia szit-ku-na _igi-ii_-szu

it-ti lib-bi-ia a-tam-mu-ma usz-ta-bi-la ka-bat-ti um-ma ep-sze-ti-szu-nu szur-ru-ha-a-ma a-na t,e-e-me ra-ma-ni-szu-nu tak-lu-ma szA la _dingir-mesz_ mi-na-a ip-pu-szu (d)asz-szur _lugal dingir-mesz_ réme-nu-u (d)_amar-utu_ szA nu-ul-la-a-ti ik-kib-szu-un i-na ik-ri-bi ut-nen-ni U la-ban ap-pi u-s,al-li-szu-nu-ti-ma im-gu-ru qi-bé-e-ti ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia la-pa-an ep-szet _hul_-tim a-szar ni-s,ir-ti u-sze-szi-bu-ni-ma s,u-lul-szu-nu _dug-ga_

(d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ep-szet _lu_-ha-am-ma-'e-e szA ki-i la lib-bi _dingir-mesz_ in-né-ep-szu lem-nisz it-ta-at,-lu-ma i-da-szu-un ul i-zi-zu e-mu-qa-szu-un lil-lu-ta u-szA-lik-u-ma szap-la-nu-u-a u-szak-me-su-szu-nu-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA a-de-e ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na na-s,ar _lugal_-ti-ia ina _a-mesz u i-gisz_ it-mu-u ul il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su-un

a-na-ku (disz)(d)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz_ sza ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu ina qé-reb ta-ha-zi la i-né-e'-u i-rat-su ep-sze-ti-szu-nu lem-né-e-ti ur-ru-hi-isz Asz-me-e-ma u8-a aq-bi-ma s,u-bat ru-bu-ti-ia u-szar-rit,-ma u-szA-as,-ri-ha si-pit-tu lab-bisz an-na-dir-ma is,-s,a-ri-ih ka-bat-ti Asz-szu e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti É _ad_-ia ar-pi-sa rit-ti-ia a-na (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ u (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ qa-ti Asz-szi-ma im-gu-ru qi-bi-ti ina an-ni-szu-nu ke-nim

1-en u4-me 2 u4-me ul uq-qi pa-an _erim-hi-a_-ia ul ad-gul ar-ka-a ul a-mur pi-qit-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti _gisz-szudun u_ u-nu-ut _me_-ia ul a-szu-ur s,i-di-it ger-ri-ia ul Asz-pu-uk szal-gu ku-us,-s,u _iti-ziz_ dan-na-at _en-te-na_ ul a-dur ki-ma u5-ri-in-ni mu-up-pa-ar-szi a-na sa-kap za-'i-ri-ia ap-ta-a i-da-a-a har-ra-an _nina-ki_ pa-Asz-qi-isz u ur-ru-hisz ar-de-e-ma el-la-mu-u-a ina _ki_-tim _kur_-hal-ni-gal-bat gi-mir qu-ra-di-szu-un _mah-mesz_ pa-an ger-ri-ia s,ab-tu-ma u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un

(d)isz-tar be-let _murub4_ u _me_ ra-a'-i-mat szA-an-gu-ti-ia i-da-a-a ta-zi-iz-ma _gisz-pan_-su-nu tasz-bir ta-ha-za-szu-nu ra-ak-su tap-t,u-ur-ma ina _ukkin_-szu-nu iq-bu-u um-ma an-nu-u _lugal_-a-ni ina qi-bi-ti-szA s,ir-ti i-da-a-a it-ta-na-as-ha-ru ti-bu-u _egir_-a-a ka-lu-mesz i-dak-ka-ku u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA a-de-e _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina muh-hi-ia iz-ku-ru a-di mah-ri-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia U szu-nu _lu_-ha-am-ma-'e-e e-pisz si-hi U bar-ti

ina _iti-sze iti_ mit-ga-ri _ud-8-kam ud-esz-esz_ szA (d)_ag_

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, true shepherd, favorite of the great gods, whose name the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela named for kingship over Assyria,

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the father who had engendered me, I firmly affirmed in the assembly of my brothers my steadfast hearts, saying: "This is the first time that the god Shamash and the god Adad have questioned my progeny, and they have listened to this very word and they have firmly confirmed to him, saying: "He is your true heir." They have firmly established the people of Assyria, young and old, my brothers, and the seed of my father's house.

In the presence of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods of Assyria, and the gods dwelling in heaven and netherworld, I made their laudable pronouncements known to them. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I joyfully entered the House of Succession, a royal residence, whose location is situated in the royal sanctum.

He imposed a punishment upon my brothers and he abandoned the gods and abandoned their mighty deeds. He acted with evil intent and he acted with evil intent. He imposed upon him a punishment that was unfit for me, and he constantly spoke insolent words after me. The angry heart of my father, which none of the gods had encouraged, was with me. His heart was frightened and his eyes were fixed on my royal aegis.

I heard that the god Ashur, king of the gods, the merciful god, and the god Marduk, who had entrusted them with the protection of life, had entrusted them with the protection of the netherworld and entrusted them with the securing of the seal. By the command of the great gods, my lords, they had me dwell in a place of reverence for their evil deeds and their protection was good.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela — evil deeds of Hamath that had been done in the midst of the gods, he sinned against them, did not stand by them, and they did not give their strength. They made their strength greater and made them larger than before. The people of Assyria, who had sworn by the treaty and oath of the great gods to protect my royal majesty, did not come to my aid.

I, Esarhaddon, who with the support of the great gods, his lords, did not fear battle, heard about the defeat of his evil deeds. I quickly heard their evil deeds and I told them about my defeat. I made my royal throne supreme and made my supplications great. I became frightened and overwhelmed. I prayed to the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela. I listened to their steadfast words.

I did not wait for one or two days to come before my troops. I did not see the yoke of my warriors, nor did I see the chariotry, the scouts, and the equipment of my battle equipment. I did not prepare for the yoke of my expeditionary force. I did not wait for the mighty storm of Shebat XI, the one that afflicted me with severe cold. Like a fox, I opened my eyes to the task of za'iri'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i''i'''i'

The goddess Ishtar, the lady of battle and battle, the one who loves my swagger, stood before me and held their bows down. She smashed their weapons and smashed their weapons. She spoke to them a raging sigh, saying: "This is the king's word. By her exalted command, they have smashed my city. After me, they have smashed all of my weapons and smashed my lordly majesty. The people of Assyria, who had violated the treaty and the name of the great gods, came before me and kissed my feet. Moreover, they are Hama'u, who had perpetrated rebellion and rebellion.

In Adar XII, the eponym year of Nabû, on the eighth day, the esheshu-festival of Nabû, the eponym year of Nabû-shumu-ushur, the sage of the city of Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage of the city Ashur, the sage


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, true shepherd, favorite of the great gods, i 5 whom from his childhood the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela named for the kingship of Assyria —

I am my older brothers' youngest brother and by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, my father, who engendered me, elevated me firmly in the assembly of my brothers, saying: 'This is the son who will succeed me.' He questioned the gods Shamash and Adad by divination, and they answered him with a firm 'yes,' saying: 'He is your replacement.' i 15 He heeded their important words and gathered together the people of Assyria, young and old, and my brothers, the seed of the house of my father.

Before the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods of Assyria, the gods who live in heaven and netherworld, he made them swear their solemn oaths concerning the safe-guarding of my succession. i 20 In a favorable month, on a propitious day, in accordance with their sublime command, I joyfully entered the House of Succession, an awe-inspiring place within which the appointing to kingship takes place.

Persecution and jealousy fell over my brothers and they forsook the will of the gods. They trusted in their arrogant deeds, and they were plotting evil. They started evil rumors, calumnies, and slander about me against the will of the gods, and they were constantly telling insincere lies, hostile things, behind my back. They alienated the well-meaning heart of my father from me, against the will of the gods, but deep down he was compassionate and his eyes were permanently fixed on my exercising kingship.

I pondered and thought thus: 'Their deeds are arrogant and they trust only in their own counsel. What will they not do against the will of the gods?' i 35 I prayed to the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the merciful god Marduk, to whom treacherous talk is an abomination, with benedictions, supplications, and expressions of humility, and they accepted my words. By the command of the great gods, my lords, they the gods settled me in a secret place away from the evil deeds, i 40 stretched out their pleasant protection over me, and kept me safe for exercising kingship. Afterwards, my brothers went out of their minds and did everything that is displeasing to the gods and mankind, and they plotted evil, girt their weapons, and in Nineveh, without the gods, they butted each other like kids for the right to exercise kingship.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela saw the deeds of the usurpers which had been done wrongly against the will of the gods and they did not support them. They changed their strength to weakness and forced them to bow down to me. i 50 The people of Assyria, who swore by oil and water to the treaty, an oath bound by the great gods, to protect my right to exercise kingship, did not come to their aid.

I, Esarhaddon, who with the help of the great gods, his lords, does not turn back in the heat of battle, quickly heard of their evil deeds. I said 'Woe!' and rent my princely garment. I cried out in mourning, I raged like a lion, and my mood became furious. In order to exercise kingship over the house of my father I beat my hands together. I prayed to the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, and Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela i 60 and they accepted my words. With their firm 'yes,' they were sending me reliable omens, saying: 'Go! Do not hold back! We will go and kill your enemies.'

I did not hesitate one day or two days. I did not wait for my army. I did not look for my rear guard. I did not check the assignment of horses harnessed to the yoke i 65 nor that of my battle equipment. I did not stock up travel provisions for my campaign. I was not afraid of the snow and cold of Shabatu XI, the severest cold season. Like a flying eagle I spread my wings to drive back my enemies. With difficulty and haste, I followed the road to Nineveh and i 70 before my arrival in the territory of the land Hanigalbat all of their crack troops blocked my advance; they were sharpening their weapons. Fear of the great gods, my lords, overwhelmed them, and when they saw my mighty battle array, they became like crazed women.

The goddess Ishtar, the lady of war and battle, who loves my priestly duties, stood at my side, broke their bows, and she split open their tight battle ranks. In their assembly, they said thus: 'This is our king!' Through her sublime command they began coming over to my side and marching behind me. They were gamboling like lambs and begging my sovereignty. i 80 The people of Assyria, who had sworn by the treaty, an oath bound by the great gods, concerning me, came before me and kissed my feet. Moreover, those rebels, the ones engaged in revolt and rebellion, when they heard of the advance of my campaign, they deserted the army they relied on and fled to an unknown land. I reached the embankment of the Tigris River and i 85 by the command of the gods Sîn and Shamash, the divine lords of the embankment, I made all of my troops hop over the wide Tigris River as if it were a small canal.

In Addaru XII, a favorable month, on the eighth day, the esheshu-festival of the god Nabû, I joyfully entered Nineveh, my capital city, and I sat happily on the throne of my father. The south wind, the breeze of the god Ea, the wind whose blowing is favorable for exercising kingship, blew upon me. ii 5 Favorable signs came in good time to me in heaven and on earth. They the gods continually and regularly encouraged me with oracles through ecstatics, the messages of the gods and goddesses. I sought out every one of the guilty soldiers, who wrongly incited my brothers to exercise kingship over Assyria, and imposed a grievous punishment on them: I exterminated their offspring.

Obverse Column ii


a-na-ku (d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-me_-_su lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_-ma bi-nu-ut (d)asz-szur (d)_nin-lil_ na-ram (d)30 u (d)_utu_ ni-szit (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ mi-gir (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ le-'u-um it-pe-szu ha-as-su mu-du-u sza a-na ud-du-usz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz u_ szuk-lul esz-re-e-ti sza kul-lat ma-ha-zi

a-di É-_kur-ra-mesz_ u-szak-lil-u-ma _dingir-mesz_ i-na _bara_-szu-nu u-szar-mu-u szu-bat da-ra-a-ti ina tu-kul-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti ul-tu s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi a-di e-reb (d)_utu_-szi szal-t,isz at-tal-lak-u-ma ma-hi-ra ul i-szi ma-al-ki sza kib-rat _limmu_-ti u-szak-ni-szu sze-pu-u-a _kur_ a-na (d)asz-szur ih-t,u-u u-ma-'e-ru-in-ni ia-a-szi

(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ szu-ud-du-u U szu-szu-bu mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ru-up-pu-szu u-ma-al-la-a _szu-ii_-u-a (d)30 _en aga_ du-un-ni zik-ru-u-ti ma-le-e ir-ti i-szim szi-ma-ti (d)_utu zalag dingir-mesz_ ni-bit _mu_-ia kab-ti a-na re-sze-e-ti u-sze-s,i (d)_amar-utu man dingir-mesz_ pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia ki-ma im-ba-ri kab-ti u-szA-as-hi-pu _kur-mesz_-e kib-ra-a-ti (d)_u-gur_ dan-dan-ni _dingir-dingir_ uz-zu na-mur-ra-tum U szA-lum-ma-tum isz-ru-ka szi-rik-ti (d)isz-tar be-let _murub4_ u _me gisz-pan_ dan-na-tum

ina u4-me-szu-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz lu-gar kur_ tam-tim la na-s,ir a-de-e la ha-si-is _mun_ sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ t,a-ab-tu _ad_-ia in-szi-ma ina da-li-ih-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki erim-hi-a_-szu _u karasz_-su id-ke-e-ma a-na (disz)(d)nin-gal-_sum-na lu-gar-kur szesz-unug-ki arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ni-i-tu il-me-szu-ma is,-ba-tu mu-s,a-a-szu isz-tu (d)asz-szur (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ia-a-ti (disz)(d)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz_ i-na _gisz-gu-za ad_-ia

szul-mu _lugal_-ti-ia ul isz-al ep-sze-te9-e-szu lem-né-e-ti ina qé-reb _nina-ki a_sz-me-e-ma lib-bi i-gug-ma is,-s,a-ri-ih ka-bat-ti _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-nam-mesz_ szA pa-a-t,i _kur_-szu u-ma-'e-er s,e-ru-usz-szu U szu-u (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa_ ba-ra-nu-u na-bal-kat-ta-nu a-lak _erim-hi-a_-ia isz-me-e-ma a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sze-la-bisz in-na-bit Asz-szu ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza e-ti-qu (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en u_ (d)_ag_ an-nu kab-tu e-mi-du-szu-ma qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ i-na-ru-usz ina _gisz-tukul_

(disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _lugal uru_-s,i-dun-ni la pa-lih be-lu-ti-ia la sze-mu-u zi-kir szap-ti-ia sza _ugu_ tam-tim gal-la-tim it-tak-lu-ma is-lu-u _gisz-szudun_ (d)asz-szur _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _uru_ tuk-la-a-ti-szu sza qé-reb tam-tim na-du-u a-bu-bisz as-pu-un _bad_-szu u szu-bat-su as-suh-ma qé-reb tam-tim ad-di-ma a-szar masz-kAn-szu u-hal-liq (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _lugal_-szu la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ina _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ki-ma nu-u-ni ul-tu qé-reb tam-tim a-bar-szu-ma

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, valiant man, foremost of all rulers, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, beloved of the gods Sîn and Shamash, chosen of the gods Nabû and Marduk, favorite of the goddess Ishtar, queen, favorite of the great gods, capable in battle, capable in order to renovate the great gods and to complete the shrines of all cult centers,

I marched safely from the rising sun to the setting sun and had no rival. I subdued the rulers of the four quarters of the world. They sinned against me and imposed upon me tribute and tax.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, the one who reconstructed and restored the ruined portions of Assyria, entrusted me with the task of shepherding the land. The god Sîn, lord of the crown, the one who gives benevolent words, the one who knows everything, the god Shamash, light of the gods, the one who entrusted me with the remission of my heavy debts, made the god Marduk, king of the gods, the one who fears my royal majesty, make the mountains and seas as if they were a heap of

At that time, Nabû-zera-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, governor of the Sealand, who does not honor the treaty and does not honor the kindness of Assyria, forgot the good fortune of my father and, in the wrath of Assyria, he abandoned his troops and camp and he came to Ningal-iddina II, governor of Ur, a servant who belonged to me, and he took his own life. After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I, Esarhaddon, sat on the throne of my father.

I heard about the well-being of my royal majesty, but his evil deeds were not heard. I heard them in Nineveh, and my heart became angry and my mood became frightened. I sent eunuchs of mine, governors who were in the territory of his land, to him. Moreover, he, Nabû-zera-kitti-lishir, the fugitive, heard about the advance of my troops and fled to the land Elam. He fled alone to the land Elam. Because of the oaths of the great gods, which had fallen, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû seized him and he hung him in the land Elam with the sword.

Abdi-Milkuti, the king of the city Sidon who does not fear my lordship and does not listen to the pronouncements from my lips, who trusted in the great sea and took the yoke of the god Ashur — I tore down Sidon, his stronghold, which is situated in the sea, like a flood. I tore down its walls and its dwellings, then I added them to the sea and made it as difficult as possible for him. Abdi-Milkuti, his king, fled from my weapons in the middle of the sea. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I removed him like a fish from the sea and


I am Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, valiant warrior, foremost of all rulers, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, ii 15 descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, beloved of the gods Sîn and Shamash, chosen by the gods Nabû and Marduk, favorite of the goddess Ishtar — the queen — desired by the great gods, capable, able, intelligent, learned, the one whom the great gods ii 20 raised to be king in order to restore the great gods and to complete the shrines of all of the cult centers of the great gods; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, and restored the gods and goddesses who live in it; the one who returned the plundered gods of the lands from the city Ashur to their proper place and let them dwell in security —

As soon as I had completed the temples and had installed them on their daises as their eternal dwellings, with their great help I marched triumphantly from the rising sun to the setting sun and I had no rival therein. I made the rulers of the four quarters bow down at my feet and they the gods entrusted to me any land that had sinned against the god Ashur.

The god Ashur, the father of the gods, gave me the power to let cities fall into ruins and to repopulate them, and to enlarge Assyrian territory; the god Sîn, lord of the crown, decreed heroic strength and robust force as my fate; the god Shamash, the light of the gods, elevated my important name to the highest rank; the god Marduk, king of the gods, made the fear of my kingship ii 35 sweep over the mountain regions like a dense fog; the god Nergal, mightiest of the gods, gave me fierceness, splendor, and terror as a gift; and the goddess Ishtar, the lady of battle and war, gave me a mighty bow and a fierce arrow as a present.

At that time, Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, governor of the Sealand, who did not keep his treaty nor remember the agreement of Assyria, forgot the good relations of my father. During the disturbances in Assyria, he mustered his army and his camp, besieged Ningal-iddin, the governor of Ur, a servant who was loyal to me, and ii 45 cut off his escape route. After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela joyously seated me, Esarhaddon, on the throne of my father and handed over to me the lordship of the lands, he was not respectful, did not stop his evil deeds, and would not leave my servant alone. Moreover, he did not send his messenger before me and did not ask after the well-being of my kingship.

I heard of his evil deeds while in Nineveh; my heart became angry and my liver was inflamed. I sent my officials, the governors on the border of his land, against him. Furthermore, he, Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, the rebel, the traitor, heard of the approach of my army and ii 55 fled like a fox to the land Elam. Because of the oath of the great gods which he had transgressed, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû imposed a grievous punishment on him and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam, fled from the land Elam, ii 60 came to Assyria to serve me, and beseeched my lordship. I made the entire Sealand, the domain of his brother, subject to him. Now he comes yearly, without ceasing, to Nineveh with his heavy audience gift and kisses my feet.

As for Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, who did not fear my lordship and did not listen to the words of my lips, who trusted in the rolling sea and threw off the yoke of the god Ashur — I leveled Sidon, his stronghold, which is situated in the midst of the sea, like a flood, tore out its walls and its dwellings, and ii 70 threw them into the sea; and I even made the site where it stood disappear. Abdi-Milkuti, its king, in the face of my weapons, fled into the midst of the sea. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I caught him like a fish from the midst of the sea and cut off his head. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, ii 75 his palace retainers, gold, silver, goods, property, precious stones, garments with trimming and linens, elephant hides, ivory, ebony, boxwood, everything of value from his palace in huge quantities, and took away his far-flung people who were beyond counting, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys in huge numbers ii 80 to Assyria. I gathered the kings of Hatti Syria-Palestine and the seacoast, all of them, and had them build a city in another place, and I named it Kar-Esarhaddon.

Obverse Column iii


_uru_-É-(disz)s,u-pu-ri _uru_-sik-ku-u _uru_-gi-i' _uru_-in-im-me _uru_-hi-il-du-u-a _uru_-qar-ti-im-me _uru_-bi-i'-ru-u _uru_-ki-il-me-e _uru_-bi-ti-ru-me _uru_-sa-gu-u _uru_-am-pa _uru_-É-gi-si-me-ia _uru_-bi-ir-gi-i' _uru_-ga-am-bu-lu _uru_-da-la-im-me _uru_-i-si-hi-im-me _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-et _uru_-s,i-du-un-ni a-szar ri-i-ti u masz-qi-ti É tuk-la-a-ti-szu sza ina tu-kul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a _un-mesz_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-ia sza _kur_-i U tam-tim s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi ina lib-bi u-sze-szib-ma

U (disz)sa-an-du-ar-ri _lugal uru_-kun-di _u uru_-si-is-su-u _lu-kur_ ak-s,u la pa-lih be-lu-ti-ia sza _dingir-mesz_ u-masz-szir-u-ma a-na _kur_-i mar-s,u-ti it-ta-kil szu-u (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni a-na re-s,u-ti a-ha-mesz isz-szak-nu-u-ma _mu dingir-mesz_-szu-nu it-ti a-ha-mesz iz-kur-u-ma a-na e-mu-qi ra-ma-ni-szu-nu it-tak-lu a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia at-ta-kil-ma ni-i-tu al-me-szu-ma ki-ma is,-s,u-ri ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa _sag-du_-su

_uru_-ar-za-a szA pa-a-t,i na-hal _kur_-mu-s,ur-ri Asz-lu-lam-ma (disz)a-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu bi-re-tu ad-di-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a ina t,e-hi _ka-gal murub4 uru_ szA _uru_-ni-na-a it-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ u _szah_ u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti ka-mi-isz

U (disz)te-usz-pa-a _lu_-gi-mir-ra-a-a _erim-hi-a_-man-da szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu ina er-s,e-et _kur_-hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-szu u-ra-as-si-ib ina _gisz-tukul_

ak-bu-us ki-szA-di _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki szad-du-u-a a-szi-bu-te hur-szA-a-ni pa-Asz-qu-u-ti szA t,e-hi _kur_-ta-ba-la _lu_-hat-te-e lem-nu-u-ti sza _ugu kur-mesz_-ni-szu-nu dan-nu-u-ti tak-lu-u-ma ul-tu u4-me pa-ni la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri 21 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-sun ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu szA hi-it,-t,u U gul-lul-tu la i-szu-u kab-tu ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-u-ti

ad-isz _kur_-par-na-ka-a-a lem-nu-u-ti a-szi-bu-te _kur-du6_-a-szur-ri sza ina pi-i _un-mesz kur_-mi-ih-ra-a-nu _kur_-pi-ta-a-nu i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu-un

u-sap-pi-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a qu-tu-u la sa-an-qu _u erim-hi-a_-szu (disz)isz-pa-ka-a-a _uru_-as-gu-za-a-a kit-ru la mu-sze-zi-bi-szu a-na-ar ina _gisz-tukul_

Asz-lul _kur_-É-(disz)dak-ku-ri szA qé-reb _kur_-kal-di a-a-ab _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-mu (disz)(d)szA-masz-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu ha-bi-lum la pa-li-hu zik-ri _en en-en_ szA _a-sza-mesz dumu-mesz ka-dingir-me u_ bAr-sipa-_ki_ ina pa-rik-te it-ba-lu-u-ma u-ter-ru ra-ma-nu-usz Asz-szu ana-ku pu-luh-ti (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ i-du-u _a-sza-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-ter-ma pa-an _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u bAr-sipa-_ki_ u-szad-gil (disz)(d)_muati_-szal-lim _dumu_ (disz)ba-la-si ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma i-szA-t,a ab-szA-a-ni

(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _dumu_ (disz)bu-na-ni _lu_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza ina 12 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina _a-mesz u gi-ambar-mesz_ szit-ku-nu szu-ub-tu ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia hat-tu ra-ma-ni-szu im-qut-su-ma ki-i t,e-me-szu-ma bil-tu u man-da-at-tu _gu4-mah_-hi szuk-lu-lu-ti s,a-ma-da-ni _ansze-kunga-mesz babbar-mesz_ ul-tu _kur_-e-lam-ti il-qa-am-ma a-na _nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u-szar-hi-is-su lib-bu _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu dan-na-as-su u-dan-nin-ma

AI Translation

I settled therein the cities Bit-Shupuri, Sikku, Gi', Inimme, Hildûa, Qartimme, Bi'rû, Kilme, Bitirume, Sagu, Ampa, Bit-Gisimeia, Birgi', Gambulu, Dalamme, and Isihimme, cities in the environs of Sidon, a place of refuge and a privileged position for his booty, which I conquered with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, and settled there people, who were armed with my bow, in the mountains and sea, and I counted them as booty.

Moreover, as for Sanda-duri, the king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy who did not fear my lordly majesty and who abandoned the gods and trusted in a rugged mountain, he Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon, became frightened of their gods and v 5' v 10'' v 10'' v 10'' he v 10'' v 10'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15'' he v 15''' he v 15''' he v 15''' he v 15'

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Arzâ, which is on the border of the Moab Desert, and I placed Asuhili, its king, in a grove, and then I returned to Assyria. I settled them in the citadel gate of Nineveh, together with a dog, a pig, and a turtle.

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs. I imposed upon them the punishment of a heavy punishment, which was unsuitable for my lordly majesty, and I imposed upon them corvée.

The evil Parnakku, who live in the land Til-Ashurri, whose name is called by the people of the lands Mehranu and Pittanu —

I struck down with the sword the people of the land Mannea, a dangerous force without number, and his troops.

I conquered the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, a district in the city Babylon. Shamash-ibni, its king, was a rogue, unsubmissive one, who did not respect the oath sworn by the lord of lords, and who took away fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa in a ditch and turned them into ruin hills. Because I was afraid of the god Bel Marduk and the god Nabû, I returned those fields and gave them to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-shallim, son of Balasi, on his throne and he made them dwell in them.

Bel-iqisha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in water and marsh, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, a severe fear fell upon him and, by his own will, he took tribute and payment, full oxen, sledges, and white mules from the land Elam and came to Nineveh, before me, and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and made him happy. I strengthened the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, and I imposed upon him tribute and payment.


The inhabitants of the cities Bit-Shupuri, Sikkû, Gi', Inimme, Hildua, Qartimme, Bi'rû, Kilmê, Bitirume, Sagû, Ampa, iii 5 Bit-Gisimeya, Birgi', Gambulu, Dalaimme, and Isihimme, cities in the environs of Sidon, places of pasturing and watering for his stronghold, which I captured with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, I settled in it iii 10 together with the people plundered by my bow from the eastern mountains and sea and I restored the city to Assyrian territory. I reorganized that province, placed my official as a governor over them, and increased and imposed upon it tribute and payment greater than before. iii 15b From among those cities of his I handed over the cities Ma'rubbu and Sharepta to Ba'alu, king of Tyre. I increased my lordly tribute beyond his earlier, annual giving and imposed it on him.

Moreover, Sanda-uarri, king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy, who did not fear my lordship and abandoned the gods, trusted in the impregnable mountains. He and Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, iii 25 agreed to help one another, swore an oath by their gods with one another, and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, iii 30 besieged him, caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains, and cut off his head. "In Tashritu VII — the head of Abdi-Milkuti! In Addaru XII — the head of Sanda-uarri!" I beheaded both in the same year: iii 35 With the former I did not delay, with the latter I was quick. To show the people the might of the god Ashur, my lord, I hung the heads around the necks of their nobles and I paraded in the squares of Nineveh with singers and lyres.

I plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Brook of Egypt, and threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters and brought him to Assyria. I seated him text: "them", bound, near the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh along with bears, dogs, and pigs.

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

I trod on the necks of the people of Cilicia, mountain dwellers who live in inaccessible mountains in the neighborhood of the land Tabal, evil Hittites, iii 50 who trusted in their mighty mountains and who from earliest days had not been submissive to the yoke. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, demolished, destroyed, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities and small cities in their environs. As for the rest of them, who were not guilty of any sin or crime, I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordship upon them.

I crushed the wicked Parnaki, who live in the land Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the land Mehranu.

I scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians, and its army; I put to the sword Ishpakaia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself.

I plundered the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon. I captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw, who did not respect the oath of the lord of lords and who took away fields of the citizens of Babylon iii 65 and Borsippa by force and turned them over to himself. Because I know the fear of the gods Bel and Nabû, I returned those fields and entrusted them to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-shallim, the son of Balassu, on his throne and he now pulls my yoke.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunnannu, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in water and canebrakes, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, unprovoked fear fell upon him and iii 75 of his own free will he took tribute and payment, uncastrated bulls, and teams of white mules from the land Elam and came to Nineveh, before me, and he kissed my feet. I had pity on him and encouraged him. iii 80 I strengthened the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city which is his strong fortress, and I put him together with his archers therein as a garrison and thus locked it the fortress up like a door against the land Elam.

Obverse Column iv


_uru_-a-du-ma-tu _uru_ dan-nu-tu _lu_-a-ri-bi sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du-ma _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu a-di (f)ap-kal-la-tu szar-rat _lu_-a-ri-bi isz-lu-lam-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ il-qa-a (disz)ha-za-_dingir lugal# lu_-a-ri-bi it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-tu a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-iq _gir-ii_-ia Asz-szu na-dan _dingir-mesz_-szu u-s,al-la-an-ni-ma re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in (d)da-a-a (d)nu-ha-a-a

65 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz 10 ansze-nita-mesz ugu_ ma-da-ti mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu (disz)ha-za-_dingir_ szim-tu u-bil-szu-ma (disz)ia-ta-a' _dumu_-szu ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma 10 _ma-na ku-gi 1 lim na4-mesz_ bé-ru-ti 50 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz 1 me_ kun-zi _szim-hi-a ugu_ man-da-at-ti _ad_-szu u-rad-di-ma e-mid-su ar-ka (disz)u-a-bu a-na e-pesz _lugal_-ti _lu_-a-ru-bu ka-li-szu _ugu_ (disz)ia-ta-a' usz-bal-kit-ma

a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti szA kit-tu i-ram-mu-ma s,a-lip-tu ik-kib-szu _lu-erim-mesz me_-ia a-na na-ra-ru-tu (disz)ia-ta-a' Asz-pur-ma _lu_-a-ru-bu ka-li-szu ik-bu-su-ma (disz)u-a-bu a-di _lu-erim-mesz_ szA is-si-szu bi-re-tu id-du-u-ma u-bi-lu-nim-ma _gisz_-szi-ga-ru Asz-kun-szu-nu-ti-ma ina le-et _ka-gal_-ia ar-ku-us-szu-nu-ti

(disz)up-pi-is _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tAk-ka (disz)za-na-sa-na _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tuk-ka (disz)ra-ma-te-ia _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-u-ra-a-ka-za-bar-na _kur_-ma-da-a-a szA a-szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu sza ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ la ib-bal-ki-tu-nim-ma la ik-bu-su qaq-qar-szA pu-ul-hi me-lam-me sza (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _gal-mesz_ tak-kas _na4-za-gin_ hi-ip szad-di-szu a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

_kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ri na-gu-u sza i-te-e É-_mun_ szA qé-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-u-te szA pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni _kur na4-za-gin_ sza ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim _kur_-szu-un (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-na (disz)e-pa-ar-na _lu-en-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti szA la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri szA-a-szu-nu a-di _un-mesz_-szu-nu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-ku-bi-szu-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze_-u-du-ri szal-lat-sun ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la ana qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

_kur_-ba-a-zu na-gu-u szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu mi-szit na-ba-li qaq-qar _mun_ a-szar s,u-ma-a-me 1 _me 20 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ba-a-s,i pu-qut-ti u _na4-zu-masz-da_ a-szar _musz_ u _gir-tab_ ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu-u _a-gar 20 kaskal-gid kur_-ha-zu-u szad-di _na4-sag-gil-mud_ a-na _egir_-ia u-masz-szir-ma e-te-iq na-gu-u szu-a-tu sza ul-tu u4-me ul-lu-ti la il-li-ku _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ina qé-reb-e-szu szal-t,a-nisz at-tal-lak (disz)ki-i-su _lugal uru_-hal-di-su (disz)ak-ba-ru _lugal uru_-il-pi-a-tu

ina e-muq (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ak-szu-ud kul-lat na-ki-ri mul-tar-hi ina zik-ri _dingir_-u-ti-szu-nu ma-al-ki na-ki-ri-ia ki-ma qa-né-e me-he-e i-szu-ub-bu _lugal-mesz_-ni a-szi-bu-te tam-tim sza _bad-mesz_-szu-nu tam-tim-ma e-du-u szal-hu-szu-un sza ki-ma _gisz-gigir gisz-ma_ rak-bu ku-um _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-e s,a-an-du par-ri-sa-ni pal-hisz ul-ta-nap-szA-qu lib-ba-szu-nu i-tar-rak-ma

AI Translation

As for the city Adumatu, the fortified city of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, conquered and whose property, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he plundered and took to Assyria, Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He urged me to do obeisance to his gods and I had mercy on him. I prayed to the gods Atar-samayin, Daya, and Nuhaya, and they prayed to me: "I will come and see you."

I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the previous tribute and imposed it upon him. I brought out Hazael, a spiced up goat, and placed Iata', his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one thousand stones, fifty camels, and one hundred kunzi of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it upon him. Later, Uabu rebelled against Iata' and imposed the yoke of the royal majesty upon him.

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, who loves truth and apprehension, sent my battle troops to fight with Iata' Yata' and they captured all of the Arameans. Uabu, together with the men who were with him, smashed the chariot and brought them to me. I placed them in the path of my gate.

Uppis, the city ruler of the city Partukka, Zanasana, the city ruler of the city Partukka, Ramateia, the city ruler of the city Urakazabarna, and the Medes whose location is remote, whose location none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever crossed and whose land had not been subjugated, fear of the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them. They brought large horses, tack-sticks, and lapis lazuli, his yoke, to Nineveh, my capital city, and kissed my feet.

I carried off into Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty city rulers who were without number, together with their people, horses, their harness-broken steeds, oxen, sheep and goats, and camels, their substantial booty, as booty from the land Medes, which is on the border of Mount Bikni, the land of lapis lazuli, and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever crossed the sea, together with their people, their people, their horses, their harness-broken steeds, and their large booty from the land Assyria.

The land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, 120 leagues of salt, a place of hunger, a place of hunger, a place of hunger, a place of hunger, and a place of sand dunes and a place of mud-bricks, where snakes and scorpions are like a colossus, a place of abundance. I abandoned the land Hazû, a place of saggilmud-stone, and crossed over to that district, which since distant days had not come before a king of my predecessor, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched about triumphantly inside it. I captured Kisu, the king of the city Haldisu, and Akbaru, the king of the city Ilpiatu.

With the strength of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I conquered all of my enemies and all of my enemies. By the command of their divinity, they smashed the rulers of my enemies like a storm. The kings living in the sea, whose walls are seas, whose quarters are smashed like chariots and chariots, whose roars are loud like horses, and whose hearts are enraged by their furious rage, they smashed their hearts and they smashed their chariots like a flood.


As for the city Adumutu, the fortress of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, my father, who engendered me, conquered and whose goods, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, iv 5 he plundered and brought to Assyria — Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He implored me to give back his gods, and I had pity on him. iv 10 I refurbished the gods Atar-samayin, Daya, Nuhaya, Ruldawu, Abirillu, and Atar-qurumâ, the gods of the Arabs, and I inscribed the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and an inscription written in my name on them and gave them back to him. iv 15 I placed the lady Tabu'a, who was raised in the palace of my father, as ruler over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the previous tribute and imposed it on him. Hazael died and I placed Iata', his son, iv 20 on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one thousand choice stones, fifty camels, and one hundred bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him. Later, Uabu, to exercise kingship, incited all of the Arabs to rebel against Iata'.

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters, who loves loyalty and abhors treachery, sent my battle troops to the aid of Iata', and they trampled all of the Arabs, threw Uabu, together with the soldiers who were with him, into fetters, and brought them to me. I placed them in neck stocks and tied them to the side of my gate.

As for Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, and Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, iv 35 Medes whose country is remote and who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in the time of the kings, my ancestors — the awesome fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, and they kissed my feet. iv 40 Because of the chieftains who had threatened them, they implored my lordship and begged me for help. I sent my officials, the governors of the boundary areas of their land, with them and they trampled the people living in those cities and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship upon them.

As for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders Mount Bikni, the lapis lazuli mountain, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked — I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, iv 50 who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people, their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, and Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

As for the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, iv 55 one hundred and twenty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants — I left Mount Hazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over to that district to which iv 60 no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated Kisu, king of the city Haldisu Handasu, Akbaru, king of the city Ilpi'atu Alpiyana, Mansaku, king of the city Magalanu, Iapa', queen of the city Dihranu, iv 65 Habisu, king of the city Qadaba' Qatabu', Niharu, king of the city Ga'uani, Baslu, queen of the city Ihilu, and Habaziru, king of the city Puda' Padê, eight kings from that district iv 70 and laid out the bodies of their warriors like drying malt. I carried off their gods, their goods, their possessions, and their people to Assyria. As for Laialê, king of the city Yadi', who had fled before my weapons, unprovoked fear fell upon him, and he came to Nineveh, before me, and kissed my feet. I had pity on him and put that province of Bazu under him.

Through the strength of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I conquered all of my arrogant enemies. iv 80 At the words of their divinity the rulers, my enemies, trembled like reeds in a storm. The kings who live in the sea, whose inner walls are the sea and whose outer walls are the waves, who ride in boats instead of chariots, and who harness rowers instead of horses, were seized by fear; their hearts were pounding and v 1 they were vomiting gall. There was no rival that my weapons could not face and there was no one among the rulers who came before me who could equal me. Those who used to ignore the kings, my ancestors, or answer them constantly with hostility, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, were delivered into my hands. v 5 I smashed their hard stone walls like a potter's vessel and let the vultures eat the unburied bodies of their warriors. I carried off their heaped-up possessions to Assyria and counted the gods, their helpers, as booty. I led their prosperous people away like sheep and goats.

Obverse Column v


sza a-na szu-zu-ub na-pisz-ti-szu qé-reb tam-tim in-nab-tu ina gisz-par-ri-ia ul ip-par-szid-ma ul u-sze-s,i nap-szat-su pe-tan bir-ki sza is,-ba-tu si-me-lat _kur_-i ru-qu-u-ti ki-ma is,-s,u-ri ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i a-bar-szu-ma ak-sa-a _a-mesz_-szu _usz-mesz_-szu-nu ki-ma bu-tuq-ti na-at-bak _kur_-i u-szar-di su-te-e a-szi-bu-te kul-ta-ri szA a-szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu ki-ma ez-zi ti-ib me-he-e as-su-ha szu-ru-us-su-un sza tam-tum a-na dan-nu-ti-szu _kur_-u a-na e-mu-qi-szu isz-ku-nu ina sa-par-ri-ia a-a-um-ma ul u-s,i

_kur_-e-la-mu-u _kur_-qu-tu-u ma-al-ki szip-s,u-u-ti sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-tap-pa-lu ze-ra-a-ti da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia szA ina kul-lat na-ki-ri e-tep-pu-szu isz-mu-u-ma hat-tum u pu-luh-tum _ugu_-szu-nu it-ta-bik-ma Asz-szu a-na mi-s,ir _kur-mesz_-szu-nu la ha-t,e-e _lu-kin-gi4-a-mesz_-szu-nu szA t,u-bi u su-lum-me-e a-na _nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia isz-pu-ru-nim-ma

_mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ iz-ku-ru ul-tu (d)asz-szur (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki u_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir ugu_ na-ki-ri-ia ina li-i-ti u-szA-zi-zu-ni-ma am-s,u-u ma-la lib-bi-ia ina ki-szit-ti na-ki-ri szad-lu-u-ti sza ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a esz-ret ma-ha-zi sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u _kur uri-ki_ u-sze-pisz-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi_ uh-hi-zu-ma u-nam-me-ra ki-ma u4-me

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti sza _nina-ki_ sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu a-na szu-te-szur _karasz_ pa-qa-a-di _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga-mesz gisz-gigir-mesz_ til-li u-nu-ut _me u_ szal-la-at na-ki-ri gi-mir mim-ma szum-szu sza (d)asz-szur _lugal dingir-mesz_ a-na esz-qi _lugal_-ti-ia isz-ru-ka a-na szit-mur _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ szi-tam-du-uh _gisz-gigir-mesz a_sz-ru szu-a-tu i-mi-s,a-an-ni-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-ia al-lu tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma

ad-ke-e-ma _lugal-mesz kur_-hat-ti u e-ber _id_ (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal uru_-s,ur-ri (disz)me-na-si-i _lugal uru_-ia-u-di (disz)qa-usz-gab-ri _lugal uru_-u-du-me (disz)mu-s,ur-i _lugal uru_-ma-'a-ab (disz)s,il-_en lugal uru_-ha-zi-ti (disz)me-ti-in-ti _man uru_-is-qa-lu-na (disz)i-ka-u-su _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na (disz)mil-ki-a-szA-pa _lugal uru_-gu-ub-li (disz)ma-ta-an-ba-'a-al _lugal uru_-a-ru-ad-da (disz)a-bi-ba-'a-li _lugal uru_-sam-si-mur-ru-na (disz)bu-du-_dingir lugal uru_-É-am-ma-na (disz)_pap_-mil-ki _man uru_-as-du-di

_u murub4_ tam-tim ka-li-szu-nu u-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti-ma _gisz-ur-mesz gal-mesz_ tim-me _mah-mesz gisz_-a-dAp-pi szu-hu-u-ti sza _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra u _kur_-lab-na-na sza ul-tu u4-me pa-ni ma-gal ik-bi-ru-ma i-szi-hu la-a-nu (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ sza _na4_-(d)_sze-tir munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-kun4-mesz_ a-gur-ri sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4-dur-mi-na na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4_-a-lal-lum _na4-gi-rim-hi-li-ba_ ul-tu qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni a-szar nab-ni-te-szu-nu

AI Translation

As for the one who had fled to save his life in the sea, I did not escape my yoke and did not spare his life. I removed the ziggurrat that had seized the remote mountains like a fox from the mountain and I sank its water and blood like the swollen mud of the mountain. I sank the habitations of the kultaru-dwellers whose places were remote like a raging fire. The one who had made the sea his strong for his army, I did not spare his life.

The Elamites and Qutu, rulers who had performed extispicies for the kings, my ancestors, heard about the might of the god Ashur, my lord, which I had done in all of my enemies, and fear and terror fell upon them. As for the borders of their lands, which were without number, their messengers who had brought peace and peace to Nineveh before me sent a message of peace.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had encouraged me, they imposed upon my enemies in a levy and imposed upon me as tribute all of my heart's desire. With the support of the great gods, my lords, I completed the sanctuaries of the cult centers of Assyria and Akkad, made them clad with silver and gold and made them shine like daylight.

At that time, the guard house of Nineveh which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built to provide for the camp, to provide for the horses, mules, chariots, equipment for war, and the booty of the enemy, all of the possessions that the god Ashur, king of the gods, had granted me as my royal gift, to provide for the horses and the equipment for those chariots, this palace became old and I carried off people from the lands that I had conquered. I made bricks and deposited them in the city Ashur.

I mustered the kings of the land Hatti and the other side of the river. I defeated Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Menasî, king of Judah, Qashgabri, king of Udumu, Mushuri, king of Moab, Shil-Bel, king of Hazitu, Metinti, king of Isqalluna, Ikausu, king of Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of Gubla, Matan-Ba'al, king of Arwadda, Abi-Ba'al, king of Samsimurruna, Budi-il, king of Bit-Ammana, Ahi-milki, king of Ashdod.

I imposed upon them the payment of large beams, tall beams, and adapapu-wood, a type of wood, from cedar and cypress grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, which had become too expensive in the distant past, and which had become too expensive today, as well as bull colossi of szetir, szetir, sphinxes of agate, agate, breccia, alabaster, agate, and girimhilibû-stone, which were brought out of the mountains, the place of their creation, and thereby made them an object of wonder.


The one who fled into the sea to save his own life did not escape my net and did not save himself. The swift runner who took to the stepped ridges of remote mountains, I caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains and bound his arms. I made their blood flow like floodwater in mountain gullies. I ripped out the roots of the Sutû, who live in tents in a remote place, like the onslaught of a raging storm. Neither he who made the sea his fortress nor he who made the mountain his stronghold escaped my net or succeeded in escaping. v 20 I ordered the resettling of those of the sea to the mountains and those of the mountains to the sea. At the command of the god Ashur, my lord, who can rival me in kingship? Moreover, who among the kings, my ancestors, was there whose dominion was as great as mine? From the midst of the sea, my enemies spoke thus: 'Where can the fox go to get away from the sun?'

The Elamites and Gutians, obstinate rulers, who used to answer the kings, my ancestors, with hostility, heard of what the might of the god Ashur, my lord, had done among all of my enemies, and fear and terror poured over them. So that there would be no trespassing on the borders of their countries they sent their messengers with messages of friendship and peace to Nineveh, before me, and they swore an oath by the great gods.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela made me stand victoriously over my enemies and I attained everything I wanted, with the booty of the vast enemies which my hands had captured through the help of the great gods, my lords, I had the shrines of cult centers built in Assyria and Akkad; I decorated them with silver and gold and made them shine like daylight.

At that time, the armory of Nineveh which the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had built to maintain the camp and to keep thoroughbreds, mules, chariots, military equipment, implements of war, and the plunder of enemies, everything v 45 that the god Ashur, king of the gods, gave me as my royal share — that place had become too small for me to have horses show their mettle and to train with chariots. I made the people of the lands plundered by my bow take up hoe and basket, and they made bricks. I razed that small palace in its entirety, took a large area from the fields for an addition, and added it to it the palace. I laid its foundations with limestone, strong stone from the mountains, and raised the terrace.

I summoned the kings of Hatti and Across the River Syria-Palestine: v 55 Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qa'ush-gabri, king of Edom, Mushuri, king of Moab, Shil-Bel, king of Gaza, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of Byblos, v 60 Mattan-Ba'al, king of Arvad, Abi-Ba'al, king of Samsimurruna, Budi-il, king of Bit-Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of Ashdod — twelve kings from the shore of the sea; Ekishtura, king of Idalion, Pilagurâ, king of Kitrusi, v 65 Kisu, king of Salamis, Ituandar, king of Paphos, Eresu, king of Soloi, Damasu, king of Curium, Admesu, king of Tamassos, Damysos, king of Qarti-hadasti, v 70 Unasagusu, king of Lidir, Bushusu, king of Nuria — ten kings of Yadnana Cyprus in the midst of the sea; in total, twenty-two kings of Hatti Syria-Palestine, the seacoast, and the midst of the sea.

I sent orders to all of them for large beams, tall columns, and very long planks v 75 of cedar and cypress, grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, which from early days grew thick and tall, and they had bull colossi made of pendû-stone, lamassu-statues, zebus, paving stones, slabs of marble, pendû-stone, breccia, colored marble, brownish limestone, and girimhilibû-stone, everything that was needed for my palace, dragged with much trouble and effort from the midst of the mountains, the place of their origin, to Nineveh, my capital city.

Obverse Column vi


ina _iti sze-ga_ u4-me mit-ga-ri _ugu_ tam-le-e szu-a-tum É-_gal-mesz_ rab-ba-a-ti a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu É _lugal_ sza 95 ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim _gid_ sza 31 ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim _dagal_ sza ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la e-pu-szu ana-ku e-pu-usz _na4-kun4-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-sur-ru-szu u-szA-as-hir-ma _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu

É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,i-i U É-_gal-mesz zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_ a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u mul-ta-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia nak-lisz u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ szA e-re-si-na _dug-ga_ me-ser _ku-babbar u urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szin (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti sza _na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ sza ki-i szik-ni-szu-nu ir-ti lem-ni u-tar-ru

tim-me _urudu gal-mesz_ tim-me _gisz-eren mah-mesz_ a-dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin e-mid si-hi-ir-ti É-_gal_ szA-a-tu né-bé-hu pa-Asz-qu sza _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-szal-ma-a ki-li-lisz si-il-lu U mat-gi-qu ki-ma (d)_tir-an-na_ u-szA-as-hi-ra gi-mir _ka-mesz_-ni sik-kat _ku-babbar ku-gi u urudu_ nam-ri u-rat-ta-a qé-reb-szin da-na-an asz-szur _en_-ia ep-szet ina _kur-kur_ nak-ra-a-ti e-tep-pu-szu ina szi-pir _lu_-ur5-ra-ku-ti e-si-qa qé-reb-szA

_gisz-kiri6-mah_ tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim szA ka-la _szim-hi-a u gurun_ hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-ti-szA az-qu-up ki-sal-la-szA ma-gal u-rab-bi-ma tal-lak-ta-szA ma-a'-disz u-rap-pisz a-na masz-qit _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ina qé-reb-e-szA pat-tu u-sze-sze-ram-ma u-szah-bi-ba a-tap-pisz

ul-tu É-_gal_ szu-a-tu ul-tu _usz8_-szA a-di gaba-dib-e-szA ar-s,i-pu u-szak-li-lu lu-le-e u-mal-lu-u szal-la-ru-szA ina _kasz-sag_ mah-s,u ba-al-lu4 ka-lak-ku-szA ina _gesztin_ na-szi _gisz-mar_ al-li tup-szik-ki e-pisz dul-li za-bil ku-du-ur-ri ina e-le-li ul-s,i hu-ud lib-bi nu-um-mur pa-ni ub-ba-lu4 u4-um-szu-un szi-pir-szA ina hi-da-a-ti ri-szA-a-ti za-ma-ri tak-ni-i ag-mur-ma esz-gal-szid-dU-dU-a É-_gal_ pa-qi-da-at ka-la-mu az-ku-ra ni-bit-sa

(d)asz-szur (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ka-li-szu-nu ina qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti eb-bu-u-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi-ma u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a _dingir-mesz_ szA-tu-nu ina ku-un-ni lib-bi-szu-nu ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti _lu-gal-mesz u un-mesz kur_-ia ka-li-szu-nu ina _gisz-banszur_ ta-szi-la-a-ti ta-kul-ti u qé-re-e-ti ina qer-bi-szA u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti-ma u-szA-li-s,a nu-pa-ar-szu-un _gesztin-mesz_ u ku-ru-un-nu am-ki-ra s,ur-ra-szu-un

ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _lugal dingir-mesz u dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki du_-szu-nu ina t,u-ub _uzu-mesz_ hu-ud lib-bi nu-um-mur ka-bat-ti sze-bé-e lit-tu-ti qé-reb-szA da-risz lu-ur-me-ma lu-usz-ba-a la-la-a-szA ina zag-muk-ki _iti_ resz-ti-i kul-lat _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ til-li u-nu-ut _me_ gi-mir _erim-hi-a_ szal-la-at na-ki-ri szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a lu-up-qi-da qé-reb-szA qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu (d)_alad sig5_ (d)_lamma sig5_ na-s,ir kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia mu-ha-du-u ka-bat-ti-ia

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur u (d)isz-tar a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-sa lu-disz ki-i szA a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me _lugal ad_ ba-ni-ia it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia Asz-ku-nu-u-ma at-ta ki-i ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-mur-ma _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun (d)asz-szur u (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-ka i-szem-mu-u

_iti-sze-kin-kud_ lim-mu (disz)a-tar-_dingir lu-en-nam kur_-la-hi-ra

_iti-bad-ka_ lim-me (disz)a-tar-_dingir lu-en-nam uru_-la-hi-ri

_iti-bad-ka_ lim-mu (disz)a-tar-_dingir lu-gar-kur uru_-la-hi-ra

_iti dingir-mah_ lim-[me ...] ina _mu-an-na_ szA [...] szal-lat-su [...]

_iti-sze-kin-kud_ lim-mu (disz)id-ri _lu-en-nam kur_-la-hi-ra

_iti-sze_ li-mu (disz)a-tar-_dingir lu-en_-[_nam kur_-la-hi-ra]

_iti-bara-zag-gar-ra_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_pap lu_-[_gar-kur uru-bad_-_lugal_-uk-ka]

AI Translation

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I built great palatial halls for my lordly residence. I built a royal house 95 large cubits long and 31 large cubits wide, which none of the kings, my ancestors, had built. I had its façade made of glazed slabs of alabaster and I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams.

I had a palace of white limestone, a peg, and palatial halls of ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, and cypress, built anew for my royal residence and my lordly residence, then I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in their gates. I made bull colossi and sphinxes of zetir, whose avil is evil, and whose faces are dark like a halo.

I roofed them the palatial halls with large copper columns and tall cedar columns. I had the foundations of that palace made of cypress and lapis lazuli and I raised them as high as a mountain. I surrounded all of the gates with a frieze and a matgiqu-wall like a rainbow. I surrounded them with a crown of silver, gold, and shining copper. I made the might of the god Ashur, my lord, shine through the work that I had done in the lands of the hostiles. I surrounded them with a chariot crew of sculptors.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, whose borders are all of aromatic plants and fruit trees. I broadened its courtyard and made its way much wider. I had horses brought inside it for the yoke and I made them rise like a mountain.

I built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. I filled it with splendor and filled it with splendor. I poured out its clay cone with a high quality beer, a kalakku-beer, and a kiln-fired oven. I made the work, the zabilu-flour, shine with splendor. I made its work shine with joy and a joyful heart. I made its construction beautiful with a joyful sigh and deposited it in Eshgalshiddudua, the palace overseer of all.

I invited the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it, and I offered pure sacrifices before them and presented them with my gifts. Those gods, in their steadfast hearts, praised my kingship. I placed the magnates and people of my land, all of them, on tables of banquets, banquets, and banquets inside it and made their spirits happy. I poured wine and kirunnu-wine over them.

By the command of the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, may I live in it forever with happiness, joy, and a bright mood, and may I be sated with its splendor. At the beginning of the month, in the first month, may I oversee in it all of my thoroughbreds, mules, camels, military equipment, and all of the booty of the enemy, all of it, and without ceasing. In that palace, may the good shedu and the good lamassu guard my royal path and keep my mood in good condition.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. Just as I placed an inscribed object bearing the name of the king, my father, who created me, with an inscribed object bearing my name, so may you, just like me, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

Month Elul VI, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 645.

Month of Enuma Elul VI, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the city Lahiru 645.

Month of Enuma Elul, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the city Lahiru 645.

Month of the goddess Ilummah, eponymy of ..., in the year in which ... his booty .

Month Elul VI, eponymy of Idri, governor of the land Lahiru 645.

Month Adar XII, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 645.

Month Nisannu I, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 645.


In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls upon that terrace for my lordly residence. vi 5 I built a royal house ninety-five large cubits long and thirty-one large cubits wide, something none of the kings, my ancestors, had done. I had its lower courses surrounded with limestone paving stones and I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams.

I had a room of white alabaster and palatial halls of ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, and cypress skillfully built for my royal residence and my lordly leisure. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in their gates. vi 15 I had placed to the right and left of their gates bull colossi and zebus made of pendû-stone and whose appearance repels evil, large stone bull colossi, lions that are facing one another, and zebus that are facing one another, and twin lamassu-statues, that I cast in shining copper, and bull colossi made of white limestone.

I placed crossbeams on large copper columns and tall cedar columns, thus forming a cornice in their gates. I had the friezes and copings of the whole of that palace made of black and blue glazed bricks and I put them around it like a wreath. I surrounded all of the gates with an arch and a vault like a rainbow. I embedded nails of silver, gold, and shining copper in them. Through the craft of the sculptor, I depicted on it the frieze of the palace the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and the deeds that I had accomplished in enemy lands.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, with all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees. I greatly enlarged its courtyard and made its approach much wider. I led a canal into it the park as a watering place for horses and I made it murmur with running water like an irrigation ditch.

After I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets and filled it with splendor, its mortar was mixed with fine beer, its kalakku-clay was mixed with wine. The bearers of the spade, the hoe, and the basket, the workers who carry baskets of bricks, passed their time in joyous song, in rejoicing, with pleasure, and with radiant mien. I finished its work with rejoicing, jubilation, and melodious songs, and I named it Eshgalshiddudua, 'The palace that administers everything.'

I invited the gods Ashur, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, vi 45 the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it. I made sumptuous pure offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. Those gods, in their steadfast hearts, blessed my kingship. I seated all of the officials and people of my country in it vi 50 at festive tables, ceremonial meals, and banquets, and I made their mood jubilant. I watered their insides with wine and kurunnu-wine. I had my servants drench their the guests' heads with fine oil and perfumed oil.

By the command of the god Ashur, the king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, vi 55 let me dwell in it forever in good health, happiness, bright spirits, and with the satisfaction of growing old, and let me be sated with its splendor. At new year, in the first month, yearly, without ceasing, let me inspect in it all of the thoroughbreds, mules, camels, military equipment, implements of war, and vi 60 all of the captured enemy soldiers. Let the good shedu and the good lamassu, who guard my royal path and who make me happy, last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar name to rule the land and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of that palace when it becomes old and dilapidated. Just as I placed an inscription written in the name of the king, my father, who engendered me, vi 70 beside an inscription written in my name, so you too should be like me and read an inscription written in my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it beside an inscription written in your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

Addaru XII, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 673 BC.

Month "Opening of the Door," eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 673 BC.

Month "Opening of the Door," eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 673 BC.

Month of the goddess Belet-ili, eponymy of ..., in the year when ... its booty.

Addaru XII, eponymy of Idri Atar-ili governor of the land Lahiru 673 BC.

Addaru XII, eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Lahiru 673 BC.

Nisannu I, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 672 BC.

Q003231: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ szA ina tu-kul-ti (d)a-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu ul-tu s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi a-di e-reb (d)_utu_-szi it-tal-lak-u-ma ma-hi-ra la i-szu-u

ka-szid _uru_-s,i-du-un-ni szA ina _murub4_ tam-tim sa-pi-nu gi-mir da-Ad-me-szu _bad_-szu U szu-bat-su as-suh-ma qé-reb tam-tim ad-di-i-ma a-szar masz-kAn-i-szu u-hal-liq (disz)ab-di-mi-il-ku-ut-ti _lugal_-szu sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ina _murub4_ tam-tim in-nab-tu ki-ma nu-u-ni ul-tu qé-reb tam-tim a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa qaq-qa-su nak-mu _nig-ga_-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ a-qar-tu _kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug tug_-lu-bul-ti _gun_ u _gada_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_-szu a-na mu-'u-de-e Asz-lu-la

U (disz)sa-an-du-ar-ri _lugal uru_-kun-di _uru_-si-su-u _lu-kur_ ak-s,u la pa-lih be-lu-ti-ia sza _dingir-mesz_ u-masz-szir-u-ma a-na _kur_-i mar-s,u-ti it-ta-kil U (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ti _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni a-na re-s,u-ti-szu isz-kun-ma _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na a-ha-mesz iz-kur-u-ma a-na e-mu-qi-szu-un it-tak-lu a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur _en_-ia at-ta-kil-ma ki-ma is,-s,u-ri ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa qaq-qa-su Asz-szu da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia _un-mesz_ kul-lu4-mi-im-ma _sag-du-mesz_ (disz)sa-an-du-ar-ri

szA-lil _kur_-ar-za-a szA pa-a-t,i na-hal _kur_-mu-s,ur szA (disz)a-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu a-di ma-li-ke-e-szu bi-re-tu ad-di-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a ina t,e-hi _ka-gal murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki_ it-ti a-si _ur-gi7 u szah_ u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti ka-mi-isz

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, king who with the support of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, his lords, marched from the rising sun to the setting sun and had no opponent.

I tore down the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, all of its settlements, its walls, and its dwellings, then I turned around lit. "I turned the front of the sea" and took it away as a ruin hill. I brought Abdi-Milkuti, his king, who had fled from my weapons in the middle of the sea, out of the sea and cut off his access way. I carried off as booty his property, gold, silver, precious stones, ivory, elephant hides, ivory, ebony, linen garments, a gun and linen garments, every kind of treasure of his palace, and I carried off as booty his palace treasure.

Moreover, as for Sanda-karri, the king of the cities Kundu and Sisû, a dangerous enemy who did not fear my lordship, who had abandoned the gods and trusted in the rugged mountain, he appointed Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon, as his helper, and he swore an oath by the great gods and trusted in their strength. I trusted in the god Ashur, my lord, and I removed him from the mountain and cut off his head like a bird from the mountain. In order to show the might of the god Ashur, my lord, people gathered and he swore an oath by the god Ashur, my lord.

I laid waste the land Arzâ, which is on the border of the Nippur canal, and the land Musku, which Asuhili, its king, had taken away, together with its governors, and I brought them to Assyria. I settled them in the vicinity of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, together with dogs, pigs, and ewes.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, i 5 son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, the king who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, i 10 the great gods, his lords, marched from the rising sun to the setting sun and had no equal therein;

the one who conquered the city Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, i 15 and the one who leveled all of its dwellings — I tore out its walls and its dwellings, and threw them into the sea; and I even made the site where it stood disappear. I caught Abdi-Milkuti, its king, i 20 who had fled in the face of my weapons into the midst of the sea, like a fish from the midst of the sea and cut off his head. I carried off his amassed possessions, gold, silver, precious stones, i 25 elephant hides, ivory, ebony, boxwood, garments with trimming and linens, everything of value from his palace in huge quantities, and took away his far-flung people who were beyond counting, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys i 30 to Assyria. I gathered the kings of Hatti Syria-Palestine and the seacoast, all of them, and had them build a city in another place, and I named it Kar-Esarhaddon. i 35 I settled in it people plundered by my bow from the eastern mountains and sea and I placed my official as governor over them.

Moreover, Sanda-uarri, king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy, who did not fear my lordship and abandoned the gods, trusted in the impregnable mountains. Furthermore, Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, agreed to help him i 45 and they swore an oath by the great gods with one another and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the god Ashur, my lord, caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains, and cut off his head. i 50 To show the people the might of the god Ashur, my lord, I hung the heads of Sanda-uarri and Abdi-Milkuti around the necks of their nobles and i 55 I paraded in the squares of Nineveh with singers and lyres.

The one who plundered the land Arzâ, which is in the district of the Brook of Egypt — I threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and i 60 brought them to Assyria. I seated them, bound, near the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh along with bears, dogs, and pigs.

Obverse Column ii


U (disz)te-usz-pa-a _kur_-gi-mir-ra-a-a _erim_-man-da szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu ina _ki_-tim _kur_-hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-szu u-ra-si-ba ina _gisz-tukul_

ka-bi-is ki-szA-di _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki szad-du-u8-a a-szi-bu-te hur-szA-a-ni szA t,e-hi _uru_-ta-bal szA _ugu kur-mesz_-szu-un it-tak-lu-ma ul-tu u4-me pa-ni la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri 21 _uru-mesz_-szu-un a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-sun ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu si-tu-ti-szu-nu sza hi-it,-t,u U gul-lul-tu la i-szu-u kab-tu ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

da-isz _kur_-par-na-ki nak-ru ak-s,i a-szi-bu-te _kur-du6_-a-szur-ri szA ina pi-i _un-mesz uru_-me-eh-ra-a-nu _uru_-pi-ta-a-nu i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu-un

mu-sap-pi-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a qu-tu-u la sa-an-qu szA um-ma-na-a-ti (disz)isz-pa-ka-a-a _kur-a_sz-gu-za-a-a kit-ru la mu-sze-zi-bi-szu i-na-ru ina _gisz-tukul_

t,a-rid (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ sza a-na _lugal kur_-e-lam-ti it-tak-lu-ma la u-sze-zi-bu nap-szat-su (disz)na-'i-id-(d)mar-duk _szesz_-szu Asz-szu e-pesz _arad_-u-ti-ia ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti in-nab-tam-ma a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-iq _gir-ii_-ia _kur_ tam-tim a-na si-hi-ir-ti-szA ri-du-ut _szesz_-szu u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

na-bi-i' _kur_-É-(disz)dak-kur-ri sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di a-a-ab _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ka-mu-u (disz)(d)_utu_-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu hab-bi-lu la pa-li-hu zik-ri _en en-en_ szA _a-sza-mesz dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u bAr-sipa-_ki_ ina pa-ri-ik-ti it-ba-lu-ma Asz-szu a-na-ku pu-luh-ti (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ i-du-u _a-sza-mesz_ szi-na-a-ti u-ter-ma pa-an _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki u_ bAr-sipa-_ki_ u-szad-gil (disz)(d)_ag_-szal-lim _dumu_ (disz)ba-la-su ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szi-ib-ma i-szA-t,a ab-szA-a-ni

_uru_-a-du-mu-tu _uru_ dan-nu-ti _kur_-a-ri-bi szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du-ma _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu a-di (f)ap-kal-la-ti szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi isz-lu-lam-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ il-qa-a (disz)ha-za-_dingir lugal kur_-a-ri-bi it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-ti a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-iq _gir-ii_-ia Asz-szu na-dan _dingir-mesz_-szu u-s,al-la-an-ni-ma re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dingir-mesz_ szA-tu-nu an-hu-su-nu ud-disz-ma

AI Translation

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire twenty-one of their cities, together with smaller settlements in their environs. I imposed upon them corvée, iii 20 their corpses, which had been seized and whose blood was not yet flowing, as a heavy punishment for the inflicted upon them by my lordship.

The one who conquered the land Parnaki, the destructive enemy, and the one who ruled the land Til-Ashurri, and who named it Bit-Meranu Pittanu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meranu Bit-Meran, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, and the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur, the one who ruled the land Til-Ashur

Whoever destroys the Mannean people, the merciless and insubmissive, who strikes with the sword the troops of Ishpaku, the Ashgizan, the merciless one,

Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had trusted in the kingship of the land Elam but did not spare a single person, captured Na'id-Marduk, his brother, from the land Elam to do obeisance to me, came to Nineveh, my capital city, and kissed my feet. He had the Sealand seized in its entirety by the command of his brother.

As for Bit-Dakkurri, which is in Chaldea, a hostile land to Babylon, Shamash-ibni, its king, was a fugitive, a traitor who did not respect the oath sworn by the lord of lords, who took away the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa by force and, because I was afraid of the god Bel Marduk and the god Nabû, I returned those fields and gave them back to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-shallim, son of Balasu, on his throne and he made them bow down to me.

As for the city Adumutu, a fortress of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, conquered and whose property, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he plundered and took to Assyria, Hazael, king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift, and kissed my feet. He iv 55 then made me fear of the yoke of his gods and I had mercy on him. I renovated those gods and reorganized their offices.


Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

The one who treads on the necks of the people of Cilicia, mountain dwellers who live in mountains in the neighborhood of Tabal, who trusted in their mountains and who from earliest days had not been submissive to the yoke — I surrounded, conquered, plundered, demolished, destroyed, and burned with fire ii 10 twenty-one of their cities together with small cities in their environs. As for the rest of them, who were not guilty of any sin or crime, I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordship upon them.

The one who crushed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the land Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the city Mehranu;

the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians, who put to the sword the army of Ishpakaia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself;

the one who drove out Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had put his trust in the king of the land Elam, but could not save his life — Na'id-Marduk, his brother, fled from the land Elam to serve me, ii 30 came to Nineveh, my capital city, and kissed my feet. I made the entire Sealand, the domain of his brother, subject to him.

The one who sacked the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon; the one who captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw, who did not respect the oath of the lord of lords and who took away fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa by force — ii 40 because I know the fear of the gods Bel and Nabû, I returned those fields and entrusted them to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-shallim, the son of Balassu, on his throne and he now pulls my yoke.

As for the city Adumutu, the fortress of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, my father, who engendered me, conquered and whose goods, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he plundered and brought to Assyria — Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. ii 55 He implored me to give back his gods, and I had pity on him. I refurbished those gods and I had the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and an inscription written in my name inscribed on them and I gave them back to him. ii 60 I placed the lady Tabu'a, who was raised in my palace, as ruler over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

Obverse Column iii


65 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti _ad_-ia mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu ar-ka (disz)ha-za-_dingir_ szim-tu u-bil-szu-ma (disz)ia-a'-lu-u _dumu_-szu ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szi-ib-ma 10 _ma-na ku-gi 1 lim na4-mesz_ bé-ru-ti 50 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz 1 lim_ kun-zi _szim-hi-a ugu_ ma-da-ti _ad_-szu u-rad-di-ma e-mid-su

_kur_-ba-a-zu na-gu-u szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu mi-szit na-ba-li qaq-qar _mun_ a-szar s,u-ma-mi 1 _me 40 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ba-a-s,i pu-qut-ti u _na4-zu_ s,a-bi-ti 20 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar _musz_ u _gir-tab_ szA ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu-u u-ga-ru 20 _kaskal-gid kur_-ha-zu-u szad-di _na4-sag-gil-mud_ a-na _egir_-ia u-masz-szir-ma e-ti-iq szA ul-tu u4-me ul-lu-ti la il-li-ku _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ina qer-bi-szu szal-t,a-nisz at-tal-lak 8 _lugal-mesz_ szA qé-reb na-ge-e szu-a-tu a-duk

(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _dumu_ (disz)bu-na-ni _lu_-gam-bu-la-a-a szA ina 12 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina _a-mesz_ u _gi-ambar-mesz_ ki-ma nu-u-ni szit-ku-nu szu-ub-tu ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia hat-tu im-qut-su-ma ki-i t,e-mi ra-ma-ni-szu bil-tu u man-da-at-tu _gu4-mah_-hi szuk-lul-u-ti s,a-ma-da-ni _ansze-kunga-mesz babbar-mesz_ ul-tu _kur_-e-lam-ti il-qa-a a-na _nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia u-bi-lam-ma u-na-Asz-szi-iq _gir-ii_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u-szar-hi-is-su lib-bu _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu dan-na-as-su u-dan-nin-ma

_kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ra na-gu-u szA i-te-e É-_mun_ szA qé-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti szA pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni szad-di _na4-za-gin_ szA ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim _kur_-szu-un (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-na (disz)e-pa-ar-na _lu-en-uru-mesz kal-mesz_ sza la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri szA-a-szu-nu a-di _un-mesz_-szu-nu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-ku-bi-szu-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze_-u-du-ri szal-la-sun ka-bi-tu Asz-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

I added sixty-five camels to the previous tribute of my father and imposed it upon him. Later, Hazael imposed a curse upon him and placed Ia'lû, his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, 1,000 stones, and fifty camels, and 1,000 baskets of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it upon him.

The land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, 140 leagues of ground, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, and a place of abundance, 20 leagues of ground, a place of snakes and scorpions, which are like a colossus, and which are twenty leagues long, I abandoned the land Hazû, a place of saggilmud-stone, and crossed over to it, which since distant days had not flowed before me, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched about triumphantly inside it. I defeated eight kings who were in that district.

Bel-iqisha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian who, on a journey of twelve leagues, washed himself down with water and reed like a pig by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, and, by the command of his own hands, he took tribute and payment, oxen, sheep and goats, and white camels from the land Elam to Nineveh, before me, and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and made him happy. I strengthened the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, and I added it to the province of the city Ashur.

As for the land Patusharra, a district in the salt desert, which is in the midst of the distant Medes, which is on the border of Mount Bikni, clad with lapis lazuli, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever laid claim, I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty city rulers who were without number, together with their people, their horses, their mules, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and camels, their substantial booty.


I added sixty-five camels to the previous tribute which was paid to my father and imposed it on him. Later, Hazael died and I placed Ia'lû Iata', his son, iii 5 on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one thousand choice stones, fifty camels, and one thousand bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him.

As for the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, one hundred and forty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, twenty leagues of land where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants — iii 15 I left mount Hazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over to that district to which no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, iii 20 I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated eight kings from that district and carried off their gods, their goods, their possessions, and their people to Assyria. Laialê, king of the city Yadi', iii 25 who had fled before my weapons, heard of the plundering of his gods and came to Nineveh, my capital city, before me, and kissed my feet. iii 30 I had pity on him and said to him 'Ahulap!' I inscribed the might of the god Ashur, my lord, on his gods that I had carried off and I gave them back to him. I put that province of Bazu under him and imposed on him my lordly tribute and payment.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunnannu, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in water and swamps like that of a fish, iii 40 by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, fear fell upon him and of his own free will he took tribute and payment, uncastrated bulls, and teams of white mules from the land Elam and brought them to Nineveh, before me, iii 45 and he kissed my feet. I had pity on him and encouraged him. I strengthened the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city which is his strong fortress, and iii 50 I put him together with his archers therein as a garrison and thus locked it the fortress up like a door against the land Elam.

As for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, iii 55 borders Mount Bikni, the lapis lazuli mountain, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked — I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people, their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

Obverse Column iv


(disz)up-pi-is _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ri-tak-ka (disz)za-na-sa-na _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tuk-ka (disz)ra-ma-te-ia _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-u-ra-ka-za-bar-na _kur_-ma-da-a-a szA a-szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu szA ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _ki_-tim _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ la ib-bal-ki-tu-nim-ma la ik-bu-su qaq-qar-szA pu-luh-tu ra-szub-bat (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _gal-mesz na4-za-gin_ hi-ip _kur_-szu a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

ul-tu (d)asz-szur (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki ugu_ na-ki-ri-ia ina li-i-ti u-szA-zi-zu-ni-ma am-s,u-u ma-la lib-bi-ia ina ki-szit-ti na-ki-ri szad-lu-u-ti sza# ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da qa-ta-a-a esz-ret ma-ha-zi szA _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u _kur uri-ki_ u-sze-pisz-ma _ku#-babbar ku-gi_ u-za-in-ma u-nam-me-ra _gim_ u4-me

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti szA qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a szA _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu a-na szu-te-szur _karasz_ pa-qa-di _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga-mesz gisz-gigir-mesz_ til-lu u-nu-ut _me_ u szal-la-at na-ki-ri gi-mir mim-ma szum-szu sza (d)a-szur _lugal dingir-mesz_ a-na esz-qi _lugal_-ti-ia isz-ru-ka a-na szit-mur _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ szi-tam-du-uh _gisz-gigir-mesz a_sz-ru szu-a-tu i-mi-s,a-an-ni-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-ia al-lu tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma

ad-ke-e-ma 22 _lugal-mesz kur_-hat-ti sza a-hi tam-tim u _murub4_ tam-tim ka-li-szu-nu u-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti-ma _gisz-ur-mesz gal-mesz gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz_

AI Translation

Uppis, the city ruler of the city Paritakku, Zanasana, the city ruler of the city Partukku, Ramateia, the city ruler of the city Urakazabarna, and the Medes whose location is remote, whose territory in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was not subjugated and whose land was undeveloped, fear of the awe-inspiring brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and lapis lazuli, the steles of his land, and they kissed my feet.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, had pity on me and he had pity on me, as much as there was of it, with the support of the great gods, my lords, I conquered the distant enemy settlements that I had conquered. I had the sanctuaries of Assyria and Akkad built and I decorated them with silver and gold, making them shine like daylight.

At that time, the guard house which is inside Nineveh, which kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had had built to provide for the camp, to provide for the horses, mules, chariots, equipment for war, and the booty of the enemy, and to take care of everything that the god Ashur, king of the gods, had granted to me as my royal gift, to provide for the horses and the equipment for those chariots, this palace became old and I carried off the people of the lands that had cast my bow and fashioned baskets for them.

I mustered twenty-two kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, who live in the middle of the sea and the middle of the sea, and I gathered together large beams of cedar, a possession of the god Ashur, my lord, and I counted them as booty.


As for Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, and Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, Medes whose country is remote iv 5 and who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in the time of the kings, my ancestors — the awesome fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, iv 10 and they kissed my feet. Because of the chieftains who had threatened them, they implored my lordship and begged me for help. I sent my officials, the governors iv 15 of the boundary areas of their land, with them and they trampled the people living in those cities and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship upon them yearly.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela made me stand victoriously over my enemies and I attained everything I wanted, with the booty of the vast enemies which my hands had captured through the help of the great gods, my lords, I had the shrines of cult centers built in Assyria and Akkad; I decorated them with silver and gold and made them shine like daylight.

At that time, the armory of Nineveh which the kings who came before me, my ancestors, iv 35 had built to maintain the camp and to keep thoroughbreds, mules, chariots, military equipment, implements of war, and the plunder of enemies, everything that the god Ashur, king of the gods, iv 40 gave me as my royal share — that place had become too small for me to have horses show their mettle and to train with chariots. I made the people of the lands plundered by my bow iv 45 take up hoe and basket, and they made bricks. I razed that small palace in its entirety, took a large area from the fields for an addition, and added it to it the palace. I raised the terrace with limestone, strong stone from the mountains.

I summoned twenty-two kings of Hatti Syria-Palestine, the seacoast, and the midst of the sea, and I sent orders to all of them for large beams, tall columns, and planks of cedar and cypress from Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, and they had lamassu-statues, zebus, paving stones, slabs v 5 of marble, pendû-stone, breccia, colored marble, engishû-stone, brownish limestone, and girimhilibû-stone, v 10 everything that was needed for my palace, dragged with much trouble and effort from the midst of the mountains, the place of their origin, to Nineveh.

Obverse Column v


ina _iti sze-ga_ u4-mu mit-ga-ri e-li tam-le-e szu-a-tu É-_gal-mesz_ rab-ba-a-ti a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu É dan-ni sza 95 ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim _gid-da 31_ ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim _dagal_ sza ina _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la e-pu-szu a-na-ku e-pu-usz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren_ s,i-ru-ti u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szA _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ szA e-re-si-na _dug-ga_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u _zabar_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szA

(d)_alad-mesz_ u (d)_lamma-mesz_ szA _na4-mesz_ szA ki-i pi-i szik-ni-szu-nu ir-ti lem-ni u-tar-ru na-s,ir kib-si mu-szal-li-mu tal-lak-ti _lugal_ ba-ni-szu-nu _zag_ u _gub_ u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li u _gisz-eren_ szu-te-mu-du-te a-na mul-ta-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia nak-lisz u-sze-pisz _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz urudu_ masz-szA-a-ti szA a-he-en-na-a pa-na u ar-ka i-na-at,-t,a-la ki-la-ta-an qé-reb-szA ul-zi-iz

_gisz_-tim-me _gisz-eren_ s,i-ru-ti _gisz_-a-dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szi-in e-mid si-hi-ir-ti É-_gal_ szA-a-tu né-bé-hu pa-Asz-qu szA _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-szal-ma-a ki-li-lisz se-el-lu mat-gi-qu _gim_ (d)_tir-an-na_ u-szA-as-hi-ra gi-mir _ka-mesz_ sik-kat _ku-babbar_ eb-bi u _zabar_ nam-ri u-rat-ta-a qé-reb-szA da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia szA ina _kur-kur_ nak-ra-a-ti e-te-ep-pu-szA ina szi-pir _lu_-ur5-ra-ku-te e-si-qa qé-reb-szA

_gisz-kiri6-mah_ tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim szA ka-la _szim-hi-a_ u _gisz-hi-a_ hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA e-mid ki-sal-la-szA ma-gal u-rab-bi-ma tal-lak-ta-szA ma-a'#-disz u-rap-pisz

AI Translation

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls above that terrace for my lordly residence. I built a fortified wall of 95 large cubits long and 31 large cubits wide, which none of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had ever built. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and bronze on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

I had bull colossi and lamassus, whose features were revealed by their own ingenious designs, guardians of the four quarters, who guard the path of the king who created them, stand at the right and left, and I had them firmly in their steadfast hearts. I had a palace of white limestone and cedar with brilliant radiance built for my lordly pleasure. I stationed inside it lamassus and copper figurines, which are fashioned from each other and which are fashioned from each other.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent beams of cedar and adapapu-wood. I had the foundations of that palace made of anew and I filled them with splendor. I had the friezes of lapis lazuli and lapis lazuli covered with a covering like a rainbow. I surrounded all of the gates with knobbed nails of shiny silver and shining bronze. I positioned inside them the might of the god Ashur, my lord, which I had done in the lands of the hostiles with the work of the urrakkutu-officials.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees. I greatly expanded its courtyard and made its journeys much easier.


In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls upon that terrace for my lordly residence. I built a great royal house ninety-five large cubits long and thirty-one large cubits wide, v 20 something none of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had done. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and bronze on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

I had stone shedus and lamassus, whose appearance repels evil, placed to the right and the left of their gates as v 30 protectors of the walk and guardians of the path of the king who made them. I had the palace v 35 skillfully built of interlocking limestone and cedar for my lordly pleasure. I set up inside it twin copper lamassu-statues, with each pair looking both forward and backward.

I placed crossbeams on tall cedar columns thus forming a cornice in their gates. I had the friezes and copings of the whole of that palace made of black and blue glazed bricks and I put them around it like a wreath. v 45 I surrounded all of the gates with an arch and a vault like a rainbow. I embedded nails of pure silver and shining bronze in them. Through the craft of the sculptor, I depicted on it the frieze of the palace the might of the god Ashur, my lord, the deeds that I had accomplished in enemy lands.

I set up alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, with all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees. I greatly enlarged its courtyard and made its approach much wider. vi 1 I led a canal into it the park as a watering place for horses and I made it murmur with running water like an irrigation ditch.

Obverse Column vi


É-_gal_ szu-a-tu ul-tu _usz8_-szA a-di gaba-dib-bi-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil-ma lu-le-e u-ma-al-li esz-gal-szid-dU-dU-a É-_gal_ pa-qi-da-at ka-la-ma az-ku-ra ni-bit-sa

(d)a-szur (d)15 szA _nina-ki dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ka-li-szu-nu ina qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti eb-bu-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi-ma u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a _dingir-mesz_ szA-tu-nu ina ku-un lib-bi-szu-nu ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti _lu-gal-mesz un-mesz kur_-ia ka-li-szu-nu ina ta-kul-ti u qé-re-e-ti ina _gisz-banszur_ ta-szi-la-a-ti qé-reb-szA u-sze-szi-ib-ma u-szA-li-s,a nu-pa-ar-szu-un _gesztin-mesz_ ku-ru-un-nu am-ki-ra s,ur-ra-szu-un _i-sag_ i-gu-la-a muh-ha-szu-nu u-szA-Asz-qi

ina qi-bit (d)a-szur _lugal dingir-mesz u dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ka-li-szu-nu ina t,u-ub _uzu-mesz_ hu-ud lib-bi nu-um-mur ka-bat-ti sze-bé-e lit-tu-ti qé-reb-szA da-risz lu-ur-me-ma lu-usz-ba-a la-la-a-szA ina zag-muk-ki _iti_ resz-ti-i kul-lat _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ til-li u-nu-ut _me_ gi-mir _erim-hi-a_ szal-la-at na-ki-ri szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a lu-up-qi-da qé-reb-szA ina qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu (d)_alad sig5_ la-mas-si _sig5_ na-s,ir kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia

_iti-gu4-si-sa ud-22-kam_ li-mu (disz)ban-ba-a _lu-sukkal kas4_

ina _iti-ne ud-18-kam_ [(...)]

AI Translation

I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets and filled it with splendor. I named it Eshgalshiddudua, the palace overseer, as many as there were.

I invited the gods Ashur and Ishtar of Nineveh, the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it, and I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. Those gods, by their steadfast hearts, crowned me with kingship. I settled the magnates and people of my land, all of them, inside it on tables of conversation and banquets and made their faces radiant. I poured wine and kurunnu-wine over them and poured oil over their faces.

By the command of the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, may I live there forever with happiness, joy, and a joyful mood, and may I be sated with its splendor. During the first month, the first part of the year, may I have all of the horses, mules, donkeys, camels, military equipment, all of the troops, and all of the booty of the enemy without ceasing, and I will make that place great in that palace.

Ayyaru II, twenty-second day, eponymy of Banbâ, the messenger of the city.

In Ab V, on the 18th day .


I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets and filled it with splendor. I named it Eshgalshiddudua, 'The palace that administers everything.'

I invited the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar of Nineveh, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it. I made sumptuous pure offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. Those gods, in their steadfast hearts, blessed my kingship. I seated all of the officials and people of my country in it at ceremonial meals and banquets, and at festive tables, and I made their mood jubilant. I watered their insides with wine and kurunnu-wine. I had my servants drench their the guests' heads with fine oil and perfumed oil.

By the command of the god Ashur, the king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, let me dwell in it forever in good health, happiness, bright spirits, and with the satisfaction of growing old, and let me be sated with its splendor. At new year, in the first month, yearly, without ceasing, let me inspect in it all of the thoroughbreds, mules, donkeys, camels, military equipment, implements of war, and vi 35 all of the captured enemy soldiers. Let the good shedu and the good lamassu, who guard my royal path and who make me happy, last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Ayyaru II, twenty-second day, eponymy of Banbâ, the deputy minister sukkallu shanû 676 BC.


Q003232: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] (x) x [x x (x)] [...] u-rab-bu#-x [...]-ti#-szu iq-bu-szu [...] x il-lik-u-ma(*)

[...] x-szi-bu [...] x-al [...]-mu#-u [...] im-ha-as,# [...] x-tu [...]-kin [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...]-na(?)#

[... (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si_]-_sa_(?)# [...] x x [...] [x] x x x x [(x) a-lak] ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma [a]-na# _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [sze-la]-bisz in-na-bit [Asz]-szu# ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [sza] e-ti-qu [(d)asz]-szur# (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en#_ u (d)#_ag_ [an]-nu# kab-tu e#-mi-du-szu-ma [qé]-reb# _kur-elam-ma-ki_ i-na#-ru-szu ina _gisz#-tukul_ [(disz)]na#-'i-id-(d)mar-duk# _szesz_-szu [ep]-szet _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza# [ana] _szesz#_-szu e-tep-pu-szu [e]-mur#-ma ul-tu _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_] in-nab-tam-ma [a-na] e-pesz _arad_-ti#-ia

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... he said to him ... ... went and

... Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir ... ... ... ... heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fled to the land Elam. Because of the oath sworn by the great gods, which he had transgressed, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû imposed a heavy punishment upon him and they killed him with the sword in the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that they had done to his brother and fled from the land Elam and he fled to me to do obeisance to me.


... ... ... they reared ... they ordered him to his ...ship ... ... they went and

No translation possible

... Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, ... ... ... ... heard of the approach of my campaign and fled like a fox to the land Elam. i 20′ Because of the oath of the great gods which he had transgressed, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû imposed a grievous punishment on him and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, i 25′ saw the deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam, fled from the land Elam, came to Nineveh to serve me, ... ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


[...] x [...] [U (disz)]ab#-di-mi-il-ku#-[ti _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni] a#-na re-s,u-ti-szu isz-kun#-[ma _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] a-na a-ha-mesz iz-kur-u-ma a-na e#-[mu-qi-szu-un it-tak-lu] a-na-ku a-na (d)a-szur _en#_-ia at-ta#-[kil-ma] ki-ma is,-s,u-ri ul-tu qé-reb [_kur_]-i a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa _sag-du_-su# Asz-szu da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia# _un-mesz_ kul-lu-mi-im-ma _sag-du#-mesz_ (disz)sa-an-du-u-ar#-[ri u] (disz)ab-di-mi-il-ku-ut-ti ina ki-szA#-a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-szu#-[un a-lul]-ma# it-ti _lu-nar-mesz_

szA-lil _uru_-ar-[za-a szA pa-a-t,i na-hal] _kur#_-mu-us,-ri szA (disz)a-su-hi-li# [_lugal_-szu a-di ma]-li-ke-e-szu (erasure?) bi-re-tu (over erasure) ad-di-i#-[ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] u-ra-a ina t,e-hi _ka#-gal murub4 uru#_ [szA _nina_]-_ki_(?) it#-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ u _szah_ u-sze-szib-szu-[nu-ti] (erasure) ka-mi-isz

U (disz)te-usz-pa#-[a _kur_-gi-mir-a]-a# _erim_-man-du [szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu ina _ki_-tim] _kur#_-hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi#-[mir _erim-hi-a_-szu u-ra]-as#-si-ba ina _gisz-tukul_

ka-bi-is ki#-[szA-di _un-mesz kur_]-hi#-lak-ki szad-du-u8-a a#-[szi-bu-te hur-szA-a-ni szA t,e]-hi# _kur_-ta-bal sza _ugu kur-mesz_-szu-nu it#-[tak-lu-ma ul-tu] u4-me# pa-ni la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-i#-[ri 21 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu] dan#-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA li#-[me-ti-szu-nu] al#-me ak-szud Asz-lu-la szal-[lat-sun ap-pul aq]-qur# ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu si-tu-[ti-szu-nu sza hi-it,-t,u] u gul-lul-tu la i-szu-u [kab-tu ni-ir] be-lu-ti-ia e#-[mid-su-nu-ti]

da#-isz _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur#_ [ak-s,i a-szi-bu-te] _uru#-du6_-a-szur-ri szA ina pi-i [_un-mesz uru_-me-eh-ra-a-nu] [_uru_]-pi#-ta-a-nu i-nam-bu-u(?)# [zi-kir-szu-un]

[mu-sap]-pi#-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a qu#-[tu-u la sa-an-qu] [szA um-ma-na-a-ti (disz)isz]-pa-ka-a-a _kur#_-[Asz-gu-za-a-a] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... and Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon, appointed him as his guardian. He decreed the names of the great gods and trusted in their strength. I trusted in the god Ashur, my lord, and cut off his head like a fox from the mountains and cut off his head. Because of the might of the god Ashur, my lord, the people gathered and I cut off the heads of Sanda-Uarri and Abdi-Milkuti in the territory of their magnates and I slew them together with the singers and musicians.

I confined Asuhili, its king, to Assyria, together with his envoys, and I placed them at the entrance to the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh, together with a dog, a cat, and a pig.

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities, together with smaller settlements in their environs. I placed fetters upon them. The rest of them, who had committed no crime or wrongdoing, iii 20' imposed the yoke of my lordship upon them.

The enemy who dwells in the city Til-Ashurri, who is called Pittanu by the people of the city Mehranu,

As for the people of Mannea, a raging storm that was not pleasant, which had struck down the troops of Ishpaku, the Ashgukkan, ... .


... Furthermore, Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, agreed to help him and they swore an oath by the great gods with one another and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the god Ashur, my lord, and caught him ii 5′ like a bird from the midst of the mountains, and cut off his head. To show the people the might of the god Ashur, my lord, I hung the heads of Sanda-uarri and Abdi-Milkuti around the necks of their nobles and I paraded in the squares of Nineveh with singers and lyres.

The one who plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Brook of Egypt — I threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and brought them to Assyria. I seated them, bound, near the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh along with bears, dogs, and pigs.

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

The one who treads on the necks of the people of Cilicia, mountain dwellers who live in mountains in the neighborhood of the land Tabal, ii 20′ who trusted in their mountains and who from earliest days had not been submissive to the yoke — I surrounded, conquered, plundered, demolished, destroyed, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities together with small cities in their environs. As for the rest of them, who were not guilty of any sin or crime, I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordship upon them.

The one who crushed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the city Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the city Mehranu;

the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians, who put to the sword the army of Ishpakaia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself;

Obverse Column iii


[da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia u szi]-t,ir _mu_-ia [_ugu_-szu-nu] u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma u-ter-ma ad-din-szu (f)ta-bu-u#-a tar-bit É-_gal_-ia a-na _lugal_-u-ti# _ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun-ma it-ti _dingir-mesz_-szA a-na _kur_-szA u-ter-szi

65 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ugu#_ ma-da-at-ti _ad_-ia mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu ar-ka (disz)ha-za-_dingir_ szim-tu u-bil-szu-ma (disz)ia-a'-lu-u _dumu_-szu ina _gisz-gu#-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma 10 _ma-na ku-gi 1 lim na4#-mesz_ bé-ru-ti 50 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz 1 lim_ kun#-zi _szim-hi-a ugu_ ma-da-at-ti _ad#_-szu u-rad-di-ma e-mid-su

_kur_-ba-a-zu ((_kur_)) na-gu#-u szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu mi-szit na-ba-li# [qaq]-qar# _mun_ a-szar s,u-um-me 1 _me 20 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ba#-[a]-s,i pu-qut-ti u _na4-zu_ s,a-bi-ti 20 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar _musz_ u _gir#-tab_ szA ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu-u u-ga-ru 20 _kaskal-gid kur_-ha-zu-u szad-di# _na4-sag-gil-mud_ a-na _egir#_-ia [u]-masz-szir#-ma e-ti-iq szA ul-tu u4-me ul-lu#-[ti la il-li]-ku# _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ina qi-bit (d)#asz-szur _en_-ia# [ina qer-bi-szu szal]-t,a-nisz# at-tal-lak

[(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _dumu_ (disz)bu]-na-ni# _lu-kur_-[gam-bu-la-a-a] [...] x [...] [...]

AI Translation

I had the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and the writing of my name written upon them and I gave them back to him. I set Tabua, who resides in my palace, as king over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

I added sixty-five camels to the previous tribute of my father and imposed it upon him. Later, Hazael imposed a curse upon him and placed Ia'lû, his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, 1,000 stones, and fifty camels, and 1,000 baskets of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it upon him.

The land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, 120 leagues of ground, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, and a place of abundance, 20 leagues of ground, a place of snakes and scorpions, which are like a colossus, a place of abundance, 20 leagues of the land Hazû, a place of saggilmud-stone, I abandoned and crossed over to the place which since distant days had not flowed before me by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched about safely inside it.

Bel-iqisha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian, ... ... .


I had the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and an inscription written in my name inscribed on them and I gave them back to him. I placed the lady Tabu'a, who was raised in my palace, as ruler over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

I added sixty-five camels to the previous tribute which was paid to my father and imposed it on him. Later, Hazael died and I put Ia'lû Iata', his son, on his throne. iii 10′ I added ten minas of gold, one thousand choice stones, fifty camels, and one thousand bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him.

As for the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, iii 15′ one hundred and twenty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants — I left Mount Hazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over iii 20′ to that district to which no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated eight kings from that district and carried off their gods, their goods, their possessions, and their people to Assyria. iii 25′ Laialê, king of the city Yadi', who had fled before my weapons, heard of the plundering of his gods and came to Nineveh, my capital city, before me, and kissed my feet. I had pity on him and said to him 'Ahulap!' I put that province of Bazu under him and imposed on him my lordly tribute and payment.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunnannu, a Gambulian ...

Obverse Column iv


_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru#-ku-bi-szu-nu _gu4-mesz#_ [s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz_] _ansze_-u#-du-ri szal-la-sun ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

(disz)up-pi-is _lu#-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tak-ka (disz)za-na-sa-na _lu-en-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tuk-ka (disz)ra-ma-te-ia _lu#-en-uru_ szA _uru_-u-ra-ka-za-bar-na _kur_-ma-da-a-a szA# a-szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu szA ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad#-mesz_-ia _ki_-tim _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ la ib-bal-ki-tu-nim#-ma la ik-bu-su qaq-qar-szA pu-luh-tu ra-szub#-bat (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _gal#-mesz na4-za-gin_ hi-ip _kur_-szu a-na _nina-ki uru_ be#-lu-ti-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii#_-ia Asz-szu _lu-en-uru-mesz_

ul-tu (d)a-szur (d)szA-masz# [(d)]_en#_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15# [szA] _uru#-limmu_-_dingir-ki ugu_ na-ki-ri#-[ia ina li-i]-ti# u-szA-zi-zu-ni-ma am-s,u#-[u ma-la] lib-bi-ia ina ki#-[szit-ti na-ki-ri] szad#-lu-u-ti szA ina tu-kul-ti# [_dingir-mesz_] _gal#-mesz en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da qa#-ta-a-a esz-ret ma-ha-zi szA# [_kur_ asz-szur]-_ki#_ u _kur uri-ki_ u-sze-pisz-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi#_ u-za-in-ma# u-nam-mir ki-ma# u4-me

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal_ ma#-szar-ti szA qé-reb _uru#_-ni-na-a szA# _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz#_-ia u-sze-pi-szu [a]-na# szu-te-szur _karasz_ pa-qa-di _ansze#_-mur-ni-is-qi [_ansze_]-_kunga#-mesz gisz-gigir-mesz_ til-li u#-nu-ut _me_ [U] szal#-la-at na-ki-ri gi-mir# mim-ma szum-szu [szA (d)a]-szur# _man dingir-mesz_ a-na esz-qi _lugal_-ti#-ia isz-ru-ka [a-na] szit#-mur _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ szi-tam-du#-uh _gisz-gigir-mesz_

AI Translation

I carried off to Assyria their horses, their harness-broken oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and camels, their substantial booty.

Uppis, the city ruler of the city Partakku, Zanasana, the city ruler of the city Partukku, Ramateia, the city ruler of the city Urakazabarna, and the Medes whose location is remote, whose territory in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was not subjugated and whose land was not irrigated — fear of the vengeance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and lapis lazuli, the stele of his land, and they kissed my feet. As for the city rulers who had seized my lordly majesty, they imposed upon them the tribute of their land and imposed upon them tribute of a tribute of a tribute of a bribe of mine.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had imposed upon me a harsh punishment on my enemies and I had all of my enemies seized by force in the midst of the fierce enemy-terror that I had conquered with the support of the great gods, my lords, I had the sanctuaries of the cult centers of Assyria and Akkad built and I decorated them with silver and gold like daylight.

At that time, the guard house which is inside Nineveh, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built — to make the camp more secure, to provide for the horses, mules, chariots, equipment for war, and the booty of the enemy, as well as to carry off every kind of possession that the god Ashur, king of the gods, had granted to me as my royal gift — I had horses trained to the yoke and chariots brought in.


I carried off to Assyria ..., their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

As for Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, and iv 5′ Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, Medes whose country is remote and who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in the time of the kings, my ancestors — the awesome fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and iv 10′ they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, and they kissed my feet. Because of the chieftains who had threatened them, they implored my lordship and begged me for help. I sent my officials, iv 15′ the governors of the boundary areas of their land, with them and they trampled the people living in those cities and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship upon them yearly.

After the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela made me stand victoriously over my enemies and I attained everything I wanted, with the booty of the vast enemies which my hands had captured iv 25′ through the help of the great gods, my lords, I had the shrines of cult centers built in Assyria and Akkad; I decorated them with silver and gold and made them shine like daylight.

At that time, the armory of Nineveh which the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had built to maintain the camp and to keep thoroughbreds, mules, chariots, military equipment, implements of war, and iv 35′ the plunder of enemies, everything that the god Ashur, king of the gods, gave me as my royal share — that place had become too small for me to have horses show their mettle and to train with chariots.

Obverse Column v


_na4#_-[_girim-hi-li-ba_ ul-tu qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni] a-szar nab-ni#-[ti-szu-nu a-na hi-szih-ti É-_gal_-ia] mar-s,i-isz [pa-Asz-qi-isz] a-na _nina-ki_ [u]-szal-di#-[du-u]-ni#

ina _iti sze-ga_ u4-mu mit-ga-ri e-li tam-le-e (erasure) szu-a-tu É-_gal-mesz_ rab-ba-a-ti a-na# mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu É dan#-ni szA 95 ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim _gid-da 31_ ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim# (erasure) _dagal_ (erasure) sza ina _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri# _ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la e-pu-szu a-na-ku e-pu-usz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren_ s,i-ru-u-ti u-szat-ri-s,a e#-li-szA _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ szA [e]-re-si#-na _dug-ga_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u _zabar#_ [u]-rak#-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka#-mesz_-szA

[(d)]_alad-mesz#_ [u (d)]_lamma#-mesz_ [szA _na4-mesz_ szA ki-i pi-i szik-ni-szu-nu ir-ti lem-ni u]-tar#-ru [na-s,ir kib-si mu-szal-li]-mu# [tal-lak-ti _lugal_ ba-ni-szu]-nu# _zag#_ [u _gub_ u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi]-in# É-_gal#_ [_na4_-pi-i]-li# [u _gisz-eren_ szu-te-mu-du-te] a-na mul#-[ta]-u#-ti [be-lu-ti-ia] nak-lisz u#-[sze]-pisz# _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz urudu_ masz-szA#-[a-ti] szA a-he-en-na-a# pa-na u ar#-[ka] i-na-at,-t,a-la# ki-la-ta-an (erasure) qé-reb-szA ul#-[ziz]

_gisz_-tim#-me _gisz-eren# mah-mesz gisz_-a-dAp-pi# ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szi-in e-mid si-hi-ir-ti É#-_gal_ szA-a-tu né-bé-hu pa(*)#-Asz-qu szA _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ u-sze-pisz-ma# u-szal-ma-a ki-li-lisz se-el-lum# mat-gi-gu ki-ma (d)_tir-an-na_ (over erasure) u-szA-as#-hi-ra gi-mir _ka-mesz_-ni# sik-kat _ku#-babbar_ eb-bi u _zabar_ nam#-[ri] u-rat-ta-a qé-reb#-[szA] da-na#-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia szA ina _kur-kur_ nak-ra-te e-te#-pu-szu ina szi-pir# _lu_-ur5-ra-ku-te e-si-qa qé#-reb-szA

_gisz-kiri6#-mah_ tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim szA ka-la _szim-hi-a_ u _gisz-mesz_ hur-ru#-szu i-ta-szA-a e-mid

AI Translation

I had girimhilibû-stone, which are grown in the mountains, their native place, brought to Nineveh as a gift for my palace.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls above that terrace for my lordly residence. I built a fortified wall of 95 large cubits long and 31 large cubits wide, which none of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had built. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and bronze on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

I had bull colossi and lamassus, whose features were revealed by the command of their divinity and who were bound together like bands of thorns, who guard the right and left sides of the path of the king who created them, positioned on the right and left, and thus secured their entrances. I had a palace of white limestone and cedar with brilliant radiance built for my lordly pleasure. I stationed inside it lamassus and copper figurines, whose features are identical, which are visible in front and behind.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent cedar beams and adapapu-wood, and I fastened bands of silver and lapis lazuli on them. I had the clad walls of that palace, which were clad with blue and green zagû-metal, made and I installed them in their gates. I made all of the gates shine like the stars lit. "dark stars" and I installed them in them in shining silver and shining bronze. I made the might of the god Ashur, my lord, that I had done in hostile lands.

I planted a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and trees.


They had ... girimhilibû-stone, everything that was needed for my palace, dragged with much trouble and effort from the midst of the mountains, the place of their origin, to Nineveh.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls upon that terrace for my lordly residence. I built a great royal house ninety-five large cubits long and thirty-one large cubits wide, v 10′ something none of kings who came before me, my ancestors, had done. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and bronze on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

I had stone shedus and lamassus, whose appearance repels evil, placed to the right and the left of their gates as protectors of the walk and guardians of the path of the king who made them. I had the palace skillfully built of interlocking limestone and cedar, for my lordly pleasure. I set up inside it twin copper lamassu-statues, with each pair looking both forward and backward.

I placed crossbeams on tall cedar columns thus forming a cornice in their gates. I had the friezes and copings of the whole of that palace made of black and blue glazed bricks and I put them around it like a wreath. I surrounded all of the gates with an arch and a vault like a rainbow. I embedded nails of pure silver and shining bronze in them. Through the craft of the sculptor, I depicted on it the frieze of the palace the might of the god Ashur, my lord, the deeds that I had accomplished in enemy lands.

I set up alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, with all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees.

Obverse Column vi


ta-szi-la#-[a-ti qé-reb-szA u-sze-szi-ib-ma] u-szA-li#-[s,a nu-pa-ar-szu-un] _gesztin-mesz_ ku-ru-un-nu# [am-ki-ra s,ur-ra-szu-un] _i-sag_ i-gu-la-a muh-ha#-[szu-nu u-szA-Asz-qi]

ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _man_ [_dingir-mesz_] u _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ka-li-szu#-[nu] ina t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib-[bi] nu-um-mur ka-bat-ti sze-bé-e lit-tu-ti# qé-reb-szA da-risz lu-ur-me-[ma] lu-usz-ba-a la-la-a-[szA] ina zag-muk-ki _iti_ resz-ti-i# kul-lat mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga_-[_mesz_] _ansze-nita-mesz ansze-gam-mal_ til-li u-nu-ut [_me_] gi-mir _erim-hi-a_ szal-la-at na-ki#-[ri] szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-[a] lu-up-qi-da qé-reb-[szA] qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu# (d)_lamma_ dum-qi (d)_alad_ du-un#-[qi]

a-na _egir_ u4#-[me ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia] sza (d)asz-szur u (d)#[isz-tar a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_] u-nam-bu-[u zi-kir-szu] e-nu-ma É-_gal_ [szA-a-tu] i-lab-bi-ru-ma [in-na-hu] an-hu-us-sa [lu-disz] ki#-i szA a-na-ku mu-szA-ru-u szi#-[t,ir szu-me _lugal_] [_ad_] ba#-ni-ia it-(ti) _mu-sar_-e [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia] [Asz]-kun# at-ta ki-ma ia#-[a]-ti#-[ma] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# _mu_-ia# [a-mur-ma] _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur#_ [_bal_-qi] it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir# [_mu_-ka szu-kun] (d)a-szur U [(d)isz-tar] ik-ri-bi-ka i-[szem-mu-u]

_iti-ne# ud-18-kam#_ [...]

AI Translation

I firmly placed a seat for their rites inside it and made their rites shine. I made their libation of wine, kurunnu-wine, and kurunnu-wine more plentiful than those of the land.

By the command of the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, may I live in it forever with happiness, physical well-being, and a long life. During the first month of the year, may I acquire inside it all of the requisites, horses, mules, camels, equipment for war, all of the troops, and all of the booty of the enemy. Inside it, may the good lamassu and the good shedu rule over all of the enemies.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. Just as I am a writer of the name of the king, my father, who created me, with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should look at an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

Month Ab V, 18th day, eponym year of .


I seated ... at festive tables, and I made their mood jubilant. I watered their insides with wine and kurunnu-wine. I had my servants drench their the guests' heads with fine oil and perfumed oil.

By the command of the god Ashur, the king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, let me dwell in it forever in good health, happiness, bright spirits, and with the satisfaction of growing old, and vi 10′ let me be sated with its splendor. At new year, in the first month, yearly, without ceasing, let me inspect in it all of the thoroughbreds, mules, donkeys, camels, military equipment, implements of war, and all of the captured enemy soldiers. vi 17′ Let the good lamassu and the good shedu, who guard my royal path and who make me happy, last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar name to rule the land and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of that palace when it becomes old and dilapidated. Just as I placed an inscription written in the name of the king, my father, who engendered me, beside an inscription written in my name, so you too should be like me and read an inscription written in my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it beside an inscription written in your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

Abu V, eighteenth day, ....

Q003233: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... ka-mi]-isz#

[U (disz)te-usz-pa-a _lu_-gi-mir-ra-a]-a [_erim_-man-da szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu ina _ki_-tim _kur_-hu-bu]-usz-na [a-di gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-szu u-ra-as-si-ib ina] _gisz-tukul_

[ka-bi-is ki-szA-di _un-mesz kur_-hi]-lak#-ki [szad-du-u-a a-szi-bu-te hur-szA-a-ni pa-Asz-qu-u-ti szA t,e-hi] _kur_-ta-bal [_lu_-hat-te-e lem-nu-u-ti ul-tu u4-me pa-ni la] kit#-nu-szu a-na ni-ri [21 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA] li#-me-te-szu-nu [al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-sun ap-pul aq]-qur# ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu [si-it-tu-te-szu-nu szA hi-it,-t,u U gul-lul-tu la i]-szu-u#

AI Translation

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs. Their rest, which were free from sin and rebellion, were abandoned and turned into ruin hills.


No translation warranted

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpa, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu.

The one who treads on the necks of the people of Cilicia, mountain dwellers who live in inaccessible mountains in the neighborhood of the land Tabal, evil Hittites, who from earliest days had not been submissive to the yoke — I surrounded, conquered, plundered, demolished, destroyed, and burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities and small cities in their environs. As for the rest of them, who were not guilty of any sin or crime, I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordship upon them.

Obverse Column ii


[... ab-szA]-a-ni#

[_uru_-a-du-mu-tu _uru_ dan-nu-tu _lu_-a]-ri#-bi [sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _ad_ ba#-nu-u-a [ik-szu-du-ma _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_]-szu# _dingir-mesz_-szu [a-di (f)ap-kal-la-tu] szar#-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi [isz-lu-lam-ma a-na _kur_ asz]-szur#-_ki_ il-qa-a [(disz)ha-za-_dingir lugal_] _kur_-a-ri-bi [it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu] ka-bit-ti [a-na _nina-ki uru_] be#-lu-ti-ia [il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi]-iq# _gir-ii_-ia [Asz-szu na-dan _dingir-mesz_-szu u-s,al-la-an-ni-ma re-e-mu] ar(?)#-szi(?)-szu(?)-ma [...]-x-szu-nu

[50] _ansze#_-[_gam-mal-mesz 1 lim_ kun-zi _szim-hi-a_] _ugu#_ man-da-at#-[ti _ad_-szu u-rad-di-ma e-mid-su]

_kur#_-ba-a-zu na#-[gu-u szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu] mi#-szit na-ba-li [qaq-qar _mun_ a-szar s,u-ma-a-me] 1 _me 40 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ba#-[a-s,i pu-qut-ti] _u na4-zu_ s,a-[bi-ti a-szar _musz_ u _gir-tab_] sza ki-ma kul-ba-[bi ma-lu-u _a-gar_] 20 _kaskal-gid kur_-ha-zu#-[u szad-di _na4-sag-gil-mud_] a-na _egir_-ia [u-masz-szir-ma e-te-iq na-gu-u szu-a-tu] sza ul-tu u4-me# [ul-lu-ti] la il-li-ku# [_lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia] ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur# [_en_-ia ina qé-reb-e-szu szal-t,a-nisz] at-tal-lak 8 _lugal#_-[_mesz_-ni sza qé-reb na-ge-e szu-a-tu a-duk]

AI Translation

. . . I have .

As for the city Adumutu, a fortified city, the Arabs, whom Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had conquered and whose possessions, property, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he plundered and took to Assyria, Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He entrusted me with the securing of his gods and I had mercy on him and ... their .

I added fifty camels and 2,000 stalks of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him.

The land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a place of abundance, a place of abundance, 140 leagues of ground, a place of abundance, and a place of abundance, where snakes and scorpions are abundant, iii 20' where snakes and scorpions are abundant, a place of abundance, I abandoned 20 leagues of land Hazû, a place of abundance, and crossed over to another district. That district, which since distant days had not bowed down to the kings who came before me, I bowed down there by the command of the god Ashur, my lord. I defeated eight kings who were in that district.


... my yoke.

As for the city Adumutu, the fortress of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, my father, who engendered me, conquered and whose goods, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he plundered and brought to Assyria — Hazael, the king of the Arabs, ii′ 10′ came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He implored me to give back his gods and I had pity on him. I refurbished ... ... ... and I inscribed the might of the god Ashur, my lord,

I added ... fifty camels, and one thousand bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him.

As for the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, one hundred and forty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants — I left ii′ 30′ Mount Hazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over to that district to which no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated eight kings from that district and carried off their gods, their goods, their possessions, and their people to Assyria.

Obverse Column iii


ki-ma# [_gisz-ig_ ina _igi kur_-e-lam-ti e-di-il-szu]

_kur_-pa-tu#-[usz-ar-ri na-gu-u szA i-te-e É-_mun_] szA qé-reb# [_kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-u-te] szA pa-a-[t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni _kur na4-za-gin_] sza ina _lugal#_-[_mesz ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su] _ki_-tim _kur_-szu-un# [(disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-na] (disz)e-pa-ar-na _lu-en-uru#_-[_mesz_ dan-nu-ti] szA la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-[ri szA-a-szu-nu a-di _un-mesz_-szu-nu] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-ku-bi-[szu-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni] _ansze-mesz ansze_-u-du-[ri szal-lat-sun ka-bit-tu] Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb# [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

(disz)up-pi-is _lu-en-uru#_ [szA _uru_-pa-ar-tAk-ka] (disz)za-na-sa-na _lu-en-uru#_ [szA _uru_-pa-ar-tuk-ka] (disz)#ra-ma-te-ia _lu-en#_-[_uru_ szA _uru_-u-ra-a-ka-za-bar-na] [_kur_-ma]-da#-a-a szA a#-[szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu sza ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] [mi-s,ir _kur_] asz(?)-szur(?)-_ki_(?)# [la ib-bal-ki-tu-nim-ma]

AI Translation

I hung it like a door in front of the land Elam.

I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty city rulers who were without number, together with their people, horses, their harness-broken steeds, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and camels, their substantial booty, as booty from the land Medes, which is on the border of Mount Bikni, and from the land Zagin, which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever crossed the sea, together with their people, and together with their people, their horses, their harness-broken steeds, and camels.

Uppis, city ruler of the city Partukka, Zanasana, city ruler of the city Partukka, Ramateia, city ruler of the city Urakazabarna, and the Medes whose location is remote, who had not bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, the territory of Assyria,


I locked it the fortress up like a door against the land Elam.

As for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders on Mount Bikni, the lapis lazuli mountain, iii′ 5′ and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked — I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people, their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

As for Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, and Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, Medes whose country is remote and who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in the time of the kings, my ancestors —

Q003234: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


sza _szesz#_-[_mesz_-ia _gal-mesz szesz_-szu-nu s,e-eh-ru a-na-ku] ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur# [(d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en u_ (d)_ag_] (d)15 szA _uru_-ni#-[nu-a (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_] _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ina _ukkin#_ [_szesz-mesz_-ia _sag-mesz_-ia ke-nisz ul-li-ma] um#-ma an-nu-u# [ma-a-ru ri-du-ti-ia] (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ ina bi#-[ri i-szal-ma an-nu ke-e-nu] e-pu-lu-szu-ma um-ma# [szu-u te-nu-u-ka] zi-kir-szu-un kab-tu it-ta#-['i-id-ma _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki tur gal_] _szesz-mesz_-ia _numun_ É _ad#_-[ia isz-te-nisz u-pa-hir]

ma-har (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)#[_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _dingir-me_ a-szi-bu-te _an_-e# [u _ki_-tim Asz-szu na-s,ar ri-du-ti-ia] zi-kir#-szu-un kab-tu# [u-szA-az-ki-ir-szu-nu-ti] ina _iti_ szal-me u4-mu sze-me-e# [ki-i qi-bi-ti-szu-nu s,ir-ti] ina É# ri-du-ti Asz-ri# [szug-lud-di sza szi-kin _lugal_-ti] [ina lib]-bi-szu# ba-szu-u# [ha-disz e-ru-um-ma]

AI Translation

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the father who had engendered me, I firmly affirmed in the assembly of my brothers my steadfast oaths, saying: "This is the earliest of my descendants." The deities Shamash and Adad heard this in a dream, and they answered him with a firm 'yes', saying: "He is your steadfast friend." They trusted in their strong words, and they made the people of Assyria, young and old, my brothers, and the seed of my father's house, stand with them.

In order to protect my royal majesty, I made their utterances pleasing to the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods of Assyria, the gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I joyfully entered the Assyrian sanctuaries and re-established the kingship in accordance with their exalted command.


I am my older brothers' youngest brother and by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, my father, who engendered me, elevated me firmly in the assembly of my brothers, i 5′ saying: 'This is the son who will succeed me.' He questioned the gods Shamash and Adad by divination, and they answered him with a firm 'yes,' saying: 'He is your replacement.' He heeded their important words and gathered together the people of Assyria, young and old, and my brothers, the seed of the house of my father.

Before the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods of Assyria, the gods who live in heaven and netherworld, he made them swear their solemn oaths concerning the safe-guarding of my succession. In a favorable month, on a propitious day, in accordance with their sublime command, I joyfully entered the House of Succession, an awe-inspiring place within which the appointing to kingship takes place.

Obverse Column viii


[... szi-tam-du-uh _gisz-gigir_]-_mesz# a_sz-ru szu-a-tu [i-mi-s,a-an-ni-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-ia] _gisz_-al#-lu u tup#-szik-ku [u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal_]-_tur-ra#_ szu-a-tu [a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma qaq-qa-ru ma]-a'#-du _gim_ a-tar-tim-ma [ul-tu lib-bi _a-sza-mesz_ ab-tuq-ma _ugu_-szu usz-rad]-di# ina pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i

[dan-ni usz-szi-szu ad-di-ma tam-la-a u-mal-li ad-ke-e]-ma# _lugal-mesz kur_-hat-ti [u e-ber _id_ (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal uru_-s,ur-ri (disz)me]-na#-si-i _man kur_-ia-u-di [(disz)qa-usz-gab-ri _lugal uru_-u-du-me (disz)mu-s,ur]-i# _man kur_-ma-'a-ab [(disz)s,il-_en lugal uru_-ha-zi-ti (disz)me-ti-in-ti] _man# kur_-is-qa-al-lu-na# [(disz)i-ka-u-su _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na (disz)mil-ki]-a#-szA-pa _man kur_-gu-ub-li [(disz)ma-ta-an-ba-'a-al _lugal uru_]-a#-ru-ad-da [(disz)a-bi-ba-'a-li _lugal uru_]-sam#-si-mur-ru#-na

AI Translation

... I took that chariot and then I made the people of the lands that I had conquered carry baskets and baskets and they brought bricks to it. I enlarged that small palace in its entirety, then I added a great amount of land like a mountain range and I added it to it with limestone, stone from the mountains.

I surrounded and conquered the kings of the land Hatti and the opposite bank of the Euphrates River. I captured Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Menasî, king of Judah, Qashgabrî, king of Udumu, Mushuri, king of Moab, Shil-Bel, king of Hazitu, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of the land Gubla, Matan-Ba'al, king of Aruadda, Abi-Ba'al, king of Samsimurruna,


... ... ... that place had become too small for me to have horses show their mettle and to train with chariots. I made the people of the lands plundered by my bow take up hoe and basket, and they made bricks. I razed that small palace in its entirety, took a large area from the fields for an addition, and added it to it the palace. I laid its foundations with limestone, strong stone from the mountains, and raised the terrace.

I summoned the kings of Hatti and Across the River Syria-Palestine: Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qa'ush-gabri, king of Edom, Mushuri, king of Moab, Shil-Bel, king of Gaza, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, vi 10′ Ikausu, king of Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of Byblos, Mattan-Ba'al, king of Arvad, Abi-Ba'al, king of Samsimurruna, Budi-il, king of Bit-Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of Ashdod — twelve kings from the shore of the sea; Ekishtura, king of Idalion, Pilagurâ, king of Kitrusi, Kisu, king of Salamis,

Q003235: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x x x [... u-szA-as,-ri]-ha# si-pit-tu [lab-bisz an-na-dir-ma is,-s,a]-ri#-ih ka-bat-ti [Asz-szu e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti É _ad_-ia ar]-pi#-sa rit-ti-ia [a-na (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ u (d)U]-_gur#_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ [(d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ qa-ti Asz-szi-ma im-gu]-ru# qi-bi-ti [ina an-ni-szu-nu ke-nim _uzu_ ta-kil-ti isz]-tap#-pa-ru-nim-ma [a-lik la ka-la-a-ta i-da-a-ka ni-it]-tal#-lak-ma

[ni-na-a-ra ga-re-e-ka 1-en u4-me 2 u4-me] ul# uq-qi [pa-an _erim-hi-a_-ia ul ad-gul ar-ka-a ul] a#-mur [pi-qit-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti _gisz-szudun u_ u-nu-ut] _me#_-ia [ul a-szu-ur s,i-di-it ger-ri-ia ul Asz-pu]-uk [szal-gu ku-us,-s,u _iti-ziz_ dan-na-at _en-te-na_ ul a]-dur# [ki-ma u5-ri-in-ni mu-up-pa-ar-szi a-na sa-kap za-'i-ri]-ia [ap-ta-a i-da-a-a ...] x [...] [...] x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... I sat down in prayer. The storm was fierce, it blew me away, and my mood became sour. To exercise kingship over the house of my father, I prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, and they heeded my utterances. They sent me a firm 'yes' and we went without number.

I did not wait for one day or two days, nor did I wait for my troops. I did not see the encumbrances of horses, the scepter, and the equipment of my battle equipment. I did not prepare for the rigor of my campaign. I did not wait for the securing of my campaign. I did not wait for the mighty storm of Shebat XI, the onset of my twelfth month. Like a fox, I opened my mouth to the securing of my troops. ...


... ... ... I cried out in mourning, I raged like a lion, and my mood became furious. In order to exercise kingship over the house of my father I beat my hands together. I prayed to the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, and Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela and they accepted my words. With their firm 'yes', they were sending me reliable omens, saying: 'Go! Do not hold back! We will go and kill your enemies.'

I did not hesitate one day or two days. I did not wait for my army. I did not look for my rear guard. I did not check the assignment of horses harnessed to the yoke nor that of my battle equipment. I did not stock up travel provisions for my campaign. I was not afraid of the snow and cold of Shabatu XI, the severest cold season. Like a flying eagle I spread my wings to drive back my enemies. ...

Obverse Column ii


[x] x x x [...] qé-reb _elam-ma-ki_ i-na#-[ru-usz ina _gisz-tukul_] (disz)na-'i-id-mar-duk _szesz_-szu ep#-[szet _kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza a-na _szesz_-szu e-tep-pu-szu e-mur-ma ul-tu _kur-elam#-ma-ki#_ in-nab-tam-ma a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ana _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ il-lik-am-ma# u-s,al-la-a be-lu-ti _kur_ tam-tim ana si-hir-ti-szA ri-du-ut _szesz_-szu u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-te ana _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-Asz-szA-qa sze-pi-ia

ina 2-e ger-ri-ia (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _man uru_-s,i-dun-ni la pa-lih be-lu-ti-ia la sze-mu-u zi-kir szap-ti-ia sza _ugu_ tam-tim gal-la-tim it-tak-lu-ma is-lu-u _gisz-szudun an-szar uru_-s,i-dun-nu _uru_ tuk-la-te-szu szA qé-reb tam-tim na-du-u a-bu-bisz as-pu-un _bad_-szu u szu-bat-su as-suh-ma qé-reb tam-tim ad-di-ma a-szar masz-kAn-i-szu u-hal-liq

(disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-tim _lugal_-szu szA la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ina _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en#_-ia ki-ma nu-u-ni ul-tu# qé-reb tam-tim a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa _sag-du_-su _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _un-mesz#_ É-_gal_-szu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu_ u _nig-ga na4-mesz_ a-qar-tu lu-bul-ti _gun_ u _gada_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_-szu a-na mu#-'u-de-e Asz-lu-la _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ szA ni-ba la i-szA-a _gu4-me_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz#_

_uru_-É#-(disz)s,u-pu-ri _uru_-sik-ku-u _uru#_-gi-i' _uru#_-in-im-me _uru#_-hi-il-du-u-a _uru_-qar-ti-im-me _uru_-bi#-i'-ru-u _uru#_-ki-il-me-e _uru_-bi-ti-ru#-me _uru_-sa-gu#-u [_uru_]-am-pa _uru_-É-gi-si-me-ia _uru_-bi-ir-gi-i'# [_uru_]-ga-am-bu-lu _uru_-da-la-im-me _uru#_-i-si-hi-im#-me [_uru-mesz_-ni] sza# li-me-et _uru_-s,i-dun-ni a-szar# ri-i-ti [u masz-qi]-ti(?)# É tuk-la-te-szu szA ina tu-kul-ti# asz-szur _en_-ia# [ik-szu-da] _szu#-ii_-a-a _lu-un-mesz_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-[ia]

[U (disz)sa-an]-du#-ar-ri _man uru_-kun-di# [_u uru_-si-is-su-u] [_lu-kur_ ak-s,u la pa]-lih# be-lu-te-ia szA _dingir-mesz#_ [u-masz-szir-u-ma] [a-na _kur_-i mar-s,u]-ti it-ta-kil szu-u# [(disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti] [_man uru_-s,i-du-un-ni a]-na# re-s,u-ti a-ha-mesz isz#-[szak-nu-u-ma] [_mu dingir-mesz_-szu-nu it]-ti# a-ha-mesz iz-kur-[u-ma] [a-na e-mu-qi ra]-ma#-ni-szu-nu it-[tak-lu] [a-na-ku a-na (d)asz]-szur# (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en#_ [u (d)_ag_] [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_]-ia# at-ta-kil-ma ni-i-tu al#-[me-szu-ma]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... he killed with the sword. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that I had done for his brother and fled from the land Elam. He came to Assyria to do obeisance to me and he made the lordship of the entire Sealand greater than that of his brother. He brought before him Nineveh, my capital city, with his substantial audience gift, and he made an appeal to my lordly majesty.

On my second campaign, Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon who did not fear my lordship and did not listen to the words of my lips, who trusted in the great sea and took the direct road, I cast down the yoke of the god Ashur and the city Sidon, his ally, which is situated in the sea. I tore down its walls and its dwellings, then I added them to the sea and made them disappear in their place.

Abdi-Milkuti, his king who had fled from my weapons, was captured in the middle of the sea. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I removed him from the sea like a bird and cut off his head. I carried off from him his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace people, silver, gold, property, precious stones, jewelry, a talent and linen garment, every kind of treasure of his palace, as booty, and possessions. I carried off to Assyria extensive people, who had no rival, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, and donkeys.

I conquered the cities Bit-Shupuri, Sikku, Gi', Inimme, Hildûa, Qartimme, Bi'rû, Kilme, Bitirume, Sagu, Ampa, Bit-Gisimmeia, Birgi', Gambulu, Dalamme, and Isihimme, cities in the environs of the city Sidon, a place of refuge and a privileged position, iii 40 whose people, who had cast off my bow, had fled to me.

Moreover, as for Sanda-duri, the king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy who did not fear my lordly majesty, who had abandoned the gods and trusted in a rugged mountain, he Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon, v 50 entrusted him with the shepherdship of their gods, v 50 and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, and I surrounded him and imposed upon him tribute and payment.


... ... ... and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam, fled from the land Elam, ii 5′ came to Assyria to serve me, and beseeched my lordship. I made the entire Sealand, the domain of his brother, subject to him. Now he comes yearly, without ceasing, to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kisses my feet.

In my second campaign, as for Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, who did not fear my lordship and did not listen to the words of my lips, who trusted in the rolling sea and threw off the yoke of the god Ashur — I leveled Sidon, his stronghold, which is situated in the midst of the sea, like a flood, tore out its walls and its dwellings, and threw them into the sea; and I even made the site where it stood disappear.

Abdi-Milkuti, its king, in the face of my weapons, fled into the midst of the sea. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I caught him like a fish from the midst of the sea and cut off his head. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace retainers, silver, gold, ii 20′ goods and property, precious stones, garments with trimming and linens, everything of value from his palace in huge quantities, and took away his far-flung people who were beyond counting, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys in huge numbers to Assyria. I gathered the kings of Hatti Syria-Palestine and the seacoast, all of them, and had them build a city in another place, and I named it Kar-Esarhaddon.

The inhabitants of the cities Bit-Shupuri, Sikkû, Gi', Inimme, Hildua, Qartimme, Bi'rû, Kilmê, Bitirume, Sagû, Ampa, Bit-Gisimeya, Birgi', ii 30′ Gambulu, Dalaimme, and Isihimme, cities in the environs of Sidon, places of pasturing and watering for his stronghold, which I captured with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, I settled in it together with the people plundered by my bow from the eastern mountains and sea and I restored the city ii 35′ to Assyrian territory. I reorganized that province, placed my official as a governor over them, and increased and imposed upon it tribute and payment greater than before.

Moreover, Sanda-uarri, king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy, who did not fear my lordship and abandoned the gods, ii 40′ trusted in the impregnable mountains. He and Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, agreed to help one another, swore an oath by their gods with one another, and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, ii 45′ the great gods, my lords, besieged him, caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains, and cut off his head. "In Tashritu VII — the head of Abdi-Milkuti! In Addaru XII — the head of Sanda-uarri!" I beheaded both in the same year: With the former I did not delay, ...

Obverse Column iii


_nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu a-di (f)#[ap-kal-la-tu szar-rat _lu_-a-ri-bi] isz-lu-lam-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ il-qa#-[a (disz)ha-za-_dingir lugal lu_-a-ri-bi] it-ti ta-mar-te-szu ka-bit-te a-na _nina#-ki_ [_uru_ be-lu-ti-ia] il#-lik-am#-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia Asz-szu na#-[dan _dingir-mesz_-szu u-s,al-la-an-ni-ma] re-e-mu ar-szi#-szu-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a#-[in (d)da-a-a] (d)nu#-ha-a-a (d)ru#-ul-da-a-a-u (d)a#-[bi-ri-il-lu] (d)a-tar-qu#-ru-ma-a _dingir-mesz_ szA# _lu_-a-ri-bi# [an-hu-su-nu ud-disz-ma]

65 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz 10 ansze-nita-mesz ugu#_ [ma-da-ti mah-ri-ti] u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e#-ru-usz-szu (disz)ha#-[za-_dingir_ szim-tu] u-bil#-szu-ma (disz)ia-ta-a' _dumu#_-szu ina [_gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma] 10 _ma-na ku-gi 1 me na4-mesz_ bé-ru-te# [50 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] 1 _me kusz_-kun#-zi _szim-hi-a ugu#_ [man-da-at-ti _ad_-szu] u-rad-di-ma# e-mid-su ar#-[ka (disz)u-a-bu] a-na e-pesz _lugal_-ti _lu_-a#-ru-[bu ka-li-szu]

_ugu#_ (disz)ia-ta-a' usz-bal-kit-ma# [a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-te# szA kit-tu i-ram#-[mu-ma s,a-lip-tu ik-kib-szu] _lu#-erim-mesz me#_-ia ana na-ra#-ru-ti (disz)[ia-ta-a' Asz-pur-ma] _lu_-a-ru#-bu ka-li-szu ik-bu-[su-ma (disz)u-a-bu] a-di _lu-erim#-mesz_ szA is-si-szu bi-re-tu# [id-du-u-ma u-bi-lu-nim-ma] szi-ga#-ru (erasure) Asz-kun#-[szu-nu-ti-ma] ina le#-et _ka#_-ia [ar-ku-us-szu-nu-ti]

(disz)up-pi-is# _lu-en-uru_ [szA _uru_-pa-ar-tAk-ka] (disz)za-na-sa-na# _lu-en#_-[_uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ar-tuk-ka] (disz)ra-ma-te-ia# _lu-en#_-[_uru_ szA _uru_-u-ra-a-ka-za-bar-na] _kur_-ma-da-a-a sza# a-szar-[szu-nu ru-u-qu sza ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] mi#-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ la ib#-[bal-ki-tu-nim-ma la ik-bu-su] qaq-qar#-szA pu-ul-hi me-lam#-[me sza asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti] [_ansze_]-mur-ni-is#-qi _gal-mesz#_ [tak-kas _na4-za-gin_ hi-ip szad-di-szu] [a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti]-ia(?)# [isz-szu-nim-ma ...]

AI Translation

He brought his possessions, his property, and his gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, and took them to Assyria. He, Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his substantial audience gift and kissed my feet. He asked me about the well-being of his gods and I had mercy on him. I renovated the gods Atar-samayin, Dayya, Nuhaya, Ulda'u, Abi-rillu, and Atar-quruma, the gods of the Arabs, and I reorganized their offices and established their offices in Nineveh.

I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the previous tribute and imposed it upon him. I brought out Hazael, a former slave, and placed Iata', his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, 100 precious stones, 50 camels, and 100 hides of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it upon him. Later, Uabu, to exercise kingship, sent all of the Arameans to Assyria.

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, who loves truth and iii 5 hastily put my battle troops to the yoke of Iata' and iii 10'' iii 10'

Uppis, the city ruler of the city Partukka, Zanasana, the city ruler of the city Partukka, and Ramateia, the city ruler of the city Urakazabarna, Medes whose location is remote and whose location none of the kings, my ancestors, the territory of Assyria had ever crossed and whose land had not been conquered, fear of the brilliance of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them. They brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds, a tunic made of lapis lazuli, and whose nails are firmly fixed .


whose goods, possessions, and gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, he Sennacherib plundered and brought to Assyria — Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He implored me to give back his gods, and iii 5′ I had pity on him. I refurbished the gods Atar-samayin, Daya, Nuhaya, Ruldawu, Abirillu, and Atar-qurumâ, the gods of the Arabs, and I inscribed the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and an inscription written in my name on them and gave them back to him. I placed the lady Tabu'a, who was raised in the palace of my father, as ruler over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the previous tribute and imposed it on him. Hazael died and I placed Iata', his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one hundred choice stones, fifty camels, and iii 15′ one hundred bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him. Later, Uabu, to exercise kingship, incited all of the Arabs to rebel against Iata'.

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters, who loves loyalty and abhors treachery, sent iii 20′ my battle troops to the aid of Iata', and they trampled all of the Arabs, threw Uabu, together with the soldiers who were with him, into fetters, and brought them to me. I placed them in neck stocks and tied them to the side of my gate.

As for Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, and Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, Medes whose country is remote and who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in the time of the kings, my ancestors — iii 30′ the awesome fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds and blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, and ...

Q003236: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_u erim-hi-a_-szu (disz)isz-pa-ka-a-a _uru_]-as-gu(?)#-za-a-a# [kit-ru la mu-sze-zi-bi-szu a-na-ar] ina _gisz-tukul_

[Asz-lul _kur_-É-(disz)dak-ku-ri szA qé-reb _kur_-kal-di a]-a#-ab _ka-dingir-ki_ [ak-mu (disz)(d)szA-masz-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu] hab-bi-lum [la pa-li-hu zik-ri _en en-en_ szA _a-sza-mesz dumu_]-_me_(?)# _ka-dingir-ki_ [U bAr-sipa-_ki_ ina pa-rik-te it-ba-lu-u-ma u-ter-ru] ra#-ma-nu-usz [Asz-szu ana-ku pu-luh-ti (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ i-du]-u [_a-sza-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-ter-ma pa-an _dumu-mesz ka-dingir_]-_ra-ki_ [u bAr-sipa-_ki_ u-szad-gil (disz)(d)_muati_-szal-lim _dumu_ (disz)ba]-la-si

[(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _dumu_ (disz)bu-na-ni _lu_-gam-bu]-la-a-a [sza ina 12 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina _a-mesz u gi-ambar-mesz_] szit#-ku-na(?) szub-tu [ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia hat-tu ra-ma-ni-szu im]-qut-su-ma [ki-i t,e-me]-szu(?)#-ma bil#-[tu]

AI Translation

I struck with the sword Ishpaku of the city Ashuza, a barbarian whose weapon cannot be dislodged.

I conquered the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, a district in the city Babylon. Shamash-ibni, its king, was a fugitive, a traitor who did not respect the oath sworn by the lord of lords, and who took away from him the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa in a rebellion and turned them into ruins. Because I was afraid of the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, I returned those fields and imposed it upon the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I brought back Nabû-shallim, son of Balasi, as a gift.

By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, a terrible terror fell upon Bel-iqisha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian who had fled on a journey of twelve leagues in water and marsh, and had fled alone. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, he fled alone and received his tribute.


and its army; I put to the sword Ishpakaia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself.

I plundered the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon. I captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw, i′ 5′ who did not respect the oath of the lord of lords, who took away fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa by force and turned them over to himself. Because I know the fear of the gods Bel and Nabû, I returned those fields and entrusted them to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-shallim, son of Balassu, on his throne and he now pulls my yoke.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunnannu, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in water and swamps, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, unprovoked fear fell upon him and of his own free will he took tribute and payment,

Obverse Column ii


sza# a-na _kur_(?)#-[...] la isz-mu-u [...] _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA hi-it,-t,u# [ih-t,u-u ...] hab-ba-tum szar-ra-qu a-mir [da-mi ...] la pa-li-hu zik-ri _en_-szu [...] _lu_-ak-li _lu_-szA-pi-ri _lu#_-[re-du-u ...] lu-u szA ina _gir-ii sar_-ti il#-[...] isz-ri-qu _sar#_-[...] a-na _kur_-szu u-[...] x (x) tur-ru gi(?)#-[mil-li ...]

AI Translation

who did not listen to ... ... the people of Assyria who had committed crimes ..., who were slanderous, who saw the light of day ..., who did not respect the words of his lord ..., the aklû, the shappiru, the redu-priests ..., or who ... at the feet of ..., ... ... ... to his land ...


who ... to the land ...; they did not listen .... The people of Assyria, who had committed sins, ... robbers, thieves, murderers, ... ii′ 5′ those people who did not fear the oath of his lord, ... overseers, leaders, soldiers, ... or those who ... at the feet ... .... They stole ... ... ... to his land ... ... to take revenge ...

Q003237: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x (x) [...] [... _lu_-szu-ut] _sag#-mesz_-ia# [_lu-nam-mesz_ szA pa-a]-t,i# [_kur_-szu-un it]-ti-szu#-nu u-ma#-['e-er]-ma [_un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-te _uru-mesz_] szA#-tu-nu ik-bu-su# [u]-szak#-ni-szu _gir-ii_-szu-un# [_gun_ man]-da-tu# be-lu-te-ia u-kin s,e#-[ru-usz]-szu-un

[_kur_-pa]-tu-usz#-ar-ri na-gu-u szA i#-[te]-e# É-_mun_ [szA qé-reb _kur_-ma-da]-a#-a _su#-mesz_ szA pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni szad-di# _na4-za-gin_ [sza ina _lugal-mesz ad_]-_mesz#_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim _kur#_-szu-un [(disz)szi-dir-pa]-ar#-na (disz)e-pa-ar-na _lu-en-uru_-[_mesz_] dan#-nu-te [szA la kit-nu-szu] a#-na ni-i-ri szA-a-szu-nu a-di _un-mesz#_-szu-nu [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-ku-bi]-szu#-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze_-u#-du-ri [szal-lat-sun ka]-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz#-szur-_ki_

[ina x x] ger#-ri-ia _kur_-ba-a-zu ((U)) na-gu-u szA a-szar-szu# ru-u-qu [mi-szit] na#-ba-li qaq-qar _mun_ a-szar s,u-ma-a-me [1 _me 20 kaskal_]-_gid#_ qaq-qar ba-s,i pu-qut-te _u na4-zu-masz#-da_ [a-szar] _musz#_ u _gir-tab_ ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu#-[u A]-_gar#_ [20 _kaskal-gid kur_]-ha-zu-u szad-di _na4-sag-gil-mud_ ana _egir_-ia u#-masz-szir-ma [e-te-iq] na-gu-u szu-a-tu szA ul-tu u4-me ul-lu#-ti [la il-li-ku] _lugal#_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ina qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia

AI Translation

... ... ... I sent eunuchs of mine, governors of the border of their land, with them and they gathered the people living in those cities and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed upon them tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I carried off into Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty city rulers who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people, horses, their harness-broken steeds, oxen, sheep and goats, and camels, their substantial booty, which was taken from the land Medes, from the border of the land Biknu, and from the land Bit-Biknu, which is on the border of their land.

On my campaign, I abandoned the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a place of salt and nabalu-salt, a place of hunger, 120 leagues of ground, a place of snakes and scorpions, a place of snakes and scorpions, like a pile of mashda-plant, 20 leagues of the land Hazû, a place of saggilmud-stone, and crossed over to that district, which since days of my reign had not come, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord,


... ... ... I sent my officials, the governors of the boundary areas of their land, with them and they trampled the people living in those cities and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship upon them.

As for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders Mount Bikni, the lapis lazuli mountain, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked — I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, i′ 10′ who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people, their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, and Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

In my campaign, as for the land Bazu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, i′ 15′ one hundred and twenty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants — I left Mount Hazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over to that district to which no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, i′ 20′ I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated Kisu, king of the land Haldisu Handasu, Akbaru, king of the city Ilpi'atu Alpiyana, Mansaku, king of the land Magalanu, Iapa', queen of the land Dihranu, Habisu, king of the land Qadaba' Qatabu', Niharu, king of the city Ga'uani, Baslu, queen of the city Ihilu, and Habaziru, king of the city Puda' Padê, eight kings from that district ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


pa-an x (x) [...] _ud-3-kam_ nu-bat-tu# [...] i-sin-ni (d)_a-edin_ (d)zar-pa#-[ni-tum _an-szar_ (d)30(?) (d)_utu_(?)] (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia5 (d)_ag_ (d)#[15 szA _nina-ki_] (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir u#_ (d)gu-sze#-[a _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-ia] qa-ti Asz-szi-ma isz-mu-u su-up-pi-ia lab-bi-isz# [an-na-dir-ma] at-tal-bi-isz si-ri-ia-am hul-ia-am si-mat s,i#-[il-ti a-pi-ra] at-muh rit-tu-u-a _gisz-pan_ dan-na-tu mul-mul-lu# [gesz-ru] szA (d)asz-szur _man dingir-mesz_ u-mal-lu-u qa-[tu-u-a]

ana-ku (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur asz_ a-bu-nat _erim_-ni-ia _erim_ x [...] ar-ki _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-tim al-lak ina tukul-ti-szu-nu# [_gal-mesz_(?)] _gim_ ez-zi ti-ib me-hi-i ina bi-ri-szu-nu [a-zi-iq] el-lat#-su-nu ka-s,ir-tu u-par-ri-ir _lu-erim#_-[szu ...] [a-lik] pa#-an _erim_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _lu-nam-mesz_-szu _lu-3_-[_u5-mesz_-szu] [ul-tu] _uru#_-isz-hu-up-ri a-di _uru_-me-em-pi ma#-[lak 15 u4-me] [qaq-qa-ri as]-hup se-de-ra mit-ha-s,u-tu ina qi-bit [(d)asz-szur] [u4-me-szam-ma] la# na-par-ka-a Asz-tak-ka-na [...]

AI Translation

Before ... ... the third day, the evening watch, ... the festival of the gods Ayyaru, Zarpanitu, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Beltiya, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, and Gushea, the gods who support me, I took hold of my hands and they heard my prayers. I became frightened and then approached my enemies, my enemies, and the scepter of truth. I grasped hold of my hands. The mighty bow, the mighty arrow, which the god Ashur, king of the gods, had filled my hands with.

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the one who ... my troops, ... ... I took the road after their great divinity. With their great support I marched about in their midst like a raging storm. I scattered their booty and scattered his troops. ... I marched before his troops, his brothers, his governors, and his 'third men' from the city Ishhupru to the city Memphis. For fifteen days I surrounded and fought with each other. By the command of the god Ashur, I set out on a march of days without number. .


before ... ... on the third day, in the evening ... the festival of Erua, that is Zarpanitu, I prayed to the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Beltiya, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, ii′ 5′ Ishtar of Arbela, and Gushea, the gods, my helpers, and they heard my prayers. I raged like a lion, put on my coat of mail, and put on my head a helmet appropriate for battle. I held in my hands the mighty bow and the strong arrow, which the god Ashur, king of the gods, placed in my hands. ii′ 10′ Like a furious eagle, my wings were spread before my army and I was marching like the flood. The merciless arrow bestowed by the god Ashur shot out angrily and furiously .... The gods Sharur and Shargaz were marching at my side. By the command of the god Ashur, the king of the gods, my lord, I prayed to the great gods and they heard my prayers and ....

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the center of my army, the army of .... I was following their great divinity. With their great help, I blew between them like the onslaught of a raging storm, dispersed their concentrated troops, overwhelmed his troops, ..., ii′ 20′ the leaders of his army, his brothers, his governors, and his third-men from the city Ishhupri to Memphis, a distance of fifteen days march. By the command of the god Ashur, every day, without ceasing, I set up my order of battle for combat .... I slaughtered their ... like sheep and goats. ... ii′ 25′ who had fled from my fierce weapons ... they came out and before the gate of ... ... Taharqa, the king of Kush, ... to save his servants ...

Q003238: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] ka-a-a#-[nu] [...] x a-gur-ri [...]-_am# gun u_(?)# [...] _na4#-mesz_ ni-siq-te ina la mi-ni x (x) [...] x _nig-szu_ pa-an a-szir-te u-szA-as,-li-mu# [...] (x) x _numun#_ É _ad_-szu _dumu-mesz man_ mah-ru-te _ki#-min_ [...] É(?)-szu(?)# _lu-3-u5-mesz lu-gisz-gigir-mesz_ u-rad# [... mu-kil a-pa]-a#-ti _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz_-a-rit _ki-min#_ [...]-_gal#-mesz lu#-masz-masz-mesz lu_-har-t,i-bi#-[_mesz_] [... _lu_]-mu#-na-i-szi _lu-a-ba kur_-mu-s,ur-a-a# [...] _lu#-musz-lah4-mesz_ a-di _lu-gal-tuku-mesz_-szu-nu# _ki-min_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... precious stones without number ... ... ... I made the property of his father's house and the sons of the king shine forth like daylight ... his house, the three men, charioteers, ..., the one who holds the doors, the archers, the arrows, ditto, ..., the exorcists, the hartibu-priests, ..., the Munashi, the scribe of Egypt, ..., the mushu-priests, together with their magnates, ditto,


... regular ... baked bricks ... ... tribute and ... precious stones without number i′ 5′ ... ... they blackened ... the seed of his father's house, descendants of earlier kings, ditto; ... of his house, third-men, charioteers, ..., ... rein-holders, archers, shield bearers, ditto; ... ..., incantation priests, dream interpreters, i′ 10′ ... veterinarians, Egyptian scribes, ..., snake-charmers, together with their helpers, ditto; ..., kashiru-craftsmen, singers, bakers, ..., brewers, together with their supply managers, ditto; ... clothes menders, hunters, leather workers, ditto; i′ 15′ ... wheelwrights, shipwrights ... of their ..., ditto; ... iron-smiths, ditto,

Obverse Column ii


[...] x-an# : (disz)#x-[...] [_ugu uru_]-mu-kin#-_bala_-_asz-te_-i-szu (over erasure) : (disz)a#-[...] [_ugu_] _uru_-mah-ri#-ga-re-e-_man_ : (disz)s,a#-[...] _ugu# uru_-asz-szur-_kur_-su-_dagal-mesz_ : (disz)s,i-hu-ru# [...] _ugu# uru_-asz-szur-na-sih#-_gal5-la_ : (disz)pu-t,i-(d)#[x ...] _ugu# uru_-li-mer-ÉNSI#-asz-szur : (disz)_silim_-mu#-[...] _ugu# uru-kar_-(d)ba#-ni-te : (disz)(d)30-_zi#_-[...] _ugu# uru_-É-(d)_amar-utu uru_-szA-asz-szur-ta-ru _uru#_-[...] (disz)_arad#_-(d)na-na#-a _lu_-mu-szar-kis-ia a-na# [...]

_sa#-dug4_ gi-nu-u# a-na (d)#asz-szur# u _dingir-mesz_ [_gal-mesz_ ...] 6 _gun 19 ma-na ku-gi 3 me_ [...] 1 _lim 5 me 86 tug sig gada_ x+7 _ansze_ [...] x x 24# _gisz-esi 1 me 99 kusz_-[...] [x (x)] x 40 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz nita 24#_ [...] 30 _lim 4 me 18 udu-nita-mesz 10_+x [...] 19# _lim 3 me 23 ansze 1 sze-munu4#_ [...] [man]-da#-at-tu be-lu-te-ia szat-ti#-[szam-ma ...] [...] x szi#-pir-ti (d)asz-szur _en#_-[ia ...] [...] x _gisz-ma_ [...] [...] x x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... over the city Mukin-paleya-ishtishu : A... over the city Mahriga-re'e-sharri : Sha... over the city Ashur-su-dagal : Shihuru ... over the city Ashur-nashih-galla : Puti-... ... over the city Limer-Esharra-Ashur : Shalmu-... over the city Kar-Banitu : Sin-zer-... over the cities Bit-Marduk, Sha-Ashur-taru, and ... Urad-Nanaya, my recruitment officer, to .

... regular offerings to the god Ashur and the great gods ... 6 talents 19 minas of gold ... 1,586 garments of wool, x+7 donkeys ... 24 ebony, 99 ... ... 40 male horses, 24 ... 30,418 sheep, 10+x ... 19,23 donkeys, 1 grain-fed grain ... payment of my lordly majesty, ... the letter of the god Ashur, my lord, ... ... boat ... .


... ...-an: PN; over the city Mukin-palê-kussishû: A...; over the city Mahri-garê-sharri: Sha...; over the city Ashur-massu-urappish: Shi-Huru ...; ii′ 5′ over the city Ashur-nasih-gallî: Puti-...; over the city Limmer-ishâk-Ashur: Shulmu-...; over the city Kar-Banite: Sîn-napishti-...; over the cities Bit-Marduk, Sha-Ashur-taru, and ...; Urdu-Nanaya, my marshal, to ...; ii′ 10′ Uarbisi in the city ...; Kishir-Ishtar in the city Sha-emuq-Ashur ....

Sattukku and ginû offerings for the god Ashur and the great gods ... 6 talents, 19 minas of gold, 300 ..., 1,586 bolts of woven linen, ...+7 homers ... ii′ 15′ ...+24 ebony, 199 leather ...+40 stallions, 24 ..., 30,418 sheep, 10+... 19,323 homers, measured by 1 seah, of malt, ... my lordly tribute, yearly ... the message of the god Ashur, my lord, ... boat ... ... ...

Q003239: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir#-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ sza# pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ u (d)isz-ta-ri# ra-bisz mu-du-u ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz# é-sag-il2 _ka-dingir-ra-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur#-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal szu# lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal# kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_

[...] ul#-tu u4-me pa-ni i-na ki-sal é-masz-masz [...] x s,e-eh#-rat szu-bat-su _u#_ É (d)_utu_ [...] (traces of tops of signs)

x x (x) [...] e-x [...] _nun egir_-u# (traces of bottoms of signs) [...] a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam#-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma esz-re#-[e-ti sza-ti-na(?) i]-lab-bi#-ra-ma e-na-ha _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur# a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)30# u (d)_utu iti_-szam la# na-par-ka-a liq-bu-u dum-qé-e-szu

_iti-kin#_-(d)_inanna ud-20-kam_ li-mu# (disz)_ad_-ra-mu _lu-sukkal gal_-u

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who is assiduous towards the gods and goddesses, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil of Babylon, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

... from days of old in the courtyard of Emashmash ... its outer courtyard and the temple of the god Shamash ... .

May a later prince, when those shrines become old and dilapidated, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. Then the gods Sîn and Shamash will listen to his prayers.

Ululu VI, twenty-first day, eponymy of Abi-ram, chief vizier.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who knows how to greatly revere the gods and goddesses, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur and rebuilt Esagil and Babylon; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of Sumer and Akkad —

... from former days in the courtyard of Emashmash ... its area was too small; moreover, the temple of the god Shamash ... ... ...

... ... ... ... may a future ruler, whom ... name to shepherd the land and people, read an inscription written in my name when those shrines become old and 5′ dilapidated, and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. Then may the gods Sîn and Shamash order good things for him monthly, without ceasing.

Ululu VI, twentieth day, eponymy of Abi-ramu, grand vizier sukkallu rabû 677 BC.

Q003240: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ ...] _lugal szu lugal# kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita# ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ [_nun_ na-a'-du Asz-ru ... sza pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ u (d)isz-ta]-ri# ka-la-ma i-du-u [...] x x (x) x

[...]-x-bat [...] lib-bi [ka-szid lit-tu-ti szu]-muh# pe-er-'i szum-dul na#-an-na-bi# [...] x-_ki_ [li-tap-pa-lu a-ha-mesz ...] x zi(?)-kir(?) szap(?)#-[te(?)]-e-szu-nu la szu-un-né-e [_lu-kur-mesz_-ia(?) li-né-ru a-a-bé-e-a lis-ki-pu li-szam-qi-tu ga-re-e]-ia# ina li-i-ti ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_ s,e-er _lu-kur-mesz#_-ia [li-szA-zi-zu-ni-ma] e-ma lib-bi i-qab-bu-u la-be-el la-Asz-pur

[a-na _egir_ u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz dumu_]-_mesz_-e#-a szA (d)30 (d)_utu_ ut-tu-szu-u-ma a-na be-lut _kur-kur_ u _un-mesz#_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma esz-re-e-ti sza-ti-na [i]-lab-bi#-ra-a-ma en-na-ha an-hu-us-si-na lu-ud-disz [_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir] _mu_-ia# li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur [a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter] (d)#30 u (d)_utu iti_-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a liq-bu-u _sig5-mesz_-szu

[...] x _lu-gar-kur kur_-hal-ni-gal-bat

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, ... who knew how to revere the gods and goddesses, ... ... .

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Sîn and Shamash name for ruling over the lands and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when those sanctuaries become old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. The gods Sîn and Shamash will then hear his good news.

... ..., governor of the land of Halnigalbat.


Esarhaddon, ... king, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, humble, ... who knows how to revere all of the gods and goddesses, ... ...

... ... ... and the immutable words from their lips may they Sîn and Shamash discuss with one another ... my heart, my reaching extreme old age, the abundance of my offspring, the increase of my progeny, ... ... May they kill my enemies, flatten my enemies, cut down my foes, and allow me to stand over my enemies in victory and triumph so that I may rule and govern wherever my heart wishes.

In future days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Sîn and Shamash select and name to rule the lands and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of these shrines when they become old and dilapidated, 10′ read an inscription written in my name, and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. Then may the gods Sîn and Shamash order good things for him monthly, without ceasing.

..., governor of the land Hanigalbat.

Q003241: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal#_ [... _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_] _nun_ na-a'-du Asz-ru [... sza pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ u (d)isz-ta-ri ka-la-ma i-du-u] lib-bu rap-szu ma-[...] sza ul-tu s,e-[he-ri-szu ...] sza a-na ud-du-usz# [...] ba-nu-u É (d)asz-szur# [...] _lugal_ szah-tu mu-szak-li#-[il ...] _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal#_ [...] s,a-lam (d)30 (d)#nin-gal# [...] e-pu-szu-ma# u-[...] ku-um-mu sza# masz-tak be-lu-ti-szu-nu la e-pu-szu# [...]

a-na-[ku] (disz)#_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ x [...] É (d)30# (d)nin-gal (d)_utu_ (d)a-a [...] ina qé-reb _murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki_ a-na mu-szab# [...] ina _iti_ szal-me# u4-me sze-me-e ina _na4_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i [dan-ni ...] s,e-er tam-le-e szu-a-tu usz-szi-szu ad#-di [...] É szu-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szu ar-s,ip [u-szak-lil ...] _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri#-[s,a _ugu_-szu ...] _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ szA e-re-es-si-na t,a-a-ba x [...]

a-na szat-ti (d)30 (d)_utu en-mesz gal-mesz_ x [...] ia-a-ti (disz)_an#-szar_-_szesz#_-_sum-na lugal_ mi-gi#-[ir ...] ina ta-mar-ti e-lat _an_-e _u iti-bara_(?)# [...] it-tu da-mi-iq-tu sza a-rak u4-me x [...] ka-szid lit-tu-ti szu-muh pe-er-'i szum-dul# [na-an-na-bi ...] li-tap-pa-lu a-ha-mesz i-na s,i-it pi-i-[szu-nu la szu-un-né-e _lu-kur-mesz_-ia(?)] li#-né-ru a-a-bé-e-a lis-ki-pu li-szam-qi-tu ga-re-[e-ia ina li-i-ti ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_ s,e]-er# _lu-kur-mesz_-ia li-szA(?)-zi-zu#-ni-ma e-ma lib#-[bi i-qab-bu-u la-be-el la-Asz-pur]

[a-na _egir_ u4-me] i-na _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-e-[a szA (d)30 (d)_utu_ ut-tu-szu-u-ma] [a-na be]-lut# _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu#-[u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma esz-re-e-ti sza-ti-na] [i-lab]-bi-ra#-ma en-na-ha# [an-hu-us-si-na lu-ud-disz] [_mu_]-_sar#_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia [li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi] szu#-mi it-ti szu-me-szu [lisz-t,ur a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter] (d)30 u (d)_utu iti_-szam-[ma la na-par-ka-a liq-bu-u _sig5-mesz_-szu]


AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king ..., king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, ..., who reveres the gods and goddesses, all of whom knew ..., who from his childhood ..., who to rebuild ..., builder of the temple of the god Ashur ..., pious king, who carries out ..., son of Sennacherib, king ..., the image of the gods Sîn and Ningal ..., and ..., who did not do the cult center of their lordship .

I, Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, Aya, ... in the citadel of Nineveh, as a dwelling ... In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from a mighty mountain ... I raised it as high as a mountain. I built and completed that temple in its entirety. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams ... I fastened bands of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, .

On account of this, may the gods Sîn and Shamash, the great lords, ... ... me, Esarhaddon, king of the world, ..., on account of the appearance of ... on the surface of heaven and on the moon ... with the good fortune of the coming days ..., the attainment of very old age, the attainment of very old age, the attainment of very old age ..., may they constantly pray to each other, may they not cease my enemies by their incantation, may they destroy my enemies, cut down my foes, and cut down my foes. May they avenge me with the defeat of my enemies and, wherever they say, may they entrust me with the lordship of the gods Ashur, my lord, and may they not grant me dominion.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Sîn and Shamash name for ruling over the land and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when those shrines become old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. The gods Sîn and Shamash will then say good things about him monthly, without ceasing.

Month ..., day, eponym year of .


Esarhaddon, ... king, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, humble, ... who knows how to revere all of the gods and goddesses, of fine intellect, ... ... who from his youth ... 5 whom ... to renew ... the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, ... respectful king, the one who completed ...; son of Sennacherib, king of ... the images of the gods Sîn, Ningal, ... made and ... ... the cella, which he did not build as their lordly living quarters, ... —

I, Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... the temple of the gods Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya ... in the citadel of the city of Nineveh as residence of .... 15 In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundations upon that terrace with limestone, strong stone from the mountains, .... I built and completed that temple in its entirety. .... I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams ... and I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. 20 I ... whatever utensils were needed for the temple, whether silver or gold .... When I had completed that temple and brought its construction to an end ... the gods Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, the great gods, ... monthly, without ceasing.

Thereupon, may the gods Sîn and Shamash, the great lords, ... ... me — Esarhaddon, the king, favorite ...; in their appearance at the height of heaven and in the month Nisannu I, ... good omens concerning the lengthening of my days ... ...; and by their immutable command discuss with one another my reaching extreme old age, the abundance of my offspring, the increase of my progeny, .... 30 May they kill my enemies, flatten my enemies, cut down my foes, and allow me to stand over my enemies in victory and triumph so that I may rule and govern wherever my heart wishes.

In future days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Sîn and Shamash select and name to rule the land and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of these shrines when they become old and dilapidated, read an inscription written in my name, and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. Then may the gods Sîn and Shamash order good things for him monthly, without ceasing.

Month ....

Q003242: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)asz-szur-e-tel-_dingir-mesz_]-_gin#_-_ibila dumu lugal gal_-u sza É ri-du#-u-ti [... gu]-um#-mu-ru szu-tu-ru a-na t,e-e-mi [...] x-ni szA gi-mir um-ma-nu-te lit-mu-du ka-ras-su# [(...) _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu_] _man kur_ asz#-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_man_-_gin man szu man kur_ asz#-[szur-_ki_]

[...] qé#-reb _uru_-ba-a-s,i(?)# [...]

[... u]-qat-tu-u ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szA# [...] ina# qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma [_udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti eb-bu-u-ti ma-har-szu]-un# aq-qi-ma u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a

[_dingir-mesz_ szA-tu-nu ina ku-un-ni lib-bi]-szu#-nu ke-nisz ik-tar-ra-bu-ni [...] x-te x x (written over erasure) qé-reb É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu [... da-risz lisz-tab]-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA


AI Translation

Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, ..., the one who constantly seeks out the truth, ..., who knows how to gather all of the craftsmen, ..., son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria:

... inside the city Bashu .

I opened ... and began its work. ... I entered inside it, made splendid offerings before them, and presented them with my gifts.

These gods, with their firm 'yes', swore ... in that small palace ... forever, and they will not leave it.


Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, ... ... is complete, surpassing in intelligence, ... whose mind has learned ... of all of the experts, ...; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria —

... in the city Bashi Bazu ...

... when I brought its construction to an end, ... I invited ... into it, and I offered sumptuous pure offerings before them and I presented them with my gifts.

Those gods, in their steadfast hearts, truly blessed me. ... ... in that small palace. May ... last forever and ever. May they never leave it the palace.


Q003243: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-te x [...] [... szu-bat]-su# s,u-uh-hu-rat-ma la x [...] [...] x bi-ib-lat lib-bi-ia [...] [... É]-_gal#-tur-ra_ a-na mu-szab ru-bu#-[ti-ia ...] [... ul-tu] usz#-sze-szA a-di gaba-dib#-[bi-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ...] [...] x _kur_ i-tur# ni-il#-[...] [...] x-ku _ud-mesz_ ma-[...] [...] _ri_ szA# x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... its site was too small and not ... ... my heart's desire ... I built a small palace as my royal residence ... I built and completed it from top to bottom ... ... the land grew ... days ...


... ... ... its site had become too small and not ... ... ... my wish ... a small palace for my princely residence ... 5′ ... I built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets ... ... he returned ... ... ... days ... ... ... ...

Q003244: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-'a-a# [...] [...] szit-ku-nu [...] [... na(?)]-gab _erim_-a ma(?)#-[...] [...]-lu _erim kur_ al-si-ma _munus_-x [...] [...] e-te-né-ep-pu-szu si-[...] [... (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal_] _kur#_-ku-u-si a-di gi-mir _erim#_-[szu ...] [... _munus_-É-_gal_]-_mesz_-szu _munus#-erim_-É-_gal-mesz_-szu _dumu-mesz_-szu# [...] [... mim-ma] szum#-szu szA ni#-ba la i-szu-u szal-[la-tisz am-nu ...] [...] _arad#-mesz_-ia ap-qid-ma ma-lak x [...] [...] x x x-ia(?) _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... all of my troops ... I ... the troops of the land and ... ... I constantly ... Taharqa, the king of Kush, together with his entire army ... his queens, his palace women, his sons ... I received every kind of valuable thing from him, which was without number. ... I appointed my servants and marched ... ... my ... Assyria .


... ... ... situated ... all of my army ... ... ... army of the enemy, I called and ... ... 5′ which I constantly did ... ... Taharqa, king of Kush, together with his entire army ... I counted his wives, his concubines, his sons, ... everything else, which was without number, as booty ... I assigned ... to my servants. A march of ... my ... ... Assyria ...

Q003245: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)(d)]asz-szur-_pap_-_asz#_ [...] [... ni]-bit# (d)a-szur _en#_-[ia ...] [... (d)]_alad# sig5_ sza ina lib-bi# [...] [...] _kur#_-mu-us,-ri u _kur_-mi-luh#-[ha ...] [...] x É-_gal_ sza (disz)(d)30#-[_pap-mesz_-_su_ ...] [... (disz)]_man_-_gin lugal_ kib#-[rat _limmu_-ti ...]

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon ..., chosen of the god Ashur, my lord, ... a good protective spirit which is within ... Egypt and Meluhha ... the palace of Sennacherib ... Sargon II, king of the four quarters, .


... Esarhaddon ... chosen by the god Ashur, my lord, ... a good shedu, which is in ... Egypt and Meluhha ... palace of Sennacherib, ... Sargon II, king of the four quarters, ...

Q003246: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_lugal_ kisz#-[szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba# _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

É# (d)_inanna_ sza _nina-ki gaszan_-szu# ba#-nu-u É (d)asz-szur _du_-isz é-sag-gil# _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na _ti zi-mesz_-szu _gid#-da ud-mesz_-szu szA-lam _numun-mesz_-szu sa-kap _kur-mesz_-szu an-hu-tu ana ma-aq-tu iq-bu x-_bar_ u#-[...]

AI Translation

son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria;

The temple of the goddess Ishtar of Nineveh, his lady, the one who fashioned the temple of the god Ashur, built Esagil and Babylon for his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his seed, and the defeat of his enemies. He commanded ... ... .


king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

As for the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Nineveh, his lady, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur and rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, for the preservation of his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his offspring, and the overthrow of his enemies, he Esarhaddon ordered the dilapidated temple torn down ... ... ...

Q003247: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] ip(?)-tu(?)#-[u ...] [... tu-ut]-tu#-szu-ma ta-Asz#-[szu-szu a-na _lugal_-ti ...] [... _lugal_ kib-rat] _limmu#_-tim mi-[gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ...] [...] musz-te-e'-u Asz#-[rat _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti ...] [...]-zi# (d)é-a _lugal zu_-[_ab_ ...] [... esz]-re-e#-ti mu-[...] [(...) sza _dingir-mesz kur-kur_ szal-lu-u-ti a-na Asz-ri-szu-nu u]-ter#-ru-ma u-szar-ma-[a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti ...] [... _sa-dug4_ gi]-nu#-u u-kin-nu# [qé-reb-szin ...] [...] x-szu-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...]

AI Translation

... opened ... ... and you gave him to be king ... king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods ..., who constantly seeks out the shrines of their great divinity ... ... the god Ea, king of the four quarters of the world, ... shrines ... I restored the ... of the plundering gods of the lands and made them dwell on their eternal daises ... I imposed upon them regular offerings and ginû offerings ... their ... the great gods .


... opened ...; whom she selected and raised for kingship; ... king of the four quarters, favorite of the great gods, ...; the one who is assiduous towards the shrines of their great divinity; ... 5′ ... ... the god Ea, king of the apsû, ... shrines; who ...; who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their places and seated them on their eternal daises; ...; who reconfirmed sattukku- and ginû-offerings in them; ... their ... the great gods ... 10′ ... made them enter and sit ...; who ... all of the people under my protection, as many as there are; ... without ceasing; who observes the days of the god and the esheshu-festival ...

Q003248: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _sag_ [...]

[... (d)]_masz_(?)# (d)_iszkur_ (d)#[...] [... _dingir_]-_mesz# kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ka#-[li-szu-nu ...] [... u-szam]-hi-ra kad-ra-a#-[a ...] [... qé-re]-e#-ti (ina) qé-reb-szA u#-[...] [...]-nu#-ti-ma u#-[...] [... i]-gu#-la-a# [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... the gods Ninurta, Adad, ..., ... all of the gods of Assyria, ... I made my offerings plentiful ... inside it I ... ... and ... I ...


... ... ...

... the gods Ninurta, Adad, ... the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it. I made sumptuous pure offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. ... I seated all of the officials and people of my country in it at festive tables, ceremonial meals, and banquets ... ... ... I had my servants drench their the guests' heads with fine oil and perfumed oil. ... ... ...

Q003249: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal man-mesz kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-pa-tu-ri-si _kur_-ku-u-si A (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Egypt, Patrusu, Kush, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003250: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003251: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003252: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz#_ te-né-e É _usz_-ti qé-reb(?) sza(?)# _uru_ szA _nina-ki gibil du_-usz#

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, built anew the temple and the sanctuaries in the Inner City of Nineveh.


I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, built anew an annex onto the House of Succession in the midst of the city of Nineveh.

Q003253: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u ak-ka-de-e A (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz_

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003254: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_ (d)asz-szur-_ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki man kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia.


The palace of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia.

Q003255: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)]_asz#_-_pap_-_asz_ [...] [... _kur_]-ti# _kur_-ku#-[si (...)]

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon ... the land of Kush .


... Esarhaddon ... booty from Kush ....

Q003256: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz_ ...] _man# szu man kur an-szar-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-[_pap-mesz_-_su_ ...]

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, .


The palace of Esarhaddon, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, ....

Q003257: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-(nu) _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki man kur_] _eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki man kur_-kAr-(d)dun#-[ia-asz ...]

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia .


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia, ....

Q003258: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)[asz]-szur#-_pap_-_asz man gal_(*) _man_ dan-nu [...]

AI Translation

The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria:


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, ....

Q003259: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x x [...] [... a-na] _nina#-ki_ il-lak-u#-[ma ...] [lu-bul-ti _gun gada_] u#-lab-ba-szu-usz _har ku-gi_ u#-[rak-ka-su rit-ti-szu] [...]-szu u8-a ul iq-bi-ma ul is,-ru-uh# [si-pit-tu(?)]

[a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-szu it]-ta#-kil-ma um-man-szu _karasz_-su id#-[ke-e-ma] [a-na (disz)(d)nin-gal-_sum-na arad_ da]-gil# pa-ni-ia ni-i-tu il-me-szu-ma is,-ba-ta [mu-s,a-a-szu] [ad-ke-e-ma _erim-hi_]-_a#_-ia usz-te-szir-ma a-na _kur_ tam-tim as,-s,a-bat _kaskal#_-[_ii_] [(disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa dumu_ (disz)(d)]_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_ ba-ra-nu-u na-bal-kat-ta-nu [a-lak _erim-hi-a_-ia] isz(?)#-me(?)-ma a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sze-la-bisz in-na-bit

[(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA sza ina 12] _kaskal#-gid_ qaq-qa-ru qé-reb a-gam-me _gi-ambar-mesz_ szit-ku-nu szub-tu# [pu-ul-hi me-lam-me _en_-ti]-ia is#-hu-pu-szu-ma hat-tu ra-ma-ni-szu in-qut-su#-[ma] [Asz-szu e-pesz] _arad#_-ti a-di mah-ri-ia il-lik-am-ma u-na-szaq _gir-ii#_-[ia]

[_uru_-ar-za-a] sza(?) (disz)#a-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu is-lu-u ni-ri-[ia] [ina bi-re-ti ad-di-szu]-nu-ti-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u#-[ra-a]

[(disz)te-usz-pa _kur_-gi-mir-a-a ina] _kur#_-hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi-mir _erim#_-[_hi-a_-szu] [u-ra-as-si-ib ina _gisz-tukul_ man-da]-tu# ka-bit-tu [e-mid-su]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... went to Nineveh and ... I clad him in red wool and adorned him with a red ring. I tied a gold bracelet around his wrist. ... his ... he did not say 'I want to eat ewes' and he did not show any mercy.

He trusted in his own strength and his army fought with him. He approached Ningal-iddin, a servant who belonged to me, with a bribe and took his hands. I mustered my troops and took the road to the Sealand. Nabû-zeru-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the foremost of the troops, heard about the advance of my troops and fled to the land Elam.

As for Bel-iqisha, who had fled inside the swamps and reed beds for twelve leagues in the midst of the sea, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and fear fell upon him. He came before me to do obeisance to me and kissed my feet.

As for the city Arzâ, which Asuhili, its king, had taken away, I gave them to me through bribes and brought them to Assyria.

I struck with the sword Teushpa, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the land Hubushnu.


... ... ... when they were coming to Nineveh ... when they were clothing him in linen and garments with multicolored trim, putting gold rings on his hands and ... his ..., then he no longer said 'woe!' and no longer uttered cries of mourning.

He Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir trusted in his own strength and mustered his army and camp, besieged Ningal-iddin, a servant who was loyal to me, and cut off his escape route. I mustered my army and took the direct route to the Sealand. Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the rebel, the traitor, heard of the approach of my army and fled like a fox to the land Elam. 10′ Because he failed to keep the oath of the god Ashur, his lord, they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk saw what they had done to his brother in Elam and he came to Assyria, before me, and kissed my feet. I made the domain of his brother subject to him and imposed my lordly tribute on him.

As for Bel-iqisha, whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in the midst of swamps and canebrakes, the awe-inspiring terror of my lordship overwhelmed him and unprovoked fear fell upon him. He came before me to serve me and now he kisses my feet.

The people of the city Arzâ, whose king Asuhili threw off my yoke, I threw them into fetters and brought them to Assyria.

I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu, and I imposed upon him a heavy tribute.



[...] x x x [...] [... (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal uru_-s,ur]-ri a-szib# [_murub4_ tam-tim ...] [... it-tak]-lu#-ma is-lu-u ni#-[ri-ia ...] [...] _an#-szar man dingir#-mesz_ u nam-ri-ri _en_-ti-ia# [x x] [...] x ka#-mis-ma u-s,al-la-a _en#_-[u-ti] [... man-da]-tu# ka-bit-ti _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu it-ti nu-dun#-[né-e] [... na-dan szat]-ti#-szu ma-la u-szab-t,i-lu [...] u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia [...] _uru#-mesz_-szu szu-ut na-ba-li e-kim#-szu-ma [... Asz]-kun#-ma ana mi-s,ir _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki gur_

AI Translation

... ... ... Ba'alu, the king of the city Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea ... trusted in his own strength and strove to please my yoke ... the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the awe-inspiring brilliance of my lordship ... ... and made me bow down at my lordly majesty ... he imposed upon me a substantial payment for the protection of his daughters, together with a dowry ... he imposed upon me a payment of his lifetime, as much as he had deprived ... he kissed my feet ... he seized his cities in the district of the sea and ... I set them up and returned them to Assyria.


... ... ... Ba'alu, king of Tyre, who dwells in the midst of the sea, ... who trusted in ... and who threw off my yoke, ... the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the splendor of my lordship rev. 5′ ... kneeling and beseeched my lordship ... ... heavy tribute, his daughters with their dowries, ... all of his annual giving which he had stopped, ... and he kissed my feet. ... I took away from him cities of his that were on on dry land ... I established and I returned to Assyrian territory ... I assigned to Badi-... ...

Q003260: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] _bala_-u# [...]

[(disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa_ ba-ra]-nu#-u na-bal#-[kat-ta-nu a-lak _erim-hi-a_-ia isz-me-e-ma] [a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sze-la-bisz in-na]-bit Asz-szu ma-mit# _dingir-mesz gal_(?)-_mesz_(?)# [sza e-ti-qu (d)asz-szur] [(d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_] an-na# kab-tu# e-mi-da-[szu-ma qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ i-na-ru-usz ina _gisz-tukul_] [(disz)na-'i-id-(d)_amar-utu szesz_-szu ep-szet] _hul_-tim# szA a-na _szesz_-szu qé-reb# [_kur_-e-lam-ti e-tep-pu-szu]

[(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _dumu_ (disz)bu]-na#-ni _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a szA a-na 12 _kaskal-gid_ qé-reb a-gam-me _gi#_-[_ambar-mesz_ szit-ku-nu szub-tu] [pu-luh-ti (d)asz-szur] _lugal# dingir-mesz u#_ me-lam-me _en_-u-ti-ia is-hup#-[szu-ma hat-tu ra-ma-ni-szu im-qut-su-ma] [bil-tu u man-da-at-tu _en_-u-ti]-ia# szat-ti-szam la na#-par-ka-a i-na x [... a-di _igi_-ia ub-lam-ma] [re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u-szar-hi]-is-su#-ma _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru#_ [dan-nu-ti-szu dan-na-as-su u-dan-nin-ma]

[e-dil-szu _uru_-ar]-za-a# szA pa-a#-[t,i] na#-hal _kur#_-mu-s,ur ak-szu#-ud-ma# [(disz)a-su-hi-li] [_lugal_-szu a]-di# [ma]-li#-ki-szu bi-re#-[tu ad-di-ma ...]

AI Translation

... a reign ...

Nabû-zera-kitti-lishir, the fugitive, heard about the advance of my troops and fled to the land Elam. He became frightened by the oath sworn by the great gods, which he had transgressed. The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû imposed a heavy punishment upon him as he feared the evil deeds that they had done against his brother in the land Elam.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian who had sinned against the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the brilliance of my lordship for twelve leagues in the depths of the sea, fear of the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the brilliance of my lordship overwhelmed him and he became frightened of my own kindness. I brought before me ... tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship, a total of sixty times the normal amount, and I had mercy on him. I strengthened Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, and I strengthened its walls.

I conquered the city Arzâ, which is on the border of the district of Egypt, and I brought out Asuhili, its king, together with his allies, and .


... the reign ....

Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, the rebel, the traitor, heard of the approach of my army and fled like a fox to the land Elam. Because of the oath of the great gods which he had transgressed, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû imposed a grievous punishment on him and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. 5′ Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the evil deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam, he fled from the land Elam to save his life, and came to Assyria, before me. I had pity on Na'id-Marduk and Ummanigash Huban-nikash, his brother, and I made the Sealand subject to him Na'id-Marduk. I imposed upon him the tribute and payment of my lordship yearly, without ceasing.

As for Bel-iqisha, son of Bunnannu, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in swamps and canebrakes, 10′ fear of the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the awesomeness of my lordship overwhelmed him, and unprovoked fear fell upon him. He brought tribute and payment of my lordship, yearly, without ceasing, before me, in ... I had pity on him and encouraged him. I strengthened Sha-pi-Bel, the city which is his strong fortress, and I put him together with his archers therein as a garrison and thus locked it the fortress up like a door against the land Elam.

I conquered the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Brook of Egypt, and threw Asuhili, its king, together with his counselors, into fetters and brought him to Assyria, ... heavy .... I bound him like a pig near the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh and seated him therein.



[szA _nina_]-_ki gim# szah_ ar-ku-us-szu ina _sza#_ [u-sze-szib-szu (disz)ha-za-_dingir_] [me-lam-me _en_-ti]-ia# is-hup-szu-ma it-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti# [_na4-mesz_ ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-tu] [a-na _nina-ki_] a#-di _igi_-ia ub-lam-ma u-na-sziq _gir-ii_-ia 65 _ansze#_-[_gam-mal-mesz 10 ansze-nita-mesz_] [_ugu_ ma-da]-at#-ti _ad_-ia u-rad-di-ma e-mi-su _egir_ (disz)ha-za-_dingir#_ [szim-tu u-bil-szu-ma (disz)ia-'u-ta-a]

[_lugal_-u-ti _lu_]-a#-ru-bu _du_-szu _ugu_ (disz)ia-'u-ta-a usz-bal-kit-ma a-[na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_sum-na_] [szA kit-tu i-ram-mu-ma] s,a#-lip-tu ik-kib-szu _erim-mesz gisz-pan ansze-kur-ra-mesz#_ e-mu-qi a-na# [na-ra-ru-tu] [(disz)ia-'u-ta-a Asz-pur u]-ni-ih-ma u-szak-me-sa szA-pal-szu (disz)u-a-bu a-di ma-li# [_lu-erim-mesz_ szA is-si-szu] [bi-re-tu ad-di-ma u]-ra#-a ina le-et 2-30 _ka-gal murub4 uru#_ szA _uru_-ni-na-a# [ar-ku-us-szu-nu-ti]

[...]-ar#-za-a pa(?)#-ri-ku# [...] [...] (disz)#ab-di-mil-ku-u-te _lugal#_ [_uru_]-s,i-du#-[un-ni ...] [(disz)sa-an-du-ar]-ri# _lugal kur_-kun-di _kur_-si#-[is-su-u ...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

He Zaza-il, fear of my lordly brilliance, iii 5' overwhelmed him and he brought to Nineveh, before me, with gold, silver, precious stones, and his substantial audience gift, and kissed my feet. I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the tribute of my father and then brought him back. I brought him the money he had received from Zaza-il and I brought him to Nineveh.

I, Esarhaddon, who loves truth and entrusted me with the task of defeating Ya'uta, sent archers, horses, and army to fight with Ya'uta and I made him take the road. I gave Uabu, together with all the men who were with him, a substantial booty and I confined them in the environs of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

... Arzâ, the satrap of ... Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, ... Sanduri, king of the land Kundu, the land Sissû, ... ... .


The awesomeness of my lordship overwhelmed Hazael, and he brought with him gold, silver, and precious stones, his heavy audience gift, to Nineveh, before me, and kissed my feet. I added sixty-five camels and ten donkeys to the tribute which was paid to my father and rev. 5 imposed it on him. Later, Hazael died and I placed Ia'utâ Iata', his son, on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one thousand choice stones, fifty camels, and one hundred bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed it on him. Uabu, the king of ..., to exercise kingship, incited all of the Arabs to rebel against Ia'utâ Iata'.

I, Esarhaddon, who loves loyalty and abhors treachery, sent archers, cavalry, and forces to the aid of Ia'utâ Iata'. I subdued and subjected Uabu for him. I threw Uabu, together with all of the soldiers who were with him, into fetters and brought them here and bound them to the left side of the citadel gate of the city of Nineveh.

... ... ... Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon ... Sanda-uarri, king of the lands Kundu and Sissû ... ... ...

Q003261: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] 4 _me_ x [x] x [(x)] szA# _kur_-i [...] x x x x x [...] x _gal_-ia (d)_utu_-szi# [...] (x) x x x x x [...]-szu#-nu x x _ru_ x [...] x a-mat-su# [x (x)] [...] x-ri szA [x (x) x]

AI Translation

... 400 ... of the mountain ... ... ... of my great ..., the sun ... ... their ... ... his word ...


No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


a-na _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_] sze-la-bisz in#-[na-bit] Asz#-[szu] ma-mit# _dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz_] _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ an#-[nu kab-tu] i-mi-du-[szu-ma] qé-reb _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_] i-na-ru-szu i#-[na _gisz-tukul_] (disz)I-(d)mar#-duk _szesz#_-[szu] [ep-szet] _kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_]

AI Translation

As for the oath sworn by the great gods, the gods Ashur and Shamash imposed a heavy punishment upon him and they killed him in the land Elam with the sword. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, the one who had perpetrated sedition against the land Elam, fled alone to the midst of the sea.


He Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir fled like a fox to the land Elam. Because of the oath of the great gods which he had transgressed, the gods Ashur and Shamash imposed a grievous punishment on him and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Na'id-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam.

Q003262: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[... la] na#-s,ir zik-ri _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia [...] x hab-ba-tu szar-ra-qu lu szA hi-t,u ih-t,u-u da-mi it-bu-ku [... _lu_]-_sag_(?)# _lu-nam_ ak-li szA-pi-ru re-du-u a-na _kur_-szub-ri-a ih-li-qu [...] an#-nu-u ki-i-am Asz-pur-szu-ma _lu-mesz_ an-nu-ti _lu-nimgir_ ina _kur_-ka szul-si-ma [...]-ti(?)# pu-uh-hi-ra-szu-nu-ti-ma et,-lu e-du la tu-masz-szar-ma [...] _igi_ (d)pirig-gal _gaszan gal_-ti É-_kur_ szu-us,-bit-su-nu-ti [...]-ti szi-pir-tu szA bul-lu-t,u _zi_-ti-szu-nu

[...] _ku_(?)# dam-qu szA ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu in-szi-[ma] [...] x-_mesz kur an-szar-ki arad-mesz_-ia pa-nu-usz-szu e-[...] [...] x _usz_ a-di u-ri-ni ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_ szA# [...] [...] u mim(?)-mu-u i-pu-lu-usz u-szA-an-na#-[a ...] [...] x i-s,a-ri-ih# [ka-bat-ti (...)] [...]-u-ti i-_bal#_ [...] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... who does not respect the word of the god Ashur, king of the gods, the one who does not revere my lordship, ... ..., a fugitive, a king who has committed crimes and sinned against my lordly majesty, ..., a eunuch, a governor, a fugitive, a recalcitrant, who fled to Shubria, ... ... when I sent him these men, the herald, in your land, and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a message of the preservation of their lives .

... ... good ... who preserves his life ... the ...s of Assyria, my servants, before him ... ... ... ... until weeping by the hand of a messenger who ... ... and did everything he did, he made me ... ... he was frightened, his mood ... he sinned ...


... who did not keep the oath of the god Ashur, king of the gods, who did not fear my lordship, ... ..., robbers, thieves, or those who had sinned, those who had shed blood, ... officials, governors, overseers, leaders, and soldiers who fled to the land Shubria ... thus I wrote to him, saying: "Have a herald summon these people in your land and ii 5 ... gather them and do not release a single man; ... have them brought before the goddess Piriggal, the great lady, in the temple; ... ... a message concerning the preservation of their lives ... ... let them take the road to Assyria with my messenger."

... he forgot the good ... that saved his life ...s of Assyria, my servants, before him ... ... ... together with a standard in the hands of the messenger of .... He repeated to me whatever they answered him. ... my mood became angry ... ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column i


szu-u na-Asz-par-ti _lugal_-ti-ia szA ki-ma nab-li i-qam-mu-u a-a-bi isz-me-ma qa-bal-szu im-qut-su-ma lib-ba-szu s,a-bit-ma i-tar-ru-ra isz-da-a-szu lu-bul-ti _man_-ti-szu isz-hu-ut,-ma ba-szA-mu s,u-bat _en_ ar-ni e-di-qa zu-mur-szu zi-mu-szu u-lam-mi-in-ma re-e-szisz e-me-ma it-ti _arad-mesz_-szu im-nu-u ra-man-usz ina te-me-qi s,u-ul-le-e la-ban ap-pi ka-mi-is e-li _bad uru_-szu u8-a a-a s,ar-pisz i-bak-ki-ma pe-ta-a up-na-a-szu u-s,al-la-a be-lu-ti

ki-a-am isz-pur-am-ma um-ma _lugal_ szA an-zil-li la kit-tu ha-ba-lu szA-ga-szu ik-kib#-[szu] re-'u-u tak-lu mu-szal-lim _karasz_-szu e-mu-qi _erim-hi-a_-szu szA ti-bu-szu la im-da-[ha-ru] mu-ud-du-u qab-li szA-Asz-me ta-ha-zi le-'u-u ep-szet ka-[la-ma] sza (d)asz-szur _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ni-ma _ugu lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu u-szA-ti-[ru] um-ma _kur_-szub-ri-a _kur_ ih-t,u-ka ana si-hi-ir-ti-szA lid-gu-la pa-nu-ka _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ka _ugu_-szu-nu szu-kun-ma li-szu-t,u ab-szA-an-ka

Asz-szu 1-en hal-qu mun-nab-tu _dumu kur_ asz-szur 1 _me_-a-a ri-bi-szu lu-ri-ib a-na nap-szA-a-ti musz-szir-an-ni-ma ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ lu-szA-pa-a lad-lu-la qur-di-ka szA a-na (d)asz-szur _man dingir-mesz_ e-gu-u a-mat (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu en_-szu la i-szem-mu-u hal-qu mun-nab-tu szA _kur_ asz-szur a-na _en_-szu la u-ta-ru ina _szu-ii_-ia le-e-mur um-ma ru-bé-e ma-li-ki-ia sur-ra-a-ti la szal-ma-a-ti id-bu-bu it-ti-ia hi-it,-t,u dan-nu a-na (d)asz-szur ah-t,i-ma a-mat _lugal en_-ia ul Asz-me

ana-ku (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man_ dan-nu szA qi-bit-su la _bal_-u la usz-tam-sa-ku a-mat ru-bu-ti-szu [szA ma]-har _gisz-tukul-mesz_ pe-tu-ti U ti-ib _me_ dan-ni a-na _egir_-szu la i-tu-ru szA ma-ti-ma ina _lugal-mesz_ kul-lat na-ki-ri la is-hu-ru la isz-nu-u qa-bal-szu mam-ma-an [la] iz-zi-zu mah-ru-usz-szu a-a-um-ma mal-ku ga-ab-ra-szu a-szar ta-ha-zi

[ki]-a-am aq-bi-szu-ma um-ma im-ma-te-ma-a tal-te-me a-mat _lugal_ dan-ni a-di 2-szu U a-na-ku _lugal_ dan-dan-nu a-di 3-szu Asz-pur-kam-ma la tasz-ma-a zi-kir szap-ti-ia [ana] pi-i-gi na-pisz-ti-ia la tap-lah-u-ma a-na szi-pir-ti-ia la ta-da-a le-et-ka _murub4_ u _me_ tu-szA-ra-an-ni-ma _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ ez-zu-ti ta-ad-ka-a ina szub-ti-szu-un

s,u-ul-le-e-szu ul Asz-me un-ni-ni-szu ul al-qé ul am-hu-ra su-up-pi-szu szab-su ki-szA-di ul u-ter-rasz-szum-ma ul ip-szah-szu ez-ze-tu ka-bat-ti ag-gu lib-bi ul i-nu-uh-ma re-e-mu ul ar-szi-szu-ma ul aq-bi-szu a-hu-lap

_u uru_-up-pu-me _uru man_-ti-szu szA s,e-er _kur_-i dan-ni _gim dungu_ szit-ku-na-at [szu-bat-su] a-ram-mu ina szi-pik ep-ri _gisz-mesz_ u _na4-mesz_ mar-s,i-isz pa-Asz-qi-isz [...] e-li# _bad uru_-szu a-na ik-ki-bé-e-szu Asz-kun [...]

AI Translation

He heard about the advance of my royal majesty, which he had done in the manner of a raging battle, heard about the defeat of his foes, his heart pounded, and his limbs sank. He sinned against the utmost of his royal majesty, and he sinned against the yoke of the lord of lords. He smashed his skull, his face he smashed, and he became frightened. He was frightened of his servants, and he was afraid of his own life. With the snare, the

As soon as he wrote, saying: "The king who is a liar without truth, a slanderer, a slanderer, a mighty warrior, who makes his camp safe, the strength of his army, whose attack cannot be stopped, the one who constantly seeks out battle, the wise one, the one whose deeds the god Ashur strengthened and whose weapons he made greater than those of the kings, his ancestors, saying: "Let the land Shubria, the land, rebelled against you, and let your eunuch rule over them and let them be saved."

As for one dead man, a man of Assyria, let me bring one hundred of his own blood to live, and let me proclaim the praise of the god Ashur and sing your praises. Whoever does not listen to the word of Esarhaddon, king of the gods, or the word of Esarhaddon, king of the world, his lord, or the dead man of Assyria, let me see it in my hands, saying: "The prince who engendered me has spoken a bitter curse against me, and I have not heard the word of the king, my lord."

I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, whose command cannot be changed and whose command cannot be changed, who has never returned the words of his royal majesty to its place before the merciless weapons and the mighty battle array, who has never returned the vengeance that had ever been received and received by all of the kings of the enemy, no one has ever bowed down at his feet, no one has ever stood before him, no ruler has ever bowed down at his feet in the place of battle.

I said to him as follows: "I have heard that the word of a mighty king has been heard twice and I am a mighty king. I have written to you three times, but you have not heard the mention of my lips. Do not fear my life, do not be afraid of my writing, and do not be afraid of my warfare. You have made me endure a battle and battle, and you have put the fierce weapons of the god Ashur in their hands.

He did not listen to his prayers, did not accept his supplications, did not accept his supplications, did not return him to his position, did not frighten him with his angry heart, did not heed his prayers, did not speak kindly to him, and did not tell him to flee.

Moreover, the city Uppumu, his royal city, whose location is situated like a cloud on the other side of a mighty mountain, I had its site built anew with bitumen, wood, and stone. ... I built anew the wall of his city to its yoke. .


He heard my royal message, which burns my enemy like a flame, and he doubled over at the hips; his heart stopped and his knees trembled. He tore off his royal garment and clothed his body with sackcloth, the garment of a sinner. His appearance became miserable and he became like a slave and counted himself among his servants. With entreaty, prayer, expressions of humility, kneeling against the wall of his city, he was bitterly crying 'woe,' beseeching my lordship with open hands, and saying 'Ahulap!' again and again to the heroic Ashur, my lord, and the praise of my heroism.

Thus he wrote to me, saying: "O, king, to whom abomination, untruth, plundering, and murdering are taboo; trustworthy shepherd, who keeps safe his camp, the strength of his army, whose attack can not be withstood, knowledgeable in battle, war, and combat, capable in all deeds, for whom the god Ashur made mighty his weapons and whom he made greater than the kings, his ancestors — let the land Shubria, the land that sinned against you, serve you in its entirety. Place your official over them and let them pull your yoke! Lay tribute and payment upon them, yearly, without ceasing! I am a thief and for the sin I have committed I will restore the losses fifty-fold.

"For each runaway Assyrian fugitive, let me replace him one hundred-fold. Let me live so that I may proclaim the fame of the god Ashur and praise your heroism. May the one who is neglectful of the god Ashur, king of the gods, the one who does not listen to the word of Esarhaddon, king of the world, his lord, and the one who does not return runaway Assyrian fugitives to his owner, learn from my example. i 20 I said thus: 'The nobles, my advisors, spoke unwholesome lies to me. Consequently I committed a great sin against the god Ashur and thus I did not listen to the word of the king, my lord, did not return to you the citizens of Assyria, your servants, nor did I do myself any good. Now the oath of the great gods, which I transgressed, and the word of your kingship, which I despised, have caught up with me. May the anger of your heart be appeased. Have mercy on me and remove my punishment!'"

I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, whose word is immutable, whose princely command cannot be annulled, who does not turn back from unsheathed weapons and the onslaught of fierce battle, whose battle none of the kings among all of his enemies ever sought a second time and before whom no ruler, his opponent, ever stood in the place of battle,

thus I said to him, saying: "Did you ever hear a mighty king give his order twice? But I am an almighty king and I have written to you three times and you have not listened to the words of my lips! You had no fear of deceiving me and you paid no attention to my messages. You began war and battle against me and by so doing you called up the fierce weapons of the god Ashur from their sheaths."

I did not listen to his prayer, did not accept his plea, did not admit his entreaty, and did not turn back my anger from him. My fury did not relent towards him; my angry heart was not appeased. I had no pity for him and did not say 'Ahulap!' to him.

Moreover, against the city Uppume, his royal city, which is situated like a cloud atop a mighty mountain, I had soldiers construct, laboriously and with great difficulty, a ramp by piling up dirt, wood, and stones. I made it taboo for him to stand atop the wall of his city. ...

Obverse Column ii


a-di a-na-ku ina qé-reb na-ge-e szu-a-tu at-ta-al-la-ku szal-t,a-nisz a-ram-mu szA _ugu uru_-up-pu-me _uru man_-ti-szu u-szak-bi-su ina _iti-kin ud-21-kam u4-hul-gal-e_ u4-mu lem-nu i-lit-ti a-sak-ki ina qul-ti mu-szi a-ram-mu [szu]-a-tu nap-t,u is-luh-u-ma id-du-u _izi_ ina qi-bit (d)_amar-utu man dingir-mesz_ i-zi-qam-ma _im-si-sa_ ma-nit _en dingir-mesz_ t,a-a-bu _eme_ (d)_gisz-bar_ mun-na-ah-zi a-na _uru_-up-pu-me u-sa-hir-ma a-ram-mu ul is,-[bat ...] _bad_-szu iq-mu-ma u-sze-me di-tal-lisz

ki [...] a-ram-mu szA _ugu_-szu u-szak-bi-su e-mur-ma szA mi-lik# [la ku-_uzu_(?)] im#-li-ku-ma u-hal-li-qu nap-szat-su a-na a-[...]-szu i-tu-ru-ma u-szah-ri-bu da-ad-me-szu U [...] x-ma u-par-ri-ru ka-s,ir-tu el-lat-su s,a-lam [... u]-sze-pisz-ma u-hal-li-pa ba-szA-a-mu bi-re-[ti ...] id-di-szu-ma si-mat _arad_-u-ti e-ru-u [...]-szu u-szA-as,-bit-ma szA e-pesz _har_-x-x-x tam-szil ma-szak [...] ma-szak _ku-gi husz-a_ isz-hu-ut-ma ina _szu-ii_ (disz)sze-er-x [...] x-gi-te-szu-up _dumu-mesz_-szu isz-kun-ma

ki-a-am iq-bu-nim-[ma um-ma ...] x hi-bil-ti la a-ma-ta ana _gaba_ a-sak-ki szu-uk-[na] a-na da-li-li-[ka ...] lu-tal-lak e-da-[nu-a] ia-a-ti li-[...] x kul-lat na-ki-ri mul-tar-[hi] la kan-szu-ti x [...] la pa-li-hu-ti lip-la-hu be-lut-ka

ki-a-am Asz-pur-szu [um-ma ...] an-nu-ti lu ina mah-ri-ma _udu-siskur_ ina kit x x# ki-i lil-[li ...]-a _egir udu-siskur-mesz_-ka ta-ra-muk _a-mesz ki ta#_ [...]-szu ar-ki za-na-an _an_-e ta-szA-kan na-an-s,a-bu um-ma [...] qa-bi a-mat (d)a-nu-ti a-di 2-szu _ud-mesz_-[ka im-lu-u ...]-ka ik-szu-dam-ma uk-ki-ba a-dan-ka x [...] lib-szA-a ina pi-i _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ [...] x it-ta-s,a-a sa-pa-ah _kur_-ka [...]-ak-ka-ru iq-qa-bi szA-lal _un-mesz_-ka [...]-e kun-nat-ma a-szar-szA ul en-ni [...] mu-ni-ih lib-bi (d)[x]

AI Translation

In the month Ululu VI, on the twenty-first day, a destructive storm, a destructive storm, a destructive storm, I attacked. In the course of a single day, that storm smashed the food and blew away the fire. By the command of the god Marduk, king of the gods, he smashed the north wind, the favorite of the lord of the gods, the sacrificial fire, to the city Uppume and the storm did not take away the wild bull. ... he seized his wall and he made it rise.

As soon as he said: "..., I have no debts, I have set my hands on the breast of the throne." Let me go to sing your praises ..., let me ..., let me ... all the enemies, the insubmissive, ..., let me be sated with your lordship.

I wrote to him as follows: "May these ... be present in the presence of ... and perform a sheep offering in ... like ... ... after your sheep offerings you will enjoy the water from ... ... you will be able to provide for the heavens. You will be able to take care of the ... of the command of the Anu gods for two days. ... you will reach your goal and establish your term ... ... my heart ... by the command of the gods of heaven and netherworld ... he will be able to ... your land. He will be able to ... your people. ... he will be able to keep its place safe ... who loves the heart of the god .


While I was marching about victoriously in the midst of that district, in Ululu VI, the twenty-first day, an evil day, a bad day, the birthday of the asakku-demon, in the dead of night, they sprinkled with naphtha the ramp that I constructed against Uppume, his royal city, and set fire to it. ii 5 By the command of the god Marduk, king of the gods, the north wind, the sweet breeze of the lord of the gods, blew and turned the tongues of roaring flame back on the city Uppume. The fire did not seize the ramp ... it burned its wall and turned it into ashes. ... my troops crossed over the siege wall to do battle and combat; ... they attacked them like a ... and established their defeat. ii 10 ... ... them and they built towers of their skulls; they hung their ... on stakes and completely surrounded their city with them. After I achieved my victory and did everything I pleased, I took ... and set up my camp by the city Uppume.

... ... he saw the ramp that I had constructed against him and he, the one who had given himself the unfortunate advice, who had endangered his own life, who had turned to his ... ..., who caused the destruction of his inhabited settlements, and ... and who had dissipated his well-organized army, he made a statue of ... and clothed it with sackcloth. He placed it in ... fetters, as befitted slavery, ii 20 made it hold a grindstone for milling in its .... Like a replica of skin, he applied a skin of red gold ... and placed the statue in the hands of Sher-... and, his sons, and sent it out before me to make me have pity on him and to save his life.

Thus they said to me: "Put the ... ... crimes and disobedience on the asakku-demon. Let me come to sing your praises. Let me alone ... ... all of the arrogant enemies. Let the unsubmissive ... ... and let the disrespectful honor your lordship."

Thus I wrote him the king of Shubria, saying: "These ... ... before an offering. Like an idiot ... ... you bathe after your offerings! Like ... ... ... you put in drain pipes after the rain! Thus ... the highest divine orders have been spoken twice. Your days have elapsed! Your ... has arrived! Your appointed time is here! Let ... be .... At the command of the gods of heaven and netherworld ... ... came forth for the destruction of your land. ii 35 ... ... the carrying off of your people was decreed. ... ... is firmly fixed and its place cannot be changed. ... who appeases the heart of the god ..., ... ... did not turn back ... ... their utterances." ... I did not say 'Ahulap!' to him ... my angry mood

Reverse Column iii


[...] _gar_ [...] [...] _lu_ [x] [...] ih#-bu-ta hu-bu-us-su [...] a-di mah-ri-ia u-bil-u-ni

[...] szA _ugu_ e-ri-bi ma-a-du [...] ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szub-ri-a ana _kur_ asz-szur Asz-lu-la [...] x a-na (d)asz-szur (d)_nin-lil_ (d)sze-ru-u-a [...] (d)_masz_ (d)gu-la (d)_u-gur_ (d)_inanna_ szA _nina-ki_ (d)_inanna_ szA _limmu#_-_dingir_ (d)nusku [... A]-_ii#_-a-a it-tal-lak-u-ma i-na-a-ru ga-ri-ia na-[...]-ia mu-szam-s,u-u mal lib-bi-ia ana szi-rik-ti Asz-ruk

ra-[...]-ti mun-dah-s,i e-pisz _murub4_ u ta-ha-zi ul-tu [... a-hi]-it, a-bir-ma ana ki-s,ir _man_-ti-ia ak-s,ur ina _ugu lu#_-[...] _gisz-gigir_ qur-ub-te _lu_-pét-hal qur-ub-te _lu-gar_-nu-te ma-'a-si _lu-sag-mesz_ [_lu_-kit]-kit-tu-u _lu_-um-ma-ni _lu_-kal-la-pu _lu_-a-ri-ti _lu_-da-a-a-lu(*) _lu-engar lu-sipa lu-nu-gisz-kiri6_ e-li e-mu-qi# (d)asz-szur gap-szA-a-te u ki-s,ir _man-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mah-ru-te ma-a'-disz [u-rad]-di#-ma _kur_ asz-szur a-na si-hir-ti-szA _gim_ isz-pa-ti u-mal-li

hal-qu# [mun-nab-tu ma]-la# _en-mesz_-szu-nu u-masz-szir-u-ma ana _kur_-szub-ri-a in-nab-tu ik-[... _szu-ii_-szu]-nu u-kar-rit ap-pu e-nu uz-nu e-kim-szu-nu-ti [...] ana _kur_ szA-ni-tim-ma la in-na-bi-tU e-mid-su-nu-ti hi-t,u [...]-tu-nu man-nu-me-e ana _kur_-szu u _en-mesz_-szu-nu u-ter-szu-nu-ti [...]-ma ih-du-u i-ri-szu ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti

[...]-_mesz_-te ina _ugu kur-uri_-a-a szA ul-tu qé-reb _kur-uri_ ana _kur_-szub-ri-a in-nab-tu [(disz)ur]-sa-a-a _man kur-uri_ ina muh-hi isz-pur-u-ma la isz-mu-u qi-bit-su [a]-na na-da-ni ul im-gur ek-s,i-isz isz-pur-szu-ma e-tap-pa-lu ze-ra-a-te [ul]-tu _kur_-szub-ri-a ina tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ak-szu-du-ma _un-mesz_-szu am-nu-u szal-la-tisz [Asz]-szu a-de-e na-s,a-rim-ma ki-tu u mi-szA-ri isz-ruk-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [ina] muh-hi _un-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu Asz-al u-s,i-is, a-hi-it, a-bi-ir-ma

[_us5_]-_udu#-hi-a gu4-mesz udu-mesz_ ana _udu-siskur-mesz en-mesz_-ia u nap-tan _man_-ti-ia ina _kur_ asz-szur ri-i-tu t,a-ab-tu u-szA-as,-bit

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... he seized and seized him. ... they brought before me.

... which was much more numerous than the Eridu-festival ... I carried off ... from the land Shubria to Assyria. ... I dedicated ... to the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Sherua, ... Ninurta, Gula, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Nusku, ... my army, and they went and ... my ..., who ... my heart, and who made my heart happy.

I crossed over Mount ..., a fortress of battle and battle, and iii 5' I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the territory of my royal majesty. I added to the ..., charioteers, cavalry, and governors, many eunuchs, engineers, engineers, kallapu, Aribu, Dalu, farmer, shepherd, and orchardist, with the great strength of the god Ashur, the great mountain, and the territory of the kings, my ancestors, and filled the land Assyria in its entirety like a mountain.

As for the one who sinned against the cultic rites of all of their lords and fled to the land Shubria, ..., he seized their hands and smashed their ..., he imposed a levy upon them. ... he imposed upon them a punishment that was not acceptable to another land. I imposed upon them a penalty ... ... ... ... ... and ... ... and they rejoiced and rejoiced over his kingship.

As for the Urartian ... who fled from the land Urartu to the land Shubria, Ursâ, the king of the land Urartu, wrote to me about it, but did not listen to his words, iii 20'

I made a great deal of good things happen for the sacrifices of my lords and for the sattukku offerings of my royal majesty in Assyria.


... ... ... ... ... he plundered it ... they brought ... before me.

I carried off to Assyria ..., which was more numerous than locusts, ... from the midst of the land Shubria. I gave ... ... as a gift to the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Sherua, ..., Ninurta, Gula, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, and Nusku, ... who march at my side and kill my enemies, ... ... of my ..., who allow me attain everything I want.

I examined and selected ... ... ..., soldiers, skilled in battle and combat, iii 15′ from ... and I attached them to my royal guard. With regard to ... ..., a group of charioteers, a group of cavalry, commanders of ..., officials, engineers, troops, light troops, shield bearers, scouts, farmers, shepherds, and orchard keepers — I added them in great numbers to the massive forces of the god Ashur and to the guard of the former kings, my ancestors, and I filled Assyria in its entirety like a quiver. I distributed the rest of them like sheep and goats among my palaces, my nobles, the entourage of my palace, and the citizens of Nineveh, Calah, Kalzu, and Arbela.

As for all of the runaway fugitives who had abandoned their owners and fled to the land Shubria, ... ... I cut off their hands and removed their noses, eyes, and ears. iii 25′ As for ... who had not run away to another country, I punished them. I returned every ... ... to their text: "his" land and to their owners. ... and they celebrated, rejoiced and blessed my kingship.

... ... concerning the Urartians who had fled from Urartu to the land Shubria and about whom Ursa, king of Urartu, wrote, he the king of Shubria did not listen to his command, iii 30′ did not agree to give them back, wrote to him Ursa in anger, and replied with hostility. After I captured the land Shubria with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, and counted his people as booty, in order to keep the treaty and because of the truth and justice the great gods gave to me, I inquired, questioned, investigated, and denounced those people. I did not hold back a single Urartian fugitive and not one escaped. I returned them to their land.

I put out to fine pasture sheep and goats, oxen, and cattle destined for offerings to my lords and for the royal table in Assyria.

Reverse Column iv


bu-un-nu-u du-um-[mu-qu ...] _uru-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu szA ina e-muq (d)asz-[szur _en_-ia ...] ap-pu-lu aq-qu-ru ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-[mu ...] ki-i qi-bit _an-szar en_-ia u-ter-ma na-x [...] _uru-mesz_ szA-tu-nu ul-tu _usz8-mesz_-szu-nu a-di gaba-dib-bi-[szu-nu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil]

sza _uru_-kul-im-me-ri _uru_-mar-ku-ha _uru_-kal-zu _uru_-[...] _mu_-szu-nu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma a-na esz-szu-ti az-ku-ra ni-bit-[su-un] _un-mesz_ hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-ia szA tam-tim e-li-ti szap-li-ti ina lib-bi u-szA-as,-[bit] ma-a-tu szA-a-szu a-na si-hir-ti-szA a-na 2-szu a-zu-uz-ma 2 _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia a-na _lu-nam_-u-te _ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun li-szA-a-nu re-sze-e-ti (disz)_nenni_

li-szA-a-nu re-sze-e-ti (disz)_nenni_ a-na (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ul-te-bi-la 1-en _lu-en gisz-gigir 2 lu_-szA pét-hal 3 _lu-kal-lap-mesz_ de-e-ku

hi-is-sa-a-te-szi-na _uru_-asz-szur-_kur_-su-_gur uru_-man-nu-szA-nin-asz-szur _uru_-asz-szur-man-nu-i-szA-na-an _uru_-a-bat-asz-szur-la-te-ni _uru_-a-bat-_man_-la-te-ni _uru_-man-nu-li-szi-su _uru_-ku-nu-usz-la-kan-szu _uru_-li-ter-a-a-im-t,i _uru_-a-mir-szu-li-ig-lud _uru_-mu-szak-szid-na-ki-ri _uru_-ka-szid-su-lil-bur _uru_-s,a-bit-su-li-kun _uru_-lil-bur-mu-ni-ih-_sza_-_an-szar uru-bad_-(disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz uru_-szA-ni-ni-a-a-ir-szi _uru_-szi-pir#-szu-ul-mi-a-mat-_man_-szu _uru_-pi-lah-ma-mat-ka-szal-lim

AI Translation

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities that I had plundered with the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, ..., and I returned them to their places by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, and ... ... I built and completed those cities from their foundations to their crenellations.

I changed the name of the cities Kulimmeru, Markuha, Kalzu, and ... and reorganized their administration. I settled therein the people, captives of my bow, who live on the Upper Sea. I divided up the land in its entirety into two parts and placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I named them the first-borns of Nanaya, the king of Assyria, and the rest of the people.

I sent the first-fruits offerings of Ninurta to the god Ashur, my lord. I sent one charioteer, two cavalrymen, and three cavalrymen.

Ashur-sugur, Mannu-shanin-Ashur, Ashur-mannu-ishanan, Abat-Ashur-lateni, Abat-shar-lateni, Mannu-lisissu, Kunush-lakanshu, Liter-ayimti, Amis-shulud, Mushakshidnakiri, Kashid-sulbur, Shabit-sulikun, Lilbur-munih-Ashur, Dur-Ashur-narari, Shanini-ayarshi, Shipir-shumi-amat-sharrishu, Pilah-mamat-kashallim,


very good and beautiful .... Those cities which I ...., demolished, destroyed, burned with fire, ... through the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I returned by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, and ... ... I built and completed those cities from their foundations to their parapets.

I changed the former names of the cities Kullimeri, Markuha, Kalzu, ... ... and called them by new names. I settled the people plundered by my bow from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea in them. I divided that land, in its entirety, in two and placed two of my officials over them as governors.

I am sending the best report to the god Ashur, my lord, by so-and-so. One charioteer, two cavalrymen, and three scouts are dead.

Their list gloss: the cities Ashur-massu-uter, Mannu-shanin-Ashur, Ashur-mannu-ishannan, Abat-Ashur-la-teni, Abat-sharri-la-teni, Mannu-lishissu, Kunush-la-kanshu, Liter-ay-imti, amirshu-liglud, Mushakshid-nakiri, Kashissu-lilbur, Shabissu-likun, Lilbur-munih-libbi-Ashur, Dur-Esarhaddon, Shanini-ay-irshi, iv 20′ Shipir-shulmi-amat-sharrishu, Pilahma-matka-shallim, La-iplah-massu-ihpi, Ashur-inar-garû'a, Ashur-nirshu-urappish, and Ashur-nirka-urappish.



[...] ina su-qé-e-szu ha-du-u ul i-ba-a' e-pisz ni-gu-te ul ip-pa-rik [...] ul-tu _ukkin-na uru_ dan-na-ta a-lak _gir-ii_-szu ap-ru-us [...] i-na _uru#-mesz_-szu-nu pal-hu-u-ti sze-la-bu u bu-s,u iq-nu-nu qi-in-nu [...] si-hi# e-sza x x-te at-ta-rad t,a-a-bi x-lu(?)-uk-ku-szu _szab#_ x [...] [...] _masz-szu-gid-gid_ szA-a-ti u-pa-har _ne_ [...] [...] x x x x x x x nisz-szin x _ri_ u-szA-par(?)-szu-nu-ti

AI Translation

... he did not know how to do a good deed. He did not do obeisance to his enemies. ... I went out from the assembly of a fortified city and grasped his feet. ... in their ..., they were frightened, frightened, and frightened. ... I went and saw the ... of ... ... ... he ... that mashkudgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgidgiddi ...


... no happy person was walking its streets, no merrymaker was encountered; I cut off the traffic of ... from the meeting place of the fortified city; ... in their frightened cities, the fox and hyena made dens; ... I drove out ..., rebellion, disorder, and ... ... good, ... ...; that diviner will gather ... ...; ... I/he will send ... ... to them.

Q003263: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x [...] [ma-a-tu] szu-a-tu a#-di 2-szu a#-[zu-uz-ma 2 _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia a-na _lu-nam_-u-te _ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun ...] [ina(?) lib(?)]-bi(?)# u-sze-szib (disz)bi-'i-lu# [i-na _uru_-up-pu-me ...] (disz)_en#_-_asz_ i-na _uru_-kul-li-im-me-ri [...] a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter# [na-gu-u(?) szu-a-tu(?) a-na(?) esz-szu-te(?) as,-bat(?) _gun_] man-da-at-ti _en_-ti-ia [szat-ti-szam(?) la(?) na-par-ka-a(?) e-mid-su-nu-ti(?)]

ina 10-e _kaskal_-ia# _an-szar#_ [...] u-szA-as,#-bi-ta pa-nu-u-a a-na _kur_-mA-gan-na(?)# [_u kur_-me-luh-ha] szA# ina pi#-i _un-mesz kur_-ku-u-si _u kur_-mu-s,ur i#-[nam-bu-u u-szA-Asz-kin sze-pu-u-a(?)] ad#-ke-e#-ma _erim-hi-a-mesz an-szar_ gap-szA-a-ti szA qé-reb# [...] ina _iti-bara# iti_ resz-tu-u ul-tu _uru_-ia asz-szur at-tu#-musz _id-idigna id-buranun-ki_ ina mi-li-szi(?)-na(?) e(?)-te(?)-bir# _kur-mesz#_ mar-s,u-u-ti ri-ma#-nisz Asz-tam-di-ih

ina me-ti#-iq _kaskal-ii_-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-lu# _man kur_-s,ur-ri# szA a-na (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-ku-u-si ib-ri-szu it-tak-lu-ma# _gisz-szudun an-szar en_-ia is-lu-u e#-tap-pa-lu me-re-eh-tu# _uru#-hal-s_,_u-mesz# ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-ka-lu U mu-u# ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu-un ak-la ul-tu _kur_-mu-s,ur# _karasz_ ad-ke-e-ma a-na _kur#_-me-luh-ha usz#-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu 30 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ul-tu _uru_-ap-qu szA pa-t,i _kur_-sa-me-ri#-[na] a-di _uru_-ra-pi-hi

AI Translation

... ... ... I divided up that land in two parts and placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. ... I settled therein. Bi'ilu ... in the city Uppumu ... Bel-iddina in the city Kullimeri ... I returned to Assyria. I reorganized that district and imposed upon it tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship, a payment without equal.

On my tenth campaign, the god Ashur ... encouraged me. I marched to the lands Magannu and Meluhha, which are called Kush and Egypt by the people, and I mustered the extensive troops of the god Ashur, who are in .... In the month Nisannu I, the first month, I moved out from my city, Ashur. I crossed the Tigris and Euphrates in flood and surrounded the rugged mountains with them.

In the course of my campaign, I put my trust in Ba'alu, the king of Tyre who trusted in Taharqa, the king of Kush, and he grasped the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord. I laid waste to him the rest of the forts and I counted the dead as booty. I had to go out from Egypt and the Carchemish mountains and took the road to Meluhha. I took the road from the city Apqu, which is on the border of the land Samaria, to the city Rapihu.


... ... ... I divided that land in two, and placed two of my officials over them as governors. I settled in it ... I placed Bi-ilu in the city Uppumu ... and Bel-iddina in the city Kullimeri. I restored it to Assyrian territory and reorganized that province. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship yearly, without ceasing upon them.

In my tenth campaign, the god Ashur ... had me take ... and made me set out to Magan and Meluhha, which are called Kush and Egypt in their native tongue. I mustered the vast troops of the god Ashur, who are in .... 10′ In Nisannu I, the first month, I set out from my city, Ashur, and crossed the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers when they were at flood level, and marched over difficult mountains like a wild bull.

In the course of my campaign, I set up fortifications against Ba'alu, the king of Tyre, who trusted in his friend Taharqa, the king of Kush, threw off the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, and kept answering me with insolence. I cut off the supply of food and water that sustained their lives. 15′ I removed my camp from this so-called 'Egypt' and headed straight for Meluhha, covering a distance of thirty leagues from the city Aphek, which is in the region of Samaria, to the city Raphia Rapihu, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, a place that has no rivers. By means of ropes, chains, and sweeps, I provided water for my troops drawn from wells.



ki-i# qi-bit _an-szar en_-ia ina _gesztu-ii-mesz_-ia ib-szi-ma [usz-ta-bi-la] ka#-bat-ti# _ansze_-gam-mal-li szA _lugal-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi ka-li-szu-un ad#-[ke-e-ma _kusz_-na-a-di (_kusz_-hi-in-ti) e]-mid#-su-nu-ti 20# _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ma-lak 15 u4-me ina szi-pik ba#-[s,i _kal-mesz_ a-szar s,u-ma-a-me] ar-de 4# _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ina _na4_-gab-e mu-s,a [...] al-lik 4# _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar ma-lak 2 u4-me _musz 2 sag-du-mesz_ x [... sza i-mat-su]-un# mu-tu-ma

(d)#_amar-utu en gal_-u re-s,u-ti il-lik# [...] u-bal#-lit, _zi_-ti# _erim-hi-a_-ia 20 u4-me 7 [...] sza mi-s,ir _kur_-mu-s,ur Asz-ta-kan# nu-bat-ti# [...] ul#-tu _uru_-ma-ag#-[da]-li a-di _uru_-me#-[em-pi ...] mi-szi-ih-ti 40 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qar# ar-de# [...] qaq-qa-ru szu-a-tu ki-ma _na4-zu#_-[_masz-da_ ...] ki-ma s,ip-ri _gisz_-szil-ta-hi# [...] da-mu u szar-ku el#-[...] _lu-kur_ ak-s,i a-di# [...] a-na# _uru_-is-hup-[ri ...] [...] x (x) _an_ [...]

AI Translation

By the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I had my ears set and I had the audience. I mustered the camels of all the kings of the land of the Arabs and I gave them leather straps and sandals. I marched a distance of twenty leagues of ground in the thick of battle for fifteen days on the strong side, where there was a swarm of people. I marched a distance of four leagues of ground with a ... stone ... I marched a distance of four leagues of ground in the thick of battle. I marched a distance of two days of snakes, two heads ... whose ... had smote them, and I ... them.

The god Marduk, the great lord, came to my aid ... he restored my life and allowed my troops to live 20 days and 7 nights on the border of Egypt. I set out for the night ... from the city Magdalu to the city Memphis ... a distance of forty leagues ... that ground like a limestone slab ... like a shard of fir ... ... blood and famine ... the enemy, as far as ... to the city Ishupru ... ... .


In accordance with the command of the god Ashur, my lord, it occurred to me and my heart prompted me and thus I collected camels from all of the Arab kings and loaded them with water skins and water containers. I advanced twenty leagues distance, a journey of fifteen days, over difficult sand dunes, where one is always thirsty. I went four leagues distance through terrain full of alum, mushu-stones, and .... rev. 5 I trampled over four leagues distance, a journey of two days, through terrain full of two-headed snakes ... ... whose venom is deadly and I crossed over four leagues distance, a journey of two days through terrain full of ... flying green dragonflies. ... four leagues distance, a journey of two days ... ... I advanced sixteen leagues distance, a journey of eight days ... ... very much.

The god Marduk, the great lord, came to my aid ... rev. 10 he revived my troops. Twenty days and seven ... of the border of Egypt, I stayed overnight. ... from the city Migdol to Memphis ... I advanced a distance of forty leagues ... that terrain is like gazelle-tooth stone ... rev. 15 like the head of an arrow ... blood and gore ... ... a dangerous enemy, together with ... to the city Ishupri ... ... ...

Q003264: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu [... al]-me-ma Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su

[... _lu_]-_en#-uru_ szA _uru_-pa-ra-tuk(*)-ka [... _kur_-ma-da]-a#-a szA a-szar-szu-nu _su_ [... _ansze_-mur-ni-is-qi _gal_]-_mesz na4-za-gin gaz_ [_kur_]-szu [... isz-szi]-qu _gir-ii_-ia [... e-mid]-su-nu-u-ti

[... pa]-a#-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni [... _lu_]-_en#-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-te [... szal-la]-tisz am-nu [...]-szu-nu-[ti]

AI Translation

... whose location is remote ... I looked around and carried off his booty.

... the city ruler of the city Paratukka ... the Medes, whose location is remote ... large thoroughbreds with lapis lazuli, ... they grasped my feet ... I imposed upon them .

... the plain of the land Bikni ... strong city rulers ... I counted them as booty. .


... whose country is remote, ... I besieged and plundered it.

... the chieftain of the city Partukka, ... Medes whose country is remote, ... large thoroughbreds and blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, ... they kissed my feet ... I imposed ... upon them.

... borders Mount Bikni ... mighty chieftains ... I counted as booty. I ... them.



[...] x x _ni_ har-ri x [...] [...]-lu-tu _gim kisz gab_ [x] [...]-hup-pi _ansze-kur-mesz_ it-ta-na-[x] [...] _kur_-ku-u-si _lu_-me-luh-he-e _ge6-mesz#_ [...]-ti# szA ik-te-ra it-ti-szu [...] x a-szar nam-ra-s,i

AI Translation

... ... ... ... like a ... ... horses ... Kusi, the Meluhhaeans ... ... who had crossed over with him ... where there was much .


... ... water channels ... ... like ... ... ..., horses, he constantly ... Kush, black Meluhhians, ... ... with whom he formed a confederation ... a difficult place ... ... ... ... ... the goddess Erua ... ... ...

Q003265: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] (x) [...] [...] x-ti-szu x [...] [...] _lul# ku ba sza#_ x [...]

[...] _gal#_ ul al-qa-a# [...] [...] x-ia as,-bat-ma# [...] [... a-na i-te]-e# _uru_ na-hal mu-s,ur a#-[szar _id_ la i-szu-u ...] [...] _a#-mesz_ di-lu-ti# [...] [... a-szar(?)] s,u#-um-me lap-lap-tu x [...]

[(...) ki-i(?) qi-bit(?) _an-szar_(?) _en_]-ia(?)# ina t,e-me ra-ma-ni-ia ina _gesztu-ii#_-[ia ib-szi-ma ...] [...] ina _kusz_-na#-a-di _kusz_-hi-in-ti x [...] [...] x a#-[szar] _musz-mesz gir-tab-mesz#_ [...] [... a]-na(?)# qer-bisz# isz-ma-a su-up-pi-ia# [...] [... (d)_iszkur_ ina _an_]-e# _dagal-mesz_ szA-qisz is,-s,a-nab-bur ina _uru#_-[...] [... is,-s,i hi-it]-lu#-pu-ti szA e-mu-ru pa#-[an (d)_utu_-szi ...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... his ...

... I did not take ... ... I took and ... to the edge of the city, the wadi, where there was no river ... water of dilution ... where a slump was erected .

... by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, by my own will and by my own intelligence ... ... with leather straps and leather straps ... where snakes and scorpions ... heard about my supplications ... the god Adad, in the wide heavens, was smitten with terror, and in the city ... he slew the fugitives who had seen the sun ... .


No translation possible

... ... I did not take ... my ... I set out and ... in the neighborhood of the city of the Brook of Egypt, a place that has no rivers ... water drawn by bucket ... where thirst and hunger ....

In accordance with the god Ashur, my lord and by my own intelligence, it occurred to me ... in water skins and bags ... where snakes and scorpions ... in its midst, he heard my prayer ... The god Adad produced heat lightning high over the entire sky. In the city ... intertwined trees that I saw, the light ... ... ...

Q003266: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] i-tur# [...] [...] tu#-tak-ki-la-an-ni-ma [...] [...] ta#-zi-iz ina i-di-ia a-ma-ta# [...] [...] U ma-ku-u tu-szA-li-ka# [...] [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu-u x [...] [... ia]-ti# (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_sum-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita#_ [_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ...] [...] _dingir-mesz gal_-(_mesz_) _lugal kur_ e-li-tum U szap#-[li-tum ...] [... ina] _sza#-tur_ a-ga-ri-in-ni a-lit-ti-ia# [...] [... ana e]-pesz# be-lu-u-te sza ka-la _kur-mesz_ ma-x [...] [...] lib#-bi (d)asz-szur u-zak-ki-ru-ma im-x [...]

AI Translation

... he returned ... ... you encouraged me and ... you stood in my presence ... and you made ... the great gods, as many as there were, ... ... me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... the great gods, king of the Upper and Lower lands ... in the womb of my own offspring, my own offspring, ... to exercise lordship over all the lands ... ... the heart of the god Ashur he exalted and .


... he returned ... which she had entrusted to me ... she stood at my side ... ... she brought about ... and poverty ... 5′ ... the great gods, as many as there are, ... me — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... of the great gods, king of the upper and lower lands — ... in the womb of my mother, who bore me, ... to exercise the lordship of all lands ... ... 10′ ... they invoked the heart of the god Ashur and ... ... Kush, which none of my ancestors ... they were sending but not returning ... ... a place where no bird flaps its wings ...



[x x] x x x [...] [x x] x-ma _gisz#_ [...] [x] x-nu _munus#_ x _bi#_ x [...] [x x] x-bi-ma# x x x x x [...] [(x)] x bi-szu la# x x (x) x É-_gal_ [...] [x] x-_mesz ka#_ x x x-na# di-x [...]

_na4#-a_sz-gi-gi u-sze-s,a-a _gim na4#_-[...] _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_ sza qar#-ba-szu-nu _ku-gi#_ [...] u#-sze-s,a-am-ma 6 _me munus_-É#-[_gal-mesz_-szu ...] [x] x 6# _me_ ÉGI _munus_-[...] x x x x x x x [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... palace ...

I brought out ashgigu-stone, like ...-stone, horses whose horns are decorated with gold ... and I brought out 600 of his queens ... ... 600 female slaves ...


No translation possible

I took out ashgigû-stones, like ...-stone ... horses whose ... are ... gold ... I brought out and 600 of his wives ... N+600 princesses, ... ... ... ... ... ...

Q003267: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] kan#-[szu(?) ...] [...]-nu x [...] [...] x (x) [...] [...] x (x) [...] [...] _gir#-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ [...] _nun#_ mun-tal-ku ih#-[...] _lugal#_ szah-tu x [...] ina ni#-isz _igi-ii_ ina _iti#_-[...] [x (x)]-szi-ir _kur_-su [...]

[...] x [...]-dan ma-lu raq-qu [...] (x) x-isz-szu x (x) x-szu [...] (d)#30 pu-tuq-qu ba-szA-a _gesztu-ii_-szu-un [... (d)]nin#-gal (d)nusku qé-reb szA _ki_-tim [...] x x i-szak-ka-nu dam#-qu-tu [... hi]-szih#-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] (d)#na-an-na-ru [...] u#-sze-szi-ir [...] ri#-kis par-s,i-szu-un [...] (d)#_u-dar-mesz_ [...] x [...] [... u]-kin [...] x-u [...] _igi-kar_-a [...] x-szu-un [...] lu-szal-bir# [...] x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... governor of Babylon ... a noble ... a mighty king ... ... before ... in the month ... ... his land .

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the god Sîn, the pious one, their ears ... the gods Ningal and Nusku in the midst of the netherworld ... they established good things ... the supplications of the great gods ... the goddess Nannaru ... I made ... the rites of their rituals ... the goddesses ... ... I erected ... ... my ... ... ... ... ... their ...


... submissive ... 5′ ... ... governor of Babylon, ... judicious prince, ... ... reverent king, ... chosen in the month ... ... his land ...

... ... full, thin ... ... ... the god Sîn, they were paying constant attention ... the goddess Ningal and the god Nusku, in the midst of the land. 5′′ ... will establish good things ... what is required by the great gods ... the god Nannar ... set straight; ... organization of their rites 10′′ ... goddesses ... he fixed ... ... 15′′ ... divination ... their ... ... let it grow old ... ...



[...]-x [... asz]-szur(?)-_ki_(?)# [...] x u-kin# [...] x (x) x i(?)-na(?) a#-mat qi-bi-ti-ia [...] e#-mi-du#-szu-ma il-li-ku nam-mu-szi-szu

(ca- 10 lines erased)

[...] (disz)#tar-qu-u [...] x e-kim-szu [...] mah-ru-ti# [...]-qisz [...] _lugal# szu a_-szu# [...] x (x) x-a _en_ ina x x x x x x [... man-za]-az# pa-ni# _munus_-É-_gal-me_-szu x [...] ina# la mi-ni# _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz nig-szu#_ [... a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur sa-kul-lat _gu4-mesz us5-udu#_-[_hi-a_ ...] x-li# _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz#_ [...] Asz-tak-kan-ma ni-ri# [...] sat-tuk-ki gi-nu-u# x x [...] [(...)] 8# _gu4-mesz 3# me 70_ x [...] (Two lines erased) ina _gun_ man-da#-[at-ti ...]

[ina] u4#-me-szu-ma s,a-lam# [...]

AI Translation

... ... Assyria ... I established ... ... by the word of my command ... they defeated him and went to save him.

x# 10 lines erased

... Taharqa ... he defeated. ... before him ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the position of ... before his queen ... without number ... gold, silver, stones, property ... to Assyria, the totality of oxen, sheep, ... kings and governors ... I established and a stele ... regular offerings ... 8 oxen, 370 ... two lines erased, in tribute .

At that time, a statue of .


... ... ... Assyria ... he/I fixed ... with my spoken word ... they imposed upon him and he died.

No translation possible

... Taharqa ... ... I took it away from him ... earlier ... gave rev. 20′ ... king of the world, his son, ... ... lord ... in ... ... personal attendants, his wives, ... ... without number; gold, silver, precious stones, property ... I carried off to Assyria. rev. 25′ Herds of oxen, sheep and goats, ... ... The kings and governors ... I established and ... my yoke; ... sattukku and ginû offerings ... rev. 30′ eight oxen, 370 ... in tribute and payment ...

At that time, a statue of ...

Q003268: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



x x-ik# x [...] Asz#-tak-ka-an# [...] (disz)tar-qu-u [...] 5-szu ina mul-mul#-[li ...] _lu-gid-da-mesz#_ [...] _uru_-me-em#-[pi ...] x [...]

AI Translation

... I established ... Taharqa ... for five years in the Great Ones ... the satraps ... the city Memphis ... .


... ... ... I established ... by means of arrows, I inflicted Taharqa ... five times with wounds ... boat-towers ... Memphis ... ... ...



x [...] si#-[...] x [...] x [...]

AI Translation


No translation possible

Q003269: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] _lu#_-tuk-lat-su# [...] x at-ta#-kil [...]-lak# [...] x _dumu uru_-usz#-szu [... (disz)ab-di]-mil#-ku-ut-ti _man uru_-s,i-du-ni# [... i-szak]-ka#-nu-ma i-szem-ma#-a _gesztu-ii_-szu-un [...] _uru#_-s,i-du-un-ni [... zi-kir szu]-mi#-ia isz-me-ma [...] is-hup-szu-u#-ma [...] x [x (x) x] x

AI Translation

... his ally ... I trusted ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, ... he placed and he heard their ears ... Sidon ... the mention of my name ... overwhelmed him and ... .


... his ally ... I trusted ... ... ... ... in his city 5 ... Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, ... were fixed and they were listening ... Sidon ... he heard the mention of my name ... overwhelmed him ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


x x _li#_ [...] na#-gi-ru [...] lib-bi i-gug# [...] _ugu_ (disz)ab-di-mil#-[ku-ut-ti ...] la a-dir _en en-en#_ [...] szA ki#-ma da-bé-e [...] be-lut# asz-szur _en_-ia# [...] a-na (d)asz-szur _en_-ia# [...] _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un#-[ni ...] (d)asz-szur be-li u#-[...] a#-na nu#-uh lib-bi _dingir_-ti-[szu ...] [me]-lam#-me ra-szub-ba-[at ...] [u]-ma-'e#-er [...]

AI Translation

... ... the district ... my heart rejoiced ... over Abdi-Milkuti ... I did not forget the lord of lords ... who like a slanderer ... the lordship of Ashur, my lord ... to the god Ashur, my lord ... the king of Sidon ... the god Ashur, my lord, ... to please his divinity ... I imposed a great aura upon Abdi-Milkuti .


... ... herald ... my heart became angry ... against Abdi-Milkuti ... 5 not fearing the lord of lords ..., who like a bear ... the lordship of the god Ashur, my lord, ... to the god Ashur, my lord, ... the king of Sidon ... the god Ashur, my lord, ... ... to appease his divine heart ... awesome sheen ... I sent ...

Q003270: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a#-[tu ...] [... _gisz_]-_mi#-mesz_-szu-nu da-ru-u x [...] [... _mu-an-na_]-_mesz_ lem-né-e-ti u4-mu(?)# [...] [...] ka#-s,ir ner-ti la# [...] [...] i-na i#-szi-ti [...] [...] x-ta#-szu-nu-ma is,-ru-pu u-[...] [...] x-el _dingir-mesz_ a-na e#-[...] [... a-na e]-pesz# _lugal_-u-ti-ia# [...] [... (disz)]_an-szar#_-_szesz_-_sum-na_ ta-kil-szu# [...] [... _dingir_]-ti-szu-nu s,ir-[ti ...] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... to do this work ... their eternal dowries ... ... evil years, days ... a dangerous curse that cannot be ... in a favorable time ... ... their ... and they smashed ... ... the gods to ... to exercise my kingship ... Esarhaddon, his trusted heir, ... their exalted divinity ... ... .


... to perform that work ... their eternal protection ... ... evil years, ... days ... plotting murder, not ... 5′ ... in confusion ... their ... ... and they dyed red ... ... ... gods to ... ... to exercise my kingship ... Esarhaddon, who trusts him, ... their exalted divinity ... ... ...

Q003271: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x x x (x) [...] [...] x-tim u-mal-la#-[a _szu-ii_-u-a ...] [... _kur_-mu]-us,#-ri _kur_-pa-tu-ri#-[si ...] [...] x-ri isz-tak-ka-[an ...] [...] ak#-bu-su mi-s,ir# [...] [... _kur_-kar-(d)dun]-ia#-asz szA sa-ta-[...] [...]-ik#-ti _ad_(?)#-[...] [...]-a szA qé#-[reb(?) ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... they placed in my hands ... Egypt, Patrusi, ... ... they established ... I conquered ... the territory of ... Karduniash Babylonia which ... ... ... ... which is inside .


... ... ... entrusted ... to me ... Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt ... ... he established ... 5′ ... where I trod, the border of ... Karduniash Babylonia ... ... ... ... which is in the midst of ...

Q003272: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na]-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_pap#_-[_asz_] [_man_ dan]-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [pa]-lih# _dingir-mesz gal_-[_mesz_] [mu]-szap#-szi-ih ka-bat-[ti] (d)a#-nim u _an-szar#_ [na]-ram# (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum [musz]-te#-e'-u Asz-rat (d)_ag#_ u (d)_papnun_ [ba]-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz# é-sag-il2 u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ szA _an-szar ad dingir-dingir#_ a-na# _lugal_-ut _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita_-ut _kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ im#-bu-u

ni-bit _mu_-ia (d)_inanna#_ [...] ina _sza-tur ama_-ia# [szi-mat _man_-ti] isz#-ru-ka a-na [szi-rik-ti] _dingir#-mesz_ ud-du#-[usz ...] [(x)] x [...]

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, who reveres the great gods, who soothes the hearts of the gods Anu and Ashur, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, who constantly seeks out the shrines of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, builder of the temple of the god Ashur, builder of Esagil and Babylon, who the god Ashur, the father of the gods, named for the kingship of Assyria and governorship of the land of Sumer and Akkad:

The goddess Ishtar, ..., gave me as my royal destiny in the womb of my mother. I renovated it for the destinies of the gods ... ... .


I, Esarhaddon, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who reveres the great gods and pacifies the mood of 5 the gods Anu and Ashur, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, who is assiduous towards the shrines of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur and rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, 10 whom the god Ashur, the father of the gods, called by name to the kingship of Assyria and the governorship of Sumer and Akkad —

The goddess Ishtar, ..., gave me a royal destiny as a gift while I was still in the womb of my mother. To refurbish the gods ... ... ...



_dingir#_ [(x)] x _nu#_ [...] ul-zi-iz [...] a-na# e-pe-[szi ...] ina (erasure?) _gu_-ia [...] u-szal-la-mu par-s,i# [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina nap-ha-ri#-[szu-nu] a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-ia u la-ban ap-pi-ia# li-zi-zu-nim-ma lim-hu-ru# tés-le-ti szat-ti-szam-ma ma-har-szu-nu szal-mesz lu-ut-tal-lak _ti-la ud-mesz gid-da-mesz mu-an-na-mesz_ t,u-ub _uzu-mesz u#_ hu-ud lib-bi szi#-mat la-ba-a-ri kun#-nu _bala-mesz_-e szA#-lam _numun_ szi#-i-ma szi-ma-ti#

AI Translation

The god ... ... ... I stood ... to do ... on my neck ... I made the rituals complete ... May the great gods stand before me in prayer and in prayer for me so that I may attain my wish. May they grant me a long life, long days, good health and happiness, a destiny of old age, a long reign, the well-being of my offspring, and the attainment of my dreams.


god ... ... ... I erected ... to make ... on my neck ... rev. 5′ will restore the rites ... may all of the great gods be present for my entreaties and expressions of humility, and let them receive my prayers. Every year rev. 10′ let me walk before them in safety. Decree as my fate a life of long days, years of good health and happiness, a destiny of longevity, secure reign, and healthy offspring.



sza ina _ugu dingir-mesz_-ni# sza _gu lugal#_

AI Translation

which is written upon the gods on the neck of the king.


That which is written on the symbols of the gods that are around the neck of the king.

Q003273: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na#-ku (disz)asz-szur-a-hu-i-di#-[na ...] mi-gir# (d)_en-lil_ et,-lu na-a-du na-ram (d)[_amar-utu_ u] (d)#zar-pa-ni-tum re-é-u-um ki-i-nu [... _dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz gir-nita_ it-pe-szu# [...] _dumu_ (d)_en_ mun-tal-ku ma-li-ku [... esz]-re#-e-ti pa-qid-du sat-tuk-ki# x [...] _bara-mesz_ mu-t,ah-hi-id# É-_kur-mesz#_ x [...] ma-ha-zi mu#-kin nin#-da-bé-e [...] ka-lA-ma mu-nam#-mir ma-ha#-zi [mu-szak-li]-il# par-s,i-szu-un mu-du#-u kul-lat gim-ri [...]-ku# ka-lA-ma x-[x]-ti na-mi-i [...] x ma-aq-ti

AI Translation

I, Ashur-ahu-idina, ..., favorite of the god Enlil, attentive, beloved, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, true shepherd, ... of the great gods, capable governor, ... son of the god Bel Marduk, skilled in divination, ... shrines, ... the sattukku-priests, who oversees the temples, ... cult centers, who establishes nindabû-offerings, ... all of them, who makes the cult centers shine, who makes their rituals shine, who knows all of the cult centers, who knows all ... all of the ..., ...


I, Esarhaddon, ... favorite of the god Enlil, pious man, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, true shepherd, ... of the great gods, expert governor, ... of the god Son-of-Bel Nabû, 5 judicious ruler, ... shrines, the one entrusted with the sattukku offerings, ... of the daises, the one who brings abundance to the temples, ... and cult centers; the one who reconfirmed the cereal offerings, ... everything, who makes the cult centers shine and completes their rites; 10 the one who knows the totality of everything, ... ... everything, ... ... plains, ..., fallen; the one who makes good the damages suffered by the weak, holds the hand of the feeble; ... ... with ... cripples; ... truth; ... criminals; ... ... ... ... ...



[...]-bat zi#-[...] [...] x sza (d)_en_ nu-pa-ra# [...] [ul]-tu s,e-he-ri-ia-a#-ma ab-bu-u#-[ia(?) ...] _ta_ [...] id-di-nam-ma re-'u#-ut s,al-mat _sag#_-[_du_ ...] x asz-szur [...] _kur#-mesz_-te ka-li#-szi-na# [... za-ma]-ni-i-a _gaz#_ [...] kul-lat la ma-gi-ri# u-szak-ni-szA#-[am-ma u-na]-Asz#-szA-qu _gir#_-[_ii_-ia] U a-na-ku ge-en-na-a [u _sa-dug4_] u#-sa-ad-da-ra x [x (x)]-sa

_nun egir_-u mu#-kan-nu-u szit,#-[ri-ia] mut-ta#-id-du ep-[sze-e]-ti# (d)_amar-utu en gal_-u ap-kal _an_-e _u#_ [_ki_-tim] _en_ nag#-bi u ta#-[ma-a]-ti szi-mat du-un-qi u mesz-ri-i li-szim#-szu-ma x [...] a#-na _szu-ii_-szu li-mal#-li _mu_-szu _numun_-szu li-szam-((szam))-di#-il-szu# li-bi-il# ma-ta-[a]-ti i-na nu-uh-szi t,uh-di HÉ-_gal u_ mesz-ri-i li#-ir-te-'a-a _un-mesz#_-szu di-isz _buru14_ i-na _en-te-na_ di-isz _en-te-na_ i-na _buru14_ lisz#-tab-ra-a qé-reb ma-ti-szu

AI Translation

... ... ... ... of the god Bel Marduk, ... from my childhood and my fathers ... he gave and the shepherds of the black-headed people ... Ashur ... all the lands ... my enemies he killed ... he subdued all the insubmissive and made my feet tremble. Moreover, I, the lord, and the satrap he made ... .

May a future ruler, who changes my inscription, who constantly seeks out the deeds of the god Marduk, the great lord, lord of heaven and netherworld, lord of abundance and abundance, determine for him a fate of good and evil, and ... ... his hand, make his name and his seed disappear, and make the land gloomy with abundance, abundance, and abundance, and make his people live in his land in prosperity, prosperity, and abundance. May he cultivate the land with abundance, prosperity, and abundance.


... ... ... ... the god Bel, the mood ... From my youth, my ancestors ... ... ... he gave me to shepherd the black-headed people ... the god Ashur ... in all of their lands, he killed my enemies ...; he subdued all of the unsubmissive and now they kiss my feet. Moreover, I care for the ginû and sattukku offerings and ....

For the future prince who respects my inscription and is attentive to my deeds, may the god Marduk, the great lord, sage of heaven and netherworld, lord of springs and seas, decree for him a fate of divine favor and riches; may he entrust to him ...; may he prolong his name and his progeny; may he rule all of the lands and shepherd his people in plenty, abundance, fertility, and riches; may the summer grass last until winter and the winter grass until summer in his land; may the ability to give orders, to listen, and to find favor, and truth and justice be unceasing in the mouth of his populace; may he exercise kingship over all of the lands and may he attain whatever he desires; may he achieve his wish; should he require something, may it not be ...; and may he not experience evil. ... ... the praises of the great lord, the god Marduk.



i-na _ugu_ ki-gal-li# [sza] _en gal_-e (d)[_amar-utu_] szat,#-t,ir

AI Translation

On the pedestal of the great lord, the god Marduk, it is written.


Written on the pedestal of the great lord, the god Marduk.

Q003274: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[a-na-ku (disz)]_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na#_ [mu-du-u] ha-as-su it-pe-szu pit-qu#-du [...]-szA#-ti e#-pisz szip-ri sza# [x (x)] a(?)-szA(?)-red(?)# [musz-te-e']-u esz-re-e-ti# [...] x [...]-u-a# [...] [...] (d)[...] [...] (d)#[...]

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, the wise and pious one, the ..., the one who performs the work of ..., the foremost, the one who constantly seeks out the shrines, ... my ... the god ... the god .


I, Esarhaddon, knowledgeable, intelligent, expert, cautious, ... ... who performs the work of ..., foremost one, who is assiduous towards the shrines ... ... ... goddess ... goddess ...

Obverse Column ii


isz-ta-[...] i-na lib#-[bi ...] si-kip-[ti ...] u-x [...] at-[...]

AI Translation

... within ...


No translation possible

Obverse Column iii


(disz)x [...] a-na# [...] _u#_ [...] qa-at (d)#[...] _lu#_-i-szip-pi# [...] _lu-gala-mesz_ i#-[...] ta-nit-ti qar-ra#-[du-ti-szu ...] _lu-nar-mesz_ ina _gisz-za#_-[_mi_ ...] gim-ri _erim-hi#-a_-ia# [...] te-e-ra i-szA#-[...] i-na _kar_ a-[...] a-na 1 _kaskal-gid#_ [...] as-li eb-bu#-[ti ...] nap-tan sze-e-ri# [...] (d)_ag dumu#_ [...] u-szal#-[...] (d)_u-gur#_ [...] il-[...]

AI Translation

... ... to ... and ... hand of the god ... messengers ... chieftains ... praise of his heroism ... singers on a throne ... all of my troops ... he ... in the port ... for one league ... a pure strewn offering ... morning meal ... the god Nabû, son ... ... he made complete; the god Nergal ... ... .


... ... to ... and ... hand of the goddess ... iii 5′ purification priests, ... lamentation priests, ... ... praise of his heroism ... singers with lyres ... all of my troops ... iii 10′ ... ... in the quay ... ... for one league ... pure sheep ... morning repast ... iii 15′ the god Nabû, son of ... ... ... the god Nergal ... ... ...

Obverse Column iv


[... é]-sag-il2# [...] [... _an_-e] u _ki_-tim a-na# [...] [...] u-szam-ki-ra u#-[...] [_dingir-mesz_] _gal-mesz_ szu#-ut _an_-e u _ki_-tim _un-mesz#_ [...] [a-na _gir-ii_]-szu u-szak-ni-szu a-a-bi-szu is-pu-nu at-x [x x]

[mu]-szab# _an-szar_ é-szar2-ra É ab-bé-e a-szar te#-disz-ti# [sza] it#-ti _uru_-ka _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ É-_kur_-ka é#-sag-gil# [x (x)] x e-mu-ru-ma szu-ud-lu-pu _un-mesz_-szu [é]-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra a-szar te-disz-ti-ia [isz]-da-a#-szu li-ku-na ki-ma _kur_-i [gi]-mir# HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du hi-s,ib kib-ra-a-ti [szat-ti]-szam-ma _id_-isz li-szah-bi-ba qé-reb-szu

[i]-na# _ugu_ ki-gal-li sza# (d)_en_ sza-t,ir [_gim_] _sumun#_-szu _ab-sar_-ma ba-ri [_dub_] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_gar_-_mu lu-szaman-la tur_ [_szu-ii_ (disz)(d)]_muati#_-_numun_-_kat lu-a-ba_ [A-szu szA (disz)]ina-_suh_-_szur a-ba a_ (disz)(d)_muati_(?)#-_pap_-ir _a-ba_

AI Translation

... Esagil ... heaven and earth to ... I made ... shine ... I made the great gods of heaven and earth, the people ... bow down at his feet, and they defeated his enemies. .

As for the residence of the god Ashur, Esharra, the temple of the abbey, a place of renewal, which ... with your city Babylon, your temple Esagil, and ... its people, may Ehursaggalkurkurra, a place of renewal for me, be set up inside it like a mountain. May all of the abundance, abundance, and prosperity of the four quarters be drenched therein.

Written according to the original and collated. Tablet of Marduk-shakin-shumi, junior apprentice, scribe, son of Nabû-zeru-ibni, scribe, son of Ina-teshi-etir, scribe, son of Nabû-nashir, scribe,


... Esagil ... heaven and netherworld to ... I irrigated; I ... the great gods of heaven and netherworld, the people ... made bow down to his feet, overwhelmed his enemies, ... ...

As for the residence of the god Ashur, Esharra, the ancestral house, the place of renewal, which together with your city, Babylon, and your temple, Esagil, they found ... and its people were exhausted. May the foundations of Ehursaggalkurkura, the place of my renewal, be as solid as a mountain. May all of the abundance, plenty, and produce of the four quarters flow annually into it like a babbling brook.

Written on the pedestal of the statue of the god Bel. Like its original, written and collated. Tablet belonging to Marduk-shakin-shumi, the young apprentice scribe. Written by Nabû-zera-ikshur, scribe, son of Ina-teshî-etir, scribe and descendant of Nabû-nashir, scribe.

Q003275: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É]-_gal_ szA# (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz#_-[_sum-na lugal gal_-u] [_lugal_ dan]-nu _lugal szu_ [_lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [lip]-lip# (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz#_-[_su lugal gal_-u] [_lugal_ dan]-nu _lugal szu_ [_lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [...] x x x x _be_ [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; ... ... .


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... ... ...



[...] szA# x x x [...] [...] _lu-sag#_ [...] [...]-ri szA# [...]

AI Translation

... of ... ... eunuch ... ... ... of .


... which/that ... ... official ... ... which/that ...

Q003276: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_ibila_ a-szA-re-du szA# (disz)[(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _dumu# dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi#_-[_na man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir#-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man#_ [_kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_] [li]-ip-li-ip da-ru#-[u szA (disz)_en_-ba-ni _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] ki#-sit-ti s,a-a-ti [szA du-rug-szu bal-til-_ki_] _gir#-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [...] ta#-me-eh s,er-re#-[ti ...] [_re_-É]-_um#_ s,al-mat _sag_-[_du_ ...]

[...]-i _igi_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

As for the eldest son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, may he guard the eternal residence of Bel-bani, king of Assyria, the privileged status of whose dynasty Baltil Ashur was king of Babylon, ..., the one who treads upon the scepter ..., the one who ... the black-headed people .


foremost son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; grandson of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, king of Assyria, 5′ ancient stock, whose place of ultimate origin is Baltil Ashur, governor of Babylon, ... who holds the nose-ropes of ... shepherd of the black-headed people ...

... ... ...

Q003278: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] (d)#_papnun_ (d)#[...] [...] szar-ra-tu# [_gal_-tu ...] [... tu-ut-tu]-szu#-ma ta-Asz-szu-szu a-na# [_lugal_-ti ...] [... _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_]-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz_ ...] [... e]-pisz# é-sag-il2 u _ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ [...] [... u]-szar#-mu-u pa-rak da-ra-a-ti# [...] [... _sa_]-_dug4#_ gi-nu-u u-kin-nu qé-reb-szin# [...] [... la ip-par-ku]-u# i-na-s,a-ru u4-mu _dingir_ esz-sze-[e-szu ...] [... a-na szum-qut a-a-bi _kur_] asz-szur-_ki_ u-szat-bu-u _gisz-tukul-mesz_-[szu ...]

AI Translation

... the god Tashmetu, the god ... great queen ... ... you gave to him and gave him to be king ... king of the four quarters, favorite of the great gods ... who built Esagil and Babylon ... who made the eternal horizon bright ... who established regular offerings in them ... who did not cease and kept watch over the days of his god's decisions ... who made his weapons greater than those of the enemies of Assyria .


... the goddess Tashmetu, the goddess ... great queen ... whom she selected and raised for kingship ... king of the four quarters, favorite of the great gods, ... 5′ ... the one who rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, ..., who made them dwell on their eternal daises, ..., who reconfirmed the sattukku and ginû offerings in them, ... who does not fail to make offerings and fulfill rites, who observes the days of the god and the esheshu-festival, ... made take up his weapons to overthrow the enemies of Assyria, ... 10′ ..., who had ... and who found no rival ..., who marched freely from the rising sun to the setting sun and ... before him ... ...

Q003279: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x u x [...] [... (d)_en-lil_]-_la dingir-mesz#_ [...] [... (d)_utu_]-szu kisz-szat _un-mesz#_ [...] [... _numun lugal_-ti da-ru]-u _nunuz_ bal-til-_ki#_ [...] [...] musz-te#-szir [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... the Enlil of the gods ... the sun ... the totality of the people ... the seed of kingship, the eternal seed of Baltil Ashur ... the one who guides .


... ... ... the Enlil of the gods, ... the sun of all of the people, ... eternal royal seed, precious offspring of Baltil Ashur ... who sets straight ... ... ...

Q003280: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column iii


x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] usz#-[...] szA u(?)#-[...] ina(?)# [...] e-szi#-[...] sza# [...] 2 a-bu-x [...] 2 x [...] _na4_-x [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... stone ... .


No translation possible

Obverse Column iv


[_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ qé-reb é-szar2-ra É za-ri-szu-nu ke-nisz im-ma-al-du]-ma# isz-mu#-hu gat#-tu (erasure?) [ina s,a-ri-ri ru-usz-sze-e nab-nit a-ra-al-li e-per] _kur#_-i-szu u-szar-ri-ha nab-nit-su#-[un] [ti-iq-ni _mah-mesz_ szu-kut-tu a-qar-tu] ki#-szad-su-un [u-taq-qin-ma u-ma-al]-la#-a _gaba_-su-un [mim-mu-u (d)_en gal_-u (d)_amar-utu_ ina lib-bi-szu ib-szu-u ub]-la ka-bat-ta-szu [szA szar-rat (d)]zar#-pa-ni-tum [s,a-al-me _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni] nak#-lisz u-ba-Asz-szi-mu

[... a-na (d)_papnun gaszan gal_-ti a-szi]-bat# é-umusz-a [... a-szi]-bat# é-sa-bad [... (d)ab-szu-szu (d)ab-ta-gi4]-gi4# sza é-gisz-hur-an-ki-a [...] x _zu_ a-szi-bu-ut é-sag-il2 [...] _gar#_-ma _sum-mu_ [...] x x _ka-dingir-ra#-ki_

AI Translation

The great gods wailed in Esharra, the temple of their zealous fervor and they were enraged. They made their cultic rites splendid. With the shariru-demon, the wild bull of the desert, I made their cultic rites splendid. I gathered together magnificent inscriptions, inscriptions, and their inscriptions and thereby enlarged their bodies. I had everything that the great lord, the god Marduk, had created inside it, and I made it more splendid than before. I made the images of their great divinity more splendid than those of the queen Zarpanitu.

... for the goddess Tashmetu, great lady, who resides in Eumusha, ... who resides in Esabad, ... the gods Abshushu and Abtagigi of Egishhurankia, ... who resides in Esagil, ... and gave birth to ... Babylon.


the great gods were truly created in Esharra, the temple of their progenitor, and they grew beautiful in figure. I sumptuously adorned their features with red shariru-gold, the creation of Mount Arallu and an ore from its mountain. I adorned their necks and covered their chests with magnificent ornaments and precious jewelry, iv 5 all that the great lord, the god Marduk, had in mind and that the queen, the goddess Zarpanitu, wanted. They fashioned images of their great divinity more artfully than before and greatly adorned them. They provided them with awe-inspiring vigor and made them shine like the sun.

... for the goddess Tashmetu, the great lady, who lives in Eumusha. iv 10 ... who lives in Esabad ... the gods Abshushu and Abtagigi of Egishhurankia ... ... who live in Esagil ... established and gave ... ... Babylon

Q003281: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


x-tum(?)# x (x) [...] _dingir-mesz kur eme-gi7#_ u _uri-ki_ har-ra#-[an _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ is,-ba-tu] _gim_ mu-re-e an-hu-ti szA _uru#_ [...] ina ukkin-ni-szu-nu isz-te-nisz '#-[...] szit-ra-hu [...] ia-a-ti (disz)asz-szur-_pap-mesz_-_asz_ mu-disz _dingir#_-[_mesz gal-mesz_] i-szi-mu [szim-ti] ina ul-s,i u ri-szA-a-ti a-na _ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ u-sze-rib-szu-nu-ti] ina _kar ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-mi-[id mA-umusz-a] ina s,ip-pat _gisz-kiri6_ pal-gi _mu#_-[_sar_-e] sza é-kar-za-gin-na [Asz-ri el-li]

AI Translation

... ... the gods of Sumer and Akkad took the road to Babylon. Like the ... of the city ..., they ... in their assembly. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I, Esarhaddon, the one who renewed the great gods, decided a fate for me. In joy and exuberance I brought them to Babylon. I erected Humusha in the midst of the garden, the treasure of Ekarzagina, a pure place.


... ... ... the gods of Sumer and Akkad took the road to Babylon. Like tired foals which ... ... together in their assembly ... ... 5′ splendid .... As for me, Esarhaddon, the one who renewed the great gods, they decreed my fate and I made them enter Babylon in joy and rejoicing. I docked Maumusha "Boat of Command" at the quay of Babylon. 10′ They entered the orchards, groves, canals and gardens of Ekarzagina, a pure place where the craft of the exorcist, "the washing of the mouth," and "the opening of the mouth" are recited before the stars of heaven: the gods Ea, ...

Q003282: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x [...] [...] (d)nin#-[...] [...]-szu# lu-u ra#-[...] [...] _uru_ tak-bit-ti#-[szu ...] [...] x-le-e-szu i#-rib pa-rak da#-[ra-a-ti] [_gu4-mah_-hi bit-ru-ti] szu#-u'-e ma-ru-ti iz-he-et _ku6#_ [u _muszen h_É-_gal zu-ab_] szA la i-szu-u mi-t,i-tu [...] _lal# i-nun-na_ si-mat sat-tuk#-ki-szu eb-bu-ti [u-t,ah]-ha#-a ma-har-szu [(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_]-_mu#_-_gi-na dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-ia a-na (d)_amar-utu u_ (d)#zar-pa-ni-tum a-na szi-rik-ti Asz-ruk _gun_ man#-da-at-tu _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti e-rib la ba-t,a-li

[_lu_-ra-am-ki] _lu_-pa#-szi-szi an-gub-bé-e# na-s,ir pi-risz-ti#

AI Translation

... ... the goddess Nin... ... ... his ... ... his ... he ... daily, he ate ... oxen, small and large, oxen, fish and birds, a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of a swarm of pigs, which had not escaped ... he sattukku-offerings of sweet sattukku-offerings before him. I imposed upon Marduk and Zarpanitu a tribute and payment of heavy tribute, without number.

I stationed guardians and guardians, guardians of truth, and guardians of justice.


... ... ... the goddess Nin... ... ... his important city ... 5′ ... his ..., the contributions of his eternal dais; I brought before him choice oxen, fattened sheep, strings of fish and birds, the abundance of the apsû which never lessens, ... honey, ghee, suitable for his pure sattukku offerings. 10′ I gave Shamash-shuma-ukin, my son, my offspring, as a present to the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu. I presented them with tribute, payment, abundant gifts, and unceasing contributions as my gifts, and I looked after Adedihegal Edadihegal.

I placed at their service ramku-priests, pashishu-priests, ecstatics, those initiated in secret rites, purification priests, ashipu-priests, lamentation priests, and singers, who have mastered their entire craft.



[...]-ti# [...]-un# [...]-ti# [...]-ti# [...]-tum# [...]-i#

AI Translation


No translation possible

Q003283: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] _en_ [...] [...] _lu_ [...] [...]-ri-i _an_ [...] [...] nab-nit ka-a-[...]

[...] li-mur nab-nit-sun [... u-ma]-an-di-id eb-le-e-[szUn] [...] u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szUn [...] masz-szi-szu szA-ma-mesz [...] x-du-te a-sur-ru-szu [...]-ti-ma ana _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ [...] si-ga-ri [... _lu_]-_nar-gal-mesz lu-gala-mesz_ [...] ma-har-szu ul-ziz-ma [... ap]-ru-us-ma [...]-ru _gim_ [...]-ma [...] [...]

[... _udu_]-_nita-mesz_ [...]-ti-ia ar-kus [...] _ugu#_-ka _uru-kar_-(disz)(d)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz_ ar-kus [...] 3 _ansze 1 sze lal-mesz_ [...] ar-ku-su [...] _sze_-hasz-la-ti [...] _ansze szim-en-di ta uru-kar_-(d)asz-szur sza [...] _udu-nita-mesz 24 ansze sze_-hasz-la-a-tu [_ta uru_]-_kar_-_en_-_kur-kur_ [sza sa-a]-a ina _kur_-mu-s,ur i-nam-bu-u 6 _ansze sze_-pi-ni-gu 70 _ansze_ [...]-_mesz 3 ansze 1 sze lal-mesz 6 me 12_ [...]-_mesz ta sza kur-kur_ szA-ti-na sza _an-szar en gal_-u ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u ar-kus

[...]-mi-it _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ki-szit-ti [_szu-ii_-ia] U szal-lat _kur_-mu-s,ur _u kur_-ku-u-si [sza ina tu]-kul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ik-szu-[da _szu-ii_-ia esz-ret(?)] _kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ u-hi-iz-ma _gim_ u4-me u-nam-mir [... _du_]-usz-ma at-ta-di qé-reb-szun [...] (d)da-gan resz-tu-u szA _man dingir-mesz an-szar_ [... _lu-szitim-gal_-li le-'u-u]-ti mu-kin-nu gisz-hur-ri [... tam-szil] _mul-asz-iku_ at-ta-ad-di tem-me-en-szu

[...] ki-i isz-tén u-pa-hir-ma [... u]-lab-bisz an-du-ra-ar-szu-nu Asz-kun [... za]-qap s,ip-pa-a-ti u-szar-hi-is-su-nu-ti lib-bu [...] _zabar#_ nam-ri ina pi-ti-iq (d)nin-A-gal ap-ti-iq-ma [...]-ad-di-iq-ma a-na (d)_idim en_-ia a-qisz a-na qisz-ti [...]-_ki_ szA la-ba-risz il-li-ku [... _dumu-mesz_ um-ma]-a-ni le-'u-u-ti at-ta-di tem-me-en-szu

AI Translation

... lord ... ... ... ... ... ... ... creation of ... .

... may he see their creations ... I widened their terraces ... I widened their gates ... its former ... ... its outer wall ... ... its outer wall ... and I dedicated it to the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu ... ziggurats ... haruspex, ... the chief singers, the lamentation priests ... I erected before him and ... I opened up and ... like ... .

... sheep ... I imposed upon you ... I imposed upon the city Kar-Ashurnasirpal ... 3 homers 1 homer of honey ... I imposed ...

... ... gold, silver, and precious stones, my own handiwork, and the booty of Egypt and Kush, which with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, had conquered, I built sanctuaries for the land of Sumer and Akkad and made them shine like daylight. ... I built and I deposited them inside them. ... the god Dagan, first-born son of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, ..., skilled craftsmen, who establishes plans, ..., the replica of the constellation Aries, I laid its foundations.

... I re-established ... and ... I deposited their clay cones. I made them ... zaqappu-plants. I ... their hearts with ... I pierced with shining bronze by the command of the god Ninagal and ... I ... and gave them to the god Ea, my lord. ... which had become old ... I firmly established its foundations.


No translation possible

... let him see their design. ... I measured their cords ... I installed them in their gates. ... its twins, like the heavens ... ... its lower course 10′ ... ... and ... to the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu ... lock. I placed before him ... chief musicians, lamentation priests ... I decided ... ... like ... and ...

... sheep ... I imposed ... of my ... 20′ ... I imposed on the city Kar-Esarhaddon. ... three barley-homers of honey, ... which I imposed ... groats, ... homers of chufa from the city Kar-Ashur; of ... sheep, twenty-four homers of groats 25′ from the city Kar-bel-matati, which is called Sais in Egypt. Six homers of pinigu-flour, 70 homers of ... three barley-homers of honey, 612 ... from those lands which the god Ashur, the great lord, handed over to me, I imposed.

I decorated the sanctuaries of Sumer and Akkad with ... ..., gold, silver and precious stones, my plunder, and the booty of Egypt and Kush, which I captured with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, and I made them shine like daylight. 30′ I made ... and placed inside them. ... of the god Dagan, firstborn son of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, ... skilled architects who lay out plans ... I laid out its foundations as a replica of Pegasus.

I gathered together ... as one and I clothed .... I established the remission of their debts. I encouraged them ... and to plant orchards. I fashioned ... through the refining techniques of the god Ninagal in shining bronze. ... ... and gave it to the god Ea, my lord, as a gift. ... ..., which had become old, ... with skilled craftsmen, I laid its foundations.



[... (d)]_ag en_-ia a-qisz a-na qisz-ti [...] ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti qé-reb-e-szu-un [...] eb-bi U mar-ri _ku-gi_ ru-usz-sze-e [... la-ba]-risz _du_-ku esz-szisz u-sze-pisz [... _ku_]-_babbar_ u-sze-pisz-ma ina é-masz-masz at-man (d)_nin-lil gaszan_-ia [...] (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum la-ab-ru u-szesz ma-aq-tu ak-szir [...]-ti _sza_-ma u-szak-me-sa szA-pal-szu-un [...] szA qé-reb _nina-ki_ la ep-szu ina t,e-hi _ka-gal murub4 uru_ [...]-su ur-mah-hi an-zi-i (d)lah-me szA _ku-babbar urudu_ u-sze-pisz-ma

[...] é-zi-da É (d)_ag_ szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ [... _ku_]-_gi 2 am-mesz ku-babbar 2 am-mesz zabar 2 suhur-masz-ku6 zabar_ [... ina szi]-pir (d)kU-si22-ban-da (d)nin-A-gal nak-lisz u-ban-ni-ma [... pa-rak _nam_]-_mesz_ szu-bat szi-tul-ti sza (d)_ag_ pa-qid kisz-szat _an_-e _ki_-tim [... _ki_]-_sag_ eb-bi nak-lisz ap-ti-iq-ma _gisz-gigir zabar_ nam-ri [...] x _am-mesz zabar_ eb-bi nak-lisz ap-ti-iq-ma

[... é-gaszan-kalam-ma É (d)isz-tar] szA qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir ku-babbar ku-gi_ uh-hi-iz-ma u-nam-mir ki-ma u4-me [...] _zabar#_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar ka-mesz_-szA [...]-x-ma-a-te ina qer-bi-szu ab-ni-ma u-szA-as-hi-ra ki-da-szu [...] ul-tu (d)15 be-el-ti _lugal_-ti _ugu_ szA _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-szar-bu-u [... u]-szA-tir nab-nit-sa É A-ki-it _edin_ É ni-gu-ti [...]-ma u-szal-la-mu par-s,e-e-szA [...] szu-a-tu ina a-gur-ri _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ [...] is,-s,i _gisz_-ere-ni _mah-mesz du_-usz-ma [...] bil-ti-szu

[... _iti_]-_kin ud-17-kam_ [...] ma-har-szu-un [...] u-szah-ma-t,u _udu-siskur-mesz_-szu-un [... ina] kar-szi rit-pa-sze ha-si-si pal-ke-e [...] qé-reb É A-ki-it u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti [...]-kit-sun [...]-_mesz 10 udu-nita-mesz 10 muszen-mesz 7 ansze gesztin 4 ansze_ [...] [...]-lu _sze_-hasz-lat _nu_ an-nu-u a-na nap-tan _dingir_-ti-[szu-nu] [... qé]-reb É A-ki-it u-kin ma-har-[szu-nu] [...] _ki en_-ia u-sze-[...] [...]-szu-nu u-szam-[hir] [... usz-sze-szu ad-di]-ma u-kin _sig4_-[su] [...] _szar ku_ u-sze-rib ki-ma [...]

[... usz-sze-szu] ad-di-ma u-kin _sig4_-su [...] U é-sze-ri-ga u-sze-rib-ma u-szar-ma-a szu-ba-a-te [...]-e (d)_u-gur_ [...]-tu _ku-babbar ku-gi u an-bar_ u-sze-pisz [...] _uru_-mu-s,a-s,i-ri szA (disz)[...] [...] szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [...] [...] _zabar#_ nam-ri na-[ak-lisz ap-ti-iq] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... I asked the god Nabû, my lord, for help ... I built and completed ... and completed the gods living inside them. ... pure and pure, gold, ... I had a new structure built ... I had ... made and I had it in Emashmash, the cella of the goddess Mullissu, my lady. ... I had the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu ... I had a ruined ruin hill ... I had ... and I made their ... which had not been built in Nineveh. At the entrance of the citadel Gate ... I had lions of the Anzi and Lahme made from silver and copper and I had them .

... Ezida, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Borsippa ... gold, two elephants of silver, two elephants of bronze, two bronze suhurmashku-demons ... by the craft of the god Kusibanda and the goddess Ninagal, he had me create ..., the seat of fates, the seat of the sceptre of the god Nabû, the overseer of all of heaven and netherworld, ... I grasped the top of the heavens with sharp bronze, and a chariot, a shining bronze ... ... I grasped the top of the heavens with sharp bronze, and

... I had Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar, which is inside the city Arbela, clad with silver and gold and made it shine like daylight. I had ... made of bronze and I secured its gates. ... I built inside it and raised its superstructure. ... I made it larger than the one that the kings, my ancestors, had made. ... I made its structure larger. I built a akitu-house in the steppe, a house of joy, ... and I made its rites complete. ... that house with baked bricks, lapis lazuli, ... with magnificent cedars and ... its debts.

... Ululu VI, the seventeenth day, ... before them ... I made their sacrifices ... with a scepter, a scepter, a scepter, ... I settled them in the Akitu House. ... their ... ... ... ... ten sheep, ten birds, seven homers of wine, four homers of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for the life of their divinity ... I established in the Akitu House. ... I brought them before them ... I ... ... I imposed upon them ... I laid its foundations and ... I erected its brickwork. ... I made it shine like .

... I laid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. ... and Esheriga I brought in and made them into daises. ... the god Nergal ... I had ... made from silver, gold, and iron. ... the city Mushashir of ... ... of Sennacherib ... I fastened bright bronze ... ... .


I gave ... as a gift to the god Nabû, my lord. I built and completed .... The gods living in them ... of shining ... and a spade of red gold ... that had become old, I had built anew. rev. 5 ... I had ... made of silver and ... in Emashmash, the chapel of the goddess Mullissu, my lady. I renewed what was old of the ... of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, and repaired what had fallen off. ... ... in it and I made kneel before them. As for ... which had not been built previously in Nineveh, near the citadel gate, I had ... ... lions, anzû-birds, and lahmu-monsters made of silver and shining copper and ....

As for Ezida, the temple of the god Nabû, which is in Borsippa, I skillfully created gold ..., two wild bulls of silver, two wild bulls of bronze, two goat-fish of bronze, ... according to the techniques of the gods Kusibanda and Ninagal. As for ... the dais of destiny, the place of council of the god Nabû, the caretaker of all of heaven and netherworld, I skillfully fashioned ... of shining silver and ... a chariot of bright bronze. ... I skillfully fashioned ... ..., wild bulls of shining bronze and ....

As for Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar, which is in Arbela, I overlaid it with silver and gold and made it shine like daylight. I had ... made of bronze and installed locks on its gates. I built ... ... inside it and surrounded its exterior .... After the goddess Ishtar, my lady, made my kingship greater than that of the kings, my ancestors, rev. 20 ... I expanded its features. As for the akitu-house of the steppe, the house of joyful singing, ... and I was restoring its rites, .... I built that ... with black and blue glazed baked bricks, ... timber, magnificent cedars and ... its load.

... Ululu VI, seventeenth day, ... before them ... they were bringing their offerings in good time ... with far-reaching intelligence and vast understanding ... I seated them inside the akitu-house and ... their ... rev. 30 I placed before them inside the akitu-house ...s, ten sheep, ten fowl, seven homers of wine, four homers of ... ..., groats, this image, for their divine meal, .... ... of my lord ... ... I made offerings to their ... rev. 35 ... I laid its foundations and secured its brickwork. ... ... I brought in; like ... ... residence of relaxation of ... returning ... together with the gods, her counselors, ... I brought her in and placed her in a peaceful dwelling.

... I laid its foundations and secured its brickwork. I brought ... into ... and Esheriga and I made them reside in their dwellings. ... ... of the god Nergal ... I made ... ... from silver, gold, and iron. ... the city Mushashir which ... ... which Sennacherib ... I skillfully fashioned from shining bronze ... ... ...

Q003284: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x-_mesz#_-szu(?) [...] [...] ku-un#-ni _bala_-ia szA-lam [...] [... ep-sze]-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti (d)#[...] [...] _dagal# nu ki-gub u_ s,i-x [...] [... (disz)(d)asz]-szur-_pap#_-_asz sipa_ ke-e#-[nu ...] [...] É(?) a-ki#-ti s,al-me# [...]

AI Translation

... his ... ... the foundation of my reign, the well-being of ... my good deeds, the god ... wide, not confined, and ... ... Esarhaddon, true shepherd, ... the temple of the Akitu temple, the akitu-temple, .


... his ... ... to establish my reign, to keep ... intact, ... my good deeds, the goddess ... wide ..., the statue, socle, and ... ... Esarhaddon, true shepherd ... the akitu-house, images ...

Q003285: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] (x) x-u _e#_ x x [...] [_dingir_(?)] re#-mé-nu-u x [...] [a]-szib# é-hul-hul [...]

[(disz)]_an#-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal#_ [...] x _nun_ na-a'-du musz-[...] ra-a'-im kit-te# x [...] x (x) x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... the merciful god ... who dwells in Ehulhul .

Esarhaddon, great king, ..., pious prince, ..., who loves truth, ...


... ... ... merciful god, ... who resides in Ehulhul, ...:

Esarhaddon, great king, ..., pious prince, the one who ..., the one who loves truth, ... ... ... ...

Q003286: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(d)asz-szur]-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA-ak-nu (d)_en-lil sanga_ (d)asz-szur _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA-ak-nu (d)_en-lil sanga_ (d)asz-szur-ma _lugal_ sza ul-tu s,e-eh-ri-szu zik-ri (d)asz-szur (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ pal-hu-ma szit-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-nu

[ina] kar-sze rit-pa-[sze] [ha]-sis-si pal-ke-[e] [sza] isz-ru-ka [_abgal_] _dingir-mesz_ [...] [...]-ma

[a-na re-'u]-ut _kur u un-mesz_ [ib-bu]-u zik-ri

(d)[30 u (d)]_utu dingir-mesz_ masz-szu-te Asz-[szu] de-en kit-te U mi-szA-ri a-na _kur_ u _un-mesz_ szA-ra-ku _iti_-szam-ma har-ra-an kit-te U mi-szA-ri s,ab-tu-ma

_ud_-[x]-_kam ud-14-kam_ u-sa-di-ru ta-mar-tu _mul-dil-bad_ na-bat, _mul-mesz_ ina _im-mar-tu_

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, appointee of the god Enlil, priest of the god Ashur, son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, appointee of the god Enlil, priest of the god Ashur, king who has received the praise of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, and whose might is pleasing to them.

Among the reed-beds and reed beds, which the sage of the gods gave you, ... ... and

They spoke the truth to the shepherd of the land and people.

The gods Sîn and Shamash, the creator gods, decreed a just and just verdict for the land and people. Every month, they took the road to justice and

The and fourteenth day they brought out the spectacle. The rising of Venus was seen in the west.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, appointed by the god Enlil, priest of the god Ashur; i 5 son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, appointed by the god Enlil, priest of the god Ashur; i 10 the king who has revered the utterances of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû and has extolled their might ever since his childhood;

by the broad knowledge and wide understanding that the sage of gods gave me, ... ...

they the gods named me for shepherding the land and people.

In order to give the land and the people verdicts of truth and justice, the gods Sîn and Shamash, the twin gods, took the road of truth and justice monthly.

They made their simultaneous appearance regularly on days ... and fourteen. Venus, the brightest of the stars, was seen in the west, ii 1 in the Path of the Ea-stars. Concerning the securing of the land and the reconciliation of its gods, it Venus ii 5 reached its hypsoma and then disappeared. Mars, the giver of decisions on the land Amurru, shone brightly in the Path of the Ea-stars and it revealed its sign ii 10 concerning the strengthening of the ruler and his land. Messages from ecstatics were constantly available.

Obverse Column ii


sza _suhusz gisz-gu-za_ sza-an-gu-ti-ia szur-szu-di a-na u4-me s,a-a-te isz-szak-na-nim-ma i-da-at dum-qi ina _masz-ge6_ u ger-re-e szur-szu-di kar-ri szul-bur _bala_-ia it-ta-nab-szA-a _ugu_-ia _giskim-mesz_ du-un-qi szu-a-ti-na a-mur-ma lib-bu ar-hu-us,-ma it,-t,ib ka-bat-ti

bal-til-_ki_ ma-ha-zu re-esz-tu-u sza ul-tu u4-me ul-lu-ti it-ti _lu-erim-mesz_ (d)a-nim (d)_en-lil_ ki-din-nu-us-su-un szA-ak-na-at-ma ka-nak-ka-szu-nu _u ga-e_ (d)_en-lil-la_ a-na-ku (disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz-mesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki un-mesz_ bal-til-_ki_ ki-i _zi_-ia a-qar-te a-ra-an-szu-nu-ti szu-bar-ra-szu-un e-li sza mah-ri ma-a'-disz szu-tu-ri

AI Translation

As for the one who weakened the foundations of my throne for future days and deprived me of good fortune, in dreams and campaigning, weakened the rites of the well-being of my reign, he became angry with me. I saw those signs and became frightened. He became frightened and became frightened.

As for Baltil Ashur, the first-born cult center, whose foundations had been established long ago with the men of the gods Anu and Enlil and whose weapons and weapons the god Enlil had made, I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, and the people of Baltil Ashur, iii 20' reconstructed its ruined portions like a ruin hill and reconstructed its weakened portions like a ruin hill that had been previously.


Good signs occurred for me concerning the securing of the foundation of the throne of my priestly office forever. Favorable omens concerning ii 20 the securing of my throne and the prolongation of my reign came to me in dreams and through oracles. I saw those signs, was encouraged, and my mood felt good.

As for Baltil Ashur, the foremost cult city, whose privileged status had been established with that of the people of Anu and Enlil from early days and ii 35 whose kanakku-status ... — I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, love the inhabitants of Baltil Ashur ii 40 like my own precious life and thus it occurred to me and my heart prompted me to greatly increase their freedom more than before.

Obverse Column iii


t,up-pi za-ku-ti-szu-nu esz-szisz Asz-t,ur _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-szA-tir u-szar-bi u-szaq-qi u-szar-ri-ih _sze_-nu-sa-hi szi-ib-sze mi-ik-si ka-a-ri né-bé-ri sza _kur_-ia u-zak-ki-szu-nu-ti an-du-ra-ar-szu-nu Asz-kun a-na u4-me s,a-a-te ina _ka_-szu-nu az-qu-up ki-din-nu

É (d)asz-szur mah-ru-u sza (disz)usz-pi-a a-bi _sanga_ (d)asz-szur ina pa-ni e-pu-szu e-na-ah-ma (disz)e-ri-szu _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-szum-ma a-bi _sanga_ (d)asz-szur e-pu-usz 2 _usz 6 mu-an-na-mesz_ il-lik-ma i-tur e-na-ah-ma (d)szam-szi-(d)_iszkur dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-kab-ka-bi a-bi _sanga_ (d)asz-szur e-pu-usz 7 _usz 14 mu-an-na-mesz_ il-lik-ma É szu-u ina qi-mi-it (d)_gisz-bar_ usz-tal-pit (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz dumu_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_erim-tah_ a-bi _sanga_ (d)asz-szur e-pu-usz 9 _usz 40-am mu-an-na-mesz_ il-lik-ma

a-na ud-du-usz É szu-a-tu ak-ku-ud ap-lah ar-szA-a ni-id a-hi ina ma-kal-ti ba-ru-u-te

AI Translation

I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I made them greater than before, made them richer, and made them more plentiful. I cut down the grain and straw taxes of the pass of my land and imposed upon them annual tribute. In future days, I will place them in their gate. I established a privileged status for them.

The former temple of the god Ashur which Ushpia, my forefather, priest of the god Ashur, had previously built — it had become dilapidated and Erishu, son of Ilu-shuma, my forefather, priest of the god Ashur, rebuilt it. It had become dilapidated for a distance of two hundred and six years, then it became dilapidated and Shamshi-Adad, son of Ilu-kabkab, my forefather, priest of the god Ashur, rebuilt it. It had a distance of seven hundred and fourteen years, then it had become dilapidated and Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, my forefather, priest of the god Ashur rebuilt it. It had a distance of nine hundred and forty years, then it had become dilapidated and I had to rebuild it.

I built and completed that temple. I was afraid and worried, but I made it beautiful in the presence of the god Marduk, my lord.


I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I made them larger and bigger than before; I raised them up and glorified them. I exempted them from barley taxes and straw taxes, and from the dues levied on the quays and crossing points throughout my land. I established the remission of their debts and set up divine protection in their gates forever.

The former temple of the god Ashur, which Ushpia, my ancestor, priest of the god Ashur, first built, became dilapidated and Erishum I, son of Ilu-shuma, my ancestor, priest of the god Ashur, rebuilt it; one hundred and twenty-six years passed and it became dilapidated again, and Shamshi-Adad I, iii 25 son of Ila-kabkabi, my ancestor, priest of the god Ashur, rebuilt it; four hundred and thirty-four years passed and that temple was destroyed in a conflagration, and Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, my ancestor, priest of the god Ashur, rebuilt it; five hundred and eighty years passed and iii 35 the inner cella, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, the bit-shahuru, the temple of the god Kubu, the temple of the god Dibar, and the temple of the god Ea became dilapidated, aged, and antique.

I was worried, afraid, and hesitant about renovating that temple. In the diviner's bowl, iv 1 the gods Shamash and Adad answered me with a firm 'yes' and they had their response concerning the rebuilding of that temple and the renovation of its chapel written on a liver.

Obverse Column iv


a-na-ku (disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ szah-tum _nun_ na-a'-du mi-gi-ir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-pah-hi-ir _gisz_-al-lum u tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi É szA-a-tu ul-tu na-bur-ri-szu a-di usz-szi-szu aq-qur ina _i-mesz lal i-nun-na gesztin usz gisz-eren_ ab-lu-la ta-ra-ah-husz ina _gisz_-[U]-_szub-mesz_ szin-ni [_am-si gisz_]-_tug gisz-esi gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ [_gisz_]-_eren gisz-szur-min_ [il-bi]-nu [li]-bit-tu

a-na-ku [re]-e-szu mut-nen-[nu]-u pa-lih-szu _tug-hul murub4_-ia am-[ha]-as, ina _szu-ii_-[ia] _ku-mesz_ al-bi-[na] li-bit-tu da-na-[an] (d)asz-szur be-li-ia _un-mesz kur-kur_ u-szad-gil ku-dur-ru i-na _sag-du_-ia Asz-szi-ma u-szA-az-bil ra-ma-ni a-na szup-lu-uh _kur-kur un-mesz_ u-kal-lim _un-mesz kur-kur_ la-bi-in _sig4_ i-na ul-s,i hi-da-a-te U ri-szA-a-te

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, pious king, pious prince, favorite of the great gods, and the people of the lands that I had conquered, viii 5'' had a bitumen and tupshikku-tree made. I reconstructed that temple from its foundations to its crenellations. I filled it with oil, honey, butter, and cedar-wood. I adorned it with a roaring fire with ...-wood, elephant ivory, boxwood, ebony, musukkannu-wood, cedar, and cypress.

I, the pious shepherd who reveres him, slew my enemies with my black wool and threw them into my hands. I slew with my pure hands the people of the lands. I hung a kudurru-silver on my head and made it shine like daylight to pacify the people of the lands. I made the people of the lands who had fled into the lands wear bricks with joy and rejoicing.


I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, reverent king, pious prince, iv 10 favorite of the great gods, gathered the people conquered by me and made them take up hoe and basket. I razed that temple from its battlements to its foundations and mixed the mud for its revetment with oil, honey, iv 20 ghee, wine, and cedar resin. They made bricks in brickmolds of ivory, boxwood, ebony, musukkannu-wood, cedar, and cypress.

I, the pious slave who reveres him, put on an apron and made bricks with my own pure hands. iv 35 I let the people of the lands see the might of the god Ashur, my lord. I raised a basket on my head and carried it by myself. iv 40 I showed it to the people in order to inspire awe in the lands. The people of the lands, the brick makers, made bricks for one year in happiness, joy, and rejoicing.

Obverse Column v


i-na _iti_ szal-mi u4-me sze-me-e s,e-er _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ gu-uh-li kal _szim-hi-a i-bur i dug-ga lal i-nun-na kasz gesztin_ usz-sze-e-szu ina _na4_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i dan-ni ad-di it-ti ki-s,ir _kur_-i ar-ti _na4-na-ru-a-mesz mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia e-pu-usz-ma qé-reb-szu Asz-kun sze-la-ar-szu ina _i-gisz i dug-ga i-bur lal i-nun-na usz gisz-eren_ ab-lu-ul a-na ba-lat, _zi-mesz_-ia _gid-da ud-mesz_-ia _sig4_ mah-ri-tu ina ki-szA-di-ia Asz-szi-ma usz-sze-szu ad-di u-kin lib-na-as-su

szA-ni-tum _mu-an-na_ ina ka-szA-di sza é-szar2-ra mu-szab (d)asz-szur be-li-ia a-na _an_-e ul-li re-sze-e-szu e-le-nu a-na _an_-e u-szaq-qi re-es-[su] szap-la-nu ina _ki_-ti u-kin isz-di-szu é-hur-sag-gu-la É _kur_-i _gal_-i _gim_ szi-t,ir bu-ru-um-me u-ban-ni Asz-pu-uk szad-du-u8-isz

AI Translation

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on gold, silver, guhlu-stone, all kinds of aromatics, fine oil, honey, butter, beer and wine. I built its embankments with limestone, stone from the mighty mountains. I built it alongside the embankments of the mountains. I deposited my inscribed name and deposited its embankments inside it. I filled it with oil, fine oil, honey, butter, butter, and cedar. For my life, for the lengthening of my days, I placed a brick in my former position and thereby secured its brickwork.

Secondly, I made the foundations of Esharra, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, high to the heavens. I raised its top up to the heavens, made its top up to the earth, and firmly placed its foundations on the earth. I made Ehursaggula, the temple of the great mountain, shine like the stars lit. "writings" of the burummu.


In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundations v 10 with limestone, a strong mountain stone, over gold, silver, stones, antimony, all kinds of aromatics, puru-oil, fine oil, honey, ghee, beer, and wine, and laid them on bedrock. v 15 I made foundation documents bearing inscriptions written in my name and placed them in it. I mixed its mortar with oil, fine oil, v 20 puru-oil, honey, ghee, and cedar resin. For the preservation of my life and the lengthening of my days, I carried v 25 the first brick on my neck and then laid its foundations and secured its brickwork.

When the second year arrived, I raised the top of Esharra, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, to the sky. v 35 Above, I made it tower to the heavens, and below, I secured its foundations in the netherworld. I made Ehursaggula, v 40 the temple of the great mountain, glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I heaped it up like a mountain.

Obverse Column vi


É szA-a-tu ul-tu usz-sze-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil a-na da-ga-li lu-le-e u-mal-li _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-lab-na-na szA [e]-re-es-su-un _dug-ga ugu_-szu u-s,a-lil [_gisz-ig_]-_mesz gisz-szur-min_ me-ser _ku-gi_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu

suk-ki pa-rak-ki né-me-di _gisz-hur-mesz_ szuh-ha-a-te a-na Asz-ri-szi-na u-ter ul-t,ib-ma u-na-mir szA-Asz-szi-isz szA-qa-a re-szA-a-szu szA-ma-mi en-du szap-la-nu i-na _zu-ab_ szu-te-lu-pu szur-szu-szu mim-ma u-nu-ut É hi-szih-ti é-szar2-ra esz-szisz e-pu-usz-ma at-ta-di qé-reb-szu

(d)a-szur4 _lugal dingir-mesz_ i-na at-ma-ni be-lu-ti-szu s,i-i-ri u-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-te (d)nin-urta (d)nusku _dingir-mesz_ (d)15-_mesz zag u gub_ i-na man-zal-ti-szu-nu u-kin u-pal-liq le-e ma-re-e u-t,eb-bi-ih as-li _muszen-mesz an_-e _ku6-mesz_ ap-si-i

AI Translation

I built and completed that temple from its foundations to its parapets. I filled it with splendor to be an object of wonder. I roofed it with beams of cedar and cypress grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, whose fragrance is sweet. I fastened bands of gold on doors of cypress and installed them in its gates.

I restored the daises, the daises, the copings, the ziggurats, and the shaphatu-structures to their places and made them shine like daylight. I raised its top as high as a mountain. I surrounded it with a ziggurat, a ziggurat, and surrounded it with everything that pertains to the temple of the cult centers of Esharra. I built it anew and I stayed inside it.

The god Ashur, king of the gods, made his exalted lordship shine forth in his exalted inner sanctum. He established the gods Ninurta, Nusku, and the gods Ishtar on the right and left in their midst. He made the awe-inspiring radiance of the sky shine forth. He made birds of the heavens and fish of the Apsu fly.


I built and completed that temple from its foundations to its parapets and filled it with splendor to be seen. vi 10 I roofed it with beams of cedar and cypress, grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, whose fragrance is sweet. I fastened bands of gold on doors of cypress and installed them in its gates.

I restored the shrines, daises, cult platforms, and ruined ground plans; I made them good and made them shine vi 20 like the sun. Its top was high and reached the heavens; below, its foundations were entwined with the apsû. I made anew whatever furnishings vi 25 were needed for Esharra and put them in it.

I had the god Ashur, king of the gods, dwell in his lordly, sublime chapel on his eternal dais and I placed the gods Ninurta, Nusku, and all of the gods and goddesses in their stations vi 35 to the right and left. I slaughtered a fattened bull and butchered sheep; I killed birds of the heavens and fish from the apsû, vii 1 without number; and I piled up before them the harvest of the sea and the abundance of the mountains. The burning of incense, vii 5 a fragrance of sweet resin, covered the wide heavens like heavy fog. I presented them with gifts from the inhabited settlements, vii 10 their heavy audience gifts, and I gave them gifts. I banned access to A.RI.A.TA.BAR, that is 'Foreign Seed,' from its midst and appeased his Ashur's anger.

Obverse Column vii


_an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ ep-sze-te-ia dam-qa-a-te ke-nisz ip-pa-lis-ma e-li-is, lib-ba-szu ka-bat-tusz im-mir ik-rib _ud-mesz su-mesz_ ik-ru-ba-ni-ma ba-nu-u É szu-mi im-bi a-na-ku a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-ia _un-mesz kur_-ia 3 u4-me ina ki-sal é-szar2-ra ni-gu-tu Asz-kun lib-bi _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti u-ni-ih-ma u-szap-sze-eh kab-ta-as-su

_na4-na-ru-a-mesz mu-sar_-e e-pu-usz-ma ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu qé-reb-szu-un al-t,u-ur

AI Translation

The god Ashur, king of the gods, looked steadfastly upon my good deeds and his heart became happy. He rejoicing and rejoicing daily. He re-established the sanctuaries of my name and I, together with my magnates and the people of my land, stayed in the courtyard of Esharra for three days. I re-established the rites of his great divinity and made his heart happy.

I engraved images of my ancestors and I wrote down in them the deeds I had done.


The god Ashur, king of the gods, truly looked on my good deeds and vii 20 his heart became joyful, his mood shone. He blessed me with a blessing of long days and vii 25 named me as the builder of the temple. I, together with my nobles and the people of my land, vii 30 held a celebration in the courtyard of Esharra for three days. I appeased the heart of his great divinity and placated his mood.

I made foundation inscriptions, wrote the deeds that I had done on them, and left them forever for future kings, my descendants.

Obverse Column viii


ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na be-lut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu _na4-na-ru-a_ li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-[qi] a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri#-[bi-szu] i-szem#-[me]


(d)asz-szur [_lugal dingir-mesz_] ez-zi-[isz] lik-kil-me-szu-[ma] lis-kip _lugal_-[us-su] _mu_-szu _numun_-[szu] ina _kur_ lu-hal-[liq] a-a ir-szi-[szu] re-e-[mu]

_iti-szu ud-19_-[_kam_] lim-mu (disz)_ta_-(d)_iszkur_-a-né-[nu] _lu-en-nam uru_-ma-gi-du-u

_iti-sig4_ [_ud_-x-(x)-_kam_] (disz)_ta_-(d)[_iszkur_-a-né-nu] _lu_-[_en-nam_] _lu_-[ma-gi-du-u]

AI Translation

among the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for ruling over the land and people, may he find my monumental inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

Who breaks

May the god Ashur, king of the gods, look upon him with wrath and overthrow his sovereignty. May he destroy his name and his seed from the land, and have no pity on him.

Month Tammuz IV, nineteenth day, eponymy of Issi-Adad-anenu, governor of the city Magidu 645.

Sivan III, the ... day, eponymy of Issi-Adad-anenu, governor of the Medes.


May one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names to rule over the land and people, read my foundation inscription, viii 10 anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters

May the god Ashur, king of the gods, look upon him with fury, overthrow his kingship, make his name and his seed disappear from the land, and have no pity on him.

Du'uzu IV, nineteenth day, eponymy of Itti-Adad-anenu, governor of Megiddo 679 BC.

Simanu III, day, eponymy of Itti-Adad-anenu, governor of Megiddo 679 BC.

Q003287: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na_] _lugal_ kisz-szA(?)#-[ti] _lugal kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ ru(?)-bu(?)#-[u] na-a-du# na-ram# (d)a-szur4# _u#_ (d)_nin#_-[_lil_] sza s,u-lul-ku#-nu _ugu_-szu# tasz#-ku-nu-ma tan-s,u-ru-szu a-na _lugal_-ti gi-mi-ir za-ma-ni-[szu]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious prince, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, who placed your protection over him and who made him the king, the one who entrusted him with the kingship of all of the four quarters of the world,


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious prince, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, upon whom i 10 you placed your protection and whom you safeguarded for kingship, all of whose enemies ii 1 you killed and whose wish you caused him to attain, upon whose father's throne you placed in greatness, and whom you entrusted with the lordship of the lands; ii 10 son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who made the statues of the god Ashur and the great gods; iii 1 descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, who is assiduous towards the shrines of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu —

Obverse Column iii


É _an-szar_ mah-ru-u sza (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz dumu_ (disz)10-_erim-tah lugal kur_ asz-szur ru-bu-u a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pu-szu 9 _usz_

AI Translation

The former temple of the god Ashur, which Shalmaneser, son of Adad-narari I, king of Assyria, a prince who preceded me, had built — it stood for ninety years.


The former temple of the god Ashur that Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, king of Assyria, a ruler who came iii 15 before me, had built: Five hundred and eighty-six years passed and then it became dilapidated.

Obverse Column iv


É szu-a-tu a-[szar] masz-kAn-szu ul u-szA-ni-ma s,e-er _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _szim-hi-a i_+_gisz gisz-ha-szur_ usz-sze-szu ad-di-ma u-kin lib-na-as-su

AI Translation

I did not change the location of that temple and I surrounded it with gold, silver, precious stones, aromatics, oil, and cypress and thereby secured its brickwork.


I did not change the location of that temple and I laid its foundations on gold, silver, iv 10 precious stones, aromatics, and hashuru-resin, and I secured its brickwork. v 1 I built and completed it, and greatly made it an object of wonder for the people.

Obverse Column v


a-na _ti-la_-ia _gid ud-mesz_-ia _gin bala_-ia szA-lam _numun_-ia na-s,ir _gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-ia sa-kip _kur-mesz_-ia

AI Translation

For my life, the lengthening of my days, the prolongation of my reign, the well-being of my seed, the guardian of the throne of my dominion, and the defeat of my enemies,


I built it for my life, the prolongation of my days, the securing of my reign, the well-being of my seed, the safeguarding of the throne of my priestly office, the overthrowing of my enemies, the prospering of the harvest of Assyria, and the well-being of Assyria.

Q003288: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)_an_]-_szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal# kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki nun#_ na-a'-du na#-ram _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil_ szA s,u-lu-ul-ku-nu _ugu_-szu tasz-ku-nu-ma tan-s,u-ru-szu ana _lugal_-ti gi-mir za-ma-ni-szu ta-na-ru-ma tu#-szak-szi-du ni-iz-ma-su ina _gisz-gu-za ad_-szu ra-bisz tu-sze-szi-bu-szu-ma be-lu-ut _kur-kur_ tu#-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-usz-szu _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur _dumu lugal_-_gi-na lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur-ma

É _an-szar_ mah-ru-u szA (disz)sAl-ma-nu-a-szA-re-di A (disz)10-_erim-tah lugal kur_ asz-szur _nun_ a-lik _igi_-ia e-pu-szu [e]-na-ah-ma [9] _usz 46 mu-an-na-mesz_ il-li-ik-ma

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the universe, king of Assyria, pious prince, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, whose protection you placed over him and whose steadfastness you made great to kingship, you made him stand over all of his enemies and made his radiance great on the throne of his father and entrusted him with the dominion of the lands. son of Sennacherib, king of the universe, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the universe, king of Assyria,

The former temple of the god Ashur, which Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, king of Assyria, a prince who preceded me, had built — it had become dilapidated and taken 46 years to build.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious prince, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, upon whom you placed your protection and whom you safeguarded for kingship, all of whose enemies you killed and i 10 whose wish you caused him to attain, upon whose father's throne you placed in greatness, and whom you entrusted with the lordship of the lands; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria —

The former temple of the god Ashur that Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, king of Assyria, a ruler who came before me, had built, became dilapidated: Five hundred and eighty-six years passed and ii 1 then it became dilapidated.

Obverse Column ii


É szu-a-tu a-szar masz-kAn-szu ul u-szA-an-ni-ma s,e-er _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _szim-mesz i-gisz ha-szur_ usz-szi-szu ad-di-ma u-kin lib-na-as-su# ar-s,ip u-szak-lil a-na tab-rat _un-mesz_ ma-a'-disz u-szA-lik

a-na _ti-la_-ia _gid ud-mesz_-ia _gin bala-mesz_-ia szA-lam _numun_-ia na-s,ir _gisz-gu_-[_za_] szA-an-gu-ti-ia sa-kip _kur-mesz_-ia _si-sa buru14 kur_ asz-szur szA-lam _kur_ asz-[szur] e-pu-usz

AI Translation

I did not change the location of that temple and I added to it gold, silver, precious stones, aromatics, and oil of Hashur and thereby firmly established its foundations. I built and completed it and made it an object of wonder for the vast people.

For my life, the lengthening of my days, the lengthening of my reign, the preservation of my seed, the securement of my throne, the defeat of my enemies, the easing of the harvest of Assyria, and the well-being of Assyria, I built.


I did not change the location of that temple and I laid its foundations on gold, silver, precious stones, aromatics, and hashuru-resin, and I secured its brickwork. ii 10 I built and completed it, and greatly made it an object of wonder for the people.

I built it for my life, the prolongation of my days, the securing of my reign, the well-being of my seed, the safeguarding of the throne of my priestly office, the overthrowing of my enemies, the prospering of the harvest of Assyria, and the well-being of Assyria.

Q003289: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



U (disz)te-usz-pa-a# [_kur_-gi-mir-a-a ina _ki_-tim _kur_-hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi-mir um-ma-ni-szu] u-ra-sib ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ ak-szud _uru#_-s,i-[du-nu szA ina _murub4_ tam-tim (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _man_-szu] _gim ku6_ a-bar-szu-ma a-kis _sag-du_-su ak-szud# [_uru_-ar-za-a szA i-te-e(?) _uru_] na#-hal mu-s,ur (disz)a-su-hi-li _man_-szu bi-re-tu ad-di-ma al-qa-a-[szu a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ak]-szud# _uru_-ba-a-su na-gu-u szA a-szar#-szu ru-u-qu _ugu_ (disz)qa-na#-a _man ni-tuk-ki#_ man-da-at-tu _en_-ti-ia u-kin

ak-szud _kur_-szub-ri-a a-na pat, gim-ri-szu (disz)ik#-te-szup _man_-szu la sze-mu-u a-mat qi-bit-ia a-nir ina _gisz-tukul_ ak-szud _uru_-s,ur-ru szA _murub4_ tam-tim (disz)ba-'a-lu _man_-szu szA a-na (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-ku-u-si it-tak-lu-ma gi-mir _uru-mesz_-szu _nig-szu_-szu e-kim-szu ak-szud _kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-pa-tu-ri-si#

u _kur_-ku-u-si (disz)tar-qu-u _man_-szu 5-szu ina mul-mul-li am-ha-su-ma gi-mir _kur_-szu a-bel Asz-pur _man-mesz_ szA _murub4_ tam-tim _du_-szu-nu _ta kur#_-ia-da-na-na _kur_-ia-man a-di _kur_-tar-si-si a-na _gir-ii_-ia ik-nu-szu _gun_-[sun(?)] _dugud#_-tu am-hur _ugu_ mal-ki szA kib-rat _limmu_-tim li-i-tu# Asz-tak-kAn-ma _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri# as-lu-ha i-mat mu-u-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar nig-szu nig-ga un-mesz tur gal ansze-kur-ra-mesz# gu4-mesz us5-udu-hi-a_ szal-lat-sun _dugud_-tu szA la ni-ba i-szu-u

Asz-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur _lugal-mesz# lu-nam-mesz lu-gar_-nu-_mesz lu-gal-kar-mesz_ ina _ugu kur-kur_-szu-nu Asz-kun-ma ni-ri (d)#[asz-szur] _en#_-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti sat-tuk-ki gi-nu-u ana (d)asz-szur# [u] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en#_-[_mesz_]-ia u#-kin da-ri-szam _gun_ man-da-at-tu _en_-ti-ia

szat-ti-szam-ma la na#-[par-ka]-a e-mid-szu-nu-ti i-szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni ina u4-me-szu-ma# É (d)asz-szur mah-ru-u szA# [(disz)(d)]sAl#-ma-nu-_masz dumu_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_erim-tah dumu#_ (disz)a-rikx2(_gid_)-de-ni-i(?)-li(?)# a-bi ina pa-ni e-pu-szu an-hu-ta# la-bi-ru-ta il-lik#-u-ma É# szu-a-tu aq-qur dan-na-su ak-szud _usz8_-szu ina pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i dan-ni# ki-ma ki-s,ir _kur_-i ar-mi# _ta usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u#-szak-lil _gisz-ur#-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-si-ra#-[ra]

szA ina me-ti-iq _kaskal_-ia ak-ki-su _ugu_-szu u-s,a-lil _gisz#-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ szA i-ri-si-na t,a-a-bu me-ser _ku-gi_ u-rak-kis-ma u-ra-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu# at-man asz-szur _en_-ia _ku-gi_ uh-hi-iz (d)lah-me (d)ku-ri-bi szA s,a-ri-ri ru-usz-szu-u i-di ana i-di ul#-ziz É pa-pah asz-szur _en_-ia _alam-mesz ku-gi_ bi-nu-ut _zu-ab zag#_ u _gub_ ul-ziz É-_gar8-mesz ku-gi#_ ki-ma si-i-ri a-si-ir

AI Translation

Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu. I captured the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, Abdi-Milkuti, its king, like a fish and cut off his head. I conquered the city Arzâ, which is on the border of the city Nahal, the fortress of Asuhili, its king, and took him to Assyria. I imposed upon Qanâ, the king of the land of the

I conquered the land Shubria to its full extent. Ikteshup, its king, did not listen to the words of my command. I conquered the city Tyre, which is in the middle of the sea. Ba'alu, its king, who trusted in Taharqa, the king of Kush, took control of all of his cities and possessions. I conquered Egypt and Paturisu.

I fought with Taharqa, its king, for five days in the Great One, and I ruled over all of his land. All the kings of the seacoast, from the lands Yadanana and Yaman to the land Tarsia, submitted to me. I received a substantial tribute from them. I set the kings of the four quarters of the world in order and imposed it upon all of the enemies. I received a substantial tribute of gold, silver, possessions, and property of people, young and old, horses, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I placed kings, governors, prefects, and chieftains over their lands and imposed the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, upon them. I established regular offerings and payment for the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, forever. I imposed upon them payment in recognition of my overlordship.

At that time the former temple of the god Ashur that Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, son of Arik-den-ili, my forefather, had previously built — old ruins had come and I destroyed that temple. I conquered its foundation pit. I built its foundation pit with limestone, a strong mountain stone, like the base of a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Sirara.

I fastened bands of gold on doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I decorated the statues of the god Ashur, my lord, with gold and adorned them with the lahmu-demons and the kuribu-demons, whose radiance is magnificent. I erected statues of gold, replicas of a lion's horn, on the right and left of the throne. I decorated the walls of gold like a mountain.


Moreover, I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu; I conquered Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, caught Abdi-Milkuti, its king, like a fish, and cut off his head; I conquered the city Arzâ, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters and took him to Assyria; I conquered the city Basu Bazu, a district in a remote place; I fixed the tribute of my lordship on Qanâ, king of Dilmun;

I conquered the land Shubria to its full extent; I killed with the sword Ik-Teshup, its king, who would not listen to the words of my command; I conquered Tyre, which is in the midst of the sea, and took away all of the cities and possessions of Ba'alu, its king, who had trusted in Taharqa, king of Kush; and I conquered Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, struck Taharqa, its king, five times with arrows, and ruled his entire land.

I wrote to all of the kings who are in the midst of the sea, from Yadnana Cyprus and Ionia to Tarsus, and they bowed down at my feet. I received their heavy tribute. I achieved victory over the rulers of the four quarters and I sprinkled the venom of death over all of my enemies. I carried off gold, silver, goods, possessions, people — young and old — horses, oxen, and sheep and goats, their heavy booty that was beyond counting, to Assyria.

I placed kings, governors, officials, and harbormasters over their lands, and I imposed the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, upon them. I confirmed sattukku and ginû offerings for the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, forever. I imposed upon them, yearly, without ceasing, the tribute and payment of my lordship and they now pull my yoke.

At that time, the former temple of the god Ashur that Shalmaneser I, son of Adad-narari I, son of Arik-den-ili, my ancestor, had built earlier, became dilapidated and old. I razed that temple and 20′ reached its foundation pit. I laid its foundations with limestone, a strong mountain stone, making it like bedrock. I built and completed it from its foundation to its parapets. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Sirara, which I had cut down in the course of a campaign of mine.

I fastened bands of gold on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I overlaid the cella of the god Ashur, my lord, with gold and set up side by side lahmu-monsters and kuribu-genii made of red shariru-gold. I set up golden statues of creatures from the apsû on the right and left of the chapel of the god Ashur, my lord, and I covered its walls with gold as if it were plaster.



_bara nam-mesz bara_ s,i-i-ru szA (d)asz-szur ina qer-bi-szu e-ram#-mu-[u] szi-mat _an_-e u _ki_-tim i-szi-mu szA _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia a-gur-ri szu-pu-szu-ma za-ha-lu-u lit#-bu-szu ina 3 _usz gun_ [pi]-ti#-iq isz-ma-re-e nak-lisz u-sze-pisz s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia mu-sa-pu-u _dingir_-ti-szu-un mu-te-risz (ba)_ti_-ia

U s,a-lam (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a dumu_ ri-du-ti-ia ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu 2 ku-sa-rik-ki szu-ta-tu-te szA pa-ni-szu-nu pa-nu u ar-ka i#-na-t,a-lu a-da-pi ku-lul _ka_ na-szu-u szA _urudu_ nam-ri ap-tiq-ma _ka kaskal_ szu-ut (d)_en-lil#_ ul-ziz 2 a-bu#-ub nad-ru-tu ina szi-pir um-ma-nu-te nak-lisz# u-sze-pisz-ma _ka man_-ti _zag#_ [u] _gub_ u-szA-as,-bi-ta# _si-gar#_-ru a-bu-bi masz-szé-e pi-ti#-iq

za-ha-le-e eb#-bi x [(x) ba]-ab kam-su# (d)i-gi-gi ul-ziz ina# _mu-an-na_ szu#-a-tu é-sag-il2# É-_gal#_ [_dingir_]-_mesz_ im-gur#-(d)_en-lil bad_-szu né#-[met-(d)_en_]-_lil#_ szal-hu#-u-szu ul-tu _usz8_-szu# a-di na-bur-e#-szu esz-szisz# u-sze-pisz-ma _ugu_ szA mah#-[re]-e ma#-a'-disz ut-tir

(d)_en u_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _dingir-mesz#_ mur-ta-a#-me ki-i t,e-me-szu-nu# [ina] qé#-reb _uru_-asz-szur ib#-ba-nu-ma ina é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra ke-nisz im-ma-al-du (d)be-let-_ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ (d)é-a# (d)_di-ku5_ ina qé-reb _uru_-asz-szur# a-szar nab-ni-it _dingir-mesz_ in-né-ep-szu-ma u-szak-li-la nab-ni-su-un# ina 50#-_am gun_ s,a-ri-ru ru-usz-sze-e nab-ni-it _kur_-a-ra-al-li e-per szad-di-i-szu szA ana szi-ip-ri la pat-qu u-szar-ri-ih gat-ta-szu-un ti-iq-ni s,i-ru-tu(?)# [szu(?)]-kut-tu a-qar-tu

in-nesz-ru-ma ul-tu qé-reb# é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-(ra) _gim_ (d)szA-masz ana _kur_ nam-risz it-ta-s,u-u har-ra-an szu-an-na-_ki_ is,-ba-tu u-ru-uh ta-szi-il-ti ul-tu bal-til-_ki_ a-di [_kar_] _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na 10 _usz-ta-am_ qaq#-[qa]-ru# ab-ru ut-tap-pi-ha ana _kaskal-gid-ta-am_ u-pal-li-qu le-e ma-ru-ti U ana-ku (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz#_ [qa]-at# _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti s,ab-ta-ku-ma x x (x) x x-ku#-ha ma-har-szu

ina qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki uru_ É-ti-szu-[nu] ha#-disz u-sze-rib-szu-nu-ti ina s,ip-pat# _gisz-kiri6 pa5 mu-sar_-e szA é-kar-za-gin-na Asz-ri el-li ina szi-pir _abgal ka-luh#-u-da ka-du8-u-da_ rim-ki te-lil-te ma-har _mul#_-[_mesz an_-e (d)é-a] (d)szA-masz (d)asal-lu2-hi# _dingir-mah_ (d)kU-sU (d)nin-girima# [(d)nin-kur-ra (d)nin-A-gal (d)kU-si22-ban-da (d)nin-ildu (d)nin-zadim] e-ru-bu x x x (x) [...] x

AI Translation

The great dais of fates, the exalted dais of the god Ashur, which is inside it, determined the fate of heaven and netherworld. I had baked bricks made and I had them cast with three talents of shiny kiln-fired bricks. I had my royal statue, the one who enlarges their divinity and restores my royal majesty, made from cast bricks weighing three talents and weighing eight talents.

Moreover, I made a statue of Ashurbanipal, my favorite son, and I erected it on his head. I fashioned two kusarikku-straps that are visible in front of them, in front and behind them, and I hung them on poles. I fashioned a doorframe of bright copper and erected it in the gateway of the path of the god Enlil. I had two lion-headed eagles made by the craft of skilled craftsmen and I made the royal gate stand on the right and left. I made a doorframe of reddish eagles.

In that same year, I had Esagil, the palace of the gods, Imgur-Enlil, its wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew from its foundations to its crenellations and I added them to those of the past.

The god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya, the gods, created a cult center in the city Ashur according to their own plans and they filled it with splendor in Ehursaggalkurkurra. The Lady of Babylon, the god Ea, and the Judge were built in the city Ashur, the place where the gods were created and they completed their creations. With fifty talents of shining steles, the wild bulls of the land Arallu, whose shards were not cut down for the work, they made their cult center shine like daylight. They made a magnificent stele, a magnificent stele, and a magnificent stele.

As for Ehursaggalkurkurra, he trudged like the god Shamash to the land. He took the road to Shuanna Babylon, sailed on the shore, and sailed from Baltil Ashur to the port of Babylon for ten leagues of terrain. He sailed on the road and sailed on the long road. Moreover, I, Esarhaddon, took the hand of his great divinity and ... before him.

In the midst of the orchard, I joyfully greeted them in Babylon, the city of their houses. With the craft of the sage Kaluhu, the sage Kadudu, the pure rimki, before the stars of heaven, Ea, Shamash, Asalluhi, the great lord, Kusu, Ningirima, Ninkura, Ninagal, Kusibanda, Ninildu, and Ninzadim, I entered ... ... .


The dais of destiny, the lofty dais on which the god Ashur lives and where they the gods decree the destiny of heaven and netherworld, which the kings, my ancestors, had made of baked bricks and covered with silver zahalû, I now had it skillfully made of 180 talents of cast eshmarû-silver. I fashioned on it the dais my royal image shown praying to their divinity and imploring them constantly to give me life, and an image of Ashurbanipal, my crown prince.

I cast from shining bronze two bison positioned opposite each other, with their faces looking forward and backward, to bear the columns which support crossbeams forming the cornice in its gate and I set them up in the Gate of the Path of the Enlil-Stars. I had two fierce Deluge monsters made with skillful craftsmanship and I placed them in the Royal Gate, to the right and left of the gate. I also set up twin Deluge monsters cast of shining silver zahalû ... the Kamsu-Igigu Gate.

In that same year, I built anew Esagil, the palace of the gods, Imgur-Enlil, its Babylon's wall, and Nemed-Enlil, its Babylon's outer wall, from their text: "its" foundations to their text: "its" battlements, and made them much bigger than before.

The god Bel and the goddess Beltiya, the divine lovers, were created in the city Ashur by their own command and were truly born in Ehursaggalkurkura. The gods Belet-Babili, Ea, and Mandanu were made in the city Ashur, place of the creation of gods, and I completed their figures. I sumptuously adorned their features with fifty talents of red shariru-gold, the creation of Mount Arallu and an ore from its mountain that had not been refined. I adorned their necks and covered their chests with magnificent adornments and precious jewelry that greatly befitted their lordship.

They moved forward and went out from Ehursaggalkurkura radiantly, like the sun to the land. They took the road to Shuanna Babylon, a joyful path. From Baltil Ashur to the quay of Babylon, piles of brushwood were lit every third of a league and they slew 45′ fattened bulls at each league. Moreover, I, Esarhaddon, took the hand of his great divinity and ... before him. I had them joyfully enter into Babylon, their home city.

They the gods entered the orchards, groves, canals, and gardens of Ekarzagina, a pure place where the craft of the sage, "the washing of the mouth," "the opening of the mouth," "bathing," and "purification" were recited before the stars of heaven: the gods Ea, Shamash, Asalluhi, Belet-ili, Kusu, Ningirima, Ninkurra, Ninagal, Kusibanda, Ninildu, and Ninzadim. ... ... ...

Q003290: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man_ dan-nu _man szu# man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u# _uri-ki a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz_ É musz-la-lu szA qé-reb É-_gal_ bal#-til-_ki_ a-na e-re-bi u a-s,e-e esz-szisz u-sze-pisz ina pi-i-li _babbar_-e u-szar-szid tem-me-en-szu#

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had the mushallu-house which is in the palace in Baltil Ashur built anew for entering and leaving. I firmly established its foundation with white limestone.


The palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria — I had the gatehouse, which is in the palace in Baltil Ashur, built anew for coming and going and I firmly founded its foundation with white limestone.

Q003291: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz_ É musz-la-lu szA qé-reb É-_gal_ bal-til-_ki_ a-na e-re-bi U a-s,e-e esz-szisz u-sze-pisz ina pi-i-li _babbar_-e# u-szar-szid tem-me-en-szu

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria: I had a mushallu-house built anew for entering and leaving the palace in Baltil Ashur. I had its foundations firmly firmly fixed with white limestone.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria — I had the gatehouse, which is in the palace in Baltil Ashur, built anew for coming and going and I firmly founded its foundation with white limestone.

Q003292: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal#_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man# gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir#-nita ka-dingir-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u# uri-ki# dumu_ (disz)#(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ dan#-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur É musz-la-lu sza qé-reb É#-_gal_ bal-til-_ki_ a-na# e-re-bi U a#-s,e-e esz#-szisz u-sze-pisz ina pi#-i-li pe#-s,e-e# u-szar#-szid tem-me#-en-szu

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had a mushallu-house, which is in the palace in Baltil Ashur, built anew for entering and leaving. I firmly established its foundation with bitumen.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria — I had the gatehouse, which is in the palace in Baltil Ashur, built anew for coming and going and I firmly founded its foundation with white limestone.

Q003293: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)#asz-szur-_pap#_-_asz man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita# ka_-[_dingir_]-_ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki#_ ba-nu-u# É [(d)asz-szur] e#-pisz é#-sag-gil# u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ mu-disz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz# dumu_ (disz)30-_pap#-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur_ asz-szur-ma [ina _man_]-ti-ia szA _an-szar#_ u (d)_nin-lil gisz-mi_-szu#-[nu _ugu_-ia] it-ru-s,u u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ a-na be-lut _kur# u# un-mesz_ ib-bu-u zik-ri u (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a#_

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, reconstructed the statues of the great gods, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, in my kingship, whose protection the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu had placed over me, and the great gods prayed to me to rule the land and people, and Assurbanipal,


I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, renewed the statues of the great gods; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria — 5 during my kingship, when the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu stretched out their protection over me and when the great gods called my name for lordship over the land and people, and when I made Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, enter the House of Succession, it was at that time, that I raised that terrace and built a palace for my royal residence on it.

Q003294: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)asz-szur-_pap_...- [...] _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap_...- [...] ba-nu-u ... [...] e-pisz ... [...] u(?) _ka_(?) ... [...] mu...- [...] szA ma...- [...] mu-szak(?)-lil(?)# par-s,i U ... [...] mu-kin sat-tuk(?)...- [...] _dingir-mesz_ ... [...] a-[na-ku]

AI Translation

Ashurnasirpal, ... son of Sennacherib, ..., builder of ..., ..., builder of ... and ... ... ... who ... ..., who perfected the rituals and ..., who established sattukku-offerings ... the gods ... I.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil 5 and Babylon, ..., restored the shrines of cult centers, completed the rites and ..., 10 and reconfirmed the sattukku offerings ... of the great gods, am I.

Q003295: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] (d)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man#_ [...] [...] _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su#_ [...] [...] ba-nu-u É asz-szur e-[pisz ...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of ..., son of Sennacherib, ..., builder of the temple of the god Ashur, built .


... Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of ... son of Sennacherib ... the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt ... ... ...

Q003297: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana asz-szur _umun_-szu (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir man kur_-kar-(d)dun-ia-asz _du_-szu _man man-mesz kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-pa-tu-ri-si u _kur_-ku-si _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti ana _ti_-szu# _gid_ u4-me-szu _silim# numun_-szu _ga_-ma _ba_-isz

AI Translation

To Ashur, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Karduniash Babylonia, the one who built it, king of the kings of Egypt, Paturisi, and Kush, king of the four quarters, dedicated this for his life, the lengthening of his days, and the well-being of his seed.


To the god Ashur, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of all of Karduniash Babylonia, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, 5 and Kush, king of the four quarters, placed and gave this door socket for his long life, the prolongation of his days, and the well-being of his offspring.

Q003298: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana asz-szur _umun_-szu (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur#_ [_asz_] _gir-nita ka-dingir man kur_-kar-(d)dun-ia#-[asz] _man man-mesz kur_-mu#-[s,ur] _kur_-pa-tu-ri#-[si] u _kur_-ku-si ana _ti_-szu _silim# numun_(?)#-[szu _ba_]

AI Translation

To Ashur, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Karduniash Babylonia, king of the kings of Egypt, Patrusu, and Kush, dedicated this for his life and the well-being of his seed.


To the god Ashur, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Karduniash Babylonia, 5 king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, gave this door socket for his long life and the well-being of his offspring.

Q003299: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)#30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz dumu_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz gir-nita tin-tir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki na4_-na-ah-bi-s,i szA _i-mesz_ ru-bu-ti ma-lu-[u szA] it-ti _nig-szu-mesz_ szad-lu-ti _nig-ga#_ la ni-bi ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_ (disz)ab-di-mi-il-ku-ti _lugal kur_-s,i-du-un-ni

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; nahbishu-stone, which is rich in oil, whose value is with the extensive possessions and property without number; descendant of Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad — an amphora filled with oil fit for princes, which was with the vast possessions and goods without number, the treasures of the palace of Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon — which is in the midst of the sea — that my great hands captured with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela.

Q003300: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal#_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita tin-tir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ le-'u-u _murub4_ u _me_ sa-pi-nu _lu-kur-mesz_-szu _dumu_ [(disz)(d)]30#-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz dumu_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz gir-nita tin-tir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki na4_-na-ah-bi-s,i szA _i-mesz_ ru-bu-ti ma-lu-u szA it-ti bu-sze-e szad-lu-u-ti _nig-ga#_ la ni-bi

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, capable in battle and war, the one who overwhelms his enemies, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad: a stone nahbishu-stone containing rich oil, which is infused with a heavy supply of goods, and without number, a valuable property,


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, skilled in battle and warfare, who leveled his enemies, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad — an amphora filled with oil fit for princes, which was with the vast possessions and goods without number, the treasures of the palace of Abdi-Milkuti, the king of Sidon, that my great hands captured with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela.

Q003302: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _man_] _kur# asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz#_-[_su_ ...]

AI Translation

... king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib .


... king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, ....

Q003303: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-e-tel-_dingir-mesz_-_gin_-_a man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-me_-_su man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man szu man kur asz_-ma _du_-u É _an-szar du_-isz é-sag-gil u _ka-dingir-ki_ mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti szA ma-ha-zi mu-szak-lil par-s,i mu-kin _sa-dug4_ szA _dingir-me gal-me_ ana-ku-ma szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ u (d)15-_mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-ti ra-bisz mu-du-u

AI Translation

I, Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of the world and king of Assyria: builder of the temple of the god Ashur, renovates Esagil and Babylon, completes the sanctuaries of the cult centers, completes the rituals, and completes the rites of the great gods: I am the one who reveres the gods and goddesses of heaven and netherworld, the one who knows how to revere the gods and goddesses of heaven and netherworld.


I, Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, 5 rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, restored the shrines of cult centers, completed the rites, and reconfirmed the offerings of the great gods; I am also the one who knows how to greatly revere the gods and goddesses of heaven and netherworld.

Q003304: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-e-tel-_dingir-mesz_-_gin_-_a man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-me_-_su man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man szu man kur asz_-ma _du_-u É _an-szar du_-isz é-sag-gil u _ka-dingir-ki_ mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti szA ma-ha-zi mu-szak-lil par-s,i mu-kin _sa-dug4_ szA _dingir-me gal-me_ ana-ku-ma

AI Translation

I, Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of the world and king of Assyria: builder of the temple of the god Ashur, renovates Esagil and Babylon, renovates the sanctuaries of the cult centers, completes the rituals, and establishes the regular offerings of the great gods:


I, Ashur-etel-ilani-mukin-apli, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, 5 king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil 10 and Babylon, restored the shrines of cult centers, completed 15 the rites, and reconfirmed the offerings of the great gods, am I.

Q003305: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)asz(?)-szur(?) [...] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz_ ina qer-bi-szu x [...] x da-ra-te a-na (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_mu_ x x [x x] x x ni-isz _igi-ii-mesz_-szu ur-tu i-nam-din-szu-u-ma u-ma-'a-(ar)-szu t,e-e-mu(?) a-na mu-di-isz é-szar2-ra mu-szak-lil pel-lu-de-e _mu_-szu it-ta-bi a-na# _lugal_-u-te e-pu-usz é-szar2-ra s,i-i-ru(?)# _bara_ la-li-ia ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-um-me nu-uk-ki-la _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu

(disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_mu_ isz-szak-ku pit-qu-du ba-nu-u É asz-szur um-ma-na-at (d)asz-szur id-de-ki a-na kul-lat (da)-Ad-me mal-ki id-de-ki sza kal kib-ra-te ku-dur-ru it-ta-szu-u-ni a-na _uru_ kisz-szu-te

ina bal-til-_ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)asz-szur a-na e-pesz szip-ri szA é-szar2-ra [x x] x _ku bal_-qi ina _bal_(?) x szi-iz-bu hi-[me-tu] _i-gisz ha-szur_ ka-lak-ku ib-lu-lu4 [il-bi(?)]-nu _sig4_ kab-tu-te s,e-eh-ru-te _dumu-munus lugal_

AI Translation

The god Ashur ... the great gods inside it ... ... eternally gave to Esarhaddon ... ..., his favorite brother, and he listened to his prayers. He gave orders to renovate Esharra and to complete its rituals. He built Esharra, the exalted throne of my life, like the writing on the wall, and to complete its designs.

Ashurnasirpal, the perfect one, builder of the temple of Ashur, the army of the god Ashur, he defeated all rulers. He brought the kudurru-demons of all the four quarters to the city Kishhutu.

In Baltil Ashur, the exalted cult center, the city of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, to do the work of Esharra ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., the daughter of the king,


The god Ashur ... great gods in its midst ... ... lasting ... ..., he was giving a command to Esarhaddon, ..., his chosen one, and he was ordering him. 5 He called his name for kingship to be the one who renovates Esharra and makes its cult complete, saying: "Build lofty Esharra, the dais of my desire and make its design artful like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament."

Esarhaddon, trusted ruler, the one who is rebuilding the temple of the god Ashur, mustered the workmen of the god Ashur from all of the settlements and mustered the rulers of all four quarters. They carried baskets to the capital city.

In Baltil Ashur, the lofty cult center, city of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, to perform the work on Esharra ... he Esarhaddon poured .... 15 Into ..., they mixed milk, ghee, fine oil, hashuru-resin, and mortar, and they made bricks. Big, small, the daughter of the king,

Q003306: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki re_-É-_um_ ki-i-nu sza _un-mesz_ dal-ha-a-ti u-taq-qi-nu u-sze-s,i-szi-na-ti nu-u-ru sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ba-nu-u e-pe-szu ud-du-szu isz-ru-ku szi-rik-tusz ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi ka-li-szu-nu mu-ud-disz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

_lugal_ szA ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti i-szA-risz it-tal-lak-u-ma kul-lat na-ki-re-e-szu [u ma]-al-ki la kan-szu-ti-szu u-szak-ni-szA sze-pu-usz-szu ka-szid _uru_-s,i-du-nu szA ina [_murub4_] tam-tim na-du-u sa-pi-in gi-mir da-Ad-me-szu szA-lil _uru_-ar-za-a sza i-te-e na-hal _kur_-mu-us,-ri sza (disz)a-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu a-di ma-li-ke-e-szu bi-re-e-ti id-du-u a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a

t,a-rid (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_ [na-bi]-i' _kur_-É-da-ku-ri sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di a-a-bi _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [ka-mu]-u (disz)(d)szA-masz-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu hab-bi-lu [_uru_-ha]-an-da-su _uru_-ma-ga-la-nu _uru_-al-pi-ia-na _uru_-di-ih-ra-nu _uru_-qa-ta-bu-u' _uru_-pa-de-e _uru_-u-de-ri _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza na-ge-e _kur_-ba-az-zi a-di _uru-mesz_ s,e-he-ru-ti sza li-me-ti-szu al-me ak-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su-un ap-pul aq-qur ina _gisz-bar_ aq-mu

da-a'-isz _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur_ ak-s,u a-szi-bu-ti _kur-du6_-a-szur-ri sza ina pi-i _un-mesz kur_-mi-hi-ir-a-nu _kur_-pi-it-ta-nu i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu mu-sap-pi-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a gu-tu-u la sa-an-qu _kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ra na-gu-u sza i-te-e É-_mun_ sza qé-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza i-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim ma-a-ti-szu-un (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-ni (disz)e-pa-ar-ni _lu-en-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza la kit-nu-usz a-na ni-ri szA-a-szu-nu a-di _un-mesz_-szu-nu

_dumu_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_

ina u4-me-szu-ma ina _un-mesz_ ki-szit-ti _kur-kur_ sza ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar en_-ia ik-szu-da qa-ta-a-a É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha sza (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz man kur_ asz-szur _dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-ir-_a nun_ a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pu-szu tam-lu-szA ul ib-szi-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa

ia-a-ti (disz)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na man kur_ asz-szur-_ki nun_ na-a'-du szin-na-at _abgal_ a-da-pa szA isz-ru-ku ru-bu-u (d)nin-szi-kU sza tam-le-e szu-a-tu ina uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma usz-ta-bi-la ka-bat-su qaq-qa-ru ki-szub-ba-a ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta i-na esz-qi _na4 kur_-e tam-la-a usz-mal-li i-na 1 _me 20_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-esz-e-szu É-_gal-mesz_ a-na mu-szab _lugal_-u-ti-ia ab-ta-ni qé-reb-szu ul-tu usz-szi-szu a-di gaba-dib-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-ni u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin

_mu-sar-mesz_ e-pu-usz-ma da-na-an _an-szar en_-ia ep-sze-et e-tep-pu-szu s,e-ru-usz-szu u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ina qé-reb-szu-un Asz-kun

i-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na u4-me s,a-a-ti _nun egir_-u ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia an-hu-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_ szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _udu-siskur bal_-qi _i-mesz sz_ÉSZ szu-mi it-ti szu-me-szu lisz-t,ur a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)nin-urta _ibila_ (d)_en-lil_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

_iti-ne-ne-gar ud-5-kam_ li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-be-li-u-s,ur _lu-gar-kur uru-bad_-_lugal_-uk-ka

_iti-gu4 ud-18-kam_ li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-be-li-u-s,ur _lu-gar-kur uru-bad_-_lugal_-uk-ka a-de-e ina _ugu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a dumu lugal gal_-u sza É ri-du-te szak-nu

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd who gathered the scattered people and made them bow down at their feet, the one who the great gods granted to him and who made him build and renovate his temples, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all of the cult centers, renovated the statues of the great gods, and renovated the sanctuaries of the cult centers.

king who with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and subdued all of his enemies and rulers who were not submissive to him; conqueror of the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, sank all of its settlements, ruled the city Arzâ, which is on the bank of the Euphrates, and who laid waste to Assyria, together with his governors, and imposed upon Assyria a debt of a eunuch of his, his son, as a gift;

I captured alive Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the fugitive of the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, a foe of Babylon, and the one who struck down Shamash-ibni, its king, and razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magallanu, Alliana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazzu, together with smaller settlements in its environs.

The fierce enemy Parnaki, a dangerous enemy who lives in the land Til-Ashurri, whose name is called by the people of the lands Mihiranu and Pittanu, the one who scattered the Mannean people, the unsubmissive Patusharra, a district in the salt desert in the midst of the distant Medes, which is on the border of the land Bikni, and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had conquered — Shidir-parna and E-parna, fortified cities in the midst of the land of their land, together with their people,

son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad;

At that time, with regard to the people of the lands that I had conquered with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I built a fortress in Calah that Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a prince who came before me, had built, but whose terrace had not been sufficiently wide and whose site had become too small.

As for me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, pious prince, attentive prince, sage of Adapa, who had granted me the crown of the goddess Ninshiku, I erected on my own the area of that terrace with my own hands and made its mood bright. I filled the area with this terrace like a dream. I filled it with limestone from the mountains. I raised its superstructure 120 courses of brick high. I built palaces for my royal residence inside it. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams grown on Mount Amanus.

I wrote down the deeds that I had done and I inscribed their correspondingly inscribed objects.

In the future, in distant days, may a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his own name, and return it to its place. The god Ninurta, heir of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Abu V, fifth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 645.

Ayyaru II, eighteenth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 645. The treaty was concluded concerning Assurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the true shepherd who reorganized the confused people and made light shine forth for them; to whom the great gods gave as a gift the ability to create, build, and renew; 5 the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all of the cult centers, renewed the statues of the great gods, and who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their proper place from Assyria; who plated Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, his lady, with silver zahalû and made it shine like daylight — I had lions, screaming anzû-birds, lahmu-monsters, and kuribu-genii fashioned from silver and copper and set them up in its entry doors.

The king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, marched freely from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and made all of his enemies and the rulers who were unsubmissive to him bow down at his feet; 15 the one who conquered the city Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, and the one who leveled all of its dwellings; the one who plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, and who threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and brought them to Assyria; moreover, I am the one who struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu; the one who treads on the unsubmissive people of Cilicia;

the one who drove out Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan; the one who sacked Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon; the one who captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw — I surrounded, captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magalanu, Alpiyana, Dihranu, 25 Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazu, together with small cities in its environs.

The one who crushed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the city Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the land Mehranu; 30 the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians — as for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders Mount Bikni, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked, I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people and their heavy plunder.

Son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad —

At that time, by means of the prisoners from the lands that I had conquered with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, the arsenal, which was in Kalhu, that Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a ruler who came before me, had built, had no terrace and its site had become too small.

As for me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, pious prince, to whom the prince, the god Ninshiku Ea, gave wisdom equal to that of the sage Adapa, that terrace was on my mind and I text: "he" thought about it. I incorporated unused land as an addition and raised the terrace with massive stone blocks from the mountains. 50 I raised its walls by 120 brick courses, built palatial halls for my royal residence upon it, and built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. I roofed them with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus, and installed doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, in their gates. I filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I made foundation inscriptions, had the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and the deeds that I had done written on them, and placed these inscriptions in them the foundations.

In the future, in far-off days, may a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections. 60 May he read a foundation inscription written in my name, make an offering, anoint it with oil, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. The god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Abu V, fifth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of the city Dur-Sharrukku 672 BC.

Ayyaru II, eighteenth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of the city Dur-Sharrukku 672 BC, when the treaty concerning Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, was made.

Q003307: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-[u] _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki sipa_ ki-i-nu szA _un-mesz_ dal-ha-a-te u-taq-qi-nu u-sze-s,i-szi-na-ti nu-u-ru sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ba-nu-u e-pe-szu ud-du-szu isz-ru-ku szi-rik-tusz ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi ka-li-szu-nu mu-ud-disz [s,a]-lam# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

_lugal_ szA ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ [(d)_amar-utu_ (d)15] szA _nina-ki_ [(d)]15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti a-di [tam-tim szap-li-ti] i-szA-risz it-tal-lak-[u-ma] kul-lat na-ki-re-szu u ma-al-ki la kan-[szu-ti-szu u-szak-ni]-szu sze-pu-usz-szu ka-szid _uru_-s,i-du-nu szA ina _murub4_ tam-tim [na-du-u sa-pi-in] gi-mir da-Ad-me-szu szA-lil _uru_-ar-za-a sza i-te-e na-[hal _kur_-mu-us,-ri sza (disz)a]-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu a-di ma-li-ke-e-szu bi-re-e-[ti id-du-u a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] u-ra-a

ka-bi-is _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki la kan-[szu-ti t,a-rid (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si_]-_sa dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ na-bi-i' _kur_-É-(disz)da-ku-ru sza qé-reb [_kur_-kal-di a]-a-bi _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ka-mu-u (disz)(d)szA-masz-ib-ni _lugal_-szu [is-hap-pu] hab-bi-lu _uru_-ha-an-da-su _uru_-ma-ga-la-nu _uru_-al-[pi-ia-na _uru_-di-ih]-ra-nu _uru_-qa-ta-bu-u' _uru_-pa-de-e _uru_-u-de-e-ri [_uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza na]-ge-e _kur_-ba-az-zi a-di _uru-mesz_ s,e-eh-ru-ti sza li-me-[ti-szu] al-mi [ak]-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su-un

ap-pul aq-qur ina _gisz-bar_ aq-mu [da-a'-isz _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur_ ak-s,u] a-szi-bu-ti _du6_-a-szur-ri [sza ina pi-i _un-mesz_] _kur_-mi-hi-ir-a-nu _kur_-pi-it-ta-nu i-[nam-bu-u zi]-kir-szu mu-sap-pi-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a gu-tu-[u] la sa-an-qu _kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ra na-gu-u sza i-te-e É-_mun_ sza qé-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-te sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza i-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim ma-a-ti-szu-un (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-ni (disz)e-pa-ar-ni _lu-en-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti

_dumu_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u _kur uri-ki_

ina u4-me-szu-ma ina _un-mesz_ ki-szit-ti _kur-kur_ sza ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar en_-ia ik-szu-da qa-ta-a-a _bad ka-gal-mesz_ É-_gal-mesz_ ab-tu-ti sza qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha ma-aq-tu-ti# ak-szir an-hu ud-disz ar-s,ip u-szak-lil e-li sza u4-me pa-ni u-szA-tir

_mu-sar-mesz_ e-pu-usz-ma da-na-an _an-szar en_-ia ep-sze-et e-tep-pu-szu s,e-ru-usz-szu u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ina qé-reb-szu-un Asz-kun

i-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na u4-me s,a-a-ti _nun egir_-u ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma an-hu-us-su-nu lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti szu-me-szu lisz-t,ur (d)_masz dumu_ (d)_en-lil_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

_iti-kin_-(d)_inanna ud-10-kam_ li-mu (disz)ban-ba-a _lu-sukkal 2_-u

_iti#-ne-gar ud-21-kam_ li-mu (disz)ban-ba-a _lu-sukkal 2_-[u]

[_iti_]-_ne-ne-gar ud-25-kam_ li-mu (disz)ban-ba-a _lu#-sukkal_ [2-u]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd who gathered the scattered people and made them take up residence in them lit. "they" lit. "they" were bright; ii 5' who the great gods granted to him the power to build and renovate; who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all the cult centers, renovated the statues of the great gods, and reconstructed the cult centers.

king who marched with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and subdued all his enemies and rulers who were not submissive to him, conqueror of the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, subduer of all his settlements, repopulating the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Moab, and who laid waste to Assyria together with his governors,

As for Nabû-zera-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the appointee of the land Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, a foe of Babylon, and the one who struck down Shamash-ibni, its king, with lightning: I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magalanu, Allpriana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazzu, together with smaller settlements in its environs.

The enemy Parnaki, a dangerous enemy who lives in the city Til-Ashurri, whose name is called by the people of the lands Mihiranu and Pittanu, the one who scattered the Mannean people, a dangerous enemy, iii 20' the land Patusharra, a district in the vicinity of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the distant Medes, which is on the border of the land Bikni, and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had conquered, razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the city Til-Ashurri, which is in the midst of the land Bit-Ashurru, a district in the land of the Manneans.

son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad,

At that time, with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I conquered the scattered people of the lands that I had conquered. I rebuilt the old wall and gates of the old palaces that were in Calah. I renovated and completed them. I made them larger than before.

I wrote down the deeds that I had done and I inscribed their correspondingly inscribed objects.

In the future, in distant days, may a future ruler renovate their dilapidated sections as I did. May he write my name with his own name. The god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Ululu VI, the tenth day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy vizier.

Abu V, twenty-first day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy vizier.

Abu V, twenty-fifth day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy vizier.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the true shepherd who reorganized the confused people and made light shine forth for them; to whom the great gods gave as a gift the ability to create, build, and renew; 5 the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all of the cult centers, renewed the statues of the great gods, and who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their proper place from Assyria; who plated Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, his lady, with silver zahalû and made it shine like daylight — I had lions, screaming anzû-birds, lahmu-monsters, and kuribu-genii fashioned from silver and copper and set them up in its entry doors.

The king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, marched freely from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and made all of his enemies and the rulers who were unsubmissive to him bow down at his feet; the one who conquered the city Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, and the one who leveled all of its dwellings; 15 the one who plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, and who threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and brought them to Assyria; moreover, I am the one who struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu; the one who treads on the unsubmissive people of Cilicia;

the one who drove out Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan; 20 the one who sacked Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon; the one who captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw — I surrounded, captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magalanu, Alpiyana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazu, together with small cities in its environs.

The one who crushed the Barnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the city Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the land Mehranu; the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians — as for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, 30 borders Mount Bikni, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked, I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people and their heavy plunder.

Son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad —

At that time, by means of the prisoners from the lands that I had conquered with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, I repaired and renovated the dilapidated parts of the ruined wall, city gates, and palaces, which are in Kalhu. I built and completed them and made them greater than ever before.

I made foundation inscriptions, had the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and the deeds that I had done written on them, and placed these inscriptions in them the foundations.

In the future, in far-off days, may a future ruler be like me and renovate their dilapidated sections and write my name with his name. The god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Ululu VI, tenth day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy minister sukkallu shanû 676 BC.

Abu V, twenty-first day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy minister sukkallu shanû 676 BC.

Abu V, twenty-fifth day, eponymy of Banbâ, deputy minister sukkallu shanû 676 BC.

Q003308: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti] _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri U] _uri-ki_ [_re_-É-_um_ ki-i-nu sza _un-mesz_ dal-ha-a-ti u-taq-qi-nu u-sze-s,i-szi]-na#-ti nu-u-ru [sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ba-nu-u e-pe-szu ud-du-szu isz-ru-ku szi]-rik-tusz# [ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 _u ka_]-_dingir-ra-ki_ [mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi ka-li-szu-nu mu-ud-disz s,a-lam] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz_

_lugal#_ szA ina tu-kul-ti _an_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 sza _nina_]-_ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir#_ ul-tu tam-tim e#-[li-ti a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti] i#-szA-risz it-(tal)-lak-u-ma# kul-lat na-ki-re-e#-[szu u ma-al-ki la kan-szu-ti-szu u]-szak#-ni-szu sze-pu-usz-szu ka-szid _uru_-s,i#-[du-nu szA ina _murub4_ tam-tim na-du-u sa-pi]-in gi-mir da-Ad-me-szu szA-lil _uru_-ar#-[za-a sza i-te-e na-hal _kur_-mu-us,-ri] sza# (disz)a-su-hi-li _lugal_-szu

ka-bi#-[is _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki la kan-szu-ti t,a-rid (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_zi_-_si-sa dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_] na-bi#-[i' _kur_-É-da-ku-ri sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di a-a-bi _ka-dingir-ra-ki_] ka-mu#-[u (disz)(d)szA-masz-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu hab-bi-lu] _uru_-ha-[an-da-su _uru_-ma-ga-la-nu _uru_-al-pi-ia-na _uru_-di-ih-ra-nu] _uru_-[qa-ta-bu-u' _uru_-pa-de-e _uru_-u-de-ri _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza na-ge-e _kur_-ba-az-zi] a-di _uru#_-[_mesz_ s,e]-eh-[ru-ti sza li-me-ti-szu al-me ak-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su-un]

ap-pu-[ul aq]-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu da#-[a'-isz _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur_ ak-s,u] a-szi-bu-[ti] _kur#-du6_-a-szur-ri [sza ina pi-i _un-mesz_] _kur_-mi-hi-ir-a#-nu _kur_-pi-it-ta-nu i-nam-bu#-[u zi-kir-szu] mu-sap-pi-ih _un-mesz kur_-man-na-a-a gu-tu-u# [la sa-an-qu] _kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ra na-gu-u sza i-te-e É-_mun#_ [sza qé-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti] sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza i-[na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] mAm-ma la ik-bu-su _ki_-tim# [ma-a-ti-szu-un] (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-ni (disz)e-pa-ar#-ni [_lu-en-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti]

[...] lib-bi [...]-x-e-ma [...] _lu pa a_ x [...] _lu az zu ta_

[...] x A szu-a-tu [...] É-_ki-na-mesz_ [a-na mul-ta-'u-u-ti] (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a dumu lugal gal_ [szA É ri-du-ti _dumu_ na-ram-ia sza asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir mu_-szu] iz#-ku-ru a-na e-pesz _lugal_-ti [...] x-szu s,e-eh-ru-te ma-gal usz-rab-bi [É-_gal_ szu-a-tu ul-tu _usz8_-szA a-di _gaba-dib_-szA] ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil [_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren-mesz mah-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-nim u]-szat#-ri-s,a e-li-szin [_gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ sza e-re-si _dug-ga_ u-rat-ta]-a _ka-mesz_-szin#

[_mu-sar_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia U szi-t,ir _mu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu man gal_] sza# É ri-du#-ti [_dumu_ na-ram-ia u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ina qé-reb-szA] Asz-kun

[... e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab]-bi(?)#-ru-ma in-na-hu [...] szu-szib [... _i-gisz_] _sz_ÉSZ [_udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu] lisz-kun [(d)nin-urta _dumu_ (d)_en-lil_ ik-ri-bi-szu i]-szem#-me

[_iti_-x x x _ud_-x x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_pap lu-gar-kur bad_]-_lugal#_-uk-ka

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd who gathered the scattered people and made them bow down at the feet of the great gods, the one who fashioned and completed the temple of the god Ashur, built Esagil and Babylon, completed all the cult centers, renovated the statues of the great gods, and reconstructed the ruined cult centers.

king who with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and subdued all of his enemies and rulers who were not submissive to him; conqueror of the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, slayer of all his settlements; conqueror of the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Moshi, and of Asuhili, its king:

As for Nabû-zera-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the appointee of the land Bit-Dakkuri, who is in Chaldea, a foe of Babylon, and who defeated Shamash-ibni, its king, he conquered the cities Handasu, Magallanu, Alliyana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazzu, together with smaller settlements in its environs, and plundered them.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the land Parnaki, a dangerous enemy who lives in the land Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu by the people of the land Mihiranu and the land Pitanu, and who scattered the Mannean people, iii 20' a remote place. I surrounded and conquered the land Patusharra, a district in the vicinity of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the distant Medes, which is on the border of the land Bikni, and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever crossed the sea, and I counted them as booty.

... ... ... and ...

Ashur-mukin-apli, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, whom the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela named for the exercise of kingship — I enlarged its ... and built that palace from its foundations to its parapets. I roofed them the palace with magnificent cedar beams grown on Mount Amanus. I fastened bands of reddish gold on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in their gates.

I had an inscribed object bearing my name and the name of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, written and placed inside it.

When that palace becomes old and dilapidated ..., you ... place ..., make an offering, make a flour/incense-offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Month ..., day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 645.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the true shepherd who reorganized the confused people and made light shine forth for them; to whom the great gods gave as a gift the ability to create, build, and renew; 5 the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all of the cult centers, renewed the statues of the great gods, and who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their proper place from Assyria; who plated Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, his lady, with silver zahalû and made it shine like daylight — I had lions, screaming anzû-birds, lahmu-monsters, and kuribu-genii fashioned from silver and copper and set them up in its entry doors.

The king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, marched freely from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and made all of his enemies and the rulers who were unsubmissive to him bow down at his feet; the one who conquered the city Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, and the one who leveled all of its dwellings; 15 the one who plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, and who threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and brought them to Assyria; moreover, I am the one who struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu; the one who treads on the unsubmissive people of Cilicia;

the one who drove out Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan; the one who sacked Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon; the one who captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw — I surrounded, captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magalanu, Alpiyana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazu, together with small cities in its environs.

The one who crushed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the land Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the land Mehranu; the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians — as for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, 30 borders Mount Bikni, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked, I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people and their heavy plunder.

No translation possible

... that ... ... bedrooms ... for the pleasure of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, whom the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela called to exercise kingship — I greatly enlarged its small ... ... I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets. I roofed them with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus and 10′ installed doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, in their gates. I filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I had a foundation inscription written in my name and written in the name of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, and placed this inscription in it.

... when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. ... ... ... and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscription written in his name. The god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, will then hear his prayers.

Month ..., day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 672 BC.

Q003309: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_dumu_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri]-ba# [_lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na_] _lugal szu_ [_lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

[_gir-nita ka-dingir_]-_ra#-ki lugal kur_ szu#-[me-ri u _uri-ki_ ...] [... sza ina tu]-kul#-ti _an-szar en_-ia ik-szu#-[da qa-ta-a-a ...] [... É-_gal_ ma]-szar#-ti sza qé-reb _uru_-kal-hi [...] [...] e#-li sza u4-me pa-ni [u-szA-tir ...] [...] _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mah-ru-te a-na _dumu_ x [...] [... É] hi#-la-ni a-szar mul-ta5-u-te-szu x [...] [...]-a i-ta-at É szu-a-tu x [...] [... qaq]-qa#-ri ki-szub-ba-a _ru#_-x [...] [...] szA(?) _uru#_ (x) [x (x)] x [...]

AI Translation

son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria;

As for the palace, the observation platform, which is inside Kalhu, ... which I had completed in the past, I made it larger than before ... the former kings, my ancestors, to the son ... ... the house of hilanu, a place of his pleasure, ... ... beside that temple ... ... the abandoned area, ... ... of the city ... .


Son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad —

... that I had conquered with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, ... 5′ ... the armory, which is in Kalhu, ... — I made it greater than before. ... the previous kings, my ancestors, for the son ... a bit-hilani, a place for his leisure ... ... ... the sides of that building ... ... I incorporated unused land as an addition ... of the city ...

Q003310: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _dumu_ (disz)_man_-_gin man szu man kur asz_-ma É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha szA (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz man kur asz dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_a nun_ a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pu-szu qaq-qa-ru ki-szub-ba-a ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta ina esz-qi _na4 kur_-e tam-la-a usz-mal-li É-_gal_ a-na mul-ta-u-te be-lu-ti-ia# ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria: The guardian palace which is inside Kalhu, which Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a prince who preceded me, had built. I surrounded the undeveloped plot like a mountain with limestone, surrounded the palace with a terrace, and made it an object of wonder for my lordship.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria — with regard to the armory, which is in Kalhu, that Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a ruler who came before me, had built, I incorporated unused land as an addition to it, raised the terrace with massive stones from the mountains, and built a palace for my lordly pleasure on it.

Q003311: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu# _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki kur_ ma-szar-te szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha szA (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz man kur_ asz-szur A (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-((_usz_))-_a nun_ a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pu-szu qaq-qa-ru ki#-szub-ba-a ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta ina esz-qi _na4 kur_-e tam#-la-a# usz-mal-li É-_gal-mesz_ a-na mul-ta-u-te# be-lu-ti-ia# ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu

AI Translation

The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, and the sacrificial land which is inside Kalhu, which Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a prince who preceded me, had built — I surrounded the undeveloped plot of that area like a mountain and surrounded it with limestone from the plain. I built and completed the palaces for my lordly pleasure.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad — with regard to the armory, which is in Kalhu, that Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a ruler who came before me, had built, I incorporated unused land as an addition to it, raised the terrace with massive stones from the mountains, and built palatial halls for my lordly pleasure on it — son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria.

Q003312: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal man-mesz kur_-mu-s,ur(*) _kur_-pa-(tu)-ri-su _kur_-ku-si _man_ kib-rat-_mesz limmu_-ti

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Egypt, Patrusu, and Kush, king of the four quarters of the world;


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, king of the four quarters.

Q003313: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ ba-nu-u É asz-szur e-pisz é-sag-gil u _ka-dingir-ki_ mu-ud-disz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz man kur_-mu-s,ur ka-mu-u _man kur_-me-luh _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti A (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur A (disz)_man_-_gin man szu man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, builder of the temple of Ashur, builder of Esagil and Babylon, renovater of the statues of the great gods, king of Egypt, king of Meluhhu, king of the four quarters, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, and renewed the statues of the great gods; king of Egypt, the one who defeated the king of Meluhha, king of the four quarters, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria.

Q003314: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu] [_man szu man_] _kur# asz gir-nita#_ [_ka-dingir-ki_] [_man_] _kur# eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki#_ [ba-nu-u] É# asz-szur e-pisz (é)-sag-gil u _ka#_-[_dingir-ki_] mu-ud#-disz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz man kur_-mu-s,ur ka-mu-u _man kur_-me-lu-hi A (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz#_-_su man kur asz_

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, builder of the temple of Ashur, builder of Esagil and Babylon, renovater of the statues of the great gods, king of Egypt, king of Meluhha, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, and renewed the statues of the great gods; king of Egypt, the one who defeated the king of Meluhha, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

Q003315: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _kur asz gir_-[_nita_ ...] [...] u _uri-ki man kur_-mu#-[s,ur ...] [...] _kur_-me-luh _man_ kib-rat [...] [... asz]-szur e-pisz é-sag-il2 [...] [...] s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] [...] A (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_

AI Translation

... Assyria, governor of ... and Akkad, king of Egypt, ... the land Meluh, king of the four quarters of the world, ... Ashur, the one who built Esagil, ... image of the great gods, ... son of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Egypt, ..., the one who defeated the king of Meluhha, king of the four quarters, ...; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, ... 5 and renewed the statues of the great gods; son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003316: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x _bu_ [(x)] _szu_ ina(?) _lid_(?) [(x)] _hi_(?) asz(?)-szur(?) _be_ [...] [... mu]-szat-bu-u(?) ma(?)-aq(?)-ti mu-ter# gi-mil# x x _li_(?)# _mu ur_(?) _szu_(?) [...] [...] le-'u szA-kin s,u-lu-li _dug-ga ugu un-mesz_ ana-ku-ma A (disz)(d)30-_pap_-[_mesz_-_su lugal gal_-u] [_lugal_] dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur A (disz)_lugal_-_gin lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita ka_(?)-_dingir_(?)-_ki man kur eme#_-[_gi7_] [u ak-ka-de]-e li-ip-li-pi (disz)_en_-ba-ni A (disz)a-da-si _man kur_ asz-szur ki-sit-ti [s,a-a-ti]

[x] x _ti_(?) _id_-te-bil(?)-ti mah-ri-tu sza (disz)(d)_asz_-_szesz_(?)-_a nun_(?) a-lik pa(?)-[ni-ia] [ul]-tu(?) qé-reb _id_-za-ban _ugu_ ta-mir-ti _uru_-kal-hi u(?)-szah(?)-ru(?)-u-ma(?)# [...] [x x] sza(?) _id_ szu-a-tu i-na la ta-ri _ri di_(?) E(?) _lu_(?) [x] _li_(?) x _sza hi_(?) [...] [x x] x _hi_ szi-ih-ha-ti _im ru# an_ kib-si me-te-qi(?) x x x x [...] [x x] x-ma szi-kin _sahar-hi-a_ im-la-ma im-ma-ni qaq-qa-risz(?) _gisz_(?)-_li_(?)-_mesz_ [x] _har_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad — Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria, a ... —

... ... the former Tebilti River, which Esarhaddon, a prince who preceded me, had dug out from the bank of the River Zaban on the plain of Calah and ... ... of that river in a difficult place ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and the foundations of the earth were ... and the ... of the earth ...


... ... ... the one who raised the downfallen, avenger of ... ... capable ..., the one who provides pleasant protection over the people am I; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria, ancient stock —

... the former Tebiltu canal that Ashurnasirpal II, a ruler who came before me, had dug from the Upper Zab over the plain of Kalhu ... — that canal, not turning ... ... ... clogged up with loose earth, ..., path, track ... ... 10 ... was filled with sediment deposits and thus became level with the ground. ... ... became ... and turned into an abandoned plot. All of the fruit and aromatics, as many as there are, ... ... its tall beams ... ... ... was devastated and ... furrow ... upon it ... not true ... ....

Q003317: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003319: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar#_-[_szesz-mesz_-_sum-na_] [_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur asz_] _a#_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [_lugal kur asz_] _a#_ [(disz)]_lugal#_-_gi_-[_na lugal kur asz_-ma]

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003320: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


...-_pap_-_asz man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz_

AI Translation

...-apla-iddina II, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Palace of Esarhaddon, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003321: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_nig_]-_ga_(?)# [(...)] [x x (x)] x-_pap#_-_asz man szu man kur_ asz-szur _dumu#_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur# sza ina lib#-bi du(?)#-u _lal_-u ma#-disz _gub_(?)#

AI Translation

Property of ... ... ...-aha-iddina II, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, who was also living in the city ...,


Property of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, which was placed in the midst of the platform, more or less.

Q003322: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki# gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki sipa_ ki-i-nu sza _un-mesz_ dal-ha-ti u-taq-qi-nu-ma u-sze#-[s,i-szi]-na#-a-ti nu-u-ru sza _dingir-mesz_ (_gal-mesz_) ba-nu-u e-pe-szu ud-du-szu isz-ru-ku szi-rik-tusz ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 _u ka-dingir-ra#_-[_ki_ mu]-szak#-lil ma-ha-zi ka-li-szu-nu mu-ud-disz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

_ur-mah-mesz_ an-ze-e na-'i-i-ri (d)lah-me (d)ku-ri-bi# [szA _ku-babbar_ u _urudu_ u-sze-pisz]-ma né-reb _ka-mesz_-szA ul-ziz _lugal_ sza ina tu-kul-ti asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti i-szA-[risz it-tal-lak-u-ma kul-lat] na#-kir-ri-szu U ma-al-ki la kan-szu-ti-szu u-szak-ni-szu sze-pu-usz-szu

t,a-rid (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-kit-li-szer [_dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_ na-bi-i' É]-dak-kur-ri szA qé-reb kal-di a-a-ab _ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ ka#-mu-u (disz)(d)szA-masz-[ib-ni _lugal_-szu] is-hap-pu ha-bi-lum [_uru_]-ha-an-da-su [_uru_-ma-ga-la-nu _uru_-al-pi-ia-na _uru_-di]-ih#-ra-nu _uru_-qa-ta-bu-u' _uru_-pa-de-e _uru_-u-de-ru _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti [sza] na#-ge-e# [_kur_-ba-az-zi a-di _uru-mesz_ s,e-eh-ru-ti sza li-me-ti]-szu-nu al-me ak-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su-un ap-pu-ul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

[da-a'-isz _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur_ ak-s,u a-szi-bu-ti _kur-du6_-a]-szur-ri sza ina pi-i _un-mesz kur_-mi-ih-ra-nu _kur_-pi-ta-a-nu i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu [mu-sap]-pi-ih _un-mesz#_ [_kur_-man-na-a-a gu-tu-u la sa]-an#-qu _kur_-pa-tu-usz-ar-ri na-gu-u sza i-te-e É-_mun_ [sza qé]-reb _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti# [sza pa]-a#-t,i _kur_-bi-ik-ni [sza ina] _lugal ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma# [la ik]-bu#-su _ki_-tim ma-ti-szu-un [(disz)szi]-dir#-pa-ar-na (disz)e-pa-ar-[na] _lu#-en-uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti

[_dumu_ (disz)(d)]_en#-zu_-_szesz_-eri-ba _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_lugal#_-_gi-na lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_gir_]-_nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri U ak-ka-de-e

ina u4-me#-szu-ma É-_gal-tur-ra_ sza qé-reb _uru_-tar-bi-s,i szA s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa qaq-qa-ru at-ru ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma _ugu_ mah-ri-ti u#-rad-di-ma tam-la-a usz#-((ma))-mal#-li É-_gal_ s,i-ir-tu szA szu-bat-sa ma#-gal rap-szA-tu a-na mul-ta-'u-u-ti (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu man gal_ szA É ri-du-ti _dumu_ na-ram-ia sza asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir mu_-szu iz-ku-ru a-na e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti É-_gal_ szu-a-tu ul-tu _usz8_-szA a-di _gaba-dib_-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil

_mu-sar_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia U szi-t,ir _mu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu man gal_ sza É _usz_-ti _dumu_ na-ram-ia u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ina qé-reb-szA Asz-kun

ul-tu szip-ri É-_gal_ szu-a-tu ag-mur-u-ma u-qa-tu-u szi-pir-szA (d)_u-gur_ (d)la-as, a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-tar-bi-s,i ina qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tak-bit-ti eb-bu-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi-ma u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra-((kad))-a-a

(d)_u-gur_ (d)la-as, ik-rib _ud-mesz su-mesz mu-an-na-mesz_ t,u-ub _uzu-mesz_ hu-ud lib-bi li-szi-mu-in-ni U a-na (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu_ na-ram-ia lisz-ru-ku szi-rik-tusz

_nun egir_-u ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza asz-szur u (d)isz-tar a-na be-lut _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u szi-t,ir _mu_ asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu#_ [_man gal_] sza É _usz_-ti _dumu_ na-ram-ia li-mur-ma _i#-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi# [it-ti] _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun# [(d)U]-_gur#_ (d)la-as, ik-ri-bi#-[szu] i-szem-mu-u

_iti-gu4-si-sa ud-18-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_pap lu-gar-kur bad#_-_lugal_-uk-ka ki-i a-de-e ina _ugu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_ibila dumu man gal_ szA É _usz_-ti szak-nu-u-ni

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd, who gathered the scattered people and made them take up residence in them lit. "they" — the one who the great gods granted to him and who made him build and renovate the temple of the god Ashur, built Esagil and Babylon, completed all the cult centers, renovated the statues of the great gods, and reconfirmed their interrupted offerings lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular offerings" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones" lit. "regular ones"" lit. "regular ones

I had lion colossi of shiny silver and copper made and I stationed them in its gates. The king who with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela marched about triumphantly from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and subdued all of his enemies and the rulers who were unsubmissive to him, I destroyed and devastated them.

I captured alive Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the builder of the Edakkurru temple, which is in Chaldea, a district in the city Babylon, and iii 5' destroyed the city Handasu, the city Magallanu, the city Allpriana, the city Dihranu, the cities Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazzu, together with smaller settlements in their environs, and burned them with fire.

The one who smashed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy who lives in the land Til-Ashurri, and who smashed its name at the command of the people of the lands Mehranu and Pittanu, and who scattered the Mannean people, a dangerous enemy, and the one who smashed the land Patusharra, a district in the vicinity of the salt desert in the midst of the distant Medes, on the border of the land Bikni, and who no one among the kings, my ancestors, had smashed their land, Shidir-parna and E-parna, fortified cities in the midst of Mount Amanus, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, and a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, and a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, and a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur, a region of the land Bit-Ashur,

son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad,

At that time, I added a small palace in the city Tarbishu, whose site is too small, like a former palace, and then filled it with splendor like a terrace. I built and completed a magnificent palace, whose site is very large, for the pleasure of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, which the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had named it for the exercise of kingship. I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets.

I had an inscribed object bearing my name and the name of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, written and placed inside it.

After I had finished the work on that palace and finished its construction, I invited the god Nergal and the goddess Lash, who live in the city Tarbishu, into it, and then I made splendid sacrifices before them and presented them with my gifts.

May the god Nergal and the goddess Lash decree for me long days, years of good health and happiness, and may they grant me a just scepter for Assurbanipal, my beloved son.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and the inscribed name of Assurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Nergal and the goddess Lash will then hear his prayers.

Ayyaru II, the eighteenth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku 645. When the treaty concerning Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, concerning the house of life, was concluded,


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the true shepherd who reorganized the confused people and made light shine forth for them; to whom the great gods gave as a gift the ability to create, build, and renew; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed all of the cult centers, renewed the statues of the great gods, and who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their proper place from Assyria; who plated Egashankalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, his lady, with silver zahalû and made it shine like daylight — I had lions, screaming anzû-birds, lahmu-monsters, and kuribu-genii fashioned from silver and copper and set them up in its entry doors.

The king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, marched freely from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and made all of his enemies and the rulers who were unsubmissive to him bow down at his feet; the one who conquered the city Sidon, which is in the midst of the sea, and the one who leveled all of its dwellings; the one who plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the neighborhood of the Brook of Egypt, and who threw Asuhili, its king, into fetters along with his counselors and brought them to Assyria; moreover, I am the one who struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu; the one who treads on the unsubmissive people of Cilicia;

the one who drove out Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan; the one who sacked Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon; the one who captured Shamash-ibni, its king, a rogue and outlaw — I surrounded, captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Handasu, Magalanu, Alpiyana, Dihranu, Qatabu', Padê, and Uderu, fortified cities in the district of the land Bazu, together with small cities in their environs.

The one who crushed the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, who live in the land Til-Ashurri, which is called Pittanu in the language of the people of the land Mehranu; the one who scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians — as for the land Patusharra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders Mount Bikni, and upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked, I carried off to Assyria Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty chieftains, who were not submissive to my yoke, together with their people and their heavy plunder.

Son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad —

At that time the site of the small palace, which is in the city Tarbishu, had become too small. I added more land as an addition making it bigger than before and I completely raised its terrace. I built and completed a magnificent palace, whose site is very extensive, 25 for the pleasure of Ashurbanipal — senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, whom the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela called to exercise kingship — from its foundations to its parapets. I roofed them with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus, and installed doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, in their gates. I filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I had a foundation inscription written in my name and written in the name of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, and placed this inscription in it.

After I finished the work on that palace and completed its construction, I invited the god Nergal and the goddess Lash, gods who live in the city Tarbishu, into it. I made large, pure offerings before them and presented them with my gifts.

May the god Nergal and the goddess Lash decree for me a blessing of long days and years of good health and happiness, and may they give the same to Ashurbanipal, my beloved son, as a gift.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar name to rule the people, renovate the dilapidated sections of that palace when it becomes old and dilapidated. May he read a foundation inscription written in my name and written in the name of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my beloved son, and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with a foundation inscription written in his name. The god Nergal and the goddess Lash will then hear his prayers.

Ayyaru II, eighteenth day, eponymy of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of the city Dur-Sharrukku 672 BC, when the treaty concerning Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, was made.

Q003323: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man gal man kal# man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ki# man kur eme#-gi7_ u _uri-ki# kur_ szA qé-reb _uru_-tar-bi#-s,i a-na# mu-szab (disz)_asz_-_du_-_a a_r#-s,ip u-szak-lil#

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, built and completed a palace in the city Tarbishu as the residence of Ashurbanipal.


I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, built and completed a palace in the city Tarbishu as the residence of Ashurbanipal.

Q003324: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz# man gal# man# kal man szu# man kur asz gir-nita ka#-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri#-ki lugal man-mesz kur_-mu-s,ur# _kur_-pa-tu-ri#-si _kur_-ku-si _kur_ szA qé-reb _uru_-tar#-bi-s,i a-na mu-szab# (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a# dumu man gal#_ szA É _usz_-ti _dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-ia# Ar-s,ip u-szak-lil#

AI Translation

I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Egypt, Paturisi, and Kush, the land that is inside the city Tarbishu, built and completed a palace for Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king of the House of Succession, my offspring.


I, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, 5 Upper Egypt, and Kush built and completed a palace in the city Tarbishu as the residence of Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who resides in the House of Succession, my offspring.

Q003325: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz_ É-_gal_ sza qé-reb _uru_-tar-bi-s,i ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

Ashurnasirpal, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a palace built anew in the city Tarbishu from its foundations to its crenellations.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a palace built anew in the city Tarbishu from its foundations to its parapets.

Q003326: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...]

[... (disz)ha-za-_dingir_] _man lu-kur_-a-ri-bi [szA it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-ti a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia il-li-ku-ma] u-na-[Asz-szi]-qu _gir-ii_-ia [Asz-szu na-dan _dingir-mesz_-szu u-s,al-la-an-ni-ma] re-e-mu [ar-szi-szu-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in (d)da-a-a (d)nu]-ha-a-a (d)ru-[ul-da-a-a-u] (d)a-bi-[ri-il-lu (d)a-tar-qu]-ru-ma-a [_dingir-mesz_ szA _lu_-a-ri-bi] an-hu-su-nu ud-disz-ma [... u]-ter#-[ma ad-din-szu] (f)ta-bu-u-[a]

a-na _kur_-ti-szA u-ter-szi ar-ka (disz)ha-za-_dingir_ [szim-tu u-bil-szu-ma] (disz)ia-u-ti-i' _dumu_-szu ina _gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma [bil]-ti u man-da-ti u-[kin s,e-ru-usz]-szu [_ugu_ man-da-at-ti _ad_-szu] Asz-kun (disz)u-a-bu szA [...]-ia _lugal_-u-ut (disz)ia-u-te-e' [ana ra-ma-ni-szu(?)] u-ter-ru _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu#_-[_erim-mesz me_-ia] a-na na-ra-ru-ut (disz)ia-u-ti-i' [...] Asz-pur-ma [(disz)]u-a-bu _u lu-erim-mesz_ [tik]-li-szu re-s,i-szu a-[di ...] _dingir-mesz_-szu [... _nig-szu_]-szu _nig-ga_-szu

szA [x] am mu ki-i _lu_-[x] ap-qid szal-lu-tu Asz-[lu-la] a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz#-[szur]-_ki_ [ka-bi-is] ki-szA-di _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki na-si-ih _kur_-el-li-pi _kur_-par-na-ki _lu-kur_ ak-s,i [...]-ti _ni kur ti kur_-man-na-a-a szA _lu-erim-hi-a_ (disz)isz-pa-ka-a-a _kur_-as-ku-[za]-a-a [...] kit-[ru la mu]-sze-zib-i-szu i-na-ru ina _gisz-tukul kur_-ki-[x-x]-ar na-gu-u szA qar-[... Asz]-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)szi-dir-ar-pa-na (disz)e-pa-ar-na _lu-en-uru-mesz uru_-be-[... (disz)te-usz]-pa-a _lu_-gi-mir-ra-a-a

(disz)ab-di-mil#-[ku]-ut-ti _man_ [_uru_]-s,i-du-un-[ni ...]

AI Translation

... Hazael, the king of the Arabs, who came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his substantial audience gift and kissed my feet, iii 20''' to present his gods' gifts, he had mercy on him and he renovated and gave them back to the gods Atar-samayin, Daya, Nuhaya, Rullayu, Abi-rilu, and Atar-qurumâ, the gods of the Arabs. iii 20'' I returned them to their places, and ... I gave them back to Tabua.

I brought back Hazael, his favorite, and placed Juti', his son, on his throne. I imposed upon him tribute and payment. I returned Uabu, who ... my ..., to his own kingship. I sent my eunuchs and my battle troops to greet Juti' ... and Uabu and his troops, his helpers, together with ... his gods, ... his possessions and his property, ... his palace, his palace servants, and his family.

As for the one who ..., ..., and appointed a ..., I carried off booty and booty from Assyria. I conquered the territory of the people of the land Hilakku, the one who smashed the land Ellipi and the land Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, ...ti, the land of the Manneans, iii 20'' which the troops of Ishpaku, the Asukkushian, ..., a fugitive, and ..., and ... with the weapons of the land, a district of ... I carried off his booty. I captured Shidirarpana, Eparna, the city rulers of the city Be..., Teushpâ, the Cimmerians, and ... of the land Ellipi.

Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, .


No translation possible

... Hazael, the king of the Arabs, who came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet, implored me to give back his gods, and 10 I had pity on him. I refurbished the gods Atar-samayin, Daya, Nuhaya, Ruldawu, Abirillu, and Atar-qurumâ, the gods of the Arabs, and ... I gave them back to him. I appointed the lady Tabu'a, who was raised in the palace of my father, as ruler and returned her to her land with those gods of the Arabs.

Later, Hazael died and I placed Iauta' Iata', his son, on his throne. I imposed upon him tribute and payment greater than the payment I fixed on his father. Uabu, who ... my ..., took for himself the kingship of Iauta'. I sent my officials and my battle troops to the aid of Iauta' ... and ... Uabu and the troops, his trusted helpers, together with ... his gods, ... his possessions, his goods that ... I appointed as ... and I carried them off to Assyria.

The one who treads on the necks of the people of Cilicia; the one who depopulated the land Ellipi, the Parnaki, a dangerous enemy, ... ... the Manneans; who put to the sword the army of Ishpakaia, a Scythian, ..., an ally who could not save himself — ... I plundered the land, a district whose ... ...; I ... Shidir-parna and E-parna, chieftains of the city Be.... I struck with the sword Teushpâ, a Cimmerian, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Hubushnu, a district in the land

Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, ...



[... pu-luh]-tu ra-szub-ba-tu szA [_an-szar_ ...]

AI Translation

... fear, terror, and terror of the god Ashur .


... the awesome fear of the god Ashur ...



_na4-na-ru-a_ u-sze-pisz-ma li-i-ti ki-szit-ti [qa-ti ...]

AI Translation

I had a stele made and ... the scepter of the hand .


I had a stele made, and ... my victory and triumph ...

Q003327: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_an-szar ad dingir-mesz_ ra-a'-im _sanga_-ti-ia (d)a-nu gesz-ru resz-tu-u na-bu-u szu-mi-ia (d)_bad en_ szA-qu-u mu-ki-in _bala-mesz_-ia (d)_disz_ er-szu mu-du-u mu-szim _nam-mesz_-ia (d)30 (d)_szesz-ki_ nam-ru mu-dam-mi-iq _giskim-mesz_-ia (d)_utu di-ku5 an_-e u _ki_-tim pa-ri-su _esz-bar_-ia (d)_iszkur en_ ra-Asz-bu mu-na#-hi-isz _erim-hi-a-mesz_-ia (d)_mes_ e-tel (d)i-gi-gi u (d)GÉSZ-U-ki mu-szar#-bu-u _lugal_-ti-ia (d)_inanna_ be-let _murub4_ u _me_ a-li#-kat i-di-ia (d)7-_bi dingir-mesz_ qar-du-u-ti sa-pi-nu na-ki-ri-ia#

(disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz lugal gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki man kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz _du_-szu-un _lugal lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-pa-tu-ri-su u _kur_-ku-u-si pa-[lih _dingir-mesz_] _gal_-ti u-szum-[gal]-lu s,i#-i-rum# [na-ram] _an-szar_ (d)_utu#_ (d)_ag_ u [(d)]_amar-utu# lugal lugal-mesz#_ la pa-du-u mu-la-'i-it,# ek-s,u-ti la-bisz na-mur-[ra-ti] la a-di-ru szA-Asz-me qar-ra-du git-ma#-[lu] la pa-du-u tu-qu-un-tu ru-bu-u dan-dan-nu mu-kil s,er-ret ma-li-ki lab-bu na-ad-ru

za-nin _nidba_ a-na _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-ta-ri i-[du-u]

AI Translation

The god Ashur, father of the gods, the one who loves my priesthood, the god Anu, the mighty, the one who speaks my name, the god Enlil, the exalted lord, the one who establishes my reign, the god Ea, the wise one, the one who decrees my fates, the god Sîn, the bright one, the one who makes my signs favorable, the god Shamash, judge of heaven and netherworld, the one who renders decisions for me, the god Adad, the great lord, the one who makes my troops prosper, the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one of the Igigu and the Bushu gods, the one who makes my kingship supreme, the goddess Ishtar, mistress of battle and battle, who marches at my side, the Seven Gods, the great gods, the ones who subdue my enemies,

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia, all of them, king of kings of Egypt, Patrusu, and Kush, who reveres the great gods, exalted ruler, beloved of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, king of kings who are unsubmissive, who loves extreme extreme extremes, who constantly seeks out innumerable treasures, valiant warrior, who is unsubmissive to treachery, strong warrior, who carries off the fetters of rulers, and who treads upon the daises of the four quarters,

He who provides food for the great gods, who know how to revere the gods and goddesses,


The god Ashur, father of the gods, who loves my priestly service; the god Anu, the powerful, the foremost, the one who called my name; the god Enlil, lofty lord, the one confirmed my reign; the god Ea, wise one, knowing one, who decrees my destiny; 5 the god Sîn, shining Nannar, the one who makes signs favorable for me; the god Shamash, judge of heaven and netherworld, the one who provides decisions for me; the god Adad, terrifying lord, the one who makes my troops prosper; the god Marduk, hero of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who makes my kingship great; the goddess Ishtar, lady of war and battle, who goes at my side; the Sebitti, valiant gods, the ones who overthrow my enemies; and the great gods, all of them, who decree destiny and give victorious might to the king, their favorite,

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer 15 and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia, king of all of them; king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush; the one who reveres the great gods, majestic dragon; beloved of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk; king of kings, 20 the merciless, the one who curbs the insolent ones, the one who is clothed in splendor, fearless in battle, perfect warrior, merciless in combat, almighty prince, the one who holds the nose-rope of rulers, raging lion, 25 avenger of his father, who engendered him; the king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods, his helpers, marched freely and 30 attained his wish — he broke all of those disobedient to him and rulers unsubmissive to him like a reed in the swamp and trampled them underfoot.

The one who provides provisions for the great gods, knows how to revere the gods and goddesses, rev. 1 ... ...; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, completed its ornaments, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, restored the rites, and who returned the plundered gods of the lands rev. 5 to their proper place from the city Ashur; the king whose food offerings the great gods love and whose priestly service they established forever in the temples;



u-kin#-nu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-nu la pa-du-u-ti a-na szi-rik-ti _en_-ti-szu isz-ru-ku _lugal#_ [sza] _en en-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu ugu lugal-mesz_-ni sza kib-rat _limmu_-ti u-szA-te-ru u-szar-bu-u _en_-u-su _kur-kur du_-szi-na a-na _gir#-mesz_-szu u-szak-ni-szu bil-tu U man-da-at-tu _ugu_-szi-na u-kin#-nu ka-szid a-a-bé-e-szu mu-hal-li-qu ga-re-e-szu _lugal_ szA tal-lak-ta-szu a-bu-bu-um-ma ep-sze-ta-szu lab#-bu na-ad-ru pa-nu-usz-szu _uru_-um-ma ar-ke-e-szu ti-lu# qit-ru-ub#

_dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu#_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na man szu man kur asz gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki numun lugal_-u-ti da-ru-u sza (disz)(d)_en_-ba#-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si mu-kin _lugal_-u-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA du-ru-ug#-[szu]

bal-til-_ki_ ina pi-i# _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar#_-[_utu dingir-mesz_] _gal-mesz# en_-[u-ti] im-qut-am-ma dan-na-ku dan-dan-na-[ku] e-tel-la-ku szit-ra-ha-ku gesz-ra-ku kab-ta-ku szur-ru-ha-ku ina gi-mir# _lugal-mesz_-ni szA-ni-na ul i-szA#-[ku] ni-szit _an-szar_ (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ ni#-bit (d)30 mi-gir (d)a-nim na-ra-am szar-ra-ti (d)isz-tar i-lat kal gim-ri _gisz-tukul_ la pa-du-u mu-rib# _kur_ nu-kur-ti a-na-ku-ma _lugal_ le-'e-é-um _murub4 u me_ sza-gisz da-Ad-me na-ki-re-e-szu

sza nap-har kisz-szat _un-mesz_ i-pe-lu _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ (d)_ag u_ (d)_amar-utu en-mesz_-ia _mah-mesz_ sza la in#-nen-nu-u qi-bit-su-un _lugal_-u-ut la szA-na-an a-na szim-ti-ia i-szi-mu (d)isz-tar be-el-tum ra-a'-i-mat _sanga_-ti-ia _gisz-pan_ dan-na-tu _gisz_-szil-ta-hu gesz-ru mu-szam-qit la ma-gi-ri tu-szat-me-ha rit-tu-u-a bi-ib-lat lib-bi-ia tu-szak-szi-da-an-ni-ma nap-har mal-ki

la kan-szu-ti tu-szak-ni-szA sze-pu-u-a e-nu _an-szar en gal_-u Asz-szu tasz-ri-ih-ti da-na-an ep-sze-te-ia _un-mesz_ kul#-lu-mi-am-ma _ugu lugal-mesz_ szA kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal_-u-ti u-szar-ri-ih-ma u#-szar-ba-a zik-ri _mu_-ia szi-bir-ru ez-zu a-na ra-sa-ab na-ki-ri u-szA-Asz-szA-a i-da-a-a ma-a-tu a-na _an-szar_ ih-t,u-u u-gal-li-lu i-szi-t,u a-na ha-ba-ti szA-la-li mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ru-up-pu-szi# ((U)) u-mal-lu qa-tu#-u-a _ta an-szar_ u _dingir-me gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

a-szar s,u-ma-a-me ina mi-gir lib-bi-ia# szal-mesz lu at-tal-lak sza (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur _u kur_-ku-u-si ni-zir#-ti _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti _ta uru_-isz-hup-ri# a-di _uru_-me-em-pi _uru man_-ti ma-lak 15 u4-me qaq-qa-ri u4-me-szam la na-par-ka-a di-ik-tu-szu ma-a'-disz a-duk U szA-a-szu 5-szu ina us,-s,i _gisz_-szil-ta-hi mi-hi-is, la nab-la-t,i am-ha-su-ma _uru_-me-em-pi _uru man_-ti-szu ina mi-szil u4-me ina pil-szi nik-si na-bal-kat-ti al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_

aq-mu _munus_-É-_gal_-szu _munus-erim_-É-_gal-mesz_-szu (disz)u-szA-na-hu-ru _dumu usz_-ti-szu U re-eh-ti _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szu _gu4-mesz_-szu s,e-e-ni-szu ina la ma-a-ni Asz-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szur-usz _kur_-ku-u-si _ta kur_-mu-s,ur as-suh-ma e-du ina lib-bi ana da-li-li ul e-zib ina _ugu kur_-mu-s,ur _du_-szu _lugal-mesz lu#-nam-mesz lu-gar_-nu-_mesz lu-gal-kar-mesz lu_-qi-pa-a-ni

e-mid-su-nu-ti _na4-na-ru-a_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u-sze-pisz-ma ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti _an-szar en_-ia da-na-an ep-sze-te-ia# szA ina tukul-ti _an-szar en_-ia at-tal-lak-u-ma U li-i-tu ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia _edin#_-usz-szu u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ana tab-rat kisz-szat na-ki-ri

ana s,a-at u4-me ul-ziz szA _na4-na-ru-a_ szu-a-tu _ta ki_-szu u-nak-kar#-u-ma szu-mi szat,-ru i-pa-szi-t,u-ma _mu_-szu i-szat,-t,a-ru lu-u ina e-pe-ri i-kat-ta-mu lu-u ina _a-mesz_ i-nam-du-u lu-u ina _izi gibil_-u lu-u ina Asz-ri la a-ma-ri i-szak-ka-[nu] (d)_inanna_ be-let _murub4_ u _me_ zik-ru-su sin-nisz-a-nisz lu-szA-lik-ma# ina _ki-ta lu-kur_-szu lu-sze-szib-szu ka-mesz _nun_-u _egir_-u _na4-na-ru-a_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-(mur)-ma ma-har-szu lil-ta-su#-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi zik-ri _an-szar en_-ia lu-ta-'i-id

AI Translation

They placed their merciless weapons in the service of his lordly majesty. The king whom the lord of lords, the god Marduk, made greater than the kings of the four quarters of the world and whose lordship they made greater than all the lands, made all of them bow down at his feet and imposed tribute and payment upon them. He conquered his enemies, destroyed his foes, the king who is constantly frightened by his march, awe of his deeds, and awe of his deeds, the city Umma, his ally, and his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his chariotry, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his army, his troops,

son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of a long line of kings, whom Bel-bani, son of Adasi, established as kingship over Assyria, whose dynasty was long and whose dynasty was long.

Baltil Ashur fell by the command of the deities Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, and I was mighty, I was mighty, I was lordly, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was mighty, I was not among all of the kings, nor among all of them, the chosen one of the deities Ashur, Nabû, and Marduk, chosen one of the gods Sîn, favorite of the god Anu, beloved of queenship, the goddess Ishtar, goddess of all the world, the merciless weapon that subdues the hostile land, I, the king who is able to fight and defeat, the one who subdues the enemies of his enemies,

As for the one who rules all of the people, the deities Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, my exalted lords, whose commands cannot be changed and whose kingship cannot be changed, the goddess Ishtar, the lady who loves my priestly service, gave me a mighty bow and a mighty shield, which cut off the enemies of the insubmissive, and made my handiwork greater than those of all other rulers; she made me bow and made me rule over all rulers.

When the god Ashur, the great lord, encouraged me with the supplication of the might of my deeds, I gathered people and made them more than the kings of the four quarters of the world and my royal majesty, and made my name great. He made my fierce scepter to strike enemies and made my land hostile to the god Ashur. He made my hand hold and made my hand grasp the land of Assyria. He made my hand grasp the land of the people of Assyria.

I marched to the place of hunger by my own free will. I took the direct road against Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, the favorite of their great divinity, from the city Ishhupru to the city Memphis, a royal city, a distance of fifteen days march, a distance that cannot be overturned. I massacred him in a single day, and then I killed him five times with a splinter, a weapon that could not be stopped. I surrounded Memphis, his royal city, in a single day, by means of a string of sharp weapons. I razed, destroyed, and burned Memphis, his royal city, with fire.

I carried off to Assyria his queen, his palace women, Ushanahuru, his third son, and the rest of his sons, his daughters, his property, his possessions, his horses, his oxen, and his sheep and goats, without number, and I tore out Kush from Egypt and fled alone. I did not spare a single one. I imposed upon Egypt the kings, governors, governors, officials, and officials.

I had a stele written in my name made and I had the praise of the heroism of the god Ashur, my lord, and the might of my deeds, which I had done with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, written on it and I had it placed over the totality of the enemies.

In the future may a later prince, when this stele becomes old and dilapidated, erase my inscribed name and write his own name, or in a ditch, or in water, or in a fire, or in an unsuitable place, or place it in an unsuitable place, or make his name disappear from the land and place it under his enemy's authority, or set it aside for future days. May a later prince look at this stele written in my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and honor the utterances of the god Ashur, my lord.


to whose lordship they gave their merciless weapons as a gift; the king, whom the lord of lords, the god Marduk, made greater than the kings of the four quarters, rev. 10 whose lordship he made the greatest; the one who made the lands, all of them, bow down at his feet and who imposed tribute and payment on them; the one who conquered his enemies and destroyed his foes; the king whose passage is the deluge and whose deeds are a raging lion — before he comes it is a city, when he leaves it is a tell. The assault of his fierce battle is a blazing flame, a restless fire.

Son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; royal descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, founder of the kingship of Assyria, whose place of ultimate origin is Baltil Ashur —

By the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the great gods, lordship fell to me. I am mighty, I am almighty, I am lordly, I am proud, I am strong, rev. 20 I am important, I am glorious, and I have no equal among all of the kings. Chosen by the gods Ashur, Nabû, and Marduk; called by the god Sîn, favorite of the god Anu, beloved of the queen — the goddess Ishtar, goddess of everything — and the merciless weapon that makes the enemy land tremble, am I. A king, expert in battle and war, the one who slaughters the settlements of his enemies, the one who kills his foes, the one who dissolves his adversaries, the one who makes the unsubmissive bow down, and the one who rules over all of the people of the world —

The gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, my lofty lords, whose word cannot be changed, decreed as my destiny an unrivaled kingship. The goddess Ishtar, the lady who loves my priestly service, put in my hands a strong bow and a mighty arrow, the slayer of the disobedient; she allowed me to achieve my wish and made all of the unsubmissive kings bow down at my feet.

When the god Ashur, the great lord, wanted to reveal the glorious might of my deeds to the people, he made my kingship the most glorious and made my name greatest of the kings of the four quarters, made my hands carry a terrible staff to strike the enemy, and empowered me to loot and plunder any land that had committed sin, crime, or negligence against the god Ashur rev. 35 and to enlarge the territory of Assyria. After the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, had ordered me to march far along remote roads, through rugged mountains and great sand dunes, where one is always thirsty, I marched safely and in good spirits.

As for Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, the accursed of their great divinity, from the city Ishhupri to Memphis, his royal city, a march of fifteen days overland, rev. 40 I inflicted serious defeats on him daily, without ceasing. Moreover, with regard to he himself, by means of arrows, I inflicted him five times with wounds from which there is no recovery; and as for the city of Memphis, his royal city, within half a day and by means of mines, breaches, and ladders, I besieged it, conquered it, demolished it, destroyed it, and burned it with fire.

I carried off to Assyria his wife, his court ladies, Ush-Anahuru, his crown prince, and the rest of his sons and his daughters, his goods, his possessions, his horses, his oxen, rev. 45 and his sheep and goats, without number. I tore out the roots of Kush from Egypt. I did not leave a single person there to praise me. Over Egypt, all of it, I appointed anew kings, governors, commanders, customs officers, trustees, and overseers. I confirmed sattukku and ginû offerings for the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, forever. I imposed the tribute and payment of my lordship on them, yearly, without ceasing.

I had a stele written in my name made and I had inscribed upon it the renown and heroism of the god Ashur, my lord, and the might of my deeds which I had done with the help of the god Ashur, my lord, and my victory and triumph. I set it up for all time for the admiration of all of my enemies.

Whoever takes away this stele from its place and erases my inscribed name and writes his name, covers it with dirt, throws it into water, burns it with fire, or puts it in a place where it cannot be seen, may the goddess Ishtar, lady of war and battle, change him from a man into a woman, and may she seat him, bound, at the feet of his enemy. May a future ruler look upon a stele written in my name, read it aloud while standing in front of it, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and praise the name of the god Ashur, my lord.

Q003328: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_an#-szar_-_szesz_-_sum#-na man# szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ ...] u-szum-gal-lum s,i-i-ru na-ram _an-szar_ (d)_ag#_ [...] la-bisz na-mur-ra-ti# la a-di-ru szA-Asz-me qar-[ra-du git-ma-lu la pa-du-u tu-qu-un-tu] ru#-bu-u dan-dan-nu# mu-kil s,er-ret ma-li-[ki lab-bu na-ad-ru mu-ter gi-mil a-bi a-li-di-szu] _lugal#_ szA ina tu-kul#-[ti] _an#-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)[_amar-utu dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-e-szu i-szA-risz it-tal-lak-u-ma ik-szu-da ni-iz-mat-su]

szA pa-la-ah# [_dingir-mesz u_ (d)]isz-ta-ri ka-la-[ma i-du-u ...] ina qi-bé-e(?)#-[ti(?) ...] x-_mesz un-mesz tur gal_ [...] mu-ud-disz [...]-_mesz#_ szA _kur_ asz#-szur-_ki_ u _kur_ [_uri-ki_ ...] e-pisz# [é-sag-gil] _u ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ ...] (d)[...] mim-ma szum-szu# _hi-li#_ [...] x [... szA _dingir-mesz_] _kur#-kur_ szal#-lu-u#-[ti _ta_ qé-reb _uru_-asz-szur a-na Asz-ri-szu-nu u-ter-ru] [...] x _la an ku#_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ..., exalted ruler, beloved of the god Ashur and the god Nabû, ..., who is adorned with splendor, i 5 whose brilliance is unrivalled, i 10 whose strength is unrivalled, mighty warrior, i 10 who carries out the yoke of rulers, i 10 whose strength is mighty, who breaks the yoke of the father who engendered him, king who marches about triumphantly with the support of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods who support him, and has smashed his enemies,

who knew the reverence for the gods and goddesses, ... by the command of ..., ..., young and old, ..., who renovated ...s of Assyria and Akkad, ..., who rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, ... the god ... everything there was of it, ... ..., who returned the booty of the gods of the lands to their places from the city Ashur ...


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... majestic dragon; beloved of the gods Ashur, Nabû ... the one who is clothed in splendor, fearless in battle, perfect warrior, merciless in combat, almighty prince, the one who holds the nose-rope of rulers, raging lion, avenger of his father, who engendered him; 5 the king, who with the help of the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods, his helpers, marched freely and attained his wish — he broke all of those disobedient to him and rulers unsubmissive to him like a reed in the swamp and trampled them underfoot.

The one who knows how to revere all of the gods and goddesses; ... by the commands ... ... people, young and old, ...; the one who renewed ...s of Assyria and Akkad, ... 10 rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, ... the goddess ... whatever its name, abundance ... who returned the plundered gods of the lands to their proper place from the city Ashur; ... ... ... ... ...



[...] x [...] [...] x _ki_ [...] [...]-si-szu _gisz_ x [...] [...] x _pap 2-30_ x [...] [... (d)]_ag#_ (d)isz-tar szA# x [...] [...]-ti# nu-um-mur pa-ni# [...] x [...]-szi# nu-husz kib-ra-a-ti# [...] u#-[...] x x a-na _bala_-e-a# [...] (d)#_alad_-(d)#[_lamma_] U(?)# _dingir_ mu-szal-li-mu ki-bi-[is _lugal_-ti-ia ...]

sza# _gisz-ig_ [(d)]_alad_-(d)_lamma_ ba-lat, [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the god Nabû and the goddess Ishtar who ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the ... of the four quarters ... ... ... for my reign ... the bull colossi and the god who preserves my royal path .

Of the door of the protective spirit, life of .


... ... ... ... ... large ... ... the left ... rev. 5′ the gods ..., Nabû, Ishtar of ... ... shining face ... ... ... ... abundance of the four quarters ... ... ... to my reign ... the bull colossus and the deity who makes safe the path of my royal person ...

That which is written on a bull colossus in a doorway ... ...

Q003329: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... pa-nu]-usz-szu# _uru_-um-[ma ar-ke-e-szu] [ti-lu qit]-ru-ub ta#-ha-zi-szu dan#-[nu nab-lu] [musz-tah-mi-t,u (d)]_gisz-bar_ la [a-ni-hu]

[_dumu_] (disz)#(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan#-[nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_dumu_] (disz)#_lugal_-_gi-na man gal man_ dan#-[nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_gir_]-_nita# ka-dingir-ra_-(_ki_) _man kur_ szu-me-ri U(?)# [_uri-ki_] [_numun lugal_-u-ti] da#-ru-u sza (disz)_en_-[ba-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si] [mu-kin _lugal_-u-ti _kur_] asz#-szur-_ki_ szA du#-[ru-ug-szu bal-til-_ki_]

AI Translation

... before him, the city Umma, before him, a tibli, a mighty battle, a raging flood, a raging fire, a fire that cannot be stopped,

son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of a long line of kings, whom Bel-bani, son of Adasi, established as kingship of Assyria, whose reign is extended to Baltil Ashur;


... before he comes it is a city, when he leaves it is a tell. The assault of his fierce battle is a blazing flame, a restless fire.

Son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; royal descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, founder of the kingship of Assyria, whose place of ultimate origin is Baltil Ashur —

Q003330: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] [...] dan-na-ku# dan-dan-na#-ku e-tel-la-ku szit-ra-ha#-[ku gesz-ra-ku] kab-ta#-ku szur-ru-ha-ku ina gi-mir _lugal#-mesz_ szA-ni-na# [ul i-szA-ku] [ni]-szit# _an-szar_ (d)_muati_ (d)_szu_(?) ni-bit (d)#30 mi-gir# (d)[a-nim] [na]-ram szar-ra-ti (d)isz-tar# i-lat kal gim#-[ri] [_gisz-tukul_] la# pa-du-u mu-((u))-rib# _kur_ nu-kur-ti# [a-na-ku-ma] [_lugal_ le]-'e-um# qab-li u ta-ha-zi# sza-gisz da-[Ad-me na-ki-re-szu] [né-er a-a]-bi(?)-szu(?) musz-har-mi-t,u ga#-[re-e-szu]

[_an-szar_ (d)_utu_ (d)_muati_ u (d)_szu_] _en#-mesz_-ia _mah-mesz#_ [sza la in-nen-nu-u] [qi-bit-su-un _lugal_-u-ut] szA-na-an a-[na szim-ti-ia i-szi-mu] [...] kit#-tu x [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

The deities Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, my exalted lords, whose commands cannot be changed, determined as my fate a second kingship ... truth ...


... ... .... I am mighty, I am almighty, I am lordly, I am proud, I am strong, I am important, I am glorious, and I have no equal among all the kings. Chosen by the gods Ashur, Nabû, and Marduk; called by the god Sîn, favorite of the god Anu, rev. 5′ beloved of the queen — the goddess Ishtar, goddess of everything — and the merciless weapon that makes the enemy land tremble, am I. A king, expert in battle and war, the one who slaughters the settlements of his enemies, the one who kills his foes, the one who dissolves his adversaries, the one who makes the unsubmissive bow down, and the one who rules over all of the people of the world —

The gods Ashur, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, my lofty lords, whose word cannot be changed, decreed as my destiny an unrivaled kingship. ... truth ... ... ... ...

Q003332: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_an-szar_ (d)a-nu (d)_bad_ (d)]é-a (d)30 [(d)]_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu_ [(d)_inanna_ (d)7-_bi dingir-mesz gal_]-_me du_-szu-nu mu-szim-mu szim-ti [sza ana _lugal_ mi-gir]-szu-un i-szar-ra-ku da-na-an u li-i-tu [(disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz lugal gal man_] dan-nu _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [_lugal kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki_] _lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz _du_-szu-un _lugal lugal-me_ [_kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-pa-tu-ri-su u] _kur_-ku-u-si _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_

[_man gal man_ dan]-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ina hi-da-a-ti u ri-szA-a-ti qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi _uru man_-ti-szu al-li-ik# [ina] _ugu#_ szA-da-tu-ni szA _ku-gi_ ih-zu ul-s,a-nisz u-szib [...]-ia# _gisz-tukul-mesz_ [...] x szak#-nat na-asz-par-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar_ x x x x x [...] ar-ka-nu x x x x _li_ x ma-la-ka# [... e-ru]-um-ma

[...] É-_gal_-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)_inanna-mesz_-szu szA (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal kur_-ku-u-si a-di _nig-ga_-szu-nu [... szal-la]-tisz am-nu _munus_-É-[_gal_-szu _munus_]-_erim#_-É-_gal-mesz_-szu (disz)u-szA-na-hu-ru _dumu usz_-ti-szu [...] x x x x ti-i-ri man-za-az pa-ni-szu x [x x] _nig_-[_szu_] _nig-ga_ [...]-_gi#-mesz na4-za#-gin zu am-si gisz_-[x szA] ih-zu-szi-na _ku-gi_ mu-s,i-szi-na [...] _ki-min_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u _na4_ mim-ma szum-szu si-[mat] É-_gal_ szA la i-szu-u

[...] nak-lisz szu-pu-szu [x]-szu-un ap-te-e-ma _gisz_-t,up-pi-sa-an-ni pu-[...] [...] _man_-ti-szu u-ni-[x] _szid li_ [...] _szu_ [x] x x x musz-szul [...] [...] _ki_ [x] dib-bi [...] _lugal_ szA pi-sa-[an-ni ...] bu-szu _tak ti disz_(?) _munus_ [x] x [...] x i-zi-bu-szun a-di 15 a-[ge ...] 30 a-ge szA _munus_-É-_gal-mesz ki-min_ [...] dam-mu-qi _na4_-[x x] _na4_-a-gur-ri [...] _na4_-di(?)-lu [ana] mu-'u-de-e [...] É na-kAm-a-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar_ gu-uh-[li ... szA] la i-szu _tug_-sad-din bu-u-s,i

[...] _dumu_ (disz)bi-in-zu-qi [... _uru_]-is-qa-lu-na [...] szA (disz)tar-qu-u ana dan-nu-ti-szu-nu [...] _uru_-s,ur-ri [...] 32 _man#-mesz_ [...] _nu_ x x

AI Translation

Ashur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Ishtar, and the Seven Gods, the great gods, their one who decrees fates and who makes good the might and vigour of those who love the king, their favorite, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia, all of them, king of kings of Egypt, Paturisu, and Kush, king of the four quarters, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the four quarters, king of the world, king of the four quarters, king of the world, king of the four quarters, king of the world, king of the four quarters, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, king of the world, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the world, king

I marched to the city Memphis, his royal city, with joy and rejoicing. I erected my statues upon statues of gold and ... my weapons ... ..., the one who ... the gifts of gold and silver ... ... before ... ... ... ... I entered and

... his palace, his gods, and the goddesses of Taharqa, king of Kush, together with their property, ... I counted as booty his queens, his palace women, Ushanahuru, his son, his offspring, ... ... ... the throne of his presence, ..., his possessions, his property, ..., lapis lazuli, elephant ivory, ..., whose ... is gold, ..., ..., ..., utensils of gold, silver, and every type of stone, the emblem of the palace, which cannot be found,

... son of Binzuqi ... the city Ashkelon ... which Taharqa had surrounded for their stronghold ... the city Tyre ... 32 kings ... .


The gods Ashur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Ishtar, and the Sebitti, the great gods, all of them, who decree destiny and give might and victory to the king, their favorite, Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Karduniash Babylonia, king of all of them, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, king of the four quarters; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

With rejoicing and jubilation, I went into the city Memphis, his royal city, and I sat joyfully upon his gold-mounted stool. ... my ... weapons ... ... was placed; a message with gold and silver ... ... afterwards ... the march ... I entered and

I counted as booty ... of his palace, the gods and goddesses of Taharqa, king of Kush, together with their possessions ... I ... his wife, his court ladies, Ush-Anahuru, his crown prince, ... ... courtiers, his personal attendants, ..., possessions, goods, ... ..., lapis lazuli, ivory, gold-mounted ... their openings 15 ... ditto, gold and silver utensils, and all kinds of stones fit for the palace, which were without number, and skillfully built ....

I opened their ... and a chest ... ... his kingship ... ... ... mirror ... ... words ... king whose box, ..., possessions, ... ... ... they left them, together with 15 crowns ... 30 crowns of wives, ditto 20 ... good ..., stone ..., baked bricks, stone ..., in great number, ... from the treasury, gold, silver, antimony, ... which were without number, a saddinu-garment made of byssus, ... which all ... ... copper, tin, lead, ivory, ... ... ... ... ... possessions, ..., ... ..., his ..., his in-laws, his clan, 25 ... ... stone ..., his ..., and the sons of the kings ... ... ... ... ... physicians, diviners, ... ... ... carpenters, gold-smiths, metal-workers, ... ... ... ... ... ...

... son of Binzuqi, ... Ashkelon ... which Taharqa ... to their fortresses ... Tyre ... 32 kings ... ...

Q003333: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na_] [_lugal_] _gal#_-u [_lugal_] dan#-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal_ [_kur_-asz]-szur-_ki# gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki# lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki sipa_ ke-e#-nu mi-gir _en en-en# nun_ na-a-du na-ram (d)_numun_-_du_-tum szar-ra#-ti i-lat kal gim-ri _lugal_ szah-tu sza ul-tu u4-me s,e-eh-ri-szu be-lut-su-nu pu-tuq-qu-ma quru-su-nu dal-lu re-e-szu mut-nen-nu-u Asz-ru kan-szu pa-lih

_dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti i-nu-szu ina _bala_-e _lugal#_ mah-re-e ina _kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ it-tab-szA-a _a-mesz hul-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu an-na U ul-la a-ha-mesz e-tap-pa-lu e-dab-bu-ba sur-ra-a-te _dingir-mesz_-szi-na i-bu-ka-ma i-me-szA (d)isz-tar-szin par-s,i-szi-na e#-zi-ba-ma szA-na-ti-ma ir-ka-ba a-na _nig-ga_ é-sag-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_ a-szar la a-ri _szu-ii_-su-nu u-bi-lu-ma _ku-babbar ku#-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ip-szu-ru ma-hi-risz

i-gu-ug-ma (d)_en-lil-la5 dingir#-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na sa-pan _kur#_ hul-lu-qu _un-mesz_-szA ik-ta-pu-ud _hul_-tim _id_-a-ra-ah-ti _id h_É-_gal_ a-gu-u ez-zi e-du-u szam-ru _illu_ gap-szu tam-szil a-bu-bu ib-bab-lam-ma _uru_ szu-bat-su _a-mesz_ usz-bi-i'-ma u-sze-me kar-mesz _dingir-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu is,-s,u-risz ip-par-szu-ma e-lu-u szA-ma-mesz _un-mesz_ a-szib qer#-bi-szu a-szar szA-nam-ma [in]-nar#-qu-ma ina _ki_-tim

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, pious prince, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu, queen, goddess of all rulers, pious king, whose rule has been forgotten since distant days and whose shepherdship has been forgotten, pious, pious, and reverent, who reveres the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, who have entrusted to him the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, his lord, who has entrusted him with the lords of the four quarters, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival

At that time, during the reign of a previous king, evil waters poured out in Sumer and Akkad. The people living inside it raged together, iii 20'

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. The Arameans, the river of abundance, the river of abundance, the fierce flood, the fierce flood, the flood of floodwater, the flood of floodwater, the flood of floodwater, the flood of water, and the flood that had swept over its site, overwhelmed the gods who dwell inside it, fled alone, and the people living inside it, places that were not even remotely visible, became frightened and sat on the ground.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, pious prince, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu — the queen, the goddess of the entire universe — reverent king who from the days of his childhood was attentive to their rule and praised their valor, pious slave, humble, submissive, the one who reveres their great divinity —

At that time, in the reign of a previous king, bad omens occurred in Sumer and Akkad. The people living there were answering each other yes for no and were telling lies. They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses, abandoned their rites, and embraced quite different rites. They put their hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods, an inaccessible place, and they sold the silver, gold, and precious stones at market value to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. The river Arahtu, normally a river of abundance, turned into an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge. It swept its waters destructively across the city and its dwellings and turned them into ruins. The gods dwelling in it flew up to the heavens like birds; the people living in it were hidden in another place and took refuge in an unknown land. The merciful god Marduk wrote that the calculated time of its abandonment should last 70 years, but his heart was quickly soothed, and he reversed the numbers and thus ordered its reoccupation to be after 11 years.

Obverse Column ii


a-szab-szu iq-bi ia#-a-ti _an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na a_sz-szu ep-sze-e-ti szi-na-ti a-na# [Asz]-ri-szi-na tur-ri ina _ukkin szesz-mesz_-e-a _gal-mesz_ ke-nisz tu-tan-ni-ma [_an_]-_dul_-ka _dug-ga_ tasz-ku-nu _ugu#_-ia kul-lat za-a'-i-ri-ia a-bu-bisz tas-pu-nu-ma gi-mir za-ma-ni-ia ta-na-ru-ma tu-szak-szi-du ni-iz-ma-ti a-na nu-uh-hu lib-bi _dingir_-ti-ka _gal_-ti szup-szu-uh ka-bat-ti-ka _sipa_-ut _kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ tu-mal-[lu-u]

_szu#-ii_-u#-a ina _sag_ szar-ru-ti-[ia] ina mah-ri _bala_-ia szA ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti ra-bisz u-szi-bu [isz-szak]-na#-nim-ma _a-mesz#_ [da]-mi-iq-tim# [ina] _an u_ qaq-qa#-[ri isz-tap-pa-ra] gis-kim-mu-[usz _dingir-mesz_] ze-nu-ti sul#-[lu-mi] sza e-pesz# _ka_-[_dingir_]-_ra-ki_ ud-du-usz# é-[sag]-il2 usz-ta#-nak-la-mu# _munus-sig5 a_-ti

_mul-sag-me-nig#_ mut-tan-bi-t,u pa-ri-is _esz-bar kur_-_uri-ki_ ina _iti-sig4_ u-qar-rib-ma a-szar (d)szA-masz usz-tap-pa-a iz-ziz ba-il zi-mu-szu _sa5_ usz-tasz-ni-ma ina _iti-bad-ka_ a-szar ni-s,ir-ti ik-szu-dam-ma ina _ki-tusz_-szu

i-kun a-na szuk-lul ma-ha-zi ud-du-usz esz-re-e-tu szu-te-szur par-s,i szA é-sag-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_ iq-ba-a e-pe-sze _iti_-szam-ma (d)30 U (d)_utu_ ina _igi-lal_-szu-nu sza tur-ru gi-mil _kur_-_uri-ki_ an-nu ke-e-nu e-tap-pa-lu

a-ha#-mesz ina _gesztu-ii dagal_-ti

AI Translation

As for me, Esarhaddon, because of these deeds, you have firmly placed me in the assembly of my great brothers and placed a just supplication on me. You have slandered all of my enemies, slandered all of my enemies, and made my enemies rise up. You have made your heart happy and your mood happy. You have made the shepherdship of Assyria resplendent.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, he sent me mighty floods, sending me in the sky and on the ground. He heeded the pious gods, who had encouraged me to rebuild Babylon and to make Esagil shine. He constantly provided for me with good things.

Jupiter, the brightest star, the one who decides the decisions of the land Akkad, made its appearance in Sivan III and stood where the sun was eclipsed: it was bright, its appearance red, and it reached its true position in the month of Der, the place of great fortune, and remained in its place.

He told me to renovate the sanctuaries, to renovate the cult centers, and to complete the rites of Esagil, the palace of the gods. Each month, the gods Sîn and Shamash, at their appearance, performed a true extispicy to ensure the well-being of the land Akkad.

I have listened to each other with wide understanding.


You truly selected me, Esarhaddon, in the assembly of my older brothers to put these matters right, and you are the one who placed your sweet protection over me, swept away all of my enemies like a flood, killed all of my foes and made me attain my wish, and, to appease the heart of your great divinity and to please your spirit, you entrusted me with shepherding Assyria.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, good signs were established for me; in heaven and on earth, he the god Marduk constantly sent me his omens. The angry gods were reconciled and they repeatedly disclosed favorable signs concerning the rebuilding of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil.

Bright Jupiter, the giver of decisions on Akkad, came near in Simanu III and stood in the place where the sun shines. It was shining brightly and its appearance was red. It reached its hypsoma for a second time in the month "Opening of the Door" and stayed in its place.

He the god Marduk ordered me to complete the cult centers, to renovate the shrines, and to organize well the rites of Esagil, the palace of the gods. Every month, the gods Sîn and Shamash together, at their appearance, answered me with a firm 'yes' concerning the avenging of Akkad.

By means of the great intelligence and vast understanding that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, gave to me, it occurred to me to repopulate that city, to renovate the shrines, and to make the cult center shine, and my heart prompted me to perform that work.

Obverse Column iii


ka-bat-ti a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-ti# Asz-hu-ut ak-ku5 sza (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ u (d)_amar-utu di-ku5-gal dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ak-ta-mis ma-har-szu-un ina ma-kal-ti _lu-hal_-u-ti# _uzu-mesz#_ tu-kul-ti# isz-szak-nu-nim-ma sza# e-pesz _ka-dingir#-ra-ki_ ud-du-usz é-sag-gil u-szA-Asz-t,i-ra a-mu-tu

a-na an-ni-szu-nu ke-e-nu at-kal-ma ad-ke-ma gi-mir um-ma-ni-ia _u un-mesz kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-na si-hir-ti-sza# _gisz_-al-lu u-szat-rik-ma e-mi-du tup-szik-ki ina _i-gisz dug-ga lal i-nun#-na kurun-nam_ mu-tin-ni szi-kar _kur_-i# _ku_ ab#-lu-la [ta]-ra#-[husz Asz-szu _dingir_]-us-su _gal_-tu# [_un_]-_mesz_ kul-lu-mi-[im-ma] szup#-lu-hu be-lut-su# [ku]-dur-ru ina _sag#_-[_du_-ia] Asz#-szi-ma [u-szA-az-bil] ra#-ma-ni [ina _gisz-u-szub-mesz_] _gisz#_-[_mes-ma-kan-na_] u-[szal-bi-na _sig4 dumu-mesz_] _lu_-[um-ma-ni en-qu-te]

szi-kit-ta-szu# [a-mur ina] _iti_ szal#-me u4-me sze-me-e s,e#-er usz-szi-szu mah-ru-u-ti 1-_kusz_ ul a-sze-et, 1/2# _kusz_ ul ut-tir ki-i _ka gisz-hur_-szu mah-ri#-ti at-ta-di te-me-en-szu é-sag-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_ ma-at,-lat _zu-ab_ tam#-szil é-szar2-ra mé-eh-ret# szu-bat (d)é-a tam-szil# _mul-asz-iku a_r-s,ip# u-szak-lil-ma ana ni-kil-ti# u-szak-ki-la u-kin#

AI Translation

I was afraid to do this work. I trusted in the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords, and they looked with pleasure upon me before them. With the help of haruspex, they gave me a spleen and a tukultu-offering, and I made an appeal to the gods about the renovation of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil.

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered my entire army and the people of Karduniash Babylonia. I made a hoe and a basket and thereby secured its bolts. I poured out sweet oil, honey, butter, kurunnu-wine, and pure mountain-beer. Because of his great divinity, I gathered the people and thereby enlarged his lordly majesty. I erected a kundurru-work on my head and sent it to me. I hung it on bedrock. I hung it on beds of musukkannu-wood. I hung the bricks of the privileged citizens of the kings of the land of Karduniash Babylonia.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations anew. I did not let slip more than one cubits, nor did I let slip more than half a cubit. I inspected its original design. I built Esagil, the palace of the gods, the abode of the apsû, the terrace of Esharra, the courtyard opposite the seat of the god Ea, the terrace of the constellation Aries, and thereby secured its brickwork.


I was afraid and worried to preform that work and I knelt before the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords. In the diviner's bowl, trustworthy oracles were established for me, and they had their response concerning the rebuilding of Babylon and renovation of Esagil written on a liver.

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered all of my craftsmen and the people of Karduniash Babylonia to its full extent. I had them wield hoes and I imposed baskets on them. I mixed the mud for its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, muttinnu-wine, and pure mountain beer. In order to show the people his great divinity and to inspire awe in his lordship, I raised a basket onto my head and carried it myself. I had its bricks made in brickmolds of musukkannu-wood. I gathered together expert craftsmen and skilled master builders, who lay out plans, exposed the place where Esagil stands, and inspected its structure.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundation platform over its previous foundations and in exact accordance with its earlier plan I did not diminish it by one cubit nor increase it by half a cubit. I built and completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, an image of the apsû, a replica of Esharra, a likeness of the abode of the god Ea, and a replica of Pegasus; I had Esagil ingeniously built and I laid out its square. For its roof, I stretched out magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus, the pure mountain, and fastened bands of gold and silver on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

Obverse Column iv


_dingir-mesz_ u (d)isz-tar a-szi-bu-ut qer-bi-szu szA _a-mesz_ bu-tuq-tu U ra-a-du u-bi-lu-szu-nu-ti-ma i-ki-lu szi-ki-in-szu-un szal-pu-ut-ta-szu-nu lu-mu-un-tu ud-disz zi-me-szu-nu uk-ku-lu-tu u-szA-an-bit, s,u-bat-su-nu ar-szu ub-bi-ib ina _bara-me_-szu-nu da-risz u-szar-me-szu-nu-ti (d)_alad-mesz_ (d)_lamma-mesz# maszkim-me_ szu-ut É-_kur#_ an-hu-su#-nu u-pa-Asz-szi-ih# _qu_ [(x)] x x x x a#-[szar(?)] x x-ti-szu#-nu [usz-ziz]-su-nu-ti

[...]-szu u-sze-x [...] É-_kur_ x x [...] x x-ta-a [...] x x x [...] x x [...] x

AI Translation

The gods and goddesses dwelling in it, who had brought them water from a well, a great flood, and who had smashed their rites, had restored their limbs, had made their appearance resplendent, had made their limbs glisten with awe, had made them sit on their daises forever, and had made them dwell in their sanctuaries forever. I destroyed the bull colossi and lamassus, the evildoers of the temple, and ... I deposited them in the place of their .

... ... ... temple ...


I repaired the woeful desecrated state of the gods and goddess who lived in it, who had been displaced by floods and storm, and whose appearances had become dim; I made their dimmed appearance bright, cleaned their dirty garments, and had them permanently installed on their daises. As for the shedus, lamassus, and rabishu-demons of the temple, I repaired their dilapidated parts, and I restationed them ... where their ... are.

No translation possible

Obverse Column v


30-_am# a_sz-lu _sag_ ina _gisz_-as4-[lum] _gal_-ti mi-szi-ih-ta-szu am-szu-uh ki-i pi-i mah-re-e u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-szu Ar-s,ip u-szak-lil a-na tab-rat kisz-szat ni-szi la-la-a usz-mal-li

sza _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ dul-lu-lu-tu _erim-mesz_ ki-din-ni szu-ba-re-e (d)a-nim U (d)_en-lil_ an-du-ra-Ar-szu-nu esz-szisz Asz-kun sza-a-mu-tu szA a-na re-szu-ti szu-lu-ku szA a-na s,i-in-di _u#_ bir-ti zu-u'-u-zu u-pa-hi-ir-ma a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ am-nu _nig-szu-mesz_-szu-nu szal-lu-te u-ter mi-ra-nu-ti lu-bu-usz-tu u-la-bi-isz har-ra-an [_ka_]-_dingir#-ra-ki_ u-szA-Asz-kin sze-pu-szu-un a-na a-sza-bi _uru_ e-pesz É za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti he-re-e pat-ta-a-ti u-szar-hi-is-su-nu-ti lib-bu

ki-di-nu-us-su-nu ba-t,il-tu szA ina _szu-ii_ ip-par-szi-du a-na Asz-ri-szu u-ter t,up-pi za-ku-ti-szu-nu [esz]-szisz Asz-t,ur [a]-na _im-limmu-ba kaskal-ii_-szu-nu [u]-pat-ti-ma [it]-ti nap-har _kur_-[_kur_] [_eme_] szit-ku-nu i-[ip-pu-szu]

[tak]-bit-tu [...]

AI Translation

I had a foundation pit built on the site of the great aslum-tree, its site, and I raised it as high as a mountain. I built and completed Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, and filled it with splendor to be an object of wonder for all of the people.

I had the work of the citizens of Babylon performed; I had the people of the cult centers, the shabareans of the gods Anu and Enlil perform their auxiliary work. I had the people who were in the service and who were in the service of the shindû-priests and the shindû-priests brought to Babylon and I counted them as booty. I returned their valuable possessions and made them take the direct road to Babylon. I made them take the direct road to the city and made them build houses, zaqappu-priests, and reed beds.

I restored their privileged status, which had fallen into disuse, and thereby enlarged the tablet of their exemption. I opened their routes to the far side of the sea and made them act in accordance with the command of all lands.


With the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of Imgur-Enlil, its great wall — each length and width was 30 ashlus. I had it built as it was before and raised its top up like a mountain. I built and completed Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, and filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I established anew the remission of debts of the wronged citizens of Babylon, people entitled to the privileged status and freedom guaranteed by the gods Anu and Enlil. I gathered the bought people who had become slaves and who had been distributed among the foreign riffraff and counted them once again as Babylonians. I returned their looted possessions, provided the naked with clothing, and let them take the road to Babylon. I encouraged them to resettle the city, build houses, plant orchards, and dig canals.

I restored their interrupted privileged status that had fallen into disuse. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I opened roads for them in all directions so that they could establish an important position by having commercial relations with all countries.


Obverse Column vi


[_numun_ szA-an-gu]-ti-ia# [it]-ti# [te-me-en é-sag-gil u] _ka-dingir#-ki_ li#-[ku]-un a-na# u4-me s,a-a-ti _lugal#_-ti ki-ma szam#-[me] _ti-la ugu uzu-mesz# un-mesz_ li-t,ib-ma ina# kit-ti U mi-szA-ri lu-ur-te-a ba-hu-la-ti-szu#-un sze-bu-tu lul-li#-ik lit-tu-tu lu-[uk]-szu-ud la-le-e# [_ti_]-_la#_ lu-usz-[bi a-na u4-mu _su_]-_me_ lu [za]-ni-nu ana-ku

kim#-[ti lu-rap]-pisz sa#-[la-ti lu-pah]-hi-ir [per-'u lu]-szam#-dil [lu-s,ar-ri-szu pa]-pal#-lu _suhusz gisz-gu#_-[_za_ szA-an-gu]-ti#-ia u-hum-mesz [li]-szar#-szid it-ti _an_-e# [u _ki_]-tim# li-kin _bala_-u#-[a] ina ul-s,i ri-[szA-a-ti] hu-ud-du lib-[bi] nu-um-mur pa-ni t,u-ub ka-[bat-ti] u4-me-szam nam-risz lut#-tal-[lak] szim-tu t,a-[ab-tu] szim-tu da-mi#-[iq-tu] szA ur-ruk u4-me# [_bala_-e-a] na-s,ir _gisz-gu_-[_za_] sza-an-gu-ti-[ia] szA-lam _numun_-ia [lisz-szA-ki-in] ina _ka_-[szu-un]

_gisz-gidru_ i-szir-[tu mu-rap-pi-szat] ma-a-ti szi#-[bir-ri ez-zi] mu-szak-nisz la# [ma-gi-ri] li-szat-me-eh# [rit-tu-u-a] _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia [li-szat-bu-u]-ma lu-nar-ru(?)# [a-a]-bi-ia# ina li-i-ti# u ki-szit-ti qa-ti# s,e#-risz na-ki-ri [lisz-zi-za]-an-ni

_szeg#-mesz_ u _illu-mesz si#-sa buru14_ na-pa#-Asz (d)nisaba# [t,uh]-du u# HÉ-_gal#_ [ina ma]-ti#-ia

AI Translation

May a later prince, in days to come, restore my dynasty to its place like a good day, make the people live as they wish, and make their lives as secure as a stable place. May he grant them a long life, attain very old age, and live long. May he grant me a long life and a long reign. I am the provider for the people.

May he make my throne last a long time, widen my understanding, make my sattukku-offerings plentiful, make them plentiful, and make his cultic rites plentiful. May he make the foundations of my throne, my throne, firm and secure. May he make my reign endure with heaven and netherworld. In joyous celebrations, with a joyful heart, a joyful heart, and a bright face, may he march about in a splendid fashion. May he make good the good fortune of the good fortune of the days of my reign, the protection of my throne, and the well-being of my offspring endure in their mouths.

May he anoint me with oil, make my weapons shine, and make my enemies rise up like the stars lit. "writings" of the heavens, and make my hand grasp the scepter that widens the land, and make my enemies bow down at my feet.

rains and floods, the best of harvest, the provisioning of the grain-fed animals, abundance and plenty in my land,


Let the seed of my priestly office endure along with the foundations of Esagil and Babylon; let my kingship be sustaining to the people forever like the plant of life so that I may shepherd their populace in truth and justice; and let me reach old age, attain extreme old age, and be sated with the prime of life until far-off days. Truly I am the provider.

Let me enlarge my family, gather my relatives, and extend my progeny so that they branch out widely; let him make the foundations of the throne of my priestly office be as secure a great mountain; let my reign endure as long as heaven and earth; let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, and happy mood; and let a happy fate, a good fate, one for the lengthening of the days of my reign, the protection of the throne of my priestly office, and the well-being of my offspring be placed in their the gods' mouths.

May he allow my hands to grasp the righteous scepter that enlarges the land and the fierce staff that humbles the unsubmissive; may they cause my weapons to rise up so that I may kill my enemies; and may he allow me to stand over my enemies in victory and triumph.

Let them allow there to be in my land rains and floods, successful harvests, an abundance of grain, plenty, and prosperity, and let them store it in piles of grain.

Obverse Column vii


u-sze-pisz-ma _na4-na#_-[_ru-a-mesz_] _ku-babbar ku-gi zabar na4_-[_za-gin_] _na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-s,a-lam-[du] _na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4_-e-lAl-lum# _na4_-pi-i-lu _babbar_-u _mu-sar_-e t,i-it,-t,i s,ar-pu-ti lu-ma-sze tam-szil szi-t,ir _mu_-ia e-siq s,e-ru-usz-szu-un da-na-an qar-ra-di _gal_-e (d)_amar-utu_ ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu lip-ta-at _szu-ii_-ia qé-reb-szu-un Asz-t,ur ina usz-sze Asz-kun [a]-na# s,a-at u4-me e-zi-ib

a-na# Ar-kAt u4-me a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia szA _lugal# dingir-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu _mu-sar_-u szi-t,i-ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu#-ter (d)_amar-utu lugal dingir-me#_ ik-ri-bi-szu# i-szem-me

[mu]-nak#-kir szi-t,i-ir [_mu_]-ia mu-sah-hu-u [si]-ma-ti-ia pa-sis [ki]-din-nu-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [pa]-t,ir ri-kis _en en-en_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_en-lil-la5 dingir-me en kur-kur_ ez-zi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma ina nap-har s,al-mat _sag-du zah_-szu liq-bi ina ub-szu-ukkin-na-ki ki-sal _ukkin dingir-mesz_ szu-bat szi-tul-ti a-mat-su li-lam-min4-ma u4-mu 1-en la ba-lat,-su liq-bi

_mu-sag-nam-lugal-la an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

I had a stele made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, shalamdu-stone, shartu-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, and I deposited it therein a detailed inscription bearing my name. I fashioned a replica of the inscription written in my name and placed it in their midst. I wrote thereon the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds I had done. I placed it in a reed bed and deposited it therein for future days.

In the future, in distant days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the king of the gods, the god Marduk, names for ruling over the land and people, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or removes my inscription, who changes the privileged status of Babylon, who breaks the oath of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk and the Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, look with fury upon him and command that he not be killed in all of the black-headed people. May he look upon his word in Ubshukkinnaku, the chamber of the assembly of the gods, the seat of rejoicing. May he say to him daily without ceasing:

kingship of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, as well as inscribed objects of baked clay, and then I depicted on them hieroglyphs representing the writing of my name. I wrote on them the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds that I had done, my pious work, and I placed these inscriptions in the foundations and left them for far-off days.

In future days, in far-off days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the king of the gods, the god Marduk, names to rule the land and the people, read an inscription written in my name, and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who changes an inscription written in my name, defaces my representations, annuls the privileged status of Babylon, and breaks the covenant of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, look with fury on him and order his destruction among all of the black-headed people. May he the god Marduk make his word bad in Ubshukkinnaku, the courtyard of the assembly of the gods, the place of council, and order that his life not last even a single day.

Accession year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

Q003334: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_an-szar_-_szesz_]-_sum#-na_ [_lugal_] _gal#_-u [_lugal_ kisz]-szA#-ti [_lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir_]-_nita_ [_ka-dingir-ra_]-_ki_ [_lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u] _uri-ki_ [_sipa_ ke-e-nu mi]-gir# _en en-en_ [_nun_] na-a#-[du] na#-ram [(d)]zar-pa#-[ni]-tum [szar]-ra-tum i-lat [kal] gim#-ri [_lugal_] szah-tu# [szA] ul#-tu u4-me s,e#-eh-ri#-szu be-lut-su#-nu pu-tuq-qu-ma quru-us-su-nu da-al-lu re-e-szu mut-nen-nu-u Asz-ri kan-szu pa-lih _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti

i-nu-szu ina _bala lugal_ mah-ri-i ina _kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ it-tab-szA-a _a-mesz hul-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu an-na ul-la a-ha-mesz i-tap-pa-lu i-dab-bu-ba sur-ra-a-ti _dingir-mesz_-szi-na i-bu-ka-ma i-me-szA (d)isz-tar-szin par-s,i-szi-na i-zi-ba-ma szA-na-ti-ma ir-ka-ba a-na _nig-ga_ é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ a-szar la#-a a-ri _szu-ii_-su-nu [u-bi]-lu-ma _ku-gi ku-babbar_ [ni-siq]-ti# _na4-mesz_ a-na [_kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ ip-szu-ru

[ma-hi-risz] i#-gug-ma [(d)_en-lil-la5_] _dingir#-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu_ [a-na sa-pan _kur_] hul#-lu-qu [_un-mesz_-szA ik]-ta#-pu-ud [_hul_-tim _id_]-a-ra-ah#-ti

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, pious prince, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu, queen, goddess of all kings, pious king, whose dominion is determined from the days of his childhood, pious one, their pious one, pious one, pious one, pious one, pious one, the one who reveres their great divinity,

At that time, in the reign of a previous king, evil waters poured out in Sumer and Akkad. The people living inside it raged together, raged together, and sinned against one another. Their gods raged, sinned against one another, sinned against their goddesses, and sinned against the other. They took possession of Esagil, the palace of the gods, a place not befitting them, and they brought gold, silver, and precious stones to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. The Arameans drew near to me.


Esarhaddon, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, pious prince, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu — the queen, the goddess of the entire universe — reverent king who from the days of his childhood was attentive to their rule and praised their valor, pious slave, humble, submissive, the one who reveres their great divinity —

At that time, in the reign of a previous king, bad omens occurred in Sumer and Akkad. The people living there were answering each other yes for no and were telling lies. They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses, abandoned their rites, and embraced quite different rites. They put their hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods, an inaccessible place, and they sold the gold, silver, and precious stones at market value to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. The river Arahtu, normally a river of abundance, turned into an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge. It swept its waters destructively across the city and its shrines and turned them into ruins. The gods and goddesses dwelling in it flew up to the heavens like birds; the people living in it were hidden in another place and took refuge in an unknown land. The merciful god Marduk wrote that the calculated time of its abandonment should last 70 years, but his heart was quickly soothed, and he reversed the numbers and thus ordered its reoccupation to be after 11 years.

Obverse Column ii


iq-bi ia-a-ti _an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki a_sz-szu ep-sze-e-ti szi-na-a-ti ana _ki_-szi-na tur-ru ina _ukkin szesz-mesz_-e-a _gal-mesz_ ke-nisz tu-ut-tan-ni-ma _an-dul_-ka t,a-a-bi tasz-ku-nu _ugu_-ia kul-lat za-a'-i-ri-ia a-bu-bisz tas-pu-nu-ma gi-mir za-ma-ni-ia ta-na-ru-ma tu-szak-szi-du ni-iz-ma-ta a-na nu-uh-hu lib-bi _dingir_-ti-ka _gal_-ti szup-szu-uh ka-bat-ti-ka _sipa_-ut _kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ tu-ma-al-lu-u qa-tu-u8-a

ina _sag lugal_-ti-ia ina mah-ri-i _bala_-e-a szA ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-tu

AI Translation

As for me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning these deeds, you have firmly placed me in the assembly of my great brothers and placed your good protection over me. You have smashed all of my enemies, smashed all of my enemies, and made my cultic rites endure. You have made your heart happy and your mood happy. You have made the shepherd of Assyria happy.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I ascended the royal throne,


You truly selected me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, in the assembly of my older brothers, to put these matters right, and you are the one who placed your sweet protection over me, swept away all of my enemies like a flood, killed all of my foes and made me attain my wish, and, to appease the heart of your great divinity and to please your spirit, you entrusted me with shepherding Assyria.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, good signs were established for me; in heaven and on earth, he the god Marduk constantly sent me his omens. The angry gods were reconciled and they repeatedly disclosed favorable signs concerning the rebuilding of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil.

Obverse Column iii


[_mul-sag-me-nig_ mut]-tan#-bi-t,u [pa-ri-is _esz-bar kur_-_uri-ki_ ina _iti-sig4_] [u-qar-rib-ma a-szar (d)szA-masz] [usz-tap-pa-a iz-ziz ba-il zi-mu-szu] sa-a-mu usz-tasz-ni#-[ma] ina _iti-bad-ka_ a-szar ni-s,ir-ti ik-szu-dam-ma ina _ki-tusz_-szu i-kun

a-na szuk-lul ma-ha-zi ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti szu-te-szur par-s,i szA é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ iq-ba-a e-pe-szu _iti_-szam-ma (d)30 u (d)szA-masz ina _igi-lal_-szu-nu szA tur-ri gi-mil-li _kur_-_uri-ki_ an-na ki-i-nu i-tap-pa-lu

a-ha-mesz ina _gesztu-ii dagal_-ti ha-sis-si pal-ki-i szA isz-ru-ka _abgal dingir-mesz nun_ (d)nu-dim-mud a-na szu-szu-ub _uru_ szA-a-szu ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti nu-um-mur ma-ha-zi ina _gesztu-ii_-ia ib-szi-ma usz-ta-bil ka-bat-tu

a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-ti# Asz-hu-ut ak-ku5 sza (d)szA-masz (d)_iszkur_ u (d)_amar-utu di-ku5-gal dingir-mesz en-mesz_-e-a

AI Translation

Jupiter, the brightest star, the one who decides the decisions for Akkad, made its appearance in Sivan III and stood there as the sun set. Its appearance was bright, it reflected light, and it reached its true position in the month of Der, the place of great fortune, and remained in its place.

He told me to renovate the cult centers, renovate the shrines, and perform the rites of Esagil, the palace of the gods. Each month, the gods Sîn and Shamash, at their appearance, performed a true extispicy for the preservation of the privileged status of the land Akkad.

With wide understanding and broad understanding, which the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, had granted to me, I built that city for the sake of his own. With my ears he had sanctuaries built and he had the cult centers thriving.

I slew the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords, to do this work.


Bright Jupiter, the giver of decisions on Akkad, came near in Simanu III and stood in the place where the sun shines. It was shining brightly and its appearance was red. It reached its hypsoma for a second time in the month "Opening of the Door" and stayed in its place.

He the god Marduk ordered me to complete the cult centers, to renovate the shrines, and to organize well the rites of Esagil, the palace of the gods. Every month, the gods Sîn and Shamash together, at their appearance, answered me with a firm 'yes' concerning the avenging of Akkad.

By means of the great intelligence and vast understanding that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, gave to me, it occurred to me to repopulate that city, to renovate the shrines, and to make the cult center shine, and my heart prompted me.

I was afraid and worried to perform that work and I knelt before the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords. In the diviner's bowl, trustworthy oracles were established for me, and they had their response concerning the rebuilding of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil written on a liver.

Obverse Column iv


[a-na an-ni-szu-nu ke-e-nu] [at-kal-ma] [ad-ke-ma gi-mir] um-ma-ni-ia# _u un-mesz kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-na si-hir-ti-sza _gisz_-al-lu u-szat-rik-ma e-mid-da tup-szik-ku ina _i-gisz dug-ga lal i-nun-na kurun-nam_ mu-tin-ni szi-kar _kur_-i _ku_ ab-lu-la ta-ra-husz Asz-szu _dingir_-us-su _gal_-tum _un-mesz_ kul-lu-mi-im-ma szup-lu-hu be-lut-su ku-du-ru ina _sag-du_-ia Asz-szi-ma u-szA-az-bil ra-ma-ni ina _gisz-u-szub-mesz# gisz-mes_(?)-_ma_(?)#-[_kan-na_(?)] u-szal-bi-[na _sig4_] _dumu-mesz lu#_-[um-ma]-ni#

a-mur ina _iti#_ [szal-me u4-mu sze-me-e] s,e-er usz#-[szi-szu] mah-ru-tu 1#-[_kusz_ ul a-sze-et,] 1/2 _kusz_ ul# [ut-tir] ki#-[i _ka gisz-hur_-szu mah-ri-ti]

AI Translation

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and mustered my entire army and the people of Karduniash Babylonia. I smashed the wooden kiln chamber and imposed it upon them. I poured out a tupshikku-offering with good oil, honey, butter, kurunnu-wine, tinnu-wine, and pure mountain-plant. Because of his great divinity, I gathered the people and thereby enlarged his lordship. I hung a kuduru-offering on my head and thereby made a great number of people live in them. I hung them on a bed of musukkannu-wood. I hung the bricks of the sons of the craftsmen.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on its former site. I did not leave a single cubit behind it, nor did I leave a single one cubit behind it. I laid its foundations according to its former design.


I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered all of my craftsmen and the people of Karduniash Babylonia to its full extent. I had them wield hoes and I imposed baskets on them. I mixed the mud for its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, muttinnu-wine, and pure mountain beer. In order to show the people his great divinity and to inspire awe in his lordship, I raised a basket onto my head and carried it myself. I had its bricks made in brickmolds of musukkannu-wood. I gathered together expert craftsmen and skilled master builders, who lay out plans, exposed the place where Esagil stands, and inspected its structure.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundation platform over its previous foundations and in exact accordance with its earlier plan I did not diminish it by one cubit nor increase it by half a cubit. I built and completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, an image of the apsû, a replica of Esharra, a likeness of the abode of the god Ea, and a replica of Pegasus; I had Esagil ingeniously built and I laid out its square. For its roof, I stretched out magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus, the pure mountain.

Obverse Column v


_u qa_ x (x) _gisz-ma-kan-na gisz-eren# gisz_-bu-ut,-ni _gisz-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na pu-tu-un-ni É mar-kas É-_gar8_ la pa-t,a-ri si-mat é-sag-gil la ma-sze-e it-ti _sig4_ ar-s,ip

ina u4-me-szu-ma a-szar _ki-tusz_ ri-mit (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tu (d)_ag 16_ ina 1-_kusz_ tam-lu-u u-szA-pil-ma ak-szu-da _a-mesz_ nag-bi ina _esir-ud-a_ u a-gur-ru ul#-tu _ugu a-mesz_ u-rab#-bi-ma _ki-ta_-szu# _suh_-szu u-szA-hi-za (d)nu-dim-mud ar-s,ip u-sze-lam-ma a-na mu-szab _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti Asz-pu-ka _kur_-u8-a-isz _ki-tusz_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tu _u#_ (d)_ag_ ab-ta-ni

[qé-reb]-szu#-un _gisz-ig-mesz_ [_gisz-szur_]-_min#_ szA ere14-es-si-na t,a-a-bu [me-ser _ku-gi_] _ku-babbar urudu_ [u-rak-kis]-ma [u-rat]-ta-a [_ka-mesz_]-szu [s,a-lam _dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ ud-disz [ina _bara_]-_mesz#_-szu-nu [u-szar-ma]-a szu-bat da-rat [(d)_alad_]-_mesz#_ (d)_lamma-mesz_ [_maszkim-mesz_] szu-ut# É-_kur_ [an-hu-su]-nu

AI Translation

I built and completed a ... of musukkannu-wood, cedar, terebinth, and pure wood opposite the door of the storehouse, the unobstructed access way, the clad-wall of Esagil, which is not obstructed, with bricks.

At that time, I had the site of the abode of the god Marduk, the divine light Nabû, built a terrace of sixteen cubits on a terrace and had water drained from it. I surrounded its lower course with bitumen and baked brick from the water and made its lower course gush. I built and completed it and deposited it for the residence of his great divinity. I reconstructed the Uaish, the place of the god Marduk, the divine light Nabû, and the abode of the gods Marduk.

I fastened bands of gold, silver, and copper on doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I had the statues of the great gods re-fashioned and I had them placed on their dais. I removed the bull colossi and lamassus, the evildoers of the temple, and I deposited them in their gates.


Moreover, I built it up ... with musukkannu-wood, cedar, and terebinth, natural wood, together with bricks, so that the temple would be made permanent, the bonds of the wall would not disintegrate, and none of Esagil's ornaments would be neglected.

At that time, I had the terrace, the place where the gods Marduk, Zarpanitu, and Nabû dwell, dug down 16 cubits, where I reached ground water. With bitumen and baked brick, I enlarged its lower part beyond the water table and I built up its foundations as the god Nudimmud had instructed me. I raised it up and heaped it up like a mountain for the residence of his great divinity. I built the home of the gods Marduk, Zarpanitu, and Nabû in their midst.

I fastened bands of gold, silver, and copper on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I refurbished the statues of the great gods and had them dwell on their daises as an eternal dwelling. As for the shedus, lamassus, and rabishu-demons of the temple, I repaired their dilapidated parts, and I restationed them ... where their ... are.

Obverse Column vi


mim-ma szum-szu u-na-a-ti# hi-szih-ti é-sag-[gil] nab-nit _ku-gi ku-babbar_ szA 50 _ma-na-ta-am# ki-la_-szu-nu# ina# szi-pir ni-kil-ti# nak-lisz u-sze-pisz par-s,i é-sag-il2 qa-Asz-du-tu ana _ki_-szu-nu u-ter _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-na ma-a'-disz u-szar-ri-ih guq-qa-ni-szu-nu _ku-mesz nidba-mesz_-szu-nu eb-bu-te _sa-dug4_-szu-nu ba-at,-lu-te u-kin ma-har-szu-un ra-am-ki pa-szi-szi _an#-gub-ba-mesz_ mah-ru-te na-s,ir pi-risz-te ma-har-szu-nu usz-ziz _lu#_-i-szip-pi _lu-ka#-pirig-mesz lu-gala#-mesz_ [_lu_]-_nar#-mesz_

ma-har-szu-un é-te-me-en-an-ki ziq-qur-ra-tu Asz-lu s,u-pan _usz a_sz-lu s,u-pan _sag_ a-szar masz-kAn-szu mah-ri-i esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

im-gur-(d)_en-lil bad_-szu _gal_-a 30-_am a_sz-lu _usz 30-am a_sz-lu _sag_ ina _gisz_-as4-lum _gal_-ti mi-szih-ta-szu am-szu-uh ki-i _ka_ mah-ri-i u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-szu ar-s,ip

AI Translation

I had everything that was needed for Esagil, including the ornaments of gold and silver, whose weight was fifty minas, made with skillful craftsmanship. I made the rites of Esagil more splendid than those of distant days. I firmly established before them their holy guqqû-offerings, their sweet nindabû-offerings, and their sadugû-offerings. I set up in front of them awe-inspiring abodes. I stationed before them messengers, kapiru-offerings, and singers.

I had Etemenanki, the ziqqurrat, built anew with bitumen, a torch, and a torch. I made it bigger than before, in the place where it was previously built.

I built Imgur-Enlil, its great wall, a length of 30 cubits, a width of 30 cubits, and a width of 30 cubits, on a large aslum-tree, its base. I had it built like a mountain and raised it as high as a mountain. I built Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall.


I had whatever furnishings were needed for Esagil skillfully made with artful craftsmanship from gold and silver, each of whose weight is 50 minas. I restored the holy rites of Esagil and made them more splendid than before. I set out before them the gods their pure guqqû offerings, their pure nindabû offerings, and their interrupted sattukku offerings. I placed at their service the former ramku-priests, pashishu-priests, and ecstatics, those initiated in secret rites. I set before them purification priests, ashipu-priests, lamentation priests, and singers, who have mastered their entire craft.

I built anew Etemenanki, the ziggurrat, on the site where it previously stood — its length is one ashlu and one shuppan, and its width is one ashlu and one shuppan.

With the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of Imgur-Enlil, its great wall — each length and width was 30 ashlus. I had it built as it was before and raised its top up like a mountain. I built and completed Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, and filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

Obverse Column vii


_dingir-mesz kur-kur_ szal-lu-te ul#-tu qé-reb asz-szur-_ki u# kur-elam-ma-ki_ a#-na _ki_-szu-nu u-ter U ina kul-lat ma-ha-zi Asz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te

sza _dumu-mesz tin-tir-ki_ dul-lu-lu-te _erim-mesz_ ki-din szu-ba-re-e (d)a-nim U (d)_en-lil_ an-du-ra-ar-szu-nu esz-szisz Asz-kun szA-a-mu-te szA a-na re-szu-te szu-lu-ku szA a-na s,i-in-di u bir-ti zu-u'-u-zu u-pah-hi-ir-ma a-na _lu-tin-tir-ki-mesz_ am-na _nig-szu_-szu-nu szal-lu-te u-ter mi-ra-nu-te lu-bu-usz-te u-lab-bisz-ma _kaskal tin-tir-ki_ u-szA-Asz-kin sze-pu-usz-szu-un a-na a-szab _uru_ e-pesz É za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti he-re-e pat-ta-a-ti u-szar-hi-is-su-nu-ti

lib-bu ki-di-nu-us-su-nu ba-t,il-ti szA ina _szu-ii_ ip-par-szi-du a-na _ki_-szA u-ter t,up-pi# za-ku-ti-szu-nu esz-szisz Asz-t,ur a-na _im-limmu-ba kaskal-ii_-szu-nu u-pat-ti-ma it-ti nap-har _kur-kur eme_ szit-ku-nu ip-pu-szu

tak-bit-tu (d)_amar-utu_ u (d)zar-pa-ni-tum

AI Translation

I returned the plundering gods of the lands from Assyria and the land Elam to their places and I established proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

I reorganized the work of the citizens of Babylon and the troops who were serving under the shabares of the gods Anu and Enlil. I received the requisitions that were for the first-fruits offerings and for the shindû-offerings and for the shindû-offerings and I gave them to the Babylonians. I returned their stolen possessions and made them take the road to Babylon. I made them enter the city to build houses, zaqappu-offerings, and reed beds.

I restored their privileged status, which had fallen into disuse, and thereby enlarged the tablet of their exemption. I opened their routes to the far side of the sea and made them more numerous than all the lands in the world.

The mighty one, Marduk and Zarpanitu,


I returned the plundered gods of the lands from Assyria and the land Elam to their proper places, and I set up proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

I established anew the remission of debts of the wronged citizens of Babylon, people entitled to the privileged status and freedom guaranteed by the gods Anu and Enlil. I gathered the bought people who had become slaves and who had been distributed among the foreign riffraff and counted them once again as Babylonians. I returned their looted possessions, provided the naked with clothing, and let them take the road to Babylon. I encouraged them to resettle the city, build houses, plant orchards, and dig canals.

I restored their interrupted privileged status that had fallen into disuse. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I opened roads for them in all directions so that they could establish an important position by having commercial relations with all countries.

May the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the gods, my helpers, look with joy upon my good deeds and bless my kingship in their steadfast hearts. Let the seed of my priestly office endure along with the foundations of Esagil and Babylon; let my kingship be sustaining to the people forever like the plant of life so that I may shepherd their populace in truth and justice; and let me reach old age, attain extreme old age, and be sated with the prime of life until far-off days. Truly I am the provider.

Obverse Column viii


kim-ti lu-rap-pisz sa-la-ti lu-pah-hir per-'u lu-szam-dil lu-s,ar-ri-szu pa-pal-lu _suhusz gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-ia u-hum-mesz li-szar-szid it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim li-kun _bala_-u-a ina ul-s,i ri-szA-a-ti hu-ud lib-bi nu-um-mur pa-an u t,u-ub ka-bat-ti u4-mi-szam-ma nam-risz lut-tal-lak szim-tu t,a-ab-tu szim-tu da-mi-iq-tu szA ur-ruk u4-me _bala_-e-a na-s,ir _gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-ia szA-lam _numun_-ia lisz-szA-kin ina _ka_-szu-un

AI Translation

May he make my throne last long, widen my understanding, make my throne last long, make it wide, make it wide, and make it wide for him. May he make the foundations of my throne last long, make it secure with heaven and netherworld, and make my reign endure in joy, joy, happiness, and happiness forever. May he make good fortune, good fortune, and good fortune, which in the course of my reign, protect my throne, and make my seed last in their gates.


Let me enlarge my family, gather my relatives, and extend my progeny so that they branch out widely; let him make the foundations of the throne of my priestly office as secure as a great mountain; let my reign endure as long as heaven and earth; let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, and happy mood; and let a happy fate, a good fate, one for the lengthening of the days of my reign, the protection of the throne of my priestly office, and the well-being of my offspring be placed in their the gods' mouths.

Obverse Column ix


_gisz-gidru#_ [i-szir-tu] mu-rap#-[pi-szat ma-a-ti] szi-bir-ri ez-zi# mu-szak-nisz la# ma-gi-ri li-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia li-szat-bu-u-ma li-na-a-ru a-a-bi-ia ina li-i-ti u ki-szit-ti qa-ti s,e-risz na-ki-ri lisz-zi-za-an-ni

_szeg-mesz_ u _illu-mesz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba t,uh-du u HÉ-_gal_ ina _kur_-ia li-szab-szu-ma li-gar-ri-nu ka#-[re-e] (d)nisaba

u-sze-pisz-ma _na4-ru-a-mesz ku-babbar ku-gi zabar na4-za-gin na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-s,a-lam-du _na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4_-a-lal-lum _na4_-pi-i-lu _babbar_-u _mu-sar_-e _im_ s,ar-pu-tu lu-ma-a-sze tam-szil szi-t,ir _mu_-ia e-siq s,e-ru-usz-szu-un da-na-an qar-ra-di _gal_-i (d)_amar-utu_ ep-sze-et e-tep-pu-szu lip-ta-at _szu-ii_-ia qé-reb-szu-un Asz-t,ur ina usz-sze Asz-ku-un ana s,a-at u4-me e-zib

ana Ar-kAt u4-mu ana u4-me s,a-a-te ina _lugal-mesz_-ni

AI Translation

May he anoint me with a scepter that is perfect, widen the land, and make my enemies fearless; may he make my weapons prevail over my foes and make my enemies bow down at my feet in triumph and underworld.

May rains and floods, the flow of the harvest, the abundance of the grain heap, and the abundance of the grain heap be placed in my land and placed in the granaries of the grain heap.

I had a stele made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, shalamdu-stone, shartiru-stone, alallu-stone, and white limestone, and I deposited it in it. I fashioned a model of the work that I had written. I wrote thereon the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds I had done. I wrote it down and placed it in a place where it would be remembered.

In the future, in distant days, may one of the kings, my descendants, restore my clay cone to its place.


May he allow my hands to grasp the righteous scepter that enlarges the land and the fierce staff that humbles the unsubmissive; may they cause my weapons to rise up and kill my enemies; and may he allow me to stand over my enemies in victory and triumph.

May they allow there to be in my land rains and floods, successful harvests, an abundance of grain, plenty, and prosperity, and let them store it in piles of grain.

I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone, alallu-stone and white limestone, as well as inscribed objects of baked clay, and then I depicted on them hieroglyphs representing the writing of my name. I wrote on them the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds that I had done, my pious work, and I placed these inscriptions in the foundations and left them for far-off days.

In future days, in far-off days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the king of the gods, the god Marduk, names to rule the land and the people, read an inscription written in my name, and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

Obverse Column x


mu-nak-kir# szi-t,ir _mu_-ia [mu]-sah#-hu-u si#-[ma]-ti#-ia [pa-sis] ki-di-nu-tu _ka-dingir#-ra-ki_ pa-t,ir# [ri]-kis# _en en-en_ (d)_amar#_-[_utu_ (d)_en-lil_]-_la5# dingir-mesz en_ [_kur-kur_ ez-zi]-isz lik-[kil-me-szu]-ma# ina [nap-har s,al-mat _sag_]-_du zah_-[szu liq]-bi ina# [ub-szu-ukkin-na]-ki# ki#-[sal _ukkin dingir-mesz_] szu-[bat szi-tul-ti] a-[mat-su] li-lam#-[min4-ma] u4-mu [1-en] la ba-lat,-[su] liq-[bi]

_mu-sag-nam_-[_lugal-la_] _an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na_ [_lugal_] _kur_-asz-szur-[_ki_]

AI Translation

Whoever erases my inscribed name or removes my inscription, who widens the privileged status of Babylon, who breaks the oath of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk and the Enlil of the gods, lords of the lands, look with fury upon him and command that he not be killed in the midst of the black-headed people. May he look upon his word in the Ubshukkinnaku, the chamber of the assembly of the gods, the seat of lordly residence. May he say to him daily without ceasing:

eponymy of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


As for the one who changes an inscription written in my name, defaces my representations, annuls the privileged status of Babylon, and breaks the covenant of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, look with fury on him and order his destruction among all of the black-headed people. May he the god Marduk make his word bad in Ubshukkinnaku, the courtyard of the assembly of the gods, the place of council, and order that his life not last even a single day.

Accession year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

Q003335: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki nun_ na-a-du pa-lih (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_

ul-la-nu-u-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ i-gu-ug i-ru-um-ma it-ti# é-sag-gil _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-zi-iz lib#-ba-szu ze-nu-te ir#-szi-szu i-na ug-gat _sza_-szu U s,a-ra-ah ka#-bat-ti-szu é-sag-gil _u# ka-dingir-ra-ki_ na-mu-tu il-li#-ku-ma e-mu-u ki-szub-bi-isz

_dingir-mesz_-szu u (d)15-_mesz_-szu ip-ri-du-ma ki-is,-s,i-szu-nu e-zi-bu-ma e-lu-u szA-ma-mesz _un-mesz_ a-szib qer-bi-szu a-na s,i-in-di U bir-ti

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk,

After my departure, the great lord, the god Marduk, became angry and stood with Esagil and Babylon. His angry heart became angry with him. In his anger and frightened mood, Esagil and Babylon became a thorny mountain and he razed, destroyed, and burned with fire.

The gods and goddesses feared him, abandoned their shrines, and went up to the heavens. The people living inside it went to the quay and the open country.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk —

Before my time the great lord, the god Marduk, became angry, trembled with rage, and was furious with Esagil and Babylon; his heart was full of rage. Because of the wrath in his heart and his bad temper, Esagil and Babylon became a wasteland and turned into ruins.

Its Babylon's gods and goddesses became frightened, abandoned their cellas, and went up to the heavens. The people living in it Babylon were distributed among the foreign riffraff and became slaves.

Obverse Column ii


ina _sag lugal_-ti-ia ina mah-re-e _bala_-ia szA ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-tu ra-bisz u-szi-bu be-lu-ut _kur-kur_ u-mal-lu-u qa-tu-u-a lib-bi (d)_en gal_-u (d)_amar-utu_ i-nu-uh-ma ip-szAh ka-bat-ta-szu a-na é-sag-gil _u# ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza i-ni#-nu ir-szu-u sa-li-mu

ia-a-ti _an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na_ ar-du pa-lih _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-tim# a-na e-pesz é#-sag-il2# _u# ka-dingir-ra#-ki_ [ud]-du#-usz _dingir-mesz# u_ (d)15-_mesz#_ [szuk]-lul# esz-re-ti mu#-ki-[in] [sat]-tuk#-[ki]

AI Translation

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, the lordship of the lands grew larger than before. The heart of the great lord, the god Marduk, became enraged and his mood became frightened. He returned safely to Esagil and Babylon, which had become frightened at my insistence.

As for me, Esarhaddon, the wise and pious one who reveres his great divinity, I renovated the gods and goddesses of Esagil and Babylon to perfection and to complete the shrines, to establish sattukku-offerings, and to provide for the king, my lord.


At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne and when they the gods entrusted me with the lordship of the lands, the heart of the great divine lord, the god Marduk, was appeased, his mood was soothed; he became reconciled with Esagil and Babylon, both of which he had punished.

As for me, Esarhaddon, the servant who reveres his great divinity, it occurred to me and my heart prompted me to rebuild Esagil and Babylon, renovate its gods and goddesses, complete its shrines, and reconfirm its sattukku offerings. I was encouraged and ordered the rebuilding.

Obverse Column iii


_un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti qa-ti-ia u-pa-hi-ir-ma _gisz_-al-lu tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma ina _i-gisz dug-ga lal i-nun-na kurun#_-[_nam_] mu-tin-nu szi-kar _kur_-e# _ku_ ab-lu-[la] ta-ra-husz# Asz-szu _dingir_-us-su _gal_-te# _un-mesz_ kul-lu-mi-im#-ma szup-lu-hi be-lut-su# ku-dur-ru ina _sag-du_-ia Asz-szi-ma u-szA-az-bil ra-ma-ni

ina _gisz-u-szub-mesz zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na ad-me-kar#_ a-na né-ri-szA u-szal-bi-na# li-bit-tu-usz# é-sag-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_ a-di esz-re-e#-ti-szu ul-tu usz-sze-szu a-di na-bur-ri-szu esz-szisz ar-s,ip [u]-szak#-lil _ugu_ sza u4#-me pa-ni u-szar-bi u-szaq-qi u-szar#-ri-ih ki-ma szi-t,ir# bu-ru-um-me u-ban-ni-szu# a-na tab-rat# kisz-szat _un-mesz_ la-la-a usz-mal-li

_dingir-mesz u_ (d)#15-_mesz_ a-szib qer-bi-szu ud-disz i-na pa-rak-ki-szu-nu

AI Translation

I gathered the people of the lands that I had conquered and I made them carry baskets of baskets. I mixed them with good oil, honey, butter, kurunnu-wine, kurunnu-wine, and pure mountain-plant. I slew them like a lion. Because of his great divinity, I gathered the people and thereby reinforced his lordly majesty. I placed a kudurru-shrine on my head and made them like sheep.

I roofed it with beams of ivory, ebony, boxwood, and musukkannu-wood. I built and completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, together with its shrines, from its foundations to its crenellations. I made it greater than before, made it bigger, and made it larger than before. I filled it with splendor and made it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I renovated the gods and goddesses living inside it.


I gathered the peoples of the lands conquered by me and had them take up hoe and basket. I mixed the mud for its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, muttinnu-wine and pure mountain beer. In order to show the people his great divinity and to inspire awe in his lordship, I raised a basket onto my head and carried it myself.

I had its bricks made for a whole year in brickmolds of ivory, ebony, boxwood, and musukkannu-wood. I built anew and completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, together with its shrines, from its foundations to its battlements. I made it greater than before, raised it up, glorified it, and made it glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I filled it with splendor making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I refurbished the gods and goddesses who lived in it and iv 1 had them dwell on their daises as an eternal dwelling. I reconfirmed their interrupted sattukku offerings. I had whatever furnishings iv 10 were needed for Esagil and its shrines made from gold, silver, and bronze, and I placed them in their midst.

Obverse Column iv


_ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ as4#-lum mas-naq-ti _dingir-mesz_ im-gur-(d)_en-lil bad_-szu né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-szu i-na szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

e-pisz _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ba-nu-u é-sag#-gil mu#-ud-disz _dingir-mesz u_ (d)15-_mesz_ szuk-lu-lu esz-re-e-ti mu-kin sat-tuk-ki mu-pa-hi-ir _un-mesz_-szu sa-ap-ha#-a-ti a-na-ku-ma


AI Translation

By the craft of the god Kulla, I had Babylon, the fortified wall of the gods Imgur-Enlil, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew and raised as high as mountains.

I built Babylon, the one who reconstructed Esagil, renewed it for the gods and goddesses, completed its shrines, established sattukku-offerings, and gathered its scattered people.

a kind of profession


I had Babylon, which was measured by the aslu-cubit checked by the gods, Imgur-Enlil, its wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew with the work of the god Kulla and I raised them like mountains.

I am the one who rebuilt Babylon, reconstructed Esagil, renewed it gods and goddesses, completed its shrines, reconfirmed its sattukku offerings, and who gathered its Babylon's scattered people.

May the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, and the goddess Zarpanitu, the queen, look with joy upon the work of my good deeds and order the prolongation of my days, and discuss my years to be many; may they decree as my fate the protection of my offspring, the increase of my progeny, the expansion of my family so that they branch out widely; like a father and mother, may they come over to my side in battle and warfare; may they come to my aid; and may they make my weapons rise up and kill my enemies.

Obverse Column v


e-ma lib-bi i-qab-bu-u lik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a i-na li-i-ti ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia s,e-risz na-ki-ri lisz-zi-za-ni gi-mir za-ma-ni-ia li-mis kul-ba-bisz _suhusz_-di _gisz-gu-za sanga_-ti-ia u-hum-mesz li-szar-szid it-ti te-me-en é-sag-gil u _ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ li-kin _bala_-u-a _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la i-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ir-mu-u pa-rak-ki a-na u4-me _su-mesz_ lik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti kun-nu _bala_-ia liq-bu-u a-na du-ur da-ri

AI Translation

In whatever order it may be said, may my hand grasp the enemy's sling in my steadfast hand, may my limbs be sated with radiance, may my head be firmly fixed on my neck, may my throne be firmly secured, may my reign be secure with the foundations of Esagil and Babylon, may the great gods, as many as live in Babylon, make my reign endure for ever. May they command my kingship for ever.


Let me attain whatever my heart desires and may they allow me to stand in victory and triumph over my enemies; let me squash all of my enemies like ants; let him the god Marduk make the foundation of the throne of my priestly office be as secure as a great mountain; and let my reign endure as long as the foundations of Esagil and Babylon. May all of the great gods who sit on daises in Babylon bless my kingship until far-off days and may they order security for my reign forever.

Obverse Column vi


u-sze#-pisz-ma (_na4_)-_na-ru-a#-mesz ku-babbar ku-gi# na4#-za-gin na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-s,a-lam-ti _na4_-(d)_sze-tir# na4#_-e-lal-lum _na4_-pi-i-li _babbar_-i _mu-sar_-e _im_ s,ar-pu-ti da-na-an qar#-ra-di _gal_-i (d)#_amar-utu_ ep-szet i-tap-pu#-szu lip-ta#-at _szu-ii_-ia qé-reb-szu#-nu Asz-t,ur i-na usz-sze Asz#-kun a-na s,a-at# u4-me e-zib

a-na ar#-kat u4-me a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza _lugal dingir-mesz_ [(d)]_amar#-utu_ a-na be-lut# [_kur_] _u un_-[_mesz_] i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu _mu-sar_-e# [szi-t,ir] _mu_-ia li-[mur]-ma# _i-mesz_ lip#-szu-usz# _udu-siskur_ liq-qi# a-na _ki_-szu# lu-ter (d)_amar-utu lugal dingir-mesz_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-sze-em-me

mu-nak-kir szi-t,ir _mu_-ia mu#-sa-hu-u si-ma-ti-ia pa-si-su e-pisz-ti (d)_en gal_-e (d)_amar-utu_ i-na nap-har ma-li-ki lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-me

_mu-sag nam-lugal-la an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ ma-[at]-- asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

I had steles made of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, alabaster, shalamtu-stone, shartu-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, and I wrote thereon a detailed account of the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds that he had performed. I wrote them down and placed them back in their place for ever.

In the future, in distant days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the king of the gods, the god Marduk, names for ruling over the land and people, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

May the great lord, the god Marduk, overthrow his sovereignty and destroy his name and his seed from the land, and may he not have mercy on him in the future.

eponymy of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, as well as inscribed objects of baked clay, and then I wrote the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds that I text: "he" had done, my pious work. I placed these inscriptions in the foundations and left them for far-off days.

In future days, in far-off days, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the king of the gods, the god Marduk, names to rule the land and people, read an inscription written in my name, and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, the king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who changes an inscription written in my name, defaces my representations, destroys my handiwork, may the great divine lord, the god Marduk, glare at him angrily among all of the rulers, and make his name and his descendants disappear from the land. May he have no pity on him forever.

Accession year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

Q003336: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column v


[nab-nit] _ku-gi_ [szA 50 _ma-na_]-_ta-am_ [_ki-la_]-szu-nu

AI Translation

A reed altar with 50 minas of weight,


from gold, each of whose weight is fifty minas.

Obverse Column vi


ar-[s,ip] u-szak-[lil] a-na tab-rat [kisz]-szat _un-mesz_ [la]-la-a [usz]-ma-al-li

[_dingir_]-_mesz kur-kur_ [szal]-lu-u-te [ul-tu] qé-reb [asz]-szur-_ki_ [_u kur_]-_elam-ma-ki_ [a-na _ki_]-szu-nu [u]-ter [U i-na kul]-lat

AI Translation

I built and completed it to be an object of wonder for all of the people.

I returned the booty of the lands taken from Assyria and the land Elam to their places and I reorganized the administration of the land Elam.


I built and completed Nemed-Enlil, its outer wall, and had it filled with splendor, making it an object of wonder for all of the people.

I returned the plundered gods of the lands from Assyria and the land Elam to their place and I set up proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

Obverse Column vii


[ki-di-nu-us-su-nu] [ba-t,il-ti] sza ina _szu-ii_ ip-par-szi-du a-na _ki_-szA u-ter t,up-pi# za-ku-ti-szu-nu esz-szisz# Asz-t,ur# a-na _im-limmu#-ba kaskal-ii-mesz_-szu#-nu u-pat-ti#-ma it-ti nap-har# _kur-kur eme_ szit-ku-nu# ip-pu-szu# tak-bit-tu#

da(?)#-li-ih-tu# sza kisz(?)#-_ki_ [u]-taq-qi-in-ma# _un-mesz#_ [dal]-ha#-a-te# [u]-sze-s,u-u [nu]-u-ru#

[(d)_amar_]-_utu_ u# [(d)zar]-pa-ni-[tum] [_dingir-mesz_]

AI Translation

I restored their privileged status that had fallen into disuse. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I opened their routes to the farthest corners of the world and made peace with all the lands.

I made the dread of Kish pass by and made the people frightened.

Marduk and Zarpanitu, the gods,


I restored their interrupted privileged status that had fallen into disuse. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions. I opened roads for them in all directions so that they could establish an important position by having commercial relations with all countries.

I restored order to the disturbances at Kish and made light shine forth for the confused people.

The god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the gods,

Obverse Column viii


[lu] za-ni-nu# [a]-na-ku

kim#-ti li-rap-pisz sa-la-ti li-pah-hi-ir pe-er-'u li-szam-dil li-s,ar-ri-szA pa-pal-lu isz-di _gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-ia u-hum-mesz li-szar-szid it-ti _an_-e _u ki_-tim li-kun _bala_-u-a ina ul-s,i U ri-szA-a-te hu-ud lib-bi nu-um-mur pa-ni t,u#-ub ka#-bat-ti# u4#-me-szam nam#-risz lut#-tal-lak szim#-tu t,a#-ab-tu szim-tu# _munus#-sig5_ szA# ur-ruk [u4]-me [_bala_]-_mesz_-ia [na]-s,ir [_gisz_]-_gu#-za_ [szA-an]-gu#-ti-ia [szA-lam] _numun_-ia [lisz-szA]-ki#-in [ina _ka_]-szu#-un


AI Translation

I am the provider.

May he make my throne last long, widen my understanding, make my scepter bow down, make my yoke long, and make my reign endure with heaven and netherworld. May he make my reign endure with joy and happiness, a joyous mood, and a bright day. May he place in their mouths a good omen, an omen of good fortune, a good name, that will prolong the days of my reign, the protection of my throne, and the well-being of my offspring.



I am indeed the provider.

Let me enlarge my family, gather my relatives, and extend my progeny so that they branch out widely; let him the god Marduk make the foundation of the throne of my priestly office be as secure as a great mountain; let my reign endure as long as heaven and earth; let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, and happy mood; and let a happy fate, a good fate, one for the lengthening of the days of my reign, the protection of the throne of my priestly office, and the well-being of my offspring be placed in their the gods' mouths.

The scepter

Obverse Column ix


_szeg#_-[_mesz_] _u illu-mesz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba t,uh-du hé-gAl-lu ina _kur_-ia li-szab-szu-ma li-gar-ri-nu ka-re-e (d)nisaba

u-sze-pisz-ma _na4-na-ru-a-mesz ku-babbar ku-gi zabar na4-za-gin na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-s,a-lam-du _na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4_-e-lal-lu _na4_-pi-i-lu _babbar_-u _mu-sar_-e t,i-it,-t,i [s,ar]-pu-te lu#-ma-a-sze tam-szil szi-t,ir _mu_-ia e-siq s,e-ru-usz-szu-un da-na-an qar-ra-di _gal_-e (d)_amar-utu_ ep-sze-et# e-tep-pu#-[szu] lip-ta#-[at] _szu-ii_-[ia] qé-reb#-[szu-un] Asz-[t,ur] ina [usz-sze] Asz-[ku-un] a-[na (s,a-at)]

AI Translation

May rains and floods, the flow of the harvest, the abundance of the grain heap, and the abundance of the grazing land overwhelm him and he will make the groves of the grain heaps dwindle away.

I had steles made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, shalamdu-stone, shartu-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, and I deposited them in them. I had a replica of an inscription written in my name erected and I deposited it therein. The great hero, the god Marduk, could hear my prayers. I wrote down in it the deeds that I had done and I deposited it for future days.


Let them allow there to be in my land rains and floods, successful harvests, an abundance of grain, plenty, and prosperity, and let them store it in piles of grain.

I had foundation inscriptions made of silver, gold, bronze, lapis lazuli, alabaster, basalt, pendû-stone, elallu-stone, and white limestone, as well as inscribed objects of baked clay, and then I depicted on them hieroglyphs representing the writing of my name. I wrote on them the might of the great hero, the god Marduk, and the deeds that I had done, my pious work, and I placed these inscriptions in the foundations and for far-off days.

Obverse Column x


szi-[t,ir] _mu_-[ia] li-[mur-ma] I-[_gisz_] lip-szu#-[usz] _udu_-[_siskur_] liq-[qi] a-[na] _ki_-szu# lu-ter (d)_amar-utu lugal dingir-mesz_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

mu-nak-kir szi-t,ir _mu_-ia# mu-sah-hu-[u] si-ma-te#-[ia] pa-[sis] ki-din-nu-[tu] _ka-dingir-ra_-[_ki_] pa-[t,ir] ri-[kis] _en en_-[_en_] (d)_amar_-[_utu_] (d)_en-lil#_-[_la5_] _dingir_-[_mesz_] _en_ [_kur-kur_] ez-[zi-isz] lik-[kil-me-szu-ma] ina [nap-har]

AI Translation

May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. Then the god Marduk, king of the gods, will listen to his prayers.

Who erases my inscribed name, removes my clay inscriptions, reconfirms the privileged status of Babylon, and establishes the oath of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk and the Enlil of the gods, lords of the lands, look with fury upon him and make him stand before the king.


May he a future king read an inscription written in my name, and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Marduk, king of the gods, will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who changes an inscription written in my name, defaces my representations, annuls the privileged status of Babylon, and breaks the covenant of the lord of lords, may the god Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, look with fury on him and among all

Q003337: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [...] [...] _lu_ [...] [...] a-ma-ta [ha]-ba-lu szag-ga-szu [ina] zu-um-ri-szi-na isz-szA-kin-ma [en]-szu i-hab-bi-lu [i]-szar-ra-ku a-na dan-ni ina qé-reb _uru_ dul-lu-lu ma-har kad-re-e ib-ba-szi-ma _ud_-szam la na-par-ka-a im-szu-'u _nig-szu-mesz_ sza a-ha-mesz ma-a-ru ina su-u-qi e-ta-ra-ar _ad_-szu re-e-szu a-na _en_-szu

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a harrowing storm blew in their midst and his lord was wailing. He was a strong one in the city. He was doing work before the banquet and he was able to finish it in a day without interruption. He had the possessions of the two of them brought to the city, and his father was raising his hands to his lord.


... ... ... ... ... matter. They were afflicted by thieving and murdering. They were stealing from the poor and giving to the mighty; there was oppression and the taking of bribes in the city. Every day, without ceasing, they stole goods from each other, a son i 15′ cursed his father in the street, a slave ... to his owner,

Obverse Column ii


[...] x [...] [ka-bat-tusz is,]-s,a-[ri-ih] [(d)_en-lil_]-_la dingir_-[_mesz_] [_en_] _kur-kur_ a-na [sa]-pah _kur_ u _un-mesz_ ik-ta-pu-ud le-mut-tu a-na sa-pan _kur u_ hul-lu-uq _un-mesz_-szA lib-bu-usz ik-pu-ud-ma ar-rat ma-ru-usz-ti isz-szA-kin ina pi-i-szu

ina _an_-e u _ki_-tim _a-mesz hul_-tim it-tab-szA-a szA ha-laq mit-har-ti

AI Translation

... ... ... ... he became frightened. The Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, plotted evilly to seize the land and people, plotted evilly to seize the land and destroy its people, and set a cruel curse in his mouth.

In heaven and netherworld evil waters have risen, which are to be thrown into the netherworld.


... ... ... His mood became furious. The Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, plotted evilly to scatter the land and people; his heart schemed to level the land and to destroy its people. A bitter curse was set in his mouth.

Bad omens concerning the destruction of mankind occurred in heaven and on earth.

Obverse Column iii


[x (x)] x x [x] x _uru_ u-szab-szi-ma _gi-ambar-mesz u gisz_-s,ar-ba-ti ina qer-bi-szu ma-gal i-szir-ma u-s,ar-ri-szA pa-pal-lu _muszen-mesz an_-e _ku6-mesz zu-ab_ sza la ni-bi ina qer-bi-szu ib-ba-szu-ma

AI Translation

... ... ... he built a city and planted groves and orchards in it. He planted it there and it was a spectacle. Birds of the sky and fish of the apsû, which were not found there, he erected in it.


... ... ... He the god Marduk brought about the destruction of the city Babylon and reed-marshes and poplars grew profusely in it and threw out many offshoots. There were birds of the heavens and fish of the apsû, without number, in it.

Obverse Column iv


[x] x [...] _giskim#_-[_mesz sig5-mesz_] [ina] szA-ma-mi [u qaq-qa-ri] sza szu-szu-[ub _uru_] U ud-du-[usz] esz-re-e-[ti-szu] isz-tap-pa-ra gis-kim-bu-usz ad-ke-e-ma gi-mir um-ma-ni _kur_-kar-(d)dun-ia-asz ka-la-ma _gisz-mesz_ u _gi-ambar-mesz_ ina qul-mé-e ik-szi-t,u is-su-hu szu-ru-us-su _a-mesz id_-pu-rat-ti ab-bu isz-tu qer-bi-szu ap-ru-us-ma a-na ma-la-ki-szu-nu mah-re-e u-szar-di

AI Translation

... ... I wrote good signs in heaven and on earth concerning the repopulation of the city and the renovation of its shrines. I mustered all of the troops of Karduniash Babylonia and they cut down with the sword all of the trees and reeds. I diverted the water of the Euphrates River from inside it and I made it flow into their former cult centers.


... ... good signs were established for me; in heaven and on earth, he the god Marduk constantly sent me his omens concerning the resettling of the city and the renovation of its shrines. I mustered all of the craftsmen throughout Karduniash Babylonia. They cut down the trees and reeds with axes and tore out their roots. I diverted the waters of the Euphrates River, the washout, from its midst and redirected them to their previous channels.

Obverse Column v


x [x] x [...] lisz-szA-kin ina pi-[i-szu] ik-rib _ud-mesz su_-[_mesz_] lik-ru-ban-ni-ma szu-lum _bala-mesz_-ia liq-ta-bi a-na du-ri da-ri

_iti-gu4-si-sa mu-sag-nam-lugal-la_ (m)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-i-di-nam _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

May he establish ... ... ... ... in his mouth. May he grant me long days and the well-being of my reign. May he command my life for ever.

Ayyaru II, eponymy of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


Let ... ... be placed in his mouth; let him the god Marduk bless me with a blessing of long days and order the well-being of my reign forever.

Ayyaru II, accession year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

Q003338: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_sipa#_ [ke-e-nu] mi-gir _en en_-[_en_] ma-al-ku na-a'-du sza _ag_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum szar-ra-tu i-lat ka-la gim-ri _lugal_ szah-tu sza be-lut-su-(nu) pu-tuq-qu-ma qu-ru-us-su-nu da-al-lu re-e-szu mut-nen-nu-u Asz-ru kan-szu pa-lih _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti

sza a-na ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti ab-ta#-a-ti nu-um-mur ma-[ha]-zi re-'u-u-tu kul-lat _un-mesz_ tu-ma-al-lu-u qa-tusz-szu a-na szu-te-szu-ri pel-lu-de-e ma-szu-u-ti U tur-ri gi-mi-li _kur#_-_uri-ki_ ta-Asz-szu-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti a-na nu-uh-hu lib-bi _dingir_-ti-ka [_gal_]-ti szup-szu-uh ka-bat-ti-ka [ta-as]-su-qu-szu a-na dan-nu-ti

[i-nu-szu] ina _bala_-e [_lugal_ mah]-ri-ia [it-tab-szA-a A]-_mesz hul-mesz_

[_un-mesz_(?) kul-lat(?) ma-ha(?)]-zi [...] x

AI Translation

O true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, wise ruler, beloved of the god Nabû and the goddess Zarpanitu, queen, goddess of all of the four quarters, mighty king, whose rule is binding and whose warriors are mighty, pious, pious, pious, who reveres their great divinity,

You are the one who carries out in his hands the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the cult centers, the shepherdship of all people, to make the rites of the rites and the rites of the cult centers of Akkad more pleasing and to make them kings, to please the heart of your great divinity, and to please your mood.

At that time, in the reign of a king who preceded me, evil watercourses erupted.

The people of all the cult centers ... .


true shepherd, favorite of the lord of lords, pious ruler, the one who is loved by the goddess Zarpanitu — the queen, goddess of the entire universe — reverent king who was attentive to their rule and praised their valor, pious slave, humble, submissive, the one who reveres their great divinity —

You are the one who entrusted him with renovating the destroyed shrines, making the cult centers shine, and shepherding all of the people; elevated him to the kingship to organize well the forgotten rites and to avenge the land of Akkad; and to appease the heart of your great divinity and to please your spirit, you chose him for power.

At that time, in the reign of a king who preceded me, bad omens occurred.

The people of all of the cult centers ... ...

Obverse Column ii


x [...] par-[s,i-szi-na(?)] u-[masz-szi-ra-ma(?)] szA _bi_ x [...] ni-x [...] _an#_ [...] man-za-[...] hi-t,i#-[tu(?) szur-szu-u(?)] a-sak(?)#-[ku(?) ak-lu(?)] ina bi-x [...] gur-ru-[...] bil-ta [...] u-szab-[szu-u] ri-[kil-tu]

a-na [_nig-szu_] é-sag-[gil] u _dumu_ [_e-ki_] _szu-ii_-szu-[nu] u-bi-[lu-u-ma] im-szu-'u [_nig-szu_-szu] _ku-gi ku-babbar_ [_na4-mesz_(?)] sza qé-reb [É-_kur_] a-na _kur-elam_-[_ma-ki_]

AI Translation

... ... their rituals had become abandoned and ...

They brought their hands to the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon and they brought his possessions, gold, silver, and stones from inside the temple to Elam.


... ... they abandoned their rites and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... they were inciting criminal acts and infringing on a taboo, in ... ... ... ... ... ... and they fomented a conspiracy.

They put their hands on the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon and plundered its goods, gold, silver, ... from inside the temple and sold it at market value to the land Elam.

Obverse Column v


[...]-x-u [...]-su [...]-ma [...]-x [ta-nit(?)]-ti(?) (d)#_amar-utu_ [_en_(?) _gal_-e(?)] _en_-ia(?)# [ep-szet(?) e-tep(?)]-pu-szu(?)# [...] x x [...] x [... szi]-t,ir# _mu_-ia [...] e-siq-ma [...] x (x) x x x x [... Asz]-ku-un

[(d)_amar-utu_(?) _en_(?)] _gal_-u [ep-sze-ti]-ia(?)# _sig5-mesz_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... the praise of the god Marduk, the great lord, my lord, and the deeds I had done ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I fashioned and ... ... I established.

O Marduk, great lord, look with pleasure upon my good deeds.


... ... ... ... ... and ... ... the glory of the god Marduk, the great lord, my lord, and the deeds that I had done ... ... ... ... ... the writing of my name ... I depicted and ... ... I placed them ....

May the god Marduk, the great lord, look with joy upon my good deeds and

Q003339: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[mah-ru-te] na#-[s,ir] [pi-risz-te ma-har-szu-nu] usz-ziz# [_lu_-i-szip-pi] _lu-ka-pirig-mesz#_ [_lu-gala-mesz_] _lu#-nar-me_ [szA gi-mir] um#-ma-nu-ti ha-am#-mu [usz-ziz] ma-har#-szu-un#


AI Translation

I stationed first-class citizens, guards of the secret rites, before them. I placed before them messengers, pirigs, lamentation priests, and singers, who had assembled all of the craftsmen.



I placed at their service the former ramku-priests, pashishu-priests, and ecstatics, those initiated in secret rites. I set before them purification priests, ashipu-priests, lamentation priests, and singers, who have mastered their entire craft.

I built anew Etemenanki,

Obverse Column ii


ep-sze-ti-ia dam#-qa-a-ti ha#-disz lip-pal-su-ma# ina ku-un _sza#_-szu-nu lik-tar-ra-bu _lugal#_-u-ti _numun sanga_-ti-ia# it-ti te-me-en# sza é-sag-il2 _ka#-dingir-ra-ki#_ li-ku#-un a-na# u4-me# s,a-a-ti [_lugal_-u]-ti# _gim u# ti-la#_ [_ugu uzu-mesz_] _un-me_ li-t,ib#-ma [ina kit-te] u mi-szA-ri# [...] x x

AI Translation

May they look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may they grant me kingship and the seed of my priesthood with their firm approval. May they grant me as long as I live on the foundations of Esagil and Babylon, and may they make the people live as long as I live in truth and justice. .


May the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the gods, my helpers, look with joy upon my good deeds and bless my kingship in their steadfast hearts. Let the seed of my priestly office endure along with the foundations of Esagil and Babylon; let my kingship be sustaining to the people forever like the plant of life so that I may shepherd their populace in truth and justice; ... ...

Obverse Column iii


[x x] x [(x)] _na4#_-s,a-lam-ti# ta#-nit-ti# [_en_] _gal_-e _en#_-[ia] ep-szet e#-[tep-pu-szu] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... the statues of the statues of the great lord, my lord, the work that I have done ... .


... basalt. The glory of the great lord, my lord, and the deeds I had done ... ...

Q003340: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


an-[na (U) ul-la a-ha-mesz] e-[tap-pa-lu] i-me-szA (d)[isz-tar-szin] par-s,i-szi-na# [e-zi-ba-ma] szA-na-ti-[ma ir-ka-ba] a-na _nig-ga#_ [é-sag-gil] É-_gal dingir_-[_mesz_ a-szar] la a-ri _szu-ii_-su#-[nu u-bi-lu-ma] _ku-gi ku-babbar_ ni#-[siq-ti _na4-mesz_] a-na _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_] ip-szu-ru ma#-[hi-risz]

i-gug-ma [(d)_en-lil-la5_] _dingir-mesz_ (d)#[_amar-utu_] [a]-na# sa-pan# [_kur_] hul(?)-lu(?)#-[qu _un-mesz_-szA]

AI Translation

They reorganized their rituals, abandoned their rituals, and set out again for another purpose: to sell the property of Esagil, the palace of the gods, where there was no access, and to bring gold, silver, precious stones, and precious stones to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, prayed to the god Marduk to destroy the land and destroy its people.


The people living there were answering each other yes for no. They neglected their goddesses, abandoned their rites, and embraced quite different rites. They put their hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods, an inaccessible place, and they sold the gold, silver, and precious stones at market value to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people.

Obverse Column v


[é-szar2-ra mé]-eh-ret# [szu-bat (d)é-a tam-szil] _mul#-asz-iku_ [ar-s,ip u]-szak(*)-lil(*) [u-kin] mit#-har-tu [_gisz-ur-mesz gisz_]-ere#-(ni) _mah-mesz_ [tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-ni] _kur_-i _ku_ [u-szat-ri-s,a ta]-ra#-an-szu [_gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_] sza ere14-si-na [_dug-ga_ me-ser] _ku#-gi ku-babbar_ [u-rak-kis-ma u]-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu

[(d)_alad-mesz_ (d)]_lamma#-mesz maszkim-mesz_ [szu-ut É-_kur_] an#-hu-su-nu [u-pa-Asz-szi(?)]-ih a-szar [...]-ti#-szu-nu usz-ziz-su-nu-ti

AI Translation

I built and completed Esharra, the opposite side of the abode of the god Ea, a replica of a Mars star. I surrounded its perimeter with magnificent cedar beams, which are grown on Mount Amanus, a holy mountain. I fastened bands of gold and silver on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

I cleared away the ghosts, lamassus, and fugitives from the temple and confined them where their ... ... were.


I built and completed Esagil ... a replica of Esharra, a likeness of the abode of the god Ea, and a replica of Pegasus, and I laid out its square. For its roof, I stretched out magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus, the pure mountain, and fastened bands of gold and silver on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates.

As for the shedus, lamassus, and rabishu-demons of the temple, I repaired their dilapidated parts and I restationed them where their ... are.

Obverse Column vi


U bir#-[ti zu-u'-u-zu] u-pah-hi-ir#-[ma a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_] am-nu _nig-szu-mesz#_-[szu-nu szal-lu-te] u-ter mi-ra#-[nu-ti] lu-bu-usz-tu u#-[la-bi-isz] har-ra-an _ka-dingir-ra#-ki_ u-szA-Asz-kin sze-pu-usz-szu-un# a-na a-szab _uru_ e-pesz É za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-te he-re-e pat-ta-a-te u-szar-hi-su-nu-ti

lib-bu ki-din-nu-su-nu ba-t,il-tu a-na _ki_-szA u-ter t,up-pi za-ku-ti-szu-nu esz-szisz Asz-t,u-ur

AI Translation

I gathered together together the scattered people and brought them to Babylon. I returned their valuable possessions and brought them to life. I made them take the direct road to Babylon. I made them enter the city to build houses, to do obeisances, and to do obeisance.

I returned their privileged status and their exemption from obligations to her. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions.


I gathered the bought people who had become slaves and who had been distributed among the foreign riffraff and counted them once again as Babylonians. I returned their looted possessions, provided the naked with clothing, and let them take the road to Babylon. I encouraged them to resettle the city, build houses, plant orchards, and dig canals.

I restored their interrupted privileged status. I wrote anew the tablet of their exemptions.

Obverse Column vii


[pa-ni t,u-ub ka-bat]-ti# [u4-me-szam-ma] nam#-risz lut-tal-lak szim#-tu t,a-ab-tu szim-tu da-mi-iq-tu sza ur-ruk u4-me _bala-mesz_-ia na-s,ir _gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-ia sza-lam _numun_-ia

lisz-szA-kin ina _ka_-szu-un _gisz-gidru_ i-szir-tu mu-rap-pi-szat _kur_ szi-bir-ri ez-zu mu-szak-nisz la ma-gi-ri li-szat-me-hu rit-tu-u-a

AI Translation

May I go in joy and joy for a long time, and may good fortune, good fortune, and good fortune, which will ensure the security of my reign and the securement of the throne of my dominion, and the well-being of my offspring, be established forever.

May he place in their mouths a scepter that widens the land, a fierce shield that binds the insubmissive, and may my limbs be freed.


Let me stride beaming daily in joy, gladness, happiness, shining face, and happy mood; and let a happy fate, a good fate, one for the lengthening of the days of my reign, the protection of the throne of my priestly office, and the well-being of my offspring be placed in their the gods' mouths.

May he allow my hands to grasp the righteous scepter that enlarges the land and the fierce staff that humbles the unsubmissive;

Obverse Column viii


[_mu_-szu _numun_-szu i]-na ma-at _zah#_-szu a#-na u4-me s,a-a-ti a-a ir#-szu-szu re-e-mu

_mu-sag-lugal-la_ (m)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_-asz-szur-[_ki_]

AI Translation

He shall have no claim against him in perpetuity.

eunuch of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria:


May he the god Marduk make his name and his descendants disappear from the land. May he have no pity on him forever.

Accession year of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003341: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(m)]_an_-[_szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na_] _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal_ [_kur_-asz-szur-_ki_] _lugal lugal-mesz kur_-[mu-us,-ri] _kur_-pa-ta-ri-is u [_kur_-ku-u-si] _lugal_ kib-ra-a-ti [_limmu_-tim] _lugal_ szA ina kul-lat [_kur-kur_] ma-hi-ri la i-[szu-u] [bu]-kur (d)30-_szesz-mesz_-[_su_] [_lugal gal_]-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal_ [_kur_-asz-szur-_ki_] [...]-_mesz kur_-_eme_-[_gi7_ u _uri-ki_]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the kings of Egypt, Patarise, and Kush, king of the four quarters of the world, king who has no rival among all kings; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... of Sumer and Akkad,


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the kings of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, king of the four quarters, the king who has no rival in all of the lands; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; ...s of Sumer and Akkad,

Obverse Column iii


[...]-a [...]-ti [... u]-kin ma-har-szu-un [...] É-_kur_ ka-li-szu-un [...]-a-ti na-du-u [...] ub-la [...]-a-nu [...] (d)_utu_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... I established before them ... all of the temples ... ... ... ... ... ... the god Shamash


... ... ... ... ... placed before them ... the temples, all of them, ... ... that were ruined ... brought ... ... ... the god Shamash

Obverse Column iv


[_kur_-szu-me-ri] u _kur_-_uri-ki_ [szA ina u4]-me pa-ni la i-szu-u ma-na-ma [musz-ta]-pi-ik ka-re-e asz-na-an szA ina _ud-mesz_-szu su-un-qu u hu-szah-hu u-szA-as,-s,u-ma isz-ku-nu HÉ-_gal-la ki-lam gi-na si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba u-szA-Asz-szu-u ina _kur_ szA ina _bala_-szu _elam-ma-ki_ u-la sze-mu-u _lu-kur_ lem-nu nab-nit _dingir-mesz_ ra-s,u-un-du ina la t,e-e-mu _dingir-mesz_ it-ba-am-ma x x x x _zi kur_-_uri-ki_ isz-ku-nu pa-ni-szu [...] x-_szur-mesz kur_-szu ra-pa-Asz-ti [...]-qu-ti id-kam-ma

AI Translation

The lands of Sumer and Akkad, which had never existed before, who had imposed a levy on the lands of the distant past, who had in his days been stricken with hunger and thirst and who had established plenty, a stable income, and the regular provisioning of the harvest, who had established the abundance of grain, and who had not heard of the evil enemy, the creation of the gods, and who had risen up against the will of the gods, ... the life of Akkad, ... ... his vast land ... he established and


of Sumer and Akkad, which previously no one had ...; who piles up heaps of grain, who drove out hunger and famine during his days and established prosperity; who brought to the land stable prices, bountiful harvests, and an abundance of grain; in whose reign the land Elam was disobedient; the evil enemy, the powerful offspring of the gods, rose up against the wishes of the gods and set out to attack ... of Akkad; ... ... his wide land; ... he mustered ... and ... men and women; they frequently entered ... ... and neighborhoods ... ...

Obverse Column v


_gisz-tukul-mesz_ sag-[...] li-nar-ru ga-re-e li-szam-qi-[tu]

(d)_u-gur en_ szib-t,i u szag-ga-[Asz-ti] an-dul-la-szu _ugu_-szu-nu lit-ru-us, li-ig-mil nap-szat ni-szu-szu-nu szA-a-szu-nu um-man-szu-nu ka-ras-su-un li-t,i-ra ina qé-reb szap-szA-qu

(d)_iszkur gu-gal an_-e u _ki_-tim _szeg-mesz_ t,Ah-du-ti _illu-mesz_ gap-szu-ti

ina _kur_-szu-nu lisz-tab-ra-a _ge6_ u im-ma _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim ina kun lib-bi-szu-nu ha-disz [lip-pal-su-szu]-nu-ti-ma _dingir_ a-na _dingir_ li-[...]-su-un

li-ri-ku _ud-mesz_-szu-[un lil-bi-ra _mu_]-_an-na-mesz_-szu-un ina é-sag-il2 É-_gal_ [_dingir-mesz_ ...] _nunuz-mesz_-szu-nu lisz-mu-hu li-ru-ri [...] e-ma (d)30 u (d)_utu_ [... liq-bu-u dum-qé-e-szu-nu] _ki_ s,al-mat _sag-du_ ana ma-ti-ma [...]

man-nu ina _lugal-mesz a_r-ku-ti [...] [szA] _e11_-ma u-ba-a'-[u ...] [_mu_]-_sar_-ru-u szi-t,ir szu-mi-[ia li-mur-ma] [szam]-ni lip-szu-usz _na4_-[...] [...] _ki mu_-szu lisz-t,ur ep-sze-[ti-ia ...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

May they ... the weapons of ..., may they make the ... tremble, may they make the ... tremble.

May the god Nergal, lord of supplication and supplication, glare at them angrily and make the life of their people, their army, and their camp miserable in the midst of the netherworld.

O Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, favorable days, long days,

May night and day be in their midst; may the great gods of heaven and earth rejoice in their steadfast hearts; may god ... them to god.

May their days be long and their years many. May their offspring be sated with joy in Esagil, the palace of the gods. May their ... be joyful. May ... be praised. May ... when the gods Sîn and Shamash ... command their good deeds. With the black-headed people until .

Whoever among the kings of the past, ... who rises and goes up ..., may he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, write his name with his name, and then write my deeds ...


... ... weapons ... may they kill my enemies and cut down my foes.

May the god Nergal, lord of pestilence and murder, stretch out his protection over them, spare the lives of their people, and save them, their army, and their camp from anguish.

May the god Adad, the canal inspector of heaven and netherworld, make plentiful rains and widespread floods long lasting in their land.

Night and day, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld look upon them with joy in their steadfast hearts; may a god ... their ... to another god.

May their days be long and their years be long lasting; in Esagil, the palace of the gods, ... may their offspring thrive; may ... be cursed; wherever the gods Sîn and Shamash ... let them order good things for them; ... with the black-headed people forever.

Whoever among the future kings ... who comes up and searches for ..., may he read an inscription written in my name and anoint it with oil, ... ... write my name with his name, ... my deeds ... ... ...

Q003342: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ ni-bit (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tu _sipa_ ke-e-nu mi-gir _an-szar u_ (d)_nin-lil lugal_ szA ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu a-na (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum U (d)na-na-a it-tak-lu-ma e-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-un A (m)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki a_ (m)_man_-_gin lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_

_numun_ da-ru-u sza du-rug-szu bal-til-_ki_ ul-la-nu-u-a _en gal_-u (d)_amar-utu_ it-ti é-sag-gil _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-zi-iz _sza_-szu ze-nu-tu ir-szi _un-mesz_-szu an-na ul-la a-ha-mesz e-tap-pa-la i-dab-bu-ba la szA-lim-tu a-na _nig-ga en gal_-i (d)_amar-utu szu-ii_-su-nu u-bi-lu-ma a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ id-di-nu t,a-a'-tu ep-sze-ti-szi-na _ugu_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tu im-ra-s,a-ma iq-bu-u sa-pah-szin _ugu uru a-mesz_ usz-bi-i'-ma u-sze-me ki-szub-bi-isz _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-szu ip-ri-du-ma e-lu-u szA-ma-mesz szu-bat _uru_ in-na-si-ih-ma

ul in-na-t,al te-me-en-szu i-na re-esz _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina mah-ri _bala_-ia sza i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti ra-bisz u-szi-bu re-me-nu-u (d)_amar-utu sza_-szu i-nu-uh-ma it-ti _uru_ szA iz-nu-u sa-li-mu ir-szi é-sag-gil u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ud-disz ina _ki-tusz_-szu-nu u-szar-ma-a szu-bat da-rat É _an-szar_ u-szak-lil ina kul-lat ma-ha-zi Asz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te

i-na u4-me-szu-ma é-nig-gidru-kalam-ma-sum-ma É (d)_ag_ szA ha-re-e sza a-szar-szu ik-kam-ru-ma e-mu-u ti-la-nisz s,e-er usz-sze-szu la in-na-t,a-lu la us,-s,ab-bu-u nab-nit-su a-na-ku (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ sza _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ a-na szuk-lu-lu ma-ha-zi ud-du-sze esz-re-e-ti ip-tu-u ha-si-su-usz

e-pesz é-nig-gidru-kalam-ma-sum-ma ina lib-bi-ia ib-szi-ma usz-ta-bil ka-bat-ti ep-ri-szu kam-ru-te u-pat-ti-ma szi-kit-ta-szu us,-s,ab-bi-ma a-hi-it, te-me-en-szu ki-i pi-i _gisz-hur_-szu mah-ri-te am-szu-uh-ma e-du _sig4_ la u-rad-di ina muh-hi ina _iti_ szal-me u4-me _sze-ga_ usz-sze-szu ad-di-ma u-kin _sig4_-su É sza-a-szu ul-tu usz-sze-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil

ki-ma u4-me u-nam-mir [szip-ru szA-a-szu] (d)_ag ibila_ s,i-i-ru ha-disz li-pal-lis i-na kun-ni _sza_-szu lik-tar-[rab _lugal_-u]-ti _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat _kur_ li-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a a-na (m)asz-szur-_du_-_a dumu_ ri-du-tu _kur_-asz-szur-_ki u_ (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na dumu_ ri-du-te _ka-dingir-ra-ki szesz-mesz_ ki-lal-la-an s,i-it lib-bi-ia szim-tu t,a-ab-tu szim-tu _munus-sig5_ sza ur-ruk u4-me _bala-mesz_-szu-un na-s,ir _gisz-gu-za_ szA-an-gu-ti-szu-un li-szi-mu szi-mat-su-un _lugal_-su-un x x x x x x x ina kit-ti U mi-szA-ri li-ir-du-u

a-na _egir-mesz_ u4-me a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti e-nu-ma É szA-a-szu e-na-hu-ma la-ba-risz il-la-ku ru-bu-u ar-ku-u sza an-hu-us-su ud-da-szu szu-mi-ia szat,-ru it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-kun (d)_ag ibila_ s,i-i-ru na-din _gisz-gidru gisz-gu-za bala_-e ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, chosen of the gods Marduk and Zarpanitu, true shepherd, favorite of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the king who has trusted in the gods Nabû, Tashmetu, and Nanaya and has seen their might — son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great lord, the god Marduk, stood with Esagil and Babylon. He became angry and his people became angry. He gathered together all together, gathered together, and v 15'

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat on the throne of kingship, the merciful god Marduk, whose heart was happy and who became reconciled with the city that had bowed down to the yoke, I had Esagil and Babylon built anew. I re-created the statues of the great gods and made them dwell in their inner sanctums. I completed the site of the abode of the god Ashur and established them in all the cult centers.

At that time, Eniggidrukalamasuma, the temple of the god Nabû, whose site had become too small and whose foundations had not been laid correctly, and whose creations had not been firmly placed, I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, whom the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû had made anew to complete the cult centers and to renovate the shrines,

I opened up the foundations of Eniggidrukalamasum and then I opened up its foundation pit. I inspected its construction and then I inspected its foundations according to its original design. I did not add bricks. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. I built and completed that temple from its foundations to its crenellations.

May the god Nabû, exalted heir, look with pleasure upon this work and make it enter into his womb. May he grant me a just scepter that broadens the land. May he grant my privileged status to Assurbanipal, the crown prince of Assyria, and to Shamash-shuma-ukin, the crown prince of Babylon, my favorite brothers, good health, good health, and happiness, whose fates are long and whose reigns are long and the protection of their throne. May their destiny and their kingship be determined by truth and justice.

In the future, in days to come, may a later prince, when that temple becomes dilapidated and old, restore it. May he place my inscribed name with his own name. The god Nabû, exalted heir, who gives the scepter, the throne, and the reign, will then hear his prayers.


Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, true shepherd, favorite of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the king who from his childhood trusted in the gods Nabû, Tashmetu, and Nanaya and knew their power; son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, whose ultimate origin is Baltil Ashur —

Before my time, the great lord, the god Marduk, became furious with Esagil and Babylon, and his heart was full of rage. His people were answering each other with yes for no and were speaking untruthfully. They put their hands on the possessions of the great lord, the god Marduk, and gave them to the land Elam as a bribe. Their deeds were displeasing to the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, and they the gods ordered their scattering. He the god Marduk made its waters sweep destructively across the city and he turned it into fallow land. Its gods and goddesses took fright and went up to the heavens. The site of the city was torn out and its foundation platforms could not be seen.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, the merciful god Marduk's heart was appeased and he became reconciled with the city that had angered him. I had Esagil and Babylon built anew. I renovated the statues of the great gods and had them dwell on their seats as an eternal dwelling. I completed the temple of the god Ashur and set up proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

At that time, Eniggidrukalamasuma, the temple of the god Nabû of the harû, its site had become a heap of ruins and changed into a tell so that the top of its foundations could not be seen and its shape could not be determined. I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, whose mind the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû opened for completing the cult centers and renovating their shrines — it occurred to me and my heart prompted me to rebuild Eniggidrukalamasuma.

I opened up its dirt piles and surveyed and examined its structure. I measured its foundation platform in exact accordance with its earlier plan and did not add even a single brick more. In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundation and secured its brickwork. I built and completed that temple from its foundations to its parapets and made it shine like daylight.

May the god Nabû, the sublime son, look with joy upon this work, bless my kingship with his steadfast heart, and allow my hand to grasp the righteous scepter that widens the land. For Ashurbanipal, crown prince of Assyria, and Shamash-shuma-ukin, crown prince of Babylon, both brothers, my offspring, may they decree as their destiny a good fate, a favorable fate, one of the lengthening of the days of their reigns and the protection of the thrones of their priestly offices; may their kingships ... lead my land in truth and justice; and may the gods Sîn and Shamash together keep answering the true princes with a firm 'yes'!

In future days, in far-off days, may a future ruler, who renovates the dilapidated sections of this temple when it becomes dilapidated and old, place my inscribed name with his name. The god Nabû, the sublime son, the one who gives scepter, throne, and reign, will then hear his prayers.

Q003343: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_an#-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal#_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki# gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki# lugal kur_-_eme-gi7 u uri-ki nun_ na-a-du pa-lih (d)_ag u_ (d)_amar-utu_

ul-la-nu-u-a ina _bala lugal_ mah-re-e ina _kur_-_eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ it-tab-szA-a _a-mesz hul-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu an-na ul-la a-ha-mesz# e-tap-pa-lu i-dab-bu-ba sur-ra#-a-ti# a-na _nig-ga_ é-sag-il2# É-_gal dingir-mesz# szu_-su#-[nu] u-bi-lu-ma _ku-gi ku_-[_babbar_] ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ip-szu-ru ma-hi-risz

i-gu-ug-ma (d)_en-lil dingir-mesz_ (d)_amar#-utu_ a-na sa-pan _kur_ hul-lu-qu _un-mesz_-[szA] ik-ta-pu-ud _munus-hul# id_-a-ra-ah#-[ti]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk,

In the reign of a previous king, evil waters poured out in Sumer and Akkad. The people living inside it raged together, arguing. They took fright at the spectacles and brought forth assemblages for the property of Esagil, the palace of the gods. They brought gold, silver, and precious stones to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. He cut down the Arahtu River.


Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk —

Before my time, in the reign of a previous king, bad omens occurred in Sumer and Akkad. The people living there were answering each other yes for no and were telling lies. They put their hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods, and they sold the gold, silver, and precious stones at market value to the land Elam.

The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry and plotted evilly to level the land and to destroy its people. The river Arahtu, normally a river of abundance, turned into a huge flood like the deluge, and swept its waters destructively across the city, its dwellings, ..., and its shrines, and turned them into ruins. The gods and goddesses dwelling in it went up to the heavens; the people living in it were distributed among the foreign riffraff and became slaves.

Obverse Column ii


70# _mu-an-na-mesz_ mi-nu-ut ni-du-ti-szu isz-t,ur-ma re-mé-nu-u (d)_amar-utu_ sur-risz lib-ba-szu i-nu-uh-ma e-lisz a-na szap-lisz usz-bal-kit-ma a-na 11 _mu-an-na-mesz_ a-szab-szu iq-bi

ia-a-ti _an-szar_-_szesz_-_mu a_sz-szu ep-sze-e-te szi-na-ti a-na Asz-ri-szi-na tur-ri ina _ukkin szesz-mesz_-ia _gal-mesz_ ke-nisz# tu-ut-tan-ni-ma

AI Translation

He wrote down 70 years of his life and the merciful god Marduk became angry with his heart and turned it upside down. He then said to himself: "For eleven years, I will dwell in the city of Ashur."

As for me, Esarhaddon, you have allowed me to return these deeds to their places in the assembly of my great brothers.


The merciful god Marduk wrote that the calculated time of its abandonment should last 70 years, but his heart was quickly soothed, and he reversed the numbers and thus ordered its reoccupation to be after 11 years.

You truly selected me, Esarhaddon, in the assembly of my older brothers, to put these matters right, and you are the one who placed your sweet protection over me, swept away all of my enemies like a flood, killed all of my foes and made me attain my wish, and, to appease the heart of your great divinity and to please your spirit, you entrusted me with shepherding Assyria.

Obverse Column iii


ina _sag lugal_-ti-ia ina mah-re-e _bala_-ia sza ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti ra-bisz u-szi-bu isz-szak#-na-nim-ma _a-mesz sig5#_-[_mesz_] ina szA-ma-me qaq-qa-ri [isz-tap-pa]-ra gis-kim-mu-usz

[a-na] e#-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu [Asz-hu]-ut# ak-ku5 sza (d)_utu_ [(d)_iszkur_] (d)_amar-utu di-ku5-gal dingir_-[_mesz_] _en-mesz_-ia ak-ta-mis ma#-har-szu-un ina ma-kal-ti _lu-hal_-u-ti _uzu-mesz_ tu-kul-ti isz-szak-nu-nim-ma sza e-pesz _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ud-du-usz é-sag-il2 u-szA-Asz-t,i-ra a-mu-tu

AI Translation

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, he sent me good water, and he sent me signs of war in the sky.

I was afraid and worried about the doing of this work. I trusted in the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords, and they were afraid in the presence of them. With the help of haruspex, they gave me a spleen and a tukultu-offering, and I made an appeal to the gods about the renovation of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil.


At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, good signs were established for me; in heaven and on earth, he the god Marduk constantly sent me his omens.

I was afraid and worried to preform that work and I knelt before the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords. In the diviner's bowl, trustworthy oracles were established for me, and they had their response concerning the rebuilding of Babylon and the renovation of Esagil written on a liver.

Obverse Column iv


a#-na an-ni-szu-nu ke-e#-[nu] at-kal-ma ad-ke-e-ma# gi-mir _erim-hi-a_ u _un-mesz kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz si-hir-ti-szA _gisz_-al-lu u-szat-rik-ma e-mid-da tup-szik-ki ina _i-gisz dug-ga_ disz-pu _i-nun-na kurun-nam_ szi-kar _kur_-i _ku_ ab-lu-la ta-ra-husz ku-dur-ru ina _sag-du_-ia Asz-szi-ma u-szA-az-bil ra-ma-ni ina _gisz-u-szub-mesz zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na ad-me-kar_ a-na né-ri-szA u-szal-bi-na _sig4_

é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz u_ esz-re-e-ti-szu _ka-dingir-ra-ki uru_ ki-din-ni im-gur-(d)_en-lil bad_-szu né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-szu ul-tu usz-sze-szu-un a-di na-bur-ri-szu-un esz-szisz u-sze-pisz u-szar-bi u-szaq-qi u-szar-ri-ih

s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ud-disz ina _bara-mesz_-szu-nu u-szar-ma-a szu-bat da-ra-a-ti _sa-dug4_-szu-nu ba-at,-lu-ti u-ki-in

_dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza a-na re-e-szu-ti szu-lu-ku a-na s,in-di U bir-te zu-u'-u-zu u-pa-hi-ir-ma a-na _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ am-nu ki-din-nu-sun esz-szisz Asz-kun

AI Translation

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered all of the troops and the people of Karduniash Babylonia in its entirety. I made a hoe and hung it on their necks. I mixed fine oil, honey, kurunnu-wine, and the pure scent of the mountains. I fashioned a taharhush-vessel on my head and thereby made it shine like daylight. I hung elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, and musukkannu-wood on poles. I decorated it with bricks of musukkannu-wood.

As for Esagil, the palace of the gods and his shrines, Babylon, the safe city, Imgur-Enlil, its wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, I had them built anew from their foundations to their parapets. I made them shine like daylight and made them shine like daylight.

I re-created the statues of the great gods and I deposited them on their daises as a permanent dwelling. I imposed upon them corvée.

I received the citizens of Babylon who had gone up to the top to make bread and to eat bread, and I gave them to the Babylonians. I reconstructed their privileged status.


I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered all of my craftsmen and the people of Karduniash Babylonia to its full extent. I had them wield hoes and I imposed baskets on them. I mixed the mud for its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, and pure mountain beer. I raised a basket onto my head and carried it myself. I had its bricks made for one year in brickmolds of ivory, ebony, boxwood, and musukkannu-wood.

I had Esagil, the palace of the gods, and its shrines, Babylon, the privileged city, Imgur-Enlil, its wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew from their foundations to their parapets. I made them greater than before, raised them up, and glorified them.

I refurbished the statues of the great gods and I had them dwell on their daises as an eternal dwelling. I reconfirmed their interrupted sattukku offerings.

I gathered the citizens of Babylon who had become slaves and who had been distributed among the foreign riffraff and I counted them once again as Babylonians. I established anew their privileged status.

Q003345: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] [...] [... a]-na(?)# be-el-ti-szA ul i-szem-[me] [_dingir-mesz_-szi-na i-bu-ka-ma i-me-szA (d)isz-tar-szin par-s,i]-szi#-na u-masz-szi-ra-ma szA-na-tim-ma ir-ka-ba# [... hi]-t,i#-tu szur-szu-u a-sak-ku ak-lu [... sat-tuk]-ku# u-szab-t,a-lu u-szab-szu-u ri-kil-tu [a-na _nig-szu_ é-sag-gil u _dumu e-ki_] _szu-ii#_-su-nu u-bi-lu-u-ma im-szu-'u _nig-szu-mesz_-szu [_ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_(?) sza qé]-reb# É-_kur_ a-na _kur_-e-lam-ti ip-szu-ru# ma-hi-risz

[... (d)]_en#-lil_ ip-pa-lis-ma e-zi-iz lib-ba-szu ka#-bat-tusz is,-s,a-ri-ih [(d)_en-lil-la5 dingir-mesz en kur-kur_ a]-na# sa-pah _kur_ u _un-mesz_ ik-ta-pu-ud le-mut-tu# [a-na sa-pan _kur u_ hul-lu-uq _un_]-_mesz#_-szA lib-bu#-usz e-ziz-ma ar-rat ma-ru-usz-ti isz-szA-kin ina pi-i#-szu

[ina _an_-e u _ki_-tim _a-mesz hul_]-tim ma-gal it-ta-nab-szA-a sza ha-laq mit-har-tim [_kaskal_ szu-ut (d)_en-lil kaskal_ szu-ut (d)60 _kaskal_] szu-ut (d)é-a man-za-su-nu u-lam-mi-nu usz-ta-nak-la-mu _giskim-mesz_ szal-pu-ti [...] x _ki_ mit-ha-risz it-ta-nak-ki-ra i-da-a-ti-szA#

_id#_-[a-ra-ah-ti _id h_É-_gal_ a]-gu-u szam-ru e-du-u ez-zu _illu_ kasz-szu tam-szil a-bu-bi ib-bab-lam-ma _uru_ [szu-bat-su esz-re-e-ti-szu A]-_mesz#_ usz-bi-i'-ma u-sze-mi (over erasure) u-szal-lisz _dingir-mesz#_ [(U (d)15-_mesz_) a-szib lib-bi-szu is,]-s,u-risz ip-par-szu-ma e-lu-u szA-ma-mesz (d)_alad-mesz#_ [(d)_lamma-mesz_ ... ip-par]-szi(?)#-id-du-ma it-ta-nam-gi-szu a-ha-a-ti _un-mesz_ a-szib lib(?)#-[bi-szu a-szar szA-nam-ma in-nar]-qu#-ma ina er-s,e-et la i-du-u e-hu-zu pu-uz-ra-te#

a-di _ud-mesz_ im-lu#-[u lib-bi _en gal_]-e# (d)_amar-utu_ i-nu-hu-ma a-na _kur_ sza e-ni-nu ir-szu-u sa-li-mu# 70 _mu-an-na-mesz_ im#-[lu-u ... 11(?) _mu-an-na_]-_mesz#_ esz-t,ur-ma re-e-mu ir-szi-ma iq#-ta-bi a-hu-lap

ia-a-ti (m)(d)asz#-[szur-_szesz_-i-di-nam ...] mu#-du-u pu-luh-ti _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti i-na re-esz _lugal#_-[ti-ia ina mah-re-e _bala_-ia sza ina _gisz_]-_gu-za# sanga_-ti u-szi-bu-ma a-ge-e be-lu-ti a-pi#-ru-um-ma#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... did not listen to her lady. They abandoned their gods and their goddesses, abandoned their rites and retreated to another place. ... they committed a grave crime, sinned against me, and cut down my weapons. ... they sinned against me, and imposed a curse upon the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon. They seized their hands and took away from him his possessions, gold, silver, and stones, which were in the temple, and they fled to the land Elam.

... the god Enlil became attentive and then became frightened of his heart. The god Enlil, the god of the lands, plotted evilly to seize the land and people, to seize the land and to destroy its people. He became frightened and set his mind to a famine.

In heaven and netherworld, evil waters have constantly risen, which are destructive in the opposite direction. They have constantly surrounded the paths of the Enlil-gods, the paths of the Anu-gods, and the paths of the Ea-gods. They have constantly surrounded the dark signs ... ... they constantly surrounded her.

The Arahtu River, the river of abundance, the wild river, the fierce flood, the flood of beer, the flood of the sea, the flood of the sea, the city, its dwelling, its shrines, and its water drenched and made it shine like daylight. The gods and goddesses who dwell inside it prayed to him and he flew away. Bulls, lamassus, ..., flew away and they fought with him. The people living inside it, wherever they were, were enraged and terrified and frightened in the midst of a womb.

The great lord, the god Marduk, became frightened for a long time and turned to the land that had become frightened. For 70 years he frightened ... for eleven years I wrote and he had mercy and commanded me to build a wall.

As for me, Esarhaddon, ..., the one who knows the fear of his great divinity, at the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat on my throne as a priest and proclaimed the lordly crown,


... ... ... the slave girl did not listen to her mistress. They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses, abandoned their rites, and embraced quite different rites; ... they were inciting criminal acts and infringing on a taboo; ... they discontinued sattukku offerings. They fomented a conspiracy. They Babylon's citizens put their hands on the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon and they plundered its goods, gold, silver, and stones from inside the temple and sold them at market value to the land Elam.

The god Enlil saw ... and his heart became angry and his mood became furious. The Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands, plotted evilly to scatter the land and people; to level the land and to destroy its people, his heart was angry. A bitter curse was placed in his mouth.

Many bad omens concerning the destruction of mankind occurred in heaven and on earth. The path of the Enlil-stars, the path of the Anu-stars, and the path of the Ea-stars changed their positions for the worse and they constantly revealed signs portending destruction. ... ... in the same way, its signs became increasingly bad.

The river Arahtu, normally a river of abundance, turned into an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge. It swept its waters destructively across the city, its dwellings, and its shrines, and turned them into a swamp. The gods and goddesses dwelling in it flew up to the heavens like birds. The shedus and lamassus ... fled and were wandering around outside. The people living in it were hidden in another place and took refuge in an unknown land.

As time passed, the heart of the great lord, the god Marduk, was soothed and he became reconciled with the land that he had punished. As the seventy years passed, ... he the god Marduk wrote '11 years', had pity, and said 'Ahulap!'

As for me, Esarhaddon, ..., who knows how to revere his great divinity, ... were established for me at the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat on the throne of my priestly office, when I wore the crown of lordship, and .... They the gods constantly revealed good omens to me concerning the repopulation of the city and the temple.



[_mul-sag-me-nig_ (mut-tan-bi-t,u pa-ri-is _esz-bar kur_-_uri-ki_) ina _iti-sig4_ u-qar]-rib#-ma a-szar# (d)_utu_ ul-tap-pa-a i-zi-iz ba-il zi#-mu-szu sa-a#-[mu] [... _szeg_]-_mesz#_ t,Ah-du-ti _illu-mesz_ sad-ru-[ti ina _kur_-_uri-ki_] _gal-mesz#_ [usz-tasz-ni-ma ina _iti-bad-ka_ a-szar ni]-s,ir-ti ik-szu-dam-ma i(?)#-[na _ki-tusz_-szu i-kun]

[Asz-szu li-i-ti szA-ka-nu ga-me-ru-tu] e-pe-szi# gis-kim-ma _sig5_-tim u-szak#-[li-ma szA e-reb é-sag-gil _iti_-szam-ma (d)30 (d)_utu_] [ina _igi-lal_-szu-nu szA (ud-du-usz _dingir-mesz_) szuk-lul esz-ret ma-ha-zi ku-tu-un]-ni _bala_-ia szur-szu-du _gisz-gu-za sanga_-ti-ia an-nu [ke-e-nu e-tap-pa-lu a-ha-mesz]

[ina _gesztu-ii dagal_-ti ha]-sis-si pal-ke-e sza isz-ru-[ka _abgal dingir-mesz nun_ (d)nu-dim-mud] [a-na szu-szu-ub _uru_ szA-a-szu ud-du-usz esz-re-e]-ti#-szu nu-um-mur ma-ha-zi ina uz-ni-ia# [ib-szi-ma usz-ta-bil ka]-bat-ti#

[a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-ti Asz-hu-ut ak]-ku5-ma (erasure) sza (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu di-ku5-gal dingir#_-[_mesz en-mesz_-ia ak-ta-mis ma]-har-szu-un# [ina ma-kal-ti _lu-hal_-u-ti A]-ti _sig5_-tim isz-szak-nu-nim-ma sza szu-szu-ub _uru_ ud-du-usz# [é-sag-gil] u-szA-Asz-t,i-ru a-mu-ti#

[a-na an-ni-szu-nu ke-e-nu at-kal]-ma# ad-ke-ma gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-ia u _kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz tup-szik-ku (e)-mid-da _gisz_-al-lu u#-szat-rik-szu-nu-ti# [ina _i-gisz dug-ga lal i-nun-na kurun-nam_] mu-tin-ni szi-kar# _kur_-i ab-lu#-la ta-ra-ah-husz [ina _gisz-u-szub-mesz gisz-mes-ma-kan_]-_na# ad-me-kar_ a-na né-ri-szA u#-szal-bi-na li-bit-tusz [_dumu-mesz lu_-um-ma-ni en-qu-te _lu_]-_szitim#-gal_-li le-'u-u-ti# mu-kin-nu# gisz-hur-ri (erasure) 1-nisz u-pah-hi-ir-ma

[sza é-sag-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_(?)] usz-szi-szu ad-di-ma u-kin lib-na-as-su [... u-szak]-ki#-la ni-kil#-tusz tam-szil szit,-ri-szu es,-s,i-ra is,-rat-su [... ina _gisz_]-as-li _gal_-ti ki-i gisz-hur-ri-szu mah-ri-i mi-szi-ih-ta-szu am-szu-uh [...] te-me-en-szu# ki-ma szu-pu-uk _kur_-i dan-ni u-dan-nin [...] x-lu-ti ki-ma szA u4-me pa-ni szi-kit-ta-szu ab-ni (over erasure) [(x)]

[é-te-me-en-an-ki ziq-qur-ra-tu Asz-lu s,u-up]-pan# _usz a_sz-lu s,u-up-pan _sag-ki_ (erasure) ki-ma# mah-rim-ma e-pu-usz#

[... _dingir-mesz_] _gal#-mesz u_ (d)kulla _en_ usz-szi _sig4 udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz bal#_ [...]-_a gesztin_ ku-ru-un-ni usz-szi-szu-un ad-di-ma u-kin te-me-en-szu#-[un]

[u-sze-pisz-ma _na4-na-ru-a-mesz_ (...)] _na4_-s,a-lam-ti ta-nit-ti# _en gal_-e _en_-ia# [... qé-reb-szu-un(?) Asz]-t,ur(?)#-ma Asz-tak-ka(?)-na(?)# qé-reb-szu-un [... pel-lu]-de-e-szu szu-qu-ru-ti [a-na Asz]-ri-szu-nu u-ter-ma [...] Asz#-kun [...] x [...] x x [(x)] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

Jupiter, the bright one, the judge of the decision of Akkad, made its appearance in Sivan III and stood there where the sun shines. Its appearance was bright, its appearance was bright ..., it brought forth good rains and heavy floods in Akkad and it reached its true position in the month of Der, where the king, my lord, loves to sit.

In order to achieve the highest rank and to achieve good fortune, I made the gods Sîn and Shamash, at their appearance, renew the gods, complete the sanctuaries of cult centers, and prolong the days of my reign, and make the throne of my priesthood firm. I constantly sent my messengers to each other in order to ensure that they were well looked after.

With wide understanding and broad understanding, which the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, had granted to me, I renovated its sanctuaries to save that city. He made the cult centers shine with my ear and made my mood happy.

I slew the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords, and they placed them before me. With the support of a haruspex, they established good things for me and they made an object of wonder for the preservation of the city. I had Esagil reconstructed and I deposited my clay cone.

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered my entire army and the land Karduniash Babylonia. I imposed upon them corvée and a basket. I sprayed them with sweet oil, honey, butter, kurunnu-wine, tinnu-wine, and the szikaru-wine of the mountains. I hung their corpses on musukkannu-wood and hung them in its entrance gate. I had the sons of skilled craftsmen, skilled craftsmen, who make the plans beautiful, and I firmly established them in their place.

I laid the foundations of Esagil, the palace of the gods, and thereby secured its brickwork. I ... I completed it and deposited its monumental inscription. I deposited its monumental inscription on a large aslu-tree. I enlarged its dimensions as before. ... I strengthened its foundations like the base of a strong mountain. ... I built its structure as it had been in the days of the past.

I built Etemenanki, the ziqqurrat, a ziggurrat with a ziggurrat and a ziggurrat. I made the ziggurrat and the ziggurrat as perfect as before.

... I laid the foundations of ... of the great gods and the god Kulla, the lord, with bricks and pure offerings. ... I laid their foundations with ... and kurinnu-wine and firmly established their foundations.

I had steles made ..., images of the great lord, my lord, ... written thereon and I deposited them therein. ... I returned its exalted rites to their places and ... I established ...


Bright Jupiter, the giver of decisions on Akkad, came near in Simanu III and stood in the place where the sun shines. It was shining brightly and its appearance was red. ... and there were copious rains and regular floods in Akkad. It Jupiter reached its hypsoma for a second time in the month "Opening of the Door" and stayed in its place.

In order to triumph and to show overpowering strength, he the god Marduk revealed to me good omens concerning the re-entering of Esagil. Every month, the gods Sîn and Shamash together, at their appearance, answered me with a firm 'yes' concerning the renewing of the gods, the completion of the shrines and cult centers, the stability of my reign and the securing of the throne of my priestly office.

By means of the great intelligence and vast understanding which the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, gave to me, it occurred to me to repopulate that city, to renovate its shrines, and to make the cult center shine, and my mind prompted me.

I was afraid and worried to perform that work and I knelt before the gods Shamash, Adad, and Marduk, the great judges, the gods, my lords. In the diviner's bowl, good signs were established for me, and they had their response concerning the repopulation of the city and the renovation of Esagil written on a liver.

I trusted in their firm 'yes' and I mustered all of my craftsmen and the people of Karduniash Babylonia. I imposed baskets on them and had them wield hoes. I mixed the mud for its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, muttinnu-wine, and mountain beer. I had its bricks made for a whole year in brickmolds of musukkannu-wood. I gathered together expert craftsmen and skilled master builders, who lay out plans.

I laid the foundations of Esagil, the palace of the gods, and secured its brickwork. ... fashioned skillfully and I drew its ground plan exactly as it had been written. With the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of ..., in exact accordance with its earlier plan. ... I made its foundation platform as strong as the base of a mighty mountain, ... ... and built its structure as it was in former days.

I built Etemenanki, the ziggurrat, as it was before — its length is one ashlu and one shuppan, and its width is one ashlu and one shuppan.

I offered pure offerings to ... the great gods and the god Kulla, the lord of foundations and bricks. I laid their foundations with ... ..., wine, and kurunnu-wine, and I secured their footings.

I had foundation inscriptions made of ... basalt and I wrote on them the glory of the great lord, my lord, and I placed them in their Esagil's and Etemenanki's midst. ... I restored its precious rituals and ... I established ... ... ... ... ...

Q003346: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] (x) x [...] [... ma-al-ku(?) na]-a#-du na-ram (d)#[zar-pa-ni-tum ...] [... _lugal_ szah]-tu# szA be-lut-su-nu pu#-[tuq-qu-ma ...] [... re-e-szu] mut#-nen-nu-u Asz-ru# [...]

[... a-na ud-du-usz] esz#-re-e-ti ab-ta-a-ti# [...] [... a-na szu]-te-szur (erasure) pel-lu-de#-[e ma-szu-u-ti ...] [... a-na nu]-uh-hu# lib-bi _dingir_-ti-ka _gal_-[ti ...]

[(...) tu-ma-al-lu-u qa-tu]-usz-szu i-na _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri#-[ia(?) ...]

[... _un-mesz_(?)] kul#-lat ma-ha-zi gi-mir(?)# [...] [...] a-szi-bu-ut qer-bi#-[szu(?) ...] [...] x x man-nu ul# [...] [...] x _ma ni_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ..., the mighty ruler, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu ..., the pious king whose rule is difficult and ..., the pious and pious one, the exalted one, .

... to renovate the ruined sanctuaries ... ... to restore the forgotten rites ... ... to please the heart of your great divinity .

... you shaved his hands. In the reign of a king who preceded me .

... the people, all of the cult centers, all of ... who dwell inside it ... ... no one ... ... .


... ... ... pious ruler, beloved of the goddess Zarpanitu, ..., reverent king who is attentive to their rule, ..., pious slave, humble, ... —

You are the one who entrusted to him with ... renovating the destroyed shrines ... ... to organize well the forgotten rites ... to appease the heart of your great divinity ....

In the reign of a king who preceded me, ....

The people of all of the cult centers, all of ... who dwell within it ... ... no one ... ... ...

Q003348: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_-asz-szur _man ka-disz-disz_ ina a-gur-ri _udun ku_-tim tal-lak-ti é-sag-gil U(*) _ka-dingir-mesz zalag_-ir

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, shined with baked bricks, a pure utensil for the journey of Esagil and Babylon.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of Babylon, made the processional way of Esagil and Babylon shine with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln.

Q003349: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur_-asz-szur _man ka-disz-disz_ a-gur-ri é-sag-gil u _ka-disz-disz_ esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Babylon.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Babylon.

Q003350: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur_-_asz man ka-disz-disz_ a-gur-ri é-sag-gil u é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.

Q003351: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur_-asz-szur _man ka-disz-disz_ a-gur-ri é-sag-gil é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.

Q003352: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu en_-szu asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur_-_asz man ka-disz_ a-gur-ri é-sag-gil u é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.

Q003353: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu en_-szu (m)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur_-_asz man ka-disz_ é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had Etemenanki fashioned anew.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had Etemenanki built anew.

Q003354: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu en#_-szu _an-szar_-_pap#_-_asz man kur_(?)-asz(?)-szur(?)# _man ka#-disz-disz_ a-gur(?)-ri é(?)-te-me#-[en-an-ki] esz-szisz u#-x (x) [(x)] x

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q003355: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)asar-ri lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-_szesz_-_mu_ lugal ma-da-asz-szur(ki)-ke4 lugal ki-szar2-ra lugal ub-da limmu-ba szagina _tin-tir-ki_ lugal ki-in-gi uri(ki) nam-til-bi-sze é-te-me-en-an-ki mu-na-dim

_gaba-ri tin-tir-ki_ szA-t,ir-ma _igi-kar_

_im-gid-da_ (m)(d)_utu_-_pap a lu_-a-ri-ri

AI Translation

For the god Asari, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the four quarters of the world, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, built Etemenanki for his life.

Written and collated in Babylon.

Tablet of Shamash-nashir, son of the amiru.


For the god Asari Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the world, king of the four quarters, governor of Babylon, and king of Sumer and Akkad, reconstructed Etemenanki for the sake of his life.

Copy of a text from Babylon; copied and collated.

Tablet of Shamash-nashir, descendant of the Miller.

Q003356: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] x x x x (x) [...]

[...] szA(?)# a-na (x) x-_mesz#_-szu la _ig_ x [x x x x]

[...] x-ti zi-kir _mu_-szu it-u-du qi-bit-su# [x x x x]

[...] u#-szah-ma-t,u ma-har [...]

[... la] ma#-gi-ru qi-bi-ti#

[... szu]-a(?)-ti# u-szal-pit u-reb-bu da-ad-mu# [(x)]

[...] _dingir#_ ti-ik-li-szu

[... i(?)]-na tukul-ti-szu kit-mu-su u-sap-pu-u be(*)-lut-su

[...] x la i#-szu-t,u ab-szA-ni

[szA(?) _a-sza-mesz_(?) _dumu-mesz_(?) _ka-dingir-me_(?) U(?) bAr-sipa-_ki_(?) it]-ba#-lu-ma u-tar-ru ra-ma-nu-usz

[...] qi#-bit-su u zi-kir _mu_-szu la isz-hu-t,u-ma la i-du-ru be-lut-su

[...] ir-hi-is,-ma a-bu-ba-nisz is-pu-un

[... ha-at-tu] rama#-ni-szu im-qut-su-ma na-pisz-ta-szu ib-li

[... isz]-lu#-lam-ma u-ra-a a-na _kur_-asz-szur-_ki_

[(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_]-u# _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ [_lugal_ kib-rat er-bet-ti] _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki#_ [li-ip-li-pi da-ru-u szA (m)(d)_en_-ba-ni _dumu_ (m)a-da-si] _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ per-'u bal-til-_ki_ szu-qu-ru _numun lugal_-ti ki-sit-ti s,a-a#-[ti]

[... É (d)]gu#-la bAr-sipa-_ki_ szA ina du-un-nu a-gi-i ez-zu-tu i-ni-szu mu(?)#-[szab(?)-szu(?)] [...] ma-qit-ta-szu usz-ziz-ma u-dan-nin rik-si-[szu]

[... szip(?)]-ri# szu-a-ti# ha-disz lip-pa-[lis-ma]

[...] x x [...] x x x _mi ur_ [x x x] [...] x _rik#_ [x x x] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... who does not ... to his ...s .

... ... he uttered his name, his command .

... he made ... rise before .

. . . unsubmissive to my command,

... I destroyed that ... and scattered the ruins of the lands.

. . . the god, his helper,

... with his support, they made his name disappear, and he swore his lordship.

... ... did not acquire .

who took away the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa and turned them into ruins.

... his command and the mention of his name did not diminish and did not diminish his lordship.

... he sinned and he smashed his enemies.

... his own fear fell upon him and his life became short.

... he smashed and brought it to Assyria.

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, enduring heir of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria, heir of Baltil Ashur, the one who fashioned the seed of kingship and the crown of the four quarters:

... the temple of the goddess Gula of Borsippa, which ... in a fierce battle, ... its ziggurat, I built and strengthened its structure.

May . . . look with pleasure upon this work.


... ... ... ... ...

... who to his ... not ... ...

... ... paid attention to the mention of his name, his command ...

... brings quickly before ...

... unsubmissive to the command

... destroyed that one, making the inhabited world shake

... the god, his helper,

... with his help, they knelt, beseeching his lordship

... did not bear my yoke lit. "pull my yoke-rope"

who took away the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa, appropriating them for himself

... did not fear his command or the mention of his name, and was not afraid of his lordship

... inundated and leveled like a flood.

... his own fear overwhelmed him and his life ended.

... he took as booty and brought to Assyria.

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria, precious scion of Baltil Ashur, one of royal lineage and ancient stock —

At that time ... the temple of the goddess Gula of Borsippa, the site of which had become weak due to the strength of the river's destructive flooding, ... I re-erected its dilapidated parts and reinforced its structure.

May the goddess Gula, ..., look upon this work of mine with pleasure and

No translation possible

Q003357: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_un-gal_-_nibru-ki_ ma-al-kAt uzu-mu-a-_ki_ s,ir-ti ti-iz-qar-ti szA-ru-uh-tu _dingir-mesz_ (d)in-nin-ni _gaszan_ szur-bu-tu szA a-na _lugal_ mi-ig-ri-szA ba-an-ti-isz it-ta-na-as-ha-ru _bala_-szu u-szal-ba-ru i-szar-ra-ku-usz da-na-nu U li-i-ti szar-rat _nibru-ki_ a-szi-bat é-bAra-dur-gar-ra É mu-kin szu-bat _lugal_-u-tu _gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat er-bet-ti _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_ i-tu-ut kun lib-bi (d)_en-lil_ szA ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu ana _an-szar_ (d)_en-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu it-tak-lu-u-ma ni-iz-mat-su u-szak-szid-usz i-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-un a-na nu-uh-hu lib-bi _dingir_-ti-szu-nu u nu-up-pu-usz ka-bat-ti-szu-nu _gisz-mi_-szu-nu da-ru-u it-ru-s,u _ugu_-szu

i-nu-szu é-bAra-dur-gar-ra É (d)_un-gal_-_nibru-ki gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-ia szA _lugal_ mah-ri i-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-ma i-qu-u-pu É-_gar8-mesz_-szu Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu as-suh te-me-en-szu u-s,ab-bi-ma _gim_ si-ma-ti-szu la-bi-ra-a-ti ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ki-ma _kur_-i re-szi-szu ul-li

(d)_un-gal_-_nibru-ki gaszan_ szur-bu-tu _gaszan_-ia szi-pir szu-a-tu ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma a-mat _sig5_-ti-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szA _tin ud-mesz su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-u-tu _dug_-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-a-ti

ma-ti-ma i-na ah-rat _ud-mesz nun egir_-u szA i-na u4-me _bala_-szu É szu-a-tu in-na-hu-ma ma-qit-ti i-rasz-szu-u Asz-ra-ti-szu lisz-te-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu lik-szir _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu _dingir-mesz_ i-szem-mu-u ur-rak _ud-mesz_ u-rap-pa-Asz kim-ti

szA _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti ib-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)_un-gal_-_nibru-ki gaszan gal_-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina nap-har _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

szA é-bAra-dur-gar-ra

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar-Nippur, the ruler of Ummua, the exalted lady, the most exalted of the gods, the goddess Inninni, the most exalted lady, who constantly strives to be a king of her own accord and who makes his reign endure, the one who makes his might and power surpassing, the queen of Nippur, who resides in Ebaradurgara, the temple that establishes kingship, the great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil, who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the great gods, his lords, and he made his cultic rites manifest. He saw their might and he prayed to their divinity to make their hearts happy and to make their minds happy.

At that time, with regard to Ebaradurgara, the temple of the goddess Ishtar-Nippur, the great lady, my lady, which a king of the past had built, lapsed and its walls buckled. I sought its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated sections, and inspected its foundations. I built and completed it according to its ancient specifications with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain.

May the goddess Ishtar of Nippur, supreme lady, my lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

In the future, may a later prince, in the days of his reign, restore that temple and restore its weakened portions. May he read an inscription written in my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it in its place. Then the gods will then hear his prayers. He will lengthen the days and widen his understanding.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name by some crafty device, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Nippur, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from all lands.

of Ebaradurgara.


For the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, ruler of Uzumua, august, eminent, most splendid of the gods, the goddess Innini, supreme lady who always cares like a mother for the king — her favorite — who makes his reign lengthy and bestows on him power and might, queen of Nippur, who dwells in Ebaradurgara, the temple which makes firm the royal abode, the great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, selected by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil; who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the other great gods, his lords, who allowed him to attain his desire; the one who recognized their power, the one over whom the gods extended their eternal protection in order to appease their divine hearts and set their minds at rest; the one who by the might of the gods Ashur, Enlil, Bel Marduk, and the Son-of-Bel Nabû, the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and made all rulers submissive to him; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, renovated Ekur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, and reconfirmed their sattukku offerings; the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk, became reconciled to Babylon and again took up his residence in Esagil, his palace; the one who made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Der and his temple Edimgalkalama "House, Great Bond of the Land" and had him sit upon his eternal dais; the one who restored the splendid appearance of the plundered gods of the lands, returned them from Assyria to their proper places, and reconfirmed their income; wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures in the great cult centers and has purification rites performed correctly; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria; precious scion of Baltil Ashur, one of royal lineage and ancient stock —

At that time Ebaradurgara, the temple of the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, the great lady, my lady, which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled. I sought its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, and surveyed its entire foundation. I completely rebuilt it with the work of the god Kulla according to its ancient specifications and raised its top as high as a mountain.

May the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, supreme lady, my lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this temple falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated, may that ruler seek out its original emplacement and repair its dilapidated parts! May he anoint an inscription written in my name with oil, make an offering, and set it back in its place! The gods will then hear his prayers. He will lengthen his days and enlarge his family.

But as for the one who by some crafty device destroys an inscription written in my name or changes its position, may the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from every land!

Property of Ebaradurgara.

Q003358: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana (d)_en-lil en kur-kur_] szA# la in-nen-nu-u qi-bit-su# [x x x sza la usz-tam]-sa(?)#-ku s,i-it pi-i#-szu [...] x _dingir-mesz_ szu-ta#-x [(...)] x-su [...] szA(?) la(?)# [(...)] x ma-al-ku [...] _du_ [...] _en gal_-i _en_-szu

[(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib]-rat# er-bet-ti [_gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_ i-tu-ut kun lib]-bi# (d)_en-lil_ [szA ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu ana _an-szar_ (d)_en-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)]_ag#_ (d)_u-gur_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [_en-mesz_-szu it-tak-lu-u-ma ni-iz-mat-su u-szak-szid]-usz# i-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-un [a-na nu-uh-hu lib-bi _dingir_-ti-szu-nu u nu-up-pu-usz ka-bat-ti-szu-nu] _gisz-mi_-szu-nu da-ru-u [it-ru]-s,u# _ugu_-szu

[i-nu]-szu szA é-kur É (d)_en-lil# en kur-kur en_-ia szA _lugal_ ma-har i-pu#-[szu] [la]-ba#-risz(?) il-lik-ma i-[qu-(u)]-pu# É-_gar8-mesz#_-[szu] [Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz]-te#-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu as-suh# te-me-en-szu u-s,ab-bi-ma ki-ma(?) si(?)#-[ma-ti-szu] [la-bi-ra-(a)]-ti ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar#-[s,ip u-szak-lil ki-ma _kur_-i re-szi-szu ul-li]

[(ana szat-ti(?)) (d)_en_]-_lil# dingir_ tu-kul-ti-ia ep-sze#-[ti-ia ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma a-mat _sig5_-ti-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szu] [_tin ud-mesz_] _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu# [_dug_-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-a-ti]

[ma-ti-ma i-na ah]-rat _ud-mesz nun egir_-u szA x [...] [(...) ma-qit]-ti i-rasz-szu-u Asz-ra-[ti-szu lisz-te-e']-e ma-qit-ta-szu(?) lik(?)#-[szir] [_mu-sar_]-u# szi-t,ir _mu_-ia I(?)-_gisz_(?)# [lip-szu-usz _udu_]-_siskur# bal_-qi ina Asz-ri#-[szu ...]

[...] x [... _ud_]-_mesz#_ u-rap-pa-Asz kim-[ti szA _mu-sar_-u] [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil]-ti# ib-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak#-[ka-ru] [(d)_en-lil_ (...) ag-gisz lik-kil]-me#-szu-ma szi-mat _hul_-tim li-szim-[szu] [_mu_-szu (u) _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal]-liq(?)#-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-[mu]

AI Translation

To the god Enlil, lord of the lands, whose command cannot be changed, ... whose command cannot be changed, ... of the gods ... ... ... ... ruler ... ... great lord, his lord:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil, who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the great gods, his lords, and he made his cultic rites manifest. He saw their might and he prayed to their divinity to be pious and to make their mood happy. He hung their eternal gloomy majesty over him.

At that time, as for Ekur, the temple of the god Enlil, lord of the lands, my lord, which a previous king had built, it became old and its walls buckled. I constantly sought out its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated sections, and reconstructed its dilapidated sections with the work of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Enlil, the god who provides me with my support, look upon my deeds with pleasure and may he establish a favorable word for me for me. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness.

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of a future ruler, ... ... ... a bribe will arise, may he seek out its original emplacement and restore its emplacement. May he anoint with oil an inscribed object bearing my name, make an offering, and place it in its place. .


For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, whose command cannot be revoked, ... whose utterance cannot be rejected, ... gods ... ... ... ruler ... ... ... the great lord, his lord:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, selected by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil; who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the other great gods, his lords, who allowed him to attain his desire; the one who recognized their power, the one over whom the gods extended their eternal protection in order to appease their divine hearts and set their minds at rest; the one who by the might of the gods Ashur, Enlil, Bel Marduk, and the Son-of-Bel Nabû, the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and made all rulers submissive to him; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, renovated Ekur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, and reconfirmed their sattukku offerings; the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk, became reconciled to Babylon and again took up his residence in Esagil, his palace; the one who made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Der and his temple Edimgalkalama "House, Great Bond of the Land" and had him sit upon his eternal dais; the one who restored the splendid appearance of the plundered gods of the lands, returned them from Assyria to their proper places, and reconfirmed their income; wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures in the great cult centers and has purification rites performed correctly; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria; precious scion of Baltil Ashur, one of royal lineage and ancient stock —

At that time, Ekur "House, Mountain", the temple of the god Enlil, lord of the lands, my lord, which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled. I sought its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, and surveyed its entire foundation. I completely rebuilt it with the work of the god Kulla according to its ancient specifications and raised its top as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Enlil, the god who helps me, look upon my works with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon his lips! May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this temple falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated, may that ruler seek out its original emplacement and repair its dilapidated parts! May he anoint an inscription written in my name with oil, make an offering, and set it back in its place! The gods will then hear his prayers. He will lengthen his days and enlarge his family.

But as for the one who by some crafty device destroys an inscription written in my name or changes its position, may the god Enlil ... glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him! May he make his name and his descendants disappear from the land and have no pity on him!

Q003359: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana (d)_en-lil_] _lugal dingir-mesz_ qar-du szA(?) sa(?)-kip(?) nak(?)-ri(?) tam-ha-ra szA it(?)-tak(?)-[...] [...] s,i-i-ru a-lik i-di _lugal_ mi-ig-ri-szu ka-szid a-a#-[bi ...] [...]-si-sa2 szA qé-reb _dur-an-ki en gal_-i [_en_-szu]

[(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum_]-_na# lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat er-bet-[ti] [_gir-nita_] _tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_ i-tu-ut kun lib-bi (d)_en_-[_lil_]

[szA ul-tu] s,e-eh-ri-szu ana _an-szar_ (d)_en-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-[szu] [it-tak]-lu-ma ni-iz-mat-su u-szak-szid-usz i-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-un

[a-na nu-uh-hu] lib#-bi _dingir_-ti-szu-nu u nu-up-pu-usz ka-bat-ti-szu-nu _gisz-mi_-szu-nu da-ru-u it-ru-s,u _ugu_-[szu] [ina e-muq _an-szar_] (d)_en-lil_ (d)_en_ u _dumu_ (d)_en dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu kul-lat _kur-kur_ i-bé-lu-ma

[ina e-muq _an-szar_] (d)_en-lil_ (d)_en_ u _dumu_ (d)_en dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu kul-lat _kur-kur_ i-bé-lu-ma [gi-mir ma]-li-ku u-szak-ni-szu sze-pu-usz-szu [ba-nu-u É _an_]-_szar_ mu-ud-disz é-kur e-pisz é-sag-il2 u _tin-tir-ki#_ [mu-szak]-lil# esz-re-e-ti u ma-ha-zu mu-kin sat-tuk-[ku] [_lugal_ szA ina _ud-mesz bala_]-szu _en gal_-u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _tin-tir-ki_ sa-li-mu ir-szu-[u] [ina é-sag-il2 É-_gal_]-szu ir-mu-u szu-bat-[su]

[...] x x [...] [...]-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina [nap-har _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq]

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, valiant man who controls the enemy, who ... ... exalted, who marches at the side of the king, his favorite, conqueror of the enemy, ... ... of Duranku, the great lord, his lord:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil,

As for the one who from his childhood trusted in the deities Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the other great gods, his lords, and he entrusted his work to him, he saw their might.

With the strength of the deities Ashur, Enlil, Bel Marduk, and the son of Bel Marduk, the gods who support him, he conquered all lands to restore their divinity and to make their mood rejoice.

With the strength of the deities Ashur, Enlil, Bel Marduk, and the son of Bel Marduk, the gods who support him, all the lands ruled and all rulers subdued him. The one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Ekur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed sanctuaries and cult centers, and reconfirmed sattukku-offerings, the king who in the days of his reign the great lord, the god Marduk, restored the sanctuaries in Esagil, his palace, and restored its daises.

... ... ... and may his name and his seed disappear from the netherworld.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, valiant, who drives out the enemies in battle, ... the sublime, who walks at the side of the king — his favorite — the one who conquers the enemies ... ... — which is in Nippur Duranki — great lord, his lord:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, selected by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil;

who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Enlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the other great gods, his lords, who allowed him to attain his desire; the one who recognized their power,

the one over whom the gods extended their eternal protection in order to appease their divine hearts and set their minds at rest;

the one who by the might of the gods Ashur, Enlil, Bel Marduk, and the Son-of-Bel Nabû, the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and 10 made all rulers submissive to him; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, renovated Ekur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, and reconfirmed their sattukku offerings; the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk, became reconciled to Babylon and again took up his residence in Esagil, his palace; the one who made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Der and his temple Edimgalkalama "House, Great Bond of the Land" and had him sit upon his eternal dais; ...

... ... ... and make his name and his descendants disappear from every land!

Q003360: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)50 _en kur-kur en_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_-asz-szur _man tin-tir-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki a_ (m)30-_pap-me_-_su man szu man kur_-asz-szur A (m)_man_-_gin man szu man kur_-asz-szur-ma é-kur É (d)50 _en_-ia ud-disz-ma tal-lak-ta-szu ki-ma u4-me _zalag_-ir

AI Translation

For the god Anu, lord of the lands, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of the world and king of Assyria: I renovated Ekur, the temple of the god Enlil, my lord, and made its procession shine like daylight.


For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, renovated Ekur, the temple of the god Enlil, my lord, and made its processional way shine like daylight.

Q003361: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)50 (d)_en kur-kur-re_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_asz man kur_-asz-szur-_ki man ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_ a-na _ti_-szu pu-kU#-dadag-ga _kisal_ (d)_en-lil-la-ke4_ ina a-gur-ru _udun ku_-tim u-rab-bi

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, the lord of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, for the sake of his life had the pukudadaga, the courtyard of the god Enlil, clad with baked bricks and decorated it with precious stones.


For the god Enlil, divine lord of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, for the sake of his life enlarged Pukudadaga in the courtyard of the god Enlil with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln.

Q003362: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)isz-tar _gaszan_ szur-bu-ti e-tel-let _an_-e u _ki_-tim qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ szA-ru-uh-ti (d)_inanna unug-ki_ ru-ba-a-ti s,ir-ti le-qa-a-ti pa-ra-as, (d)a-nU-u-tu szA ri-kis te-re-e-ti ha-am-mat ru-um-ti ti-iz-qar-ti szA a-na _lugal_ mi-ig-ri-szA ke-nisz ip-pal-la-su _bala_-szu u-szal-ba-ru i-szar-ra-ku-usz da-na-nu U li-i-ti szA-nun-ka-at Ad-na-a-ti szA-qu-ti _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bat é-nir-gAl-an-na szA qé-reb é-an-na be-let _unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki_ ti-ri-is, _szu-ii an-szar_ i-tu-ut kun lib-bi (d)_en-lil_ ni-bit (d)_amar-utu_ mi-gir (d)ir-ni-ni szA ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu a-na _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)_en-lil_ (d)é-a (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ u (d)15 _dingir-me gal-me en-me_-szu it-tak-lu-ma ni-iz-mat-su u-szak-szi-du-usz i-mu-ru da-na-an-szu-un

i-nu-ma é-an-na É (d)a-nu-u-tu na-ram (d)15 _gaszan_-ia szA _lugal_ ma-har i-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-ma i-qu-pu É-_gar8-mesz_-szu Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu as-suh te-me-en-szu u-s,ab-bi-ma ki-ma si-ma-ti-szu la-bi-ra-a-ti ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ki-ma _kur_-i re-e-szi-szu ul-li

(d)15 _gaszan_ szur-bu-ti szi-pir szu-a-tu ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma a-mat _munus-sig5_-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szA muh-hi kul-lat na-ki-ri li-szam-ri-ir _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia

ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat _ud-mesz# nun egir_-u szA ina _ud-mesz bala_-szu szi-pir szu-a-tu in-na-hu-ma ma-qit-ti i-rasz-szu-u Asz-ra-ti-szu lisz-te-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu lik-szir _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu _dingir-mesz_ i-szem-mu-u ur-rak _ud-mesz_ u-rap-pa-Asz kim-ti

szA _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti ib-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)isz-tar _gaszan gal_-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina nap-har _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar, supreme lady, queen of heaven and netherworld, queen of the gods, exalted, the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, august queen, pious one, i 5' sage of the gods, who carries out the scribal arts, who sees the might of the wild bull, who reveres the king, her favorite, and who makes his reign endure, who makes might and power surpassing, the exalted one, the one who dwells in Enirgalana, which is inside Eanna, mistress of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, the creation of the god Ashur, chosen by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil, favorite of the god Marduk, favorite of the goddess Irnini, who from his childhood trusted in the deities Ashur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and Ishtar, the great gods, his lords, and he made his might surpass their rivals.

At that time Eanna, the temple of the goddess Anutu, beloved of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which a king of the past had built — when it became old and its walls buckled, I sought out its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated sections, and reconstructed its dilapidated sections with the work of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain.

May the goddess Ishtar, supreme lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a favorable word for me be set upon her lips. May she make my weapons prevail over all my enemies.

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of a future ruler, this work falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated, may he examine its original construction and repair its dilapidated sections. May he anoint with oil an inscribed object bearing my name, make an offering, and place it in its original place. The gods will then hear his prayers. He will lengthen the days and widen his understanding.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name by some crafty device, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from all lands.


For the goddess Ishtar, supreme lady, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, most valiant of the gods, splendid, the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, august princess who has taken unto herself all divine offices of highest rank and has gathered to herself all ordinances, beloved, eminent, who looks upon the king — her favorite — with steady favor, makes his reign lengthy, and bestows on him power and victory, empress of the world, most exalted of the gods, who dwells in Enirgalana "House, Prince of Heaven" — which is inside Eanna — lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; the one to whom the god Ashur has stretched out his hand, permanently selected by the god Enlil, who was chosen by the god Marduk, favorite of the goddess Irnini; who from his childhood trusted in the gods Ashur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and Ishtar, the great gods, his lords, who allowed him to attain his desire, the one who recognized their power, the one over whom the gods extended their eternal protection in order to appease their divine hearts and set their minds at rest; the one who by the might of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, the Son-of-Bel Nabû, and Ishtar, the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and made all rulers submissive to him; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, and reconfirmed their sattukku offerings; the king during the days of whose reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, became reconciled to Babylon and again took up his residence in Esagil, his palace; the one who made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Der and his temple Edimgalkalama "House, Great Bond of the Land" and had him sit upon his eternal dais; the one who restored the splendid appearance of the great gods who had rushed to Assyria, returned them from Assyria to their proper places and reconfirmed their income; wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures in the great cult centers and has purification rites performed correctly; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of the eternal line of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria; precious scion of Baltil Ashur, one of royal lineage and ancient stock —

When Eanna, the temple of highest rank, beloved of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled, I sought its original emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, and surveyed its entire foundation. I completely rebuilt it with the work of the god Kulla according to its ancient specifications and raised its top as high as a mountain.

May the goddess Ishtar, supreme lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon her lips! May she make my weapons prevail over all my enemies!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this work falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated, may that ruler seek out its original emplacement and repair its dilapidated parts! May he anoint an inscription written in my name with oil, make an offering, and set it back in its place! The gods will then hear his prayers. He will lengthen his days and enlarge his family.

But as for the one who by some crafty device destroys an inscription written in my name or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from every land!

Q003363: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_inanna unug-ki_ e-tel-let _an_-e u _ki_-tim qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ s,ir-ti _gaszan_ szur-bu-tu ha-mi-mat pa-ra-as, (d)a-nU-u-tu sza na-gab szu-luh-hu szu-up-qu-ud-du qa-tusz-szA szA-nu-kat i-la-a-te sza ina er-me a-nu U ki-gal-li szur-ru-hu zik-ru-szA i-lat _murub4 u_ ta-ha-zi a-li-kat i-di _lugal_ mi-gir-i-szA mu-ra-Asz-szi-bat ga-re-e-szu a-szi-bat é-nir-gAl-an-na sza qé-reb é-an-na _gaszan unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki lugal_ szAh-t,u musz-te-e'-u Asz-ra-a-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pa-lih _en en-en_ ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 _u ka-dingir-ra-ki_ za-nin é-zi-da mu-ud-disz é-an-na mu-szak-lil esz-re-e-ti ma-ha-zi sza ina qé-reb-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-ti _dumu_ (m)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (m)_man_-_gin man kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-disz-disz-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_

é-nir-gAl-an-na É pa-pa-hi (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia sza qé-reb é-an-na sza _man_ mah-ri i-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-ma mi-qit-ti ir-szi Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-'e ina a-gur-ri _udun ku_-tim ma-qit-ta-szu ak-sze-er _szu-ii_ (d)_inanna unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti as,-bat-ma a-na qé-reb-szu u-sze-rib szu-bat da-ra-a-te u-szar-me _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qi usz-par-zi-ih si-ga-ar-szA

(d)_inanna unug-ki gaszan_ s,ir-ti ina qé-reb É pa-pa-hi szu-a-te ha-di-isz ina a-szA-bi-ki ia-a-ti (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ a-mat _munus-sig5_-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tuk-ki _ti-la ud-mesz su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu u_ hu-ud lib-bi szi-i-mi szi-ma-ti ina qab-lu U ta-ha-zi i-da-a-a i-tas-har-ma kul-lat na-ki-ri-ia lu-mi-isz kul-ba-bisz

ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun egir_-u sza ina _bala_-szu É pa-pa-hi szu-a-te in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti szu-me-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-ru-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun

ik-ri-bi-szu _dingir-mesz_ i-szem-mu-u sza szu-mi szat,-ru ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-ru-u-a i-ab-bat lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)_inanna unug-ki_ ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma szi-mat le-mut-tu li-szim-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-me

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, pre-eminent one of heaven and netherworld, queen of the great gods, august lady, who is the one who carries out the rites of the Anu gods, whose hands are adorned with allure and whose face is adorned with splendor, the one who is encircled with goddesses, whose name is revealed in the midst of battle and battle, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, who provides for his foes, who dwells in Enirgalana, which is inside Eanna, the lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, pious king, who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods, who reveres the lord of lords, builder of the temple of the god Ashur, builder of Esagil and Babylon, provider of Ezida, renovater of Eanna, completer of the sanctuaries of cult centers, who constantly establish good things in them, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad:

As for Enirgalana, the cella of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which is inside Eanna, which a king of the past had built, it became old and its foundation pit became dilapidated. I sought out its original emplacement and thereby secured its foundation with baked bricks colored with shining silver. I grasped the hands of the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, and made her enter inside it. I made her dwell on her eternal dais. I made splendid sacrifices and thereby secured her daises.

O goddess Ishtar of Uruk, august lady, joyfully enter into that cella with you, O me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, and may a good word for me be set upon your lips. Determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness in battle, and may my enemies be defeated in battle.

If at any time in the future, during the reign of some future ruler, this cella becomes dilapidated, may that ruler restore its weakened portions. May he write my name with his name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his own writing.

May the gods hear of the utterance of my inscribed name and may they destroy my royal inscription. May the goddess Ishtar of Uruk glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him. May she make his name and his descendants disappear from the land and have no fear.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, most valiant of the gods, august, supreme lady, who has gathered to herself all divine offices of highest rank, the one into whose hand all purification rites are appointed, empress of the goddesses, whose words are pre-eminent in heaven and netherworld, goddess of war and battle, who goes at the side of the king, her favorite, and slays his foes, who dwells in Enirgalana "House, Prince of Heaven — which is inside Eanna — lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; respectful king who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods; who reveres the lord of lords; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, provided for Ezida, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of cult centers, and constantly established appropriate procedures in them; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad —

Enirgalana "House, Prince of Heaven", the cella of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which is inside Eanna, which a previous king had built, became old and dilapidated. I sought its original emplacement and repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln. I grasped the hands of the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, brought her inside, and caused her to take up residence there forever. I offered splendid offerings and made her doorbolt extremely fine.

O goddess Ishtar of Uruk, august lady, when you are happily dwelling inside that cella, may a good word for me — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria — be set upon your lips! Determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Come to my side in war and battle so that I may squash all my enemies like ants!

If at any time in the future, during the reign of some future ruler, this cella falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state! May he write my name with his name! May he anoint with oil an inscription written in my name, make an offering, and set that inscription with an inscription written in his name! The gods will then hear his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him! May she make his name and his descendants disappear from the land and have no pity on him!

Q003364: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)na-na-a pu-su-um-ti i-la-a-ti szA _hi-li_ u ul-s,i za-a'-na-tu lu-le-e ma-la-tu bu-kur-ti (d)a-nim szit-ra-ah-ti szA ina nap-har be-le-e-ti szur-ba-a-tu e-nu-us-sa hi-rat (d)mu-zib-sa4-a ti-iz-qar-ti sek-ra-ti na-a'-it-ti na-ram-ti _nun_-u-ti-szu il-tum re-me-ni-tum a-li-kAt ri-s,i _lugal_ pa-li-hi-szA mu-szal-bi-rat pa-le-e-szu a-szi-bat é-hi-li-an-na szA qé-reb é-an-na szar-rat _unug-ki gaszan gal_-tum _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-szu-me-ru _u uri-ki lugal_ szah-t,u musz-te-e'-u Asz-ra-a-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pa-a-lih _en en-en_ ba-a-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ za-a-nin é-zi-da mu-ud-disz é-an-na mu-szak-lil esz-re-e-ti ma-ha-zi szA ina qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-a-ti

é-hi-li-an-na É pa-pa-hi (d)na-na-a _gaszan_-ia szA qé-reb é-an-na szA _lugal_ mah-ri i-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-ma mi-qit-ti ir-szi es,-re-ti-szu Asz-te-e'-i ina _sig4-al-ur-ra udun ku_-tim ma-qit-ta-szu ak-szi-ir _szu-ii_ (d)na-na-a _gaszan gal_-tum as,-bat-ma a-na qer-bi-szu u-sze-rib-ma szu-bat da-ra-a-ti u-szar-me _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qi usz-par-zi-ih szi-gar-szA

(d)na-na-a _gaszan_ s,ir-tum ina qé-reb É pa-pa-hi szu-a-ti ha-di-isz ina a-szA-a-bi-ki ia-a-ti (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na nun_ pa-a-lih-ki ina ma-har (d)_ag_ ha-a-a-i-ri-ki ti-is-qa-ri ba-ni-ti _ti ud-mesz su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-u-bi _uzu_ u hu-ud lib-bi szi-i-mi szi-ma-ti _suhusz gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti-ia u-hum-mesz szur-szi-di it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim kin-ni _bala_-u-a#

ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat _ud-mesz nun egir_-u szA ina _bala_-szu É pa-pa-hi szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti szu-mi-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-ru-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun

ik-ri-bi-szu _dingir-mesz_ i-szem-mu-u u szA szu-mi szat,-ru ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-ru-u-a ib-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)na-na-a _gaszan_ szur-bu-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma szi-mat le-mut-tim li-szim-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-isz re-e-mu

AI Translation

For the goddess Nanaya, the one who provides for the goddesses of joy and exuberance, the one who carries the luxuriance of the crown prince, the exalted goddess Anu, whose dwelling is lavish in all of the lordly abodes, the daughter of the goddess Muzibsâ, the pure, the pure, the beloved of his princely majesty, the merciful one who goes at the side of the king who reveres her, the one who makes his reign supreme, the one who dwells in Ehiliana, which is inside Eanna, the queen of Uruk, the great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, pious king, the one who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods, the one who reveres the lord of lords, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, provided for Ezida, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of cult centers, and established proper procedures in them.

As for Ehiliana, the cella of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, which is inside Eanna, which a king of the past had built, it became old and its foundations had buckled. I reconstructed its dilapidated sections with baked bricks colored with gold and thereby secured its foundations. I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanaya, the great lady, and made it enter inside it. I made it shine like daylight and made splendid offerings. I decorated its structure with splendor.

O Nanaya, august lady, when you joyfully enter that cella, I, Esarhaddon, the prince who reveres you, in the presence of Nabû, your ally, have determined as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. I have firmly established the foundations of my royal throne and made my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld.

In the future, in days to come, may a later prince, during his reign, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he write my name with his own name. May he anoint with oil an inscription written in my name, make an offering, and place it with his own inscription.

May the gods hear his prayers, may they make an inscribed object bearing my name appear in a sealed document, may my royal inscription be erased from its place. May the goddess Nanaya, supreme lady, glare at him angrily and determine for him a just fate. May she make his name and his descendants disappear from the land and have no pity on him.


For the goddess Nanaya, veiled one of the goddesses, who is adorned with attractiveness and joy and full of glamour, splendid daughter of the god Anu, whose lordship is supreme among all ladies, eminent spouse of the god Muzibsâ, praised sekretu, beloved of his majesty, compassionate goddess, who goes to the help of the king who reveres her, who prolongs his reign, who dwells in Ehiliana "House, Luxuriance of Heaven" — which is inside Eanna — queen of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; respectful king who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods; who reveres the lord of lords; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, provided for Ezida, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of cult centers, and constantly established appropriate procedures in them; son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad —

Ehiliana "House, Luxuriance of Heaven", the cella of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, which is inside Eanna, which a previous king had built, became old and dilapidated. I sought its original ground-plan and repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln. I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanaya, great lady, brought her inside, and caused her to take up residence there forever. I offered splendid offerings and made her doorbolt extremely fine.

O goddess Nanaya, august lady, when you are happily dwelling inside that cella, speak well of me — Esarhaddon, the prince who reveres you — before the god Nabû, your husband! Determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a great mountain! Establish my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld!

If at any time in the future, during the reign of some future ruler, this cella falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state! May he write my name with his name! May he anoint with oil an inscription written in my name, make an offering, and set that inscription with an inscription written in his name! The gods will then hear his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, destroys an inscription written in my name, or changes its position, may the goddess Nanaya, supreme lady, glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him! May she make his name and his descendants disappear from the land and have no pity on him!

Q003365: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)na-na-a szar-rat _unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri u _uri-ki_ musz-te-e'-u Asz-rat _dingir-me gal-me_ ba-nu-u É _an-szar_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ mu-ud-disz é-an-na mu-szak-lil esz-ret kul-lat ma-ha-zi sza ina qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-ti ka-szid ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza gi-mir ma-li-ki u-szak-ni-szu sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (m)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_-asz-szur _dumu_ (m)_man_-_gin man kur_-asz-szur-_ki_

é-hi-li-an-na É pa-pah (d)na-na-a _gaszan_-ia sza (m)na-zi-muru-tasz _man ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-pu-szu (m)eri-ba-mar-duk _man ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u-ke-esz-szu-u la-ba-risz il-lik-ma ma-qit-ti ir-szi Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-'e ina a-gur-ri _udun ku_-tim ma-qit-ta-szu ak-szir _szu-ii_ (d)na-na-a _gaszan_-ia as,-bat-ma a-na qer-bi-szu u-sze-rib szu-bat da-rat u-szar-me

szi-pir szA-a-szu (d)na-na-a ha-disz ina nap-lu-si-szA ia-a-ti (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man kur_-asz-szur _man ka-disz-ki_ a-mat _munus-sig5_-ia ina ma-har (d)_muati en_-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szA

sza szu-mi szat,-ru ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-bat lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)na-na-a ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal-liq

AI Translation

To the goddess Nanaya, queen of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the one who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods, the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, completed Eanna, completed all the cult centers that were established inside them, conqueror from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, the one who subdued all rulers; son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria:

As for Ehiliana, the cella of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, which Nazi-Murrutash, king of Babylon, had built, and which Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon, had built anew, he became old and had fallen into disrepair. I constantly sought out its original emplacement. I surrounded its ruined site with baked bricks colored with shining silver. I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, and made her enter inside it. I made her dwell in a place of relaxation.

As for me, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, may the god Nanaya, who loves his work, make an appeal to my good deeds in the presence of the god Nabû, my lord.

Whoever erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Nanaya glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear.


For the goddess Nanaya, queen of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods; the one who reconstructed the temple of the god Ashur, rebuilt Esagil and Babylon, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of all of the cult centers, and constantly established appropriate procedures in them; the one who conquered from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and the one who made all rulers submissive to him; son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the land of Sumer and Akkad —

Ehiliana "House, Luxuriance of Heaven", the cella of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, which Nazi-Maruttash, king of Babylon, had built, and which Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon, had shored up, became old and dilapidated. I sought its original emplacement and repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln. I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanaya, my lady, brought her inside, and caused her to take up residence there forever.

When the goddess Nanaya looks upon this work with pleasure, may a good word for me — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon — be set upon her lips before the god Nabû, my lord!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Nanaya glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear!

Q003366: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_inanna unug-ki# gaszan kur-kur-ra#_ (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-disz#-ki man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti A (m)30-_szesz_(?)#-_mesz_-_su man szu man kur#_-asz-szur-_ki a_ (m)_man_-_gin# man szu man kur#_-asz-[szur]-_ki#_ ana _ti_-szu é-an-na É# (d)a-nu-u-ti# ud-disz-ma _gim_ u4-me _zalag_-ir

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, mistress of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the four quarters, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, renovated Eanna, the temple of the Anu gods, for the sake of his life and made it shine like daylight.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, lady of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, and king of the four quarters, son of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, renovated Eanna "House of Heaven", the temple of highest rank, for the sake of his life, and made it shine like daylight.

Q003367: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)[_inanna_ (_unug-ki_)] _gaszan kur#-kur-ra_ (m)#_an-szar_-_pap_-[_asz_] _man kur#_-asz-szur _man ka-disz-ki#_ ana _ti_(?)#-[szu/szu(?)] é(?)#-[an(?)]-na(?) É# (d)a-nU-u-ti ud-disz-ma ki-ma u4-me _zalag_-ir(*)

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, lady of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, renovated Eanna, the temple of the Anunitu gods, for his life and made it shine like daylight.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, lady of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and king of Babylon, renovated Eanna "House of Heaven", the temple of highest rank, for the sake of his life, and made it shine like daylight.

Q003368: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana# (d)[_inanna_] _unug-ki# gaszan#_ é-an-na _gaszan# kur-kur gaszan_-[szu] (m)(d)_an-szar_-_pap#_-_asz man szu# man kur_-asz-szur#-_ki gir-nita tin-tir#_-[_ki_] _man kur_-_eme-gi7_ u ak#-[ka-di-i] _a#_ (m)(d)30-_pap-me_-_su#_ [_man szu_] [_man_] _kur#_-asz-szur#-_ki_ [A (m)_man_-_gin_] _man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ [é-an]-na [É (d)a]-nU-u-ti u#-[ud-disz-ma] ki-ma# [u4]-me _zalag_-ir#

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, lady of Eanna, lady of the lands, his lady: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria, renovated Eanna, the temple of the Anunitu, and made it shine like daylight.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, lady of Eanna, lady of the lands, his lady: Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, renovated Eanna, the temple of highest rank, and made it shine like daylight.

Q003369: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_iszkur_ a-szib _uru_-gu-za-na _en_-szu (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur asz dumu_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ ana _tin_-szu _du_

AI Translation

For the god Adad, who resides in the city Guzana, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, dedicated this for his life.


For the god Adad, who resides in the city Guzana, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, made this bucket for his long life.

Q003370: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz kur_-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku-si

AI Translation

Palace of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria: booty from Egypt and Kush.


The palace of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria: this is booty from Egypt and Kush.

Q003371: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_szu umun_-szu _asz_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz_ ana _ti_-szu _ba_

AI Translation

To the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, presented this object for the sake of his life.


To the god Marduk, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, gave this eyestone for his long life.

Q003372: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana (d)tasz-me(?)]-tum

[_gaszan_-szu _asz_]-_pap_-_asz_ [_man kur asz_ ana] _ti_-szu [u _ti_(?)] _dumu_(?)#-_mesz_-szu [_du_]-ma# _ba_

AI Translation

To Tashmetu.

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, did for his life and the lives of his sons and grandchildren,


For the goddess Tashmetu, his lady:

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, made and dedicated this object for his long life and for the long life of his children.

Q003373: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] U [...] [...]-ti# (d)_utu_-szi [...] [... e-zi]-iz lib-[bi ...] [...] u-sah-hu-[u ...] [...] _ud erim_ [...] [...] u-szaq-qi-ma# [...] [...] im(?)#-gur-(d)_en-lil_ x [...] [...] il#-lu-u-ni bi-[...] [...] x _bad lugal#_ [... u-hu]-um-mesz [szur-szu-du]

AI Translation

... and ... ... the sun ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Imgur-Enlil ... ... ... they came ... ... the wall of the king ... they made supreme.


... ... ... ... the sun ... heart was angry ... ... ... ... ... I raised and ... Imgur-Enlil ... ... ... ... ... a wall a king ... to be as secure as a great mountain for far-off days.

Obverse Column ii


[...] ma-mit [...] [...] _szu# bi_ a-na# [...] u-szib-ma _un-mesz_ [...] [(x)] x-si-na ib-ni-ma _ugu_ [...]

[é]-dur-gi-na szu-bat (d)[_lugal_-_gisz-asal_] [szA] qé#-reb _lam_xKUR-_ru_-[_ki_] [x (x)]-szu is,-bat-ma ana esz-szu-ti _du#_-[usz]

[(d)_lugal_]-_gisz-asal_ (d)_ag_ u (d)[_amar-utu_(?)] [(d)]nin(?)#-sag-gir-gi u (d)dumu-[zi] [_dingir_]-_mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-[szu] [x (x)]-szu-nu u-szaq-qu [...]

[(d)é-a u] (d)asal-lu2-hi ina né-me-qi-szu-[nu s,i-ru-ti]

AI Translation

... the curse ... ... ... he ... to ... and the people ... he built and over .

As for Edurgina, the abode of the god Lugal-gasalli, which is inside the land Elam, he took hold of ... and built it anew.

Lugal-shala, Nabû and Marduk, Ninsaggirgi and Dumuzi, the gods dwelling inside it, ... their ... they destroyed.

Ea and Asalluhi, with their exalted wisdom,


... oath ... ... to ... he placed and ... the people. He built their ... ... and ... over ...

As for Edurgina, the dwelling of the god Bel-sharbi that is inside of Bash, he took its ... and built it anew. The gods Bel-sharbi, Nabû and Marduk, and Ninsaggirgi and Dumuzi, the gods living in it, they raised up their ....

As for Edurgina, the dwelling of the god Bel-sharbi that is inside of Bash, he took its ... and built it anew. The gods Bel-sharbi, Nabû and Marduk, and Ninsaggirgi and Dumuzi, the gods living in it, they raised up their ....

The gods Ea and Asalluhi, by their exalted wisdom,

Q003374: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[u-hum]-mesz szur-szu-du [ana u4-me] s,a-a-ti [...] _zabar#_ szip-ki [... bu]-szul-szu i-hi-it,-ma [...] u-s,ab-bi [ul-tu _usz8_-szu a]-di# gaba-dib-bi-szu [i-pu-usz gi]-mir# pa-as-qi-szu [...]-ka# szA mah-ra [...] _gu-du8-a-ki#_

AI Translation

In the future, ... ... ... ... ... ... his goods he abandoned and ... he took away. From his foundations to its crenellations he built and all of his cultic rites ... ... which before ... Cutha


to be as secure as a great mountain for far-off days. ... cast bronze ... he oversaw its smelting and examined ... He built from its foundations to its parapets, ... all of its copings ... ... ... Cutha,

Obverse Column ii


(d)é-a u (d)asal-lu2-hi ina né-me-qi-szu-nu s,i-ru-ti _ka-luh-u-da ka-du8-u-da ka_-szu-nu ip-tu-ma ina at-ma-ni-szu-nu s,i-ru-ti u-szar-ma-[a] ki-gal-la-szu-nu el-lu szA du-ur u4-[me] mu-szA-an-di-il ma-ha-[zi] mu-rap-pisz É-_kur-mesz dingir-mesz_ ra#-[bu-u-ti] szA ul-tu ul-la [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

The gods Ea and Asalluhi, with their exalted wisdom, opened the kaloosu-vessels and the kadudu-vessels of their gates and made their pure cult centers resplendent. They extended their sanctuaries for ever after, enlarged the cult centers, and enlarged the temples of the great gods, which from ancient times ... ... .


The gods Ea and Asalluhi, by their exalted wisdom, opened their mouths with "the washing of the mouth" and "the opening of the mouth" rites and had them dwell on their pure pedestals in their lofty cellas for all time. The one who expanded the cult centers, enlarged the temples of the great gods, which from ancient times ... ... ...

Obverse Column iii


ina ep-sze-e-ti-szu-nu dam-[qa-a-ti] (d)_amar-utu_ [_en gal en_-ia] _suhusz# gisz-gu_-[_za lugal_-u-ti-szu-nu] [x] x [...]

AI Translation

Through their good deeds, the god Marduk, the great lord, my lord, ... the foundation of their royal throne ... .


Through their good deeds, may the god Marduk, the great god, my lord, ... the foundation of their royal throne ... ... ...

Q003375: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


x [...] mu-za-'i-iz# [is-qa-a-ti] a-na _un-mesz_ x x [...] mu-pat-tu-u _id-mesz_ mu-szam-me-eh ri-'i-i-tu masz-qi-tu szA szu-tu-rat nab-nit-su _dingir_ rasz-bu na-Asz _gisz-ku-an_ ez-zu ka-szid a-a-bi mu-szam-qit _hul#_ x (x) x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... who makes ...s a spectacle for the people ... ... who opens rivers, who makes the ri'itu-demon a spectacle, whose creation is the great god, who carries a fierce bow, who defeats the enemy, who causes evil to ... ... .


... ... the one who distributes shares to the ... people, ..., the one who opens canals, and the one who makes the pasturage and watering places flourish; whose countenance is excellent, the awe-inspiring god, the bearer of the furious mace, the one who conquered the enemy, overthrew evil, ... ...

Obverse Column ii


[...] x ki-sit-tu s,a-a-[tu] ÉNSI# s,i-i-ri# _gir-nita tin-tir-ki nun_ ke-[e-nu] ti-ri-is, (d)_en_-[_lil_] re-e-szu# szA-ah#-[tu]

AI Translation

... ..., exalted vice-regent, governor of Babylon, true prince, protégé of the god Enlil, the exalted first-born,


... ..., ancient stock, sublime ruler, governor of Babylon, true prince, the one to whom the god Enlil has stretched out his hand, reverent servant,

Obverse Column iii


[x] _te_(?) _me_(?)# [...] [(x)] x-a _gar ma_ [...] [x]-szu#-un masz-kan# [...] [...] x-a _lugal lugal_ [...] [...] x at-ta# [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... their ... ... ... ... king ...


No translation possible

Obverse Column v


[i]-na# _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz#_-[ia] [szA] _e11_-ma u-ma-a-ru ma-a-tu [É(?)] szu-a-tu i-la-ab-bi-ru-ma [an]-hu#-us-su u-da-szu [_mu-sar_-ru]-u szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia [li-mu-ur-ma] _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi [szu-mi] it#-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur [ana Asz-ri]-szu# lu-ter ep-sze-tu-u-a [lit-ta-'i-id] _mu-sar#_-[ru-u ...]

AI Translation

among the kings, my descendants, who come up and see the light of day, may they destroy that land and destroy that temple. May they find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, return it to its place, and listen to my prayers. An inscribed object .


May one of the kings, my descendants, who comes forth to rule the land, read an inscription written in my name when this temple becomes old and when he renovates its dilapidated sections, and may he anoint it with oil, make an offering, write my name with his name, and return it to its place. May he respect my inscriptions ...

Q003376: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _lugal_(?)# _ta na_ É x [...] [...] szu#-bat ne-eh-te u-sze-[szib ...] [...]-i _kur_ be-li e-ti(?)#-[...] [...] x _me kaskal-ii_ szA(?)-ti _nig-szu_ sza(?) u-du(?)#-[...] [...] x-_mesz_ sza é-sag-gil u _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [...]

[...] x _ku_ u-sze-rib-szu-nu-ti [...] [...] x _a ti lu kisz me ib ri_ x x [...] [...] x-il am-ra kad-ra-a-[a ...] [...] _um_(?)# S,I(?) im-hur u-[...] [... i]-na# _kur_ u-hal-li-qu _kal_ [...]

[...] x _zu ma_(?)# x [...]

AI Translation

... the king ... from the house ... I settled ... in a peaceful dwelling ... ... the land, my lord, ... ... that road, the possessions ... ... of Esagil and Babylon .

... ... I brought them ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my ... ... he received ... ... ... I destroyed in the land ... .


... king ... ... I settled ... in a peaceful dwelling ... ... mountain, my lord ... ... ... that road, property of/that ... ... ... of Esagil and Babylon ....

... ... I brought them in ... ... ... ... my gifts ... he received ... ... and he ... in the land they made ... disappear ....

No translation possible

Q003377: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-szu it-ru-pu-ma# [...] [...] u-szap-szi-hu# [...] [...] _sar_(?)# [...] [...] _kur_ isz-tak-ka#-[...] [...] x _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir#_-[_ra-ki_ ...] [...]-_mesz#_-_su_ a-bu# ba-nu-u#-a [...] [...] x be-lut-su u(?)#-[...] [... ki]-sal é-masz-masz u-szar-ri#-[ih ...] [...]-x#-na É _ad_-szu x _a#_ x [...] [...] _en-mesz_-ia(?)# [...] [... pa]-pa-ah el-lu-u-tu# [...]

AI Translation

... ... he smashed ... ... he smashed ... ... ... the land ... ... king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... ... his father, who engendered me ... ... his lordship ... ... ... the courtyard of Emashmash ... ... the house of his father ... ... my lords ... a pure cella .


... they ... its ... and ... they were soothed ... ... ... the land ... 5′ ... ... king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... ... my father, who engendered me, ... his lordship ... ... made splendid the courtyard of Emashmash ... ... the house of his father ... ... my lords ... pure sanctuaries ...

Q003378: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x] x (d)_en-lil_ mal-ku pit-qu(?)-du# [(x)] [x (x)]-u#-ma ik-tar-ra-bu x [x (x)] x-du-szu _sipa_ ke-e-nu [x x (x)] [(x)] x _uzu un-mesz_ u-t,ab-bu x x x _gir#-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man eme#_-(_gi7_) u _uri#-ki_ na-ram# (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar#-pa-ni-tum# [ha]-as#-su mu-du-u _ib_(?) [x (x)] x [x] [x] x-ti (d)_ag#_ [(x)] x [...] [et,]-lum qar-du a(?)#-[szA]-red(?) kal(?) mal(?)#-ki x _gal_-tu x x x e(?)#-tel kal mal-ki [sza] (d)15# _limmu_-_dingir_ be-lut _kur-kur_ tu-ma-al-lu-u qa-tu-szu _lugal_ kul-lat kib-rat _limmu_-tim

AI Translation

... the god Enlil, the wise ruler, ... and he constantly ... ..., the true shepherd, ..., who ... the people, ..., governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the wise and pious, ... ... ... of the god Nabû ... ..., the mighty, the foremost of all rulers, ... great ..., the ruler of all rulers, whom the goddess Ishtar makes rule over all lands, king of all the four quarters,


... ... of Enlil, prudent ruler, ... ... and they were constantly blessing ... ..., true shepherd, ... whose ... they made pleasing to the people, i 5′ governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, intelligent, learned, ... ... ... of the god Nabû, ..., valiant young man, foremost of all rulers, 10′ ... hero of all rulers, whom the goddess Ishtar of Arbela entrusted to rule the lands; king of all of the four quarters, favorite of the great gods, the sun of all of the people, whose deeds are pleasing to all of the gods, i 15′ who knows how to greatly revere the great gods and is respectful of their divinity; ... ...

Obverse Column ii


x [...] al-x [...] il-ku(?)# [...] szA qé-reb [...] szu-bat-su [...] qaq-qa-ru [...] É ba-x [...] _ta usz8_-[szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu] ar-s,ip(?)# [u-szak-lil ...] szi-t,ir(?) [_mu_-ia(?) ...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ilku-disease ... whose site ... the ground ... the temple ... I built and completed from its foundations to its parapets. ... a copy of my name ... .


... ... ... ... ilku-service ... which is in ... ii 5′ its site ... ground ... the temple ... ... I built and completed from its foundations to its parapets. ... ii 10′ written in my name ... ... ...

Q003379: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [... _ta_] _kur_-mu#-[s,ur as-suh-ma ...] [...]-hu-ma# [...] [... _lugal-mesz_] _lu-nam#_-[_mesz_ ...] [... ana esz-szu-ti] ap(?)-qi(?)#-[id ...] [... _an_]-_szar_ u _dingir#_-[_mesz gal-mesz_ ...] [... u-kin] da-ri(?)#-[szam ...]

AI Translation

... ... I removed ... from Egypt and ... ... and ... kings, governors, ... I appointed ... to a new position ... I established ... the god Ashur and the great gods ... I established ... forever .


... ... ... I tore out the roots of Kush from Egypt ... ... ... kings, governors ... 5′ ... I reappointed ... the god Ashur and the great gods ... I set for all times ...

Q003380: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... U li-i-tu ki-szit-ti] _szu-ii_-ia(?)# [_edin_-usz-szu u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma ana tab]-rat [kisz-szat na-ki-ri ana s,a-at u4-me] ul-ziz

[szA _na4-na-ru-a_ szu-a-tu _ta_] Asz#-ri-szu [u-nak-kar-u-ma szu-mi sza]-at,-ru [i-pa-szi-t,u-ma _mu_-szu i-szat,]-t,a-ru [lu-u ina e-pe-ri i-kat]-ta-mu [lu-u ina _a-mesz_ i-nam-du-u lu-u] ina _izi#_ [...] [...]

AI Translation

I had ... and the radiance of my own offspring written upon it and I set it up for the enjoyment of all of the enemies in the future.

Whoever removes this stele from its place, erases my inscribed name, writes his own name, throws it into the netherworld, throws it into water, burns it with fire, ... .


... and my victory and my conquest I had written upon it and I set it up for all time for the admiration of all my enemies.

Whoever takes away this stele from its place and erases my inscribed name and writes his name, covers it with dirt, throws it into water, burns it with fire, ...

Q003381: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)(d)]_en#-zu_-_szesz_(?)-_mesz_(?)#-[_su_ ...] [... (disz)tukul]-ti#-A-é-szar2-ra [...] [...] he(?)#-gal-la [...] [...] e-pu-szu [...]

AI Translation

... Sennacherib ... Tiglath-pileser ... abundance ... he built .


... Sennacherib ... Tiglath-pileser ... abundance ... had built ....

Q003382: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(x)] x [... _un_(?)]-_mesz# unug-ki bir-mesz_ mu-ter(?)# [...]

ina u4-me#-szu-ma bu#-ul _bir-mesz_ szA (d)15 u (d)[na-na-a(?) (...)] szA ina masz-qat6-szi-na gul-lu-ta-ma pa-qi-du [la i-szu-u(?) (...)] u-pah-hi-ir-ma 60-szu _lim us5_(?)#-_udu-hi-a_ a-ki-[i ...] 6 _lim ab-gu4#-hi-a_ a-ki-i _lu_-na-qi#-da-[ti-szi-na(?) (...)] szi-rik-ti# a-bi (a)-bi-ia _lugal_-_gin#_ [...] szA it-ti bu-ul is-pu-hu u-ter Asz-[ru-usz-szu-un (...)]

_dumu-mesz_ (m)#sa-mi-ku _dumu-mesz#_ (m)a'-x [...] [_dumu-mesz_(?) (m)](d)_en#_-ram-me-ni _dumu-mesz_ (m)#[...] [_dumu-mesz_(?) (m)]x _kur_-su-nu u ia-a-ti [...] [...] u(?)#-rad-di-ma t,up-pi# [(...) Asz-t,ur(?) (...)] [...] x ina ma-har (d)15# [...] u ana(?) bu(?)#-ul _bir_(*)-_mesz_ a-na# [...] ina gi-mir _kur-kur_ x [...] _lu_(?) _lu_(?)# _u mu_ a-na x [...] ak#-s,ur ki-di(?)#-[nu-us-su-un(?) (...)]

a-na# szat-ti (d(?))#[15(?) ...] ep-sze-ti-ia5(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... the scattered people of Uruk, who .

At that time, I received the plunder of the goddesses Ishtar and Nanaya ..., who were squandered and without number ... and I received 60,000 sheep and goats like ... and 6,000 bulls like their herdsmen ... the scribal art of my father, Sargon II, ..., which he had destroyed with the plunder ... I returned them to their places .

I added the sons of Samiku, the sons of A'..., the sons of Bel-rammeni, the sons of ..., the sons of ..., the sons of ..., the land of Suen, and me ... and I ... wrote a tablet ... before Ishtar ... and for the spread of famine to ... in all lands ... ... I established their regular offerings .

On account of this, Ishtar ... my deeds .


... the scattered people of Uruk, who caused to return ....

At that time, the scattered herds of the goddesses Ishtar and Nanaya ..., those scared away from their watering place and having no caretaker ... I gathered, and 60,000 sheep and goats together with ..., 6,000 cows together with their herdsmen ..., a present of my grandfather Sargon II ... which he/they had scattered with the herds, I brought back to their places ....

The sons of Samiku, the sons of ..., the sons of Bel-rammeni, the sons of ..., the sons of ..., and me, Esarhaddon, ... ... and I inscribed their freedom on a tablet. ... in the presence of the goddess Ishtar ... and the scattered herds to ... in all lands ... 15′ ... ... I established their privileged status ....

On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar, ... look upon my good deeds with pleasure and ...



[...] ki(?)-ma# szu-mi-ia-a-ma _lugal_ e-pisz é-an-na ni-bi-ti# [...]

AI Translation

... like me, the king who built Eanna, the sanctuaries of .


... like my very name, the king who builds Eanna, the one who was chosen by the god/goddess ...

Q003383: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x (x) x] x x x [...] x x szA x x x x x [...] rap-pu la-it,-t,u u-szum-gal#-[lum ...] kab-tu szit-ra-hu szA ina s,i-in#-[di ...] sza i-na _dingir#-mesz_ gi-mir(?)# [...] gasz-ru szu-pu-u# [...] nam-ri-ir x [...] ma-al-ku x [...]

na-din _gisz-gidru_(?)# [...] _dingir_ re-me#-[...] U x [...] musz-te#-x [...] mu-ud-disz [...] a#-x x [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

Who gives the scepter ... god ... and ...


... ... ... ... ... controlling bridle, ... dragon, ..., important one, magnificent one, who ... ..., who ... among the gods ... ... mighty one, brilliant one, ... radiant, ... ... ... ruler ...,

giver of the scepter ... ... god ... and ... ... the one who ... ... who renovated ... ... ... ... ...



x x x x x x x (x) [...] szA# en-du sze-er-tu nap-szA#-a-ti# [...] _nig-szu-mesz_-szu-nu szal-lu-ti u-ter# [...] a-na a-lik ger-ri s,i-di-tu Asz-te-ri(?)#-[...] a#-na s,a-bat(?) _uru_ u e-pesz É# za-qap s,ip-[pa-a-ti ...] x _sag_ u-szar-bi-su-nu-ti#-ma par-ga#-[nisz ...] ina ul#-lu-us, lib-bi nu-um-mur pa-ni# x [...]

ki-din#-nu-su-un szA ina qa-ti# x [...] _un-mesz#_ ina hi-da-a-te u ri-szA-a(?)#-[te ...] x (x) kar#-s,i szA pat _igi-ii_ [...] [a]-na# szA-a-ri er-bet-ti [...] [x-(x)]-su#-un _ugu_ szA x [...] [... (d)]zar(?)-pa-ni-tum [...] [...] x _id_ x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... who ... the endu-priestess of the people ... I returned their valuable possessions ... I set out on a campaign of famine. ... to capture the city and to rebuild the temple, to do obeisances, ... I made them rise up and I made them stand ... with joy and radiance .

Their privileged status, which ... by the hand of ..., ... the people with joy and joy ... ... ... ... to the horizon ... their ... over ... ... the goddess Zarpanitu ... ... .


... ... on whom a capital punishment was imposed ... I returned their looted possessions ... provisions to go out on campaign ... ... I encouraged them to seize the city and build houses, plant orchards ... ... I let them dwell in security ... with joyful heart and shining countenance ...

... their privileged status, which ... ... the people with rejoicing and celebration ... ... ... in every direction ... their ... more than ... the goddess Zarpanitu ... ... ...

Q003384: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] _man kur_-ur#-ar-t,a-ma# [x (x)] sze#-tu-u#-[...] [...] x la na-szé-e hu#-bu-ut sza [...] [...] szA# _ad_ ba-ni-ia isz-ta-[...] [...]-al#-lu-u [...] [... (d)]_en#-lil a_sz-szu x [...]

AI Translation

... king of Urartu ... ... ... ... not to be sated with the blood of ... ... ... ... which the father who had engendered me ... ... ... the god Enlil, as ... .


... king of the land Urartu ... ... ... not carry, the plunder of ... whom my father, who engendered me, ... ... ... ... the god Enlil concerning ...



[...] _kur_-ba#-x [...] [...] la ni-i-x [...] [...]-su# szik-nat la-[...] [...] _sag_-ia _ugu_-szu u#-[...] [...] ih#-t,u-u _ugu_-szu u-x [...] [...]-_mu#_-_gar_-un _dumu_ (disz)(d)nin#-[...]

AI Translation

... the land Ba... ... ... ... ... ... ... my head over him ... ... he sinned against him ... ...-shuma-ishkun, son of Nin.


... the land Ba... ... ... ... ... my head ... over it/him ... ... they committed an offense against him and ... ... -shuma-ishkun, son of Nin... ... I placed on his throne. ...

Q003385: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] u-x [...] [...] el#-la-mu-u-a be-lut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ x [...] [...]-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul ih-su-sa [...] [...] x _man szu man kur_ asz-szur#-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir_-[_ra-ki_ ...] [...] sza# ina kul-lat ma-ha-zi isz-tak-ka#-[nu ...] [...] x-ia e-pisz É A-ki-ti [...] [...] (erasure) [...]

[... ina uz-ni-ia ib]-szi-ma usz-ta-bi-la# [ka-bat-ti ...] [... ki]-ma# szad-di-i ar-s,ip u-szak-lil# [...] [...]-ni# 1-en pit-qu ap-tiq-ma sza _lugal#_ [...] [... u]-szA-ni-hu-ma _ugu_ szA ia-a'-a#-[...] [...]-ia u _dingir-mesz_ (d)_inanna-mesz_ ma-la it-[...] [...] x e-siq-ma u-dan-[nin ...] [... _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_]-ere-ni _mah#-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-ha#-[ma-nim ...] [...] u-szat#-[...]

AI Translation

... ... ... whose pure face ... the lordship of Assyria ... ... he did not have and did not have ... ... king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... who established ... in all cult centers ... my ..., the construction of the Akitu temple .

... he conceived and brought to my attention ... I built and completed ... like a mountain. ... I fashioned a single piece of brick and ... that the king ... I made it larger and more splendid than ... ... I and the gods, the goddesses, as many as ... I fashioned and strengthened ... I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus ... I .


... ... ... before me the lordship of Assyria ... ... his/its ... was ... ... did not exist and he was not mindful ... king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, ... 5′ ... that he established in all of the cult centers ... my ..., the one who rebuilt the akitu-house ... erasure ....

... it was on my mind and I thought about it ... like a mountain, I built and completed ... 10′ ... ... one ... I built its brickwork and ... of/which a king ... made them work hard and in addition to ... ... my ... and as many of the gods and goddesses as ... ... I carved ... ... and strengthened ... magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Amanus ... ... ...

Q003386: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[... _kur_]-_elam-ma-ki#_ x x [...] [...] (x) x-ad _nun_ hi-x x (x) x [...] [...] x-bi(?)# szA-at-pi# x [...] [...] ri-szA#-ni x x _ad-mesz#_ x [...] [...] x-e ma-ku-tu [...] [...] x x x x ra-a-na ni-i-ti [...] [...] x sap-lu szA x x [...]

AI Translation

... the land Elam ... ... ... prince ...


No translation warranted



[...] x-ka [...] x-nu-u-si [...]-pi [...] [...] x x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Q003387: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] _lu#_-x x x x x (x) [...] x x x [...] ba#-nu-u a-ge-e _man_-ti (x) [...] _dumu-mesz lu#_-[_hal_ ...]-lu-lu _abgal_ szam-ni [...] x-szu szup-szu-uq e#-x [_kud_]-is# _esz-bar_ ma-li nam-ri-ri [...] _udu#-sila4-mesz_ szuk-lu-lu-ti# [szA la] i-szu#-u ti-rik s,u-ul-me [mim]-mu#-u ina lib-bi-szu ba-szu-u u#-szA-an-ni-an-ni# ul# u-pat-ti sza _dumu-mesz lu-hal_ pal#-ka-a ha-si-sun i-na t,up-pi isz-t,ur e-ri-im ib-ri#-im id-din-szu-nu-ti ul# is,-lul kal mu-szi a-di ip-pu-ha _kud_-is _esz#-bar en en-en_ (d)_utu_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... the creator of the royal crown ... sons of the haruspex ... the sage, the sage, the judge, the judge, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the scepter, the decision, the scepter, the scepter, the ..., the pure sheep, which had no rival, the tiriku-offering, and the scepter, everything that had been in his heart, he did not open. The haruspex wrote on a tablet, the scepter, the scepter, and the scepter gave them. He did not let them live all day until he sat down. The decision of the lord of lords, Shamash,


... ... ... creator of the royal crown ... diviners ... ... the oil expert ... ... difficult ... who makes decisions, filled with radiance, i 5′ ... perfect lambs that had no black spots. He repeated to me all that was in his heart. He did not impart it to the wise diviners, but rather he wrote it on a tablet, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and gave it to them. He did not sleep all night until the giver of decisions, the lord of lords, the god Shamash shone. i 10′ To obtain correct decisions, hands were raised praying. His favorite son prayed to the gods Shamash and Adad concerning me and he made skilled diviners kneel down before them. Until they had assigned a station and ... ... ... distressed ... ...

Obverse Column ii


ina a-szi#-[...] il#-[...]

[...] x x [...] [...] [...] _sag_-x [...]

a-dan-nu [...] (d)_sag-me_-[_nig_ ...] a-szar ni-s,ir#-[ti ...] a-na sa-din# [...] ina szA-ma-me u [qaq-qa-ri ...] _ah_-su-[us ...]

AI Translation

The appointed time ... Jupiter ... where the secrets ... to give ... in the heavens and on the earth ... I slew .


No translation possible

No translation possible

The appointed time ... Jupiter ... hypsoma ... to ... ... in heaven and on earth ... I/he thought/remembered ...

Reverse Column v


[...] [...] _lu#_-[...] a-lak _dingir_-ti-[szu ...] t,e-em# (d)_utu#_ [...] _uzu#-mesz_ ta-kil-ti szal(?)#-[mu-te ...] ik-szu-dam-ma _iti-gu4#_ [...] (d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ram#-[ma ...] _id-idigna illu_-szA isz-[sza-a ...] _ud-7-kam_ nu-bat-tu sza (d)#[...] ina _kisal_ é-szar2-ra a-szar nab#-[nit ...] ma-har _mul-mesz_ szA-ma-me (d)é-[a ...] ina szi-pir _abgal ka-luh#_-[_u-da_ ...] _ud-8-kam_ u4-mu# [...] ul-tu# [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the command of the god Shamash ... ... ... ... ... he reached fullness and ... Ayyaru II ... the god Adad abandoned his rains and ... the Tigris River, its flood ... the seventh day, the evening watch of the god ... in the courtyard of Esharra, the place where the creation of ... before the stars of heaven, the god Ea ... by the craft of the sage Kaluhuda-priest ... the eighth day, the day ... from ... .


... ... ... the going of his divinity ... v 5 order of the god Shamash ... encouraging, propitious omens ... the month Ayyaru II arrived ... the god Adad released his rains and ... the Tigris River flood rose .... v 10 The seventh day, the vigil ceremony of the goddess ..., in the courtyard of Esharra, where the creation of ..., before the stars of heaven, the god Ea, ..., through the craft of the sage "the washing of the mouth" .... The eighth day, the day ... from ... ... ...

Reverse Column vi


[x x] x x x (d)_amar-utu#_ (d)x x x x x x x x x x x x x [(d)]zar-pa-ni-tum# ina kA-hi-li-sU u-sze-szi-bu szu-bat né-eh-tu# [x] x _dingir_ ina ke#-nu _lugal_-su li-kin#-[nu] li#-szal-bi-ru _bala-mesz_-szu [(d)]a-num# an-tum ik-rib u4-me _su-mesz_ lik#-[tar]-ra#-bu-szu a-na da-ra-a-tim# [(d)_en_]-_lil#_ (d)_nin-lil_ szim-tu t,a-ab-tu szi-mat la#-ba-ri li-szim szi-mat-su [(d)]é#-a _dingir-mah_ szu-mu li-szar-szu-szu#-ma li-rap-pi-szu _numun_-szu [(d)]30 (d)_utu giskim munus#-sig5 iti_-szam la na#-par-ka-a li-tap-pi-lu a-ha-mesz#

AI Translation

... the god Marduk, the goddess ......, the goddess Zarpanitu, ..., and the goddess Zarpanitu ..., occupying the peaceful residence in Kahilisu. May the gods establish his reign in steadfastness and make his reign long. May the gods Anu and Antu make his days long and his years long. May the gods Enlil and Mullissu determine as his fate a good fate, a long life, and a destiny of old. May the god Ea, the divine majesty, make his name great and widen his descendants. May the gods Sîn and Shamash a favorable sign every month without ceasing, make their relations great.


... ... the god Marduk, the goddess ... ... the goddess Zarpanitu they seated them on a peaceful seat in Kahilisu. ... ... may they make his kingship firm and make his reign endure; may the god Anu and the goddess Antu forever pronounce for him a blessing of long days; vi 5 may the god Enlil and the goddess Mullissu decree as his destiny a good destiny and a destiny of long life; may the god Ea and the goddess Belet-ili grant him progeny and expand his offspring; may the god Sîn and the god Shamash, together, give him favorable signs monthly, without ceasing; may the god ... ... abundance, establish constant plenty and prosperity in his land; ... ... ... old age, the attainment of extreme old age ... ...; ... his favorable ...; and ... from his enemies.

Q003388: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_zag#_ [...] _ub_(?)# _sze_(?) _tu_(?)# [...] x x [... _udu-sila4-mesz_] szuk#-lu-lu-te szA# la i-szu-u ti-rik# [s,u-ul-me ...] ul# u-pat-ti szA _dumu-mesz lu-hal-mesz#_ [pal-ka-a ha-si-sun ina t,up-pi Asz-t,ur e-ri-im] ab-ri#-(im) a-din-szu-nu-ti ul as,-[lul kal mu-szi ...] [u]-qa#-a'-a nam-ru _en en-en#_ [(d)_utu_ ...] [a-na] szu#-te-szur de-e-ni ni-isz qa-ti# [na-szi-ma ...] [u-s,al]-li# (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ en-qu-u-te# [_dumu-mesz lu-hal_ u-szak-me-sa szA-pal-szu-un]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I did not open the ... of the haruspices. I wrote a detailed report on them. I did not let them live all night. ... I prayed to the bright lord of lords, the god Shamash ... to determine a case. I prayed to the gods Shamash and Adad, the mighty, and I made the haruspices bow down at their feet.


... ... ... ... perfect lambs that had no black spots ... I did not impart it to the wise diviners, but rather I wrote it on a tablet, put it in an envelope, 5′ sealed it, and gave it to them. I did not sleep all night ... I waited for the shining lord of lords, the god Shamash, ... To obtain correct decisions, hands were raised praying ... I prayed to Shamash and Adad and made skilled diviners kneel down before them.



a#-di qa-tu u-kin-nu ib-ru-u x [...] szu-te-mu-qu szap-ta-a-a pal-ha-ku(?)# [...] im#-tal-li-ku (d)i-gi-gi ip-ru-su# [...] [_uzu_]-_mesz#_ ti-kil-ti szal-mu-u-te [...] [x x] x-ni (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ szu#-[...] [...] x-ka# i-be-el _kur_ x [...] [...] x (x) x x [...]

AI Translation

Before they had established a monopoly on the trade, ... ... my supplications were heeded ... they raged against the Igigu gods ... ... pure flesh ... ... the gods Shamash and Adad ... ... ... ruled over the land ... ... .


Until they had assigned a station and inspected ... ... I was reverent with supplicating lips .... The Igigu gods took counsel and decided ... encouraging, propitious omens ... rev. 5 ... ... the gods Shamash and Adad ... ... ... will rule the land ... ... ... ...

Q003389: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x _id_ [...] [...] szi#-mat du(?)-x [...] [... (d(?))]15# i-szA-qu um-[...] [...] Asz#-lu-la szA-x [...] [...]-ag(?)#-gu lib-ba-szA ha-sze-e-szA lu# [...] [...] x-szu _nimgir_-ia tap-szu-uh-tu Asz-x [...] [...]-ti#-ik 2-tum _mu-an-na_ il-[...]

[...] x usz#-te-esz-sze-ra ka-ra-szi ab#-[...] [...]-ia# lu-u ha-mut-ti x [...] [...] x i-kar-ra-bu(?)# x [...] [...] (x) x _szu_ x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... the fate ... the goddess Ishtar ... ... I carried off ... ... her heart, her limbs ... ... ... ... ... my warriors I sinned against ... ... a second year .

... ... I made ...


... ... river ... ... ... the goddess Ishtar ... ... I plundered ... ... ... its heart, its lungs ... ... its ... ... my messenger ... ... ... year ... ...

... ... I mustered my camp ... ... my ... quickly ... ... ... they prayed ... ... ... ...

Q003390: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


[...] x [...] sza a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar#_-[x-x ...] _lugal kur an-szar_-[_ki_ ...] ina qi-bit _an-szar#_ [...]

la-ba-ni [...] sza uz-zu _en_ [...] x x [(x)] _ah_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... by the command of the god Ashur .

... ... of the womb ...


... that I, Ashur- ..., king of Assyria, ... at the command of the god Ashur ...

No translation possible

Q003391: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(Not preserved)

[...] x x [...] [...] x _du mi li#_ [...] [...] x x x _ru_ is-su-x [...]

[...] x-ma a-mir-szu la ib#-[szi ...] [... _erim_]-_mesz#_-szu a-li-ku i-di-[szu ...] [...] x a-na# [_uru_-mi]-in#-pi _uru_-szu-nu pa-ni-szu-nu isz-tak#-[nu ...] [ina] _ka#-gal-mesz uru_ su-qa-ti-szu U re-ba-ti-[szu ...] ak#-mi-szu-nu-ti-ma i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ a-nar-szu-nu-ti# [...] i-tam-kip-ma mur-ni-is-qu U t,i-bi-ih _gisz-gigir-mesz_ a-_mes_ x [...] i-na _sila-dagal-la uru_ szA-lam-ti-szu-nu _ugu_ a-ha-mesz [...] i-na _sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu _uru-an-za-gar-mesz_ e-pu-usz# [...]

_egir an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_utu_ [...] _u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim ma#-[la ba-szu-u ...] u-s,al-lu-ma u-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib#-[bi-ia ...] a-na É-_gal_-szu masz-szi-i'-ti u-x [...] _dam-mesz_-szu _dumu-mesz_-szu _u dumu-munus-mesz#_-[szu ...] [szA] ki#-ma szA-szu-ma _gim esir_ s,al-mu _uzu-mesz_-szu#-[nu ...] [szal]-lat# É-_gal_-szu 8 _lim gun ku-babbar sahar-hi-a_ szad-[di-szu ...] [...] _gun ku-gi_ ru#-usz-szu-u# _na4-mesz_ a-qar-tu# [...]

AI Translation

... not preserved

... ... and its surroundings did not exist ... his troops who were marching with him ... ... they set up camp before them in the city Minpi, their city. ... I captured them at the city gates, its streets, and its alleys ... I killed them with the sword ... and they were frightened by fear and terror of the chariotry and water ... in the square of the city, their cult center, over one another ... I built a fortress for them on their heads.

After the gods Ashur, Marduk, Shamash, ... and the great gods of heaven and netherworld, as many as there were, ... they made me gather and made me dwell in his beloved palace ... ... his wives, his sons, and his daughters, ... whose flesh is as white as a seal ... the possessions of his palace, 8,000 talents of silver, its bricks, ... talents of gold, his own precious stones, .


Not preserved

No translation possible

... ... and there was no one who could find him ... his troops, who march at his side, ... ... they started out toward Memphis, their city; ... in the city gates, its streets and its squares ... I captured them and killed them with the sword .... 15 Jostled, I ... ... thoroughbreds and the ... of chariots. I heaped their corpses upon each other in the city square ...; I made piles with their heads ....

After I had prayed to the gods Ashur, Marduk, Shamash, ... and the great gods of heaven and netherworld, as many as there are, ... and after they had granted my heart's desire ... I ... ... into his plundered palace ... his wives, his sons, and his daughters ... whose skin, like his, was as black as pitch, ... the plunder of his palace: eight thousand talents of silver, ore from its mountain, ... talents of red gold, precious stones, ...,



mim#-ma szum-szu# bu-sze-e# szad-lu-[ti ...] x _me# 20 sagszu ku-gi gal-mesz_ szA _sag_ [...] szA ba-asz-mu _ku#-gi u musz-mesz ku-gi_ ina muh#-[hi szak-nu ...] 2-_ta_ szi-bir-ti _na4_-asz-gi-gi-_mesz_ nab-nit _kur_-[e ...] szA 5-_ta-am gun-mesz_ szu-qul-ta#-[szu-nu ...] 50 _lim ansze-kur#-ra-mesz_ dan-nu-ti s,i-mit-ti# [ni-ri ...] 60-szu _lim gu4-mah-mesz_ kab-ru-ti nap-tan _nun_-[u-ti-szu ...] la# mi-na _udu-nita-mesz#_ szA _kun gu4-mesz_ szak-[nu ...] _u gada-mah-mesz_ la ni#-bi s,u-bat ba-[al-ti ...]

AI Translation

... ... 200 large gold scepters, whose heads are ..., whose heads are decorated with gold and gold ..., whose tails are decorated with gold and ..., two scepters of aszgikkû-stone, the creation of the mountains, ..., whose weight is five talents each, ..., 50,000 strong horses, sling-daggers, ..., 60,000 mighty bulls, the food of his princely majesty, ..., without number of oxen, whose tails are decorated with gold, ..., and linen garments, without number, the garments of armor, .


every kind of thing, vast amounts of goods, ... ... hundred and twenty large gold headdresses from the heads of ... on which were set golden vipers and golden serpents ... two pieces of ashgigû-stone, a creation of the mountains, ... 30 whose weight was five talents each, ... fifty thousand strong horses, broken to the yoke, ... sixty thousand fattened choice oxen destined for his princely banquets, ... countless ..., sheep with tails of oxen, ... and innumerable choice linen robes, festive garments, ... 35 utensils of silver, gold, bronze, ebony, leather, ... ... everything that there is, which ... ... for his kingship ... ..., living creatures, ... whose body was red and white, ... ... ... ... which have the ... of a stag and which no one ... which cannot be found in city or land ... ... ...

Q003392: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] [...]-pisz#-ma _ugu_ szA x [...] [...] x-nu qé-reb _uru_-asz#-[...] [...]-_ra# ki ti lam nu_ (d)#[...] [...]-li-ku ab#-[...] [...] x _usz a ra#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... and ... over ... inside the city Ash... ...


No translation possible

Q003393: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(...)] (disz)(d)asz-szur-[(...)] [(...)]-e-tel-_dingir-mesz_-[(...)]

AI Translation

... Ashur-..., ...-etel-ilani-.


... Ashur-...-etel-ilani-...

Q003394: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar#_-[x-x ... _kur_ asz]-szur-_ki#_

AI Translation

The palace of Ashur-..., ... of Assyria.


The palace of Esarhaddon ... king of Assyria.

Q003395: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _a#_ (disz)(d)#30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ [...]

AI Translation

... descendant of Sennacherib, king .


... son of Sennacherib, king ....

Q003396: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)](d)#asz-szur-_pap_-[_asz_ ...]

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon .


... Esarhaddon ....

Q003397: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)asz-szur-_pap_]-_asz man szu_ [...]

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon, king of the world, .


... Esarhaddon, king of the world, ....

Q003398: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)](d)#30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

... Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


... son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

Q003399: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar#_-[x-x ...]

AI Translation

The land of Ashur-... .


The palace of Esarhaddon ....

Q003400: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _man# szu man kur an-szar-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-[_pap-mesz_-_su_ ...]

AI Translation

... king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib .


... king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, ....

Q003401: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)_an_]-_szar#_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur#_ [_asz a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

... Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


... Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

Q003403: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA (f)é-szar2-ra-ha-mat _munus-kur_ szA (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz_

AI Translation

Property of Esharra-hamat, slave of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


Property of Esharra-hammat, wife of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

Q003404: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [(x)] [x x] É# szu-a-tu# [(x)] x x x [(x)] [(x)] É _ki-mah_ x szA(?)# (f)é-szar2-(ra)-ha-mat _munus#_-É-_gal_-szu u(?)-szad(?)-gil(?)# [x x (x)]

AI Translation

... ... that house ... a ..., a chapel ... which Esharra-hamat, his queen, had made .


... ... ... that house ... ..., the tomb of Esharra-hammat, his wife, ... ....

Q003405: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_lugal kur_ asz-szur]-_ki#_ kal#-lat (disz)#[_man_(?)]-_gi-na# lugal#_ kisz-szA#-ti _lugal# kur_ [asz]-szur#-_ki ama#_ (disz)asz-[szur]-_pap#_-_asz lugal#_ kisz-szA#-ti _lugal# kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_-ma (d)#asz-szur (d)30 (d)#_utu_ (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu#_ [(d)15 szA] _nina#-ki_ [(d)15 szA _limmu_]-_dingir#-ki_

AI Translation

king of Assyria, offspring of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, and the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela —


I, Zakutu/Naqi'a, ... wife of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, i 5′ mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria; the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela,

Obverse Column ii


x x [...] is-pu-nu-[ma] _lugal-mesz_ szA kib-rat _limmu#_ id-du-u s,er-re-e-tu#

_un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti na-ki-ri hu-bu-ut _gisz-pan_-szu sza a-na esz-qi _en_-u-ti-ia isz-ru-ka _gisz_-al-lu tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_

qaq-qa-ru pu-s,e-e ina _murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki_ [ku]-tal# É (d)30 u (d)_utu_ [ana mu-szab(?)] _lugal#_-u-ti [sza (disz)asz]-szur-_pap#_-_asz_ [_dumu_ na-ram lib]-bi#-ia [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

... ... they seized and slew the kings of the four quarters of the world.

As for the people of the lands over which I gained dominion, the ones who had cast off his bow, whom he had sent to exercise lordship over me, he had them carry baskets and baskets and they brought bricks.

A vacant lot in the citadel of Nineveh, behind the temple of the gods Sîn and Shamash, for the kingship of Esarhaddon, my beloved son, ... ... .


... ... who flattened his foes and fastened lead-ropes on the kings of the four quarters —

He Esarhaddon gave to me as my lordly share the inhabitants of conquered lands, foes plundered by his bow. I made them carry hoe and basket, and they made bricks.

I ... a cleared tract of land in the citadel of the city of Nineveh, behind the temple of the gods Sîn and Shamash, for a royal residence of Esarhaddon, my beloved son, ... ...

Obverse Column iii


[...] x [...] x [...] x x [...] x u-szat-ri#-[s,a _ugu_-szu] _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur#-min_ szu-ta-ha-a-ti qisz-ti _dumu_-ia u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu É szu-a-tu ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil lu-le-e# u-ma-al-li

(d)asz-szur (d)_masz-masz_ (d)30 (d)szA-masz (d)_iszkur_ u (d)isz-tar (d)_ag#_ u (d)_amar#-utu dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _nina-ki_ ina qer-bi-szu aq-re-e-ma# _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-te eb-bu-u#-[ti] ma(?)-har(?)#-[szu-un(?)]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... I fastened bands of silver on it. I fastened bands of gold on doors of cypress, the favorite of my son, and I installed them in its gates. I built and completed that temple. I filled it with splendor.

I invited inside it the deities Ashur, Nergal, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar, Nabû, and Marduk, the gods who live in Nineveh, and I made splendid sacrifices before them.


... ... ... I roofed it with ... and I installed matching doors of cypress, a gift for my son, in its gates. I built and completed that house and filled it with splendor.

I invited the gods Ashur, Ninurta, Sîn, Shamash, Adad and Ishtar, Nabû and Marduk, and the gods who reside in Nineveh inside it and offered sumptuous pure offerings before them.

Obverse Column iv


_lugal_ [...] _ugu_ x [...] mim-ma# x [...] x [...] ru#-[...]

a-szib x [...] lil-bur [...] (d)_alad_ x [...] (d)_lamma_ mu-szal#-li-mu# qé#-reb-szu ip-qi-du-ma it-ta-ru-u ka-a-a-an

(disz)(d)asz-szur-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu#_ na-ram lib-bi-ia# ina qer-[bi-szu] aq-re-e#-[ma] Asz-ta#-[kan] x [...]

AI Translation

The king ... over ... anything ...

The protective deity ... ... the protective deity, who preserves life, appointed in it a guardian and constantly praised it.

I invited Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, my beloved son, inside it and established ... .


king ... over ... ... whatever ... ... ... ... ... ...

who resides ... may ... endure. The ... shedu and the safeguarding lamassu took care of its interior and constantly looked after it.

I invited Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, my beloved son, inside it and established ... ...

Obverse Column v


[...]-szu# x x (x) x-ki# u-szA-Asz-kin# mim-ma aq#-ru hi-sze-eh-ti# É-_gal_ si-mat _lugal_-u-ti# a-na (disz)asz-szur#-_pap_-[_asz_] _dumu_ na#-[ram lib-bi-ia]

AI Translation

... ... I had ... made. I gave everything that was needed, the luxuriant palace, the emblem of kingship, to Esarhaddon, my beloved son, ...


... ... ... I had ... ... instituted. I ... for Esarhaddon, my beloved son, anything of value that a palace requires and is befitting kingship.

Q003406: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _lugal_(?)# [...] [... _munus_]-É-_gal_ x [...] [(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# lugal_ kisz-szA-ti# [_lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [kal-lat (disz)_man_-_gi-na lugal_ kisz-szA-ti] _lugal# kur_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_ama_ (disz)asz-szur]-_szesz#_-_sum-na lugal_ kisz-[szA]-ti _lugal kur_ [asz-szur-_ki_-ma]

[(d)asz-szur (d)30] (d)#_utu_ (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)#[15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_] [(disz)asz-szur-_szesz_]-_sum-na dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-ia ina _gisz-gu-za ad_-szu t,a-bisz# [u-szi-bu] [...] x dam-qu u-sze-s,u-u a-na re#-[sze-ti] [ul-tu tam]-tim# e-li-ti a-di tam-tim szap-[li-ti] [...] it#-tal-la-ku-ma ma-hi-ra la i#-[szu-u] [... ga-re]-e-szu is-pu-nu-ma _lugal-mesz_ szA kib-rat _limmu_-tim id-du-u s,er#-[re-e-tu]

[_un-mesz kur-kur_] ki#-szit-ti na-ki-ri hu-bu-ut _gisz_-[_pan_-szu] [sza a-na esz-qi] be-lu-ti-ia a-na szi-rik-ti isz-ru#-[ka] [_gisz_-al-lu] tup#-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il#-[bi-nu _sig4_]

[qaq-qa-ru pu-s,e-e ina] _murub4 uru_ szA _nina#-ki_ ku-[tal É (d)30 u (d)_utu_]

AI Translation

... king ... queen ... Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, offspring of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria,

Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû and Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, and Esarhaddon, my own offspring, sat on the throne of his father. They brought good ... to the fore. They marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, and they did not have a rival. ... they gathered his forces and they killed the kings of the four quarters of the world.

As for the people of the lands over which I gained dominion and who had cast down his bow, whom he had given as a gift for exercising my lordship, he had them carry baskets and baskets and they brought bricks.

A vacant lot in the citadel of Nineveh, behind the temple of the gods Sîn and Shamash,


... king ... Zakutu/Naqi'a ... wife ... ... Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria;

the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nabû, and Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela gladly placed Esarhaddon, my offspring, upon the throne of his father, ... whose good ... ... they made pre-eminent ... who marched ... from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and who does not have an equal therein; and who flattened his foes and fastened lead-ropes on the kings of the four quarters —

He Esarhaddon gave to me as my lordly share and as a gift the inhabitants of conquered lands, foes plundered by his bow. I made them carry hoe and basket, and they made bricks.

I ... a cleared tract of land in the citadel of the city of Nineveh, behind the temple of the gods Sîn and Shamash,

Q003407: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)be-let-_uru-nina-ki_ a-szi-bat é-masz-masz#

_gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan_-szA (f)na-qi-'a-a _munus_-É-_gal_ sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ kal-lat (disz)_man_-_gi-na lugal szu lugal kur an-szar_ tu-sze-pisz-ma _gaba ku-gi husz-a_ sza tam-lit _na4_ ni-siq-ti sza 3 _ma-na 3-i-mesz ki-la_

a-na _ti zi-mesz_ sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal kur an-szar dumu_-szA U szA-a-szA ana _ti-la_-szA _gin bala-mesz_-szA _silim numun_-szA _ga_-ma _ba_-isz

AI Translation

To the goddess Belet-Ninua, who resides in Emashmash:

Naqi'a, the queen of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, had made and she was wearing a reddish gold gown with a design of precious stones measuring 3 1/3 minas.

For the preservation of the life of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, her son, and for the prolongation of her reign, the well-being of her offspring, and the well-being of her offspring, she dedicated this.


To the goddess Belet-Ninua, who resides in Emashmash, great queen, her lady:

Naqi'a, wife of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, commissioned a pectoral of red gold, which was inlaid with precious stones weighing 3 3/4 minas.

She presented and dedicated this object for the preservation of the life of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, her son, and for her own life, for the stability of her reign, and for the well-being of her offspring.

Q003408: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana szar#-rat (d)_nin-lil_ a-szi-bat é-szar2-ra _gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan_-szA

(f)za-ku-tu _munus_-É-_gal_ sza (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ kal-lat (disz)_lugal_-_gin man szu man kur asz ama_ (disz)_asz_-_szesz_-_asz man szu man kur asz_-ma tu-sze-pisz-ma al-gu-_mes ku-gi_ sza tam-lit _na4-zu na4_-[x x (x)] _na4-gug na4-babbar-dili na4-babbar-min5 na4#_-[x x (x)]

1 1/2 _ma-na za-gin ki-la_ a-na _ti-la_ (disz)asz-szur-[_pap_-_asz dumu_-szA] U szA-a-szA ana _ti-la_-szA _gid-da_ [_ud-mesz_-szA] _gin bala-mesz_-szA _silim numun_-szA _ga_-[ma _ba_-isz]

AI Translation

To the queen, the goddess Mullissu, who dwells in Esharra, the great lady, her lady:

Zakutu, the queen of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, daughter of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, had fashioned and ... gold ... with a cast of your own name, ...-stone, carnelian, papparminu-stone, ...-

Ashurnasirpal, her son, and her offspring, have given 1 1/2 minas of lapis lazuli as a gift for her life, the lengthening of her days, the lengthening of her reign, the well-being of her offspring, and the well-being of her offspring.


To the queen, the goddess Mullissu, who resides in Esharra, great queen, her lady:

Zakutu, wife of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, commissioned a gold ... that was inlaid with obsidian, ...-stone, carnelian, pappardilû-stone, papparminu-stone, ...-stone, and lapis lazuli weighing 1 1/2 minas.

She presented and dedicated this object for the preservation of the life of Esarhaddon, her son, and for her own life, for the lengthening of her days, the stability of her reign, and for the well-being of her offspring.

Q003409: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)x [x (x)]

(f)za-ku-tu _munus_-É-_gal_

AI Translation

to the god ...

Zakutu, queen;


To the goddess DN:

Zakutu, wife of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, dedicated this object for the long life of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, her son, and for her long life.

Q003410: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana (d)be]-let-_ka-dingir-ki gaszan_-szA

[(f)]na#-qi-a _munus_-É-_gal_ szA (disz)30-_pap-mesz#_-[(x)]-_zu man kur asz_ kal-lat (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz ama_ (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz_ ana _ti zi_ szA _dumu_-szA

AI Translation

To the Lady of Babylon, her lady:

Naqia, queen of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, for the life of her son.


To the goddess Belet-Babili, her lady:

Naqi'a, wife of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, daughter-in-law of Sargon II, king of Assyria, mother of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, presented this object for the preservation of the life of her son and for her long life.

Q003411: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(f)na-qi-'a-a _munus_-É-_gal_ szA (disz)30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su_ (...)]

AI Translation

Naqi'a, queen of Sennacherib .


Naqi'a, wife of Sennacherib ....

Q003412: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina s,ip]-pat _gisz_(?)-_kiri6_(?)# x [...] [x] _ah#_ x x _an_ x [...] [ina] szi#-pir _abgal ka_-[_luh-u-da_] _ka#-du8-u_-[_da_ rim-ki] [te]-lil-[te] ma-har [_mul-mesz_] mu-szi-ti (d)[é-a (d)szA-masz] (d)asal-lu2-[hi _dingir-mah_] (d)#kU-[sU] u (d)nin#-girima [e-ru-bu]

pi-i#-szA lu# am-si# x [...] s,i-i-ru# _ki_ x x [...] [...] x x [...] x [...]

s,a-lam (f)na(?)-qi(?)#-'a-[a ...]

AI Translation

With the craft of the sage, the kaluhu-demon, the kalu-demon, the rimki-demon, the teiltu-demon, I entered the midst of the stars of the constellations Ea, Shamash, Asalluhi, the Great One, Kusu, and Ningirima.

May her mouth be sweet ... ... exalted ...

Monument of Naqi'a .


They the gods entered the orchards, groves, ... ... ... ... through the craft of the sage "the washing of the mouth," "the opening of the mouth," "bathing," and "purification" were recited before the stars of the night: the gods Ea, Shamash, Asalluhi, Belet-ili, Kusu, and Ningirima.

I washed its mouth ... ... exalted ... ... ... ... ...

Image of Naqi'a ...

Q003414: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_nunuz_ bal-til-_ki_ szu-qu-ru# na-ram (d)[(...) (d)sze]-ru-a _ab_(?) _ba_(?) x x pi-tiq (d)nin-men-na# szA a-na be-lut _kur-kur#_ [(...)] _an_ / _ti_(?) _al_ / _szid_(?) x ir-bu-u a-na _lugal_-u-ti _gir-nita_ x [(...)] x x x ma(?) mu-s,ib _sza-igi-guru6-mesz_ a-na# x x x x x [x] x [(...)] szu-ri-in(?)-ni(?)# zi-ka-ru dan-nu nu-ur kisz-szat _un-mesz_-szu e-tel(?)# [(...) kal(?)] mal-ki# x x ti da-i-pu ga-re-e-szu _gurusz_ qar-du sa-pi-nu# [(...)] na-ki-ri szA hur-sa-a(?)-ni(?)#

AI Translation

The exalted daughter of Baltil Ashur, beloved of the gods ... and Sherua, ..., the chosen one of the goddess Ninmenna, who ... for the lordship of the lands ..., who ... for kingship, governor ..., who ... the scepter for ..., ... who provides ..., the strong one, the light of all his people, the eldest of all rulers, ..., the one who ... his foes, the warrior, the one who ... the enemy of the mountains,


Precious scion of Baltil Ashur, beloved of the goddess DN and Sherua, ..., creation of the goddess Ninmena, who ... ... for the dominion of the lands, ... who grew up to be king, ... ... governor, ... ..., the one who increases voluntary offerings for ..., ... ... of emblems, 5 powerful male, light of all of his people, lord of ... all rulers ..., the one who overwhelms his foes, valiant man, the one who destroys ... enemies, who cuts straight through interlocking mountains like a taut string and ... ... ...

Q003415: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


qu-ra-[du ... u-szak-ni-szu] sze-pu-[usz-szu ... ina _gisz-tukul_] u-szam-[qi-tu ...] mu(?)#-ut-tal-[ku ...]

[...] [...] [...] szA a-[...]

AI Translation

The warrior ... I made him achieve his wish ... I made him achieve ... with the sword ... I slew ... the fugitive .

... ... ... of .


warrior ... who made ... bow down at his feet ..., who put ... to the sword lit. "weapon", ... circumspect ...,

No translation possible

Q003416: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... u]-szA-Asz-szi-qa [_gir-ii_-szu ... szA]-de-e [...] qab-li [... _ugu_ gi-mir(?) / _lugal-mesz_(?) a]-szib _bara-mesz_ [... mu]-ut-tal-ki [... u]-szum-gal-lum [s,i-i-ru ...] da-Ad-me

AI Translation

... I made him rise ... the heavens ... the plain ... over all the kings who sit on royal daises ... I broadened ..., exalted ..., ... settlements.


... he made ... kiss his feet ... mountains ... in/of battle ... he a god made my weapon/rule greater than all of those/the kings who sit on royal daises, 5 ... circumspect ..., ... exalted lion-dragon, ... inhabited world.

Q003417: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia i-na mah-re-e _bala_-ia i-na 5 _iti#_ sza i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti ra-bisz u-szi-bu asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _lu_-ha-mar-a-ni _lu_-lu-hu-u-a-tu _lu_-ha-tal-li _lu_-ru-ub-bi _lu_-ra-pi-qi _lu_-hi-ra-a-ni _lu_-rab-bi-i-lu _lu_-na-s,i-ri _lu_-gu-lu-si _lu_-na-ba-a-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-u _lu_-ra-hi-qi _lu_-ka-pi-ri _lu_-ru-mu-li-tu _lu_-a-di-le-e _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-u-bu-di _lu_-gu-ru-mi

AI Translation

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, in the fifth month, when I sat on my royal throne, Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I sent my troops to the tribes Hamaranu, Luhuatu, Halallu, Rubbi, Rapiqu, Hiranu, Rabbililu, Nashiru, Gulusi, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, Rahiqu, Kapiru, Rumulitu, Adilê, Gibrê, Ubudu, Gurumu,


At the beginning of my reign, in my first palû, in the fifth month after I sat in greatness on the throne of kingship, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the Aramean tribes Hamaranu Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Hiranu, 5 Rabbi-ilu, Nashiru, Gulusu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, Rahiqu, Kapiri, Rummulitu Rummulutu, Adilê, Gibrê, Ubudu, Gurumu,

Q003418: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... u]-za-'i-in-szu-nu-ti-ma a-na _kur_-szu-nu il-li-ku _uru-mesz_ szu-a-tu#-[nu a-na] esz-szu-ti _du_-usz i-na _ugu du6_ kam-ri [szA _uru_-hu-mut i]-qab#-bu-szu-ni _uru du_-usz ul-tu usz-sze-szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar#-[s,i-ip u]-szak-lil É-_gal_ mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia [i-na lib-bi ad-di] _uru#_-kar-asz-szur _mu_-szu ab-bi _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur _en_-ia i-na lib-bi ar-me _un#_-[_mesz kur-kur_] ki#-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib

[_gun_ ma-da-at-tu u]-kin#-szu-nu-ti it-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-szu-nu-ti _id_-pa-at-ti-(d)#[_en-lil_ sza] ul#-tu _ud#-mesz_ ru-qu-u-ti na-da-at-ma

[...] ah#-re-e-ma i-na qer-bé-e-szA u-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz_ nu-uh-sze# [... ul-tu] _uru#-bad_-gal-zi _uru_-si-par szA (d)szA-masz [... _lu_]-na#-sik-ki _lu_-na-aq-ri _lu_-ta-né-e _uru_-ka-la-in _id_-szu-ma-an-da-ar# [_uru_-pa]-s,i#-tu sza _lu_-du-na-ni _kur_-qi-ir-bu-tu [... _lu_-a-di]-le-e _kur_-bu-u-du _uru#_-pa-ah-ha-az _kur_-qi-in-_nibru uru-mesz_ [szA _kur_-kar]-du-ni-Asz a-di lib-bi _id_-uq-né-e

[szA a-ah tam-tim szap]-li#-te a-bél a-na mi-[s,ir] _kur#_ asz-szur _gur_-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu#_-[_en-nam ugu_-szu-nu] Asz#-kun _ta_ lib-bi _udu-nita-mesz masz-mesz_-szu-nu [sza szat-ti-szam-ma] a#-s,ab-ba-ta 2 _me 40 udu-nita-mesz_ kad-re#-e a#-na asz-szur _en_-ia ar-ku#-[us ul-tu _lu_-a-ri]-mi# szu-a-tu-nu sza Asz-lu-la [x (x) _lim nam_] _lu_-tur#-ta-ni 10 _lim nam lu-nimgir_ É-_gal_ [x (x)] _lim nam lu-gal-bi-lul#_ [x (x) _lim nam kur_]-ba-ar-ha-zi 5 _lim nam kur_-ma-za-mu-a

[u-pa-ar-ri(?)]-is u-sze-szib pa-a 1-en u-szA-Asz-kin-szu-nu-ti it#-ti _un-mesz_ [_kur_ asz-szur am-nu-szu-nu-ti _gisz_]-ni-ri asz-szur _en_-ia ki-i szA asz-szu-ri# [e-mid-su-nu-ti] da-Ad#-me na-du-u-ti sza pi-rik# [_kur_]-ia sza [ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad_]-_mesz#_-ia ar-bu-tu il-[li-ku]

AI Translation

I rebuilt those cities and built anew on the site of the moat of Humut. I built and completed it from top to bottom and deposited my royal abode therein. I named it Kar-Ashur. I placed the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein and settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me.

I established tribute for them and I counted them as people of Assyria. The Patti-Enlil canal, which had been given to me from distant days,

... I poured out ... and poured out water therein. ... from the cities Dur-galzi and Sippar of the god Shamash ... the tribes Nasikku, Naqru, Tanê, Kalain, the River Shumandar, the city Pashitu of the Dunanu, the land Qirbatu, ..., the tribes Adilê, Budu, the city Pahhaz, and the land Qin-Nibru, cities of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the Uqnû River.

I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. I took from the sheep and goats of them that I had captured and gave 240 sheep as a gift to Ashur, my lord. I carried off from those Arameans who I had defeated, x thousand governors of the Turtanu, ten thousand governors of the Palace, x thousand governors of the Great Sealand, x thousand governors of the land Barhazi, 5,000 governors of the land Mazamua, and x thousand governors of the land Balahzi, and x thousand governors of the land Mazamua.

I made them sit on royal daises and I made them sit on royal daises. I imposed upon them the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, as Assyria had imposed upon them. I destroyed the settlements and settlements on the border of my land that had fallen into disrepair during the time of the kings, my ancestors.


... I adorned them statues of the gods and they the gods went back to their land. I rebuilt those cities. I built a city on top of a tell lit. "a heaped-up ruin mound" called Humut. I built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. Inside it, I founded a palace for my royal residence. I named it Kar-Ashur, set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein, and settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I imposed upon them tax and tribute, and considered them as inhabitants of Assyria.

I dug out the Patti-Enlil canal, which had lain abandoned for a very long time and ..., and I made an abundance of water gurgle through it.

I exercised authority over ... from the cities Dur-Kurigalzu, Sippar of the god Shamash, ..., the tribes Nasikku, Naqiru, and Tanê, the city Kala'in, the Shumandar Sumandar canal, the city Pashitu of the tribe Dunanu, the land Qirbutu Qirbit, ... the tribe Adilê, the land Budu, the city Pahhaz, the land Qin-Nippur, and the cities of Karduniash Babylonia as far as the Uqnû River, which are on the shore of the Lower Sea. I annexed those areas to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

From their sheep levy, which I take annually, I apportioned 240 sheep as a gift to the god Ashur, my lord. From those Arameans whom I deported, 10 I distributed and settled ... thousand to the province of the turtanu, 10,000 to the province of the palace herald, ... thousand to the province of the chief cupbearer, ... thousand to the province of the land Barhalzu, and 5,000 to the province of the land Mazamua Zamua.

I united them, considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, upon them as Assyrians. As for the abandoned settlements on the periphery of my land that had become desolated during the reigns of previous kings, my ancestors,

Q003419: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na esz-szu-te ak-szer-ma _kur_ asz-szur a-na [...] _uru du_-usz É-_gal_ mu-szab _lugal_-ti-[ia i-na lib-bi ad-di ...] _mu_-szu ab-bi _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur _en_-ia i-[na lib-bi ar-me _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib _gun_ ma-da-at-tu u-kin-szu-nu-ti]

it-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-szu-nu-ti _alam_ [_lugal_-ti-ia u _alam dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _du_-usz li-i-tu U da-na-nu]

sza i-na zik-ri asz-szur _en_-ia _ugu kur-kur a_sz-[tak-ka-nu ina muh-hi Asz-t,ur ina ... ul-ziz ...] 10 _gun ku-gi_ i-na _kal_-te 1 _lim gun_ [_ku-babbar_ ...]

ma-da-at-ta-szu am-hur ina 2 _bala-mesz_-ia asz-szur be#-[li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_-nam-ri ...] _kur_-É-za-at-ti _kur_-É-ab-da-da-ni _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-[bu-ti ... al-lik ... a-ka-am] ger-ri-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-ni-kur _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu u-masz-szir# [...]

u-szA-az-nin _uru_-ni-ik-kur-a-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-[ia ...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szu _ansze_-pa-re-e-szu _gu4_-[_mesz_-szu ...] _uru_-sa-as-si-a-szu _uru_-tu-ta-Asz-di# [...]

AI Translation

I built anew Assyria anew and built a palace, a residence for my royal majesty, in it. ... I named it ... I placed therein the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I imposed upon them tribute and tax.

I made a royal statue of myself and a statue of the great gods, my lords, and I fashioned it in a splendid fashion.

I wrote on it a tablet and placed it in .... I weighed out ..., 10 talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver .

In my second regnal year, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the lands Namri, ..., Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Sangibuti, ... I saw ... on my return march and abandoned the city Nikkur, his fortified city. .

I put to the sword the people of the city Nikkur, ..., his horses, his mules, his oxen, ..., the cities Sasiashu, Tutashdi, ..., and the cities of the city Arbela, which are in the district of the city Elam.


I restored and ... Assyria to .... I built a city ... Inside it, I founded a palace for my royal residence. .... I named it ..., set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein, and settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I imposed upon them tax and tribute, and considered them as inhabitants of Assyria.

I fashioned on a stele my royal image and the images of the great gods, my lords, inscribed on it the mighty victories lit. "victory and might" 5 that I had achieved again and again over foreign lands in the name of the god Ashur, my lord, and I erected it in ....

I received as his payment ..., 10 talents of gold measured by the heavy standard, 1,000 talents of silver, ....

In my second palû, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Namri, ..., Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Sangibuti, .... ... saw the dust cloud of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Nikkur, his fortified city. ...

I rained down fire upon them. The people of the city Nikkur ... my mighty weapons ... I carried off ..., his horses, his mules, his oxen, ... the cities Sassiashu, Tutashdi, ...

Q003420: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _uru_]-ku-szi-a-na-Asz _uru_-ha-ar-szu _uru_-szA-na-Asz-ti-ku _uru_-kisz-ki-ta-ra _uru_-ha-ar-szA-a-a _uru_-a-a-u-ba-ak [...] _kur_-e sza _kur_-ha-li-ha-ad-ri _szu-si kur_-e szA-qi-tu is,-ba-tu ar-ki-szu-nu ar-de-e-ma _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz-kun

[...] hur-ri _kur_-e e-ru-bu ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _uru_-uz-ha-ri sza _kur_-É-za-at-ti al-me ak-szud (disz)ka-ki-i [...] _uru_-ki-it-pa-at-ti-a sza _kur_-É-ab-da-da-ni sza (disz)tu-na-ku e-ki-mu al-me ak-szud szal-la-su [Asz-lu-la ... _uru_]-ni-kur a-di _uru-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu a-na esz-szu-te _du_-usz _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-szib

[... _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz]-kun _kur_-É-kap-si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi _kur_-É-ur-zak-ki _gim_ sa-pa-ri as-hu-up di-ik-ta-szu-nu ma-'a-at-tu [a-duk ... a-na _gisz_-za-qi-pa-a-ni] u-sze-li si-ta-at _lu_-mun-dah-s,e-e-szu-nu rit-ti-szu-nu u-nak-kis-ma ina qé-reb _kur_-szu-nu u-masz-szir

[...] _ansze_-ud-ra-a-te-szu-nu _gu4-nita-mesz_-szu-nu s,e-e-ni-szu-nu um-ma-ni a-na la ma-ni il-qa-a (disz)mi-ta-a-ki [...] _uru_-ur-sza-ni-ka _ku4_-ub _uru_-ur-sza-ni-ka _uru_-ki-an-pal ak-szud szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu

[... _uru-mesz_-ni] szu-a-tu-nu a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu-nu ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi gibil_-up (disz)ba-at-ta-a-nu _dumu_ (disz)kap-si [...]-tu ik-nu-usz-ma isz-szA-a tup-szik-ku a-na la sa-pa-ah na-gi-i-szu _uru_-kar-ka-ri-hu-un-dir e-zi-ba-Asz-szu [... _ugu_]-szu Asz-kun _uru_-e-ri-in-zi#-a-szu sza it-ti (disz)bi-si-ha-dir _uru_-ki-szi-sa-a-a ib-bal-ki-tu ak-szud

AI Translation

... the cities Kushianash, Harshu, Shanashtiku, Kishkitara, Harsha, Ayubak, ... the mountain of the land Halihadri. They took to a rugged mountain peak. I pursued them and defeated them.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Uzharu of the land Bit-Zattu. Kakkî ... the city Kitpattia of the land Bit-Abdadani, which Tunaku had conquered, I conquered and plundered. I rebuilt the city Nikkur, together with the cities in its environs, and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

I slew the lands Bit-Kapsi Bit-Sangi Bit-Sangi Bit-Urzakki like a saparu. I killed many of their fighting men. ... I slew ... into zaqipani. I cut off the hands of their fighting men and left them inside their land.

Mitaki ... entered the city Urshanika. I conquered the cities Urshanika and Kianpal. I captured him, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and his ..., his

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities, together with the cities in their environs. Battanu, son of Kapsi, ...tu, iii 5'' knelt down and took up his yoke. To prevent his district from being destroyed, I razed, destroyed, and burned the city Karkarihundir. I imposed upon him ... I conquered the city Erinzishu, which had rebelled against Bisihaddir, the Kishisaean.


... the cities Kushianash, Harshu, Shanashtiku, Kishkitara, Harshaya, Ayubak, .... They the enemy took to a high mountain peak in the mountainous terrain of Mount Halihadri. I pursued them and defeated them. ... I burned with fire the ... of the people ... who entered the ravines of the mountains. I surrounded and captured the city Uzhari of the land Bit-Zatti.

I ... Kakî, king of .... I surrounded, captured, and plundered ... and the city Kitpattia Kitpat of the land Bit-Abdadani, which Tunaku had seized. 5 ... I rebuilt the city Nikkur, together with cities in its environs, settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. ... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I overwhelmed the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, and Bit-Urzakki like a cast net and I inflicted a heavy defeat on them. ... I impaled their ..., cut off the hands of the rest of their warriors, and released them in their own land. My army took without number ..., their Bactrian camels, their oxen, and their sheep and goats.

Mitaki ... entered the city Urshanika. I captured the cities Urshanika and Kianpal, and I ... him, his wife, his sons, his daughters, 10 .... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities, together with cities in their environs.

Batanu of the land Bit-Kapsi lit. "son of Kapsi" ... ..., submitted, and became my vassal lit. "took up corvée labor" so that his district would not be dispersed. Thus I left him the city Karkarihundir. ... I placed over him/it. I captured the city Erinziashu, which had revolted with Bisihadir of the city Kishesim,

Q003421: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szal-la-su Asz-lu-la (disz)ra-ma-te-ia sza _kur_-a-ra-zi-[Asz ...] szu-u hal-la-la-nisz ip-par-szi-id-ma mAm-ma la e-mu#-[ru a-szar-szu ...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _na4-za-gin_ hi-ip _kur_-i-szu# [... _dingir-mesz_]

_gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia aq-qi (disz)tu-ni-i _kur_-su#-mur-za-a-a x [...] ak-szud _lu_-mun-dah-s,e-szu a-na _gisz_-(za)-qi-pa#-ni u-sze-li [...] _kur_-su-mur-zu _kur_-É-ha-am-ban a-na mi-s,ir# _kur_ asz-szur u-[ter-ra (...) _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi] u-sze-szib _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun# [...]

a-na asz-szur _en_-ia ar-ku-us _uru_-ki-za-u-ti sza i-na [...] ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up sza _en-uru-mesz_-ni la kan-[szu-ti ...] 3 _me gun na4-za-gin 5 me gun_ bil in-zu _zabar_ [...] ma-da-at-tu sza (disz)man-nu-_gim_-_erim-mesz dumu_ (disz)ab-da-da-ni [...] (disz)mi-ki-i sza _uru_-hal-pi-[x x] (disz)#u-zak-ku sza _uru#_-[...]

AI Translation

As for Ramateia of the land Araziash ..., he fled alone and no one saw his whereabouts. ... horses, oxen, sheep and goats, lapis lazuli, the product of his land, ... the gods .

I defeated Tunî, the Sumurzean ... ... I carried off his warriors to a ziggurat. ... I added the lands Sumurzu and Bit-Hamban to the territory of Assyria. ... I settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them .

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Kizrutu, which is in ..., and which had no city ruler. ... 300 talents of lapis lazuli, 500 talents of bronze, ... tribute of Mannu-ki-shabi, son of Abdadani, ..., Mikî of the city Halpi..., Uzakku of the city ...,


and I plundered it. Ramateia of the land Araziash .... He fled furtively lit. "like a centipede" and no one found his hiding place. ... I offered ..., horses, oxen, sheep and goats, lapis lazuli hewn from its mountain, ... to the great gods, my lords.

Tunî of the land Sumurzu ... .... 5 I captured .... I impaled his warriors, .... I annexed the lands Sumurzu and Bit-Hamban to Assyria. ... I settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. I apportioned ... to the god Ashur, my lord.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Kizauti, which is in .... Of the insubmissive city rulers ... 10 300 talents of "lapis lazuli," 500 talents of ..., bronze, ... the payment of Mannu-ki-shabi of the land Bit-Abdadani lit. "son of Abdadani" ... Mikî of the city Halpi..., Uzakku of the city ...,

Q003422: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _un-mesz_ [a-na(?) _kur_(?) asz-szur-_ki_(?) u(?)]-ra-[a(?) ...]

[... ina 3 _bala_]-_mesz_-ia [asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil]-an-ni#-[ma ...] [...] x ba-'a-[...] e(?) ma# [...] ti# [...] _disz_ [...] [... (disz)su-lu-ma-al _kur_-me-lid]-da#-a-a# (disz)ta-ar-hu-la-ra# [_kur_-gur-gu]-ma-a-a [...] [...] x ma#-ti-tan a-na# e-muq a-ha#-mesz [it-tak-lu ...] [... ina] li-i-ti U da-na-ni# sza asz-szur# _en_-ia# it-ti#-[szu-nu(?) am-da-hi-is,(?) di-ik-ta-szu-nu(?) a-duk(?) ...] [... _lu_-qu-ra-di(?)]-szu#-nu a#-duk hur-ri na-at-bak _kur_-i u-mal-li-szu-nu-ti _gisz-gigir-mesz#_-[szu-nu ...]

[...]-szu-nu a-na la ma-ni al#-qa-a i-na _murub4_ ti-du-ki-ma sza [(disz)]sa-ar#-du-ri _disz gisz_ [...] [... ina] _szu-ii#_ u-s,ab-bit 70 _lim 2 lim 9 me 50_ x x x-szu-nu _ta_ pu#-[...] [... (disz)sa-ar-du]-ri a-na szu#-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu mu-szisz# ih-liq-ma la-am [(d)szam-szi(?)] ur-ru-uh#-[isz ip-pa-risz ...] [... it-ti _gisz_-szil-ta-hu pa-ri]-i' _zi-mesz_ a-di ti-tu-ri _id-a-szita_ mi-s,ir _kur#_-szu at,-ru#-su-ma# _gisz-na_-szu# [...]

[...]-_mesz_-szu-nu mim#-ma szum#-szu ma-a'-du# szA ni-ba# la i-szu-u e#-kim-szu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szu _ansze#_-[...]

[...]-e-szu um#-ma-ni a-na la ma-ni il#-qa-a _gisz_-É s,e-e-ri _gisz_-kul#-ta-ru# [_lugal_-ti-szu ...] [... u-nu-ut(?) ta-ha-zi(?)]-szu ma-'a-at-te i-na qé#-reb usz-ma-ni-szu-ma ina _izi a_sz-ru-up# _gisz_-[...] [...] x _gisz-na_-szu a-na (d)_inanna_(?)# szar-rat _uru-nina-ki_(*)-a a-[qi-isz ...]

AI Translation

... I brought the people to Assyria .

In my third regnal year, Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and ... ... ... ... ... ... Sulumal of the land Melid, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ... ... ... ... ... ... he trusted in each other's strength. ... With the might and might of Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. ... I defeated their warriors and filled the mountains with the nabakkû-rocks of the mountain. Their chariots .

In the thick of battle, I captured Sarduri, a man of ... ... I captured 70,295 ... their ... from the city ... Sarduri fled to save his life and quickly fled alone ... I captured him with a shillahu-tree, a sacrificial reed, along with the Titru River, the border of his land, and his bed .

... their ...s, anything, whatever he had, which was without number, they seized him, his horses, .

... his ..., a team of soldiers who had not bowed down to any one, a throne, a sceptre, his royal throne, ..., ... many of his battle equipment, I smashed inside him and burned him. I gave ... ... his bed to the goddess Ishtar, queen of Nineveh .


... I brought those people to Assyria. ....

In my third palû, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Sulumal of the land Melid, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ... 5' ... ... in all lands, they trusted in one another's strength, ... With the power and might of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. ... I killed their warriors and I filled the mountain gorges with them their corpses. I took without number their chariots, ..., and their ....

In the midst of that battle, I captured Sarduri's ... ... I ... 72,950 of their ... from ... ... 10' .... In order to save his life, Sarduri fled at night and thus escaped very quickly before sunrise. ... With an arrow that cuts off lives, I drove him back to the bridge crossing over the Euphrates River, on the border of his land. I took away from him his bed, ..., his royal processional chariot, the cylinder seal that hung around his neck, together with his necklace, his royal chariot, ..., their ..., and many other things, without number.

My army took without number his horses, his ..., ..., and his ... ....

I ... his pavilion, his royal tent, ... 15' ... I burned with fire his numerous implements of war that were inside his own camp. I presented ... ... ..., and his bed to the goddess Ishtar, the queen of Nineveh. ...

Q003423: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _uru_-a-li-in]-zi-ra#-a-nu# [_uru_-tasz-li-a-na _uru_-tir-hi-im a-di] _kur_-si-ni-e# [_kur_-i ak-szud ina _ugu nam lu-gal_]-_bi-lul#_ x x x

[... _ta_] _uru#_-qu-qu-sa-an-szu [_uru_-ba-ar-zu-un-na a-di _uru_-ha]-ar#-bi-si-na [_uru_-ab-bi-sa-a _uru_-ta-sa a-di _kur_-u-lu-ru-usz] _ugu#_ pi-a-ti [sza _id-idigna kur_-lu-si-a _kur a-bar kur_-a-ma]-di-i-nu [... _uru_-qi-li-is-sa] _uru#_-ez-ze-e-da

AI Translation

I conquered the cities ..., Aliinziranu, Tashlianu, and Tyrhim, as far as Mount Sinie, and ...ed them over the province of the chief cupbearer.

... from the cities Ququsanshu, Barzuunna, Harbisina, Abbisâ, and Tasa, as far as the land Ulurush, on the bank of the Tigris, the land Lusia, the land of iron, the land Amadinu, ..., the cities Qilissa, and Zezeda,


I captured the cities ..., Alinziranu, Tashliana, and Tirhim, as far as Mount Sinie Sinia, and I added them to the province of the chief cupbearer.

As for the land ..., from the cities Ququsanshu and Barzunna to the cities Harbisinna, Abbissâ, and Tasa, as far as the land Ulurush, which is above the bank of the Tigris River, the land Lusia — the land of the metal lead — the land Amadinu, ..., the cities Qilissa, Ezzeda,

Q003424: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_-É-[a-gu-si ...] ina lib-bi# x [...] sza (disz)ma-[ti-'i-il ...] ina muh-hi Asz-kun sza# (disz)ra-hi-[a]-ni# x x [...] _esz21 gun ku-gi 3 me# gun ku-babbar 2 me gun#_ x [...] 20 _gun szim_-la-du-nu 3 _me#_ x x 30 [...] (disz)ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _kur_-ku-um-muh-hu#-[a-a ...] _kur_-s,ur-ra-a-a (disz)u-ri-ia-ik-ki _kur_-[qu-u-a-a ...] (disz)pi-si-ri-is _uru_-gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra [_kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a ...] _an-bar kusz am-si zu am-si sig-za-gin-sa5_ [...]

AI Translation

... the land Bit-Agusi ... therein ... of Mati'il ... I installed ... of Rahianu Rezin ... ... ... esh21 talents of gold, 300 talents of silver, 200 talents of ..., 20 talents of ladinu-juniper, 300 ... 30 ..., Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, ..., the land Tyre, Uriaikki of the land Que, ..., Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ..., iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, and lapis lazuli .


... the land Bit-Agusi ... inside it. ... of Mati'-il ... I placed ... there. From Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus ... 5' 3 talents of gold, 300 talents of silver, 200 talents of ... ..., 20 talents of ladanum resin, 300 ... 30 ...; from ..., Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, ..., ... of the land Tyre, Uriaikki of the land Que, ..., Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ... 10' iron, elephant hides, ivory, red-purple wool, ...

Q003425: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kusz am-si zu am-si sig-za-gin-sa5 sig-za-gin-mi_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _tug-gada#_ [lu]-bul#-[ti] _kur_-szu-nu ma-'a-at-tu _bi am a an gar ma gisz_-til-li _gisz-bal hi ia_ x _rad_ ina qé-reb _uru_-ar-pad-da am-hur

[(disz)tu-ta-am-mu _lugal kur_-un-qi ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal_]-_mesz_ ih-t,i i#-szit, nap-szA-ti-szu ger-ru#-a [... la im]-ta-li-ka it-te-ia i-na uz-zi _sza_(*)-ia(*)# [...] sza (disz)tu-ta-am-mu-u a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-[szu]

[...] _uru_-ki-na-li-a _uru man_-ti-szu(*) ak(*)#-szud(*) _un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu [... _ansze_]-_gir-nun-na-mesz_ ina qé-reb um-ma-ni-ia _gim_ s,e-e-ni am-nu [...] ina _murub4_-ti É-_gal_ sza (disz)tu-ta-mu-u _gisz-gu-za_-u-a ad-di [...] _na du ud_(?)# 3 _me gun ku-babbar_ ina _kal_(*)#-te 1 _me gun_ [...] [... u-nu]-ut ta-ha(*)#-zi lu-bul-ti bir-me _tug-gada szim-hi-a du_-a-ma _nig-szu_ É-_gal_-szu#

[... _uru_]-ki-na-li-a a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat# _kur_-un-qi a-na pat, gim-ri-szA u#-[szak-nisz] [... _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_]-ia _en-nam-mesz# ugu_-szu-nu Asz-ku-un

AI Translation

I received in the city Arpad ... ... elephant hides, elephant ivory, blue-purple wool, blue-purple wool, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, and many belongings of their land.

Tutammû, the king of the land Unqi, sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods and cut off his life. On my campaign, ... he did not come near me. With my wrath, ... of Tutammû, together with his magnates,

I conquered the city Kinalua, his royal city. I ... people, together with their possessions, ... mules in my army like sheep and goats. ... I erected ... in the midst of the palace of Tutamû, my throne bearer. ... ... ... 300 talents of silver, in great quantities, 100 talents of ... ... ... ... a tahazu-shrine, a turban with multi-colored trim, and a ... of his palace.

I reorganized the city Kinalia and thereby enlarged the land Unqi to its full extent. ... I placed eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.


elephant hides, ivory, red-purple and blue-purple wool, multi-colored garments, linen garments, numerous vestments of their lands, ..., military equipment, a spindle, ..., and ... — I received all of these things in the city Arpad.

Tutammû, king of the land Unqi, neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods and thereby disregarded his life. On my campaign ... he did not consult me. In my fury, 5' I ... of Tutammû, together with his nobles, ... I captured the city Kinalia Kunalua, his royal city.

I counted his people, together with their possessions, ... and mules as if they were sheep and goats, distributing them among my army. ... I set up my throne in Tutammû's palace. I brought out/carried off ... ..., 300 talents of silver measured by the heavy standard, 100 talents of ... 10' ..., battle equipment, multi-colored garments, linen garments, all types of aromatics, the furnishings of his palace, ....

I reorganized the city Kinalia Kunalua, subdued the land Unqi to its full extent, ..., and placed ... eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

Q003426: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] Asz u [...] tu a [...] li a a [...] [...] x (disz)az-ri-a-u# [... u]-s,ab-bit-ma [...]-s,a-ti ad-[...]

[...]-u-ti x [...] ma-da-at-tu ki-i szA [asz-szu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti ...] [...]-ma _uru_-kur(?)-x [...]-lu# [...] kit-ri-szu _uru_-el-[...] [... _uru_-us-nu]-u _uru_-si-an-nu# _uru_-ma#-[...] _uru#_-ka-Asz#-pu-na# [sza a-hi] tam-tim a-di _uru-mesz_-[ni ... a-di _kur_-sa-u-e _kur_-e] [sza ina _kur_-lab-na-na-ma it]-tak-ki-pu-ni _kur_-ba-['a-li]-s,a#-pu-na a#-di _kur_-am-ma#-[na]-na _kur gisz-tug kur_-sa-[u-e _kur_-e a-na gi-mir-ti-szu _nam uru_-kar-(d)_iszkur_]

[a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur] _gur_-ra 2(*) _lu_-szu-[ut _sag_]-_mesz_-ia# _lu-en-nam-mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun [...] 80 _lim 3 lim_ [...]

[...] ina _uru_-[_mesz_] szu-nu-ma _nam uru_-tusz-[ha-an] u#-szA-as,-bit 1 _lim 2 me 23 un-mesz_ ina _nam kur_-ul-lu-ba u#-sze-szib# _lu_-qu#-ru-x [...] [...] x _kak_ as,-ba-ta ur-ha _lu_-qu-ra-[di-ia _ta_] né-ber-ti _id_-za-ba# a-na ka-szA-ad _lu_-ah-la-am-ak-ka-(di) ad-ke-ma# _lu_-gu-ru-me x [...]

[...] ki-szi x a-ru-mu sza szid-di _id_-[za-ba ...] di-ik-ta-szu-nu i-du-ku _uru-mesz_-szu#-[nu] ik-szu-du szal-la#-su-[nu isz-lu]-lu-ni [...] [...]-szi-i _lu_-a-ru-mu a-na ma-a'-di it-bu-ma a(?)#-[na(?)] _gaba_(?)#-szu-nu isz#-ku-na si-dir-tu _lu_-a-ru-[mu] tuk-la-te-e-szu i-du-ku# [...]

[... a-na szu-zu]-ub# _zi-mesz_-szu e-de-nu-usz-szu ip-par-szid-ma e-li _uru_-bir-tu sza ki-ni-ia _uru#_-sa-ar-ra-gi-tu# [...] [... a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me]-ti-szu-nu ik-szu-du 12 _lim un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu _gu4-nita-mesz_-szu-nu s,e#-e-ni-szu-nu a#-di ra-[...]

[... a-na _kur_-hat-ti a-di] mah#-ri-ia# u-bi-lu-ni _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-gar-kur kur_-lul-lu-mi-i _uru_-mu-lu-u-ga-ni [...] [...] sza# ku-tal dan-ni-ti sza _dumu ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ a-di# _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu-nu ik-szud di-ik-ta-[szu-nu i-duk ...]

[... a]-na _kur_-hat-ti a-di mah-ri-ia# u-bi-lu-ni# [_lu_]-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-gar-kur kur_-na-'i-i-ri _uru_-su-pur-gi-[il-lu ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I captured Azriau ... and ... ... .

... ... ... ... ... ... and the city Kur... ... ... his camp, the city El..., ..., the cities Usnû, Si'annu, Ma..., Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the sea, together with cities ... as far as Mount Saue, which is in Mount Lebanon, the land Ba'alishapuna as far as Mount Ammanana, the mountain of boxwood, Mount Saue in its entirety, the province Kar-Adad.

I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. ... 80,300 .

I settled 1,230 people in the province of Ulluba. I captured the Quru... ... and iii 5'''' seized the city ..., then I mustered my warriors from the opposite bank of the Zab to conquer the Ahlamakkadeans and the Gurumeans .

... ... the Arameans who were on the bank of the Zab River ... they killed them. They conquered their cities and carried off their booty. ... ... ... the Arameans a great number of them attacked and ... to their flanks they smote. The Arameans took away his trust. .

... to save his life he fled and iii 5'' advanced to the fortress of my steadfast trust, the city Sarragitu, ..., together with the cities in their environs. I conquered a distance of 2,000 people, including their possessions, their oxen, their sheep and goats, as far as Ra.

... they brought before me to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine. I, the eunuch of mine, the governor of the land Lullumu, captured the city Muluganu, ..., which is in the district of the fortified city of the Babylonians, together with the cities in their environs. I massacred them .

... brought me to the land Hatti, before me. I appointed eunuchs of mine as governors of the land Nairi, the city Supurgilu, .


... ... ... ... ... ... ... Azriyau Azri-Iau ... I seized and ... ... ... ... ... I imposed upon them payment like that of the Assyrians.

... ... the city Kur... ... ... ... his helpers, the cities El..., 5 ..., Usnû, Si'annu, Ma..., Kashpuna, which is on the seacoast, together with cities ..., as far as Mount Saue — which abuts Mount Lebanon — Mount Ba'ali-shapuna, as far as Mount Ammanana — the boxwood mountain — Mount Saue in its entirety, the province of the city Kar-Adad, the city Hatarikka, the province of the city Nuqudina, the land Hasuatti, together with cities in its environs, the city Arâ, ... both sides of them, the cities in their environs, Mount Sarbua in its entirety, the cities Ashhani and Yatabi, Mount Yaraqu in its entirety, the cities ...ri, Ellitarbi and Zitanu, as far as the city Atinnu, ..., the city Bumame — I annexed to Assyria those nineteen districts 10 of the city Hamath, together with cities in their environs, which are on the coast of the Sea of the Setting Sun, and which had been criminally and sinfully seized for Azriyau Azri-Iau.

I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. ... I made 83,000 ... from those same cities occupy the province of the city Tushhan. I settled 1,223 people in the province of the land Ulluba.

I ... my qurrubutu officials. I took the road to ... ... and I rallied my warriors from the far bank of the Zab River to subdue the Ahlam-Akkadî Ahlamû. The tribe Gurumu, ... ... ..., Arameans on the banks of the Zab River, ... — they my warriors defeated them. They captured their cities and brought their booty to me.

PN of GN ... ... The Arameans came out in force and he PN drew them up in battle array against them my warriors. They my warriors defeated the Arameans, his helpers, ... PN, to save his life, fled alone and disappeared.

They my warriors captured the fortress of Kiniya, the city Sarragitu, ..., together with cities in their environs. They brought to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, before me, 12,000 people, together with their possessions, their oxen, their sheep and goats, together with their ... ....

A eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the land of the Lullumê, captured and defeated the cities Mulugani, ..., which is located behind the fortress of the Babylonians, together with cities in their environs. 20 They brought ... to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, before me.

A eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the land Na'iri, captured the cities Supurgillu, ...

Q003427: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... a-na _kur_-hat-ti a]-di mah-ri-ia u-bi-lu-ni _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-gar-kur kur_-na-'i-i-ri _uru_-su-pur-gi-il-lu [...]-Asz a#-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu ik-szud szal-la-su-nu isz-lu-la (disz)szi-qi-la-a _lu-gal_ bir-ti

[... isz-lu-la-am(?)-ma a-na _kur_-hat]-ti a-di mah-ri-ia ub-la 6 _me_ szal-la-at _uru_-am-la-te sza _lu_-da-mu-ni 5 _lim 4 me_ szal-la-at _uru-bad_-(_an_) [ina _uru_-ku-na-li-a ...] _uru#_-hu-za-ar-ra _uru_-ta-e _uru_-ta-ar-ma-na-zi _uru_-ku-ul-ma-da-ra _uru_-ha-ta-tir-ra _uru_-ir-gi-il-lu

[_uru-mesz_-ni szA _kur_-un-qi u-sze-szib ...] szal#-la-at _kur_-qu-te-e _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-te 1 _lim 2 me lu_-il-li-il-a-a 6 _lim 2 me 8 lu_-nak-kab-a-a _lu_-bu-da-a-a

[ina ... _uru_-s,i]-mir#-ra _uru_-ar-qa-a _uru_-us-nu-u _uru_-si-an-nu sza szid-di tam-tim u#-sze-szib 5 _me 88 lu_-bu-da-a-a _uru_-du-na-a-a [...] x [...] 2 _me 52 lu_-bi-la-a-a 5 _me 54 lu_-ba-ni-ta-a-a 3 _me 80 lu_-(d)_igi-du_-an-dil-_kur 4 me 60 lu_-sa-an-gi-il-lu

[... _lu_]-il#-lil-a-a 4 _me 58_ szal-la-at _kur_-qu-te-e _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti i-na _nam uru_-tu-'i-im-me u-sze-szib 5 _me 55_ [szal-la-at _kur_]-qu-te-e _uru_-É-(sa)-an-gi-bu-ti i-na _uru-dul_-kar-me u-sze-szib it-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-szu-nu-ti il-ku tup-szik-ku ki-i szA Asz-szu-ri

[e-mid-su-nu]-ti ma-da-at-tu sza (disz)ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _uru_-ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu _kur_-szA-_ansze-nita_-szu-a-a (disz)me-ni-hi-im-me _uru_-sa-me-ri-na-a-a [(disz)hi-ru-um-mu _uru_]-s,ur-a-a (disz)si-bi-it-ti#-bi-'i-li _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)u-ri-ik-ki _kur_-qu-u-a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is _uru_-gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)e-ni-il [_uru_-ha-am-ma]-ta-a-a (disz)pa-na-am-mu#-u _uru_-sa-am-'a-la-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a (disz)su-lu-ma-al _kur_-me-lid-da-a-a (disz)da-di-i-lu

AI Translation

... they brought me to the land Hatti, before me. I, the eunuch of mine, the governor of the land Nairi, conquered the city Supurgilu, ...ash, together with cities in its environs. Their booty I carried off. Shiqilâ, the chief of the fortress of the city ..., ..., and the cities in its environs.

... they carried off and brought to the land Hatti, before me. I brought in 600 captives from the city Amlatu, which the Damunu had captured, 5,400 captives from the city Dur-Ishtar, from the cities Kunalua, ..., Huzarra, Tae, Tarmanazi, Kulmadara, Hattatirra, and Irgillu.

I settled ... captives of the lands Que and Bit-Sangibute, 1,200 people of the tribe Illil, 6,208 people of the tribes Nakkaba and Buda, and ..., captives of the lands Bit-Sangibute, Bit-Sangibute, and ... of the land Bit-Sangibute.

I settled 588 people of the tribes Buda, Dunaya, ..., ..., 252 people of the district, 554 people of the district of the Banitu, 380 people of the tribe Palil-andil-mati, and 460 people of the district of the city Sangilu.

... I settled 58 captives of the land Qutu and the land Bit-Sangibuti in the province of the city Tu'imme. I settled 555 captives of the land Qutu and the city Bit-Sangibuti in the city Dulkarme. I brought them together with the people of Assyria and bound them with a tablet. As for Assyria,

The tribute of Kushtashpi of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Urikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu,


... they plundered those cities and brought that booty to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, before me. A eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the land Na'iri, captured and plundered the cities Supurgillu, ..., and ...ash, together with cities in its environs. He ... Shiqilâ, a fortress commander. He captured and plundered ... and brought that booty to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, before me.

I settled 600 captives of the city Amlate of the tribe Damunu and 5,400 captives of the city Der Bit-Deraya in the cities Kunalua, ..., Huzarra, Ta'e, Tarmanazi, Kulmadara, Hatatirra, and Irgillu, 5 cities of the land Unqi.

I settled ... captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the land Bit-Sangibuti, 1,200 people of the tribe Illila, and 6,208 people of the tribes Nakkaba and Buda in the cities ..., Shimirra, Arqâ, Usnû, and Si'annu, cities on the seacoast.

I settled 588 people of the tribes Budu and Dunu, ... ... ..., 252 people of the tribe Belâ 554 people of the tribe Banitu, 380 people of the tribe Palil-andil-mati "The god Palil is the protecting shadow of the land", 460 people of the tribe Sangillu, ..., ... people of the tribe Illila, 458 captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the land Bit-Sangibuti in the province of the city Tu'immu.

I settled 555 captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the city Bit-Sangibuti in the city Til-karme. I considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed upon them corvée labor like that of the Assyrians.

The payment of Kushtashpi of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Urikki Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu

Q003428: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-kas-ka-a-a (disz)u-as-sur-me _kur_-ta-bal-a-a (disz)usz-hi-it-ti _kur_-tu-na-a-a (disz)ur-pal-la-a _kur_-tu-ha-na#-a-a (disz)tu-ha-am#-[me _uru_-isz-tu-un-da-a-a] (disz)u-ri-im-mi-i _uru_-hu-bi-isz-na-a-a (f)za-bi-bé#-e szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi _ku-gi ku-babbar an-na an-bar# kusz am-si zu#_ [_am-si_] lu-bul-ti bir-me _tug-gada sig_-ta-kil#-tu _sig#_-[Ar]-ga-man-nu _gisz-esi gisz-tug_ mim-ma aq-ru ni-s,ir-ti _lugal#_-u-ti _udu-nita-mesz_ bal-t,u#-[ti sza _sig-mesz_-szu-nu]

_munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-te a-di _ansze_-ba-ak#-ka-ri-szi-na am-hur i-na 9 _bala-mesz_-ia asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma# a-na# _kur_-É-kap#-[si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi] _kur_-É-ur-zak-ki _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz _kur_-É-ma-at-ti _kur_-tup-li-ia-Asz al-lik(*) _uru_-É-(d)15 _uru_-ki-in#-[ka-an-gi _uru_-ki-in-di-gi-a-su] _uru_-ki-in-gi-al-ka-si-isz _uru_-ku-bu-usz-ha-ti-di-isz _uru#_-u-pu-szu _uru_-ah-si-pu-na _uru_-gi-ir-gi-ra-a _uru_-ki-im#-[ba-az-ha-ti a-di] _uru#-mesz_-[ni]

sza li-me-te-szu-nu ak-szud szal-la-su-nu Asz-lu-la ap-[pul] aq#-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up ina u4-me-szu-ma mul-mul-lu# [_an-bar_ zaq-tu _du_-usz li]-ta-at# asz-szur _en_-ia i-na muh-hi Asz-t,ur ina _ugu_ nam-ba-'i sza _uru_-É-(d)15 u-kin (disz)u-pa-Asz _dumu_ (disz)kap-si _un-mesz_-szu u-pah-hir-ma a-na# [_kur_-a-bi-ru-us _kur_-e] e#-li ar-ke-e-szu

ar-de-e-ma di-ik-ta-szu a-duk szal-la-su Asz-lu-la _uru-mesz_-ni-szu ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up (disz)u-szu-ru [_uru_-x-(x)]-x-ru-ta (disz)bur-da-da sza _uru_-ni-ru(*)-tak-ta(*) ip-la-hu-ma _kur_-u is,-ba-tu ar-ke-e-szu-nu e-li di-ik-ta-szu-nu a-duk szal-la-su-nu# [Asz-lu]-la# (disz)bur-da-da ina qa#-ti as,#-bat _uru-mesz_-ni-szu-nu ap-pul aq-qur(*) ina _izi a_sz-ru-up _uru_-s,i-bu-ur a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu# [ak]-szud# [szal]-la#-su Asz-lu-la (disz)ta-nu-us

AI Translation

As for Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Tuna, Urpalâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmî of the city Hubishna, Zabibê, queen of the land Aramea, gold, silver, iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, agate, argamannu-wood, ebony, boxwood, every kind of royal treasure, wild bulls with their wool, oxen, sheep, and goats, whose skins are dyed red like red wool, ..., and ..., ..., ..., and ...,

In my ninth regnal year, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Media, Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti, and Tupliyash. I conquered the cities Bit-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Indigiasu, Kingalkasish, Kubushhatidish, Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbakhati, together with cities in their environs.

At that time, I made a pointed iron arrow and wrote thereon the oath of the god Ashur, my lord. I set up a 'request' of the city Bit-Ishtar on the outskirts of the city Bit-Ishtar. I assembled his people and took him up Mount Abirus, a mountain peak.

I went after him and killed him. I carried off his booty and plundered his cities. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. Ushuru of the city ...ruta and Burdada of the city Nirutakta became frightened and took to the mountains. I pursued them and defeated them. I carried off Burdada. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities. I conquered and plundered the city Sibur together with cities in its environs. Tanus


Dadilu of the the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Atuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna Hubushnu, and Zabibê, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen and sheep and goats, camels, 5 she-camels, together with their young, I received from them.

In my ninth palû, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Media lit. "land of the Medes", Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti, and Tupliyash. I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Bit-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingialkasish, Kubushhatidish, Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbazhati, together with cities in their environs.

At that time, I made a pointed iron "arrow," inscribed the mighty deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, on it, and I set it up at the spring of the city Bit-Ishtar. Upash of the land Bit-Kapsi lit. "son of Kapsi" assembled his people and ascended Mount Abirus. 10 I pursued him, defeated him, and carried off his booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.

Ushuru Ushrû of the city ......ruta and Burdada Bardada of the city Nirutakta became frightened and took to the mountains. I went up after them, defeated them, and carried off their booty. I caught Burdada Bardada, then I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities. I captured and plundered the city Shibar, together with cities in its environs. Tanus,

Q003429: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] [...]

[... szal]-la-su-nu [Asz-lu-la ...] [...] u-pah#-hir-ma a-na _kur#_-[...] _kur_-x x x _mesz#_ x x _kur#_-x [...] _kur#_-[...] ar#-[ki-szu-nu e]-li-ma di-ik-ta-szu-nu [a-duk szal]-la-su-nu Asz-lu-la (disz)ia-bit(*)#-ta-ar-ru# [...] x a tu# x [si-it-tu]-u(*)-te-szu-nu sza ip-par-szi-du-ma a-na _kur_-a-ma-te na-ge-e sza _sag kur_-ru-u-a _kur_-e szA x [...]

ar-ki#-[szu-nu] a-lik di-ik-ta-szu-nu a-duk ki-ma# 1-en al-qa-a-Asz-szu-nu-ti _kur_-kar-zi-ib-ra-a-a x-[...] u-masz-sze-ru ar-ki#-szu-nu ar-de-e-ma ina _murub4_ ger-ri-im-ma _gim_ ri-hi-is,-((it))-ti (d)_iszkur_ ar-hi-is-su#-[nu-ti ...]

a-na la ma-ni# al-qa-a 1-en ina lib-bi-szu-nu ul ip-par-szid-ma a-na _kur_-e ul e-li _un-mesz uru_-É-sa-[... dan-nu-tu] sza _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ is,-ba-tu ar-ki-szu-nu e-li-ma di-ik-ta-szu-nu a-duk szal-la-su-nu Asz-lu-la# [...] ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu# i-na _ugu kur_-si-il-ha-zi sza dan-nu-tu sza _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-qab-bu-szu-u-ni s,a-[lam _lugal_-ti-ia ...] sza _kur-dul#_-Asz-szu-ri us,-s,a-a _udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na (d)_amar-utu_ a-szib _kur-dul_-Asz-szu-ri aq-qi _uru_-niq-qu# [sza _kur_-tup-li-Asz ...]

AI Translation

I seized ..., carried off their booty, and ... I turned around and took the road to the land ..., the land ..., the land ..., and the land ... I fought with them and carried off booty from them. I captured Yabit-tarru, ... ..., together with their remaining booty, which had fled and gone to the land Amate, a district at the foot of Mount Rua, which ... .

I defeated them and defeated them. Like a single enemy I seized the Karzibrû ... .... I pursued them and in the thick of battle I felled them like the rhizotes of the god Adad .

I did not leave one among them and did not go up the mountain. The people of the city Bit-Sa..., fortified city of the Babylonians, took to the mountains. I fought with them and carried off their booty. I burned them with fire. ... I erected a statue of myself as king over the land Silhazi, fortified city of the Babylonians. ... I marched to the land Dilhu as a tribute to the god Marduk who resides in Dilhu. I razed, destroyed, and burned the city Niqqu of the land Tupliash .


Completely destroyed

... I carried off their booty. ... He assembled ... and ... to Mount ... ... ... ... ... 5 I went up after them, defeated them, and carried off their booty. I ... Yabittarru ... ... As for the rest of them, who had fled to the land Amate, a district opposite Mount Rua, and who ... ..., I went after them, defeated them, and took them away as one group.

As for the people of the land Karzibra, ... ..., they abandoned .... I pursued them and in the very course of that march I swept over them like a downpour of the god Adad. ... I took ... without number. Not one of them escaped or went up into the mountains.

The people of the city Bit-Sa... 10 took to the fortress of the Babylonians. I went up after them, defeated them, and carried off their booty. ... I burned with fire. At Mount Silhazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians, I set up my royal image. ... from ... of the land Til-Ashurri, I went out. I offered pure sacrifices to the god Marduk, who lives in the land Til-Ashurri. The city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash ...

Q003430: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_-u-pa-ri-a _kur_-bu-us-tu-us] _kur#_-a-ri-ar-ma _kur dar-lugal-mesz-muszen kur_-sa-ak-su-uk#-[ni _kur_-a-ra-qu-ut-tu _kur_-kar-zi-ib-ra _kur_-gu-kin-na-na] [_kur_-É-sa-ag-ba-at _kur_-si-il-ha-zi sza dan]-nu-tu(*) sza _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-qab-bu-szu#-[u-ni ...] [...] ak#-szud di-ik-ta-szu-nu a-duk szal-la-su-nu [Asz-lu-la ...]

[_kur_-nam-ri _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti _kur_-É-ha-am-ban] _kur_-su-mur-zu _kur_-É-bar-ru-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-[Asz _kur_-É-ma-at-ti _uru_-niq-qu sza _kur_-tup-li-ia-Asz _kur_-É-tar-an-za-a-a] [_kur_-pa-ar-su-a _kur_-É-za-at-ti _kur_-É-ab-da-da-ni _kur_-É]-kap-si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi _kur_-É-ur-zak#-[ki _uru_-É-(d)15 _uru_-zak-ru-ti sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal-mesz_ a-na mi-s,ir]

[_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra _uru-mesz_-ni sza qer-bi-szu]-nu a-na esz-szu-ti _du_-usz _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur [_en_-ia ina lib-bi ar-mi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina _sza_ u-sze-szib] [... _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam_]-_mesz# ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-[ia ina _kur_-ti-ik-ra-ak-ki _uru_-É-(d)15 _uru_-s,i-bu-ur _kur_-a-ri-ar-ma _kur dar-lugal-mesz-muszen_]

[_kur_-si-il-ha-zi sza dan-nu-tu sza _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_] i#-qab-bu(*)-szu-u-ni ul-ziz ma-da-at-[tu sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kur_-el-li-pa-a-a _u en-uru-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-e _du_-szu-nu a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni]

[... _ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz# ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz ansze_-ud-ra-[a-ti _gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni a-na la ma-ni am-hur (disz)ir-an-zu _kur_-man-na-a-a qur-di ta-nit-ti] [sza asz-szur _en_-ia sza ina _kur-mesz_-e _du_-szu-nu e]-te#-ep-pu-szu isz-me-ma na-mur-rat [asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-up-szu-ma ...] [... a-di mah-ri-ia il-li-kam u]-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii#_-ia _ansze-kur-ra#_-[_mesz ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni ...]

AI Translation

The lands Uparia, Bustus, Ariarma, the land of kings, Saksukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, Bit-Sagbat, and Silhazi, fortresses that the Babylonians call for their strongholds, ... I conquered, defeated them, plundered them, .

The lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, and Bit-Urzakku, the city Bit-Ishtar, the city Zakrutu, which are fortresses of the Medes.

I reorganized the cities in their environs and placed the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, in them. I settled there people from the lands that I had conquered. ... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. I erected my royal image in the land Tikrakki, the cities Bit-Ishtar, Sibur, Ariamma, the land of kings, and the cities of the people of the lands that I had conquered.

I stationed troops of the Medes, the Ellipi, and the city rulers of all of the mountains, as far as Mount Bikni, in the district of the city Si'ilhazi, which is a fortress of the Babylonians.

I received ... horses, mules, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. Iranzu, the Mannean, heard about the heroic deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, which I had done in all of the mountains, and then the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and ... he came before me and kissed my feet. I received horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats .


I conquered and defeated the lands Uppuria, Bustus, Ariarma — the land of roosters — Saksukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, and Bit-Sagbat, Mount Silhazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians, ... and I carried off their booty. I carried off ..., their horses, their mules, their Bactrian camels, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, without number. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities; I reduced them to mounds and ruins.

I annexed to Assyria the lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, and Bit-Urzakki, and the cities Bit-Ishtar and Zakrute, which belong to the mighty Medes.

I rebuilt the cities in their midst, set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein, and settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. ... I placed ... eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I erected my royal image in the land Tikrakki, in the cities Bit-Ishtar and Shibar, in the land Ariarma — the land of roosters — and at Mount Silhazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians.

I received the payment of the Medes, the people of the land Ellipi, and the city rulers of all of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni: 10 ..., horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

Iranzi of the land Mannea heard about the glorious valor of the god Ashur, my lord, that I had accomplished again and again throughout all of the mountain regions, and the terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him. ... He came before me and kissed my feet. Horses, mules, cattle, and sheep and goats, ...

Q003431: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _uru_-hi-is-ta _uru_-ha-ra-bi-si-na _uru_-ba-ar-ba-az _uru_-ta-sa a-di _id_-u-lu-ru-usz ak-szud di-ik-ta-szu-nu a-duk 8 _lim 6 me 50 un-mesz_ [... _ansze-kur_]-_ra#-mesz 3 me ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz 6 me 60 ansze-mesz 1 lim 3 me 50 gu4-mesz 19 lim udu-mesz a_sz-lu-la ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up [...]-x-szu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur _gur_-ra _uru-mesz_-ni szu-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti _du_-usz _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-szib

[... _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur _en_]-ia# ina lib-bi ar-me i-na _ugu nam kur_-na-'i-i-ri u-rad-di _uru_-da-i-qa-an-szA _uru_-sa-ak-ka _uru_-ip-pa _uru_-e-li-iz-an-szu [... _uru_]-lu-qa-da-an-szA _uru_-qu-da _uru_-e-lu-gi-a _uru_-da-ni-a _uru_-da-an-zi-un _uru_-u-la-a-a _uru_-lu-qi-a _uru_-ab-ra-ni-a _uru_-e-u-sa [... ak-szud di]-ik-ta#-szu-nu a-duk 9 _me un-mesz 1 me 50 gu4-nita-mesz 1 lim udu-nita-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz ansze-nita-mesz a_sz-lu-la

[... _uru-mesz_-ni-szu]-nu# ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up _un-mesz kur_-mu-qa-ni-a a-ka-am ger-ri-ia e-mu-ru-ma _uru_-u-ra

AI Translation

I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire 86,000 people, ... horses, 370 mules, 660 donkeys, 1,350 oxen, and 19,500 sheep. I returned their ... to the territory of Assyria and reorganized those cities. I settled there people from the lands that I had conquered.

I added ..., ..., and the cities Daiqanshu, Sakka, Ippa, Elizanzu, ..., Luqanshu, Quda, Elugia, Dania, Danziun, Ulaya, Luqia, Abrania, and Esa, ..., and defeated them. I carried off 950 people, 150 oxen, 1,000 sheep, horses, mules, and donkeys.

... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities. The people of the land Muqania saw the light of my expeditionary force and the city Ura


I captured and defeated the cities ..., Hista, Harbisinna, Barbaz, and Tasa, as far as the Ulurush River. I carried off 8,650 people, ... horses, 300 mules, 660 asses, 1,350 oxen, and 19,000 sheep. Those cities I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. ... I annexed their ... to Assyria, rebuilt those cities, and settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. ... and set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein. I added it the area to the province of the land Na'iri.

I captured and defeated the cities Daiqansha, Sakka, Ippa, Elizanshu, 5 ..., Luqadanshu, Quda, Elugia, Dania, Danziun, Ulaya, Luqia, Abrania, Eusa, .... I carried off 900 people, 150 oxen, 1,000 sheep, horses, mules, and asses.

... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities. The people of the land Muqania saw the dust cloud of my expeditionary force, and the city of Ura,

Q003432: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


sza i-na _murub4 kur_-mu-s,ur-ni-[...] _dumu-mesz_-szu-nu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu-nu kim-[ta-szu-nu(?) ...] u-bat-ti-iq-ma ina _kur_-szu-nu u#-[masz-szir ...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-gir-nun_-(_na_)-_mesz_ [...] ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up# [...] ak-szud ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi#_ [Asz-ru-up ...] ak-szud di-ik-ta-szu a-duk# x [...]

AI Translation

As for the one who ... in the midst of the land Mushurni..., I killed their sons, their daughters, their family, ... and abandoned them in their land. ... horses, mules, ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned ... I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned ... I killed him, I killed him, ... .


which is in midst of the land Mushurni..., ... their sons, their daughters, their family, ... I cut off their hands and I released them in their own land. I carried off ... horses, mules, .... 5 I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire .... I captured, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire .... I captured and defeated him ... ...

Q003433: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[sza (disz)]ra#-hi-a-ni [... szal-la-su(?)] [ka]-bit-tu [Asz-lu-la ...] _lu#_-ma-lik-szu# [...] [da-me] _lu#_-qu-[ra-di-szu] _id#_-x [...] x x szam-ru [as,]-ru-pa [il]-lu-ri-[isz ... a-lik] pa-ni-szu _lu#-en gisz-gigir-mesz u_ [... _gisz_]-_tukul#-mesz_-szu-nu u-szab-bir-ma [x] x _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szu-nu _ansze#_-[_gir-nun-na_]-_mesz#_-[szu-nu _lu_-mun]-dah#-s,e-szu na-szi _gisz-pan_ [na]-szi(*)# ka-ba-bi az-ma-re-e ina _szu-ii_ u-s,ab(*)#-[bit]-su-nu-ti-ma _me_-szu-nu

[u-szap]-t,ir szu-u a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu e-de#-nu-usz-szu ip-par-szi-id-ma [ki-ma] (d)_nin-kilim ka-gal uru_-szu _ku4_-ub _lu-sag-kal-mesz_-szu bal-t,u-us-su-nu [a-na _gisz_]-za(*)-qi-pa-a-ni u-sze-li-ma u-szad-gi-la _kur_-su 40-_am 5 ud-mesz_ usz-ma-ni [i-na i-ta]-at _uru_-szu ak-s,ur-ma _gim_ is,-s,ur qu-up-pi e-sir-szu _gisz-kiri6-mesz_-szu [...]-nu (s,ip)-pa-a-te sza ni-i-ba la i-szu-u ak-kis-ma 1-en ul(*) e-zib

[x x]-ha-a-da-ra É _ad_-szu sza (disz)ra-hi-a-ni _kur_-szA-_ansze-nita_-szu-a-a

[a]-szar# i'-al-du al-me ak-szud 8 _me un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu _gu4-nita-mesz_-szu-nu s,e#-e-ni-szu-nu Asz-lu-la 7 _me# 50_ szal-la-at(*) _uru_-ku-ru-us,-s,a-a _uru#_-sa-ma-a-a 5 _me 50_ szal-la-at _uru_-me-tu-na Asz-lu-la 5 _me 91 uru-mesz_ sza 16 na-ge-e sza _kur_-szA-_ansze-nita_-szu ki-ma _dul_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit

(f)#sa-am-si szar-rat _kur_-a(*)-ri-bi sza ma-mit (d)szA-masz te-ti-qu-ma

AI Translation

I carried off a substantial booty from Rahianu Rezin ... his army ... the battle array of his warriors, the river ... ... ... I slew ... I slew ... who came before him, the charioteers and ... their weapons and ... I captured their horses, their mules, his chariotry, and his cavalry, the archers, and the troops, and I fought with them.

He fled to save his life and entered the gate of his city like the goddess Ninkilim. I brought out his eunuchs and made them sit on thrones. I conquered his land 40 days and a half in the plain of his city and I surrounded his gardens like a cloud. I cut down ... ... and reed beds, which were without number, and I did not leave a single one.

...hadara, the house of his father of Rahianu Rezin of the land of the Damascene.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 800 people, together with their possessions, their oxen, and their sheep and goats. I carried off 750 captives from the cities Kurushsha and Sama and 550 captives from the city Metuna. I destroyed 591 cities of 16 districts of the land of the land of the land of the Damascene like a fog.

Samsi, queen of the Arabs, who had sinned against the oath sworn by the god Shamash and


of Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus ... I carried off his heavy booty. ... his advisor ... With the blood of his warriors I dyed the ... River, ..., a raging torrent, red like a flower. I ... his leaders, 5' charioteers, and .... I broke their weapons. I captured ... their horses, their mules, his warriors, archers, as well as his shield bearers and lancers, and I dispersed their battle array.

In order to save his life, he Rahianu fled alone and entered the gate of his city like a mongoose. 10' I impaled his foremost men alive while making the people of his land watch. For forty-five days I set up my camp around his city and confined him there like a bird in a cage. I cut down his plantations, ... ..., and orchards, which were without number; I did not leave a single one standing.

I surrounded and captured the city ...hadara, the ancestral home of Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, the place where he was born.

I carried off 800 people, with their possessions, their oxen, and their sheep and goats. I carried off 750 captives from the cities Kurushshâ and Samaya, as well as 550 captives from the city Metuna. Like tells after the Deluge, I destroyed 591 cities of 16 districts of the land Damascus.

Samsi, queen of the Arabs, who had transgressed her oath sworn by the god Shamash and

Q003434: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


sza x [...] sza la x [...] sza 16 na#-[ge-e sza _kur_-É-hu-um-ri-a(?) ...] szal-la#-[at ...] 2 _me 26_ [...] szal#-la-at# [...] 4 _me_ [...] 6 _me 56_ szal-[la-at _uru_-sa-...] 13 _lim 5 me 20_ [...] a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu [... sza ina] _kur_-e mar-s,u-ti szit-[ku-na-at szu-bat-su-nu ...]

(disz)mi-ti-in-ti _kur_-as#-[qa-lu-na-a-a ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ih-t,i (...)] it-ti-ia it(*)#-ta-[bal-kit ... (disz)ra-hi-a-ni] e-mur-ma U ip-lah# [lib-ba-szu ...] ha-at-ti ra-ma-ni-[szu im-qut-su ...] (disz)ru-u-kib-tu _dumu_ [... ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-szib]

AI Translation

... ... ... of 16 districts of the land Bit-Humrî ... booty ... 226 ... booty ... 456 booty ... Sa..., 13,520 ... together with their property ... which are situated in difficult mountains, their dwellings .

Mitinti of the land Ashkelon sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods ... he rebelled against me ... Rahianu saw the defeat of Rahianu and became frightened .... His own fate fell upon him .... Rukibtu, son of ..., sat on his throne.


... ... without ... ... I utterly demolished ... of sixteen districts of the land Bit-Humrî Israel. I carried off to Assyria ... captives from ..., 5' 226 captives from ..., ... captives from ..., 400 and ... captives from ..., 656 captives from the city Sa..., ... altogether 13,520 people, ..., 10' with their belongings. I ... the cities Arumâ and Marum, ... which are situated in rugged mountains.

Mitinti of the land Ashkelon neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods ... and revolted against me. He Mitinti saw the defeat of Rahianu Rezin and became afraid, ... 15' He was stricken with panic .... Rukibtu, the son of ..., ascended his throne.

Q003435: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] ti [...] [... _gim_] im-ba-ri as(?)#-[hu-up]-szu [...] [... sza 16] na-ge-e szA _kur_-É-hu(?)-um(?)#-[ri(?)-a(?)] qa-[aq-qa-risz(?) am-nu(?) ...] [...]-ba-ra-a 6 _me 25_ szal#-lat _uru#_-[x]-a-[...] [... _uru_]-hi-na-tu-na 6 _me 50_ szal-lat _uru_-ku#-[...] [... _uru_-ia]-at,-bi-te 6 _me 56_ szal-lat _uru_-sa-x-[...] [...] _uru_-a-ru-ma-a _uru_-ma#-ru-um [...]

[... (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _kur_]-as-qa-lu-na-a-a ina a-de-[e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ih-t,i (...) it-ti-ia it-ta-bal-kit (...)] [... (disz)ra]-hi-a-ni e-mur-ma ina mi-qit [t,e-e-mi ...] [(...) (disz)ru-u-kib-tu _dumu_ ...] ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-szib a-na [...] [...] i-dul-ma u-s,a-la-ni 5 _me_ [...] [...]-ma a-na _uru_-szu _ku4_-ub 15 _uru_-[_mesz_-ni ...] [... (disz)i]-di-bi-'i-i-lu _kur_-a-ru-bu [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... I surrounded it like a fog ... I surrounded and conquered ... of sixteen districts of the land Bit-Humrî ... I captured ...barâ, 650 captives from the city ...a..., ..., Hinatuna, 650 captives from the city ..., ..., Yatbite, 660 captives from the city Sa..., ..., Arumâ, Marum, ...,

... Mitinti of the land Ashkelon sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods ... rebelled against me ... Rahianu saw the attack of my lordly majesty and, by a whim, ... Rukibtu, son of ..., sat on his throne. He ... and he fled to his city. 5 hundred ... ... and entered his city. 15 cities ... Idibi'ilu of the land Arbu .


... ... ... ... ... I enveloped him like a dense fog ... I utterly demolished ... of sixteen districts of the land Bit-Humrî Israel. I carried off to Assyria ... captives from the city ...barâ, 625 captives from the city ...a..., ... 5' ... captives from the city Hinatuna, 650 captives from the city Ku..., ... captives from the city Yatbite, 656 captives from the city Sa......, ..., with their belongings. I ... the cities Arumâ and Marum ....

Mitinti of the land Ashkelon neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods ... and revolted against me. ... He Mitinti saw the defeat of Rahianu Rezin and during a lapse of judgment ... 10' Rukibtu, the son of ..., ascended his throne. ... .... He wandered around and beseeched me. ... 500 ... and I entered his city. ... fifteen cities ... Idibi'ilu, the Arab, ...

Q003436: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] sza# la ni-[ba ...] [...] x _uru_-a-tu-[...] [... _lu_]-qa-ab#-'e-e [...] [...] x x sza in-[...] [... _uru_-bir-tu] sza la-ab#-ba-na-at [...] [... _lu_-a-ru-mu] szA szid-di [...] [...] _lu#_-bu-[u-du ...]

AI Translation

... without number ... the city Atu... the Qabi'eans ... ... of In... the fort of Labanat ... the Arameans of Shiddi ... the Budu .


... which are without number ... ... the city Atu... the tribe Qabi'i ... ... ... 5 ... the fortress of Labbanat ... Arameans on the banks of ... Rivers, ... the tribe Budu ...

Q003437: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[i]-na rak-su-ti e-bir# szA _lu_-a-ri-mi _du_-szu-[nu ...] [x (x)] _lim 9 lim un-mesz_ [x (x)] _lim 5 me gu4-nita-mesz_ [...] ap#-pul aq-qur i-na _izi a_sz-ru-up _lu_-ra-a'#-[sa-a-ni sza _kur_-kal-di ...] na-mur(*)#-rat asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma [...]

il-li-ku-nim(*)#-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia [...] _lu-ku4_ É szA é-sag-il2 é-zi-da é(*)#-[mes-lam ...] re-hat _en_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_ a-di mah-ri-ia u#-[bi-lu-ni ...]

AI Translation

I crossed over the river and captured all of the Arameans. ... 9,000 people, ..., and 5,000 oxen ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. The Ra'sanu of Chaldea ... the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and .

... the temple-enterer of Esagil, Ezida, and Emeslam ..., the one who brought the yoke of the gods Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal before me .


I crossed on rafts. I ... all of the Arameans ... I carried off ..., ... thousand and 9,000 people, ... thousand and 500 oxen, .... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire .... The terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the chieftains of the Chaldeans ... and they .... 5 They the chieftains came before me and kissed my feet.

... the temple personnel of Esagil, Ezida, and Emeslam ... brought before me the sacrificial remnants of the gods Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal ...

Q003438: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal gisz-eren_ ...] ana mu-szab [_en_]-ti-ia [U É hi-it-la-an-ni tam-szil É-_gal_] [_kur_-hat-ti ana] mul-ta-'u-ti-ia [ina qé-reb _uru_-kal-hi _du_-usz x _kusz gal_-tu] szid-du 60 _kusz gal_-tu pu-u-tu [mi-szih-ti qaq-qa-ri-sza _ugu_] É-_gal-mesz ad-mesz_-[ia] mah-ra-a-te ul-tu lib-bi _id-idigna_ u-(szA)-tir-ma as,-s,a-ba-ta [...]

AI Translation

I built a palace of cedar ... for my lordly residence and a bit-hilani, a replica of a Hittite palace, for my pleasure in Calah. I added x large cubits, the width 60 large cubits, and the dimensions of its area, to the former palaces of my ancestors, from the Tigris River and took them .


I built in Kalhu a cedar palace ... for my lordly residence and a bit-hilani, a replica of a palace of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, for my pleasure. I made the dimensions of its site ... large cubits in length and sixty large cubits in width larger than the former palaces of my ancestors by reclaiming land from the Tigris River by filling it in. ...

Q003439: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... isz-lu]-la-am(?)#-ma a-na _kur_-hat-ti [a-di mah-ri-ia ub-la 6 _me_ szal-la-at _uru_-am-la-te sza _lu_-da-mu-ni 5 _lim 4 me_ szal-la-at] _uru_-É#-de-ra-a-a ina _uru_-ku-na-li-a [... _uru_-hu-za-ar-ra _uru_-ta-e _uru_-ta-ar-ma-na-zi _uru_-ku-ul-ma-da-ra _uru_-ha-ta-tir-ra _uru_-ir-gi-il-lu _uru-mesz_-ni] szA# _kur_-un-qi u-sze-szib

[... szal-la-at _kur_-qu-te-e _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-te 1 _lim 2 me lu_-il-li-il-a-a 6 _lim 2 me 8_] _lu_-nak-kab-a-a _kur_-bu-da-a-a

[ina ... _uru_-s,i-mir-ra _uru_-ar-qa-a _uru_-us-nu-u _uru_-si-an-nu sza szid-di tam-tim u-sze-szib] 5 _me 88 lu_-bu-da-a-a [_uru_-du-na-a-a ... 2 _me 52 lu_-bi-la-a-a 5 _me 54 lu_-ba-ni-ta-a-a] 3 _me 80 lu_-(d)_igi-du_-an-dil-_kur_ [4 _me 60 lu_-sa-an-gi-il-lu ... _lu_-il-lil-a-a 4 _me 58_ szal-la-at _kur_-qu-te-e _kur_-É-sa]-an-gi-bu-ti

AI Translation

I settled 600 captives of the city Amlatu, which the Damunu had captured, 5,400 captives of the city Bit-Deraya in the cities Kunalua, ..., Huzarra, Tae, Tarmanazi, Kuulmadara, Hattatirra, and Irgilu, cities of the land Unqi.

... the booty of the lands Que and Bit-Sangibute, 1,200 people of the tribe Illil, 6,208 people of the tribes Nakkaba and Buda,

I settled 588 people of the tribes Buda, Dunaya, ..., 52 people of the tribe Bilaya, 554 people of the tribe Banitu, 380 people of the tribe Palil-andil-mati, 460 people of the tribe Sangilu, ..., the tribe Illila, 458 captives of the lands Que and Bit-Sangibuti,


... he a eunuch of mine plundered those cities and brought that booty to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, before me. I settled 600 captives of the city Amlate of the tribe Damunu and 5,400 captives of the city Bit-Deraya in the cities Kunalua, ..., Huzarra, Ta'e, Tarmanazi, Kulmadara, Hatatirra, and Irgillu, cities of the land Unqi.

I settled ... captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the land Bit-Sangibuti, 1,200 people of the tribe Illila, and 6,208 people of the tribes Nakkaba and Buda 5 in the cities ..., Shimirra, Arqâ, Usnû, and Si'annu, cities on the seacoast.

I settled 588 people of the tribes Budu and Dunu, ..., 252 people of the tribe Belâ, 554 people of the tribe Banitu, 380 people of the tribe Palil-andil-mati "The god Palil is the protecting shadow of the land", 460 people of the tribe Sangillu, ..., ... people of the tribe Illila, 458 captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the land Bit-Sangibuti

Q003440: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


i-na _nam uru_-tu-'i-[im-me u-sze-szib 5 _me 55_ szal-la-at _kur_-qu-te-e _uru_-É-sa-an-gi-bu]-ti i-na# _uru-du6_-kar-me u-sze-szib

it-ti _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-[szu-nu-ti il-ku tup-szik-ku ki-i szA Asz-szu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti ma-da-at-tu] sza ((disz))ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _uru_-ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu _kur_-szA-_ansze-nita_-szu-[a-a (disz)me-ni-hi-im-me _uru_-sa-me-ri-na-a-a (disz)hi-ru-um-mu _uru_-s,ur-a-a (disz)si-bi-it]-ti#-bi-'i-li _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)u-ri-ia-ik-ki _kur_-qu-u-[a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is _uru_-gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)e-ni-il _uru_-ha-am-ma-ta-a-a (disz)pa]-na-am-mu-u _uru_-sa-am-'a-la-a-a

AI Translation

I settled 555 captives of the land Que in the province of the city Tu'imme. I settled in the city Til-karme the city Bit-Sangibuti.

As for Kushtashpi of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hirummu of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al,


I settled captives in the province of the city Tu'immu. I settled 555 captive highlanders lit. "Gutians" of the city Bit-Sangibuti in the city Til-karme. I considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed upon them corvée labor like that of the Assyrians.

The payment of Kushtashpi of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, 5 Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Atuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna Hubushnu, and Zabibê, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood,

Q003441: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


mim-ma aq-ru ni-s,ir-(ti) _lugal_-u-ti _udu-nita-mesz_ bal-t,u#-ti sza _sig-mesz_-szu-nu ar-ga-man-nu s,ar-pat is,-s,ur _an_-e mut-tap-ri-szu-ti szA a-gap-pi-szu-nu a-na ta-kil-te s,ar-pu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz gu4-nita-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-te a-di _ansze_-ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na am#-[hur]

i-na 9 _bala-mesz_-ia asz-szur be-li(*) u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_-É-kap-si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi _kur_-É-ur-zak-ki _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz _kur_-É-ma-at-ti# _kur_-tup-li-ia-Asz al-lik _uru_-É-(d)15 _uru_-ki-in-ka#-an-gi _uru_-ki-in-di-gi-a-su _uru_-ki-in-gi-al-ka-si-isz _uru_-ku-bu#-usz-ha-ti#-[di-isz] _uru_-u-pu-szu _uru_-ah-si-pu-na _uru_-gi-ir-gi-ra-a _uru#_-ki-im-ba-az-ha-ti a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu-nu ak-szud szal-la-su-nu Asz#-[lu-la]

ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up ina u4-me-szu-ma mul-mul#-lu _an-bar_ zaq-tu _du_-usz li-ta-at asz-szur _en_-ia ina muh-hi Asz#-[t,ur] ina _ugu#_ [nam-ba-'i] sza _uru_-É-(d)15 u-kin (disz)u-pa-Asz _dumu_ (disz)kap-si _un-mesz_-szu u-pah-hir-ma a-na _kur_-a-bi-ru-us _kur_-e e-li ar-ke-e-szu ar-de-e-ma di-ik-ta-szu# [a-duk szal-la-su]

AI Translation

I received every kind of royal treasure, wild rams whose wool is dyed red, as well as their turbans, their turbans, their turbans, their turbans, horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, camels, and camels, together with their ..., as gifts.

In my ninth regnal year, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Media, Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti, and Tupliyash. I conquered the cities Bit-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Indigiasu, Kingalkasish, Kubushhatidish, Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbakhati, together with cities in their environs.

At that time I had a pointed iron halo built and I wrote thereon the oath sworn by the god Ashur, my lord. I set up a 'house of peace' in the city Bit-Ishtar. I assembled his people, named him Upash, son of Kapsi, and I ascended Mount Abirus. I pursued him and killed him.


all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, camels, she-camels, together with their young, I received from them.

In my ninth palû, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Media lit. "land of the Medes", Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti, and Tupliyash. I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Bit-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingialkasish, Kubushhatidish, 5 Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbazhati, together with cities in their environs.

At that time, I made a pointed iron "arrow," inscribed the mighty deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, on it, and I set it up at the spring of the city Bit-Ishtar. Upash of the land Bit-Kapsi lit. "son of Kapsi" assembled his people and ascended Mount Abirus. I pursued him, defeated him, and carried off his booty.

Q003443: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-di _kur_-sa-u-e _kur_-e sza ina _kur_-lab-na-[na]-ma it-tak-ki-pu-u#-[ni] _kur_-ba-'a-li-s,a-pu#-na a-di _kur_-am-ma-[na]-na# _kur gisz-tug kur_-sa-u-e# [_kur_-e] a-na gi-mir-ti-szu _nam uru_-kar-(d)_iszkur# uru_-ha-ta-rik#-[ka] _nam uru_-nu-qu-di-na _kur_-ha-su-[at-ti a-di _uru-mesz_-ni] sza si-hir-ti-szu _uru_-a-ra-a [...]

AI Translation

as far as Mount Saue, which is in Mount Lebanon, Mount Ba'alishapuna as far as Mount Ammanana, the mountain of boxwood, Mount Saue in its entirety, the province of the city Kar-Adad, the city Hatarikka, the province of the city Nuqudina, the land Hasuatti, together with cities in its environs, the city Arâ, .


as far as Mount Saue — which abuts Mount Lebanon — Mount Ba'ali-shapuna as far as Mount Ammanana — the boxwood mountain — Mount Saue in its entirety, the province of the city Kar-Adad, the city Hatarikka, the province of the city Nuqudina, the land Hasuatti, together with cities in its environs, the city Arâ, ...

Q003444: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-ni# ki-lal-li-szu-nu _uru-mesz_-ni sza si-hir-ti-szu-nu _kur_-sa-ar-bu-u-a _kur_-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu _uru-a_sz-ha-ni _uru_-ia-t,a-bi _kur_-ia-ra-qu _kur_-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu x-[x]-ri _uru_-el-li-ta-ar-bi _uru_-zi-ta-a-nu a-di lib-bi _uru_-a-ti-in-ni x [...] _uru_-bu-ma-me 19 na-ge-e sza _uru_-ha-am-ma-at-ti a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza si-hir-ti-szu-nu (erasure) sza a-hi tam-tim sza szUl-mu (d)_utu_-szi sza i-na hi-it,-t,i (U) gul-lul-te a-na (disz)az-ri-ia-a-u e-ki-i-mu

ma-da-at-tu sza (disz)ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _kur_-ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu _kur_-sza-_ansze-nita-mesz_-szu-a-a

AI Translation

... their entire territory, the cities in their environs, the entire land of Sarbua, the cities Ashhanu, Yatabi, the entire land of Yaraqu, ...ri, Ellatitarabi, Zitanu, together with the cities Atinnu, ... ..., the city Bummame, a district of 19 districts in the city Hamath, together with cities in their environs on the shore of the western sea, which had been destroyed by rebellion and rebellion against Azriyau.

The tribute of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu and Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus —


... ... both sides of them, the cities in their environs, Mount Sarbua in its entirety, the cities Ashhani and Yatabi, Mount Yaraqu in its entirety, ..., the cities Ellitarbi and Zitanu, as far as the city Atinnu, ... ..., 5 the city Bumame — I annexed to Assyria those nineteen districts of the city Hamath, together with cities in their environs, which are on the coast of the Sea of the Setting Sun, and which had been criminally and sinfully seized for Azriyau Azri-Iau. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

The payment of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus,

Q003445: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ma-da-at-tu sza (disz)ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _kur_-ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu _kur_-sza-_ansze-nita-mesz_-szu-a-a (disz)me-ni-hi-me _uru_-sa-me-ri-i-na-a-a (disz)hi-ru-um-mu _uru_-s,ur-ra-a-a (disz)si-bi-it-ti-bi-'i-li _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)u-ri-ia-ik-ki _kur_-qu-u-a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is _uru_-gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)e-ni-il _uru_-ha-am-ma-ta-a-a (disz)pa-na-am-mu-u _uru_-sa-am-'a-la-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a (disz)su-lu-ma-al _kur_-me-lid-da-a-a

[x x] (disz)ra-hi-[a-nu ...]

AI Translation

The tribute of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hirumu of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid,

... Rahianu Rezin .


I received the payment of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, 5 Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Atuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna Hubushnu, and Zabibê, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen and sheep and goats, camels, she-camels, together with their young.

... Rahianu Rezin ....

Q003448: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(erased signs)

[asz-szur _en gal_ (d)]_en#-lil-la dingir-mesz_ mu#-szi-me# _nam-mesz_ [(d)_amar-utu_ musz-te]-szir# _gisz-hur du_-ni-u mit-hur-ti# pa-qid [...] mu-u-kin# isz-di# _kur_ [(d)_ag_ ta-mi-ih] _gi-dub_ na-szi _dub_ szi-mat _dingir#-dingir_ [...] (d)_u-gur gir-gir#-gir_ [...] szA# la _igi_-ru qa#-bal-szu [(d)_utu_ sza]-ki-ni# _gisz-mi_ x [...] x _mesz_ [(d)30 na-an-na-ru nam-ru] na#-din _gisz-gidru aga_ mu-kin(?) be#-[lu]-ti# [(d)_iszkur gu-gal an_-e _ki_]-tim# mu-kAm-mir t,uh#-di HÉ-_gal#_ [...] x

[(disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2]-ra# _gar_ (d)_bad nun sanga_ asz-szur# [... mu-usz]-te-e'-u Asz-ri-ku-nu ÉNSI [...] x _nunuz uru_-bal-til szu-qu-ru# [... bi]-bil# lib-bi (d)_a-edin gaszan gal_-ti# [...] x [...] _sum# arhusz tuk_-szu _nam-ti-la_ [... _man_ kisz]-szA(?)-ti# _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man kur_ szu-miri# [u _uri-ki man_ kib]-rat# _limmu sipa_ ba-'u-la-a-tim# [_gar_ an-du]-ra#-ar _kur_ asz-szur mu-t,ib lib-bi isz8-tAr# [mu-rap-pisz] mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur# [ma-hir _gun_ u _igi_]-_sa_-e szA _du_-szi-na ad-na-ti#

[ina _sag lugal_-ti-ia ina] mah#-re-e _bala_-ia ina 6 _iti_ szA ina [_gisz-gu-za_] [_lugal_-ti ra-bisz u-szi]-bu _erim#-hi-a_-at _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [gap-szA-a-ti] [lu ad-ke ...]

[...] U(?)# x _kur#_ [...] pa-a 1-en# [u-szA-Asz-kin-szu-nu-ti a-na _kur_ asz-szur u-ra]-Asz#-szu-nu-ti# [... _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia ina] _ugu_-szu#-nu _gar_-[un]

[ina 2 _bala_-ia ana _kur-zalag kur_-É-si]-in-gi#-bu-[ti lu] al-lik [... _kur_]-É-(disz)bar-ru#-a [...] x qu szA [...] _mal_(?)# x [...] x x _esz_ x-ti-ia [...] _ba#_-szA-ni ina _gisz-tukul_ u#-szam-qit szal-la-su-nu [Asz-lu-la] _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia ina _ugu kur_-par-su-a [_lu_]-szu#-ut _sag_-ia ina _ugu kur_-É-ha-am-ban _gar_-un(*) _kur-kur_ szu-a-ti-na

a-na _bulug_-ki# _kur_ asz-szur _gur_-er ma-da-tu# szA (disz)dal-ta-a _kur_-e-lip-a-a# _lu-en#-uru-mesz_ szA _kur-zalag kur_-sin-gi-bu-te mada-a-a szA# _kur_-e _du_-szu-nu szA _kur_ szam-szi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze_-pa-re-e _lal_-at _gisz_-ni-ri _ansze_-ud-ra-te _gu4-mesz_ [u] s,e-e-ni a-na la mi-ni am-hur

ina ta-a-a#-ar-ti-ia (disz)ir-an-su# _kur_-ma-na-a-a qur-di ta-nit-te szA asz-szur _en_-ia szA a-na _en-uru-mesz#_ szA _kur_-e _du_-szu#-[nu] A-pu-szA isz-me-ma hur-ba-szu _ugu_-szu it-ta-bi-ik-ma a-na# _uru_-su-um-bi# [i-te]-e# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia _du_-ka#-[am]-ma u-na#-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz babbar-mesz gun-mesz_ har-szA-a-a har#-[...] _uzu_-szu-nu# a-di ta-lul-ti-szu-nu x [x] _gu4-mah-mesz mah-mesz_ szu-'e#-[e ma-ru-u]-ti ma x [...] x-da# x-szu am#-hur

ina 3-szi _bala_-ia (disz)ma-ti-il [_dumu_ (disz)a]-tar-szum-qa bar-tu na#-bal-kat-tu a-na _kur_ asz-szur _du_-ma u-ha-t,a#-[a (x)] _lugal#-mesz_ szA a-na# [x x]-_mesz_ sza# _kur_-hat-ti x ud# a ku _kur-uri_ ze-rat _kur_ asz-szur# [...]-ma u-szam#-[ki-ir] ma-ti-tan (disz)(d)_inanna_-du-ri _kur-uri_-a-a (disz)#[su-lu-ma]-al _kur_-me#-[li-da-a-a (disz)]tar-qu-la-ru _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a a-na kit-ri#-[szu il-li-ku i-na bi-rit] _kur#_-kisz-tan u _kur_-hal-pi# na-ge-e sza _kur_-ku-muh-hi a-na# [e-muq(?) a-ha-mesz(?) it]-tak-lu#-[ma]

isz-kunu si-dir-tu 7 _kaskal_-[_gid_ qaq-qa-ru] _ge6_ u ur-ru# al-li-ka-am-ma _erim-hi-a_-at _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ul u#-szap-szi-ih(*)#-ma _a-mesz#_ ul Asz-qi usz-ma-ni ul _gar_-un#-ma ul# ak-s,u-ra _karasz_-szi _erim-hi-a_-ia an#-hu-su-nu# [_ta_-szu]-nu am#-da-hi-is, _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu _gar_-un usz-ma-ni _karasz#_-su-nu e#-kim-szu-nu-ti

a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz#_-[szu-nu] _zah-mesz_-ma (disz)(d)15-_bad kur-uri_-a-a e-de-nu-[usz-szu ina] [_munus-ansze_]-_kur-ra u5#_-[ma] _ge6_-isz ip-pA-risz-ma [...] x sze ir [...] szA ki-i pa-szul-ti# [...] a-na# [...] pa-qut-ti ed-de-ti mu-szAh-x [...]

ip-szil-ma e-li a-na _kur_-szu _gur_-ur(*) _ta uru_-hu-ti-[... at-tu-musz] 1 _me uru-mesz_ szA (disz)tar-hu-la-ri _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a ak-tu-[um ...] a-di _uru-mesz_ szA# si-hir-ti-szu-nu _kur_-ud (disz)tar#-[hu-la-ri ...] a-di# _sag-kal-mesz_ sza# _kur_-szu# it-ti ku-dur-ru#-[szu-nu a-di mah-ri-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma] u-na-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia a-na la hu-lu#-[uq] _kur#_-[gur]-gu-me# [...] am-hur-szu _ta kur_-gur-gu-me at-tu-musz a-na _uru-mesz_ [...] ad#-ka usz#-ma-nu _uru_-ka-da#-mu _uru_-al-x [...]

AI Translation

erased signs

Ashur, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; the god Marduk, the one who makes perfect the design of everything, the one who oversees ..., the one who establishes the foundations of the land; the god Nabû, the one who makes the tablet shine; the one who carries out the tablet of the destiny of the gods; the god Nergal, the lightning flashes; ... whose attack cannot be stopped; the god Shamash, the one who provides shade ... ...; the god Sîn, bright light, the one who gives a scepter and a crown; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and underworld, the one who provides abundance ...;

Tiglath-pileser, appointee of the god Enlil, prince, priest of Ashur, ... who constantly seeks out your shrines, vice-regent of ..., eldest son of the city Baltil Ashur, exalted ..., beloved of the goddess Aya-edin, great lady, ..., who has given life, ..., king of the universe, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, shepherd of the people, governor of the land of the god Ashur, who pleases the heart, who broadens the boundaries of Assyria, acquirer of talents and omens, who provides for all of their dowry,

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, in the sixth month when I sat on the royal throne, I mustered the extensive troops of Assyria .

... and ... ... I made them submit to Assyria. I placed ... a eunuch of mine over them.

In my second regnal year I marched to the land Zalag and the land Bit-Singibuti. ... Bit-Barrû ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I felled them with the sword. I carried off their booty. I placed a eunuch of mine over the land Parsua and a eunuch of mine over the land Bit-Hamban. Those lands

I received tribute from Daltâ of the land Ellipi, city rulers of the lands Nur and Singibuti, the Medes of the mountains, all of them from the mountains, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

On my return march, Iransu, the Mannean, heard about the heroic deeds of Ashur, my lord, which I had done for all the cities in the mountains, and he smashed his weapons against him. He came to the city Sumbi, which is on the border of Assyria, before me, and kissed my feet. I received white horses, mules, harshû-sheep, ..., their flesh, together with their clothing, ..., mighty oxen, ... ... ... ... I received his .

In my third regnal year, Matil, son of Atar-shumqa, went to Assyria in fear of rebellion and fear of war and ... the kings who had ... to the ...s of the land Hatti ... the land Urartu, the anger of Assyria, ... and he made a colossal victory over all of the lands. They trusted in the strength of Ishtar-duri of the land Urartu, Sulumal of the land Melide, and Tarqu-laru of the land Gurgum. They trusted in the territory of the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the land Kummuhu, and they .

I marched for seven leagues, night and day, and I did not let the troops of Assyria be scattered and I did not have water to drink. I did not set up camp and I did not set out on my own. I fought with them and brought about their defeat. I set out from their camp and defeated them.

Issar-duri, the Urartian, rebelled against him and fought with a mare. He became frightened and ... ... ... ... who, like a lion, ... to ...

Moving on from the city Huti... I conquered 100 cities of Tarhu-lari of the land Gurgum ... together with cities in their environs. Tarhu-lari ... together with the first-borns of his land, came before me with their ... and kissed my feet. To not fall into my hands I ... received him. Moving on from the land Gurgum I approached the cities ... I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Kadamu, Al... ... .


erased signs

The god Ashur, great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; the god Marduk, the one who formulates designs, creator of mankind, the one who inspects ..., the one who makes firm the foundations of the land; the god Nabû, holder of the stylus and bearer of the tablet of destinies of the gods, i 5 ...; the god Nergal, ..., ... whose onslaught cannot be withstood; the god Shamash, the one who bestows protection ... ... ...; the god Sîn, bright celestial light, the one who gives scepter and crown to the king, the one who establishes lordship; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, the one who heaps up abundance and plenty, ... ...; i 10 the god Ea, lord of wisdom, the one who forms everything there is and who makes its creatures beautiful; the goddess Ishtar, ... who loves the king, her favorite, ... ... ...; the Sebetti, very powerful lords who march ahead of my troops and strike down my enemies; the god Amurru, ... ...; ... ...; i 15 they are the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, ... ... ... ... ....

Tiglath-pileser III, the one appointed by the god Enlil, the prince, the priest of the god Ashur, ... the one who constantly seeks out your holy sites, vice-regent of ... ..., precious scion of Baltil Ashur, ..., the one desired by the goddess Sherua, the great lady; i 25 ... ... ... showed him mercy and granted him life; ..., king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, shepherd of its people, the one who established the remission of debts for Assyria, the one who pleases the heart of the goddess Ishtar, the one who enlarges the boundary of Assyria, i 30 the one who receives the tribute and gifts of the entire world. ... set him Tiglath-pileser up as ... to expand its Assyria's extensive population, ..., to shepherd them in safe pastures, ... the god Ashur, the Enlil of i 35 the gods, ... ... and ... ... to cut down the unsubmissive.

At the beginning of my reign, in my first palû, in the sixth month after I sat in greatness on the throne of kingship, I mustered the vast troops of Assyria ...

... ... I united them, brought them to Assyria, .... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

In my second palû, I marched to the lands Namri and Bit-Singibuti Bit-Sangibuti. ... the land Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, ... ... ... ... ... ... my ... ... granted to me. I cut them down with the sword lit. "weapon" and carried off their booty. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over the land Parsua i 10' and another eunuch of mine as provincial governor over the land Bit-Hamban, and I annexed those lands to Assyria.

I received the payment of Daltâ of the land Ellipi, the city rulers of the lands Namri, Bit-Singibuti Bit-Sangibuti, the Medes, and all the eastern mountains: horses and mules broken to the yoke, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

On my return, Iransu Iranzi of the land Mannea heard about the heroic deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, that I had done again and again to all of the city rulers of the mountain regions, and terror came over him. He came to the city Sumbi, which is next to Assyria, before me, and kissed my feet. I received horses — white, piebald, Harshian, and Har... — their ... together with their trappings, ..., i 20' majestic bulls, fattened sheep, ... ... ...

In my third palû, Mati'-il, the son of Attar-shumqa Attar-shumki, fomented a rebellious insurrection against Assyria and violated his loyalty oath. He sent hostile messages about Assyria to the kings who ... to the ... of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine and ... the land Urartu and thus caused enmity in all of those lands. Sarduri of the land Urartu, Sulumal of the land Melid, and Tarqu-laru Tarhu-laru i 25' of the land Gurgum came to his aid. Between the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the land Kummuhu, they trusted in one another's strength and drew up a battle array.

I marched for a distance of seven leagues, day and night, and I did not allow the troops of Assyria to rest, did not give them water to drink, and did not pitch camp nor bivouac i 30' my soldiers allowing them to recover from their weariness. I fought with them, defeated them, and took their camps away from them.

They fled to save their lives and Sarduri of the land Urartu rode off alone on a mare and escaped during the night. ... ... ..., i 35' who like a crawling creature ... into ..., thistles and box thorns that ... ..., crawled away and vanished. He returned to his land.

I departed from the city Huti.... I overwhelmed 100 cities of Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum. I conquered ..., together with cities in their environs. Tarhu-lara, ..., i 40' together with the foremost men of his land, with their corvée baskets, came before me and kissed my feet with a plea not to destroy the land Gurgum. I received ... from him. I departed from the land Gurgum and I approached the cities of ..., where I pitched camp. The cities Kadamu, Al......, ...

Obverse Column ii


a-di _uru_-x [...] _uru_-É-bar-ru-a [...] a-di _kur_-ni-qi szA _kur_-tup#-[li-Asz ...] _kur_-É-a-gu-si a-na# [si-hir-ti-szu] _kur_-pat-ti-nu a-na si-hir-ti-szu _ta uru#_-x [...] _uru_-na-an-pi-gi sza _gu id-a_-[_szita_ ...] _uru_-qar-né-e _uru_-ha-da-te-te _uru_-da-[...] _uru_-qi-na-as-ri-na szA ma-ad-ba-ri# [_en_] _uru_-di-masz-qi _kur_-ha-mat _kur_-ha#-su-at-ti _kur_-t,u-ri-na-qa-di-na _kur_-si-an-nu ana pat, gim-ri-szi#-[na] _uru_-el-li-szu _uru_-s,i-mi-ra szA _gir-ii kur_-lab-na#-na _uru-sag_-s,ur-ri _kur_-s,a-pu-na _uru_-ah-ta-a#

ana mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur _gur_-er _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur _kur-kur_ u-szA-tir _dab_-bat _ugu un-mesz_-szA _un-mesz_ ana la ma-ni u-rad-di# a-bur-risz ar-te-né-'u-u-szi-na-a-ti

ana-ku (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2 _man kur_ asz-szur szA _ta e_ (d)_utu_-szi _en szu_ (d)_utu_-szi _kur-mesz du_-szi-na _szu-ii_-ia ik-szu-da _ki man-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-a la e-ti-qa _gisz_-mu-ger-ra-szu-nu Asz-ta-kan _lu-gar-mesz ta_ tam-ti _gal_-ti szA E szam-szi _en uru-sag_-s,u-ri# _uru_-gub-li szA _gu_ tam-ti _gal_-ti szA _silim_ szam-szi _du-du_-ku-ma a-bé-lu kib-rata

ina# 9 _bala-mesz_-ia a-na mada-a-a _du_-ku aq-bi szA# _en-mesz uru-mesz_ la _gur_-szu-ti _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ud# di-ik#-ta-szu-nu a#-duk szal-la-su-nu Asz-lu#-la ina# [...] _uru#_-É-(d)_inanna uru_-s,i-bar _kur_-a-ri-ar-ma _kur_-sil-ha-zu _kur_-e _kal-mesz nar-mesz_-ia u-kin szA _gur_-szu-te ma-da-ta-szu#-nu am-hur#

1 _me 30_+x _ansze-kur-ra-mesz uru_-É-15 a-di na-gi-szu# am-hur# 1 _me 20 uru_-gi-ni-zi-na-nu _uru_-sad-bat _uru_-si-sa-ad#-x 1 _me_ (disz)u-pa-Asz _dumu_ (disz)kap-si 1 _me_ (disz)usz-ru-u szA _kur_-ni-ki-si 1 _me_ (disz)uk#-sa-tar szA _uru_-qar-kin#-sze-ra 1 _me_ (disz)ia-u-bit-ir# szA _kur_-a#-[mat] 3 _me_ (disz)bar-da#-da szA _uru_-s,i-bar 33 (disz)a-ma-ku szA _uru_-kit-ku-x 32 (disz)szA-ta-qu-pi szA _uru_-u(?)#-pa-ri-a 1 _me_ (disz)ra-ma-te-ia szA _uru_-ka-zu-qin-za-ni# 1 _me_ (disz)me-et-ra-ku szA _uru_-u-pa-ri-a 2 _me_ (disz)szA-ta-Asz-pa szA _uru_-sza-pa-ar-da#

AI Translation

as far as the cities ..., Bit-Barrua, ... as far as the lands Niqi of the land Tupliash, ..., the land Bit-Agusi in its entirety, and the land Patinu in its entirety, from the city ..., the city Nanpigi on the bank of the Euphrates, ..., the cities Qarnê, Hadattê, Da..., and Qinasrina of the steppe, the lord of Damascus, the lands Hamat, Hasuatti, Turinaqadina, and Sianna in their entirety, the cities Elishu, Simra at the foot of Mount Lebanon, the cities Saga, Shapuna, Ahtâ,

I reorganized the administration of Assyria and imposed more extispicy on the administration of Assyria and imposed upon her people more extispicy than ever before. I constantly sought out and investigated their causes.

I, Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, who conquered all the lands from east to west, and who did not pass by the kings, my ancestors, with their wagons. I took the governors from the great sea of the east, the lord of the cities Sagshuru and Gubla on the shore of the great sea of the south, and I ruled over the four quarters of the world.

In my ninth regnal year I ordered the march to the Medes. I conquered the cities of the insubmissive lords, I massacred many of them, carried off booty from them, and erected it in ..., the cities Bit-Ishtar, Shibar, Ariamma, and Silhazu, mighty mountains, and received tribute from them.

I received 130+x horses from the city Bit-Ishtar, together with its district. I received 120 horses from the cities Ginizinanu, Sadbat, and Sisad..., 100 horses from Upash, son of Kapsi, 100 horses from Ushrû of the land Niksi, 100 horses from Uksatar of the city Qarkin-shera, 100 horses from Yaubitir of the land Amat, 300 horses from Bardada of the city Shibar, 33 horses from Amaku of the city Kitku..., 32 horses from Shataqupi of the city Uparia, 100 horses from Ramateia of the city Kazuqinzanu, 100 horses from Metraku of the city Uparia, 200 horses from Shatashpa of the city Shaparda,


as far as the city ... ..., the city Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, ... as far as the city text: "land" Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, ..., the land Bit-Agusi in its entirety, ii 5' the land Pattinu in its entirety, from the city ... ... to the city Nanpigi Nippigi, which is on the bank of the Euphrates River, ..., the cities Qarnê, Hadatete, Da..., ..., Qinasrina, which is in the steppe, as far as the city Damascus, and the lands Hamath, ii 10' Hasuatti, Turinaqadina, and Si'annu to their full extent, the cities Ellishu and Shimirra, which are at the foot of Mount Lebanon, the city Ri'isi-shurri, Mount Shapuna, the city Ahtâ, the emporiums on the seashore, the royal "storehouse," the boxwood mountain, the city Tu'ammu, as far as the city Til-karme of the land Gurgum — ii 15' I annexed all of those cities and lands to Assyria.

I increased the territory of Assyria by taking hold of foreign lands and added countless people to its population. I constantly shepherd them in safe pastures.

I, Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, who personally conquered all of the lands from east to west lit. "from sunrise to sunset", ii 20' appointed governors in places where the chariots of the kings, my ancestors, never crossed over. I marched about from the Great Sea of the Rising Sun to the cities Ri'isi-shurri and Byblos on the shore of the Great Sea of the Setting Sun, and thus I exercised authority over the four quarters of the world.

In my ninth palû, I ordered my troops to march against the Medes. I conquered the cities of city rulers who were unsubmissive. I defeated them and carried off their booty. I firmly placed my steles in ..., the city Bit-Ishtar, the city Shibar, and at Mount Ariarma and Mount Silhazi, mighty mountains. I received payment from those who did submit:

I received 130 and ... horses from the city Bit-Ishtar and its district; 120 horses from the cities Ginizinanu, Sadbat, and Sisad...; 100 horses from Upash of the land Bit-Kapsi lit. "son of Kapsi"; 100 horses from Ushrû of the land Nikisi; 100 horses from Uksatar Uaksatar of the city Qarkinshera; 100 horses from Yaubitir Yabittarru of the land Amate; 300 horses from Bardada of the city Shibar; 33 horses from Amaku of the city Kitku...; ii 35' 32 horses from Shataqupi of the city Uppuria; 100 horses from Ramateia of the city Kazuqinzani; 100 horses from Metraku of the city Uppuria; 200 horses from Shatashpa of the city Shaparda Saparda; 100 horses from Uitana of the city Mishita; ii 40' 100 horses from Amitana of the city Uizak...; ... horses from Shataparnû of the city Urba...; ... horses from ......bâ of the city Sikrâ; ... horses from ...ia of the city Zakrute; ... horses from ... of the city Aku...;

Obverse Column iii


_man-mesz_ szA _kur_-hat-ti _kur_-a-ri-me szA _usz_ tam-tim# szA _silim_ (d)szam-szi _kur_-qid-ri _kur_-a-ri-bi# (disz)kusz-tasz-pi _uru_-ku#-muh-a-[a] (disz)ra-qi-a-nu _kur_-szA-_ansze-nita_-szu-a-a# (disz)mi-ni-hi-im-me# _kur_-sa-me#-ri-i-na-a-a# (disz)tu-ba-il _uru_-s,ur-a-a# (disz)si-bit-ba-il _kur_-gub-la-a-a# (disz)u-ri-ik _kur_-qu-u-a-a# (disz)su-lu-mal _kur_-mi-lid-a-a# (disz)u-as-sur-me _kur_-ta#-bal-a-a (disz)usz-hi-ti _kur_-a-tu-na-a-a (disz)ur-pal-la-a _kur_-tu-ha-na-a-a# [(disz)]tu-ha-me _kur_-isz-tu-un-di-a-a#

U szA (disz)ir-an#-zi _kur_-man-na-a-a# (disz)dal-ta-a _kur_-el-lip-a#-a _en-uru-mesz_ szA _kur-zalag kur_-sin-gi-bu-ta#-a-a# szA _kur_-e _du_-szu-nu szA _kur_ (d)szam#-szi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ pa-re-e _ansze_-ud-ra-te# _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ugu_-szu-nu#-ma u-kin# szat-ti-szam-ma am-da-na-ha-ra ina qé#-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

u-sze-pisz-ma _na4-na-ru-a_ ina _nigin kur_-e# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina muh-hi e-s,i#-[ir] _nu man_-ti-ia ina qer-bi-szu ab-ni-ma li-ta-at asz-szur _en_-ia _u kur szu#_-[_ii_-ia] (szA) ina# _kur-kur a_-pu-szA ina muh-hi Asz#-[t,ur] [ina] mi-is,-ri szA a-na x [...]

_na4-na#_-[_ru-a_ ...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [a-szi-bu-ut _an_-e _ki_-tim] ma-la ina _na4-na-ru_-e _szesz#_-[e _mu_-szu-nu zak-ru] _gisz-gu-za_-szu li-su-hu _bala#_-[szu lis-ki-pu(?)] _kur_-su lu-te-ru a-na _du6_ u [kar-me]

_nun egir_-u _na4-na-ru-a_ szu-[a-tu] lil-ta-si-ma _a-mesz_ li-ra-mi-ik-ma# _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi _dingir-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu ik-ri-bé-e-szu _sze-ga_-u

AI Translation

kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, the Arameans who live on the shore of the sea, the lands Qidri and Aribu, Kushtashpi of the city Kummuh, Raqianu of the land Damascus, Minihimme of the land Samaria, Tu-Ba'il of the city Tyre, Sibit-Ba'il of the land Gambulu, Urik of the land Que, Sulumal of the land Milid, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhiti of the land Atuna, Urpalâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the land Ishtundi,

Moreover, I imposed upon them the tribute of Iranzi of the land Mannea, Daltâ of the land Ellipi, city rulers of the lands Nur and Singibuta of all the mountains, horses, mules, camels, and oxen of the mountains, and I constantly fought with them in Assyria.

I had a stele made in the midst of the mountains, and I erected it therein my royal statue. I wrote thereon the oath of the god Ashur, my lord, and the land under my authority which I had done in the lands. I erected it in the district which ... .

... the great gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld, as many as are named in this stele, may they tear out his throne, overthrow his reign, and destroy his land.

May a future ruler look upon this stele, pour out water, make an offering, and accept it. Then the gods will listen to his prayers.


As for the kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, the Arameans who are on the shore of the Sea of the Setting Sun, the people of the land Qedar, and the Arabs: Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Raqianu Rezin of the land Damascus, iii 5 Menahem of the land Samaria, Tu-Ba'il Tu-Ba'lu of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Ba'il Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Urik Uriaikki of the land Que, Sulumal of the land Melid, iii 10 Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Atuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the land Ishtundi, Urimmi of the land Hubishna Hubushnu, iii 15 Dadilu of the land Kasku, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Panammû of the land Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, and Zabibê, queen of the Arabs — iii 20 I imposed upon them tribute and payment of silver, gold, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, blue-purple and red-purple garments, multi-colored linen garments, camels, and she-camels.

Moreover, as for Iranzi of the land Mannea, iii 25 Daltâ of the land Ellipi, and the city rulers of the land Namri, the land Bit-Singibuti Bit-Sangibuti, and of all of the eastern mountains — I imposed upon them horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, iii 30 tribute that I am to receive annually in Assyria.

I had a stele made in the vicinity of the mountains. I depicted on it symbols of the great gods, my lords, and I fashioned my royal image on it. I inscribed on it the mighty deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, and my personal achievements iii 35 that I accomplished again and again throughout all of the lands. ... on the border which ... ...

As for the one who ... this stele, may the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, all of those whose names are invoked in this inscription, remove his throne, overthrow his dynasty, and turn his land into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

May a future ruler read aloud this inscription, wash it with water, anoint it with oil, and make an offering. Then those gods will hear his prayers!

Q003449: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] [... ma-da]-at#-tu [sza ...] [... (disz)su-lu-ma]-al# sza _kur_-me-[lid-di ...]

[...]-ni _kur_-a-a-la-a#-[a ...] [...] _kur_-nik-sa-am-[ma ...] [... (disz)dal-ta]-a _kur_-el-li-[pa-a-a ...] [... _ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz ansze_-pa-re-e [_ansze_-ud-ra-te _gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni ...]

[...]-tu# _kur_-lu-si-a _kur_-u-[...] [...] ib-bal-kit-tu-ma la [...] [... ap]-pul aq-qur ina [_izi a_sz-ru-up ...]

[... (disz)_inanna_-du-ri _kur_-ur-ar]-t,a#-a-a szA ina mah-re-[e ger-ri-ia ...] [... _id_]-ar-s,a-ni-a ina [_illu_-szA(?) e-bir(?) ...] [...]-a _gim_ pal-gi [u-szA-Asz-hi-it,(?) ...]

[...]-szu _gisz ni_ [...] [...] x _ad ni_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... tribute of ... Sulumal of the land Melid .

... the land Ayala ... the land Niksamma ... Daltâ, the Ellipian ... horses, mules, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats .

... the land Lusia, the land U... rebelled and did not ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire .

... I captured Ishtar-duri of the land Urartu, who in the course of my campaign had ... crossed the Arshania River in its flood ... I made my ... tremble like a famine .

... his ...


... ... ... I received the payment of ..., Sulumal of the land Melid, ....

... the land, the land Ayalaya, ..., the land Niksamma, ... I received the payment of Daltâ of the land Ellipi: ... horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, ....

...tu, the land Lusia, the land U... rebelled and did not ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire ....

... Sarduri of the land Urartu, whom I defeated on a previous campaign of mine, ... I crossed the Arshania River when it was in flood. ... I made my troops jump across the ...a River as if it was a ditch, ...

No translation possible

Q003450: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)a-szur _en gal#_-u (d)_en-lil-la dingir-mesz_ mu-szim# _nam-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu_ musz-te-szir# u-s,u(?)-rat ka-la _kur-kur_ [...] x x x [...] (d)_ag_ ta-mi-ih _gi-dub-ba_-e na-szi _dub_ szi-[mat _dingir-mesz_] a-szi-ru x x x (d)_utu man an_-e _ki#_-tim _du_-u s,al-mat _sag-du_ [...] ab-ra-a-ti# [(d)30] na-an-na#-ru nam-ru na-din _gisz#-gidru_ a-ge#-[e] mu-kin be-lu#-ti (d)#_iszkur gu-gal an_-e _ki_-tim mu-kAm-[mir t,uh]-di# [HÉ]-_gal_ mu-t,ah-hi-du nu#-[uh-szi]

_mu-sar_(?)# (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _gar_ (d)_bad nun sanga_ asz-szur(?)# ni-szit _igi-ii_ [... sza] [_dingir_]-_mesz_ ep-sze-su i-ra-mu-ma ih-[szu]-hu# _sanga_-su ir-hi(?) x x x [...] x _ir_ x [...] _bi_(?) _hi_ x _la_ x _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _gim_ has,-ba#-ti u-daq6-qi-qu x _mu_ [...] _na mu_ x _zi mi_(?)# [...] ad-na-ti szA _ta_ tam-tim _an-ta_ szA szu-lum (d)_utu_-szi _en_ tam-tim _ki-ta_ szA _kur_ (d)#_utu_-[szi ...]

ina 7-e _bala_-ia _kur_-ul-lu-ba-a-a a-szib pu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ik-[pu-du] gul-[lul-tu] ka-ra-su-un szA a-na _man-mesz_-ni a-li-kut pa-a-ni mah-[ru-ti _ad-mesz_]-ia# [la i-szu-t,u] ab#-szA-nu la i-te#-pu-szu ar-du-su-un _uru-mesz_-szu-nu [...] [_lu_]-ah#-la-mé-e la ba-bil _igi-sa#_ la i-du-u [...] x [...] [...] lib#-bu ig-pu-szu-ma _gim#_ a-a-li _dara#_ ina _kur_-e# _du-mesz_-ku# [is,]-ba-tu [...] [...] x ik#-pu-du le-mu#-tu [ze]-rat _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ id-bu-bu-ma [i-(te)]-pu-szu [...]

[ana(?) _kur_]-hal#-zi-_na4-ad-bar kur_ na-bal-ku-tu# [...] x _du lu_ [...] [aq]-ta-bi a-lak-szu-un _kaskal a_ (x) _szu_ [...] x x [... _kur_]-_uri sag_ [...] ez-zi-isz szam-risz ina né-reb szA _kur_-iz-za-x [...] _ku4_(?)-ub# _kur_-i-li#-[me-ru] [_kur_]-x-ta-ad-da _kur_-a-bi-a-x _kur_-si(?)-ru-mi(?)# _kur_-[...] x [...] [...] x-a-si x [...]-si-za _uru_-ma-ma-x _uru_-x x [...] x _uru_-[...] [...] x [...] _uru_-[...] x [...] _uru_-[...] [...] _uru_-qi(?)#-na-x _uru_-za-lu#-a-ka _uru_-[...] x szA x [...]

[_un-mesz_] szA _uru-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu szA _kur_-ul#-[lu]-ba-a-a szA _ta_ pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia# [...] [...] ina mar#-s,a-at _kur_-i-li-me-ru# na-da#-a-ta is,-ba-tu [...] [...]-ni-i _gim_ kip-pa-ti al#-[me]-ma# u-dan-[nin ...] e-mu-ru-ma(?)# na-mur-rat asz-szur# [_en_-ia] is-hup#-[szu]-nu-ti-ma hur-[ba]-szu# [...] [x] x szA _erim_-szu-nu a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu [szA ana] mar-s,a-at _kur_-e x [...] szA a-na dan-[nu]-ti-szu-nu is,-ba-tu szal-la-su#-nu e-mu-ru-ma [...]

a-na mi-[nu]-ti am-nu _uru-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu a-na si-hir-ti-szu-un [a-na esz-szu-ti] as,-bat _un-mesz_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-a-a ina lib-bi u-sze-szib _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-[ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun a-na]

_kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ u-ter-szu-nu-ti u-sze-pisz _na4-na-ru-a_ ina _kur_-i-[li-me-ru (...)]

s,a-lam# _man_-ti-ia ina qer-bi-szA ab-ni-ma a-na s,a-at u4-me [ul-ziz szA ...] szit,-re#-e-szu u-pa-sza-t,u-ma# u-na-ka-ru mu-[szA-ra-a-szu ...] u-hal-la-qu u-pa-[sa]-su lu ina ab-ni u-daq6-qa#-qu [...] lu ina _sahar dul_-mu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _an_-e _ki#_-[tim ma-la i-na _na4-na-ru_-e] _szesz#_-e _mu_-szu-nu zak-ru _gisz-gu-za#_-[szu] li-su-hu# [_bala_-szu lis-ki-pu(?)]

_kur_-su lu-ter-ru a-na _du6_ [u] kar-me [_nun egir_-u] _na4-na-ru-a_ szu#-a-tu lil-[ta-si-ma me-e li-ra-mi-ik-ma] _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz [_udu-siskur_ liq-qi] _dingir-mesz#_ [szu]-a-tu(?)-nu(?)# ik-ri-bi-szu [i-szem-mu-u]

AI Translation

The god Ashur, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates, the god Marduk, the one who makes all the lands bow down at his feet, the god Nabû, the one who grasps the tablet of the destiny of the gods, the one who ..., the god Shamash, king of heaven and netherworld, the one who makes black-headed people ... beautiful, the god Sîn, the bright one, the one who gives the scepter of the universe, the one who establishes lordship, the god Adad, the canal inspector of heaven and netherworld, the one who provides abundance, the one who makes abundance abundant,

Inscription of Tiglath-pileser, king of the four quarters, appointee of the god Enlil, prince, priest of Ashur, chosen of the gods, ... whose deeds the gods love and whose priesthood they love ...

In my seventh regnal year, the Ullubeans who live in the district of Assyria plotted evil deeds. They did not spare any of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, nor did they do anything to save them. Their cities ... the Ahlamû, who were not able to see, ... ... ... ... ... ... he plotted evil and, like a lion, he slew the gorge in the mountains. ... he plotted evil deeds, the anger of Assyria, and he plotted evil deeds .

I ordered the march ...

The people of those cities of the land Ulluba, who had fled from my weapons ... in the thick of battle against the land Ilimiru, took to the quay ... ... I went down like a fox and strengthened my protection. ... I saw and the radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they ascended its peaks. ... of their troops, together with their possessions, which had fled to the thick of battle ... who had taken to their lives, I saw their booty and .

I reorganized those cities in their entirety and settled therein the people who had fled from me. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I had a stele made in the land Ilimiru .

I erected my royal image inside it and for eternity I erected it. As for the one who ..., erases his inscribed name and discards his monumental inscriptions, ..., destroys or destroys his monumental inscriptions, or destroys them with the earth, or destroys them with the earth, or by the dust of the work of the great gods dwelling in heaven and netherworld, as many as are written on steles, may their names be erased, his throne be destroyed, and his reign be overturned.

May a later prince look at this stele, pour out a libation bowl, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and listen to the prayers of those gods.


The god Ashur, great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; the god Marduk, the one who formulates the designs of all of the lands, ... ... ...; the god Nabû, holder of the stylus and bearer of the tablet of destinies of the gods, the one who reviews ...; the god Shamash, king of heaven and netherworld, creator of the black-headed, ... of humanity; 5 the god Sîn, bright celestial light, the one who gives scepter and crown to the king, the one who establishes lordship; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, the one who heaps up abundance and plenty, the one who provides plenty; the god Ea, lord of wisdom, the one who forms everything there is and who makes its creatures beautiful; the goddess Ishtar, lady of battle and war, the lady who loves the king, her favorite, the one who subdues recalcitrant adversaries; the Sebetti, very powerful lords who march ahead of my troops and strike down my enemies; 10 the god Amurru, who carries the curved staff and the bucket; the god Sumuqan, the one who sets straight ...; they are the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, establish my priestly office, guard my kingship, ...:

Inscription of Tiglath-pileser III, king of the four quarters of the world, the one appointed by the god Enlil, the prince, the priest of the god Ashur, the one chosen by ..., ..., whose deeds the gods love and whose priestly services they require, ... ... ... ... ..., who crushes mighty mountains like potsherds, ... ... ... ... 15 the inhabitants, and who ... from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun.

In my seventh palû, the people of the land Ulluba, who live opposite Assyria, planned sinful deeds in their hearts. As for those people who did not pull the yoke of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, and who had not regularly done obeisance to them — their cities .... As for the Ahlamû that is, the people of the land Ulluba, the ones who do not bring gifts and who do not recognize authority, ... 20 ... they were over-confident, roamed about like deer and ibexes in the mountains, and took ... — they planned evil, spoke belligerently against Assyria, and continuously committed ... ... ... ... they brought ... to their aid. ....

I ordered my troops to march lit. "their march" to the land Halzi-atbari, a rebellious land, ... ... .... I took the road to ... ... the land Urartu, opposite .... 25 I ferociously and furiously entered the passes of Mount Izza... .... Mount Ilimmeru, Mount ...tadda, Mount Abia..., Mount Sirumi, Mount ... ... ... ...asi, ... ...siza, the city Mama..., the city ..., ... ..., the city ... ... ..., the city ... ... ..., the city ..., the city Qina..., the city Zaluaka, the city ... ... of ... ... 30 ..., the city Sa...zabea, the city Ta......, ... ..., the city ...ra, the city ... ..., the city Na..., the city Pa..., the city Qurula, the city ..., the city ...zalâ, the city Atuka, the city Siruka, the city Mini..., the city ..., the city Gaurna, the village of ..., altogether twenty-nine cities of the people of the land Ulluba, ... — I overwhelmed them, carried off their booty, ... ....

The people of those cities of the land Ulluba, who had fled before my weapons ..., they took refuge in ..., which is situated in the difficult terrain of Mount Ilimmeru. I surrounded ... ... like a ring and strengthened .... They saw ... and the terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them, and fear of ... ... of their troops, together with their possessions, which they took with them into the difficult mountain terrain, ... 40 which they took as their stronghold — they the frightened people of the land Ulluba saw their captives and ...; ... took hold of them and they were frightened by my weapons. ... I carried off ... ... ... ..., with their possessions. Inside ... I counted ....

I reorganized those cities in their entirety and settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them and thereby I annexed those areas to Assyria.

I had a monument made on Mount Ilimmeru ..., had my royal image engraved on it, and made it stand there forever.

As for the one who ..., obliterates its text or alters its inscription, ..., destroys it, erases it, or smashes it with stone, ..., or covers it with earth, may the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, all of those 50 whose names are invoked in this inscription, remove his throne, overthrow his dynasty, and turn his land into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

May a future ruler read aloud this inscription, wash it with water, anoint it with oil, and make an offering. Then those gods will hear his prayers!

Q003451: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] am(?)# [...] [... _kur_]-nam-[ri(?) ...] [...] a#-di _kur#_-[...] [... _uru_]-s,i#-bu-ur _uru#_-[...] [... _uru_-niq-qu] sza _kur_-tup-li-[ia-Asz ...]

[...] x sza _uru_-x [...]

AI Translation

... ... the land Namri ... as far as the land ... the cities Shibur, ..., ..., and Niqqu of the land Tupliyash .

... ... of the city ... .


... ... ... the land Namri ... up to the land ... the city Shibar, the city ... the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash ....

... ... of the city ... ...

Q003452: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)_tukul_-A-é-szar2-ra _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu# lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal kur_ szu-me-ri (U) _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-[ti] am-ru ni-isz _igi-ii_ (d)_bad# lugal_ szA ul-tu s,i-it (d)szam-szi a-di e-reb (d)szam-szi# na-gab za-ma-ni-szu# za-qi-(qi)-isz im-nu-ma i-be-lu# kisz-szu-tu musz-pél _un-mesz kur an-ta ki-ta_ mu-na-ki-ir mal-ki-szu-nu mu#-ki-nu _lu-gir-nita-mesz_-szu

ul-tu _sag_(*) _lugal_-ti-ia (a-di 10+x _bala-mesz_-ia) ul-tu _uru-bad_-ku-ri-gal-zi _uru_-sip-par szA (d)_utu uru_-pa-s,i-tu szA _lu_-du-na-[ni] a-di _nibru-ki lu_-i-tu-'u _lu_-ru-bu-'u _kur_-a-ru-mu _du_-szu-nu szA szid-di _id-idigna id_-su-ra-pi

a-di _id_-uq-né-e szA a-ah tam-tim _ki-ta_ a-bél# i-na _ugu du6_ kam-ri szA _uru_-hu-mut _du11-ga_-szu-ni _uru du_-usz _uru_-kar-asz-szur _mu_-szu ab-bi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu_-(_ii_)-ia5 ina lib-bi u-sze#-szib _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia ina muh-hi Asz-kun#

_kur_-É-(disz)szi-la-a-ni a-na si-hir-ti-szu ki-ma has,-bat#-ti u-daq-qi#-iq _uru_-sa-ar-ra-ba-a-nu _uru lugal_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-a _gim du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit-ma [szal]-la-su Asz-lu-la (disz)(d)_muati_-u-szab-szi _lugal_-szu-nu mé-eh-ret _ka-gal uru_-szu a-na _gisz_-za-qi-pi u-sze-li-ma# (u-szad-gi-la) _kur_-su _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _nig-ga_-szu#

ni-s,ir-ti-((szu)) É-_gal_-szu Asz-lu-la _kur_-É-a-muk-a-ni _gim_ da-a-a-Asz-ti a-di-isz pu-hur _un-mesz_-szu _nig-szu_-szu a-na _kur_ asz-szur u-ra-a sza _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-li-i'-ta-u _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu _sig_-ma ul-tu Asz-ri-szu-nu as-su-ha-szu-nu-ti _lu_-a-ru-mu ma-la ba-szu-u a-na _gir-ii-mesz_-ia u-szék-nisz-ma

_lu-erim#-mesz lugal_-szu-nu as,-bat _kur_-kar-dun-ia-Asz a-bél _ugu lu_-ra-a'-sa-a-ni sza _kur_-kal-di

_gun#_ ma-da-tu u(*)-kin a-na asz-szur (d)sze-ru-u8-a _en_ (d)_numun-du_-ti (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum (d)na-na-a be-let _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)la-as, _udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ i-na hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki_ aq-qi

_kur_-É-ha-am-ban _kur_-su-mur-zu _kur_-É-ba-ar-ru-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz _kur_-É-ma-at-ti _uru_-ni-qu szA _kur_-tup-li-Asz _kur_-É-tar-an-za-a-a _kur_-par-su-a _kur_-É-kap-si a-di _uru_-zak-ru-ti szA _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal-mesz_-te a-bél 2(?)# _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun# ma-da-tu sza _lu-en-uru-mesz_ sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a

a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni am-hur# (disz)sa-ar-da-ur-ri# _kur_-ur-ar-t,a-a-a it-ti-ia _bal_-ma it-ti (disz)ma-ti-'i-il isz-ku-na pi-i-szu i-na _kur#_-kisz-ta#-an _u kur_-hal-pi na#-ge-e szA _uru_-ku-mu-hi _bad5-bad5_-szu _sig_-as,-ma nap-har _karasz_-szu _kar_-szu na-mur-rat _gisz#-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-lah-ma a-na# szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu e-de-nu-usz-szu ih-liq

i-na _uru_-t,u-ru-usz-pa-a# _uru_-szu e#-sir-szu-ma di-ik-ta-szu ma#-'a-at-tu i-na _igi ka-gal-mesz_-szu a-duk

s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia i-na# tar-s,i _uru_-t,u#-ru-usz-pa-a ul-ziz 70 _kaskal-gid#_ qaq-qa-ru ina _kur_-ur-ar-t,i rap-szi

ul-tu e-lisz a-di szap-lisz e-tel-lisz _du-du_-ak-ma ma-hi-ra ul i-szi _kur_-ul-lu-ba a-na gi-mir-ti-szu _uru_-bi-tir-ru# _uru_-pa-ri-su _uru_-ta-szu-ha _uru_-ma-an-t,u-un# _uru_-sa-ar-da-ur-ri-a-na _uru_-di-ul#-la-a-na-na-al _uru_-si-kib-sa# _uru_-a-szur-da-a-a _uru#_-ba-bu-ut-ta _uru_-lu-si-a _uru_-tap(*)-si-a

bi#-ra-a-te szA _kur_-ur-ar-t,i szA ku-tal _kur_-na#-al a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u-ter-ra ina qé-reb _kur_-ul-lu-ba _uru du_-usz _uru_-asz-szur-_ba_-szA _mu_-szu ab-bi _lu_-szu#-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-en-nam_ i-na muh-hi Asz-kun

_uru_-e-nu _uru_-sa-as-su _uru_-lu-up-sa# _uru_-lu-qi-a _uru_-szi-mir-ra _uru_-u-szur-nu _uru_-u-zu-ur-ra _uru_-a-u-i-bi _uru_-u-bu-la a-di _kur#_-bi-ir-da-szu _kur_-i ina _ugu nam lu-gal-bi-lul_ u-rad-di#

_uru_-qu-ta _uru_-ur-ra _uru_-a-ra-na _uru_-ta-su# _uru_-u-al-li-a a-di _ugu id-buranun-ki_ mi-s,ir _uru_-ku-um-mu-hi _uru_-qi-li-is#-sa _uru_-e-ze-e-da _uru_-di-u-a-ap-li _uru_-ab-bi-is-sa _uru_-ha-ar-bi-si-in-na _uru#_-ta-sa _kur_-en-zi _uru_-an-ga-nu _uru_-bé-en-zu bi-ra-a-te szA _kur_-ur-ar-t,i _id_-kal-la-x _id_-szu _kur_-ud# a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u-ter-ra i-na _ugu nam_ É _lu_-tur-ta-ni _u nam# kur_-na-'i-i#-ri u-ra-ad-di

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, chosen by the god Enlil, the king who ruled from east to west and ruled all of his enemies; who ruled the totality of the people of the upper and lower lands, subduer of their rulers, and subduer of his governors:

From the beginning of my reign until my ten+ years in office, from the cities Dur-Kurigalzu, Sippar of Shamash, Pasitu of Dunanu, as far as Nippur, the Itu'u and the Rubû'u, all of the Arabs on the banks of the Tigris and Surapi,

I built a city on the bank of the Uqnû River which is on the shore of the Lower Sea. I named it Kar-Ashur. I settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over it.

I surrounded and conquered the entire land Bit-Shilani Bit-Shilani like a flood. I destroyed the city Sarrabanu, their great royal city, like a flood and carried off its booty. I made Nabû-ushabshi, their king, stand in front of his city gate with a wooden ladder and thereby enlarged his land. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, his property, and his palace possessions.

I brought the land Bit-Amukani, together with its people and its property, to Assyria. I brought about the defeat of the Puqudu, Ru'u'a, and Li'ta'u, and I brought them out of their midst. I subdued the Arameans, as many as there were, and

I took the king's men and took the land Karduniash Babylonia by force. I imposed my yoke upon the ra'sanu of Chaldea.

I presented pure sacrifices to the deities Ashur, Sherua, Bel Marduk, Zerutu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nanaya, lady of Babylon, Nergal, and Lash. I offered pure sacrifices in Hursagkalamma.

I ruled over the lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqu of the land Tupliash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, and Bit-Kapsi, together with the city Zakrutu of the mighty Medes. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I received tribute from the city rulers of the Medes.

Sarduri of the land Urartu rebelled against me and sided with Mati'-Il. In the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the city Kummuhu, I brought about his defeat. He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons and fled alone to save his life.

I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire his city Turushpâ, his city, and imposed upon him a heavy punishment before his gates.

I erected my royal image in the territory of the city Turushpâ. I accounted for 70 leagues of terrain in the wide land Urartu.

From above to below, I marched and no rival had come close to the land Ulluba in its entirety. The cities Birru, Parisu, Tashuha, Mantun, Sardurrana, Diullananal, Sikil, Ashurda, Babta, Lusia, and Tapsia

I reorganized the administration of the land Urartu, which is behind Mount Nal, and I built a city in the land Ulluba. I named it Ashur-iqisha. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over it.

I added the cities Enu, Sasu, Lupsa, Luqia, Shimirra, Ushurnu, Uzurra, Aubibi, and Ubula, together with Mount Birdasu, to the province of the chief cupbearer.

I conquered the cities Quta, Urra, Arana, Tasu, and Uallia, as far as the Euphrates River, the border of the cities Kummuhu, Qilissa, Ezeda, Diuapli, Abbissa, Harbisinna, and Tasa, the lands Enzi, Anganu, and Bezu, fortresses of the land Urartu, the Kalla... River, and thereby enlarged the area of Assyria. I added to the province of the House of the Turtanu and the province of the land Nairi.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, the one chosen by the glance of the god Enlil; the king who from the rising sun to the setting sun considered all of his enemies as mere ghosts and took control of their power; the one who exchanges the people of the upper lands with those of the lower lands, the one who ousted their rulers and installed his governors in their stead.

From the beginning of my reign until my ...teenth palû, I exercised authority from Dur-Kurigalzu, Sippar of the god Shamash, the city Pashitu of the tribe Dunanu, 5 to Nippur, and over the tribes Itu'u and the Rubu'u, and over all of the Arameans who are on the banks of the Tigris and Surappu Rivers, as far as the Uqnû River, which is by the shore of the Lower Sea.

I built a city on top of a tell lit. "a heaped-up ruin mound" called Humut and named it Kar-Ashur. I settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein and placed a eunuch of mine over them.

I smashed the land Bit-Shilani in its entirety like a pot. I destroyed the city Sarrabanu, its text: "their" great royal city, making it like a tell after the Deluge and I plundered it. 10 I impaled Nabû-ushabshi, their king, before the gate of his city while making the people of his land watch. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, his possessions, and the treasures of his palace.

I trampled down the land Bit-Amukkani like a threshing sledge. I brought all of its people and its property to Assyria. I defeated the tribes Puqudu, Ru'u'a, and Li'ta'u, and I forcibly removed them from their places. I made as many Arameans as there were bow down at my feet and I seized the troops of their king.

I exercised authority over Karduniash Babylonia and 15 firmly established tribute and payment on the chieftains of Chaldea.

In the city Hursagkalamma, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Ashur, Sherua, Bel Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nanaya, the Lady of Babylon, Nergal, and Lash.

I exercised authority over the lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, and Bit-Kapsi, as far as the city Zakrute of the mighty Medes. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. 20 I received the payment of the city rulers of the Medes, as far as Mount Bikni.

Sarduri of the land Urartu revolted against me and conspired with Mati'-il against me. In the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the city Kummuhu, I defeated him and took his entire camp away from him. He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons and fled alone in order to save his life.

I confined him to the city Turushpâ, his city, and inflicted a great defeat upon him before his city gates. I erected my royal image in front of the city Turushpâ.

For a distance of seventy leagues, I proudly marched through the extensive land of Urartu, 25 from one end to the other lit. "from above to below", and I had no opponent therein.

I annexed to Assyria the land Ulluba in its entirety, the cities of Bitirru, Parisu, Tashuha, Mantun, Sardurianu, Diulla-ana-Nal, Sikibsa, Ashurdaya, Babutta, Lusia, and Tapsia, fortresses of the land Urartu that are located behind Mount Nal.

I built a city in the land Ulluba and I named it Ashur-iqisha. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over it.

To the province of the chief cupbearer, I added the cities Enu, Sassu, Lupsa, Luqia, Shimirra, Ushurnu, Uzurra, Auibi, and Ubula, as far as Mount Birdansha.

I captured the cities Quta, Urra, Aranu, Tasu, and Uallia, up to the Euphrates River and the border of the city Kummuhu, the cities Qilissa, Ezzeda, Diuyapli, Abbissâ, Harbisinna, and Tasa, the land Enzi, the cities Anganu and Benzu, 35 fortresses of the land Urartu on the Kalla... River, its river. I annexed those areas to Assyria and added them to the province of the turtanu's estate and to the province of the land Na'iri.

Q003453: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki man_ kib-rat _limmu#_-[ti]

am-ru ni-isz _igi-ii_(*)# (d)_bad_ ul-tu _sag man_-ti-ia a-di 17 _bala-mesz_-ia# _lu#_-i-tu-'u _lu_-ru-bu-'u _lu_-ha-mar-a-ni _lu_-lu-hu-u-a-tu [_lu_]-na-ba-tu _lu_-hi-in-di-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a [_lu_]-li#-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-ma-ru-su _lu_-pu-qu-du [_lu_-a-ru]-mu ma-la ba-szu-u szA szid-di _id-hal-hal id#_-[A]-_szita u id_-su-rap-pi _id_-uq-ni-i [a-di tam]-tim# szap-li-tim# szA _kur_ (d)_utu_ ak-szud [a-na] mi#-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki gur_-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia

[_lu-en_]-_nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun _kur_-É-(disz)si-la-a-ni [_kur_]-É#-(disz)sa-'a#-al-li _gim_ da-a-a-(Asz)-te a-di-isz [_lugal_]-_mesz_-szu-nu qa-ti ik-szud _uru_-sa-ar-ra-ba-a-[nu] _uru#-bad_-(d)_kaskal-kur_-a-a _uru-mesz_-ni-szu-nu _gal-mesz gim du6_ u-ab-bit#

[pu-hur _un-mesz_-szu]-nu a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki ku4_-[ub]

[_udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na] pa-an (d)_amar-utu en_-ia aq-qi# _kur_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-bél# [...] _ugu# lu_-ra-[a'-sa-a-ni] szA _kur_-kal-di#

[_gun_ ma-da-tu u-kin _kur_-É-ha-am-ban _kur_]-su#-mur-zu# [_kur_-É-ba-ar-ru-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz _kur_]-É#-ma-at-ti#

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world,

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I conquered the Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Nabatu, Hindiru, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, Puqudu, and Arameans, as many as there were, on the banks of the Tigris, Ashita, and Subappu rivers, Uqnû rivers, as far as the Upper Sea of the land Shamash. I returned my eunuchs to Assyria.

I conquered the lands Bit-Silani and Bit-Sa'alli, like a swarm of wolves. I captured the cities Sarrabanu and Dur-Balihaya, their great cities, like a fog.

I entered Babylon in the midst of the sea and captured the city of Ashur.

I offered pure sacrifices before the god Marduk, my lord. I ruled Karduniash Babylonia ... over the ra'sanu of Chaldea.

I established tribute and taxation for the lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, the one chosen by the glance of the god Enlil.

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured the tribes Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamaranu Hamranu, Luhu'atu, 5 Nabatu, Hindiru Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, Puqudu, Arameans, as many as there were on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, and Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun. 10 I annexed those areas to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

Like a threshing sledge, I trampled down the lands Bit-Silani Bit-Shilani and Bit-Sa'alli, and captured their kings. I destroyed the cities Sarrabanu and Dur-Balihaya, their large cities, making them like a mound of ruins. 15 I brought all of their people to Assyria.

I entered Babylon and offered pure sacrifices before the god Marduk, my lord.

I exercised authority over Karduniash Babylonia, ..., and firmly established tribute and payment on the chieftains of Chaldea.

The lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti,

Q003454: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru#-bad_-(d)#[_kaskal-kur_-a-a _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _gal-mesz gim du6_ u-ab-bit pu-hur _un-mesz_-szu-nu]

[a]-na _kur_ asz-szur [u-ra-a a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki ku4_-ub _udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na pa-an (d)_amar-utu en_-ia aq-qi]

[_kur_]-kAr-dun-ia-Asz# [a-bél ... _ugu lu_-ra-a'-sa-a-ni szA _kur_-kal-di _gun_]

[ma]-da-at-tu# u-kin _kur_-É-ha-am#-[ban _kur_]-su-mur-zu# [_kur_-É-ba-ar-ru-a] [_kur_]-É-zu-al-za-Asz [_kur_]-É-ma-at-ti# [_uru_-ni-qu szA] _kur_-[tup]-li#-[ia-Asz] [_kur_]-É-tar-an-za-a-a _kur_-par#-su-a _kur_-É-kap-si# [a-di _uru_]-zak#-[ru]-ti _uru_-É-[(d)15] _uru#_-ni-szA-a-a _kur_-gi-zi#-in-ki-is-si# [_uru_]-s,i-bur _uru_-u#-re-en-[za-an] [_kur_]-u#-pa-ri-a _kur_-bu-us-tu-us _kur_-a-ri-ar-[mi _kur_] _dar-lugal-mesz-muszen#_ [_kur_]-ru#-u-a _kur_-u a-di É-_mun# kur_-usz-qa-qan# _kur_-szi-ik#-ra-ki _du6#_ szA [Asz-szu-ri]

[x] _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en#-nam-mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun# ma-da-at#-[tu] [sza] _lu-en-uru-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-e _du#_-szu-nu a-di _kur_-bi-ik#-ni am-hur#

_lu#_-szu-ut _sag_-ia (disz)asz-szur-_kal#_-in-an-ni [a]-na _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal#_-[_mesz_] sza# _kur_ (d)szam-szi Asz-pur 5 _lim ansze-kur-ra-mesz un-mesz gu4-mesz_

_u#_ s,e-e-ni a-na la ma#-ni il-qa#-[a (disz)]sa#-ar-du-ri# _kur#_-u-ra-ar-t,a-a-a it#-ti-ia ib-bal#-[kit]-ma# it-ti (disz)ma-ti-'i-[il] _dumu#_ (disz)a-gu-us-si isz-ku-na pi-[i]-szu# ina bi-rit _kur_-[kisz-ta-an] _u kur_-hal-pi na#-ge-e szA _uru_-ku-um-mu-hi _bad5-bad5#_-[szu _sig_]-ma# [ana la] ma-né-e

nap#-har _karasz_-szu e-kim-szu [na-mur-rat] _gisz#_-[_tukul_]-_mesz#_-ia ip-lah-[ma] [a]-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu ina _munus#-ansze-kur-ra u5#_-ma (ana) _kur_-si-zi#-[ir]

[_kur_]-i mar-s,u mu-szi-tisz ih#-liq-ma# e-li (disz)sa-ar-du#-[ri] [_kur_]-u-ar-ra-t,a-a-a i-[na] _uru#_-t,u-ru-usz-[pa]-a _uru_-[szu] e#-sir-szu-ma di-ik-ta-[szu ma-'a-at]-tu i-na _igi ka-gal-mesz#_-[szu] [a]-duk s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia _du#_-[usz-ma] ina tar-s,i# [_uru_]-t,u-ru-us-pa#-[a]

ul#-ziz 70 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa#-[ru ina _kur_-u]-ra#-[ar-t,i] ra-ap#-[szi] ul#-tu e-lisz a-di szap-[lisz e-tel-lisz _du_]-_du#_ [ma]-hi-ra ul# i-[szi]

[_kur_]-ul-lu-ba _kur_-hab-hu sza [ku]-tal# _kur_-na-al# [a]-na gi#-mir-ti#-[szi-na] [ak]-szud a-na mi-s,ir [_kur_ asz-szur]-_ki gur_-ra# [s,a]-lam# _lugal_-ti-[ia] [i]-na _kur_-i-li-im-[me-ru ul-ziz ina qé]-reb# _kur_-ul-lu#-[ba] [_uru_] _du_-usz _uru_-asz-szur-_ba#_-szA _mu#_-[szu ab-bi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti] _szu-ii_-[ia] [ina] lib#-bi u-sze#-[rib _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en_]-_nam#_ [ina _ugu_]-szu#-nu Asz#-[kun]

[...] _uru#-mesz_-[ni ...] x [...]

AI Translation

I destroyed the cities Dur-Baladan and their large settlements, making them like ruin hills. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire their people.

I entered Babylon and made pure sacrifices before the god Marduk, my lord.

I ruled Karduniash Babylonia ..., and I imposed upon the Rashianu of Chaldea tribute and payment.

I imposed tribute on the lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti, the city Niqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, and Bit-Kapsi, as far as the cities Zakruti, Bit-Ishtar, Nishaya, Gizinkisi, Sibur, Urenzan, Uparia, Bustus, Ariarma, the land of the Sargons, the land Rua, as far as the salt of the land Ushqaqan and Shikrit, the fortress of Assyria.

I placed x eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I received tribute from all the city rulers of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni.

I sent a eunuch of mine, Ashur-da''inanni, to the mighty Medes of the land Shamshi. I received 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats from them.

Sarduri of the land Urartu rebelled against me and sided with Mati'il, son of Aguusu. He brought about his defeat between the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the city Kummuhu, and he was not able to save himself.

He slew his entire camp and he became frightened of the brilliance of my weapons and, to save his life, he rode in a mare and ascended Mount Sizir.

I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the city Tarushpâ, his city, Sarduri, the Urartian, and imposed upon him a heavy punishment. I made a royal statue of myself and erected it in the territory of the city Tarushpâ.

I ruled over 70 leagues in the extensive land Urartu from above to below, without number.

I conquered the lands Ulluba and Habhu, which are located behind Mount Nal, in their entirety, and I returned to the territory of Assyria. I erected my royal image in the land Ilimmeru. I built a city in the land Ulluba and named it Ashur-iqisha. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

... cities ... ... .


I destroyed the cities Sarrabanu and Dur-Balihaya, their large cities, making them like a mound of ruins. I brought all of their people to Assyria.

I entered Babylon and offered pure sacrifices before the god Marduk, my lord.

I exercised authority over Karduniash Babylonia, ..., and firmly established tribute and payment on the chieftains of Chaldea.

I annexed to Assyria the lands Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, and Bit-Kapsi, as far as the cities Zakrute, Bit-Ishtar, and Nishaya, the land Gizinkisi, the cities Shibar and Urenzan Urimzan, the lands Uppuria, Bustus, and Ariarma — the land of roosters — Mount Rua, up to the salt desert of the lands Ushqaqqana and Shikrakki — "the Assyrian mound" — 10' and the fortress of the Babylonians.

I placed ... eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I received the payment of all of the city rulers of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni.

I sent a eunuch of mine, Ashur-da''inanni, against the mighty Medes in the east. He took 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

Sarduri of the land Urartu revolted against me and conspired with Mati'-il of the land Bit-Agusi lit. "son of Agusi" against me. Between the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the city Kummuhu, I utterly defeated him and took his entire camp away from him.

He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons, 20' mounted a mare in order to save his life, escaped during the night to Mount Sizir, a rugged mountain, and ascended it.

I confined Sarduri of the land Urartu to the city Turushpâ, his city, and inflicted a great defeat upon him before his city gates. I fashioned my royal image and 25' erected it in front of the city Turushpâ.

For a distance of seventy leagues, I proudly marched through the extensive land of Urartu, from one end to the other lit. "from above to below", and I had no opponent therein.

I conquered the lands Ulluba and Habhu, which are located behind Mount Nal, in their entirety, and I annexed them to Assyria. I set up my royal image on the face of Mount Ilimmeru. 30 I built a city in the land Ulluba and I named it Ashur-iqisha. I brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

... cities ... ... ...

Q003455: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-qi szA [...] _uru_-ha-ta-rik-ka a-di _kur_-sa-u-[e] [... _uru_]-gu-ub#-[la ... _uru_-s,i]-mir-ra _uru_-ar-qa-a _uru_-zi-mar-[ra] [... _uru_]-us-nu-u [_uru_-si-an-nu _uru_-ma]-'a-ra-ba-a _uru_-ri-'i-si-s,u-[ri] [...] _uru-mesz_ [É ka]-ri x [... tam-tim] e-li-te a-bel 6 _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-[ia]

[_lu-en-nam-mesz ugu_]-szu-nu Asz-kun [... _uru_-ka-Asz]-pu-na szA a-ah tam-tim e(*)-li-ti [...]-ni#-te _uru_-ga-al-['a-a-di _u uru_]-a-bi-il-szit,-t,i# szA _zag kur_-É-hu-um-ri-[a] [_kur_-É-(disz)ha-za-a'-i]-li rap-szu a-na si-[hir-ti-szu] a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u-ter-ra

[x _lu_-szu-ut _sag_]-_mesz_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz_ [_ugu_-szu-nu Asz]-kun (disz)ha-a-nu-u-nu _uru_-ha-az-za-at-a-a [szA la-pa-an _gisz_]-_tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-[du-ma a-na _kur_]-mu-us,-ri in-nab-tu _uru_-ha-az-zu-tu

[_uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szud] _nig-szu_-szu _dingir-mesz_-ni-[szu Asz-lu-la s,a-lam _dingir-mesz_]-ni _en-mesz#_-ia _u alam_(*) _lugal_-ti-ia [sza _ku-gi du_-usz i]-na qé-reb É-_gal#_ [sza _uru_-ha-az-zi-ti ul-ziz a]-na# _dingir-mesz kur_-szu-nu am-nu-ma

[sat-tuk-ki-szu-nu] u-kin _u#_ [szu-u na-mur-rat(?) asz-szur(?) _en_-ia(?) is]-hup-szu#-ma ki-(ma) is,-s,u-ri [ul-tu _kur_-mu-us,-ri] ip#-par-szam-ma# [...] a-na _ki_-szu u-ter-szu-ma [...-szu a]-na É# [ka-a-ri sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ am-nu _ku-gi_] _ku-babbar_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada_

[_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] _gal-mesz gisz_-[... am]-hur _kur_-É-hu-um-ri-a [... ti]-il-lut _lu_-[_erim-hi-a_-szu ...] pu#-hur _un-mesz_-szu

[... a-na] _kur_ asz-szur u-ra-a (disz)#pa-qa-ha _lugal_-szu-nu# [x]-du-x-x-ma (disz)a-u-si-'i [a-na _lugal_-ti i]-na _ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun 10 _gun ku-gi#_ x x _gun ku-babbar#_ [a-di mar-szi]-ti-szu-nu am-hur-szu-nu-ma

[a-na _kur_ asz-szur u-ra]-Asz-szu-nu sza (f)sa-am-si szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi ina _kur_-sa#-qu-ur-ri _kur_-i# [9 _lim 4 me_ di-ik-ta-szu-nu a]-duk 1 _lim un-mesz 30 lim ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz 20 lim gu4-nita-mesz_ [...]-_mesz# 5 lim szim-hi-a du_-ma x _tu du_ né-mat-ti _dingir-mesz_-ni-szA

[_gisz_-til-li _gisz-nig-gidru-mesz_ (d)isz-tar-szA] _nig-ga#_-szA e-kim ((_ki_)) _u#_ szi-i a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szA [... a-na ma]-ad#-ba-ri# a-szar s,u-ma-me _gim munus-ansze-edin-na_ [tasz-ku-na pa-ni-szA si-ta-at _nig-ga_-szA kul-ta]-ri-szA hu-ra-da-at _un-mesz_-szA i-na _murub4 karasz_-szA

[ina _izi a_sz-ru-up (f)sa-am-si la-pa-an _gisz-tukul_]-_mesz_-ia _kal-mesz_ tasz-hu-ut-ma _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz ansze_-a-na-qa-a-te [a-di _ansze_-ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na a-na _kur_ asz-szur a-di mah]-ri-ia tasz-szA-a _lu_-qe-e-pu ina muh-hi-szA Asz-kun-ma

[10(?) _lim_(?) _lu-erim-mesz_(?) ... _uru_]-ma-as-'a-a-a _uru_-te-ma-a-a _lu_-sa-ba-'a-a-a [_uru_-ha-a-a-ap-pa-a-a _uru_-ba-da-na-a-a] _uru_-ha-at-te-e-a _lu_-i-di-ba-a'-il-a-a [...] sza mi-s,ir _kur#-kur_ sza szu-lum (d)szam-szi [sza mAm-ma la i-du-szu-nu-ti-ma a-szar-szu-un ru-u]-qu ta#-nit-ti be-lu-ti-ia [al-ka-ka-at qur-di-ia isz-mu-ma(?) u-s,al-lu-u(?)] be-lu-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar_ [_ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-ti _szim-hi-a du_-a-ma] ma-da-ta-szu-nu ki-i 1-en

[(disz)i-di-bi-'i-i-lu a-na _lu-i-du8_-u-ti ina] _ugu kur_-mu-us,-ri ap-qid [... _gisz-tukul_(?) asz]-szur ina lib-bi Asz-kun

[...] x e-pu-usz-ma [... _gisz_-ni]-ri asz-szur _en_-ia [e-mid-su-nu-ti ... ina(?) _kur-kur_(?) _du_-szi-na(?) sza(?)] at-tal-la-ku-u-ma

AI Translation

... of ... the city Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, ..., the cities Gubla, ..., Shimirra, Arqâ, Zimarra, ..., Usnû, Sianna, Ma'arabâ, Ri'isi-shuri, ... cities, a port, ... the Upper Sea, I ruled over. I brought out six eunuchs of mine from among them.

I placed over them governors ... the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, ...nitu, the cities Gal'adi and Abil-shitti, which are on the border of the land Bit-Humrî and the extensive land Bit-Haza'il, in its entirety, as part of the territory of Assyria.

I placed x eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. Hanunu of the city Gaza, who had fled from my weapons and fled to Egypt, captured the city Gaza.

I completed his royal city, carried off his property, and deposited it among his gods. I made a statue of the gods, my lords, and an image of my royal majesty of gold, in the palace of the city Gaza, and I dedicated it to the gods of their land.

Moreover, he, the awe-inspiring brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and, like a storm, he fled from Egypt and ... I returned him to his place and ... I ... to the quay of Assyria. I ... gold, silver, a multi-colored garment, and a linen garment, and I ... the ... of the god Ashur.

I received large horses, ..., and the land Bit-Humrî, ..., the booty of his troops, ..., together with his people.

I ...ed ... to Assyria. I ... their king Paqaha and imposed a royal oath upon them. I received from them 10 talents of gold, ... talents of silver, together with their property.

I massacred 9,400 of them. I carried off 1,500 people, 30,000 donkeys, 20, ... oxen, 5,000 aromatics, and ... the gifts of her gods.

As for her life, ..., to the desert, a place of hunger, where she grew up like a mare, she set her face, the rest of her possessions, her kultarisha-offerings, and the strewn offerings of her people in the middle of her camp,

Samsi fled from my mighty weapons and took camels, mules, and camels, together with their young, to Assyria, before me. I placed a legate over her and

10,000 men ... from the cities Mas'u, Temu, Saba'u, Haeppa, Badanu, and Hathê, the Idiba'ilu, ... of the border of the lands of the east, whose places none of my predecessors had known, heard about the ruqu-festival of my lordly majesty and he swore my lordly majesty. I gave them gold, silver, camels, donkeys, and aromatics as a gift.

I appointed Idibi'ilu as the gatekeeper over Egypt. ... I set up therein the weapon of the god Ashur.

... I built and ... the scepter of the god Ashur, my lord, I imposed upon them. ... in all the lands, which I had conquered and


I exercised authority over ..., ... ..., which ..., the city Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, ..., the cities Gubla Gabala, ..., Shimirra, Arqâ, Zimarra, ..., Usnû, Si'annu, Ma'arabâ, Ri'isi-shurri, ..., cities, the emporiums ... ... of the Upper Sea. I placed six eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I annexed to Assyria ..., the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper text: "Lower" Sea, the cities ...nite, Gilead, and Abil-shitti, which are the border of the land Bit-Humrî Israel, the extensive land of Bit-Haza-il Damascus in its entirety, and I placed ... eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

As for Hanunu of the city Gaza, who fled before my weapons and escaped to Egypt — 10' I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city, and I carried off his property and his gods.

I fashioned a statue bearing images of the gods, my lords, and my royal image out of gold, erected it in the palace of the city Gaza, and I reckoned it among the gods of their land; I established their sattukku offerings.

Moreover, as for him Hanunu, the terrifying splendor of the god Ashur, my lord overwhelmed him and he flew back from Egypt like a bird and .... I returned him to his position. I considered his ... as an Assyrian emporium. I received gold, silver, multi-colored garments, linen garments, 15' large horses, ... ....

As for the land Bit-Humrî Israel, I brought to Assyria ..., its "auxiliary army" ... and all of its people, ....

I/they killed Peqah, their king, and I placed Hoshea as king over them. I received from them ten talents of gold, ... talents of silver, together with their property, and I brought them to Assyria.

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I defeated 9,400 of her people. I took away from her 1,000 people, 30,000 camels, 20,000 oxen, ... ..., 5,000 pouches of all types of aromatics, ..., thrones of her gods, the military equipment and staffs of her goddesses, and her property.

Moreover, she, in order to save her life, ... and set out like a female onager to the desert, a place where one is always thirsty. I set the rest of her possessions and her tents, her people's safeguard within her camp, on fire.

Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and she brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to Assyria, before me. I placed a representative of mine over her and ... 10,000 soldiers.

The people of the cities Mas'a and Tema, the tribe Saba, the people of the cities Hayappa, Badanu, and Hatte, and the tribes Idiba'ilu, ..., who are on the border of the western lands, 30' whom none of my predecessors had known about, and whose country is remote, heard about the fame of my majesty and my heroic deeds, and thus they beseeched my lordship. As one, they brought before me gold, silver, camels, she-camels, and all types of aromatics as their payment and they kissed my feet.

I appointed Idibi'ilu as the "gatekeeper" facing Egypt. ... the weapon of the god Ashur I placed therein.

... ... I made and ... I imposed the yoke of the god Ashur, my lord, on them. ... in all of the lands that I marched through and

Q003456: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...]-an-szu [...]-a-u [...]-a-ri-s,a [...]-a-nu [...] _uru_-ur-mu-sze [... _uru_-e-li]-za-an-szu [...]-an-szu [...]-ta-an-szu [...]-e-sa-an-szu [... _uru-mesz_-ni(?) sza(?)] _ugu_ tam-tim

[sza(?) _kur_-na-'i-i-ri(?) ...]-an-szu [...]-tu-a-ri-zu [...]-ni-is-tu [... _uru_]-lup-su-a [... _uru_-da-an-zi]-i-un [...]-me-za-a-a [... _uru_-ez]-ze-da [... _uru_-bi-ir]-da-a-szA [... _uru_]-zi-ni-a [...]-hu-li [...]-li-an-szA [... _uru_-pa-ri]-i-su [... _uru-mesz_-ni sza] _kur_-en-zi [... _u kur_-ur]-ar-t,i

[... _uru_]-ar-pad-da

AI Translation

... of the land Nairi ... ... ... ...turizu ... ...nitu ... the cities Lupsua, ..., Danziun, ...mezaia, ..., ezezeda, ..., Birdasha, ..., Zinia, ...huli, ...liansha, ..., Parisu, ... cities of the land Enzi, ... and the land Urartu —

... Arpad


The cities ..., ...anshu, ...,, ..., ...arisha, ..., ...anu, i 5 ..., Urmushe, ..., Elizanshu, ..., Luqadanshu, ..., ...tanshu, ..., ...esanshu, i 10 and ... — cities that are on the shore of the Sea of the land Na'iri.

The cities ...anshu, ..., ...tuarizu, ..., ...nistu, ..., Lupsua Lupsa, i 15 ..., Danziun, ..., ...mezaya, ..., Ezzeda, ..., Birdasha Birdansha, ..., Zinia, i 20 ..., ...huli, ..., ...liansha, ..., Parisu, and ... — cities of the lands Enzi, ..., and Urartu.

The cities ..., Arpad, ii 1 Haurani, ..., Hazazu, Ari..., Nirabu, Ka..., Tukâ, Hama..., ii 5 Saruna, ...ta..., Dinanu, Kaprabi — cities of the land Bit-Agusi.

Obverse Column ii


_uru_-ta-x [...]-ri [...] _uru_-hu-ur-mu _uru_-an-la-ma-[...] _uru_-ur-ru-us _uru_-ur-x-[...] _uru_-ku#-ul-ma-da-ra _uru_-ha-[ta-tir-ra] _uru_-un-ni-ga-a _uru_-x-[...] _uru_-ar-da-a _uru_-mu-ud-ru#-[...] _uru_-mu-ru-u-a _uru_-ti-ri-is-[...] _uru_-la-ap-si-ta-ni-a _uru_-[_mesz_ sza _kur_-un-qi]

_uru_-ha-ta-rik-ka _uru_-gu-[ub-la] _uru_-s,i-mir-ra _uru_-ar-qa-[a ...] _uru_-us-nu-u _uru_-si-a-nu [...] _uru_-ri-'i-si-s,u-ri# [...] _uru_-a-ra-a _uru_-nu-qu-di-[na] _uru-a_sz-ha-ni _uru_-ia-t,a-[bi] _uru_-el-li-tar-bi _uru_-zi-[ta-a-nu] _uru_-tu-ra-nu _uru_-[...] _uru-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-ha-[am-ma-at-ti]

_uru_-la-ab-'u-u [...]

AI Translation

The cities Ta...ri, ..., Hurmu, Anla-ma..., Urrus, Ur-..., Kullamadara, Hattatirra, Unnigâ, ..., Ardâ, Mudru..., Murua, Tiris..., and Lapsitania, cities of the land Unqi:

The cities Hatarikka, Gubla, Shimirra, Arqâ, ..., Usnû, Sianu, ..., Ri'isishuri, ..., Arâ, Nuqudina, Ashhanu, Yatabi, Elliparbi, Zitanu, Turanu, ..., cities of the land Hamath.

Lab'û ...


The cities Ta......, ......, Hurmu, Anlama..., ii 10 Urrus, Ur......, Kulmadara, Hatatirra, Unnigâ, ......, Ardâ, Mudru..., Murua, Tiris..., and ii 15 Lapsitania — cities of the land Unqi.

The cities Hatarikka, Gubla Gabala, Shimirra, Arqâ, ..., Usnû, Si'annu, ..., Ri'isi-shurri, ..., ii 20 Arâ, Nuqudina, Ashhani, Yatabi, Ellitarbi, Zitanu, Turanu, and ... — cities of the land Hamath.

The cities Lab'u, ...

Q003457: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [... e-pesz _lu-arad_-u-te a]-na _uru_-kal-ha a-di# mah-[ri-ia isz-pu-ra ...]

[sza (f)sa-am-si szar-rat _kur_]-a-ri-bi i-na _kur_-sa-[qu-ur-ri _kur_-e ...] [... gi]-mir# _karasz_-szA [...]

[U(?) szi-i(?) sza(?) la-pa-an(?) _gisz-tukul-mesz_(?)]-ia tasz-hu-tu# [...] [... ana _kur_ asz]-szur a#-[di mah-ri-ia tasz-szA-a] [_lu_-qe-e-pu ina muh-hi-szA Asz]-kun-ma (10 _lim_) _lu-erim_-[_hi-a_ ...]

[... a-na _gir_]-_ii_-ia u-szak-[nisz] _uru#_-[ma-as-'a-a-a] [_uru_-te-ma-a-a _lu_-sa-ba]-'a#-a-a _uru_-ha-a-a-[ap-pa-a-a] [_uru_-ba-da-na-a-a _uru_-ha-at]-ti-a-a _lu_-i#-[di-ba-a'-il-a-a] [... sza mi]-s,ir _kur-kur_ szA _silim_ szam-szi [sza mAm-ma la i-du-szu-nu-ti-ma] [a-szar-szu-un ru-u-qu ta-nit]-ti be-lu-ti-ia al-[ka-ka-at qur-di-ia isz-mu-ma] [u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-ti] _ku-gi# ku-babbar ansze-a-ab-ba#_-[_mesz_] [_munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-ti] _szim#-hi-a du_-a-ma ma-da-ta-szu-nu ki-i# [1-en a-di mah-ri]-ia#

[...] (disz)i-di-bi-'i#-i-lu a-na _lu_-x-[x]-ti (ina) _ugu_ [_kur_-mu-us,]-ri# ap-qid

[_kur_-É-(disz)hu-um-ri-a szA i]-na ger-re-te-ia mah-ra-a-te gi-mir# _uru-mesz_-ni#-[szu qaq-qa-risz] am-nu-u [...] bu#-li-szu Asz-lu-lu-ma _uru_-sa-me-ri-na e-de-nu-usz-szu# u-masz-szi#-[ru (disz)pa-qa]-ha _lugal#_-szu-nu

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... he sent a servant to Calah, before me .

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, in the land Saqurru, a mountain ... all of her territory .

Moreover, that which they had carried off before my weapons ... ... I took to Assyria, before me. I placed a legate over it and ... 10,000 troops .

I made the cities Mas'u, Temu, Saba'u, Haeppu, Badanu, and Haetti, Idiba'ilu, ..., which is on the border of the lands of the east, whose location is remote, and whose people none of my predecessors knew, hear about the resounding praise of my lordship and they glorified my lordship. I gave them gold, silver, donkeys, donkeys, aromatics, and their tribute, as one after me.

I appointed Idibi'ilu as ... to the ...tu-official over Egypt.

As for the land Bit-Humrî Bit-Humrî, whose entire territory I conquered during my earlier campaigns — I plundered ... its settlements and abandoned the city Samaria. I abandoned the city Paqaha, their king.


... ... ... he sent ... to Kalhu, before me, to do obeisance. ....

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I ... her entire camp ....

Moreover, she, who had become startled by my mighty weapons, brought ... to Assyria, before me. I placed a representative of mine over her and ... 10,000 soldiers .... I made ... bow down at my feet.

The people of the cities Mas'a and Tema, the tribe Saba, the people of the cities Hayappa, 10' Badanu, and Hatte, and the tribes Idiba'ilu, ..., who are on the border of the western lands, whom none of my predecessors had known about, and whose country is remote, heard about the fame of my majesty and my heroic deeds, and thus they beseeched my lordship. As one, 15' they brought before me gold, silver, camels, she-camels, and all types of aromatics as their payment and they kissed my feet. ... their greeting-gifts ... ... ... ... ....

I appointed Idibi'ilu as the "gatekeeper" facing Egypt.

The land Bit-Humrî Israel, all of whose cities I utterly devastated in former campaigns of mine, whose ... and livestock I carried off, and whose capital Samaria I isolated — now they overthrew Peqah, their king,

Q003458: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _lu_-pu-qu]-du _lu_-a-ru#-[mu ma-la ba-szu-u ...] [...] _id#_-uq-ni-[i ...] [... _lu_]-szu-ut _sag#_-[ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun ...]

AI Translation

... the Puqudu and Arameans, as many as there were, ... the Uqnû River ... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them .


... and the tribe Puqudu, Arameans, as many as there were on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, and Uqnû Rivers, ... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. ...

Q003459: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man gal man_ dan-nu] _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [... am-ru ni-isz _igi-ii_] (d)_en-lil_ [...] mu-disz esz-re-e-ti [sza ana ... ru-up-pu]-usz# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sa-pan _kur kur-mesz_-szu

[asz-szur _en_-szu(?) u-ma-'e-ru-szu ul-tu _sag man_-ti-ia a-di x (x) _bala-mesz_-ia (...) _lu_-ha]-tal#-lu _kur_-lab-du-di [... _lu_-a-ru-mu ma-la ba-szu-u szA szid-di _id-idigna u id_]-_a-szita_-ti [... ak-szud ... ina _ugu du6_ kam-ri sza _uru_-hu-mut i-qab]-bu#-szu-ni [_uru du_-usz _uru_-kar-asz-szur _mu_-szu ab-bi ... _lu_]-na#-si-ku _lu_-na-aq-ru [... ul-tu _uru-bad_-ku-ri-gal-zi _uru_-si-par sza (d)szA-masz _id_]-su#-ma-an-dar nar-ti [... _lu_]-szu#-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam_ [i-na muh-hi-szu-nu] Asz#-ku-un

[... _kur_]-É-kap-si _kur_-É-ha-am-ban [... _kur_-szi-ik]-rak#-ki _szu-si kur_-i [...] _kur_-É-ma-at-ti [... sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal-mesz_-te] a-bél [a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur _gur_-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam_ i-na] muh-hi-szu-nu Asz-ku-un

[...] x _kur_-si-kib-sa [...]-zu-la _kur_-si-(mi)-ir-ra _kur_-ud [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam_ i-na muh-hi-szu]-nu# Asz-ku-un

[_kur_-un-qi(?) a-na(?) pat,(?) gim-ri-szA(?) _kur_-É-a-gu-si(?)] a-na si-hir-ti-szA a-bél [2(?) _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz_ i-na muh-hi]-szu#-nu Asz-ku-un

[_ta uru_-ka-Asz-pu-na sza a-hi tam-tim _an-ta uru_-s,i-mir]-ra# _kur_-ar-qa-a [...] a#-di _kur_-am-ma-na-na [... _kur_-ud _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en_]-_nam# ugu_-szu-nu Asz-ku-un

[... tam-tim] _an-ta_ szA szUl-mu (d)_utu_-szi [... a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur] _gur_-ra [... szu-bat] ne-eh-tu u-sze-szib [... (disz)(d)_silim_]-ma-nu-_masz_ [...] u#-ma-as,-s,i

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... chosen of the god Enlil, ..., who renovates sanctuaries, who ... to ..., the satrap of Assyria, and the plunder of his enemies,

From the beginning of my sovereignty until my ... reign ... the Haballu of the land Labdudu ... the Arameans, as many as there were, who live on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates ... I conquered .... I built a city on top of the moat of the city Humut. I named it Kar-Ashur. ... the Nasiku, the Naqru, ... from the cities Dur-Kurigalzu and Sippar, which are on the bank of the River Samash, I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I reorganized the provinces of the kings of the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Hamban, ..., Shikrakki, the foot of Mount ..., Bit-Matti, ... of the mighty Medes, and imposed my yoke on them in order to take over the territory of Assyria. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

... ... the land Sikil-Sippar ...-zula the land Simirra I conquered. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I ruled the land Unqi to its full extent and the land Bit-Agusi to its whole extent. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I conquered from the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the sea, to the city Shimirra, the land Arqâ, ..., as far as Mount Ammanana, ... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

... the Upper Sea, which is on the west side, ... I returned to the territory of Assyria. ... I settled them in a peaceful abode. ... Shalmaneser ... I made them take up residence in the city .


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., chosen by the glance of the god Enlil, ... the one who restores sanctuaries, whom 5 the god Ashur, his lord, commissioned to ..., to widen the borders of Assyria, and to lay flat the lands of his enemies.

From the beginning of my reign until my ... palû, I captured ... ... and the tribe Hatallu, the land Labdudu, ..., and Arameans, as many as there were on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. ... I built a city on top of a tell lit. "a heaped-up ruin mound" called Humut and I named it Kar-Ashur. I ... the tribes ..., Nasikku, Naqiru, ... from the cities Dur-Kurigalzu and Sippar of the god Shamash, the Sumandar canal, 10 to .... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I exercised authority over the lands ..., Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Hamban, ..., Mount Shikrakki, a mountain peak, ... the land Bit-Matti, 15 ... and ... of the mighty Medes. I annexed them to Assyria and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I conquered the lands ... ..., Sikibsa, ..., ...zula, and Simirra Shimirra. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I exercised authority over the land Unqi to its full extent and the land Bit-Agusi in its entirety. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I conquered from the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, the cities Shimirra, Arqâ, ..., as far as Mount Ammanana, .... I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

... the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun ... I annexed to Assyria. I settled ... in peaceful dwellings. ... Shalmaneser .... I presented ....

Q003460: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-[ra _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal ka-dingir-ki lugal kur_] szu-me#-ri u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _gurusz_ qar-du sza ina tu-kul-ti asz-szur _en_-szu kul-lat# [la ma-gi-ri-szu _gim_ has,-bat-ti u-daq-qi-qu a]-bu#-bisz is-pu-nu-ma zi-qi-qisz im-nu-u _lugal_ szA ina zi-kir asz-szur (d)szA-masz u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [_du-mesz_-ma] ul#-[tu _id_]-mar-ra-ti sza É-(disz)ia-ki-ni a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza _kur_ (d)szam-szi

ul-tu _sag lugal_-ti-ia a-di 17 _bala-mesz_-ia _lu_-i-tu-'u# [_lu_-ru-bu]-'u# _lu_-ha-mar-a-ni _lu_-lu-hu-u-a-tu _lu_-ha-tal-lu _lu_-ru-ub-bu-u ra-pi-qu _lu_-hi-ra-a-nu _lu_-ra-bi-_dingir lu_-na-s,i-ru _lu_-gu-lu-su _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-ra-hi-qu _lu_-ka#-[pi-ri] _lu#_-ru-um-mu-lu-tu _lu_-a-di-le-e _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-hu-da-du _lu_-hi-in-di-ru _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-du-na-nu _lu_-ni-il-qu _lu_-ra-de-e _lu_-da-i#-[x]-nu(?) _lu#_-u-bu-lu _lu_-kar-ma-'u _lu_-am-la-tu _lu_-ru-'u-a _lu_-qa-bi-'e _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-ma-ru-su

_lu_-a-ru-mu ma-la ba-szu-u a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra-Asz-szu-nu-ti-ma# _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun ina _ugu du6_ kam-ri sza _uru_-hu-mut i-qab-bu-szu-u-ni

_uru du_-usz _uru_-kar-asz-szur _mu_-szu ab-bi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-rib ina sip-par _nibru-ki ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki gu-du8-a-ki_ kisz-_ki#_ dil-bat-_ki u unug-ki_ ma-ha-zi la szA-na-an

_udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na (d)_en_ (d)_numun-du_-ti (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum (d)_u-gur_ (d)la-as, _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia aq-qi-ma i-ra-mu _lu-sanga_-u-ti _kur_-kAr-(d)du-ni-Asz _dagal_-tu a-na pat, gim-ri-szA a-bél-ma

e-pu-szA _lugal_-u-sa _lu_-pu-qu-du _gim_ sa-pa-ri as-hu-up di-ik-ta-szu-nu a#-duk szal-la-su-nu ma-at-tu Asz-lu-la _lu_-pu-qu-du szu-a-tu _uru_-la-hi-ru sza i-di-bi-ri-i-na _uru_-hi-li-im-mu _uru_-pi-il-lu-tu sza pat-ti _kur_-e-lam-ti a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra# ina _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-gar-kur uru_-ar-rap-ha am-nu _kur_-lab-du-du ma-la ba-szu-u as-su-ha-am-ma

ina qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-szA-as,-bit _kur_-kal-du a-na si-hir-ti-szu hu-ha-risz as-hu#-up sza (disz)(d)_ag_-u-szab-szi A (disz)szi-la-a-ni di-ik-ta-szu ina i-ta-at _uru_-sa-ar-rab-a-ni _uru_-szu a-duk U szA-a-szu meh-re-et _ka-gal uru_-szu a-na _gisz_-za-qi-pi u-sze-li-szu-ma u-szad#-gi-la _kur_-su _uru_-sa-ar-rab-a-nu ina szi-pi-ik _sahar-hi-a#_ [_u gisz_]-szu#-pi-i ak-szud 50 _lim 5 lim un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu

_uru_-tar-ba-s,u _uru_-ia-bal-lu ak-szud 30 _lim un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu [_nig_]-_szu_-szu-nu _nig-ga_-szu-nu u _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu Asz#-[lu-la _uru-mesz_ szu]-a-tu-nu a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu-nu

ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit (disz)za-qi-ru _dumu_ (disz)szA-'a-al-li i-na a-de#-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ih-t,i-ma it-ti [nak-ri-ia isz-ku-na] pi#-i-szu a-na szA-a-szu a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-szu ina _szu-ii_ u-s,a-bit bi-ra-a-ti _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-nu-ti-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ al-qa-a _un-mesz kur_-É-szA-'a-al-li ip-la-hu-ma _uru-bad_-[(d)_kaskal-kur_-a-a _uru_] _lugal#_-ti-szu-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu-nu is,-ba-tu

_uru_-am-li-la-tu ak-szud _un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu szal-la-su _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga#_-szu Asz-lu-la _kur_-É-szA-'a-al-li a-na si-hir-ti-szu a-bu-bisz as-pu-un-ma u-szah-ri-ba da-Ad-me-szu

_kur-kur-mesz_ szu-a-ti-na a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra (disz)_gin_-_numun dumu_ (disz)a#-muk-ka-a-ni ina _uru_-sa-pe-e _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-sir-szu di-ik-ta-szu ma-at-tu ina _igi ka-gal-mesz_-szu a-duk

_gisz-kiri6-mesz gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni sza t,e-eh _bad_-szu a-kis-ma 1-en ul e-zib _gisz-giszimmar#-mesz_-szu sza pi-rik _kur_-szu a-duk-ma u-hi-nu-szu Asz-mut,-ma u-mal-la-a qer-ba-a-ti gi-mir _uru-mesz_-ni-szu ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up _kur_-É-szi-la-a-ni _kur_-É-a-muk-ka-a-ni u _kur#_-É-szA-'a-al-li a-na si-hir-ti-szu-nu ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit a-na _du6_ u kar-me u-ter

ma-da-tu sza (disz)ba-la-su _dumu_ (disz)dak-ku-ri (disz)na-di-ni _ud-ud-ak#_-a-a _ku-babbar ku#-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ am-hur (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na dumu_ (disz)ia-ki-ni _lugal_ tam-tim sza ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ma-har ma-am-man la il-li-kam-ma la u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii-mesz_-szu-un pul-hi me-lam-me sza asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a#-na _uru_-sa-pi-ia a-di mah-ri-ia il-li-kam-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii-mesz_-ia _ku-gi_ e-per _kur_-szu a-na ma-a'-de-e

_kur_-nam-ri _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti _kur_-É-ha-am-ban _kur_-su-mur-zu _kur_-ba-ar-ru#-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz _kur_-É-ma-at-ti _uru_-ni-qu sza _kur_-tup-li-ia-Asz _kur_-É-tar-an-za-a-a _kur_-par-su-a _kur_-É-za-at-ti _kur_-É#-ab-da-da-ni _kur_-É-kap-si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi _kur_-É-ur-zak-ki _kur_-É-(d)15 _uru_-zak-ru-ti _kur_-gi-zi-ni-ki-is-si _kur_-ni-isz-szA-a _uru_-s,i-bu-ur _uru_-u-ri-im-za-an _kur_-ra-'u-u-sa-an

[di]-ik-ta-szu-nu ma-at-tu a-duk 60 _lim 5 me un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szu#-nu _ansze-gir-nun-na_-(_mesz_)-szu-nu _ansze_-ud-ra-a-ti-szu-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu-nu s,e-e-ni-szu-nu a-na la ma-ni Asz-lu-la

[_uru_]-_mesz#_-ni-szu-nu ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi a_sz-ru-up a-na _du6_ u kar-me u-ter _kur_-nam-ri _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti _kur_-É-ha-am-ban _kur_-su-mur-zu _kur_-É-bar-ru-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz [_kur_-É]-ma-at-ti _uru_-niq-qu sza _kur_-tup-li-ia-Asz _kur_-É-tar-an-za-a-a# _kur_-pa-ar-su-a _kur_-É-za-at-ti _kur_-É-ab-da-da-ni _kur_-É-kap-si _kur_-É-sa-an-gi _kur_-É-ur-zak-ki _uru_-É-(d)15

[_uru_]-zak#-ru-ti sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal-mesz_ a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra _uru-mesz_-ni sza qer-bi-szu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti _du_-usz _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur _en_-ia ina lib-bi ar-mi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina _sza_ u-sze-rib

[x _lu_]-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia ina _kur_-ti-ik-ra-ak-ki _uru_-É-(d)#15 _uru_-s,i-bu-ur _kur_-a-ri-ar-mi _kur dar-lugal-mesz-muszen_

[_kur_-si]-il#-ha-zi sza dan-nu-tu sza _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-qab-bu-szu-ni ul-ziz ma-da#-[tu sza _kur_-ma-da]-a#-a _kur_-el-li-pa-a-a _u en-uru-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-e _du_-szu-nu a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni#

[x x] _ansze-kur-ra#-mesz ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz ansze_-ud-ra-a-ti _gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni a-na la ma#-[ni am-hur (disz)ir-an-zu _kur_-man-na]-a#-a qur-di ta-nit-ti sza asz-szur _en_-ia sza ina _kur-mesz_-e _du_-szu-nu e#-[te-ep-pu-szu isz-me-ma] [me-lam]-me# asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na _uru-bad_-(disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra sza [... a]-di# mah-ri-ia il-li-kam u-na-Asz-szi#-[qa _gir-ii_-ia ...] [_ansze-kur_]-_ra-mesz# ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni _gisz_-til-li [...]

[_lu_-szu]-ut _sag#_-ia (disz)asz-szur-_kal_-in-a-ni a-na _kur_-ma-da-a-a _kal-mesz_ sza _kur_ (d)szam#-[szi Asz-pur 5 _lim ansze-kur-ra-mesz un-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni a-na la ma-ni il-qa-a]

[_kur_-ul-lu]-ba _kur_-hab-hu a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ak-szud a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur _gur_-ra [(...) ina qé-reb _kur_-ul-lu-ba _uru du_-usz _uru_-asz-szur-_ba_-szA _mu_-szu ab-bi] [É-_gal_ mu]-szab# _lugal_-ti-ia ina lib-bi ad-di _gisz-tukul_ asz-szur _en_-ia ina lib-bi ar-mi _un-mesz kur#_-[_kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib ...]

[(disz)(d)15-_bad kur_-u]-ra-ar-t,a-a-a (disz)su-lu-ma-al _kur_-me-lid-da-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la#-[ra _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a ...] [... (disz)]ku#-usz-ta-Asz-pi _kur_-ku-muh-a-a a-na ka-szA-di szA-la-li [mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur ...] [... ina] bi#-rit _kur_-kisz-ta-an _u kur_-hal-pi na-ge-e sza _kur_-ku#-[muh-hi _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu _sig_-ma (ana la ma-né-e) ...] [da-me qu-ra]-di#-szu-nu _id_-si-in-zi _id_-tu ki-ma na-ba-si [as,-ru-up ...] [nap-har(?)] _karasz_(?)-szu#-nu e-kim-szu-nu-ti ina _murub4_ ti#-[du-ki-ma ...] [...] x _gisz-na-mesz lugal_-ti# [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, valiant man who, with the support of Ashur, his lord, destroyed like a flood all of his enemies and thereby cut down his foes, the king who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, marched from the Amurra Canal of Bit-Yakin to the land Bit-Bikni of the land Shamshi

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, the Itu'eans, the Rubu'eans, the Hamraneans, the Luhu'atu, the Talallu, the Rubbu'eans, the Rapiqu, the Hiranu, the Rabi-ilanu, the Nashiru, the Gulusu, the Nabatu, the Rahiqu, the Kapiru, the Rummu-lutu, the Adilê, the Gibrê, the Ubudu, the Gurumu, the Hudadu, the Hindiru, Damunu, Dunanu, Nilqu, the Rade, the, the Ubulu, the Karma'u, the Amlatian, the Ru'u'a, the Qabi'u, the Li'ta'u, and the Murusu, the ... of the land of the ..., the

I brought the Arameans, as many as there were, to the territory of Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. They said this on account of the 'gate' of Humut.

I built a city and named it Kar-Ashur. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, uncounted cult centers, I erected them.

I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bel Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nergal, and Lash, the great gods, my lords, and they loved it. I elevated the priesthood of the extensive land Karduniash Babylonia to its full extent and

I overwhelmed the Puqudu like a saparu. I massacred many of them and carried off booty from them. I returned that Puqudu, the city Lahiru which is between the cities Idibirina and Hilimmu, and the city Pilluti, which are on the border of the land Elam, to Assyria. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I brought back the land Labdudu, as many as there were, and

I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the entire Chaldean land. I massacred Nabû-ushabshi, son of Shilanu, in the area of the city Sarrabanu. Moreover, I entrusted him with the removal of his city gate to a ziggurat and thereby enlarged his land. I conquered the city Sarrabanu with earthen hoes and a ziggurat. I carried off 50,000 people, together with their possessions, as booty from them.

I conquered the cities Tarbashu and Yaballu. I carried off 30,000 people, together with their property, possessions, property and gods. I destroyed those cities, together with the cities in their environs.

As for Zaqiru, the son of Sha'alli, he sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods and sided with my enemies. He took his own life and took him, together with his magnates, to Assyria. I iron fetters and took them to Assyria. The people of the land Bit-Sha'alli became frightened and took the city Dur-Balihaya, their royal city, as their fortress.

I conquered the city Amlilatu. I carried off people, together with their property, booty, possessions, and property. I surrounded and conquered the entire land Bit-Sha'alli Bit-Sha'alli and I razed, destroyed, and burned its settlements.

I confined Mukin-zeri, son of Amukkani, to Sapê, his royal city. I inflicted a heavy defeat on him before his gates.

I cut down and burned with fire the gardens and musukkannu-trees in front of his city wall, but I did not save one. I struck down his orchards that were in the direction of his land and thereby annihilated them. I divided up the land Bit-Shilani, Bit-Amukkani, and Bit-Sha'alli in their entirety like a flood and turned them into a flood and a flood.

I received the tribute of Balasu, son of Damascus, and Nadini, the Udakkuan. I received silver, gold, precious stones, and stones from Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, son of Yakin, the king of the Sealand, who had never come before any of the kings, my ancestors, and had not kissed their feet. The radiance of the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he came to Sapiya, before me, and kissed my feet. I fashioned a gold stele on his land, and he kissed my feet.

The lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Barrua, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the cities Niqu of the land Tupliyash, Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Bit-Ishtar, Zakruti, Gizinikishi, Nisha, Shibur, Urimzan, and Ra'usan.

I massacred 60,000 people, together with their possessions, their horses, their mules, their camels, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, without number.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities of Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, and the city Bit-Ishtar.

I reorganized the cities in their environs and imposed the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, upon the people of the lands that I had conquered there.

I erected my royal image in the lands Tikrakki, Bit-Ishtar, Sibur, Ariammi, the land of kings and swans.

I stationed troops of the Medes, the Ellipi, and the city rulers of all of the mountains, as far as Mount Bikni, in the district of the city Si'ilhazi, which is a fortress of the Babylonians.

I received ... horses, mules, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. Iranzû, the Mannean, heard about the heroic deeds of the god Ashur, my lord, which I had done in all of the mountains, and then the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he came to the city Dur-Tukulti-Esharra, which ..., before me, and kissed my feet. ... horses, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, a complete package of .

I sent a eunuch of mine, Ashur-da''inanni, to the mighty Medes of the land Shamshi. He took 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

I conquered the lands Ulluba and Habhu in their entirety, and I returned to the territory of Assyria. ... I built a city in the land Ulluba and named it Ashur-iqisha. I erected therein a palace, a residence of my royal majesty, and I placed the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. .

Issar-duri of the land Urartu, Sulumal of the land Melid, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ..., Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, to conquer the territory of Assyria ... I brought about their defeat between the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the land Kummuhu, and I ... their fighting men like a flood I swept over the Sinzi River ... I imposed upon them the burden of their camp, in the thick of battle, and ... kingship .


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; valiant man who, with the help of the god Ashur, his lord, smashed like pots all who were unsubmissive to him, swept over them like the Deluge, and considered them as mere ghosts; the king who marched about at the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, and exercised authority over lands from the Bitter Sea of Bit-Yakin, as far as Mount Bikni in the east, up to the Sea of the Setting Sun, as far as Egypt, from the horizon to the zenith, and exercised kingship over them.

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured, defeated, and plundered the tribes Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamaranu Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Hiranu, Rabbi-ilu, Nashiru, Gulusu, Nabatu, Rahiqu, Kapiri, Rummulutu, Adilê, Gibrê, Ubudu, Gurumu, Hudadu, Hindiru Hindaru, Damunu, Dunanu, Nilqu, Radê,, Ubulu, Karma'u, Amlatu, Ru'u'a, Qabi'i, Li'ta'u, Marusu, Amatu, Hagaranu, and those living in the cities Dur-Kurigalzu and Adinni, the fortresses of Sarragitu, Labbanat, and Kar-bel-matati, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Surappu Rivers, as far as the Uqnû River, which is by the shore of the Lower Sea. 10 I annexed to Assyria the Arameans, as many as there were, and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I built a city on top of a tell lit. "a heaped-up ruin mound" called Humut and named it Kar-Ashur. I brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein.

In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, cult centers without rival, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bel Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nergal, and Lash, the great gods, my lords, and they loved my priestly services.

I exercised authority over the extensive land of Karduniash Babylonia to its full extent and exercised kingship over it.

I overwhelmed the tribe Puqudu like a cast net, defeated them, and carried off much booty from them. I annexed to Assyria that tribe Puqudu, the city Lahiru of Idibirina Yadburu, and the cities Hilimmu and Pillatu, which are on the border of the land Elam and I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Arrapha. I deported the people of the land Labdudu, as many as there were, and settled them in Assyria.

I ensnared Chaldea in its entirety as with a bird-snare. As for Nabû-ushabshi of the land Bit-Shilani lit. "son of Shilani", I defeated him on the outskirts of the city Sarrabanu, his city. Moreover, I impaled him before the gate of his city, while making the people of his land watch. By means of earthworks and battering rams, I captured the city Sarrabanu. I carried off 55,000 people, together with their possessions, his booty, his property, his goods, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city, together with cities in its environs, and turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

I captured the cities of Tarbashu and Yaballu. I carried off 30,000 people, together with their possessions, their property, their goods, and their gods. I destroyed those cities, together with cities in their environs, making them like tells after the Deluge.

Zaqiru of the land Bit-Sa'alli lit. "son of Sa'alli" neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods and conspired with my enemies. I personally captured him, together with his nobles, 20 placed them in iron fetters, and took them to Assyria. The people of the land Bit-Sha'alli Bit-Sa'alli became frightened and they made the city Dur-Balihaya, their royal city, their fortress. By means of artificial mounds and siege machines, I conquered that city and utterly demolished it. I carried off 40,500 people, together with their possessions, their booty, their property, their goods, as well as his Zaqiru's wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods.

I conquered the city Amlilatu. I carried off its people, together with their possessions, its booty, its property, and its goods. I swept over the land Bit-Sha'alli Bit-Sa'alli in its entirety like the Deluge and devastated its settlements. I annexed those lands to Assyria.

I confined Mukin-zeri of the land Bit-Amukkani lit. "son of Amukkani" to Sapê Shapiya, his royal city. I inflicted a heavy defeat upon him before his city gates. I cut down the orchards and musukkannu-trees that were near his city wall; I did not leave a single one standing. I killed date-palms throughout his land by ripping off their text: "its" fruit and filling the meadows with them.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire all of his cities. Like tells after the Deluge, I destroyed the lands Bit-Shilani, Bit-Amukkani, and Bit-Sha'alli Bit-Sa'alli in their entirety, and turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

I received the payment of Balassu of the land Bit-Dakkuri lit. "son of Dakkuri" and Nadinu of the city Larak: silver, gold, and precious stones. As for Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan of the land Bit-Yakin lit. "son of Yakin", a king of the Sealand who had not come before any of the kings, my ancestors, and who had not kissed their feet, fear of the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he came to the city Sapiya Shapiya, before me, and kissed my feet. I received as his payment natural, unrefined gold in great quantity, jewelry made of gold, a gold necklace, pearls lit. "precious stones, produce of the sea", beams of ebony, ellutu-wood, ashqulalu-plants, amilanu-plants, multi-colored garments, all types of aromatics, oxen, and sheep and goats.

As with a bird-snare, I ensnared the lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, 30 Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, and Bit-Urzakki, the cities Bit-Ishtar and Zakrute, the lands Gizinkisi and Nishaya, the cities Shibar and Urimzan, the lands Ra'usan, Uppuria, Bustus, Ariarma — the land of roosters — Saksukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, and Bit-Sagbat, Mount Silhazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians, Mount Rua, as far as the salt desert of the lands Ushqaqqana and Shikrakki — the land of gold — and the districts of the mighty Medes to their full extent.

I inflicted a heavy defeat upon them. I carried off 60,500 people, together with their possessions, their horses, their mules, their Bactrian camels, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, without number. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

I annexed to Assyria the lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, and 35 Bit-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyash, the lands Bit-Taranzaya, Parsua, Bit-Zatti, Bit-Abdadani, Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, and Bit-Urzakki, and the cities Bit-Ishtar and Zakrute, cities of the mighty Medes.

I rebuilt the cities inside them those lands, set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein, and brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I placed ... eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I erected my royal image in the land Tikrakki, in the cities Bit-Ishtar and Shibar, in the land Ariarma — the land of roosters — and at Mount Silhazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians.

I received the payment of the Medes, the people of the land Ellipi, and the city rulers of all of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni — ..., horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

Iranzi of the land Mannea heard about the glorious valor of the god Ashur, my lord, that I had accomplished again and again throughout all of the mountain regions and 40 the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him. He came to the city Dur-Tiglath-pileser "Fort Tiglath-pileser", which ..., before me, and kissed my feet. I received ... horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, military equipment, ....

I sent a eunuch of mine, Ashur-da''inanni, against the mighty Medes in the east. He took 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.

I captured the lands Ulluba and Habhu in their text: "its" entirety and I annexed them to Assyria. ... I built a city in the land Ulluba and I named it Ashur-iqisha. Inside it, I founded a palace for my royal residence. I set up the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, therein, and settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. ....

As for Sarduri of the land Urartu, Sulumal of the land Melid, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, ... Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, they Sarduri and allies ... to capture and plunder Assyrian territory ... Between the lands Kishtan and Halpi, districts of the land Kummuhu, I utterly defeated them and ... With the blood of their warriors I dyed the Sinzi River as red as dyed wool. ... I took their entire camp away from them. In the midst of that battle, I ... ..., their royal beds ...



[...]-ma ina _izi a_sz-ru#-[up (f)sa-am-si la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia _kal-mesz_ tasz-hu-ut-ma _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-te a-di _ansze_-ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na] [a-na _kur_ asz]-szur a-di mah-ri-ia ta#-[Asz-szA-a _lu_-qe-e-pu ina muh]-hi-szA Asz-kun#-[ma 10 _lim lu-erim-mesz_ ...]

[_uru_-ma-as]-'a#-a-a _uru_-te-ma-a-a _uru_-sa-ab-'a-a-a _uru_-ha-a-a-ap-pa-a-a _uru_-ba-da-na-a-a _uru#_-[ha-at-ti-a-a _lu_-i-di-ba-a'-il-a-a ... sza mi-s,ir _kur-kur_] [sza szu-lum (d)]_utu_-szi sza mAm-ma la i-du-szu-nu-ti-ma a-szar-szu-un ru-u-qu ta-nit-ti be-lu-ti-ia [al-ka-ka-at qur-di-ia isz-mu-ma u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-ti] [_ku-gi ku_]-_babbar ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-ti _szim-hi-a du_-a-ma ma-da-ta-szu-nu ki-i 1-en a-di mah#-[ri-ia u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia]

[(disz)i]-di#-bi-'i-i-li a-na _lu-i-du8_-u-ti ina _ugu kur_-mu-us,-ri Asz-ku-un i-na _kur-kur-mesz du_-szi-na szA x [...] [ma-da-at]-tu# sza (disz)ku-usz-ta-Asz-pi _kur_-ku-muh-a-a (disz)u-ri-ik _kur_-qu-u-a-a (disz)si-bi-it-ti-bi-'i-il _uru#_-[gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)hi-ri-mu _kur_-s,ur-ra-a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is _uru_-gar-ga-misz-a-a] [(disz)e-ni]-il _kur_-ha-am-ma-ta-a-a (disz)pa-na-am-mu-u _uru_-sa-am-'a-la-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra _kur_-gur-gu-ma-a-a (disz)su-lu#-[ma-al _kur_-me-lid-da-a-a (disz)da-di-i-lu _uru_-kas-ka-a-a]

[(disz)u]-as-sur-me _kur_-ta-bal-a-a a-na ep-szet _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-masz-szil-ma a-di mah-ri-ia la il-li-ka _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-gal_ [_sag_ a-na _kur_-ta-bal Asz-pur ...] [(disz)hu]-ul-li-i _dumu_ la ma-ma-na ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib 10 _gun ku-gi 1 lim gun ku-babbar 2 lim ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [... _ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz_ ta-mar-ta-szu am-hur]

_lu#_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-gal sag_ a-na _uru_-s,ur-ri Asz-pur sza (disz)mé-e-te-en-na _uru_-s,ur-ra-a-a 1 _me 50 gun ku-gi_ [2 _lim gun ku-babbar_ ta-mar-ta-szu am-hur]

i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti ha-sis-si pal-ke-e sza isz-ru-ka _abgal dingir-mesz nun_ (d)nu-dim-mud É-_gal gisz-eren#_ [... ana mu-szab _en_-ti-ia] U É hi-it-la-an-ni tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti a-na mul-ta-'u-ti-ia ina qé-reb _uru_-kal-hi _du_-usz [x _kusz gal_-tu szid-du 60 _kusz gal_-tu pu-u-tu] mi-szih-ti qaq-qa-ri-sza _ugu_ É-_gal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mah-ra-a-ti ul-tu lib-bi _id-idigna_ u-szA-tir#-[ma as,-s,a-ba-ta ...] x [x]

gi-mir _dumu_ um-ma-a-ni ha-as-su-ti nak-lisz u-kas,-s,ip-ma ad#-[...] x x [x] 20 _kusz gal_-tu szu-pul _a-mesz_ ez-zu-ti _na4_-pi-lu-u dan-nu _gim_ szi-pik _kur_-i Asz-pu-uk-ma u-[...]-ma# mi-le-e#-[szA] tam-li-szi-in Asz-kun-ma isz-di-szin u-kin-ma u-szaq-qi re-es-si-in 1/2 _ninda 2_/3 _kusz_ É [... u]-kas,-s,ir-ma

_igi_-et _im-si-sa_ u-mah-hi-ra _ka-mesz_-szin ina _zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur#_-[_min gisz-li_(?) U(?)] _gisz_-dup-ra-a-ni bi-lat _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_-hat-ti mal-ki _kur_-a-ri-me _u kur_-kal-di sza ina mé-tel qar-ra-du-ti-ia u-szak-[ni-szu a]-na# _gir-ii_-ia# [... Asz]-kun la-le#-e u-mal-li

5 1/2 _ninda 4 kusz_ ul-tu szu-pul _a-mesz_ a-di pa-Asz-qi szi-kit-ta-szin-((ma)) e-s,ir-ma _ugu_ É-_gal-mesz kur-kur_ u-szar-[ri]-ha# ep-sze-es-si-in

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren_ sze-hu-u-ti sza ki-i e-ri-isz _gisz_-ha-szur-ri a-na us,-s,u-ni t,a-a-bu tar#-bit _kur_-ha#-[ma]-na _kur_-lab-na-na _u kur_-am-ma-na-na u-s,a-lil-szi-na-ma a-na kun-ni-i u-szA-lik a-na s,ur-ru-uh si-ma-a-ti sza _gisz_-szi#-gi-ri# [x] x _na4-mesz_ szi-pir _lu_-pur-kul-lu-ti ab-ni-ma us-si-ma _ka_

_gisz-ig-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_ tu-'a-ma-te mu-na-ah-hi-szA e-ri-bi-szi-na e#-re-si#-na i-ziq-qu lib-bu

i-na me-sér za-ha-le-e U (esz-ma-re-e) eb-bi u-rak-kis-ma e-ma _ka-mesz_-ni u-rat-ti _ur-mah-mesz#_ (d)_alad-mesz_ (d)_lamma-mesz_ sza bi-na-te ma-a'-disz nu-uk-ku-lu hi-it-lu-pu ku-uz-bu né-re-bi u-szA-as,-bit-ma a-na tab-ra-a-te u-szA-az-zi-iz _kun4-mesz im-babbar na4_-pa-ru-ti# i-na _ki-ta_-szu#-nu as,-li-ma u-nam-me-ra mu-s,u-u

U s,a-lam ab-ni ma-s,ar szu-ut _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ bi-nu-ut _zu-ab_ ki-szu-u u-szA-as-hir-ma# pu-luh-tu u-szar-szi

sik-kat kar-ri _ku-gi ku-babbar u zabar_ a-na szuk-lul-ti-szi-in al-me-szi-na-ti-ma u-szA-an-bi-t,a bu-un-ni-szi-in

a-na szu-bat _lugal_-ti-ia at-ma-an szA-Asz-szi ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ szi-pir tam#-[le]-e ar-ma-a qé-reb-szA É-_gal-mesz_-at hi-da-a-ti na-szA-a HÉ-_gal_-li ka-ri-ba _lugal_ mu-lab-[bi]-ra# e-pi-szi-szin a-na szu-me-szi-in ab-bi

_ka-mesz_ me-szA-ri musz-te-szir di-in mal-ki sza kib-rat _limmu_-ti mu-szam#-[hi]-ru bi-lat _kur_-e u ta-ma-a-ti mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib ad-na-a-ti a-na ma-har _lugal en_-szu-un az-[ku]-ra# zi-kir _ka-mesz_-szi-in

AI Translation

Samsi fled from my mighty weapons and took donkeys, camels, and their young to Assyria, before me. I placed a royal delegate over her and ... 10,000 soldiers .

The people of the cities Mas'a, Tema, Sab'a, Ha'appa, Badanu, and Hatti, the people of Idiba'il, ..., ... of the border of the lands of the east, whose lands none of my predecessors had known, heard about the advance of my royal majesty and they glorified my lordly majesty. They brought before me gold, silver, camels, and all kinds of aromatics, and they kissed my feet.

Idibi'ili, the satrap of Egypt, fought with him in all of the lands ... ... the tribute of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Urik of the land Que, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Hirimu of the land Tyre, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the land Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku.

Uassurme of the land Tabal abandoned his camp to do obeisance to Assyria and did not come before me. I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the land Tabal. ... I placed Hullî, a son of a nobody, on his royal throne. I received from him ten talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, ... mules as his audience gift.

I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to Tyre. I received from Metenna of Tyre 150 talents of gold and 2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift.

With the wisdom and wisdom that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud, had granted me, I built a palace of cedar ... for my lordly residence and a hilani, a replica of a Hittite palace, for my pleasure in Calah. I brought x large cubits, the width 60 large cubits, and the dimensions of its ground plan, more than previously mentioned palaces, which my ancestors had built, from the Tigris River and I captured it .

I fashioned a ... for every skilled of craftsmen and ... ... I ... 20 large cubits of strong limestone for the dripping of water, and ... I ... and ... its terrace. I positioned its terrace and thereby secured its foundations. I ... and positioned its top. I ... 1/2 nindanu 2/3 cubits of brick for the house ... and .

I surrounded their gates with elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and dapranu-wood, the tribute of the kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, princes of the land of the Arabs and Chaldea, who had placed him at my feet through my heroism ... I filled them with splendor.

I built and completed 5 1/2 nindanu 4 cubits from the disposal of water to the threshing floor and made them more splendid than the palaces of the lands.

I had beams of cedar, whose scent is sweet, which were grown on Mount Amanus, Mount Lebanon, and Mount Ammanana, stretched over them and I made them stand in their proper places. To make the ...s of the shigiru-wood shine, I had a smith make a casting of ... and then I made them rise up at the gate.

The doors of cedar and cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, were adorned with their radiance and were filled with radiance.

I stationed lions, bull colossi and lamassus, whose features are very bright, with a tiara of shiny kushbu-metal, and iii 20''' kuzbu-metal, and I stationed them in the gateways for the entrances. I surrounded their the palace gates' lower courses with slabs of papparû-stone and I made them an object of wonder.

I placed a statue of myself in the midst of the protection of the great gods, the creation of the apsû, and I made fear disappear.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with a ziggurat of gold, silver, and bronze, and thus enlarged their appearance.

I built anew a palace for my royal residence. I deposited therein precious stones and work on terraces. I named them "Houses of Joy, Places of Succession," palatial halls of joy, and a royal residence for the pleasure of the king.

I set up gates of abundance, which ensure the good health of the rulers of the four quarters of the world, which bring the plunder of mountains and seas, and bring the restitution of the lost and abandoned people to the king, their lord, and I erected them at their gates.


I set the rest of her Samsi's possessions and her tents, her people's safeguard within her camp, on fire. Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and she brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to Assyria, before me. I placed a representative of mine over her and ... 10,000 soldiers ....

The people of the cities Mas'a, Tema, Saba, Hayappa, Badanu, and Hatte, and the tribes Idiba'ilu, ..., who are on the border of the western lands, whom none of my predecessors had known about, and whose country is remote, heard about the fame of my majesty and my heroic deeds, and thus they beseeched my lordship. rev. 5' As one, they brought before me gold, silver, camels, she-camels, and all types of aromatics as their payment and they kissed my feet. I appointed Idibi'ilu as the "gatekeeper" facing Egypt.

In all of the foreign lands that ... ... I received the payment of Kushtashpi of the land Kummuhu, Urik Uriaikki of the land Que, Sibitti-Bi'il of the city Byblos, Hiram of the land Tyre, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the land Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the city Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the city Atuna, Urpallâ of the city Tuhana, Tuhammi of the city Ishtunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna Hubushnu, rev. 10' Mattan-Bi'il Mattan-Ba'al of the city Arwad, Sanipu of the land Bit-Ammon, Salamanu of the land Moab, ...... of ..., ... of ..., Mitinti of the land Ashkelon, Jehoahaz of the land Judah, Qaush-malaka of the land Edom, Mush...... of ..., ... of ..., and Hanunu of the city Gaza: gold, silver, tin, iron, lead, multi-colored garments, linen garments, the garments of their lands, red-purple wool, ..., all kinds of costly articles, produce of the sea and dry land, commodities of their lands, royal treasures, horses and mules broken to the yoke, ....

Uassurme of the land Tabal acted as if he were the equal of Assyria and he did not come before me. I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the land Tabal. .... I placed Hullî, a commoner lit. "son of a nobody" on his royal throne. I received 10 talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, and ... mules as his audience gift.

I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the city Tyre. I received from Metenna of the city Tyre 150 talents of gold and 2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift.

With the keen understanding and broad knowledge that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud Ea, granted to me, I built in Kalhu a cedar palace, ... for my lordly residence and a bit-hilani, a replica of a palace of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, for my pleasure. I made the dimensions of its site ... large cubits in length and sixty large cubits in width larger than the former palaces of my ancestors by reclaiming land from the Tigris River by filling it in. ... ... ....

I cleverly made plans with the help of all of the skilled craftsmen and ... ... ... .... Like the base of a mountain, I piled up heavy limestone blocks to a depth of twenty large cubits in the raging waters and I ... stopped its flooding. I put up their terraces, secured their foundations, and raised high their summits. To a height of one half nindanu and two-thirds of a cubit, I constructed rooms of ... and I made their gates face north.

I decorated lit. "I established" them with ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, shurmenu-wood, burashu-juniper, and juniper — which was tribute from the kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine and from Aramean and Chaldean rulers whom I subdued and ... with the power of my heroism — and I filled them with splendor.

To a height of five and one half nindanu and four cubits, from the depth of the water to their copings, I designed their structure and I made their workmanship more resplendent than the palaces of foreign lands.

I roofed them with long beams of cedar, which are as sweet to smell as the scent of hashuru-wood, a product of Mount Amanus, Mount Lebanon, and Mount Ammanana, thus I demonstrated appropriate care for their roofing. In order to splendidly provide appropriate decorations for the locks ... ..., I fashioned stones of the stonecutter's craft and thus made its gates befitting a royal palace.

I fastened bands of shiny silver zahalû and eshmarû-silver on double doors of cedar and shurmenu-wood, which bestow great pleasure on those who enter them and whose fragrance wafts into the heart, and I hung them wherever there were gates.

I set up in its entrances statues of lions, shedu, and lamassu, whose features are very skillfully wrought and which are clothed with splendor, rev. 30' and I erected them there as objects of wonder for the people. I laid threshold slabs of gypsum and parutu-alabaster at their feet lit. "beneath them" and thus I brightened their exits.

Moreover, I placed stone images, guardians of the great gods, creatures of the apsû i.e., fish-men, around the palace's supporting wall, thus I endowed them with a terrifying quality.

To put the finishing touch on them the palatial halls, I arranged knobbed pegs of gold, silver, and bronze around them, and thus I made their appearance bright.

For my royal abode, I set up therein a glittering chamber inlaid with precious stones. I named them "The Palatial Halls of Joy Which Bear Abundance, Which Bless the King, and Which Make Their Builder Long-Lived."

I named their gates "Gates of Justice Which Give the Correct Judgment for the Rulers of the Four Quarters of the World, Which Offer the Yield of the Mountains and the Seas, and Which Admit the Produce of Mankind Before the King Their Lord."

Q003461: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [...]-x-ma-szu ina na-ba-li [...] [... _zi-mesz_-szu-nu] u-szat-bi-ik _uru_ szu-a-tu a#-[di ...] [... ina] _murub4_ tam-tim ar-hi-su-nu-ti-ma a-di la# [ba-sze-e] [u-szA-lik ... szu-u hur-ba-szu ta-ha-zi-ia _ugu_-szu im]-qut#-ma it-ru-ku _sza-mesz_-szu _tug_-sa-gu il-la-bisz x [...] [...] _zu gisz-esi_ tam-lit _na4-mesz ku-gi_ a-di x [...] [...] _zu am-si i dug-ga szim-hi-a du_-a-ma _ansze-kur-ra-mesz kur_-mu#-[us,-ri] [... Asz]-kun# _ta uru_-ka-Asz-pu-na sza _gu_ tam-tim [e-li-ti]

[am-nu ... _gim_ ur]-qi-ti _lu-adda-mesz lu_-mun-(dah)-s,e-e-szu-nu u-mal-la-a [_edin_] [... a-di] mar#-szi-ti-szu-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu-nu s,e-e-ni-szu-nu _ansze-nita_-szu-nu [...] [...] ina qé-reb É-_gal_-szu [...] [... mi(?)]-isz(?)# hi-t,i-szu-nu am-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma _kur_-su-nu u-bal(?)#-[li-it,(?)]

[... (disz)ha-a-nu]-u-nu _uru_-ha-az-za-ta-a-a la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-(ia) _kal-mesz_ ip-lah-ma a-[na _kur_-mu-us,-ri] [in-na-bi-it _uru_-ha-az-zu-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szud x (x) _gun_] _ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz#_-[szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu]

[... _nig-szu_-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu Asz-lu-la] s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia (U) s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia sza _ku-gi_ [_du_-usz]

[i-na qé-reb É-_gal_ sza _uru_-ha-az-zi-ti ul-ziz a-na _dingir-mesz kur_-szu-nu am-nu-ma sat-tuk-ki-szu]-nu u-kin U szu-u ul-tu _kur_-mu-us,-ri _gim_ is,-s,u-[ri ip-par-szam-ma] [... a-na _ki_-szu u-ter-szu-ma ...-szu a-na É ka-a-ri sza _kur_] asz#-szur am-nu s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia ina _uru_ na-hal mu-s,ur _id#_ [sza x (x)]

[... ul-ziz ... 1 _me gun_] _ku-babbar_ as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-ra-a]

[... ana _lugal-mesz_-ni] a#-li-kut pa-ni la isz-pi-lu-ma la isz-pu-ra szi-pir-szu ki-szit-te _kur_-hat#-[ti isz-mé-e-ma] [na-mur-rat asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu]-ma# ir-szA-a na-kut-tu _lu-mah-mesz_-szu sza e-pesz _lu-arad_-u-ti [a-na _uru_-kal-ha]

[a-di mah-ri-ia isz-pu-ra ...] (disz)#si-ru-at-ti _kur_-mu-'u-na-a sza _ki-ta kur_-mu-us,#-[ri ...] [... zi-kir(?) _mu_-ia(?)] s,i#-i-ru ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia szu-tur-tu isz-[mé-e-ma ...]

[... sza (f)sa-am-si szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi] ina# _kur_-sa-qu-ur-ri _kur_-e 9 _lim 4 me_ di-ik-ta#-[szu-nu a-duk ...]

[... né-mat-ti _dingir-mesz_-ni]-szA# _gisz_-til-li _gisz-nig-gidru-mesz_ (d)isz-tar-szA [_nig-ga_-szA e-kim U szi-i a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szA] [... a-na ma-ad-ba-ri a-szar s,u-ma-me _gim munus-ansze_]-_edin#-na_ tasz-ku-na pa-ni-szA si-ta-[at _nig-ga_ kul-ta-ri-szA hu-ra-da-at _un-mesz_-szA]

[i-na _murub4 karasz_-szA ina _izi a_sz-ru-up (f)sa-am-si la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia _kal-mesz_ tasz-hu-ut-ma _ansze-a-ab-ba_]-_mesz munus-ansze_-a-na-qa-a-te a-di# [_ansze_-ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... in the swamps ... I made their lives abundant. I surrounded that city, together with ..., and I brought them down into the midst of the sea. ... He fell upon him and his battle array fell upon him. He threw off his hands and a cap. ... ... ... ... ... ... ebony, a type of wood, a mixture of precious stones, together with ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and horses of Egypt ... I set up camp. I ... from the city Kashpuna on the shore of the Upper Sea.

... like a pack, I entrusted to them the troops and mules of their troops. I ... together with their possessions, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their donkeys, ... inside his palace ... I received their ... and I destroyed their land.

... Hanunu of the city Gaza, became frightened by my mighty weapons and fled to Egypt. I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city. I carried off ... talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, people, together with their possessions, his wife, his sons, and his daughters.

I fashioned a statue of the great gods, my lords, and a royal image of myself with gold ..., ..., and ..., and erected it in the city Qedar.

I erected my royal statue in the city Hazzitu and imposed their sattukku offerings upon them. Moreover, he, having fled from Egypt like a bird, returned ... to his place and ... to the quay of Assyria. I erected my royal statue in the city Nahal, the marsh marsh of .

I erected ..., ..., and ... I brought to Assyria 100 talents of silver and imposed it upon them.

... ... did not send his message to the kings who came before him and did not send his message to him. He heard about the conquest of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine and the brilliance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he became frightened. He sent his envoys to Calah to do obeisance to me.

Before my arrival, ... Siruatti of the land Mu'una, who was ... below Egypt, heard about the advance of my exalted name, the exalted dominion, and .

... of Samsi, queen of the Arabs, I felled with the sword 9,400 of their fighting men in the mountains of the Saqurru. .

... the abode of her gods, the scepter, the scepter of her goddess, her possessions, and she to save her life ... to the desert, a place of refuge, where she is like a mare, her face was covered with the rest of her possessions, her food offerings, and the huradades of her people.

I burned Samsi with fire in the thick of it. You slew my mighty weapons and I carried off donkeys, donkey stallions, as many as there were of them.


... ... ... his ... ... on dry land ... I made them lay down their lives. ... that city, together with ... in the midst of the sea I swept over them and annihilated them. 5' ... As for him, terror of my battle array fell upon him and his heart pounded. He put on sackcloth ... ... of ivory, ebony, inlaid with precious stones and gold, together with ... ..., ivory, fine oil, all types of aromatics, Egyptian horses, ... I established ... I exercised authority from the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, as far as ... and I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Shimirra.

... Like grass, I filled the plain with the corpses of their warriors. ... I carried off ..., together with their belongings, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their asses, ... inside his palace .... I accepted their plea to forgive their rebellion lit. "sin" and I spared their land. ....

As for Hanunu of the city Gaza, he became frightened by my powerful weapons and escaped to Egypt. 15' I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city, and I carried off ... talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, people, together with their possessions, his Hanunu's wife, his sons, his daughters, ..., his property, and his gods.

I fashioned a statue bearing images of the great gods, my lords, and my royal image out of gold, erected it in the palace of the city Gaza, and reckoned it among the gods of their land; I established their sattukku offerings.

Moreover, as for him Hanunu, he flew back from Egypt like a bird and ... I returned him to his position. I considered his ... as an Assyrian emporium. I erected a stele with my royal image in the city Brook of Egypt, a riverbed that ....

I removed from his treasury ... and ... and 100 talents of silver and brought it to Assyria.

As for ..., ... who had not submitted to the kings, my predecessors, and who had not sent his message to any of them, he heard about the conquest of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine. The terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he became distressed. He sent his envoys to Kalhu, before me, to do obeisance, ....

As for Siruatti the Me'unite Mu'na, whose territory is below Egypt, ..., he heard the mention of my exalted name and my own extensive conquests, and ....

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I defeated 9,400 of her people. 25' I took away from her ..., thrones of her gods, the military equipment and staffs of her goddesses, and her property.

Moreover, she, in order to save her life, ... and set out like a female onager to the desert, a place where one is always thirsty. I set the rest of her possessions and her tents, her people's safeguard within her camp, on fire.

Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and she brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to Assyria, before me.

Q003462: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[... _bad5-bad5_-szu _sig_-ma ana] la# ma-né-e# [nap-har _karasz_-szu e-kim-szu] [na-mur-rat _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-lah-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu ina _munus-ansze-kur-ra_] _u5#_-ma (ana) _kur_-si-zi-ir _kur_-i [mar-s,u mu-szi-tisz ih-liq-ma e-li]

[(disz)sa-ar-du-ri _kur_-u-ar-ra-t,a-a-a i-na _uru_-t,u-ru-usz-pa-a _uru_-szu] e-sir#-szu-ma di-ik-ta-szu ma-'a-[at-tu ina _igi ka-gal-mesz_-szu a-duk] [s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia _du_-usz-ma] ina tar-s,i _uru_-t,u-ru-[usz-pa-a ul-ziz]

[70 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina _kur_-u-ra-ar-t,i ra-ap-szi ul-tu] e#-lisz a-di szap-lisz e-tel-lisz _du#_-[_du_ ma-hi-ra ul i-szi]

[_kur_-ul-lu-ba _kur_-hab-hu sza ku-tal _kur_-na-al a-na gi-mir-ti-szu-nu ak-szud] a#-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia [i-na _kur_-i-li-im-me-ru ul-ziz] [ina qé-reb _kur_-ul-lu-ba _uru du_-usz _uru_-asz-szur-_ba_-szA _mu_-szu ab-bi] _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-[szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-rib] [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam_ ina _ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun ...] _uru#-mesz_-ni sza _gir-ii_ kar-ri _kur_-i ak-szud# [...]

[... _uru_-ma]-an#-t,u-un _uru_-sa-ar-[du-ri-a-na ...] [...] x [...]-lu-up-pi _kur_-i ak-szud ina _ugu nam#_ [_uru_-asz-szur]-_ba_-szA u-rad#-[di]

[... _kur_]-na#-al u-dan-[nin]-ma e-pu-usz _uru#_-[x]-ti#-asz-szur _mu_-szu ab-bi _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit#-[ti] _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-rib [_ta ... kur_-sa]-ar-du-ri-a-na _kur_-lu-si-a _kur_-tap-si-a _kur_-su-ba# a-di _kur_-É-zu-a _uru_-bi-ra-a-ti _kal#-mesz_ sza _kur_-u-ra-ar-t,i [_en uru-mesz_-ni sza] li#-me-ti-szu-nu ak-szud a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter#-ra ina _ugu nam# lu-agrig_ u-rad-di

[...]-szi-a _kur_-mar-ha-ti-an-szA _uru_-e-nu _uru_-sa-as-su _uru_-lu-up-sa _uru_-lu-qi-a _uru_-szi-mir-ra _uru#_-u-szur-nu _uru_-u-su-ru [_uru_-u-bu-la] a#-di _kur_-bir-da-an-szA _kur_-i _uru_-a-li-in-zi-ra-a-nu _uru_-tasz-li-a-na _uru_-tir-hi-im a-di _kur#_-si-ni-a _kur#_-i ak-szud [ina] _ugu nam lu-gal-bi-lul_ u#-rad-di

[_kur_-x x] _ta uru_-qu-qu-sa-an-szu _uru_-ba-ar-zu-un-na a-di ((_uru_)) _uru_-har-bi-si-[in-na _uru_-ab]-bi#-sa-[a] [_uru_-ta]-sa# a-di _kur_-u-lu-ru-usz _ugu_ pi-a-ti sza _id-idigna kur_-lu-si-a _kur# a-bar kur_-a-ma-di-[i-nu] x x [...] [... _uru_]-qi#-li-is-sa _uru_-ez-ze-e-da _uru_-di-u-ia-ap-li sza _kur_-a-te-ia na-ge-e# [sza ina] _ugu#_ pi-a-te sza [_id-idigna_ ina _ugu nam kur_-na-'i-i-ri u-rad-di]

[_uru_]-a-ra-a-nu _uru_-u-al-li-a _uru_-ta-su _uru_-u-ra sza _kur_-ba-zi na-ge#-[e ...] _kur#_-u-il-la _kur_-ur-ba-ak-ka _kur_-u-li-na _kur_-a-ra-si-il-la _uru_-al-qi-[...] 18(?)# na-ge-e _ta kur_-e-ri-bi _kur_-e a-di _ugu id-a-szita_ mi-s,ir _kur_-[ku-um-mu-hi ...] _kur_-en-zi a-na gi-mir-ti-szu a-di _kur_-s,u-up-pa na-ge-e ak-szud [a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra ina _ugu nam lu_-tur-ta-ni u-rad-di]

_kur_-É-a-gu-si ah-pi 30 _gun ku-gi 2 lim gun ku-babbar nig-ga#_ [a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a _kur_-É-a-gu-si] [a]-na# mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

[_kur_-un]-qi# a-na pat, gim-ri-szA ak-szud 20 _gun_ [_ku-gi ... nig-ga_ ... a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a] [_kur_-un]-qi# a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-ter-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

AI Translation

... his defeat was weak and he became frightened of the insubmissiveness of his camp. He became frightened of the brilliance of my weapons and, to save his life, he rode in a mare and took the road to Mount Sizir, a rugged mountain.

Sarduri of the land Urartu iii 5' confined to the city Turushpâ, his city, and imposed upon him a heavy punishment. I built a royal statue of myself and erected it in the territory of the city Turushpâ.

I fought with them for a total of seventy leagues in the extensive land Urartu, from above to below, and I did not have a rival.

I conquered the lands Ulluba and Habhu, which are located behind Mount Nal, in their entirety. I reorganized the territory of Assyria and erected my royal image in the land Ilimmeru. I built a city in the land Ulluba and named it Ashur-iqisha. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. ... I conquered the cities at the foot of the mountain .

I conquered the cities Mantun, Sarduriana, ..., ..., ..., and ...luppi, the mountains. I added them to the province of the city Ashur-iqisha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities ...ti-Ashur and I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I added ..., the lands Sarduriana, Lusia, Tapsia, and Suba, as far as the land Bitzua, the fortified fortresses of the land Urartu, together with the cities in their environs, and added them to the territory of Assyria.

I conquered the cities, Marhatiana, Enu, Sasu, Lupsa, Luqia, Shimirra, Ushurnu, Usuru, Ubula, as far as Mount Birdansha, the cities Aliinziranu, Tashliana, and Tirhim as far as Sinia, the mountain. I added them to the province of the chief cupbearer.

I added the province of the land ... from the cities Ququsanshu, Barzuunna, Harbisinna, Abbisâ, Tasa, as far as the land Ulurush, on the bank of the Tigris, the land Lusia, the land of iron, the land Amadinu, ..., the cities Qilissa, Ezzeda, and Diuyapli of the district of the land Ateya which is on the bank of the Tigris, and the province of the land Nairi.

I conquered the cities Aranu, Uallia, Tasu, and Ura of the district of the land Bazi, ..., the lands Uila, Urbakka, Ulina, Arasila, Alqi..., 18 districts stretching from the land Eribu to the Euphrates, the border of the land Kummuhu, ..., and the entire land Enzi, as far as the land Shuppa, and added them to the territory of Assyria.

I brought to Assyria 30 talents of gold, 2,000 talents of silver, and property. I returned the land Bit-Agusi to the territory of Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I conquered the land Unqi to its full extent and I brought to Assyria twenty talents of gold, ..., property, ... I returned the land Unqi to its place in Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.


I utterly defeated him and took his entire camp away from him. He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons, mounted a mare in order to save his life, escaped during the night to Mount Sizir, a rugged mountain, and ascended it.

I confined Sarduri of the land Urartu to the city Turushpâ, his city, and inflicted a great defeat upon him before his city gates. I fashioned my royal image and erected it in front of the city Turushpâ.

For a distance of seventy leagues, I proudly marched through the extensive land of Urartu, from one end to the other lit. "from above to below", and I had no opponent therein.

I conquered the lands Ulluba and Habhu, which are located behind Mount Nal, in their entirety and annexed them to Assyria. I set up my royal image on the face of Mount Ilimmeru. I built a city in the land Ulluba and I named it Ashur-iqisha. I brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. ... I conquered the cities at the foot of the mountain ridge ....

I conquered the cities ..., Mantun, Sardurianu, ..., Mount ...luppi and I added them to the province of the city Ashur-iqisha.

I built and fortified a city ... Mount Nal and I named it ...ti-Ashur. I brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I conquered an area from the lands ..., Sardurianu, Lusia, Tapsia, and Suba, as far as the land Bitzua, strong fortresses of the land Urartu, together with cities in their environs. I annexed those lands and cities to Assyria and added them to the province of the treasurer.

I conquered the land/city, the land Marhatiansha, the cities Enu, Sassu, Lupsa, Luqia, Shimirra, Ushurnu, Usuru Uzurra, and 15' Ubula, as far as Mount Birdansha, the cities Alinziranu, Tashliana, and Tirhim, as far as Mount Sinia. I added those lands and cities to the province of the chief cupbearer.

As for the land ..., from the cities Ququsanshu and Barzunna to the cities Harbisinna, Abbissâ, and Tasa, as far as the land Ulurush, which is above the bank of the Tigris River, the lands Lusia — the land of the metal lead — Amadinu, ... ... and the cities Qilissa, Ezzeda, and Diuyapli of the district of the land Ateia, which is above the bank of the Tigris River, I added them to the province of the land Na'iri.

I conquered the cities Aranu, Uallia, Tasu, Ura of the district of the land Bazu, ..., the lands Uilla, Urbakka, Ulina, and Arasilla, the city Alqi..., ..., eighteen districts, from Mount Eribi to the Euphrates River and the border of the land Kummuhu, ... the land Enzi in its entirety, as far as the district of the land Shuppa. I annexed those lands and cities to Assyria and added them to the province of the turtanu.

I ravaged the land Bit-Agusi Arpad and I brought to Assyria 30 talents of gold, 2,000 talents of silver, and property. I annexed the land Bit-Agusi to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

I conquered the land Unqi to its full extent and I brought to Assyria twenty talents of gold, ..., property, ... I annexed the land Unqi to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.



[_uru_-ha]-ta#-rik-ka a-di _kur_-sa#-[u-e _kur_-i _uru_-ka-Asz-pu-u-na sza a-ah tam-tim e(*)-li-ti _uru_-s,i-mir-ra _uru_-ar-qa-a] [a-na] mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra [2 _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

[_kur_-É]-(disz)#ha-za-a'-i-li rap-szu a-na si-hir-(ti)-szu _ta kur#_-[lab-na-na a-di lib-bi _uru_-ga-al-'a-a(?)-di _uru_-a-bi-il-szit,-t,i] [sza pat]-ti _kur_-É-(disz)hu-um-ri-a a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [u-ter-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

[(disz)hi]-ri#-mu _kur_-s,ur-ra-a-a sza it-ti (disz)ra-hi-a-ni isz(*)-ku-na [pi-i-szu ...]

[_uru_]-ma#-ha-la-ab _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu a-di _uru-mesz_-ni _gal-mesz_ ak-szud szal-la-[su-nu Asz-lu-la ...] [a-di] mah-ri-ia _du_-ka-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii-mesz_-ia 20 _gun_ [_ku-gi_ ...] [lu-bul-ti] bir-me _tug-gada lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz#_ x [... _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_(?) sza(?) _kur_]-mu#-us,-[ri ... am-hur]

[_kur_-É-hu-um-ri]-a# a-na gi-mir#-[ti-szu ak-szud ... a-di mar]-szi#-ti-szu-nu a-[na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a]

[... (disz)a-u-si-'i a]-na _lugal#_-u-ti ina _ugu_-szu-nu [Asz-kun] [... ana _uru_]-sar#-ra-ba-ni a-di mah-ri-ia [u-bi-lu-ni]

[...] 1 _me gun ku-babbar_ as-su-ha-am-ma a-[na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a]

[(disz)ha-a-nu-u-nu _uru_-ha-az-za-ta-a-a la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia _kal-mesz_ ip-lah-ma a-na _kur_-mu-us,-ri] in-na-bi-it _uru_-ha-az-zu-tu# [_uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szud] [... s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia U s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia sza _ku-gi_] _du_-usz ina qé-reb É-_gal_ sza _uru_-ha-az#-[zi-ti ul-ziz]

[a-na _dingir-mesz kur_-szu-nu am-nu-ma sat-tuk-ki-szu-nu u-kin U szu-u _gim_] _muszen_ ul-tu _kur_-mu-us,-ri [ip-par-szam-ma] [... a-na _ki_-szu u-ter-szu-ma ...]-x-szu a-na É ka-a-ri sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [am-nu]

[szA (f)sa-am-si szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi ina _kur_-sa-qu-ur-ri _kur_-e ...] x ina _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma gim-ri _karasz#_-[szA ...] [... _szim-hi-a du_]-ma# a-na la ma-ni _dingir-mesz#_-[ni-szA e-kim]

[U szi-i a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szA a-na ma-ad-ba-ri a]-szar# s,u-ma-me _gim munus_-(_ansze_)-_edin-na_ tasz-ku-na# [pa-ni-szA] [si-ta-at _nig-ga_-szA kul-ta-ri-szA hu-ra-da-at _un-mesz_-szA i-na] _murub4# karasz_-szA ina _izi#_ [Asz-ru-up]

[(f)sa-am-si la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia _kal-mesz_ tasz-hu-ut-ma _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz munus-ansze_-a]-na#-qa-ti a-di _ansze_-ba-ak#-[ka-ri-szi-na] [ana _kur_ asz-szur a-di mah-ri-ia tasz-szA-a _lu_-qe-e-pu] ina# muh-hi-szA Asz-kun-ma 10 _lim lu-erim-mesz_ [...]

[... sza] a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut pa-ni-ia la isz-pi-lu-ma [la isz-pu-ra szi-pir-szu] [... ki-szit-te _kur_-hat]-ti# isz-mé-e-ma na-mur-rat asz-szur _en_-ia [is-hup-szu-ma] [ir-szA-a na-kut-tu _lu-mah-mesz_-szu sza e-pesz _lu-arad_]-u#-te a-na _uru_-kal-ha a-di mah-ri-ia [isz-pu-ra]

[_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-gal sag_ a-na _uru_-s,ur-ri Asz-pur sza (disz)mé-e-te-en-na _uru_-s,ur-ra]-a#-a 50 _gun ku-gi 2 lim gun ku-babbar_ ta-[mar-ta-szu am-hur]

[(disz)u-as-sur-me _kur_-ta-bal-a-a a-na ep-szet _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-masz-szil-ma a-di] mah#-ri-ia la il-li-ka _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia [_lu-gal sag_ ana _kur_-ta-bal Asz-pur]

[... (disz)hu-ul-le]-e# _dumu_ la ma-am-ma-na ina _gisz-gu#_-[_za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib] [10 _gun ku-gi 1 lim gun ku-babbar 2 lim ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ...] _ansze-gir-nun-na-mesz_ ta-mar#-[ta-szu am-hur]

[... sza ina] _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la# [...] [...] ta#-mar-ta-szu# [am-hur]

AI Translation

I added the cities Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, the cities Shimirra and Arqâ, to the territory of Assyria and placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I annexed the extensive land Bit-Haza'ili, in its entirety, from Mount Lebanon as far as the cities Gal'adi and Abil-shitti, which are on the border of the land Bit-Humrî, to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

The Tyrean Hiram, who had set up camp with Rahianu .

I conquered the city Mahalaba, his fortified city, together with other cities. I carried off their booty and carried off ... before me. I came down and kissed my feet. I received 20 talents of gold, ..., garments with multi-colored trim, eunuchs, male singers, female singers, ..., horses of Egypt .

I conquered the entire land Bit-Humrî, ... together with their settlements, and brought them to Assyria.

I placed ... of Ausi'a as king over them. ... brought him to Sarraban before me.

I returned ... 100 talents of silver and returned to Assyria.

Heanunu of the city Gaza became frightened by my mighty weapons and fled to Egypt. I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city. I erected ... a statue of the great gods, my lords, and a statue of my royal majesty with gold in the palace of the city Gaza.

I made their offerings and he, like a bird, returned from Egypt and ... I returned him to his place and ... I made him enter the quay of Assyria.

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, she ... in the mountains of the Saqurru, ..., ..., she struck her ... with the sword and ... all of her camp ... ... she made juniper and smashed it without number to the gods.

Moreover, to save her life, I burned with fire her entire camp, the place where she was born, like a female donkey. I poured out a libation bowl of her possessions, her kultaris, and the hurradatu-offerings of her people in the middle of her camp.

Samsi fled from my mighty weapons and took donkeys, donkey-loads, and camels, together with their young, to Assyria, before me. I placed a royal delegate over her and ... 10,000 men .

... who had not submitted to the kings, my predecessors, and had not sent his message to me ... heard about the conquest of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine and then the radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he became frightened. He sent his envoys to Calah, before me, to do obeisance to me.

I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the city Tyre. I received from Metenna of the city Tyre 50 talents of gold and 2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift.

Uassurme of the land Tabal abandoned his camp in the process of establishing Assyria and did not come before me. I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the land Tabal.

I placed ..., a son of a nobody, on his royal throne. I received from him ten talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, ... mules, and his audience gifts.

... which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ... I received as his audience gift.


I annexed the city Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper text: "Lower" Sea, and the cities Shimirra and Arqâ to Assyria and I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I annexed to Assyria the extensive land of Bit-Haza-il Damascus in its entirety, from Mount Lebanon as far as the cities Gilead and Abil-shitti, which are on the border of the land Bit-Humrî Israel, and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

As for Hiram of the land Tyre, who conspired with Rahianu Rezin against me, ... — I captured and plundered the city Mahalab, his fortified city, together with other large cities of his.

... he came before me and kissed my feet. I received twenty talents of gold, ..., multi-colored garments, linen garments, eunuchs, male and female singers, ... ..., Egyptian horses, ....

I conquered the land Bit-Humrî Israel in its entirety and I brought to Assyria ..., together with their belongings.

... and I placed Hoshea as king over them. They brought ... to the city Sarrabanu, before me.

I removed ... and ... and 100 talents of silver and brought it to Assyria.

As for Hanunu of the city Gaza, he became frightened by my powerful weapons and escaped to Egypt. I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city. ... I fashioned a statue bearing images of the great gods, my lords, and my royal image out of gold, erected it in the palace of the city Gaza, rev. 15 and I reckoned it among the gods of their land; I established their sattukku offerings.

As for him Hanunu, he flew back from Egypt like a bird and ... I returned him to his position. I considered his ... ... as an Assyrian emporium.

As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I cut down with the sword lit. "weapon" ... ... and I ... her entire camp. I took away from her ... all types of aromatics, without number, and her gods.

Moreover, she, in order to save her life, set out like a female onager to the desert, a place where one is always thirsty. I set the rest of her possessions and her tents, her people's safeguard within her camp, on fire.

Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and she brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to Assyria, before me. I placed a representative of mine over her and ... 10,000 soldiers ....

As for ..., ... who had not submitted to the kings, my predecessors, and who had not sent his message to any of them, ..., heard about the conquest of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine. The terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him, and he became distressed. He sent his envoys to Kalhu, before me, to do obeisance.

I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the city Tyre. I received from Metenna of the city Tyre 50 talents of gold and 2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift.

Uassurme of the land Tabal acted as if he were the equal of Assyria and he did not come before me. I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the land Tabal.

... I placed Hullî, a commoner lit. "son of a nobody" on his royal throne. I received 10 talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, and ... mules as his audience gift.

..., who nobody among the kings, my ancestors, ... I received ... as his audience gift.

Q003463: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_kur_-un-qi a-na pat, gim-ri-szA ak-szud 20 _gun ku-gi_ ...] _nig-ga_ [... a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a] [_kur_-un-qi a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra] _lu_-szu-ut _sag#_-[ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

AI Translation

I conquered the land Unqi to its full extent and I brought to Assyria twenty talents of gold, ..., property, ... I returned the land Unqi to its place in Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.


I conquered the land Unqi to its full extent and I brought to Assyria twenty talents of gold, ..., property, ... I annexed to Assyria the land Unqi and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.



[_uru_-ha-ta-rik-ka a-di _kur_-sa-u-e _kur_-i _uru_]-ka#-Asz-pu-u-na sza a-ah tam-tim e(*)-li-ti [_uru_-s,i-mir-ra _uru_-ar-qa-a] [a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra] 2 _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam#_-[_mesz ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

[_kur_-É-(disz)ha-za-a'-i-li rap-szu a-na si-hir-ti-szu _ta kur_-lab]-na#-na a-di lib-bi _uru_-ga-al-'a-a(?)#-[di _uru_-a-bi-il-szit,-t,i] [sza pat-ti _kur_-É-(disz)hu-um-ri-a a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] u-ter-ra _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia# [_lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun]

[(disz)hi-ri-mu _kur_-s,ur-ra-a-a sza it-ti (disz)ra-hi-a-ni isz-ku]-na pi-i-szu# [...]

AI Translation

I added the cities Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, and the cities Shimirra and Arqâ to the territory of Assyria and placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I annexed the extensive land Bit-Haza'ili, in its entirety, from Mount Lebanon as far as the cities Gal'adi and Abil-shitti, which are on the border of the land Bit-Humrî, to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

As for Hiram of the land Tyre, who had conspired with Rahianu, his mouth .


I annexed the city Hatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kashpuna, which is on the shore of the Upper text: "Lower" Sea, and the cities Shimirra and Arqâ to Assyria and I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

I annexed to Assyria the extensive land of Bit-Haza-il Damascus in its entirety, from Mount Lebanon as far as the cities Gilead and Abil-shitti, which are on the border of the land Bit-Humrî Israel, and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

As for Hiram of the land Tyre, who conspired with Rahianu Rezin against me, ...

Q003464: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A]-é#-szar2-ra _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal ka-dingir-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti [_gurusz_ qar-du sza ina tu-kul]-ti# asz-szur _en_-szu kul-lat la ma-gi-ri-szu _gim_ has,-bat-ti u-daq-qi-qu a-bu-bisz is-pu-nu-ma zi-qi-qisz im-nu-u [_lugal_ szA ina zi-kir asz-szur (d)]szA#-masz u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz du-mesz_-ma ul-tu _id_-mar-ra-ti sza É-(disz)ia-ki-ni a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza _kur_ (d)szam-szi

[ul-tu] _sag# lugal_-ti-ia a-di 17 _bala-mesz_-ia _kur_-i-tu-'u _kur_-ru-bu-'u _lu_-ha-mar-a-nu _lu_-lu-hu-u-a-tu _lu_-ha-tal-lu _lu_-ru-ub-bu [_lu_-ra-pi]-qu# _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-du-na-nu _lu_-u-bu-lu _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-ma-ru-su _uru-bad_-ku-ri-gal-zu [_uru_-a-di-in]-ni# _uru_-bir-tu sza sa-ra-gi-ti _uru_-bir-tu sza la-ab-na-at _lu_-a-ru-mu _du_-szu-nu sza szid-di _id-idigna id-a-szita_ [_u id_-su]-rap-pi _id_-uq-né-e a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza _kur_ (d)szam-szi ak-szud a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u-ter-ra

[_lu_-szu-ut _sag_]-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun i-na _zimbir-ki nibru-ki ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki gu-du8-a-ki_ kisz-_ki_ dil-bat-_ki unug-ki_ [ma-ha-zi la szA-na]-an# _udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ a-na (d)_en_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum (d)_u-gur_ u (d)la-as, _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia aq-qi-ma u-qa-i-szA qi-szA-a-ti

[_kur_-kAr-(d)du]-ni-Asz _dagal_-tu a-bél-ma e-pu-szA szar-ru-us-sa

[_kur_-É-(disz)si-la]-a#-ni _kur_-É-(disz)sa-'a-al-li a-na pat, gim-ri-szu-nu as-su-(ha)-am-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-u-szab-szi (disz)za-qi-ru _lugal-mesz_-szu-nu qa-ti ik-szud# [_uru_-sa-ar-rab-a]-nu _uru#_-tar-ba-s,u _uru_-ia-bal-lu _uru-bad_-(d)_kaskal-kur_-a-a _uru_-ma-li-la-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu-nu _gal-mesz_ [i-na szi-pi-ik _sahar-hi_]-_a u gisz_-szu-pi-i ak-szud 1 _me 50 lim 5 lim un-mesz_ a-di mar-szi-ti-szu-nu [_nig-szu_-szu-nu _nig-ga_]-szu#-nu _masz-ansze_-szu-nu a-na la ma-ni Asz-lu-la _kur-kur-mesz_ szu-a-ti-na a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u-ter-ra#

[_kur_-É-(disz)a-muk-ka-a-ni] u#-daq-qi-iq-ma _ukkin un-mesz_-szu a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a (disz)_gin_-_numun lugal_-szu-nu ina _uru_-sa-pi-ia _uru_-szu e-sir#-[szu]

[_uru_-hi-li-im-mu _uru_-pi-il-lu-tu sza] pat#-ti _kur_-e-lam-ti a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra ina _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-gar-kur uru-limmu_-ha am-nu#

[ma-da-tu sza _lu_-ra-a'-sa-a-ni] sza _kur_-kal-di sza (disz)ba-la-si _dumu_ (disz)da-ku-ri (disz)na-di-ni _ud-ud-ag-ki_-a-[a] [(U) (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na dumu_ (disz)ia-ki]-ni# _lugal kur_ tam-tim _ku-gi_ e-per _kur_-i-szu _ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz gisz-esi gisz_-e-lu-tu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni# [am-hur]

[_kur_-nam-ri _kur_-É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti _kur_-É-ha]-an#-ban _kur_-su-mur-zu# _kur_-É-bar-ru-a _kur_-É-zu-al-za-Asz# [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, valiant man who, with the support of Ashur, his lord, destroyed all his enemies like a flood and poured out awe-inspiring brilliance. The king who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, ruled and ruled from the Marratu River of Bit-Yakin to the land Bit-Bikni of the land Shamshi

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I conquered the lands Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbu, Rapiqu, Nabatu, Gurumu, Dunanu, Ubulu, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, Dur-Kurigalzu, Adinni, the fortress of Sargitu, the fortress of Laabbat, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Upper Sea of the land Shamshi. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the cities of the land Assyria.

In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, the holy cult centers, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bel Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nergal, and Lash, the gods, my lords, and I presented them with them.

I ruled the extensive land Karduniash Babylonia and exercised kingship over it.

I conquered the lands Bit-Silani and Bit-Sa'alli in their entirety and defeated Nabû-ushabshi and Zaqiru, their kings. I conquered the cities Sarranu, Tarbashu, Yabalu, Dur-Balihaya, and Malilatu, their great royal cities. I carried off to Assyria a substantial booty consisting of earthshine and kiln-fired bricks. I carried off to Assyria 125,500 people, together with their possessions, their property, their property, and their donkeys. I returned those lands to the territory of Assyria.

I seized the land Bit-Amukkani and brought its people to Assyria. I confined Mukin-zeri, their king, to Sapiya, his city.

I reorganized the cities Hilimmu and Pilluti, which are on the border of the land Elam, and placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arbela.

I received tribute from the ra'sanu of Chaldea, from Balasu, son of Dakuru, from Nadini of the city Udag, and from Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, son of Yakin, king of the Sealand, gold from the mountains, silver, precious stones, ebony, ebony, and oxen from him.

The lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua, Bit-Zualzash, .


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; valiant man who, with the help of the god Ashur, his lord, smashed like pots all who were unsubmissive to him, swept over them like the Deluge, and considered them as mere ghosts; the king who marched about at the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, and exercised authority over lands from the Bitter Sea of Bit-Yakin, as far as Mount Bikni in the east, up to the Sea of the Setting Sun, as far as Egypt, from the horizon to the zenith, and exercised kingship over them.

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured the tribes Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamaranu Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Nabatu, Gurumu, Dunanu, Ubulu, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, and those living in the cities Dur-Kurigalzu, Adinni, the fortresses of Sarragitu and Labbanat, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, and Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun. I annexed those areas to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, cult centers without rival, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bel Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Nergal, and Lash, the gods, my lords, and presented gifts to them.

I exercised authority over the extensive land of Karduniash Babylonia and exercised kingship over it.

I eradicated the lands Bit-Silani Bit-Shilani and Bit-Sa'alli to their full extent. I personally captured Nabû-ushabshi and Zaqiru, their kings. By means of earthworks and battering rams, I captured the cities Sarrabanu, Tarbashu, Yaballu, Dur-Balihaya, and Malilatu, their large royal cities. I carried off 155,000 people, with their possessions, 15 their goods, their property, and their livestock, without number. I annexed those lands to Assyria.

I smashed the land Bit-Amukkani and brought all of its people to Assyria. I confined Mukin-zeri, their king, to Sapiya Shapiya, his city.

I annexed to Assyria the cities Hilimmu and Pillatu, cities on the border of the land Elam and I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Arrapha.

I received payment from the chieftains of Chaldea, Balassu of the land Bit-Dakkuri lit. "son of Dakkuri", Nadinu of the city Larak, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan of the land Bit-Yakin lit. "son of Yakin", king of the Sealand: natural, unrefined gold, silver, precious stones, ebony, ellutu-wood, oxen, and sheep and goats.

The lands Namri, Bit-Sangibuti, Bit-Hamban, Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua Bit-Barrû, Bit-Zualzash, ...

Q003465: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kisz lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal ka_]-_dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti [_gurusz_ qar-du sza ina tu-kul-ti asz-szur _en_-szu kul-lat la ma-gi-ri-szu _gim_ has,-bat-ti u]-daq#-qi-qu a-bu-bisz is-pu-nu-ma zi-qi-qisz im-nu-u [_lugal_ szA ina zi-kir asz-szur (d)szA-masz u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz du-mesz_-ma ul-tu _id_-mar-ra]-ti sza É-ia-ki-ni a-di _kur_-bi-ik-ni sza _kur_ (d)szam-szi

[ul-tu _sag lugal_-ti-ia a-di 17 _bala-mesz_-ia _kur_-i-tu-'u _kur_-ru-bu-'u _lu_-ha]-mar#-a-nu _lu_-lu-hu-u-a-tu _lu_-ha-tal-lu _lu_-ru-ub-bu [_lu_-ra-pi-qu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-du-na-nu _lu_-u-bu-lu _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_]-li#-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-ma-ru-su _uru-bad_-ku-ri-gal-zi [_uru_-a-di-in-ni _uru_-bir-tu sza sa-ra-gi-ti _uru_-bir-tu sza la-ab-na-at _lu_-a-ru-mu _du_]-szu-nu# sza szid-di _id-idigna id#_-[_a-szita_] [_u id_-su-rap-pi _id_-uq-né-e a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza _kur_ (d)szam-szi ak-szud a-na] mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-ter-ra]

[_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam ugu_-szu-nu Asz-kun i-na _zimbir-ki nibru-ki ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki_] _gu-du8#_-[_a-ki_ kisz-_ki_ dil-bat-_ki unug-ki_]

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, valiant man who, with the support of Ashur, his lord, destroyed all his enemies like a flood and poured out awe-inspiring radiance, the king who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, ruled and ruled from the Marratu River of Bit-Yakin to the land Bit-Biknu of the land Shamshi

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I conquered the lands Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbu, Rapiqu, Nabatu, Gurumu, Dunanu, Ubulu, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, Dur-Kurigalzu, Adinni, the fortress of Sargitu, the fortress of Laabbat, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Subpi, the Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Upper Sea of the land Shamshi.

I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them. In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk,


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; valiant man who, with the help of the god Ashur, his lord, smashed like pots all who were unsubmissive to him, swept over them like the Deluge, and considered them as mere ghosts; the king who marched about at the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk, the great gods, and exercised authority over lands from the Bitter Sea of Bit-Yakin, as far as Mount Bikni in the east, up to the Sea of the Setting Sun, as far as Egypt, from the horizon to the zenith, and exercised kingship over them.

From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured the tribes Itu'u, Rubu'u, Hamaranu Hamranu, Luhu'atu, Hatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Nabatu, Gurumu, Dunanu, Ubulu, Ru'u'a, Li'ta'u, Marusu, and those living in the cities Dur-Kurigalzu, Adinni, the fortresses of Sarragitu and Labbanat, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, and Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun. I annexed those areas to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk,

Q003466: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)tukul-[ti-A-é-szar2]-ra# _man_ [_gal_ ...] ka-szid# [...] ka#-[szid _lu_-i]-tu#-'u _lu_-ru-bu-'u [...] [...] a-duk

[...]-szir/hir [...] _disz_ pa-x-ia(?)#-u [...] [...] x x-szu# [...] ni/sa#-x-ru#

[...] _kur_-ha-u-ra#-nu _kur#_ u-ma-li [...] x _lim udu#-mesz_ szal-la#-su-nu# Asz-lu-la# [...] x _kur_-ud _u#_ szi-i na-mur-rat [asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szA-ma ...] x ana da-lil e-zib-szi

[...] _lu-gar-mesz_ ina u4-me-szu-ma (disz)(d)_masz#_-_dingir_-a-a _gar-kur_ x [...] _uru_-ha(?)#-[da]-tu(?)# _ta_ usz-sze-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu Ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _kur_ [... _gisz-ur-mesz_(?)] _gisz_-x x u#-[s,al]-lil-szu _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-ere-_igi_

ina _ka_-[_mesz_-szu u-rat]-ta(?)#-[a(?) ...] _mu_-szu a-bi s,a-lam# (d)isz#-tar ina qé-reb-szu u-kin man-za-[az (x)] x x x [...] x x (x) x s,a-lam s,u-li-ia

x [... ina qi-bit(?)] (d)isz#-tar _gu4-am#-mesz na4-ad-bar_ ki-s,ir _kur_-e _gar_-szu [...] _an#-bar_ x x [...] x x x ina _ka_-szu ul-ziz _mu# gu4-am#_ mah-re-e szA ina [_im-mar_]-_tu#_ [_gub_-zu] u4-mu [ez]-zu s,a#-[bit a-a]-bi mu-szam-qit# lem-nu-ti _man mu_-szu _mu# 2_-e _gu4-am_ szA ina _im#-kur gub_-zu

ka-szid er-nit-ti _man_ mu-szam#-[s,u]-u mal lib(?)-bi(?)# mu-[sze-s,u]-u _hul#_-[_mesz_] mu-sze-rib _munus-sig5-mesz mu_-szu ana _ti-la_-ia sze#-me-e su-pi-ia szul#-bur _bala#-mesz_-ia# [sza-lam] _numun_-ia kun-nu _suhusz# gisz-asz-te sanga_-ti-ia# _nu gal_-e _gig_-ia# a-na _si#-sa buru14# kur_ [asz]-szur-_ki_ [sza-lam] _kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ ina qé-reb _uru_-ha-da#-tu a-na ta#-mar-ti szu-bat-su-nu Ar-me

AI Translation

Tiglath-pileser, great king, ... conqueror of ..., conqueror of the Itu'eans, the Rubû'eans, ... I defeated.

... the land Hauranu, a mountain of sulphur ... I carried off ... ... thousand sheep and their booty. ... I conquered. Moreover, he fear of the terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and ... he sat down on his bed.

At that time, Ninurta-ila'i, governor of ..., I built and completed the city Hadatu from top to bottom. I completed the land ... I roofed it with beams of ...-wood. I fastened bands of cedar on doors of cedar.

I erected a statue of the god Ishtar in it. ... ... ... ... ... ... a statue of myself.

At the command of the goddess Ishtar, bulls and stone ... the base of the mountain ... iron ... ... ... I erected in his gate. The name of the first bull that stands in the west, the furious day, the defeat of the enemy, the defeat of evil, the name of the king, the two years of the bull that stands in the east,

As for the one who breaks the king's yoke, destroys the king's power, destroys the heart of the enemy, and causes evil to take place, who brings good things about me to life, to hear my prayers, to complete my reign, to preserve the well-being of my offspring, to strengthen the foundations of my throne, to ensure the well-being of my priestly office, and to prevent illness from occurring, I erected their dwellings in the city Hadatu for the sake of the harvest of Assyria and the well-being of Assyria.


Tiglath-pileser III, great king, ..., conqueror of ..., conqueror of the tribes Itu'u, Rubu'u, .... I defeated ...

No translation possible

I filled Mount Hauranu Hauran with .... 15 I carried off ... and ... thousand sheep. I conquered .... Moreover, as for her Samsi?, the terrifying radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed her and .... I spared her so she would praise the victory of the god Ashur. ... I set up ... as governors.

At that time, I ... Ninurta-ilaya, the provincial governor of .... I built and completed the city Hadattu from its foundations to its parapets. 20 ... ... I roofed it with beams of ...-wood and hung cedar doors in its gates. I named it ....

I installed inside it an image of the goddess Ishtar. ... ... ... ... ... an image of me praying ... ....

At the command of the goddess Ishtar, I stationed in its gate wild bulls of solid basalt, whose features ... iron ... ... ... The name of the first wild bull, 25 which stands on the west side, is "Fierce Storm That Captures Enemies and Overthrows the King's Foes lit. "Evildoers"." The name of the second wild bull, which stands on the east side, is "The One That Attains Victories for the King, the One That Allows Him to Achieve Everything He Desires, and the One That Drives Out Evil and Brings in Good."

I set them up in a place to be seen in the city Hadattu for the preservation of my life, the acceptance of my prayers, the prolongation of my reign, the well-being of my seed, the securing of the throne of my priestly office, and in order not to become ill, and for success at harvest time in Assyria and the well-being of Assyria.

Q003467: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x x _mesz_ x x x-szu-nu-ti-ma [...]-szu-nu aq#-bi _ka-mesz#_-szu-nu ed-la-te u-pat-tam-ma [...] _ki un-mesz#_ [a-szi]-bu#-ut lib-bi-szu Asz-lu-la [...] ti(?)# [... Asz]-ta-ka-nu _man-mesz_-ni# [...]-_mesz_-ia _ta kur_-na-an-pi-gi [...] x [... _gur_]-ra [...] x Asz-lu#-la

[...] 13 _man-mesz_ sza# _kur_-hat-ti [...] x x-t,a(?)-a-a# (disz)ra-hi-a-nu [...] x-[x x]-_mesz gisz-gigir#-hi-a-mesz_ szA (disz)su-lu-ma-al [...] x x x x x x x a-na x x-s,i(?)-szu(?)# [...] _kur_-x-ri _kur_-e x x x x [...] _kur_ x x a-szit-ma _kur_ x x x x a _ki kur_-szu [...] x x [...] x-a-a x x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... their ... I told them, opened their narrow gates, and ... I carried off ... with the people living inside it ... I established ... kings ... my ... from the land Nangi ... ... I returned ... I carried off .

... 13 kings of the land Hatti ... ...taya, Rahianu Rezin ... ... chariots of Sulumal ... ... to his ... ... Mount ...ri, a mountain ... I climbed and ... ... with his mountain ...


... ... them and .... I ordered their .... I forced open their locked gates and ... ... I carried off the people living inside it. ... ... ... whom I had appointed. The kings of 5 ... my ... from the land Nanpigi Nippigi ... ... ... I annexed to Assyria. I carried off ... ...

... thirteen kings of the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, ... ..., Rahianu Rezin, 10 ... ... and chariots of Sulumal, ... ... ... ... Mount ...ri ... I left behind ... and ... together with his land. ... ... ... ...

Q003468: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



AI Translation



The city Upa.

Q003469: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



AI Translation



The city Astaratu.

Q003470: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



AI Translation



The city Gazru.

Q003471: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man kur_ asz-szur A (disz)10-_erim-tah man kur_ asz-szur sza ki-gal-li sza É asz-szur

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, son of Adad-narari II, king of Assyria: brick belonging to the courtyard of the temple of Ashur.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, son of Adad-narari III, king of Assyria: this brick belongs to the platform of the temple of the god Ashur.

Q003472: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz_ sza ki-gal-li _gu4-mesz_ sza _ka_ É (d)_iszkur_

AI Translation

Tiglath-pileser, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, who slew the oxen of the gate of the temple of the god Adad.


Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: this brick belongs to the pedestal under the bulls of the gateway of the temple of the god Adad.

Q003473: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(É-_gal_) (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra] [_man gal man_ dan]-nu# _man szu man kur_ asz-szur [sza _ki_]-_gal gu4-mesz_ [sza] _ka_ É (d)_iszkur_

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: this is the area of the oxen storage facility at the gate of the temple of the god Adad.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: this brick belongs to the pedestal under the bulls of the gateway of the temple of the god Adad.

Q003474: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra# _man szu man kur_ asz-szur#

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003475: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an _re_-É-_um_ mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git-ma-lum zi(*)-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u#-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia

i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia sza i-na _gisz-gu-za#_ [(be-lu-ti) u]-szi-bu-ma ba-hu-la-a-te _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ma-'e-ru i-na tasz-me-e U sa-li-me (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun#-[ia-Asz a-a-bu lem]-nu# ba-ra-nu-u ka-rasz sur-ra-a-ti e-pisz le-mut-ti sza an-zil-la-szu kit#-tu (disz)szu-tur-(d)na-hu-du _lu_-e#-[la-mu-u a-na ib(?)]-ru(?)#-ti-szu is-hur-ma _ku-gi ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ u-szat-lim-szu-ma e-ter-ri-su kit#-ru

(disz)im-ba-ap-pa _lu_-tur-ta-nu#-[szu it-ti gi-pisz um]-ma-na-ti-szu (disz)ta-an-na-a-nu _lu-3-u5 10 lu-gal ki-s_,_ir-mesz_ a-di (disz)(d)_u-gur_-na-s,ir _lu_-su-tu-u la a-di-ru ta-ha-zu 80 _lim lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan#_ [_gisz_-az-ma-re-e 8 _me 50 gisz_]-s,u#-um-bi _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_ it-ti szu-nu-ti-ma a-na _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ isz-pu-ra re-s,u#-[us]-su#

U szu-u# [_lu_-kal-du lem-nu e-pisz _hul_-tim _numun_ né-er-ti _unug-ki_] _ararma#-ki uri-ki_ eridu-_ki_ kul-aba4-_ki_ ki-is-sik-_ki# uru_-né-med-(d)la#-[gu]-da _kur_-É-(disz)ia#-[ki-ni _kur_-É-(disz)a-muk-ka-a-ni _kur_-É-(disz)a-szil-a-ni _kur_-É-(disz)sa-'a]-al#-li _kur_-É-(disz)dak-ku-ri si-hir-ti _lu#_-kal-di ma-la ba-szu-u# sza _gu id#_-[_idigna lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_]-ia#-daq-qu _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li#-hu sza _gu id#_-[su-rap-pi _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-da-mu]-nu# _lu_-gam-bu-lu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu#-du

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz#-mesz_-eri-ba zi(?)-kar(?) _edin_(?)# na-a'-du# ep-sze-ti-szu lem-né-e-ti u-szA-an-nu-nim-ma la-ab-bisz an-na-dir-ma qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na mah#-ri-szu aq-t,i-bi# a-la-ku szu-u hi-ri-is, gal-le-e lem-ni a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma _ansze-kur-ra-mesz erim-mesz gisz-pan lu_-a-la-mu-u _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du it-ti (disz)(d)_u-gur_-na-s,ir _u 10 lu-gal ki-s_,_ir_-[_mesz lugal_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA la# i-du mi-tu#-tu

s,i-in-di-ia usz-te-sze-ra _ud-20-kam_ sza _iti-ziz_ ul-tu bal-til-_ki gim gu4-am_ gap-szi meh-ret _erim-hi-a_-ia as,-bat-ma pa-an gi-ip-szi-ia ul u-szad-gil-ma# ar-ka#-a ul u#-qi _lu-gal sag lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia a-na kisz-_ki_ u-ma-'e-er mah-ru-u-a u-ru-uh (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ s,ab-ta-a-ma e te-ga-a dun-ni-na ma-s,ar-tusz

szu-u _lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma a-di gi-mir el-la-ti-szu _ka-gal_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 us,-s,a-am-ma i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki_ it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-ia e-pu-usz ta-ha-zu _lu-gal-mesz_-ia qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi _lu-kur ugu_-szu-un id-nin-ma ul i-le-'u-u ma-ha-ar-szu _lu#-a_ szip-ri-szu-un sza ha-mat i-na qé-reb ta-mir-ti _gu-du8-a-ki_ s,e-ru-u-a isz-pu-ru-u-ni

i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia _ugu gu-du8-a-ki_ ti-bu szam-ru Asz-kun-ma _lu_-mun-dah-s,i sa-hi-ir _bad_-szu as#-li-isz u-t,eb-bi-ih-ma as,-s,a-bat _uru ansze-kur-ra-mesz erim-mesz gisz-pan lu_-e-la-me-e _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du _lu-gal ki-s_,_ir-mesz lu-kur-elam-ma-ki u_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-na-s,ir a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-ti-isz am-nu

la-ab-bisz an-na-dir-ma al-la-bi-ib a-bu-bi-isz it-ti _lu_-qu-ra-di-ia la ga-me-lu-ti s,e-risz (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ a-na kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan pa-ni-ia U szu-u e-pisz lem-né-e-ti a-ka-mu ger-ri-ia a-na ru-qé-e-ti e-mur-ma im-qu-su hat-tu gi-mir el-la-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-ni in-na-bit

(disz)ta-an-na-a-nu a-di um-ma-na-at _lu-elam-ma-ki lu_-kal-du _u lu_-a-ra-mu sza i-da-a-szu iz-zi-zu-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su _bad5-bad5_-szu-un Asz-kun-ma u-par-ri-ir el-lat-su (disz)a-di-nu _dumu nin_(?) (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ a-di (disz)ba-as-qa-a-nu _szesz_ (f)ia-ti-i'-e szar-rat _lu_-a-ri-bi it-ti um-ma-na-te-szu-nu bal-t,u-su-un ina qa-ti as,-bat _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz ansze_-ud-ri sza qé-reb tam-ha-ri musz-szu-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

i-na hu-ud lib-bi U nu-um-mur pa-ni a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-hi-isz-ma a-na É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na a_sz-szu pa-qad _nig-szu u nig-ga_ qé-reb-szA e-ru-ub ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-te-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ a-qar-tu _gisz-na-mesz gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _gisz_-szA szA-da-di _gisz_-ga-szi-ru-ut _lugal_-ti-szu szA ih-zu-szu-nu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni-bi ni-s,ir-tum ka-bit-tum _dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _munus-agrig-mesz lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_

ur-ri-ih-ma _egir_-szu a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-ni _lu_-mun-dah-s,i-ia a-na qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me U ap-pa-ra-a-ti u-ma-'e-er-ma 5 u4-me u-ba-'u-szu-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu si-te-et _ansze-kur-ra-mesz erim-hi-a_-szu sza ia-'a-szu ma-na-ah-tum na-a-lisz ip-par-szi-du-szu-ma la il-li-ku i-da-a-szu isz-tu qé-reb _edin u_ ba-ma-a-ti isz-te-nisz u-pa-hir

i-na me-te-eq ger-ri-ia _uru_-a-ma-tu _uru_-ha-u-a-e _uru_-su-pa-pu _uru_-nu-qa-bu _uru_-É(*)-sa-an-na-bi _uru_-qu-t,a-a-a-in _uru_-qid-ri-na _uru-bad_-(disz)la-di-ni _uru_-bi-ta-a-ti _uru_-ba-ni-tu _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-nu _uru-bad_-(disz)ia-an-s,u-ri _uru-bad_-(disz)a-bi-ia-ta-a' _uru-bad_-(disz)ru-du-um-me _uru_-É-(disz)ra-he-e _uru_-ha-pi-szA _uru_-sa-di-_an uru_-hu-ru-du _uru_-s,a-ah-ri-na _uru_-il-tu-uk _uru_-al-la-al-lu _marad-da-ki uru_-ia-qi-mu-na _uru_-ku-up-ru-na _uru_-É-(disz)ku-dur-ri _uru-sila_-qa-(disz)ma-ru-si nap-har 33 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_ É-(disz)dak-ku-ri a-di 2 _me 50 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu

_uru-bad_-(disz)ap-pe-e _uru-bad_-(disz)ta-né-e _uru-bad_-(disz)sa-ma-a' _uru_-sa-ar-ra-ba-tu _uru_-s,a-la-ha-tu _uru-bad_-(disz)ab-da-a-a _uru_-sa-ap-pi-hi-ma-ri _uru_-s,ib-tu-sza-_uru_-ma-ak-ka-me-e nap-har 8 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_ É-(disz)sa-'a-al-li a-di 1 _me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu

_uru_-sa-pi-a _uru_-sa-ar-ra-ba-nu _ud-ud-ag-ki bara_-mar-ri-_ki uru_-É-(disz)_dingir_-ba-ni _uru_-a-hu-du _uru_-sza-is,-s,ur-(d)_iszkur uru_-szA-har-ra-tu _uru_-ma-na-ah-hu _uru_-sza-a-me-le-e _uru-bad_-(disz)aq-qi-ia _uru_-na-gi-tu _uru_-nu-ur-a-bi-nu _uru_-ha-ar-s,u-ar-ra _uru-bad_-(disz)ru-uk-bi _uru_-da-an-da-hul-la _uru-bad_-(disz)bir-da-da _uru_-É-re-'e-e _uru-bad_-(disz)u-gur-ri _uru_-hi-in-da-i-na _uru-bad_-(disz)u-a-a-it _uru_-É-(disz)ta-u-ra-a _uru_-sa-ap-hu-na _uru_-bu-ha-ar-ru _uru_-har-bat-(disz)_sum-na uru_-har-bat-(disz)kal-bi _uru_-szA-par-re-e _uru_-É-(disz)ba-ni-_dingir_-u-a _uru_-su-la-a-du _uru_-É-(disz)il-ta-ma-sa-ma-a' _uru_-É-(disz)di-ni-_dingir_

_uru_-É-(disz)za-bi-di-ia _ararma-ki_ kul-aba4-_ki_ eridu-_ki_ ki-is-sik-_ki uru_-né-med-(d)la-gu-da _uru-bad_-(disz)ia-ki-ni a-di _uru_-kar-(d)_ag_ szA ki-szad _id_-mar-ra-ti nap-har 8 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_ É-(disz)ia-ki-ni a-di 1 _me uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu

nap-har 88 _uru-me_-ni dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-kal-di a-di 8 _me 20 uru_-[_mesz_] _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

_sze-im zu-lum-ma_ sza qé-reb ki-ra-a-te-szu-nu _buru14_-szu-nu sza _edin erim-hi-a_-ni# u-szA-kil ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-mu a-na _du6-mesz_ ma-szu-u-ti u-ter

_lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz#-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en#_ [hi-it,]-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-ti-isz am-nu

_sze-im zu-lum-ma_ sza qé-reb ki-ra-a-te-szu-nu me-resz ma-na-hi-szu-nu _buru14 edin_ ba-lat, na-pisz#-[ti-szu]-nu# _erim-hi-a_-ni u-szA-kil

(disz)_en_-_du dumu lu-gal_-_du_ pe-re-'i szu-an-na-_ki_ szA ki-ma mi-ra-ni s,a-ah-ri qé-reb É-_gal_-ia ir-bu-u [a-na _lugal_-ti _kur eme-gi7_]-_ki# u uri-ki a_sz-ta-kan _ugu_-szu-un

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-[e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u]-bu-lu# _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga#-ra-a-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li#-[i']-ta-a-[u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu mit-ha]-risz ak-szud(ud)-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi#-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-[suk-kan-ni] _gal#-mesz ansze_-[_mesz ansze_]-_gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ man-da-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-[hur]

ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,u sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu i-na# _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma na-pisz-tum ul e-zib na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin-mesz 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na gi-né-e _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

it-ti 2 _me 8 lim_ szal-lat _un-mesz_ ka-bit-tum 7 _lim 2 me ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz 11 lim 73 ansze-mesz 5 lim 2 me 30 ansze-gam-mal-mesz 80 lim 50 gu4-mesz 8 me lim 1 me us5-udu-hi-a_ szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-zib _un-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-ia e-bu-ku-nim-ma a-na ra-ma-ni-szu-nu is-ki-lu si-kil-tu

U ba-hu-la-te na-ki-ri szep-s,u mit-ru sza a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma a-lul ga-szi-szisz

i-na u4-mi-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram# (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza# ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-um-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu Asz-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti szA mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-tim gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar szu-ta-bu-lu qé-reb-szu

sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li#-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e-ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil u_ szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e#-reb la nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ha-ru qé-reb-szu

a-a-um-ma i-na lib-bi-szu-nu a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-tu sza s,u-hur szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila uru u_ szum-dul re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-te u-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _u kur_-hi-lak-ku szA a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ a-pe ku-pe-e sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-szA

É-_gal_ mah-[ri]-tu# sza 30 _ninda_ szid#-du _u 10 ninda sag-ki_-sa sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut pa-ni _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA sza ul-tu [u4-me ru]-qu#-ti _id_-te-bil-ti i-ta-a-szA i-ba-'u-ma i-na usz-szi-szA ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA

É-_gal-tur#_-[_ra_ szA-a-tu] a-na# si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA

i-na# [_iti_] sze-[me-e i-na] u4-mi mit-ga-ri qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA 1 _usz_ szid-du 34 _sag-ki na4 kur_-i dan-nu ak-si-ma _a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u-sze-me la-ba-risz u4-me# i-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti te-me-en-szu la e-né-szi as-kup-pat _na4_-pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti a-sur-ru-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u-dan-(ni)-na szu-pu-uk-szu 2 _usz 40_ ti-ib-ki s,e-ru-usz-szin a-na e-la-ni tam-la-a u-mal-li-ma e-li mi-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-te u-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la ti-sar-szA

É-_gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni# _gisz-eren# gisz-szur-min gisz-szim-li u gisz_-bu-ut,-ni é-gal-zag-du-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb#-szA

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren_ tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza ul-tu hur-szA-a-ni ru-qu#-u-ti nam-ra-s,i-isz ib-bab#-lu-ni u-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szi-in _gisz-ig-me gisz-szur-min_ s,i-ra-a-ti sza i-na pe-te-e _u#_ ta-a-ri e-re-sin t,a-a-bu me-sér _zabar_ nam-ri u-rak(*)-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin

É ap-pa-a-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti sza i-na li-szA-a-ni# _kur mar-tu-ki_ É hi-la-a-ni i-szA-as-su-szu a-na mul-ta-'u-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szin

8# _ur-mah-mesz_ pe-tan bir-ki szu-ta-tu#-ti sza i-na# _szar szar szar g_ÉSZ-_u gun urudu_ nam-ru pi-ti-iq (d)nin-A-gal szu-pu-szu ma-lu-u nam-ri-ri _u 2_ tim-me szu-ta-hu-ti sza _szar g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u gun_ pi-ti-iq si-par-ri szu-ub-bu-'u a-di 2 tim-me _gisz-eren gal-mesz ugu#_ pirig-gal-le-e u-kin-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka_-szi-in e-mid

er-bet _udu_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _ku-babbar_ si-par-ri it-ti _udu_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _na4 kur_-i esz-qi nak-lisz ab-ni-ma a-na er-bet-ti szA-a-ri u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in as-mu

as-kup-pat _na4_-pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti da-Ad-me na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia qé-reb-szi-in es-si-ha# a-sur-ru-szi-in u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a-mesz gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-te _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat szA-di-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

Asz-szu za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un

a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu i-na ak-kul-la-te _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-te szA-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz

ul-tu szip-ru É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-ia u-qat-tu-u u-szA-an-di-la re-ba-a-ti bi-re-e-ti su-qa-a-ni usz-par-du-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me (d)asz-szur _en gal_-u _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra#-a-a

a-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-[szu-usz] _udu#-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i#-szem-me

1 _usz 34-ta-am mu szid mu-sar_-e

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, when I sat on my lordly throne and entrusted the people of Assyria with the securing of my victory, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, the evil enemy, the one who is a criminal, the one who commits crimes, the one who is guilty of the crimes committed against him, iii 15'' Shutur-Nahudu, the Elamite, approached him with a bribe and he deposited gold, silver, and precious stones and thereby firmly established his victory.

Imbappa, his commander-in-chief, together with the reeds of his troops, Tannanu, the 'third man', and 10 chief chariot drivers, together with Nergal-nashir, the unsubmissive Sutian, a battle array, sent 80,000 archers and azmaritu-troops, 800 wagons, and horses with them to Sumer and Akkad.

And he, the evil Chaldean, the one who fashioned evil designs, the offspring of Uruk, Ararma, Ur, Eridu, Kullaba, Kissik, the city Nemed-Laguda, the lands Bit-Yakin, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Ashillani, Bit-Sa'alli, and Bit-Dakkuri, all of the Chaldeans, as many as there were on the bank of the Tigris River, the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Gibrê, Malihu, on the bank of the Subartu River, the Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, and Puqudu tribes, as many as there were, and the people of the cities Iddina, Dur-Sa'ilu, Nabû, and Nabû, the cities of the land Nergal, and the cities of the land Nergal, and the cities of the land Nergal, and the cities of the land Nergal, and the cities of the land Nergal, and the cities of the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the cities Nergal, and the

As for me, Sennacherib, the one who smashed the open country, I smashed his evil deeds and fled alone. I told him to go to Babylon before him. He heard about the raging of the evil galû-demons and he went on the road of my expeditionary force. He brought with him horses, archers, Alamite, Aramean, and Chaldean troops, together with Nergal-nashir and 10 of the cohort commanders of the king of the land Elam who did not know the crimes committed against me.

On the twenty-second day of Shebat XI, I took the lead of my troops from Baltil Ashur like a fierce bull and did not let them pass before my feet. I did not let the chief eunuch and my governors leave Kish and I sent them before me. I captured Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan and placed him in a comrade who was worthy of my protection.

He saw my governors and, together with his entire army, he opened the Zababa Gate and performed battle with my magnates in the plain of Kish. The battle of my magnates was fierce against them and they did not fear him. Their messengers who had sent me messages of peace in the plain of Cutha,

In my rage, I set up a fierce battle array against Cutha and I cut down the troops that were on the perimeter of its wall. I took away and took possession of the city. I brought out horses, the Elamite, Aramean, Chaldean, and the Elamite contingents, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I fought with my merciless warriors and he, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan set out for Kish. Moreover, he, the one who had perpetrated evil deeds, saw the sting of my expeditionary force and feared him. He slew his entire army and fled to the land Guzummanu.

Tannanu, together with the Elamite, Chaldean, and Aramean troops who were with him, stood by and came to his aid. I put to the sword Adinu, son of the queen Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, together with Basqanu, the brother of Iati'e, queen of the Arabs, together with their troops. I captured alive the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and camels that I had captured in the thick of battle.

I quickly departed to Babylon and entered the palace of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the man who oversees the possessions and property, and then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, bed linen, a bed, a bed, a bed, a throne, a royal chair, whose weight is ten gold and silver, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial treasure: his wife, his palace women, female slaves, eunuchs, eunuchs, attendants, male singers, female singers, and female singers, a total of sixty horses, a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and a total of sixty horses, and

I sent my warriors to the land Guzummanu and I confined him in swamps and marshes for five days. They did not see his camp. They gathered together the rest of his horses and troops, who were too numerous for me, and did not go with him. They brought him out of the steppe and the marshes.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Amatu, Hauê, Supu, Nuqabu, Bit-Sanabi, Qutayin, Qidina, Dur-Ladini, Bitati, Banitu, the land Guzummanu, Dur-Yanshuri, Dur-Abi-Yata', Dur-Rudumme, Bit-Rahe, Hapisha, Sadi-An, Hurudu, Shahrina, Iltuk, Alallu, the Marad, Yaqimuna, Kupuruna, Bit-Kudurri, Ila-qa-Marusi, a total of 33 fortified cities, fortresses of the land Bit-Dakkuri, together with 250 smaller settlements in their environs.

The cities Dur-Appê, Dur-Tanê, Dur-Sama', Sarrabatu, Shalahatu, Dur-Abdaya, Sappi-himari, Shibtusha-Makkame, all eight fortified walled cities of the land Bit-Sa'alli, together with 120 smaller settlements in their environs,

the cities Sapia, Sarrabanu, the city Baramarru, Bit-Ili-bani, Ahudu, Sha-ishur-Adad, Shaharratu, Manahhu, Shamelê, Dur-Aqqiya, Nagitu, Nur-abinu, Harshuarra, Dur-Ruukbi, Dandahulla, Dur-Birdada, Bit-Re'ê, Dur-Ugurri, Hindana, Dur-Uait, Bit-Taura, Saphuna, Buharru, Harbat-Iddina, Harbat-Kalbi, Shaparrê, Bit-Bani-ilua, Sulaya, Bit-Ilta-masama', Bit-Dini-ilu,

the cities Bit-Zabidaya, Ararma, Kullaba, Eridu, Kissik, Nemed-Laguda, Dur-Yakin, together with the city Kar-Nabû, which is on the shore of the Marratu River, a total of eight fortified walled cities of the land Bit-Yakin, together with 100 smaller settlements in their environs,

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 88 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, together with 820 smaller settlements in their environs.

I made the barley and dates that were in their groves and their yields that were in the steppe secure for our troops. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I returned to their places.

I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, and Hursagkalamma, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I made our troops carry off grain and dates grown in their orchards, their rations, their harvest, and their life-giving gifts.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, the shandabakku of Shuanna Babylon, who had become frightened like a lion in my palace, as king over the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans, and I carried off their booty.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial payment from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, and I did not spare a single one. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the ginû-offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

With 208,800 large booty, I returned 7,200 horses and mules, 11,73 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,50 oxen, and 800,100 sheep and goats. I deposited them in Assyria. The people, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats that I had plundered and threw into their own hands —

Moreover, I struck with the sword the captives of enemy troops, a dangerous force who had not submitted to my yoke, and I killed them.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations were the foundations of all of the gods and goddesses, and whose foundations had been firmly established since time immemorial — whose foundations had been laid with the writings of the firmament and whose features had become too small; a rugged place, a place of secret lore, whose secrets, everything that is valuable, and the treasures of the lalgar inscription, had been firmly anchored inside it —

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised dominion over Assyria and had entrusted the subjects of the god Enlil to me, without ceasing, and had constantly sought out unceasing ways to conquer the weapons of the kings of the four quarters of the world,

Neither among them had they entrusted himself with the palace inside it, the abode of lordship, whose site had become too small; nor had he heeded the pious and the pious, nor had he entrusted himself with the reoccupation of the streets of the city and the widening of the squares, the quays of the river, and the clearing of the orchards.

As for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and my heart prompted me to do so. I abandoned the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. I cut down a brick from a kupû-wood, which is inside Chaldea, and I made their appointment a dream. I had them carry baskets of earth from among the people of the enemies who had rebelled against me to do obeisance to me.

As for the former palace, which had 30 shaddu-breads and 10 saggil-breads as its minimum weight, which kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had had built but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly, which had become dilapidated and collapsed due to the erosion of the Tebilti River in the distant past, and whose foundations they had weakened over time,

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I made the course of the Tebilti River secure and made its foundation secure.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I surrounded its surface with a single stele and thirty-four strong mountain stone. I raised the area from the water and made it larger. In the future, during a time of extreme floods, I did not leave its foundations intact. I surrounded its surface with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I filled in two hundred and forty courses of brick above the surface of the water and added it to the former dimensions of the palace and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdunutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", built thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, which are located far away and on a mountain high. I fastened bands of shining bronze on magnificent doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet on opening and closing, and installed them in their gates.

I had a window-sconce, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called "The Palace of the Rising Sun" and which is called "The Palace of the Rising Sun," constructed inside them for my lordly pleasure.

Eight lion colossi of a cross-beam, which were cast from bronze, cast by the god Ninagal, and which were bright, and two towers of bronze, cast by the god Sharru, the king, the colossi, the colossi, and cast by the sword, together with two large cedar columns, I positioned them over the pirigallu-vessel and I installed cross-beams on them as a cornice for their gates.

I skillfully made a cross-beam of silver, a lamassu-silver, and a lamassu-silver, a stone from the mountains, and I positioned its bolts in the cross-beams.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with large limestone slabs, which were too expensive for my yoke, and I surrounded their lower courses with them as if they were houses of art.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

I opened a granary above the city for the citizens of Nineveh and presented it to them.

I had a canal constructed from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, a mountain, and a birutu-plain using iron picks and I made it stronger than before. I made a long and wide canal enter it from the Husur River and made it a permanent place for irrigation. I made those gardens beautiful.

After I had finished the work on my lordly palace, I cleared away the debris from the alleys and made them as bright as day. I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The year in which the inscription is located is 34.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, after I sat on the lordly throne and took command of the population of Assyria amid obedience and peace, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, an evil foe, a rebel with a treacherous mind, an evildoer whose villainous acts are true, sought friendship with Shutur-Nahundu Shutruk-Nahhunte II, an Elamite, by presenting him with gold, silver, and precious stones; then, he continuously requested reinforcements.

To the land of Sumer and Akkad, he Shutur-Nahundu sent to his Marduk-apla-iddina's assistance Imbappa, his field marshal, together with the massed body of his troops, Tannanu, his third man, ten unit commanders, including Nergal-nashir, a Sutian who is fearless in battle, 80,000 archers and lancers, and the 850 wagons and horses that were with them.

Moreover, he, the evil Chaldean, evildoer, and offspring of murder, gathered together Uruk, Larsa, Ur, Eridu, Kullaba, Kissik, and Nemed-Laguda, the lands of the Bit-Yakin, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Ashillani Bit-Shillani, Bit-Sa'alli, and Bit-Dakkuri, all of the Chaldeans, as many as there were; on the banks of the Tigris River, the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Gibrê, and Malihu Malahu; on the banks of the Surappu River, the Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, and Puqudu; on the banks of the Euphrates River, the Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u — insubmissive Arameans who did not know fear of death; 15 Nippur, Dilbat, Marad, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Babylon, Borsippa, and Cutha, all of Karduniash Babylonia and prepared them for battle.

When they reported his Marduk-apla-iddina's evil deeds to me, Sennacherib, the attentive man of the steppe, I raged up like a lion and ordered the march into Babylon to confront him. He Marduk-apla-iddina, the very image of an evil gallû-demon, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, then he reinforced their companies with horses and Elamite, Aramean, and Chaldean archers, together with Nergal-nashir and ten unit commanders of the king of the land Elam who did not know fear of death, and the countless forces who were with them. He brought their contingents together in Cutha and had them keep watch at outposts for the approach of my expeditionary force.

I put my yoked teams in order. On the twentieth day of the month Shabatu XI, like a powerful wild ox, I took the lead of my troops from Baltil Ashur, but I did not wait for the main force of my army, nor did I wait for the rear guard. 20 I sent my chief eunuch and my provincial governors to Kish ahead of me, saying: "Take the road to Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, but do not be careless about putting a strong watch on him!"

He Marduk-apla-iddina saw my provincial governors, then came out of the Zababa Gate with all of his forces and did battle with my magnates in the plain of Kish. The enemy prevailed over my magnates in the thick of battle and they my magnates were unable to withstand him. They sent their messenger to me in the plain of Cutha for help.

In my rage, I unleashed a fierce assault on Cutha, then I slaughtered the warriors surrounding its wall like sheep and took possession of the city. I brought out horses, the Elamite, Aramean, and Chaldean archers, the Elamite unit commanders, and Nergal-nashir, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I raged up like a lion and became furious like the Deluge. With my merciless warriors, I set out for Kish against Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan. Moreover, he, that evildoer, saw the cloud of dust of my expeditionary force from afar and fear fell upon him. He abandoned all of his forces and fled to the land Guzummanu.

I defeated Tannanu, together with the Elamite, Chaldean, and Aramean troops who had stood by him and had come to his aid, and I scattered his forces. I captured alive Adinu, a nephew of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, together with Basqanu, a brother of Iati'e, queen of the Arabs, along with their troops. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and Bactrian camels that he had abandoned during the battle.

With a rejoicing heart and a radiant face, I rushed to Babylon and entered the palace of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan to take charge of the possessions and property therein. I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, beds, armchairs, a processional carriage, royal paraphernalia of his with gold and silver mountings, all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, female stewards, eunuchs, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, palace servants who cheered up his princely mind, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

I hastened after him to the land Guzummanu and ordered my warriors into the midst of swamps and marshes. For five days they sought him out, but his hiding place could not be found. 35 I gathered together the rest of his horses and troops, who were weary and who had fled like deer instead of going with him, from the midst of the open country and plain.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Amatu, Hauae, Supapu, Nuqabu, Bit-Sannabi, Qutayyin, Qidrina, Dur-Ladini, Bitati, and Banitu, the land Guzummanu, the cities Dur-Yanshuri, Dur-Abi-Yata', Dur-Rudumme, Bit-Rahê, Hapisha, Sadi-AN, Hurudu, Shahrina, Iltuk, Allallu, Marad, Yaqimuna, Kupruna, Bit-Kudurri, Suqa-Marusi, altogether 33 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bit-Dakkuri, together with 250 smaller settlements in their environs;

the cities Dur-Appê, Dur-Tanê, Dur-Sama', Sarrabatu, Shalahatu, Dur-Abdaya, Sappi-himari, Shibtu-sha-Makka-mê, altogether 8 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bit-Sa'alli, together with 120 smaller settlements in their environs;

the cities Sapiya Shapiya, Sarrabanu, Larak, Parak-mari, Bit-Ilu-bani, Ahudu, alu-sha-Ishshur-Adad, alu-sha-harratu, Manahhu, alu-sha-amelê, Dur-Aqqiya, Nagitu, Nur-abinu, Har-Shuarra, Dur-Rukbi, Danda-Hulla, Dur-Bir-Dada, Bit-re'ê, Dur-Ugurri, Hindaina, Dur-Uayit, Bit-Taurâ, Saphuna, Buharru, 45 Harbat-Iddina, Harbat-Kalbi, Shaparrê, Bit-Bani-ilu'a, Suladu, Bit-Iltama-sama', Bit-Dini-ili, Daqalu, Hamisha, Bela, Tairu, Kipranu, Iltaratu, Aqqar-sha-Kina, Sagabatu-sha-Mardukia, altogether 39 fortified cities of the land of the Bit-Amukkani, together with 350 smaller settlements in their environs;

and the cities Bit-Zabidaya, Larsa, Kullaba, Eridu, Kissik, Nemed-Laguda, and Dur-Yakin, including the city Kar-Nabû, which is on the shore of the Bitter Sea, altogether 8 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bit-Yakin, together with 100 smaller settlements in their environs;

the grand total is 88 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, together with 820 smaller settlements in their environs.

I let my troops eat the grain and dates in their gardens and their crops in the countryside. I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire, and turned them into forgotten ruin hills.

I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, and Hursagkalamma, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I let my army eat the grain and dates in their gardens, the fields they had labored in, and the crops in the countryside, which is their life's necessity.

I appointed over them Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî and a scion of Shuanna Babylon who had grown up like a young puppy in my palace, as king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans and I plundered them.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial payment from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, and I did not leave one alive. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings for the ginû-offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

I returned safely to Assyria with 208,000 substantial captives, 7,200 horses and mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,050 oxen, and 800,100 sheep and goats. This is apart from the people, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats that all of my troops had carried away and appropriated for themselves.

Moreover, I put to the sword the soldiers of the enemy, a recalcitrant force who had not submitted to my yoke, and hung their corpses on poles.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; 65 a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, and wherein annually, without interruption, they received an income unsurpassed in amount, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters of the world;

but not one among them had paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small; nor had anyone of them conceived of and put his mind towards the straightening of the city's streets and the widening of its squares, the dredging of the river, and the planting of orchards:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, and the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. I cut down canebrakes in Chaldea and I had their splendid reeds hauled to Nineveh for its the palace's construction by enemy soldiers whom I had defeated.

The former palace, whose longer side was thirty nindanu and whose shorter side was ten nindanu, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly, and alongside of which the Tebilti River had flowed from distant days, caused erosion in its foundations, and shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety and improved the course of the Tebilti River and directed its outflow.

In a propitious month, on a favorable day, in the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together strong mountain stone sixty nindanu along its longer side and thirty-four nindanu along its shorter side, then I raised that area out of the water and converted it to dry land. In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its damp course with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base. Upon them, I filled in a terrace to a height of 160 courses of brick, then added it to the dimensions of the former palace and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdunutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the rooms of the palace with beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, which were brought with difficulty from that distant mountain terrain. I fastened bands of shining bronze on magnificent doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet on opening and closing, and I installed them in their gates.

For my lordly pleasure, I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called bit-hilani in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them.

Eight striding lions, standing opposite one another, which were made from 11,400 talents of shining copper, cast by the god Ninagal, and were filled with radiance — upon those lion colossi I installed two identical columns that were cast from 6,000 talents of bronze, together with two large cedar columns, and I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I expertly fashioned four mountain sheep colossi of silver and bronze, together with mountain sheep colossi of massive mountain stone, and in four directions I had them hold their the gates' suitable door bolts.

I engraved on large limestone slabs images of the enemy settlements that I had conquered. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. 90 I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

After I had finished the work on my lordly palace, broadened the squares, and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day, I invited inside it the palace the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is 94 lines.

Q003476: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal_] _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an _re_-É-_um_ mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir_-[_mesz gal-mesz_] [na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA]-ri# e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-[qa-a-ti] [et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du] a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap#-pu la-'i-it,# la ma-gi-ri mu-szab#-ri-qu# [za-ma-a-ni]

[(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an] u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu#_ gi-mir a-szib# [pa]-rak-ki u-szar#-ba-a _gisz#_-[_tukul-mesz_-ia]

[i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum_]-_na# lugal kur#_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-di _erim-hi#-a elam-ma#-ki_ re-[s,i-szu i]-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz#-ta-kan# [_bad5-bad5_-szu] [i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su] e-disz ip-par-szid-ma a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma#-ni in-na-bit qé#-[reb] _id_-a-gam-me _u#_ ap-pa-ra-a-te [e-ru-um-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir]

[a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha]-disz# e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É# ni-s,ir-ti#-szu _ku#_-[_gi ku-babbar_ u-nu]-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar# na4_ a#-[qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu] [_dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu_]-_tirum#-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti _lu#_-um-ma#-[a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

[as,-bat-ma _egir_-szu a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-ni _lu_]-mun#-dah-s,i-ia a-na qé-reb# _id_-a-gam-me U [ap-pa-ra-a-te u-ma-'e-er-ma 5 u4-me i-pa-ru-nim-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu]

[i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 89 _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni] sza _kur_-kal-[di _u 8 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un] [_lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _u lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb] _unug-ki nibru#_-[_ki_ kisz-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki gu-du8-a-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz] am-nu

[(disz)_en_-_du dumu lu-gal_-_du_ pe-er-'i szu-an-na-_ki_ sza _gim_] mi#-ra-ni [s,a-ah-ri qé-reb É-_gal_-ia ir-bu-u a-na _lugal_-ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki a_sz-ta-kan] _ugu_-szu-un#

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum] _lu_-da-mu#-nu [_lu_-gam-bu-lu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan]-szu mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)#

[i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta]-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur#

[ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,u sza ul-tu ul-la a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-szu i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma na-pisz-tu] ul e-zib# [na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin-mesz 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia] u-kin da-ri-szam#

[i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _lu-kur_ ak-s,i sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad_]-_mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik# [qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-te _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-te u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir_]-_ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz#

[_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) _un-mesz tur gal ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu u]-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu# [_uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz É _edin_ kul-ta-ri tu-kul-ti-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma di]-tal-lisz u-sze-mi#

[u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-dan-nin a-muh-husz _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi] u-sze-szib# [_un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na _uru_-har-disz-pi] _uru_-É-(disz)#ku-bat-ti u-szar#-[me]

[pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir]-ma a-na ru-qé-ti# in-na#-bit [gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti ki-ma _muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li]-me#-ti-szu-nu szA ni-ba la i-szu-u

[_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-sze20-e] u-szA-lik-szu-nu-ti [_uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-bar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé]-reb# _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

[_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba] at-ta#-bi ni#-bit-su

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur-mesz_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be]-lu#-[ti]-ia u-szak#-[ni]-su-nu-ti#

[i-na u4-mi-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu]-u qé-reb-szu# [tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi]-t,ir# bu-ru-um-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma [szu]-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu# [Asz-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de]-e# ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar szu-ta-bu-lu# qé-reb-szu

[sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u]-a# be-lu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma#-'e-ru ba#-'u-lat# (d)_en-lil_ [U szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb la nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat] ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ah-ha-ru qé-reb-szu

[a-a-um-ma i-na lib-bi-szu-nu a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza] s,u-uh-hur szu-bat-su le-e-su [ul i-da-a lib]-bu-usz ul ih-su-us# [a-na szu-te-szur _sila uru u_ szum-dul re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u]-zu#-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil# [ka-ras]-su

[ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni]-ia# ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam#-[ma] [te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _u kur_-hi-lak-ku sza a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-szu] as-su-ha-am#-[ma] tup-szik-ki# [u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_] [a-pe ku-pe-e sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri] ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u#-[szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-szA]

[É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz_ i-na tar-s,i za-me-e É ziq-qur-rat 80 ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri] É (d)#15 1 _me 34_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i#-[na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri É-kid9-mu-ri 95 ina 1-_kusz dagal_] [sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mi-ti be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma] la u-nak#-[ki-lu szi-pir-szA] [_id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-szA ge-gu-né-e qa-bal-ti _uru_ u-ab-bi-tu-ma] ki-mah#-hi-szu-un nak#-[mu-ti u-kal-li-mu (d)_utu_-szu]

[É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA]

[qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4-mesz kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u-ter] [7 _me_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz 1 me 62_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta im-si-sa 2 me 17_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-tim] [3 _me 86_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta_] _im-u18#-lu_ [_us-sa-du id-idigna_ tam-la-a u-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-ta]

[_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1 _me 60_] ti#-ib-ki tam-li#-i qé#-[reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-nu i-na usz-szi-szu e-zib ah-ra-tasz]

[ar-ka-nu szu-usz-qu-u tam-li-i ka]-bat-ti ub-lam#-ma [20 ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-ri-i us,-s,ip-ma 1 _me 80_ ti-ib-ki u-szaq-qi e-la-nisz] [tar-pa-szu-u el sza u4-me pa-ni u-szar]-bi# s,e-er# me-szi-ih-[ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la szi-kit-tasz]

[É-_gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk]-kan#-ni _gisz-eren# gisz-szur_-[_min szim-li u gisz_-bu-ut,-ni é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szu]

[_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren_ tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza] ul-tu qé(?)-reb# hur-szA-[a-ni ru-qu-u-ti nam-ra-s,i-isz ib-bab-lu-ni u-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szi-in] [_gisz-ig-me gisz-szur-min_ s,i-ra-a-ti sza i-na] pe-te-e U ta#-[a-ri e-re-sin t,a-a-bu me-sér _zabar_ nam-ri u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin]

[É ap-pa-a-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti sza i]-na# li-szA-a#-[ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ É hi-la-a-ni i-szA-as-su]-szu# a-na mul-ta-'u#-u-ti be-lu-ti#-[ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szin]

[8 _ur-mah-mesz_ pe-tan bir-ki szu-ta-tu-ti sza i-na _szar szar szar g_ÉSZ-_u gun urudu_ nam-ru] pi#-ti-iq (d)nin-A-gal szu-pu-szu ma#-[lu-u nam-ri-ri] [_u 2_ tim-me szu-ta-hu-ti sza _szar g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u gun_ pi-ti-iq si-par-ri] szu#-ub-bu-'u a-di 2 tim-me _gisz-eren gal-mesz ugu_ pirig-gal-le-e u-[kin-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka_-szi-in e-mid]

[er-bet _udu_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _ku-babbar_ si-par-ri it-ti _udu_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _na4 kur_-i] esz-qi nak-lisz ab-ni-ma a-na er-bet-ti szA-a-ri u-szA-as,-bi-ta [_si-gar_-szi-in as-mu]

[as-kup-pat _na4_-pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti da-Ad-me na-ki]-ri# ki-szit-ti# [_szu-ii_]-ia# qé-reb-szi-in e-si-ha a-sur-ru-szi-in u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra#-[a-ti u-szA-lik]

[_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir] _szim#-hi-a gurun_ [s,ip-pa-a]-te# _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-[a-szA az-qu-up]

[Asz-szu za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en] _uru nigidamin-ta#_-[_am_] a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa#-[nu-usz-szu-un]

[a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i] _uru#_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir#-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu i-na ak-kul-la-te _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma u#-[sze-szir _id_-har-ru] [1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur] ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba [pat-ti-isz]

[ul-tu szip-ru É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-ia u-qat]-tu-u u-szA-an-di-la re-ba-a-ti bi-re-e-ti su-qa-a-ni usz-par-du-ma u-nam-mir [_gim_ u4-me] [(d)asz-szur _en gal_-u _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ a]-szi#-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-na qer-be-szA aq-re _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim [kad-ra-a-a]

[a-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_]-ia# sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-[lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu] [an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir] szu#-me-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na# Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu# [i-szem-me]

[1 _usz 11-ta-am_] _mu#-didli mu-sar_-e _iti_-si-bu-ti li-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_zu lu-gar-kur uru_(?)-_limmu_(?)-_dingir_(?)#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and escaped to the land Guzummanu. I entered the marshes and marshes and thereby saved his life.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

I took the road to the land Guzummanu and I dispatched my warriors to the marshes and marshes, but they for five days kept coming back and I did not see its place.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, a scion of Shuanna Babylon, who had become frightened like a child in my palace, as king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to my yoke, and I did not spare a single one. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Bit-Kilamzah, their fortified city. I brought out of it people, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the palatial halls, the cult centers, and their tents, and I brought them back to their places.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah to a greater extent than before and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought them to nought. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are inside it, a durable foundation, whose foundations had been fashioned from scratch from the foundations of the firmament and whose features had become too small; a rugged place, a place of secret lore, whose secrets, everything from the craft of the deities, to the secrets of the lalgar ritual, are inside it.

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised dominion over Assyria — which the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had had taken away and had made disappear — the people of the god Enlil, and the ones who had not submitted to me, the ones who had not submitted to me, the talents of the rulers of the four quarters of the world, had constantly been receiving them inside it —

I did not know how to properly maintain the streets of the city and the wide streets of the canals, the canals, and the canals, nor how to properly administer the cultic rites of the palace inside it.

As for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, he iii 5'' decided to do this work by the will of the gods and then he made my mood happy. I took the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, away from him and he made them carry baskets of earth. I cut down a brick from a kupe tree that was inside Chaldea and I made their appointment count as booty. I brought about their defeat in the land of the enemies under my authority.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziqqurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the 'Gate of Ishtar', and 134 cubits wide opposite the 'Gate of Ishtar', and 95 cubits wide, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly: The Tebilti River, a fresh water source, which had dissolved in its foundation pit and had weakened its copings, I had filled with splendor and its 'Gate of the God Shamash'

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, made it more secure, and made its foundation stronger.

In its outer courtyard, I surrounded its perimeter with reeds, a second time, with strong mountain stone. I raised the superstructure of the field from the sea and turned it into a mound of ruins. I filled in a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 166 large aslu-cubits along its upper front, 217 large aslu-cubits along the middle, 333 large aslu-cubits along the lower front, along the Tigris River, and I filled in the marshes with water.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick inside it and I deposited them on its foundations.

I surrounded the terrace with a terrace, thereby reducing the height of the terrace to 20 courses of brick higher than before, and thus I raised it to 180 courses of brick higher than before. I added the structure of the palace to the former dimensions and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", built thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, which are located far away, and I fastened bands of shining bronze on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet on opening and closing, and I installed them in their gates.

I had a window-siding, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called "House Hurling the King" in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them for my lordly pleasure.

Eight lion colossi of a cross-shaped design, which were cast by the gods king, king, king of the world, with shining copper, the alloy of the goddess Ninagal, and which were adorned with a shining halo, and two tall colossi of the god king, king of the world, with shining copper, the alloy of the square, together with two large cedar columns, I positioned them over the pirigallu-crucible and I secured their doors with a double glazing.

I skillfully made a cross-beam of silver, a protective deity, and a cross-beam of mountain stone, and I fastened it on their ribs and I installed them in their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with large limestone slabs, which were too expensive for my yoke, and I surrounded their lower courses with them as if they were houses of art.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

I presented a ration of pomegranates as a zaqappu-gift, a field of tamirtu-plant, above the city, as a nigidamintu-gift to the citizens of Nineveh and I entrusted them with their cultivation.

I had a canal drawn from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, a mountain, and a birutu-plain by bitumen and baked brick and I made it flow through it. I made that river a continuous stream for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it a continuous stream for the people of that land. I made those gardens gush through the passage of time.

After I had finished the work on my lordly palace, I cleared away the debris from the alleys and moats and made them shine like daylight. I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, made exalted offerings, and presented my gifts.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The volume of the inscription is 11 lines. Sibuti, eponymy of Nabû-le'i, governor of the city Arbela 645.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp. He fled alone and escaped to the land Guzummanu, where he entered the swamps and marshes and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and Bactrian camels that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

I pursued him to the land Guzummanu and ordered my warriors into the midst of swamps and marshes. For five days they searched for him, but his hiding place could not be found.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I appointed over them Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî and a scion of Shuanna Babylon who had grown up like a young puppy in my palace, as king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, 15 Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substanial booty consisting of 208,000 people, male and female, 7,200 horses and mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,100 oxen, and 800,600 sheep and goats.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to my yoke, and I did not leave one alive. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the city Bit-Kilamzah, their fortified city. I brought out of it people, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the pavilions and tents that they relied upon, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and strengthened its enceinte more than before. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. 25 I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, then I cut down their orchards and poured deathly quiet over their fertile fields. In this manner I reduced to desolation the land Ellipi to its full extent.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats without number and brought them to nought. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; 35 the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, and wherein annually, without interruption, they received an income unsurpassed in amount, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters of the world;

but not one among them had paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small; 40 nor had anyone of them conceived of and put his mind towards the straightening of the city's streets and the widening of its squares, the dredging of the river, and the planting of orchards:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, and the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. I cut down canebrakes in Chaldea and I had their splendid reeds hauled to Nineveh for its the palace's construction by enemy soldiers whom I had defeated.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziggurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the tower of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 134 cubits wide opposite the tower of the Bit-Kidmuri, and 95 cubits wide on the other side; 45 which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly — the Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which when it rose had destroyed sacred buildings inside the city and exposed the mounds of their tombs lit. "their mounded tombs" to the sun, and which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which thereby had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, repaired the effects of the erosion, and directed its outflow.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together, with bitumen, reeds below and strong mountain stone above, then I raised that area out of the water and converted it to dry land. 50 I filled in and measured a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 162 large aslu-cubits along its upper, northern shorter side, 217 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, and 386 large aslu-cubits along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River. In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its damp course with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick within the terrace, and I deposited them deep down in its foundation for ever after.

Afterwards, I decided to increase the height of the terrace, then I added 20 courses of brick to the former terrace and thus I raised it to a total height of 180 courses of brick. 55 I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the rooms of the palace with beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, which were brought with difficulty from that distant mountain terrain. I fastened bands of shining bronze on magnificent doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet on opening and closing, and I installed them in their gates.

For my lordly pleasure, I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called bit-hilani in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them.

Eight striding lions, standing opposite one another, which were made from 11,400 talents of shining copper, cast by the god Ninagal, and were filled with radiance — upon those lion colossi I installed two identical columns that were cast from 6,000 talents of bronze, together with two large cedar columns, and I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I expertly fashioned four mountain sheep colossi of silver and bronze, together with mountain sheep colossi of massive mountain stone, and in four directions I made them hold their the gates' suitable door bolts.

I engraved on large limestone slabs images of the enemy settlements that I had conquered. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

After I had finished the work on my lordly palace, broadened the squares, and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day, I invited inside it the palace the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is 71 lines. Sibuti, eponymy of Nabû-le'i, governor of the city Arbela 702.

Q003477: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an _re_-É-_um_ mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia

i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-ni in-na-bit qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me U ap-pa-ra-a-te e-ru-um-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz u ansze_-ud-ri sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu _dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

as,-bat-ma _egir_-szu a-na _kur_-gu-zu-um-ma-ni _lu_-mun-dah-s,i-ia a-na qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me U ap-pa-ra-a-te u-ma-'e-er-ma 5 u4-me i-pa-ru-nim-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu

i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 89 _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-kal-di _u 8 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _u lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki gu-du8-a-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)_en_-_du dumu lu-gal_-_du_ pe-er-'i szu-an-na-_ki_ sza _gim_ mi-ra-a-ni s,a-ah-ri qé-reb É-_gal_-ia ir-bu-u a-na _lugal_-ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki a_sz-ta-kan _ugu_-szu-un

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur

ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,u sza ul-tu ul-la a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-szu i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma na-pisz-tu ul e-zib na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin-mesz 20 ansze zu-lum#-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _lu-kur_ ak-s,i sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-te _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-te u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) _un-mesz tur gal ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur-mesz_ sza# ni-ba la i-szu-u ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz É _edin_ kul-ta-ri tu-kul-ti-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma (erasure) di-tal-lisz u-sze-mi

u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-dan-nin a-muh-husz _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti u-szar-me

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti ki-ma _muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-sze20-e u-szA-lik-szu-nu-ti _uru_-s,i-s,i#-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma#-ah-lum _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-bar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur-mesz_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

i-na u4-mi-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-um-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu Asz-ru nak-lu szu#-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar szu-ta-bu-lu qé-reb-szu

sza ul-tu ul-la# _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-tu _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e-ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil u_ szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb la nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ah-ha-ru qé-reb-szu

a-a-um-ma i-na lib-bi-szu-nu a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hur szu-bat-su le-e-su ul i-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila uru u_ szum-dul re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _u kur_-hi-lak-ku sza a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ki u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ a-pe ku-pe-e sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-szA

É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz_ i-na tar-s,i za-me-e É ziq-qur-rat 80 ina 1-_kusz dagal#_ i-na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri É (d)15 1 _me 34_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri É-kid9-mu-ri 95 ina 1-_kusz dagal_ sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mi-ti be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA _id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-szA ge-gu-né-e qa-bal-ti _uru_ u-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu-un nak-mu-ti u-kal-li-mu (d)_utu_-szu

É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA

qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4-mesz kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u-ter 7 _me_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz 1 me 62_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta im-si-sa 2 me 17_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-tim 3 _me 86_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta im-u18-lu us-sa-du id-idigna_ tam-la-a u-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-ta

_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1 _me 60_ ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qé-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-nu i-na usz-szi-szu e-zib ah-ra-tasz

ar-ka-nu szu-usz-qu-u tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 20 ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-ri-i us,-s,ip-ma 1 _me 80_ ti-ib-ki u-szaq-qi e-la-nisz tar-pa-szu-u el sza u4-me pa-ni u-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la szi-kit-tasz

É-_gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li u gisz_-bu-ut,-ni é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szu

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

Asz-szu za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un

a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu i-na ak-kul-la-te u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u-szah-bi#-ba pat-ti-isz

sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu u-szA-an-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti U su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me

a-na _egir ud-mesz_ i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi#-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

1 _usz 3-ta-am mu-didli mu-sar_-e _iti_-si-bu-ti# lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_zu lu-gar-kur uru_-er-ba-il

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and entered the land Guzummanu. He entered the marshes and open country and thereby saved his life. I captured the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and camels that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

I took him to the land Guzummanu and I dispatched my warriors to the marshes and marshes. For five days they were circling around but their places were not visible.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I placed over them Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, a Shuannanian who had become frightened like a lion in my palace, as king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to my yoke, and I did not spare a single one. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Bit-Kilamzah, their fortified city. I brought out of it people, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the palatial halls, the cult centers, and their tents, and I added them to the territory of the land Elam.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and strengthened its wall more than before. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought them to nought. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations were the foundations of all of the gods and goddesses, and whose foundations had been firmly established since time immemorial — whose foundations had been laid with the writings of the firmament and whose features had become too small; a rugged place, a place of secret lore, whose secrets, everything that is valuable, and all of the rituals are firmly rooted in it —

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised lordship over Assyria and made the people of the land of the god Enlil bow down at my feet, who had never entered a place of reverence and had constantly received tribute from the rulers of the four quarters of the world,

I did not know how to properly maintain the streets of the city and the streets of the environs of the canals, the canals, and the canals, nor how to properly administer the cultic rites of the palace inside it.

As for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and my heart prompted me to do so. I abandoned the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. I cut down a brick from a kupû-wood that was inside Chaldea and I made their appointment a dream. I placed them under the authority of my enemies and they imposed upon them corvée.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziqqurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the stele of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 134 cubits wide opposite the stele of the temple of the god Ishtar, and 95 cubits wide, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly: The Tebilti River, a fresh water source, which had dissolved in its foundation pit and had weakened its copings, I called it Shamash.

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, made it more secure, and made its foundation stronger.

In its outer courtyard, I surrounded its perimeter with reeds, a second time, with strong mountain stone. I surrounded the field with a bitumen floor and raised it as high as a mountain. I raised a plot of land that was 700 large cubits long, 166 large cubits long, the upper front, above, and below, 207 large cubits long, the middle, and 380 large cubits wide, the lower front, above, and below the Tigris River, and raised it as high as a mountain.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick inside it and I deposited them on its foundations.

I then enlarged the terrace, then I built a terrace on the other side of the river, then I raised it to 180 courses of brick above the previous one, making it larger than before. I added to the former dimensions of the palace and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", built thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

I opened a granary above the city for the citizens of Nineveh and presented it to them.

I made the river Harru, a continuous river, a continuous river for a distance of one and a half leagues from the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, a mountain, and a river bank afloat. I made it gush through tunnels and canals into those canals.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, made them larger, and made them as bright as day.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

Month Sibutu, eponymy of Nabû-le'i, governor of the city Erbil 645.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp. He fled alone and escaped to the land Guzummanu, where he entered the swamps and marshes and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and Bactrian camels that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

I pursued him to the land Guzummanu and ordered my warriors into the midst of swamps and marshes. For five days they searched for him, but his hiding place could not be found.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I appointed over them Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî and a scion of Shuanna Babylon who had grown up like a young puppy in my palace, as king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, 15 Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, male and female, 7,200 horses and mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,100 oxen, and 800,600 sheep and goats.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to my yoke, and I did not leave one alive. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the city Bit-Kilamzah, their fortified city. I brought out of it people, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the pavilions and tents that they relied upon, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and strengthened its enceinte more than before. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. 25 I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four fortified cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, then I cut down their orchards and poured deathly quiet over their fertile fields. In this manner I reduced to desolation the land Ellipi to its full extent.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats without number and brought them to nought. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; 35 the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, and wherein annually, without interruption, they received an income unsurpassed in amount, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters of the world;

but not one among them had paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small; 40 nor had anyone of them conceived of and put his mind towards the straightening of the city's streets and the widening of its squares, the dredging of the river, and the planting of orchards:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, and the lands Que and Hilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. I cut down canebrakes in Chaldea and I had their splendid reeds hauled to Nineveh for its the palace's construction by enemy soldiers whom I had defeated.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziggurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the tower of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 134 cubits wide opposite the tower of the Bit-Kidmuri, and 95 cubits wide on the other side; 45 which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly — the Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which when it rose had destroyed sacred buildings inside the city and exposed the mounds of their tombs lit. "their mounded tombs" to the sun, and which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which thereby had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, repaired the effects of the erosion, and directed its outflow.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together, with bitumen, reeds below and strong mountain stone above, then I raised that area out of the water and converted it to dry land. 50 I filled in and measured a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 162 large aslu-cubits along its upper, northern shorter side, 217 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, and 386 large aslu-cubits along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River. In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its damp course with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick within the terrace and I deposited them deep down in its foundation for ever after.

Afterwards, I decided to increase the height of the terrace, then I added 20 courses of brick to the former terrace and thus I raised it to a total height of 180 courses of brick. 55 I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. 60 I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is 63 lines. Sibuti, eponymy of Nabû-le'i, governor of the city Arbela 702.

Q003478: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an _re_-É-_um_ mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu _dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal-mesz_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 89 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ sza _kur_-kal-di _u 6 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki en dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)_en_-_du dumu lu-gal_-_du_ i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu _ugu_ gi-mir na-ge-e _kur_-kal-di _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-na _lu-nam_-ti Asz-kun-ma ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-te _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur

ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-nita-mesz 10 ansze gisz-gesztin-mesz 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-ti u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina lib-bi u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze-ri-dam-ma ina _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti u-szar-me

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir ma-a-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har am-nu-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-ti-szu-un man-da-at-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-qi _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru _uru_-É-zi-it-te _uru_-s,a-ri-ip-tu _uru_-ma-hal-li-ba _uru_-u-szu-u _uru_-ak-zi-ba _uru_-ak-ku-u _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti U masz-qi-ti É tuk-la-ti-szu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu sze-pu-u-a

(disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

sza (disz)mi-nu-hi-im-mu _uru_-sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu _uru_-s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti _uru_-a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u-ru-mil-ki _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _uru_-as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir kur_-É-am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu _kur_-u-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ ka-li-szu-nu _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4-szu a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-Asz-szu

(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-lu-na Asz-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mi-su-ma i-szA-t,a ab-szA-a-ni

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na _uru_-ia-pu-u _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_ sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik-nu-szu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-di-i U ma-mit szA _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-risz a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah lib-ba-szu-un _lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su-un

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la ib-szu-u usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi

(disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu u-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

sza (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a 46 _uru-mesz_-szu É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qur-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si U kal-ba-na-ti al-me ak-szud(ud) 2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ szA la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

szA-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka-gal uru_-szu u-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal uru_-as-du-di U (disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal kur_-ha-zi-ti ad-din u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-da-an szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-ti kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu-un

szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pu-ul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu_-ur-bi _lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u til-la-a-te 30 _gun ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tAk-kas-si _na4-an-za-gul-me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _tug-gada sig_-ta-kil-tu _sig_-ar-ga-man-nu

i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ szA-ti-na sza Asz-lu-la 10 _lim gisz-pan 10 lim gisz_-a-ri-tu ina lib-bi-szu-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia _u lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u-za-'i-iz

i-na u4-me-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-u-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu Asz-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar szu-ta-bu-la qé-reb-szu

sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e-er ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil u_ szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ha-ru qé-reb-szu

a-a-um-ma ina lib-bi-szu-nu a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila uru u_ szum-dul6 re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-me _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _kur_-hi-lak-ku _kur_-pi-lisz-tu _u kur_-s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ a-pe ku-pe-e sza qé-reb _kur_-kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-szA

É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz_ tar-s,i za-me-e É ziq-qur-rat 80 ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri É (d)isz-tar 1 _me 34_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i É-na-ma-ri É-kid9-mu-ri 95 ina 1-_kusz dagal_ sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA _id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-szA ge-gu-né-e qa-bal-ti _uru_ u-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu-un pa-az-ru-ti u-kal-li-mu (d)_utu_-szu

É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir mu-s,u-u-szA

qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ku szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u-ter 7 _me_ ina 1-_kusz as4-lum gal_-ti _usz 1 me 76_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta im-si-sa 2 me 68_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-ti mé-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar 3 _me 83_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum szA-ni-tu mu-uh-hur-ti szA-a-ri a-mur-ri ku-tal É ziq-qur-rat É (d)isz-tar

_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1 _me 60_ ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qé-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-nu ina usz-szi-szu e-zib ah-ra-tasz

ar-ka-a-nu szu-usz-qu-u tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 20 ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-ri-i us,-s,ip-ma 1 _me 80_ ti-ib-ki u-szaq-qi e-la-nisz tar-pa-szu-u _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la szi-kit-tasz

É-_gal na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min gisz_-dAp-ra-ni _szim-li u gisz_-bu-ut,-ni é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szA

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

Asz-szu za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un

a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu ina ak-kul-la-a-ti u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz

sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu u-szA-an-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti U su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me

i-na mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru_ i-na a-gur-ri _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-bi-is ti-tur-ru

_mu-sar_-a u-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu U da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en gal en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri Asz-tak-ka-nu U mim-ma ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu qé-reb-szu u-szat,-t,ir-ma i-na tem-me-en-ni É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-ia e-zib ah-ra-tasz

a-na ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-a szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

1 _usz 34-ta-am mu-didli mu-sar_-e _iti-gu4-si-sa_ li-mu (disz)mi-tu-nu _lu-gar-kur uru_-i-sa-na

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I captured alive the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, and I counted them as booty.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the people of Akkad. I installed eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over all of the districts of Chaldea and imposed the yoke of my lordship upon them.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I strengthened the city Bit-Kilamzah in its entirety, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the middle of the sea. The great cities Sidon, Upper Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharipptu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akziba, and Akku, his fortified cities, fortresses in remote and remote places, and the house of his trusty family, overwhelmed him and he threw down my yoke.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, to me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast iron fetters on Padî, their king, a lord, together with the oaths sworn by Assyria, and who had handed him over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, battering rams brought up, sapping, breaching, sapping, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the land Hazaitu. I made his land smaller and added it to the previously purchased property of their payment and the payment of my lordly gifts and imposed it upon them.

He, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he brought out his elite troops, his royal troops, who had come to the aid of the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and thereby accumulated substantial booty: 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of zagulu-stone, ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, linen garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments with multi-colored trim, argamannu-wood, ..., and ..., which were piled up in the city Jerusalem, his royal city.

In the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 10,000 archers and 10,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations were the foundations of all of the gods and goddesses, and whose foundations had been laid since time immemorial with the writings of its foundation documents and whose features had become too small; a rugged place, a place of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar rituals, were placed.

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised lordship over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil — and who had not submitted to you — the great radiance of the weapons of the rulers of the four quarters of the world —

I did not give any thought to renovating the streets of the city and the streets of the cult centers, the ziggurrat, and the orchards, nor did I make an appeal to its king, my lord, about the renovation of the palace inside it.

As for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and my heart prompted me to do so. I took the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, and Pilishitu, and the land Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, away from me and I made them carry baskets of earth. I cut down bricks of cedar from Chaldea and I made their appointments larger than before. I placed them under the authority of the enemies of my land.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziqqurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the stele of the goddess Ishtar, and 134 cubits wide opposite the stele of the Bit-Kidmuri, and 95 cubits wide, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly: The Tebilti River, a fresh water source, which had dissolved in its foundation pit and had surrounded its mounds with a mound of dust, I cleared away the sun lit. "it" and made its mounds shine like daylight.

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, thereby reducing its footprint.

In the quay of the city Kashtu, I surrounded the quay walls with reeds, a strong mountain stone, and then I brought the field out of the water and turned it into a mound of ruins. I measured out 76 large aslu-cubits long and 176 large aslu-cubits wide, the upper front, with its ridge, 268 large aslu-cubits wide, the middle, opposite the zamû-wall, the entrance to the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 383 large aslu-cubits wide, the outer, the courtyard, the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and I surrounded it with a wall.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick inside it and I deposited them on its foundations.

I then made the terrace larger than before and I added twenty courses of brick to the former terrace and raised it to 180 courses of brick. I made it larger than before. I added the structure of the former palace and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

I opened a granary above the city for the citizens of Nineveh and presented it to them.

I made the river Harru, a continuous river, a continuous river for irrigation from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh and the interior of the city Harran, a continuous river for irrigation purposes. I made that river flow into those gardens for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through those gardens.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, made them larger, and made them as bright as day.

I had a façade made from white limestone in the middle of the citadel gate, in order to be an object of wonder for my lordly majesty.

I had a foundation inscription made and I deposited it on the foundations of my lordly palace. I had all of the mighty victories that I achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and everything else I had done therein.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The length of the inscription is 34 lines. Ayyaru II, eponymy of Mitunu, governor of the city Isana 695.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the people of Akkad. I appointed my eunuchs to be governors over all of the districts of Chaldea and I imposed the yoke of my lordship upon them.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, 7,200 horses and mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,100 oxen, and 600,600 sheep and goats.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull. 20 I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out from them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. 30 I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled afar into the midst of the sea. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the city Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. 45 In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

As for Hezekiah of the land Judah, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, 50 by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the land Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, blue-purple wool, red-purple wool, utensils of bronze, iron, copper, tin, and iron, chariots, shields, lances, armor, iron belt-daggers, bows and ushshu-arrows, equipment, and implements of war, all of which were without number, together with his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

From the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 10,000 archers and 10,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. 60 I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, 65 and wherein annually, without interruption, they received an enormous income, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters of the world;

but not one among them had paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small; nor had anyone of them conceived of and put his mind towards the straightening of the city's streets and the widening of its squares, the dredging of the river, and the planting of orchards:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, and Philistia, and the land of the city Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks. 70 I cut down canebrakes in Chaldea and I had their splendid reeds hauled to Nineveh for its the palace's construction by enemy soldiers whom I had defeated.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long opposite the zamû-wall of the ziggurrat, 80 cubits wide opposite the tower of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 134 cubits wide opposite the tower of the Bit-Kidmuri, and 95 cubits wide on the other side; which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly — the Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which when it rose had destroyed sacred buildings inside the city and exposed their hidden tombs to the sun, and which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which thereby had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, repaired the effects of the erosion, and directed its outflow.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together, with bitumen, reeds below and strong mountain stone above, then I raised that area out of the water and converted it to dry land. I filled in and measured a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 176 large aslu-cubits along its upper, northern shorter side, 268 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, which is opposite the zamû-wall of the shrine behind the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 383 large aslu-cubits along the other, parallel, inner shorter side, which is on the west behind the ziggurrat of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 386 large aslu-cubits along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River. 80 In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick within the terrace and I deposited them deep down in its foundation for ever after.

Afterwards, I decided to increase the height of the terrace, then I added 20 courses of brick to the former terrace and thus I raised it to a total height of 180 courses of brick. I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day.

I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate by packing down paving stones of white limestone for my lordly processions.

I had an inscribed object made and inscribed thereon all the mighty victories that I achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and everything else that I had been doing. I deposited it in the foundation of my lordly palace for ever after.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is 94 lines. Ayyaru II, eponymy of Mitunu, governor of the city Isana 700.

Q003479: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu] mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru] dam#-qa-a-ti [et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal mal-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za]-ma#-a-ni

[a-na ar-kat u4-me ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma x (x) szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru]-ma# en-na-hu# [an-hu-us-su(?) lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-a szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu] i-szem-mu-u#

[x x (x x)-_ta-am mu-didli mu-sar_-e ... li-mu (disz)(d)_en_-_lugal_-an-ni _lu-gar_]-_kur# uru_-kur-ba-il

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that ... becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

... the inscription, the inscription ..., eponymy of Bel-sharrani, governor of the city Kurbail 645.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that ... becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is ... lines. ..., the eponymy of Bel-sharrani, governor of the city Kurbail 699.

Q003481: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x (x) [...] [...] isz#-de-e-szu# [...]

[sza _murub4 uru_ u _nina-ki uru_] be#-lu-ti-ia szu-bat#-[su-nu usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu-un u-szA-an-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti U su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me]

[i-na mé-eh-ret _ka-gal_] _murub4# uru_ i-na a-gur#-[ri _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq _gisz-gigir_ be-lu-ti-ia u-sze-pisz ti-tur-ru]

[_mu-sar_-a u-sze-pisz-ma li-i]-tum U da#-[na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en gal en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri Asz-tak-ka-nu U mim-ma e-pisz-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szA-Asz-t,ir qé-reb-szu] [it-ti _mu-sar_-e sza mal]-ki# a-li-kut mah#-[ri _ad-mesz_-ia ina _bad murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia a-na _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia e-zib ah-ra-tasz]

[ma-ti-ma ina _dumu_]-_mesz#_-ia ar#-[ku-ti sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz] [_mu-sar_-a szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia] li#-mur-[ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... he imposed upon him .

I enlarged the site of the citadel and Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened their squares, widened their squares, and made them as bright as day.

I had a roof built opposite the Citadel Gate with baked bricks colored with blue glaze for the passage of my lordly chariot.

I had an inscribed object made and I had the might and might that I had achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, written upon it. I deposited it for ever after with the inscribed object of former rulers, my ancestors, in the citadel wall of Nineveh, my capital city.

If, at any time in the future, one of my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovates that wall when that wall becomes old and dilapidated, read an inscription written in my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.


... ... ... its foundations ....

I enlarged the site of the citadel and Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened their squares and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day.

I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate with paving stones of white limestone for the passage of my lordly chariot.

I had an inscribed object made and had all the mighty victories that I achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and all of my other achievements inscribed thereon. With inscribed objects of earlier rulers, my ancestors, I deposited it for ever after in the citadel wall of Nineveh, my capital city, for the kings, my descendants.

At any time in the future, may one of my descendants lit. "future children", whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Q003482: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an _re_]-É-_um_ mut-nen#-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki]-i# sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti [et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i]-it,# la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

[(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa]-rak#-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia

[i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam_]-_ma#-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan# [_bad5-bad5_-szu] [i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kunga-mesz_] sza# ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da [_szu-ii_-a-a]

[a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu] _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-[tu] [_dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal-mesz_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu]-tu É-_gal_-usz u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz [am-nu]

[i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 89 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ sza _kur_-kal-di _u 6 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu] al#-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-[su-un] [_lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma-_ki gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki en dumu-mesz uru_] _en#_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-[la-tisz am-nu]

[(disz)_en_-_du dumu lu-gal_-_du_ i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu _ugu_ gi-mir na-ge-e _kur_-kal-di _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-na _lu-nam_-ti Asz]-kun-ma ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia [e-mid-su-nu-ti]

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu] _lu_-u-bu#-lum _lu#_-[da-mu-nu] [_lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la] kan#-szu-ti mit(?)-ha(?)-risz# [ak-szud(ud)]

[i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-te _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta]-mar-ta-szu [ka-bit-tu am-hur]

[...] x [...]

[Asz-szu za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad]-gi-la# [pa-nu-usz-szu-un]

[a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu ina ak-kul-la-a-ti u-szat-tir]-ma u-[sze-szir _id_-har-ru] [1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u]-szah-bi-ba [pat-ti-isz]

[i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz gisz-gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _u szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ nap-har _gisz-mesz_ i]-szi#-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri#-[szu pa-pa-al-lum] [a-na szup-szu-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz_ a-gam-mu u-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u u-szA-as-ti-il _igira-muszen-mesz szah-mesz gisz_]-_gi#_ a-lap qi-szi i-na lib#-[bi u-masz-szir]

[_gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_ be]-lu#-ti-ia lu _du#_-[usz]

[... i-na tasz-ri-it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szu-un _gesztin_ du]-usz#-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szu-un am-[kir]

[_nina-ki_ sza ul-tu u4-mu pa-ni 9 _lim 3 me_ i-na 1-_kusz_ szu-bat li-me-ti-szu _bad u bad-szul-hi_ ul u-sze-pi-szu a-li-kut] mah#-ri ma-al-ki# [12 _lim 5 me 15_ a-szar ta-mir-ti li-mit _uru_ s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma 21 _lim 8 me 15_ i-na _as4-lum gal_]-ti u-kin min-da-tusz#

[sza _bad_-szu _gal_-i bad-ni-gal-bi-lu2-kur-ra-szu-szu du-u-ru sza nam-ri-ru-szu na-ki-ri sah-pu s,e-er _na4_-pi-i-li tem-me-en-szu ad-di-ma 40 _sig4_ u-kab-bir i-na 1 _me 80_ ti]-ib#-ki ul-la-a re-sze20-e-szu

[szA szal-hi-i bad-nig-érim-hu-luh-ha mu-gal-lit za-ma-a-ni usz-sze-szu ap-te-ma 45 _ninda_ u-szap-pil-ma u-szA-ak-szid] _a-mesz_ nag-bi [qé-reb ma-a-me szap-la-a-nu _na4 kur_-i dan-nu ak-si-ma e-la-nisz a-di pa-As-qi-szu ina _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_] u-nak-kil# szi-pir-szu

[sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-te-szu u-szA-an-dil-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-mi _bad_ szal-hu-u] u#-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq#-qir hur-szA-a-nisz

[Asz-szu mu-s,e-e _id_-hu-su-ur qé-reb _uru_ ma-lak _a-mesz_ e-lisz U szap-lisz i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra ki_-i-ri ma-szi-i] ti-tur-ri ab-ta-ni szA-pal-szu

[ina mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru_ i-na a-gur-ri _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq _gisz-gigir_ be-lu-ti-ia] u-sze-pisz ti-tur-ru

[_mu-sar_-a u-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu U da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en gal en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri Asz-tak]-ka#-nu U mim-ma e-pisz-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szA-Asz-t,ir qé-reb-szu [it-ti _mu-sar_-e sza mal-ki a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ina _bad_ szA _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia a-na _lugal-mesz dumu_]-_mesz_-ia e-zib ah-ra-tasz

[a-na ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma] _bad_ u _bad-szul-hi_ szA-tu-nu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu [an-hu-su-nu lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-a szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu] li#-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem#-me

[x x (x x)-_ta-am mu-didli mu-sar_-e ... li-mu (disz)(d)]_en_-_lugal_-an-ni

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I captured alive the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, and I counted them as booty.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the people of Akkad. I installed eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over all of the districts of Chaldea and imposed the yoke of my lordship upon them.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I presented a ration of produce to the citizens of Nineveh as a ration in order to increase the volume of the orchards and to increase the yield of the fields above the city and to increase their yield.

I made the river Harru, a continuous river, flow for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River, into a continuous stream. I made those gardens gush through wells.

By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in them. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and they grew tall. To make the water flow into the gardens, I confined them and made them gush. I abandoned the raging of eagles and pigeons, reeds, and reeds therein.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

In the tashritu of the palace, I lavishly provided for the luxuriance of the citizens of my land. I poured over their heads a luscious wine.

Nineveh, whose site had not been built since the days of the past, 9,300 cubits in its entirety, and which had become too small for the cult center or for a fortress. I added 12,515 cubits in the plain to the former measurement of the city, which was above the previous measurement, and I deposited 21,815 large aslu-cubits as its dimensions.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which is clad with a nakkiru-shrine, on limestone, and I surrounded it with forty bricks. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigérimhuluha, which means "Fortress of the Zamaneans," then I raised it 45 nindanu and made it reach the water table. I cut down strong mountain stone in the water below and above I completed its construction with large limestone blocks.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares and made them as bright as day. I had a wall made of bricks and raised them as high as mountains.

I built anew a bridge over the Husur River, a river that flows above and below, with baked bricks colored with blue glaze.

I had a roof built opposite the Citadel Gate with baked bricks colored with blue glaze for the passage of my lordly chariot.

I had an inscribed object made and I had the might and might that I achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, written upon it. I deposited it for ever after with the inscribed objects of the rulers who came before me, my ancestors, in the wall of Nineveh, my capital city.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when those walls and outer wall become old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

... the inscription, the inscription ..., eponymy of Bel-sharrani 697 B.C.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs. 10 I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

I placed Bel-ibni, a son of a rab banî, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the people of Akkad. I appointed my eunuchs to be governors over all of the districts of Chaldea and I imposed the yoke of my lordship upon them.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, 7,200 horses and mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,100 oxen, and 600,600 sheep and goats.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

... ... ....

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make these planted areas luxuriant, I cut with picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. 5' I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and had a canebrake planted in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons whose homes are far away, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

... At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

Nineveh, the site of whose circumference had been 9,300 cubits since former times and for which no earlier ruler had had an inner or outer wall built — 10' I added 12,515 cubits in the plain around the city to its previous measurement and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which means "Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies," upon limestone and made it 40 bricks thick. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigerimhuluha, which means "Terrorizer of Enemies," then I dug down forty-five nindanu and made it reach the water table. I bound together strong mountain stone in the water below and above I expertly carried out its construction with large limestone blocks up to its copings.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day. I had an inner and outer wall built and I raised them as high as mountains.

So that there would be outflow from the Husur River in the city and the passage of water upstream and downstream, I built aqueducts beneath it the city wall with baked bricks, ....

I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate with paving stones of white limestone for the passage of my lordly chariot.

I had an inscribed object made and had all the mighty victories that I achieved over all of my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and all of my other achievements inscribed thereon. With inscribed objects of earlier rulers, my ancestors, I deposited it for ever after in the wall of Nineveh, my capital city, for the kings, my descendants.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when these inner and outer walls become old and dilapidated. 20' May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

The line count of the inscription is ... lines. ... eponymy of Bel-sharrani 699.

Q003483: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ la szA-na-an] _re_-É-_um_ [mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] [na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti] a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i [sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti] [et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al]-ki rap-pu la-'i-it,# la [ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni]

[(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma] _ugu#_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki [u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia]

[i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-Asz a-di _erim-hi_]-_a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na [ta]-mir#-[ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu] [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam_]-_mal#-mesz u#_ [_ansze_-ud-ri sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a]

[a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É ni]-s,ir#-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ [a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu] [_dam_-su _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni] si-hir-ti _lu_-um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u [mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

[... a-na qé]-reb _id#_-a-gam-me x x x x x x x x [...]

[i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 89 _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-kal-di _u 8_] _me# 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li#-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak#-[szud(ud) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un] [_lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _u lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki_ hur-sag-kalam-ma]-_ki_(?) _gu_(?)-_du8_(?)-A(?)-_ki_(?)# a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-[it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu]-du# _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu [_lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-da-mu-nu] [_lu_-gam-bu-lu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i']-ta(?)-a(?)-u(?) _lu_-a-ra(?)#-[mu la kan-szu mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. I captured alive the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and equids that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

... into the swamps ... .

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At the beginning of my kingship, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his ally, in the plain of Kish. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and Bactrian camels that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property, a substantial treasure, together with his wife, his palace women, courtiers, attendants, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

... into the midst of swamps ... ...

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 89 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 820 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, and Cutha, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, 15 Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans.

Q003484: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)]30#-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man_ kisz-szA-ti _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_man_ kib-rat _limmu_]-tim# mut-tar-ru-u _un-mesz dagal-mesz#_ [e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_] (d)#_iszkur_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)isz#-[tar] [sza É-kid-mu-ri ...] [...] [...] [...] [(...) szA _ugu lugal-mesz_ a-szib _bara_ nu]-'u-u#-da-at be-lut-su# [tukul-ti _kur_-szu na-a'-id _murub4 u me_ s,u-lu-lu] _erim#-hi-a_-szu a-na-ku

[... sza]-an#-da-bak-ku sza mi-nu-ut _nig-ka9_-su#-x [...] (d)#ha-ia _dingir_-szu-nu u-szar-qu-x [...]-szi#-na _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [... ina qi]-bi#-ti _dingir-mesz_ a-na te-em-me-en-ni# [...]-x-szu ina mah-ri-ia# [...] x É(?) x rim-me pa me kal x [...] e#-pisz (d)ha-ia [x] x lu(?) x [...] x e(?)-pisz me-e-si#

ul-tu# _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar#-[s,ip] u-szak-lil#-[szu-ma] (d)ha-ia _dingir_ sza _lu-dub-sar-mesz_ u-szar-ma-a# [qé-reb-szu(?)]

te-em-me-en-na at-ta sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ra(?)-'i(?)#-[im ki-na-a-ti] e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ba-an É da-me-eq-ta-szu a-na _an_-[_szar_(?) qi-bi] _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu dumu-mesz_-szu it-ti s,al-mat _sag-du_ li-ku-nu a-na du-ur da-a#-[ri]

a-a-um-ma _nun_-u _egir_-u sza _an-szar_ a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _un-mesz#_ i-nab-bu-u _mu_-szu sza ina _bala_-szu É szu-a-tu in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-disz _mu-sar_-u li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu(?)#-[u(?)]

mu-nak-kir _mu-sar_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia _an-szar man dingir-mesz_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza _an_-e _u ki_-tim ar-rat la nap-szu-ri ma-ru-usz-tu li-ru-ru-szu-ma _lugal_-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-szu li-ki-mu-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu na-an-nab-szu ina pi-i _un-mesz_ li-hal-li-qu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, and Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... whose dominion is greater than those of the kings who sit on royal daises, the one who loves his land, the one who treads upon the battlefield and brings about the defeat of his troops, I.

... the shadabakku-priests, whose ... the ... of the god Haya, their god, I ... ... their ... the great gods ... by the command of the gods, according to my own understanding ... ... before me ... ... ... the temple ... ... ... the temple of the god Haya ... ... ... the temple of the mesu-tree .

I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations and I made the god Haya, the god of the scribes, enter inside it.

You are the one who fashioned the foundations of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves justice, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, and who built his temple, his good deeds for the god Ashur. May you, his sons and his grandsons, live forever with black-headed people.

May any future ruler whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections in his reign, read an inscription written in it, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it in its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and alters my words: May the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with an indissoluble curse and overthrow his sovereignty. May they make his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from the mouth of the people.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, ... 5 ... whose dominion is more praised than that of all kings who sit on royal daises, the support of his land, the one who is trustworthy in battle and combat, and the protection of his troops, I:

... the administrator who knows how to reckon the accounts ... ... the god Haya, their god, ... their ..., the great gods ... by the command of the gods to lay the foundation ... his ... ... before me 15 ... ... ... the one who fashioned the image of the god Haya ... ... ... ..., the one who performed the rites:

I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations and I settled the god Haya, the god of scribes, inside it.

O foundation inscription, speak favorable things to the god Ashur about Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves correct behavior, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, and the one who built this temple, so that his sons and his grandsons may endure forever with the black-headed people.

May any future ruler, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people and during whose reign that temple becomes dilapidated, 25 renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find this inscribed object, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and put it back in its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and disrespects my words, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh, irreversible curse, and may they overthrow his kingship, deprive him of his life, and eradicate his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny from the mouth of the people.

Q003485: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man_] _kur_ asz-szur-[_ki_] [_man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mut-tar-ru-u _un-mesz_] _dagal#-mesz_ [e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 sza] É-kid-mu-ri [_dingir-mah u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, é]-szar2-ra [U é-masz-masz szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e _u dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur]-_ki#_ ra-bisz mu-du-u [e-pisz _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi-szu na-si-ih] na#-ki-ri

[s,u-lu-lu _erim-hi-a_-szu a-na-ku ...] _lu-gala#-mesz_ mu-ni-ih [...] _lu#-gala-mesz_ [... _lu_]-_gala_

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Ili-mah, and the great gods, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra and Emashmash, the one who reveres the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who built Assyria, the one who completes his cult centers, the one who destroys enemy cities,

I am the guardian of his troops. ... the lamentation priests who ... the lamentation priests ... the lamentation priests ... the lamentation priest


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the great gods, the one who carries out to perfection the rites of Esharra 5 and Emashmash, who knows well how to revere the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the builder of Assyria, the one who brings his cult centers to completion, the one who uproots enemies and destroys their settlements, circumspect ruler whose dominion is more praised than that of all kings who sit on royal daises, the support of his land, the one who is trustworthy in battle and combat, and the protection of his troops, I:

... lamentation singers kalû who pacify 10 ..., lamentation singers, ... a lamentation singer ...

Q003486: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _lugal# gal lugal_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mut]-tar-ru-u _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ [e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30] (d)#_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 sza É-kid-mur-ri [_dingir-mah u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, é-szar2-ra [U é-masz-masz szA pa-lah] _dingir#-mesz_ szA _an_-e _u dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [ra-bisz mu-du-u e-pisz _kur_] asz-szur-_ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi#-[szu] [na-si-ih na-ki-ri mu-ab-bit da]-Ad#-me-szu-un ma-[al-ku]

[mu-nak-kir _mu-sar_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia _an-szar man dingir-mesz_ u _dingir-mesz gal_]-_mesz_ [sza _an_-e _u ki_-tim ar-rat la nap-szu-ri ma-ru-usz-tu] li#-ru-ru-szu-ma [_lugal_-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-szu li-ki-mu-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu na-an-nab-szu] i#-na _ka un-me_ li-hal-li-qu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Ili-mah, and the other great gods, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra and Emashmash, the one who reveres the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who built Assyria, the one who completes his cult centers, the one who strikes enemies, the one who destroys their settlements, the one who destroys their settlements, the one who destroys their settlements, the one who destroys their cult centers, the one who destroys the cult centers of the gods Ashur, the one who destroys the cult centers of the gods Ashur, the one who destroys the cult centers of the god Ashur, the one who destroys the temples of the gods of the

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and disregards my words: May the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with an indissoluble curse and overthrow his sovereignty. May they destroy his life, his seed, his offspring, and his offspring from the mouth of the people.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the great gods, the one who carries out to perfection the rites of Esharra 5 and Emashmash, who knows well how to revere the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the builder of Assyria, the one who brings his cult centers to completion, the one who uproots enemies and destroys their settlements, circumspect ruler,

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and disrespects my words, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh, irreversible curse, and may they overthrow his kingship, deprive him of his life, and eradicate his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny from the mouth of the people.

Q003487: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)](d)_en-zu_-_pap-mesz_-_su man#_ [_gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mut#-[tar-ru-u _un-mesz dagal-mesz_] e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)#[_iszkur_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 szA É-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_] _u dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, é#-[szar2-ra U é-masz-masz szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e] _u dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [ra-bisz mu-du-u] e-pisz [_kur_] asz-szur#-_ki_ [...] [...]


AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the great gods, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra and Emashmash, the one who reveres the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who built the temple of Assyria, ... .


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the great gods, the one who carries out to perfection the rites of Esharra and Emashmash, who knows well how to revere the gods of heaven 5 and the gods of Assyria, the builder of Assyria, ... ... ...

... ...

Q003489: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba] _lugal gal_-u [_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti] _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_lugal_ kib]-rat# _limmu_-ti [_re_-É-_um_] it-pe-szu [mi-gir _dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ [na-s,ir kit-ti] ra#-'i-im mi-szA-ri [e-pisz] u-sa-a-te [a-lik tap-pu-ut] a-ki-i# [sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti] et,-lum git-ma-lum zi#-[ka-ru qar-du] a-szA-red kal# [mal-ki] rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma#-[gi-ri] mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma#-[a-ni]

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na#-[an] u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-[ma] _ugu_ gim-ri a-szib pa-rak#-[ki] u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-[ia] ul-tu# _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-[ti] sza szUl-mu (d)_utu_-[szi] a-di tam-tim szap-li#-[ti] sza s,i-it (d)_utu#_-[szi] [gim-ri s,al-mat] _sag-du_ u#-szak-nisz sze-[pu-u-a]

a#-[na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_] ha-[disz e-ru-um-ma] ap-te#-[e-ma] É# ni-[s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi_] _ku#-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi_ [_ku-babbar_] _na4#_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig#-ga_ la ni-bi ka-bit-tu _gun munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu#_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus#-nar-mesz_ si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la# ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 75# _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza# _kur_-kal-di _u 4 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-sag-kalam-ma _gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-li-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lu _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu-te mit-ha-risz _kur_-ud 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-te _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, i 5 favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, i 10 perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun i 20 to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, i 5' all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu Malahu, Gurumu, i 25' Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, i 30' insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

Obverse Column ii


ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-qit-ma e#-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu-nu i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat [1-en] _gu4#-gisz 10 udu-mesz# 10 ansze gesztin-mesz#_ [20 _ansze zu-lum-ma_] re#-sze-te-szu [a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_en-mesz_-ia u-kin] da(?)-ri(?)-szam(?)#

[...]-_mesz#_ [...] _us5-udu-hi#_-[A] [ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze]-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz# [am-nu _u uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur_]-_mesz#_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u [ap-pul aq-qur u]-sze#-me kar-mesz [É _edin_ kul]-ta#-ri mu-szA-bi-szu-nu [i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq]-mu#-ma di-tal-lisz u-sze-me

[u-ter-ma] _uru_-É#-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na _uru_-bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni# _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma# _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia#

_na4#-na_-[_ru-a_ u-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tum] ki-szit-ti [_szu-ii_ sza _ugu_-szu-un Asz-tak-ka-nu]

s,e-ru-usz-szu u-szA-[Asz-t,ir-ma i-na qer-bi _uru_ ul-ziz pa-an ni-ri-ia] u-ter-ma [a-na _kur_-el-li-pi] as,-s,a-bat har-ra-[nu el-la-mu-u-a] (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-[szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti] É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir#-[ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit] gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim# [_gim muru9_ as-hu-up] _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti [_uru_-ak-ku-ud-du] _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti#-[szu] a#-[di] 34# _uru-mesz_-ni _tur_-[_mesz_ sza] li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq#-[qur i-na] (d)#_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ [u _munus_] _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze_-[_mesz_] _ansze#-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5#-udu_-[_hi_]-A a-na la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-sze20-e u-szA-lik-szu-ma u#-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru#_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti [a]-di# _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

u-rad-di _uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na# _uru lugal_-u-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-na-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz#-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har am-nu-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a#-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu# ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

AI Translation

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

I brought out ... ... sheep and goats from them and counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the temples of the steppe and the cult centers, their cult centers, and thereby reduced them to ashes.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah and thereby enlarged its walls more than previously, and thus I had more people from the lands that I had conquered.

I had a stele made and I placed it over them the inscriptions of the king, my lord.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.


I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. ii 5 I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one yoke ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

I brought out of them ... ... ... sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. ii 5'' Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, ii 10'' cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, ii 15'' oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements ii 20'' in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. ii 30'' I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

Obverse Column iii


i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-ha-at-ti# lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du#-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is#-[hu-pu]-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-te [_murub4_] tam#-tim in-na-bit(*)-ma _kur_-szu e#-mid _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru _uru_-É-zi-it-te# _uru_-s,a-ri#-ip-tu _uru_-ma-hal-li-ba [_uru_-u-szu-u] _uru_-ak#-zi-bi _uru_-ak-ku-u [_uru_]-_mesz_-szu# dan-nu-ti# É _bad-mesz_-ni [a-szar ri-i-ti U] masz-qi-ti# É tuk-la-te-szu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en#_-ia

(disz)tu-ba-a'#-[lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_]-u-ti# _ugu_-szu-un# [u-sze-szib]-ma# [_gun_ man]-da#-at-tu [be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba]-at,#-lu [u-kin s,e-ru]-usz#-szu

[na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be]-lu-ti-ia [e-mid-su-ma i-szA-a-t,a] ab#-szA-a-ni

[i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan]-na _uru_-ia-ap-pu [_uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa] _uru_-a-zu-ru [_uru-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i]-id-qa-a sza# [a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar]-hisz# la ik-nu-szu al-me [_kur_-ud Asz-lu-la] szal-la-su-un

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun#_-[_mesz u un_]-_mesz# uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-de-e# [_lugal_]-szu#-nu _en_ a-de-e U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)#ha-za-qi-ia-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu#-szu nak-risz a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah _sza_-szu-un _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-hi e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su-un

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz lugal kur_-mu-us,-ra-a-a a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-te am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil# hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti# sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la ib-szu-u#

AI Translation

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the midst of the sea and took to the depths of the sea. I captured the cities Great Sidon, Lower Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharipptu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibi, and Akku, his fortified cities, fortresses, places of refuge and places of his trust, and the great weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

I imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast iron fetters on Padê, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, and who had handed him over to Hazaqiyau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened at the thought of doing obeisance to me. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. Moreover, I counted the rest of them as booty, without committing any crime or wrongdoing.


On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and iii 5 he fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, iii 10 Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

I imposed upon him Sharru-lu-dari the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, iii 5' the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty iii 10' and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, iii 15' chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and iii 30' hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

Obverse Column iv


usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi (disz)pa#-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu# qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma u-sze-s,a-am-ma [i-na] _gisz#-gu-za_ be-lu-ti# _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma [man-da]-at-tu# be-lu-ti#-[ia] u-kin# s,e-ru-usz-szu

_u#_ (disz)ha#-[za]-qi#-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a [sza la ik]-nu-szu# a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru#_-[_mesz_-szu É] _bad#-mesz_-ni# dan-nu-ti _u#_ [_uru-mesz_] _tur-mesz#_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u ina szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qit-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si U kal-ban-na-te al-me _kur_-ud 2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

szA#-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi qé-reb# _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru# lugal_-ti-szu e-sir#-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ [_ugu_]-szu# u-rak-kis-ma a-[s,e]-e _ka-gal uru_-szu [u-ter-ra] ik#-ki-bu-usz [_uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu] qé-reb _kur_-szu [ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_] _uru#_-as-du-di [(disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am]-qar#-ru-na [U (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal uru_-ha]-zi#-[ti]

[_lu_-ur-bi _u lu-erim_]-_mesz_-szu _sig5#_-[_mesz_] [sza a-na dun-nu-un] _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu# [_uru lugal_-ti-szu u]-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u til-la#-[a-te it-ti] 30 _gun ku-gi# 8 me_ [_gun ku-babbar_ ni]-siq#-ti gu-uh-li tAk-kas-si _na4#_-[_an-za_]-_gul#-me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu#_ [_gisz-gu-za-mesz_] né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si#_ [_gisz-esi gisz-tug_] mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir#-[tu ka-bit-tu] _u dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu# [_lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_] a-na qé-reb _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-[ti-ia] _egir_-ia u-sze-bi-lam#-[ma]

i-na 4-e ger-ri-[ia] (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma# um-ma-na-te-ia# gap-szA-a-te ad-ke-ma a-na _kur_-É#-[(disz)ia]-kin7# a#-la-ku aq-bi ina me-ti-iq ger#-[ri]-ia# sza# (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ina _uru_-bi-it-tu-u-ti Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu szu-u hur-ba-szu ta-ha#-zi-ia _ugu_-szu im-qut-ma it-ru-ku# _sza_-szu ki-ma a-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar#-[szu]

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma# a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7# as,-s,a-bat har-ra#-nu szu-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza [ina a]-lak# ger-ri-ia mah-re-e _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-ku-nu-ma u-par-ri-ru el-lat-su ri-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti U ti#-ib ta-ha-zi-ia ez-zi e-dur-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-[szu i-na _ki-tusz_-szu-nu id-ke-ma] qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ [u-szar-kib-ma] a-na na-gi-ti-ra-aq-qi sza qa-bal tam-tim is,-s,u-risz ip-pa-risz _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu sza u-masz-szi-ru a-hi tam-tim a-di si-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-szu ul-tu# _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7

AI Translation

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, with ramps and crossbeams, battering rams, sapping, breaching, snares, archers, and archers. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and iii 20' I opened up the passageway to his city gate. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire his cities, which I had plundered, from his land and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza.

I sent a auxiliary force and his good men, who had come to support the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and who had gathered therewith 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of agate, thrones of ivory, ivory beds, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, together with his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers, to Nineveh, my capital city, and I counted them as booty.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. His battle array, his fear of battle, overwhelmed him and he fled alone like a bird. His city was not visible.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. This Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — he became frightened by the roar of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array, then he abandoned the gods of the full extent of his land in their abodes and took to the boats lit. "their" rafts. He fled to the district of the sea and captured his brothers, the seed of his father's house, which he had abandoned in the middle of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, from the land Bit-Yakin.


I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, iv 10 which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, iv 15 camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. iv 20 I set up blockades against him and made made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza,

and, after my departure, he Hezekiah had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, iv 5' 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, iv 10' as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me so that I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, iv 20' at the city Bittutu. As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons iv 30' and my fierce battle array, then dislodged the gods of the full extent of his land from their abodes, and loaded them onto boats. He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, v 1 which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Obverse Column v


szal-la-tisz am-nu [u-ter-ma] _uru#-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur [u-sze-me kar-mesz] _ugu en#_ sa-li-me-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki#_ na-mur-ra-tum at-bu-uk#

i-na ta-a-a-ar#-[ti]-ia# (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_ resz-tu-u [tar]-bit bir-ki-ia i-na# _gisz-gu-za_ be-[lu]-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _dagal_-tum _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

i-na szal-lat _kur-mesz#_ szA-ti-na sza Asz-lu-la 20 _lim gisz-pan-mesz# 15 lim gisz_-a-ri-tu i-na lib-bi-szu-nu# ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti#-ia u-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na#-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia# _lu-en-nam_-ia _un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal#-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u-za-'i#-iz

i-na u4-me-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-te sza ul#-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-u-me [es,-rat]-su es,#-ret-ma szu-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu [Asz-ru nak]-lu# szu-bat pi-risz-te szA mim-ma szum-szu [szi-pir ni-kil]-te# gi-mir pel-lu-de-e [ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar] szu#-ta-bu-lu4 qé-reb-szu#

[sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal_]-_mesz#_-ni a-li#-[kut] mah-ri [_ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u]-a# be-lu-tu _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e#-ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en_-[_lil_] a-a-um-ma ina lib-bi-szu-nu a-na szum-dul6 szu-bat _uru_ e-pesz _bad_ szu-te-szur su-qa-a-ni# U ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti# u-zu-un-szu ul ib-[szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil] ka-ras-su a-na# [É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu] kum#-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza# [s,u-uh]-hu-ru# [szu-bat]-su# e-pisz-tusz la nak#-lat-ma le#-es-su ul id-(da)-a lib-bu-usz

ul ih-su-us ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _gisz_-a-ra-me _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _kur_-hi-lak-ku _kur_-pi-lisz-te _u kur_-s,ur-ri szA a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti

il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz 80_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i za-mé-e É ziq-qur-rat 1 _me 34_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ ina tar-s,i na-ma-ri É (d)isz-tar 95 ina 1-_kusz dagal_ ina tar-s,i na-ma-ri É-kid-mu-ri sza _lugal#-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na# ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un [u-sze]-pi#-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA

_udu-mesz_ szad-di# (d)_lamma_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e [i-na _uru_-ta]-as-ti-a-te# sza e-ber-tan _id-idigna_ [ib-tu]-qu a-na mu-kil# _ka-mesz_-szi-in [a-na szu-pu]-usz _gisz-ma-mesz#_ qé-reb _gisz-tir-mesz_ [_gisz-mesz gal-mesz_ u-qé-ru] ina nap-har _kur_-szu-un [i-na _iti-gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e]-de-e pa-an szat-te [i-na _gisz-ma-mesz_] s,i#-ra-a-te [a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-szeb]-bi#-ru-ni mar-s,i-isz [i-na né-ber ka-a-ri _gisz-ma-gu_]-_la-mesz_ u-t,e-eb-bu-u ba-hu-la#-[te-szu-un u-szA-ni]-hu u-lam-me-nu ka-ras-si-in

u-szA-as,#-[bi-tu _ka-mesz_-szi-in] _id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u [szit-mu-ru] sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ t,e-eh É-_gal#_ i-ba-'u-u-ma ina _illu_-szA gap-[szi i-na usz-szi-szA] ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu# [tem-me-en-szA]

AI Translation

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

In the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 20,500 archers and 15,500 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp, my governor, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations were the foundations of all of the gods and goddesses, the eternal foundation, the eternal foundation, whose foundations had been fashioned from the foundations of the foundations to its crenellations and whose features were sublime, a rugged place, whose secrets were all kinds of tricks, whose secrets were firmly rooted in the lalgar tradition, and whose lordly majesty ruled over all of the cult centers, and whose lordly majesty was firmly established in Nineveh, the exalted cult center, and whose lordly majesty was firmly planted in the city.

As for the one who since time immemorial, before the time of the kings, my ancestors, exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, no one among them had ever considered the renovation of the site of the city, the rebuilding of the wall, the clearing of the canals, or the clearing of the canal, nor had he commissioned its demolition to the palace inside it, the seat of lordship, whose site had become too small and whose construction had become too small, nor had he considered its renovation,

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, iii 5' decided to do this work by the will of the gods and then I made my mind think about it. I took the people of Chaldea, Arame, Mannea, Que, Hilakku, Pilishite, and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, and I made them carry baskets of earth.

As for the former palace, which was 360 cubits long and 80 cubits wide opposite the zamû-wall of the ziqqurrat, 134 cubits wide opposite the halo of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 95 cubits wide opposite the halo of the Ekishmuru, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

In the city Tastiate, which is on the opposite bank of the Tigris River, they cut down large ships to be their palatial halls. In order to build them, they sank large boats inside thick forests. In the month Ayyaru II, the day before this, they brought the big boats into their respective lands. They sank large boats at the crossing of the river and thereby enlarged their boats. They deposited their clay cones and deposited their clay cones in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood that had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:


Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

From the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 20,000 archers and 15,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty v 15 like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar v 20 in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; v 25 a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me v 30 exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil; but not one among them had conceived of and put his mind towards increasing the site of the city, building walls, straightening the streets, or dredging the river and planting orchards; nor had any of them paid heed to or shown v 35 interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small and whose construction was inexpert:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, and Philistia, v 45 and the land of the city Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long, 80 cubits wide opposite the zamû-wall of the ziggurrat, v 50 134 cubits wide opposite the tower of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 95 cubits wide opposite the tower of the Bit-Kidmuri; which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried mountain sheep colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate, which is across the Tigris River, to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. Throughout their entire land they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. v 60 In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews struggle and strain. v 65 With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

Obverse Column vi


É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir#-ti-szA# [aq-qur-ma] sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak#-szA usz-te-esz#-[na-a] ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir mu#-[s,u-szA]

qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan#-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza_ ul-tu# [ma-a-me] u-sze-lam#-[ma na-ba-lisz u]-ter# 2 _me 88#_ ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ qaq-qa-ru _ugu_ me-szi-ih-ti tam-le-e mah-re-e lu u-rad-di-ma nap-har 7 _me_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz 1 me 76_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta im-si-sa 2 me 68_ ina# [_as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_] _murub4_-tim mé-eh-ret [za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal] (d)#isz-tar 4 _me 43_ ina [_as4-lum_] _gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-tim#

Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia# szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia# szul-lu-me# i-na u4-mi-szu-ma [(d)asz]-szur# u (d)isz-tar sza _na4_-pi-i-li [pe-s,e-e] ina _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a u-szap-tu#-[u-ni pa]-ni#-szu _udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma#_-[_mesz_ dan-nu-ti] _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _u na4#_-[_kun4-mesz gal_]-_mesz#_ ina _ka-mesz_ É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-ia ina qer-bi-szu ab#-[tu]-uq#

la-ba-risz u4-mi i-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti# tem-me-en tam-le-e la e-né-sze _na4#_-pi-i-li rab-bu-ti ki#-su-u-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u#-dan-nin szu-pu-uk-szu

_mu#-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia [1 _me 60_(?) ti]-ib#-ki tam-li-i qé-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap#-la-a-nu# [ina usz-szi-szu e]-zib ah#-ra-tasz

ar-ka-a-nu szu#-[usz-qu-u tam]-li#-i ka-bat-ti ub-[lam-ma] 30# [ti]-ib-ki s,e-er mah-re-e# [us,-s,ip]-ma 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki u#-[szaq-qi e-la]-nisz tar-pa-szu-u _ugu_ [sza u4-me pa-ni u]-szar-bi# s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti É-[_gal_ mah-ri-ti] u-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la# [szi-kit-tasz]

É-_gal na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4#_-[_gisz-nu11-gal_] _zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug#_ [_gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni] _gisz-eren gisz-szur#_-[_min szim-li u gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku] é-gal-zag-di#-[nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia]

u-sze-pi-szA# [qé-reb-szu _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_] sza [i-ri-su-un t,a-a-bu bi-nu-ut] _kur_-[ha-ma-nim tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra] _kur_-[_mesz ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin] _gisz_-[_ig-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li_] s,i-[ra-a-ti me-sér _ki-sag_ eb-bi _urudu_ nam-ri] u-[rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin] sik-kat# [kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_] qé-[reb-szi-in u-szal-me i-na a-gur-ri] _na4-zu#_ [_na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma si-il-lu] né-bé-hi# [U gi-mir pa-as-qi-szi-in]

É ap-pa#-[a-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti] sza i-na# [li-szA-a-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_] É hi-la#-[a-ni i-szA-as-su-szu a-na mul-ta-'u-ti] be-lu-ti-ia# [u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szi-in]

12 _ur-mah_-[_mesz urudu_ nam-ri zi-i-me] da-ah-ru#-[ti pe-tan bir-ki szu-ta-tu-ti] sza ina szi-pir (d)[nin-A-gal nak-lisz pat-qu-ma] ma-lu-u nam#-[ri-ir]-ri# [_u 2 gisz_-tim-me] szu-ta-hu-ti pi#-[ti-iq _zabar_ szu-bu]-'u# a-di 4 _gisz_-tim-[me _gisz-eren_] _gal-mesz# ugu_ pirig-gal-le#-[e u]-kin-ma# dAp-pi ku-[lul _ka-mesz_-szi-in] e-mid#

[10 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u-ru-de]-e nam(?)-ri(?)# za-ha-lu#-[u eb-bu u-szal]-bisz-ma# _u 10 ab-za-za#_-[a-ti _na4_]-_gisz-nu11-gal# 12 ab-za-za_-a-[ti pi-ti-iq] _gu-an-na# 2 gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi_ s,i#-[ru-ti sza ih-zu-szu-nu pa-szal-lum] _u gisz_-tim-me _gisz_-[_eren gisz-szur-min gisz_-dup-ra-ni] ih-ze-et esz#-[mA-re-e _u zabar_] s,e-ru-usz-szin# [ul-ziz-ma] sza É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-[ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szi-in]

_u 12 udu-mesz_ szad-di# [(d)_lamma_ pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e nam-ri] [sza] gat#-tu [szur-ru-hu szuk-lu-lu mi-na-a-ti]

AI Translation

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, fixed its foundations, and made its foundations stronger.

In its outer courtyard, I surrounded its perimeter with reeds, a strong mountain stone, and then I raised the area from the sea and made it larger. I added 288 cubits of ground to the former terrace and thus I surrounded it with a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits, 176 large aslu-cubits, the upper width, and 268 large aslu-cubits, the middle width, in front of the zamû-tree, 443 large aslu-cubits, the lower width, and thereby secured its brickwork.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar revealed to me the presence of white limestone in the city Balataya. I erected strong bull colossi, sphinxes, and large sphinxes in the gates of my lordly palace inside it.

In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I had large limestone slabs poured over its base and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick inside it and I deposited them on its foundations.

I then made the terrace luxuriant and had 30 courses of brick built on top of the former terrace, then I raised it to 190 courses of brick. I made it larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus, which is on the border of Mount Sirara, a rugged mountain. I fastened bands of shining copper on doors of cedar and cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in their gates. I clad them with bright copper knobbed nails and I installed them in their gates. I fastened bands of silver and copper on baked bricks and I fastened bands of silver and thereby secured their entryways and all their gates.

I had a window-sconce, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called "The Palace of Happiness," constructed inside them for my lordly pleasure.

Twelve shining lions of copper, whose faces are bright, whose faces are bright, whose bodies are bright, whose bodies are cast by the craft of the god Ninagal, and whose faces are covered with a halo of radiance, and two towers of bronze, clad with shiny zabar, together with four large beams of cedar, I fastened bands of silver on their doors and I installed them in their gates.

I clad the palatial halls with ten apsûtu-chambers cast with shining urudû-metal and brightly decorated them with ten apsûtu-chambers of alabaster and twelve apsûtu-chambers cast with cast ...-metal. I erected two magnificent ebony columns whose base was covered with pahallu-gold and apsûtu-chambers of cedar, cypress, and dapranu-wood with eshmarû-metal and bronze on them and I deposited them in my lordly palatial halls.

Moreover, twelve shaved sheep, the protective deity, the one who carries out the urudû-rites, the one who is clad in shining urudû-garments, and who is clad in fullness of sarcophagus,


I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, repaired the effects of the erosion, and directed its outflow.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together, with bitumen, reeds below and strong mountain stone above, then I raised that area out of the water and converted it to dry land. I added to the dimensions of the former terrace a plot of land that was 288 cubits wide. vi 10 In total, I filled in and measured a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 176 large aslu-cubits along its upper, northern shorter side, 268 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, which is opposite the zamû-wall of the shrine behind the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 443 large aslu-cubits along vi 15 the other, parallel, inner shorter side, which is on the west behind the ziggurrat of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 386 large aslu-cubits along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar revealed to me the presence of white limestone in the city Balataya. vi 25 Therein, I quarried mighty mountain sheep colossi, sphinxes, and large stone slabs for the gates of my lordly palace.

In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, vi 30 I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick within the terrace and I deposited them deep down in its foundation for ever after.

Afterwards, I decided to increase the height of the terrace, then I added 30 courses of brick to the former terrace and thus I raised it to a height of 190 courses of brick. I made the area larger than before, vi 40 added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, vi 45 a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and the yield of Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of shining silver and bright copper on vi 50 magnificent doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in their gates. I decorated them the doors with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of the copings with baked bricks vi 55 glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

For my lordly pleasure, I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called bit-hilani in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them.

Twelve striding lions of shining copper and fierce demeanor, which were standing opposite one another, which were skillfully cast through the craftsmanship of the god Ninagal, and which were filled with radiance — upon those lion colossi I installed two identical columns that were cast from bronze, together with four large cedar columns, and I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I covered ten sphinxes of cast bright urudû-copper with shining zahalû-silver and over them, over ten sphinxes of alabaster, and over twelve sphinxes of cast ...-metal I erected two magnificent ebony columns, whose inlays are pashallu-gold, and columns of cedar, cypress, and dapranu-juniper vi 75 with eshmarû-silver and bronze inlays, and I positioned the architraves of my lordly palatial halls on those columns.

Moreover, I made twelve mountain sheep colossi of cast bright urudû-copper, which are splendid in form and perfect in shape, vii 1 two mountain sheep colossi of alabaster, and seventy-two mountain sheep colossi and sphinxes of white limestone suitable for holding the door bolts for leaving and entering.

Obverse Column vii


_na4-kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ [_na4-gisz-nu11-gal_] _u kun4-mesz na4#_-pi-i-li# [_gal-mesz_] da-Ad-me na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti# [_szu-ii_]-ia# qé-reb-szi-in es-si-ha a-sur-ru-szi-in u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

_nina#-ki_ sza ul-tu u4-mu pa-ni [9] _lim# 3 me_ i-na 1-_kusz#_ szu-bat# li-me-ti-szu _bad u bad#_-[_szul_]-_hi_ ul# u-sze-pi-szu [a]-li-kut [mah]-ri# ma-al-ki 12(?) _lim# 5 me 15_ [a-szar] ta-mir-ti li-mit _uru_ s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti# mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma# 21# _lim 8#_ [_me 15_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti u-kin min-da-tusz]

sza# _bad_-szu [_gal_-i bad-ni-gal-bi-lu2-kur-ra-szu-szu] du-u-ru [sza nam-ri-ru-szu na-ki-ri sah-pu] s,e-er pi-i-[li tem-me-en-szu ad-di-ma 40 _sig4_ u-kab-bir] i-na 1 _me 80_ [ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu]

a-na er-bet-[ti szA-a-ri 14 _ka-gal-mesz_] pa-nu# U ar#-[ka i-na s,i-li ki-lal-la-an] a-na e-[re-bi U a-s,e-e] u-szap-[ta-a qé-reb-szu]

(d)szar2-ur4# [mu-szam-qit a-a-bi _lugal_] _ka-gal#_ [ha-an-du-u-ri] lil#-[bur ÉNSI (d)asz-szur]

_ka#_-[_gal_ (d)szA-masz sza _kur_-ga-a-gal] (d)isz#-[tar za-nin-ki kur-bi] _ka#_-[_gal_ (d)_nin-lil_ sza _uru_-kar-(d)_nin-lil_] mu-sze#-[s,a-at _uzu azag ka-gal_ musz-la-lum] du#-[muq Asz-na-an U (d)lahar qé-reb-szA] ka#-[a-a-an _ka-gal uru_-szi-ba-ni-bi] [ba-bi]-lat hi-s,ib hur-szA-a-ni _ka-gal kur_-ha-lAh-hi# _szu-nigin 8 ka-gal-mesz_ (d)_utu-e_ mé-eh-ret _im_-szu-u-ti _u im_-szA-de-e az-ku-ra ni-bit-si-in

(d)#_iszkur_ szA-ri-ik HÉ-_gal_ a-na _kur ka-gal#_ (d)_iszkur_ sza am-ba-si [(d)]er-ra mu-szam-qit a-a-bi _ka-gal#_ (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i [(d)_igi_]-_sig7#-sig7_ mu-szam-me-eh s,ip-pa-a-ti _ka-gal gisz-kiri6-mesz# szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz_ sza mé-eh-ret _im_-il-ta-a-ni at#-ta-bi zi-kir-szi-in

(d)é#-a mu-sze-szir kUp-pi-ia _ka-gal_ ma-as-qé-e mu-sze-ri-bat# mi-szir-ti da-Ad-me _ka-gal_ ka-a-ri pa-qi-da-at ka-la-ma _ka-gal_ É#-_gal_ ma-szar-ti _szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz_ sza mé-eh#-ret _im_-a-mur-ri at-tas-qa-ra# szu-me-szin

szA szal-hi-i bad#-nig-érim#-hu-luh-ha mu-gal-lit za-ma#-a-ni usz-sze-szu ap-ti#-ma 45 _ninda_ u-szap#-pil-ma u-szA-ak-szid _a-mesz_ nag-bi qé-reb ma-a-me szap-la#-a-nu _na4 kur_-i dan-ni# ak-si-ma e-la#-nisz a-di pa#-As-qi-szu i-na# _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_

u-nak-kil szi#-pir-szu# sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu#-bat-su [usz]-rab#-bi re-ba#-[te-szu] [u-szA]-an-dil#-ma [u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-mi]

AI Translation

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia, alabaster, and large limestone slabs, which were used as base for my steles. I surrounded their lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

Nineveh, whose site had not been built since the days of the past, 9,300 cubits in its entirety, and which had neither wall nor wall-clad walls had been built — I added 12,515 cubits in the plain, the height of the city, above the previous measurement, and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which is the wall of its radiance, upon the pili and I raised its superstructure to 40 bricks. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fourteen gates opened up in front and behind it, on the terrace, for entering and leaving.

Sharur, the one who defeats enemies, king of the gate of Handuri, may he release, vice-regent of the god Ashur.

The Shamash Gate of the land Gagal, the goddess Ishtar, the one who provides for the mountain, the Mullissu Gate of the city Kar-Mullissu, the one who provides cooked meat, the Mushlalum Gate, the one that provides plenty of space for the Assyrian and the Lahar rituals inside it, the main gate of the city Shibanibi, the one that provides for the people of the highlands, and the gate of the land Halahhu: I surrounded and conquered eight gates facing the east, in front of the horizon and the sea.

The god Adad, the one who brings abundance to the land; the Adad Gate, which leads to the city Ambush; the god Erra, the one who defeats enemies; the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu; the god Igigisig, the one who overwhelms the orchards; the Gate of the Gardens: total 3 gates facing towards the north. I erected their names.

The Ea god who provides for my kuppû-offerings, the Masqû Gate, the one who brings the habitations into existence, the Gate of the Gate of the Quarter, the one who oversees all of the habitations, and the Gate of the Palace of the Review: In total, I surveyed three gates facing towards the north.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigirimhuluha, which means "Fortress of the Zamaneans," then I raised it 45 nindanu and made it reach the water table. I cut down strong mountain stone in the water below and above I raised it as high as a mountain with large limestone blocks.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day.


I engraved on slabs of breccia and alabaster, and on large limestone slabs images of the enemy settlements that I had conquered. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

Nineveh, the site of whose circumference had been 9,300 cubits since former times and for which no earlier ruler had had an inner or outer wall built — I added 12,515 cubits in the plain around the city to its previous measurement and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which means "Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies," upon limestone and made it 40 bricks thick. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fourteen gates opened up in it in four directions, in front and behind, and along both sides, for entering and leaving.

"The God Sharur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy": this is the Handuru Gate. "May the Vice-Regent of the God Ashur Endure":

this is the Shamash Gate, which leads to the land Gagal. "O Ishtar Bless the One Who Provides for You!": this is the Mullissu Gate, which leads to the city Kar-Mullissi. "The One Who Exorcises the 'Flesh' of the Asakku-demon": this is the Step Gate. vii 5' "The Choicest of Grain and Flocks Are Constantly Inside It": this is the gate that leads to the city Shibaniba. "The Bearer of the Produce of the Mountains": this is the gate that leads to the land Halahhu. In total, eight gates facing the rising sun, towards the south and east, vii 10' and I gave them these names.

"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land": this is the Adad Gate, which leads to the game preserve. "The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down Enemies": this is the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu. vii 15' "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish": this is the Gate of the Gardens. In total, three gates facing towards the north and I gave them these names.

"The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Directs Water Flow into My Cisterns": this is the Mashqû Gate. vii 20' "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements": this is the Quay Gate. "The One Who Regulates Everything": this is the Armory Gate. In total, three gates facing towards the west and I gave them these names.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigerimhuluha, which means "Terrorizer of Enemies," then I dug down forty-five nindanu and made it reach the water table. I bound together strong mountain stone in the water below and above I expertly carried out its construction with large limestone blocks up to its copings.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day.

Obverse Column viii


a-na me-ti-iq# _gisz-gigir_ be-lu-ti-ia u-sze-pisz# [ti-tur-ru]

[i-te]-e _uru 1 gisz-kiri6-mah_-hi 1 _gisz-kiri6_ am-ba-si# kul-lat _szim-hi-a kur_-hat-ti mut-hum-mu ma-ti#-[tan] _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-[di] u-har-ri-szA qé-reb-szu-un# e-le-en _uru edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti# _gisz-gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun u gisz_-se-er-di#

az-qup s,e-ru-usz-szA Asz-szu szur-pu-szu s,ip-pa-a-ti# _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru# nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina#-ki_ pil-ku# u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un a-na mit,-ra#-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul#-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri [a-di] [ta]-mir#-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu [i-na ak]-kul-la#-te _an-bar_ [u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_]-har#-ru [1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu]-su#-ur [ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar]-da#-a [...] x

[...] x [...] [...] _szah-mesz gisz_-[_gi_] [a-lap qi-szi u-rap]-pi-szu ta-[lit-tu]

_gisz-mes-ma-kan#_-[_na_] _gisz#-szur-min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti# _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu e-pu-usz

ul-tu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-qat-tu-u (d)asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ina qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra-a-a _i-gisz gisz_-sér-di U hi-bi-isz-ti sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti u-raq-qa-a a-na ru-usz-ti i-na tasz-ri-it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-ti _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szu-un _gesztin_ du-usz-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szu-un am-kir

a-na Ar-kat u4-me ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u

[_iti_-x (x x) _ud_-x]+8-_kam_(*) [li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_bad_]-u-s,ur [_lu-gar-kur uru_-tam]-nun-na

[_iti_-x (x x)] _ud-23-kam_ [li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_]-_bad#_-u-s,ur [_lu-gar-kur_] _uru#_-[tam]-nun#-na

_iti-bara ud-27-kam_ li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_bad_-_pap lu#-gar-kur uru_-tam-nun-na

_iti-szu ud-12-kam_ li#-[mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_bad_-_pap_] [_lu-gar-kur uru_-tam-nun-na]

[...] [...]

AI Translation

I had a titurru-festival in the course of my lordly chariot built.

I planted inside them vineyards, orchards, and orchards, all kinds of aromatic plants from the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, the totality of the lands Hatti Syria-Palestine, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. I planted inside them vineyards, all kinds of fruit trees and cedar trees, grapevines, and juniper trees.

To make the cultivation of the fields and meadows more abundant than those of the city, I organized a plough for the citizens of Nineveh and I brought it before them. I made iron fetters and thereby enlarged the area stretching from the border of the city Kisiri to the meadow of Nineveh. I made a canal flow through it a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it a permanent place for a canal. .

... ... ... ... I slew pigs of reeds and smashed their tails.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I mixed together oil, date palms, and aromatics from the orchards of the high steppe. iii 20' I made their libations shine like daylight. I adorned the walls of the palace with the faces of the subjects of my land and poured out their pure wine.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Month ..., x+8th day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnuna 645.

Month ..., 23rd day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunna 645.

Month Nisan I, twenty-seventh day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnuna 645.

Du'uzu IV, the twelfth day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunna 645.


I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate with paving stones of white limestone for the passage of my lordly chariot.

Beside the city, in a botanical garden one panu in size and a garden one panu in size for a game preserve, I gathered every type of aromatic tree of the land Hatti, fruit trees of all lands, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. Upstream of the city, on newly tilled soil, I planted vines, every type of fruit tree, and olive trees.

For the expansion of orchards, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them. To make those planted areas luxuriant, viii 15' I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River ... ...

... ... ... Wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, viii 10'' I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. viii 15'' I made fine oil from olives and aromatics from the orchards planted on newly tilled soil. At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, viii 25'' anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

The month ..., the ...-eighth day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunu 697.

The month ..., the twenty-third day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunu 697.

Nisannu I, the twenty-seventh day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunu 697.

Du'uzu IV, the twelfth day, eponymy of Nabû-duru-ushur, governor of the city Tamnunu 697.

... ... ... ....

Q003490: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)(d)]_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal# gal_-u# _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal#_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal#_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim _re#_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu mi#-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [na]-s,ir# kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e#-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal mal-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-ti sza szUl-mu (d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i#-it (d)_utu_-[szi] gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-[nisz sze-pu-u-a] U mal-ki szep-s,u-ti e-du-ru# [ta-ha-zi] da-Ad-me-szu-un e-zi#-[bu-ma] ki-ma su-tin-ni ni-gi-[is,-s,i] e-disz ip-par-szu a-szar la 'a#-[a-ri]

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri#-[ia] sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila#_-[_sum-na_] _lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun#-[ia-asz] a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki#_ [re-s,i-szu] i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki_ [Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu] i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri [szu-a-tu] e-zib _karasz_-su e-[disz ip-par-szid-ma] na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze#_-[_kur-ra-mesz_] _gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze_-[_kunga-mesz_] sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-[ha-zi] u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu#-ii_-a-a#

a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap#-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu# _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni-bi [ka-bit-tu] _gun munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu#_-[_tirum_]-_mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu_-[_nar-mesz_] _munus-nar-mesz_ si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma#-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz u-sze-s,a-[am-ma] szal#-la-tisz am-nu

i-na e#-[muq (d)]asz-szur# _en_-ia 75 _uru-mesz_-szu# dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-kal-di _u# 4 me 20 uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ [sza] li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la#-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu#_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki# nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-[sag-kalam]-ma# _gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ [a-di _dumu-mesz_] _uru# en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

[i-na ta]-a#-a-ar-ti-ia [_lu_-tu-u']-mu#-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu [_lu_-ia-daq]-qu _lu_-u-bu-du [_lu_-gib-re]-e _lu_-ma-la#-hu [_lu_-gu-ru]-mu _lu_-u-bu-lu [_lu_-da-mu]-nu# _lu_-gam-bu-lu [_lu_-hi-in]-da#-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu-ti mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud) 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur

ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made the rulers of the four quarters of the world fear the battle of their settlements and they flew away alone like birds to a place not befitting him.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I captured alive the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I felled with the sword the people of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, i 5 capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, i 10 and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea i 20 of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me. While they were abandoning their settlements, i 25 they flew away alone like bats living in crevices to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, i 30 together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. i 35 I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then i 40 I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, i 45 male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans i 55 who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, i 65 Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty i 70 consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and ii 1 placed them around the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

Obverse Column ii


i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-ti u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-disz-pi _uru_-É-[(disz)]ku#-[bat-ti] _uru-mesz_-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_-ni dan-nu#-[ti al-me _kur_-ud] _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [_ansze-kunga-mesz_] _ansze-mesz gu4#-mesz u us5#_-[_udu-hi-a_] ul-tu [qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma] szal-la-[tisz am-nu _u uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur-mesz_] sza ni#-[ba la i]-szu-u# [ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me] kar#-mesz [É _edin_ kul-ta-ri mu]-szA-bi-szu#-nu [i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz u]-sze-me

[u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu]-a-tu# [a-na _uru_-bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me] pa-ni# [_bad-mesz_-szu u-dan]-nin-ma# [_un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_]-ia# i-na _sza_ u#-sze-szib [_un-mesz kur_] _lu#_-kasz-szi-i# [_u kur lu_-ia]-su-bi-gal-la-a-a# [sza la-pa-an] _gisz#-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szid-du# ul-tu# qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti u-szar-me i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu-nu-ti _na4-na-ru-a_ u-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tum

i-na qer-bi _uru_ ul-ziz pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ a-na la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-u-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har am-nu-u-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia

AI Translation

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the palatial halls, their abodes, and turned them into mounds.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah to be a fortress. I strengthened its walls more than before and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made and engraved it with my name.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara's land down to ashes and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon.


On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, ii 10 my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, ii 20 which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians ii 30 who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. ii 35 I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and ii 40 took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. ii 45 I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, ii 55 fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. ii 65 I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance iii 1 overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, iii 5 Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, iii 10 resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

Obverse Column iii


(disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

sza (disz)mi-in-hi-im-mu _uru_-sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu _uru_-s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti _uru_-a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u-ru-mil-ki _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _uru_-as#-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir kur_-É-(disz)am-ma#-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su#-na-ad-bi _kur_-ma-'a#-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram#-mu _kur_-u-du#-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ ka#-li-szu-un _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta#-szu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4-szu a-na mah#-ri-ia isz#-szu-nim-ma

isz#-szi-qu _gir-ii#_-ia U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a [_lugal uru_-is-qa]-al#-lu-na sza la ik#-nu-szu [a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir_]-_mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu# [_dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu] as-su-ha-am-ma# [a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rasz-szu]

(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-a-ri# [_dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu] mah-ru#-[u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na] Asz-kun-ma na-[dan] _gun#_ [kad]-re-e# be-lu-ti#-[ia] e-mid-su-ma i-szA-a-t,a ab-szA-[a-ni]

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri#-[ia] _uru_-É-da-gan-na _uru_-ia-ap-pu-u _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik#-nu-szu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu# _en_ a-de-e U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_] bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na [(disz)ha-za-qi-a-u] _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-[di-nu-szu nak-risz] a-na an-zil-li i-pu-szu [ip-lah _sza_-szu-un] _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_-mu-us,-ri# [_lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan_] _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza# [_lugal kur_-me-luh-hi] e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik#-[te-ru-nim-ma] il-li-ku re-s,u-[us-su-un]

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-[al-ta-qu-u] el-la-mu-u-a si-id#-[ru szit-ku-nu] u-szA-'a-lu _gisz_-[_tukul-mesz_-szu-un] i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en#_-[ia] it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5_-[_bad5_-szu-un] _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u_ [_dumu-mesz lugal_] _kur_-mu-s,u-ra-a-a# a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza [_lugal_] _kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma i-na di-ma-a-te si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la ib-szu-u

usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu u-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

U (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni _u uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qit-ru-ub szu-pe-e

AI Translation

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, to me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. Moreover, I counted the rest of them as booty, without committing any crime or wrongdoing.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up.


I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, iii 20 Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house iii 30 and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, iii 45 they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. iii 55 In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; iii 65 I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, iv 1 the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

Obverse Column iv


szA-a#-[szu _gim muszen_] qu-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma [_uru lugal_]-ti#-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu#_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka-gal uru_-szu u-ter-ra (ik)-ki-bu-usz _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal uru_-as-du-di (disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na U (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal uru_-ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-tu kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu-un

szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu_-ur-bi _u lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal#_-[ti-szu] u-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u [til-la-a-te] it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi_ [8 _me gun ku_]-_babbar_ ni-si#-iq-ti gu-uh-li [tAk-kas-si] _na4-an#-za-gul-me gal-mesz_ [_gisz-na-mesz zu_] _gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug_ mim-ma szum-szu# ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu _u# dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal#_-szu

[i]-na 4#-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma um-ma-na-te-ia gap-szA-a-te ad-ke-e-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 a-la-ku aq-bi ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me i-na _uru_-bi#-it-tu-u-tu Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu# szu-u hur-ba-szu ta-ha-zi-ia# _ugu_-szu im-qut-ma it-ru-ku _sza_-szu# ki-ma az-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma# [ul] in-na-mir a-szar-szu

[pa]-an ni-ri-ia# u-ter-ma [a-na] _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 as,#-s,a-bat har-ra-nu [szu]-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila#_-_sum-na_ sza ina a-lak _kaskal_-ia# mah-re-e [_bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-ku-nu-ma u-par-ri]-ru# el-lat-su [ri-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan]-nu-ti [U ti-ib ta-ha-zi]-ia# ez-zi [e-dur-ma a-na _uru_-na-gi-ti]-ra-aq#-qi [sza qa-bal tam-tim is,-s,u-risz ip]-pa-risz _szesz-mesz#_-[szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu] sza u-masz-szi-ru a-hi tam-tim a-di si-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-szu ul-tu _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me

u-ter-ma _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ na-mur-ra-tum at-bu-uk

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_ resz-tu-u tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _dagal_-tum _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

i-na 5 ger-ri-ia ba-hu-la-te _uru_-tu-mur-ri _uru_-szA-ri-im _uru_-e-za-ma _uru_-kip-szu _uru_-hal-bu-da _uru_-qu-u-a _uru_-qa-na sza _gim_ qin-ni _ti8-muszen_ a-szA-red _muszen-hi-a_ s,e-er zuq-ti _kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-su-un szit-ku-na-at-ma la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-ri i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma

it-ti _lu_-qur-bu-te _gir-ii_-ia na-as-qu-ti _u lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia la ga-me-lu-ti a-na-ku _gim am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz-szu-un as,-bat hur-ri na-hal-li na-at-ba-ki _kur_-i me-le-e mar-s,u-ti

AI Translation

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and I made his land smaller. I added to the previous tribute, their annual giving, and imposed it upon them.

He, Hezekiah, became frightened by the brilliance of my lordly brilliance and then, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed his auxiliary forces and his elite troops, who had come to the aid of the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and thereby accumulated their booty. With 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, together with his daughters, his palace women,

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. His battle array, his fearsomeness, overwhelmed him and he fled alone like a fox. His city was not visible.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had brought about his defeat during a previous campaign of mine and had scattered his forces, became frightened by the utterance of my mighty weapons and the fierce assault of my battle array and fled to the city Nagiti-raqqi, which is in the middle of the sea. He split up his brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had fled to the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, from the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps.

I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son who had engendered me, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharim, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

With my fierce bodyguard and my merciless battle troops, I fought with them like a fierce wild bull. I surrounded the high mountains, the ravines, and the rugged mountains with a single pass.


As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and iv 15 I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops iv 25 whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., iv 30 ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me iv 40 so that I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. iv 45 As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — iv 55 became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array. He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, iv 60 out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, iv 75 on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my select bodyguard and my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. v 1 I proceeded through the gorges of the streams, the outflows of the mountains, and rugged slopes in my chair. Where it was too difficult for my chair, I leapt forward on my own two feet like a mountain goat. I ascended the highest peaks against them. v 5 Where my knees became tired, I sat down upon the mountain rock and drank cold water from a water skin to quench my thirst.

Obverse Column v


i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-szA-a-ni ar-de-szu-nu-ti-ma Asz-ta-kan tah-ta-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un ap-pu-ul aq-qur

i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal uru_-uk-ki szad-da-a-a-e la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi la pe-tu-ti t,u-di pa-Asz-qu-ti sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_-((ia)) mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu-u-a# qé-reb-szu-un ma-am-man la il-li-ku _lugal-mesz_ pa-ni mah-ru-ti i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra _u kur_-up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _karasz_-_mu_ u-szA-Asz-kin-ma ana-ku i-na# _gisz-gu-za_ né-me-di it-ti _lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia git-ma-lu-ti i-na ne-re-bi-szu-un pi-qu-ti szu#-nu-hi-isz

szu-u (disz)ma-ni-ia-e tur-bu-u'# _gir-ii erim-hi-a#_-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-uk#-[ku _uru_] _lugal_-ti-szu# [e-zib-ma] a-na ru-qé-e#-ti in-na-bit _uru_-uk-ku al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_-szu ul-tu qer-bi-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma [szal-la]-tisz am-nu

_u 33 uru-mesz_ sza pa-a-t,i [na-gi]-szu ak-szud(ud)-ma _un-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ [ul-tu qer-bi-szu]-un Asz-lu-la ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

i-na szal-lat _kur-mesz_ szA-ti-na sza Asz-lu-la 20 _lim gisz-pan 15 lim gisz_-a-ri-tu i-na lib-bi-szu-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di si-it-ti szal-lat na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia _u lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki#-ma s,e-e-ni lu u-za-'i-iz

i-na# [u4-me-szu]-ma# _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i#-[ru _uru_] na#-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har# [ki-du]-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz#_-[_tar-mesz_] ba#-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da#-[ru-u du]-ru-usz# s,a-a-te sza ul-tu ul-la# [it-ti] szi-t,ir bu-ru-u-[me] es,-rat-su es,-ret#-[ma szu-pu]-u# s,i-in-du#-[szu] Asz-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi#-[risz-te szA mim-ma szum-szu] szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-[mir pel-lu-de-e] ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar# [szu-ta-bu-lu4 qé-reb-szu]

sza ul-tu ul-la [_lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri] _ad-mesz_-ia ul#-[la-nu-u-a be-lu-tu _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e#-[ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en_]-_lil#_ a-a-um-ma ina lib-bi-szu-nu a-na# [szum-dul6 szu-bat] _uru_ e-pesz _bad_ szu-te-szur su#-[qa]-a-ni U ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip#-[pa]-a-ti u-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz#-ta-bil ka-ras-su a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su e-pisz-tusz la nak-lat-ma le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-me _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _kur_-hi-lak-ku _kur_-pi-lisz-ti _u uru_-s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_

É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz 80_ i-na 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i za-me-e É ziq-qur-rat 1 _me 34_ i-na 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i na-ma-ri É (d)isz-tar 95 i-na 1-_kusz dagal_ i-na tar-s,i na-ma-ri É-kid9-mu-ri sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA

_udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na _uru_-ta-as-ti-a-ti sza e-ber-tan _id-idigna_ ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka-mesz_-szi-in a-na szu-pu-usz _gisz-ma-mesz_ qé-reb _gisz-tir-mesz_

AI Translation

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. The difficult, difficult, and treacherous paths that had never crossed over my rugged mountains before my time, I had former kings of the past put their trust in the mighty mountains of the lands Anara and Uppa and I, on their mighty throne, together with my mighty battle troops, iv 10 placed in their path a shady place.

He, Maniye, saw the awe-inspiring brilliance of my troops and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasure of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

In the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 20,500 archers and 15,500 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations were the foundations of all of the gods and goddesses, and whose foundations had been laid since time immemorial, whose foundations had been laid with the writings of the firmament and whose foundations had been completely reconstructed; a sophisticated place, whose design was as perfect as the work of every craft, whose construction was as perfect as the secrets of the lalgar stone;

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised lordship over Assyria and had entrusted the subjects of the god Enlil to rebuild the city, build a wall, and irrigate the river, and plant orchards, and did not give them access to the palace inside it, the abode of lordship, whose site had become too small and whose heart had not been satisfied,

For me, Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and my heart prompted me. I brought about the defeat of the Chaldeans, Arameans, the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, and Pilishitu, and the city Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they fashioned bricks.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long and 80 cubits wide opposite the zamû-wall of the ziqqurrat, 134 cubits wide opposite the namiru-wall of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 95 cubits wide opposite the namiru-wall of the Bit-Kidmuri, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

I erected protective dragons of white limestone in the city Tastiate, which is on the opposite bank of the Tigris River, to be their palatial halls' entrances. I erected them inside the forest to make boats.


I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, v 10 plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku and an insubmissive mountain-dweller. v 15 Before my time, none of the former kings of the past had marched through the untrodden paths and difficult trails on account of the rugged mountains. I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, with my crack combat troops, v 20 entered their narrow passes with great difficulty and ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, saw the dust cloud stirred up by the feet of my troops, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and v 25 fled afar. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasures of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and v 30 carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. Then I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

From the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 20,000 archers and 15,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; v 45 the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, v 50 and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil; but not one among them had conceived of and put his mind towards increasing the site of the city, v 55 building walls, straightening the streets, or dredging the river and planting orchards; nor had any of them paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small and whose construction was inexpert:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, and Philistia, and the city Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The former palace, which was 360 cubits long, 80 cubits wide opposite the zamû-wall of the ziggurrat, 134 cubits wide opposite the tower of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, v 75 and 95 cubits wide opposite the tower of the Bit-Kidmuri; which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried mountain sheep colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate, which is across the Tigris River, to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. vi 1 Throughout their entire land they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. vi 5 They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews struggle and strain. With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

Obverse Column vi


_id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ t,e-eh É-_gal_ i-ba-'u-u-ma ina _illu_-szA gap-szi i-na usz-szi-szA ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA

É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur-ma sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u-sze-szir

mu-s,u-szA qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-nu it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma 3 _me 40_ ina 1-_kusz usz 2 me 88_ ina 1-_kusz sag-ki#_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-[reb _id_-hu-su-ur(?) u-sze-lam-ma] na-ba-lisz u-ter s,e-[er] me-szi-ih-ti# tam-le-e mah-re-e lu# [u-rad-di]-ma a-na 7 _me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz 1 me 76_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta im-si-sa 2 me 68_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-tum# mé-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal [(d)]isz#-tar

Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e [ina] _uru#_-ba-la-t,a-a-a [u-szap]-tu-u-ni pa-ni-szu [_udu-mesz_ szad]-di# (d)_lamma-mesz#_ dan-nu-ti [_munus-ab-za_]-_za_-a#-te _u na4-kun4-mesz gal-mesz_ [a-na] szip-ri É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-ia i-na qer-bi#-szu ab-tu-uq

la-ba-risz [u4-mi i]-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti tem-me-en tam-le#-e la e-né-sze _na4_-pi-i-li _gal#-mesz_ ki-su-u-szu u-szA-as#-[hi]-ra u-dan#-nin szu-pu-uk-szu

É-_gal_ [_na4-dur_]-_mi-na-ban-da# na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si# gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li u gisz_-e-[lam-ma-ku] é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab# _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szu

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min_ sza i-ri-su-un t,a-a-bu bi-nu-ut _kur_-ha-ma-nim tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur-mesz ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li_ s,i-ra-a-ti me-sér _ki-sag_ eb-bi _urudu_ nam-ri u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szi-in u-szal-me i-na a-gur-ri _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma si-il-lu né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-as-qi-szi-in

É ap-pa-a-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti sza i-na li-szA-a-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ É hi-la-a-ni i-szA-as-su-szu a-na mul-ta-'u-ti be-lu-ti-ia u-sze-pi-szA qé-reb-szi-in

12 _ur-mah-mesz urudu_ nam-ri zi-i-me da-ah-ru-ti pe-tan bir-ki szu-ta-tu-ti sza i-na szi-pir (d)nin-A-gal nak-lisz pat-qu-ma ma-lu-u nam-ri-ir-ri _u 2 gisz_-tim-me szu-ta-hu-ti pi-ti-iq _zabar_ szu-bu-'u a-di 4 _gisz_-tim-me _gisz-eren gal-mesz ugu_ pirig-gal-le-e u-kin-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szi-in e-mid

10 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e nam-ri za-ha-lu-u eb-bu u-szal-bisz-ma _u 10 munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal 12 munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na 2 gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi_ s,i-ru-ti sza ih-zu-szu-nu pa-szal-lum _u gisz_-tim-me _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min gisz_-dup-ra-ni ih-ze-et esz-mA-re-e

AI Translation

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, made it stronger, and made it more splendid.

I bonded together with bitumen a strong mountain stone above and below, and I brought out 340 cubits long and 288 cubits wide from the Husur River and made it gush through the ground. I added to the former dimensions of the terrace and thereby increased the area to 700 large cubits long. 176 large cubits long, the upper front, was 268 large cubits wide, the middle, opposite the zamû-tree.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had placed in his presence in the city Balataya a stele with white limestone, strong bull colossi, sphinxes, and large kunû-stones for the work on my lordly palace.

In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I had large limestone slabs poured over its base and thereby reinforced its base.

I had a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus, which is on the border of Mount Sirara, mighty mountains. I fastened bands of shining copper on doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in their gates. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with knobbed nails of silver and copper. I fastened bands of copper and copper on baked bricks and then I surrounded their entrances with ziggurrats, alleys, and all of their entrances.

I had a window-siding, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called "The Palace of the Rising Sun" and which is called "The Palace of the Rising Sun." I had it built inside them for my lordly pleasure.

I fastened on large columns of large cedar beams twelve shining lions, whose faces are bright, cast by the craft of the god Ninagal, and whose faces are bright — and I fastened two towers of bright bronze on those towers, together with four large columns, and I installed them in their gates.

I had ten sphinxes of bright urudû-copper with shiny zahalû-metal clad with shining zahalû-metal and ten sphinxes of alabaster and twelve sphinxes of cast ...-metal, two magnificent ebony columns whose designs are resplendent, and columns of cedar, cypress, and dapranu-juniper made from eshmarû-metal.


The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate vi 15 and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I changed the course of the Tebilti River, repaired the effects of the erosion, and directed its outflow.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together, with bitumen, reeds below and strong mountain stone above, then I raised a plot of land that was 340 cubits long and 288 cubits wide out of the Husur River and converted it to dry land. vi 25 I added it to the dimensions of the former terrace. I filled in a terrace of 700 large aslu-cubits along its longer side, 176 large aslu-cubits along its upper, northern shorter side, 268 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, which is opposite vi 30 the zamû-wall of the shrine behind the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 443 large aslu-cubits along the other, parallel, inner shorter side, which is on the west behind the ziggurrat of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 386 large aslu-cubits vi 35 along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River. I raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar revealed to me the presence of white limestone in the city Balataya. vi 45 Therein, I quarried mighty mountain sheep colossi, sphinxes, and large stone slabs for the construction of my lordly palace.

In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I had a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, vi 55 cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus vi 60 and the yield of Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of shining silver and bright copper on magnificent doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in their gates. vi 65 I decorated them the doors with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of the copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

For my lordly pleasure, I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, vi 70 which is called bit-hilani in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them.

Twelve striding lions of shining copper and fierce demeanor, which were standing opposite one another, which were skillfully cast through the craftsmanship of the god Ninagal, and which were filled with radiance — upon those lion colossi I installed two identical columns that were cast from bronze, vi 80 together with four large cedar columns, and I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I covered ten sphinxes of cast bright urudû-copper with shining zahalû-silver and over them, over ten sphinxes of alabaster, and over twelve sphinxes of cast ...-metal I erected two magnificent ebony columns, whose inlays are pashallu-gold, and columns of cedar, cypress, and dapranu-juniper with eshmarû-silver and bronze inlays, and I positioned the architraves of my lordly palatial halls on those columns.

Obverse Column vii


_u 12 udu-mesz_ szad#-di (d)_lamma_ pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e nam-ri sza gat-tu szur-ru-hu szuk-lu-lu mi-na-a-ti 2 _udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma na4-gisz-nu11-gal 1 usz 12 udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma u ab-za-za_-a-te _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e _si-gar_ a-s,e-e U né-re-bi as-mesz u-[szA]-as,-bit

_na4-kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na_-[_ban_]-_da# na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ da-Ad-me na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia qé-reb-szi-in# [es-si]-ha# a-sur-ru-szi-in u-szA-as-[hi-ra a-na] tab#-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil# _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir# _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gisz-mesz#_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di a-di is,#-s,u na-Asz szi-pa-a-ti qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

_nina-ki_ sza ul-tu u4-mu pa-ni 9 _lim 3 me_ i-na 1-_kusz_ szu-bat li-me-ti-szu _bad u bad-szul-hi_ ul u-sze-pi-szu a-li-kut mah-ri ma-al-ki 12 _lim 5 me 15_ a-szar ta-mir-ti li-mit _uru_ s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma 21 _lim 8 me 15_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti u-kin

min-da-tusz sza _bad_-szu _gal_-i bad-ni-gal-bi-- lu2-kur-ra-szu-szu du-u-ru sza nam-ri-ru-szu na-ki-ri sah-pu s,e-er _na4_-pi-i-li tem-me-en-szu ad-di-ma 40 _sig4_ u-kab-bir i-na 1 _me 80_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu

a-na er-bet-ti szA-a-ri 14 _ka-gal-mesz_ pa-nu U ar-ka i-na s,i-li ki-lal-la-an a-na e-re-bi U a-s,e-e u-szap-ta-a qé-reb-szu

(d)szar2-ur4 mu-szam-qit a-a-bi _lugal ka-gal_ ha-an-du-u-ri lil-bur ÉNSI (d)asz-szur _ka-gal_ (d)asz-szur sza _uru-sza-uru_ sa-pi-in gi-mir na-ki-ri _ka-gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba sza _kur_-hal-zi (d)_en-lil_ mu-kin _bala_-ia# _ka-gal_ (d)szA-masz sza _kur_-ga-a-gal (d)isz-tar za-nin-ki kur-bi _ka-gal_ (d)_nin-lil_ sza _uru_-kar-(d)_nin-lil_ mu-sze-s,a-at _uzu azag ka-gal_ musz-la-lum du-muq Asz-na-an U (d)lahar qé-reb-szA ka-a-a-an _ka-gal uru_-szi-ba-[ni]-bi# ba-bi-lat hi-s,ib hur-szA-a-ni _ka-gal#_ [_kur_-ha-lAh-hi]

(d)_iszkur_ szA-ri-ik HÉ-_gal_ a-na _kur ka-gal_ (d)_iszkur_ sza _kur_-am-ba-si (d)er-ra mu-szam-qit a-a-bi _ka-gal_ (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i (d)_igi-sig7-sig7_ mu-szam-me-eh s,ip-pa-a-te _ka-gal gisz-kiri6-mesz szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz#_ sza mé-eh-ret _im_-il-ta-a#-[ni] at-ta-bi zi-kir-szi-in#

(d)é-a mu-sze-szir kUp-pi-ia _ka-gal_ ma-as-qé-e mu-sze-ri-bat mi-szir-ti da-Ad-me _ka-gal_ ka-a-ri pa-qi-da-at ka-la-ma _ka-gal_ É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti _szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz_ sza mé-eh-ret _im_-a-mur-ri at-tas-qa-ra szu-me-szin

szA szal-hi-i bad-nig-érim-hu-luh-ha mu-gal-lit za-ma-a-ni usz-sze-szu ap-te-ma 45 _ninda_ u-szap-pil-ma u-szA-ak-szid _a-mesz_ nag-bi qé-reb ma-a-me szap-la-a-nu _na4 kur_-i dan-nu ak-si-ma e-la-nisz a-di pa-As-qi-szu ina _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_

u-nak-kil szi-pir-szu sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-te-szu u-szA-an-dil-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-mi _bad#_ szal-hu-u u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

Asz-szu mu-s,e-e _id_-hu-su-ur qé-reb _uru_ ma-lak _a-mesz_ e-lisz U szap-lisz i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra ki_-i-ri ma-szi-i ti-tur-ri ab-ta-ni szA-pal-szu

i-na mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru_

AI Translation

Moreover, I had twelve sheep, the length of a lamma, a cast piece of bright urudû-metal, whose features are splendid, perfect, and whose proportions are two sheep, the length of a lamma-metal, alabaster, and one hundred and twelve sheep, the width of a lamma-metal, and abzazatu-metal, white limestone, a door bolt, a door bolt, and a door bolt made.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia, alabaster, and large limestone slabs, which were used as base for my steles. I surrounded their lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, as well as trees that are planted alongside trees.

Nineveh, whose site had not been built since the days of the past, 9,300 cubits in its entirety, and which had no wall or outer wall built — I added 12,515 cubits in the plain to the former measurement of the city, which was above the previous measurement, and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbi-Anu, its enemy, a wall whose radiance is bright, upon limestone, and I raised its superstructure 40 bricks high. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fourteen gates opened up before and behind it, in a terrace, for entering and leaving.

The god Sharur, who destroys enemies, king of the gate of the dungu-demon, vice-regent of the god Ashur, gate of the god Ashur, which leads to the Inner City, who covers all enemies, gate of Sennacherib of the land Halzi, the god Enlil, who establishes my reign, gate of the god Shamash of the land Gagal, the goddess Ishtar, who provides for the mountain, gate of the goddess Mullissu of the city Kar-Mullissu, who provides meat for the azag offering, gate of the mushallum offering, the one who provides for the ashnû and lahar in its midst, gate of the city Shibanibi, who provides for the stricken mountain peaks, gate of the land Halahhu,

The god Adad, the one who brings abundance to the land; the Adad Gate of the land Ambassu; the god Erra, the one who defeats enemies; the Nergal Gate of the city Tarbishu; the god Igigisigsig, the one who overwhelms the orchards; the Gate of the Gardens: In all, three gates facing towards the east, I erected their names.

The Ea god who provides for my kuppû-offerings, the Masqû Gate, the one who brings the habitations into existence, the Gate of the Gate of the Quarter, the one who oversees all of the habitations, and the Gate of the Palace of the Review: In total, I surveyed three gates facing towards the north.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigérimhuluha, which means "Fortress of the Zamaneans," then I raised it 45 nindanu and made it reach the water table. I cut down strong mountain stone in the water below and above I surrounded its base with large limestone blocks, together with its parapets.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day. I had a wall made of bricks and raised them as high as mountains.

I built anew a canal through a tunnel in the city, a canal that was too small to allow flow of water, above and below, with baked bricks from a mountain range.

In front of the Citadel Gate.


Moreover, I made twelve mountain sheep colossi of cast bright urudû-copper, which are splendid in form and perfect in shape, two mountain sheep colossi of alabaster, and seventy-two mountain sheep colossi and sphinxes of white limestone suitable for holding the door bolts for leaving and entering.

I engraved on slabs of breccia and alabaster, and on large limestone slabs images of the enemy settlements that I had conquered. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with them and made them an object of wonder.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, together with cotton trees lit. "trees bearing wool", collected inside it.

Nineveh, the site of whose circumference had been 9,300 cubits since former times and for which no earlier ruler had had an inner or outer wall built — I added 12,515 cubits in the plain around the city to its previous measurement and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which means "Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies," upon limestone and made it 40 bricks thick. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fourteen gates opened up in it in four directions, in front and behind, and along both sides, for entering and leaving.

"The God Sharur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy": this is the Handuru Gate. vii 40 "May the Vice-Regent of the God Ashur Endure": this is the Ashur Gate, which leads to the Inner City Ashur. "The One Who Flattens All Enemies": this is the Sennacherib Gate, which leads to the land Halzi. "The God Enlil Is the One Who Makes My Reign Firm": vii 45 this is the Shamash Gate, which leads to the land Gagal. "O Ishtar Bless the One Who Provides for You!": this is the Mullissu Gate, which leads to the city Kar-Mullissi. "The One Who Exorcises the 'Flesh' of the Asakku-demon": this is the Step Gate. "The Choicest of Grain and Flocks vii 50 Are Constantly Inside It": this is the gate that leads to the city Shibaniba. "The Bearer of the Produce of the Mountains": this is the gate that leads to the land Halahhu. In total, eight gates facing the rising sun, towards the south and east, and I gave them these names.

"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land": this is the Adad Gate, which leads to the game preserve. "The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down Enemies": this is the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu. "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish": vii 60 this is the Gate of the Gardens. In total, three gates facing towards the north and I gave them these names.

"The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Directs Water Flow into My Cisterns": this is the Mashqû Gate. vii 65 "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements": this is the Quay Gate. "The One Who Regulates Everything": this is the Armory Gate. In total, three gates facing towards the west and I gave them these names.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigerimhuluha, which means "Terrorizer of Enemies," then I dug down forty-five nindanu and made it reach the water table. I bound together strong mountain stone in the water below and above I expertly carried out its construction with large limestone blocks up to its copings.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day. I had an inner and outer wall built and I raised them as high as mountains.

So that there would be outflow from the Husur River in the city and the passage of water upstream and downstream, I built aqueducts beneath it the city wall with baked bricks, ...

I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate with paving stones of white limestone for the passage of my lordly chariot.

Obverse Column viii


u-sze-pisz ti-tur-ru i-te-e _uru 1 gisz-kiri6-mah_-hi 1 _gisz-kiri6_ am-ba#-si kul-lat _szim-hi-a kur_-hat-ti mut-hum-mu ma(?)#-[ti-tan] _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di u-har-ri-szA qé-reb-szu-un e-le-en _uru edin_ szA-ab-bur#-[ti] _gisz-gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun u gisz_-se-er#-[di] az-qu-up s,e-ru-usz-[szA]

Asz-szu szur-pu-szu s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _uru nigidamin-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a U bi-ru-tu i-na ak-kul-la-te _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma# u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u-szah#-bi-ba pat-ti-isz

i-na qar-ba-a#-te _nina-ki_ s,i-ra-a-ti 5 _me sze-numun#_-[_mesz_] ma#-a-me u-szA-an-ki-ra s,e-er x [x] (x) x U szi-ir-'i szA-qisz [u-szah]-ni-ba (d)nisaba u Asz-na-an

a-na szup-szu-uh a#-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz_ [a]-gam#-mu u-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u u#-szA-as-ti-il _igira-muszen-mesz szah#-mesz gisz-gi_ a-lap qi-szi i-na lib#-bi u-masz-szir i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti _gisz-gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _u szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ nap-har _gisz-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri-szu pa-pa-al#-lum ap-pa-ra-a-ti ma#-[gal] i#-szi-ra _muszen an_-e _igira-muszen#_ [sza a-szar]-szu ru-u-qu qin-na# [iq-nun]-ma#

_gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ [_gisz-szur_]-_min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti# [_gi_] _ambar#-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-[me] ak#-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti# É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti#-ia [lu]-u e-pu-usz [is,-s,u] na#-Asz szi-pa-a-ti [ib-qu-mu] im#-ha-s,u [s,u]-ba-ti-isz

[ul-tu szip-ri] É-_gal#_-ia u-qat-tu#-u [(d)asz-szur _en_] _gal# dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ [a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur]-_ki_ i-na qer-bi-szA [aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_] tasz#-ri-ih-ti [aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim] kad-ra-a-a [_i-gisz gisz_-sér-di U hi]-bi-isz-ti [sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz edin_ szA]-ab#-bur-ti [u-raq-qa-a a-na ru]-usz#-ti i-na tasz-ri#-[it] É#-[_gal_] sza ba-hu-la-te# _kur_-ia# u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szu-un# _gesztin_ du-usz-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szu-un am-kir

a-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)isz#-tar ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu#-u

_iti-ne-ne-gar ud-3-kam_ li-mu (disz)(d)asz-szur-_en_-u-s,ur# _lu-gar-kur uru_-szA#-hu-up-pa#

_iti-apin-du8-a ud_-[x (x)-_kam_] li-mu (disz)szul-mu-[_en_] _lu-gar-kur uru_-tal-mu#-[si]

AI Translation

I planted alongside the city a botanical garden, a vegetable garden, and a grove of all kinds of aromatic plants grown in the land Hatti Syria-Palestine, the product of a millennium of distant days. I brought inside them trees that were the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. I planted over it vineyards, all kinds of fruit trees and cedar trees.

For irrigation purposes, I had a field of cultivated land above the city, a grazing land for the citizens of Nineveh, and I had it brought before them. I had the land brought into balance by bitumen and baked brick. I made the area from the plain of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, a mountain and a river, and I made it an object of wonder. I made a river bank a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it an object of wonder for the people of the land of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the kings of the lands of the

I planted 500 homers of seed corn in the midst of Nineveh and thereby enlarged the area ... and the meadows. I deposited the nisaba and ashnanu-trees.

I set up a watering place for the gardens and then made the water flow into the gardens. I abandoned the herons, wild boars, and reeds in their midst. By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in the gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and they made large flocks. Birds of the sky and wild boars whose locations are remote approached and

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls. They ripped out the fruit of the harvest and piled it up.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics from the orchards grown in the steppe. At the opening of the palace, I made their rites perfect. I poured out sweet wine for their lips.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Abu V, the third day, eponymy of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of the city Shahuppa 645.

Month Arahsamna VIII, day, eponymy of Shulmu-beli, governor of the city Talmusu 645.


Beside the city, in a botanical garden one panu in size and a garden one panu in size for a game preserve, viii 5 I gathered every type of aromatic tree of the land Hatti, fruit trees of all lands, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. Upstream of the city, on newly tilled soil, viii 10 I planted vines, every type of fruit tree, and olive trees.

For the expansion of orchards, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over viii 15 to them. To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. viii 20 I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

I provided irrigation for 500 seeded fields in the high fields of Nineveh with that water and thereby I made grain and cereals grow high and luxuriantly on ... and in furrows.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and had a canebrake planted in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. By divine will, viii 35 vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens planted on newly tilled soil. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. viii 40 The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons whose homes are far away, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls. viii 50 They picked cotton lit. "trees bearing wool" and wove it into clothing.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, viii 55 then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics from the orchards planted on newly tilled soil. viii 60 At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, viii 70 anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Abu V, the third day, eponymy of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of the city Shahuppa 695.

Arahsamna VIII, the day, eponymy of Shulmu-beli, governor of the city Talmusu 696.

Q003491: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-ti sza szul-mu (d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a U mal-ki szep-s,u-ti e-du-ru ta-ha-zi da-Ad-me-szu-un iz-zi-bu-ma ki-ma su-tin-ni ni-gi-is,-s,i e-disz ip-par-szu a-szar la 'a-a-ri

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni-bi ka-bit-tu _gun munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 75 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza _kur_-kal-di _u 4 me 20 uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-sag-kalam-ma _gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-la-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lu _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu-ti mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud) 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-te _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur

ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-te u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made the rulers of the four quarters of the world stand over their settlements and, like a swarm of ants, they fled alone to a place not befitting him.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I captured alive the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, i 5 guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls i 10 the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea i 15 of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me. While they were abandoning their settlements, i 20 they flew away alone like bats living in crevices to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, i 25 in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules i 30 that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, i 35 all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, i 40 and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. i 45 I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, i 55 Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, i 60 insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. I reorganized that district i 75 and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, i 80 who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. i 85 In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, ii 1 and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

Obverse Column ii


u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu# a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni# _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szid-du ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti u-szar-me i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu-nu-ti _na4-na-ru-a_ u-sze-pisz-ma

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-te in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ a-na la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-u-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-mesz_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har am-nu-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-u-te sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-hat-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-qi _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-mid _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru _uru_-É-zi-it-te _uru_-s,a-ri-ip-tu _uru_-ma-hal-li-ba _uru_-u-szu-u _uru_-ak-zi-bi _uru_-ak-ku-u _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ a-szar ri-i-ti U masz-qi-ti É tuk-la-ti-szu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu sze-pu-u-a

(disz)tu-ba-a'-lu ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

sza (disz)mi-in-hi-im-mu _uru_-sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu _uru_-s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti _uru_-a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u-ru-mil-ki _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _uru_-as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir uru-kur_-É-(disz)am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu _kur_-u-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ ka-li-szu-un _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4-szu a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rasz-szu

(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-a-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na Asz-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-ma i-szA-a-t,a ab-szA-a-ni

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na

AI Translation

I strengthened the city Bit-Kilamzah to a greater extent. I incorporated therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made and

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara's land down to ashes and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the depths of the sea and took to the depths of his land. The great cities Sidon, Upper Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharipptu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibi, and Akku, his fortified cities, fortresses where there was much terrain, and the house of his trust, and they threw off the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and threw him to the ground.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the city Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, to me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Bit-Daganna.


I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then ii 10 I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and ii 15 I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them ii 20 written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, ii 25 abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and ii 35 made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and ii 45 called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. ii 60 Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, ii 65 Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, ii 80 Budi-il of the city Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, ii 90 his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, iii 1 Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

Obverse Column iii


_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz# uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-de-e U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma# a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-risz a-na an-zil-li i-pu-szu ip-lah _sza_-szu-un _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_-mu-us,-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su-un

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz lugal kur_-mu-s,u#-ra-a-a a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri

ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a _uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma i-na di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la ib-szu-u usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi

(disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma u-sze-s,a-am-ma ina _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

U (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu É _bad-mesz_-ni# dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qit-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si U kal-ban-na-te al-me _kur_-ud 2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

szA-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka-gal uru_-szu u-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal uru_-as-du-di (disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na U (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal uru_-ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-da-an szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-tu kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u-rad-di-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu-un

szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu_-ur-bi _u lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u til-la-a-te it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tAk-kas-si _na4-an-za-gul-me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu _u dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_

i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma um-ma-na-te-ia gap-szA-a-te ad-ke-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 a-la-ku aq-bi i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ina _uru_-bi-it-tu-u-tu Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu szu-u hur-ba-szu ta-ha-zi-ia _ugu_-szu im-qut-ma it-ru-ku _sza_-szu ki-ma az-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu szu-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza ina a-lak _kaskal_-ia mah-re-e

AI Translation

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, I surrounded and conquered Hazaqiau of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke. I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and I made his land smaller. I added to the previous tribute, their annual giving, and imposed it upon them.

He, Hezekiah, became frightened by the brilliance of my lordly brilliance and then, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed his auxiliary forces and his elite troops, who had come to the aid of the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and thereby accumulated their booty. With 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, together with his daughters, his palace women, male singers, female singers, and female singers, he imposed upon him annual tribute.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. His battle array fell upon him and my battle array roared against him. He fled alone like a fox and his city did not see its place.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. This is the son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who was also on my first campaign.


As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, iii 10 they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes iii 25 and hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, iii 30 to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, iii 40 I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, iii 45 the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and iii 55 made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, iii 60 Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, iii 70 his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, iii 75 every kind of valuable treasure, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me so that I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. iii 85 In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and iii 90 his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom iv 1 I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array. He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, iv 5 which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Obverse Column iv


u-ter-ma _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq#-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki_ na-mur-ra-tu# at-bu-uk

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia# (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_ resz-tu-u tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _dagal_-tum _kur eme-gi7 u# uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

i-na 5 ger-ri-ia ba-hu-la-te _uru_-tu-mur-ri _uru_-szA-a-ru-um _uru_-e-za-a-ma# _uru_-kip-szu _uru_-hal-bu-da _uru_-qu-u-a _uru_-qa-na sza _gim_ qin-ni _ti8-muszen_ a-szA-red _muszen-hi-a_ s,e-er zuq-ti _kur_-ni-pur# _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-su-un szit-ku-na-at-ma la# kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma

it-ti _lu_-qur-bu-ti _gir-ii_-ia# na-As-qu-ti _u lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia la# ga-me-lu-ti a-na-ku _gim am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz#-szu-un as,-bat hur-ri na-hal-li na-at-ba-ki# _kur_-i me-le-e mar-s,u-ti i-na _gisz-gu-za a_sz-ta-am-di-ih a-szar a-na _gisz-gu-za_ szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia Asz-tah-hi-t,am _gim_ ar-me a-na zuq-ti szA-qu-u-ti s,e-ru-usz-szu-un e#-li a-szar bir-ka-a-a ma-na-ah-tu i-szA-a s,e-er _na4 kur_-i u-szib-ma _a-mesz kusz#_-na-a-di ka-s,u-ti a-na s,u-me-ia lu Asz-ti

i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-szA-a-ni ar-de-szu-nu-ti-ma Asz-ta-kan tah-ta-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un ap-pu-ul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal uru_-uk-ki szad-da-a-a-e la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi la pe-tu-ti t,u-di pa-Asz-qu-ti sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu-u-a qé-reb-szu-un ma-am-man la il-li-ku _lugal-mesz_ pa-ni mah-ru-ti i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra _u kur_-up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma a-na-ku i-na _gisz-gu-za_ né-me-di it-ti _erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia git-ma-lu-ti i-na ne-re-bi-szu-un pi-qu-ti szu-nu-hi-isz e-ru-um-ma mar-s,i-isz e-te-el-la-a

szu-u (disz)ma-ni-ia-e tur-bu-u' _gir-ii erim-hi-a_-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-uk-ku _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit _uru_-uk-ku al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_-szu ul-tu qer-bi-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

_u 35 uru-mesz_ sza pa-a-t,i li-me-ti-szu ak-szud(ud)-ma _un-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz a_sz-lu-la ap-pu-ul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

i-na li-mu (disz)szUl-mu-_en lu-gar-kur uru_-tal-mu-si (disz)ki-ru-a _lu-en-uru_ sza _uru_-il-lu-ub-ri _lu-arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia sza iz-zi-bu-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-lak-ki usz-bal-kit-ma ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _uru_-in-gi-ra-a u _uru_-tar-zi i-da-a-szu is-hu-ru-ma ger-ri _kur_-qu-e is,-ba-tu ip-ru-su a-lak-tu

_lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan_ na-szi tuk-szi U az-ma-re-e _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-ma-'e-er s,e-ru-usz-szu-un sza ba-hu-la-te _uru_-hi-lak-ki sza i-da-a-szu is-hu-ru i-na qé-reb _kur_-i mar-s,i isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu-un _uru_-in-gi-ra-a _uru_-ta-ar-zu ik-szu-du-ma isz-lu-lu szal-la-su-un

szA-a-szu qé-reb _uru_-il-lu-ub-ri _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu ni-tum il-mu-szu-ma is,-ba-tu mu-s,u-szu i-na qur-ru-ub szu-pe-e nim-gal-li _bad u_ kal-ban-na-te mit-hu-s,u zu-uk _gir-ii_ dAb-da-a-szu isz-ku-nu-ma is,-ba-tu _uru_

(disz)ki-ru-a _lu-en-uru_ a-di szal-lat _uru-mesz_-szu _u un-mesz uru_-hi-lak-ki sza i-da-a-szu is-hu-ru a-di _ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni a-na _uru_-ni-na-a a-di mah-ri-ia ub-lu-ni sza (disz)ki-ru-a ma-szak-szu a-ku-us,

u-ter-ma _uru_-il-lu-ub-ru a-na esz-szu-te as,-bat _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia qé-reb-szu u-szar-me _na4-na-ru-a_-a sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ u-sze-pisz-ma ma-har-szu ul-zi-iz

AI Translation

I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

With my fierce bodyguard and my merciless battle troops, I took the lead of them like a fierce wild bull. I sat on a mountain throne and sat on a rugged mountain throne. Wherever I was to sit on a throne, I sat on my feet. Like a mountain goat, I sat down on a mountain throne. I sat on a mountain throne where there was much famine. I sat on the mountain stone and drank cold water from a naditu-plant.

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. I took the direct road, difficult, and difficult, which none of the former kings had ever traversed through rugged mountains. I made the mighty mountains at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, and I myself, on a stout throne, entered their pass with my merciless battle troops and ascended their steep paths.

He, Maniye, saw the awe-inspiring brilliance of my troops and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasure of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-five cities in the environs of its environs and carried off people, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys. I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

In the eponymy of Shulmu-beli, governor of the city Talmusu, Kirua, a city ruler of the city Illubri, a servant who belonged to me who had sided with him, and with his gods, the people of the city Hilakku rebelled and fought with him. The people living in the cities Ingirâ and Tarzu listened to his prayers and they took to the mountains and took to the mountains.

I sent archers, shield bearers, and shield bearers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent to them. They brought about the defeat of the city Hilakku, which is on his way to Assyria, and they settled them in a rugged mountain. They conquered the cities Ingirâ and Tarzu and plundered them.

He escaped inside the city Illubru, his fortified city, and took away his booty. In the midst of a raging battle, he fought with the enemy in the thick of battle, the walls and the ziggurat. He sat down on his knees and took away the city.

As for Kirua, the city ruler, together with the booty of his cities and the people of the city Hilakku, who had come to his aid, they brought to Nineveh, before me, as well as donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. I killed him, together with Kirua, his overseer, and I counted him as booty.

I reorganized the city Illubru and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I made my steles of alabaster and I set them up in front of them.


Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, iv 20 Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my select bodyguard and my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. I proceeded through the gorges of the streams, the outflows of the mountains, and rugged slopes in my chair. iv 30 Where it was too difficult for my chair, I leapt forward on my own two feet like a mountain goat. I ascended the highest peaks against them. Where my knees became tired, I sat down upon the mountain rock and drank cold water from a water skin to quench my thirst.

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku and an insubmissive mountain-dweller. Before my time, none of the former kings of the past had marched through the untrodden paths and difficult trails on account of the rugged mountains. iv 45 I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, with my crack combat troops, entered their narrow passes with great difficulty and ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, saw the dust cloud stirred up by the feet of my troops, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. iv 55 I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasures of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-five cities on the borders of its outskirts and carried off people, oxen, and sheep and goats, and donkeys. Then I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

In the eponymy of Shulmu-beli, governor of the city Talmusu 696, Kirua — the city ruler of Illubru, a servant who belonged to me, whom his gods had abandoned — iv 65 incited the population of Hilakku to rebel and prepare for battle. The people living in the cities Ingirâ and Tarzu aligned themselves with him, then seized the road through the land Que and blocked its passage.

I sent against them archers, shield and lance bearers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent. In rugged mountain terrain, they defeated the population of Hilakku, who had aligned themselves with him. iv 75 They conquered and plundered the cities Ingirâ and Tarzu.

As for him Kirua, they besieged him in the city Illubru, his fortified city, and cut off his escape route. They defeated him by means of bringing up battering rams, siege machines lit. "nimgallus of the wall", iv 80 and siege engines, and the assault of foot soldiers, and they took possession of the city.

They brought Kirua, the city ruler, together with booty from his cities and the inhabitants of Hilakku who had aligned themselves with him, as well as donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats to Nineveh, before me. I flayed Kirua.

Once again, I reorganized the city Illubru and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I installed the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, inside it. iv 90 I had a stele of alabaster made and I erected it in front of it.

Obverse Column v


i-na li-mu (disz)asz-szur-_en_-_pap lu-gar-kur kur_-kat-mu-hi a#-na _uru-du6_-ga-ri-im-me a-lum sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-ta-ba-li sza (disz)gur-di-i _lugal uru_-ur-du-ti ir-ku-su _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu as-su-uk-ma _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan_ na-szi tuk-szi U az-ma-re-e _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-ma-'e-er s,e-ru-usz-szu

_uru_ szu-a-tum# ni-i-tum il-mu-ma i-na szi-pik e-pe-ri U qur-ru-ub szu-pi-i mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ is,-ba-tu _uru un-mesz_ a-di _dingir-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu im-nu-u szal-la-ti-isz _uru_ szu-a-tu ip-pu-lu iq-qu-ru a-na _du6 u_ kar-me u-ter-ru

i-na szal-lat _kur-mesz_ sza-ti-na sza Asz-lu-la 30 _lim gisz-pan 20 lim gisz_-a-ri-tu i-na lib-bi-szu-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di si-it-ti szal-lat na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia _u lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u-za-'i-iz

i-na u4-me-szu-ma _nina-ki_ ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _uru_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-um-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u s,i-in-du-szu Asz-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal-gar szu-ta-bu-lu qé-reb-szu

sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pu-szu-ma u-ma-'e-ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil_ a-a-um-ma i-na lib-bi-szu-nu a-na szum-dul6 szu-bat _uru_ e-pesz _bad_ szu-te-szur su-qa-a-ni U ha-re-e _id_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su a-na É-_gal_ qer-bi-szu kum-mu ri-mit be-lu-te sza s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa e-pisz-tasz la nak-lat-ma le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-me _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_-qu-e _u kur_-hi-lak-ku _kur_-pi-lisz-ti _u kur_-s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma

il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz 95_ ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA

(d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na _uru_-ta-as-ti-a-te sza e-ber-tan _id-idigna_ ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka-mesz_-szi-in a-na szu-pu-usz _gisz-ma-mesz_ qé-reb _gisz-tir-mesz gisz-mesz gal-mesz_ u-qé-ru i-na nap-har _kur_-szu-un i-na _iti-gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e-de-e pa-an szat-ti i-na _gisz-ma-mesz_ s,i-ra-a-te a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-szeb-bi-ru-ni mar-s,i-isz i-na né-ber ka-a-ri _gisz-ma-gu-la-mesz_ u-t,e-eb-bu-u ba-hu-la-te-szu-un u-szA-ni-hu u-lam-me-nu ka-ras-si-in i-na da-na-ni U szup-szu-qi

_id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ t,e-eh É-_gal_ i-ba-'u-u-ma i-na _illu_-szA gap-szi i-na usz-szi-szA ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA

É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA ul-tu qa-bal-ti _uru_ ap-ru-us-ma i-na ta-mir-ti ku-tal _uru_ u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA

i-na 1/2 _iku_ ma-lak _a-mesz 4 na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _gi-mesz_ a-pe U ku-pe-e u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un 3 _me 40_ ina 1-_kusz usz_

AI Translation

In the eponymy of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of the land Katmuhu, I brought about the defeat of Gurdî, the king of the city Urdutu, a man of the land Tabal, in the city Til-Garimme, a man of the border of the land Tabal. I put his weapons to the sword and sent archers, armed men, and shield bearers, chariots, and horses as my royal contingent to Til-Garimme.

The people of that city, together with the gods living inside it, fled naked, smashed the city, and turned it into ruins. They razed, destroyed, and turned it into ruin hills.

In the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 30,500 archers and 20,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, whose foundations all of the rituals for gods and goddesses were in it, a long lasting foundation whose foundations had been fashioned from scratch with the writings of its foundation documents and whose features had become too small; a rugged place, a place of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar rituals were deposited.

As for the one who since time immemorial had exercised dominion over Assyria and had entrusted the subjects of the god Enlil to rebuild the city, to build a wall, to repair the ziggurat, and to divert the river's water, nor had he commissioned its construction to the palace inside it, the seat of lordship, whose site had become too small and whose construction he had not completed, nor had he entrusted it to them.

For me, Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and my heart prompted me. I brought about the defeat of the Chaldeans, Arameans, the land Mannea, the lands Que and Hilakku, the lands Pilishitu and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they imposed upon them corvée.

As for the former palace, whose site was 360 cubits long and 95 cubits wide, and whose site had become too small, I had the kings, my ancestors, who came before me, build it anew for their lordly dwelling, but I did not complete its construction.

In the city Tastiate, which is on the opposite bank of the Tigris River, bull colossi were erected to be their palatial halls. To build their palatial halls, they cut down large trees and erected them in all of their lands in magnificent boats. In the month Ayyaru II, the day that the sun rises, they brought the boats to me in splendid boats. At the crossing of the river, they sank magnificent boats and thereby enlarged their crews. With might and strength, they made their boats shine like daylight.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the centre of the city and made its foundations rise in the plain behind the city.

I bonded together with bitumen 4 large limestone blocks with one-half ikû of water and thereby secured reeds, reeds, and kupê-wood on their walls.


In the eponymy of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of the land Katmuhi 695, I ... against the city Til-Garimme, a city on the border of the land Tabal where Gurdî, king of the city Urdutu, v 5 had mobilized his weapons, then I sent archers, shield and lance bearers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent against it.

They besieged that city and v 10 took possession of the city by means of piling up earth, bringing up battering rams, and the assault of foot soldiers. They counted the people, as well as the gods, living inside it as booty. They destroyed and devastated that city. They turned it into a mound of ruins lit. "a mound and ruins".

From the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 30,000 archers and 20,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. v 20 I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar v 25 in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; the enduring foundation and eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; v 30 a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

in which since time immemorial earlier kings, v 35 my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil; but not one among them had conceived of and put his mind towards increasing the site of the city, building walls, straightening the streets, v 40 or dredging the river and planting orchards; nor had any of them paid heed to or shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small and whose construction was inexpert:

But as for me, Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, v 50 the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que and Hilakku, and Philistia, and the land of the city Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The former palace, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 95 cubits on its shorter side, and v 60 whose site was too small; which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried bull colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate, which is across the Tigris River, to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. Throughout their entire land they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. v 70 In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews v 75 struggle and strain. With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. v 85 I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow into the meadow behind the city.

In a one-half ikû stretch of the water's natural course, I bonded together, with bitumen, four large limestone blocks and spread marsh reeds and rushes over them. As an addition, I took a plot of land that was 340 cubits long vi 1 and 289 cubits wide from the Husur River and from the plain of the city and added it to the dimensions of the former terrace. In its the terrace's entirety, I raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

Obverse Column vi


la-ba-risz _ud-mesz_ i-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti tem-me-en tam-li-i la e-né-szi _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ ki-su-u-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u-dan-nin szu-pu-uk-szu a-na 7 _me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz u 4 me 40_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u-ter-ma

szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi É-_gal-mesz ku-gi ku-babbar zabar na4-an-za-gul-me na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku _gisz_-si-in-da-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma É mu-ter-re-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti mé-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ sza e-ri-su-un t,a-a-bu bi-nu-ut _kur_-ha-ma-nim _u kur_-si-ra-ra _kur-mesz ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-si-in-da-a me-ser _ki-sag urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin

i-na ba-rak-ki sza qé-reb É-_pa-pah-mesz_ ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-szA-a kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin bal-tu ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le-e ma-la-a i-na _ka-mesz_-szin ul-ziz-ma a-na tab-ra-a-te u-szA-lik

s,u-lul ta-ra-a-ni sza qé-reb ba-rak-ka-a-ni e-t,u-su-un u-szah-la-a u4-mi-isz usz-nam-mir sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin u-szal-me i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma se-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-As-qi-szi-in

Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-i-mu _lu-sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u _mu_-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-ni sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal i-na qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur-mesz_ ina pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu

u-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i-su-un sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na u-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu

_u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma ina _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a sza pa-a-t,i _uru-du6_-bar-si-ip u-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz

i-te-e _nina-ki_ ina er-s,e-ti _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u_ s,a-lam mesz-re-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na 1-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u mi-na-a-te szuk-lu-lu i-na ki-gal-li ram-ni-szu-nu szA-qisz na-an-zu-zu _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-me nu-us-su-qa _gim_ u4-me na-par-di-i nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur-szin _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da mah-mesz_ ab-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri É-_gal_-ia

(d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na lip-ta-at (d)nin-kur-ra i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a u-szA-a'-lid-ma u-szak-li-la gat-ta-szu-un

sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _urudu_ tam-szil gat-ti-szu-un a-na szu-zu-zi qé-reb É-_kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma i-na e-pisz-ti-szu-nu u-szA-ni-hu gi-mir _dumu_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la bi-szit uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-te a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-szu-nu _i-gisz_ isz-ku-ru na-al-ba-Asz s,e-e-ni u-qé-ru qé-reb _kur-mesz_-szu-un

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba a-szA-red kal mal-ki mu-de-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _urudu gal-mesz_ ur-mah-hi pe-tan bir-ki sza ma-nam-ma la ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia

AI Translation

In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I had large limestone slabs stretched out over its base and thereby reinforced its base. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its structure larger.

I built palatial halls of gold, silver, bronze, breccia, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-juniper, and ivory for my lordly residence and I had a terebinth, a replica of a Hittite palace, built opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, holy mountains. I fastened bands of copper on doors of cedar, cypress, juniper, and ivory and I installed them in their gates.

In the gateways that are inside the palatial halls, I installed openings for latticed windows. I stationed lamassus, alabaster, elephant ivory, whose hands are clasped, whose limbs are tanned, and whose limbs are covered with a covering, as many as there were, and I made them an object of wonder.

I clad the daises and doors that are in their gates with reddish gold and copper. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white limestone and lapis lazuli and I installed them in all of their gates.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called my name, gathered in Sirapa mountains tall cedar columns, which since distant days had grown tall and very thick, and deposited them therein as a permanent dwelling.

As for alabaster, whose appearance was exquisite in the time of the kings, my ancestors, and had become too small in the face of the rising sea, I laid its foundations in the plain of Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, I deposited breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, which had never been seen before, in the city Kapridargilâ, which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

In the territory of Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and statues of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, and whose features are perfected by their own weight: sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I piled them up in piles and then, for the construction of my palace, I cut them free on both sides and deposited them in the city Elam.

I had bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone made in the territory of the city Balataya and I completed their forms.

As for the one who, since time immemorial, had not fashioned a statue of copper, a replica of their own form, for the luxuriance of the temples, and had made it shine with their work, I had all of the craftsmen, without number, iii 20'

As for me, Sennacherib, foremost of all rulers, the one who carries out all of the work, I had large columns of copper and lion colossi, whose appearance none of the kings of the past who came before me had seen.


In order to prevent the foundation of the terrace from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, vi 10 I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built palatial halls of gold, silver, vi 15 bronze, ...-stone, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, and Indian wood, for my lordly residence, vi 20 then I had a house with double doors, a replica of a Hittite palace, opposite its gates, constructed.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus vi 25 and Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress, juniper, and Indian wood and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors that are within the papahu-chambers, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose folded hands hold poppies, who are laden with pride and allure, vi 35 and who are filled with exuberance, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

The covering of the roof that hangs over the corridors — I made their somber atmosphere cheerful, making them as bright as day. vi 40 I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of the copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of long trunks of cedar, vi 50 which since distant days grew tall and very thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, vi 55 my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, vi 60 revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village", which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, then I created bull colossi and other statues with limbs of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are perfect, and who stand high on their own pedestals; sphinxes of alabaster vi 70 whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura, in the territory of the city Balataya.

Since time immemorial, the kings, my ancestors, created copper statues, replicas of their own forms, to be erected in temples, and through their manufacture they had exhausted all of the craftsmen. vi 85 Through ignorance and failure to give thought on the matter, they depleted the oil, wax, and wool in their lands for the work they desired.

But as for me, Sennacherib, the foremost of all rulers, expert in every type of work, regarding large columns of copper and striding lion colossi, which none of the kings of the past who came before me had cast: vii 1 with the ingenious mind that the prince, the god Ninshiku, had granted to me and taking counsel with myself, I intensively pondered how to perform this work. Then, with my own ideas and knowledge, I created a cast work of copper and expertly carried out its artful execution.

Obverse Column vii


sza gisz-mah-hi U a-la-mit-ta _gisz_ mesz-re-e 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di 12 (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz_ sza szuk-lu-lu nab-ni-tu 22 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te sza ku-uz-ba ul-s,u hi-it-lu-pa bal-tu la-la-a kum-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb-szu Asz-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2 _gin-ta-am_ u-szak-li-la nab-ni-su-un

(d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _urudu_ sza 2 ina lib-bi za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szu (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in

tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ a-di tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser _urudu u an-na_ u-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin e-mid

_munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e szA za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szA _u munus-ab-za-za_-a-te pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szi-in _gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min gisz_-ere-ni _gisz_-dup-ra-ni _szim-li u gisz_-si-in-da-a ih-ze-et pa-szal-li U kas-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un

_kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-te u-szA-lik

Asz-szu u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-te _zabar_ u har-ha-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-te gisz-mah-hi U a-la-mit-ta _urudu_

s,e-er _pu-mesz_ usz-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-szA-lik as-mi-isz si-hir-ti É-_gal_ a-na tab-rat kisz-szat _un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ szA-ni-na la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-te _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur_-kal-di a-di _gisz-mesz_ na-Asz _sig-hi-a_ qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qu-up

_nina-ki_ sza ul-tu u4-me pa-ni 9 _lim 3 me_ ina 1-_kusz_ szu-bat li-me-ti-szu _bad u bad-szul-hi_ ul u-sze-pi-szu a-li-kut mah-ri ma-al-ki 12 _lim 5 me 15_ a-szar ta-mir-ti li-mit _uru_ s,e-er me-szi-ih-te mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma 21 _lim 8 me 15_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti u-kin min-da-tusz

sza _bad_-szu _gal_-i bad-ni-gal-bi-lu2-kur-ra-szu-szu du-u-ru sza nam-ri-ru-szu na-ki-ri sah-pu s,e-er _na4_-pi-i-li tem-me-en-szu ad-di-ma 40 _sig4_ u-kab-bir i-na 1 _me 80_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu

a-na er-bet-ti szA-a-ri 15 _ka-gal-mesz_ pa-nu U ar-ka i-na s,i-li ki-lal-la-an a-na e-re-bi U a-s,e-e u-szap-ta-a qé-reb-szu

li-bur ÉNSI (d)asz-szur _ka-gal_ (d)asz-szur sza _uru-sza-uru_ sa-pi-in gi-mir na-ki-ri _ka-gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba sza _kur_-hal-zi (d)_en-lil_ mu-kin _bala_-ia _ka-gal_ (d)_utu_ sza _kur_-ga-gal sza (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba it-ti man-zal-ti e-req-qi kin-ni _bala_-szu _ka-gal_ (d)_nin-lil_ sza _uru_-kar-(d)_nin-lil_ mu-sze-s,a-at _uzu azag ka-gal_ musz-la-lum du-muq Asz-na-an U (d)lahar qé-reb-szA ka-a-a-an _ka-gal uru_-szi-ba-ni-ba ba-bi-lat hi-s,ib hur-szA-a-ni _ka-gal kur_-ha-lah-hi _szu-nigin 7 ka-gal-mesz_ (d)_utu-e_

(d)_iszkur_ szA-ri-ik HÉ-_gal_ a-na _kur ka-gal_ (d)_iszkur_ sza am-ba-si (d)er-ra szA-a-gisz za-ma-ni-ia _ka-gal_ (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i (d)_szesz-ki_-ru na-s,ir _aga_ be-lu-ti-ia _ka-gal_ (d)_en-zu szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz_ sza mé-eh-ret _im_-il-ta-ni at-ta-bi si-qir-szi-in

(d)é-a mu-sze-szir kUp-pi-ia _ka-gal_ mas-qé-e mu-sze-ri-bat mi-szir-ti da-Ad-me _ka-gal_ ka-a-ri kad-re-e _lu_-su-mu-'i-il _u lu_-te-e-me

AI Translation

I had twelve lions, satraps, along with twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes with a tiara of kuzuzu-gold, a tiara of lullabû-gold, and a tiara of kuzu-gold fashioned for them by divine will and I had them enter inside it. I completed their features as if they were worth half a shekel.

I had bull colossi of alabaster, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, fashioned as their backbones.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent copper columns, as well as the large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, with bitumen, copper, and tin. I positioned cross-beams upon them and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I fashioned ebony, alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and linen with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and I positioned the architraves of the entrance to my lordly residence on them.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water from the wells, I had bronze guhashetu-vessels and bronze harharû-vessels and, like a boat, I had rafts of musukkannu-wood and alamtu-wood made from bronze.

I surrounded and completed those palatial halls. I raised the superstructure of the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people. I destroyed and demolished the other palace.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, together with trees whose foliage is red, and which are filled with wool.

Nineveh, whose site had been 9,300 cubits long since ancient times, had not been built anew. I added 12,515 cubits in the plain to the former measurement of the city, and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which is clad with a nakkiru-shrine, upon limestone, and I raised its superstructure to a height of 40 bricks. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fifteen gates opened up before and behind it, in a terrace, for entering and leaving.

The Ashur Gate, which leads to the Inner City, the securing of all enemies; the Sennacherib Gate, which leads to the land Halzi; the Enlil Gate, who establishes my reign; the Shamash Gate, which leads to the land Gagal; the Sennacherib Gate, with the assistance of the messengers of his reign; the Mullissu Gate, which leads to the city Kar-Mullissi; the gate that provides meat for a azag offering; the gate that provides plenty of fresh produce and plenty of milk inside it; the gate of the city Shibaniba, who provides food for the horse; the gate of the land Halahhu; total seven gates, the eastern and western borders;

The god Adad, the one who brings abundance to the land; the Adad Gate, which leads to the city Ambush; the god Erra, the one who makes my enemies bow down; the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu; the god Nannaru, the one who secures my lordly cloak; the Sîn Gate. In total, three gates facing towards the north. I surrounded them.

The god Ea, who makes my bricks shine, the gate of the masqû, who makes the settlements shine, the gate of the quay, the quay wall, the Sumu'il and the Temu,


By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, vii 10 the tree of abundance, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes that are coated in allure and charm and that have pride and exuberance vii 15 heaped upon them, then I poured copper into it. Just like the cast work of an object weighing only a half shekel, I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi with copper features, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper and tin on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, vii 35 whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and Indian wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, then vii 40 I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms of copper placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it "The Palace Without a Rival."

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, together with cotton trees lit. "trees bearing wool", collected inside it.

Nineveh, the site of whose circumference had been 9,300 cubits since former times vii 60 and for which no earlier ruler had had an inner or outer wall built — I added 12,515 cubits in the plain around the city to its previous measurement and thus established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which means "Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies," upon limestone and made it 40 bricks thick. I raised its superstructure 180 courses of brick high.

I had fifteen gates opened up in it in four directions, in front and behind, and along both sides, for entering and leaving.

"May the Vice-Regent of the God Ashur Stay in Good Health": this is the Ashur Gate, which leads to the Inner City Ashur. vii 75 "The One Who Flattens All Enemies": this is the Sennacherib Gate, which leads to the land Halzi. "The God Enlil Is the One Who Makes My Reign Firm": this is the Shamash Gate, which leads to the land Gagal. "Make Sennacherib's Dynasty as Firm as the Position of the Wagon Constellation!": this is the Mullissu Gate, which leads to the city Kar-Mullissi. vii 80 "The One Who Exorcises the 'Flesh' of the Asakku-demon": this is the Step Gate. "The Choicest of Grain and Flocks Are Constantly Inside It": this is the gate that leads to the city Shibaniba. "The Bearer of the Produce of the Mountains": this is the gate that leads to the land Halahhu. In total, seven gates facing the rising sun, vii 85 towards the south and east, and I gave them these names.

"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land": this is the Adad Gate, which leads to the game preserve. "The God Erra Is the One Who Slaughters Those Hostile to Me": vii 90 this is the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu. "The Divine Nannaru Is the One Who Protects My Lordly Crown": this is the Sîn Gate. In total, three gates facing towards the north and I gave them these names.

"The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Directs Water Flow into My Cisterns": this is the Mashqû Gate. vii 95 "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements": this is the Quay Gate. "The Presents of the People of Sumu'il and Tema viii 1 Enter Through It": this is the Desert Gate. "The One Who Regulates Everything": this is the Armory Gate. "The God Sharur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy": this is the Handuru Gate. In total, five gates facing towards the west and I gave them these names.

Obverse Column viii


sza szal-hi-i bad-nig-érim-hu-luh-ha mu-gal-lit za-ma-a-ni usz-sze-szu ap-te-e-ma 45 _ninda_ u-szap-pil-ma u-szA-ak-szid _a-mesz_ na-ag-bi qé-reb ma-a-me szap-la-a-nu _na4 kur_-i dan-ni ak-si-ma e-la-nisz a-di pa-As-qi-szu i-na _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ u-nak-kil szi-pir-szu

sza _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu u-szA-an-dil-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me _bad_ szal-hu-u u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

e-le-en _uru u ki-ta uru_ u-sze-pisz _gisz-kiri6-mesz_ mut-hum-me _kur_-i U ma-ti-tan kul-lat _szim-hi-a kur_-hat-ti u-har-ri-szA qé-reb-szu-un s,e-er szA-ab-bur-ti sza a-ha am-ba-si _gesztin kur_-i _du_-szu-un gi-mir _gurun_ ad-na-a-te _szim-hi-a u gisz_-se-er-di a-na ba-a'-li az-qu-up

_id_-hu-su-ur sza ul-tu ul-la-a _a-mesz_-szA szu-up-lu s,ab-tu-ma i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia mAm-ma la is-sir-szu-nu-ti-ma i-tab-ba-ku _id-hal-hal_-isz

a-na mit,-ra-a-te szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri mu-la-a musz-pa-lum i-na ak-kul-la-a-te ah-ra-a u-sze-szir _id_-pat-tu _a-mesz_ szu-nu-te s,e-er ta-mir-ti _nina-ki_ u-ki-nam-ma qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-te sza-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba a-tap-pisz

a-na bit-re-e ma-a-me ina _gir-ii_ mu-us,-ri _kur_-e ger-ri as,-bat-ma Asz-qu-ma a-di _uru_-el-mu-na-qin-né-e szup-szu-qisz at-tal-lak i-na re-esz _uru-bad_-(d)15 _uru_-szi-ba-ni-ba _u uru_-su-li nam-ba-'i a-mur-ma _igi-ii_-szu-nu pi-qa-a-te u-rab-bi-ma u-ter a-na kup-pi

Asz-szu ma-lak _a-mesz_ szu-nu-ti _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti Asz-ri pa-Asz-qu-ti ina ak-kul-la-ti u-szat-tir-ma mu-s,u-szu-un u-sze-szi-ra a-na ta-mir-ti _nina-ki id_-har-ra-ti-szu-un u-dan-nin ki-i szu-pu-uk _kur_-i _a-mesz_ sza-tu-nu qé-reb-szu-un u-kin-na ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma s,e-er _a-mesz id_-hu-su-ur u-rad-da-a da-ri-szam

i-na um-ma-a-te u-szA-Asz-qa-a gi-mir s,ip-pa-a-ti i-na _en-te-na 1 lim sze-numun-mesz_ ta-me-ra-a-ti e-li _uru u ki-ta uru_ u-szA-an-kar szat-ti-szam

a-na szup-szu-hi a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ szu-nu-ti _id_-a-gam-mu u-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u qé-reb-szA as-ti-il _igira-muszen-mesz szah-mesz gisz-gi_ a-lap qi-szi i-na lib-bi u-masz-szir i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti _gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ nap-har _gisz-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri-szu pa-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-ti ma-gal i-szi-ra _muszen-mesz an_-e _igira-muszen_ sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu

_gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-te-ia lu e-pu-usz is,-s,u na-Asz szi-pa-a-ti ib-qu-mu im-ha-s,u s,u-ba-ti-isz

ul-tu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-qat-tu-u (d)asz-szur _en gal_-u _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra-a-a _i-gisz gisz_-sér-di U hi-bi-isz-ti sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti u-raq-qa-a a-na ru-usz-ti i-na tasz-ri-it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szi-in _gesztin_ du-usz-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szi-in am-kir

a-na Ar-kat u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu li-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u

_iti-ne_ li-mu (disz)_dingir_-_ki_-ia _lu-gar-kur uru_-di-masz-qa

AI Translation

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigérimhuluha, which means "Fortress of the Zamaneans," then I raised it 45 nindanu and made it reach the water table. I cut down strong mountain stone in the depths of the water and, above it, I completed its construction with large limestone blocks.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day. I had a wall of brick made and raised them as high as mountains.

I planted trees on the other side of the mountain and in all of the land lit. "the whole of the land Hatti" in them. I planted all of the vineyards in their environs, all of the orchards, the aromatics, and cedars for their gardens.

The Husur River, whose waters had been exhausted since time immemorial and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had irrigated and turned into a marsh, was drenched.

I brought out of the plain of the city Kisiri, a rugged mountain, in floods. I dragged those waters into the plain of Nineveh and made them flow into those springs.

I took the road to the other side of the mountain at the foot of Mount Amanus and I climbed up the mountain and marched as far as the city Elmunaqinnê. At the beginning of the city walls of the cities Dur-Ishtar, Shibaniba, and Sullu, I saw their faces and I enlarged their access ways and turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds of ruins".

In order to transport those waters, I cut through difficult, rugged mountains with picks and I made their passage more difficult. I strengthened the banks of their canals in the plain of Nineveh. I confined those waters inside them like a mountain. I added them to the waters of the Husur River and made them last for a long time.

I sown all of the orchards in the environs of the city and placed 1,000 seed cornfields above the city and below the city.

To divert those waters, I dug the Agammu River and thereby diverted the flow of water therein. I abandoned the eagles, pigeons, and reeds in its environs. By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in the orchards in the steppe. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and they surrounded it with a large audience gift. Birds of the sky and the eagles whose surroundings are remote —

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls. They gathered together the fruit of the harvest and heaped it up.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I mixed together oil from the olive trees and aromatics from the orchards in the steppe. viii 15' I made their fragrance shine through in the tavern of the palace, which houses the subjects of my land. I poured out sweet wine for them.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Ab V, eponymy of Ilu-isse'a, governor of Damascus 645.


I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigerimhuluha, which means "Terrorizer of Enemies," then I dug down forty-five nindanu and made it reach the water table. viii 10 I bound together strong mountain stone in the water below and above I expertly carried out its construction with large limestone blocks up to its copings.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, making them as bright as day. I had an inner and outer wall built and I raised them as high as mountains.

I had gardens cultivated upstream and downstream of the city. I gathered in them fruit trees of the mountains and of all lands and every type of aromatic tree of the land Hatti. On newly tilled soil, which is beside the game preserve, viii 20 I planted in great number all types of mountain vine, every type of fruit tree from all over the world, including spice and olive trees.

The Husur River, whose waters since time immemorial had been deep and which none of the kings, my ancestors, had confined i.e., made its water flow through a canal so that they the waters of the Husur poured into the Tigris River:

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I dug with picks a canal straight through high ground and low ground, from the border of the city Kisiri. Thus I provided a regular supply of those waters to the plain of Nineveh and viii 30 I made them gush through small canals into those gardens.

I mounted an expedition to search for water at the foot of Mount Mushri, then I climbed high and marched with difficulty to the city Elmunaqinnû. I found sources of water in front of the cities Dur-Ishtar, Shibaniba, and Sulu, then viii 35 I made their narrow openings bigger and turned them into springs.

For a course for those waters, I cut through rugged mountains, confined areas, with picks and directed their outflow into the plain of Nineveh. I strengthened their channels like the base of a mountain. viii 40 I provided a regular supply of those waters in them. Thus I forever added them as an addition to the waters of the Husur River.

In summer, I enabled all of the orchards to be irrigated. In winter, I annually had water provided to 1,000 seeded fields in the plains upstream and downstream of the city.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of those waters and planted a canebrake in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. viii 50 By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens planted on newly tilled soil. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and viii 55 sent out shoots. The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons whose homes are far away, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls. They picked cotton lit. "trees bearing wool" and wove it into clothing.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and viii 70 presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics from the orchards planted on newly tilled soil. At the inauguration of the palace, viii 75 I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, viii 80 renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, viii 85 make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Abu V, eponymy of Ilu-ittiya, governor of the city Damascus 694.

Q003492: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


mi#-[gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti] ra-['i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti] a-lik# [tap-pu-ut a-ki-i] sa-hi-[ru dam-qa-a-ti] et,-lum git#-[ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du] a-szA-red [kal mal-ki] rap-pu la-'i#-[it, la ma-gi-ri] mu-szab-ri#-[qu za-ma-a-ni]

x [... sza (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz_] _lu_-qi-pi# [_uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar_] _gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni# [_gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] _gu4-mesz u_ s,e#-[e-ni ta-mar-ta-szu]

ka-bit-tu am-hur# [ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me] _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz#_ [u-szam-qit-ma] e-du ul e-zib pag-ri#-[szu-un] i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-[ma] si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-nita-mesz 10 ansze gesztin 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-ti u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia

ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-ni-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al#-me _kur_-ud _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz#_ [_ansze_]-_mesz# gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-[ni] [ul-tu] qer-bi#-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am#-[ma] [szal-la-tisz] am#-nu _u#_ [_uru-mesz_-szu-nu] [_tur-mesz_ sza ni]-ba la i-szu-u ap-pul# [aq-qur] [u]-sze#-me kar-mesz É _edin_ kul#-[ta-ri] [mu]-szA-bi-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-[mu-ma]

[di]-tal-lisz u-sze-me u-[ter-ma] [_uru_]-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah [szu-a-tu] a#-na _uru_-bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ szA# [u4-um pa-ni] _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma [_un-mesz kur-kur_] ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-[bi u-sze-szib] _un-mesz kur lu_-kasz#-[szi-i]

AI Translation

favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

... ... of Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats were his audience gift.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I had my personal chariot carried on men's necks and I counted them as booty.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the palatial halls, their abodes, and I imposed upon them corvée.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah and enlarged its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I settled therein the people of the land of the Kassites.


favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, i 5' perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

... ... I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. i 10'' I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, i 15'' encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, i 20'' I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, i 25'' their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, i 30'' I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites

Obverse Column ii


[É ni-s,ir-ti]-szu u-[masz-szir-ma] [a-na ru-qé-e]-ti in-na-bit gim-ri# [_kur_-szu _dagal_-tim ki]-ma# _muru9_ as-hu-up [_uru_-mar-u]-bisz#-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du [_uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_]-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ [sza li-me-ti]-szu#-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) [ap-pul] aq#-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

[_un-mesz tur gal_] _nita u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [_ansze-kunga-mesz_] _ansze#-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ [U s,e]-e#-ni a-na la mi-nam [Asz-lu-lam]-ma# a-di la ba-szi-i [u-szA-lik-szu]-ma# u-s,a-ah-hir _kur_-su [_uru_-s,i-s,i-ir]-tu [_uru_]-ku-um-ma-ah-lum [_uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu]-ti a-di# _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ [sza li-me-ti-szu-nu] _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u [na-gu-u] a-na gi-mir-ti-szu [ul-tu qé]-reb# _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma [_ugu_ mi-s,ir] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

[_uru_-el-en-za-Asz] a#-na _uru lugal_-u-ti [U dan-na-at na]-ge#-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma [_mu_-szu mah-ra-a] u-nak-kir-ma [_uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_]-_szesz#-mesz_-eri-ba [at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un_]-_mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti [_szu-ii_-ia] [i-na lib-bi u-sze]-szib i-na _szu-ii_ [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en_]-_nam# uru_-har-har# [am-nu-ma u-rap]-pisz# ma-a-[ti]

[i-na ta-a-a-ar]-ti-[ia] [...] x x [...]

_lugal uru_-is-qa-al#-[lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu] a-na ni-ri-ia [_dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu] _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus_-[_mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu] _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am#-[ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

u-ra-Asz-szu (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri# [_dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti] _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-[u _ugu un-mesz_] _uru_-is-qa-al-lu-[na Asz-kun-ma] na-dan _gun_ kad-re-[e be-lu-ti-ia] e-mid-su-ma i-szA-[a-at, ab-szA-a-ni]

i-na me-ti-iq ger#-[ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na] _uru_-ia-ap-pu-u# [_uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa] _uru_-a-zu-ru [_uru-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a] sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia# [Ar-hisz la ik-nu-szu] al-me _kur_-ud [Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un]

_lu-gir-nita#_-[_mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na] x [...]

[_lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz_] _lugal kur#_-mu-s,u#-[ra-a-a] [a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir_]-_mesz_ sza# _lugal kur_-me-luh-[hi] [bal-t,u-su-un i]-na# _murub4_ tam-ha-ri# ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a#

AI Translation

I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara's land down to a halt, then I made his city Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, from his land, and added it to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march ... ... .

As for the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took them to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

governors, nobles, and people of the city Ekron ... .

In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.


He Ispabara abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, ii 5' cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements ii 15' in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city ii 20' and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. ii 25' I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, ... ... ...

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron ... ...

In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

Obverse Column iii


[_uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal]-la#-sun [a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na] aq#-rib-ma [_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_] sza# hi-it,-t,u [u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma] i-na di-ma-a-ti [si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul] pag-ri-szu-un [_dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an]-ni# U gil-la-ti [a-na szal-la-ti am]-nu# si-it-tu-te-szu-nu [la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti] U gul-lul-ti [sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la] ib-szu-u

[usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di]-i# _lugal_-szu-nu [ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li]-im-mu [u-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za_] be#-lu-ti [_ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da]-at-tu# be#-[lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu]

U (disz)ha#-[za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a] sza la ik-[nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia] 46 _uru-mesz_-szu# [dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_] _u uru-mesz_ [_tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu] sza ni-ba la# [i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us] a-ram-me [U qit-ru-ub szu-pi-i] mit-hu-us,# [zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si] U kal#-[ban-na-te al-me _kur_-ud] 2 _me lim_ [1 _me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita u munus_] _ansze-kur-ra#_-[_mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] _gu4-mesz_ [U s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi] ul-tu [qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma]

szal-la-[tisz am-nu szA-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi] qé-reb# [_uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu] e-[sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma] a-s,e#-[e _ka-gal uru_-szu u-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz] _uru#_-[_mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu]

[i-na 4-e ger-ri]-ia# (d)asz-szur be-li [u-tak-kil-an-ni]-ma# um-ma-na-ti-ia [gap-szA-te ad-ke]-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 [a-la-ku aq-bi] i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia [sza (disz)szu-zu-bi] _lu#_-kal-da-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me [i-na _uru_-bi]-it#-tu-u-tu Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu [szu-u] hur#-ba-szu ta-ha-zi-ia _ugu_-szu# [im-qut]-ma# it-ru-ku lib-bu-szu# [ki-ma] az#-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma

[ul] in#-na-mir a-szar-szu pa-an ni-ri-ia [u]-ter-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 as,-s,a-bat har#-ra-nu szu-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ [sza] i-na# a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-re-e [_bad5_]-_bad5_-szu# Asz-ku-nu-ma u-par-ri-ru el-lat-su [ri]-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti _u#_ ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia ez-zi [e]-dur#-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu ina _ki-tusz_-szu-nu [id]-ke#-ma qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-szar-kib-ma [a-na _uru_]-na-gi-ti-raq-qi sza _murub4_ tam-tim [is,-s,u]-risz# ip-pa-risz _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu

[u-ter-ma _uru_]-_mesz#_-szu ap-pul aq-qur [u-sze-me kar-mesz] _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ na-mur]-ra#-tum at-bu-uk

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia] (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu_ [_dumu_ resz-tu-u tar-bit] bir#-ki-ia [i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu u]-sze#-szib-ma

[_uru_-szA-ru-um _uru_-e-za-ma _uru_]-kip#-szu _uru#_-[hal-bu-da] [_uru_-qu-u-a _uru_-qa-na sza] _gim#_ qin-ni# [_ti8-muszen_ a-szA-red] [_muszen-hi-a_ s,e-er zuq-ti _kur_]-ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i [szu-bat-sun szit-ku-na-at-ma la] kit#-nu-szu a-na ni-ri [i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur ka-ra-szi] u#-szA-Asz-kin-ma#

[it-ti _lu_-qur-bu-ti _gir-ii_-ia] na#-as-qu-ti# [_u lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia la] ga#-me-lu-ti# [a-na-ku _gim am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz]-szu#-un as,-bat# [...] x [...]

x [...]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. Moreover, none of the rest of them had committed crimes or committed any wrongdoing.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, I fought with the sword, spear, iii 20'' and campfire. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities, which I had plundered and carried off from his land.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my extensive troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. His battle array, his fierce battle array, overwhelmed him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a fox and fled alone.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had been struck during my first campaign and whose forces had been scattered, became frightened by the utterance of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array, then he sat on their thrones the gods of the full extent of his land, took to the boats, and he ascended the chariots, and he fled to the city Nagitiraqqi, which is in the middle of the sea. He seized his brothers, the seed of his father's house, and he fled to the city Nagitiraqqi, which is in the middle of the sea.

I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and

I had the cities Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose emplacements were situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and which were without number, placed at the foot of Mount Nipur and I counted them as booty.

With my fierce bodyguard and my merciless battle troops, I seized their front lines like a fierce wild bull. ... .


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and iii 5 hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my lordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having iii 20 ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, iii 25 oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and iii 30 made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me so that I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, iii 5' I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — iii 15' became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array, then dislodged the gods of the full extent of his land from their abodes, and loaded them onto boats. He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. iii 20' I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — iii 5'' I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my select bodyguard and my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. ... ... ...

... ...

Obverse Column iv


i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur#-szA-a-ni# [ar-de-szu-nu-ti-ma] Asz-ta-kan tah-ta-szu-un [_uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ma] Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un [ap-pul aq-qur]

i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu [pa-an ni-ri-ia] u-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)[ma-ni-ia-e] _lugal uru_-uk-ki szad-da#-[a-a-e la kan-sze] as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu [ur-hi la pe-tu-ti] t,u-di pa-Asz-qu-ti [sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_] mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu#-[u-a qé-reb-szu-un] ma-am-man la il#-[li-ku _lugal-mesz_ pa-ni mah-ru-ti]

[...] x [...] szum-man-nu _u#_ [bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-ma] a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-ra-Asz-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza _a-ii_-szu is-hu-ru-[ma il-li-ku] re-s,u-su _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz#-[kun _illat-mesz_-szu] u-sap-pi-ih-ma u-par#-[ri-ir pu-hur-szu]

i-na 7-e ger-ri-ia [(d)asz-szur be-li] u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na# [_kur_-e-lam-ti] lu al-lik _uru_-É-(disz)ha-'i-i-ri# [_uru_-ra-s,a-a] _uru-mesz_-ni sza mi-s,ir [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza i-na tar-s,i _ad_-ia e-[la-mu-u] e-ki-mu da-na-nisz i-na [me-ti-iq] ger-ri-ia _kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun _lu-erim-mesz_ szu-lu-ti-ia u-sze-rib qé-reb-szu-un a-na mi#-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ram-ma _szu-ii lu#-gal uru-hal-s_,U

_bad-an-ki_ am-nu _uru_-bu-bé-e _uru_-dun-ni-(d)_utu uru_-É-(disz)ri-si-ia _uru_-É-ah-la-me-e _uru_-du-ru _uru_-dan-nat-(disz)su-la-a-a _uru_-szi-li-ib-tu _uru_-É-(disz)a-s,u-si _uru_-kar-(disz)_numun_-_ba_-szA _uru_-É-(disz)gi-is,-s,i _uru_-É-(disz)kat-pa-la-ni _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-ia _uru_-ha-ma-nu _uru_-É-(disz)ar-ra-bi _uru_-bu-ru-tu _uru_-di-in-tu-sza-(disz)su-la-a-a _uru_-di-in-tu-sza-(disz)(d)_dumu_-É-_kar_-ir _uru_-har-ri-Asz-la-ke-e _uru_-rab-ba-a-a _uru_-ra-a-su _uru_-ak-ka-ba-ri-na _uru-du6_-(disz)u-hu-ri _uru_-ha-am-ra-nu

_uru_-na-t,i-tu a-di _uru-mesz_ sza né-re-bi sza _uru_-É-bu-na-ki _uru-du6_-(d)hu-um-bi _uru_-di-in-tu-sza-(disz)du-me-_dingir uru_-É-(disz)u-bi-ia _uru_-bal-ti-li-szir [_uru_-ta]-qab#-li-szir _uru_-sza-na-qi-da-ti [_uru_-ma-su-tu]-szap#-li-tu# _uru_-sa-ar-hu-de-ri [_uru_-a-lum-sza-_gaszan_-É] _uru#_-É-(disz)_pap-mesz_-_sum-na#_

[x] x [...] isz-me-ma [ki-szit-ti _uru-mesz_-szu (disz)_nig-du_-(d)na-hu-un-du] _lu_-e-la#-[mu-u im-qut-su hat-tum] si-it-ti# [_uru-mesz_-szu a-na dan-na-a-ti u-sze-rib] szu-u _uru_-ma#-[dak-ti _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma] a#-na _uru_-ha-i-da#-[la sza qé-reb szad-di-i _su-mesz_]

is,#-s,a-bat har-ra-nu# [a-na _uru_-ma-dak-ti _uru lugal_-ti-szu] a#-la-ku aq-bi _iti_-tam#-[hi-ri _en-te-na_ dan-nu] e#-ru-ba-am-ma szA-mu#-[tum ma-at-tum u-szA-az-ni-na] [_szeg-mesz_]-szA _szeg_-[_mesz u_ szal-gu ...] [...] x [...] x [...]

AI Translation

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. I took the direct, unpredictable, and treacherous paths that had never crossed over difficult mountains before me and had never walked among the kings of the past.

... ... ... I gave him a ... and a bronze shield and brought him to Assyria. The king of the land Elam, who had sided with him and gone with him, I brought about his defeat. I overwhelmed his forces and scattered his assembly.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rashaya, cities on the border of Assyria that the Elamite had taken away in the time of my father. I brought back inside them my own troops and brought them to the border of Assyria. I placed them under the authority of the commander of the fortified city.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-Zer-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Katpalani, Bit-Imbiya, Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Burutu, Dimtu-sha-Sulaya, Dimtu-sha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu,

the city Natitu, together with the cities of the pass of Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humbi, Dintu-sha-Dumu-ili, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, Shanaqidati, Masutu-shaplitu, Sarhu-deri, Alum-sha-Belet-biti, Bit-Ahhe-iddina,

Kudurru-Nahundu Kudurru-Nahundu Kudurru-Nahundu Kudurru-Nahundu Kudurru-Nahundu Kudurru-Nahundu fled to me, iii 5'

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, a mighty storm blew and blew a heavy rainstorm over the land. Its rain, rain and flood ...


I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku and an insubmissive mountain-dweller. Before my time, none of the former kings of the past had marched through the untrodden paths and difficult trails on account of the rugged mountains.

... ... ... I bound him Nergal-ushezib with tethering ropes and iron fetters, and brought him to Assyria. I defeated the king of the land Elam, who had aligned himself with him and come to iv 5' his aid. I dispersed his forces and scattered his assembled host.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rasha, iv 10' cities on the border of Assyria that the Elamites had taken away by force in the time of my ancestors. I had my garrisons stationed iv 15' inside them. I brought those cities back inside the border of Assyria and placed them under the authority of the garrison commander of Der.

The cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, Duru, iv 20' Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-Zera-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Katpalani, Bit-Imbiya, Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Burutu, iv 25' Dimtu-sha-Sulaya, Dimtu-sha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu, Natitu,

together with the cities of the passes, namely Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humba, Dimtu-sha-Dumeli, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, Alu-sha-naqidate, iv 35' Massutu-shaplitu, Sarhu-Deri, alum-sha-Belet-biti, Bit-Ahhe-iddina,

... ... ... Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahhunte, the Elamite, heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He brought the people of the rest of his cities into fortresses. iv 5'' He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and took the road to the city Haydala Hidalu, which is in the distant mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, bitter cold set in and a severe rainstorm sent down iv 10'' its rain. I was afraid of the rain and snow ... ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column v


sza# [dun-ni e-ri-ia-ti pa-an _an_-e] rap-szu-ti# [ka-ti-im el-la-mu-u-a] i-na _uru_-ha#-[lu-le-e sza ki-szad _id-idigna_] szit-ku-nu si#-[dir-ta pa-an masz-qi-ia] s,ab-tu-ma [u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un]

a-na-[ku a-na] (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)#[_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_muati_] (d)_u#_-[_gur_ (d)]_inanna#_ sza _nina-ki_ (d)_inanna_ sza _uru#_-[_limmu_-_dingir_] _dingir-mesz#_ ti-ik-li-ia a-na ka-szA#-[di] _lu-kur_ dan-ni am-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma su-pe-e-a ur-ru-hi-isz isz-mu-u

il-li-ku re-s,u-ti la-ab-bisz an-na-dir-ma at-tal-bi-szA si-ri-ia-am hu-li-ia-am si-mat s,i-il-te a-pi-ra# ra-szu-u-a i-na _gisz-gigir_ ta-ha-zi-[ia] s,ir-ti sa-pi-na-at za-'i#-[i-ri] i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia ar#-[ta-kab ha-an-t,isz] _gisz-pan_ dan-na-tum sza (d)[asz-szur u-szat-li-ma] i-na _szu-ii_-ia as,-bat _gisz_-szil-ta#-[hu pa-ri-i'] nap-szA-ti at-muh [rit-tu-u-a]

s,e-er gi-mir um#-ma-[na-ti na-ki-ri] lem-nu-ti u4-mi-isz# [s,ar]-pisz al#-[sa-a] _gim_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-gu-um# i-na qi-bit (d)[asz-szur] _en gal_ [_en_-ia a]-na# szid-di u pu-ti# [_gim_] [ti-ib me-he]-e szam-ri a-na _lu-kur_ [a-zi-iq] [i-na] _gisz#-tukul-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia# [U] [ti-ib] ta#-ha-zi-ia ez-zi# [i-rat-su-un] [a]-né#-e'-ma suh-hur-ta-szu-nu# [Asz-kun _erim-hi-a_ na]-ki-ri i-na us,-s,i [mul-mul]-li# u-szA-qir-ma# [gim-ri _adda-mesz_-szu]-nu u-pal-li#-[szA]

[_ud_-zi-zi-isz (disz)(d)]hu-um-ban-un#-[da-szA (...)]

AI Translation

As for the one who sinned against my supplications and brought about the defeat of my foes in the broad heavens, I captured the one who had sinned against me in the city Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River, and thereby weakened their weapons.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, to conquer a strong enemy and they quickly heeded my prayers.

I slew my foes and my foes, the ones who slew me like a lion. With my exalted battle chariot, which is laden with brilliance, I rode quickly in my anger. I had the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted me hold and I grasped in my hand a sling that was laden with brilliance. I slew my hands and iii 5' I slew my hands like a lion.

I fought with all of the enemy troops and I fought with them like the god Adad. By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I attacked the enemy in battle and strife like a fierce storm. With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I fought with them and defeated them. I cut down the troops of the enemy with the sword and I filled the entire area with their corpses.

On the day that Humban-undasha .


The dust of their feet covered the wide heavens like a heavy cloud in the deep of winter. While drawing up a battleline before me at the city Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River and keeping me from the water source, they sharpened their weapons.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, for victory over my strong enemy and v 10' they immediately heeded my prayers and came to my aid.

I raged up like a lion, then put on armor and placed a helmet suitable for combat on my head. v 15' In my anger, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which lays enemies low. I took in my hand the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I grasped in my hand an arrow that cuts off life.

I roared loudly like a storm and thundered like the god Adad against all of the troops of the wicked enemies. By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I blew like the onset of a severe storm against the enemy on their flanks and front lines. v 25' With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I turned them back and made them retreat. I shot the troops of the enemy with ushshu-arrows and mulmullu-arrows, and pierced all of their corpses like ....

I quickly slaughtered and defeated Humban-undasha, ...

Obverse Column vi


[... U-mun-ni-szu-nu] u#-szar-da-a [s,e-er er-s,e-ti szA]-di#-il-ti [...] (x) x x x

[...] x x [x (x)] [u-na-kis-ma bal-ta-szu-un a-bu-ut ki-ma bi]-ni# qisz-sze-e# [si-ma-ni u-na-kis] qa#-ti-szu-un

[_har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi_] _ki#-sag_ eb-bi [szA rit-ti-szu-nu am-hur i]-na# nam-s,a-ri [zaq-tu-ti hu-s,a-an-ni-szu-nu] u-par-ri-i' [_gir-mesz_ szib-bi _ku-gi ku-babbar_ szA _murub4_]-_mesz_-szu-nu e-kim

[si-it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-szu a]-di# (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_gar_-un [_dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza la]-pa-an _me_-ia [ip-la-hu id-ku-u _a-ii_-szu]-un# bal-t,u-su-un [i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri it-mu]-ha# _szu-ii_-a-a

[_gisz-gigir-mesz_ a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szi-na sza i]-na# qit-ru-ub [ta-ha-zi dan-ni ra-ki-bu-szin] de#-ku-ma [U szi-na musz-szu-ra-ma ra-ma-nu]-usz#-szin [it-ta-na-al-la-ka mit-ha-risz u-ter]-ra#

[...] _uru_ x [x] [... sza] ul(?)#-tu _ud-mesz_ [_su-mesz_ ... s,u-uh-hu]-rat# szu-bat-su [...] sza 3 _me 30_ [i-na 1-_kusz usz_ x x x i]-na# 1-_kusz sag-ki_ [ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma la] nu-ku-lat e-pisz-tasz

[... qa(?)]-bal(?)#-ti _uru_ u-s,u-u [...]-x-du-u(?) usz-sze-szA [...] a-na ar-ke-e-szA [...]-u i-na _illu_-szA gap-szi [...] x x-tu _un-mesz_ a-szib [...]-hu szat-ti#-szam _uru dingir-mesz_ [...] a-szar _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia [_gun_(?) mal-ki(?)] kib#-ra-a-ti im-da#-na-ha-ru [qé-reb-szu ...] x gi-mir ad-na-a-ti [...]-me(?)# da-na-ni sza _dingir-mesz_ [...] szug#-lu-du szat-ti-szam [... a]-na qé-reb _nina-ki_ [_uru_(?) be-lu-ti-ia(?)] i-bab-ba-lu-ni man-da-ta-szu-nu

[...] _uru_ s,e-eh-ru# [...] x pi-i [x x]-ki-szu [...]-a#-ti _uru_ ma#-lu-u [...] x-_mesz_ szit-ku-na [... a-na a]-tal#-lu-ki la t,a-bu [...]-mu-u i-ta-at _uru_ [...] x-bu U szA-am-mu [... sza ina la] ma#-a-me szu-lu-ka na-mu-ta [... szA]-ta-ta qé-e et-tu-tu [... i]-na# e-bi-hi rak-su-ma [...] u-szu-zu i-ta-ti-szu

[...]-s,a-bu la i-ba-szu-u [...] szab-bur-ti _sag uru_ [...] sa(?)#-ra-bu U s,u-mu [...] ze#-ri pu-qut-tu [...] x-szA et,-lum [...] e#-lu-u e-li-szA [... a]-na# masz-ti-ti-szu [...] ni#-iz-mat-su

[...] sza i-na [...] x [...] x [...] [...] _ud_ [...]-u [...] _kur#-mesz_ [...] x-li [... is(?)]-pu#-nu [...]-u#

[...] [...] _ad#_ [...] [x x]-ti-szu-un [... _lugal-mesz_-ni] a-li-kut mah-ri# [_ad-mesz_-ia sza ul-tu u4-me] ul-lu-ti ul-la#-[nu-u-a be-lu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] e-pu-szu-ma u-[ma-'e-ru ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil_] a-a-um-ma i-na [lib-bi-szu-nu a-na e-pesz(?)] É-_gal_ s,i-ir-ti# [...] U szum-dul6(?)# [szu-bat _uru_ ...] U x [...] [...]

AI Translation

... I made their ... shine. I surrounded the plains and the mountains with their ... .

... ... I smashed their hands and smashed their hearts like a pig's nest.

I received gold and shining silver bracelets with their wrists. I cut off their wrists with sharp swords and I seized gold and silver bracelets with their clasps.

As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had become frightened of my battle array and cut off their escape route, they fell into the thick of battle.

I brought back together the chariots, together with their horses, which they had taken away and taken away in the thick of the mighty battle. Moreover, they brought them back together and brought them back together.

... the city ... ... whose site had been abandoned for a long time ... its site ... which is 330 cubits long ... with a width of 1 cubit and whose construction was inexpert:

... the outskirts of the city ... ... ... ... to its rear ... during its extensive flood ... the people living in ... ... ... the city of the gods ... where the kings, my ancestors, ... the royal tribute of the four quarters, they constantly poured out into it ... all of the habitations ... the might of the gods ... ... a substantial payment ... they deposited their payment in Nineveh, my capital city.

... a distant city ... ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... not to go ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in a haze ...

... ... there was no ... ... the sabburtu-demon, the head of the city ... the sarabu-demon and the shumu-demon ... the angry, frightened, and furious ... ... ... above it ... to its foundation ... his supplication .

... which in ... ... ... ... ... lands ... ... they .

... ... their ... ... ... kings who preceded me, my ancestors, who since time immemorial had exercised dominion over Assyria and had encouraged the people of the god Enlil, not one among them had ever considered building a grand palace ... or renovating the site of the city ... and ... .


... I made their blood flow over the broad earth ... ...

I cut off their lips and thus destroyed their pride. I cut off their hands like the stems of cucumbers in season.

I received gold and shining silver sling straps as their wrist-trappings and slashed off their belts with sharp swords. I took away gold and silver decorated belt-daggers as their waist-trappings.

As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, vi 10' who had raised their arms because they were terrified of doing battle with me, I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

I brought back all together the chariots along with their horses, whose drivers had been killed in the thick of that mighty battle and which had themselves been released so that they galloped about on their own.

... the city Nineveh ... which from distant days ..., whose site was too small ... its extent was 330 cubits vi 5'' on its longer side and ... cubits on its shorter side, and whose construction was inexpert.

... that went out through the city ... ... its foundation ... to its rear vi 10'' ... ... when its flood the Tebilti's was in full spate ... ... the people living in ... ... annually, the city, the gods ... wherein the kings, my ancestors, received the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters of the world; vi 15'' ... ... of the entire world ... ... the strength of gods ... very frightening, annually, ... they brought their substantial payment into Nineveh, my capital city.

... small settlement ... ... ... of the city was filled ... ... were set ... was not suitable for passage vi 25'' ... ... borders of the city ... ... and vegetation ... which had been turned into wastelands without water ... were woven over with spider webs ... were bound with ropes vi 30'' ... standing at its sides;

... are not ... ... newly tilled soil before the city ... cold and thirst ... seeds, thorns vi 35'' ... ..., the young man ... rose up above it ... for his drink allowance ... his desire

No translation possible

... ... ... ... their ... ... earlier kings, my ancestors who from vi 5''' distant days, before me, had exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil; but not one among them had conceived of and put his mind towards building a magnificent palace, ... or increasing the site of the city, ... and ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column vii


qaq-qa-ru at-ru# [...] i-na _ugu 3 me_ [x x ina 1-_kusz usz_] [x] _me 80_ i#-na 1-_kusz#_ [_sag-ki_ ...] [lu u]-rad#-di a-na 9 _me#_ [x x i-na 1-_kusz_(?) _gal_-ti(?) _usz_] [U x] _me 60_ i-na 1-_kusz#_ [_gal_-ti(?)] [_sag-ki_] szi-kit-ti É-[_gal_ u-ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi] [1 _me_] 90# ti-ib-ki a-na e#-[la-ni tam-la-a(?)]

usz#-mal-li s,e-ru-usz-szu [...] sza i-na kib-rat ar-ba-['i ...] a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-[ia ina(?) _murub4_(?) _uru_(?)]

sza _nina-ki_ esz-szisz ab-ni [...] _ugu_ sza u4-um pa-ni usz-rab#-[bi ...] u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-[qir hur-szA-nisz] sze-hi-ni-tu-szu sza a-gur-ri [...] i-na szi-pir _lu-szitim-gal_-le#-[e en-qu-ti]

u-sze-pisz nak-lisz Asz-szu i#-[na _szeg-mesz_(?)] U szal-gi usz-sze-szu [la(?) e-né-szi(?)] ki-su-szu i-na _na4_-pi-i-[li _gal-mesz_ u-sze-pi-szA(?)]

u-dan-nin szu-pu-uk-[szu 1 _me_ ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim] ha-ri-s,u-usz usz-rap-pisz# [...] ma-da-x# [...] x [...]

x x x x x sza _bad_(?)#-[szu _gal_ bad-ni-gal-bi]-- lu2#-kur-ra-szu-szu du-u-ru sza nam#-[ri-ru-szu] na-ki-ri sah-pu s,e-er _na4_-pi-[i-li] tem-me-en-szu ad-di-ma 40 _sig4_ i-na na-al-ban#-[ia] _gal_-i u-kab-bir-szu a-na e-lisz a-di szap-la-[nisz] na-bur-ri-szu a-na 39 _sig4_ u-ter-[ma] i-na 3 _usz 20_ ti-ib-ki _sig4_ sza szi-zu-u mu-bu-szA e-la-nisz a-di pa-As-qi-szu re-szi-szu ul-li-ma u-zaq-qir-szu hur-szA-nisz

a-na er-bet-ti szA-a-ri 18 _ka-gal-mesz_ pa-nu U ar-ka i-na s,i-li ki-lal-la-an a-na e-re-bi U a-s,e-e u-szap-ta-a

qé-reb-szu (d)szar2-ur4 mu-szam-qit a-a-ab _lugal ka-gal_ ha-an-du-ri lil-bur ÉNSI (d)asz-szur _ka-gal_ (d)asz-szur sza _uru-sza-uru_ sa-pi-in gi-mir na-ki-ri _ka-gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su_ sza _kur_-hal-zi (d)_en-lil_ mu-kin _bala_-ia _ka-gal_ (d)_utu_ sza _kur_-ga-gal szA (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su_ it-ti man-zal-ti e-req-qi li-kun _bala_-szu _ka-gal_ (d)_nin-lil_ sza _uru_-kar-(d)_nin#-lil_ mu-sze-s,a-at _uzu azag ka-gal_ musz-la-lum du-muq (d)Asz-na-an u (d)lahar# qé-reb-szA ka-a-a-an

ni-bit-si-in (d)_iszkur_ szA-rik HÉ-_gal_ a-na _kur ka-gal#_ (d)_iszkur_ sza am-ba-si (d)er-ra# mu-szam-qit a-a-bi-ia _ka-gal_ (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru#_-[tar]-bi-s,i (d)_szesz-ki_-ru mu-kin a-ge-e be#-[lu]-ti#-ia _ka-gal_ (d)30 (d)é-a mu-sze-szir kUp-[pi]-ia _ka-gal_ ma-as-qé-e li-bur e-pi-[(is(?))]-sa(?)# musz-la-lum sza É-_gal_ (d)_igi-sig7-sig7#_ mu-szam-me-eh s,ip-pa-ti musz-la-lum sza _gisz-kiri6_ mu-sze-ri-bat mi-szir-ti da-Ad-me _ka-gal_ ka-a-ri lu da-ri ba-nu-szA musz-la-lum É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti (d)a-nu-um

sza szal-hi-i bad-nig-érim-hu-luh-ha mu-gal-lit za-ma-a-ni usz-sze-szu# [ap-te-e-ma] [x x] x le e u# i x [...] ma-da-ti(?)# ku x [...] a-di _ugu a-mesz_ u-[szA-ak-szid(?) 45(?) _ninda_(?) qé-reb(?)] ma-a-me u-szap-pil-[ma szap-la-a-nu] _na4 kur_-i dan-nu ak-si-[ma e-la-nisz a-di pa-As-qi-szu] i-na _na4_-pi-i-li _gal#_-[_mesz_ u-nak-kil szi-pir-szu]

sza _nina-ki uru_ [be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su] usz-rab-bi 52 i-[na 1-_kusz gal_-tim su-qi-szu] me-ti-iq ger-[ri _lugal_ u-szA-an-dil-ma] u#-nam-mir _gim_ [u4-me ...]

AI Translation

I added a terrace ... to the 300 cubits long ... and ... 80 cubits wide ... I raised the dimensions of the palace to 990 cubits long and ... 60 cubits wide. I enlarged the site of the palace and raised its superstructure 90 courses of brick high to the east.

I ... the ... which is in the four quarters of the world ... for my lordly residence in the center of the city.

I had a ... built more splendidly than before and raised it as high as a mountain. With the skill of a skilled craftsman, I had its bricks made from baked bricks.

I had its base made from large limestone blocks. I had its foundations firmly secured in bricks and baked brick.

I enlarged its structure by a large cubit. ...

I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbi, its ally, the sacrificial wall that was clad with a sacrificial wall, upon limestone, and then I surrounded its foundation with forty bricks from my large nabû-stone. I raised its superstructure to forty bricks above and below, and then I raised the superstructure of its foundation to three hundred and twenty courses of brick above and below and raised it as high as a mountain.

I had eighteen gates opened up before and behind the city for entering and leaving.

The god Sharur, who destroys enemies, the king, the gate of the dung heap, the vice-regent of the god Ashur, the gate of the god Ashur of the Inner City, the one who covers all enemies, the gate of Sennacherib of the land Halzi, the god Enlil, the one who establishes my reign, the gate of the god Shamash of the land Gagal, which Sennacherib with the support of the god Marduk-aha-eriba, may his reign be long. The gate of the goddess Mullissu of the city Kar-Mullissu, the one who provides meat for the azag offering, the gate of the mushlallum, the one who is the favorite of the god Ashnan and the Lahar, constantly in it.

The gate of the god Adad, the one who brings abundance to the land, the gate of the god Adad, which leads to the city Ambush, the god Erra, the one who defeats my enemies, the gate of the god Nergal, which leads to the city Tarbishu, the god Nannaru, the one who establishes the dynasty of my lordship, the gate of the gods Sîn and Ea, the one who makes my kuppies firm, the gate of the mushqû, the one who makes my work shine, the one who makes the architrave of the palace, the god Igigsigsig, the one who makes the reedbeds resplendent, the one who makes the orchards resplendent, the one who makes the settlements prosper, the one who makes the palace stand firm, the one who makes the mushqû, the shaddû of the temple, the one who makes the shaddû-houses endure, the one who makes the palace stand firm, the one who makes the shadddû-houses endure, the one who makes the shadddû-houses endure, the one who makes the shadddû-houses endure, the one who makes the shadddû-houses endure, the one who makes the shadddû-houses endure, the one who makes the shad

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigérimhuluha, which means "Fortress of the Zamaneans," and ... ... ... ... I deposited my tribute ... as far as the water. I surrounded the sea with forty-five nindanu and made it larger. I cut down strong mountain stone and then I completed its construction with large limestone blocks, as its foundations.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares 52 large cubits, thereby completing the king's journey, making them as bright as day .


I took ... as an additional plot of land. I added it to the three hundred and ... cubits long and ... hundred and eighty cubits wide ... I enlarged the structure of the palace to nine hundred and ... large cubits along its longer side vii 5 and ... hundred and sixty large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger. Upon it, I filled in a terrace 190 courses of brick high.

For my lordly residence in the citadel of Nineveh I built anew a palace ... that ... in the four quarters of the world.

I made ... larger than before, had ... built, and raised it as high as a mountain. As for its ..., which ... baked bricks, vii 15 I had it expertly made through the craft of well-trained master builders.

In order to prevent its foundations from being weakened by rain and snow, I had its base built with large limestone blocks and thereby reinforced its base.

I widened its moat 100 large cubits. ... ... ... ... ...

... ... I laid the foundation of its great wall, Badnigalbilukurashushu, which means "Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies," upon limestone and vii 5' made it 40 bricks thick, measured by my large brick mold. Upwards to the north and downwards to the south, I enlarged its battlements to a width of 39 bricks, then I raised its superstructure up high, to its copings, to a height of 200 courses of brick, each of whose thickness was one-third of a cubit, and thus raised it as high as a mountain.

I had eighteen gates opened up in it in four directions, in front and behind, and along both sides, for entering and leaving.

"The God Sharur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy": this is the Handuru Gate. "May the Vice-Regent of the God Ashur Endure": vii 15' this is the Ashur Gate, which leads to the Inner City Ashur. "The One Who Flattens All Enemies": this is the Sennacherib Gate, which leads to the land Halzi. "The God Enlil Is the One Who Makes My Reign Firm": this is the Shamash Gate, which leads to the land Gagal. "May Sennacherib's Dynasty Be as Firm as the Position of the Wagon Constellation!": this is the Mullissu Gate, which leads to the city Kar-Mullissi. vii 20' "The One Who Exorcises the 'Flesh' of the Asakku-demon": this is the Step Gate. "The Choicest of Grain and Flocks Are Constantly Inside It": this is the gate that leads to the city Shibaniba. "The Bearer of the Produce of the Mountains": this is the gate that leads to the land Halahhu. In total, eight gates facing the rising sun, towards the south and east, and I gave them these names.

"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land": this is the Adad Gate, which leads to the game preserve. "The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down My Enemies": this is the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu. "The Divine Nannaru Is the One Who Makes Firm My Lordly Crown": this is the Sîn Gate. "The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Directs Water Flow into My Cisterns": vii 30' this is the Mashqû Gate. "May Its Builder Endure": this is the Step Gate of the Palace. "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish": this is the Step Gate of the Gardens. "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements": this is the Quay Gate. "May Its Builder Live Forever": vii 35' this is the Step Gate of the Armory. "The God Anu Is the Protector of My Life": this is the gate of the section assigned to the land Barhalzu. "The Presents of the People of Tema and Sumu'il Enter Through It": this is the Desert Gate. In total, ten gates facing towards the north vii 40' and west and I gave them these names.

I opened up a foundation pit for the outer wall, Badnigerimhuluha, which means "Terrorizer of Enemies," then ... ... ... ... .... vii 45' Until I had it reach the water table, I dug down into the water forty-five nindanu, then I bound together strong mountain stone below and above I expertly carried out its construction with large limestone blocks up to its copings.

I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. For the course of a royal road, I made its streets fifty-two large cubits wide and thus I made the city as bright as day. ...

Obverse Column viii


[_uru_-ki-si-ri a-di] ta#-[mir]-ti _nina#_-[_ki kur_-a(?)] [U bi-ru-tu(?) ina] ak#-kul-la-te _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma [u-sze-szir _id_-har]-ru# _a-mesz id_-hu-su-ur da-risz [s,e-er ta-mir-ti _nina-ki_ u(?)]-kin(?)#-na-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz_ [_edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti(?)] u#-szah-bi-ba a-tap-pisz

[...]-x-a(?)#-ti _uru_-gi-ir-mu-a [...]-x-tu _uru_-a-lum-la-bir [...] sza ul-tu ul-la [...] x-ur# i-szat-tu-u [...] i#-szat-tu-u [...] ma#-szar-tu [...] gal(?)#-lisz

x x [...] _un-mesz_ a-szi(?)#-[bu-ut ...] né-su-u x [...] ka-a-a-na x [...]

6 _me sze-numun a_sz-na-an# [u (d)nisaba e-li _uru_] _u ki-ta uru_ u#-[szA-an-kar szat-ti-szam]

a-na szup-szu-uh a-lak#-[ti _a-mesz_ szu-nu-ti _id_-a-gam-mu] u-szab-szi-ma s,u#-[s,u-u qé-reb-szA as-ti-il] _igira-muszen-mesz_ [_szah-mesz gisz-gi_ a-lap qi-szi] i-na lib-bi u-[masz-szir i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma] qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz_ [_edin_ szA-ab-bur-ti _gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun_] _gisz_-se-er-du _szim#_-[_hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu (_gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_)] nap-har _gisz-mesz_ [i-szi-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri-szu] pa-pa-al-lum ap#-[pa-ra-a-ti ma-gal i-szi-ra] _muszen an_-e _igira#_-[_muszen_ sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu]

u-rap-pi-szu ta#-[lit-tu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-szur-min_] tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti [_gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me] ak-szit,-ma a-na [szip-ri hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_]

be-lu-ti-ia lu# [e-pu-usz ...] ki-lal-la-an ah#-[...] isz-mu-ha qé-reb# [...] i-mi-du Asz-na-[an(?) ...]

ul-tu szip-ri [É-_gal_-ia u-qat-tu-u] (d)asz-szur _en gal_-[u _dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_] a-szi-bu-ut [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma] _udu-siskur-mesz_ [tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi-ma] u-szat-lim [kad-ra-a-a _i-gisz gisz_-sér-di] U hi-bi-[isz-ti u-raq-qa-a a-na ru-usz-ti] i-na tasz-ri#-[it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia] u-szA-Asz-[qa-a muh-ha-szi-in _gesztin_ du-usz-szu-pu]

s,ur-ra-[szi-in am-kir ...]

[...] x [...] pa(?)#-ni-szu [...] x-Asz-szu-ni [...] x-ut-tu

[...]-lu(?)# É-_gal_ [...] i-szu-u [...] _un-mesz uru-mesz_ [...] x la-ban ap-pi [...] x a-na _nina-ki_ [...]-ti# i-na bi-rit [...]-ki#-i sza ina qé-reb [... har(?)]-ra(?)#-na i-szad-di-hu [...] t,a(?)#-bisz u-s,a-nu

[...] x-szu-un a-na Ar-kat [_ud-mesz_ i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni] _dumu#-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur [a-na _re_-É-_um_] _kur# u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u [zi-kir-szu e-nu]-ma _bad_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma [en-na-hu an]-hu#-us-su lu-ud-disz [_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir] szu-me-ia# li-mur-ma [_i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu_]-_siskur#_ liq-qi [a-na Asz-ri-szu lu]-ter (d)#asz-szur [U (d)isz-tar ik-ri]-bi#-szu i#-[szem]-mu#-u

[...] x [li-mu (disz)_en_-_igi_-a]-ni# [_lu-en-nam uru_-gar-ga]-misz#

AI Translation

I had the city Kisiri, together with the plain of Nineveh, and the surrounding countryside, surrounded by iron fetters and I made a canal flow through it. I established the water of the Husur River for ever after on the plain of Nineveh and I planted trees in the marshes in the steppe.

... the city Girmua ... the city Alamlabir ... which from ancient times ...

... the people living ... the cult centers ... daily .

I gave to Ashur 600 homers of seed, threshing floor, and nisaba-flour above the city and below the city.

To divert those waters, I dug the Agammu River and carried off water from it. I abandoned the herons, pigeons, and reeds from their nests. By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in the gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and they surrounded it with a great canopy. Birds of the sky and a wild bull, whose location is remote, thrived greatly.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build the palatial halls.

... I ... the cult centers ... ... he heard ... inside ... he grew .

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics, and then I made the palace more splendid than ever before. I made the wine more plentiful than ever before.

I slew them with a bridle .

... ... before him ...

... the palace ... he had ... the people of cities ... ... ... a scepter ... to Nineveh ... between ... which is inside ... the road ... he made go up ... he made ... good.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

... ..., eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 645.


I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. Thus I provided for eternity a regular supply of water from the Husur River to the plain of Nineveh and I made it gush through small canals into the gardens planted on newly tilled soil.

... ..., the city Girmua, ... ..., the city alum-labir ... which since time immemorial ... ... took water viii 10' ... took water ... review ... like a gallû-demon

... ... the people living in ... distant ... ... constantly ... ....

I annually provided irrigation for 600 fields seeded with grain and cereals located upstream and downstream of the city.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of those waters and planted a canebrake in it. viii 10'' I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens planted on newly tilled soil. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. The marshes thrived greatly. viii 15'' Birds of the heavens, herons whose homes are far away, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

I ... both ... flourished, ... within ... set, grain ....

After I had finished the work on my palace, viii 25'' I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics. viii 30'' At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.


No translation possible

... ... palace ... have ... the people of cities, ... ... expressions of humility lit. "stroking the nose" ... ... to Nineveh viii 10''' ... ... between ... ... which is inside ... they march along the road ... they made ... smell pleasant ... their ....

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, viii 20''' anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

The month ..., ... day, eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 691.

Q003493: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... man]-da#-at-tu# [u-rad-di-ma] u-kin

[s,e-ru-usz-szu-un szu-u (disz)ha]-za#-qi-a-a-u [pul-hi me-lam-me] be#-lu-ti-ia [is-hu-pu-szu-ma] _lu#_-ur-bi [_u lu-erim-mesz_-szu] _sig5#-mesz_ [sza a-na qé-reb _uru_-ur]-sa-li-im-ma [_uru lugal_-ti-szu u]-sze#-ri-bu-ma [it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi_] 8# _me gun ku-babbar_ [mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir]-ti# É-_gal_-szu [_u dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus-un-mesz_] É-_gal_-szu [_lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ a-na qé]-reb# _nina-ki_ [u-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man]-da#-at-ti [isz-pu-ra rak]-bu#-szu

[i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-É-(disz)]ia#-kin7 [lu al-li-ik i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri]-ia#

AI Translation

... I added the payment and imposed it on him.

He, Hazazaqiau, became frightened by the brilliance of my lordly brilliance and then sent a auxiliary force and his good men, who were brought inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, together with 30 talents of gold and 800 talents of silver, all kinds of possessions of his palace, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers, to Nineveh and he sent them to me as a payment.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I captured and plundered the city Bit-Yakin.


I added ... payment and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance i' 5' overwhelmed him and he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, i' 10' every kind of treasure of his palace, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign,

Obverse Column ii


[...] _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia# [i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra] _u kur_-up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti [ka-ra-szi] u-szA-Asz-kin#-ma a-na-ku i-na _gisz-gu-za_ né-me#-[di] [it-ti] _lu#-erim-mesz me_-ia mar-s,i-isz [e-te-el-la-a] _szu#-si-mesz kur-mesz_ pa-Asz-qa-a-ti

szu-u# [(disz)ma]-ni-ia#-e a-lak-ti ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma _uru_-uk-ku _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit e-ru-um-ma a-na qé-reb É-_gal_-szu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni-bi Asz-lu-la ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu

_uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-[mu]

ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-sze-me i-na szal-lat [_kur-mesz_] szA-ti-na 20 _lim 4 me gisz-pan 20 lim 2 me gisz_-a#-[ri-tu] i-na lib#-bi-szu-nu ak-[s,ur-ma] [_ugu_ ki-s,ir] _lugal_-ti#-ia u#-[rad-di]

AI Translation

..., a king of the past who had come before me, I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I, on my own throne, climbed up with my fierce battle troops. I fought with the fierce mountain lions and I captured their hostages.

He, Maniye, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I entered his palace and carried off every kind of possession and property without number. I received his substantial audience gift.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.

In the booty of those lands, I conscripted 20,400 archers and 20,200 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent.


... ... no king of the past who came before me ... I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, with my fighting troops, ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. I entered his palace and, ii' 10' as his substantial audience gift, I carried off every kind of possession and property, which were without number.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities, and made them like ruin hills created by the Deluge.

From the booty of those lands, I conscripted 20,400 archers and 20,200 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent.

Q003494: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] s,e-ru#-usz-szu-un# [a-na _kur_-na-gi-ti a]-la-ku aq-bi [_lu-erim-mesz kur_-ha-at-ti hu]-bu#-ut _gisz-pan-mesz_-ia# [i-na _nina-ki_ u-sze-szib-ma] _gisz#-ma-mesz_ s,i-ra#-[a]-te# [e-pisz-ti _kur_-szu-un ib]-nu-u nak#-lisz [_lu-ma-lah5-mesz_] _uru_-s,ur#-[ra]-a#-a [_uru_-s,i-du-un-na-a-a _kur_-ia-am(?)]-na#-a-a [ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia u-szA-hi-su-nu]-ti# ur-tu [qé-reb _id-idigna_ it-ti] szi-na-ti [a-na qid-da-ti a-di _uru_]-u-pi-a

[u-sze-qel-pu-u _u ta uru_-u-pi-a na(?)]-ba(?)#-lisz [u-sze-lu-szi-na]-ti#-ma [s,e-er _gisz_-gur-gu-ge a-na] _zimbir_(?)#-_ki_

AI Translation

I ordered the march to the land Nagitu. I settled in Nineveh the Hittite troops, who had brought my bow, and they commissioned magnificent boats, their own creation. I brought out the sailor boats of the cities Tyre, Sidon, and Yamanu, who were under my authority, and I brought them down the Tigris River with them to the border of the city Uppia.

Moreover, I brought them out of Opis and brought them to Sippar on the other side of the gurgukku.


... I ordered the march against them to the land Nagitu. I settled in Nineveh the people of the land Hatti plundered by my bows and they skillfully built magnificent ships, i' 5' a product characteristic to their lands. I gave orders to sailors of the cities Tyre and Sidon, and the land Ionia, whom I had captured. They my troops let them sail down the Tigris River with them downstream to the city Opis.

Then, from the city Opis, they lifted them the boats up onto dry land and dragged them on rollers to Sippar.

Q003495: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... a]-na# an-zil#-[li i-pu-szu] [ip-lah _sza_-szu-nu] _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur#_-[mu-s,u-ri] [_erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz_]-_gigir#-mesz ansze-kur#_-[_ra-mesz_] [sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha] e-mu-qi la ni-bi

[ik-te-ru-ni] i-na ta-mir-ti [_uru_-al-ta-qu]-u it-ti-szu-un [am-da-hi-is,-ma] Asz-ta-kan# _bad5-bad5_-szu-un

AI Translation

... they did evil to Anzil. They became frightened of their own kings, the Egyptians, archers, charioteers, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, and they had no strength.

I fought with them in the plain of the city Eltekeh and defeated them.


... they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, I fought with them and defeated them.

Obverse Column ii


[...] x [...] [szu-u (disz)](d)_amar#-utu_-_ibila_-[_sum-na_] sza# ina a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-[re-e] Asz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu ri-gim _gisz-tukul#_-[_mesz_-ia] dan-nu-ti e-dur-ma a-na na-gi#-[te]-- ra-aq-qi sza _murub4_ tam-tim in-[na-bit] _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu sza u-masz#-[szi-ru] a-hi tam-tim a-di si-it-ti _un-mesz#_ [_kur_-szu]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... he, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated during my first campaign and whom I had brought about through the roar of my mighty weapons, fled to the district of the seacoast. I captured his brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had fled to me and had taken to the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land.


... ... ... He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated during my first campaign — ii' 5' became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and fled to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin,

Q003496: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim _re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal mal-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gim-ri a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-ti sza szA-lam (d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a U mal-ki szep-s,u-ti e-du-ru ta-ha-zi da-Ad-me-szu-un iz-zi-bu-ma ki-ma su-tin-ni-_muszen_ ni-gi-is,-s,i e-disz ip-par-szu a-szar la 'a-a-ri

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_mes_-A-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru

ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni-bi ka-bit-tu _gun munus-sza_-É-_gal-mesz_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 75 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ sza _kur_-kal-di _u 4 me 20 uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-sag-kalam-ma _gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-ri-hi-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-re-e _lu_-ma-la-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu-ti mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud) 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal nita u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-te _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni

ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-nita-mesz 10 ansze gisz-gesztin 20 ansze zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-ti-szu a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-te u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _u uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz É _edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-szA-bi-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz

u-sze-me u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na _uru_-bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-um pa-ni _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made the rulers of the four quarters of the world stand over their settlements and they flew away alone like eagles fleeing from their nests.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I abandoned the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was very afraid and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the houses of the steppe and the cult centers, their abodes, and turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds" of ruins lit. "mounds".

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah and made it a fortress more strong than before.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth i 5 who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. i 15 He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me. While they were abandoning their settlements, they flew away alone like bats living in crevices to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. i 25 I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, i 30 precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans i 40 who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'­mu­na, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, i 45 Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Pu­qu­du, Hamranu, Ha­ga­ra­nu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. i 50 I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. i 60 I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and i 70 had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, i 75 mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then ii 1 I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and ii 5 I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

Obverse Column ii


i-na qer-bi _uru_ ul-ziz pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur

i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni a-na la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-hir _kur_-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur

u-rad-di _uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-u-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-na-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har am-nu-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-te sza i-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-hat-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-qi qa-bal tam-tim in-na-bit-ma szad-da-szu e-mid _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _tur uru_-É-zi-it-ti _uru_-s,a-ri-ip-tu _uru_-ma-hal-li-ba _uru_-u-szu-u _uru_-ak-zi-bi _uru_-ak-ku-u _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ a-szar ri-i-ti U masz-qi-ti É tuk-la-te-szu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu sze-pu-u-a

(disz)tu-ba-a'-lum i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

sza (disz)mi-in-hi-im-mu _uru_-sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lum _uru_-s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti _uru_-a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u-ru-mil-ki _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _uru_-as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir kur_-É-(disz)am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu _kur_-u-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz kur mar-tu-ki_ ka-li-szu-un _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4-szu a-na mah-ri-ia

isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-Asz-szu

(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na Asz-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-ma

i-szA-a-at, ab-szA-a-ni i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na _uru_-ia-ap-pu-u _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik-nu-szu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-de-e U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-risz a-na an-zil-li i-pu-szu ip-lah lib-ba-szu-un _lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-hi e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su-un

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu

AI Translation

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the depths of the sea and took refuge there. The city Sidon, the great city, the city Sidon, the smaller city Bit-Zitti Bit-Sharpti Bit-Maripti, the city Mahalliba, Ushû, the city Akzibi, and the city Akku, his fortified cities, houses, fortresses, places of refuge and places of his trust, and they threw off the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and threw him to the ground.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lum of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, above me, you sat on daises.


I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. ii 15 I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs ii 25 and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and ii 30 called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, ii 35 of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and ii 40 he fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures ii 45 and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, ii 55 Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, ii 70 Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths ii 75 to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses ii 80 of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. iii 1 With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

Obverse Column iii


_szu-ii_-a-a _uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma i-na di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu-nu la ib-szu-u

usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu u-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

U (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qit-ru-ub szu-pi-i mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si U kal-ban-na-te al-me _kur_-ud 2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu szA-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka-gal uru_-szu u-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal uru_-as-du-di (disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na U (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal uru_-ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-hir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-tu kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u-rad-di-ma

u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu_-ur-bi _u lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nun _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u til-la-a-ti it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tAk-kas-si _na4-an-za-gul-me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu _u dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-nar-mesz_

i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma um-ma-na-te-ia gap-szA-te ad-ke-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 a-la-ku aq-bi i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me i-na _uru_-bi-it-tu-u-tu Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu szu-u hur-ba-szu _me_-ia _ugu_-szu im-qut-ma it-ru-ku lib-bu-szu ki-ma az-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma

ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu szu-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-re-e _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-ku-nu-ma u-par-ri-ru el-lat-su ri-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti U ti-ib _me_-ia ez-zi e-dur-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu i-na _ki-tusz_-szu-nu id-ke-ma qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-szar-kib-ma a-na _uru_-na-gi-te-raq-qi sza qa-bal tam-tim is,-s,u-risz ip-pa-risz _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu sza u-masz-szi-ru a-hi tam-tim

szal-la-tisz am-nu u-ter-ma _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

na-mur-ra-tum at-bu-uk i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)(d)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_ resz-tu-u tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _dagal_-tum _kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

i-na 5 ger-ri-ia ba-hu-la-te _uru_-tu-mur-ri _uru_-szA-ru-um _uru_-e-za-ma _uru_-kip-szu _uru_-hal-bu-da _uru_-qu-u-a _uru_-qa-na sza _gim_ qin-ni _ti8-muszen_ a-szA-red _muszen-hi-a_ s,e-er zuq-ti _kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-sun szit-ku-na-at-ma la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-ri i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma

it-ti _lu_-qur-bu-ti _gir-ii_-ia na-as-qu-ti

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. I counted the rest of them as booty, without committing any crime or wrongdoing.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and I made his land smaller. I added to the previously mentioned tribute, their annual giving, and I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship.

He, Hezekiah, became frightened by the brilliance of my lordly brilliance and then, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed his auxiliary forces and his elite troops, who had come to the aid of the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and thereby accumulated substantial booty, together with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of zagulu-metal, ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, together with his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers, and he imposed upon them annual tribute.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. He fled alone, fear of my battle arrayed against him, and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a fox and his body was shivering.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had been struck during my first campaign and whose forces had been scattered, became frightened by the roar of my mighty weapons and the violent assault of my battle array, then he sat on their thrones the gods of the full extent of his land, then he boarded their boats and he ascended the chariots and he fled to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the middle of the sea. He seized his brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had fled to the shore of the sea.

I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

With my privileged bodyguard,


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and iii 10 hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified cities, iii 20 fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, iii 25 horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and iii 30 made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. iii 35 To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them text: "him".

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom iii 40 he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, iii 45 ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me so that I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. iii 55 As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom iii 60 I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array, then dislodged the gods of the full extent of his land from their abodes, and loaded them onto boats. iii 65 He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — iii 80 I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my select bodyguard and my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. I proceeded through the gorges of the streams, the outflows of the mountains, and rugged slopes in my chair. iv 5 Where it was too difficult for my chair, I leapt forward on my own two feet like a mountain goat. I ascended the highest peaks against them. Where my knees became tired, I sat down upon the mountain rock and drank cold water from a water skin to quench my thirst.

Obverse Column iv


a-na s,u-um-me-ia lu Asz-ti i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-szA-a-ni ar-de-szu-nu-ti-ma Asz-ta-kan tah-ta-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun

ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal uru_-uk-ki szad-da-a-a-e la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi la pe-tu-ti t,u-di pa-Asz-qu-ti sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu-u-a qé-reb-szu-un ma-am-man la il-li-ku _lugal-mesz_ pa-ni mah-ru-ti i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra _u kur_-up-pa szad-di-i dan-nu-ti ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma a-na-ku i-na _gisz-gu-za_ né-me-di it-ti _lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia git-ma-lu-ti i-na ne-re-bi-szu-un pi-qu-ti szu-nu-hi-isz

pa-Asz-qa-a-te szu-u (disz)ma-ni-ia-e tur-bu-u' _gir-ii erim-hi-a_-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-uk-ku _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit _uru_-uk-ku al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ ni-s,ir-ti É-_gal_-szu ul-tu qer-bé-e-szu

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _u 33 uru-mesz_-ni sza pa-a-t,i na-gi-szu _kur_-ma _un-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un Asz-lu-la ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

i-na 6 ger-ri-ia si-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-te _gim_ sér-re-me ig-ru-ru _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu-un i-na _ki-tusz_-szu-nu id-ku-ma tam-tum _gal_-tum sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi e-bi-ru-ma i-na _uru_-na-gi-ti sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_ id-du-u szu-bat-sun i-na _gisz-ma-mesz kur_-hat-ti tam-tum lu e-bir _uru_-na-gi-tu _uru_-na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na a-di _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _u kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge-e sza _kur-elam-ma-ki kur_-ud

_un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 a-di _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu _u un-mesz_ sza _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-lu-lam-ma la e-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-szar-kib-ma a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-sze-bi-ra-ma u-szA-as,-bi-ta har-ra-an _kur_ asz-szur-_ki uru-mesz_ sza qé-reb na-ge-e szA-tu-nu ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar-me

u-ter i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza i-na e-szi-ti ma-a-te be-lu-tu _kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ ra-ma-nu-usz u-ter-ru i-na _me edin bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun bal-t,u-su i-na _szu-ii_ as,-bat-su szum-man-nu U bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-Asz-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza _a-ii_-szu is-hu-ru-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun _illat-mesz_-szu u-sap-pi-ih-ma u-par-ri-ir pu-hur-szu

i-na 7-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_-e-lam-ti lu al-lik _uru_-É-(disz)ha-'i-i-ri _uru_-ra-s,a-a _uru-mesz_ sza mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza i-na tar-s,i _ad_-ia e-la-mu-u e-ki-mu da-na-nisz i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun _erim-mesz_ szu-lu-ti-ia u-sze-rib qé-reb-szu-un a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra-ma _szu-ii lu-gal uru-hal-s_,_u bad-an-ki_

am-nu _uru_-bu-bé-e _uru_-dun-ni-(d)_utu uru_-É-(disz)ri-si-ia _uru_-É-ah-la-me-e _uru_-du-ru _uru_-dan-nat-(disz)su-la-a-a _uru_-szi-li-ib-tu _uru_-É-(disz)a-s,u-si _uru_-kar-(disz)_numun_-_ba_-szA _uru_-É-(disz)gi-is,-s,i _uru_-É-(disz)kat-pa-la-ni _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-ia _uru_-ha-ma-a-nu _uru_-É-(disz)ar-ra-bi _uru_-bu-ru-tu _uru_-dim-tu-sza-(disz)su-la-a-a _uru_-dim-tu-sza-(disz)(d)_dumu_-É-_kar_-ir _uru_-har-ri-Asz-la-ke-e _uru_-rab-ba-a-a _uru_-ra-a-su _uru_-ak-ka-ba-ri-na _uru-du6_-(disz)u-hu-ri

_uru_-ha-am-ra-nu _uru_-na-t,i-tu a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza né-re-bi sza _uru_-É-(disz)bu-na-ki _uru-du6_-(d)hu-um-bi _uru_-dim-tu-sza-(disz)du-me-_dingir uru_-É-(disz)u-bi-ia _uru_-ba-al-ti-li-szir _uru_-ta-qab-li-szir _uru_-sza-na-qi-da-te _uru_-ma-su-tu-szap-li-ti _uru_-sa-ar-hu-de-ri _uru_-a-lum-sza-_gaszan_-É _uru_-É-(disz)_pap-mesz_-_sum-na uru_-il-te-u-ba 34 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu qu-tur naq-mu-ti-szu-nu

u-szak-ti-im isz-me-ma ki-szit-ti _uru-mesz_-szu

AI Translation

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. The difficult, difficult paths that had never crossed over the rugged mountains before me, which were beyond the reach of kings of the past, I had put to the sword at the foot of Mounts Anara and Uppa, mighty mountains, and I, on my own, rode alongside my mighty battle troops in their narrow passes.

He, Maniye, saw the awe-inspiring brilliance of my troops and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasure of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

On my sixth campaign: The rest of the people of the land Bit-Yakin, who had fled like sheep from my mighty weapons, iv 5' sat down at their abodes. The gods of the full extent of their land revolted against them and took to the great sea, which is at the rising sun, and iv 10'' confined them in the city Nagitu of the land Elam. I crossed the sea on boats of the land Hatti. I conquered the cities Nagitu and Nagitudi'bina, together with the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the land Elam.

I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their gods, and the people of the king of the land Elam, but they did not leave. I made them flee inside the boats, made them enter into another land, and allowed them to take the road to Assyria. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities that are in those districts. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

On my return march, I defeated Shuzubu, a citizen of Babylon who had exercised lordship over the land of Sumer and Akkad for the first time in a single battle. I captured him alive. I placed him in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria. I defeated the king of the land Elam who had sided with him and gone with his troops. I overwhelmed his forces and scattered his assembly.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rashaya, cities on the border of Assyria that the Elamites had taken away in the time of my ancestors. I brought inside them my own troops and brought them to the border of Assyria. I placed them under the authority of the chief of the fortified city of Badanku.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-Zer-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Katpalani, Bit-Imbiya, Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Burutu, Dimtusha-Sulaya, Dimtusha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri,

I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Hamranu, Natitu, together with the cities of the pass of Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humbi, Dimtu-sha-Dumu-il, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, Shanaqidate, Masutu-shapliti, Sarhu-deri, Alamasha-belî, Bit-Ahhe-iddina, and Ilteuba, fortified cities, together with smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire thirty-four fortified cities, together with smaller settlements in their environs.

He heard of this and conquered the rest of his cities.


I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku and an insubmissive mountain-dweller. iv 15 Before my time, none of the former kings of the past had marched through the untrodden paths and difficult trails on account of the rugged mountains. I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, iv 20 with my crack combat troops, entered their narrow passes with great difficulty and ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, saw the dust cloud stirred up by the feet of my troops, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasures of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. Then I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

On my sixth campaign: The rest of the people of the land Bit-Yakin, who had groveled like onagers before my mighty weapons, dislodged the gods of the full extent of their land from their abodes, iv 35 then crossed the Great Sea of the Rising Sun and set up their residences in the city Nagitu of the land Elam — I crossed over the sea in boats of the land Hatti. I conquered the cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, together with the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the land Elam.

I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their gods and the people of the king of the land Elam, and I did not leave a single escapee. I loaded them onto boats and brought them to this side of the sea, then I made them take the road to Assyria. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities that are in those districts. I turned them into a mound of ruins lit. "a mound and ruins".

On my return march, in a pitched battle, I defeated Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, a citizen of Babylon who had taken the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad for himself during the confusion in the land. iv 50 I captured him alive, bound him with tethering ropes and iron fetters, and brought him to Assyria. I defeated the king of the land Elam, who had aligned himself with him and come to his aid. I dispersed his forces and scattered his assembled host.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and iv 55 I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rasha, cities on the border of Assyria that the Elamites had taken away by force in the time of my ancestors. I had my garrisons stationed inside them. iv 60 I brought those cities back inside the border of Assyria and placed them under the authority of the garrison commander of Der.

The cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-Zera-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Kat­pa­la­ni, Bit-Imbiya, iv 65 Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Bu­ru­tu, Dim­tu-sha-Sulaya, Dimtu-sha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu, Na­ti­tu,

together with the cities of the passes, namely Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humba, Dimtu-sha-Dumeli, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, Alu-sha-naqidate, Mas­su­tu-shaplitu, Sarhu-Deri, alum-sha-Belet-biti, iv 75 Bit-Ahhe-iddina, and Ilteuba — I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those thirty-four fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number. I made the smoke from their conflagration cover the wide heavens like a heavy cloud.

Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahhunte, the Elamite, heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He brought the people of the rest of his cities into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and v 5 took the road to the city Haydala Hidalu, which is in the distant mountains.

Obverse Column v


a-na _uru_-ma-dak-ti _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-la-ku aq-bi _iti_-tam-hi-ri _en-te-na_ dan-nu e-ru-ba-am-ma szA-mu-tum ma-at-tum u-szA-az-ni-na _szeg-mesz_-szA _szeg-mesz u_ szal-gi na-ah-lu na-at-bak _kur_-i a-du-ra pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _nina-ki_ as,-s,a-bat

har-ra-nu i-na u4-me-szu-ma i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia (disz)_nig-du_-(d)na-hu-un-du _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki 3 iti-mesz_ ul u-mal-li-ma i-na u4-me la szi-im-ti-szu ur-ru-hi-isz im-tu-ut _egir_-szu (disz)um-man-me-na-nu la ra-Asz t,e-e-me U mil-ki _szesz_-szu dup-pu-us-su-u i-na _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-szib-ma

i-na 8-e ger-ri-ia _egir_ (disz)szu-zu-bi is-se-hu-ma _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki gal5-la-mesz_ lem-nu-ti _ka-gal-mesz uru_ u-di-lu ik-pu-ud lib-ba-szu-nu a-na e-pesz _gisz-la_ (disz)szu-zu-bu _lu_-kal-da-a-a et,-lum dun-na-mu-u sza la i-szu-u bir-ki _lu-arad_ da-gil pa-an _lu-en-nam uru_-la-hi-ri _lu_-a-ra-me hal-qu mun-nab-tu a-mir da-me hab-bi-lu s,e-ru-usz-szu ip-hu-ru-ma qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me

u-ri-du-ma u-szab-szu-u si-hu a-na-ku ni-tum al-me-szu-ma nap-szA-tusz u-si-qa la-pa-an hat-ti U né-eb-re-te a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ in-na-bit ki-i ri-kil-ti U gil-la-ti s,e-ru-usz-szu ba-szi-i ul-tu _kur-elam-ma-ki_ i-hi-szam-ma qé-reb szu-an-na-_ki_ e-ru-ub _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ a-na la si-ma-ti-szu i-na _gisz-gu-za_ u-sze-szi-bu-szu be-lut _kur eme-gi7 u_ ((_kur_)) _uri-ki_ u-szad-gi-lu pa-ni-szu

É _nig-ga_ sza é-sag-il2 ip-tu-ma _ku-gi ku-babbar_ sza (d)_en_ u (d)zar-pa-ni-tum _nig-szu_ É _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu u-sze-s,u-ni a-na (disz)um-man-me-na-nu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la i-szu-u t,e-e-mu U mil-ku u-sze-bi-lu-usz t,a-a'-tu pu-uh-hir um-man-ka di-ka-a _karasz_-ka a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ hi-szam-ma i-da-a-ni i-zi-iz-ma

tu-kul-ta-ni lu at-ta szu-u _lu_-e-la-mu-u sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-ri-ti sza _kur-elam-ma-ki uru-mesz_-szu ak-szu-du-ma u-ter-ru a-na kar-me lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us t,a-a'-tu im-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma _erim-hi-a_-szu _karasz_-su u-pa-hir-ma _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi e-szu-ra _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_

_ansze-kunga-mesz_ is-ni-qa s,i-in-di-szu _kur_-par-su-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-sze-ru _kur_-el-li-pi _lu_-ia-as-il _lu_-la-kab-ra _lu_-ha-ar-zu-nu _lu_-du-um-mu-qu _lu_-su-la-a-a _lu_-sa-am-u-na _dumu_ (disz)(d)_mes_-A-_sum-na kur_-É-(disz)a-di-ni _kur_-É-(disz)a-muk-ka-na _kur_-É-(disz)szil-la-na _kur_-É-(disz)sa-a-la _ud-ud-ag-ki uru_-la-hi-ru _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-ha-la-tum _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-u-bu-lum _lu_-ma-la-hu _lu_-ra-pi-qu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-da-mu-nu kit-ru _gal_-u

ik-te-ra it-ti-szu gi-ip-szu-su-un u-ru-uh _kur uri-ki_ is,-ba-tu-nim-ma a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ te-bu-ni a-di (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na a-ha-mesz iq-ru-bu-ma pu-hur-szu-nu in-nen-du ki-ma ti-bu-ut a-ri-bi ma-a'-di sza pa-an szat-ti mit-ha-risz a-na e-pesz tuq-ma-te te-bu-ni s,e-ru-u-a _sahar-hi-a gir-ii_-szu-nu ki-ma _muru9_ kab-ti sza dun-ni e-ri-ia-ti pa-an _an_-e rap-szu-te ka-tim

el-la-mu-u-a ina _uru_-ha-lu-le-e sza ki-szad _id-idigna_ szit-ku-nu si-dir-ta pa-an masz-qi-ia s,ab-tu-ma

u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_muati_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)_inanna_ sza _nina-ki_ (d)_inanna_ sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-ia a-na ka-szA-di _lu-kur_ dan-ni am-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma su-pe-e-a ur-ru-hi-isz isz-mu-u il-li-ku

re-s,u-ti la-ab-bisz an-na-dir-ma at-tal-bi-szA si-ri-ia-am hu-li-ia-am si-mat s,i-il-ti a-pi-ra ra-szu-u-a i-na _gisz-gigir me_-ia s,ir-ti sa-pi-na-at za-'i-i-ri i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia ar-ta-kab ha-an-t,isz _gisz-pan_ dan-na-tu sza (d)asz-szur u-szat-li-ma i-na _szu-ii_-ia as,-bat _gisz_-szil-ta-hu pa-ri-i' nap-szA-ti at-muh rit-tu-u-a

s,e-er gi-mir um-ma-na-te na-ki-ri lem-nu-ti u4-mi-isz s,ar-pisz al-sa-a _gim_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-gu-um i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en gal en_-ia a-na szid-di u pu-ti _gim_ ti-ib me-he-e szam-ri a-na _lu-kur_ a-zi-iq i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia U ti-ib _me_-ia ez-zi i-rat-su-un a-né-e'-ma suh-hur-ta-szu-nu Asz-kun _erim-hi-a_ na-ki-ri i-na us,-s,i mul-mul-li u-szA-qir-ma gim-ri _adda-mesz_-szu-nu u-pal-li-szA

_ud_-zi-zi-isz (disz)(d)hu-um-ban-un-da-szA _lu-nimgir_ sza _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ et,-lum pit-qu-du mu-ma-'e-er _erim-hi-a_-szu tu-kul-ta-szu _gal_-u a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-szu sza _gir_ szib-bi _ku-gi_ szit-ku-nu U i-na _har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi_ ru-usz-szi-i ruk-ku-sa rit-ti-szu-un ki-ma szu-u-ri ma-ru-ti sza na-du-u szum-man-nu

AI Translation

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, a mighty storm blew and blew over the entire land. I removed its rain, rain and snow, the haze of the mountains, and the haze of my yoke, then took the road to Nineveh and took the road.

At that time, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahundu, the king of the land Elam, did not complete the road for three months and, on a day not suitable for him, he died a premature death. Afterwards, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, who had no sense or insight, his brother, sat on his throne and

On my eighth campaign, after Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk had fled to me and the Babylonians, evil criminals, had surrounded the city gates, their hearts pounded to do battle with Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who was a traitor who had no rival, a servant who was assigned to the governor of the city Lahiru, and the Arameans, fugitives, and criminals, iii 20'' they surrounded him and iii 20'' they drew up a tent on the banks of the Euphrates River, and he drew up a tent on the bank of the Euphrates.

I seized him and imposed a heavy punishment upon him. He fled to the land Elam in fear and terror. He fled alone from the land Elam and entered Shuanna Babylon. The Babylonians placed him on a throne without number and entrusted him with the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

The property of Esagil had become dilapidated and I brought out gold and silver of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property of the temple of their gods. I sent it to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who did not have a report or counsel. I was happy. I was waiting for your army, your camp, and your ... to Babylon, and he was happy.

The Elamite, whose cities I conquered and turned into ruins during a previous campaign of mine, did not be happy. He sent them a message of goodwill to them, iii 20''''' and iii 25''''' his troops and camp, and he had chariots and wagons brought in and horses brought in.

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pasheru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasil, Lakabrâ, Harzunu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, and Samuna, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the lands Bit-Adini, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Shillana, Bit-Sala, and Udakki, the city Lahiru, the people of the cities Puqudu, Gambulu, Halatu, Ru'u'a, Ubulu, Malahu, Rapiqu, Hindaru, and Damunu, a large army of eunuchs of mine who had fled to Nineveh and had fled to Assyria, a chariot, a chariot, and a chariot-fighter.

They seized the land Akkad and they came to Babylon. They met up with Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean, the king of Babylon, and they drew up a battle array. Like a battle array in which many battlers fought each other in battle, they came to my aid and laid waste to my feet. Like a large cloud, they slew the broad heavens like a flood.

I slew my way up to the city Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River. I escaped from my fetters and

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, for victory over my strong enemy and they quickly heard my prayers and came to my aid.

I slew my warriors and I fought with her. I slew my foes, my own offspring, and my own offspring, iii 20' in my furious chariot. I quickly took the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I placed it in my hands. I grasped the bow, the one that protects life, and iii 25' I grasped my feet.

I fought with all of the evil enemy troops for a long time. I fought like the god Adad. By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I attacked the enemy in battle and in battle. With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I fought with them and defeated them. I cut down the enemy troops with the sword and enlarged their entire corpse.

On the very day that Humban-undasha, the herald of the king of the land Elam, was entrusted with the well-being of his troops, he brought about his defeat. He brought about his defeat with the help of his great army, together with his magnates, who were dressed in gold with a belt-dagger and with a belt-dagger with a belt-dagger with a handle, a gold belt-dagger with a strap, and a belt-dagger with their hands like the old man who had been entrusted with the lordly majesty.


I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, bitter cold set in and a severe rainstorm sent down its rain. I was afraid of the rain and snow in the gorges, the outflows of the mountains, so I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Nineveh.

At that time, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahhunte, the king of the land Elam, did not last three months and suddenly died a premature death. After him, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, v 15 who does not have sense or insight, his younger brother, sat on his throne.

On my eighth campaign, after Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk had rebelled and the citizens of Babylon, evil gallû-demons, had locked the city gates, they plotted to wage war. v 20 Arameans, fugitives, runaways, murderers, and robbers rallied around Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean, a person of lowly status, a coward lit. "who has no knees", and a servant who belonged to the governor of the city Lahiru, and they went down into the marshes and incited rebellion.

I besieged him and put him in dire straits. On account of fear and hunger, he fled to the land Elam. When there were conspiracy and treachery against him, he hurried out of the land Elam and entered Shuanna Babylon. The Babylonians inappropriately placed him back on the throne and entrusted him with the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

They the Babylonians opened the treasury of Esagil and took out the gold and silver of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property of the temple of their gods. They sent it as a bribe to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who does not have sense or insight, saying: v 35 "Gather your army, muster your forces, hurry to Babylon, and align yourself with us! Let us put our trust in you."

That Elamite, whose cities I had conquered and turned into ruins during a previous campaign to the land Elam, v 40 accepted the bribe from them without thinking, then gathered his troops and his forces, inspected his chariots and wagons, and checked his teams of horses and mules.

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasi'il, v 45 Lakabera, Harzunu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, and Sam'una, who was a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the lands Bit-Adini, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Shilani, Bit-Sala Bit-Sa'alli, Larak, the city Lahiru, the people of the tribes of the Puqudu, Gambulu, Hallatu, Ru'u'a, v 50 Ubulu, Malahu, Rapiqu, Hindaru, and Damunu, a large host, formed a confederation with him.

In their multitude, they took the road to Akkad and, as they were advancing towards Babylon, they met up with Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who is the king of Babylon, and banded their forces together. Like a spring invasion of a swarm of locusts, they were advancing towards me as a group to do battle. The dust of their feet covered the wide heavens like a heavy cloud in the deep of winter.

While drawing up in battleline before me at the city Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River, and keeping me from the water source, they sharpened their weapons.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, v 65 for victory over my strong enemy and they immediately heeded my prayers and came to my aid.

I raged up like a lion, then put on armor and placed a helmet suitable for combat on my head. v 70 In my anger, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which lays enemies low. I took in my hand the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I grasped in my hand an arrow that cuts off life.

I roared loudly like a storm and thundered like the god Adad against all of the troops of the wicked enemies. By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I blew like the onset of a severe storm against the enemy on their flanks and front lines. With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I turned them back and made them retreat. v 80 I shot the troops of the enemy with ushshu-arrows and mulmullu-arrows, and pierced all of their corpses like ...

I quickly slaughtered and defeated Hum­ban-un­da­sha, the herald of the king of the land Elam, a trusted man who leads his troops, his main support, together with his magnates, who wear gold decorated belt-daggers and have reddish gold sling straps fastened to their forearms, like fattened bulls restrained with fetters.

Obverse Column vi


ki-szA-da-te-szu-nu u-na-kis as-lisz aq-ra-a-ti nap-szA-te-szu-nu u-par-ri-i' qU-U'-isz ki-ma _illu_ gap-szi sza szA-mu-tum si-ma-ni U-mun-ni-szu-nu u-szar-da-a s,e-er er-s,e-ti szA-di-il-ti la-as-mu-ti mur-ni-is-qi s,i-mit-ti ru-ku-bi-ia i-na da-me-szu-nu gap-szu-ti i-szal-lu-u (d)_id_-isz sza _gisz-gigir me_-ia sa-pi-na-at rag-gi U s,e-ni da-mu u par-szu ri-it-mu-ku ma-gar-ru-usz pag-ri qu-ra-di-szu-nu ki-ma ur-qi-ti u-mal-la-a _edin_ sa-ap-sa-pa-te u-na-kis-ma bal-ta-szu-un a-bu-ut ki-ma bi-ni

_har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi ki-sag_ eb-bi szA rit-ti-szu-nu am-hur i-na nam-s,a-ri zaq-tu-ti hu-s,a-an-ni-szu-nu u-par-ri-i' _gir-mesz_ szib-bi _ku-gi ku-babbar_ szA _murub4-mesz_-szu-nu

e-kim si-it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-szu a-di (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_gar_-un _dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza la-pa-an _me_-ia ip-la-hu id-ku-u _a-ii_-szu-un bal-t,u-su-un ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri

it-mu-ha _szu-ii_-a-a _gisz-gigir-mesz_ a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szi-na sza i-na qit-ru-ub _me_ dan-ni ra-ki-bu-szin de-ku-ma U szi-na musz-szu-ra-ma ra-ma-nu-usz-szin it-ta-na-al-la-ka mit-ha-risz u-ter-ra a-di 2 _kaskal-gid ge6_ il-li-ku da-ak-szu-nu ap-ru-us

szu-u (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-di _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki lu_-na-sik-ka-ni sza _kur_-kal-di a-li-kut _a-ii_-szu hur-ba-szu _me_-ia ki-ma-le-e zu-mur-szu-un is-hu-up _gisz_-za-ra-te-szu-un u-masz-sze-ru-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu-nu pag-ri _erim-hi-a_-szu-nu

u-da-'i-i-szu e-ti-qu ki-i sza at-mi _tu-muszen_ kusz-szu-di i-tar-ra-ku lib-bu-szu-un szi-na-te-szu-un u-s,ar-ra-pu qé-reb _gisz-gigir-mesz_-szu-nu u-masz-sze-ru-ni zu-u-szu-un a-na ra-da-di-szu-nu _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-ia u-ma-'e-er _egir_-szu-un mun-na-rib-szu-nu sza a-na nap-szA-a-te u-s,u-u a-szar i-kasz-szA-du u-ra-sa-bu i-na _gisz-tukul_

i-na u4-me-szu-ma ul-tu É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_ a-na ri-mit _lugal_-ti-ia u-szak-li-lu a-na tab-ra-a-te kisz-szat _un-mesz_ lu-le-e u-ma-lu-szi

É-_gal_ ku-tal-li sza a-na szu-te-szur ka-ra-szi pa-qa-a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sa-na-qi mim-ma szum-szu u-sze-pi-szu _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia tam-lu-szA ul ib-szi szu-bat-sa s,u-uh-hu-rat-ma la nu-ku-lat e-pisz-tasz la-ba-risz u4-me tem-me-en-szA e-nisz-ma isz-da-a-szA ir-ma-a i-qu-pa re-szA-a-szA

É-_gal_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur ki-szub-bu-u ma-a'-du ul-tu qé-reb u-szal-li U ta-mir-ti _uru gim_ a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta i-na muh-hi lu u-rad-di masz-kAn É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti e-zib-ma i-na qaq-qa-ri u-szal-li sza ul-tu mal-di _id_ as,-ba-ta tam-la-a usz-mal-li 2 _me_ ti-ib-ki

a-na e-la-ni u-szaq-qi re-e-su ina _iti_ sze-me-e u4-mu mit-ga-ri s,e-er tam-le-e szA-a-tu i-na nik-lat lib-bi-ia É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li _u gisz_-ere-ni né-pesz-ti _kur_-hat-ti U É-_gal_ s,i-ir-tu ep-szet _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza _ugu_ mah-ri-ti ma-a'-disz szu-tu-rat ra-ba-ta U nak-lat i-na szi-pir _lu-szitim-gal_-le-e en-qu-ti

a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni s,i-ru-ti tar-bit _kur_-ha-ma-nim _kur_-i el-li u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz_ li-ia-ri me-ser _urudu_ nam-ri u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szin i-na _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ s,i-ru-ti u-sze-pisz-ma im-na

U szu-me-la u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szin a-na szu-te-szur s,al-mat _sag-du_ pa-qa-di mur-ni-is-qi _ansze-kunga-mesz_ a-ga-li-i til-li _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-at-ta-ra-te e-req-qi isz-pa-a-te til-pa-na-a-te U us,-s,i mim-ma szum-szu u-nu-ut _me_ na-as,-ma-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ szA e-mu-qi ra-ba-a-te i-szu-u szuk-nu-sze a-na ni-ri ki-sal-la-szA

_ka_-nu-u ma-gal usz-rab-bi É-_gal_ szA-a-tu ul-tu usz-sze-szA a-di na-bur-ri-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _mu-sar_-e

szi-t,ir _mu_-ia i-na qer-bi-szA Asz-kun a-na Ar-kat _ud-mesz_ i-na _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur U (d)_inanna_ a-na _re_-É-_um kur u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu _nun_ ar-ku-u an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)asz-szur U (d)_inanna_

ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u mu-nak-kir szit,-ri-ia _u mu_-ia (d)asz-szur _en gal ad dingir-mesz_ nak-risz li-zi-is-su _gisz-gidru u gisz-gu-za_ li-kim-szu-ma lis-ki-pa _bala_-szu

_iti-szu-numun-na_ li-mu (disz)ga-hi-lu _lu-en-nam uru_-ha-ta-rik-ka

_iti-sze-kin-tar ud-20-kam_ li-mu (disz)_en_-_igi_-a-ni _lu-en-nam uru_-gar-ga-misz#

AI Translation

I smashed their limbs, smashed their flesh, and cut off their escape routes like a flood. I made their protection more extensive than the other, sweeping the plain, destroying the ruined settlements, and destroying the sanctuaries of my royal majesty. With their wide hands, I slew the river that my battle chariot had smashed, the sapping of the wicked and the wicked, and the sapping of the wicked. I filled the plain with their corpses like a flood and deposited their life like a flood.

I received gold and shining silver sling straps from their wrists. I cut off their straps with sharp swords and hung them on poles with gold and silver on their necks.

As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had become frightened after my battle array, I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

I took the chariots, together with their horses, which had been driven away and taken away by force during a mighty battle, and their owners, and they kept marching at their own speed. I returned safely, and then I inspected their damage.

As for him, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, together with the king of Babylon, the sheikh of Chaldea who marched at his side, fear fell upon him. They cut off their faces with sharp swords and they abandoned their tents to save their lives and to defeat their troops.

As soon as a tiger and a pigeon had attacked them, they killed them. They abandoned their chariots and iii 5'' seized their bodies. I sent my chariots and horses to fight with them. After them, they killed their herds of pigeons who were snatched to kill where they were snatched. They struck them down with the sword.

At that time, I completed the renovations from the palace in the citadel of Nineveh to ensure the well-being of all of the people.

The palace behind it, which had been built to house the rites of the kings, my ancestors, to provide for the king's rites, to provide for the horses, and to do anything that was pleasing, had no terrace. Its site was too small and its construction could not be completed. Over time, its foundations had become weak and its foundations had buckled.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. I tore down many abandoned sections of city from the meadow and plain like a flood. I added them to the former structure of the palace. I deposited them in the ground where I had dug out the river and filled in the meadow. I stretched out 200 courses of brick over it.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, on a propitious day, I built a palace of white limestone and cedar, the product of the land Hatti, and a lofty palace, the product of Assyria, which had become old and old, with the skill and skill of skilled craftsmen.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent cedar beams grown on Mount Amanus, a holy mountain. I fastened bands of shining copper on doors of white cedar and I installed them in their gates. I had large bull colossi made from white limestone that is found in the territory of the city Balataya and I named them "The Great Bull colossi".

To make the black-headed people bow down, to make the agalû-demons bow down, to make the chariots, the chariots, the steeds, the sling-sticks, the sling-sticks, the sling-sticks, and the sling-sticks shine forth like daylight, to keep the horses and the chariots, which have a great army, secure their positions in its courtyard, and to make them bow down like daylight.

I built and completed that palace from top to bottom and deposited my royal inscription.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

May the god Ashur, the great lord, father of the gods, look with pleasure upon the one who alters my inscription and my name. May he make his scepter and throne secure and overthrow his reign.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Gahilu, governor of the city Hatarikka 645.

Month Addaru XII, twentyth day, eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 645.


I slit their throats like sheep and thus cut off their precious lives like thread. Like a flood in full spate after a seasonal rainstorm, I made their blood flow vi 5 over the broad earth. The swift thoroughbreds harnessed to my chariot plunged into floods of their blood just like the river ordeal. The wheels of my war chariot, which lays criminals and villains low, were bathed in blood and gore. vi 10 I filled the plain with the corpses of their warriors like grass. I cut off their lips and thus destroyed their pride. I cut off their hands like the stems of cucumbers in season.

I received gold and shining silver sling straps as their wrist-trappings and slashed off their belts with sharp swords. I took away gold and silver decorated belt-daggers as their waist-trappings.

As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had raised their arms because they were terrified of doing battle with me, I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

I brought back all together the chariots along with their horses, whose drivers had been killed in the thick of that mighty battle and which had themselves been released so that they galloped about on their own. When the second double-hour of the night had passed, I stopped their slaughter.

As for him, Umman-menanu Hum­ban-me­na­nu, the king of the land Elam, along with the king of Babylon and the sheikhs of Chaldea who marched at his side, terror of doing battle with me overwhelmed them like alû-demons. They abandoned their tents and, in order to save their lives, they trampled the corpses of their troops as they pushed on.

Their hearts throbbed like the pursued young of pigeons, they passed their urine hotly, and released their excrement inside their chariots. I ordered my chariots and horses to pursue them. Wherever they caught them, they killed with the sword the runaways amongst them, who had fled for their lives.

At that time, after I had completed the palace in the citadel of Nineveh for my royal residence and had filled it with luxuriousness to be an object of wonder for all of the people:

The Rear Palace that earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for the proper running of the military camp, vi 40 the care of horses, and the overseeing of everything — its terrace did not exist, its site had become too small, and its construction was inexpert. With the passage of time, its base had fallen into disrepair, then its foundations had become loose and its superstructure had collapsed.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. I took much fallow land from the meadow and plain of the city as an addition and I added it to the site. I abandoned the site of the former palace and filled in a terrace in the area of the meadow that I had taken from the river bank. I raised its superstructure 200 courses of brick high.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, upon that terrace, with my innate expertise, I had a palatial wing of limestone and cedar in the style of the land Hatti and vi 55 a magnificent palatial wing of Assyrian workmanship, which greatly surpassed the previous one in size and expertise, built through the craft of well-trained master builders, for my lordly residence.

I roofed them with magnificent beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, the holy mountain. I fastened bands of bright copper on doors of white cedar and I installed them in their gates. I had magnificent bull colossi fashioned from white limestone that was discovered in the territory of the city Balataya and on the right and left I made them hold their door bolts.

I greatly enlarged its outer courtyard for the proper administration of the black-headed people, the inspection of thoroughbred horses, mules, agalu-donkeys, military equipment, chariots, carts, wagons, quivers, bows, and ushshu-arrows, every type of implement of war, and the submission of teams of horses and mules, which have great strength, to the yoke.

I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its battlements. I deposited in it inscribed objects bearing my name.

In the future, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar name for shepherding the land and people — when that palace becomes old and dilapidated, may a future ruler renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscription or my name, may the god Ashur, the great lord, the father of the gods, become angry with him as if he were an enemy. May he take away his scepter and his throne from him and overthrow his dynasty.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Gahilu, governor of the city Hatarikka 689.

Addaru XII, twentieth day, eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 691.

Q003497: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal#_ [dan-nu] _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur#_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-[tim] _re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal_-[_mesz_] na#-[s,ir kit-ti] ra-'i#-[im] mi-szA#-[ri] [e-pisz u-sa]-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-[ki-i] sa#-[hi-ru] dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git-ma-lum# zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri

mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni (d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-ti sza szA-lam (d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a U ma-al-ki szep-s,u-ti e-du-ru ta-ha-zi da-Ad-me-szu-un iz-zi-bu-ma ki-ma su-tin-ni-_muszen_ ni-gi-is,-s,i e-disz ip-par-szu a-szar la 'a-a-ri

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum#-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ [re]-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan _bad5#-bad5_-szu i-[na] _murub4_ tam-ha#-[ri] szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz#_-su e-disz# [ip]-par-szid#-ma na#-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz_-[_gigir-mesz_] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

a-na É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku#-gi ku-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ [la] ni-bi ka-bit-tu _gun munus-sza_-É-_gal-mesz_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ [si-hir]-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mut-tab-bi-lu-[tu] É-_gal_-usz

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-[szur] _en_-ia 75 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni sza [_kur_]-kal-di _u 4 me 20 uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu_-kal-du sza qé-reb [_unug_]-_ki nibru-ki_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-sag-kalam-ma _gu-du8-a-ki zimbir#-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en_ hi-it,-t,i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-[tisz am]-nu

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu_-tu-u'-mu-na _lu_-[ri-hi]-hu _lu_-ia-daq-qu _lu_-u-bu-du _lu_-gib-[re-e] _lu_-ma-la-hu _lu_-gu-ru-mu _lu_-[u-bu-lum] _lu_-da-mu-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lum [_lu_-hi]-in-[da-ru] _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-ha-am-ra-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu _lu_-na-ba-tu _lu_-li-i'-ta-u _lu_-a-ra-mu la kan-szu-ti [mit-ha]-risz ak-szud(ud) 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal_ [_nita_] _u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka#-bit-tu Asz-lu-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-[pi _uru_]-ha-ra-ra-ti _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-[suk-kan-ni] _gal-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur

[ba-hu]-la#-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i [i-na _gisz-tukul_]-_mesz_ u-szam-[qit-ma] e-du ul e-zib [pag]-ri#-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma [si]-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-me na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat [1]-en _gu4 10 udu-nita-mesz 10 ansze gisz-gesztin 20 ansze_ [_zu-lum_]-_ma_ re-sze-te-szu# a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur-_ki en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-[szur be]-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na [_lugal_]-_mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al-lik qé-[reb hur-szA-a]-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na [_ansze-kur-ra_] ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-ti# u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-[disz]-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti [_uru_]-_mesz_-ni-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga_-[_mesz_] _ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ [U] s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-[szu]-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma [szal]-la#-tisz am-nu _u uru-mesz_-ni-[szu-nu] _tur#-mesz_ sza ni-ba [la] i-szu-u ap-pu-ul aq-[qur u]-sze-me kar-mesz É _edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-[szA-bi]-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma di-[tal-lisz] u-sze-me

u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-[ah] szu-a-tu a-na _uru_-bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ [sza u4]-um pa-ni [_bad_]-_mesz_-szu u-dan-nin-ma _un-mesz kur_-[_kur_] ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made the rulers of the four quarters of the world bow down at my feet. He feared the battles of their settlements and fled alone like a falcon and a raging lion.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I captured alive the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I struck down with the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the quays and mounds of their inhabitants, and turned them into mounds and ruins.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah and enlarged its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I settled therein the people of the land of the Kassites.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, i 5 renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. i 15 Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me. While they were abandoning their settlements, they flew away alone like bats living in crevices to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, i 20 in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of i 30 the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. i 35 I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'­mu­na, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, i 40 Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Pu­qu­du, Hamranu, Ha­ga­ra­nu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. i 45 I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, i 50 large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and i 55 placed them around the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. i 65 In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and i 70 I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites ii 1 and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. ii 5 I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

Obverse Column ii


pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra [_lugal_]-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu [u]-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri# _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-[mar]-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti#-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-[me]-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur

i-na (d)_gisz_-[_bar_] aq-mu _un-mesz tur gal nita u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u_ [s,e]-e-ni a-na la mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma# a-di la ba-szi-i u-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-ah-hir _kur#_-su _uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru#_-[ku-um-ma]-ah#-[lum] _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz_-ni _tur#_-[_mesz_] sza# li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-[u na-gu]-u a-na [gi-mir]-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi#-[s,ir _kur_ asz]-szur#-_ki_

u-rad-di _uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru#_ [_lugal_-u]-ti# U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu [as,-bat-ma] _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-na-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz#_-_su_ at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-[ia] i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har [am]-nu-ma u-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia [sza] _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia# ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

i-na [szal-szi] ger#-ri-ia [a]-na# _kur_-ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-[du]-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-[ma] a-na ru-uq-qi# _murub4_ tam-tim# in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-mid _uru_-s,i-du-un#-[nu _gal_-u] _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru _uru_-É-[zi]-it#-ti _uru_-s,a-ri-ip-tu _uru_-ma-hal-li-ba _uru_-u-szu-u _uru_-ak-zi-bi _uru_-ak-ku-u _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti [É] _bad#-mesz_ a-szar ri-i-ti U [masz-qi]-ti# É tuk-la-ti-szu ra-szub-bat# _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia# [is-hu-pu]-szu-nu-ti#-ma

ik-nu-szu sze#-pu-u-a (disz)tu-ba#-[a'-lum i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti] _ugu_-szu-[un] u-sze-szib-ma _gun#_ [man-da-tu be-lu-ti-ia] szat-ti-[szam la] ba-at,-lu u-[kin s,e-ru-usz-szu]

sza (disz)[mi]-in-hi#-[im]-mu _uru_-sam-si#-[mu-ru-na-a-a] (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu _uru_-s,i-du-un-na#-[a-a] (disz)ab-di#-li-i'-[ti] _uru_-a-ru-da-[a-a] (disz)[u-ru]-mil-[ki] _uru_-gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)[mi]-ti#-in-ti _uru_-as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir kur_-É-(disz)am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-[ad]-bi _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu [_kur_]-u-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal#-mesz_-ni _kur mar-tu-ki_ ka-li#-[szu-un] _igi#-sa_-e szad-lu-ti [ta-mar]-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4-[szu a-na] mah#-ri-ia

[isz]-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia [U (disz)s,i]-id#-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu# [a-na ni-ri-ia] _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu# [_dumu-munus-mesz_-szu] _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-[szur-_ki_]

u-ra-Asz-szu (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na Asz-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-u-ma i-szA-a-at, ab-szA-a-ni

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na _uru_-ia-ap-pu-u _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik-nu-szu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-de-e U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-[risz] a-na an-zil-li i-pu-szu ip-lah lib-ba-szu#-[un] _lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz_-[_gigir-mesz_] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi [la ni-bi] ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u#-su-un

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u [el-la]-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u-szA-'a-[lu _gisz_]-_tukul#-mesz_-szu-un

AI Translation

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the depths of the sea and took to the depths of his land. The great cities Sidon, Upper Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharipptu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibi, and Akku, his fortified cities, fortresses where there was much terrain and a place of refuge for his valuable possessions, and fear fell upon them and they fled like a bird to the depths of the sea.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, to me.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they hung their weapons on poles and threw them into the netherworld.


I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of ii 15 his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then ii 20 I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, ii 40 Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Sam­si­mu­ru­na, Tu-Ba'­lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, ii 50 Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, ii 55 all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, ii 60 his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron ii 70 who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, ii 75 and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. iii 1 With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

Obverse Column iii


i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri# ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a _uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma i-na di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-[szu-nu] la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti U gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an#-[szu]-nu#

la ib-szu-u usz-szur-szu-un aq-[bi] (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-[szu-nu] ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu u-sze-s,a-[am-ma] i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-[szib-ma] man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru#-[usz]-szu

U (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a sza la# [ik]-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-[ba] la# i-szu-u i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qit-ru-[ub] szu-pi-i mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si [U kal]-ban#-na-ti al-me _kur_-ud 2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal#_ [_nita_] _u munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze#_-[_gam-mal_]-_mesz# gu4-mesz u_ s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi ul-tu# [qer]-bi#-szu-un

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu szA-a-szu [_gim muszen_] qu#-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti#-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-[ma] a-s,e-e _ka-gal uru_-szu [u]-ter#-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la [ul-tu qé-reb] _kur#_-szu ab-tuq-[ma] a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti [_lugal uru_-as-du-di (disz)pa]-di#-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na U (disz)_gissu_-[_en lugal uru_-ha]-zi#-ti ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-hir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah#-[ri-ti na]-dan# szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-tu

szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-[a-u pul]-hi# me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu#_-[ur-bi] _u lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-[un _uru_-ur]-sa-li-im-mu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-[szu-u til]-la-a-ti it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar_ ni-[siq-ti gu]-uh#-li tAk-kas-si _na4-an-za-gul-me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu gisz-gu#_-[_za-mesz_ né]-me#-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug_ mim-ma szum-[szu ni]-s,ir#-tu ka-bit-tu _u dumu-munus-mesz_-szu

i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia [(d)asz-szur] be-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma um-ma-na-te-ia gap-szA-a-te# [ad]-ke#-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 a-la-ku aq-bi i-na me-[ti-iq] ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a a-[szib qé-reb _id_-a]-gam#-me i-na _uru_-bi-it-tu-tu Asz-ta-kan _bad5#_-[_bad5_-szu szu-u hur-ba]-szu ta-ha-zi-ia _ugu_-szu im-qut#-[ma it-ru-ku lib]-bu#-szu ki-ma az-za-ri e-disz ip-[par-szid-ma ul] in#-na-mir a-szar-szu

pa-an ni-ri-ia u-[ter]-ma a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu szu-u (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-re-e _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-ku-nu-ma u-par-ri-ru el-lat-[su] ri#-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti U ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia ez#-zi e-dur-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu i-na _ki-tusz#_-szu-nu id#-[ke-ma qé-reb] _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-szar-kib-ma [a-na _uru_-na-gi-te-raq-qi sza qa-bal] tam#-tim is,-s,u-risz [ip-pa-risz _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu sza u-masz-szi-ru a]-hi tam-tim

[szal]-la-tisz am-nu u-[ter-ma _uru-mesz_-szu] ap#-pul aq-qur u-sze-me kar-mesz _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

na-mur-ra-tum at-[bu-uk i-na] ta#-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)(d)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_ [resz-tu-u] tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-[lu-ti-szu] u-sze-szib-ma _dagal_-tum _kur eme#_-[_gi7_ u _uri_]-_ki_ u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu

i-na 5 ger-ri-ia ba#-hu-la-ti _uru_-tu-mur-ri _uru_-szA-ru-um _uru_-[e-za]-ma _uru_-kip-szu _uru_-hal-bu-da _uru_-qu-u-a _uru_-qa-na sza _gim#_ [qin]-ni _ti8-muszen_ a-szA-red _muszen-hi-a_ [s,e-er] zuq-ti _kur_-[ni]-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-su-un [szit-ku]-na-[at-ma] la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri [i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur] ka#-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma

[it-ti _lu_-qur]-bu#-ti _gir-ii_-ia na-as-qu-u-ti [_u lu-erim-mesz_] ta-ha-zi-ia la ga-me-lu-ti [a-na-ku _gim am_] ek-di pa-nu-usz-szu-un as,-bat hur-ri na#-[hal-li] na#-at-bak szad-di-i me-le-e mar-s,u-ti i-na _gisz#-gu-za a_sz-ta-am-di-ih

AI Translation

In the thick of battle, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. I counted the rest of them as booty. I did not allow any of the crimes or crimes that I had committed against them.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and I made his land smaller. I imposed upon him annual tribute, the price of their tribute, and I imposed upon him the payment of tribute.

He, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he brought out the auxiliary forces and his elite troops, who had come to support the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and then he piled up his booty. With 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of zagulu-metal, ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, and his daughters,

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I mustered my numerous troops and ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. His battle array, his fierce battle array, overwhelmed him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a fox and his place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. This Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had brought about his defeat during a previous campaign of mine and had scattered his forces, became frightened by the roar of my mighty weapons and the rage of my battle array, then he slew the gods of the full extent of his land in their abodes and took to the boats. He escaped on boats and went down to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the middle of the sea. He seized his brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had fled to the sea.

I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

With my fierce bodyguard and my merciless battle troops, I seized the mighty among them like a wild bull. I sat on a throne over the peaks of the mountains, the sand dunes, the rocky mountains, and the rugged mountains.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed iii 10 the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

Moreover, as for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified cities, fortresses, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, iii 20 the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, Padî, the king of the city Ekron, iii 30 and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops iii 35 whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, as well as his daughters, iii 40 his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me so that I mustered my numerous troops and iii 45 ordered the march to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. As for him, terror of doing battle with me fell upon him and his heart pounded. He fled alone like a lynx and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated and whose forces I had scattered during my first campaign — became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons and my fierce battle array, then iii 55 dislodged the gods of the full extent of his land from their abodes, and loaded them onto boats. He flew away like a bird to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. I brought his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes, and I counted them as booty.

Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities, and turned them into ruins. I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam.

On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kipshu, Halbuda, Qua, and Qana, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, the foremost of birds, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to the yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my select bodyguard and my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. I proceeded through the gorges of the streams, the outflows of the mountains, and rugged slopes in my chair. iv 1 Where it was too difficult for my chair, I leapt forward on my own two feet like a mountain goat. I ascended the highest peaks against them. Where my knees became tired, I sat down upon the mountain rock and drank cold water from a water skin to quench my thirst.

Obverse Column iv


i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-szA-a-ni ar#-[de]-szu#-nu-ti-ma Asz-ta#-[kan] tah-ta-szu-un# _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-[ud]-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun

ap-pul [aq-qur] i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-[ma] s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal uru_-uk-ki szad-da-a-a-e la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi la pe-tu-ti t,u-u-di pa-Asz-qu-u-ti sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu-u-a qé-reb-szu-[un] ma#-am-man la il-li-ku _lugal-mesz_ pa-ni mah-ru-ti i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra _u kur_-up-pa _kur-mesz_-e dan-nu-ti _karasz_ u-szA-Asz-kin-ma a-na#-ku i-na _gisz-gu-za_ né#-[me-di] it-ti _lu-erim#-mesz_ ta-ha-[zi]-ia# [git]-ma#-lu-u-ti

szu-u (disz)ma-[ni]-ia#-e tur-bu-[u'] _gir-ii erim-hi-a_-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-uk-ku [_uru lugal_]-ti#-szu e-zib-ma a-na ru-qé-ti in-na-bit _uru_-uk-ku [al-me _kur_]-ud# Asz-lu-la szal-la-su mim-ma szum-szu [_nig-szu nig-ga_ ni]-s,ir#-ti É-_gal_-szu ul-tu qer#-[bé-e-szu u-sze-s,a]-am#-ma szal-la-ti-isz am-nu

_u 33 uru_-[_mesz_-ni sza pa-a]-t,i# na-gi-szu ak-szud(ud)-ma _un-mesz ansze-mesz#_ [_gu4-mesz u_] s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un Asz-lu-la ap-pu#-[ul] aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

i-na 6 ger-ri#-[ia] si#-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul#_-[_mesz_]-ia# dan-nu-ti _gim_ sér-re-me ig-ru-ru _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu-un i-na szub-ti-szu-nu id-ku-ma tam-tim _gal_-tum [sza] s,i#-it (d)_utu_-szi e-bi-ru-ma i-na _uru_-na-gi-ti sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_ id-du-u szu-bat-sun i-na _gisz-ma-mesz kur_-hat-[ti] tam-tim lu e-bir _uru_-na-gi-tu _uru_-na-gi-tu-di-[i'-bi]-na a-di _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _u kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge#-e sza _kur-elam-ma-ki kur_-ud

_un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 [a-di] _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu _u un-mesz_ sza _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-[lu]-lam#-ma la e-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-szar-kib#-ma a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-sze-bi-ram-ma u-szA-[as,]-bi-ta har-ra-an _kur_ asz-szur-_ki uru-mesz_-ni sza qé-reb na-[ge]-e szA-tu-nu ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu a-na _du6 u_ kar-me u-ter

i-na ta#-[a-a]-ar#-ti-ia (disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza i-na e-[szi-ti] _kur_ be-[lu]-ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ ra-ma-nu-usz u-ter-ru i-[na] ta#-ha-az _edin bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun bal-t,u-su i-na _szu-ii_ as,-bat-[su] szum#-man-nu U bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-ra]-Asz-szu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza _a-ii_-szu is-hu-ru-ma il-li#-[ku] re-s,u-su _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun _illat-mesz_-szu u-sap-pi-ih-[ma] u-par-ri-ir pu-hur-szu

i-na 7-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-[szur be]-li u-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_-e-lam-ti lu al-lik _uru_-[É-(disz)]ha-'i-i-ri _uru_-ra-s,a-a _uru-mesz_-ni sza mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [sza i]-na tar-s,i _ad_-ia e-la-mu-u e-ki-mu da-na-nisz i-na# me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia ak-szud(ud)-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun _lu#-erim-mesz_ szu-lu-ti-ia u-sze-rib qé-reb-szu-un a-na mi-s,ir _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ram-ma

_szu-ii lu-gal uru-hal-s_,_u bad-an-ki_ [am]-nu# _uru_-bu-bé-e _uru_-dun-ni-(d)_utu uru_-É-ri-si-ia _uru#_-É-ah-la-me-e _uru_-du-ru _uru_-dan-nat-(disz)su-la#-[a-a _uru_]-szi-li-ib-tu [_uru_]-É-a-s,u-si _uru_-kar-_numun_-_ba_-[szA _uru_]-É-gi-is,-s,i _uru_-É-(disz)[kat-pa]-la-ni _uru_-É-im-bi#-ia _uru_-ha-ma#-[a-nu] _uru_-É-ar#-ra-bi _uru_-bu-ru-tu _uru_-di-in-tu-sza-(disz)su-[la-a-a] _uru_-[di]-in#-tu-szA-(disz)(d)_dumu_-É-_kar_-ir _uru_-har-ri-Asz-la-ke-[e] _uru_-rab-ba-a-a _uru_-ra-a-su _uru_-ak-ka-ba-ri-na _uru-du6_-u-hu-ri _uru_-ha-am-ra-nu _uru_-na-t,i-i-tu#

a-di _uru-mesz_-ni sza né-re-bi sza _uru_-É-bu-na-[ki] _uru-du6_-hu-um-bi _uru_-di-in-tu-sza-(disz)du-me#-[_dingir_] _uru_-É-u-bi-ia _uru_-bal-ti-li-szir _uru_-ta-qab-li-szir _uru_-sza-na-qi-da-a-ti _uru_-ma-su-tu-szap-li#-[ti] _uru_-sa-ar-hu-de-e-ri _uru_-a-lum-sza-(disz)_gaszan#_-[É] _uru_-É-(disz)_pap-mesz_-_sum-na uru_-il-te-u-[ba] 34 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-[me-ti-szu]-nu# sza ni-ba la i-szu-u al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la [szal]-la-[sun] ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu qu-tur na-[aq]-mu-ti#-[szu-nu] _gim muru9_ kab-ti pa-an _an_-e rap-szu-ti [u]-szak#-ti-im#

isz-me-ma ki-szit-ti _uru-mesz_-szu (disz)ku-dur-[(d)na]-hu#-un-du e-la-mu-u im-qut-su hat-tum si-it#-[ti] _uru-mesz_-szu a-na dan-na-ti u-sze-rib szu-u _uru_-[ma]-dak-ti _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na _uru_-ha-[i]-da-la sza qé-reb szad-di-i _su-mesz_ is,-s,a-bat har#-ra-nu

a-na _uru_-ma-dak-ti _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-[la]-ku aq-bi _iti_-tam-hi-ri _en-te-na_ dan-nu [e]-ru#-ba-am-ma

AI Translation

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. The difficult, difficult, and treacherous paths that had never crossed over difficult mountains before me, I made former kings of the past sit on royal daises at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself sat on my favored seat with my combat troops.

He, Maniye, saw the awe-inspiring brilliance of my troops and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasure of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

On my sixth campaign, the rest of the people of the land Bit-Yakin, who had fled like sheep from my mighty weapons, iv 5' smashed the gods of the full extent of their land with their hands and crossed the Great Sea of the Rising Sun and iv 10' sat on the daises of the land Elam. I crossed the sea with the boats of the land Hatti and captured the cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, together with the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the land Elam.

I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their gods, and the people of the king of the land Elam, but they did not leave. I made them flee inside the boats, made them enter into a caravan, and allowed them to take the road to Assyria. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities that are in those districts. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins".

On my return march, I defeated Shuzubu, a citizen of Babylon who had exercised dominion over the land of Sumer and Akkad in a hostile manner. I captured him alive. I placed him in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria. I defeated the king of the land Elam who had sided with him and gone with him. I overwhelmed his forces and scattered his corpses.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rashaya, cities on the border of Assyria that the Elamite had taken away in the time of my father. I brought back inside them my own troops and I returned them to the border of Assyria.

The cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-zer-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Katpalani, Bit-Imbiya, Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Burutu, Dimtu-sha-Sulaya, Dimtu-sha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu, Natitu,

I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire thirty-four fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number. I made their ruins as large as a cloud in a vast cloud.

Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahundu heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He made the rest of his cities into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and took the road to the city Haydala, which is in the mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, a mighty storm blew and


I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku and an insubmissive mountain-dweller. iv 10 Before my time, none of the former kings of the past had marched through the untrodden paths and difficult trails on account of the rugged mountains. I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, iv 15 with my crack combat troops, entered their narrow passes with great difficulty and ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, saw the dust cloud stirred up by the feet of my troops, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. iv 20 I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession and property, the treasures of his palace, and I counted it as booty.

Moreover, I conquered thirty-three cities on the borders of his district and carried off from them people, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats. Then I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire.

On my sixth campaign: The rest of the people of the land Bit-Yakin, who had groveled like onagers before my mighty weapons, dislodged the gods of the full extent of their land from their abodes, then crossed the Great Sea of the Rising Sun and iv 30 set up their residences in the city Nagitu of the land Elam — I crossed over the sea in boats of the land Hatti. I conquered the cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, together with the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the land Elam.

I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their gods and the people iv 35 of the king of the land Elam, and I did not leave a single escapee. I loaded them onto boats and brought them to this side of the sea, then I made them take the road to Assyria. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities that are in those districts. I turned them into a mound of ruins lit. "a mound and ruins".

On my return march, in a pitched battle, I defeated Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, a citizen of Babylon who had taken the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad for himself during the confusion in the land. I captured him alive, bound him with tethering ropes and iron fetters, and brought him to Assyria. I defeated the king of the land Elam, iv 45 who had aligned himself with him and come to his aid. I dispersed his forces and scattered his assembled host.

On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Ha'iri and Rasha, cities on the border of Assyria that iv 50 the Elamites had taken away by force in the time of my ancestors. I had my garrisons stationed inside them. I brought those cities back inside the border of Assyria and placed them under the authority of the garrison commander of Der.

The cities Bubê, Dunni-Shamash, Bit-Risiya, Bit-Ahlamê, iv 55 Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Bit-Ashusi, Kar-Zera-iqisha, Bit-Gishshi, Bit-Kat­pa­la­ni, Bit-Imbiya, Hamanu, Bit-Arrabi, Bu­ru­tu, Dim­tu-sha-Sulaya, Dimtu-sha-Mar-biti-etir, Harri-ashlakê, iv 60 Rabbaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu, Na­ti­tu,

together with the cities of the passes, namely Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humba, Dimtu-sha-Dumeli, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, iv 65 Alu-sha-naqidate, Massutu-shaplitu, Sarhu-Deri, alum-sha-Belet-biti, Bit-Ahhe-iddina, and Ilteuba — I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those thirty-four fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number. I made the smoke from their conflagration cover the wide heavens like a heavy cloud.

Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahhunte, the Elamite, heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He brought the people of the rest of his cities into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and took the road to the city Haydala Hidalu, which is in the distant mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tamhiru, bitter cold set in and v 1 a severe rainstorm sent down its rain. I was afraid of the rain and snow in the gorges, the outflows of the mountains, so I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Nineveh.

Obverse Column v


i-na u4-me-szu-ma i-na [qi]-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia (disz)_nig-du_-(d)na-hu-un-du# _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki 3 iti-mesz_ ul# u-ma-al-li-ma i-na u4-um la _nam_-szu ur-ru-hi-isz im-tu-ut _egir_-szu (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu la ra-Asz t,e-me U mil-ki _szesz_-szu dup-pu-us-su-u i-na _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-szib-ma

i-na 8-e ger-ri-ia _egir_ (disz)szu-zu-bi is-se-hu-ma _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki gal5-la-mesz_ lem-nu-ti _ka-gal-mesz uru_ u-di-lu ik-pu-ud lib-ba-[szu]-nu a-na e-pesz _gisz-la_ (disz)szu-zu-bu _lu_-kal-da-a-a [et,]-lum dun-na-mu-u sza la i-szu-u bir-ki _arad_ da-[gil] pa#-an _lu-en-nam uru_-la-hi-ri _lu_-a-ra-me hal-qu mun-nab-tu [a]-mir# da-me hab-bi-lu s,e-ru-usz-szu ip-hu-ru-ma qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me u-ri-du-ma

u-szab-szu-u si-hu a-na#-[ku] ni#-tum al-me-szu-ma nap-szA-tusz u-si-qa la-pa-an hat-ti# U né-eb-re-ti a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ in-na-bit ki-i ri-kil-ti# [U gil-la]-ti# s,e-ru-usz-szu ba-szi-i ul-tu _kur-elam-ma-ki_ [i-hi-szam-ma] qé-reb szu-an-na-_ki_ e-ru-ub _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ a-na la si-ma-ti-szu i-na _gisz-gu-za_ u-sze-szi-bu-szu be-lu-ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ u-szad-gi-lu pa-ni-szu

É _nig-ga_ sza é-sag-il2 ip-tu-ma _ku-gi ku-babbar_ sza (d)_en_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum _nig-szu_ É _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu u-sze-s,u-ni a-na (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la i-szu-u t,e-e-mu U mil-ku u-sze-bi-lu-usz t,a-a'-tu pu-uh-hi-ir um-man-ka di-ka-a _karasz_-ka a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ hi-szam-ma i-da-a-ni i-zi-iz-ma tu-kul-ta-ni lu at-ta

szu-u _lu-elam-ma-ki_-u sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-ri-ti sza _kur-elam-ma-ki uru-mesz_-szu ak-szud-du-ma u-ter-ru a-na kar-me lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us t,a-a'-tu im-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma _erim-hi-a_-szu _karasz_-su u-pa-hir-ma _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi e-szu-ra _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ is-ni-qa s,i-in-di-szu

_kur_-par-su-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-szi-ru _kur_-el-li-pi _lu_-ia-as-il _lu_-la-kab-ra _lu_-ha-ar-zu-nu _uru_-du-um-mu-qu _uru_-su-la-a _uru_-sa-am-u-na _dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na kur_-É-(disz)a-di-ni _kur_-É-(disz)a-muk-ka-na _kur_-É-(disz)szil-la-na _kur_-É-(disz)sa-a-la _ud-ud-ag-ki uru_-la-hi-ru _lu_-pu-qu-du _lu_-gam-bu-lum _lu_-ha-la-tu _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu_-u-bu-lu _lu_-ma-la-hu _lu_-ra-pi-qu _lu_-hi-in-da-ru _lu_-da-mu-nu kit-ru _gal_-u ik-te-ra it-ti-szu

gi-ip-szu-us-su-un u-ru-uh _kur uri-ki_ is,-ba-tu-nim-ma a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ te-bu-u-ni a-di (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da-a-a _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na a-ha-mesz iq-ru-bu-ma pu-hur-szu-nu in-nen-du ki-ma ti-bu-ut a-ri-bi ma-a'-di sza pa-an szat-ti mit-ha-risz a-na e-pesz tuq-ma-ti te-bu-ni s,e-ru-u-a _sahar-hi-a gir-ii_-szu-nu _gim muru9_ kab-ti sza dun-ni e-ri-ia-ti

pa-an _an_-e rap-szu-ti ka-ti-im el-la-mu-u-a i-na _uru_-ha-lu-le-e i-na ki-szad _id-idigna_ szit-ku-nu si-dir-ta pa-an masz-qi-ia s,ab-tu-ma u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un

a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_muati_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)_inanna_ sza _nina-ki_ (d)_inanna_ sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-ia a-na ka-szA-di _lu-kur_ dan-ni am-hur-szu-nu-ti-ma su-pe-e#-a ur-ru-hi-isz isz-mu-u il-li-ku re-s,u-ti

la-ab-bisz an-na#-dir-ma at-tal-bi-szA si-ri-ia-am hu-li-ia-am si-mat s,i-il-ti a-pi-ra ra-szu-u-a i-na _gisz-gigir_ ta-ha-zi-ia s,ir#-[ti] sa-pi-na-at za-'i-i-ri i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia ar-ta-kab# ha-an-t,isz _gisz-pan_ dan-na-tum sza (d)asz-szur u-szat-li-ma i-na _szu-ii_-ia as,-bat _gisz_-szil-ta-hu pa-ri-i' nap-szA-ti at-muh rit-tu-u-a

s,e-er gi-mir um-ma-na-ti na-ki-ri lem-nu-ti u4-mi-isz s,ar-pisz al-sa-a _gim_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-gu-um i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _en gal en_-ia a-na szid-di U pu-ti ki-ma ti-ib me-he-e szam-ri a-na _lu-kur_ a-zi-iq i-na# _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (d)asz-szur# _en_-ia U ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia ez-zi [i-rat-su-un] a-né-e'-ma suh-hur-ta-szu-nu Asz-kun [_erim-hi-a_] na#-ki-ri i-na us,-s,i mul-mul-li u-szA-qir-ma gi-mir _adda-mesz_-szu-nu u-pal-li-szA _ud_-zi-zi-isz

(disz)(d)hu-um-ba-an-un-da-szA _lu_-tur-ta-nu-szu et,-lu pit-qu-du mu-ma-'e-er um-ma-ni-szu tu-kul-ta-szu _gal_-u a-di _lu-gal-mesz_-szu sza _gir_ szib-bi _ku-gi_ szit-ku-nu U i-na _har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi_ ru-usz-szi-i ruk-ku-sa rit-ti-szu-un ki-ma szu-u-ri ma-ru-ti sza na-du-u szum-man-nu ur-ru-hi-isz u-pal-liq-szu-nu-ti-ma

Asz-ku-na tah-ta-szu-un ki-szA-da-te#-szu-nu u-na-kis as-li-isz aq-ra-ti nap-szA-te-szu-nu u-par-ri-i' qU-U'-isz

AI Translation

At that time, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahundu, the king of the land Elam, did not complete the three months of the festival and died a premature death. Afterwards, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, who does not have sense or insight, his brother, sat on his throne and

On my eighth campaign, after Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk had fled to me and the citizens of Babylon had gathered in the city gates against me, they were afraid and plotted evil deeds. They fled alone to save Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who was not a fugitive and a servile who was not submissive to the governor of the city Lahiru. The Arameans, frightened of the criminals, scurried about in the swamps and they drew up their corpses in the swamps.

I seized him, seized him, and cut off his life. He fled to the land Elam from fear and terror. He fled alone from the land Elam and entered Shuanna Babylon. The Babylonians placed him on a throne without number, entrusted him with the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad, and made him dwell in his own cella.

The property of Esagil had become dilapidated and I brought out gold and silver of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property of the temple of their gods. I sent it to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who did not have a report or counsel. I received a good report from your army, your camp, and your camp to Babylon. He was present, he was present, and you should know about it.

As for him, the Elamite, whom I had conquered during the course of my earlier campaign against the land Elam and who had returned from his refugee camp, he did not fear their good deeds. He sent his troops and camp to him, he took away chariots and wagons, horses, and mules, and cut off his supply.

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasil, Lakabara, Harzunu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, and Samuna, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the lands Bit-Adini, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Shillana, Bit-Sala, and Udakku, the city Lahiru, the people of the cities Puqudu, Gambulu, Halatu, Ru'u'a, Ubulu, Malahu, Rapiqu, Hindaru, and Damunu, a large clan, seized with them.

As for them, they took the road to Akkad and came to Babylon. They approached each other, together with Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean, the king of Babylon, and they bowed down to their respective yoke. Like a raging storm, they came together in a single march to do battle. I slew their feet with earth and piled them up like piles of sand.

In the city Halulê, on the bank of the Tigris, they took fright before my feet and smote their weapons.

I was entrusted to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, to conquer a strong enemy. They quickly heard my prayers and came to my aid.

I slew my foes and my foes, the emblem of my exalted brilliance, and I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, the one that overwhelms enemies. I had the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted me hold and I grasped in my hand a sling that cuts off life.

I fought with all of the enemy troops and I fought with them like the god Adad. By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I attacked the enemy in battle and strife like a flood. With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I fought with them and defeated them. I cut down the troops of the enemy with the sword and I filled their entire corpse with their corpses.

As for Humban-undasha, his field marshal, the skilled and pious one who carries out the tasks of his army, I quickly entrusted him with his great support, together with his magnates, whose feet are decorated with gold and whose hands are clad with reddish gold, like a reed mat for a stele, and I made them carry baskets of gold and baskets of silver.

I smashed their limbs and smashed their flesh. I cut off their blood and smashed their flesh.


At that time, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, Kudur-Nahundu Kudur-Nahhunte, the king of the land Elam, did not last three months and suddenly died a premature death. After him, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, who does not have sense or insight, his younger brother, sat on his throne.

On my eighth campaign, after Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk had rebelled and v 10 the citizens of Babylon, evil gallû-demons, had locked the city gates, they plotted to wage war. Arameans, fugitives, runaways, murderers, and robbers rallied around Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean, a person of lowly status, a coward lit. "who has no knees", and a servant who belonged to the governor of the city Lahiru, and they went down into the marshes and incited rebellion.

I besieged him and put him in dire straits. On account of fear and hunger, he fled to the land Elam. When there were conspiracy and treachery against him, he hurried out of the land Elam and v 20 entered Shuanna Babylon. The Babylonians inappropriately placed him back on the throne and entrusted him with the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

They the Babylonians opened the treasury of Esagil and took out the gold and silver of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property of the temple of their gods. v 25 They sent it as a bribe to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who does not have sense or insight, saying: "Gather your army, muster your forces, hurry to Babylon, and align yourself with us! Let us put our trust in you."

That Elamite, whose cities I had conquered and turned into ruins during a previous campaign to the land Elam, accepted the bribe from them without thinking, then gathered his troops and his forces, inspected his chariots and wagons, and checked his teams of horses and mules.

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasi'il, Lakabera, Harzunu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, and Sam'una, who was a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the lands Bit-Adini, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Shilani, Bit-Sala Bit-Sa'alli, Larak, the city Lahiru, v 40 the people of the tribes of the Puqudu, Gambulu, Hallatu, Ru'u'a, Ubulu, Malahu, Rapiqu, Hindaru, and Damunu, a large host, formed a confederation with him.

In their multitude, they took the road to Akkad and, as they were advancing towards Babylon, they met up with Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who is the king of Babylon, and banded their forces together. Like a spring invasion of a swarm of locusts, they were advancing towards me as a group to do battle. The dust of their feet covered the wide heavens like a heavy cloud in the deep of winter.

While drawing up in battleline before me at the city Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River, and keeping me from the water source, they sharpened their weapons.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, v 55 for victory over my strong enemy and they immediately heeded my prayers and came to my aid.

I raged up like a lion, then put on armor and placed a helmet suitable for combat on my head. v 60 In my anger, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which lays enemies low. I took in my hand the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I grasped in my hand an arrow that cuts off life.

I roared loudly like a storm and thundered like the god Adad against all of the troops of the wicked enemies. v 65 By the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I blew like the onset of a severe storm against the enemy on their flanks and front lines. With the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and my fierce battle array, I turned them back and made them retreat. I shot the troops of the enemy with ushshu-arrows and mulmullu-arrows, and pierced all of their corpses like ...

I quickly slaughtered and defeated Hum­ban-un­da­sha, his field marshal, a trusted man who leads his troops, his main support, together with his magnates, who wear gold decorated belt-daggers and v 75 have reddish gold sling straps fastened to their forearms, like fattened bulls restrained with fetters.

I slit their throats like sheep and thus cut off their precious lives like thread. vi 1 Like a flood in full spate after a seasonal rainstorm, I made their blood flow over the broad earth. The swift thoroughbreds harnessed to my chariot plunged into floods of their blood just like the river ordeal. vi 5 The wheels of my war chariot, which lays criminals and villains low, were bathed in blood and gore. I filled the plain with the corpses of their warriors like grass. I cut off their lips and thus destroyed their pride. I cut off their hands like the stems of cucumbers in season.

Obverse Column vi


_har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi ki-sag_ eb-bi# szA rit-ti-szu-nu am-hur i-na nam-s,a-ri zaq-tu-ti hu-[s,a-an]-ni-szu-nu u-par-ri-i' _gir-mesz_ szib-bi _ku-gi ku-babbar_ szA _murub4#-mesz_-szu-nu e-kim

si-it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-szu sza la-pa#-an ta-ha-zi-ia ip-la-hu id-ku-u i-da-szu#-un bal-t,u-su-nu

i-na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri it-mu-ha _szu#-ii_-a-a _gisz-gigir-mesz_ a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szi-na sza i-[na] qit#-ru-ub ta-ha-zi dan-ni ra-ki-bu-szi-in de-ku-u-ma# U szi-na musz-szu-ra-ma ra-ma-nu-usz-szin it-ta-na-al-[la]-ka# mit-ha-risz u-ter-ra a-di 2 _kaskal-gid ge6_ il-li-[ku da]-ak#-szu-nu ap-ru-us

szu-u (disz)um-ma-an-[me-na-nu _lugal kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_ a-di _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [_lu_]-na#-sik-ka-[ni sza _kur_-kal-di a-li-kut] _a-ii_-szu hur-ba-szu ta-ha#-[zi-ia ki-ma-le-e zu-mur-szu-un is]-hu#-up _gisz_-za-ra-ti-szu#-un [u-masz-sze-ru-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu]-nu# pag-ri _erim-hi-a_-szu-nu u-da#-['i-i-szu e-ti-qu]

ki-i sza at-mi _tu-muszen_ kusz-szu-di# [i-tar-ra-ku lib-bu-szu-un] szi-na-te-szu-un u-s,a-ar-ra#-[pu qé-reb _gisz-gigir_]-_mesz#_-szu-nu u-masz-sze-ru-ni zu-szu-un a-[na ra-da]-di#-szu-nu _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-ia u-[ma-'e-er] ar-ki-szu-un mun-na-rib-szu-nu sza a-na nap#-[szA]-a-ti u-s,u-u a-szar i-kasz-szA-du u-ra-[sa]-bu# i-na _gisz-tukul_

i-na u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal_ ku-tal-li sza _nina-ki_ sza a-na szu-te-szur ka-ra-szi pa-qad _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sa-na-qi mim-ma szum-szu sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu-ma [tam]-lu-szA la ib-szi-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa la-ba-risz _ud-mesz_ tem-me-en-szA e-nisz-ma isz-da-a-szA ir-ma-a i-qu-pa re-szA-a-szA

É-_gal_ szA-a-tu a-na si#-hi-ir-ti-szA aq-qur ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma qaq-qa-ru ma-[a']-du ul-tu qé-reb u-szal-li U ta-mir-ti _uru_ as,-ba#-ta i-na muh-hi usz-rad-di qaq-qar É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti e-zib-ma i-na qaq-qa-ri sza ul-tu qé-reb u-szal-[li] as,#-ba-ta tam-la-a usz-mal-li 2 _me_ ti-ib-ki a-na e-la-ni u#-szaq-qi re-e-su

i-na _iti_ sze-me-e u4-mu mit-ga-ri [s,e-er] tam-le-e szu-a-tu É-_gal_ ra-bi-tum sza s,e-er mah#-[ri]-ti ma-a'-disz szu-tu-rat

a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-[sze-pisz] _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni s,i-ru-ti u-szat-ri-s,a e-li#-szA _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-ri me-ser _urudu_ nam-ri u-rak-kis-ma u#-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szA _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u sza i-na# er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma_ u#-sze-pisz-ma im-na U szu-me-la u-szA-as,-bi-ta# si-ga-ar-szA

É-_gal_ szA-a-tu ul-tu usz#-[sze]-szA a-di na-bur-ri-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _mu-sar#_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia

i-na qer-bi-szA Asz-kun a-na Ar#-kat _ud-mesz_ i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur U (d)isz#-tar a-na _re_-É-_um kur# u un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u [zi]-kir#-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ szA-a#-[tu] i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu# [_nun_ ar-ku-u an]-hu-sa lu-ud-[disz] _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia [li]-mur#-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu#-[usz] _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na [Asz]-ri-szu lu-[ter] (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-[tar] ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-[mu-u]

[_iti_-x x (x) (_ud_-x-_kam_) li-mu (disz)]_en_-_igi#_-an-ni [_lu-en-nam_] _uru#_-gar-ga-misz

_iti-dirig#-sze-kin_-[_tar_ (_ud_-x-_kam_) li-mu ...] _lu-en-nam#_ [...]

AI Translation

I received gold and shining silver bracelets with their wrists. I cut off their wrists with sharp swords and I seized gold and silver bracelets with their clasps.

The rest of his magnates, who had become frightened of my battle array, fought with them and defeated them.

In the thick of battle, they fought with me. I captured alive the chariots, together with their horses, which had been seized in the thick of the mighty battle, and then they fought with each other and fought with each other. I confined them for two nights before they came to an end.

As for him, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, together with the king of Babylon, the sheikh of Chaldea who marched at his side, fear of my battle array overwhelmed them like a mountain. They abandoned their tents and, in order to save their lives, they cut off their equipment and their troops.

Just as a eagle scurried around in a cage, so did their hearts and hearts. They abandoned their chariots and abandoned their chariots. I sent my chariots and horses to their aid. I struck down with the sword their herds of chariots and horses, who were snatched to the place where they were snatched.

At that time, I had a palace opposite Nineveh, which had been built to house the rations of horses and to provide for everything that the kings, my ancestors, had done for me, but whose site had not been suitable and whose site had become old. In order to prolong its days, I raised its superstructure and raised its superstructure.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. I removed much ground from the city and the plain and added it to the former area. I left the site of the former palace and filled in the terrace in the area that I had removed from the site. I raised its superstructure 200 courses of brick high to the north.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, on that terrace, I built a great palace, which had been neglected for a long time.

I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of shining copper on doors of white cedar and installed them in its gates. I had a bull colossus, which had become visible in the territory of the city Balataya, made and I had its door bolts fastened on both sides.

I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its quays and deposited my inscribed object.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Month ..., day, eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 645.

Month Tishri VII, day, eponymy of ..., governor of .


I received gold and shining silver sling straps as their wrist-trappings and slashed off their belts with sharp swords. I took away gold and silver decorated belt-daggers as their waist-trappings.

As for the rest of his magnates, who had raised their arms because they were terrified of doing battle with me, I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

I brought back all together the chariots along with their horses, whose drivers had been killed in the thick of that mighty battle and which had themselves been released so that they galloped about on their own. When the second double-hour of the night had passed, I stopped their slaughter.

As for him, Umman-menanu Hum­ban-me­na­nu, the king of the land Elam, along with the king of Babylon and the sheikhs of Chaldea who marched at his side, terror of doing battle with me overwhelmed them like alû-demons. They abandoned their tents and, in order to save their lives, they trampled the corpses of their troops as they pushed on.

Their hearts throbbed like the pursued young of pigeons, they passed their urine hotly, and released their excrement inside their chariots. I ordered my chariots and horses to pursue them. Wherever they caught them, they killed with the sword the runaways amongst them, who had fled for their lives.

At that time, the Rear Palace of Nineveh that earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for the proper running of the military camp, the care of horses, and the overseeing of everything — its terrace did not exist and vi 35 its site had become too small. With the passage of time, its base had fallen into disrepair, then its foundations had become loose and its superstructure had collapsed.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. As an addition, I took much land from the meadow and plain of the city and I added it to the site. vi 40 I abandoned the site of the former palace and filled in a terrace in the area that I had taken from the meadow. I raised its superstructure 200 courses of brick high.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, upon that terrace, I had a large palatial wing, which greatly surpassed the previous one, built for my royal residence.

I roofed it with magnificent beams of cedar. I fastened bands of bright copper on doors of white cedar and I installed them in its gates. I had bull colossi text "a bull colossus" fashioned from white limestone that was discovered in the territory of the city Balataya and on the right and left I made them hold its door bolts.

I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its battlements. I deposited in it inscribed objects bearing my name.

In the future, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar name for shepherding the land and vi 55 people — when that palace becomes old and dilapidated, may a future ruler renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

The month ..., day, eponymy of Bel-emuranni, governor of the city Carchemish 691.

Intercalary Addaru XII2, day, eponymy of ..., governor of ....

Q003498: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba] _lugal gal lugal#_ [dan-nu] [_lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur]-_ki lugal_ [kib-rat _limmu_-tim] [_re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu] mi#-gir _dingir-mesz#_ [_gal-mesz_] [na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i]-im mi#-[szA-ri] [e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik] tap#-pu-ut [a-ki-i] [sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti] et,#-lum [git-ma-lum] [zi-ka-ru qar-du a-szA]-red kal# [mal-ki] [rap-pu la-'i-it,] la# ma-[gi-ri]

[mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a]-ni# (d)asz-szur _kur_-[u _gal_-u] [_lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat]-li-ma-an-[ni-ma] [_ugu_ gim-ri a-szib pa-rak]-ki# u-szar-[ba-a] _gisz-tukul#-mesz_-ia# [ul-tu A]-_ab#-ba_ e-le-ni#-[ti] sza szA-lam# (d)_utu_-szi# [a-di] tam#-tim szap-li-ti sza# s,i-it (d)_utu_-[szi gim]-ri# s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-[a] U mal-ki [szep-s,u-ti] e-du-ru ta-ha-zi da-Ad-me-szu-un iz-zi-bu-ma ki-ma su-tin#-ni ni-gi-is,-s,i e-disz ip-par-szu a-szar# la 'a-a-ri

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia# sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum_-[_na_] _lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz# [a]-di# _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir#-[ti kisz-_ki_] Asz-ta-[kan] _bad5-bad5_-szu i-na _murub4_ tam-ha#-[ri] szu#-a-tu [e-zib] _karasz#_-[su] e#-disz ip-par-[szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i-ir _gisz-gigir-mesz_] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz#_ [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made noble rulers rise up and he ruled over the battlements of their settlements and, like a raging storm, he destroyed their settlements and destroyed them wherever they were not located.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I carried off chariots, horses, ..., ..., ..., and his ..., his chariotry, his mules, his equipment, and his equipment.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, i 5 renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. i 15 Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me. While they were abandoning their settlements, they flew away alone like bats living in crevices to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, ... i 25 ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


x [...] _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz#_-[_mesz_-_su_ at-ta-bi ni-bit-su] _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-[ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib] i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut# [_sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-har]

am-nu-u-ma u-[rap-pisz ma-a-ti i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia] sza _kur_-ma-da-a-[a ru-qu-te sza i-na _lugal-mesz_] _ad-mesz_-ia ma#-[am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un] man-da-at-[ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur] a-na ni#-[ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Kar-Sennacherib, a city upon which I relied, and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.


... ... I called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

Obverse Column vi


[(d)_iszkur_ (d)sza-la _dingir_]-_mesz_ [sza _uru_-É-_gal-mesz_] [sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_sum_-_szesz-mesz lugal kur_] _uri_(?)-_ki_(?)# [a-na tar-s,i] [(disz)tukul-ti-A]-é#-szar2-ra# [_lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [il-qu-ma a-na _ka-dingir_]-_ra#-ki_ u#-[bil-lu] [i-na 4 _me 18 mu-an-na-mesz_ ul-tu] _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u-sze#-[s,a-am-ma] [a-na _uru_-É-_gal-mesz a_sz-ri-szu]-nu u-ter-szu-nu-ti#

[_uru u_ É-_mesz_ ul-tu _usz8_-szu a]-di gaba-dib-bi-szu [ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq]-mu# _bad_ szal-hu-u [É-_mesz dingir-mesz_ ziq-qur-rat _sig4_] _u sahar#-hi-a_ ma-la ba-szu-u# [as-suh-ma a-na _id_-a]-ra#-ah-ti ad-di [i-na qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu] _id_ ah-re-e-ma [er-s,e-es-su-nu ina _a-mesz_ as]-pu-un# szi-kin usz-szi-szu [u-hal-liq-ma _ugu_ sza a]-bu#-bu na-as-pan-ta-szu [u-szA-tir Asz-szu ah-rat u4]-me qaq#-qar _uru#_ szu-a-tu [U É-_mesz dingir-mesz_] la musz-szi#-i [i-na ma-a-mi usz-har-mit,]-su-ma ag-da-mar# u-szal-lisz

[...] x-_bi_ a-lik mah-ri [...] x _lu_(?) a#-[...]

AI Translation

The gods Adad and Shala, the gods of the city Egalli, whom Marduk-nadin-ahhe, king of Akkad, had taken away in the time of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, and who had brought them to Babylon, brought them out of Babylon for 184 years and returned them to the city Egalli.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city and its temples, from its foundations to its crenellations. I tore down the outer wall, the temples, and all of the bricks and earth, as much as there was, and added them to the Arahtu River. Inside that city I crossed the river and dug down their moat with water. I destroyed the foundations of it, and I made its water more plentiful than the water of the spring. Because I had confined the city and its temples, which were without number, to a distance of days I made them unrecognizable and I made them flourish.

... ... who goes before ... ... .


The god Adad and the goddess Shala, gods of the city Ekallatum whom Marduk-nadin-ahhe, king of Akkad, had taken and brought to Babylon during the reign of Tiglath-pileser I, king of Assyria — I had them brought out of Babylon after 418 years and I returned them to the city Ekallatum, their proper place.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city, and its buildings, from its foundations to its crenellations. I removed bricks and earth, as much as there was, from the inner and outer walls, the temples, and the ziggurrat, and vi 10' I threw it into the Arahtu River. I dug a canal into the center of that city and thus leveled their site with water. I destroyed the outline of its foundations and thereby made its destruction surpass that of the Deluge. So that in the future, the site of that city and its temples will be unrecognizable, I dissolved it Babylon in water and annihilated it, making it like a meadow.

... ... who preceded/goes before ... ... ...

Q003499: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x x [(...) si-it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-szu a-di (disz)(d)_muati_]-_mu#_-isz-kun [_dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza la-pa-an] ta-ha#-zi-ia [ip-la-hu id-ku-u _a-ii_-szu-un bal]-t,u#-su-un [ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri it-mu-ha] _szu#-ii_-a-a

[_gisz-gigir-mesz_ a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szi-na sza i]-na# qit-ru-ub [ta-ha-zi dan-ni ra-ki-bu-szin] de-ku-ma [U szi-na musz-szu-ra-ma ra-ma]-nu#-usz-szin [it-ta-na-al-la-ka mit-ha-risz u]-ter#-ra [a-di 2 _kaskal-gid ge6_ il-li-ku da-ak-szu-nu] ap#-ru-us

[szu-u (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu _lugal kur-elam_]-_ma-ki#_ [a-di _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki lu_-na-sik-ka-ni sza _kur_-kal]-di#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... all of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had become frightened of my battle array, iii 5'' killed them, and seized them in the thick of battle.

I captured the chariots, together with their horses, which were in great distress, and then they were seized and brought back to their normal positions. I reorganized them until the second round of the night. I inspected their equipment and imposed upon them the tribute of the gods Ashur and Marduk.

Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, together with the king of Babylon, the herald of Chaldea,


... ... ... As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had raised their arms because they were terrified of doing battle with me, I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

I brought back all together the chariots along with their horses, whose drivers had been killed in the thick of that mighty battle and which had themselves been released so that they galloped about on their own. When the second double-hour of the night had passed, I stopped their slaughter.

As for him, Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, along with the king of Babylon and the sheikhs of Chaldea

Obverse Column ii


u#-[rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szin] i-na _na4#_-[pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza i-na er-s,e-et] _uru_-ba-la#-[t,a-a-a in-nam-ru (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_] s,i-ru-ti u#-[sze-pisz-ma im-na U szu-me-la] u-szA-as,-[bi-ta _si-gar_-szin]

a-na szu-te-szu-ri# [s,al-mat _sag-du_ pa-qa-di mur-ni-is-qi] _ansze-kunga-mesz_ a#-[ga-li-i til-li _gisz-gigir-mesz_] _gisz_-at-ta-ra-te# [e-req-qi isz-pa-a-te] til-pa-na-a-te _u#_ [us,-s,i mim-ma szum-szu] u-nu#-ut ta-ha-zi na#-[as,-ma-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] _ansze-kunga-mesz_ szA i-mu#-[qi ra-ba-a-te i-szu-u] szuk-nu-sze a-na ni#-ri [...]

AI Translation

I had magnificent bull colossi made and I had them seated on their seats in both the palatial halls of their gates.

To ensure the well-being of the black-headed people, to ensure the proper functioning of the horns of the horses, to provide for the chariotry, to provide chariotry, to provide steeds, to provide for the scouts, to provide for everything there is, to provide for the horses and the chariots, to ensure their good health, .


I fastened bands of bright copper on doors of white cedar and I installed them in their gates. I had magnificent bull colossi fashioned from white limestone that was discovered in the territory of the city Balataya and on the right and left I made them hold their door bolts.

I greatly enlarged its outer courtyard for the proper administration of the black-headed people, the inspection of thoroughbred horses, mules, agalu-donkeys, military equipment, chariots, carts, wagons, quivers, bows, and ushshu-arrows, every type of ii' 10' implement of war, and the submission of teams of horses and mules, which have great strength, to the yoke.

Q003500: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x _isz_ x [x x] [gi-mir _kur_-szu ak-szud(ud)]-ma# szal-la-ti-isz am#-[nu] [_uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq]-qur# ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mi [... i-na _uru_-na]-gi#-ti a-szar Asz-bu [pul-hi me-lam-me] is-hu-up-szu-ma szA-da-szu e-[mid]

[_uru_-hi-rim-mu] _u# lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a# [...] x-da#-a-nu _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu#-[te] [u-szal-pit-ma u-ab]-bit da-Ad-me-szu-un

[sza (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_] _uru#_-s,i-du-ni e-kim _lugal_-su# [(disz)tu-ba-a'-lu] ina# _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma [man-da-at-tu _en_-ti]-ia u-kin s,e-ru#-usz-szu

[u-szal-pit rap-szu na]-gu#-u _kur_-ia-u-di [(disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _lugal_-szu] e-mid ab-szA-a-nu

[_lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a]-a# a-szi-bu-ut _kur_-ni-pur [_kur_-i mar-s,i i-na] _gisz#-tukul_ u-szam-qit [_uru_-uk-ku a-di nap]-har _du#_ da-Ad-me-szu [ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi] usz-bi-i'

[_un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki] a#-szi-bu-ti

AI Translation

... ... ... I conquered all of his land and I counted his people as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. ... In the city Nagitu, where he resides, fear of doing battle with him overwhelmed him and he abandoned his camp.

I destroyed the cities Hirimmu and Yasubigalla, ...danu, and the distant Medes, and I destroyed their settlements.

As for Lulî, the king of Sidon, he took away his kingship. He placed Tu-Ba'lu on his throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the wide district of the land Judah. I placed Hazaqiau, its king, as a burden on him.

I felled with the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live in Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with all of its settlements, like a ruin hill in a swamp.

The people of the land Hilakku who live there


... ... ... I conquered his Marduk-apla-iddina II's entire land and I counted his people as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. ... in the city Nagitu, where he was residing, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he Marduk-apla-iddina II disappeared.

I ruined the city Hirimmu and the land of the Yasubigallians, ...danu, and the distant Medes and I destroyed their settlements.

I took away the kingship of Lulî, the king of the city Sidon. i 10' I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I ruined the wide district of the land Judah and imposed the yoke on Hezekiah, its king.

I put to the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain. I swept over the city Ukku, together with every last one of its settlements, so that they looked like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

I struck down with the sword the people of the land Hilakku, who live in the mountains.

Obverse Column ii


x [...] szA a-na# [...] ina _me edin_ [bal-t,u-su ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-szu-un] a-na mah-ri-[ia ub-lu-nisz-szu] ina _ka murub4 uru_ szA _nina#_-[_ki_ ar-ku-su] it-ti a-su [...]

_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA a-na re-[s,u-ti-szu] il-li-ka a-na _kur_-szu# [lu al-lik] _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É [ni-s,ir-ti-szu] _u uru-mesz_-szu _tur-mesz_ sza li#-[me-ti-szu-nu] a-di# né-re-bi sza# É-(disz)bu-na#-[ak-ki al-me] [ak-szud(ud) Asz]-lu#-la szal-la-su#-[un ap-pul] [aq-qur ina (d)_gisz_]-_bar_ aq-mi

AI Translation

... ... who to ... in battle he captured, I brought him before me. I erected him in the citadel gate of Nineveh. With him .

I marched to his land and captured his fortified cities, his treasury, and his smaller settlements in their environs, as far as the pass of Bit-Bunakku. I plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.


... ... who/which ... .... In a pitched battle, they captured him Nergal-ushezib alive and brought him before me. ii 5' At the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, I bound him with a bear ....

As for the king of the land Elam, who had come to his Shuzubu's aid, I marched to his land. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, his treasury, and smaller settlements of his in their environs, as far as the pass of the land Bit-Bu­nak­ku.

Q003501: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)(d)_en_]-_zu_-_szesz#_-[_mesz_]-_su_(*) [_lugal_] _gal_-u [_lugal_] dan-nu# [_lugal_] kisz-szA-ti# [_lugal kur_] asz-szur-_ki#_ [_lugal_] kib#-rat [_limmu_]-ti [_re_]-É#-_um_ [it]-pe#-szu [mi]-gir _dingir#-mesz_ [_gal_]-_mesz_ [na-s,ir] kit#-ti [ra-'i]-im [mi-szA]-ri [e-pisz] [u-sa-a-ti] [a-lik] [tap-pu-ut] [a-ki]-i(?)# [sa]-hi#-ru [dam]-qa#-a-ti et,#-lum [git-ma-lum] [zi-ka-ru] qar#-[du] a-[szA-red] kal ma-[al-ki]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, i 5' favorite of the great gods, i 10' the king who is assiduous towards the sanctuaries of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all rulers, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all kings, i 10' foremost of all king


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, i 5 king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, i 10 favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, i 15 renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, i 20 and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, ii 1 the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

Obverse Column ii


(d)asz-szur _kur_-u [_gal_-u] _lugal_-u#-[ut] la szA-na#-[an] u-szat-lim#-[an-ni-ma] _ugu_ gi#-[mir] a-szib pa-rak#-[ki]

x [...] a#-[di tam-tim] szap#-[li-ti sza] s,i(?)#-[it (d)_utu_-szi] gim(?)#-[ri s,al-mat]

AI Translation

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my land more numerous than before.

... ... as far as the Upper Sea of the Rising Sun, all of the Black Sea,


The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet.

Q003502: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[u-sze-s,a-am]-ma# szal-la-tisz am#-[nu]

[u-ter-ma _uru_]-_mesz_-szu# ap-pul# [aq-qur]

AI Translation

I brought out and counted them as booty.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.


I brought out and I counted them as booty.

Once again I destroyed and devastated his cities,

Q003503: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _dingir-mesz_] É _ad#_-szu szA-a-szu _dam#_-[su _dumu-mesz_-szu] [_dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz_]-_mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su#-[ha-ma] [a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u]-ra#-Asz-szu (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)#[ru-kib-ti] [_lugal_-szu]-nu# mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa#-[al-lu-na] [Asz]-kun#-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-[ti-ia] [e-mid-su]-u-ma i-szA-a-at, ab-szA-a#-[ni]

[i-na me-ti-iq] ger#-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na# [_uru_-ia-ap-pu]-u# _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa# [_uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_-ni] sza (disz)#s,i-id-qa-a# [sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik]-nu-szu# al-me _kur_-ud [Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _lu-gir-nita-mesz_] _lu-nun-mesz#_ [...]

AI Translation

I removed ... the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house and brought him to Assyria. I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. I counted the people, governors, nobles, ... as booty.


I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria. I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon i' 5' and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. As for the governors, the nobles, ...

Q003504: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na] ru#-uq-qi _murub4_ [tam-tim] [in]-na#-bit-ma szad#-[da-szu e-mid]

AI Translation

He fled to the middle of the sea and took refuge there.


He Lulî fled afar into the midst of the sea and disappeared.

Q003505: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [x (x)] [... ra]-'i#-im mi-szA-ri [e-pisz u]-sa#-a-ti [a-lik tap-pu-ut a]-ki-i# [sa-hi-ru] dam-qa-a-ti# [et,-lum git-ma-lum zi-ka]-ru qar-du# [a-szA-red kal ma]-al-ki# [rap-pu la-'i-it, la] ma-gi-ri# [mu-szab-ri-qu za]-ma-a-ni#

[(d)asz-szur _kur_-u _gal_-u] _lugal#_-[ut] [la szA]-na-an# [u-szat-li-ma-an]-ni-ma# [...] x [...]

AI Translation

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and ... ... .


... ... ... who loves justice, renders as­sis­tance, goes to the aid of the weak, i 5' and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


É [_bad-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud] _un-mesz ansze#_-[_kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_] _ansze-mesz gu4#_-[_mesz u_ s,e-e-ni] ul#-tu qer-[bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu] _u uru-mesz_-[szu-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u] ap-pul aq#-[qur u-sze-me kar-mesz] É _edin#_ [kul-ta-ri mu-szA-bi-szu-nu] i-na (d)_gisz_-[_bar_ aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the fortresses and cult centers, their abodes, and I razed, destroyed, and turned into ruin hills.


I surrounded and conquered ... their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. ii 5' Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

Q003506: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [...] [... U dan-na-at] na-ge-e szu#-[a-tu] [as,-bat-ma] _mu#_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak#-[kir-ma] [_uru_]-kar#-(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-e#-[ri-ba] [at]-ta#-bi ni-bit-su _un-mesz#_ [_kur-kur_] [ki]-szit#-ti _szu-ii_-ia# i-na lib-bi u#-[sze-szib] [i-na _szu_]-_ii lu_-szu-[ut _sag_-ia] _lu-en_-[_nam_] _uru#_-har-har am#-[nu-ma u]-rap#-pisz ma-[a-ti]

i#-na ta-a-a-ar#-ti-ia# sza# _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru#-qu-ti [sza i-na] _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia [ma-am-man] la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un [man-da-ta-szu-nu] ka-bit-tu am-hur#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... I took the fortified wall of that district and changed its former name and I named it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention.


... ... I took ... as ... and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and i' 5' called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention.

Obverse Column ii


[am-da]-hi-is,-ma [Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un] [_lu_]-_en gisz-gigir-mesz u#_ [_dumu-mesz lugal kur_-mu-s,u-ra-a-a] [a]-di# _lu-en gisz-gigir_-[_mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-hi] bal#-t,u-su-un i-[na _murub4_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a]

_uru#_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta#-[am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud] Asz#-lu-la szal-la-su-un# [a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na] aq#-rib-ma _lu#_-[_gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_] sza hi-it,-t,u u#-[szab-szu-u a-duk-ma] i-na di-ma-a-ti si-hir#-[ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un] x [...]

AI Translation

I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. ... .


I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; ... ...

Q003508: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim# mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu ma-al-ku pit-qu-du _re_-É-_um_ ba-hu-la-a-ti#

mut-tar-ru-u _un-mesz_ rap-szA-a-ti a-na-ku (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ i-na kul-lat ma-li-ki# ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia id-di-nam# _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat mi-is,-ri szi-bir-ru la pa-du-u a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri#

u-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a i-na ta-ha-az _edin_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz# _lu_-kal-du _u lu_-a-ra-me a-di _erim-hi-a elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu a-bu-bisz as-pu-un szu-u a-na _kur_ tam-tim e-disz ip-par-szid-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu it-ti _gir-pad-du-mesz ad-mesz_-szu mah-ru-ti ul-tu qé-reb _ki-mah_ ih-pi-ir-ma _un-mesz_-szu a-na# qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ u-sze-li-ma a-na _uru_-na-gi-ti sza e-ber-tan _id_-mar-rat e-bir-ma i-na Asz-ri#

szu-a-tu i-mid szad-da-szu gi-mir _kur_-szu ak-szud(ud)-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu# _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur

i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu ak-szud(ud) _uru_-hi-rim-mu _u kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _kur_-el-li-pi

u-szal-pit-ma u-ab-bit da-Ad-me-szA sza (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni e-kim _lugal_-su (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu _en_-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

u-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u _kur_-ia-u-di (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _lugal_-szu e-mid ab-szA-a-ni

_lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut _kur_-i mar-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit _uru_-uk-ku

a-di nap-har da-Ad-me-szu ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit _un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki a-szi-bu-ut hur-szA-a-ni a-nar i-na _gisz-tukul uru-mesz_-szu-nu ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_uru-du6_-ga-rim-mu sza pa-at, _kur_-ta-ba-li _kur_-ud-ma u-ter a-na kar-me _uru_-na-gi-tu

_uru_-na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _kur_-hu-pa-pa-a-nu na-ge-e sza _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza i-na e-ber-tan _a-ab-ba_ szit-ku-na-at szu-bat-sun sza _un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti _dingir-mesz kur_-szu-un i-na _tusz-tusz_-szu-nu id-ku-u tam-tim e-bi-ru-ma u-szi-bu qé-reb-szu-un i-na _gisz-ma-mesz kur_-hat-ti sza i-na _nina-ki u uru-du6_-bar-si-ip e-pu-szu tam-tim lu e-bir _uru-mesz_ sza qé-reb

ar-ka _ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ szA it-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ u-s,u-u in-nab-tu e-lam-tasz _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ il-du-du-nim-ma (disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu_ (disz)ga-hul i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti

_ugu_-szu-nu u-sze-szib-ma _erim-mesz gisz-pan_(*) _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia a-na mé-eh-ret _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-ma-'e-er _erim-hi-a_ ma-a'-du it-ti _dumu_-szu i-du-ku-ma i-tur ar-ka-nisz szu-nu a-di _unug-ki_ isz-tam-di-hu (d)_utu_ sza _ararma-ki_ (d)_gaszan_-sza-re(?)-e-szi (d)_gaszan_-sza-_unug-ki_ (d)na-na-a (d)u-s,ur-a-mat-sa (d)be-let-_ti-la_ (d)kurun-nam (d)kasz-szi-tu (d)_igi-du dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut

_unug-ki_ a-di _nig-szu_-szu-nu _nig-ga_-szu-nu sza la ni-bi isz-lu-lu-ni i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-szu-nu (disz)szu-zu-bu _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-na _me edin_ bal-t,u-su ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-szu-un e-ri-in-nu bi-re-tu id-du-szu-ma a-di mah-ri-ia ub-lu-nisz-szu i-na _ka-gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_

ar-ku-su da-bu-u-isz _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza re-s,u-ut _ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ il-li-ku a-na _kur_-szu lu al-lik _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu a-di ne-re-bi sza _kur_-É-(disz)bu-na-ak-ki al-me ak-szud(ud) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un ap-pul

aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _lugal elam-ma-ki_ ka-szad _uru-mesz_-szu isz-me-ma im-qu-su hat-tum si-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-szu a-na dan-na-a-ti u-sze-li szu-u _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na _uru_-ha-i-da-la sza qé-reb szad-di-i isz-ta-kan pa-ni-szu

a-na _uru_-ma-dak-te _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-la-ku aq-bi _iti-ab_ ku-us,-s,u dan-nu ik-szu-dam-ma szA-mu-tum la-zi-iz-tum il-lik-ma szal-gu na-hal-lum na-at-bak _kur_-i a-du-ra u-ter-ma

a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ as,-ba-ta har-ra-na ar-ka _lugal kur_-e-lam-ti _kur_-par-su-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-szi-ru _kur_-el-li-pi nap-har _kur_-kal-di _lu_-a-ra-me ka-li-szu-un kit-ru _gal_-u ik-te-ra it-ti-szu a-di _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ a-na a-ha-mesz iq-ri-bu-ma a-na e-pesz

_me_ i-na _gaba_-ia _du_-ku-ni i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-ha-lu-le-e(*) it-ti-szu-nu am-da-hi-is, _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz-kun 1 _me 50 lim erim-mesz me_-szu-nu i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-ba-a-ti _gisz_-za-ra-ti _lugal_-ti-szu-nu e-kim-szu-nu-ti

_lu-gal-mesz_-szu-nu a-di (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_-un _dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza i-na _gisz-gigir-mesz ku-babbar_ u-szu-uz#-zu as-ma-a-ti _ku-gi_ tul5-lu-u _gir-mesz ku-gi_ szit-ku-nu U i-na _har#-mesz ku-gi_ ru-uk-ku-sa rit-ti-szu-un bal-t,u-su-un qé-reb tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da

_szu#-ii_-a-a _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki u lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ hur-ba-szu _me_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti qé-reb _gisz-gigir-mesz_-szu-nu u-masz-sze-ru-ni zu-u-szu-un e-disz ip-par-szid-du-ma ma-tu-usz-szu-un

in-nab-tu i-nu-szu É-_gal_ ku-tal-li sza qé-reb _nina-ki_ sza a-na szu-te-szur ka-ra-szi pa-qa-ad _ansze-kur-ra-mesz u_ sa-na-a-qi mim-ma szum-szu u-sze-pi-szu (_lugal-mesz_-ni) a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-e-a sza É-_gal_ szA-a-tu tam-lu-u-szA ul ib-szi-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa a-na szu-usz-mur _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ul szum-du-la _ka_-nu-u ki-sal-lu la-ba-risz _ud-mesz_

tem-me-en-szA i-nisz-ma it-ru-ra re-szA-a-szA É-_gal_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma ki-szub-bu-u ma-a-du ul-tu qé-reb u-szal-li lu as,-ba-ta s,e-ru-usz-szA usz-rad-di masz-kAn É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti e-zib-ma i-na qé-reb ki-szub-bé-e sza ul-tu u-szal-li as,-ba-ta tam-la-a usz-mal-li 3 _usz 20_ ti-ib-ki i-na na-al-ban-ia

_gal_-i a-na e-la-ni u-szaq-qi re-e-su s,e-er tam-le-e szA-a-tu sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia at-ta-di tem-me-en-szin É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li _gisz_-ere-ni tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti U É-_gal_ s,i-ir-tu e-pisz-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza ma-disz szu-tu-ra _gal_-a U szar-ha a-na mu-szab

_lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pisz Asz-szu mur-ni-is-qi-ia szuk-nu-sze a-na ni-i-ri U pa-qa-du szal-la-at na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu sza u-szat-li-ma (d)asz-szur ki-sal-la-szA _ka_-nu-u ma-gal

usz-rab-bi i-na e-mu-qe s,i-ra-a-ti sza _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia _lugal-mesz kur mar-tu-ki du_-szu-un sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia u-szA-ak-ni-szu u-ma-er-szu-nu-ti ur-tu _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ qé-reb _kur_-ha-ma-nim ik-szi-t,u a-na _nina-ki_ i-szu-t,u-nim-ma u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz-szur-min_ li-ia-ri me-ser _urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin

_na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ sza _gim numun_ qisz-sze-e _gar_-szu nu-su-qu ma-la _na4 gu_ aq-ru _na4_ qa-bé-e ma-ga-ri U ri-ih-s,u szu-tu-qi mur-s,u a-na _na nu te_-e sza ul-tu _gir kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i ib-bab-la it-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza i-na _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru

a-na (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni s,e-ru-szi-in ul-ziz-ma sza É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li szA-a-tu

e-mid _gan-du7-mesz_-szA i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti sza u-szat-li-ma _en_ né-me-qi (d)nin-szi-kU ma-la dul-la-a-ti _zabar_ sza a-na hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_-ia sza _nina-ki_ ap-ti-qu ki-i t,e-em _dingir_ zi-i'-pi t,i-di ab-ni-ma _urudu_ qé-reb-szu Asz-pu-uk-ma i-szi-ra szip-ru qa-ti-ia u _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz urudu_ ma-szA-a-ti as-kup-pu _na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ u-szA-Asz-szi-szi-na-ti bi-rit _munus-ab-za-za-mesz_ ul-ziz na-bur-risz u-sze-me-ma u-szA-lik

as-mi-isz i-na ki-sa-al-li _gal_-i szap-la-nu É-_gal na4_-pi-i-li a-na ri-mit _lugal_-ti-ia sza _na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da u na4_-sa-a-bu u-sze-pisz ki-gal-lum 4 tim-me _zabar_ sza szesz-szA-szu-nu _an-na_ bal-lum s,e-ru-usz-szu ul-ziz-ma i-na da-ap-pi _gisz_-ere-ni sza _ki-sag_

lit-bu-szu u-szat-ri-s,a s,u-lul-szu É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti ma-gal u-szar-bi u-szA-ak-lil#-szi u-szar-ri-ih-szi a-na tab-rat kisz-szat _un-mesz_ la-la-a usz-mal-lisz man-da-at-tu kul(?)-lat# _kur-mesz_ a-tar-tu sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-e-a ma-am-man la im-hu-ru bi-lat-su-un it-ti _gisz_-s,u-um-ba-te _gisz-gigir-mesz_ ru-ku-bi(?) _lugal_(?)# _kur_(?)-e-la-mi-i _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki u kur_-kal-di sza ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a it-ti hu(?)-lap(?)-ti# la mi-nam

i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz u_ (d)_nin-lil_ szar-ra#-ti qé-reb# É-_gal_ szA-a-tu# i-na t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib#-bi U nu-um-mur pa-ni(*) _ud-mesz_(?)# lu(?)-szA(?)-ri(?)-ka(?) lu(?)-usz(?)-ba(?)-a(?)# lit-tu-tu li-pu-u-a du-ri da-ri a-na u4-me ru-qu-ti li-ku-nu qé-reb-szA# (d)_alad_ na-s,ir nap-szA-a-ti _dingir_ mu-szal-li-mu ur-ru U mu-szu a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA#

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, shepherd of people, vi 5 shepherd of the people:

I, the god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He gave me a just scepter, broadened my understanding, and made my enemies bow down at my feet to strike enemies.

In the thick of battle, I overwhelmed Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, Chaldeans and Arameans, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies. He fled to the Sealand and then the gods of the full extent of his land, together with the bones of his former ancestors, fled from the tomb and his people boarded boats, and iii 20'' I crossed the River Marratu, which is on the other side of the sea, and I razed, destroyed, and burned the city Nagitu, which is on the other side of the sea.

I conquered all of his land and counted his booty as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.

I conquered the city Hirimmu and the land of the Yasubigallians, the land Ellipi.

As for Lulî, the king of Sidon, he captured his kingship. He placed Tu-Ba'lu on his throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the wide district of the land Judah. I placed Hazaqiau, its king, as a burden on him.

I felled with the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on a rugged mountain. I surrounded and conquered the city Ukku.

I struck down with the sword the people of the land Hilakku, who live in the high mountains. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I conquered the city Til-Garimmu, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and returned to the settlements of the city Nagitu.

The cities Nagitu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the king of the land Elam, which are situated on the other shore of the sea, whose abodes the people of the land Bit-Yakin had taken away by force in the face of my mighty weapons and the gods of their land, and which had crossed the sea and settled inside them, I crossed over the sea on boats of the land Hatti which I had built in Nineveh and the city Til-Barsip. I conquered the cities that were in the midst of the sea.

After Babylon, which they had taken away and which Merodach-baladan had taken away, they had brought the land Elam, the king of the land Elam, to Babylon and placed Shuzubu, son of Gahul, on the royal throne.

I sent archers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent to the face of the king of the land Elam. He killed many troops together with his son and returned. They prayed to the god Shamash of Arbela, the Lady of Arbela, the Lady of Uruk, Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, Belet-balati, Kurunnam, Kashitu, and Palil, the gods living in the city Arbela.

On their return march, in a pitched battle, they captured Shuzubu, the king of Babylon, alive. They cut off his escape route, brought him before me, and brought him to the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

I marched to his land. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, his treasury, and smaller settlements in their environs, as far as the pass of the land Bit-Bunakku.

The king of the land Elam heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He made the rest of the people of his land turn into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and set out for the city Haydala, which is in the mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tebet X, a strong storm blew and a severe flood came and I removed the debris from the ravines and ravines of the mountains.

After I had departed to Assyria, the king of the land Elam, the lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, all of Chaldea, and all of the Arameans, a large swarm of them formed a confederation with him, together with the king of Babylon, and they came to do battle.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them in the plain of the city Halulê. I defeated them and defeated 150,000 of their battle troops. I felled with the sword 5,000 of their chariots, wagons, and royal steeds.

I captured alive in the thick of battle their magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had sat on silver chariots, adorned their bodies with gold fetters, and adorned their bodies with gold rings with their hammers.

With my hands, the king of Babylon and the king of the land Elam were overwhelmed by the mighty battle array of my army. They abandoned their chariots and fled alone. They seized their entire land and razed, destroyed, and burned with fire their cities.

At that time, the lower palace in Nineveh, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for the proper administration of horses and the proper administration of everything, but whose site had not been sufficiently developed and whose site had not been sufficiently secured to allow horses to enter it, and which had become old,

I tore down that palace in its entirety. I removed much of its dilapidated sections from the foundations and thereby reinforced its foundations. I dissolved the foundations of the former palace and filled in the terrace in the midst of the dilapidated sections that I had removed from the foundations. I poured out a terrace of three hundred and twenty layers of brick using my stele.

I firmly established the foundations of those palatial halls. I built a palace of white limestone and cedar, a replica of a Hittite palace, and a lofty palace, a creation of Assyria, which is a marvel of grandeur and splendor, as the residence of my lordly majesty.

As for the preservation of my overpowering limbs and the securing of the substantial booty of the enemy, which the god Ashur had granted me, I had its main courtyard built anew.

With the exalted strength of the gods, my lords, I made all of the kings of the land Amurru who had put their trust in me bow down at my feet. They cut down large cedar beams inside the land Hamanum and brought them to Nineveh. I fastened bands of copper on doors of cypress and white cedar and I installed them in their gates.

As for the stele, whose position is as pure as seed of a pig, as much as is needed for making a stele, for making a stele, for making a stele, for making a stele, for not approaching a person, which he had brought from the foot of Mount Nipur, he had it surrounded with white limestone, which he had discovered in the city Balataya.

I had sphinxes of white limestone and a beam of cedar stretched over them as a cornice for those bull colossi and I surrounded that palace with that limestone.

With the wisdom that the lord of wisdom, the goddess Ninshiku, had given me, I fashioned bronze figurines, as many as I had cast from bronze for the work on my palaces in Nineveh, according to the divine will and my heart's desire. I poured out copper into it and then I had my hands held in iron fetters. I had sphinxes of copper made and I placed them between the sphinxes. I made them stand tall and made them stand tall.

In the great courtyard, next to the palace of white limestone, I had a courtyard of red limestone, breccia, and sabu-stone built for my royal residence. I set four bronze columns, whose faces are covered with a rainbow, on four sides and I fastened them with cedar bands on the roof.

I made it shine like daylight and completed it. I made it shine like daylight and made it resplendent for the totality of the people. I received tribute from all the distant lands of the distant Medes, whose tribute none of the kings, my ancestors, had received, together with the chariots and chariotry of the king of the land Elam, king of Babylon, and Chaldea, which my hand had conquered, together with the hulapatu-demon, a gift without number.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Mullissu, my queen, may I live long in that palace with happiness, joy, and a bright mind, and may my descendants rule it for ever and ever. May the protective spirit, who preserves life and protects the gods, not leave it overnight and forever.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He gave me a just scepter that widens borders and he put in my hand a merciless rod to fell enemies.

In a pitched battle, I overwhelmed like the Deluge Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the king of Karduniash Babylonia, Chaldeans and Arameans, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies. He Marduk-apla-iddina II fled alone to the Sealand, then he collected the gods of the full extent of his land, together with the bones of his forefathers from their tombs, 10 loaded them and his people onto boats, and crossed over to the city Nagitu, which is on the other side of the Bitter Sea. In that place, he disappeared.

I conquered his entire land and I counted his people as booty. I destroyed, devastated, burned with fire, and conquered his cities.

I ruined the city Hirimmu and the land of the Yasubigallians, and the land Ellipi, and I destroyed its settlements.

I took away the kingship of Lulî, the king of the city Sidon. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I ruined the wide district of the land Judah and imposed my yoke on Hezekiah, its king.

I put to the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on a rugged mountain Mount Nipur. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with every one of its settlements, so that they looked like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

I struck down with the sword the people of the land Hilakku, who live in the mountains. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I conquered the city Til-Garimme, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and turned it into ruins.

The cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the king of the land Elam that are situated on the other shore of the sea, in which the people of the land Bit-Yakin — who because of my mighty weapons had dislodged the gods of their land from their abodes and had crossed over the sea — had taken up residence inside: I crossed over the sea in boats of the land Hatti, which I had built in Nineveh and the city Til-Barsip. 25 I conquered and burned with fire the cities in those districts. I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin and their gods, together with soldiers of the king of the land Elam, and I brought them to Assyria.

Afterwards, the Babylonians, who had gone forth with Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan and had fled to the land Elam, brought the king of the land Elam to Babylon and he the king of Elam placed Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, son of Gahul Gahal, on the royal throne over them.

I ordered archers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent to confront 30 the king of the land Elam. They killed many troops, including his son, and he the king of Elam retreated. They marched to Uruk and carried off the deities Shamash of Larsa, the Lady of the Resh-Temple, the Lady of Uruk, Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, Belet-balati, Kurunam, Kashitu, and Palil, the gods who live in Uruk, together with their property and possessions, which are without number.

On their return march, in a pitched battle, they captured Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, the king of Babylon, alive. 35 They threw him into a neck-stock and fetters and brought him before me. At the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, I bound him with a bear.

As for the king of the land Elam, who had come to the aid of the Babylonians, I marched to his land. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, his treasury, and the smaller settlements in their environs, as far as the pass of the land Bit-Bunakku.

The king of the land Elam heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. 40 He made the rest of the people of his land go up into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and set out for the city Haydala Hidalu, which is in the mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tebetu X, bitter cold set in and continuous rain fell, and I was afraid of the snow in the gorges, the outflows of the mountains, so I turned around and took the road to Assyria.

Afterwards, the king of the land Elam, the lands Parsuash, Anzan, 45 Pashiru, and Ellipi, the entirety of Chaldea, and all of the Arameans, a large host, formed a confederation with him. They met up with the king of Babylon and marched towards me to do battle.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them on the plain of the city Halulê and defeated them. I put to the sword 150,000 of their combat troops. I took away from them chariots, wagons, and their royal tents.

I captured alive in the midst of that battle their magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who were standing in silver decorated chariots, bedecked with gold ..., wear gold decorated belt-daggers, and have gold rings fastened to their forearms.

Terror of doing battle with me overwhelmed the king of Babylon and the king of the land Elam. They released their excrement inside their chariots, fled alone, and ran away to their own lands.

At that time, the Rear Palace, which is inside Nineveh, that earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for the proper running of the military camp, the care of horses, and the overseeing of everything — a terrace for that palace did not exist and its site had become too small, and its outer courtyard was not wide enough to have horses show their mettle. With the passage of time, its base had fallen into disrepair and its superstructure was tottering.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. 60 As an addition, I took much fallow land from the meadow and I added it to it. I abandoned the site of the former palace and filled in a terrace in the fallow land that I had taken from the meadow. I raised its superstructure 200 courses of brick high, measured by my large brick mold.

I laid the foundation of my palatial halls upon that terrace. I had a palatial hall of limestone and cedar, a replica of a palace of the land Hatti, 65 and a magnificent palatial hall of Assyrian workmanship, which greatly surpassed the previous one in size and splendor, built for my royal residence.

I greatly enlarged its outer courtyard for making my thoroughbred horses submissive to the yoke and for reviewing the substantial enemy booty that the god Ashur had given to me.

With the exalted strength of the gods, my lords, I sent orders to all the kings of the land Amurru whom they the gods had made bow down at my feet. 70 They cut down large beams of cedar on Mount Amanus. They dragged them to Nineveh and I roofed them the palatial halls. I fastened bands of copper on doors of cypress and white cedar and I installed them in their gates.

I had pendû-stone — whose appearance is as finely granulated as cucumber seeds, considered valuable enough to be an amulet, a stone for speaking and being accepted, as well as making storms pass by, and keeping illness away from a man, and which was brought from the foot of Mount Nipur — and white limestone, which was discovered at the city Balataya, 75 fashioned into bull colossi and I made them hold their door bolts.

I erected cedar columns over sphinxes of pendû-stone and I positioned the architraves of that palatial hall of limestone on those columns.

With the ingenious mind that the lord of wisdom, the god Ninshiku, had granted to me, by divine will, I created clay molds for all of the bronze works that I intended to cast in Nineveh for the requirements of my palatial halls, then I poured copper into them text "it" and 80 my handiwork succeeded. Furthermore, I had twin lamassu-colossi of copper bear slabs of pendû-stone. I stationed them between the sphinxes, made them like battlements, and made the façade beautiful.

In the great courtyard below the palatial hall of limestone, I had a pedestal of pendû-stone, breccia, and sabu-stone made for my royal residence. I placed on it four bronze columns that were alloyed with one-sixth tin and I roofed it with cedar crossbeams that were plated with silver.

I made that armory extremely large, perfect, and splendid. I filled it with luxuriousness to be an object of wonder for all of the people. The surplus payment of all of the lands, including that of the distant Medes — from whom none of the kings, my ancestors, had received tribute — together with the wagons, chariots, vehicles of the king of the Elamites, the king of Babylon, and Chaldea that I had captured, along with the countless equipment 90 that I had accumulated: I had all of these things carried to the treasury of that palace and brought inside it.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Mullissu, the queen, may I spend a long time and attain very old age in that palace in good health, happiness, and contentment. May my descendants be established therein forever, into the distant future. May the shedu-spirits who protect life, the gods who preserve well-being day and night, never leave it.

Q003509: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x [... _un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7] [_u dingir-mesz_-szu-nu a-di ba]-hu#-la-ti# [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-lu-lam-ma]

[a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a] ar-ka _lu#_-[_ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ ...] [... szA it-ti (disz)(d)_amar_]-_utu#_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ i#-[na a-lak ger-ri-ia] [mah-ri-ti la-pa-an _gisz_]-_tukul#-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti# [ig]-ru(?)-ru(?)-ma(?)# [...] x us,-s,u-ma in-nab-tu e-lam-tasz# [... _lu_-e]-la-mu-u a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ il-du#-du-nim-[ma] [(disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu_ (disz)ga-hul i]-na _gisz-gu-za man_-ti# _ugu_-szu-nu u#-sze-[szib-ma]

[_erim-mesz gisz-pan_(?) _gisz-gigir-mesz_] _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_ ki-s,ir _man_-ti#-ia a-na# me-eh-ret# [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-ma-'e-er] _erim#-hi-a_-szu ma-a'-du it-ti _dumu_-szu i-du#-ku-ma# [i-tur ar-ka-nisz szu-nu a-di] _unug-ki_ isz-tam-di-hu (d)_utu_ sza _ararma-ki#_ [(d)_gaszan_-sza]-_unug-ki dingir_(?)#-[_mesz_] a-szi-bu-ut qer-bi-szu a-di _nig-szu_-szu-nu#

[_nig-ga_-szu-nu sza la ni]-bi# isz-lu-lu-ni ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-szu-nu (disz)szu-zu-bu# [_lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-na _me_] _edin#_ bal-t,u-su is,-ba-tu-nim-ma a-di mah-ri-ia# [ub-lu-nisz-szu i-na _ka_]-_gal# murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki_ ar-ku-su da-bu-u-isz

_lugal kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_ sza re]-s,u#-ut _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ il-li-ku# [a-na _kur_-szu lu al-lik] _uru#-mesz_ dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _u uru-mesz tur-mesz#_ [sza li-me-ti-szu-nu a-di] ne#-re-bi sza _kur_-É-(disz)bu-na-ak#-ki al-me _kur_-ud Asz-[lu-la szal-la-su-un ap]-pu-ul aq#-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

[_lugal elam-ma-ki_ ka-szad _uru-mesz_-szu isz]-me#-ma im-qut-su hat-tum si-it-ti _un-mesz kur_-szu [a-na dan-na-a-ti u-sze]-li# _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru man_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na _uru#_-ha-i-da-la sza# [qé]-reb# _kur_-i isz-ta-kan pa-ni-szu

[a-na _uru_-ma-dak-te _uru man_]-ti#-szu a-la-ku aq-bi _iti-ab_ ku-us,-s,u dan-nu ik-szu#-[dam-ma pa-an ni-ri]-ia# u-ter-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu

[ar-ki-ia szu(?)]-u(?) Asz#-szu szu-szu-ub na-gi-szu i-na _ugu_ ti-la-ni [... si-it]-ti _un-mesz kur_-szu sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du x [... u-sze]-ri#-dam-ma u-sze-szib t,e-ra-a-ti

[...] x _un-mesz kur_-szu ak-szu-ud-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

[_uru-mesz_-szu ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na] (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ [...] _lugal kur-elam-ma#-ki_ is-hu#-ru-ma ik-nu-szu sza-pal-szu [... a-na] szu#-an-na-_ki_ a-la-ku aq-bi

AI Translation

... ... I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin and their gods, together with the booty of the king of the land Elam, and I counted them as booty.

After that, the Babylonians ... who had sided with Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan on my first campaign, iv 5'

I sent archers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent to the opposition of the king of the land Elam. He killed his many troops together with his son and returned. They marched as far as Uruk and prayed to the god Shamash of Arbela and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, the gods living inside it, together with their property.

On their return march, Shuzubu, the king of Babylon, fled alone in a pitched battle and brought him before me. I fought with him at the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

I marched to his land. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, his treasury, and smaller settlements in their environs, as far as the pass of the land Bit-Bunakku.

The king of the land Elam heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He made the rest of the people of his land turn into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and set out for the city Haydala, which is in the mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tebet X, a strong storm blew and I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Assyria.

As for the rest of the people of his land who had fled from my weapons ... I brought them here and settled them in peace.

... I conquered the people of his land and I counted them as booty.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. The Babylonians ... the king of the land Elam and he imposed upon him tribute and payment. ... I ordered the march to Shuanna Babylon.


... ... ... I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin and their gods, together with soldiers of the king of the land Elam, and I brought them to Assyria.

Afterwards, the Babylonians — ..., who along with Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan had groveled in the face of my mighty weapons during the course of a previous campaign of mine, ... ..., had gone out, and had fled to the land Elam — brought ..., the Elamite, to Babylon and he the king of Elam placed Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, son of Gahul Gahal, on the royal throne over them.

I ordered archers, chariots, and horses of my royal contingent to confront 10' the king of the land Elam. They killed many of his troops, including his son, and he the king of Elam retreated. They marched to Uruk and carried off the god Shamash of Larsa and the goddess the Lady of Uruk, the gods living inside it, together with their property and possessions, which are without number.

On their return march, in a pitched battle, they took Shuzubu Nergal-ushezib, the king of Babylon, alive and brought him before me. At the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, I bound him with a bear.

As for the king of the land Elam, who had come to the aid of the Babylonians, I marched to his land. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, his treasury, and the smaller settlements in their environs, as far as the pass of the land Bit-Bunakku.

The king of the land Elam heard about the conquest of his cities and fear fell upon him. He made the rest of the people of his land go up into fortresses. He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and set out for the city Haydala, which is in the mountains.

I ordered the march to the city Madaktu, his royal city. In the month Tebetu X, bitter cold set in so I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Assyria.

After my departure he the king of Elam, in order to resettle his district, ... on ruin hills. He brought the rest of the people of his land, who had fled before my weapons, down from ... and settled them on the alluvium.

... ... I captured the people of his land and counted them as booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.

The Babylonians ... aligned themselves with the king of the land Elam and bowed down at his feet. ... I ordered the march to Shuanna Babylon. ... ... in lamentation. Fear fell upon them. They opened the treasury of Esagil, sent gold, silver, and precious stones as a bribe to the king of the land Elam Umman-menanu, and wrote to him as follows: "Hurry to Babylon and align yourself with us! Let us put our trust in you."



[hi-szam-ma i-da-a-ni i-zi-iz-ma] tu-kul-ta-ni lu at-ta szu-u# [_man_] _elam-ma#-ki_ [sza _un-mesz kur_-szu ak-szu-du]-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pu-la# [aq-qu-ra i-na (d)_gisz-bar_] aq#-mu-u i-na uz-ni-szu ul ib-szA-a# [t,e-e-mu U mil-ku t,a]-a'-tu _lu-ka-dingir-ra-ki-mesz_ im-hur-ma# [...] x (x) ul iq-ba-a e-pi-su-un#

[_erim-hi-a_-szu _karasz_-su u-pa]-hi-ir-ma _kur_-par-su-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-szi-ru# [_kur_-el-li-pi nap-har _kur_-kal-di] _lu_-a-ra-me ka-li-szu-un kit-ru _gal_-u# [ik-te-ra it-ti-szu a-di _lugal ka_]-_dingir#-ra-ki dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki#_ [a-na a-ha-mesz iq-ri-bu-ma a]-na e-pesz ta-ha-zi a-na# _gaba_-ia _du_-ku-ni

[i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia i-na] ta-mir#-ti _uru#_-[ha-lu-le]-e# it-ti-szu-nu [am-da-hi-is, _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz]-kun# 1 _me 50 lim lu#_-[_erim-mesz_ ta-ha]-zi#-szu-nu [i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_]-s,u#-um-ba-a-ti _gisz_-za-ra-ti# [_lugal_]-ti-szu-nu e#-kim-szu-nu-ti#

[_lu-gal-mesz_-szu-nu a-di (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_mu_-_gar_-un _dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar#-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na#_ [sza i-na _gisz-gigir-mesz ku-babbar_ u-szu]-uz#-zu as-ma-a(*)-ti _ku-gi_ tul5-lu-u _gir-mesz ku-gi_ szit-ku-nu# [U i-na _har-mesz ku-gi_ ru]-uk-ku(*)-sa rit-ti-szu-un bal-t,u-us-su-[un]

[qé-reb tam-ha-ri ik]-szu#-da _szu-ii_-a-a _lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki u man kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [hur-ba-szu _me_-ia is]-hup-szu-nu-ti qé-reb _gisz-gigir_-szu-nu u-masz-sze-ru-ni# [zu-u-szu-un e-disz ip-par-szid]-du#-ma ma-tu-usz-szu-un in-nab-tu#

[... (f)te-'e-el-hu(?)]-nu# szar-rat _lu_-a-ra-bi i-na qé-reb mad-ba-ri# [...] _lim ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ e-kim qa-tusz-szA szi-i it-ti (disz)ha-za-_dingir#_ [... hur-ba-szu ta-ha]-zi#-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti kul-ta-ri-szu-nu u-masz-sze-ru-ma# [a-na ...] U(?)# _uru_-a-du-um-ma-te a-na nap-szA-a-ti in-nab-tu#

[... _uru_-a]-du#-um-ma-tu sza qé-reb mad-ba-ri szit-ku-na-at szu-bat-sun# [... qaq]-qar(?) s,u#-me sza ri-i-tu masz-qi-tu la ba-szu-u qé-reb-szu-[un] [...] x x x x x x x (x)

[... i-na] szuk#-bu-us a#-ram-me# [...] [...]-x-ma(?) man-da-at-ta-szu-nu ka#-[bit-tu am-hur(?) ...]

[...]-lu(?)-ni _uru_-ka-pa-a-nu _uru_-[...] [...] a-szar ni-s,ir-ti-szA i-na(?)# [...] [... (f)te-'e-el-hu-nu(?) szar]-rat _lu_-a-ra-bi a-di _dingir_-[_mesz_-szA(?) ...] [...] x-a-ti _na4-babbar-dili-mesz na4-babbar_(?)#-[_min5_(?)-_mesz_ ...] [...] ha(?)#-szur-ru _szim-mesz_ ka-la#-[ma ...] [...] x-a-te _u lugal-mesz_-ni x [...] [... Asz-lu]-la _uru-mesz_-ni szA-tu-nu# [ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu]

[i-nu-szu(?) ... szA] qé-reb _nina-ki_ ka-bat-ti# [ub-lam-ma ...] [... _na4-gisz_]-_nu11#-gal na4_-pi-i-li# [...] [... _gisz_]-_ur#-mesz gisz-szur_-[_min_ ...] [...] _ku#-babbar zabar_ x [...] [... pa-qa(?)]-du# szal-la-at [na-ki-ri(?) ka-bit-tu(?) ...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

He was the king of the land Elam, who conquered the people of his land and carried off booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. No one in his camp had heard of the good news or the good deeds of the Babylonians and ... ... did not tell me about their deeds.

He gathered his troops and his camp and he conquered the lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, all of Chaldea, and all of the Arameans. He formed a strong ally with him, together with the king of Babylon and the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa, and they came to me to wage war.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them in the plain of the city Halulê. I felled with the sword 15,000 of their fighting-men. I took away from them their chariots, wagons, and royal steeds.

Their magnates, together with Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had sat on silver chariots, adorned their bodies with gold fetters, and adorned their hands with gold rings with their hammers,

As for the king of Babylon and the king of the land Elam, fear of my battle array overwhelmed them. They abandoned their chariots and fled alone, and their entire land was destroyed.

Te'elhunu, queen of the Arabs, ... in the midst of the desert ... I took away ... thousand camels. She, together with Hazael ..., ... he feared the hurbasu-festival of my battle array. They abandoned their camp and fled to ... and the city Adummetu for food.

... the city Adummatu, which is situated in the desert, whose dwellings are situated ... a rugged mountain, whose terrain is unsuitable for trekking and mountain biking ... .

... with a sling made of ... ... and I received their substantial payment .

... ... the cities Kapanu, ..., ..., the place of her inscription, in ... ... Te'elhunu, queen of the Arabs, together with her gods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and kings ... ... I carried off and burned those cities.

At that time, I brought ... which were in Nineveh and ... alabaster, white limestone, ... cypress, juniper, ... cypress, ... silver, bronze, ... ... ..., the substantial booty of the enemy ... .


He, the king of the land Elam — the people of whose land I had captured and carried off and whose cities I had destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire — had no sense or insight in him lit. "in his ear". He accepted the bribe of the Babylonians and ... ... He did not order their work, but gathered his army and forces.

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the entirety of Chaldea, and all of the Arameans, a large host, formed a confederation with him. They met up with the king of Babylon and the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa and they marched towards me to do battle.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them on the plain of the city Halulê and defeated them. I put to the sword 150,000 of their combat troops. I took away from them chariots, wagons, and their royal tents.

I captured alive in the midst of that battle their magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who were standing in silver decorated chariots, bedecked with gold ..., wear gold decorated belt-daggers, and have gold rings fastened to their forearms.

Terror of doing battle with me o­ver­whelmed the king of Babylon and the king of the land Elam. They released their excrement inside their chariots, fled alone, and ran away to their own lands.

... Te'elhunu, queen of the Arabs, in the middle of the desert ... I took away ... thousand camels from her. She ... with Hazael. Terror of doing battle with me o­ver­whelmed them. They abandoned their tents and fled for their lives to the city ... and the city Adummatu.

As for the city... and the city Adummatu, which are located in the desert, ... a place of thirst in which there is no pasture or watering-place, ... ...

... by having ramps trodden down ... ... and I received their substantial payment ... ... to me.

As for the cities Kapanu, ... ... its secret place, which is in ... 5'' ... I carried off Te'elhunu, queen of the Arabs, together with her gods, ... ..., pappardilû-stones, papparminu-stones, ... hashuru-wood, all types of aromatics, ... ... and kings ... ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities.

At that time, my heart prompted me to ... the Rear Palace, which is inside Nineveh. ... alabaster, limestone ... beams of cypress ... silver, bronze, ... ... for reviewing substantial enemy booty, ... ... ...

Q003510: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(d)]asz-szur _kur gal_ a-bu _dingir-mesz#_ mu-szim [szi-ma-ti ...] [ma]-li-ku ram-ni-szu (d)a-num (d)_bad_ (d)é-[a ...] u-s,u-rat _an_-e u _ki_-tim mu-ad-du-u x [... (d)30 (...)] e-desz-szu-u _dingir ku_ sza _giskim_-szu la il-lam-ma#-[du ...] pa-ri-is pur-se-e mu-szak#-[lim s,a]-ad-di (d)[_utu_ ...] _di-ku5-gal dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza nam-ri-ir-ri# [be-lu-ti-szu(?) ...] _kur-mesz_ ma-ti-tan (d)_iszkur gu-gal an_-e _ki_-tim# [...] mu-szab-szu-u _sze_ u _gu_ mu#-usz-par-zi-hu sat-[tuk-ki ...]

(disz)(d)30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su_ ...]

AI Translation

The god Ashur, the great mountain, father of the gods, the one who determines fates, ..., the one who rears his offspring, the gods Anu, Enlil, and Ea, ..., the one who illuminates heaven and netherworld, the one who ..., the god Sîn, ..., the one who makes the holy god shine, whose sign cannot be overturned, ..., the one who makes the pursû-offerings plentiful, the one who makes the scepter shine, the god Shamash, ..., the chief judge of the great gods, whose lordship is bright, ... the lands of the land, the god Adad, the canal inspector of heaven and netherworld, ..., the one who scatters barley and oxen, who makes the sattukku-offerings plentiful, .

Sennacherib ...


The god Ashur, the great mountain, father of the gods, the one who decrees fates, ..., who deliberates only with himself; the gods Anu, Enlil, and Ea, ... the designs of heaven and earth, who designates ... ...; the god Sîn ..., the one who constantly renews himself, the pure god whose signs are inscrutable, ..., 5 the one who makes decisions, the one who makes astrological signs known; the god Shamash, ..., great judge of the great gods, whose lordly splendor overwhelms all of the lands everywhere; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, ..., the one who brings barley and flax into being, who makes sattukku-offerings abundant, ...; the god Shamash, his signs, without whom ... ... 10 and no ruler is named; the god Nabû, ... of heaven and earth, controller of harmony, ...; the god Ninurta, heir of the god Enlil, ... ... the one who breaks up mountains ... ...; the goddess Ishtar, ... for her great divinity, ...; and the Sebetti, 15 the supreme gods who stand at the side of the king who reveres them and make his weapons prevail over all enemies:

Sennacherib, ...



_lugal#_-[_mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur-mesz_-szu-un] man-da-ta-[szu-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti]

e-nu-ma É x [...] É (d)30 É (d)_nin#_-[_gal_ É (d)_utu_ É (d)a-a ...] É (d)_gaszan_-_nina-ki gaszan_ ra#-[bi-ti(?) (...) sza (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_a man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _dumu_ (disz)tukul-ti-(d)_masz man kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_ ... e-pu-szu(?) É-_mesz_] szA-ti-na la-ba(?)#-risz u4-me [...]

aq-qur-szi-na-ti-ma dan-nat(?)#-[si-na ak-szu-ud(?) usz-sze-szi-na(?) (...) it-ti(?) ki-s,ir(?)] _kur_-i dan-ni ar-ti-ma ul-[tu _usz8_-szi-na a-di gaba-dib-bi-szi-na ar-s,ip]

u-szak-lil _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] _en-mesz_-ia ina qer-bi ki-is,-s,i#-[szu-nu ...] t,a-bisz u-szar-ma-a pa-rak-ki-szu#-[nu ...] le-e ma-ru#-ti szu-'e-e ma-ru-ti _udu-siskur_-[_mesz_ ...] kad-ra-a-[a] u-szam-hir-szu-nu-ti-ma ma-har-[szu-nu ...]

li-i-tu ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_ szA i-na tu#-[kul-ti (...) _dingir-mesz_(?) _gal-mesz_(?)] _en-mesz_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri [Asz-tak-ka-nu (...)] i-na _mu-sar_-re-e u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma a-na# [_lugal-mesz_ (...)] _dumu-mesz_-ia e-zib [ah-ra-tasz]

a-na _egir_ u4-me _nun egir_-u e-nu-ma É#-[_mesz_ szA-ti-na] i#-lab-bi-ra-ma en-na-ha _mu-sar_-a-a li#-[mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_] [liq]-qi# it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-szu li-kin# [(d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me]

AI Translation

I received a substantial payment from them as my lordly tribute.

At that time the temple of ..., the temple of the god Sîn, the temple of the goddess Nikkal, the temple of the god Shamash, the temple of the goddess Aya, ..., the temple of the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, the great lady, ... which Ashurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of Assyria, ... had built, those temples had become old. .

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered them. I crossed over the ... with the base of a mighty mountain and built a fortified wall from their foundations to their crenellations.

The great gods, ..., my lords, I made their ... shine forth joyfully inside their cult centers. I made their rites pleasing ... I made sacrifices, ..., and ... come forth with my gifts and presented them before them .

I inscribed the ... of the great gods, my lords, on the limbs of a crucible that I had made superior to all of my enemies and I deposited it for ever after in the inscriptions of the kings ..., my descendants.

In the future, may a later prince, when those houses become old and dilapidated, find my inscribed objects, anoint them with oil, make an offering, and place them with inscribed objects bearing his name. Then the god Ashur will listen to his prayers.


I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

At that time, the temple of ... ..., the temple of the god Sîn, the temple of the goddess Ningal, the temple of the god Shamash, the temple of the goddess Aya, ..., rev. 5' the temple of the goddess the Lady of Nineveh, the great lady, ... which Ashurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of Assyria, ... had built — with the passage of time those temples ....

I tore them down and reached their foundation pits. I secured their foundations ... like solid bedrock and I built and completed them from their foundations to their crenellations.

The great gods, ..., my lords, ... into their shrines .... I graciously settled them on their daises ... I offered fattened bulls and fattened sheep as sacrifices .... I presented my gifts to them and ... before them.

I had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over all of my enemies ... with the support of ... the great gods, my lords, written upon inscribed objects and for the kings ..., my descendants, I deposited them for ever after.

In the future, may a future ruler, when these temples become old and dilapidated, see my inscribed objects, anoint them with oil, make an offering, and place them with inscribed objects bearing his name. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

Q003511: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz_

_gal-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ i-na kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz ip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gim-ri a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia id-di-na _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat mi-is,-ri szi-bir-ru la pa-du-u a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri u-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a ma-al-ki sza kib-ra-a-ti ar-ba-tim ul-tu s,i-tasz a-di szil-la-an sze-pu-u-a [u]-szak#-nisz-ma i-szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni

[...] ul#-tu u4-mu pa-ni ma-a'-disz [...] _igi-ii_(?)# ku lu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the gods:

The great gods, the god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of my rulers and they made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. They made my hand grasp a just scepter that broadens the borders and unceasing borders. They made the rulers of the four quarters of the world bow down at my feet from east to west and they made my hands grasp the yoke.

... from the very first day ... .


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, and favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and he made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He gave me a just scepter that widens borders 10 and he put in my hand a merciless rod to fell enemies. He made rulers of the four quarters of the world, from east to west, bow down at my feet and they now pull my yoke.

The akitu-house which from the very distant past ... ...



[...] x [x] x a-a _kur_ u(?) _be_ [... _ka-gal_(?)] (d)_u-gur_ sza mé-eh-ret [...] mi-szA-ri pe-tu-u ba-bu-szA

[é]-sza-hul-le-ezen-zag-mu-kam É hu-ud lib-bi U ri-szA-a-ti sza i-sin-ni re-esz szat-ti lu ab-ni

i-na u4-mu i-sin-ni É A-ki-tim a-na s,u-le-e U la-ban ap-pi-ia ma#-har _dingir u dingir_-tim U mul-ta-'u-ti [_en_]-ti-ia szat-ti-szam-ma [i]-na qer-bi-szA ep-pu-szA ni-gu-tu

_iti-apin ud-11-kam_ li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_pap_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... the Nergal Gate, which is opposite ... the ... of the heavens, its foundations are .

I built Eshahulezenzagmukam, the temple of happiness and joy that is the foundation of the festival.

At the time of the festival "Akitu-house" I performed a sundabakku-offering for the supplication and the libation of my lips before god and goddess, and for the enjoyment of my lordly majesty inside it.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 11th day, eponymy of Nabû-kenu-ushur.


... ... ... the Nergal Gate, which is opposite ... justice, who opens its gate.

I built Eshahulezenzagmukam, "House of Joy and Gladness for the Festival of the Beginning of the Year."

At the time of the festival of the akitu-house New Year's house, I celebrate annually inside it with prayer and expressions of my humility lit. "stroking my nose" before god and goddess and for my lordly pleasure.

Month Arahsamna VIII, eleventh day, eponymy of Nabû-kenu-ushur 690.

Q003512: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

(d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar _gisz-tukul_ la ma-har u-szat-li-mu-in-ni-ma a-na ra-sa-ab nak-ru-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ip-tu-u i-da-a-a i-na tu-kul-ti-szu-un _gal_-tim ul-tu s,i-tasz a-di szil-la-an um-ma-na-ti-ia szal-mesz lu at-ta-bal-ma gim-ri mal-ki a-szib pa-rak-ki sza kib-rat ar-ba-'i sze-pu-u-a u-szak-nisz-ma

i-szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni i-na u4-me-szu-ma sza _uru_-ni-na-a _uru_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi su-qi-szu me-ti-iq ger-ri _lugal_ u-szA-an-dil-ma u-nam-mir _gim_ u4-me _bad u_ szal-hu-u nak-lisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz 1 _me_ ina 1-_kusz gal_-tim ha-ri-s,u-usz

usz-rap-pisz ah-ra-tasz u4-me ger-ri _lugal_ a-na la s,u-uh-hu-ri _na4-na-ru-a-mesz_ u-sze-pisz-ma sza a-hi ul-le-e ina me-her-ti-szu i-za-zu 52 i-na 1-_kusz gal_-tim sza ger-ri _lugal_ a-di _ka-gal gisz-kiri6-mesz_ am-szu-uh ru-pu-su

ma-ti-ma _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _uru_ szA-a-szu sza É-su la-bi-ru i-naq-qa-ru-ma esz-szu i-ban-nu-u sza usz-sze É-szu a-na ger-ri _lugal_ ir-ru-ba s,e-er É-szu a-na ga-szi-szi il-la-lu-szu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods;

The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar granted to me unrivalled weapons and they opened my arms to fight with the enemies of Assyria. With their great support, I escaped from the midst of battle to the rest of my army and I made all of the rulers who sit on royal daises bow down at my feet and

At that time I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, completed the king's road, and made them as bright as day. I had a wall and a courtyard built and raised them as high as mountains. I raised them 100 large cubits as its maximum height.

I had steles made and I placed them in its middle. I filled in the route of the king's campaign with 52 large cubits along with the gate of the orchards.

If the people living in that city, who have abandoned his old temple and rebuilt anew, and who have moved out of the foundations of his temple for a campaign of the king, go up to the outside of his temple and bring it to the outside,


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, and favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar granted me a weapon without equal and gave me the strength lit. "opened my arms" to destroy those hostile to Assyria. With their great support, 10 I constantly directed my troops in safety from east to west and I made all of the rulers who sit on royal daises throughout the four quarters of the world bow down at my feet and they now pull my yoke.

At that time, I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its streets for the course of a royal road and thus I made the city as bright as day. I had an inner and outer wall skillfully built and I raised them as high as mountains. I widened its moat 100 large cubits.

So that in the future there would be no diminution of the royal road, I had steles made and they stood on each side, opposite one another. I measured the width of the royal road, as far as the Gate of the Gardens, as fifty-two large cubits.

At any time, when anyone of the people living in this city tears down his old house and builds a new one — if the foundation of his house encroaches upon the royal road, he will be hung lit. "they will hang him" on a stake over his house.

Q003513: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal gal# lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu# lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib#-rat _limmu_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

(d)asz-szur _ad# dingir-mesz_ ina kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma _ugu_ gi#-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar#-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia#

i#-na [u4-me]-szu-ma É-_gal murub4 uru#_ sza _uru_-ni-na-a sza _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu-ma s,u-uh#-hu-rat szu-bat-sa _id_-te-bil-ti i-ta-a-szA i-ba-'u-u-ma ina _illu_-szA gap-szi u-ri-ib#-bu tem-me-en-szA

É-_gal_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq#-qur sza _id#_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA [usz-t,ib-ma u]-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA

qé#-reb a-sur-rak-[ki-szA] szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _esir_-[_ud_]-A it-ti# _na4_-pi-i-li _gal#-mesz_ [dun-nu-nisz] ak-si 3 _me 40_ ina 1-_kusz gid_-[_da_] 2 _me 89_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb ma-a-(me) u-sze-lam-ma a-na tar-pa-szi-i u-ter s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li-i mah-ri-i lu u-rad-di-ma a-na# 7 _me_ ina _as4-lum gal#_-ti _usz u 4 me 40_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ si-hir-ti tam-le-e

u-ter-ma i-na 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu# É-_gal na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku# a-na# mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia ab#-ta-ni qé-reb-szu É ap-pa-a-ti tam-szil É-_gal# kur_-ha-at-ti mé-eh#-ret

ba(*)-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li#-szin [_gisz_]-_ig#-mesz gisz_-li-ia-ri _gisz#-szur-min_ me-ser _ku-babbar u urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma

u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak-ka-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a (d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_ ina(*) ba-bi-szin ul#-ziz sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin u#-szal-me i-na a-gur-ri _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma

[se]-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-as#-qi-szin Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri# i-na# u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu#-sanga_-ti-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz#_-ere-ni sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ ik#-bi-ru qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-(ra) _kur_-i

[na]-an-zu-(zu) u-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-(i)-su#-un sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza ina tar-s,i# [_lugal_]-_mesz ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru ina sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na#

u#-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu _u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma ina _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a u-kal-lim

ra-ma-nu-usz ina er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a _na4_-pi-i-lu pe#-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da#_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an ina szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri#

É-_gal_-ia u-szal-di-da qé-reb _nina-ki na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-[u] sza# ina er-s,e-et# _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru a-na (d)_alad#_-(d)_lamma_-[_mesz_]

_u munus-ab-za-za_-a-te u-sze-pisz ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma sza gisz-mah-[hi] U a-la-mit-ta 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di [12] (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz 22 munus-ab-za-za_-(a)-te zi-i'-pi [t,i]-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb-szu Asz-tap-pa(*)-[ka] u-szak-li-la

nab-nit-sun (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal u# urudu_ sza 2 ina lib-bi za-ha#-lu-u lit-bu-szu (d)#_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u# munus-ab-za-za_-a-te _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia

u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si#-gar_-szin _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti [_na4_]-_gisz-nu11-gal u_ pi-ti#-iq u-ru-de-e ih-ze-et kas-pi eb-bi# _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te pi-ti-iq _gu#-an-na_ a-di 12 _ur-mah#-mesz zabar#_ né-'i-ru-u-ti tim-me _urudu_ s,i-ru-ti# _gisz_-tim-me _gisz#-eren gal-mesz_ a-di tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min gisz_-dup-ra#-ni _gisz_-ta-ti-di ih-ze-et# pa-szal-li kas-pi _u urudu_ s,e-ru-usz-szu-un ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin#

e-mid _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban#-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ u-szA-as-hi-ra a-sur-ru-szi-in

Asz-szu u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-te _zabar# u#_ har-ha-ri _zabar#_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-ti

gisz-mah-hi a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu-mesz_ ul-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ sza-ti-na u-szA-lik as-mi-isz si-hir-ti É-_gal_ a-[na] tab-rat# kisz#-szat _un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza# szA-[ni-na]

la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur(*) i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir#_-[_mesz_] U (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum-[qi] qé#-reb-szA lisz-tab#-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da#-[a-szA]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At that time, I had the palace in the citadel of Nineveh that the kings, my ancestors, had had built and whose site had become too small. The Tebilti River approached it and its foundations had buckled due to a severe flood.

I tore down that palace in its entirety. I made the Tebilti River flow and made its course shorter.

I surrounded its base with long beams of cedar and surrounded it with large limestone slabs. I brought out from the mountains 340 cubits long and 289 cubits wide and thereby added them to the former dimensions of the terrace. I added to the former dimensions of the terrace to 700 large cubits long and 440 large cubits wide, the width of the terrace, and thus I raised it to a height of 700 large cubits.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that rivals the palace of the land Hatti, inside it.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with lamassus-dragons of alabaster and elephant ivory. I clad them with bands of gold and copper. I fastened bands of lustration on a panther of carnelian and lapis lazuli and I installed them in their gates.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service, granted to me the freedom from obligations and obligations of the pass and all of their rites. I cut down and burned with fire cypress trees, whose scent has been sweet since distant days, in the Sirara Mountains.

As for alabaster, whose appearance was splendid in the time of the kings, my ancestors, and which had become too expensive for the sword, I deposited it in the plain of Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, I deposited breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, which had never been seen before, in the city Kapridargilâ.

In the territory of the city Balataya, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and sphinxes of alabaster, and colossi of alabaster, together with magnificent colossi of breccia. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with them and then, as for the interior of the palace, I built them anew.

I had limestone slabs cast in Nineveh for the bull colossi, which are found in the territory of the city Balataya.

By divine will, I had lions and alumnu-demons, twelve raging lions, together with twelve magnificent bull colossi, and twenty-two sphinxes made of sphinxes of red wool, made and brought inside it.

I had bull colossi of alabaster and copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, as well as doors of my palatial halls built.

I stationed sphinxes of alabaster and cast urudû-copper with shining silver and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, together with twelve shining lions, sphinxes of copper, large cedar columns, as well as ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with shining copper and copper on them and I surrounded their gates with them.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze guhashatu-vessels and bronze harharû-vessels made and, like a boat, I had the gods Ashur and Ishtar perform the rituals.

I surrounded the entire palace with beams of alamu-wood, along with wells, and I raised the superstructure of the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people. I named it "The Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu flourish inside it and not come near it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and he made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

At that time, the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, which the kings, my ancestors, had had constructed and whose site was too small; alongside of which the Tebilti River had flowed and which had shaken its base when its flood was in full spate:

I tore down that palace in its entirety, and then I improved the course of the Tebilti River and directed its outflow.

In its subterranean waters I very firmly bonded reeds below and bitumen above with large blocks of limestone. I raised a plot of land that was 340 cubits long and 289 cubits wide out of the water and converted it into an empty lot. I added it to the dimensions of the former terrace and thereby enlarged the entire terrace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 cubits along its shorter side. I raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood thereon as my royal residence; then I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory. I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of the copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service, revealed to me a source of long trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew thick as they stood in the Sirara mountain range

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village".

In the territory of the city Balataya, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and sphinxes of alabaster, and slabs of alabaster, as well as magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

As for the white limestone that was discovered in the territory of the city Balataya, I had it made into bull colossi and sphinxes.

By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi and twenty-two sphinxes, and I poured copper into it. I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi of alabaster and copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

Sphinxes of alabaster and cast urudû-copper with inlays of shining silver, sphinxes of cast ...-metal, as well as twelve raging bronze lions: I erected over them magnificent copper columns and large cedar columns, as well as columns of ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold, silver, and copper inlays, and then I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in it that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003514: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ul]-la-a re-szi-szu [a-na 7 _me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz u 4 me 40_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_]

szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u#-[ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi É-_gal na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal_] _zu am-si gisz-esi# gisz-tug gisz_-[_mes-ma-kan-na gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-szab be]-lu-ti-[ia] ab-ta-ni qé-reb-[szu] É ap-[pa-a-ti tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti mé-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti] u-sze-pisz#

_gisz#-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-[_igi_(?)] _gisz-szur-min_ u-[szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-ri] _gisz-szur-min_

[me]-ser _ku-babbar u urudu_ u-rak-kis-[ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak]-ka-ni-szin ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a [(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_] sza kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin bal-tu [ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le]-e ma-la-a i-na _ka-mesz_-szi-in ul-ziz-ma [a-na tab-ra-a]-ti#

u-szA-lik sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin u#-[szal-me ...]

[Asz-szu szip-ri É]-_gal_-ia [szu-te-szu]-ri# U li-pit [_szu-ii_-ia] szul#-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-ma(*) (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu-sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u _mu_-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-_igi_ sza ul-tu _ud-mesz_ ru-qu-u-ti i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal (i-na) qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra szad-di-i i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu u-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i#-su-un

sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru (ina) sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na u-szap-tu-ni pa-ni#-[szu]

_u na4_-[_dur-mi_]-_na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi#-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a u-kal-li-im ra-ma-nu-usz

i-te-e _uru_-ni-na-a i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-szal-di-da qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a

_na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u sza i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru a-na (d)_alad_-(d)[_lamma-mesz_] _u munus_-[_ab-za-za_-a-te]

u-sze-pisz-ma nab-ni-ta-szu-un u-szar-ri-ih ki-i t,e-[em] _dingir#_-ma sza gisz#-[mah-hi] U a-la-mit-ta 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di 12 (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ [_mah-mesz_] 22 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti sza szuk-lu-lu gat-ta-szu-un i#-na [me]-resz ka-[bat-ti-ia] zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb-szu Asz-tap-pa#-ka u-szak#-[li-la]

nab-ni-su-un (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal u urudu_ sza 2 i-na lib-bi [za]-ha-lu-u [lit-bu-szu] (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia#

u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal u_ pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e ih-ze-et kas-pi eb-bi _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ a-di 12 _ur-mah-mesz zabar_ né-'i-ru-ti sza ra-mu-u nam-ri-ir-ri tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ tim-me _gisz_-ere-_igi gal-mesz_ a-di tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min gisz_-dup-ra-ni _gisz_-ta-ti-du ih-ze-et pa-szal-li kas-pi _u urudu_ s,e-ru-usz-szu-un

ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin e-mid _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz_

_na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ u-szA-as-hi-ra a-sur-ru-szin Asz-szu u4-mi-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-u-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar u_ har-ha-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-ti gisz-mah-hi U

a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu-mesz_ usz-ziz U a-na (f)(d)tasz-me-tum-szar-rat# _munus_-É-_gal_ hi-ir-tu na-ram-ti-ia sza (d)be-let-_dingir-mesz ugu_ gi-mir _munus-mesz_ u-szak-li-la nab-ni-sa É-_gal_ ru-'a-a-me hi-da-a-ti U ri-szA-a-ti u-sze-pisz-ma _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,i-i ina _ka-mesz_-szA ul-ziz

i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti i-na t,u-ub _uzu u_ hu-ud lib-bi qé-reb É-_gal-mesz_ szi-na-a-ti ki-lal-la-an _ud-mesz_ nu-szA-ri-ka ni-isz-ba-a bu-'a-a-ri (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum-qi i-da-at É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na da-a-risz lit-tas-ha-ru a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szi-in

AI Translation

He enlarged it to 700 large cubits and 440 large cubits.

I built a palace of breccia and alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, for my lordly residence and I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and gold on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of copper and I installed them in their gates. I stationed in them lamassus, elephant ivory, whose hands are clad with joyousness, iii 20'' a golden ring, and iii 20'' a tiara of gold and silver, as well as every kind of valuable possession, and I deposited them for ever after in their gates.

I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails .

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called me by name, had large beams of cedar, which since distant days had grown tall and whose branches were very thick, firmly fixed in the Sirapu mountains in their foundation pits.

As for alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had become too expensive for the sharp sword, I had it poured into the soil of Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, was deposited therein in the city Kapridargilâ.

In the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi of alabaster and sphinxes of alabaster, together with magnificent slabs of breccia, and I stretched out their superstructures over them to be my palace. I firmly established my residence in Nineveh.

I had white limestone, which had become abundant in the territory of the city Balataya, poured over bull colossi and sphinxes.

By divine will, I created anew the gods of lions and eagles, twelve magnificent lions, together with twelve mighty bull colossi and twenty-two sphinxes whose features are exquisite, and I had them dwell inside it for ever after.

I had bull colossi of alabaster and copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of white limestone, decorated with images of my lordly palatial halls.

I had sphinxes of alabaster and cast urudû-copper with shining silver and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, together with twelve lions of bronze, whose faces are adorned with a radiance, and large columns of copper, as well as columns of ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with shining silver and copper inlays placed over doors of cedar, cypress, and dapranu-juniper, and I surrounded them with shining silver and copper.

I surrounded their the palace gates with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and other stone slabs.

I had large limestone slabs poured over them. At that time, I had a well of water — a durable watercourse — constructed with bronze and bronze kettles and, like a mountain, I had a grove of fir and a grove of cypress grown on it.

I had a palatial hall of joy and joy built beside the wells and I stationed sphinxes of white limestone in its gates. I made Tashmetu-sharrat, the palace woman, my beloved spouse, whom the goddess Belet-ili had made greater than all of the women.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, my queen, may we live long in those palaces with happiness and joy. May the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in those palaces. May they never leave them.


I raised its superstructure in its entirety 190 courses of brick. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built palatial halls of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood there­on as my lordly residence; then I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

In their corridors, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose hands are folded, who are laden with pride and allure, and who are filled with exuberance, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. ...

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew tall and very thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village".

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and sphinxes of alabaster, and slabs of alabaster, as well as magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

As for the white limestone that was discovered in the territory of the city Balataya, I had it made into bull colossi and sphinxes, and then I made their appearances resplendent.

By divine will and with my own knowledge, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi and twenty-two sphinxes with perfect forms, and I poured copper into it. I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi of alabaster and copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my lordly palatial halls.

Sphinxes of alabaster and cast urudû-copper with inlays of shining silver, sphinxes of cast ...-metal, as well as twelve raging bronze lions who are endowed with radiance: I erected over them magnificent copper columns and large cedar columns, as well as columns of ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold, silver, and copper inlays, and then I positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

Moreover, for Tashmetu-sharrat, the palace lady, my beloved spouse, whose form the goddess Belet-ili made more perfect than that of all other women: I had a palatial hall for lovemaking, happiness, and exultation built, and then I stationed sphinxes of white limestone in its gates.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may we both live long and be satisfied with our prosperity in these palatial halls in good health and happiness. May the good shedu and the good lamassu surround these palatial halls forever and ever. May they never leave them.

Q003515: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na tab]-ra-a-ti

[u-szA-lik sik-kat] kar-ri kas-pi [_u urudu_ qé]-reb-szin u-szal-me i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma se-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir

pa-as-qi-szin Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu-sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u _mu_-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-ni sza ul-tu u4-me _su-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal i-na qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra szad-di-i i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu u-szak-li-mu-in-ni

s,i-i-su-un sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i (_lugal_)-_mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na

u-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu _u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal-li

((d))_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u munus-ab#_-[_za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in]

tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ a-di _gisz_-tim#-[me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser _urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e]

ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-[szin e-mid _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq] u-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u# [lit-bu-szA _u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru] gat-ta-szin _gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur#_-[_min gisz-eren gisz_-dup-ra-ni _szim-li u gisz_-ta-ti-du ih-ze-et pa-szal-li]

U kas-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-[ziz]-ma# [sza kum-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un _kun4-mesz_] _na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal u#_ [_kun4-mesz_] _na4#_-pi-[i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u-szA-as-hi-ra]

a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik Asz(*)-szu u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ [di-lu-u-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_] U har-ha(*)-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u(?)# [ma-ka-a-ti gisz-mah-hi U a-la-mit-ta s,e-er]

_pu-mesz_ usz-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-szA-lik# as-mi-isz# [si]-hir#-[ti É-_gal_ a-na tab-rat] kisz-szat _un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza szA-ni-na la i#-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur

i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar szar-ra-((ra))-ti (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum-qi qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu da-a-risz lisz-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA

AI Translation

to the cult centers.

I clad the door-jambs, door bolts, silver, and copper in them. I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with baked bricks and lapis lazuli and surrounded them with a single embankment of cedar.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called me by name, had large cedar trees, which since distant days grew tall and large, firmly planted in the rugged mountains in the Sirapu mountains, as their shade.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, I surrounded and conquered the city Arbela, a fortress of iii 5' which the god Ashur, my lord, had made great, and I counted its inhabitants as booty.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls,

I had bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone made from white limestone for the doors of my palatial halls.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent copper columns, as well as the large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, with copper copings and a piriggallû-clad roof.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with sphinxes of alabaster, as well as with sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, and I positioned cross-beams over them as a cornice.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and thereby secured their brickwork.

I had a stele made, made from bronze and bronze harharû-metal, and I installed it in its gates. I made beams of fir and alamû-wood, as well as inlaid with precious stones.

I enlarged the structure of those palatial halls. I raised the superstructure of the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people. I named it "The Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, my queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.


I made them an object of wonder.

I decorated them the doors with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of their copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew tall and very thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls,

I made ... bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and then I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003516: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

[_lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (d)asz]-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ i-na kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma [_ugu_ gi-mir]

[a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia i]-na ta-ha-az _edin_ i-na ta-mir-ti kisz-_ki_ as-kip (disz)(d)_amar_-[_utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-asz] [e-ki-ma be-lut-su] gim-ri _kur lu_-kal-di a-di gi-pisz um-ma-na-a-ti _lu-elam-ma-ki_ [re-s,i-szu u-ra-sib i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_]

(disz)(d)asz-szur-_sum_-_mu dumu_ resz-tu-u tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _gisz_-[_gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _kur uri-ki dagal_-tum u-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu]

as-suh na-gab _lu_-ah-la-mi-i _lu_-su-ti-i ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-[hi-rim-me i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma la ez-zi-ba pe-re-'i-szu-un]

ak-szud(ud) _kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _lu-kur_ ak-s,i _kur_-el#-[li-pi u-szal-pit-ma u-ab-bit da-Ad-me-szA U (disz)lu-li-i] _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni e#-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na _kur_-ia-ad-na-[na sza qé-reb tam-tim in-na-bit-ma i-hu-uz] mar-qi-tu i-na _kur_-tim#-ma szA-a-tu i-na ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur [_en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu]

u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu [u-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u _kur_-ia-u-di szep-s,u mit-ru]

(disz)ha-za-qi-a-a-u _lugal_-szu sze-pu-u-a u-szak-nisz-ma i-szA-t,a ab-szA-a-[ni _lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut _kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i]

mar-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit _uru_-uk-ku a-di nap-har da-Ad-[me-szu ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit i-na u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet]

na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-[bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _uru_-ni-na-a sza 3 _me 60_] i-na 1-_kusz usz 95_ ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma [s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri]

_ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-[ki-lu szi-pir-szA _udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e] i-na _uru_-ta-as-ti-a-te ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka-mesz_-szi-in [a-na szu-pu-usz _gisz-ma-mesz_ qé-reb _gisz-tir-mesz gisz-mesz gal-mesz_] u-qé-ru i-na nap-har _kur-mesz_-szu-un i-na _iti-gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e-[de-e pa-an szat-ti i-na _gisz-ma-mesz_ s,i-ra-a-ti] a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-szeb-bi-ru-ni(*) mar-s,i-isz i-na né-[ber ka-a-ri _gisz-ma-gu-la-mesz_ u-t,e-eb-bu-u]

u-szA-as,-bi-tu _ka-mesz_-szi-in _id_-[te]-bil#-ti a-gu-u(*) szit-mu#-[ru sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ t,e-eh É-_gal_]

i-ba-'u-u-(ma) i#-na _illu_-szA gap#-[szi u-ri]-ib#-bu tem-me-en-szA É-[_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a]-na# si-hir#-[ti-szA aq-qur sza] _id_-te-bil#-ti

ma-lak-szA(*) usz-te-[esz-na-a u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA qé]-reb a-sur-rak-ki-szA [szap-la-nu] _gi#-mesz_ e#-[la-nisz] _esir_(?)#-_ud_(?)-A it-ti [_na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ dun-nu-nisz ak]-si(?)# 3 _me 40_ ina 1-_kusz#_ [_gid-da 2 me_] 89 ina 1-_kusz dagal a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam#-[ma na-ba-lisz u-ter tar-pa-szu-u] _ugu#_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-szar#-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_

mah-ri#-[ti u-rad-di-ma i-na 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki] ul-la-a re-szi-szu la-ba-risz _ud-mesz_ i-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti tem-me-[en-szu la e-né-sze _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_] ki-su-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u-dan-ni-na szu-pu#-uk-szu a-na 7(?) [_me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz u 4 me 40_] i#-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u-ter-ma

szu-bat-sa# [usz-rab-bi] É#-[_gal_] _na4#-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-eren gisz_-[_szur-min szim_]-_li gisz#_-e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma É ap-pa-a-ti

tam-szil É-_gal_ [_kur_-ha-at]-ti# mé-eh#-ret ba-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ sza i(*)-ri-su-un# [t,a-a-bu] bi#-nu-[ut] _kur_-ha-ma-nim _kur_-si-ra(*)-ra _kur-mesz ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin

[...] i-te-e# _nina-ki_ ina er-s,e#-[et _uru_]-ba-la-t,a-a-(a) ki-i t,e-em# _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi#-[i-lu pe-s,u-u] [a]-na# mu-['u]-de-e in-na-mir#-ma (d)_alad#_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ [U s,a-lam mesz-re]-te _na4#-gisz-nu11-gal_(*) [sza i-na 1-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u mi-na-a]-ti szuk-lu-lu i-[na] ki-[gal-li ra-ma-ni-szu-nu szA-qisz na-an-zu-zu] [_munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_] szA zi-i-me [nu-us-su-qa _gim_ u4-me na-par-de-e nu-um-mu-ru] [zu-mur-szi-in _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_]

[qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz gal-mesz_] [_u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na lip-ta-at (d)nin-kur-ra] [i-na er]-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a# [u-szA-a'-lid-ma u]-szak(?)#-li(*)-la

[gat-ta-szu-un sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _urudu_] tam-szil gat-[ti-szu]-un a-na szu-zu-zi# [qé-reb É-_kur-mesz_ ib-nu]-ma i-na e-pisz#-ti-szu-nu u-szA-ni-[hu gi-mir _dumu-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni] i-na la bi-szit uz-ni# la ha-[sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-szu-nu] _i-gisz_ isz-ku-ru na-al-ba-Asz# [s,e-e-ni u-qé-ru qé-reb _kur-mesz_-szu-un]

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-[eri-ba a-szA-red kal mal-ki mu-de-e] szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-[me _urudu gal-mesz_ ur-mah-hi] pe-tan bir-[ki sza ma-na-ma la ip-ti-qu] _lugal_ pa-[ni mah-ri-ia i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti] sza u-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u (d)nin-szi-kU i-na szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e#-pesz szip-ri# szu-a-tu ra-bisz am-tal-lik-ma i-na mi-lik t,e-me-ia U me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia

pi-ti-iq _urudu_ u-ba-Asz-szim-ma u-nak-ki-la nik-lA-su sza gisz-mah-hi U a-la-mit-ta _gisz_ mesz-re#-e 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di 12 (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz_ sza szuk-lu-lu nab-ni-tu 22 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te sza ku-uz-bu U ul-s,u hi-it-lu-pa# bal-tu la-la-a kum-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i

ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb#-szu Asz-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2 _gin-ta-am_ u-szak-li-la nab-ni#-su-un (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ nab-ni-(it) _urudu_ sza 2 ina lib-bi za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szu (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11#-gal_ a-di (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz# u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti

_na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza# É-_gal-mesz_-ia u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ a-di _gisz_-tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser# _urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma s,e#-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szi-in e-mi-id

_munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11#-gal_ a-di _munus_-[_ab_]-_za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szA _u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an#-na_ sza# nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szin _gisz_-tim-me _gisz_(*)-_esi_(*) _gisz-szur-min gisz_-ere-ni _gisz_-dup-ra-ni _szim-li# u gisz_-ta(?)-ti(?)-du ih-ze#-et pa-szal-li _u#_ [kas]-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum-me#

mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid# _gisz-gan-du7-mesz#_-szu-un _kun4-mesz# na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11#-gal u kun4-mesz na4_-pi#-i-li

_gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u-szA-as-hi-ra# a-na tab-ra-a-te u-szA-lik Asz-szu u4-mi#-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu#-u-ti da-lum# eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar u#_ har-ha-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz#-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-ti gisz-mah-hi _u#_ a-la-mit#-ta

s,e-er _pu-mesz_ ul-ziz# É-_gal-mesz_ szA#-ti-na u-szA-lik [as]-mi#-[isz si]-hir-ti É-_gal_ a-na [tab-rat kisz-szat _un-mesz_]

ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza# szA-[ni]-na la [i]-szu-u ni-bit-sa [az-kur _gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir]

_szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa#-a-ti _gisz-mesz_ [tuk]-lat szad-di-[i _u kur_]-kal-di [qé]-reb-szu# hur-ru-szu i#-ta-a-szA [az]-qup# a-na(*) mit,(?)#-[ra]-a-[ti] szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a#-t,i _uru_-ki-si(?)#-ri a-di [ta-mir-ti] _nina-ki#_ [_kur_]-a i-na ak-ku#-la-ti [_an-bar_] u-szat-tir-ma# u-sze-szir# _id_-har#-[ru] 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA#

u-szar-da-a qé-reb mit,#-ra-a-ti szA-ti-na# [u-szah]-bi-ba pat-ti#-[isz a-na szup-szu-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz_] _id_-a-gam#-mu u-szab-szi-ma# s,u-s,u-u# qé-reb-[sza as]-ti-il [_igira-muszen-mesz szah_]-_mesz gisz#-gi_ a-lap [qi-i-szi] i-na lib#-bi u-masz-szir# i-na t,e-em [_dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz gisz-gesztin_ u gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _u szim-hi-a_] ma-gal isz#-mu-hu# _gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma#-kan-na_ nap-har _gisz-mesz#_ [i-szi]-hu-ma u#-[s,ar-ri-szu pa-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-ti ma-gal]

i-szi-ra _muszen an#_-e _igira-muszen#_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah gisz#-gi_ a-lap qi-[i-szi] u-[rap-pi-szu ta-lit-tu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_] _gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit# s,ip-[pa]-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-[gam]-me ak#-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih#-[ti É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia] lu _du_-usz

ul-tu [szip]-ri É-_gal_-ia u-qat#-tu-u asz-szur _en gal# dingir-mesz u#_ (d)_isz-tar#-mesz_ [a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu_-[_siskur_]-_mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-ti aq-(qi)-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra-a-a [I]-_gisz# gisz_-sér-di _u#_ [hi-bi-isz-ti u-raq-qa-a] a-na ru-usz-te i-na tasz-ri#-[it] É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa#-a muh-ha-[szi-in] _gesztin_(*)-_mesz_

du-usz-szu#-pu s,ur-ra-[szin] am-kir i-na qi#-bit [asz]-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum#-qi (qé)-reb É#-[_gal_ szA-a]-tu da#-a-risz lisz#-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and overtook me in every way.

In the plain of Kish, I cut down with the sword Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, and he smashed with the sword all of the Chaldeans, together with the entire army of the Elamite.

I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son who had engendered me, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Akkad.

I felled with the sword the entire population of the Ahlamû and Sutian tribes, and I did not hesitate to question their leaders.

I conquered the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy, and I razed, destroyed, and burned its settlements. Moreover, Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, became frightened of doing battle with me and fled to the land Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, I placed him in the hands of the merciless weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne.

I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship and made him carry it off. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the wide district of the land Judah.

I made Hazaqiau, his king, bow down at my feet and brought about his defeat. I captured the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on Mount Nipur.

I felled with the sword the city Ukku, together with all of its settlements, like a satrap of the sea. At that time, I brought about the defeat of the people of the land Elam.

I made a brick palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose dimensions were 360 cubits long and 95 cubits wide, and whose site was too small for the kings who came before me.

I had sheep stalls made of white limestone in the city Tastiate, for their gates. To build them, I confined them inside large cedar forests. In all of their lands, in the month Ayyaru II, the day of the rising sun, I had them moored in exalted boats for the first time. At the crossing of the river, I moored large boats for the first time.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days from the palace, was drenched and turned into a fog.

I tore down that small palace in its entirety and I turned the bank of the Tebilti River into a moat.

I surrounded its perimeter with long beams of cedar and surrounded it with large limestone slabs. I brought out from the sea 340 cubits long and 289 cubits wide and raised its superstructure as high as before. I made the site larger than before and surrounded it with a terrace.

I raised its superstructure 90 courses of brick high and made its foundations unrecognizable. In the course of a long flood, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site larger.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, as my lordly residence, and I named it Appatu.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, holy mountains.

On the other side of Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then, with regard to bull colossi and sphinxes of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, and whose features are perfected by their own hands, I fashioned from alabaster whose appearance is radiant like daylight, and I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia.

In the city Nineveh, I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone made in the territory of the city Balataya and I completed them.

As for the rest of the kings, my ancestors, copper statues, replicas of their own designs, they erected them in temples and made them dwell in their temples. They poured out oil, honey, and ghee into their lands for the work they desired.

For me, Sennacherib, foremost of all rulers, the one who carries out every type of work, I cast with my own strength large copper columns and lion colossi, whose appearance was unrivalled by any previous king of the past who had come before me. With the uznu-gift that the prince, the goddess Ninshiku, had given me, to do this work, I went with my own hands and, by my own instructions and my own experience, I made them an object of wonder.

I had a stele made of copper and I installed it in its gates. By divine will, I created a stele with lions and a alum, twelve lion-headed eagles, together with twelve magnificent bull colossi that are clad in shining radiance, twenty-two sphinxes that are clad in lustration and adorned with a radiant face, and whose features are resplendent.

I fashioned bull colossi of copper, whose two features are surrounded by zahalû-silver, bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes, and I had them erected inside it for the god Ashur.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I fastened bands of copper on the front of the columns, then I installed them in their gates as a cornice for their gates.

I stationed ebony, alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold and silver on them, and I deposited my clay inscriptions therein.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and lower courses of limestone.

I had great towers of cedar and cypress stretched out over them as a gable. I had a well built and completed it in a splendid fashion. At that time, I had water of shining bronze and bronze casseroles made and, like a mountain, I had a canopy of fir and alamittu-wood made.

I surrounded and completed those palatial halls with columns and thereby enlarged the entire palace. I named it "The Palace Without a Rival".

I planted a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which is in all of the lands of the land Elam, and planted therein a palace that had no rival.

I planted in it aromatic plants, fruit trees, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. I surrounded it with a gorge. To make the area as green as a mountain, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I created a river that stretched for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River, a long river, and I named it Dur-Adad.

I made those gardens beautiful. To make the water flow through the orchards, I surrounded them with marsh frogs and eagles. I abandoned them in the midst of the marshes. By divine will, vines and all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in them. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and I counted them as booty. I made a great appointments.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I mixed together oil, cypress, and aromatics and then I poured them into the midst of the palace for the enjoyment of the people of my land. I poured out wine and honey from the palace.

By the command of Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, and favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and he made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

In a pitched battled in the plain of Kish, I repulsed Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the king of Karduniash Babylonia, and took away his rulership. I killed with the sword all of the Chaldeans, together with the massed body of Elamite troops, his allies.

I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son whom I raised on my own knee, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Akkad.

I uprooted all of the Ahlamû Arameans and Sutians. I put to the sword the inhabitants of the city Hirimmu, not sparing any of their offspring. I conquered the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy. I ruined the land Ellipi and destroyed its settlements.

Moreover, Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, became frightened of doing battle with me, fled to Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, he disappeared on account of the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I ruined the wide district of the recalcitrant and strong land Judah and I made Hezekiah, its king, bow down at my feet so that he now pulls my yoke.

I put to the sword the men of the city Tumurrum, who live on Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with every one of its settlements, so that they looked like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

At that time, I made the enemy people whom I had captured carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 95 cubits on its shorter side, and whose site was too small; and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried mountain sheep colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. Throughout all of their lands they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews struggle and strain. With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and had shaken its base when its flood was in full spate:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, and then I changed the course of the Tebilti River and directed its outflow.

In its subterranean waters I very firmly bonded reeds below and bitumen above with large blocks of limestone. I raised a plot of land that was 340 cubits long and 289 cubits wide out of the water and converted it to dry land. I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 700 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, for my lordly residence; then I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, the holy mountains.

... Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and other statues with limbs of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are perfect, and who stand high on their own pedestals; sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created in the territory of the city Balataya and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura.

Since time immemorial, the kings, my ancestors, created copper statues, replicas of their own forms, to be erected in temples, and through their manufacture they had exhausted all of the craftsmen. Through ignorance and failure to give thought on the matter, they depleted the oil, wax, and wool in their lands for the work they desired.

But as for me, Sennacherib, the foremost of all rulers, expert in every type of work, regarding large columns of copper and striding lion colossi, which none of the kings of the past who came before me had cast: With the ingenious mind that the prince, the god Ninshiku, had granted to me and taking counsel with myself, I intensively pondered how to perform this work. Then, with my own ideas and knowledge, I created a cast work of copper and expertly carried out its artful execution.

By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, the tree of abundance, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes that are coated in allure and charm and that have pride and exuberance heaped upon them, and I poured copper into it. Just like the cast work of an object weighing only a half shekel, I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi with copper features, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and then I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through a mountain, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those planted areas.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and planted a canebrake in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. By divine will, vines and all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, and then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics. At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003517: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal-ku pit-qu-du _re_-É-_um_ ba-hu-la-ti mut-ta-ru-u _un-mesz_ rap-szA-a-ti a-na-ku

(d)be-let-_dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni-ti i-na _sza-tur_ a-ga-ri-in-ni a-lit-ti-ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u-s,ab-ba-a

nab-ni-ti U (d)nin-szi-kU id-di-na kar-szu rit-pa-szu szin-na-at _abgal_ a-da-pa isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha-sis-su (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi-mir# s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-ia id-di-na _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat

ma-a-ti _gisz-tukul_ la pa-du-u a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri u-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a ina u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia

tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _uru_-ni-na-a sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz 95_ ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma

la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA _udu-mesz_ szad-di (d)_lamma_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na _uru_-ta-as-ti-a-te ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka-mesz_-szi-in a-na szu-pu-usz _gisz-ma-mesz_ qé-reb _gisz-tir-mesz gisz-mesz gal-mesz_ u-qé-ru i-na nap-har _kur-mesz_-szu-nu i-na _iti-gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e-de-e pa-an szat-ti i-na _gisz-ma-mesz_ s,i-ra-a-ti a-na a-ha-an-na-a u-szeb-bi-ru-ni mar-s,i-isz i-na né-ber ka-a-ri _gisz-ma-gu-la-mesz_ u-t,e-eb-bu-u

u-szA-as,-bi-tu _ka-mesz_-szi-in _id_-te-bil#-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ t,e-eh É-_gal_

i-ba-'u-u-ma i-na _illu_-szA gap-szi u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA aq-qur

sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA usz-te-esz-na-a u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA qé-reb a-sur-rak-ki-szA szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _esir-ud-a_ it-ti _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ dun-nu-nisz ak-si 5 _me 54_ ina 1-_kusz gid-da 2 me 89_ ina 1-_kusz dagal a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u-ter tar-pa-szu-u _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni u-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti u-rad-di-ma

i-na 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-sze-szu ((ana)) la-ba-risz u4-me i-na _illu_ kisz-szA-ti tem-me-en-szu la e-né-sze _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ ki-su-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-szu a-na 9 _me 14_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_

_u 4 me 40_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u-ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi É-_gal na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-szA-ab

be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma É ap-pa-a-ti tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti mé-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ sza i-ri-su-un t,a-a-bu bi-nu-ut _kur_-ha-ma-nim _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-e _ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szi-in

_gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li_ me-ser _ki-sag u urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak-ki sza qé-reb É-_pa-pah-mesz_-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-szA-a kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin bal-tu ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le-e ma-la-a

i-na _ka-mesz_-szi-in ul-ziz-ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik s,u-lul ta-ra-a-ni sza qé-reb ba-rak-ka-a-ni e-t,u-su-un u-szah-la-a u4-mi-isz usz-nam-mir sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin u-szal-me i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma si-il-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-as-qi-szin

Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-(ma) (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu_-- _sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u _mu_-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-ni sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal# i-na qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-i i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu# u-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i-su-un

sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na u-szap-tu-ni

pa-ni-szu _u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a szA pa-a-t,i _uru-du6_-bar-si-ip

u-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz i-te-e _nina-ki_ i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma (d)_alad_-- (d)_lamma_ (((d)_lamma_))-_mesz u_ s,a-lam mesz-re-ti _na4-gisz-nu11_-[_gal_] [sza] i-na 1-en _na4_ ib-ba#-nu-u mi-na-a-ti [szuk-lu-lu] i-na ki-gal-li ra-ma-ni-szu-[nu] szA-qisz na-an-zu-zu _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me nu-us-su-qa _gim#_ u4-me na-par-de#-e nu-[um]-mu-ru zu-[mur]-szi-in _kun4-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni

qé-reb# _uru_-ni-na-a (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz gal-mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na lip-ta-at (d)nin#-kur-ra i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a u-szA-a'-lid-ma u-szak-li-la

gat-ta-szu-un sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _urudu_ tam-szil gat-ti-szu-un a-na szu-zu-zi qé-reb É-_kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma ina e-pisz-ti-szu-nu u-szA-ni-hu gi-mir _dumu-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la bi-szit uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-szu-nu _i-gisz_ isz-ku-ru na-al#-ba-Asz s,e-e-ni u-qé-ru qé-reb _kur-mesz_-szu-un

ia-a-ti (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba a-szA-red kal mal-ki mu-de-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _urudu gal-mesz_ ur-mah-hi pe#-tan bir-ki sza ma-na-ma la ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia [i-na] uz-ni ni-kil-ti sza u-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u (d)nin-szi-kU i-[na] szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ra-bisz am-tal-lik-ma i-na mi-lik t,e-me-ia U me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia

pi#-ti-iq# _urudu_ u-ba-Asz-szim-ma u-nak-ki-la nik-lA-su sza gisz-mah-hi U a-la-[mit]-ta _gisz_ mesz-re#-e 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di 12 (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz_ sza szuk-lu-lu nab-ni-tu 22 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-te sza ku-uz-bu U ul-s,u# hi-it-lu-pa bal-tu la-la-a kum-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb-szu Asz-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2 _gin-ta-am#_ u-szak-li-la

nab-ni-su-un (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _urudu_ sza 2 ina lib-bi za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szu (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia u#-szA-as,-bi-ta

_si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ a-di _gisz_-tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser _urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma

s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin e-mid _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szA _u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta#-szin _gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min gisz-eren gisz_-dup-ra-ni _szim-li u gisz_-ta-ti-du ih-ze-et pa-szal-li U kas#-pi

s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un _kun4#-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal_

_u kun4-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-te u-szA-lik Asz#-[szu u4-mi-szam-ma A]-_mesz_ di-lu-u-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar u_ har-ha-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz-ma# ki-mu#-[u ma-ka-a-ti gisz]-mah-hi

U a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu#-mesz_ usz-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-szA-lik as-mi-isz si-hir-ti É-_gal_ a-na tab-rat kisz-szat _un-mesz_ ul-la-a

re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza szA-ni-na la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur _gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti# _gisz-mesz_

tuk-lat szad-di-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qup a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa#-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina-ki kur_-a i-na ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id#_-har-ru 1 1/2# _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu# qé-reb

_id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb mit,-ra-a-te szA-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz a-na szup-szu-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz id_-a-gam-mu u-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u qé-reb-sza as-ti-il _igira-muszen-mesz szah-mesz gisz-gi_ a-lap qi-i-szi i-na lib-bi u-masz-szir i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz gisz-gesztin_ u gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _u szim-hi-a_ ma-gal

_igira-muszen_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah gisz-gi_ a-lap qi-i-szi u-rap-pi-szu ta-lit-tu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi_

_ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu e-pu-usz ul-tu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-qat-tu-u asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu#-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra-a-a _i-gisz gisz_-sér-di U hi-bi-isz-ti u-raq-qa-a# a-na ru-usz-te i-na tasz-ri-it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szi-in [_gesztin-mesz_] du-usz#-[szu]-pu#

s,ur-ra#-szi-in am#-kir i-na qi-bit asz-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti (d)_alad_ dum#-qi [(d)_lamma_ dum]-qi qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu da-risz lisz-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

The goddess Belet-ili, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me in the womb of my offspring and made me enter into my womb.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, granted to me the ability to raise up all of the black-headed people and to shepherd the people. He gave me a just scepter that broadened the understanding.

At that time, I had my hands held in iron fetters to fight with the enemy.

I had a palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits long and 95 cubits wide, constructed anew, and I had the site of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, brought to their lordly majesty for their royal residence.

In the city Tastiate, they erected a lamassu of white limestone for their gates. To make those boats, they confined them inside large cedar forests. In all of their lands, in the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the magnificent boats into this country for the first time. They sank them at the entrance of the port and made them stand on their own.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days from the palace to the city Bit-Adad, was drenched with water.

I tore down that small palace in its entirety and then I rebuilt it anew in its entirety.

I surrounded its perimeter with long beams of cedar and large limestone slabs. I brought out from the sea a field measuring 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide and raised its superstructure atop it like a mountain. I added it to the former dimensions of the palace and thus enlarged its structure.

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base. I enlarged it to 94 large cubits.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, and I named it Dur-Minabanda.

I built a palatial hall, a replica of a Hittite palace, opposite the babayatu-chamber. I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, holy mountains.

I fastened bands of copper on doors of cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth and installed them in their gates. I had lamassus, elephant ivory, whose bodies are adorned with a shining gleam, and iii 20' kuzbu-gold, a luxurious fragrance, and iii 20' a tiara of gold and silver, iii 20' and iii 20'' in the gates of the gates of the gates of the gates of the ziggurrat, and I had lamassus, elephant ivory, iii 20'' and iii 20'' in a fashion fitting for the gates of the gates of the ziggurrat, iii 20'' a tiara of gold and iii 20'' a tiara of ti

I surrounded the courtyards of their palatial halls with beams of silver and copper. I surrounded all of their entrances with layers of baked bricks colored with gold and lapis lazuli and thus secured their entryways.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called me by name, made large cedar beams, which since distant days grew tall and large, clad the walls of my palace with a covering over the Sirara Mountain.

As for alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had become too expensive even for the pommel of a sword, it was deposited in the plain of Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, was found in the city Kapridargilâ, which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

In the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi, lamassus, and steles of alabaster, whose features are perfect in one stone, and whose forms are perfect in their own places. I created sphinxes of alabaster whose features are resplendent and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day. I fashioned magnificent slabs of breccia and baked brick.

In the city Nineveh, I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone made in the territory of the city Balataya and completed them.

As for the rest of the kings, my ancestors, bronze statues, replicas of their own bronze statues, they erected them in temples and filled the interiors of their temples with them. They poured oil, honey, and aromatics into their midst to do obeisance to them.

For me, Sennacherib, foremost of all rulers, the one who carries out every type of work, I cast with my own strength large copper columns and lion colossi, whose appearance was pleasing to every king who came before me, and which the prince, the goddess Ninshiku, had made great with my own talents, to carry out this work. iii 5' With my own counsel and with my own experience, I made them an object of wonder.

I cast copper fetters over lions and alum, a hybrid wood, and twelve raging lions, together with twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes with shiny kushbu-metal and adorned with a radiance of reddish gold, and I poured copper into it. By divine will, I had a plan to make it shine like daylight. I had it weighed out and I installed it inside it.

I had bull colossi of copper, whose two bodies are smashed and whose bodies are smashed, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, fashioned into figures for my palatial halls.

I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent copper columns, as well as with large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and I fastened bands of copper on them.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with sphinxes of alabaster, as well as with sphinxes of cast urudû-copper, whose features are resplendent, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features are resplendent: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, inlays, and placed them in their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and I surrounded them the rooms' lower courses with columns of breccia and alabaster.

I had doors of large limestone blocks stretched over them as a structure. I had a well built and completed it in a timely fashion, for the delivery of water, food, and water. I had bronze and bronze casseroles made and, like a mountain, I had a canopy of fir stretched out over it.

I surrounded the entire palace with those palatial halls and surrounded it with a wall facing towards the water table. I raised the superstructure of the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, and fruit trees.

I surrounded it with a wall of iron and thereby secured its foundations. I brought out of it the city Kisiri, as far as the plain of Nineveh, a rugged mountain, and I made a canal, a distance of one and a half leagues, from the plain of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh.

I made that river flow in a continuous stream. I made it flow into those canals to provide for the irrigation of the orchards and I drank it therein. I abandoned the herons, pigeons, and reeds in its environs. By divine will, I planted in those orchards vines and all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees.

A wild eagle swarmed and a pigeon of reeds swarmed at its side. I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and orchards.

I cut down marsh reeds from the swamps and I had them used for the work required to build my lordly palatial halls. After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, made splendid offerings, and presented my gifts. I mixed aromatics and aromatics and poured them into the midst of the palace for the enjoyment of the people of my land. I made the wine rich and poured it into the midst of the palace for the enjoyment of my land.

By the command of Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of the people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

The goddess Belet-ili, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me and created my features while I was still in the womb of the mother who gave birth to me. Moreover, the god Ninshiku gave me wide understanding equal to that of the sage Adapa and endowed me with broad knowledge.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and elevated me for shepherding the land and people. He gave me a just scepter that widens the land and he put in my hand a merciless weapon to fell enemies.

At that time, I made the enemy people whom I had captured carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 95 cubits on its shorter side, and whose site was too small; and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried mountain sheep colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. Throughout all of their lands they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews struggle and strain. With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and had shaken its base when its flood was in full spate:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety, and then I changed the course of the Tebilti River and directed its outflow.

In its subterranean waters I very firmly bonded reeds below and bitumen above with large blocks of limestone. I raised a plot of land that was 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide out of the water and converted it to dry land. I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 914 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, for my lordly residence; then I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors that are within the papahu-chambers, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose folded hands hold poppies, who are laden with pride and allure, and who are filled with exuberance, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

The covering of the roof that hangs over the corridors — I made their somber atmosphere cheerful, making them as bright as day. I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of their copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew tall and very thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village", which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and other statues with limbs of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are perfect, and who stand high on their own pedestals; sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created in the territory of the city Balataya and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura.

Since time immemorial, the kings, my ancestors, created copper statues, replicas of their own forms, to be erected in temples, and through their manufacture they had exhausted all of the craftsmen. Through ignorance and failure to give thought on the matter, they depleted the oil, wax, and wool in their lands for the work they desired.

But as for me, Sennacherib, the foremost of all rulers, expert in every type of work, regarding large columns of copper and striding lion colossi, which none of the kings of the past who came before me had cast: With the ingenious mind that the prince, the god Ninshiku, had granted to me and taking counsel with myself, I intensively pondered how to perform this work. Then, with my own ideas and knowledge, I created a cast work of copper and expertly carried out its artful execution.

By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, the tree of abundance, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes that are coated in allure and charm and that have pride and exuberance heaped upon them, and I poured copper into it. Just like the cast work of an object weighing only a half shekel, I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi with copper features, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tatidu-wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and then I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through a mountain, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those planted areas.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and planted a canebrake in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. By divine will, vines and all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, and then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics. At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003518: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ ina kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki

u-szar-ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia i-na ta-ha-az _edin_ as-kip (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-dun-ia-asz e-ki-ma be-lut-su gim-ri _lu_-kal-di a-di gi-pisz um-ma-na-a-ti _lu-elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu u-ra-sib

i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_-u-a resz-tu-u i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma _kur uri-ki dagal_-tum u-szad-gil

pa-nu-usz-szu as-suh na-gab _lu_-ah-la-me-e _lu_-su-ti-i ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me i-na _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit-ma la ez-zi-ba pe-re-'i-szu-un ak-szud(ud) _lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _lu-kur_ ak-s,i _kur_-el-li-pi u-szal-pit-ma u-ab-bit da-Ad-me-szA

U (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni e-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na _kur_-ia-ad-na-na sza qé-reb tam-tim in-na-bit-ma i-hu-uz mar-qi-tum i-na _kur_-tim-ma szA-a-tu i-na ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za_

_lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu u-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u _kur_-ia-u-di szep-s,u mit-ru (disz)ha-za-qi-a-a-u _lugal_-szu u-szak-nisz

sze-pu-u-a _lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut _kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i ina _gisz-tukul_ u-szam-qit _uru_-uk-ku a-di nap-har da-Ad-me-szu ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-ab-bit

_un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki a-szi-bu-ut hur-szA-ni zaq-ru-ti u-t,eb-bi-ih as-li-isz _uru-du6_-ga-rim-me

sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-ta-ba-li _kur_-ud-ma u-sze-me kar-mesz ba-hu-la-a-ti _kur_-kal-di sza ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia e-du-ru-ma _dingir-mesz_ nap-har _kur_-szu-un i-na szub-ti-szu-un id-ku-u tam-tim i-bi-ru-ma i-na _uru_-na-gi-a-ti id-du-u szu-bat-sun i-na _gisz-ma-mesz kur_-ha-at-ti _egir_-szu-un e-bir _uru_-na-gi-a-tu _uru_-na-gi-a-tu-di-i'-bi-na _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _u kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge-e sza e-ber-tan _id_-mar-ra-ti ak-szud(ud)-ma te-ne-szet _kur_-kal-di a-di _dingir-mesz_-ni-szu-nu _un-mesz lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

Asz-lu-lam-ma la ez-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u i-na u4-me-szu-ma [te]-ne#-szet na-ki-ri

ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia tup-szik-ku [u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _uru_-ni]-na#-[a] sza 3 _me_ [60 ina 1]-_kusz usz_ [95 ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa] _id_-te-bil-ti i-ta-a-[szA i-ba]-'u-ma [i-na usz-szi-szA ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut] mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-[lu-ti]-szu-un

[u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si]-hir-ti-sza aq-qur sza _id_-te-bil-ti (ma-lak-szA) ul-[tu qa]-bal#-ti _uru_

[ap-ru-us-ma i-na ta-mir-ti ku-tal _uru_] u-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-szA [szap-la]-nu _gi-mesz_ [e-la-nisz _esir-ud-a_ it-ti _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ dun]-nu-(nisz) ak-si 5 _me 54_ i-na 1-_kusz gid-da 2 me 89_ [ina 1]-_kusz dagal_ [_a-sza_ ul-tu ma-a-me u-sze-lam-ma a-na] tar-pa-sze20-e u-ter s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li(?)#-[i] mah#-re-e [lu u-rad-di-ma a-na si-hi-ir-ti-szu i-na 1 _me 90_ ti]-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu a-na 9 _me 14_ ina _as4-lum gal_-ti [_usz_] _u# 4 me 40_

[ina _as4-lum gal_-tim _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u]-ter#-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi É-_gal-mesz ku-gi ku-babbar zabar na4_-[_an-za_]-_gul-me_ [_na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_] _gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku# [_gisz_-si]-in#-da-a [a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma] É mu-ter-(re)-e-ti tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti mé-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti [u]-sze-pisz

[_gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ u-szat-ri-s,a] e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-ri _gisz-szur-min_ me-ser _ku-babbar u urudu#_ [u-rak]-kis-ma

[u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak-ka]-a-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11_-[_gal zu_] _am-si_

[sza kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin i-na _ka-mesz_-szi-in ul]-ziz-ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik sik-kat kar-ri kas-pi _urudu_ qé-reb-[szin u-szal]-me

[i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si]-ma se-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-as-qi-szi-in [Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_]-ia# [szu-te-szu-ri i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra]-'i-mu _lu-sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u _mu_-ia [gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-ni] [sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ ik-bi-ru qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-i] i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu u-[szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i-su-un]

[sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_] sza# [i]-na tar-s,i# [_lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na]-na#

[u-szap-tu-ni pa]-ni#-szu _u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da#_ [ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar]-gi#-la-a#

[u-kal-lim ra-ma]-nu#-usz i-te-e _nina-ki_ i-[na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in]-na#-mir-ma [(d)_alad_]-(d)_lamma#-mesz na4-gisz-nu11#-gal_ sza i-na 1-[en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u mi-na-a-ti szuk-lu-lu _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me nu-us-su-qa ki]-ma# u4-me [na-par-de]-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur-szin _kun4-mesz_ [_na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki]-lal#-la-an

[i]-na# szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri É-_gal_-ia# [u-szal-di-da qé-reb _nina-ki_ (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma_]-_mesz_ [_gal_]-_mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e#-[e i-na lip-ta-at (d)nin-kur-ra i]-na(?) er#-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a#

u#-szA-a'-lid-ma u-szak-li#-[la gat-ta-szu-un ki-i t,e-em] _dingir_-ma# [sza] gisz-mah#-hi a-di a-la#-mit-ta# [_gisz_ mesz-re-e] 12# _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti# [a-di] 12 (d)#_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz#_ [sza szuk]-lu-lu# nab-ni-tu 22 _munus-ab-za#_-[_za_-a-ti] sza ku-uz-bu# [U ul-s,u hi-it]-lu-pa bal#-[tu la-la-a kum-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma] e#-ra-a qé-reb(?)#-[szu]

[Asz-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2 _gin-ta-am_ u-szak-li-la nab-ni-su-un (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _urudu_ sza 2 ina lib]-bi# [za-ha]-lu-u lit-bu#-[szu] [(d)_alad_-(d)_lamma_]-_mesz# na4-gisz-nu11#_-[_gal_ a-di (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u_] _munus-ab#-za-za_-a#-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe#-s,e-e

[sza É-_gal-mesz_]-ia# u-szA-as,-[bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _urudu_] _mah-mesz#_ a-di _gisz_-tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser _urudu_

[u-rak-kis]-ma# s,e-er pirig-gal#-[le-e ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka_]-_mesz#_-szin e-mid _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _munus_-(_ab_)-_za-za_-a-ti [pi-ti]-iq# u-ru-de-e [sza za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szA _u munus_]-_ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szi-in [_gisz_-tim-me] _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min#_ [_gisz-eren gisz_-dup-ra-ni] _szim#-li u gisz_-si-in-da-a ih-ze-et pa-szal-li U kas-pi# s,e-ru-usz#-[szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum-me mu-szab be]-lu-ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un

_kun4#_-[_mesz na4-dur-mi-na_]-_ban-da_ ((a)) [_na4-gisz-nu11-gal u_] _kun4#-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szi-in

[u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik] Asz-szu u4-me#-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-u-ti [da-lum eb-li gu]-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar#_ [U har-ha-ri] _zabar#_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-ti

[gisz-mah-hi] _u#_ a-la-mit-ta# _urudu_ s,e-er [_pu_]-_mesz_ usz#-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na u-szA-((a))-lik as-mi-isz si-hir-ti É-_gal#_ a-na tab-ra-a-ti kisz-szat# _un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza szA-ni-na

la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur i-na qi-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum-qi qé-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu# da-a-risz lisz-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and over all of the people who sit on royal daises.

I felled with the sword Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, and entrusted him with the exercise of dominion over all Chaldeans, together with the rest of the Elamite army.

With the weapons of Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son, I placed him on his royal throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Akkad.

I felled with the sword the entire population of the Ahlamû and Sutians, people of the city Hirimmu, and I did not hesitate in bringing about their defeat. I destroyed the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy, the land Ellipi, and razed its settlements.

Moreover, as for Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, he fled to the land Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, he sat on a throne lit. "on a throne" lit. "on a throne" alongside Tu-Ba'lu.

I placed his royal majesty in his stead and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship. I widened the land Judah and thereby enlarged the land of the land Judah, the throne-dais of Hazaqiau, its king.

I felled with the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with all of its settlements, like a ruin hill in a swamp.

I surrounded and conquered the people of the land Hilakku, who live in high mountains. I conquered the city Til-Garimme, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and I imposed upon them corvée.

I conquered the cities Nagitu, Nagitu-Ti'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts on the opposite bank of the Marratu River, and I received the booty of Chaldea, together with their gods, the people of the king of the land Elam.

At that time, I slew the enemies of the enemy with my mighty weapon and I slew them like a flood.

I made bricks for the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose width was 360 cubits, its width 95 cubits, and whose site was too small. The Tebilti River came close to it, and I surrounded it with a wall. I firmly reconstructed the foundations of the kings who came before me, my ancestors, for their lordly dwelling.

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow.

I surrounded its perimeter with long beams of cedar and surrounded it with large limestone slabs. I brought out from the sea a field measuring 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide, then I turned it into a moat. I added it to the former dimensions of the terrace and raised its superstructure 90 courses of brick high. I raised its superstructure to 94 large cubits long and 440 large cubits wide.

I built palatial halls of gold, silver, bronze, breccia, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, and ivory for my lordly residence and I had a terebinth, a replica of a Hittite palace, built opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with lamassus-dragons of alabaster, elephant ivory, and elephant ivory.

I firmly placed bands of copper in their gates and made them an object of wonder. I clad the door-jambs with silver and hung them around their doors.

At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called me by name, made beams of cedar, whose scent since distant days grew thick in the Sirara mountains, clad with their shining features.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, I surrounded the city Arbela with a mountain of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, was discovered in the city Kapridargilâ.

In the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia.

I cut down large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone by the command of the god Ninkura and I had them dragged into Nineveh to do obeisance to me.

By divine will, I created a colossal assemblage of lions, as well as a stele, a canopy of twelve lion-headed eagles, as well as twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features, twenty-two sphinxes with a tuft of shiny kuxur and a tuft of reddish lustration, and a scepter that keeps the light in balance, and I deposited it inside it.

I had bull colossi made from copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, made for their bodies.

I fastened bands of copper on tall columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and I installed them in their gates.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with a terrace of alabaster, as well as with sphinxes of cast urudû-copper with zahalû-gold and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features are exquisite. I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and siendû-wood, with pashallu-gold and silver, and I deposited my monumental inscriptions.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs.

I had a stele made and I had it surrounded with a wall. I had a well made of bronze and bronze harharû-vessels, and I had them drenched like a flood.

I surrounded those palatial halls with beams of copper and copper ... and raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I raised the superstructure of the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people. I named it "The Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, and favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and he made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

In a pitched battled, I repulsed Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, the king of Karduniash Babylonia, and took away his rulership. I killed with the sword all of the Chaldeans, together with the massed body of Elamite troops, his allies.

I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son, on his royal throne and entrusted him with the wide land of Akkad.

I uprooted all of the Ahlamû Arameans and Sutians. I put to the sword the inhabitants of the city Hirimmu, not sparing any of their offspring. I conquered the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy. I ruined the land Ellipi and destroyed its settlements.

Moreover, Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, became frightened of doing battle with me, fled to Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, he disappeared on account of the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I ruined the wide district of the recalcitrant and strong land Judah and I made Hezekiah, its king, bow down at my feet.

I put to the sword the men of the city Tumurrum, who live on Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with every one of its settlements, so that they looked like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

I slaughtered the people of the land Hilakku, who live in the high mountains, like sheep. I conquered the city Til-Garimme, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and turned it into ruins.

The inhabitants of Chaldea, who had become frightened by my battle array, and then had dislodged the gods of their entire land from their abodes, had crossed the sea, and had taken up residence inside the city Nagiatu Nagitu — I crossed the sea after them in boats of the land Hatti. 30 I conquered the cities Nagiatu Nagitu, Nagiatu-di'bina Nagitu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts on the other shore of the Bitter Sea, and then I carried off the people of Chaldea, together with their gods, and the people of the king of the land Elam. I did not leave behind a single escapee.

At that time, I made the enemy people whom I had captured carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 95 cubits on its shorter side, and whose site was too small; alongside of which the Tebilti River had flowed, 35 caused erosion in its foundations, and shaken its base; and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow into the meadow behind the city.

In the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I very firmly bonded reeds below and bitumen above with large blocks of limestone. I raised a plot of land that was 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide out of the water and converted it into an empty lot. 40 I added it to the former dimensions of the terrace, and raised its superstructure in its entirety 190 courses of brick. I enlarged the structure of the palace to 914 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built palatial halls of gold, silver, bronze, ......-stone, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, and Indian wood, for my lordly residence; then I had a house with double doors, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose hands are folded, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of their copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village".

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are perfect; sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created in the territory of the city Balataya and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura.

By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks together with date palms, the tree of abundance, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes that are coated in allure and charm and that have pride and exuberance heaped upon them, and I poured copper into it. Just like the cast work of an object weighing only a half shekel, I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi with copper features, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and Indian wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and then I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks together with date palms of copper placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003519: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_lu#-kur_ ak-s,i# [_kur_-el-li-pi u-szal-pit-ma u-ab-bit da-Ad-me-szA U (disz)lu-li-i] _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni# [e-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na _kur_-ia-ad-na-na sza qé-reb tam-tim] ki-ma nu-u-ni ip-[par-szid-ma i-hu-uz mar-qi-tum i-na _kur_-tim-ma szA-a-tu] i-na ra-szub-bat _gisz#_-[_tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za_] [_lugal_]-ti#-szu u#-[sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu]

[u-szal]-pit rap#-[szu na-gu-u _kur_-ia-u-di ...]

AI Translation

As for Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, he fled like a bird to the land Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, he sat on his royal throne in the face of the terrifying weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I destroyed the wide district of the land Judah .


a dangerous enemy. I ruined the land Ellipi and destroyed its settlements. Moreover, Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, became frightened of doing battle with me, fled like a fish to Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and took refuge there. In that same land, he disappeared on account of the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I ruined the wide district of the ... land Judah and ...

Q003520: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib#-rat _limmu#_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz_ er-szu it-pe#-szu zi-ka-ru qar-du# [a]-szA-red kal mal-ki#

rap#-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni (d)asz-szur _kur gal# lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi#-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki# u-szar-ba-a _gisz#_-[_tukul_]-_mesz#_-ia

ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e#-le-ni-ti sza szul-mu (d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim [szap]-li-ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi gim-ri ma-al-ki sza kib-ra-a-ti u-szak#-nisz sze-pu-u-a i-na mah-ri#-i ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila#_-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz a-di _erim-hi-a# elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir#-ti kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan# _bad5-bad5_-szu szu-u a-na szu-zu-ub na-pisz-ti-szu# e-disz

ip-par-szid-ma _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza# u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a a-na É-_gal_-szu sza# qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra#-ki_ e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma

É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku-babbar na4#_ a-qar-tu _nig-szu nig#-ga_ É-_gal_-szu Asz-lu-la _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_ sza _kur_-kal-di a-di _uru#-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-mi-ti-szu-nu

_kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _lu#_-a-ra-me# sza szid-di _id-idigna id-buranun-ki_ ak-szud(ud)-ma# Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un i-na mé-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza _lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-ra-ra-ti man-da-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la#-a-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak-s,i i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u#-szam-qit-ma e-du# ul e-zib _uru_ szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti

as,-bat 1-en _gu4 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin#-mesz 20 ansze# zu-lum-ma_ re-sze-ti-szu a#-na _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-kin i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u# kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal#-la-a-a lu al-lik qé-reb hur-szA#-a-ni

_a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab Asz#-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-har-disz#-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-szu-nu É _bad#-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti

_kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-(nu) _u uru-mesz_-szu-nu _tur-mesz#_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u ap-pul aq-qur É _edin_ kul-ta#-ri-szu-nu i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu

a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii#_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu-en-nam uru-limmu_-ha am-nu-szu-nu-ti pa-an ni#-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra# _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti u-masz-szir-ma# a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal_-ti-szu

sza li-mi-ti-szu-nu _kur#_-ud _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq#-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u#-rad-di _uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat _mu_-szu u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su# _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu#-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na _szu-ii lu-en-nam uru_-har-har

am-nu i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-u-ti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir# _kur_-szu-un man-da-ta-szu-nu am-hur a-na ni-ri-ia u-szak-ni-su#-nu-ti

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pu-luh-ti me-lam-me-ia is-hup#-szu-ma ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-s,ur-ri a-na _kur_-ia-ad-na-na

sza _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit-ma# _kur_-szu e-mid (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin# s,e-ru-usz-szu _lugal-mesz kur mar-tu-ki_ bi-lat-su-un ka#-bit-tu

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-u-szu-u a-di mah-ri-ia u-bi-lu-ni U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni#-ri-ia _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu a-di ki-im-ti-[szu]

as-su-ha#-am-ma a-na# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rasz#-szu (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-a-ri# _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu [mah-ru-u _ugu un_]-_mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na Asz#-kun-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia# u-kin s,e-[ru]-usz-szu

i-na mé-ti-iq ger#-ri-ia _uru-mesz_-szu sza a-na _gir-ii_-ia la ik-nu-szu-ma(?) Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un _gir-nita-mesz u# un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru#-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal#_-szu-nu _en_ a-de-e sza _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na# (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu a#-na an-zil-[li] e-pu-szu ip-lah (_sza_)-szu-nu# _lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _erim-mesz gisz-pan_

_gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz#_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te-ru-ni i-na ta#-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un _lu_-[_en_] _gisz-gigir-mesz_

_u dumu-mesz lugal kur_-mu-s,u#-ra-a-a a-di _lu-en# gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na qa-ti as,-bat a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na# [aq-rib-ma] _gir-nita-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u#

u-szab-szu-u i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ a-duk _dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu-nu sza gul-lul#-ta-szu-un la ib-szu-u# [usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi] (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu

ul#-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma u-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za ugu#_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu#-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu sza (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u# [_kur_]-ia#-u-da-a-a (sza) la ik-nu-szu

a-na ni#-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni#-ba la i-szu-u al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-tisz am-nu szA-szu# [_gim muszen_ qu-up-pi] qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li#-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis _uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz#-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na _lugal#_-[_mesz uru_-as-du]-di _uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na#

_uru_-am-qar-ru#-na _uru_-ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-(hi)-ir# _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-tu u-rad-di#-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu-un szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pul-hi me-lam-me# be-lu-ti#-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _lu_-ur-bi _u lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-ma it-[ti 30] _gun# ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar#_

i-na 4#-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 lu al-li-ik i-na mé-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi _lu_-kal-da#-a-a a-szib qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me i-na# _uru_-bi-it-tu-ti Asz#-ta-kan

_bad5-bad5_-szu# szu-u _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia e-dur-ma e-disz ip-par-szid-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu pa-an ni-ri-ia u#-ter a-na _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7# as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu szu#-u (disz)(d)#_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_ sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah#-re-e Asz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu ri-gim _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti e-dur-ma a-na _uru_-na-gi-i#-ti sza _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit

ap-pul i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)asz-szur-na-din-_mu dumu_-u#-a i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu u-sze-szib#-ma u#-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu i-na 5 ger#-ri-ia _lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a-a szA _gim_ qin-ni _ti8-muszen#_ s,e-er zuq-ti _kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-su-un szit-ku-na-at-ma la kit-nu-szu# a-na ni#-ri-ia i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur ka-ra-szi

u-szA-Asz-kin-ma it-ti _lu-erim-mesz me_-ia la ga-me-lu-ti a-na-ku _gim gu4-am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz-szu-un as,-bat hur-ri me#-le-e _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti i-na _gisz-gu-za a_sz-ta-am#-di-ih a-szar a-na _gisz-gu-za_ szup#-szu-qu i-na _gir-ii_-ia Asz-tah-hi-it, _gim_ ar-me a-szar bir-ka-a-a ir-ma-a i-szA-a ma-na-ah-tu s,e#-er _na4 kur_-i u-szib-ma _a-mesz kusz#-ummu_

ka-s,u-ti a-na s,u-me-ia lu Asz-ti i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-szA-a-ni ar-de-szu-nu-ti-ma Asz-ta-kan tah-ta-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu-nu _kur_-ud-ma Asz-lu-la szal-la-su#-un

ap-pul aq-qur# i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal uru_-uk-ki la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi pa-Asz-qu-ti sza la-pa-an# _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti qé-reb-szu-un ma-nam-ma la il-li-ku _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia i-na _gir-ii kur_-a-na-ra _u kur_-up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti ka-ra-szi u-szA-Asz-kin-ma a-na-ku i-na _gisz-gu-za_ né-me-di it-ti _lu-erim-mesz me_-ia mar-s,i-isz i-te-el-la-a _szu-si-mesz kur-mesz_ pa-Asz-qa-a-ti

szu-u (disz)ma-ni-ia-e a-lak ge-er-ri-ia isz#-me-ma _uru_-uk-ku _uru lugal_-ti-szu e-zib-ma a-na ru#-qé-ti in-na-bit e-ru-um-ma a-na qé-reb É-_gal_-szu mim-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga_ la ni#-bi Asz-lu-la ni-s,ir-ta-szu ka-bit-tu _uru-mesz_-szu ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar#_ aq-mu-ma ki#-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u-sze-me#

i-na 6 ger-ri-ia a-na# _uru_-na-gi-ti _uru_-na-gi-ti#-di-i'-bi-na _uru-mesz_ sza# _lugal kur_-e-lam#-ti sza i-na e-ber-tan# _id_-mar-ra-ti szit-ku-na#-at szu-bat#-[su-un _un_]-_mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 la-pa-an# _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur# [dan]-nu-ti isz-hu-[tu]-ma ez-ze-bu da-Ad-me-szu-nu _id_-mar-ra-tU# i-[bi]-ru-u-ma ki-szA-da a-he-en-na-[a x x x]-u x x ni-ih-ti

(d)asz-szur be-li# u-tak-kil-an#-ni-ma# s,e-ru#-usz-szu-un a-na _kur_-na-gi-ti a-la#-[ku] aq-bi _lu-erim-mesz# kur_-[ha]-at#-ti hu-bu-ut# [_gisz-pan-mesz_]-ia i-na _nina-ki_ u-sze-szib#-ma _gisz-ma-mesz#_ s,i-ra-a#-ti e-pisz-ti _kur_-szu-un ib-nu-u nak-lisz# _lu-ma-lah5-mesz# uru_-s,ur-ra-a-a# _uru_-s,i#-du-un-na-a-a _kur_-ia#-[am(?)]-na#-a-a ki-szit-ti _szu-ii#_-ia u-szA-hi-su-nu#-ti ur-tum qé-reb _id-idigna_ it-ti szi#-na-ti a-na qid-da#-ti a-di _uru_-u-pi-a

u-sze-qel-pu-u _u ta uru_-u-pi-a na-ba-lisz u-sze-lu-szi#-na-ti-ma s,e#-er _gisz_-gur-gu-ge(?) a#-[na(?) _zimbir-ki_(?)] il-du-du-szi-na#-[ti-ma] qé#-reb _id_-a-rah-ti id-du-szi-na-ti a-na har-ri# É-dak-ku#-ri sza _kur#_-kal-di u-sze-qel-pu-u szu-x i-na [x] an# al-lik# x [x] ma qu# x (x) _mesz#_-ia szam-ru-ti# szA la i#-[du-u] a-da(?)-ru _lu#_-qur-bu-ti _gir-ii_-ia git-ma-lu-ti _u# lu-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia# qar-du-ti sza la i-na qé#-reb _gisz-ma-mesz#_ u-szar-kib-szu-nu-ti-ma

5 u4-me _u ge6_ ki-ma qu#-up-pe#-e szur-bu-s,a gi-mir ba-hu-la#-a-ti-ia _gisz-ma-mesz_ qu-ra-di#-ia a-na raq-[qa]-at pi-i _id_ ik-szu-da# a-szar _id_-pu-rat-tu _a-mesz_-szA u-szesz-sze-ru# qer-bu-[usz tam]-tim ga-lit-ti a#-na-ku a#-na mé-he-er-ti-szu-un i-na _gu id_-mar-ra#-ti az-ziz-ma a-na# (d)é-a _lugal_(?) _zu-ab_ u-sze-pi-szA _udu-siskur-mesz ku-mesz_ it-ti# _gisz-ma ku-gi ku6 ku-gi_ al-lut-tu _ku-gi_ a-na qé-reb tam-tim [ad-di-ma] _gisz-ma-mesz_-ia a-na# _ugu kur uru_-na-gi-i-ti

ur-ru-hi-isz u-sze-bir i-na kib-ri tam-tim gal-la-ti sza# a-na szi-ik-nu a-na e-le-e _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz u#_ szit-kun _gir-ii lu_ la na#-t,u ma-gal szum-ru-us,#-ma ba-hu-la-ti _kur_-kal-di [a]-szib# _uru_-na-gi-ti# _uru_-na-gi-ti-di-i'-bi#-na _un-mesz kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _u kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu _gisz#-ma-mesz_ qu-ra-di-ia# i-mu-ru-ma _erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz_-s,u-um-bi# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ e-muq [la] ni-bi u-kap-pi-tu mit#-ha-risz el-la-me-szu-un i-na _id_-u-la-a na-a-ru sza kib-ru-szA

qu-ra-du-u-a a-na ka-a-ri ma-kal-le-e ik-szu-du s,e-ru-usz-szu-un ul-tu qé-reb _gisz-ma-mesz_ a-na kib-ri a-ri#-bisz ip-par-szu-ma isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu-un _uru_-na-gi-tu _uru_-na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil-la-tu _u# kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu _uru-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-e-lam-ti ik-szu#-du dan-nu-su#-un te-ne-szet _lu_-kal-di _dingir-mesz_ gim-ri _kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7# [a-di] _nig-ga_-szu-nu _u un#-mesz_ e-la-mi-i _gisz_-s,u-um-bi [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_]

_ansze#-kunga-mesz ansze-nita-mesz_ isz-lu-lu-ni qé-reb _gisz-ma_-[_mesz_-szu-nu] u#-sze-lu-ma a-ha-an-na-a a-na _uru-ka_-sa-li-me-ti a#-[di mah-ri-ia] u-sze-bi-ru-ni _uru-mesz_ szA-tu-nu ip-pu-lu iq-qu-ru i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

_ugu kur-elam-ma-ki dagal_-tim it-bu-ku szA-ah-ra-ar#-tu i-na szal-lat _kur-mesz 30 lim 5 me gisz-pan# 20 lim 2_(?)# _me gisz_-a-ri-tu i-na lib-bi-szu-nu ak-s,ur#-ma _ugu_ [ki-s,ir] _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di si-it#-ti szal-lat na-ki-ri ka#-bit-ti a-na gi#-[mir] _karasz_-ia _lu-en-nam-mesz#_-ia _u un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gim_(?)# s,e-e#-[ni]

lu u-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki#_ sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz_ [_usz_] 95 ina 1-_kusz sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-[at]-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal_-[_mesz_] a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-[ki-lu]

szi-pir-szA (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na _uru_-ta-as-ti-a-te ib-[tu-qu] a-na mu-kil _ka-mesz_-szin a-na szu-pu-usz _gisz-ma-mesz_ qé-reb# _gisz-tir-mesz gisz_-[_mesz_] _gal-mesz_ u-qé#-[ru] i-na nap-har _kur-me_-szu-un i-na _iti-gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni# e-de-e [pa-an szat]-ti i-na _gisz-ma_-[_mesz_] s,i-ra-a-ti a-na a-ha-an-na#-a u-szeb-bi-ru-ni# mar-s,i-isz i-na né#-ber ka#-a-ri _gisz#-ma_-[_gu_]-_la#-mesz_ u-t,e-eb-bu-u ba-hu-la-ti-szu-un u-szA-ni-hu [u-lam-me]-nu

[_ka-mesz_]-szi-in _id_-te-bil-ti a-gu-u szit-mu-ru sza [ul-tu _ud_]-_mesz su#_-[_mesz_ t,e-eh]

[É-_gal_] i-ba-'u-u-ma i-na _illu_-szA gap-szi u-rib-bu [tem-me]-en-[szA É-_gal-tur-ra_] [szA-a-tu] a-na# si-hi-ir-ti-szA aq-qur sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA ul-tu# [qa-bal-ti _uru_]

[ap-ru-us-ma i-na ta-mir-ti ku-tal _uru_] u-sze-szir mu-s,u-szA [i-na 1/2 _iku_ ma-lak _a-mesz_] [4 _na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak]-si#-ma _gi-mesz_ a-pe# [U ku-pe-e u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un] [5 _me 54_ ina 1-_kusz usz 2 me 89_ ina 1]-_kusz sag#_-[_ki_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur U] [ta-mir-ti _uru_ ki-ma a-tar-tim]-ma [lu as,-ba-ta s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li-i mah-re-e lu u-rad-di-ma]

a-na si-hi-ir-ti-szu i-na 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu a-na 9 _me#_ [14 i-na] _as4-lum# gal_-tim _usz u 4 me 40_ ina _as4-lum_

_gal_-tim _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti É-_gal_ u-ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi É-_gal-mesz ku-gi ku-babbar zabar na4-an-za-gul-me na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku _gisz_-si-in-da-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia

ab-ni-ma É mu-ter-re-te tam-szil É-_gal kur_-ha-at-ti mé-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ sza e-ri-su-un [t,a-a-bu] bi-nu-ut _kur_-ha-ma-nim _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur-mesz ku-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min szim-li_ [me]-ser _ki-sag u urudu_

u-rak#-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i#-na ba-rak-ki sza qé-reb É-_pa-pah-mesz_-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u-pat-ta-a _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-szA-[a] kit#-mu-sa [rit]-ta-szin bal-tu ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le#-e ma-la-a i-na _ka-mesz_-szi-in ul-zi-iz-ma

a-na tab#-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik [s,u-lul ta]-ra#-[a]-ni sza qé-reb ba-rak-ka-ni e-t,u-su-un u-szah-la-a u4-mi-isz usz-nam-mir sik-kat kar-ri

kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin u-szal#-[me i]-na [_sig4_]-_al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma se-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi-mir pa-as-qi-szu Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri U li-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-[lu-me] i-[na] u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur U (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu-sanga_-ti-ia na-bu _mu_-ia gisz-mah-hi _gisz_-ere-ni sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ [i-szi]-hu#-[ma] ik-bi-ru ma-gal i-na qé-reb _kur_-si-ra-ra szad-di-i# i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu#-zu u-szak-li-mu-in-ni

s,i-i-su-un sza# _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na# [tar]-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na# u-szap-tu-ni# pa-ni-szu

_u na4-dur#_-[_mi_]-_na-ban-da_ ma-la _dug_-bur-zi-gal#-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a szA pa-a-t,i# _uru-du6_-bar-si-ip

u-kal-lim ra#-ma-nu-usz i-te-e _nina-ki_ i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u_ s,a-lam mesz-re-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na 1-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u mi#-na-a-ti szuk-lu-lu i-na ki-gal-li ram-ni-szu-nu# [szA]-qisz na-an-zu-zu _munus-ab-za_-[_za_]-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me nu-us-su-qa _gim_ u4-me na-par-de-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur-szin _kun4#-mesz na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_

s,i-ra-a-ti ab#-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di-szu-un# ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-szal-di-da qé-reb _nina-ki_ (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz gal#-mesz u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li

pe-s,e-e i-na# lip-ta-at (d)nin#-kur-ra i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a u-szA-a'-lid-ma u-szak-li-la gat-ta-szu-un sza ul#-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _urudu_ tam-szil gat-ti-[szu]-un a-na szu-zu-zi qé-reb É-_kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma i-na e-pisz-ti-szu-nu u-szA-ni-hu gi-mir _dumu-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la [bi-szit] uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri

hi-szih-ti-[szu-nu _i-gisz_] isz-ku-ru na-al#-ba-Asz s,e-e-ni u-qé-ru qé-reb _kur-mesz_-szu-un ia-a-ti (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ a-szA-red kal mal-ki# [mu]-de-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _urudu gal-mesz_ ur-mah-hi [pe-tan] bir-ki sza ma-na-ma la# ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti sza u-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u (d)nin#-szi-kU i-na szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia

a-na e-[pesz szip]-ri# szu-a-tu ra-bisz am#-tal-lik-ma i-na mi-lik t,e-me#-ia U me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia pi-ti-iq _urudu#_ u-ba-Asz-szim-ma u-nak-ki-la nik-lA-su sza gisz-mah-hi _u#_ a-la-mit#-[ta] _gisz_ mesz-re-e 12 _ur-mah-mesz_ né-'i-ru-ti a-di 12 (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz mah-mesz_ sza szuk-lu-lu nab-ni-tu 22 _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti sza ku-uz-bu U ul-s,u hi-it-lu-pa [bal]-tu la-la-a kum-mu#-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qé-reb-szu Asz-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2 _gin-ta-am_

u-szak-li-la# nab-ni-su-un (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _urudu_ sza 2 ina lib-bi za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szu (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti

_na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza É-_gal-mesz_-ia u-szA-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _urudu mah-mesz_ a-di _gisz_-tim-me _gisz_-ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-ha-ma-nim me-ser _urudu_

u-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dAp-pi ku-lul _ka-mesz_-szin e-mid _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ a-di _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szA _u munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szin _gisz_-tim-me _gisz-esi gisz-szur-min gisz-eren gisz_-dup-ra-ni _szim-li_

U [_gisz_]-si#-in-da-a ih-ze-et pa-szal-li U kas-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _gisz-gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un as-kup-pa-a-ti

_na4-dur_-[_mi_]-_na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal u kun4-mesz na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz#_ a-sur-ru-szin u-szA-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u-szA-lik Asz-szu u4-mi-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-ti

da-lum# eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar u_ har-ha-ri _zabar_ u-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u ma-ka-a-ti gisz-mah-hi U a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu-mesz_ usz-ziz É-_gal-mesz_ szA-ti-na

[u]-szA-lik# as-mi-isz si-hir-ti É-_gal_ a-na tab-rat kisz-szat _un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-szA É-_gal_ sza szA-ni-na la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur _gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu

[tam-szil] _kur_-ha-ma#-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat szad-di-i _u kur_-kal-di qé-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az-qup a-na mit,-ra-a-ti [szum-mu]-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _uru_-ni-na-a _kur_-a i-na ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru [1 1/2] _kaskal-gid#_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-ti a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb mit,-ra-a-te sza-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz

[a-na szup-szu]-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _gisz-kiri6-mesz id_-a-gam-mu u-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u qé-reb-sza as-ti-il _igira-muszen-mesz szah-mesz gisz-gi_ [a]-lap# qi-i-szi i-na lib-bi u-masz-szir i-na t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mesz gisz-gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du _u szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _gisz-szur-min#_ [_gisz_]-_mes-ma-kan-na_ nap-har _gisz-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri-szu pa#-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-te ma-gal i-szi-ra _muszen an_-e _igira-muszen_ qin-na iq-nun-ma

_szah gisz-gi_ a-lap qi#-i-szi u-rap-pi-szu ta-lit-tu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-szur-min_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qé-reb _id_-a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma

[a-na szip-ri] hi-szih#-ti É-_gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu _du_-usz ul-tu szip-ri É-_gal_-ia u-qat-tu-u (d)asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz u_ (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ [a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] i-na qer-bi-szA aq-re-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi-ma u-szat-lim kad-ra-a-a _i-gisz gisz_-sér-di U hi-bi-isz-ti

[u-raq-qa-a a-na ru-usz-te] i#-na tasz-ri-it É-_gal_ sza ba-hu-la-ti _kur_-ia u-szA-Asz-qa-a muh-ha-szin _gesztin-mesz_ du-usz-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szin am-kir i-na qi-bit [asz-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz u_ (d)isz-tar] szar-ra-ti# (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)[_lamma_ dum-qi] qé#-reb É-_gal_ szA-a-tu da-a-risz lisz-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-szA

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, capable in battle, valiant man, foremost of all rulers,

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.

In the course of my campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. He abandoned his camp and fled to save his life.

I took the chariots, wagons, horses, and mules that I had abandoned and brought them to his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his palatial hall and inspected the structure of the palace.

I carried off gold, silver, gold, silver, precious stones, property, and property of his palace. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, together with smaller settlements in their environs.

On my return march, I conquered the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and carried off their booty. In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial payment from the officials of the city Hararatu. I cut down with the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I reorganized that city and imposed my yoke upon them.

On my second campaign, I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians. In the high mountains, I received one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities.

I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Bit-Kilamzah, their smaller settlements, which were without number.

I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed them under the authority of the governor of the city Arbela and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and fled far away. He conquered the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house.

I removed the city Elenzash as a fortress for that district and iii 20' I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of the governor of the city Harhar.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to my yoke.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled from the city Tyre to the land Yadnana Cyprus.

Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship. The kings of the land Amurru voluntarily donated their substantial tribute.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, together with his family,

I placed Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

In the course of my campaign, they abandoned his cities, which had not submitted to me, and I carried off their booty. The governors and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, the lord of the treaty of Assyria, had cast down with iron fetters and given to Hazaqiau of the land Judah, they became frightened on account of the desecration they had committed. They seized the kings of Egypt and the archers.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, I fought with them and defeated them. I brought about their defeat. The lord of the chariotry, the king of the land Meluhha, and the king of the land Eltekeh, together with their chariotry, fought with them and defeated them.

I captured alive the Egyptians and the king's sons, together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors who had committed crimes.

I massacred the citizens of the city who had perpetrated this crime. I imposed upon them tribute and payment in recognition of their insubmissiveness. I called out to the god Ashur, my lord, for the destruction of those who had committed the same crimes.

I brought him out of the city Jerusalem and placed him on the throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship. I imposed upon him the same payment as Hazaqiau of the land Judah, which he had not received.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and the cities in their environs, which were without number. I captured that man alive. I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird. I set up outposts against him and took away from him the cities that I had plundered. I removed the people of the cities Ashdod and Isqalluna, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I gave the cities Ekron and Hazitu and I made his land smaller. I added to the previously established tribute and payment and imposed it on them. That man, Hazaqiau, was overwhelmed by the radiance of my lordly brilliance and I brought out the auxiliary forces and his good men who were in the city Jerusalem, his royal city, together with 30 talents of gold and 800 talents of silver.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I stationed Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, in the city Bittutu.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He, Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated on my first campaign and whom I had defeated despite the roar of my mighty weapons, fled alone to the city Nagitu, which is in the middle of the sea.

On my fifth campaign, I brought out Ashur-nadin-shumi, my son, on his lordly throne and made him sit before him. On foot of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, I placed the people of the city Tumurrum, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, and who had not bowed down to my yoke — and I counted them as booty.

I took the direct road against my insubmissive troops and, like a fierce bull, I took to the mountains and rugged mountains. Wherever I set my foot on the throne, I slew like a lion on a mountain peak. I sat down like a lion on a mountain peak and poured out awe-inspiring radiance over the stone of the mountain.

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous route that had never crossed through the rugged mountains. I had a king of the past who had come before me set up camp at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, on a sledge, sat down with my fierce battle troops and drew up a battle line over difficult mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled far away. I entered his palace and carried off every kind of possession and property without number. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. I made them like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

On my sixth campaign: The cities Nagitu and Nagiti'bina, cities of the king of the land Elam that are situated opposite the seacoast and whose abodes are situated on the opposite banks of the Euphrates, the people of the land Bit-Yakin rebelled against the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and iii 40' fought with each other. The Euphrates turned into a savage attack and they ...ed the border of each other.

The god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I ordered the march against them to the land Nagitu. I settled in Nineveh the Hittite troops who were armed with my bow and they boarded magnificent ships, the product of their land. I made the sailor of the cities Tyre, Sidon, and Yamanu, who were under my authority, bow down at my feet. I brought them inside the Tigris River, together with them, to the border of the city Uppia.

Moreover, they brought them out of Opis, a remote place, and they brought them to Sippar on a gurgukku-boat. They brought them out of the Arahtu River and brought them to the path of the Dakkuru temple of Chaldea. ... I marched ... ... my fierce battle troops, who did not know how to fight, my mighty bodyguards, and my fierce battle troops, who did not belong to boats, and I captured them.

For five days and nights, like a raging storm, I sailed on the banks of the river to the quay of my entire population. I brought my warrior boats to the mouth of the river, where the Euphrates River had flowed its water, and I stood in their midst on the shore of the Marratu River. I had offerings made for the god Ea, the king of the apsû. I brought gold and silver boats together with gold boats, fish, and gold boats, and gold boats into the sea. I imposed upon the land Nagitu my boats.

In the great sea, which is too small for horses and the yoke of a man, I made the people of Chaldea who live in the cities Nagitu and Nagiti'bina, the people of the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu see my warrior boats and I slew together archers, wagons, horses, mules, and insubmissive troops. I dragged their bodies along the Ulaya River, a rugged river, and I surrounded them with their chariots, wagons, and wagons.

They sailed from the boats to the quays and brought their booty there. They conquered the cities Nagitu, Nagitu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, cities of the king of the land Elam. They conquered the fortified fortresses of the Chaldeans, the gods of all of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their property, and the Elamite people. They brought with them their booty and possessions, their property, and their equipment, and they brought them to Nineveh.

They carried off mules and donkeys and brought them inside their boats and brought them to the city Kasallimetu, before me. They destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities.

I gathered together 30,500 archers and 20,200 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp, my governors, and the people of my cult centers.

At that time, the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose dimensions were 360 cubits long and 95 cubits wide, and whose site was too small; which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought magnificent boats into their lands for the reed-fed people. They sank magnificent boats at the entrance to the port of the quay and thereby enlarged their boats.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days,

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow.

I dug out a canal in the plain behind the city and made its water flow through a well of 1/2 iku. I mixed with bitumen four large limestone slabs and poured over them reeds and kupû-wood. I brought out from the Husur River and the plain of the city 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide. I added to the former terrace and made it as bright as day.

In its entirety, I raised its superstructure 90 courses of brick high. I raised its superstructure to 914 large cubits, and 440 large cubits.

I built palatial halls of gold, silver, bronze, breccia, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, and ivory for my lordly residence and I counted them as booty.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper, and I installed them in their gates.

In the entryway of the palatial halls, I opened a passage for latticed windows. I stationed sphinxes of alabaster, elephant ivory, whose movements are effortless, at their door-jambs, clad with bright red kushbu-gold, and lu-luxuriant designs, as many as there were, and I counted them as booty.

I made the tarantu-vessels that are in your abodes shine like daylight. I firmly placed the bolts of the door bolts.

I clad the walls with baked bricks colored with obsidian and lapis lazuli and I surrounded all of its gates with bricks made of baked bricks colored with shining blue glaze. In order to complete the work on my palace and to secure my position as priest, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called me by name, had strewn cedars, which since distant days had grown tall and very thick as they stood in the rugged Sirara.

As for the alabaster, whose appearance was exquisite in the time of the kings, my ancestors, and which had become too small in the face of the rising sun, I deposited it in the soil of Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, was found in the city Kapridargilâ, which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

In the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then bull colossi and statues of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, were fashioned on their own pedestals. They were adorned with sphinxes of alabaster whose features are resplendent and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day. They were clad with slabs of breccia and baked brick.

I cut down large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone and had them dragged into Nineveh to do obeisance to me.

With the help of the goddess Ninkura, I surrounded and conquered the territory of the city Balataya and completed their settlements. iv 5'' As for the statues of copper, replicas of their earlier settlements, that the kings, my ancestors, had made for their own use in the temples and had made their work more difficult than ever before, I had all of the craftsmen labor in untrained hands and without experience do not know how to do their work.

As for me, Sennacherib, foremost of all rulers, skilled in every type of work, I cast with skill large copper columns and lion colossi, whose features none a king of the past who came before me had cast, and who the prince, the goddess Ninshiku, had made bow down at my feet.

I quickly advanced to do this work and, by divine will and my own will, I laid its foundations with copper and then I completed its construction. I fashioned from musukkannu-wood and alabaster, a durable wood, twelve magnificent lions, together with twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features, twenty-two sphinxes with a shiny finish, and with a fragrance of purification ghee, and I deposited it inside it. By divine will, I created a replica of it and placed it inside it.

I had bull colossi made from copper, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi of sphinxes, made of ...-metal, and I had them dragged into the city Arbela.

I had the architraves of my palatial halls clad with copper in a magnificent fashion, together with large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, clad with copper.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with alabaster, as well as with urudû-glass, whose fragrance is sweet, and with urudû-glass, a type of resin that is rich in brilliance. I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and juniper, and I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance over them.

I erected a platform and a platform for their mountings, which were too small, and I positioned their architraves as if they were throne bearers of my lordship.

I had breccia, alabaster, and large limestone slabs made from them and I installed them in their gates as a permanent residence. iii 20' I made the water flow into them for the entire day.

I had a roof made of bronze and bronze harharû-metal and, like a mountain, I surrounded those palatial halls with beams of fir and alamittu-wood, on the outside.

I enlarged the entire palace to be an object of wonder for all of the people. I named it "The Palace Without a Rival." I planted a garden.

I planted alongside it Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea. I had them brought inside it as a flood to be a regular occurrence. I had them brought inside it from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I made an iron arrowhead that was one and a half leagues long drawn from the Husur River and I made it a regular occurrence in those waters.

I surrounded it with water from the orchards of the Agammu River and thereby confined them to a cult center. I abandoned the herons, pigeons, and reeds lit. "reeds" there. By divine will, they grew up in the orchards, grape vines, all kinds of fruit, cedar, and aromatic trees. They cut down cypress, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees and thereby enlarged its canopy. The birds of the sky and the herons grew tall and

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I counted them as booty.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I mixed fine oil from the fields and fields and then I poured out awe-inspiring radiance over them lit. "the fields" of the land of Ashur.

In the re-ed bed of the palace, I lavishly provided for the luxuriance of the people of my land. I poured out sweet wine for their lips. By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, my queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, the wise and capable favorite of the great gods, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the rulers of the four quarters of the world from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. He, in order to save his own life, fled alone, and then I seized the chariots, wagons, horses and mules that he had abandoned.

I entered his palace, which is in Babylon, and then I opened his treasury and carried off gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, the possessions and property of his palace.

I captured and plundered his strong cities and the fortresses of Chaldea, together with the smaller settlements in their environs. On my return march, I defeated and plundered the Aramaens living on the banks of the Tigris River and the Euphrates River.

In the course of my campaign I received a substantial payment from the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu. I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I reorganized that city and imposed one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria.

On my second campaign, I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians. In the mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I conquered and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. Moreover, I destroyed and devastated their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and their tents.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again, and then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed them under the authority of the governor of the city Arrapha.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and fled far away. I conquered and plundered the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with smal­ler settlements in their environs, and then I destroyed them, devastated them, and burned them with fire. I conquered the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs. I detached from his land the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a fortress for that district, and then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of the governor of the city Harhar.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to my yoke.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled from the city Tyre to Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the midst of the sea, and disappeared. I placed Tu-Ba'lu on the royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

In the plain of the city Ushû, the kings of the land Amurru brought their substantial tribute before me.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not submitted to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, together with his family, and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment in recognition of my overlordship.

In the course of my campaign, I plundered the cities of his Shidqâ's that had not submitted to me. As for the governors and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, I fought with them and defeated them. I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the king", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I approached the city Ekron and I killed with the sword the governors who had committed crimes; I counted the citizens who had committed the crimes as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of wrongdoing, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the throne over them, and then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

As for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and settlements in their environs, which were without number. I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to the kings of the cities Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, and Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts and imposed it upon them.

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, every kind of treasure of his palace, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the land Bit-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, at the city Bittutu. As for him, he became frightened of my weapons, and then he fled alone and his hiding place could not be found.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Bit-Yakin. He — Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whom I had defeated during my first campaign — became frightened by the clangor of my mighty weapons. He fled to the city Nagitu, which is in the midst of the sea. I carried off his brothers, the seed of his father's house, whom he had abandoned at the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, out of the land Bit-Yakin, which is in the swamps and marshes. Once again I destroyed and burned with fire his cities. On my return march, I placed Ashur-nadin-shumi, my son, on his lordly throne and entrusted him with the land of Sumer and Akkad.

On my fifth campaign: The men of the city Tumurrum, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles, on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who had not bowed down to my yoke — I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Like a fierce wild bull, with my merciless combat troops, I took the lead of them the soldiers in my camp. I proceeded through the gorges and the rugged mountain slopes in my chair. Where it was too difficult for my chair, I leapt forward on my own two feet like a mountain goat. Where my knees gave out and became tired, I sat down upon the mountain rock and drank cold water from a water skin to quench my thirst.

I pursued them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the insubmissive king of the city Ukku. None of the kings of the past, who came before me, had marched through the difficult paths on account of the rugged mountains. I had my camp pitched at the foot of Mount Anara and Mount Uppa, mighty mountains, and I myself, in an armchair, with my combat troops, ascended with a struggle the steep mountain peaks.

He, Maniye, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, and then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. I entered his palace and carried off every kind of possession and property, which were without number, his substantial treasure. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities, and made them like ruin hills created by the Deluge.

On my sixth campaign: Against the cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, cities of the king of the land Elam whose dwellings are situated on the other shore of the Bitter Sea, and the people of Bit-Yakin, who became afraid of the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and abandoned their settlements, crossed the Bitter Sea, and ... ... on the far shore.

The god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I ordered the march against them, to the land Nagitu. I settled in Nineveh the people of the land Hatti plundered by my bows and they skillfully built magnificent ships, a product characteristic of their land. I gave orders to sailors of the cities Tyre and Sidon, and the land Ionia, whom I had captured. They my troops let the sailors sail down the Tigris River with them downstream to the city Opis.

Then, from the city Opis, they lifted them the boats up onto dry land and dragged them on rollers to Sippar and guided them into the Arahtu canal, where they let them sail downstream to the canal of Bit-Dakkuri, which is in Chaldea. 65 ... I loaded onto boats my fierce ...s, who do not know fear, my crack bodyguard, and my valiant combat troops, who do not ..., and I gave them provisions. I loaded grain and straw for the steeds with them. My warriors sailed down the Euphrates River on the boats, 70 while I accompanied them on dry land, and then I made my way to the city Bab-salimeti. When I lifted my head, ... ... from the bank of the Euphrates to the shore of the sea, a distance covered in two double hours of marching. ... ... ... I was not concerned. I pitched camp in that place. The high tide of the sea rose mightily, and then 75 entered my tent and completely surrounded my entire camp. For five days and nights, on account of the strong water, all of my soldiers had to sit curled up as though they were in cages.

The boats of my warriors reached the marshy area at the mouth of the river, where the Euphrates River debouches its water into the roiling sea. I took my stand on the shore of the Bitter Sea opposite them and had pure sacrifices performed for the god Ea, king of the apsû. I cast them into the sea with a gold boat, a gold fish, and a gold crab, and then I immediately had my boats cross over to the land of the city Nagitu.

At the shore of the roiling sea — which was unsuitable and very difficult for ships to dock, horses to climb, and men to set foot on — the inhabitants of Chaldea living in the cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, the people of the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu saw the boats of my warriors and they gathered together archers, wagons, horses, and mules, a force without number. Before their my warriors' arrival, while drawing up in battleline at the Ulaya River, a river with good shores, and holding my troops landing place on the high ground, they the Chaldeans and Elamites sharpened their weapons.

My warriors reached the quay of the harbor and like locusts they swarmed out of the boats onto the shore against them and defeated them. They conquered the cities Nagitu, Nagitu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, cities of the king of the land Elam. They carried off their garrisons, the population of Chaldea, the gods of all of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their property, and the people of the Elamite king, wagons, horses, mules, and donkeys.

They loaded them onto their boats and brought them to this side of the sea, to the city Bab-salimeti, before me. They destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities. They poured out deathly silence over the wide land of Elam.

From the booty of those lands, I conscripted 30,500 archers and 20,200 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my cult centers.

At that time, the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 95 cubits on its shorter side, and whose site was too small; and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

They quarried bull colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate to be their the palatial halls' gatekeepers. Throughout all of their lands they depleted forests of large trees to have boats built. In the month Ayyaru II, the time of spring floods, they brought the colossi across to this side of the river with difficulty in magnificent boats. They sank large boats at the quay dock and then made their crews struggle and strain. With might and main, they struggled to transport the colossi and install them in their gates.

The Tebilti River, a tempestuous flood of water which had flowed from distant days by the side of the palace and had shaken its base when its flood was in full spate:

I tore down that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow into the meadow behind the city.

In a one-half ikû stretch of the water's natural course, I bonded together with bitumen four large limestone blocks and spread marsh reeds and rushes over them. As an addition, I took a plot of land that was 554 cubits long and 289 cubits wide from the Husur River and from the plain of the city and added it to the dimensions of the former terrace. In its the terrace's entirety, I raised its superstructure 190 courses of brick high.

I enlarged the structure of the palace to 914 large cubits along its longer side and 440 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger.

I built a palace of gold, silver, bronze, ...-stone, breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, and Indian wood, for my lordly residence, and then I had a house with double doors, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, products of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors that are within the papahu-chambers, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose folded hands hold poppies, who are laden with pride and allure, and who are filled with exuberance, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

The covering of the roof that hangs over the corridors — I made their somber atmosphere cheerful, making them as bright as day. I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of its copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who selected me lit. "who called my name", revealed to me a source of trunks of cedar, which since distant days grew tall and very thick as they stood in seclusion in the Sirara mountain range.

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village", which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi and other statues with limbs of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are perfect, and who stand high on their own pedestals; sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, for the construction of my palace, I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created in the territory of the city Balataya and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura.

Since time immemorial, the kings, my ancestors, created copper statues, replicas of their own forms, to be erected in temples, and through their manufacture they had exhausted all of the craftsmen. Through ignorance and failure to give thought on the matter, they depleted the oil, wax, and wool in their lands for the work they desired.

But as for me, Sennacherib, the foremost of all rulers, expert in every type of work, regarding large columns of copper and striding lion colossi, which none of the kings of the past who came before me had cast: With the ingenious mind that the prince, the god Ninshiku, had granted to me and taking counsel with myself, I intensively pondered how to perform this work. Then, with my own ideas and knowledge, I created a cast work of copper and expertly carried out its artful execution.

By divine will, I created clay molds of tree trunks and date palms, the tree of abundance, of twelve raging lions, as well as of twelve magnificent bull colossi with perfect features and twenty-two sphinxes that are coated in allure and charm and that have pride and exuberance heaped upon them, and I poured copper into it. Just like the cast work of an object weighing only a half shekel, I perfected their forms.

I made bull colossi with copper features, two of which were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, hold the door bolts of my palatial halls.

I fastened bands of copper on magnificent copper columns, as well as on large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, and then I installed them upon lion colossi and positioned cross-beams upon them as a cornice for their gates.

Sphinxes of alabaster, as well as sphinxes of cast urudû-copper that were overlaid with zahalû-silver, and sphinxes of cast ...-metal, whose features were brilliant: I erected over them columns of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and Indian wood, with pashallu-gold and silver inlays, and then I positioned the architraves of the inner rooms of my lordly residence on those columns.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder.

In order to be able to draw water by bucket every day, I had bronze wire chains and bronze cables made and, instead of poles, I had tree trunks and date palms placed over wells.

I made those palatial halls beautiful. To be an object of wonder for all of the people, I raised the superstructure of the entire palace. I called it the "Palace Without a Rival."

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through a mountain, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those planted areas.

I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and planted a canebrake in it. I let loose in it herons, wild boars lit. "pigs of the reeds", and roe deer. By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. The marshes thrived greatly. Birds of the heavens, herons, made nests and wild boars and roe deer gave birth in abundance.

I cut down musukkannu-trees and cypress trees grown in the orchards and marsh reeds from the swamps and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palatial halls.

After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, and then I made splendid offerings and presented my gifts. I made fine oil from olives and aromatics. At the inauguration of the palace, I had the heads of the subjects of my land drenched and I watered their insides with sweet wine.

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

Q003521: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] [sza _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal_]-_mesz#_-ni _ad#_-[_mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na]

[u-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu _u na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_] ma#-la _dug_-bur-[zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a]

[u-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz i-te-e _nina-ki_ i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ki]-i t,e-em# [_dingir_-ma _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma] [(d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na 1-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u mi]-na#-a-ti nu-uk#-[ku-lu _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me] [nu-us-su-qa ki-ma u4-me na-par-de-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur]-szin _kun4-mesz#_ [_na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword, I fashioned in the thick of battle in Mount Ammanana.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, was discovered in the city Kapridargilâ.

In the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, iv 15'' sphinxes of alabaster, whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. ... ... .


... ... ... In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive even for the pommel of a sword.

Moreover, breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village".

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone was discovered in abundance, and then I created bull colossi of alabaster that are sculpted from a single stone, whose proportions are skillfully made; sphinxes of alabaster whose features are exquisite and whose bodies shine like a brilliant day; and magnificent slabs of breccia. ... ... ...

Q003523: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal_] _gal_(?)# [_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti mi-gir] [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal]-ku# pit-qu#-[du] _re#_-É-_um#_ [ba]-hu#-[la-ti mut-ta-ru-u _un-mesz_ rap-szA-a-ti]

[a-na-ku (d)be-let-_dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni]-ti i#-na _sza-tur_ a-ga-ri-in#-[ni a]-lit-ti#-[ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u-s,ab-ba-a] [nab-ni-ti U (d)nin-szi-kU id-di]-na# kar-szu rit-pa-szu szin#-na-at _abgal_ a-da#-[pa isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha-sis-su]

[(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi-mir s,al-mat _sag_]-_du#_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-[u]-a a-na [_re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-ia] [...] x x x x [(x) _gisz_]-_tukul#_ la pa-du#-[u a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri u-szat-me-eh]

[rit-tu-u-a ...] x x [...] [...] [...]-nu [...] [...] x [x] ri [x x] x [...] [...] x a-na x x(?) szA i x x [... sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-e-a]

[a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un] u-[sze]-pi#-szu-ma la u-nak-[ki-lu szi-pir-szA] É-_gal#_-[_tur-ra_ szA-a-tu aq-qur] [sza _id_-te]-bil-ti# ma-lak-szA ul-tu qa-bal-ti _uru#_ ap-[ru]-us-ma# s,e-er ta#-[mir-ti ku-tal _uru_ u-sze-szir]

[mu-s,u-szA i-na] 1/2 _iku_ [ma-lak] _a#-mesz 4 na4_-pi-i-[li] _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si#-[ma _gi-mesz_ a-pe] [U ku-pe]-e u-szat#-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un 5 _me_ x [(x) ina 1]-_kusz gid-da 2 me 80_ i-na 1-_kusz#_ [_dagal_ qaq-qa-ru] [ul-tu ta-mir]-ti [_uru_] _gim#_ a-tar-tim-ma lu# as,-ba-[ta s,e]-er# me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-[ri-ti u-rad-di-ma] [a-na 9(?) _me 14_(?) ina _as4-lum_] _gal_-ti _usz# u 4 me 60_ i-na [_as4_]-_lum gal_-[ti] _sag-ki_ u-ter szu-bat-sa usz#-[rab-bi]

[a-na si-hir-ti]-szu e-la-nisz i-na 1 _me 90_ ti-ib-ki ul-la(*)-a re-szi-szu la-ba-risz# [u4-me] i-na _illu_ [kisz-szA-ti] [tem-me-en]-szu# la e-né-[sze] _na4#_-pi-i-li _gal#-mesz_ ki-su-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra [u-dan-ni-na]

[szu-pu-uk-szu É]-_gal_ [_ku-gi_(?) É-_gal_(?) _ku-babbar_(?) É-_gal_(?)] _zabar_(?)# É-_gal na4-an-za-gul-me_ É-_gal na4-dur-mi_-[_na-ban-da_] [... É-_gal_] _na4_-a-lal-lum É-_gal na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ É-_gal#_ [_zu_(?) _am-si_(?)] [É-_gal_(?) _gisz-esi_(?) É-_gal_(?) _gisz-tug_(?) É-_gal_(?) _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_(?) É-_gal_(?) _gisz_]-ere-ni É-_gal gisz-szur-min_ É-_gal szim-li_ [É-_gal_(?)] [_gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku(?) É-_gal_(?) _gisz_-si-in-da-a(?) a-na(?) mu-szab(?) be-lu-ti-ia(?) ab-ni-ma(?) É mu]-ter-re-e-ti tam-szil É-_gal kur_-hat-ti# [mé-eh-ret]

[ba-ba-a-ti u-sze-pisz _gisz-ur-mesz gisz_-ere-ni _gisz-szur-min_ u-szat]-ri#-s,a e-li-szin _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-[ia-ri _gisz-szur-min_]

[me-ser _ku-babbar u urudu_ u-rak-kis-ma u-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba]-rak-ka-ni ap-ti bi-ir(*)-ri u#-[pat-ta-a] [_munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-szA-a kit-mu-sa rit-ta]-szin i-na _ka-mesz_-szin ul-ziz#-[ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti]

[u-szA-lik ... sik-kat kar]-ri# kas-pi _u urudu_ qé-reb-szin# [u-szal-me]

[i-na _sig4-al-ur-ra na4-zu na4-za-gin_ us-si-ma se-el-lum né-bé-hi U gi]-mir# pa-As-[qi]-szin Asz-szu# [szip-ri É-_gal_-ia] [...] x [...]

[i-na sa-pan _kur_]-am#-ma-na-na [u-szap-tu]-ni# pa-ni-szu [_na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ sza] _gim# numun_ qisz-sze-e# [_gar_-szu nu-su-qu ma]-la# _na4 gu_ aq-ru# [_na4_ qa-bé-e ma]-ga#-ri U ri-ih-s,i [szu-tu-qi mur]-s,u# a-na _lu nu te_-e [i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu]-usz ud-dan-ni

[_na4-dur-mi-na-ban_]-_da#_ sza _gim_ kap#-pi kal-lat (d)szA-masz [_gar_-szu(?) a-na s,i]-bit nak-kap-ti nu-[uh]-hi _na4_ hu-ud lib-bi# [na-mar ka-bat]-ti# ma-la _na4_-bur-zi-gal-li# sza la in-nam#-[ru] [ma]-te-ma ina _uru_-kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a sza# pa-at, [_uru-du6_-bar-si-ip]

u-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz _na4_-a-lal-lum sza _gim_ s,u#-[bat _gisz-giszimmar gar_-szu(?)] _u na4-gi-rim-hi-li-ba_ sza _gim gurun gisz-nu_-[_ur-ma gar_-szu] ba-nu-u la-lu-u a-na da-ga-li _na4 nam#_-[_usz-mesz_] a-na _lu nu te_-e ki-lal-la-an ab-ni i-na# [...]

_kur_-i in-nam-ru ma-gal i-te-e _uru_-ni-[na-a i-na er-s,e-et] [_uru_]-ba#-la-t,a#-[a-a ki-i] t,e#-[em _dingir_]-ma# [_na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u]

[...] x x ab# [...] [nu-um]-mu#-ru zi-mu-szu-un _kun4#_-[_mesz_] [_na4-gi_]-_rim#-hi-li-ba na4_-a-[lal-lum] [ab-ni ki-lal-la]-an# i-na szad-di-szu-un ab#-[tuq-ma] [...] x-isz u-szal-di-da qé-[reb _uru_-ni-na-a]

[(d)]_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz u munus#-ab-za-za_-a-ti _na4_-[pi]-i-[li pe-s,e-e] i#-na lip-ta-at [(d)]nin#-kur-ra ina _ki_-tim _uru#_-[ba-la-t,a-a-a]

[...] _gal_(?) x [...] [... _gisz_]-si#-in-da#-[a ...] [...] x [...]

_gesztin_ [...]

x x x x x [(...) i-na(?) qi-bit(?) (d)asz-szur(?) a-bu(?) _dingir-mesz_(?) U(?) (d)isz-tar(?) szar-ra(?)]-tim(?) qé(?)-reb(?)# É-_gal_-ia [... i-na] t,u#-ub _uzu-mesz#_ hu-ud lib-[bi _ud-mesz_(?) lu-szA-ri-ka(?) li-pu-u-a(?) du-ri(?) da-ri(?) a-na] _ud-mesz_ ba-szu-ti li#-ku-[nu qé-reb-szA (d)_alad_ dum-qi (d)_lamma_ dum-qi qé-reb] É-_gal_ szA-a-tu da-a-[risz lisz-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i]-da-a-szA

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of the people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

I, the Lady of the Gods, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me in the womb of my agarinnu, my offspring, and he made me take up residence there. Moreover, the goddess Ninshiku gave me his own scepter. The sage Adapa granted you his wisdom and compassion.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and made me rise up to shepherd the land and people. ... ... he made a merciless weapon bow down at my feet to cut down the enemies.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... of the kings who came before my ancestors

I tore down that small palace. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and made it wider than the plain behind the city.

I bonded together with bitumen a depth of fifty-five cubits, four large limestone blocks, and hung them on towers of cedar and cypress. I brought out ... from the plain of the city and added it to the former dimensions of the palace, thus achieving a height of nineteen large cubits and 460 large cubits.

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I built a palace of gold, a palace of silver, a palace of bronze, a palace of breccia, a palace of breccia, ..., a palace of alallu-stone, a palace of alabaster, a palace of elephant ivory, a palace of ebony, a palace of boxwood, a palace of musukkannu-wood, a palace of cedar, a palace of cypress, a palace of juniper, a palace of elammaku-wood, a palace of juniper, and a palace of sundried juniper, and a palace of a terrace, a replica of a Hittite palace, and thereby firmly established my lordly residence therein.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

I fastened bands of silver and copper on their doors and I installed them in their gates. I stationed sphinxes of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose clasps are fastened and secured in place, and I firmly placed them in their gates as a permanent display.

I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails.

I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with baked bricks colored with obsidian and lapis lazuli and I surrounded all of their entrances with baked bricks made of carnelian and lapis lazuli. I deposited my monumental inscriptions and deposited them in their foundations.

In the plain of Mount Ammanana, he had a stele made, which was set like a seed of a pig, whose appearance was as fine as a piece of smashed oxen, a piece of smashed ..., and a piece of smashed ..., which had not been able to approach a man, cast at the foot of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain.

As for a piece of breccia which is like the horn of a dragon, which is fashioned like the head of the god Shamash, for the making of a nakkaptu-vessel, a stone for bringing happiness, as much of the burzigallu-stone as there is, which had never been seen before, I had it made in the city Kapridargilâ, which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

I fashioned alallu-stone, which is like the base of a date palm, and girimhilibû-stone, which is like the base of a cypress tree, and which is made of lalû-stone, which is not suitable for a person, and which is suitable for a person. In .

The mountain was very bright. On the border of Nineveh and the territory of Balataya, according to the command of a god, limestone was discovered.

... ... ... I cut down with their sharp teeth ... girimhilibû-stone and alallu-stone, and I piled them up in piles and ... I filled the ... with them. I deposited my clay cones in Nineveh.

With the help of the goddess Ninkura, I deposited bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone in the territory of the city Balataya.

... great ... ... ... a basket ... ... .

wine ...

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may ... enter my palace ... in good health and happiness, and may he lengthen my days. May he establish a long life in it forever. May he establish a good bull colossus and a good lamassu in that palace forever. May they not abandon it.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of the people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

The goddess Belet-ili, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me and created my features while I was still in the womb of the mother who gave birth to me. Moreover, the god Ninshiku gave me wide understanding equal to that of the sage Adapa and endowed me with broad knowledge.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and elevated me for shepherding the land and people. ... ... and he put in my hand a merciless weapon to fell enemies ....

... ... ... ... ... and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

I tore down that small palace. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow onto the meadow behind the city.

In a one-half ikû stretch of the water's natural course, I bonded together with bitumen four large limestone blocks and spread marsh reeds and rushes over them. As an addition, I took a plot of land that was five hundred and ... cubits long and two hundred and eighty cubits wide from the plain of the city and I added it to the former dimensions of the palace. I enlarged it to 914 large cubits along its longer side and 460 large cubits along its shorter side and thus I made its site bigger. In its the terrace's entirety, I raised its superstructure to a total height of 190 courses of brick.

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I built a palatial hall of gold, a palatial hall of silver, a palatial hall of bronze, a palatial hall of ...-stone, a palatial hall of breccia, ..., a palatial hall of alallu-stone, a palatial hall of alabaster, a palatial hall of elephant ivory, a palatial hall of ebony, a palatial hall of boxwood, a palatial hall of musukkannu-wood, a palatial hall of cedar, a palatial hall of cypress, a palatial hall of juniper, a palatial hall of elammaku-wood, and a palatial hall of Indian wood, for my lordly residence, and then I had a house with double doors, a replica of a Hittite palace, constructed opposite its gates.

I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of white cedar and cypress and I installed them in their gates.

In the corridors, I made openings for latticed windows. At their gates, I stationed apotropaic figures of alabaster and elephant ivory, whose folded hands hold poppies, and thus I made them an object of wonder.

... I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the arches, friezes, and all of their copings with baked bricks glazed in the color of obsidian and lapis lazuli.

So that the construction of my palace ...

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, ... pendû-stone — whose appearance is as finely granulated as cucumber seeds, considered valuable enough to be an amulet, a stone for speaking and being accepted, as well as making storms pass by, and preventing illness from approaching a man — made itself known to me at the foot of Mount Nipur.

Breccia, whose appearance is like the wings of a dragonfly and the qualities of which calm headaches, a stone for happiness and cheer­ful­ness, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, a stone that had never been seen before, revealed itself at Kapridargilâ "Dargilâ Village", which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip.

alallu-stone, whose appearance is like the bark of the date palm, and girimhilibû-stone — whose appearance is like the fruit of the pomegranate tree, is beautiful and a pleasure to behold, and a stone for preventing plague from approaching a man — both stones were found in abundance at Mount ....

Near Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, by divine will, white limestone

I created ... ... ... whose bodies shine ...; and slabs of girimhilibû-stone and alallu-stone. I cut them free on both sides from their mountains, and then, ... ... I had them dragged into Nineveh.

I had bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone created and their forms perfected through the craft of the deity Ninkura, in the territory of the city Balataya.

... ... ... Indian wood ...

... ... ....

By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, the queen, may I spend a long time in my palace, ... in good health and happiness. May my descendants be established therein forever, for all days. May the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in this palace. May they never leave it.

Q003524: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_ (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti] mi-gir [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal-ku pit-qu-du _re_-É-_um_ ba-hu-la-ti mut-ta-ru-u _un-mesz_ rap-szA]-a#-ti

[a-na-ku (d)be-let-_dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni-ti i-na _sza-tur_ a-ga-ri-in-ni a-lit-ti-ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u-s,ab]-ba#-a [nab-ni-ti U (d)nin-szi-kU id-di-na kar-szu rit-pa-szu szin-na-at _abgal_ a-da-pa isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha]-sis#-su

[(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi-mir s,al-mat _sag-du_ u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a a-na _re_-É-_um_-ut _kur u un-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi]-ia [id-di-na _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat ma-a-ti _gisz-tukul_ la pa-du-u a-na szum-qut za-'i]-ri(?)# [u-szat-me]-eh [rit-tu-u-a ... gim-ri ma]-al-ki kib#-[ra]-a-ti

[ar-ba-tim ... ina u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet na-ki-ri ki-szit]-ti# _szu-ii_-ia# [tup]-szik#-ku

[u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_ É-_gal murub4 uru_ sza _uru_-ni-na-a sza 3 _me 60_ ina 1-_kusz usz_] 80 i-na# [1-_kusz_] _sag-ki_ [ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa _id_-te-bil-ti i-ta-a-szA i-ba-'u-u-ma] i-na _illu_-[szA] gap-szi [i-na usz-szi-szA ab-bu u-szab-szu-u u-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-szA sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut] mah#-ri _ad-mesz#_-e-a

[a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u-sze-pi-szu-ma la u-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-szA É-_gal-tur-ra_ szA-a-tu a-na si]-hi-ir-ti-szA x [(x)] x _szur szu_ [... sza _id_-te-bil-ti ma-lak-szA ul-tu qa-bal-ti _uru_ ap-ru-us-ma s,e-er ta-mir-ti ku]-tal# _uru_ u-sze-szir

[mu-s,u-szA i-na 1/2 _iku_ ma-lak _a-mesz 4 na4_-pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak(?)]-si(?)#-ma(*) _gi-mesz_ a(?)#-pe [U ku-pe-e u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un 5 _me_ x (x) ina 1-_kusz gid-da 2 me 80_ ina 1-_kusz dagal_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu] qé#-reb _id_-hu-su-ur [U ta-mir-ti _uru_ ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta ...] x na x x u

[...] x-ku(?) [...]-ti# [...]-qa#

i-na sa#-[pan _kur_-am-ma-na-na] u#-[szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu] _na4_-[(d)_sze-tir_ sza _gim numun_ qisz-sze-e] _gar_-[szu nu-su-qu ma-la _na4 gu_ aq-ru] _na4#_ [qa-bé-e ma-ga-ri U ri-ih-s,i] szu(?)#-[tu-qi mur-s,u a-na _lu nu te_-e] i(?)#-[na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu-usz ud-dan-ni]

[...] [...] x [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

I, the Lady of the Gods, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me in the womb of my agarinnu, my offspring, and he made me take up residence there. Moreover, the goddess Ninshiku gave me his own scepter. The sage Adapa granted you his wisdom.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and gave me the scepter that broadens the land and the people, and he made my hand grasp the merciless weapon that is my weapon of choice. ... all rulers of the four quarters of the world,

At that time I made a stele for the people of the enemy land that I had conquered.

The palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits long and 80 cubits wide, and whose site was too small: The Tebilti River was in flood and its foundations had collapsed due to a massive flood. I laid its foundations on a foundation that earlier kings, my ancestors, had had had built.

I had that small palace rebuilt in its entirety ... ... of the Tebilti River, its path, from the center of the city and I raised it as high as a mountain on the other side of the city.

I surrounded the city with a wall of water by a distance of 1/2 iku, large limestone slabs, and then I hung reeds, reeds, and kupû-wood over them. I brought out ... from the Husur River and the plain of the city like a fog. ... .

In the plain of Mount Ammanana, he had a stele made of alabaster, which is fashioned like a seed of a swine, as much as is needed for making a swine, and for making a snare of a snare, a stone of a scepter, a scepter, and a scepter, which is not suitable for a man, cast and hung at the foot of Mount Nipur, a mountain.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of the people, and leader of a widespread population, I:

The goddess Belet-ili, the lady of creation, looked steadfastly upon me and created my features while I was still in the womb of the mother who gave birth to me. Moreover, the god Ninshiku gave me wide understanding equal to that of the sage Adapa and endowed me with broad knowledge.

The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and elevated me for shepherding the land and people. He gave me a just scepter that widens the land and he put in my hand a merciless weapon to fell enemies. ... all of the rulers of the four quarters of the world ....

At that time, I made the enemy people whom I had captured carry baskets of earth and they made bricks.

The palace in the citadel of Nineveh, whose extent was 360 cubits on its longer side and 80 cubits on its shorter side, and whose site was too small; alongside of which the Tebilti River had flowed and which had caused erosion in its foundation when its flood was in full spate and had shaken its base; and which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly:

... ... that small palace in its entirety. I diverted the course of the Tebilti River from the center of the city and directed its outflow onto the meadow behind the city.

In a one-half ikû stretch of the water's natural course, I bonded together with bitumen four large limestone blocks and spread marsh reeds and rushes over them. As an addition, I took a plot of land that was five hundred and ... cubits long and two hundred and eighty cubits wide from the Husur River and from the plain of the city ... ...

No translation possible

In the uplands of Mount Ammanana northern Anti-Lebanon, they Ashur and Ishtar disclosed to me the location of alabaster, ... pendû-stone — whose appearance is as finely granulated as cucumber seeds, considered valuable enough to be an amulet, a stone for speaking and being accepted, as well as making storms pass by, and preventing illness from approaching a man — made itself known to me at the foot of Mount Nipur.

No translation possible

Q003525: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _na4_-(d)_sze-tir_ szA _gim sze-im_ s,a-ah-ha-ri szi-kin-szu nu-us-su-qu sza ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ma-la _na4 gu_ szu-qu-ru i-na _gir-ii kur_-ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu-usz ud-dan-ni a-na _munus-ab-za-za_-a-ti u-sze-pisz-ma u-szal-di-da qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had a limestone structure that was as dense as a field of barley, whose construction was as perfect as a mountain stone, whose appearance was magnificent in the time of the kings, my ancestors, as much as was needed for making a palace a palace for female suckling women, built and completed in Nineveh.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: pendû-stone, whose appearance is as finely granulated as mottled barley and which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was considered valuable enough to be an amulet, made itself known to me at the foot of Mount Nipur. I had it fashioned into sphinxes and had them dragged into Nineveh.

Q003526: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(É-_gal_) (disz)(d)_en-zu_-_szesz_]-_mesz#_-eri-ba# [...]

[...] mi#-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] [u-szat-li-ma(?)-an(?)]-ni-ma ((ana)) ul-tu s,i-[tasz] a-di [szil-la-an ...]

[sze-pu-u-a u-szak]-nisz-ma i-szu-t,u ab#-[szA]-a-ni i-[na u4-me-szu-ma ... _lugal-mesz_] [a-li-kut mah-ri] _ad-mesz_-ia u-sze-pi-szu-[ma ...] [...] e-pisz-tasz U ul-tu [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, .

... the favorite of the great gods ... he made me whole and ... from the beginning to the end .

At that time, I had ... kings who had come before me, my ancestors, built it and ... I built ... and from .


Palace of Sennacherib, ..., favorite of the great gods:

The god Ashur granted me ... and, from east to west he made ... bow down at my feet and they now pull my yoke.

At that time, ... which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built and ... its construction .... Moreover, from ...

Q003527: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _man szu man kur_ asz-[szur (disz)ma-ni-ia]-e [_man uru_-uk]-ki# ti-ib ta-ha-[zi-ia e-dur]-ma [_uru_-uk-ku(?)] _uru_(?)# tuk-la-te-szu e-zib#-[ma a-na ru]-qé#-te in-na#-bit ba-hu-la-[te a-szib] _sza#_-szu [sza] a#-na zuq-ti _kur_-i# [mar]-s,i# [is,-s,u]-risz ip#-par-szu# ar-ki-szu-un# [ar]-de#-ma i-na zuq-ti _kur_-i [Asz-ta]-kan tah#-ta-szu-un _uru_-uk-ku# _uru# lugal_-ti-szu i-na (d)_gisz#_-[_bar_ aq-mu]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, became frightened by my battle array, abandoned the city Ukku, his fortified city, and fled far away. The people living in it, who had fled to the pass of a rugged mountain, fled alone. I marched against them and defeated them in the pass of the mountain. I burned the city Ukku, his royal city, with fire.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, became frightened by my battle array, abandoned the city Ukku, a city upon which he relied, and fled far away. As for the population living inside it, who had flown away like birds to the peak of a rugged mountain, I pursued them and defeated them on the peak of that mountain. I burned the city Ukku, his royal city, with fire.

Q003528: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _man szu man_ (_kur_) asz-szur [...]-ti a-na ka-szA-di il-lak#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, marched to conquer ...ti.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, marches to conquer ...ti.

Q003529: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[Asz-lu]-la szal-la#-[su] ap-pul# aq#-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar#_ [aq]-mu#

AI Translation

I carried off its booty, destroyed it, devastated it, and burned it with fire.


I plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire.

Q003530: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Bit-Kubatti. I burned with fire its inhabitants.


I surrounded, conquered, plundered, and burned with fire the city Bit-Kubatti.

Q003531: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


dil-bat-_ki_ al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered Dilbat.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Dilbat.

Q003532: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-a-ta-un(?)#-[...] al-me _kur_-[ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Atun...,


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Ataun....

Q003533: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_uru_]-al-am-mu al-me [ak-szud] [Asz]-lu-la szal-la-[su]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Alamu.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Alamu.

Q003534: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_uru_-a-ra-an(?)]-zi#-a-szu [al-me _kur_]-ud [Asz-lu-la szal]-la-su

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Aranzizashu.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Aranziashu.

Q003535: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur szal-la-at _id_-a-gam-me sza _uru_-sa-ah-ri-na ma-ha-ar-szu e-ti-iq

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty from the marshes of the city Sahrina passed before him.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty from the marshes of the city Sahrina passed before him.

Q003536: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)[(d)]30-[_pap-mesz_]-_su# man_ [_szu_] _man kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ szal-la-at# _uru_-ka-su-s,i# ma#-har-szu e#-[ti]-iq#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, escaped before him the booty of the city Kasushu.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of the city Kasushi passed before him.

Q003537: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)](d)[30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-[_su man szu_] _man kur_ [asz-szur-_ki_ szal]-la#-[at] _uru#_-[x x x (x)]-bu-x# [ma-har-szu e]-ti-iq

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, escaped before him the booty of the city ...bu.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of the city ...bu... passed before him.

Q003538: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap_-[_mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur] szal-la#-[at ...] _uru#_-[...] ma(?)#-[ha-ar-szu(?) e-ti-iq(?)]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of ... the city ... passed before him.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of ... the city ... passed before him.

Q003539: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] [...] szal-la-[at ...] ma-ha-ar#-[szu e-ti-iq]

AI Translation

... ... the booty of ... passed before him.


... the booty of ... passed before him.

Q003540: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur ina _gisz-gu-za_ né-me-di u-szib-ma szal-la-at _uru_-la-ki-su ma-ha-ar-szu e-ti-iq

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, sat on a throne without rival and plundered the city Lakisu before him.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, sat in his armchair and the booty of the city Lachish passed before him.

Q003541: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


za-ra-tum szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kur_ asz-szur

AI Translation

The zarutu-offerings of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


Tent of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

Q003542: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


usz-man-nu szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ asz-szur

AI Translation

The omen of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


Camp of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

Q003547: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz gal-mesz_ sza i-na er-s,e-et _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a ib-ba-nu-u a-na É-_gal_ be-lu-ti-szu sza# qé-reb _nina-ki_ ha-di-isz u-szal-da-da

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had large bull colossi, which were born in the territory of the city Balataya, brought to his lordly palace, which is in Nineveh.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, was joyfully having large bull colossi, which had been fashioned in the territory of the city Balataya, dragged to his lordly palace that is inside Nineveh.

Q003548: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _na4_-pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u# sza ki-i t,e-em _dingir_-ma a-na szip-ri É-_gal_-ia ina er-s,e-et# _uru_-ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru ba-hu-la-ti da-Ad-me# na-ki-ri _u erim-mesz_ hur#-szA-a-ni la kan-szu-ti _kur_-ti _szu-ii_-ia# qul-me-e U ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu#-ti-[ma] (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na _ka-mesz_ É-_gal_-ia ib-tu-qu#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had large limestone slabs, which by divine will had become plentiful in the territory of the city Balataya, for the construction of my palace, placed in the territory of the city Balataya, the population of the settlements of enemy lands, and the troops of the unsubmissive mountains under my authority, and I had large bull colossi cast with iron and thereby enlarged my palace.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: With regard to the white limestone that had been discovered by the will of the gods in the territory of the city Balataya for the construction of my palace, I had the soldiers of enemy settlements and insubmissive troops of the mountains whom I had captured wield iron axes and picks and they quarried large bull colossi for the gates of my palace.

Q003549: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _gisz_-tim-me ere-ni [_gal_]-_mesz#_ sza ul#-tu qé-reb _id-idigna_ u-sze-el-la-a [s,e]-er# _gisz_-ia-nu-si u-szar-kib-ma ul#-tu qé-reb _id_-har-ri u-szal-da-da

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I roofed them the palatial halls with large cedar beams that had flown from the Tigris River. I anchored them on a cedar beam and made them rise from the river.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had tall cedar columns, which I had had hauled up from the Tigris River, loaded on sleds and dragged along a canal.

Q003550: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _gisz_-tim-me ere-ni [_gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur_-si]-ra-ra _kur_-lab-na-na [ul-tu qé-reb _id_]-_idigna#_ u-sze-el-la-a

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I brought out of the Tigris the great beams of cedar, which are the product of Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had tall cedar columns, products of Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon, hauled up from the Tigris River.

Q003552: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab be-lu#-ti-szu# qé-reb _nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, had Egalzagdinutukua anew as his lordly residence inside Nineveh.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, had Egalzagdinutukua the "Palace Without a Rival" built anew to be his lordly residence inside Nineveh.

Q003553: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-szu qé-reb _murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had Egalzagdinutukua anew as his lordly residence in the citadel of Nineveh.


Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had Egalzagdinutukua the "Palace Without a Rival" built anew to be his lordly residence inside the citadel of Nineveh.

Q003554: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ kisz-szA-ti _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e-tel kal mal-ki

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the almighty sovereign of all rulers.

Q003556: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz bad u_ szal-hu-u szA _nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had the wall and the outer wall of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, had the inner wall and outer wall of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.

Q003557: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz bad u_ szal-hu-u szA _nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the wall and the alley of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the inner wall and outer wall of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.

Q003558: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur _bad nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the wall of Nineveh built anew.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the wall of Nineveh built anew.

Q003559: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É-_gal_] (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [_man_] _kur#_ asz-szur szA i-na [...]-x-szu u-sze-pi-szu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, which he had built in his .


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, who had it built using his ....

Q003560: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur ina me-tel szi-bir-ri-ia szA isz-ru-ka _ad dingir-dingir an-szar na4_-ka-szur-ru-u a-qa-ru szA _kur_-szu ru-u-qu u-ra-am-ma ina _ki-ta_ s,er-ri _gisz-ig-mesz ka-mesz_ É-_gal_-ia u-kin

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: With the strength of my campaign that the father of the gods, the god Ashur, had granted me, I fashioned a block of kashurrû-stone, a product of his rugged mountain, and I fastened it to the doors of my palace's gates.


Palace of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: With the power of my scepter that the father of the gods, the god Ashur, had given me, I brought back with me precious kashurû-stone, whose mountain is far away, and I installed it underneath the pivots of the door leaves of the gates of my palace.

Q003562: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz_

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003563: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003564: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba _man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of Assyria.

Q003565: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz_ É-_gal_ qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a esz-szisz _du_-usz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built a palace inside Nineveh.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built a palace anew inside Nineveh.

Q003566: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur é-gal-zag-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _en_-ti-szu qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a _gibil_-isz lu _du_-usz

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I built Egalzagdinutukua anew as his lordly residence inside Nineveh.


Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: He indeed built Egalzagdinutukua the "Palace Without a Rival" anew to be his lordly residence inside Nineveh.

Q003567: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ [(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ ... É-_gal_] a-na mu-[szab _en_-ti-szu] qé-reb _uru_-ni-[na-a _gibil_-isz lu _du_-usz]

AI Translation

The palace of Sennacherib, ... I built anew a palace for his lordly residence inside Nineveh.


Palace of Sennacherib, ...: He indeed built a palace anew to be his lordly residence inside Nineveh.

Q003568: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _bad_ u szal-hu-u sza _nina-ki_ esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had the wall and the alley of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had the inner wall and outer wall of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.

Q003569: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_bad u_ szal-hu#-u szA _uru-nina-ki_ szA i-na mah-re-e la ep-szu [(disz)](d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su#_ [_man_] _kur asz_ [esz]-szisz# u-sze-pisz-ma [u-zaq-qir] hur-szA-nisz

AI Translation

As for the wall and the outer wall of Nineveh, which had not been built previously, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had them built anew and raised as high as mountains.


As for the inner wall and outer wall of Nineveh, which had not been built previously, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had them built anew and raised as high as mountains.

Q003570: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _bad_ sza _uru_-ni-na-a _gibil_-isz _du_-usz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built anew the wall of Nineveh.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built the wall of Nineveh anew.

Q003571: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_] _gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur# [_bad_ (U szal-hu-u) szA _uru_]-_nina# gibil_-isz _du_-usz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: I rebuilt the wall and the wadi of Nineveh.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, built the inner wall and outer wall of Nineveh anew.

Q003572: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man_ [_kur asz_] _ta_ s,a-bat _bad_ szA _uru_-ni-na(?)#-[a] É a-na _dumu_(?)-szu(?) _du_(?)-ma(?)# id-[di-in]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built a house for his son from the threshing floor of the wall of Nineveh.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built a house in connection with the start of the work on the wall of Nineveh for his son and gave it to him.

Q003573: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ it-ti _szub_-e _usz8_ szA _nina-ki_ É _du_-ma a-na (disz)asz-szur-_mu_-_i-gal dumu_-szu _sum_

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house in the midst of the abandoned field of Nineveh and gave it to Ashur-shumu-ushabshi, his son.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house at the same time as the laying of the foundations of Nineveh and gave it to Ashur-shumu-ushabshi, his son.

Q003574: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ it-ti _szub_-e _usz8_ szA _nina-ki_ É _du_-ma a-na _dumu_-szu _sum#_

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house in the midst of the abandoned field of Nineveh and gave it to his son.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house at the same time as the laying of the foundations of Nineveh and gave it to his son.

Q003576: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ na-mur-tu szA (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al _lugal kur_-sa-am-si-mur-ru-[na] u-qar-ri-ba-an-ni

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimurranu, presented to me.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimuruna, presented to me.

Q003577: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-_su man kur asz#_ [na-mur-tu szA (disz)]ka#-ri-bi-_dingir_ [_man kur_-sa-ba-a'] u#-qar-ri-ban-ni [szA ana] dul-li szA _dingir_ [_lu_-ti] _du#_-szu szu-mi szat,-ru [i-pa-szi]-t,u _an-szar#_ [x x (x)] (d)#30 (d)_utu#_ [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu]-hal-li#-qu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person or erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, ..., Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person or erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, ..., Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003578: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-_su man kur asz_ [na-mur-tu szA (disz)]ka-rib-_dingir_ [_man kur_-sa-ba-a'] u#-qar-ri-ba [...] [...] [...] (d)_utu_ [...] (d)_muati_ (d)urasz [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal]-li-qu#

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever ... may the deities ..., Shamash, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003579: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_] _kur# asz_ [na-mur-tu szA (disz)ka-ri-bi-_dingir man kur_-sa-ba]-a' [...] x a [... u]-szap#-t,ar [szA szu-mi szat,-ru i-pa-szi]-t,u# [...] [...] [... (d)]urasz# [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal-li]-qu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, ... ... he had made. Whoever erases my inscribed name ... may the god Urash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, ... ... I was having it incised. Whoever erases my inscribed name ... may the deities ..., and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003608: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur 15 _ma-na_

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: 15 minas.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: fifteen minas.

Q003609: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)_tukul_-A-é-szar2 _man kur asz 2 ma-na_ sza _lugal#_

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria: 2 minas of the king.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria: two minas of the king.

Q003610: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)_gisz_-tukul-ti#-[A-é-szar2-ra ...]

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III .


Palace of Tiglath-pileser, ...

Q003611: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man kur asz_

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria.

Q003612: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)tukul-ti-A-é-szar2-ra _man kur_ asz-szur

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria.

Q003613: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)_tukul_-A-é-szar2 _man szu man_ asz-szur

AI Translation

Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003618: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)#_iszkur gu-gal# an_-e# _ki_-tim _en gal_-e _umun_-szu (disz)asz-szur-rém-ni ana _ti_ (disz)#tukul-ti-A-é-szar2 _man kur_ asz-szur _en_-szu u ana _ti_-szu _ba_-isz

AI Translation

To the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and underworld, great lord, his lord: Ashur-remanni presented this object for the life of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, his lord, and for his own life.


To the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, his lord: Ashur-remanni presented this object for the life of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, his lord, and for his own life.

Q003619: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_mu_ (d)_utu_ (d)eresz-ki-gal (d)a-nun-a-ki _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _ki_-ti (f)ia-ba-a _munus_-É-_gal_ ina mu-te _nam zi_-ti ik-szu-da-sze-ma ur-hu _ad-mesz_-szu ta-lik

man-nu _egir_-u lu _munus_-É-_gal_ szA ina _gisz-gu-za_ tu-szA-ba lu _munus-erim-mesz_ É-_gal_ na-ra-an-te _man_ szA ul-tu _ki-mah_-ia i-da-ka-in-ni lu mam-ma szA-nu-u-ma# it-ti-ia i-szA-kan-nu U a-na szu-ku-ti-ia qa-su ina _hul_-te _lal_-s,u szA _na4-kiszib_ szA _ki-mah_ szu-a-tu _bad_-u e-le-nu ina szu-ru-ru (d)szam-szi e-t,é-ma-szu ina s,u-me-e ka-ma-te li-ir-pu-du szap-la-nu ina _ki_-tim ina na-qa me-e _kasz sag gisz_(*)-_gesztin_ u-pu-un-tu it-ti (d)a-nun-na-ki ta-kal-li-mu

la i-ma-har (d)nin-gisz-zi-da (d)pi-t,u-hi-du-gul _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _ki_-tim sza-lam-di zi-qi-qi la s,a-la-lum li-mi-du a-na du-ri da-ri-isz

AI Translation

The name of the gods Shamash, Ereshkigal, and Anunaki, the great gods of the earth, Iabâ, the queen, reached the place of death in the eponymy of Iabâ and I marched after his fathers.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether a royal lady who resides on the throne or a noblewoman of the king who comes forward from my tomb or another whose hands are placed with me, or in order to save my life, may she slay me with evil intent, with the snare of that tomb, the upper wall, with the snare of the god Shamshi, and make him rise up like a lion in a snare, and make him sit on the ground with a snare, with beer, first-class beer, and wine, and with the Anunnaku gods,

May the gods Ningishzida and Pittuhidugul, the great gods of the earth, make the ziggurat and the ziggurat disappear forever.


On the life of the god Shamash, the goddess Ereshkigal, and the Anunnaku gods, the great gods of the netherworld, the destiny of a mortal life took Yabâ, the queen, into death and she went the way of her text: "his" ancestors.

As for anyone in the future — whether she be a queen who sits on a throne or a palace lady who is beloved by the king — who removes me from my tomb, or places anybody else with me, and 10 lays her text: "his" hand on my jewelry with evil intent or opens the seal of that tomb, above on the earth, under the rays of the sun, may her text: "his" ghost roam the open country thirsty, and 15 below, in the netherworld, may she text: "he" not receive with the Anunnaku gods offerings from the libation of water, the finest beer, wine, and flour.

May the gods Ningishzida and Pituh-idugul, the great gods 20 of the netherworld, inflict her corpse and phantom with sleeplessness forever.

Q003620: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA (f)ia-ba-a _munus_-É-_gal_ al-ti (disz)_gisz-tukul_-A-é-szar2-ra _man kur asz_

AI Translation

Property of Yabaya, queen, daughter of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.


Belonging to Yabâ, queen and wife of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.

Q003621: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA (f)ia-ba-a _munus_-É-_gal_ szA (disz)_tukul_-A-é-szar2 _man kur asz_

AI Translation

Property of Yabaya, queen of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.


Belonging to Yabâ, queen of Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria.

Q003635: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA (f)_du_-ti _munus_-É-_gal_ szA (disz)_silim_-man-_masz man kur asz_

AI Translation

Property of Banittu, queen of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria.


Belonging to Banitu, queen of Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria.

Q003636: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA (f)ba-ni-ti _munus_-É-_gal_ szA (disz)(d)_silim_-ma-nu-_masz man kur asz_

AI Translation

Property of Banitu, queen of Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria.


Belonging to Banitu, queen of Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria.

Q003700: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column vi


[_lu_-qu-ra]-di-szu# u-ra-si-bu ina _gisz-tukul_ [_un_]-_mesz gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni [szal]-la#-su ka-bit-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni [a-na qé]-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

[(disz)a-ku]-da#-a-a _lu-nimgir_-szu-nu bal-t,u-su ina qa-ti [is,-ba]-tu-ni ub-lu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia [_un-mesz_ a]-szib#-ut _uru-mesz_-ni szu-nu-ti as-suh [u-bil-ma] qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur u-szA-as,-bit [_un-mesz_ hu-bu-ut] _gisz#-pan_-ia sza _kur_ szA-ni-tim-ma [qé-reb _uru_]-qir#-bi-it _u uru-mesz_-szu u-sze-szib

[...] x a-na-ku [...] x-tim [... (d)]_utu_-szi [... u-na-Asz-szi]-qu# _gir-ii_-ia [...] x x

[... _lu-a_] _kin_-szu _id#_ [...] a-na szA#-'a-al szul-mi#-ia it,#-ha-a a-na mi-s,ir _kur_-ia _un-mesz kur_-ia i-mu-ru-szu-ma man-nu-me-e at-ta a-hu-u iq-bu-szu sza ma-ti-ma _lu-ra-gaba_-u-ku-un da-rag-gu la isz-ku-na a-na ki-sur-ri-ni a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia [x x (x)] u-bi-lu-ni-szu ina mah-ri-ia _eme-mesz_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi e-reb (d)_utu_-szi sza _an-szar_ u-ma-al-lu-u qa-tu-u-a be-el _eme_-szu ul ib-szi-ma _eme_-szu# na-ak-rat-ma la i-szem-mu-u at-mu-szu

ul-tu mi-s,ir _kur_-szu [...] it#-ti-szu u-bi-lam-ma# [... u-szA-an-na(?)]-a# da-bab#-szu [... ki-a-am(?) iq]-bi(?)# _arad_ pa-lih#-ka [...] u-tul5#-ma [... i]-na#-t,a-al [...] x-ta-a-te [...] szak(?)#-na-at-ma [...]-hu-u [...] x na-pi-ih-ma [... na]-mir#-tu szak-na-at [...]-_usz# lugal_-szA [...]-ri(?)# nam-ri [...] x qé-reb-szA [...] _en kur-kur dingir_-u-a [...] i#-zi-za-am-ma [...] iq(?)#-ba-a [...] x

AI Translation

He killed his warriors and carried off into Assyria people, oxen, and sheep and goats.

As for Akkudaya, their herald, they captured him alive and brought him before me. I took the people living in those cities and settled them in Egypt. I settled them in the city Qirbit and its cities, iii 20'' amidst the people who had cast off my bow and who were from another land.

... ... ... ... ... the sun ... he kissed my feet ... .

... his messenger crossed the river ... to inquire about my well-being. They saw the people of my land and they said: "Who are you?" Since no chariot driver had ever set foot on our territory, they brought him to Nineveh, my capital city, ... and before me, they had spoken the words from the east to the west, which the god Ashur had gathered, but the owner of his tongue did not know it and his tongue was so severe that he did not listen to his words.

From the border of his land ... he brought him with him and ... he made his words shine forth ... he said as follows: "A servant who reveres you ... he smashed and ... he smashed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... her king ... ... ... ... inside it ... the lord of the lands, my god, ... stood and ... he said .


they struck down his warriors with the sword. They carried off into Assyria people, oxen, and sheep and goats, his substantial booty.

They captured alive Akkudaya, their herald, and brought him before me. I forcibly removed the people living in those cities, took them and settled them in Egypt. I made the people, whom my bow plundered in another land, live in the city Qirbit and its villages.

... I ... ... ... sun ... they kissed my feet ... ...

... his messenger ... to inquire about my well-being approached the border of my land. The people of my land saw him and said to him: "Who are you, stranger? A mounted messenger of yours has never taken the road to our territory." They brought him to Nineveh, my capital city, ..., before me. Among all the languages from sunrise to sunset, vi 10' which the god Ashur had placed at my disposal, there was not a master of his language. His language was different and his speech could not be understood.

He brought a ... with him from the border of his land, and ... he reported his speech to me, ..., he said the following: "The servant who reveres you, ... laid down and saw ... ... ... was established and ... ... ... rose and ... light appeared. ... its king ... bright ... inside it ... The god Ashur, the lord of the lands, my god, ... stood and ... he said to me: ...

Obverse Column vii


ina muh-hi# x [...] masz-kAn-szu [...] e-li szA u4#-[mi pa-ni] szu-bat-su u#-[rap-pisz] ina _iti_ szal-me [_ud sze-ga_] _usz8_-szu ad-di-ma u#-[kin _sig4_-su] ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di# [gaba-dib-bi-szu] ar-s,ip u#-[szak-lil]

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal#_-[_mesz dumu-mesz_-ia] szA (d)a-szur u [(d)15(?)] a-na be-lut _kur u#_ [_un-mesz_] i-nam-bu-[u zi-kir-szu] e-nu-ma É _usz#_-[u-ti szu-a-tu] i-lab#-bi-ru-ma# [in-na-hu] an-hu-us-su# [lu-ud-disz]

ki-i szA a-na-[ku _mu-sar_-u] szi-t,ir szu-me _lugal#_ [pa-ni(?)] it-ti [_mu-sar_-e] szi-t,ir _mu_-ia# [Asz-ku-nu] at-ta ki-i ia#-[a-ti-ma] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir [_mu_-ia a-mur-ma] _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu#_-[_siskur bal_-qi] it-ti# [_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka] szu-kun# [(d)a-szur u (d)15(?)] ik-[ri-bi-ka i-szem-mu-u]

_iti#_-[...] i(?)#-[na(?) ...] _lu_(?)#-[...]

AI Translation

On account of ... his foundations ... I broadened its site more than before. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes old and dilapidated.

Just as I have placed an inscribed object bearing the name of a previous king with an inscribed object bearing my name, so may you, just like me, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

Month ..., in ..., ... .


Upon ... its the House of Succession's emplacement .... I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I relaid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated.

Just as I placed an inscribed object bearing the name of a king of the past with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object bearing my name and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear your prayers.

..., ... day, in the eponymy of ..., the ... of the city/land ....

Q003701: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_]-_ibila# lugal gal_ [_lugal_ dan-nu] _lugal# szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat# _limmu_-tim bi#-nu-ut _an-szar_ u# (d)_nin-lil_ ti#-ri-is, _szu-ii_ (d)é-a u _dingir-mah_ ni-bit (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)#_iszkur_ na-ram (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum# hi-szi-ih-ti (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun_ (d)na(?)#-[na-a(?)] ha-as-su le-'u#-[u] _sipa_ ke-e-nu mi-gir _dingir#_-[_mesz gal-mesz_(?)] _dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_sum-na#_ [_lugal gal_] _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal#_ [_szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir#-nita ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_]

iq-bu-u# [...] Asz-szu na-[s,ir _dumu lugal_-ti-ia] _u egir_(?)#-[nu _lugal_-ut _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pe-sze] u-pa(?)#-[hir _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _kur eme#_-[_gi7 u kur uri-ki_] [...]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the one who holds the hands of the god Ea and the goddess Ili-mah, chosen of the deities Sîn, Shamash, and Adad, beloved of the deities Marduk and Zarpanitu, attentive one of the deities Nabû, Tashmetu, and Nanaya, true shepherd, favorite of the great gods, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon,

As for the care of my royal son and the exercise of kingship over Assyria, he ... the people of Assyria, the land of Sumer and Akkad .


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, the creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the one to whom the god Ea and the goddess Belet-ili have stretched out their hands, one who was chosen by the gods Sîn, Shamash, and Adad, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the one required by the deities Nabû, Tashmetu, and Nanaya, wise and capable, i 10 true shepherd, favorite of the great gods; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

they the gods commanded .... In order to protect my position as heir designate and afterwards my exercising the kingship of Assyria, he Esarhaddon assembled the people of Assyria and the land of Sumer and Akkad, ....

Obverse Column ii


[ina _igi dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim [szA la in]-nen#-nu-u qi-bi-su-un [u]-dan-nin# isz-t,ur isz-kun [a]-de#-e a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti [ina _iti-gu4_] _iti_ (d)#é-a _en_ te-né-sze-e-te [pa-ti-qu nab]-nit# _lugal_-ti-ia [e-ru-um-ma ina] É# ri-du-u-ti [Asz-ru nak-lu(?) mar]-kAs(?) _lugal#_-u-ti# [...] x [(x)]

[ina qi-bi-ti-szu]-nu s,i-ir-ti# [u-szib t,a-a-bisz ina] _gisz#-gu-za ad# du_-ia# [ru-bé-e _lu_]-szu#-ut _sag#-mesz_ [_en_-u-ti] ih#-szu-hu [i-ra-mu e-pesz _lugal_]-ti#-ia [ina zi-kir _mu_-ia kab]-ti# [ha-du-u i-ri-szu kib-rat _limmu_]-tim

AI Translation

I strengthened it before the great gods of heaven and netherworld, whose commands cannot be changed, and entrusted them with the construction of a treaty for future days. In the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea, the lord of justice, the one who fashioned the bones of my royal majesty, I entered the House of Succession, the exalted residence, the seat of kingship, ... .

By their exalted command, I sat happily on the throne of the father who had engendered me. The nobles, first-borns, and lords rejoiced at the mention of my powerful name and rejoiced greatly at the mention of my exalted name. They ruled the four quarters of the world.


In front of the great gods of heaven and netherworld, whose commands cannot be changed, he reinforced, wrote out, and established treaties for future days. In the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea — the lord of humankind, the one who fashioned the physique of my royal majesty — I entered the House of Succession, a sophisticated place, the bond of kingship. ...

By their the great gods' exalted command, I sat gladly on the throne of the father who had engendered me. Nobles and eunuchs required my lordship; they loved my exercising the kingship. Being happy at the mention of my venerated name, the four quarters of the world rejoiced.

Obverse Column iii


ma-har#-szu-un aq#-qi-ma u-szam#-hi-ra kad-ra#-[a]-a _dingir-mesz#_ szA-tu-nu ni-isz _szu-ii_-ia# im-hur-u-ma na#-ki-ri-ia is-pu-nu [u-hal]-li-qu# ga-re-ia

[... Asz]-ru# ru-u-qu [...] a-lak-tusz [szA(?) (disz)_an-szar_]-_szesz#_-_sum-na lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a [x x]-du-ma il-li-ku qé-reb-szA [_bad5_]-_bad5_ (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal kur_-ku-u-si isz-ku-nu-ma u#-par-ri-ru el-lat-su [_kur_]-mu#-s,ur _kur_-ku-u-su ik-szu-du-ma [ina] la# mi-ni isz-lu-la szal-la-as-su [_kur_(?)] szu#-a-tu ina si-hir-ti-szA i-be-el-ma a-na# mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter _mu-mesz uru-mesz_-ni mah-ru-u-ti u-nak-kir-ma a-na# esz-szu-u-te isz-ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un

[...] x Asz#-li qaq-qu-ru [...] x _uru#_-mé-em-pi

[...] x x [...] [e-ru]-ub# _uru_ szu-[a-tu] [u]-ter# ra-ma-[nu-usz] [e-li] _un#-mesz kur_ asz-szur szA qé-reb# [_kur_-mu-s,ur] [_arad_]-_mesz_ da-gil pa-[ni-ia] [sza (disz)asz]-szur#-_pap_-_asz man kur_ asz-szur [_ad du_-u-a] [a]-na# _lugal_-ti# [ip-qi-du ina lib-bi] [a-na] da-a-ki# [...] [...] x [...]

szA-a-szu hat-tum u pu-luh-tu im-qut-su-ma# il-li-ka mah-hu#-tisz ul-tu _uru_-me#-[em]-pi _uru_ a-szar [tu-kul]-ti#-szu us,-s,i-ma a#-[na szu-zu-ub] na#-pisz-te-szu qé-reb _gisz-ma#_ [ir]-kab#-ma

AI Translation

I offered before them and presented my gifts. Those gods accepted my prayers and they destroyed my foes and cut down my foes.

... a remote place, ... The march of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, ... and went inside it. He brought about the defeat of Taharqa, king of Kush, and scattered his forces. He conquered Egypt and Kush and carried off his booty without number. He ruled over that land in its entirety and reorganized the territory of Assyria. He changed the names of the former cities and reorganized their inhabitants into new cities.

... ... the ground ... the city Memphis

... ... I rebuilt that city. I made it bigger than before. I added to it the people of Assyria who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had appointed to be king. Therein I ... ... .

He was afraid and worried and came to his aid. He took him out of the city Memphis, a city where he had exercised dominion, and he boarded a boat to save his life.


I made offerings before them the gods and presented them with my gifts. Those gods accepted my prayers and then flattened my enemies and destroyed my foes.

... a remote place, ... its way, wherein Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, went down and marched inside it. He brought about the defeat of Taharqa, the king of Kush, and scattered his forces. He conquered Egypt and Kush and then carried off its booty without number. He ruled over that land in its entirety and iii 15 made it part of the territory of Assyria. He changed the former names of the cities and gave them new names. He appointed his servants therein as kings, governors, and officials. He imposed upon them annual tribute payment in recognition of his overlordship.

... ... territory ... the city Memphis

... he Taharqa entered the city Memphis. He turned that city over to himself. Against the Assyrians who were inside Egypt, servants who belonged to me, whom Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had appointed as kings there, to kill them ...

As for him Taharqa, terror and fear fell upon him and he went into a frenzy. He escaped from the city Memphis, the city and place upon which he relied and, in order to save his own life, he boarded a ship, abandoned his camp, fled alone, and entered the city Thebes.

Obverse Column iv


_gisz-ma-mesz_ qa-ra-bi# [ma-la it]-ti#-szu _u erim-mesz me_-szu u#-[s,ab-bi-tu ina] _szu-ii lu-a kin_ pu-su-rat# [ha]-de#-e sza a-tam-ra iq-[ba-a ia]-a#-szi _lu-gal sag lu#_-[_nam_]-_mesz u lugal-mesz_ e-ber _id#_ [ka]-li#-szu-un a-di e-mu-qi-szu-nu _gisz#_-[_ma-mesz_]-szu#-nu _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_-mu-[us,]-ri [_arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni]-ia a-di _gisz-ma-mesz_-szu-nu e-mu#-[qi-szu]-un# a-na hul-lu-uq (disz)tar-qu#-[u] ul-tu# qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku#-[u-si] [_ugu_ e]-mu#-qi-ia mah-ra#-[a-ti] [u-rad-di-ma] Asz-pur# a-na# [_uru_-ni-i']

sza# a-tam-ra# [...]

ar-ka-a-nu (disz)ni-ku-u# [(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri] (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal-mesz_ sza# [qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur] isz-ku-nu [_ad_ ba-nu-u]-a# a-de-e _an-szar u dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz en_]-_mesz_-ia e-ti-qu-u-ma ip-ru-s,u# ma-mit-sun t,a-ab-ti _ad_ ba-ni-ia im-szu-ma lib-ba-szu-nu ik-pu-du le-mut-tu da-bab-ti sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-szA#-[ba-ni] mi#-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal kur#_-ku-u-si a-na szA-kan a-de-e u [sa]-li-me#

_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia# [a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti] isz-mé-e-ma x [...] _lu_-rak-bé-e-szu-[un ...] sza e-li [(disz)tar-qu-u _lugal kur_-ku-u-si] a-na szA-kan a-[de-e u sa-li-me] is,-ba-ta-am-ma e-mu-ur# [ep-szet sur-ra-a(?)]-te-szu-un [(disz)_lugal_-lu-da]-ri# (disz)ni-ku-u [is,-ba-tu-ma(?) ina bi]-re#-te isz-qa-te [u-tam-me-hu(?)] _szu#-ii_ u _gir-ii_ ma-mit (d)asz-szur _man dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-su-nu-ti-ma sza ih-t,u-u ina lib-bi [a-de-e _gal-mesz_] _mun_ qa-tu-usz-szu-un u-ba-'i-i-ma sza e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu

_u un-mesz uru-mesz#_ ma-al it-ti-szu-nu isz#-[szak-nu] ik-pu-du a-mat _hul_-tim

AI Translation

As for Taharqa, I added to my earlier army the boats of battle, as many as I had captured with him and his battle troops. He then told me about the defeat of the messenger of the kings and kings on the other side of the river, together with their forces, their boats, and the kings of Egypt, servants who belonged to me, together with their boats and their forces, to destroy Taharqa from Egypt and Kush and I sent him to the city Nineveh.

That which I have seen .

After Nikû, Sharru-lu-dari, and Paqruru, kings who had established oaths to me in Egypt, the father who had engendered me, abandoned the treaty sworn by the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, and thereby violated their oaths. The good oath of the father who had engendered me became binding on them and their hearts became enraged. They spoke blasphemous words and a treacherous decision fell upon them. They said to themselves: "Taharqu had fled from Egypt and I am now deciding what to do with Taharqu, the king of Kush."

a eunuch of mine heard these words and ... their mounted messengers ... who had gone up to Taharqa, the king of Kush, to conclude treaties and peace, and had seen their deeds, Sargon and Nikû took the lead and sat down in a cage. They grasped the hands and feet of the oath sworn by the god Ashur, king of the gods, and he convicted them of crimes committed against the great treaty and imposed upon them punishments that they had committed.

and the people of the cities, as many as had been established with them, plotted evil things.


They my army captured as many warships as there were with him, as well as his combat troops. A messenger told me the good news that I had been waiting for. To banish Taharqa from Egypt and Kush, I added to my former forces the chief eunuch, the governors, and all of the kings of Across the River Syria-Palestine, together with their forces and their boats, as well as the kings of Egypt, servants who belonged to me, together with their boats and their forces, and I sent them to the city Thebes, ...

that I had been waiting for, ....

Afterwards, Necho, Sharru-lu-dari, and Pa-qruru, kings whom the father who had engendered me had installed in Egypt, iv 5' transgressed the treaty sworn by the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, and then broke their oaths. They forgot the kindness of the father who had engendered me, and their hearts plotted evil deeds. They spoke words of treachery and iv 10' decided among themselves on a profitless decision, saying: "If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then can we ourselves stay?" iv 15' To establish treaties and peace, they dispatched their mounted messengers to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: "Let peace be established between us so that we can come to a mutual agreement. Let us divide the land among ourselves so that iv 20' no other lord comes between us." With regard to the numerous troops of the god Ashur, the might of my lordly majesty, they constantly sought out evil plans; they plotted to cut their throats and strove to completely destroy them.

A eunuch of mine heard these words; .... He seized their mounted messengers along with their messages that they had sent to Taharqa, the king of Kush, to establish treaties and peace, and he saw their deceitful acts. They seized Sharru-lu-dari and Necho and clamped their hands and feet in fetters and handcuffs. iv 35' The oath sworn by the god Ashur, the king of the gods, defeated them and my kindness, which I had done for them as a favor, called to account those who had sinned against the great treaties.

Moreover, they my troops cut down with the sword the people of the cities, as many as had sided with them and plotted evil plans, young and old, and they did not spare a single person among them. Furthermore, they brought them Necho and Sharru-lu-dari to Nineveh, my capital city, before me.

Obverse Column v


U a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ lib#-bu rap-szu e-pisz t,a-ab-te sa-hi-ru# dam-qa-a-te a#-na (disz)ni-ku-u _arad_ da-gil _igi_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma# u#-kab-bi-sa hi-t,i-is#-su [a-de-e ni]-isz _dingir-mesz ugu#_ szA mah-ri [u-szA-tir-ma it-ti]-szu Asz-kun#

_un#_-[_mesz_ a-szib _sza_-szu _ugu kur-mesz_-szu-nu] mar#-[s,u-u-ti tak-lu-ma] la [pit-lu-hu be-lut _kur_ asz-szur] (disz)ta-an#-[da-a-a _lu-en-uru_-szu-nu szA] a-na _lugal-mesz#_ [_ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri] _sza_ ig-pu-usz# [...] id(?)-bu(?)-bu(?)-u#-[ma ...] _ansze-nita_(?)#-_mesz gu4-mesz#_ [...] i-na s,e-e-ri ih#-[ta-nab-ba-tu] u-szah-ri-ru na#-[me-e-szu] na-gu-u _kur_-ia-mut-ba-la u(?)#-[...] is-pu-nu gi-mir da-Ad#-[me-szu] _ugu_ ep-sze-e-te an-na-a-ti# _dumu-mesz bad-an-ki_ im-hur-u-in-ni# u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-ti

_lu#_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-nam-mesz_ sza# pa-a-t,i# _kur_-szu-un u-ma-'e-er s,e-ru-usz-szu-un _kur#_-ha-le-e-ha-as-ta _kur_-u mar-s,u e-lu-ma il#-mu-u _uru_-qir-bi-it _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu [ina szuk]-bu-us a-ram-me mi-hi-is, _gisz_-szu-pe-e _uru_ szu-a#-tu ik-szu-du-ma is-pu-nu a-bu-bisz

_uru_-x-mesz _uru_-za-ar-za-a-ta _uru_-szA-an-ha-ra# _uru_-si-is-sil _uru_-a-du-ma-nu _uru_-hal-la-a-a _uru_-sze-li-ih-i-ra-am _uru_-szA-ha-ra-si-i' _uru_-gu-ub-_bad uru_-ma-tu-ha-an-za-ah _uru_-ta-zi-i' _uru_-lu-szA-an-da _uru-lul_-ba-as-ta _uru_-ba-ab-sa-ah _uru-mesz_ szu-nu-ti im-ba-risz ik-tu-mu-ma is-hu-pu hu-ha-risz (disz)ta-an-da-a-a _lu-en-uru_ i-du-ku-ma _lu#_-qu-ra-di-szu u-ra-si-bu ina _gisz-tukul_

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, a widespread man who does good, gave good advice to Nikû, a servant who belonged to me, and he swore an oath by the gods over him. I made an inscribed object bearing his name more beautiful than the one in the past and placed it with him.

The people living in it trusted in their rugged mountains and did not respect the lordship of Assyria. Tandaya, their city ruler who had not bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. ... they spoke ..., ... they bowed down to my yoke. They seized his territory, the district of Yamutbal, and ... they destroyed all of his settlements. They bowed down to these deeds and the citizens of Der turned hostile towards me.

I sent eunuchs of mine, governors of the districts of their land, to fight with them. They climbed up Mount Halehasta, a rugged mountain, and captured the city Qirbit, his fortified city. They conquered that city with a raft made of reeds and sleds and poured out their water.

The cities ...mes, Zarzata, Shanhara, Sissil, Admanu, Hallaya, Shelihiram, Shaharasi', Hubbad, Matuhanzah, Tazi', Lushada, Lulbata, and Babsah, these cities became dilapidated and sat in ruins. Tandaya, the city ruler, rebelled and struck down his warriors with the sword.


Moreover, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the magnanimous one who performs acts of kindness and repays good deeds, had mercy on Necho, a servant who belonged to me, and forgave his crimes. I made the treaty sworn by the gods more stringent than the previous one and I established it with him.

The people living in it the city Qirbit trusted in their rugged mountains and did not respect the dominion of Assyria. As for Tandaya — their city ruler who, to the kings, my ancestors, had never bowed down to their yoke — his heart was proud, .... They spoke ... and they were constantly plundering ... donkeys, oxen, ... in the steppe. v 10' They laid waste to its pasture land. They ... the district of Yamutbal and flattened all of its settlements. With regard to these deeds, the citizens of Der appealed to me and beseeched my lordly majesty.

I sent my eunuchs and governors whose provinces are on the borders of their lands against them. They ascended Halehasta, a rugged mountain, and surrounded the city Qirbit, his fortified city. By having siege ramps trodden down and the assault of battering rams, they conquered that city and flattened it like the Deluge.

As for the cities ...mesh, Zarzata, Shanhara, Sissil, Adumanu, Hallaya, Shelihiram, Shaharasi', GubBAD, Matuhanzah, Tazi', Lushanda, LULbasta, and Babsah, they covered those cities like a fog and overwhelmed them like a bird snare. They killed Tandaya, their city lord, and struck down his warriors with the sword. They carried off into Assyria people, ... oxen, and sheep and goats, his substantial booty.

Obverse Column vi


(disz)a-ku-da#-[a-a _lu-nimgir_-szu-nu] bal-t,u-us-su# [ina qa-ti is,-ba-tu-ni] ub-lu-u-ni a#-[di mah-ri-ia] _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu#-[ut _uru-mesz_-ni szu-nu-ti] as-su-uh# [u-bil-ma] qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur# [u-szA-as,-bit _un-mesz_] hu-bu-ut [_gisz-pan_-ia] sza _kur_ szA#-[ni-tim-ma] qé-reb _uru#_-[qir-bi-it] _u# uru-mesz_-szu# [u-sze-szib]

[(disz)]gu-ug#-[gu] _man kur_-lu-ud-[di] [Asz-ru] ru-u-qu [sza(?) ...]-pa-an _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [... la] pe#-tu-u né-su-u _uru#_-szu [sza _lugal-mesz_ a]-li#-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia [la isz-mu-u] zi#-kir _mu_-szu [...] _me_(?) rap-szA-tu-ma [...] x szuk-lu-lu [...] x e-mu-qi [sza(?) _lu_-gi]-mir#-ra-a-a _lu-kur_ ak-s,u [...]-u(?)# ina tam-ha-ri [...] u#-szam-qi#-[tu-szu(?)]

x [...] x [...] _ka_ x [...]

s,e-er x [...] a-na pat, gim-[ri-...] (disz)(d)asz-szur-_du_-[A ...] ki-ma nu-u#-[ri ...] szu-pu-ma _ku_-x-[...] u-szA-an-ni-ma x [...] ina szat mu-szi [...] ki-a-am x [...] um-ma szA (disz)asz-szur-_du#_-[A ...] hi-szi-ih-te asz-szur# [...] _gir-ii_ x x x [...] a-na# x x [...]

[...] x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] _en_(?) _na_(?)# [...]

[... ar]-hi(?)-isz s,u#-ul-li#-[x] [...] x lil-li-ku su-pu(?)#-[u(?)] [...]-e(?)# te-tep-szu-ma# [...] u(?)#-szab-ru-ka tul5-ta-li#

AI Translation

As for Akkudaya, their herald, they captured him alive and brought him before me. I carried off the people living in those cities and made them enter Egypt. I settled the people, captives of my bow, who were from another land, inside the city Qirbit and its cities.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia, a remote land that ... before Assyria ... unsuitable for war, he did not honor the mention of his name among the kings who came before me, my ancestors. ... a widespread battle and ... ... ... the troops of the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy, ... in battle ... he made him fall.

... ... to the whole ... Assurbanipal ... like a ... he made me ... and ... during the night ... ... as follows: "As for Assurbanipal ... the oath of Ashur ... foot ... to ... .

... quickly ... ... may they go ... ... you did ... and ... ... I made you shine like a torch.


They captured alive Akkudaya, their herald, and brought him before me. I forcibly removed the people living in those cities, took them and settled them in Egypt. I made the people, whom my bow plundered in another land, live in the city Qirbit and its villages.

Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a remote place that ... ... Assyria, whose ... are not open, whose city is far away, and the mention of whose name none of the kings who came before, my ancestors, had ever heard — ... was wide and ... was complete, ... forces, which the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy, ... in battle ... they cut him down.

No translation possible

against ... to its/their full extent. ... Ashurbanipal ... was brilliant like light ... and ... ... He reported ... and .... During the night ... thus ... saying: "As for Ashurbanipal, ..., the one who is required by the god Ashur, ... feet ... ... to ... ...

No translation possible

"... quickly ... supplication, ... let them come, ... prayer, ... that you did and ... ... made you see."

Obverse Column vii


[...] x na-ki-ri-ka [...] u-szak-ma#-as-ma [... u]-ra(?)#-sa-ba ina _gisz-tukul_ [...] at,#-t,u-la ap-lah-ma [...] _dingir_(?)#-ia u#-szal-li-ma [... u-szA(?)]-an#-na-a a-na _lugal_ [... u4]-me an-né-e szat-ti-szam la# na-par-ka-a na-szA-ku ka#-bit-tu _gun_ [...] x s,e#-er _lu-kur-mesz_-szu [...] a-na-ku la-as-ma-ku [... u]-sze-bi#-la am-hur

[...] x-a-te [...] x-szu# [...] x

U(?)#-[...] _lu-a kin#_-[...] a-na a-mar# [...]

ina u4-me-szu-ma [_bad murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_] sza (disz)(d)30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _ad ad_ ba-ni#-[ia e-pu-szu] _bad_ szu-a-tu la#-[ba-risz il-lik-am-ma] tem-me-en-szu# [ir-bu-ub-ma]

AI Translation

... your enemies ... I made ... rise and ... I struck down with the sword ... I became afraid, became frightened, and ... my god ... I made ... shine and ... I gave to the king ... for a long time, without ceasing, I was deprived of the substantial tribute, ... before his enemies ... I myself was not afraid ... I sent ... I received.

... ... ... his ... .

... a messenger ... to see .

At that time the citadel wall of Nineveh which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built — that wall had become old and its foundations had buckled.


"... your enemy, ... I will make ... bow down and ... will strike down with the sword." I saw ..., became frightened, and then fulfilled the ... of my god. Now I am reporting ... to the king ... that day onward, I carry a substantial tribute, yearly, without ceasing. ... against his foes ... I myself run. I received the ... that he had sent to me.

No translation possible

... messenger ... to see ....

At that time, the wall of the citadel of Nineveh which Sennacherib — king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me — had built, that wall became old and its foundations gave way and

Q003702: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim s,i-it lib-bi (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki sza-bal-bal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukkin_-szu-nu szi-mat _sig5_-tim i-szim-mu szim#-[ti] uz-nu ra-pa-Asz-tum isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u-szA-hi-zu ka-ra-szi ina _ukkin_ lu-li-me zi-kir _mu_-ia u-szar-ri-hu u-szar-bu-u _lugal_-u-ti du-un-nu zik-ru-u-tu e-mu-qa-an s,i-ra-a-ti u-szat-lim-u-ni ma-ta-a-ti la ma-gi-re-ia# ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u u-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib-bi-ia

_lu_-szA-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu na-dan zi-bi-ia i-t,ib _ugu dingir_-ti-szu-un esz-ret _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u-szak-lil u-szal-bi-szA _ku-gi ku-babbar_ (d)lah-me (d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz_ tim-me _mah-mesz_ ina _ka_-szu-un ul-ziz é-szar2-ra é-masz-masz é-gaszan-kalam-ma é-hul-hul ki-ma szi-t,ir [szA-ma]-me# u-ban-ni mim-ma si-mat É-_kur_ szA _ku-gi ku-babbar_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u _ugu_ szA u4-me ul-lu-u-ti u-szA-tir-ma u-kin Asz-rat _dingir-mesz a_sz-te-'a-a

(d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ra (d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu 5 _kusz sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin_-ni-szu e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6 _kusz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lum

10 _ansze sze-pad-mesz 1 ansze gesztin-mesz banmin i-mesz 1 gun sig-mesz_ ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu i-szam-mu ina 1 _gin#_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u mi-szA-ri ar-te-'a-a [ba-'u-u-lat (d)_en-lil_]

ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam#-[tim] szap-liti# [a(?)-bel-ma(?)] _lugal-mesz_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi u e#-[reb (d)_utu_-szi] isz-szu-u-ni _gun_-su-nu# [ka-bit-tu] _un-mesz murub4_ tam-tim# a-szib szad-de-e szA-qu#-[te] u#-szak-ni-szA a#-[na _gisz_]-_szudun#_-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)#[15 _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki] u-na-Asz-szA-qu# _gir-ii_-ia mal-ki _gal-mesz_ szA s,i-tasz# [u szi-la-an] a-na kit-ri-szu-nu# [u-pa]-qu#-u-ni

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia# a-na# [_kur_-mA]-kan# u [_kur_-me-luh-ha] lu-u al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku#-[u-si] szA (disz)_an-szar_-[_pap_-_asz_] _man kur an-szar-ki# ad_ ba-nu-u-a _bad5-bad5_-szu [isz-ku-nu] i-be-lu# _kur_-su da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na t,e(?)#-[em] ra#-ma-ni-szu _ugu lugal-mesz lu_-qe-pa-a-ni szA qé-reb# [_kur_]-mu#-s,ur u-pa-qi-du# _ad_ ba-nu#-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-ti u e-kem _kur_-mu-s,ur il-li-ka# _edin_-usz-szu-un

u-mal-lu-u qa-a-tu-u-a a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat sza _lugal-mesz lu_-qe-pa-ni sza qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di _uru_-kar-(d)ba-ni-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku-u-si qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma a-na e-pesz _murub4 gisz-tukul-mesz me_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _erim-mesz me_-szu ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut i-di-ia ina _me edin_ rap-szi

Asz-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a_-szu (disz)tar-qu-u ina qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erim-hi-a_-szu nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u (d)15 is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz mé-lam-me _man_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu-ma szA u-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ szu-a-tu as,-bat

_erim-hi-a-mesz_-ia u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina lib-bi _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz_ szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur u-pa-qi-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ti (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu-un u-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u _edin_ u-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu-un ina masz-kAn-i-szu-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku-u-si szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu _ugu_ u4-me pa-ni u-da-nin u-rak-ki-sa rik-se-szu

_uru_-sa-a-a _uru_-bi-in-t,i-t,i _uru_-s,a-a'-nu sza ib-bal-ki-tu it-ti (disz)tar-qu-u isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu-un _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu-nu a-ni-ir ina _gisz-tukul-mesz adda-mesz_-szu-nu ina _gisz_-ga-szi-szi a-lul _kusz-mesz_-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut, _bad uru_

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria;

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. They made the mention of my name great and made my kingship great. They made the praises of my great strength and exalted my exalted strength reach beyond my borders. They placed the lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and made me attain my heart's desire.

I completed the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, and thereby enlarged them. I stationed gold and silver lahmu-demons and lion-headed eagles on tall towers at their gates. I made Esharra, Emashmash, Egashankalamma, and Ehulhul shine like the stars lit. "writings" of the heavens. I made every type of temple appurtenance of gold and silver. I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made regular offerings more plentiful than those of distant days and thereby established the sanctuaries of the gods.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. He poured out five cubits of barley from his threshing-floor, poured out a harvest of five and six cubits of grain, and made the harvest plentiful. He made reed beds and reed beds gush. During my reign, there was abundance and plenty; during my years, there was abundance.

I received from all of my land 10 homers of barley, 1 homer of wine, 2 seahs of oil, and 1 talent of wool. I bought everything for one shekel of silver. I gathered all of my possessions and property for one shekel of silver. I fashioned the figure of the god Enlil in good and perfect condition.

I ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings of the east and west took their substantial tribute. I made the people of the middle of the sea who live on high mountains bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they kissed my feet and imposed upon them corvée duty and service.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and whose land he had conquered, trusted in the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own strength. He imposed upon the kings and officials who were appointed in Egypt the king who had engendered me to wage war and battle and to conquer Egypt, came to their aid.

I quickly advanced to support the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banitu. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis and he mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I captured his battle array in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came to an end. The brilliance of my royal majesty, which the gods of heaven and netherworld had granted to him, overwhelmed him and he fled to save his life. I took to the city Thebes, a city that I had conquered.

I settled my troops there. I placed them among the kings and governors who had appointed me in Egypt, the father who had engendered me, who had abandoned their posts after the defeat of Taharqa and had fled into the open country, where their posts were, and I allowed them to serve in their former positions. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, as a new place. I strengthened its guard more than previously and imposed my yoke upon them.

I conquered the cities Sais, Bintitu, and Sha'nu, which had rebelled against Taharqa. I conquered those cities. I killed the people living inside them with the sword, flayed them with arrows, and flayed them with their skins. I destroyed the city wall and destroyed its ruins.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They glorified the mention of my name in the assembly of princes lit. "stags" and made my kingship great; they generously granted me power, virility, and outstanding strength; and they placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire.

They required my priestly services and my giving them food offerings pleased their divinity. I completed the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, clad them with gold and silver, and had long-haired heroes, lion-headed eagles, and tall columns erected in their gates. i 20 I made Esharra, Emashmash, Egashankalama, and Ehulhul shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the heavens. I made every type of temple appurtenance from gold and silver, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days. I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the gods and constantly followed their ways.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase ten donkey-loads of grain, one homer of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

I ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings from the rising sun and the setting sun carried their substantial tribute to me. I made the people from the midst of the sea and those who live on high mountains bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who sit upon royal daises kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esar­had­don — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had brought about and whose land he ruled over, forgot the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own counsel. He marched against the kings and officials, i 55 whom the father who had engendered me had appointed inside Egypt, to kill and rob them and to take away Egypt from them. He entered and resided in the city Memphis, a city that the father who had engendered me had conquered i 60 and made part of the territory of his land. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported this to me. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. I mustered my elite forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had placed in my hands.

I quickly advanced to support and aid the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and i 70 I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. The brilliance of my royal majesty, with which the gods of heaven and netherworld had endowed me, covered him; i 80 he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I seized that city Memphis and then made my troops enter and reside there.

As for the kings and governors whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside, where their posts were, I permitted them to serve in their former positions again. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. I strengthened its guard more than previously and concluded new agreements with it.

As for the cities Sais, Mendes, and Tanis, which had rebelled and sided with Taharqa, I conquered those cities and I killed the people living inside them with the sword. I hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and draped the city walls with their skins.

Obverse Column ii


u-hal-lip (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri szA _ad_-u-a ina _kur_-mu-s,ur isz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ti szA _hul_-tu ik-pu-du ana _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ina qa-ti as,-bat u-ra-a ana _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

(disz)tar-qu-u a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul an-szar en_-ia

is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu _egir_-nu (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e _dumu nin9_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu _uru_-ni-i' _uru_-u-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz-kun u-pah-hi-ir el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu-un _lu-a_ szip-ri ha-an-t,u a-na _nina_ il-li-kam-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti

Asz-ni-ma a-na _kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur_-mu-s,ur _uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz lu_-qe-pa-a-ni sza qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur Asz-ku-nu ina ir-ti-ia il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

_egir#_ (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu ti-ib _me#_-ia e-mur-ma _uru_-ni-i' u-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na _uru#_-ki-ip-ki-pi _uru_ szu-a-tu ana si-hir-ti-szu [ina] tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

[_ku_]-_babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig-szu_ É-_gal_-szu ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-tu bir-me _gada-mesz ansze#-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ra _u#_ sin-nisz 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e# eb-bi# sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki_(?)#-_la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka#_ É-_kur_ ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a ana _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu a-na la mi-ni Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _ugu kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia u-szam-ri-ir#-ma Asz-ta-kan li-i-tu it-ti _szu-ii#_ ma-li-te

ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _man kur_-s,ur-ri a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik Asz-szu a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _un-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu u-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu ap-ru-us _a#-mesz_ te-'u-u-ta ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu-nu a-na pi-i-szu-nu u-szA-qi-ir ina me-se-ri dan-ni sza la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu-nu-tu nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri a-na# _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

_dumu-munus#_-su s,i-it lib-bi-szu _u dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu a#-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti [u-bi]-la a#-di _igi_-ia _dumu_-szu szA ma-ti-ma _a-ab-ba_ la# e-bi-ra isz#-szA-a a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia _dumu#_-[_munus_-su] _u dumu-munus-mesz# szesz-mesz_-szu it#-ti ter#-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu

u-ter-ma a-ri-im-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ szA _ugu#_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri u-rak#-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti#-szu ma-la u-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur-szu szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki uru en_-ti-ia

ma-al-ki _murub4#_ tam-tim _u lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti szA-de-e szA-qu-u-ti da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti# e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man kur_-a-ru-ad-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal kur_-tab-_uru_-a-a (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me _kur_-hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu-nu it-ti nu-dun-né-e [ma]-a'-di U ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki#-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-a-ru-ad-da il-li-ku ana szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim ul-tu _murub4_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu ka-bit-ti il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-ti _kur_-a-ru-ad-da Asz-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al lu-bul-ti bir-me u-lab-bisz _har-mesz ku-gi a_sz-kun ina mah-ri-ia

ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _man kur_-lu-ud-di na-gu-u szA né-ber-ti _a-ab-ba a_sz-ru ru-u-qu szA _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri-szu-ma _an-szar_ ba-nu-u-a u4-mu _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru _lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu-ra a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia

_lu_-gi-mir-a-a _lu-kur_ ek-s,u szA la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia U ia-a-szi la is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia

AI Translation

As for Sharru-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as king in Egypt and who plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians, I captured him alive and brought him to Assyria.

As for Taharqa, where he had fled, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat on his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight with the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he brought about the defeat of those people and captured their hostages. A quickly dispatched messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

As for Tanutamon, he heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Memphis, which is on the border of Egypt, and fled to save his own life. He escaped inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to me and kissed my feet.

After I had taken the road against Damanê, I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my battle array and abandoned the city Thebes. He fled to the city Kipkipi, a city in its entirety. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from the city Thebes. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and I established my dominion over them.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I strengthened the protection of his people. By sea and dry land, I captured his routes. I sank his boats. I gave water to drink to their mouths. I confined them in a strong enclosure that was unsuitable. I made their lives short and thus imposed my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I opened up the forts that I had built over Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had captured. I received from him his substantial payment. I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for the kings of the middle of the sea and the kings who live in remote regions, they saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. They brought to Nineveh Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, their daughters, their own offspring, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, to serve as housekeepers, and they kissed my feet.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I decorated Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a district in the opposite direction of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

The Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and who had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty,


As for Sharru-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as a king in Egypt and who plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians, I captured him and brought him to Assyria.

As for Taharqa, in the place where he had fled, the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he passed away.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat upon his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight against the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he mobilized his battle array, confined those people, and cut off their escape route. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

For a second time, I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and that I had set foot on Egyptian territory, he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to meet me and kissed my feet.

I took the road in pursuit of Tanutamon and I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my battle array and abandoned the city Thebes; he fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — ii 30 two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from inside the city Thebes. ii 35 I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I reinforced its garrison. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes and thus cut off all access to him. ii 45 I made water and food for the preservation of their lives scarce for their mouths. I confined them in a harsh imprisonment from which there was no escape. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. ii 55 I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I dismantled the outposts that I had constructed against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

Rulers who reside in the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. ii 70 They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, ii 80 came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, iii 1 with the support of the gods Ashur and Marduk, my lords, he Gyges clamped them in manacles, handcuffs, and neck-stocks and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts. I constantly saw the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk.

Obverse Column iii


ina 4-e ger-ri-ia a-na _uru_-qir-bit szA qé-reb _uru_-ha-re-e-ha-as-ta lu-u al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da# _lu-en-uru_-szu-nu ana _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_ u _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-qir-bit ka-a-a-an ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_-ia-mut-ba-li _uru_ szu-a-tu ina tu#-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag dingir-mesz en#-mesz_-ia ak-szu-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)ta-an-da _lu-en#-uru_-szu-nu it-ti szal-lat _uru_-szu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki un-mesz uru_-qir-bit ma-la Asz-lu-lu

ina 5-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _lugal kur_-man-na-a-a lu-u al-lik sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu i-tap-pa-lu da#-[s,a]-a-ti ad-ke _erim-mesz me_-ia a-na ka-szA-ad# _kur_-man-na-a-a

usz-te-sze-ra har-ra#-nu al-lik-ma qé-reb _uru-bad_-asz-szur usz-man-nu# ad-di-ma Asz-ku-na ka-ra-szi (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u-ma-'e-e-ra um#-man-szu# ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-pesz _me_ it-bu-u-ni a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia _erim-mesz me_-ia it-ti-szu-un im-da#-ha-s,u isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu-un ma-lak 3 _kaskal-gid a-sza_ szal-ma-ti-szu-nu u-ma-al-lu-u _edin_ rap-szu

ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-[ia] szA u-tak-ki-lu-in-ni qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-a-a-u-si-Asz _uru-hal-s_,_u uru-a_sz-szA-Asz dan-na-su _uru_-bu-su-tu _uru-a_sz-di-Asz _uru_-ur-ki-ia-mu-un _uru_-up-pi-isz _uru_-si-hu-u-a _uru_-na-zi-ni-ri 8 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti U a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti szA ni-ba la i-szu-u a-di qé-reb _uru_-i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-mu _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ s,e#-e-ni

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz#-me-ma u-masz-szir _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-na _uru_-at-ra-a-na _uru_ tukul-ti-szu in#-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi-tu _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru_-ur-me-e-te _uru_-uz-bi-a _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu al-me _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu ma-lak 10 u4-me 5 u4-me [u-szah]-rib#-ma szA-qu-um-ma-tu

at-bu-uk ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru-mesz_ szA li-me-et _uru_-pad-di-ri szA ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz#_ [_ad_]-_mesz#_-ia _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na i-di ra-ma-ni-szu-nu u#-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu# Asz-lu-la szal-lat-sun _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur an-szar#-ki_ u-ter

na-gu-u szA _uru_-ar#-si-ia-ni-isz sza bi-rit _uru_-a-za-qa-na#-ni sza _kur_-ha-ar-si szA-di-i sza _sag kur_-ku-mu-ur-da#-a-a szA qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-mu (disz)ra-a-a-((da))-di-szA-di-i _lu-gal uru-hal-s_,U-szu-nu a-duk# Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su

na-gu-u szA _uru_-e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _uru-mesz_-szu# as-pu#-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu-la szal-lat-sun ina ti-ib _me_-ia na-gu-szu u-szah-rib u-s,a-ah-hir# nap-har _kur_-szu it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-te

szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki uru_-bi-ir-ru-a _uru#-lugal_-iq-bi _uru_-gu-si-né-e _uru-mesz_ mah-ru-u-te szA mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza ina ter-s,i _lugal#-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki#-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a da-Ad-me szA-a-tu-nu ak#-szu-ud _kur_-man-na-a-a# _ta_ lib-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ til-li u-nu-ut _me_-szu-nu Asz-lu-la ana _kur_ asz-szur-_ki uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat u-ter-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia _an-szar_ u (d)15 im-nu-szu ina _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu _un-mesz kur_-szu si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u ina _sila uru_-szu id#-du-u pa-gar-szu

_egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li-i _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _uru-nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a u-s,al-la-a be-lu-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_ isz-pur-am-ma u-na-sziq _gir-ii_-ia _arhusz_ ar-szi-szu _lu-a kin_-ia szA szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu u-sze-bi-la ana e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti

e-mid-su ina u4-me-szu-ma (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _lu-en-uru_ sza mad-a-a

AI Translation

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta. Because Tandaya, their city ruler, had not bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and the people living in the city Qirbit constantly flew away, fearing the attack of the land Yamutbal. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods, my lords, I conquered that city. I took Tandaya, their city ruler, along with the booty of his city. I took the people of the city Qirbit, as many as I had carried off.

On my fifth campaign, I marched against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and had constantly sought out dangerous ways to kill the Manneans.

I went and laid the foundations in the city Dur-Ashur and set up camp. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. During the night, with the craft of the deaf, they came to do battle with me to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over a distance of three leagues, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash, Harran, Ashashash, mighty Ashdiash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri, eight fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I carried off people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Izirtu, Urmete, and Uzbia, his fortified cities. I confined the people living in those cities and thus cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned that district with fire. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with fire. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with fire.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I burnt with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and of the land Harsi, which is on the border of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Raya-dishadî, their fortress commander, and carried off his booty.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, destroyed its cities, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I destroyed its district, and razed, destroyed, and burned with fire all of its land. With a substantial booty, I brought about the defeat of his entire army.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the territory of Assyria, the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were previously in the territory of Assyria that the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land gathered around him and hung him on poles in the streets of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened his lips to me and iii 20'' praised my lordship. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I quickly dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. I sent him his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper.

At that time, Birishatri, the city ruler of the Medes,


On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta lit. "the city Harehasta", since Tandaya, their city ruler, had never bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and the people living in the city Qirbit were constantly plundering the land Yamutbal. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods, my lords, I conquered and plundered that city. As for Tandaya, their city ruler, I took him to Assyria together with captives from his city. I took the people of the city Qirbit, as many as I had carried off, and settled them in Egypt.

On my fifth campaign, I marched against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea, who had never bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and who always answered them with disrespect. I mustered my battle troops. I made them take the direct road to conquer the land Mannea.

I went and then set up camp in the city Dur-Ashur and pitched my camp there. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. During the night, in a crafty maneuver, they approached to do battle, to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over an area the distance of three leagues march, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash — a fortress of his — Ashash — a stronghold of his — Busutu, Ashdiyash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri — eight fortified cities — together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. iii 40 I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded the cities Izirtu, Urmete Armaet, and Uzbia Izibia, his fortified cities. I confined the people living in those cities and thus constricted and cut short their lives. iii 50 I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned that district with fire. I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and appropriated for themselves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I leveled and burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and lit. "of" Mount Harsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, flattened its villages, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid waste to his district and made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plunder and substantial booty and set foot in Assyrian territory.

As for the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land incited a rebellion against him and they cast his corpse into a street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and iii 85 made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, iii 90 which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

Obverse Column iv


(disz)an-da-ri-a _lu-en-nam kur_-ur-Ar-t,i szA a-na ka-szA-ad _kur_-up-pu-um-me u _kur_-kul-li-im-me-ri ir-da-a il-li-ka qé-reb mu-szi-ti _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-kul-li-im-me-ri _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu ma-as-su i-du-ku la iz-zi-bu a-a-um-ma _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-re-e ik-ki-su-nim-ma a-na _uru-nina-ki_ ina mah-ri-ia u-bil-u-ni

ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik sza _mun ad du_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ul-tu ina _kur-elam-ma-ki_ su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu-u né-eb-re-tu (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _un-mesz_ u-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-ii_-su# _un-mesz_-szu szA la-pa-an su-un-qi in-nab-tu-u-nim-ma u-szi-bu qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ a-di zu-un-nu ina _kur_-szu iz-nu-nu ib-ba-szu-u _buru14 un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu szA ina _kur_-ia ib-lu-t,u u-sze-bil-szu-ma

(disz)ur-ta-ki szA la ag-ru-szu qa-bal-szu id-ka-a a-na _kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ur-ri-ha ta-ha-zu Asz-szu _zi_(?)-ut# _lu_-e-la-me-e _lu-a kin_ a-na _nina-ki_ il-li-kam-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-te a-ma-ti szA-a-ti-na sza ti-bu-ti (disz)ur-ta-ki ul Asz-du#-ud ina lib-bi-ia szu-ut _lu-mah-mesz_-szu szA su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap#-[pa]-ra# ina mah-ri-ia a-na a-mar _man kur-elam-ma-ki lu-a kin_-ia u-ma-'e-er ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma a-ma-a-te ka-a-a-ma#-na-ti u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-te um-ma _lu_-e-la-mu-u _gim zi_-ut _buru5-hi-a_

usz-man-nu szA-kin-ma na-di ma-dak-tu ana na-ra-ru-ti (d)_en_ u (d)_ag dingir-mesz_-ia szA ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un _erim-mesz me_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu-ma i-tur ana _kur_-szu _egir_-szu as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu Asz-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu

(disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu mu-u-tu u-ga-ru-u ina ta-né-hi iq-tu-u i-zu-bu ina qaq-qa-ri ba-la-t,i _gir-ii_-szu ul isz-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu na-pisz-ta-szu iq-ti

il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu (disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _lu_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun en_-u-ti-ia ina ni-szik PÉSZ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu

(disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til-la-a _a-mesz sa5-mesz_

(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du lu_-szu-ut _sag_-szu mu-szad-bi-ib-szu sza _munus-hul_ u-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki e-mid-su (d)_amar-utu man dingir-mesz_ sze-er-ta-szu _gal_-tu

ina 1-et _mu-an-na_ mé-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu lib-bi _an-szar_ ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka-bit-ti (d)isz-tar sza u-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu isz-ki-pu be-lut _kur_-e-lam-ti u-szal-qu-u szA-nam-ma

ar-ka (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la_ u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-né-'a-a _munus-hul_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ (disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki _u 60 numun lugal_ ina la mi-ni _erim-mesz gisz-pan dumu_ ba-né-e sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_ la-pa-an da-a-ki (disz)te-um-man

ina 7-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik szA _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ (disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki lu-mah-mesz_-szu isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ana sze-bu-li _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu szA in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia sze-bul-szu-nu ul aq-bi-szu ina _ugu_ me-re-he-e-ti ina _szu-ii_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a U (disz)(d)_muati_-_sig5_-iq isz-ta-nap-pa-ra _iti_-szam

AI Translation

As for Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched to conquer the lands Uppumu and Kullimeri, in the midst of the night, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, iii 20' inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. They did not spare a single one. They cut off the head of Andaria and brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and I grasped his hands. As for his people, who had fled from famine and settled in Assyria until the rains in his land had set in, I sent him those people back to me and I counted them as booty.

Urtaku, who had not bowed down to his yoke, came to Karduniash Babylonia and battled. As for the Elamite, a messenger came to Nineveh and told me these words: "I did not honor Urtaku's defeat. In my heart, he sent his envoys with messages of peace before me to see the king of the land Elam. He quickly came and returned and told me these words repeatedly: "The Elamites are like the attack of locusts."

I mustered my battle troops and took the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fear overwhelmed him. I took the road behind him and took the road to his land. I imposed upon him his yoke. I pursued him as far as the border of his land.

Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not kept watch over the rebellious, died in a day without his will and a death by hunger. He sat down and prayed to his feet in the midst of the battle. In that year, he died of hunger.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he put his life in the netherworld.

Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, who did not honor my treaty, took away the water, the red water, and the reeds of the city Arbela.

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his eunuch, the one who slandered him and incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, king of the gods, gave him the great crown.

In one year, they all placed their trust in one another. The anger of the god Ashur overwhelmed them, and the heavy heart of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed his royal dynasty. They made another lordship of the land Elam greater than before.

After Teumman, the bright, stag, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku, and sixty members of the royal family, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam, iv 5' brought them before Teumman before Teumman and he kissed his feet.

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who constantly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, to bury those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not tell him about the famine, but he sent his messengers monthly with messages of peace to Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq.


As for Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched during the night to conquer the lands of the cities Uppumu and Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. They did not spare anyone. They cut off the head of Andaria and they brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and thus iv 20 held him by the hand. As for his people, who had fled on account of the famine and settled in Assyria until it rained again in his land and harvests grew — I sent those people who had stayed alive in my land back to him. But as for the Elamite whose aggression I had not thought possible lit. "I did not speak with my heart" and iv 25 a fight with whom I had not contemplated — Bel-iqisha, the Gambulian, Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, servants who belonged to me, and Marduk-shuma-ibni, a eunuch lit. "eunuchs" of Urtaku who had sided with them, incited Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, with lies to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad.

Urtaku, whom I had not antagonized, set his attack in motion and hastily brought war to Karduniash Babylonia. On account of the assault of the Elamite, a messenger came to Nineveh and told me the news. iv 35 I was not concerned about this news of Urtaku's assault. Because he had regularly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me, I dispatched my messenger to see the king of the land Elam. He went quickly, returned, and iv 40 reported to me an accurate report, saying: "The Elamites cover the land Akkad, all of it, like a swarm of locusts. Against Babylon, his camp is pitched and his military camp is laid."

To aid the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, gods of mine whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and set out on the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and then fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his own land. I went after him and brought about his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not respected my friendship, whom death called on a day that was not his fate, who came to an end and withered away while wailing — he no longer set foot upon the land of the living. In that year, his life came to an end and he passed away.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he laid down his life through the bite of a mouse.

As for Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur who did not honor my treaty, he suffered from dropsy, that is "full water."

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his Urtaku's eunuch, the instigator who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, the king of the gods, imposed his grievous punishment upon him.

Within one year, they all laid down their lives at the same time. The angry heart of the god Ashur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ishtar, iv 65 who had encouraged me, become tranquil towards them. They overthrew his royal dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, iv 75 the king who came before Urtaku — together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had regularly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — and Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, former king of the land Elam — iv 85b asking me to send back those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not grant him their extradition. Concerning the aforementioned, he sent insults monthly by the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq. v 1 Inside the land Elam, he was bragging in the midst of his troops. I trusted in the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me. I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth". I did not give him those fugitives.

Obverse Column v


mun-nab-ti szA-a-tu-nu (disz)te-um-man le-mut-tu isz-te-né-'a-a (d)30 isz-te-né-'a-szu _giszkim-mesz munus-hul_ ina _iti-szu an-mi_ szat ur-ri _en zalag_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma (d)_utu igi_-szu-ma ki-ma szu-a-tu-ma kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih a-na qi-it _bala-mesz man kur-elam-ma-ki zah kur_-szu

u-kal-lim-an-ni _gurun esz-bar_-szu sza la in-né-nu-u ina u4-me-szu-ma mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu-ma _nundum_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi-ii_-szu is-hur-ma ga-ba-s,u isz-szA-kin ina lib-bi-szu it-ti ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 e-pu-szu-usz ul i-ba-Asz id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu

ina _iti-ne iti_ na-an-mur-ti _mul-pan_ i-sin-ni szar-ra-ti ka-bit-ti _dumu-munus_ (d)_en-lil_ a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti Asz-ba-ak ina _uru-limmu_-_dingir uru_ na-ram lib-bi-szA Asz-szu ti-bu-ut _lu_-e-la-me-e szA ba-lu-u _dingir_ it-ba-a u-szA-an-nu-u-ni t,e-e-mu um-ma (disz)te-um-man ki-a-am iq-bi szA (d)15 u-szA-an-nu-u mi-lik t,e-me-szu um-ma ul u-masz-szar a-di al-la-ku it-ti-szu

ep-pu-szu mit-hu-s,u-tu szu-ut me-re-eh-te an-ni-te szA (disz)te-um-man iq-bu-u am-hur szA-qu-tu (d)isz-tar a-zi-iz ana tar-s,i-szA ak-mi-is szA-pal-szA _dingir_-us#-sa u-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a

um-ma (d)be-let _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ bi-nu-ut _szu-ii_-ki szA ih-szu-hu-szu _an-szar ad_ ba-nu-ki a-na ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti szul-lum par-s,e-szu-un na-s,ir pi-risz-te-szu-un szu-t,u-ub lib-bi-szu-un im-bu-u zi-kir-szu a-na-ku Asz-re-e-ki Asz-te-né-'i-i al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-ki szul-lum par-s,e-e-ki U szu-u (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ la mu-szA-qir _dingir-mesz_ ku-s,ur ka-li a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia

um-ma at-ti (d)be-let be-le-e-ti i-lat qab-li be-let _me#_ ma-li-kat _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-szA szA ina ma-har _an-szar ad du_-ki _sig5_-ti taq-bi-i i-na ni-isz _igi-ii_-szu _ku-mesz_ ih-szu-ha-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-szu (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ana _an-szar man dingir-mesz ad du_-ki ih-tu-u bil-tu id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu u-szA-'i-i-la _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ ki-ma _gun_ ina qa-bal tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu-ma di-kisz-szu me-hu-u

_im_ lem-nu in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-ti (d)15 isz-me-ma la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-a u-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-ka szA tasz-szA-a _igi-ii_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu

ar-ta-szi re-e-mu ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu szA am-hur-szi 1-en _lu_-szab-ru-u u-tu-ul-ma i-na-at,-t,al _masz-gi6_ i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)15 u-szab-ru-szu

u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ e-ru-ba-am-ma 15 u 2-30 tu-ul-la-ta isz-pa-a-ti tam-ha-at _gisz-pan_ ina i-di-szA szal-pat nam-s,a-ru# zaq-tu szA e-pesz ta-ha-zi ma-har-szA ta-zi-iz szi-i ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka il-si-ka (d)15 szA-qut _dingir-mesz_ i-szak-kan-ka t,e-e-mu um-ma ta-na-at,-t,a-la a-na e-pesz szA-Asz-me a-szar pa-nu-u-a szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-szA um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik (d)be-let _gaszan-mesz_

ina _iti-kin_ szi-pir (d)_inanna-mesz_ i-sin-ni _an-szar_ s,i-i-ru _iti_ (d)30 na-an-nar _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil ana _esz-bar_ (d)_szesz-ki_-ri nam-ri U szi-pir (d)15 _gaszan_-ia szA la in-nen-nu-u ad-ke _erim-mesz me-mesz_-ia mun-dah-s,e szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 u (d)15 it-ta-na-Asz-ra-bi-t,u ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ ur-hu as,-bat-ma

usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i na-di ma-dak-tu e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia szA qé-reb _bad-an-ki_ isz-me-e-ma is,-bat-su hat-tu (disz)te-um-man ip-lah-ma ana _egir_-szu i-tur e-ru-ub qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an _ku-babbar ku-gi_ a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz kur_-szu re-s,e-e-szu a-lik _a-ii_-szu pa-nu-usz-szu u-ter-ram-ma ug-dAp-pi-szA a-na mah-ri-ia _id_-u-la-a-a ana dan-nu-ti-szu isz-kun-ma is,-bat pa-an masz-qé-e

ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en#-mesz_-ia szA u-tak-kil-u-in#-ni ina _giszkim-mesz munus-sig5 masz-gi6 inim-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e qé-reb _du6_-_uru_-tu-ba _bad5-bad5#_-szu-nu Asz-kun ina _adda-mesz_-szu-nu _id_-u-la-a-a as#-ki-ir# szal-ma-ti-szu-nu ki-ma _gisz-dih_ u _gisz-kiszi16_ u-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti _uru_-szu-szA-an _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ak#-kis ina _ukkin erim-hi-a_-szu me-lam-me _an-szar_ u (d)15

(disz)um-man-i-gasz szA in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia

AI Translation

Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds. The god Sîn constantly sought out evil deeds against him. In Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the morning occurred during the night, the light of the moon was bright, and the sun was seen in front of him, and like that, all day long, it was bright, and it was a sign for the end of the reign of the king of the land Elam, the destruction of his land.

He saw the fruit of his decision, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap struck him and his fingernail was pointed, his eyes turned, and a sacrificial lamb was placed in his belly. With these deeds that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had done, he did not have a rival, but instead he sent his troops.

In the month Abu V, the month of the radiance of the Bow Star, the festival of the mighty queen, the daughter of the god Enlil, I set out to revere her great divinity. In the city Arbela, the city beloved by her heart, they gave me orders concerning the assault of the Elamite tribes, who were hostile to the god. Teumman said as follows: "Teumman, as he had said, which the goddess Ishtar had given me, should not abandon his plans until I go with him."

I received the supplications of this matter that Teumman had said. I stood before the goddess Ishtar and prayed to her. She prayed to her god and she came to my aid.

"O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of your hands, who had sided with him, the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, to renovate sanctuaries, to ensure their good health, to preserve their secrets, and to please their hearts, I myself, the one who constantly seeks out your shrines, came to revere your divinity, to ensure your good health, and to protect Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who does not diminish the gods, the complete protection of my troops,

"You, the lady of ladies, goddess of battle, lady of battle, the guardian of the gods, her ancestors, who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, with his pure eyes, he ascended the royal throne." Because Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sinned against the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, he imposed upon him tribute and imposed upon him battle. He gathered his troops and sent his weapons to march to Assyria.

"You, the satrap of the gods, are slain like a ... in the midst of battle and his rebellion is a flood.

The goddess Ishtar heard my evil deeds and said to me "Do not be afraid!" She made me rejoice. Your anger, which you had directed towards me, was a terrible thing.

In that year, when I received her, one of the archers left and saw a dream. He woke up and saw the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him.

As for me, the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, entered and she was clad on her right and left. She was holding a bow in her right hand. She was holding a scepter, a sharp sword, which was used to do battle. She was standing before her, and she was like the mother who begot her. She was speaking to you like the goddess Ishtar, the most exalted of the gods, and she gave you orders: "You are constantly urging me to do battle, where I am standing." You are saying to her: "Where you are going, may the Lady of Ladies go, may she go with you."

In the month Elul VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright light Sîn and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who constantly strive for victory by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar, and I ascended the midst of battle against Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Teumman, the king of the land Elam, he stayed in the city Bit-Imbî, a place of refuge for my royal majesty, which is inside Der, and he became frightened of my lordly brilliance. Teumman became frightened and returned to his own city. He poured out silver and gold for the preservation of his life and he prayed to the people of his land, his allies, who march at his side, and he returned to his own camp and he returned to my presence. He set the Ulaya River as his stronghold and he became frightened of my assault on the battlefield.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me through good intentions, good intentions, and adamant words, I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I crossed the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and scorpions. I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords. In the assembly of his troops, I erected the radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and grasped my feet,


Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds, but the god Sîn also sought out inauspicious omens for him. In the month Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the moon lasted longer than the third watch of the night, until daylight, the god Shamash saw it, and it lasted like this the entire day, thus signifying the end of the reign of the king of the land Elam and the destruction of his land.

"The Fruit" the god Sîn revealed to me his decision, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap befell him: His lip became paralyzed, his eyes turned back, and a seizure had taken place inside him. He was not ashamed by these measures that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had taken against him, and he mustered his troops.

During the month Abu V — the month of the heliacal rising of the Bow Star, the festival of the honored queen, the daughter of the god Enlil the goddess Ishtar — to revere her great divinity, I resided in the city Arbela, the city that her heart loves, v 20 when they reported to me news concerning an Elamite attack, which he Teumman had started against me without divine approval, saying: "Teumman, whose judgement the goddess Ishtar had clouded lit. "altered", spoke as follows, saying: 'I will not stop until I go and do battle with him.'"

On account of these insolent words that Teumman had spoken, I made an appeal to the sublime goddess Ishtar. I stood before her, knelt down at her feet, and made an appeal to her divinity, while my tears were flowing, saying:

"O Divine Lady of the city Arbela! I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of your hands whom the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — requires, v 30 whose name he has called to restore sanctuaries, to successfully complete their rituals, to protect their secrets, and to please their hearts: I am assiduous towards your places of worship. I have come to revere your divinity and successfully complete your rituals. However, he, Teumman, the king of the land Elam who does not respect the gods, is fully prepared to fight with my troops."

"You, the divine lady of ladies, the goddess of war, the lady of battle, the advisor of the gods — her ancestors — the one who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — so that at the glance of his pure eyes he desired me to be king — with regard to Teumman, the king of the land Elam v 40 who placed a burden on the god Ashur — the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you — he mustered his troops, prepared for battle, and sharpened his weapons in order to march to Assyria."

"You, the heroic one of the gods, drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and then raise a storm, an evil wind, against him."

The goddess Ishtar heard my sorrowful plight and said to me "Fear not!" She gave me confidence, saying: "Because of your entreaties, which you directed towards me, and because your eyes were filled with tears, I had mercy on you."

During the course of the night that I had appealed to her, a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He woke up and then reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him, saying:

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side and she was unsheathing a sharp sword that was ready to do battle. You Ashurbanipal stood before her v 55 and she was speaking to you like your own birth-mother. The goddess Ishtar, the sublime one of the gods, called out to you, instructing you, saying: 'You are looking forward to waging war and I myself am about to set out towards my destination the battlefield.' You then said to her, saying: v 60 'Let me go with you, wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!' She replied to you, saying: 'You will stay in the place where you are currently residing. Eat food, drink wine, make music, and revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go and accomplish this task, thus I will let you achieve v 65 your heart's desire. Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.' She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. Fire flared up in front of her. She went off furiously outside. She directed her attention towards Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry."

In the month Ululu VI, "the work of the goddesses," the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of v 75 the bright divine light Sîn and the message of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bit-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der and fear took hold of him. Teumman became frightened, turned around, and entered the city Susa. In order to save his own life, he distributed silver and gold to the people of his land. He redeployed his allies, who march at his side, to his front and amassed them before me. He established the Ulaya River as his defensive position and kept me from the watering places.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me through auspicious omens, dreams, egirrû-oracles, and messages from ecstatics, v 90 I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I blocked up the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, v 95 in the midst of his troops, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they the Elamites bowed down to my yoke.

I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war vi 5 that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, by the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

Obverse Column vi


ina 8-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu_ (disz)_en_-_ba_-szA a-na _kur_-gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik szA a-na _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu _kur_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu ki-ma _muru9_ ak-tUm _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu sza qé-reb _id-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu bal-t,u-su-un u-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti É-_gal_-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_ man-za-az pa-ni-szu _lu_-kit-ki-tu-u mu-szA-ki-le-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mar-kas _uru_ u _edin_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)mas-si-ra-a _lu_-[_gal_] _gisz#-pan_ szA (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA a-na kit-ri _kur_-gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu Asz-bu qé-reb _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en_ bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat _sag-du_-su ak-kis it-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu ar-pi-is

_uru_ szu-a-tu ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e u-szA-lik na-gu-u szu-a-tu u-szah-rib ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _lu-kur-mesz_-ia a-ni-ir szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki_

_sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina _gu_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul it-ti ki-szit-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szal-la-at _kur_-gam-bu-li sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a it-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti a-na _nina-ki_ e-ru-ub ina _hul-mesz_

(disz)um-ba-da-ra-a (disz)(d)_muati_-_sig5_-iq _lu-mah-mesz_ szA (disz)te-um-man _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-ii_-szu-nu isz-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-ti sza ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu-nu qé-reb _nina-ki_ e-mu-ru-ma szA-né-e t,e-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-nu ziq-na-a-szu (disz)(d)_ag#_-_sig5_-iq ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu is-hu-la kar-as-su

ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba ka-gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_ u-mah#-hi-ra mah-hu-risz Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

(disz)_ibila_-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)_muati_-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_szu_-A-_asz_ sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu in-nab-tu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu ana _lugal_-u-ti (disz)_ibila_-ia _dumu_ [(disz)](d)#_ag_-sa-lim is,-bat u-sze-bi-la a-di mah#-ri-ia

(disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-na _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)_en#_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a szA _ad-mesz_-szu#-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad#-mesz_-ia u-dal-li-pu-ma U szu-nu u-nar-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal#_-ti-ia qé-reb bal-til-_ki u uru-limmu_-_dingir_ a-na da-lAl ah-ra-a-te u-bil-szu-nu-ti

szA (disz)man-nu-ki-_pap-mesz lu-2_-u szA (disz)du-na-ni U (disz)(d)_muati_-u-s,al-li _lu_-szA _ugu uru kur_-gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-ti qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir eme_-szu-un Asz-lu-up Asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu-un

(disz)du-na-nu qé-reb _nina-ki ugu gisz_-ma-ka-s,i id-du-szu-ma

it,-bu-hu-szu as-lisz si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu szA (disz)du-na-ni U (disz)_ibila_-a-a a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu-nu u-na-kis u-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan

(disz)(d)_muati_-I (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-ir _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_ szA _ad_ ba-nu-szu-un (disz)ur-ta-ku id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur uri-ki gir-pad-da-mesz_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_kam_-esz szA ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-pad-da-mesz_ szA-a-ti-na mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru_ szA _uru_-ni-na-a# u-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu

(disz)um-man-i-gasz szA t,a-ab-tu ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu-usz Asz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza _sig5_-ti la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru a-de-e ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu _szu-ii lu-a kin-mesz_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

AI Translation

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I conquered the entire land Gambulu like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his chariot drivers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty.

As for Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to guard Dunanu, I captured him alive. I cut off his head and cut off his visibility from the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned that city with water. I made that district as unsuitable as possible. I cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, I entered Nineveh with singers performing arias. During joyous celebrations,

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-dammiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent Teumman to me through their hands, they sent me a detailed message that I had read in my first year. They saw the omens of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and they seized them. Umbadarâ sinned against him and Nabû-dammiq cut off his fingers with his iron belt-dagger.

I presented the statue of Teumman's head in front of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, next to the statue of the king of the land Elam.

Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, descendant of Marduk-apla-iddina II Gimil-apla-iddina II, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash took Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

As for Dunanu and Samguna, sons of Bel-iqisha of the land Gambulu, whose ancestors had trampled on the kings, my ancestors, and who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to greet me.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they killed him with a makasû-stick inside Nineveh and

I weighed out the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, thereby reducing their flesh. I sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" smash those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king of the land Elam, who did not respect my good deeds and did not honor the treaty sworn by the great gods, viii 20'' he sent me messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin,


On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, vi 15 I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. vi 25 I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to provide support to the land Gambulu and to guard Dunanu. I cut off his head and beat it against the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

As for that city, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water; I annihilated it. I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu. With the spoils of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — by whose hands Teumman sent insolent messages, whom I had detained before me by making them wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his own beard and Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash seized Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha — Gambulians whose ancestors had harassed the kings, my ancestors, and, moreover, who themselves disturbed my exercising the kingship — I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to praise me in the future.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I performed many acts of kindness and whom I installed as king of the land Elam, and who forgot my favors, did not honor the treaty sworn by the great gods, and accepted bribes from the hands of the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my unfaithful brother, my enemy — he sent his forces with them to fight with my troops, my battle troops who were marching about in Karduniash Babylonia and subduing Chaldea.

Obverse Column vii


ina la i-de s,e-er (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki u_ (disz)za-za-az _lu-en-uru kur_-pil-la-te (disz)pa-ru-u _lu-en-uru kur_-hi-il-mu (disz)at-ta-me-tu _lu-gal gisz-pan_ (disz)né-e-szu a-lik pa-ni _erim-hi-a_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na mit#-hu-us,-s,i it-ti _erim-hi-a kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti isz-kun-szu-nu-te t,e-e-mu# (disz)um-man-i-gasz a-na (disz)un-da-si ki-a-am iq#-bi um-ma a-lik# _ta kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ter-ra# [tuk-te9]-e# _ad_ ba-ni-ka

_erim#-mesz me_-ia ina _uru_-man-gi-si szA qé-reb# _uru_-su-man-dir _edin#_-usz-szu-un e-lu-nim-ma isz-ku-nu tah#-ta-szu-un sza (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu _sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu ik-ki-su-nim-ma u-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti _lu-a kin_-ia u-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia szA Asz-pu-ru# ik-la-ma la u-ter-ra tur-tu a-mat-ia

_an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_muati_ (d)_u-gur dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di#-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma szA-a-szu ga-du kim-ti-szu u-ra-sib ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA e-la szA-a-szu ek-s,u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_

_kur-elam-ma-ki_ ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma t,a-'a-a-tu im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu ina su-up-pe-e szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u ta-né-hi-ia im-hu-ru isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _arad-mesz_-szu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su szA si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u e-li ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man szA ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia _u szesz-mesz_-szu qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu# it-ti 85 _nun-mesz_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-li-kut _a-ii-mesz_-szu sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 ip-par-szu-nim-ma a-na da-lAl _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti it-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_man_-_pap lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia sza ib-szi-mu-szu ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu-usz-szu-un ina _ugu_ lib-bi-szu-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ra-man-szu im-nu-ma a-na kat-a-ri-szu u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti szu-ut 1-en szu-ut _sag_-ia _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia 1 _lim_-_a-a_ ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _un-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu qé-reb É-_gal_-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti

(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-ti u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ da-na-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia i-de-e-ma sza u-szam-ri-ru _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA Asz-pu-ru a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ sza _gim_ ib-ri u tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu szA (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik-lu-u ina ki-li (disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu É s,i-bit-ti u-sze-s,a-Asz-szu-nu-ti

(disz)ia-u-ta-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a-_dingir lugal kur_-qa-da-ri e-pisz _arad_-ti-ia Asz-szu _dingir-mesz#_-szu im-hur-an-ni-ma u-s,al-la-a _lugal_-u-ti _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u-szA-az-kir-szu-ma (d)a#-[tar]-sa-ma-in# u-ter-ma a-din-szu _egir_-nu ina# a-de-ia ih-t,i-ma _mun_ la is,-s,ur-ma is,-la-a _gisz-szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia _gir-ii_-szu ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti _un-mesz#_ [_kur_]-a-ri-bi# it-ti-szu u-szA-bal-kit-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu# hu-bu-ut _kur mar-tu-ki_

_erim-hi-a_-ia# [szA ina mi]-s,ir# _kur_-szu Asz-bu u-ma-'e-[e]-ra s,e-ru-usz-szu

AI Translation

As for Undasi, son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and Zazazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, and Neshu, who marched before the troops of the land Elam, he sent them to fight with the troops of Assyria. He gave them orders, saying: "Go and get help from Assyria!" He then sent Ummanigash, saying: "Go and get help from the father who had engendered you."

My battle troops who were stationed in the city Mangisi, which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir, came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Zazazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II about these matters. He sinned against the eunuch of mine whom I had sent, but did not return my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict about Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was more insolent than him Ummanigash, sat on the throne of his palace.

As for the land Elam, he, like him Shamash-shuma-ukin, a brother who was not loyal to me, came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin and iii 5'

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words, swore an oath against the cutting off of the head of Teumman, who had cut off the heads of my troops, and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and who had come to praise their great divinity, together with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom they had incited against them with their might and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

Tammaritu became frightened of my oath and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to do obeisance to me. As for one of my first-born sons, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods who support me, iii 20'' iii 25'' iii 30'' iii 30'' iii 30'' Tammaritu, the people, as many as there were with him, iii 30'' ii

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, knew about the might of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who marched about protecting his land like a dog and a mouse, and who had escaped from Nabû-bel-shumati in secret, who had escaped during the night and hid in the cella of Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, and had a scout who had escaped from the cella, he escaped from the cella and hung his head on it.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and appealed to me for kingship. I made him swear by the great gods and gave him the god Atar-samayin. Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. He opened his feet to inquire about my well-being and he iii 10' saw the people of the land of the Arabs rebelled against him and they became frightened of the lands Amurru.

I sent my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, to him.


Secretly, he Ummanigash dispatched them to Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — and Zazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, and Neshu, a leader of the troops of the land Elam, to fight with the troops of Assyria and he gave them orders. Ummanigash said to Undasu as follows, vii 15 saying: "Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you." Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, set out en route and took the direct road.

My battle troops who were stationed in the city Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir — came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II regarding these matters. He detained the eunuch of mine whom I had sent Marduk-sharru-ushur and did not give a reply to my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than him Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my sighs and listened to the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and vii 40 together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had flown away from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — vii 50 to praise their great divinity, they crawled naked on their bellies, together with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom they had taken away with them by force, and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

Tammaritu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to be his ally. For just one eunuch of mine, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods who support me, compensated me a thousand fold. I allowed Tammaritu and as many people as there were with him to stay in my palace.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, knew about the might of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and vii 65 as for the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, with whom they used to march about protecting his land like a friend and ally and whom Nabû-bel-shumati vii 70 had seized by guile during the night and confined in prison, Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, vii 75 he sent them before me by the hands of his messenger with messages of goodwill and peace.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and implored my royal majesty. vii 80 I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. He refrained from inquiring about my well-being and vii 85 withheld audience gifts from me. He incited the people of the land of the Arabs to rebel with him and they were repeatedly plundering the land Amurru.

I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him and viii 1 they brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus consigned them to the god Gira.

Obverse Column viii


_gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze#-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina la mi-ni se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-szu um-da-na#-al-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-szA _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u-par-ri-is u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-gam-mal_ ina 1 _gin_ ina 1/2 _gin_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka_ ma-hi-ri _munus-a_sz-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _lu-lunga_ ina _dug_-ha-bé-e _lu#-nu-gisz-kiri6_ ina ki-i-szi im-da-na-ha-ru [_ansze-gam_]-_mal#-mesz u_ a-me-lu-tu

si-it-ti _lu_-a-ri-bi szA la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du u-szam-qit (d)er-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu-un isz-szA-kin-ma a-na# bu-ri-szu-nu# e-ku-lu# _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu-un ar-ra-a-ti ma-la# ina a-de-szu-un szat,-ru# ina pi-it-ti i#-szi-mu-szu#-nu-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki#_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

(disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu im-hur-szu-ma

e-disz-szi-szu in-na-bit (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na _nina-ki_ il-li-kam-ma u-na-sziq _gir-ii_-ia a-de-e a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia it-ti-szu Asz-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' Asz-kun-szu ana _lugal_-u-ti _ku-gi na4-igi-ii-mesz na4-babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-mesz_ bit-ru-tu man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

(disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal kur_-qa-ad-ri szA ki-ma szA-a-szu ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur mar-tu-ki_ ina zi-kir _mu_-ia szA _an-szar_ (d)30 [(d)_utu_ (d)]_en#_ (d)_ag#_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ u#-[szar-bu-u] (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _lugal kur_-ma-'a-a-ba# _arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ina _me_ isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu (disz)am-mu-la-di(?)# si-it-ti _un-mesz_-szu sza la-pa#-[an] da#-a-ki# i-szi-tu-u-ni u-s,ab-bit ina _szu-ii szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-di-ma

(disz)na-at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu isz-ma-a da-na-[an] _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu_ szA u-tak-kil-u#-in-ni sza ma-ti-ma a-na _lugal-mesz# ad-mesz_-ia _lu-a kin_-szu la isz-pu-ra la isz-a#-lu4 szu-lum _lugal#_-ti-szu-un e-nen-na ia-a-ti _lu-a kin_-szu [szA] szul-me isz-pu-ra u-na-sziq _gir-ii_-ia a-na szA-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia u-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _sig5-mesz ugu_-szu Asz-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti sza qé-reb _nina-ki_ sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad ad du_-ia e-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-am-ma tem-me-en-szu ir-bu-ub-ma i-qu-pa É-_gar8-mesz_-szu É-_gal_ ma-szar-ti szu-a-tu sza la-ba-risz il-la-ku# e-na-hu _usz8_-szu mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ak-szu-da a-sur-ru-szu ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni u-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-szu

_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia szA# ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku Asz-ku-nu da-na-an u li-i-tu Asz-t,ur-ma ana(?) ah-rat u4-me e-zib

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz dumu#-mesz u dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É-_gal_ ma-szar-te szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an#-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi

a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter# ki-i sza a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# szu-me (disz)(d)[30]-_pap#-mesz_-_su ad ad du_-ia a-mu-ru _i-mesz_ ap-szu#-szu _udu-siskur_ aq-qu#-u it-ti _mu-sar_-e# szi-t,ir _mu_-ia Asz-ku-nu at-ta ki-ma ia-a#-ti-ma _mu-sar_-a-a a-mur-ma# _i-mesz_ pu-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e# (erasure) szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-né-e szat,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li#-is,-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka

sza _mu-sar_-u szi#-t,ir _mu_-ia U szi-t,ir szu-me _ad#_ [_ad_-ia(?)] ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti# [u-hal]-la#-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir# [_mu_]-szu la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal#_-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ lu(?)#-hal-li-qu

_iti-ne-ne_-[_nig ud_-x-_kam_] lim-mu (disz)_en_-szu-nu [_lu-en-nam uru_-hi-in-da-na]

_iti-ne ud#_-[x (x)]-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)_pap#_-_dingir_-a-a _lu-gar-kur# uru_-gar-ga-misz

_iti-ne-ne-nig#_ [_ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)_pap_]-_dingir_-a-a _lu-gar-kur_ [_uru_-gar]-ga-misz

[_iti-ne_]-_ne#-nig ud-2-kam#_ [lim-mu (disz)_en_-szu]-nu _lu#_-[_gar_]-_kur# uru_-hi-in-dan

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)_pap_-_dingir_-a-a] [_lu-gar-kur uru_-gar]-ga#-misz

_iti-sig4-ga_ [_ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu ...] _lu-gar-kur uru#_-[...]

AI Translation

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They slew the entire land in its entirety and scattered the camels like sheep and goats. They gathered them all together and distributed them among the people of Assyria, the people who march at my side, camels for one shekel and half shekels of silver at the gate of the entrance, a female kid in a ration, a brewer in a libation vessel, and a gardener in a ration. They brought the camels and people to Assyria.

The rest of the Arabs who had fled from my weapons fled and the god Erra, the fierce warrior, set up a fight among them and slaughtered their children. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, decreed for me a fate of famine for the flesh of their sons, as much as was written in their treaty.

Iauta' received a substantial payment from him and

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, guhlu-stone, camels, and bitrutu-horses as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar, who, like him, had rebelled and sinned against the land Amurru, by the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had made great, they defeated Kamashaltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me, in a pitched battle. They struck Ammu-ladin and the rest of his people, who had fled from the slaughtering and were thrown into iron fetters.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. Whoever ever before did not send his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, nor inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, now, for me, his messenger, who had sent me a message of well-being, kissed my feet and encouraged me to conclude a treaty, peace, and exercise my lordly majesty. I joyfully looked upon him and established good omens over him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payments.

At that time the stele which was inside Nineveh, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had previously built, became old and its foundations had buckled. Its walls became dilapidated and its walls had buckled. I removed its dilapidated sections and its dilapidated sections. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this stele becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, and I made an offering and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object of mine, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are mentioned in this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and prolong your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or bearing the name of the father of my father, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Abu V, the ... day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 645.

Abu V, day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 645.

Abu V, the ... day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 645.

Abu V, the second day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindan 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 645.

Sivan III, the ... day, eponymy of ..., governor of the city .


They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled with them the whole extent of the land, in its entirety, to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats and viii 10 divided them among the people of Assyria so that within my country they the Assyrians could purchase a camel for one shekel or even a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug of beer, and the gardener for his bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camels and slaves.

As for the rest of the Arabs who had fled from my weapons, the heroic god Erra struck them down. Famine broke out among them and they ate the flesh of their children on account of their hunger. viii 20 The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, decreed curses, as many as were written in their treaties, accordingly upon them.

As for Iauta', hardship befell him and he fled alone.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin — the king of the land Qedar, who, like him Iauta', had turned hostile and repeatedly plundered the land Amurru — Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in battle by invoking my name — which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had made great — viii 40 captured Ammi-ladin and the rest of his people who had escaped the slaughter. He placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and had never inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, viii 50 he now sent to me his messenger with greetings and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty and peace agreement, and to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

At that time, the armory that is inside Nineveh, which Sennacherib — king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me — had built, had become old and then its foundations had become weak and its walls had buckled. I removed the collapsed sections of that armory, which had become old and whose foundations had become weak; I reached its lowest course. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great, great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this armory becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, anointed it with oil, made an offering, and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object of mine and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. viii 85 May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and protect your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or bearing the name of my grandfather, makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Abu V, the ... day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

Abu V, the day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 649.

Abu V, the day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 649.

Abu V, the second day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

..., the day, eponymy of Ahu-ila'i, governor of the city Carchemish 649.

Simanu III, the ... day, eponymy of ..., governor of the city ....

Q003703: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du#_-[_a lugal_] _gal lugal_ dan-nu# _lugal szu lugal kur an#-szar-ki#_ [_lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_]-tim# s,i-it# lib-bi (disz)_an-szar_-_pap#_-[_asz lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal#_ [_kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_] _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su#_ [_lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukkin_-szu-nu szi-mat _sig5#_-[tim i-szim-mu szim-ti] uz-nu ra-pa-Asz-tu isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up#-[szar-ru-ti u-szA-hi-zu] ka-ra-szi ina _ukkin_ lu-li-me zi-kir _mu#_-[ia u-szar-ri-hu] u-szar-bu-u _lugal_-u-ti du-un-nu zik-ru#-[u-tu] e-mu-qa-an s,i-ra-a-ti u-szat-lim-u-ni ma-ta-a-ti# la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u u-szam-s,u-in-ni

ma-la lib-bi-ia _lu_-szA-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu na-dan zi-bi-ia i-t,ib _ugu dingir_-ti-szu-un esz-ret _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u-szak-lil u-szal-bi-szA _ku-gi ku-babbar_ (d)lah-me (d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz_ tim-me _mah-mesz_ ina _ka_-szu-un ul-ziz é-szar2-ra é-masz-masz é-gaszan-kalam-ma é-hul-hul ki-ma szi-t,ir _an_-e u-ban-ni mim-ma si-mat É-_kur_ szA _ku-gi ku-babbar_ e-pu-usz _ugu_ szA _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u _ugu_ szA u4-me ul-lu-u-ti u-szA-tir-ma u-kin

(d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ra (d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu 5 _kusz sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin_-ni-szu e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6 _kusz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lu#

10 _ansze sze-pad-mesz 1 ansze gesztin-mesz banmin i-mesz 1 gun sig_-[_mesz_] ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu i-szam-mu ina x x [x] szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u mi-szA-ri ar-te-'a ba-'u-u#-[lat (d)_en-lil_]

ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti a(?)-bel#-[ma(?)] _lugal-mesz_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi u e-reb (d)[_utu_-szi] isz-szu-u-ni _gun_-su-nu ka-bit-tu _un-mesz murub4_ tam-tim a-szib szad-de-e szA-qu-te u-szak-ni-szA a-na# [_gisz_]-_szudun#_-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u-na-Asz-szA-qu _gir-ii_-ia mal-ki _gal-mesz_ szA s,i-tasz u szi-la-an a-na kit-ri-szu-nu u-pa-qu-u-ni

i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-mA-kan _u# kur_-me-luh-ha lu-u al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a _bad5-bad5_-szu isz-ku-nu i-be-lu# _kur_-su da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na t,e#-em ra-ma-ni-szu _ugu lugal-mesz lu_-qe-pa-a-ni szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur u-pa-qi-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-ti# u e-kem _kur_-mu-s,ur il-li-ka [_edin_-usz-szu]-un e-ru-um-ma u-szib qé-reb# [_uru_]-me-em#-pi

u-mal-lu-u qa-tu-u-a a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat# sza _lugal-mesz lu_-qe-pa-a-ni sza qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e#-ma al-lik a-di _uru_-kar-ba-ni-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _murub4 gisz-tukul-mesz me_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _erim-mesz me_-szu ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut _a#-ii_-ia ina _me edin_ rap-szi

Asz-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a_-szu (disz)tar-qu-u ina qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erim-hi-a_-szu nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ (d)15 is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz mé-lam-me _lugal_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu-ma szA u-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma ana szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ szu-a-tu as,-bat _erim-hi-a-mesz_-ia u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina lib#-bi

_lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz_ szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur u-pa-qi-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu-un u-masz-szi-ru im-lu-u _edin_ u-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu-un ina masz-kAn-i-szu-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku-u-su sza _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni u-dan-nin# u-rak-ki-sa rik-se-e#-[szu]

_uru_-sa-a-a _uru#_-bi-in-t,i-t,i _uru_-s,a-a'-nu [sza] ib#-bal-ki-tu it-ti (disz)tar-qu-u isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu-un _uru-mesz_ [szA-a-tu]-nu# ak-szu-ud _un#_-[_mesz_ a]-szib# lib-bi-szu-un a-ni-ir ina# _gisz-tukul-mesz_ [_adda-mesz_-szu-nu ina _gisz_-ga]-szi-szi a-lul# [_kusz-mesz_]-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut,# _bad uru_ u-hal-lip#

[(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri szA _ad_-u-a] ina _kur_-mu-s,ur [isz-ku-nu-usz a-na] _lugal#_-ti [szA _hul_]-tu# ik-pu-du [a]-na# _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [ina qa-ti] as,-bat u-ra-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

[(disz)tar-qu-u a-szar] in#-nab-tu ra#-szub-bat# [_gisz-tukul an-szar en_-ia is]-hup-szu-ma il-lik nam#-mu-szi-szu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of Assyria, and vice-regent of Assyria:

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. They made the mention of my name great and made my kingship great. They made the exalted strength of my army bow down at my feet and made the lands that had not bowed down to me bow down at my feet.

As much as my heart desired, the shandabakku-priests listened to my prayers and thereby surpassed their gods. I completed the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, and thereby deposited gold, silver, lahmu-gods, and lion-headed eagles, magnificent columns in their gates. I made Esharra, Emashmash, Egashankalama, and Ehulhul shine like the stars lit. "writing" of heaven. I made every type of temple appurtenances of gold and silver. I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made regular offerings more plentiful than those of distant days, and I imposed upon them the payment of tribute and tax.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. He poured out five cubits of barley from his threshing-floor, poured out a harvest of five and six cubits of grain, and made the harvest plentiful. He made reed beds, reed beds, and reed beds. During my reign, there was abundance and plenty; during my years, there was abundance.

In my entire land, ten homers of barley, one homer of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool were sold for half of their price. In ..., I marched about triumphantly and with justice and justice. I surrounded and conquered the people of the god Enlil.

I ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings of the east and west took their substantial tribute. I made the people of the middle of the sea who live on high mountains bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they kissed my feet and the great rulers who were entrusted with shepherding and shepherding them

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and whose land he had conquered, trusted in the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own intelligence. v 5' He went against the kings and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt to fight with the barbarous acts of the father who had engendered me. He entered and settled in the city Memphis.

I quickly advanced to support the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banitu. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and he mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I captured his battle array in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came to an end. The brilliance of my royal majesty, which the gods of heaven and netherworld had granted to me, overwhelmed him and he fled to save his own life. I took him to the city Thebes, a city that I had conquered. I brought my troops inside it and settled him therein.

As for the kings and governors whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts after the death of Taharqa and had fled into the open country, I allowed them to live where their posts were. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, and strengthened its guard more than before. I established its granaries.

I conquered the cities Sais, Bintitu, and Sha'anu, which had rebelled against Taharqa. I conquered those cities. I killed the people living inside them with the sword. I hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and flayed them. I destroyed the city wall and destroyed its ruins.

As for Sharru-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as king in Egypt and who plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians, I captured him and brought him to Assyria.

As for Taharqa, whose home had become frightened and whose mighty weapon the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed, he came to my aid and made an appeal to my lord.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They glorified the mention of my name in the assembly of princes lit. "stags" and made my kingship great; they generously granted me power, virility, and outstanding strength; and they placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire.

They required my priestly services and my giving them food offerings pleased their divinity. I completed the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, clad them with gold and silver, and had long-haired heroes, lion-headed eagles, and tall columns erected in their gates. I made Esharra, Emashmash, Egashankalama, and Ehulhul shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the heavens. I made every type of temple appurtenance from gold and silver, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. i 20 I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days. I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the gods and constantly followed their ways.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase ten donkey-loads of grain, one homer of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

I ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings from the rising sun and the setting sun carried their substantial tribute to me. I made the people from the midst of the sea and those who live on high mountains bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who sit upon royal daises kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had brought about and whose land he ruled over, forgot the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own counsel. i 45 He marched against the kings and officials, whom the father who had engendered me had appointed inside Egypt, to kill and rob them and to take away Egypt from them. He entered and resided in the city Memphis, a city that the father who had engendered me had conquered and made part of the territory of his land. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported this to me. i 50 My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. I mustered my elite forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had placed in my hands.

I quickly advanced to support and aid the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. The brilliance of my royal majesty, with which the gods of heaven and netherworld had endowed me, covered him; he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I seized that city Memphis and then made my troops enter and reside there.

As for the kings and governors whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside, where their posts were, I permitted them to serve in their former positions again. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. I strengthened its guard more than previously and concluded new agreements with it.

As for the cities Sais, Mendes, and Tanis, which had rebelled and sided with Taharqa, I conquered those cities and I killed the people living inside them with the sword. I hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and draped the city walls with their skins.

As for Sharru-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as a king in Egypt and who plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians, I captured him and brought him to Assyria.

As for Taharqa, in the place where he had fled, the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he passed away.

Obverse Column ii


_egir_-nu (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e _dumu nin9_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu#_-[_za_] _lugal#_-ti-szu _uru#_-ni-i' _uru_-u-nu [a-na] dan#-nu-ti-szu isz-kun [u]-pah#-hi-ir il-lat-su [a-na] mit-hu-s,i _erim#_-[_hi-a dumu-mesz_] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi [id]-ka#-a qa-bal-szu# [_un-mesz_ szA-a]-tu#-nu e-si-ir-ma [is,]-ba#-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu#-[un _lu_]-_a#_ szip-ri ha-an-t,u [a-na] _nina#-ki_ il-lik-am#-[ma iq]-ba#-a ia-a-ti

[Asz-ni-ma] a-na _kur_-mu-s,ur [_kur_-ku-u-si] usz#-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu [(disz)_ur_]-da#-ma-né-e [a-lak ger]-ri#-ia isz-me-ma

in-na#-[bit a-na _uru_-ki-ip-ki-pi _uru_ szu-a-tu] a-na [si-hir-ti-szu ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ik-szu-da]

_szu-ii_-a-[a _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig-szu_ É-_gal_-szu] ma-la [ba-szu-u lu-bul-tu bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_] _un-mesz_ [zik-ra U sin-nisz 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e] eb-bi sza# [2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_] ul-tu man-zal-ti#-[szu-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu# [a-na la mi-ni Asz-lu-la] ul-tu# qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _ugu kur_-mu-s,ur# [u _kur_-ku-u-si _gisz-tukul-mesz_]-ia# u-szam-ri-ir-ma Asz-ta#-[kan li-i-tu] it-ti qa-ti

ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik Asz-szu a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru [la isz-mu-u] zi#-kir _nundum_-ia [_uru-hal-s_,U]-_mesz# ugu_-szu u-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _un-mesz_-szu [u-dan]-nin# ma-s,ar-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re#-[ti]-szu(?)# u-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu ap-ru-us _a-mesz_ te-'u#-[u]-ta ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu-nu a-na pi-i-szu-nu u-szA-qir# ina me-[se]-ri# dan-ni szA la na-par#-szu-di e-si-ir-szu-nu-ti nap-szat-su-nu u#-si-iq u-kar-ri

_dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib#-bi-szu u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig#_-u-ti u-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia _dumu_-szu sza ma-ti-ma _a-ab-ba_ la e-bi-ra isz-szA-a a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti#-ia _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as#-si am-hur-szu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu

u-ter-ma a-ri-im#-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ szA _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri u-rak#-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li# ger-re-ti-szu ma-la u-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti ma-da-at-ta#-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur-szu szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina#-ki uru en_-u-ti-ia

ma-al-ki _murub4_ tam-tim u _lugal-mesz_ a-szib szad-de-e szA-qu#-[u]-ti# da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an#-[na-a-ti] e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-a-ru-ad-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal kur_-tab-_uru_-a-a (disz)sa-an-[di]-szar-me _kur_-hi-lak#-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# [la] kan-szu# ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia [_dumu-munus-mesz_] s,i-it lib-bi-szu-nu it-ti# [nu-dun-né-e] ma-a'-di U ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir#_-[_ii_-ia]

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki#-[in-lu-u _lugal kur_]-a#-ru-ad-da il-li-ku [a-na szim]-ti [(disz)a-zi-ba-al] (disz)a-bi-ba-[al] (disz)#a-du-ni-ba-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia#-[ki-in-lu-u a-szib] _murub4_ tam-tim ul-tu _murub4_ [tam-tim] e#-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti#-[szu-nu ka]-bit-ti il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu# _gir-ii_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-al ha-disz# ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-u-ti _kur_-a-ru-ad-da Asz-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al lu-bul-ti bir-me u#-[lab-bisz] _har ku-gi a_sz-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul#-[zis]-su#-nu-ti

(disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal kur_-lu-ud-di na-gu-u szA né-ber-ti _a-ab-ba a_sz-ru ru-u-qu sza# _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri#-[szu-ma] _an-szar dingir#_ ba-nu-u-a u4-mu _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru _lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu#-ra a#-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia

_lu_-gi-mir#-a-a _lu-kur_ ek-s,u szA la ip-tal-la-hu# _ad-mesz_-ia U ia-a-szi la is,-ba-tu# _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia ina tukul#-ti _an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu en-mesz_-ia ina# [_gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i] _gisz_-szat# qa-ti _gisz_-szi-ga-ri u-tam#-[me-eh-ma] it-ti# ta-mar-ti-szu-nu ka-bit-ti [u-sze-bi-la] a-di mah#-ri-ia a-tam-ma-ra da-na-an# [_an-szar_ u (d)_szu_]

ina 4-e ger-ri#-ia a-na _uru_-qir#-[bit szA qé-reb] _uru_-ha-re-e-ha-as-ta# [lu-u al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da]

AI Translation

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat on his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and brought his troops. He brought about the defeat of the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis. He confined those people and took away their booty. A quickly dispatched messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

I took the road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he conquered the city Kipkipi, that city, in its entirety.

I took out silver, gold, precious stones, all of his palace possessions, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, from their abodes and I took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, without number, from the city Thebes. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and I established my dominion.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I strengthened the protection of his people. By sea and dry land, I captured his routes. I sank his boats. I weighed out the water for the preservation of their lives and imposed it upon them. In a mighty battle that cannot be stopped, I confined them and cut short their lives.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I opened up the forts that I had built against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had captured. I received from him his substantial payment. I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for the kings of the middle of the sea and the kings who reside in the high mountains, they saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. They brought to Nineveh Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and they brought their daughters, their own offspring, with a substantial dowry and a substantial marriage gift, to serve as housekeepers, and they kissed my feet.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I decorated Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I imposed upon them the tribute of my land.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a district in the opposite direction of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and who had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the gods Ashur and Marduk, my lords, I cut them down with a pickaxe and a threshing-floor and I sent them before me with their substantial audience gifts. I saw the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Marduk and I prayed to them:

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside the city Harehasta. I captured alive Taanda, a man of Bit-Hanuna.


Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat upon his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. ii 5 To fight against the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he mobilized his battle array, confined those people, and cut off their escape route. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

For a second time, I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and

he Tanutamon fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, ii 5' people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from inside the city Thebes. ii 10' I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and ii 15' did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I reinforced its garrison. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes and thus cut off all access to him. ii 20' I made the water and food for the preservation of their lives scarce for their mouths. I confined them in a harsh imprisonment from which there was no escape. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I dismantled the outposts that I had con­struc­ted against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

Rulers who reside in the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, ii 40' and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. ii 45' They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and ii 55' kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, ii 70' with the support of the gods Ashur and Marduk, my lords, he Gyges clamped them in manacles, handcuffs, and neck-stocks and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts. I constantly saw the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta lit. "the city Harehasta", since Tandaya, iii 1 their city ruler, had never bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and the people living in the city Qirbit were constantly plundering the land Yamutbal. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Sîn, the gods, my lords, I conquered and plundered that city. As for Tandaya, their city ruler, I took him to Assyria together with captives from his city. I took the people of the city Qirbit, as many as I had carried off, and settled them in Egypt.

Obverse Column iii


ina 5-szi (erasure) ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-szi-ra _man kur_-[man-na-a-a lu-u al-lik] szA a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu i-tap-pa-lu# [da-s,a-a-ti] ad-ke _erim-mesz me_-ia a-na ka-szA-ad _kur_-man-na#-[a-a]

usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu al-lik-ma qé-reb _uru#_-[_bad_-asz-szur] usz-man-nu ad-di-ma Asz-ku-na ka-ra-szi (disz)ah#-[sze-e]-ri# a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma [u-ma]-'e#-e-ra [um-man-szu] [ina szat mu-szi ina] szi#-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-pesz _me_ it-bu-[u-ni] [a-na mit]-hu-us,-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia# [_erim-mesz_] _me#_-ia it-ti-szu-un im-da-ha-[s,u] [isz]-ku#-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu-un# [ma-lak 3 _kaskal-gid_] _a-sza_ szal-ma-ti-szu-nu u-mal-lu-u _edin_ rap-szu

[ina qi-bit _an-szar_] (d)#30 (d)_utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza u-tak-ki-lu-in-ni [qé-reb _kur_-man]-na#-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz [ina me-ti-iq ger]-ri#-ia _uru_-a-a-u-si-Asz _uru-hal-s_,U [_uru-a_sz-szA-Asz dan]-na-su _uru#_-bu-su-tu _uru-a_sz-di-Asz [_uru_-ur-ki-ia-mu-un _uru_-up-pi]-isz# _uru_-si-hu-u-a _uru_-na-zi-ni-ri [8 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti] _u#_ a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti [szA ni-ba la] i-szu#-u a-di qé#-reb _uru_-i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _un#-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz_

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e#-ri a-lak ger-ri#-ia isz-me-ma u-masz-szir _uru_-i-zir-[tu] _uru# lugal_-ti-szu a-na _uru_-at-ra-a-na _uru_ tukul-ti-szu in#-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi-tu _uru#_-[i]-zir#-tu _uru_-ur-me-e-te _uru_-uz-bi-a [_uru-mesz_ dan]-nu#-ti-szu al-me _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu#-ut _uru-mesz#_ [szA-a]-tu#-nu e-si-ir-ma# nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u#-[kar]-ri# na-gu-u# szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud# ap-pul aq-qur# ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu ma-lak 10 u4-[me 5 u4]-me# u-szah-ri-ir-ma szA-qu-um-ma-tu

at-bu-uk ina me-ti#-[iq] ger-ri-ia (erasure) _uru-mesz_ szA li-mi-it# _uru_-pad#-[di]-ra# szA ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# _kur_-man-na#-a-a e-ki-mu a-na i-di ra#-ma-ni-szu-nu u-ter-ru ak-szu-ud# ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu#-la szal-lat-sun _uru-mesz_ szA#-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur an-szar_ u-ter

na-gu-u# szA _uru_-ar-si-ia-ni#-isz sza bi-rit# _uru_-a-za-qa-ia-ni# sza ha-ar-si szA-di-i# sza _sag# kur_-ku-mu-ur-da-a-a# sza qé-reb# _kur_-man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di#-szA-di-i _lu-gal hal-s_,U-szu#-nu

a-duk Asz-lu#-la szal-lat-su na-gu-u szA _uru_-e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _uru#-mesz_-szu as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu-la szal-lat#-sun ina ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia na-gu-u-szu# u-szah-rib# u-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap-har# _kur_-szu it-ti hu-ub#-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu szal-mesz a-tu-ra# ak-bu-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

_uru_-bi-ir-ru-u-[a] _uru-lugal_-iq-bi _uru_-gu-si-né-e _uru-mesz_ mah-ru#-u-ti szA mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza# [ina] ter-s,i# _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu [_kur_-man-na-a-a da]-Ad-me szA#-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud [_kur_-man-na-a-a _ta_ lib]-bi# as-suh [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ til-li u-nu-ut _me_-szu]-nu#

[ina _sila uru_-szu id]-du#-u pa-gar-szu

[_egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li-i _dumu_]-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu# [da-na-an] _an#_-[_szar_ (d)_en_] (d)_ag#_ (d)15 sza _uru-nina-ki#_ [(d)]15 sza# _uru-limmu_-_dingir#-ki dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# e#-mur-ma ik#-nu-szA a-na ni-ri-ia# Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu# up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a# u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni# _dumu usz_-ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_ isz#-[pur-am-ma] u-na-Asz#-sziq _gir-ii_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu _lu#_-[_a kin_-ia szA szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu] _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu u#-[sze-bi-la ana e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti]

ina u4-me-szu (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri# [_lu-en-uru_ sza mad-a-a] (disz)sar-a-ti (disz)[pa-ri-hi] 2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi _lu-en#_-[_uru kur_-sa-hi] sza is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun#_ [_en_-ti-ia] 75 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu#-[ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun] szA-a-szu-nu bal-t,u-su-nu [ina _szu-ii_ as,-bat] u-bi-la a-na _nina-ki uru#_ [_en_-u-ti-ia]

AI Translation

On my fifth campaign, I marched against Ahshira, the king of the land Mannea, who had never bowed down to the kings, my ancestors. I mustered my battle troops to conquer the land Mannea.

I went and laid the foundations of the city Dur-Ashur and installed it in the city Dur-Ashur. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and sent his army. During the night, with the craft of the deaf man, they came to do battle. To fight with my troops, my battle troops clashed with them and brought about their defeat. Over a distance of three leagues, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash, Harran, Ayusiash, a fortified city, Busutu, Ashdiash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri, eight fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I carried off people, horses, and mules, as many as there were, and burned them with fire.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Izirtu, Urmete, and Uzbia, his fortified cities. I took the people living in those cities and made them bow down at my feet. I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned that district with fire. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered that district. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with fire.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria in the time of the kings, my ancestors.

I burnt with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqayanish and the city Harsi, which is on the border of the land of the Kumurdeans, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered and plundered the district of the city Eristeyana. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire his district. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered all of his land. With a great amount of booty and substantial booty, I returned and crossed the border of Assyria.

I conquered the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, former cities on the border of Assyria that the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I took those settlements from the Manneans. I carried off from them their horses, their equipment, and their fighting equipment.

He smashed his gate in the street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened his lips to me and kissed my feet. He sent Erisinni, his son, his heir designate, to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I sent a messenger of mine who was happy to him. I sent him his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper.

At that time, I captured and plundered Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, and I conquered 75 of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.


On my fifth campaign, I marched against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea, who had never bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and who always answered them with disrespect. I mustered my battle troops. I made them take the direct road to conquer the land Mannea.

I went and then set up camp in the city Dur-Ashur and pitched my camp there. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. iii 15 During the night, in a crafty maneuver, they approached to do battle, to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over an area the distance of three leagues march, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash — a fortress of his — Ashash — a stronghold of his — Busutu, Ashdiyash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri — eight fortified cities — together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded the cities Izirtu, Urmete Armaet, and Uzbia Izibia, his fortified cities. I confined the people living in those cities and thus constricted and cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned that district with fire. iii 40 I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and appropriated for themselves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I leveled and burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqayani Azaqanani and lit. "of" Mount Harsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, flattened its villages, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid waste to his district and made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plunder and substantial booty and set foot in Assyrian territory.

As for the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war.

they cast his Ahsheri's corpse into a street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, and iii 5'b bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. iii 10' I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

Obverse Column iv


(disz)an-da-ri-a _lu-en-nam kur#_-[ur-Ar-t,i] sza a-na ka-szA-ad _uru_-up-pu-um#-[me u _kur_-kul-li-im-me-ri] ir-da-a il-li-ka qé#-[reb mu-szi-ti] _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-kul-li-im-me#-[ri _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia] ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu ma-a'-as#-[su i-du-ku] la iz-zi-bu [a-a-um-ma] _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-ri-a [ik-ki-su-nim-ma] a-na _nina-ki_ ina mah-[ri-ia u-bil-u-ni]

ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu#_ [(disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik] sza _mun ad du_-[ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti] ul-tu ina _kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_ su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu-u né-eb-re-tu] (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi#_-[tim _un-mesz_ u-sze-bil-szu-ma] x x x x [...]

x x [...] (disz)ur-[ta-ki ul Asz-du-ud ina lib-bi-ia] szu-ut _lu#_-[_mah-mesz_-szu szA su-lum-me-e] isz-ta-nap#-[pa-ra ina mah-ri-ia] a-na a-mar _lugal#_ [_kur-elam-ma-ki lu-a kin_-ia] u#-ma-'e-er# [ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma] a-ma-a-te# ka-[a-a-ma-na-ti u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-te] um-ma _kur_-e-la#-[mu-u _gim zi_-ut _buru5-hi-a_] ka-tim _kur uri#_-[_ki_ ka-li-szA s,e-er _ka-dingir-ra-ki_]

usz-man#-nu [szA-kin-ma na-di ma-dak]-tu(?)# a-na# [na-ra-ru-ti] [(d)_en_ u] (d)#_ag dingir#_-[_mesz_-ia] sza# ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-su-un# _erim-mesz me_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri#-[ia] isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu-ma i-tur a-na# [_kur_-szu] _egir_-szu as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu Asz-kun# at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu

(disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la is,-s,u-ru ib#-[ru-ti] ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu mu-u-tu u#-gar-[ru-u] ina ta-né-hi iq-tu-u i#-[zu-bu] ina qaq-qa-ri ba-lA-t,i _gir#_-[_ii_-szu ul isz-kun] ina _mu-an-na_-szu na-pisz-ta-szu [iq-ti]

il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu# (disz)_en#_-_ba_-szA _lu_-gam-bu-la-a#-[a] sza is,-lu-u# _gisz-szudun en_-ti#-[ia] ina ni-szik PÉSZ isz-ta-kan# na-pisz-tu#

(disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu_-[_en-na_] la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi# a-ga-nu-til(?)#-[la-a] _a-mesz sa5-mesz_

(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du lu_-szu-[ut _sag_]-szu(?)# mu-szad-bi-ib-szu sza _munus-hul#_ u-szak-[pi-du] a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki e-mid-[su (d)]_amar-utu lugal#_ [_dingir-mesz_] szi-ir-ta-szu _gal_-tu

ina 1-et# [_mu-an-na_] mé-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku#-nu na-pisz-tu lib-bi _an-szar_ ag-gu ul [i-nu-uh-szu]-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka#-[bit-ti (d)isz]-tar# sza u-tak-kil-an#-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-[szu] isz-ki-pu# be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u#-[szal]-qu#-u szA-nam-ma

_egir#_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil# _gal5-la#_ [u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)]ur-ta-ki [a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_] (disz)#ur-ta-ki# [a-na _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al]-da-sze _szesz#_ (disz)ur-ta-ki [isz-te-né]-'a-a _munus#-hul_ [(disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap]-pa# (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ [(disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa]-ru-u [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze] _lugal#_ a-lik pa-ni [(disz)ur-ta-ki _u 60 numun_] _lugal#_ ina la mi-ni [_erim-mesz gisz-pan dumu_ ba-né-e] szA# _kur-elam-ma-ki_

[ina 7-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)]te-um-man [_man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u] al-lik [szA _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man]-ap-pa [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu] _dumu-mesz#_ [(disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ [(disz)ku-dur]-ru (disz)pa-ru#-u [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)um]-man#-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta#-ki [_lugal kur_]-_elam-ma-ki#_ [_lu-mah-mesz_]-szu isz-ta-nap-pa-ra a-na sze-bu-li# [_un-mesz_] szA#-a-tu-nu szA in-nab-tu#-nim-ma [is,-ba-tu] _gir#-ii_-ia sze#-bul-szu-nu ul aq-bi-szu [ina _ugu_ me]-re#-he-e-ti ina _szu#-ii_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a

AI Translation

As for Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched in procession to conquer the cities Uppumu and Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, iii 20' inflicted a heavy defeat on him during that time. They did not spare a single one. They cut off the head of Andaria and brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine had occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him a ration of bread for the preservation of the lives of the people and ... .

... ... I did not abandon Urtaku. In my heart, he, together with his envoys, kept sending messages of peace. Before me, he came quickly to see the king of the land Elam. He then came back and gave me numerous reports, saying: "The Elamites are like the bite of locusts, the entire land of Akkad, on the border of Babylon."

I mustered my battle troops and took the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fear overwhelmed him. I took the road after him and brought about his defeat. I confined him and carried off his booty as far as the border of his land.

Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not kept watch over the rebellious, died in a day without his choosing and died in a heap of famine. He did not set foot upon the land of the living, but instead died in his year of famine.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he put his life in the netherworld.

Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, did not honor my treaty. He poured out red water.

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his eunuch, the one who struck him down, who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, the king of the gods, his favorite, imposed his severe punishment upon him.

In one year, they all placed their trust in one another. The anger of the god Ashur overwhelmed them and the pity of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed his royal dynasty. They made another oath concerning the lordship of the land Elam unrecognizable.

Afterwards, Teumman, the bright, merry man, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku, together with sixty members of the royal family, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who constantly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam. I did not tell him about the well-being of those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I placed Umbadarâ, the king of the land Elam, in the hands of Umbadarâ, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a man of Bit-Adad, a


As for Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched during the night to conquer the cities Uppumu and Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. They did not spare anyone. They cut off the head of Andaria and they brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and ... ...

... ... I was not concerned about this news of Urtaku's assault. Because he had regularly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me, iv 5' I dispatched my messenger to see the king of the land Elam. He went quickly, returned, and reported to me an accurate report, saying: "The Elamites cover the land Akkad, all of it, like a swarm of locusts. Against Babylon, his camp is pitched and his military camp is laid."

To aid the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, gods of mine whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and set out on the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and then fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his own land. I went after him and brought about his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not respected my friendship, whom death called on a day that was not his fate, who came to an end and withered away while wailing — he no longer set foot upon the land of the living. In that year, his life came to an end and he passed away.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he laid down his life through the bite of a mouse.

As for Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur who did not honor my treaty, he suffered from dropsy, that is "full water."

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his Urtaku's eunuch, the instigator who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, the king of the gods, imposed his grievous punishment upon him.

Within one year, they all laid down their lives at the same time. The angry heart of the god Ashur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, become tranquil towards them. iv 35' They overthrew his royal dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — iv 45' the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku — together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had regularly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — and Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, former king of the land Elam — asking me to send back those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not grant him their extradition. iv 60' Concerning the aforementioned, he sent insults monthly by the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq. Inside the land Elam, he was bragging in the midst of his troops. I trusted in the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me. I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth". I did not give him those fugitives.

Obverse Column v


[(disz)te-um-man le-mut-tu isz-te-né]-'a#-a

um-ma (disz)te#-[um-man] ki-a-am iq-bi sza (d)15 u#-[szA]-an#-nu-u mi-lik t,e-me-szu um-ma ul u-masz-[szar a-di al-la-ku] it-ti-szu [ep-pu-szu mit-hu-s,u-tu]

szu-ut mé-re-eh-ti# [an-ni-te szA (disz)te-um-man] iq#-bu-u am-hur [szA-qu-tu (d)isz-tar] a-zi-iz a-na# [tar-s,i-szA ak-mi-is szA-pal-szA] _dingir_-us-sa# [u-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a]

um#-[ma (d)be-let _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_du_-A]

[1-en _lu_-szab-ru-u u-tu-ul-ma i]-na-t,al _masz-gi6#_ [i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi] sza (d)15# u-szab-ru-szu [u-szA]-an-na#-a ia-a-ti

[um-ma (d)]15# a-szi-bat _uru-limmu#_-_dingir_ e-ru-ub-am#-ma [15 u 2-30] tu-ul-la-a(?)-ta isz-pa-a-ti# [tam-ha-at] _gisz-pan_ i(?)#-na i-di-szA# [szal-pat nam]-s,a#-ru zaq-tu sza e-pesz ta-ha-zi# [ma-har-szA] ta#-zi-iz szi-i ki-ma _ama#_ [a-lit-ti] i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka# [il-si-ka (d)15 szA]-qu#-ut _dingir-mesz_ i-szak-kan-ka t,e-e-mu# [um-ma ta-na-at,]-t,a-la a-na e-pesz szA-Asz-mi# [a-szar pa-nu-u-a] szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku [at-ta ta-qab]-bi-szi um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki# [it-ti-ki] lul#-lik be-let _gaszan-mesz#_

ina _iti#-kin_ szi-pir (d)15#-_mesz_ i-sin-ni _an-szar mah iti_ (d)30 (d)na-an#-nar _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil a-na _esz-bar_ (d)#_szesz-ki_-ri nam-ri U szi-pir (d)15 _gaszan_-ia# sza la in-né-nu-u ad-ke _erim-mesz me_-ia# mun-dah-s,e sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 u (d)15 it-ta-na-Asz-ra-bi-t,u ina qa-bal# tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ ur-hu as,-bat-ma

usz-te-szi-ra har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a [(disz)]te-um-man# _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina É-(disz)im-bi-i na-di mad#-dak-tu e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia szA qé-reb _uru-bad-an-ki_ isz-me-e-ma is,-bat-su [hat]-tu# (disz)te-um-man ip-lah-ma a-na _egir#_-[szu] i#-tur e-ru-ub qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA#-an _ku-babbar ku-gi_ a-na szu-zu-ub [_zi_]-ti#-szu u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz# kur_-szu re-s,e-e-szu a-lik# [_a-ii_]-szu pa-nu-usz-szu# u-ter-ram-ma# ug-dAp-pi-szA a-na mah-ri-ia [_id_-u-la-a-a] a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz-kun [is,-bat] pa-an masz-qé-e

[ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)]_amar#-utu_ szA# u-tak-kil-u-in-ni ina _giszkim#_-[_mesz sig5-mesz masz-gi6_] _inim#-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e# qé-reb _uru-du6#_-[tu-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu] Asz-kun# ina _adda-mesz_-szu-nu _id#_-[u-la-a-a as-ki-ir] szal-ma-a-te-szu-nu ki-ma _gisz-dih#_ [u _gisz-kiszi16_] u-ma-al-la-a ta-mar-ti _uru_-szu#-[szA-an] _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_] ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _kud_-is ina _ukkin erim-hi-a_-[szu] mé-lam-me _an-szar_ u (d)15 _kur-elam-ma-ki#_

AI Translation

Teumman constantly sought out evil ways to kill.

"Teumman, having said as follows: 'Ishtar has changed the course of his mind, saying: 'I will not abandon it until I go and do battle with him.'"

I received the scepter of this Teumman that the god Ishtar had spoken to me. I stood before her, prayed to her, and prayed to her god. She came to my aid.

"O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal,

He left the shakrû and looked at the ghost. He became frightened and sat down. He made me see the face of the goddess Ishtar, and I was afraid.

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she was clad on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side, she was holding a sharp sword, she was clad in a hazzaru-robe, who was able to do battle, and she was standing before her. She looked at you like your own mother and came with you. The goddess Ishtar, the favorite of the gods, gave you orders: "You should not be afraid to do battle, where you are standing, and I myself shall say to you: "Where you are going, let me go with you, lady of ladies."

In the month Elul VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright light of the divine light Sîn, and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who had fled in fear by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar, and I took the direct road against Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Teumman, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my royal majesty into Bit-Imbî, a district in the city Der, and he became frightened. Teumman became frightened and entered behind him. He then set up his own storehouse in the city Susa. He poured out silver and gold for the preservation of his life and he made the people of his land, his allies, who marched at his side, turn his face towards him and he made an appeal to me. He established the Ulaya River as his stronghold and he set it up before me.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me through good signs, favorable signs, favourable signs, and favourable plans, I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I crossed the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their corpses like baltu-plants and scorpions. By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. In the assembly of his troops, I cut off the splendor of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar of the land Elam.


Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds,

saying: "Teumman, whose judgement the goddess Ishtar had clouded lit. "altered", spoke as follows, saying: 'I will not stop until I go and do battle with him.'"

On account of these insolent words that Teumman had spoken, I made an appeal to the sublime goddess Ishtar. I stood before her, knelt down at her feet, and made an appeal to her divinity, while my tears were flowing, saying:

"O Divine Lady of the city Arbela! I, Ashurbanipal,

a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He woke up and then reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him, saying:

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side and she was unsheathing a sharp sword that was ready to do battle. You Ashurbanipal stood before her and she was speaking to you like your own birth-mother. v 10'' The goddess Ishtar, the sublime one of the gods, called out to you, instructing you, saying: 'You are looking forward to waging war and I myself am about to set out towards my destination the battlefield.' You then said to her, saying: 'Let me go with you, wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!' v 15'' She replied to you, saying: 'You will stay in the place where you are currently residing. Eat food, drink wine, make music, and revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go and accomplish this task, v 20'' thus I will let you achieve your heart's desire. Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.' She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. v 25'' Fire flared up in front of her. She went off furiously outside. She directed her attention towards Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry."

In the month Ululu VI, "the work of the goddesses," the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn and the message of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors v 35'' who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bit-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der and v 40''b fear took hold of him. Teumman became frightened, turned around, and entered the city Susa. In order to save his own life, he distributed silver and gold to the people of his land. v 45'' He redeployed his allies, who march at his side, to his front and amassed them before me. He established the Ulaya River as his defensive position and kept me from the watering places.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me through auspicious omens, dreams, egirrû-oracles, and messages from ecstatics, I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I blocked up the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. v 55'' By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, in the midst of his troops, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they the Elamites bowed down to my yoke.

Obverse Column vi


[(disz)um-man]-i-gasz szA in-nab#-[tu] [is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_]-ia# ina _gisz-gu#-za_-szu u#-[sze-szib] [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu] _szesz#_-szu szal-szA#-[a-a] [ina _uru_-hi-da-lu a-na] _man_-u#-[ti Asz-kun] [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_] [s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri _gisz_-til-li si-mat _me_] [szA ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)15 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia] bi-ri-it _uru_-szu-szA-an _id_-u-la-a-a ik#-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a [ina qi-bit] _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

[ina 8-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu_] (disz)#_en_-_ba_-szA# [a-na _kur_]-gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik [szA a-na] _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu [la ik]-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia [ta-ha]-zi# dan-nu _lu_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu [ki-ma _muru9_] ak-tUm _uru_-szA-pi-_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu [sza qé-reb _id_]-_mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

[(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_]-szu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu [bal-t,u-su-un] u-sze-s,a-a [_dam_-su _dumu-mesz_]-szu _dumu-munus#-mesz_-szu _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu [_lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_] u#-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu [_ku-babbar ku_]-_gi# nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti É-_gal-mesz_-szu [u]-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu [_lu_-szu-ut] _sag#-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni-szu _lu_-kit-ki-tu-u [mu-szA]-ki#-le-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu [gi-mir um]-ma#-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mar-kas _uru_ u _edin_ [u-sze-s,a]-am#-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)mas-si-ra#-[a _lu-gal gisz-pan_] sza (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza a-na kit-ri _kur#_-[gam-bu-li] ma#-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu Asz-bu qé-[reb _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en_] bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat [_sag-du_-su ak-kis] it-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu

[ar-pi-is] _uru_ szu-a-tu ap-pul [aq]-qur# ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e# [u-szA-lik] na-gu-u szu-a-tu [u-szah-rib] ri#-gim a-me-lu-ti# [ap]-ru#-us-sa _edin_-usz-szu ina tu-kul#-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir#_-[_mesz_] _gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _lu-kur-mesz#_-ia a-ni-[ir] szal-mesz a#-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki_

_sag-du#_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina _gu_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul it-ti# ki-szit-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szal-la-ti _kur_-gam-bu-li sza ina qi#-bit _an-szar_ ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a it#-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti a-na _nina-ki_ e-ru-ub ina _hul-mesz_

(disz)um-ba-da#-ra-a (disz)(d)_muati_-_sig5_-iq _lu-mah-mesz_ szA (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-ii_-szu-nu isz-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-tu szA ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e-e-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu-nu qé-reb _nina-ki_ e-mu-ru-ma szA-né-e t,e-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-szu (disz)(d)_muati_-_sig5_-iq ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu is-hu-la ka-ra-as-su

ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba ka-gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_ u-mah-hi-ra mah-hu-risz Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

(disz)_ibila_-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)_muati_-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu in-nab-tu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (disz)_ibila_-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)_muati_-sa-lim is,-bat u-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

(disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a# szA _ad-mesz_-szu-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# u-dal-li-pu-ma U szu#-[nu] u-nar-ri-t,a e-pesz _lugal#_-[ti]-ia# qé-reb bal-til-_ki u uru-limmu#_-_dingir_ a-na da-lAl ah-ra-a-te(?) u-bil#-szu-nu-ti

sza (disz)man-nu-ki-_pap-mesz#_ [_lu-2_-u szA] (disz)du-na-nu U (disz)(d)_muati_-u-s,al-li# _lu_-szA _ugu uru kur_-gam-bu-li sza _ugu# dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu qé-reb# _uru-limmu_-_dingir eme_-szu-un Asz-lu-up

Asz-hu-ut, _kusz_-szu-un (disz)du-na-nu qé-reb _nina-ki ugu gisz_-ma-ka-a-s,i id-du-szum-ma it,-bu-hu-usz as-lisz

si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu szA (disz)du-na-nu U (disz)_ibila_-a-a a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu-(nu) u-nak-kis u-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan

[(disz)](d)_muati#_-I (disz)_en_-_kar_-ir [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)](d)_muati_-_mu#_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_ [szA _ad_ ba-nu-szu-un] (disz)ur#-ta-ki id-ka-a [a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur uri-ki_] [_gir-pad-da-mesz_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_-_kam_-esz szA ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-gam-bu-li] [il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir-pad-da-mesz_ szA-a-ti-na# mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru nina-ki#_ u-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu#

(disz)um-man-i-gasz szA t,a-ab-tu ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu-usz Asz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza _sig5_-ti la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru a-de-e ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz_

AI Translation

I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, on his throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords. By the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I conquered the city Susa and the Ulaya River.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I confined all of the Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palaces and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his equipment and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty.

As for Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to help Dunanu, I captured him alive. I cut off his head and put it before Dunanu, the one who had not bowed down to the task.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with water, and annihilated it. I cut off the cries of humankind from it. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam, the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, I entered Nineveh with singers performing arias. During joyous celebrations,

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-dammiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent Teumman to me through their hands, they sent me a detailed message that I had read in my first year. They saw the omens of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and they seized them. Umbadarâ fled alone and Nabû-dammiq cut off his escape route with his iron belt-dagger.

I presented the statue of Teumman's head in front of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, next to the statue of the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, took him to Assyria, before me.

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha of the land Gambulu, whose ancestors had abandoned their kings, my ancestors, and who had made them rebel against me, they brought about the defeat of my royal majesty by bringing them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to praise me in the future.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I destroyed their tongues in the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they seized him in Nineveh on a boat and seized him.

I killed the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, cut off their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king of the land Elam, who did not fear my good deeds and did not honor the treaty sworn by the great gods,


I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. vi 5 With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, by the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I covered the land lit. "people" Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. vi 25 I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. vi 30 I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to provide support to the land Gambulu and to guard Dunanu. I cut off his head and beat it against the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

As for that city, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water; I annihilated it. I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu. With the spoils of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — by whose hands Teumman sent insolent messages, whom I had detained before me by making them wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his own beard and Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash seized Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha — Gambulians whose ancestors had harassed the kings, my ancestors, and, moreover, who themselves disturbed my exercising the kingship — I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to praise me in the future.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku vi 90 to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I performed many acts of kindness and whom I installed as king of the land Elam, and who forgot my favors, did not honor the treaty sworn by the great gods, vii 1 and accepted bribes from the hands of the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my unfaithful brother, my enemy — he sent his forces with them to fight with my troops, my battle troops who were marching about in Karduniash Babylonia and subduing Chaldea.

Obverse Column vii


ina la i-de s,e-er (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki u_ (disz)za-za-az _lu-en-uru kur_-pil-la-ti (disz)pa-ru-u _lu-en-uru kur_-hi-il-mu (disz)at-ta-me-tu _lu-gal gisz-pan_ (disz)né-e-szu a-lik pa-ni _erim-hi-a_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na mit-hu-s,i it-ti _erim-hi-a kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti Asz-kun-szu-nu-ti t,e-e-mu (disz)um-man-i-gasz a-na (disz)un-da-si ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma a-lik _ta kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ter-ra tuk-te9-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka

[_erim-mesz me_]-ia ina _uru_-man-gi-si szA qé-reb [_uru_]-su#-man-dir [_edin_-usz]-szu#-un e-lu-nim-ma isz-ku-[nu tah]-ta#-szu-un [sza (disz)un]-da#-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man [_lugal_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ [sza (disz)za-za-az] (disz)#par-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu [_sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu ik]-ki-su#-nim-ma# u-bil#-u-ni a-di _igi_-ia

[szu-ut a-ma-a-ti] an#-na-a-te _lu#-a kin_-ia [u-ma-'e-er s,e]-er# (disz)um-man-i-gasz [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia szA Asz-pu]-ra# ik-la-ma la u-ter#-[ra tur]-ti# a-mat-ia

_an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en#_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti# (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma szA-a-szu ga-a-du kim-ti-szu u-ra-sib ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA e-la szA-a-szu ek-s,u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_

ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma t,a-'a-a-tu im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu ina su-up-pe-e szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u ta-né-hi-ia im-hu-ru isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _arad-mesz_-szu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su sza si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _lugal kur-elam#-ma-ki_ szA me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man szA ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia _u szesz-mesz_-szu qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu it-ti 85 _nun-mesz_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ a-li-kut _a-mesz_-szu szA la-pa-an# _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 ip-par-szu-nim-ma a-na da-lAl _dingir_-ti-szu-nu _gal_-ti it-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_man_-_pap lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia sza ib-szi-mu-szu ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu-usz-szu-un ina _ugu_ lib-bi-szu-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ra-man-szu im-nu-ma a-na kat-a-ri-szu u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti szu-ut 1-en szu-ut _sag_-ia _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia 1 _lim_-_a-a_ ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _un-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu qé-reb É-_gal_-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti

(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ da-na-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia i-de-e-ma sza u-szam-ri-ru _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA Asz-pu-ru a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum#_-[_na_ sza _gim_ ib-ri u] tap-pé#-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu it-ta#-[na-al-la-ku] it-ti-szu szA (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu#_-[_mesz_ ina] pi-ir#-s,a-a-ti [ina szat mu-szi] us,-s,ab-bi-tu [ik-lu]-u# ina ki-li (disz)in-da-bi#-[bi] _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu É s,i-bit#-ti u-sze-s,a-Asz-szu-nu-ti

[(disz)ia-u-ta]-a' _dumu#_ (disz)ha-za-_dingir_ [_lugal kur_-qa-ad-ri e-pisz] _arad_-ti-ia [Asz-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu im]-hur-an#-ni-ma [u-s,al-la-a _lugal_]-u-ti [_mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u-szA-az]-kir#-szu-ma [(d)a-tar-sa-ma-in u-ter-ma] a#-din-szu [_egir_-nu ina a-de-ia] ih#-t,i-ma [_mun_ la] is,#-s,ur-ma [is,-la-a _gisz-szudun_] _en#_-ti-ia [a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia _gir-ii_]-szu# ip-ru-us-ma [ik-la-a ta-mar-ti _un-mesz_] _kur#_-a-ri-bi [it-ti-szu u-szA]-bal#-kit-ma

AI Translation

On account of this, I sent to fight with the troops of the land Elam, together with Undasu, a son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and Zazazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, and Neshu, who marched before the troops of the land Elam, to fight with the troops of Assyria. I gave them orders, and they told Undasu as follows: "Go, take the booty of the father who had engendered you."

My battle troops who were stationed in the city Mangisi, which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir, came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman, a former king of the land Elam, Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

As for these words, I sent my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II to inquire about the health of the eunuch of mine whom I had sent to him, but who did not return my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict about Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than him Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

As soon as he had accepted bribes from him, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. He came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and he became frightened to fight with my troops. His weapons, in the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my prayers and listened to the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and they threw off my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words about the cutting off of the head of Teumman, who had cut off the heads of my troops, and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and who had come to praise their great divinity, iii 20'' with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom they had entrusted to me by force, and who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty,

Tammaritu became frightened of my oath and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to do obeisance to me. As for one of my first-born sons, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods who support me, iii 20'' iii 25'' iii 30'' iii 30'' iii 30'' Tammaritu, the people, as many as there were with him, iii 30'' ii

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, knew about the might of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who marched about protecting his land like a dog and a mouse, and who fought with him, whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by guile during the night and confined in captivity, I brought them out of the hands of Indabibi, the king of the land Elam.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and appealed to me for kingship. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. He swore an oath of my lordship and he iii 10' blocked his eyes from my audience gifts and he slew the people of the land of the Arabs with him.


Secretly, he Ummanigash dispatched them to Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — and Zazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, and Neshu, a leader of the troops of the land Elam, to fight with the troops of Assyria and he gave them orders. Ummanigash said to Undasu as follows, vii 15 saying: "Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you." Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, set out en route and took the direct road.

My battle troops who were stationed in the city Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir — came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II regarding these matters. He detained the eunuch of mine whom I had sent Marduk-sharru-ushur and did not give a reply to my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. vii 35 Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than him Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, vii 40 went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my sighs and listened to the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and vii 45 together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had flown away from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — vii 55 to praise their great divinity, they crawled naked on their bellies, together with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom they had taken away with them by force, and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

Tammaritu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to be his ally. For just one eunuch of mine, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods who support me, compensated me a thousand fold. I allowed Tammaritu and as many people as there were with him to stay in my palace.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, knew about the might of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and as for the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, vii 70 son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, with whom they used to march about protecting his land like a friend and ally and whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized by guile during the night and confined in prison, Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, vii 75 released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, he sent them before me by the hands of his messenger with messages of goodwill and peace.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and implored my royal majesty. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and vii 85 then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. He refrained from inquiring about my well-being and vii 90 withheld audience gifts from me. He incited the people of the land of the Arabs to rebel with him and they were repeatedly plundering the land Amurru.

Obverse Column viii


[_erim-hi-a_-ia szA ina mi-s,ir _kur_-szu Asz-bu] [u-ma-'e-e-ra s,e-ru-usz-szu] _bad5-bad5#_-szu-un Asz-kun _un-hi-a kur_-a-ri-bi ma-la it-bu-u-ni u-ra-si-bu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ É _edin#_ kul-ta-ri ((_bi_)) mu-szA-bi-szu-nu _izi_ u-szA-hi-zu ip-qi-du a-na (d)_gisz-bar_

_gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam#-mal-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-[lu-u-ni ina la mi]-ni se-he-ep _kur_ [ka]-la#-[mu a-na] si#-hir-ti-szA un-da-al-lu-u(?)# a-na pat, gim-ri-szA _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ki#-ma s,e-e-ni u-par-ri-is u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-gam-mal_ ina _gin_ ina 1/2 _gin_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka_ ma-hi-ri _munus-a_sz-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _lu-lunga_ ina _dug_-ha-bé-e _lu-nu-gisz-kiri6_ ina ki-i-si im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-gam-mal-mesz u_ a-me-lu-ti

si-it-ti _lu_-a-ri-bi szA la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_ ip-par-szi-du u-szam-qit (d)er-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu-un isz-szA-kin-ma a-na bu-ri-szu-nu e-ku-lu _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu-un ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-szu-un szat,-ru ina pi-it-ti i-szim-szu-nu-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

(disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu im-hur-szu-ma e-disz-szi-szu in-na-bit

(disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na _uru-nina-ki_ il-li-kam-ma u-na-sziq _gir-ii_-ia a-de-e a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia it-ti-szu Asz-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' Asz-kun-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ku-gi igi-ii-mesz na4-babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-nita-mesz_ bit#-ru-ti man-da-at-ti szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

(disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal kur_-qa-ad-ri szA ki-ma szA-a-szu ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur mar-tu-ki_ ina zi-kir _mu_-ia szA _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ u-szar-bu-u (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _lugal kur_-ma-'a-a-bi _arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ina _me_ isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu (disz)am-mu-la-di si-it-ti _un-mesz_-szu szA la-pa-an da-a-ki i-szi-tu-u-ni u-s,ab-bit ina _szu-ii szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-di-ma a-na _uru-nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia u-sze-bi-la

(disz)na-at#-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu_ szA# u-tak-kil-u-in-ni sza ma-ti-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _lu-a kin_-szu la isz-pu-ra la isz-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu-un e-nen-na ia-ti# _lu-a kin_-szu szA szul-me isz-pu-ram-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia a-na szA-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia u-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _sig5-mesz ugu_-szu Asz-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

ina u4-me-szu-ma _bad murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_ sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _du_-szu ina _a-mesz_ t,ah-_tu_-ti ra-a-di gap-szu-ti sza szat-ti-szam-ma ina _bala_-ia (d)_iszkur_ u-sad-di-ra ina _kur_-ia tem-me-en-szu ir-bu-ub-ma i-qu-pa re-szA-a-szu _bad_ szu-a-tu sza la-ba-risz _du_-ku e-na-hu _usz8_-szu mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ak-szu-da a-sur-ru-szu ina esz-qi _na4 kur_-i tem-me-en-szu u-dan-nin e-li sza# mah-ri _bad_ szu-a-tu u-kab#-bir Asz-pu-ka szad-du-isz ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil

_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia sza ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku Asz-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu Asz-t,ur-ma a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib

a-na _egir#_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us#-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter

[ki-i sza a-na-ku] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ ab _ad du_-ia [a-mu-ru _i-mesz_] ap-szu-szu _udu#-siskur_ aq-qu-u [it-ti _mu-sar_-e] szi(?)-t,ir(?)# _mu_-ia Asz-ku-nu at-ta ki-i [ia-a-ti-ma] _mu-sar_-a-a a-mur-ma _i-mesz_ pu-szu-usz [_udu_]-_siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-né-e szat,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-is,#-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u szu-me _ad ad du_-ia ib-ba-tu# ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e# [szi]-t,ir# _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

_iti-szu-gar-numun-na_ lim-mu (disz)_en_-szu-nu _lu-gar-kur uru_-hi-in#-da-na

_iti#-sig4 ud-22-kam_ lim-mu (disz)_en_-szu-nu [_lu-gar-kur uru_-hi-in-da]-na

[...] _ud-8-kam#_ [lim-mu (disz)_en_]-szu-nu [_lu-gar-kur uru_-hi]-in#-da-na#

AI Translation

I brought about the defeat of my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land. I struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and I put to the sword the houses of the steppe and the cult centers, their cult centers.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled the totality of the land in its entirety with them like sheep and goats and scattered them all over the land. They gave the camels like sheep and goats to the people of Assyria, who were marching about in my land. They sold the camels for one shekel and half shekel of silver at the market gate, the female kid in the ninda, the brewer in the libation vessel, the gardener in the kishu. They sold the camels and people.

The rest of the Arabs who had fled from the weapons of the enemy, iii 5'

a raging storm afflicted Iauta' and he fled alone.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyes, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and other valuable donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar who had rebelled like him and plotted evil deeds against the land Amurru, iii 20' by the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had made great, they defeated Kamashaltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me, in battle. They cut off Ammu-ladin and the rest of his people who had fled from the slaughtered people and had been thrown into iron fetters. They hung them on poles and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. Whoever ever before did not send his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, nor inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, now then, with regard to me, his messenger sent me a message of well-being and kissed my feet. He encouraged me to conclude a treaty, peace, and the exercise of my lordly majesty. I rejoiced and iv 10 I imposed upon him the good supplications and payment of tribute.

At that time, the wall of the citadel of Nineveh, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, with the help of a mighty flood of water, which the god Adad had poured over me during my reign, had become dilapidated and its foundations had buckled. I razed, destroyed, and demolished that wall, which had become old and whose foundations had become dilapidated. I surrounded it with its perimeter with its perimeter with limestone, stone from the mountains, and strengthened its foundations. I made that wall larger than before and thereby reinforced its structure. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, I made an offering and made an offering with an inscribed object bearing my name. You should, just as I found an inscribed object bearing my name, look at it, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are mentioned in this inscribed object, respect your kingship and may they guard your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name and the name of the father of the father who had engendered me by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 645.

Sivan III, the twenty-second day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 645.

..., the eighth day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 645.


I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him and they lit. "I" brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus consigned them to the god Gira.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled with them the whole extent of the land, in its entirety, to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats and divided them among the people of Assyria viii 15 so that within my country they the Assyrians could purchase a camel for one shekel or even a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug of beer, and the gardener for his bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camels and slaves.

As for the rest of the Arabs who had fled from my weapons, the heroic god Erra struck them down. Famine broke out among them and they ate the flesh of their children on account of their hunger. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, decreed curses, as many as were written in their treaties, accordingly upon them.

As for Iauta', hardship befell him and he fled alone.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin — the king of the land Qedar, who, like him Iauta', had turned hostile and repeatedly plundered the land Amurru — viii 40 Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in battle by invoking my name — which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had made great — captured Ammi-ladin and the rest of his people who had escaped the slaughter. viii 45 He placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and viii 50 had never inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, he now sent to me his messenger with greetings and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty and peace agreement, and to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

At that time, the wall of the citadel of Nineveh, which Sennacherib — king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me — had built, and, which on account of abundant waters and heavy downpours that the god Adad had regularly brought yearly to my land during my reign, its foundations had become weak and its superstructure had buckled. I removed the collapsed sections of that wall, which had become old and whose foundations had become weak; I reached its lowest course. viii 65 I strengthened its foundations with massive blocks of mountain stone. I made that wall thicker than the previous one and I heaped it up like a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, anointed it with oil, made an offering, and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object of mine and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and viii 85 place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and protect your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or the name of the father of the father who had engendered me, makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

Simanu III, the twenty-second day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

..., the eighth day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

Q003704: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu] [_lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim] [E] lib-bi# [(disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki_] [_gir_]-_nita ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_] _lugal# kur eme-gi7 u_ [_uri-ki_] [_sza_]-_bal#-bal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz#_-[_su_] _lugal#_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_]

_dingir-mesz gal#-mesz_ ina _ukkin#_-[szu-nu] szi#-mat _sig5_-tim i-szi#-mu [szim-ti] uz#-nu ra-pa-Asz-tum isz#-[ru-ku-u-ni] kul#-lat t,up-szar#-[ru-ti] u-szA-hi-zu ka-[ra-szi] e-li _lugal-mesz#_ a-szib [pa-rak-ki] zi-kir# _mu_-ia u-[szar-ri-hu] [u-szar-bu]-u _en#_-[u-ti]

é#-[hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra É _an-szar_] _en#_-[ia u-szak-lil] É-[_gar8-mesz_-szu u-szal-bi-szA _ku-gi ku-babbar_] _gisz_-tim#-[me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u-rak-kis] ina [_ka_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up] _an-szar#_ [ina é-hur-sag-gu-la u-sze-rib-ma] u-[szar-ma-a _bara_ da-ra-a-ti]

é#-[sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz du_-usz] u#-[szak-li-la _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu] (d)_en#_ [(d)_gaszan_-_mu_ (d)be-let-_ka-dingir-ra-ki_] x x [...] x [...]

x [...] 50 [_gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu] a-[na a-gur-ri ap-ti-iq-ma] u#-[rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu]

x [...]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria;

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. They made the mention of my name exalted among the kings who sit on royal daises and made my lordship greater than those of all other kings.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord. I clad its walls with gold and silver and I fastened bands of silver on tall columns. I erected them at the Gate of the Vibration of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him sit on his eternal dais.

I built Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. The deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, ... ... .

I cut down ... ... 50 talents of shiny zahalû-silver for baked bricks and thereby enlarged it.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They glorified the mention of my name and made my lordship greater than those of all other kings who sit on royal daises.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, and I clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns and I erected them at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him reside on his eternal dais.

I rebuilt Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.


Obverse Column ii


[a-na ma]-a#-a-al# tak-né-e (d)#[_en_ (d)_gaszan_-_mu_] [szA-kan] ha#-szA-di e-pesz# [ru-'a-a-me] [nak]-lisz e#-[pu-usz] [ina kA]-hi#-li-sU masz-[tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum] [sza ku]-uz-bu sa-[al-hu ad-di]

[4 _am_]-_mesz ku-babbar_ [ek-du-u-ti] [na]-s,i-ru ki#-bi-[is _lugal_-u-ti-ia] [ina _ka_ s,i-it] (d)_utu_-szi# [u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_]

[szA _uru_-tar-bi-s,i] az-qu#-[up]

[a-di a-di-ni a-bi] la# i-ma-al#-[la-du] [um-mi a-lit-ti la] ba#-na-at ina lib-bi [_ama_-szA] [a-na e-pesz] é#-hul-hul iz-kur ni-bit [_mu_-ia] [(d)30 szA] ib#-na-an-ni a-na _lugal#_-[u-ti] [um-ma (disz)]_an#-szar_-_du_-A É-_kur_ szu-a-tu ip-pu#-[usz-ma] [qé-reb-szu] u#-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-[ra-a-ti] [a-mat (d)]30# szA ul-tu [_ud-mesz_] ru#-qu-u#-ti iq-bu-[u] [e-nen-na] u#-kal-lim _un-mesz_ ar-[ku-u-ti] [É (d)30 szA (disz)(d)]sAl#-ma-nu-_masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap#_-[_ibila_] [_lugal_ pa-ni] mah#-ri-ia e-[pu-szu]

[É-_kur_ szu-a-tu szA] la#-ba-risz il#-[li-ku] [ina a-mat (d)30 (d)]nusku# an-hu-us#-[su ad-ke] [e-li sza u4-me pa]-ni# szu-bat-su# [u-rap-pisz] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

I built anew for the steadfast service of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to accomplish the yoke. I built Kahilisu, the abode of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI,

I erected a throne of silver in the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my birth-mother was created in her mother's womb, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, called me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein on a long reign." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He built the temple of the god Sîn, which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me.

I destroyed that temple, which had become old, by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its foundations smaller than the one in the days of the past. ... .


I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood ... as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI,

I set up ... in the gateways of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my birth-mother was created in her mother's womb, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, named me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein upon an eternal dais." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, ii 10' he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He allowed the temple of the god Sîn — which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built — to become old and he entrusted its renovation to me.

As for that temple, which had become old, I removed its dilapidated sections by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. ...

Obverse Column iii


[(d)nin]-kur#-ra nak-lisz u#-[sze]-pisz-ma# [a-na mu]-ter#-ri-szi _ti-la#_-ia [ma-har] _dingir#-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia [u-kin] na-an-za-sun [ul-tu s,e-he]-ri#-ia a-di ra-bé-ia [Asz-te-'a-a Asz]-rat# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [_lu_-szA-an-gu-ti] ih#-szu-hu [i-ram-mu na-dan] zi#-bi-ia

[(d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u]-masz-sze-ra [(d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra] _idim#-mesz_-szu [5] _kusz# sze-am_ isz#-[qu ina _ab_]-_sin#_-ni-szu [e]-ri#-ik szu-bul#-[tu] 5/6# _kusz_ [_si_]-_sa# buru14_ na-pa#-Asz [(d)]nisaba [ka-a]-a#-an u-szah-na-bu [gi]-pa-ru [s,ip-pa]-a#-ti szu-um-mu-ha in#-bu [_masz_]-_ansze#_ szu-te-szur ina ta#-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz#_-ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du [ina _mu-an-na_]-_mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lum

[10 _ansze_] _sze#-pad-mesz 3 ansze gesztin-mesz banmin i_-[_mesz 1_] _gun# sig-mesz_ ina nap-har _kur_-ia [_ki-lam_] nap#-szu i-szam-ma ina 1 _gin_ kas-pi# [szat-ti-szam]-ma# ina t,uh-di u me-szA-ri [ar-te-'a]-a# ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil_

[_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza ap-tal-la-hu] [_dingir_-us-su-un dun-nu zik-ru]-u-ti# [e-mu-qi s,i-ra-a-ti u]-szat#-li-mu-in#-[ni] [_kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia ina] _szu-ii#_-ia im-nu#-[u] [u-szam-s,u-in-ni] ma-la# lib-bi#-[ia] [ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di] tam-tim szap#-[liti] [sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ir]-te-ed#-[du-u]

AI Translation

I had the god Ninkura craft anew and, to ensure my long life, I established it before the gods who support me. I constantly sought out the sanctuaries from my childhood to my adulthood. The great gods overwhelmed the shandabakku priests and they prayed to me for the preservation of my life.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. He poured out five cubits of barley per litre into his threshing-floor, he poured out a harvest of five-sixths of cubits of nisaba-barley, and he made the harvest plentiful. He made reed beds, reed beds, and reed beds shine forth like the sun. During my reign, there was abundance and abundance, and during my years, there was abundance.

I received from all of my land 10 homers of barley, 3 homers of wine, 2 seahs of oil, and 1 talent of wool. I bought everything for one shekel of silver. I gathered all of the people of the god Enlil by the seah and the breeze.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, granted to me a just scepter and exalted strength. They placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and made me achieve my heart's desire. They constantly sought out the seacoast as far as the upper sea, which the kings, my ancestors, had called the seacoast.


I had statues of my royal majesty skillfully made ... through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra, and, as constant petitioners for my life, I installed them in their positions before the gods who support me. From my childhood until I became an adult, I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the great gods. They required my priestly services and they now enjoy my giving them food offerings.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase ten donkey-loads of grain, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, generously granted me power, virility, and outstanding strength. They placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. I marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had regularly traveled.

Obverse Column iv


[u-szak-ni-szA] a#-na ni-ri-ia [_gun_ man-da-at-tu] szat-ti-szam-ma [u-kin] _edin#_-usz-szu-un [ina qi-bit (d)30 (d)]nin#-gal (d)_utu_ u (d)a-a [_lugal-mesz_ a]-szib# pa-rak-ki [u-na-Asz-szA-qu] _gir-ii_-ia [mal-ki _gal-mesz_ szA s,i-tasz] u szi-la-an [a-na kit-ri-szu-nu u]-pa-qu-ni

[ina u4-me-szu-ma É (d)30 (d)nin-gal] (d)_utu_ (d)a-a [sza qé-reb _nina-ki_ sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz_] _lugal# kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_ad du_-ia e]-pu-szu [il-li-ku] la#-ba-risz [É-_kur_ szu-a-tu e-na]-ah-ma [i-qu-pa É]-_gar8#-mesz_-szu [É-_kur_ szu-a-tu a-na si]-hir#-ti-szu [ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ul-la-a] re-szi-szu [_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-szur-min_] _mah_(?)-_mesz_(?)# [u-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu] [_gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-a-ri] szA e-re#-[si-na _dug-ga_] u-rat-[ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu] ul-tu É#-[_kur_ szu-a-tu u-szak-li-lu]

ep-[sze]-ti-ia# [_sig5-mesz_ ha-disz lit-tap-la-su(?)] (d)30 (d)#[nin-gal (d)nusku (d)_utu_ u (d)a-a] _dingir-mesz#_ [tik-le-ia(?)] ia#-a-ti# [(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A] _lugal#_ [mi-gir lib-bi-szu-nu(?)] e-pisz ku-[um-mi(?)]-szu#-nu [s,i-ru-ti(?)] pa-lih _dingir_-ti-szu#-nu _gal#_-[ti] ina ni-ip-hi# u ri-i#-bi e-ma it-x [x (x)] _pi_(?)-x [...] sza-ma#-[me(?)] _giszkim_(?)# [_sig5_(?)] szA a-rak u4#-me pa-[le-ia(?)] [...] _lugal_-ti#-[ia(?)] [szul-bur _suhusz_(?)] _gisz#-gu-za en_-u-ti#-[ia(?)] [_iti_-szam-ma(?)] la na-par#-[ka-a]

AI Translation

By the command of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, they slew the kings who sit on royal daises and kissed my feet. They gathered the great rulers of the east and west to aid them.

At that time the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh, which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built — that temple had become dilapidated and its walls had buckled. I built and completed that temple in its entirety. I roofed it with magnificent cypress beams. I fastened bands of gold on doors of white cedar, whose scent is sweet, and I hung them in its gates. I firmly fixed them from that temple.

May the gods Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, look with pleasure upon my good deeds. Assurbanipal, the king who loves their hearts, the one who fashioned their exalted cult centers, the one who reveres their great divinity, ... in joy and rejoicing wherever ... ... ... a favorable sign that ... my reign, ... my royal majesty, and the well-being of the foundations of my lordly throne, ... month of Adar, without ceasing,


I made the people living in those lands bow down to my yoke and I imposed annual tribute payment upon them. By the command of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, the kings who sit upon royal daises kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

At that time, the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh and which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old — that temple had become dilapidated and its walls had buckled. iv 15 I built and completed that temple in its entirety and I raised up its superstructure. I roofed it with long beams of cypress and fixed doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, in its gateways. After I had thoroughly completed that temple and finished its construction, I brought the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

May they the gods always look with pleasure upon my good deeds. The deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, with regard to me — Ashurbanipal, the king who is the favorite of their hearts, the builder of their exalted cellas, and the one who reveres their great divinity — from sunrise to sunset, wherever ... ... ... the heavens ... monthly without interruption may they discuss with each other favorable omens concerning the lengthening of the days of my reign, ... of my kingship, the securing of the foundations of the throne of my lordship. ... their ...

Obverse Column v


ina# tukul-ti-szu-nu _gal_-te e#-[ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el] a-szar u-s,ar-ra-mu li#-[ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a]

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _dumu-mesz_ [_dumu dumu-mesz_] _dumu-mesz_ u _dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz_ [_dumu-mesz_-ia] szA _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ ut-tu-szu-ma a-na be-lut [_kur_ u _un-mesz_] i-nam-bu-u zi#-[kir-szu] e-nu-ma esz-re-e#-ti szA-[ti-na] i-lab-bi-ra-ma en-na#-[ha] an-hu-us-si-na lu-ud-[disz] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-[ia] li-mu-ur-ma _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter

ki-i szA a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur_ asz-szur-_ki# ad du_-ia a-mu-ru _i-mesz_ ap-szu-szu _udu-siskur_ aq-qu-u it#-ti _mu-sar_-re-e szi-t,ir szu#-mi-ia Asz-ku-nu at-ta ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-a-a a#-mur-ma _i#-mesz_ pu-szu-usz# _udu-siskur# bal_-qi it#-ti mu-szA-re-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ka szu-kun(?)# _dingir-mesz#_ [_gal_]-_mesz#_ ma-la ina mu-szA-re-e an#-[né-e] szA-at,-ru [_lugal_]-ut-ka# lik-tar-ra-bu [li]-is,#-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka

[sza] mu#-szA-ru-u szi-t,ir# szu-me _ad_ ba-ni-ia [u] szi-t,ir szu-mi#-ia ib-ba-tu [ina mim]-ma# szi-pir# ni-kil-ti# u-hal-la#-qu [it]-ti# _mu-sar#_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-szu [la] i-szak#-ka-nu [_dingir_]-_mesz gal#-mesz_ szA# _an_-e u _ki_-tim [_lugal_]-us-su# lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu# (_numun_-szu) i-na# [_kur_] lu-hal-li-qu

[_iti_]-_ne_(?)# _ud-8-kam#_ [lim-me (disz)]be-el-szu-nu _lu-en#_-[_nam uru_]-hi-in-da#-[na]

AI Translation

With their great support, may I rule wherever I speak and attain wherever I wish.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great, great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when those sanctuaries become old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, and I made an offering and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should, like me, look at my inscribed object and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are mentioned in this inscribed object, bless your kingship and prolong your reign.

As for the one who erases an inscribed object bearing the name of the father who had engendered me or bearing my name, destroys it with any crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Abu V, eighth day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 645.


With their great support, may I rule wherever I desire lit. "I say" and achieve whatever lit. "the place" I strive for.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great, great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash choose and nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate their dilapidated sections when these shrines become old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, anointed it with oil, made an offering, and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object of mine and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and protect your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing the name of the father who engendered me or bearing my name, makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Abu V, the eighth day, eponymy of Belshunu, governor of the city Hindanu 648.

Q003705: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti] u#-[szA-hi-zu ka-ra-szi] e-[li _lugal_]-_mesz#_ a-szib pa-rak#-[ki] zi-[kir _mu_]-ia# u-szar-ri-hu# u-szar#-[bu]-u# _en_-u-ti

esz-re-e#-[ti] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki kur uri-ki_ sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap#_-[_asz_] _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad_ ba-ni-ia tem-me-en-szu-un id#-du-u la ig-mu-ru szi-pir-szu-un e-nen-na a-na-ku ina qi-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szun

é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur#-ra É _an-szar en_-ia u-szak-lil É-_gar8-mesz_-szu u#-szal-bi-szA _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz#_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u-rak-kis ina _ka_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up _an-szar_ ina é-hur-sag-gu-la u-sze-rib-ma u-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti

é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ e-pu-usz u-szak-li-la# _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu (d)_en#_ (d)_gaszan_-_mu_ (d)#[be-let]-_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ (d)é-a (d)_di-ku5_ ul-tu qé-reb é-szar2-ra u-bil u-sze-rib qé-reb szu-an-na-_ki_

_bara-mah_-hu szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu s,ir-ti 50 _gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu [a-na] a#-gur-ri ap-ti-iq-ma u-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu

u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz_-er-me a-nu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e# szA szit-nu-nu szA-ma-me-esz 34# [_gun 20_] _ma#-na ku-gi husz-a_ [kip-pat]-su u-szal#-bisz u-dan-ni-na rik-se-e-szu e#-li (d)_amar-utu en gal_-e s,u-lul-szu at-ru-us,-ma u-kin ta-ra-an-szu

_gisz-gigir_ s,ir-tu ru-kub (d)_amar-utu_ e-tel-li _dingir-mesz en en-en_ ina _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz#_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)_amar-utu lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _lu-kur-mesz_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti Asz-ruk

_gisz-na gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-nat a#-[na ma-a-a]-al tak-né#-e (d)_en_ u (d)_gaszan_-_mu_ [szA-kan ha-szA-di e]-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz [ina kA-hi-li]-sU# masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum [sza ku-uz]-bu# sa-al-hu ad-di

[4 _am_]-_mesz ku-babbar#_ ek-du-u-ti [na]-s,i#-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia ina# _ka_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_ ina _ka_ é-zi-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ ul-ziz

é-masz-masz é-gaszan-kalam-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi_ u-za-'i-in lu-le-e u-mal-li

(d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri szA ina ug-gat lib-bi-szA at-man-szA e-zi-bu u-szi-bu# a-szar la si-ma-ti-szA ina _bala_-ia [dam-qi] sza _an-szar_ isz-ru-ka tar-szA-a sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-szA s,ir-ti szur-ru-hi mi-se-e#-szA szu-qu-ru-u-ti [ina] _masz-gi6_ szi-pir# [mah-he]-e# isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na

[(d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-al-ma e]-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu [si-mat _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_]-ti# u-szar-ri-ih [u-sze-szib-szi ina _bara-mah_ szu]-bat# da-ra-a-ti [par-s,e-e-szA szu-qu-ru-ti] u-kin-ma [u-szal-li-ma mi-se]-e#-szA

[(d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz gisz_-szu-ri]-in#-ni [a-na _ti-la zi_]-_mesz#_-ia [ina _ka_ é-galam-mes É (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i az]-qu-up#

[a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la]-du# [um-mi a-lit-ti la ba-na-a-ta ina lib-bi _ama_-szA] a#-[na e-pesz é-hul-hul iz-kur ni-bit _mu_-ia] (d)[30 szA ib-na-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti] um-ma# [(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A É-_kur_ szu-a-tu ip-pu-usz-ma] qé-reb#-[szu u-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-ra-a-ti] a-mat (d)#[30 szA ul-tu _ud-mesz_ ru-qu-ti iq-bu-u] e-nen#-[na u-kal-lim _un-mesz_ ar-ku-u-ti] É (d)#[30 szA (disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_ibila_] _lugal#_ [pa-ni] mah#-ri-ia# [e-pu-szu]

É-[_kur_] szu-a-tu szA la-ba-risz il#-[li-ku] [ina a]-mat# (d)30 (d)nusku an-hu-us-su ad-ke# [e]-li# sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u-rap-pisz [ul]-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil [é]-me#-lAm-an-na É (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ [sza] _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu [ab]-na-a qé-reb-szu [_gisz_]-_ur#-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un [_gisz_]-_ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-a-ri me-ser _ku-babbar_ u#-rak-kis u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu-un

2 _am#-mesz ku-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia ina at-man (d)#30 _en_-ia ul-ziz 2 (d)lah-me esz-ma-re-e szA ti-is,-bu-tu _gisz_-szu-ri-in-ni# mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti#-[ia] mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib szad-de-e u tam-tim# ina _ka_ é-hul-hul ul-[ziz]

_szu-ii_ (d)30 (d)nusku as,-bat u-sze-rib u-sze-szib# ina pa-rak da-ra-a-ti

esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u _kur uri-ki_ a-na si-hir-ti-szi-na u-szak-lil [mim-ma] si#-mat É-_kur_ ma-la ba-szu-u szA _ku-babbar ku-gi_ e-pu-usz [e-li] sza _lugal-mesz# ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] ti-ik-le-ia#

_si-sa buru14#_ [na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba] ka-a-a-an# [u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru] s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um#-[mu-ha in-bu _masz-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti] ina _bala-mesz_-ia HÉ-_nun#_ [t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lum]

12# _ansze sze-pad-mesz 3#_ [_ansze gesztin-mesz banmin i-mesz gun sig-mesz_] [ina] nap#-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam#_ [nap-szu i-szam-mu ina 1 _gin_ kas-pi] [szat]-ti#-szam-ma [ina t,uh-di u me-szA-ri] [ar-te]-'a ba#-['u-u-lat (d)_en-lil_]

[_dingir-mesz_] _gal#-mesz_ [szA ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un]

AI Translation

I made all of the scribal art shine like daylight. I made the mention of my name exalted and made my lordship magnified.

As for the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad whose foundations Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had laid, but whose construction he had not finished, I myself now finished their work by the command of the great gods, my lords.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, and clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns and I erected them at the Gate of the Vibration of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him reside on his eternal dais.

I completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

I fashioned a ziggurrat, the seat of his exalted divinity, from a cast of 50 talents of shiny zahalû-silver and thereby enlarged it.

I had beams made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose features are 34 talents and 20 minas of reddish gold, and I firmly secured its support around the god Marduk, the great lord, and I secured its support.

I had a lofty chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, made with gold, silver, and precious stones and I gave its emblem as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully built a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, to be an object of wonder for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu. I fashioned it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Lamma-RA.BI Gates, in the gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her heart and had stayed in a place not befitting her, constantly sent me messages of goodwill, which the god Ashur had granted me, to glorify her exalted divinity and to make her supremely pure.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I made the omens of her great divinity shine and made her sit on her eternal dais in the throne-dais. I firmly established her supreme cultic rites and made her cultic rites complete.

I set up lion-headed eagles and shirinnu-dragons for the preservation of my life at the gate of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my mother was born, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, called me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein on a long reign." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He built the temple of the god Sîn, which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me.

I removed that temple, which had become old, by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I rebuilt it from top to bottom and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. I built Emelamanna, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them with long beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and installed them in their gates.

I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which kill my foes, in the amanu-temple of the god Sîn, my lord. I stationed two lahmu-dragons of eshmarû-metal, which are laden with reeds, who protect my royal path, who bring about the defeat of enemies and the destruction of the sea in the gateways of Ehulhul.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I built every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold. I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I added them to the great gods who support me.

In my reign, I constantly sought out good fortune and good fortune; in my years, I constantly sought out greatness and abundance.

I received twelve homers of barley, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool from all of my land. I bought them for one shekel of silver, the full price, and I proceeded to the city Elam with kindness and justice.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered,


they the gods allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They glorified the mention of my name and made my lordship greater than those of all other kings who sit on royal daises.

As for the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad whose foundations Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had laid, but whose construction he had not finished, I myself now completed their work by the command of the great gods, my lords.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, and I clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns and I erected them at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him reside on his eternal dais.

I rebuilt Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.

I had a canopy, which rivals the heavens, made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. I clad its perimeter with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold and thereby reinforced its bonds. I stretched out its covering over the god Marduk, the great lord, and thus secured its roof.

As for the exalted chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, I completed its features with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI, in gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold, and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her inner sanctum and had taken up residence in a place not befitting her, relented during the favorable reign lit. "my favorable reign" that the god Ashur had granted me. To complete the emblem of her exalted divinity i 55' and to glorify her precious cultic rites, she constantly kept sending me instructions through dreams and messages from ecstatics.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I refurbished the emblem of her great divinity and made her sit upon a throne-dais as her eternal abode. I firmly re-established her precious cultic ordinances and properly carried out her cultic rites.

For the preservation of my life, I set up lion-headed eagles and divine emblems in the gateways of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my birth-mother was created in her mother's womb, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, named me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and i 70' make me dwell therein upon an eternal dais." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He allowed the temple of the god Sîn — which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built — to become old and he entrusted its renovation to me.

As for that temple, which had become old, I removed its dilapidated sections by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. i 80' Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them with long beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and I fixed them in their gateways.

In the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which gore my foes to death. In a gateway of Ehulhul, I also stationed two long-haired heroes of eshmarû-metal, which grasp divine emblems, keep safe my royal path, and bring in the yield of mountain and sea.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums.

Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase twelve donkey-loads of grain, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered

Obverse Column ii


u#-[na-Asz-szA-qu _gir-ii_-ia] mal-ki# [_gal-mesz_ szA s,i-tasz u szi-la-an] a-na kit-ri#-[szu-nu u-pa-qu-u-ni]

i-na mah-re#-[e ger-ri-ia] a-na _kur_-mA-kan [u _kur_-me-luh-ha lu-u al-lik] (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu#-[s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si] sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an#_-[_szar-ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a] _bad5-bad5_-szu isz-ku-nu i-[be-lu _kur_-su] da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)#[15 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _en-mesz_-ia [im-szi-ma] it-ta-kil a-na e-muq# ra-[ma-ni-szu] e-li _lugal-mesz lu_-qe-pa#-[a-ni] sza qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur# u-pa-qi-du _ad_ ba#-[nu-u-a] a-na da-a-ki# ha-ba-a-te u e-kem _kur_-mu-[s,ur] il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu#-[un]

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri (disz)mi-in-se-e _lugal kur_-ia-u-di (disz)qa-usz-gab-ri _lugal kur_-u-du-me (disz)mu-s,ur-i _lugal kur_-ma-'a-ba (disz)_gissu_-_en lugal kur_-ha-zi-ti (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal kur_-is-qa-lu-na (disz)i-ka-u-su _lugal kur_-am-qar-u-na (disz)mil-ki-a-szA-pa _lugal kur_-gu-ub-li (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-ar-u-a-da (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al _lugal kur_-sa-am-si-mu-ru-na (disz)am-mi-na-ad-bi _lugal kur_-É-am-ma-na (disz)_pap_-mil-ki _lugal kur_-as-du-di (disz)e-ki-isz-tu-ra _lugal kur_-e-di-i'-li

[_lugal-mesz_ szA]-a(?)-tu#-nu a-di# e-mu-qi-szu-nu# [_gisz-ma_]-_mesz#_-szu-nu ina tam-tim# [u na-ba-li] [it-ti] _erim-hi#-a_-ia ur-hu# pa-da-nu u#-[szA-as,-bit]-su#-nu-ti#

[a-na na]-ra#-ru-ti ha-mat szA _lugal-mesz lu#_-qé-pa-a-ni [sza qé-reb _kur_]-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia [ur-ru-hi]-isz# ar-[de]-e#-ma al-lik a-di _uru_-kar-(d)_du_-ti [(disz)]tar#-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si qé#-reb _uru_-me-em-pi a-lak# ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a#-na e-pesz _murub4 gisz#-tukul-mesz_ u _me_ a#-na mah-ri-ia id#-[ka]-a# _lu-erim-mesz me_-szu [i-na] tu#-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en u#_ (d)_ag#_ [_dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia [a]-li#-kut [i]-di(?)#-ia [ina _me_] _edin_ rap#-[szi Asz-ku-na] _bad5#-bad5 erim-hi-a_-szu

[(disz)tar-qu-u ina qé-reb] _uru#_-me-em-pi [isz-ma-a tah-te-e] _erim#-hi-a_-szu [nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u] (d)15 [is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li]-ka# mah-hu-tisz [me-lam-me _man_-ti-ia ik-tu]-mu-szu#-ma [szA u-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu]-ut# _an ki_ [_uru_-me-em-pi] u#-[masz-szir]-ma a-na szu-zu#-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i'# _uru_ szu#-a-tu as,-bat _erim-hi-a_-ia u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina lib-bi

(disz)ni-ku#-u _lugal uru_-me-em-pi _u uru_-sa-a-a (disz)_lugal#_-lu-da-ri _lugal uru_-s,i-i'-nu (disz)pi-[szA]-an-hu-ru _lugal uru_-na-at-hu-u (disz)pa-aq#-ru-ru _lugal uru_-szap-tu (disz)ni(?)-her(?)#-a-u _lugal uru_-ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na#-[ah-ke]-e# _lugal uru_-hi-ni-in-szi _lugal#_-[_mesz_ an-nu]-ti# _lu-nam-mesz lu_-qe-pa-ni sza# [qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur] u#-pa-qi-du _ad du_-u-a sza# [la-pa-an ti]-bu#-ut (disz)tar-qu-u [pi-qit-ta-szu-un u-masz-sze]-ru im#-[lu-u] _edin#_

pa#-[an _gisz-szudun_-ia u-ter-ra-am-ma] szal(?)#-[mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

_egir#_-[nu (disz)ni-ku-u (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru] ina a#-[de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] [t,a-ab-ti im-szu-ma lib-ba-szu-nu ik-pu-ud le-mut-tu] [da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma] [mi]-lik la ku#-[sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu-un] [um-ma (disz)tar]-qu#-u ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-mu#-[s,ur] [i-na-sah-u-ma at]-tu-ni a-szA-ba-ni [mi-i-nu] [e]-li (disz)tar#-qu-u _man kur_-ku-u-si [a]-na# szA-kan# [a-de-e] U sa#-li-me u-ma-'e-e-ru _lu_-rak-bé#-szu-un [um]-ma# su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni# lisz-szA-kin-ma [ni]-in-dag#-ga-ra a-ha-mesz

[a-mat _hul_-tim _lu_-szu-ut _sag_]-_mesz#_-ia a-ma-a-ti

AI Translation

The great rulers who had gathered together the forces of the kings to do battle and to defeat them,

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and whose land he had conquered, trusted in the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own strength. He went up against the kings and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt to wage war and battle and to conquer Egypt.

In the course of my campaign, I defeated Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, Minsê, king of the land Judah, Qashgabri, king of the land Edom, Mushuri, king of the land Moab, Shil-Bel, king of the land Hazatu, Mitinti, king of the land Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of the land Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of the land Gubla, Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimuruna, Ammin-nadbi, king of the land Bit-Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of the land Ashdod, Ekishtura, king of the land Edi'li,

I brought those kings, together with their forces and their boats, into the sea and the netherworld with my troops and they imposed harsh punishment upon them.

I quickly advanced to support the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and he mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came to an end. He forgot the brilliance of my royal majesty, which the gods of heaven and netherworld had granted to him, abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I brought my troops inside that city Memphis and settled them inside it.

As for Nikû, king of the cities Memphis and Sais, Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Si'nu, Pishanhuru, king of the city Nathu, Paqruru, king of the city Saptu, Niherau, king of the city Hathiribu, and Nahkê, king of the city Hininshi, these kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts after the death of Taharqa and fled to the steppe.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Nikû, Sharru-lu-dari, and Paqruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. They became frightened of my kindness and their hearts swore by treachery. They spoke words of treachery and v 5'

The evil word of the eunuchs of mine, my eunuchs, is uttered.


kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had brought about and whose land he ruled over, forgot the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, and ii 10' trusted in his own strength. He marched against the kings and officials, whom the father who had engendered me had appointed inside Egypt, to kill and rob them and to take away Egypt from them. ii 15' He entered and resided in the city Memphis, a city that the father who had engendered me had conquered and made part of the territory of his land. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported this to me. ii 20' My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. I mustered my elite forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had placed in my hands and I made them take the direct road to Egypt and Kush.

In the course of my campaign, Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, Manasseh, king of the land Judah, Qa'ush-gabri, king of the land Edom, Mushuri, king of the land Moab, ii 30' Shil-Bel, king of the land Gaza, Mitinti, king of the land Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of the land Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of the land Byblos, Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, ii 35' Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimurruna, Ammi-nadbi, king of the land Bit-Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of the land Ashdod, Ekishtura, king of the land Idalion, Pilagurâ, king of the land Kitrusi, ii 40' Kisu, king of the land Salamis, Ituandar, king of the land Paphos, Eresu, king of the land Soloi, Damasu, king of the land Curium, Admesu, king of the land Tamassos, ii 45' Damysos, king of the land Qartihadasti, Unasagusu, king of the land Lidir, Bushusu, king of the land Nuria — in total, twenty-two kings of the seacoast, the midst of the sea, and dry land, ii 50' servants who belonged to me, carried their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet.

I made those kings, together with their forces and their boats, take the road and path with my troops by sea and dry land.

I quickly advanced to support and aid the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. ii 60' Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ii 70' overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. The brilliance of my royal majesty, with which the gods of heaven and netherworld had endowed me, covered him; he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I seized that city Memphis and then made my troops enter and reside there.

As for Necho, king of the cities Memphis and Sais, Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Pelusium, Pi-shan-Huru, king of the city Natho, Pa-qruru, king of the city Pishaptu, ii 80' Inaros Niherau, king of the city Athribis, and Nahkê, king of the city Heracleopolis, those kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside,

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Necho, Sharru-lu-dari, and Pa-qruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oaths sworn by the great gods. ii 5'' They forgot my kindness and their hearts plotted evil deeds. They spoke words of treachery and decided among themselves on a profitless decision, saying: "If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then can we ourselves stay?" ii 10'' To establish treaties and peace, they dispatched their mounted messengers to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: "Let peace be established between us so that we can come to a mutual agreement. ii 15'' Let us divide the land among ourselves so that no other lord comes between us." With regard to troops of Assyria, the might of my lordly majesty, they constantly sought out evil plans to cut their throats.

Eunuchs of mine heard these words;

Obverse Column iii


[al-lu _ku-gi_] si#-mat _lugal_-ti-szu Asz-kun#-[szu] [_har-mesz ku_]-_gi#_ u-rak-ki-sa rit-ti-szu [_gir_ szib-bi] szA ih-zu-szu _ku-gi_ [ni-bit _mu_-ia ina] muh#-hi Asz-t,ur-ma a-din-szu [_gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur_]-_ra#-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ [a-na ru-kub _en_]-ti-szu a-qis-su [_lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia] _lu-nam-mesz_ [a-na kit-ri-szu it]-ti#-szu Asz-pur [a-szar] _ad#_ [_du_-u-a i]-na# _uru_-sa-a-a [a-na _lugal_-ti ip]-qi#-du-szu a-na masz-kAn-i-szu u#-ter-szu

[U] (disz)(d)_ag_-sze-zib-a-ni _dumu_-szu ina _uru#_-[ha-at-ha-ri]-ba# ap-qid _mun# sig5_-tu _ugu#_ [szA _ad_] ba-ni-ia u(?)#-szA-tir-ma e-pu#-us-su

(disz)tar-qu#-u a-szar# in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _gisz#-tukul an-szar en_-ia# is-hup-szu-ma

[il-lik nam]-mu#-szi-szu _egir_-nu# [(disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e] _dumu# nin9_-szu u-szib# [ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_]-ti#-szu _uru_-ni-i' [_uru_-u-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz]-kun# u-pah-hi#-[ir el-lat-su] a-na mit-hu-s,i# [_erim-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza qé-reb _uru_-me-[em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu] _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu#-[nu e-si-ir-ma] is,-ba-ta [mu-us,-s,a-szu-un] _lu-dumu_ szip-ri ha-an-[t,u a-na _nina-ki_] il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-[a ia-a-ti]

Asz-ni-ma a-na _kur_-mu-s,ur [u _kur_-ku-u-si] usz-te-sze-ra [har-ra-nu] (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e a-lak [ger-ri-ia isz]-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir [_kur_-mu-s,ur] _uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi#_-[ti-szu] in-na#-bit a-na qé-reb [_uru_-ni-i'] _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz lu#_-[qe-pa-a-ni] sza qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur [Asz-ku-nu] ina ir-ti-ia il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-[qu _gir-ii_-ia]

_egir_ (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e# [har-ra-nu as,-bat] al-lik a-di _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ dan#-[nu-ti-szu] ti-ib _me_-ia e-mur#-[ma] _uru_-ni-i' u-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na _uru_-ki#-[ip]-ki-pi _uru_ szu-a-tu a-na# [si]-hir#-ti-szu ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ik#-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ [_nig-szu_] É#-_gal_-szu ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-ti bir#-[me] _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik(?)#-ru U sin-nisz 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi#-ti-iq za-ha-le-e eb-bi sza 2 _lim 5 me# gun ki-la_-szu-nu [man-za-az] _ka_ É-_kur_ ul-tu man-zal-ti#-szu-nu as-suh-ma [al-qa-a a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szal-la-tu ka-[bit]-tu(?)# ina la mi-ni Asz-lu-la [ul-tu qé-reb] _uru#_-ni-i' e#-li _kur#_-[mu-s,ur _u kur_]-ku-u#-si _gisz#-tukul-mesz_-ia# [u-szam-ri-ir-ma Asz-ta-kan] li#-i-tu

[ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia] [_ugu_ (disz)ba-'a]-li _lugal#_ [_kur_-s,ur-ri] [a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim] lu#-u al#-[lik] [Asz-szu a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia] la# is,-s,u-[ru] [la isz-mu-u zi]-kir# _nundum_-ia# [_uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ e-li]-szu u-rak-kis [a-na la a-s,e-e _un-mesz_]-szu u#-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tusz ina tam#-[tim u na-ba-li] ger#-re-ti-szu u-s,ab-bit a-lak#-[ta-szu] ap#-ru-us _a-mesz u_ [te-'u-u-tu ba-lat,] _zi_-ti-szu-nu a-na pi-i-szu-nu u#-szA-qi-ir ina me-se-ri# [dan-ni] szA la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu-nu-ti

[_dumu-munus_] s,i-it lib-bi-szu u _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu [a-na] e#-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti [u-bi]-la a-di mah-ri-ia [_dumu_-szu szA] ma-ti-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra [isz-szA]-a# a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia _dumu#_-[_munus_]-su# u _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu it-ti# [ter]-ha#-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu re-e-mu# ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib#-[bi-szu u]-ter-ma a-din-szu

_uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ szA _ugu#_ [(disz)ba]-'a#-li [_lugal kur_-s,ur-ri] u-rak-ki-su [ap]-t,ur# ina tam-tim u na-ba#-[li ger-re]-ti#-szu ma-la u-s,ab-bi#-[tu ap]-ti# ma-da-ta-szu ka#-[bit-tu am-hur-szu] pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia# [u-ter-ram-ma] szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu-ti-ia#

ma-al-ki _murub4_ tam#-tim u _lugal-mesz_ [a-szi-bu-ti] szad-de#-e szA-qu-ti [da-na-an ep]-sze-ti#-ia an-na-a-ti [e-mu-ru]-ma# ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti [(disz)ia-ki-in]-lu-u# _lugal kur_-ar-u-a-da [(disz)mu-gal-lu] _lugal kur_-tab-a-la [(disz)sa-an-di-szar-me] _kur_-hi#-lak-ka-a-a [sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la] kan#-szu [ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz_]-_szudun#_-ia [_dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu]-nu [it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a']-di# [U ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si] [a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti] [a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma]

[ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u] _lugal# kur_-a-ru-ad-da [il-li-ku a-na szim-ti] (disz)a-zi-ba-al# [(disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a]-du#-ni-ba-a'-[al] [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u] a#-szib _murub4_ tam#-[tim] [ul-tu _murub4_ tam-tim] e#-lu-nim#-[ma] [it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu] ka-bit-tu# [il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz]-szi#-qu _gir#-ii_-ia [(disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz] ap#-pa-lis-ma [a-na _lugal_-u-ti _kur_-a-ru-ad]-da# Asz-kun [(disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du]-ni#-ba-a'#-al

AI Translation

I erected a golden statue of himself as a royal emblem and fastened gold bracelets on his wrists. I wrote on it a bronze footstool bearing my name and I gave it to him. I gave him chariots, horses, and mules as his lordly gifts. I sent eunuchs of mine and governors with him to aid him. Where my father had appointed me to be king, he returned him to his place.

Moreover, I appointed Nabû-shezibanni, his son, to the city Hatharia in order to make good things about the father who had engendered me and to do good things for him.

As for Taharqa, whose residence had become too small, fear of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he fled alone.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat on his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight against the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he brought those people inside Memphis and captured them. A quickly-educated messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

As for Tanutamon, he heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Memphis, which is on the border of Egypt, and fled to save his own life. He escaped inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to me and kissed my feet.

After I had taken the road against Damanê, I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my battle array and abandoned the city Thebes. He fled to the city Kipkipi, a city in its entirety. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, without number, from the city Thebes, upstream from Egypt and Kush, my weapons, and I set them free.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. I strengthened its guard more than before to prevent his people from leaving. By sea and dry land, I captured his routes. I confined his people to his camp. I gave water and food for the preservation of their lives to their mouths. In a severe hardship that cannot be overturned, I confined them to their cella.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I destroyed the fortified cities which I had built against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had captured. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for the kings of the middle of the sea and the kings who live in remote regions, they saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. They brought to Nineveh Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme, the Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, their daughters, with much dowry and extispicy, to serve as housekeepers, and they bowed down to my yoke.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I imposed upon Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al the following year.


I placed on him Necho a golden hoe, an insignia of his kingship, and fastened gold bracelets around his wrists. On a belt-dagger with gold mountings, I wrote out my name and I gave it to him. iii 5' I presented him with chariots, horses, and mules to be his lordly transport. I sent with him eunuchs of mine and governors to help him. Where the father who had engendered me had appointed him as king, in the city Sais, I returned him to his position.

Moreover, I appointed Nabû-shezibanni, his son, in the city Athribis. I performed more kind and good deeds for him than the father who had engendered me.

As for Taharqa, in the place where he had fled, the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he passed away.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat upon his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight against the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he mobilized his battle array, confined those people, and iii 25' cut off their escape route. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

For a second time, I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and that I had set foot on Egyptian territory, he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to meet me and kissed my feet.

I took the road in pursuit of Tanutamon and I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my battle array and abandoned the city Thebes; iii 40' he fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, iii 50' I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from inside the city Thebes. iii 55' I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I reinforced its garrison. iii 65' By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes and thus cut off all access to him. I made water and food for the preservation of their lives scarce for their mouths. iii 70' I confined them in a harsh imprisonment from which there was no escape. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. iii 80' I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I dismantled the outposts that I had constructed against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

Rulers who reside in the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, iii 95' and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, iii 110' came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. iii 115' I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al ...

Obverse Column iv


[_lu_-gi-mir-a-a _lu-kur_ ek]-s,u# sza la ip-tal#-[la-hu _ad-mesz_]-ia# U ia-a-ti la# [is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_] _lugal#_-ti-ia ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)#[15 _en_]-_mesz#_-ia ina _gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i szat [qa-ti _gisz_-szi]-ga#-ri u-tam-me-eh-ma it#-[ti ta-mar-ti]-szu# ka-bit-ti u-sze-bi-la# [a-di] mah#-ri-ia

ina 4 ger-ri-ia a-na _uru#_-qir-bit szA qé-reb _uru_-ha-re-e-ha-as#-ta lu al#-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da _lu-en#-uru_-szu-nu a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu# a-na _gisz-szudun u un#-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti# _uru_-qir-bit ka-a-a-an ih-ta#-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_-ia-mut#-ba-li _uru_ szu-a-tu ina tukul-ti _an#-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)#15 sza _uru#-limmu_-_dingir_ ak-szu-ud Asz-lu#-[la] szal#-lat-su (disz)ta#-[an-da _lu-en_]-_uru_-szu-nu [it-ti szal-lat _uru_-szu al-qa-a] a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

[(disz)]ah(?)-sze(?)#-[e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma] u#-ma-'e-e#-[ra um-man-szu] ina szat mu-szi ina szi#-[pir ni-kil-ti] a-na e-pesz# [_me_ it-bu-u-ni] a-na mit-hu-us,#-[s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia] _erim-mesz me_-ia it#-[ti-szu-un im-da-ha-s,u] isz-ku-nu [_bad5-bad5_-szu-un] ma-lak 3 _kaskal-gid a-sza#_ [szal-ma-a-te-szu-nu] u-mal-li [_edin_ rap-szu]

ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30# [(d)_utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _en-mesz_-ia szA [u-tak-ki-lu-in-ni] qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a e#-[ru-ub-ma at-ta-lak szal-t,isz] ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia# _uru_-a-a-u-si#-[Asz _uru-hal-s_,_u uru-a_sz-szA-Asz dan-na-su] _uru_-bu-su-tu _uru-a_sz#-[di-Asz _uru_-ur-ki-ia-mu-un] _uru_-up-pi-isz _uru#_-[si-hu-u-a _uru_-na-zi-ni-ri] 8 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-[ti U a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti] sza ni-ba la(?)# [i-szu-u] a-di qé-reb# _uru_-i-zir-te [ak-szu-ud] ap-pul# aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ [aq-mu] _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz us5-udu-hi-a#_

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u-masz-szir _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-na _uru_-at-ra-a-na _uru_ tukul-ti-szu in-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi-tu _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru_-ur-me-ia-te _uru_-uz-bi-a _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu al-me _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu ma-lak 10 u4-me 5 u4-me u-szah-ri-ib-ma szA-qu-um-ma-tu at-bu-uk

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru-mesz_ szA li-me-et _uru_-pad-di-ri sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na ra-ma-ni-szu-nu u-ter-ru ak#-szu-ud ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu-la szal-la-sun _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra

na-gu-u# sza _uru_-ar-si-ia-ni-isz sza bi-rit# _uru_-a-za-qa-na-ni sza _kur_-ha-ar#-si szA-di-i sza _sag kur_-ku-mu#-ur-da-a-a sza qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-szA-di-i _lu-gal hal-s_,U-szu-nu a-duk Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su

na-gu-u sza _uru_-e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _uru-mesz_-szu as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su ina ti-ib _me_-ia na-gu-szu u-szah-rib u-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap-har _kur_-szu it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di [szal]-la#-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra [ak]-bu#-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

_uru#_-bi-ru-a _uru-lugal_-iq-bi [_uru_-gu-si-né-e] _uru-mesz_ mah-ru#-u-te# [sza mi-s,ir] _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza# ina ter-[s,i] _lugal#-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu# _kur_-man-na-a-a da-Ad-me szA#-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud _kur_-man-na#-a-a# ul-tu lib-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra#-mesz gisz_-til-li u-nu-ut _me_-szu-nu Asz-lu-la# a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki uru-mesz_ szA#-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat u-ter#-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

(disz)ah#-[sze]-e#-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia _an#_-[_szar_ (d)]15# im-nu-szu i-na _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu [_un-mesz kur_]-szu# si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u [ina _sila_] _uru#_-szu id-du-u _adda_-szu

[_egir_-nu] (disz)u-a-al-li-i _dumu_-szu [u]-szib# i-na _gisz-gu-za_-szu [da-na-an] _an#-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ [(d)15 szA] _nina#-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia [Asz-szu ba-lat,] _zi_-ti-szu up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti# [(disz)e-ri]-si#-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu [a-na] _nina#-ki_ isz-pur-am#-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa# _gir-ii_-ia [re-e-mu ar-szi-szu _lu-a kin_]-ia# szA szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz#-[szu]

AI Translation

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I cut down with the sword the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and I sent them before me my substantial audience gift.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta. Because Tandaya, their city ruler, had not bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and because the people living in the city Qirbit constantly flew away, they took the booty of the land Yamutbal. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I captured that city. I took Tandaya, their city ruler, with the booty of his city, to Assyria.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and sent his army. During the night, with the craft of a scout, they came to do battle. To fight with my troops, my battle troops clashed with them and brought about their defeat. Over a distance of three leagues, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash, Harran, Ayusiash, Busutu, Ashdiash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri, eight fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I carried off people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, together with their possessions, and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Izirtu, Urmeyate, and Uzbia, his fortified cities. I took people living in those cities and thereby cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned that district with fire. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with fire. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with fire.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and returned to their places in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to Assyria.

I burnt with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and of the land Harsi, which is on the border of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and carried off his booty.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, destroyed its cities, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I destroyed its district, devastated it, and plundered all of its land. I returned safely with a substantial booty and substantial booty and surrounded the territory of Assyria.

I conquered the cities Birua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were previously within the territory of Assyria that the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I wiped away those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. They imposed a grievous punishment upon him and confined him in the street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. To ensure his good health, he opened his eyes to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him.


As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he Gyges clamped them in manacles, handcuffs, and neck-stocks and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta lit. "the city Harehasta", iv 10' since Tandaya, their city ruler, had never bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and the people living in the city Qirbit were constantly plundering the land Yamutbal. iv 15' With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I conquered and plundered that city. As for Tandaya, their city ruler, I took him to Assyria together with captives from his city.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. During the night, in a crafty maneuver, they approached to do battle, to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over an area the distance of three leagues march, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash — a fortress of his — Ashash — a stronghold of his — Busutu, Ashdiyash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri — eight fortified cities — together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded the cities Izirtu, Urmete Armaet, and Uzbia Izibia, his fortified cities. iv 30'' I confined the people living in those cities and thus constricted and cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned that district with fire. I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and appropriated for themselves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I leveled and burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and lit. "of" Mount Harsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, flattened its villages, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid waste to his district and made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plunder and substantial booty and set foot in Assyrian territory.

As for the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. iv 65'' I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land incited a rebellion against him and they cast his corpse into a street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and iv 80'' made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. v 1 He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

Obverse Column v


[ina u4-me-szu (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _lu_]-_en-uru#_ [sza mad-a-a] [(disz)sar-a-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi 2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi _lu-en-uru kur_-sa-hi] sza(?)# [is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia] 75 _uru#_-[_mesz_-szu-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu-ud] Asz-lu-la [szal-lat-sun] szA#-a-szu-nu bal-t,u-us-su#-[nu ina _szu-ii_ as,-bat] u-bi-la a-na _nina-ki uru#_ [be-lu-ti-ia]

(disz)an-da-ri-a _lu_-tur-ta-an(?)# [_kur_-ur-ar-t,i] sza a-na ka-szA-ad _kur_-(up)-pu#-[um-me] _u uru_-kul-li-im-me(?)#-[ri] ir-da-a il-li-ka qé-reb mu#-[szi-ti] _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-kul-li#-[im-me-ri] _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-[ia] ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-[szu] ma-a'-as-su i#-[du-ku] la e-zi-bu a#-[a-um-ma] _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-ri#-[a ik-ki-su-nim-ma] a-na _nina-ki#_ ina [mah-ri-ia u-bil-u-ni]

ina 6-szi(?)# [ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik] sza# [_mun ad du_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti] [ul-tu ina _kur-elam-ma-ki_ su-un-qu isz-ku-nu] [ib-ba-szu-u né-eb-re-tu] [(d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _un-mesz_] [u-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-ii_-su] [_un-mesz_-szu] sza la-pa-an su-un-qi# [in-nab-tu]-nim#-ma u-szi-bu qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [a-di zu]-un#-nu ina _kur_-szu iz-nu-nu [ib-ba]-szu#-u e-bu-ru [_un-mesz_ szA-a]-tu#-nu sza ina _kur_-ia ib-lu-t,u u-sze-bil-szu-ma

[(disz)ur-ta-ku] szA la ag-ru-szu [qa-bal-szu] id-ka-a [a-na _kur_-kAr-(d)dun]-ia#-asz ur-ri-ha ta-ha-zu [Asz-szu ti-bu]-ut# _lu_-e-la-me-e [_lu-a kin_ a]-na# _nina-ki_ il-lik-am-ma [iq-ba-a] ia-a-ti a-ma#-[ti] szA-a-ti-na sza ti-bu#-ut (disz)ur-ta-ki ul Asz-du#-ud ina lib-bi-ia szu-ut _lu-edin-mesz_-szu# szA su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah#-ri-ia a-na a-mar _lugal kur-elam-ma#-ki lu-a kin_-ia u-ma-'e-er# [ha]-an#-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram#-ma a-ma#-a-ti ka-a-a-ma-na-a-ti u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma _lu_-e-la-mu-u

a-na na-ra-ru-ti (d)_en_ u (d)_ag en-mesz_-ia sza ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un _erim-mesz me_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu# a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu-ma i-tur [a]-na# _kur_-szu _egir_-szu as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu# Asz-kun# at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir# _kur_-szu

(disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal kur#_-[_elam_]-_ma-ki#_ sza la is,-s,u-ru ib-[ru]-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu mu-u-[tu u]-gar#-ru-u ina ta-né-hi iq-tu-u [i]-zu#-bu ina qaq-qar ba-la-t,i _gir-ii_-szu [ul] isz#-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu na-pisz-ta-szu iq-ti [il-lik nam-mu-szi]-szu

(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-[bu-la]-a#-a sza is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun en_-ti-ia# ina ni-szik PÉSZ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu

(disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til-la-a _a-mesz_ ma-lu-u-ti

(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du lu_-szu-ut _sag_-szu mu-szad-bi-ib-szu sza _hul_-tu u-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki e-mi-is-su (d)_amar-utu lugal dingir-mesz_ sze-er-ta-szu _gal_-tu

ina 1-et _mu-an-na_ mé-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu lib-bi _an-szar_ ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka-bat-ti (d)15 szA u-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu isz-ki-pu be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szal-qu-u szA-nam-ma

_egir_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la_ u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur#-ta-ki _u dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze# _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-né-'a-a _munus-hul#_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)#um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu# _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ (disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-[ki] _u 60 numun lugal_ ina la mi-ni _lu#_-[_erim-mesz gisz-pan_] _dumu-mesz_ ba-né-e sza _kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_]

_un-mesz#_ [szA-a-tu-nu szA in-nab-tu-nim-ma] x x [...]

AI Translation

At that time, I captured and plundered Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship. I conquered and plundered 75 of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Andaria, the commander-in-chief of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched in procession to conquer the lands Uppumu and Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, iii 20' in the night, they massacred him in great numbers. They did not spare a single one. They cut off the head of Andaria and brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him a ration of bread for the sake of the lives of the people and grasped hold of his hand. The people of his who had fled from famine and settled in Assyria, together with the famine in his land, he ate, he ate, and those people who had died in my land I sent to him and he imposed the yoke of the god Ashur and the god Ashur.

As for Urtaku, who had not bowed down to his yoke, he took his battle array and marched to Karduniash Babylonia. Concerning the Elamite attack, a messenger came to Nineveh and told me this: "I did not honor these words that I had spoken to the Elamite attack. In my heart, he sent his 'inmates' with messages of peace before me to see the king of the land Elam.' He then came back and reported this to me. I said this repeatedly: "The Elamites

For the sacrificial procession of the god Bel Marduk and the god Nabû, my lords, whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and took the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his land. I pursued him and defeated him. I carried off his booty as far as the border of his land.

Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not kept watch over his enemies, iii 5' whose life had been cut short by a lack of days and had become frightened by hunger, iii 10'' whose feet had buckled in the midst of battle, iii 10'

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he placed him under the protection of a wolf.

Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, who did not honor my treaty, sinned against me and poured out blood.

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his eunuch, the one who struck him, who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, king of the gods, gave his great benevolent wrath to Urtaku.

In one year, they all placed their trust in one another. The anger of the god Ashur overwhelmed them and the mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, became a fog for him. He swore by the command of the god Ashur that he should exercise kingship over the land Elam. He made another king, my lord, assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the bright, stag, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku, together with sixty royal descendants, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam —

Those people who had fled and ... .


At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Andaria, the field marshal of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched during the night to conquer the land of the city Uppumu and the city Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, v 20 inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. They did not spare anyone. They cut off the head of Andaria and they brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and thus held him by the hand. v 30 As for his people, who had fled on account of the famine and settled in Assyria until it rained again in his land and harvests grew — I sent those people who had stayed alive in my land back to him. But as for the Elamite whose aggression I had not thought possible lit. "I did not speak with my heart" and a fight with whom I had not contemplated — Bel-iqisha, the Gambulian, Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, v 40 servants who belonged to me, and Marduk-shuma-ibni, a eunuch of Urtaku who had sided with them, incited Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, with lies to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad.

Urtaku, whom I had not antagonized, set his attack in motion and hastily brought war to Karduniash Babylonia. On account of the assault of the Elamite, v 50 a messenger came to Nineveh and told me the news. I was not concerned about this news of Urtaku's assault. v 55 Because he had regularly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me, I dispatched my messenger to see the king of the land Elam. He went quickly, returned, and v 60 reported to me an accurate report, saying: "The Elamites cover the land Akkad, all of it, like a swarm of locusts. Against Babylon, his camp is pitched and his military camp is laid."

To aid the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, lords of mine whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and set out on the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and v 70 then fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his own land. I went after him and brought about his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not respected my friendship, whom death called on a day that was not his fate, who came to an end and withered away while wailing — he no longer set foot upon the land of the living. In that year, his life came to an end and he passed away.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he laid down his life through the bite of a mouse.

As for Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur who did not honor my treaty, he suffered from dropsy, that is "full water."

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his Urtaku's eunuch, the instigator who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, the king of the gods, imposed his grievous punishment upon him.

Within one year, they all laid down their lives at the same time. The angry heart of the god Ashur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, become tranquil towards them. They overthrew his royal dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — v 100 the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku — together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

those people who had fled to me and ... ...

Obverse Column vi


_dingir_-us#-[sa u-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a]

um-ma [(d)be-let _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_] a-na-ku (disz)_an#_-[_szar_-_du_-_a man_] _kur#_ asz-szur-[_ki_] bi-nu-ut _szu-ii_-ki szA# [ih-szu-hu]-szu# _an-szar ad_ ba-nu-ki# a-na ud-du-usz [esz-re-e-ti] szul-lum par-s,e-szu-un na-s,ar# [pi-risz-te-szu-un] szu-t,u-ub lib-bi-szu-un [im-bu-u zi-kir-szu] a-na-ku Asz-re-e-ki Asz-te-né-'i-i al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir#_-ti-ki U szul-lum par-s,e-ki U szu-u (disz)te-um#-man _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki_ la mu-szA-qir# [_dingir_]-_mesz#_ ku-us,-s,ur ka-li a-na mit-hu-s,i# [_erim-hi_]-_a#_-ia

um-ma at-ti (d)be-let be-le#-[e]-ti# i-lat _murub4_ be-let _me_ ma-li-kat _dingir-mesz_ [_ad-mesz_-szA] sza# ina ma-har _an-szar ad_ ba-ni#-[ki] _munus-sig5_ taq-bi-i ina ni-isz _igi-ii_-szu _ku#_-[_mesz_] ih-szu-ha-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-[ti] Asz-szu (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_] sza a-na _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz ad_ ba-ni-ki ih-tu-u [bil-tu] id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu# u-szA-'a-a-la _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz gim gun_ ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu-ma di-kisz-szu me-hu-u _im_ lem-nu

in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-u-ti (d)isz-tar isz-me-e-ma la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-a u-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-ka sza tasz-szA-a _igi-ii_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu ar-ta-szi re-e-[mu]

ina# szat mu-szi szu-a-tu szA am-hu-ru-szi [1]-en# szab-ru-u u-tu-ul-ma i-na-at,-t,al _masz-gi6_ [i]-gi#-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi [sza (d)15] u#-szab-ru-u-szu u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti

[um-ma (d)15] a-szi-bat# _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ e-ru-ba-am-ma [15 u 2-30 tul-la-a-ta] isz#-pa-a-ti [tam-ha-at _gisz-pan_ ina] i#-di-szA [szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu szA e]-pesz _me_ [...] x x

nin-gu#-[tu szu-kun nu-'i-id _dingir_-u-ti] a-di al-la#-[ku szip-ru szu-a-tu ep-pe-szu] u-szak#-szA-[du s,u-um-me-rat lib-bi-ka] pa-nu-ka ul# [ur-raq ul i-nar-ru-t,a _gir-ii_-ka] ul# ta-szam-mat,# [zu-ut-ka _murub4_ tam-ha-ri] ina ki#-rim-mi-szA [_dug-ga_ tah-s,i-in-ka-ma] tah-ti-na [gi-mir la-a-ni-ka] pa-nu-usz-szA (d)#[_gisz-bar_ in-na-pi-ih] ez-zi-isz nam#-[ri-ri-isz E-ma] a-na ka-szA-ad _lu-kur#_-[szA _du_-ik] e-li (disz)te-um-man [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza ug-gu-ga-at pa-[nu-usz-szA tasz-kun]

ina _iti-kin_ szi-pir (d)_inanna-mesz_ [i-sin-ni _an-szar_ s,i-i-ri] _iti_ (d)30 na-an-nar _an_-e# [u _ki_-tim] at-kil a-na _esz-bar_ (d)_szesz#_-[_ki_-ri nam-ri] U szi-pir (d)15 _gaszan_-ia# [sza la in-nen-nu-u] ad-ke _erim-mesz me_-ia# [mun-dah-s,e] sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ [(d)30 u (d)15] it-ta-na-Asz-ra#-[bi-t,u _murub4_ tam-ha-ri] e-li (disz)te-[um-man _man kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_ ur-hu as,-bat-ma# [usz-te-sze-ra har]-ra#-nu

el-la-mu#-u-a [(disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_ ina# [_uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i na]-di(?) ma(?)#-[dak]-tu(?)# e#-[reb _lugal_-ti-ia szA] qé#-reb _bad-an-ki_ [isz-me-e-ma is,-bat]-su# hat-tu [(disz)te-um-man ip-lah-ma a-na] _egir#_-szu i-tur [e-ru-ub qé-reb] _uru#_-szu-szA-an [_ku-babbar ku-gi_ a-na szu-zu]-ub# _zi_-ti-szu [u-za-'i-iz] a-na _un#-mesz kur_-szu [re-s,e-e-szu a]-lik# i-di-i-szu pa-nu-usz-szu u#-te-ram-ma [ug-dAp-pi]-szA# a-na mah-ri-ia# [_id_-u-la]-a#-a a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz-kun# [is,-bat] pa#-an masz-qé-e#

[ina qi-bit _an-szar_] (d)#_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# [szA u-tak]-ki#-lu-in-ni# [ina _giszkim-mesz sig5-mesz_] _masz#-gi6 inim-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e# [qé-reb _du6_-_uru_-tu]-ba# _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz-kun [ina _adda-mesz_-szu-nu _id_]-u-la-a-a as-ki-ir [szal-ma-a-te-szu-nu] _gim# gisz-dih_ u _gisz-kiszi16#_

AI Translation

My personal god keeps sending me messages of sorrow.

"O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of your hands, who had sided with him, the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, to renovate sanctuaries, to ensure their good health and the well-being of their secrets, and to please their hearts, iii 20' I myself, the one who constantly seeks out your shrines, came to revere your divinity and to ensure your good health. Moreover, he, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, does not spare the gods, the guardian of all battle with my troops.

"You, the lady of ladies, goddess of battle, lady of battle, the guardian of the gods, her ancestors, who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, and who has entrusted me with the kingship through his holy eyes, because Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sinned against the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, he has imposed upon you tribute, has assembled his troops, has gathered his battle array, and has sent his weapons to Assyria."

"You, the satrap of the gods, are smitten like a ... in the midst of battle, and his limbs are swollen, a dark cloud.

The goddess Ishtar heard my distress and said to me "Do not be afraid!" She made me rejoice. With regard to the supplications that you have addressed to me and your face, I have been afraid and have no mercy on you.

During the course of the night, which I had seen her, a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He became frightened and then he made an appearance in the night, which the goddess Ishtar had made him see, and he became afraid.

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she spread out a hose covering the right and left; she placed a bow on her neck; she was clad in a hazzaru-robe, a garment that was suitable for doing battle; ... .

As long as I am going to perform this work, I will make your heart happy. You will not be afraid, your feet will not be frightened, your face will not be swollen. You will be sated with your supplications. You have sat in her pleasant abode and have surrounded all of your body with fire. Fire swept over her face and she went fiercely to conquer her enemy. She placed Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sat in her presence.

In the month Elul VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, who had risen up against me in battle by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I fled far away from Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Bit-Imbî, which is in Der, and then fear fell upon him. Teumman became frightened and returned to his own city. He poured out silver and gold for the preservation of his life and he made the people of his land, his allies, who march at his side, return to his presence and he returned to me. He established the Ulaya River as his stronghold and he made it a place of refuge for me.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I brought about their defeat in the city Til-Tuba with favorable signs and favourable omens, by means of mighty victories, and I surrounded their settlements with their corpses and crossed the Ulaya River. I surrounded their settlements like baltu-trees and ebony.


I made an appeal to her divinity, while my tears were flowing, saying:

"O Divine Lady of the city Arbela! I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of your hands whom the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — requires, vi 5' whose name he has called to restore sanctuaries, to successfully complete their rituals, to protect their secrets, and to please their hearts: I am assiduous towards your places of worship. I have come to revere your divinity vi 10' and successfully complete your rituals. However, he, Teumman, the king of the land Elam who does not respect the gods, is fully prepared to fight with my troops."

"You, the divine lady of ladies, the goddess of war, the lady of battle, the advisor of the gods — her ancestors — the one who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — so that at the glance of his pure eyes he desired me to be king — with regard to Teumman, the king of the land Elam vi 20' who placed a burden on the god Ashur — the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you — he mustered his troops, prepared for battle, and is sharpening his weapons in order to march to Assyria."

"You, the heroic one of the gods, drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and then raise a storm, an evil wind, against him."

The goddess Ishtar heard my sorrowful plight and said to me "Fear not!" She gave me confidence, saying: "Because of your entreaties, which you directed towards me, and because your eyes were filled with tears, I had mercy on you."

During the course of the night that I had appealed to her, a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He woke up and then reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him, saying:

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side and she was unsheathing a sharp sword that was ready to do battle. ... ..."

"'make music, and revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go and accomplish this task, thus I will let you achieve your heart's desire. Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, vi 5'' you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.' She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. Fire flared up in front of her. She came out furiously and splendidly and vi 10'' went to conquer her enemy. She directed her attention towards Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry."

In the month Ululu VI, "the work of the goddesses," the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, vi 15'' I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn and the message of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. vi 20'' I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bit-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der and vi 25''b fear took hold of him. Teumman became frightened, turned around, and entered the city Susa. In order to save his own life, he distributed silver and gold to the people of his land. vi 30'' He redeployed his allies, who march at his side, to his front and amassed them before me. He established the Ulaya River as his defensive position and kept me from the watering places.

By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me through auspicious omens, dreams, egirrû-oracles, and messages from ecstatics, I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I blocked up the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants.

Obverse Column vii


[ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib] [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a] [ina _uru_-hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-kun] [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz ansze-kunga-mesz#_ [s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri _gisz_-til]-li# si-mat _me_ [sza ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)]15# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [bi-rit _uru_-szu-szA-an u _id_-u-la]-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a [ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu_(?) _dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia [ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_] ha#-disz u-s,a-am-ma

[ina 8-e] ger#-ri-ia [_ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _dumu_] (disz)_en_-_ba_-szA [a-na _kur_-gam-bu-li lu]-u# al-lik [sza a-na _lugal kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ it-tak-lu [la ik-nu-szu ana] _gisz-szudun_-ia [ta-ha-zi] dan-nu [_kur_-gam-bu-lu a-na] si-hir-ti-szu [_gim_ im-ba-ri] ak-tUm [_uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en_] _uru#_ dan-nu-ti-szu [sza qé-reb _id-mesz_ na]-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

[(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu] ul#-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu [bal-t,u-us-su-un] u#-sze-s,a-a [_dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu] [_lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu] [_ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti É-_gal_-szu] u-sze#-[s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu] _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-[_mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni-szu _lu_-kit-ki-tu-u] mu-szA-ki-le-szu# [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu] gi-mir um-ma-[ni ma-la ba-szu-u] mar-kas _uru_ u _edin#_ [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

[(disz)mas-si-ra-a _lu-gal gisz-pan_ szA (disz)te-um-man] [_man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA a-na kit-ri _kur_-gam-bu-li] ma-[s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu Asz-bu qé-reb _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)]_en#_ bal-[t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,]-bat(*) _sag-du_-[su ak-kis it-ti pa-ni (disz)]du#-na-nu kit-ri [la mu-sze-zib-i-szu ar-pi]-iq(?)#

_uru_ szu-a-tu# [ap]-pul# [aq-qur] ina _a-mesz_ usz-har#-[mit, a-di la] ba-sze(*)-e u#-[szA-lik] na-gu-u szu#-[a-tu] u-szah#-[rib] ri-gim a-me-lu-ti# ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz#-[szu] [ina] tu#-kul-ti _dingir-mesz# gal-mesz lu-kur-mesz_-ia a-ni-[ir] [szal]-mesz a-tu#-ra a-na _nina-ki#_

[_sag_]-_du_ (disz)#[te]-um#-man _man kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_] [ina _gu_ (disz)du-na-nu a]-lul [_sag-du_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-di ina _gu_ (disz)]sa#-am-gu-nu [_szesz_ (disz)du-na-nu tar-den-nu] a#-lul [it-ti ki-szit-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szal-la-at _kur_-gam]-bu#-li [sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a]-a# [it-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu]-ti#

(disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu is-hu-la kar-as-su#

ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba ka-gal murub4 uru_ sza _uru-nina_ u-mah-hi-ra mah-hu-risz Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_

(disz)_ibila_-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu in-nab-tu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz# qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (disz)_ibila_-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-sa-lim is,-bat u-sze#-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia

(disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza _ad-mesz_-szu-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-dal-li-pu-ma [U] szu#-nu u-nar-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia [qé-reb] bal-til#-_ki u uru-limmu_-_dingir_ [a-na da-lAl ah]-ra#-a-ti u-bil-szu-nu-ti

[(disz)ur-sa-a] _lugal kur_-ur-ar-t,i [da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15] _en-mesz#_-ia isz-me-e-ma [pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is]-hup-szu#-ma [_lu-mah-mesz_-szu a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia isz-pu-ra a-na qé]-reb# _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ...] [qar-na-a-te _gisz-gidru-mesz_ ...] [_gisz_-pu-ur-t,i-i ta-mar-ta-szu ...] [(disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _lu-mah-mesz_ sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_] [it-ti _gisz-zu-mesz_ szi-pir me-re-eh-ti ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu-un]

sza (disz)man-nu#-[ki-_pap-mesz lu-2_-u szA (disz)du-na-ni] U (disz)(d)_ag_-u-s,al#-[li _lu_-szA _ugu uru kur_-gam-bu-li] sza# _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq#-[bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu] qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir eme_-szu#-[un Asz-lu-up]

Asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu-un# (disz)du-na-nu# [qé-reb _uru_-ni-na-a] _ugu gisz_-ma-ka-a#-s,i id-du-[szu-ma] it,#-bu-hu-usz as-[lisz]

si#-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu szA (disz)du-na#-[ni] U (disz)#_ibila_-ia a-ni-[ir _uzu-mesz_-szu]-nu u-nak-kis u-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-[tan]

(disz)(d)_ag_(?)#-I (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-[ir] _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en#_-[_na_] sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu-un (disz)ur-ta-ki id-ka#-[a] a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur uri-ki# gir-pad-du_-(_mesz_) (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz sza ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-gam-bu-li# il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki# gir-pad-du-mesz_ szA-a-ti-[na] mé-eh#-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru#_ [_nina-ki_] u-szah#-szi-la [_dumu-mesz_-szu]

(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-[_mu_]-_gi-na#_ [...]

AI Translation

I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. I captured the fortified battle line of the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his stewards and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, and I counted them as booty.

As for Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to help Dunanu, I captured him alive. I cut off his head and cut off his visibility from the face of Dunanu, the one who had not bowed down to the aid of the land Gambulu.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city. I made that district as small as a mountain. I cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. I hung the head of Ishtar-Nandi on the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing arias,

Nabû-dammiq smashed his skull with a sharp sword.

I presented the statue of Teumman's head in front of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, next to the palace gate.

Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, descendant of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash took Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha of the land Gambulu, whose ancestors had abandoned their kings, my ancestors, and who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to greet me.

As for Ursâ, the king of the land Urartu, he heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him, so he sent his envoys to me in the city Arbela to inquire about my well-being. I stationed horses, mules, ..., chariots, ..., a scepter, his audience gift, ..., and I stationed Nabû-damiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, before them with writing boards and detailed documents.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had spoken kindly about my gods, I destroyed their tongues in the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they threw him into a boat in Nineveh and seized him.

I killed the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, and I sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

Shamash-shum-ukin ... 787 BC.


I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, ..., on his Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, vii 5 harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. vii 25 I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. vii 30 I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to provide support to the land Gambulu and to guard Dunanu. I cut off his head and beat it against the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

As for that city, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water; I annihilated it. I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. vii 45 With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu. I hung the head of Ishtar-Nandi Shutur-Nahundi around the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the spoils of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music,

Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, vii 10' whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash seized Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha — Gambulians whose ancestors had harassed the kings, my ancestors, and, moreover, who themselves disturbed my exercising the kingship — I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to praise me in the future.

As for Rusâ, the king of the land Urartu, he heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him; he then sent his envoys to me in the city Arbela to inquire about my well-being. He ... horses, mules, ..., vii 25' horn-shaped drinking vessels, scepters, ..., and purtû-weapons as his audience gifts. I made Nabû-damiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, stand with writing boards inscribed with insolent messages before them.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, vii 45' I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ...

Obverse Column viii


u-kab#-[ba-su _kur_-kal-du ina la i-de s,e-er] (disz)un-da#-[si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] (disz)za-za-az# [_lu-en-uru kur_-pil-la-te] (disz)par-ru-u [_lu-en-uru kur_-hi-il-mu] (disz)at-ta-me-tu# [_lu-gal gisz-pan_] (disz)né-e-szu a-lik# [pa-ni _erim-hi-a_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_] a-na re-s,u-ut(?)# [(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_(?)] a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim_-[_hi-a kur_ asz-szur-_ki_(?)] (disz)um-man-i-gasz [u-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti] isz-kun-szu-nu-ti# [t,e-e-mu] (disz)um-man-i-gasz ki-a#-[am iq-bi]

_erim#-mesz me_-ia szA ina _kur_-[man-gi-si szA qé-reb _uru_-su-man-dir] x x x (x) x [...]

[_dingir_]-_mesz_ [tik-le-ia] di#-in kit#-[ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni] (disz)tam-ma-ri-[tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma] szA-a-szu ga-[du kim-ti-szu u-ra-sib-szu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu# [szA e-la (disz)um-man-i-gasz ek-s,u] u-szib [ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_]

ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma# [ul-tu _szu-ii_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_] t,a#-a'-tu im-[hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia] [a]-na kit-ri# [(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_] [_szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma] [a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia] [ina su-up-pe-e sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u] [un-ni-ni-ia il-qu-u isz-mu-u zi-kir] _nundum_-ia# _arad-mesz_-szu _edin#_-[usz-szu] ib#-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha#-mesz u-ra-si#-bu _en munus-hul_-ia (disz)in#-da-bi-bi _arad_-su sza si-hu# _ugu_-szu# u-szab-szu-u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu

(disz)tam-ma#-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma#-ki_ sza me-re#-eh-tu iq-bu-u _ugu_ ni#-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man [sza ik-ki]-su# a-hu-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia# [_u szesz-mesz_-szu] qin#-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu# [it-ti 85 _nun-mesz_ szA _kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki_ a-li-kut i-di-i(?)#-[szu] [sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u] (d)#15 ip-par#-[szu-nim-ma]

[...] x x [...]

_gisz-pan-mesz_ sza (disz)tam-(ma)-ri-tu# [_man kur-elam-ma-ki_] qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz#-[tar-ri-hu ina lib-bi-szi-na] a-na mit-hu-s,i [_erim-hi-a kur_] asz-szur-_ki_ e-nen-na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki gisz-pan#_-[_mesz_ szA]-ti#-na uq-t,a-na-ar-ra-ba a-[na ...]-ti#-ia _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ [(d)_ag_] (d)15 sza _uru-nina_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri# [(d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_]-_ki#_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ sza _lu-kur-mesz#_-[...] x U si-it-tu-ti im-x [...] x

u-_bi_-szu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-[_mu_-_gi-na_ ...] _u un-mesz kur uri-ki_ ma-la# [...] sza ia-a-ti u#-[masz-szi-ru-in-ni ...] it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz# [...] (disz)in-da-bi-bi isz#-[ku-nu ...] e-gu-ug-ma _an-szar#_ [...] iq-ba-a sa-pa-ah# [...] Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_(?)# [...] U pu-luh-ta-szu _kur_ [...] e-mid-su sze-ret-[su ...]

_un-mesz kur uri-ki_ szA x [...] _ninda-mesz uzu-mesz_ u mim#-[ma ...] u#-szA-qir [...]

AI Translation

As for Undasi, son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Zazazaz, city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, chief archer, and Neshu, who marched in front of the troops of the land Elam to fight with the troops of Assyria, I sent Ummanigash Humban-nikash II to them. He gave them orders and said: "I will do as I see fit."

My battle troops who were stationed in the land Mangisi, which is inside the city Sumandir ... .

The gods who support me gave me a just verdict about Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

As soon as he had accepted bribes from Shamash-shuma-ukin, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. He came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and they entrusted me with the fight against my troops. By the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had bestowed upon me, they accepted my prayers and heard the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and they threw him into fetters. They seated Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words about the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which I had cut off — my troops, and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar —

The bows which Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had brought into the land Elam and which he had brought inside them to fight with the troops of Assyria — now, inside Assyria, they had these bows brought into my presence. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal of the enemies ... and the rest ... .

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ..., and the people of the land Akkad, as many as ..., who had abandoned me ..., they ... together with Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ... and Indabibi ... they became angry and the god Ashur ... he said ... ... in order to show the might of the god Ashur ... and to show his fearsomeness, the land ... I imposed his yoke .

I made ... for the people of Babylonia who ...


subduing Chaldea. Secretly, Ummani­gash Humban-nikash II dispatched them to Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — and Zazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, and Neshu, a leader of the troops of the land Elam, to help Shamash-shuma-ukin and to fight with the troops of Assyria and viii 10' he gave them orders. Ummanigash said to Undasu as follows, saying: "Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you." Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, viii 15' Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, set out en route and took the direct road.

My battle troops who were stationed in the land Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir — ... ...

the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes from the hand of Shamash-shuma-ukin, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, and viii 10'' went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my prayers and listened to the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and viii 15'' together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had flown away from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar —

... ... ...

As for the archers among whom Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had bragged within the land Elam about fighting with the troops of Assyria, now, inside Assyria, those archers viii 5''' were repeatedly coming close to my .... The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who ... my foes .... Moreover, as for the rest, ... ... they the gods put them to shame.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ..., and the people of the land Akkad, as many as ..., who had abandoned me ... with Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ... they sided with Indabibi .... He was angry and the god Ashur ... viii 15''' commanded me to scatter .... On account of the might of the god Ashur .... Moreover, fear of him .... I imposed upon him his punishment ....

As for the people of the land Akkad who ... I made bread, meat, and any ... scarce for them. ...

Obverse Column ix


[ul] i-ra#-[Asz-szi re-e-mu] et,#-lu hi-rat-su un-da-Asz#-[szir] _ad_ e-te-zib _dumu_ na-ram lib#-[bi-szu] szu-ut mi-tu-tu a-ha-mesz la na-t,a#-[li] a-na _lu-kur_ da-a-a-ki-szu# it-ta-din pi-i-szu szib-t,u _nam-usz-mesz gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u u#-s,a-ah-hi-ir _un-mesz kur uri-ki du_-szu-un [bi]-rit# _uru_ u _edin_ ig-mur-szu-nu-ti [_gir_] _an#-bar_ ha-an-t,u [_gir-nita_] _sipa#_-szu-nu ina lib-bi-szu-nu iz-zi-iz-ma# [u-szam]-qit# si-it#-[tu]

[_adda-mesz un-mesz sila_ su-lu]-u pur#-[ru-ku] [pu-uh-hu]-u# [_ka-mesz_] [_ugu uru_ u _nun_] szA-qu-um-ma-tu# [na-da-ta] [szA-hur]-ra#-tu tab-[kat] [ga-nun-szu]-un szu-uh-ru-[ub] [_a-gar-mesz_]-szu#-un ba-ku-u sa-ap#-[du] [_id-mesz_]-szu#-un szA u-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz_ [HÉ-_nun_] [im-la]-a sa-ki-[ka]

[(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_]-_mu_-_gi#-na szesz_ nak-ri# [sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur]-_ki#_ ik-pu-du né-er-[tu] [U e-li _an_]-_szar# dingir_ ba-ni-ia# [iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu] [mu-u-tu lem-nu i]-szim(?)-szu(?)#-ma [ina mi-qit (d)_gibil6_ id-di-szu-ma]

[_gisz-gigir gisz_-szA szA-da-di ru]-kub _en#_-[ti-szu] [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit]-ti# ni-ri-i-szu# [_un-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz] _tur#_ u _gal_ [szA la-pa-an mit-hu]-s,i _gisz-tukul-mesz_ [di-'u szib-t,u] _nam#-usz-mesz_ [U né-eb-re-tu] i#-sze-tu-u-ni [ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a Asz-lu]-la# a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

[_un-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab]-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti [bu-un-na-an-ni-szu-nu at-bal _kusz_]-_mesz_-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut, [u-nak-ki-sa] _uzu#-mesz_-szu-un

[(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir_] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu [u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu_]-_za# kur-elam-ma-ki_ [da-na-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_]-ia# e-mur-ma [szA ul-tu re-e-szi u-szam-ri]-ru _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [_dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA Asz-pu-ra a-na kit-ri] [(disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)]_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na#_ [sza _gim_ ib-ri tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu it]-ta#-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu# [szA (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ ina] pi#-ir-s,a-a-ti [ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik]-lu-u# ina ki-li

e-li (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu_-[_mesz_] _dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia szA in-nab-tu il-li#-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki u_ si-it-ti _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza# (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu#-mesz_ ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti u-s,ab#-bi-tu u-bi-lu it-ti-szu [ina] _szu#-ii lu-a kin#_-szu a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi ki#-a-am Asz-pur-szu-ma [Asz-szu] _un#-mesz_ an#-nu-te la tu-sze-bi-la [um-ma] al#-[la]-kam#-ma _uru-mesz_-ka a-na-qar [_un-mesz uru_-szu-szA]-an# [_uru_-ma-dak-tu] _uru#_-hi-da-lu a-szal-lal

[a]-di# _lu-a kin_-szu ma-har-szu la i-kasz-szA-du [la] u-szA-an-nu-szu szi-kin t,e-e-me-ia [ina tukul]-ti# _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ [(d)15 szA] _nina#-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ [szA it-tal]-la#-ku _a-ii_-a-a i-na-ar-ru ga-re-ia [a-lak(?) _lu_]-_a# kin_-ia sza a-na _uru_-de-ri Asz-pu-ru [isz-mu-u qé]-reb# _kur-elam-ma-ki_ pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia [szA u-za]-'i#-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [_kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_ is-hu-up-ma [_un-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ s,e-er (disz)]in-da-bi#-bi ib-bal-ki-tu

AI Translation

He did not have mercy on the ill-wishers, he abandoned his wife, and his father had abandoned him. His beloved son, who had no one to blame, gave his life to the enemy, his enemy. He gave him a slanderous word, a sick person, and a sick person. He smashed all of the people of Akkad, including the city and steppe. He struck them with a sharp sword, a savage sword, and a governor, their shepherd, among them, and cut off their hands.

The corpses of people, the streets, the streets, the gatekeepers, the sanctuaries, the gates, the city and the ruler, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries, the sanctuaries of their sanctuaries, the sanctuaries of their rivers, the ones that make the water flow freely, the sanctuaries of the gods,

Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had planned murder against Assyria, and who spoke evil things about me to the god Ashur, the god who created me, he imposed upon him a severe punishment, a cruel punishment, and he imposed it on him by the command of the god Gibil.

I captured alive the people, young and old, male and female, who had come to me from the battle of weapons, famine, plague, and starvation. I carried off to Assyria the chariot, the sailor, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his equipment, and his equipment.

I imposed upon them a heavy punishment. I ripped out their skins, flayed them, and cut off their flesh.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had walked about in the streets like a robber and kept watch over his land, together with Nabû-bel-shumati in secret, who had seized Nabû-bel-shumati in the face of me and confined him in my cella,

After Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and after the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by guile and brought to me, I sent his messenger to Indabibi, saying: "You did not send me these people, but I will come and tear down your cities." I will gather the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu.

Before his messenger could arrive in person and make an appeal to him, he did not honor my words. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who marched at my side and who sent my messenger to Der, he heard about the advance of my messenger whom I had sent to Der. The fear of my royal majesty, which the great gods had encouraged me, overwhelmed the land Elam and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi.


did not show mercy. The young man abandoned his wife. The father left his son whom his heart loved. In order not to see one another in a state of dying, ix 5' a person lit. "he" made a promise to an enemy, who would kill him. Plague, pestilence, illness, and the chills reduced the people of the land Akkad, all of them. Between the city and the steppe, ix 10' the swift iron dagger finished them off. The governor, their shepherd, became angry with them and cut down the remainder of them.

The corpses of people were obstructing the streets and alleys; they were blocking gateways. The silence of desolation lay over the city and its ruler; a deathly hush had been poured out. Their storerooms were laid waste, their fields wept and mourned, and their watercourses, which had once gushed with an abundance of water, were now filled with silt.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had planned murder against Assyria and uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me, he the god Ashur determined for him a cruel death; he consigned him to a conflagration and

chariots, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his har­ness-broken steeds, and people — male and female, young and old — who had escaped from the clash of arms, ix 5'' di'u-disease, plague, pestilence, and hunger — I captured them and carried them off to Assyria.

As for the people who were guilty, I imposed a harsh punishment upon them. I destroyed their faces, flayed them, and chopped up their flesh.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and ix 15'' as for the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, with whom they used to march about protecting his land like a friend and ally and whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized by guile during the night and confined in prison, ix 20'' Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, he sent them before me by the hands of his messenger.

With regard to Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and with regard to the rest of the Assyrians ix 30'' whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized by guile and taken to Elam with him, I sent a message to Indabibi by the hands of his messenger, saying as follows: "Since you have not sent me those people, I will come and tear down your cities. ix 35'' I will carry off the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu. I will remove you from your royal throne and make someone else sit on your throne. The same actions that I used to thwart Teumman, I will make happen to you."

Before his messenger had arrived in his presence and before he could report the issuing of my decision to him, with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who march at my side and kill my foes, ix 45'' inside the land Elam, they the Elamites heard about the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to the city Der. Fear of my royal majesty — with which the great gods had endowed me — overwhelmed the land Elam and then the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and ix 50'' killed him with the sword. They placed Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, on his Indabibi's throne.

Obverse Column x


[(...) _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)]_ag_(?)# [(d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_]-_dingir_(?)# [_dingir-mesz_(?) _gal-mesz_(?) _en-mesz_(?)]-ia(?)#

[(disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu im-hur-szu]-ma# [e-disz-szi-szu in-na-bit a-na _kur_-na-ba-a]-a-te

[(disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e']-ri [a-na _nina-ki_ il-li-kam-ma u-na-Asz-sziq] _gir#-ii_-ia [a-de-e a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia it-ti]-szu Asz-kun [ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' Asz-kun-szu a]-na _lugal_-ti [_ku-gi na4-igi-ii-mesz na4-babbar-dili_ gu]-uh#-lu [_ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-mesz_ bit]-ru#-ti [man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin] _edin#_-usz-szu

[(disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal kur_-qa]-ad#-ri [sza it-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ik]-ki#-ru [ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_] _mar#-tu-ki_ [ina zi-kir _mu_-ia szA _an-szar_ (d)]30# (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ [(d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)szar]-rat#-kid-mu-ri [(d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)]_masz#_ (d)_gisz-bar_ [(d)_u-gur_ u]-szar-bu-u# [(disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _man_] _kur#_-ma-'a-[a-ba]

[la isz-'a-a-lu4] szu-lum# [_lugal_-ti-ia] [ul-tu (disz)ia]-u-ta-a'# [_lugal kur_-a-ri-bi] [_arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia a]-na _kur_-na-ba-a-a#-[ti] [in-nab-tu-ma il-li-ku] ma#-har (disz)na-at#-[nu] (disz)na-at#-[nu] a#-na (disz)ia-u-ta-a'# ki-a-am# iq-bi-szu-ma um-ma a-na-ku la# _szu-ii kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ul-te-zi-i-bi U at-ta tasz#-kun-an-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-ka (disz)na-at-nu ip#-lah-ma ir-szA-a na-kut-tu _lu-a kin-mesz_-szu a#-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia isz-pur-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia a-na szA-kan a-de#-e su-lum-me-e

ina u4-me#-[szu-ma É-_gal_(?) ma-szar-ti(?) sza(?) qé-reb(?) _nina-ki_(?)] sza (disz)[_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad du_-ia e-pu-szu] il#-[li-ka la-ba-risz ...]

[a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak]-lil# [_ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni u-dan-ni-na tem-me]-en#-szA

[_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_]-ia# [u ta-nit-ti qar-ra]-du-ti#-ia sza# [ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)]_utu_ (d)_en#_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 sza# [_nina-ki_] (d)15 sza# _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku# Asz-ku-nu da-na#-nu li-i-tu Asz-t,ur-ma a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina# _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia# sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 [a-na] be-lut _kur#_ [u _un-mesz_] i#-nam-bu-u [zi-kir-szu] [e]-nu-ma# É-_gal#_ [ma-szar-te(?) szu-a-tu] [i]-lab-bi#-[ru-ma en-na-hu] an-hu-us-sa# lu-ud#-[disz] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia# szu-me (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz ad#_-ia li-mur-ma _i-mesz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur_ liq-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e# szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina mu#-szA-re-e an-né-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma# lisz-ru-ku-szu da-na-a-nu u# li-i-tu

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia szu-me (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz# ad_-ia ib-ba-tu it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu# la i-szak-ka-nu [_dingir_]-_mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _an#_-e u _ki_-tim [ag]-gisz# [li-ru]-ru#-szu [_lugal_-us-su lis-ki]-pu [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

... the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords,

Iauta' received a substantial payment from him and fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, guhlu-stone, camels, and small donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar who had rebelled against Assyria and constantly sought out evil ways to destroy the land Amurru, iii 20' by the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Girru, and Nergal had made great, Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab,

After Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, fled to the land of the Nabayateans and came before Natnu, Natnu said to Iauta' as follows: "I have been slandered by Assyria, and you have entrusted me with my stronghold." Natnu became frightened and became frightened. He sent his messengers to inquire about my well-being and kissed my feet. He was determined to conclude a treaty and peace agreement.

At that time, the palace of the guard in Nineveh, which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old .

I built and completed it from top to bottom and strengthened its foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal, I marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of Esarhaddon, my father, and anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him strength and power, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or the name of Esarhaddon, my father, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld curse him angrily, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.


The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, decreed curses, as many as were written in their treaties, accordingly upon them.

As for Iauta', hardship befell him and he fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. x 10' I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin — the king of the land Qedar, who had turned hostile towards Assyria and repeatedly plundered the land Amurru — Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in battle by invoking my name — which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Gira, and Nergal had made great —

he Natnu had never inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty — after Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, had fled to the land of the Nabayateans and came before Natnu, x 5'' Natnu said the following to Iauta', saying: "Can I myself be spared from the grasp of Assyria? Nevertheless, you have made me your stronghold!" Natnu became frightened and distressed. x 10'' He sent his messengers to me to inquire about my well-being and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty and peace agreement, and to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

At that time, the armory that is inside Nineveh, which Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had built, became old ...

I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this armory becomes old and dilapidated. x 15''' May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and the name of Esarhaddon, my father, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or the name of Esarhaddon, my father, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, x 25''' may the gods who reside in heaven and netherworld angrily curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Q003706: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal#_ [dan-nu] _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ kib-rat [_limmu_-tim] s,i-it lib-bi (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal#_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir-nita ka#-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme#_-[_gi7_ u _uri-ki_] _sza-bal-bal_ ((disz))(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal#_ [_szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

[_dingir-mesz_] _gal_(?)#-[_mesz_] ina [_ukkin_-szu-nu si-mat _sig5_-tim i-szim-mu szim-ti]

[at-ru]-us,-ma# [u-kin ta-ra-an-szu]

[_gisz-gigir_] s,ir-tu# [ru]-kub(?) (d(?))#[_amar-utu_] e-tel#-li _dingir-mesz en en-en#_ ina# _ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu#-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)_amar-utu lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e# u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _lu-kur-mesz_-ia ana szi-rik-ti# Asz-ruk

_gisz-na gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,-s,i [da]-re-e# sza pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti# [za-a'-nat] a-na ma-a-a-al tak-né-e (d)_en_ u (d)#[_gaszan_-_mu_] szA-kan ha-szA-di e-pesz ru-'a#-[a-me] nak-lisz e-pu-[usz] ina kA-hi-li-sU masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni#-[tum] sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-[di]

4 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-u-[ti] na-s,i-ru ki-bi#-is _lugal_-ti-ia# ina _ka_ s,i-it# (d)szam#-szi u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_ ina _ka_ é-zi#-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ ul-ziz

é-masz-masz é-gaszan(*)-kalam-ma _ku-babbar# ku-gi_ u-za-'i-in lu-le#-e u-ma-al-li

(d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri# sza ina ug-gat lib-bi-szA at-man-szA e-zi-bu# [u]-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-ti-szA# ina _bala_-ia dam#-qi sza _an-szar_ isz-ru-ka# [tar]-szA-a# sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-[szA] s,ir-ti szur-ru-hi mi-se-e-[szA] szu-qu#-ru-ti ina _masz-gi6_ szi-pir# mah-he-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka#-a-a-na

(d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-al#-ma e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu# [ke-e]-nu# si-mat _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti u-[szar-ri]-ih(?)# u-sze-szib-szi ina _bara-mah_ szu-bat# [da]-ra#-a-ti# par-s,e-e-szA szu-qu-ru-ti u#-kin-ma u-szal-li-ma mi-se-e-szA

(d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz_ [_gisz_]-szu#-ri-in-ni a-na _ti#_-[_la_] _zi#-mesz_-ia ina _ka_ é-[galam-mes] É# (d)_u-gur_ sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i az#-qu-up

a-di a-di-ni a-[bi la] im-ma-al#-la-du um-mi [a]-lit#-ti la# [ba-na]-a-ta ina lib#-[bi] _ama_(?)-szA(?)# a-na e-pesz# é-hul-[hul] iz#-kur ni-bit# [_mu_-ia] (d)30 szA ib-na-an-[ni] a#-na _lugal#_-[u-ti] um-ma (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila#_ [É-_kur_] szu-a-tu ip-pu#-[usz-ma] qé-reb-szu u-[szar-man]-ni# pa-rak da#-[ra-a-ti] a-mat (d)30 szA ul-tu [_ud-mesz_] ru#-qu-ti [iq-bu-u] e-nen-na u-kal-[lim _un_]-_mesz_ ar#-[ku-u-ti] É (d)30 szA (disz)(d)sAl-[ma-nu-_masz a_ (disz)asz-szur]-_pap_-_ibila# lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri#-[ia e-pu-szu]

É-_kur_ szu-a-tu szA la-ba-[risz il-li-ku] ina a-mat (d)30 (d)nusku an#-[hu-us-su ad-ke] e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu#-[bat-su u-rap-pisz] ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di _gaba-dib_-szu# ar-[s,ip u-szak-lil] é-me-lAm-an-na É (d)nusku [_sukkal mah_] sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu ab-na-a# [qé-reb-szu] _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-[s,a _ugu_-szu-un] _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-a-ri me-ser [_ku-babbar_] u-rak-kis u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu-un#

2 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia ina at-man (d)30 _en_-ia ul-ziz 2 (d)lah-me esz-ma-re-e szA ti-is,-bu-tu _gisz_-szu-ri-in-ni mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib szad-de-e u tam-tim

ina _ka_ é-hul-hul ul-ziz _szu-ii_ (d)30 (d)nusku as,-bat u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina _bara_ da-ra-a-ti

esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u _kur uri-ki_ a-na si-hir-ti-szi-na u-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat É-_kur_ ma-la ba-szu-u sza _ku-babbar ku-gi_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina at-ma-ni-szu-nu s,i-i-ri u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u _ugu_ sza u4-me ul-lu-ti u-szA-tir-ma ar-ku-us

_alam-mesz lugal_-ti-ia sza _ku-babbar ku-gi urudu_ nam-ri ina szi-pir (d)nin-A-gal (d)kU-si22-ban-da (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u-sze-pisz a-na mu-ter-ri-szi ba-la-t,i-ia ma-har _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u-kin na-an-za-sun ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di ru-bé-ia Asz-te-'a-a Asz-rat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz lu_-szA-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu i-ram-mu na-dan zi-bi-ia

(d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ra (d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu 5 _kusz sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin_-ni-szA e-ri-ik szu-bu-ul-tu 5/6(?) _kusz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz_-ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lum

12(?) _ansze sze-pad-mesz 3 ansze gesztin-mesz banmin i-mesz gun sig-mesz_ ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu i-szam-mu ina 1 _gin_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u me-szA-ri ar-te-'a ba-'u-u-lat (d)_en-lil_

_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un du-un-nu zik-ru-u(?)-tu(?) e-mu-qi s,i-ra-a-te u-szat-li-mu-in-ni _kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u u-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib-bi-ia ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ir-te-ed-du-u a-na-ku lu-u ar-de ma#-lak _iti ud-20-kam_ ina _murub4_ tam-tim u na-ba-li [mi]-is,#-ru e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di-ma a-bel [_un-mesz_] a-szi-bu-ti _kur-kur_ szA-a-ti-na u-szak-ni-szA ana _gisz-szudun_-ia

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot.

I slew him and imposed his yoke.

I had a lofty chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, made with gold, silver, and precious stones and I gave its emblem as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully built a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, to be an object of wonder for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Gate of the Lamma-RA.BI, in gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her heart and had settled in a place not befitting her, during my favorable reign, which the god Ashur had granted me, she constantly sent me messages of happiness to glorify her exalted divinity and to make her exalted cultic rites surpassing.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I made the utterance of her great divinity resplendent and made her sit on her eternal dais in the throne-dais, the place where her supreme powers are located, and I made her whole body pious.

I set up lion-headed eagles and shirinnu-trees for the preservation of my life at the gate of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my mother was born, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, called me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein on a long reign." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He rebuilt the temple of the god Sîn that Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me.

I removed that temple, which had become old, by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its site larger than before. I built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them the rooms with long beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and installed them in their gates.

I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which kill my foes, in the abode of the god Sîn, my lord. I stationed two lahmu-gods of eshmarû-metal, which are laden with reeds, who protect my royal path, who bring about the defeat of the Chaldeans and the Sealand, and I erected them in their midst.

I erected my hands on the gods Sîn and Nusku, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I allowed the great gods who support me to dwell in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days and I made them an object of wonder.

I had statues of my royal majesty made from silver, gold, and shining copper by the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra, and then I had them erected as a display of my life before the gods who support me. I constantly sought out the sanctuaries of the great gods, the shandabakku-priests, and they loved my sacrifices.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. He poured out five cubits of barley from its threshing floor, poured out a libation bowl of five-sixths of a cubits of grain per liter of harvest, and made the nindabû-offerings abundant. He made reed baskets and reed beds gushuhu-bowls, and made the cattle pens gushuhu-offerings. In my reign, abundance and abundance were abundant in my years.

Twelve homers of barley, three homers of wine, ten cans of oil, and ten talents of wool were sold for half of the price in all of my land. I fought with the subjects of the god Enlil in battle and strife.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, gave me the appearance of greatness and the strength of great forces. They placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and made me attain my heart's desire. They constantly sought out my way from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had bowed down. I added the route of the twenty-first day in the middle of the sea and the sea, the highest point in the sky, to those of the kings, my ancestors and ruled over the people living in those lands.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot

I stretched out its covering over the god Marduk, the great lord, and thus secured its roof.

As for the exalted chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, I completed its features with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI, in gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold, and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her inner sanctum and had taken up residence in a place not befitting her, relented during the favorable reign lit. "my favorable reign" that the god Ashur had granted me. i 25' To complete the emblem of her exalted divinity and to glorify her precious cultic rites, she constantly kept sending me instructions through dreams and messages from ecstatics.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I refurbished the emblem of her great divinity and made her sit upon a throne-dais as her eternal abode. I firmly re-established her precious cultic ordinances and properly carried out her cultic rites.

For the preservation of my life, I set up lion-headed eagles and divine emblems in the gateways of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my birth-mother was created in her mother's womb, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, named me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein upon an eternal dais." i 45' The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He allowed the temple of the god Sîn — which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built — to become old and he entrusted its renovation to me.

As for that temple, which had become old, I removed its dilapidated sections by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. i 55' Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them with long beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and I fixed them in their gateways.

In the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which gore my foes to death. In a gateway of Ehulhul, I also stationed two long-haired heroes of eshmarû-metal, which grasp divine emblems, keep safe my royal path, and bring in the yield of mountain and sea.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. i 70' I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days.

I had statues of my royal majesty skillfully made from silver, gold, and shiny copper through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra, and, as constant petitioners for my life, I installed them in their positions before the gods who support me. From my childhood until I became an adult, I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the great gods. They required my priestly services and they now enjoy my giving them food offerings.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, i 85' fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase twelve donkey-loads of grain, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, generously granted me power, virility, and outstanding strength. They placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. i 95' I marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had regularly traveled. At a distance of one month and twenty days journey into the midst of the sea and on dry land, I added territory to that of the kings, my ancestors, and ruled it. I made the people living in those lands bow down to my yoke and imposed annual tribute payment upon them. i 100' By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who sit upon royal daises kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

Obverse Column ii


(disz)[_gissu_-_en lugal kur_-ha-zi-ti] (disz)mi#-[ti-in-ti _lugal kur_-is-qa-lu-na] (disz)i#-[ka-u-su _lugal kur_-am-qar-u-na] (disz)mil#-[ki-a-szA-pa _lugal kur_-gu-ub-li] (disz)ia#-[ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-ar-u-a-da] (disz)a-[bi-ba-a'-al _lugal kur_-sa-am-si-mu-ru-na] (disz)am#-[mi-na-ad-bi _lugal kur_-É-am-ma-na] (disz)[_pap_-mil-ki _lugal kur_-as-du-di] [(disz)e-ki-isz-tu-ra _lugal kur_-e-di-i'-li] [(disz)pi-la-a-gu-ra-a _lugal kur_-ki-it-ru-si] [(disz)ki-i-su _lugal kur_-si-lu-u-a] [(disz)i-tu-u-an-da-ar _lugal kur_-pa-ap-pa]

_lugal-mesz_ szA-a#-[tu-nu a-di e-mu-qi-szu-nu] _gisz-ma-mesz_-szu(?)#-[nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li] it-ti _erim-hi-a#_-[ia ur-hu pa-da-nu]

u-szA-as,#-[bit-su-nu-ti a-na na-ra-ru-ti] [ha-mat szA _lugal-mesz lu_-qé-pa-a-ni] sza# [qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia] ur-ru#-[hi-isz ar-de-e-ma] al-lik [a-di _uru_-kar-(d)_du_-ti] (disz)tar-qu#-[u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si] qé-reb _uru_-me-em#-[pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma] a-na e-pesz [_murub4 gisz-tukul-mesz_ u _me_] a-na mah-ri-ia id#-[ka-a _erim-mesz me_-szu] i-na tu-kul-ti _an#_-[_szar_ (d)_en u_ (d)_ag_] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz en#_-[_mesz_-ia a-li-kut i-di-ia ina _me_] _edin_(?) rap(?)#-[szi Asz-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a_-szu]

[(disz)ni]-ku-u# [_lugal uru_-me-em-pi _u uru_-sa-a-a] [(disz)_lugal_]-lu#-da-ri [_lugal uru_-s,i-i'-nu] [(disz)pi-szA]-an#-hu-ru [_lugal uru_-na-at-hu-u] [(disz)pa]-aq#-ru-ru _lugal#_ [_uru_-szap-tu] [(disz)ni(?)]-her(?)-a-u _lugal uru#_-[ha-at-hi-ri-bi] [(disz)na]-ah-ke#-e _lugal uru_-hi-[ni-in-szi] [_lugal-mesz_] an-nu-ti _lu-nam-mesz_ [_lu_-qe-pa-ni] [sza qé-reb _kur_]-mu-s,ur# u-pa-qi-du# [_ad du_-u-a] [sza la-pa-an] ti-bu-ut# [(disz)tar-qu-u] [pi-qit-ta-szu-un] u#-masz-sze-ru# [im-lu-u _edin_] [u-ter-ma] a(?)-szar(?)# [pi-qit-ti-szu-un] [ina masz-kAn-i-szu-un ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti]

it-ti hu-ub-ti ma(?)-a'(?)-[di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia u-ter-ra-am-ma] szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

_egir_-nu (disz)ni-ku-u (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri (disz)pa-aq#-[ru-ru] ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] t,a-ab-ti im-szu-ma(?) lib-ba-szu-nu ik-pu-ud le#-[mut-tu] da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma# mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-szA-ba-ni mi-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-ku-u-si a-na szA-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u-ma-'e-e-ru _lu_-rak-bé-szu-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-szA-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ru a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma

_lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti isz-mu-u-ma _lu_-rak-bé-szu-un a-di szip-ra-ti-szu-un is,-ba-tu-nim-ma e-mu-ru ep-szet sur-ra-a-ti-szu-un (disz)ni-ku-u (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri is,-ba-tu-ma ina bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ u-tam-me-hu _szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ ma-mit _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-us-su-nu-ti-ma sza ih-t,u-u ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ t,a-ab-ti qa-tusz-szu-un u-ba-'i-i-ma sza e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu

_u un-mesz uru_-sa-a-a _uru_-bi-in-t,i-t,i _uru_-s,i-i'-nu ma-la it-ti-szu-nu isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du le-mut-tu _tur_ u _gal_ ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-[qi-tu] e-du a-me-lu la e-zi-bu ina lib-[bi] _adda-mesz_-szu-nu e-lu-lu ina _gisz_-ga-[szi-szi] _kusz-mesz_-szu-nu isz-hu-t,u u-hal-li-pu _bad#_ [_uru_]

(disz)ni-ku-u (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri bal-t,u-us#-[su-un] a-na _uru-nina_ a-di mah-ri-ia ub-[lu-u-ni] (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri sza(?) _mun_(?) la is,-s,u-ru ih-t,u#-[u ...] ina ki-li a-szar s,i-bit-ti da(?)-ri(?)-i(?) na(?)-[di ...]

a-na (disz)ni-ku-u re-e-mu ar-szi-ma u-bal#-[lit, nap-szat-su] a-de-e _ugu_ szA mah-ri ut-tir-ma it-ti-szu [Asz-kun] lu-bul-tu bir-me u-lab-bi-is#-[su] al-lu _ku-gi_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu Asz-kun#-[szu] _har-mesz ku-gi_ u-rak-ki-sa rit-[ti-szu] _gir_ szib-bi szA ih-zu-szu _ku#_-[_gi_] ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi Asz-t,ur-ma [a-din-szu]

AI Translation

Shil-Bel, king of the land Hazaite, Mitinti, king of the land Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of the land Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of the land Ubla, Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimuruna, Amminadbi, king of the land Bit-Ammon, Ahi-milki, king of the land Ashdod, Ekishtura, king of the land Edi'lu, Pilaguraya, king of the land Kitrusu, Kisu, king of the land Silua, Ituandar, king of the land Pappa,

I fought with my troops in the sea and the open country with those kings, together with their forces and their boats.

I quickly advanced and marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and he mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

As for Nikû, king of the cities Memphis and Sais, Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Si'inu, Pishanhuru, king of the city Nathû, Paqruru, king of the city Saptu, Niherau, king of the city Hathiribu, and Nahkê, king of the city Hininshi, these kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts after the death of Taharqa and had gone to the countryside, I imposed upon them the payment of their posts.

With much plunder and substantial booty, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Nikû, Sharru-lu-dari, and Paqruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. Their hearts were filled with fear and their minds were filled with rage. They spoke words of treachery and v 10'' said untruths to their great lords, saying: "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and am I. What can I do to stop Taharqa, the king of Kush, to conclude a treaty and peace treaty? Let them establish peace between us and let us discuss the lands in a common cause.

I heard these words from my eunuchs, and they captured their mounted messengers, together with their messages, and they saw their deeds. They captured Nikû and Sharru-lu-dari, and they slew them with iron fetters and iron fetters. They swore the oath sworn by the god Ashur, king of the gods, and they convicted them of crimes that they had committed in the treaty sworn by the great gods, and they swore a good deed that they had done.

Moreover, they annihilated the people of the cities Sais, Bintitu, and Shi'nu, as many as had been established with them. They threw out with the sword a small and a large army, and they did not spare a single person. They hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and flayed the wall of the city.

As for Nikû and Sharru-lu-dari, they brought them to Nineveh, before me. Sharru-lu-dari, who had not kept watch over my kindness, ..., ... in a place of long-lasting protection .

I had mercy on Nikû and I made his life abundant. I changed the terms of the treaty that had previously been concluded and I established it with him. I adorned him with multi-colored garments and adorned him with gold rings, the emblem of his royal majesty. I fastened bands of gold on his hands and I wrote on it a fingernail bearing my name and I gave it to him.


Shil-Bel, king of the land Gaza, Mitinti, king of the land Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of the land Ekron, Milki-ashapa, king of the land Byblos, ii 5' Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, Abi-Ba'al, king of the land Samsimurruna, Ammi-nadbi, king of the land Bit-Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of the land Ashdod, Ekishtura, king of the land Idalion, ii 10' Pilagurâ, king of the land Kitrusi, Kisu, king of the land Salamis, Ituandar, king of the land Paphos, Eresu, king of the land Soloi, Damasu, king of the land Curium, ii 15' Admesu, king of the land Tamassos, Damysos, king of the land Qartihadasti, Unasagusu, king of the land Lidir, Bushusu, king of the land Nuria — in total, twenty-two kings of the seacoast, ii 20' the midst of the sea, and dry land, servants who belonged to me, carried their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet.

I made those kings, together with their forces and their boats, take the road and path with my troops by sea and dry land.

I quickly advanced to support and aid the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and ii 30' I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. ii 35' With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

As for Necho, king of the cities Memphis and Sais, Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Pelusium, Pi-shan-Huru, king of the city Natho, Pa-qruru, king of the city Pishaptu, ii 5'' Inaros Niherau, king of the city Athribis, and Nahkê, king of the city Heracleopolis, those kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, ii 10'' who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside, where their posts were, I permitted them to serve in their former positions again. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. ii 15'' I strengthened its guard more than previously and concluded new agreements with it.

With much plunder and substantial booty, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Necho, Sharru-lu-dari, and Pa-qruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oaths sworn by the great gods. They forgot my kindness and their hearts plotted evil deeds. They spoke words of treachery and decided among themselves on a profitless decision, saying: ii 25'' "If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then can we ourselves stay?" To establish treaties and peace, they dispatched their mounted messengers to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: "Let peace be established between us so that ii 30'' we can come to a mutual agreement. Let us divide the land among ourselves so that no other lord comes between us." With regard to troops of Assyria, the might of my lordly majesty, they constantly sought out evil plans to cut their throats.

Eunuchs of mine heard these words; they seized their mounted messengers along with their messages and then they saw their deceitful acts. They seized Necho and Sharru-lu-dari and clamped their hands and feet in iron fetters and iron handcuffs. ii 40'' The oath sworn by the god Ashur, the king of the gods, defeated them and my kindness, which I had done for them as a favor, called to account those who had sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods.

Moreover, as for the people of the cities Sais, Mendes, and Pelusium, as many as had sided with them and plotted evil deeds, young and old, they my troops cut them down with the sword. They did not spare a single person among them. They hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and draped the city walls with their skins.

They brought Necho and Sharru-lu-dari alive to Nineveh, before me. As for Sharru-lu-dari, who had not honored my kindness and sinned against ..., he was thrown into confinement, a place of eternal detainment, ....

I had mercy on Necho and I let him live. I made his treaty more stringent than the previous one and I established it with him. I clothed him in garments with multi-colored trim, placed on him a golden hoe, an insignia of his kingship, and fastened gold bracelets around his wrists. On a belt-dagger with gold mountings, I wrote out my name and I gave it to him.

Obverse Column iii


[ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ik-szu-da _szu-ii_]-a-a#

[_ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti] _na4#-mesz_ [_nig-szu_ É-_gal_-szu ma-la] ba#-szu-u [lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz gal-mesz_ [_un-mesz_ zik-ru] _u#_ sin-nisz [2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti-iq za-ha-le]-e# eb-bi [sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu]-nu# [man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_ ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu]-nu# as-suh#-[ma] [al-qa-a a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_] [szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu] ina# la mi#-ni Asz-lu#-[la] [ul-tu qé]-reb# _uru_-ni-i' [e-li _kur_-mu-s,ur] _u# kur_-ku-u-si [_gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia u-szam-ri]-ir#-ma Asz-ta-kan li-i-tu#

[ina szal-szi] ger-ri-ia# _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri [a-szib] _murub4#_ tam-(erasure)-tim lu-u al-lik [Asz-szu a]-mat _lugal#_-[u]-ti#-ia la is,-s,u-ru [la isz]-mu-u zi#-kir _nundum_-ia [_uru-hal_]-S,_u#-mesz_ [e]-li#-szu u-rak-kis [a-na la a]-s,e#-e _un_-[_mesz_-szu u]-dan#-nin ma-s,ar-tusz [ina tam-tim u] na-ba-li# [ger-re]-e#-ti-szu [u]-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu ap-ru#-us [_a-mesz u_ te-'u-u]-tu# ba-lat, _zi_-ti#-szu-nu [a-na pi-i-szu]-nu# u-szA-qi-ir [ina me-se-ri dan-ni szA] la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu-nu-ti

[_dumu-munus_ s,i]-it# lib-bi-szu _u dumu-munus szesz_-[_mesz_-szu] [a-na e]-pesz# _munus-agrig_-u#-[ti] [u-bi-la] a-di mah-ri-ia# [_dumu_-szu szA ma-ti-ma] ti#-amtu la e-bi-ra# [isz-szA-a a-na] e#-pesz _arad_-ti-ia [_dumu-munus_-su u] _dumu-munus# szesz-mesz_-szu [it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a']-as#-si am-hur-szu# [re-e-mu ar]-szi#-szu-ma# [_dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu u-ter]-ma(?) a(?)-din(?)#-[szu]

[_uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ szA _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri] [u-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur] [ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger]-re-ti-szu# [ma-la u-s,ab-bi-tu] ap#-ti [ma-da-at-ta-szu ka-bit-tu] am#-hur-szu [pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia u-ter-ram-ma szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki uru_ be]-lu#-ti-ia

[ma-al-ki _murub4_ tam]-tim [u _lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti szad-de-e] szA-qu-ti [da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na]-a-ti#

[_dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu]-nu# [it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a'-di U ter-ha-ti ma-a']-as#-si [a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_]-u#-ti [a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi]-qu# _gir-ii_-ia e-li# [(disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu# [szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin] _edin#_-usz-szu

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki#-[in-lu-u _lugal kur_]-ar-u-a-da# il-li-ku [a-na] szim-ti# (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'#-[al (disz)]a#-du-ni-ba-a'-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-[u a]-szib# _murub4_ tam-tim ul-tu _murub4_ tam-tim [e]-lu#-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu ka#-[bit-tu il-lik-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi]-qu# _gir-ii_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-[disz ap]-pa-lis-ma# a-na _lugal_-u-ti _kur_-ar-u#-[a-da Asz-kun] (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-[ba-a'-al] lu#-bul-tu bir-me u-lab-bisz-[ma] _har-mesz ku-gi a_sz-kun# [ina] mah#-ri-ia ul-zis#-[su-nu-ti]

(disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal_ lu#-[ud-di] na-gu-u szA né-ber-[ti _a-ab-ba_] Asz-ru ru#-u-qu sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# la isz-mu#-u zi-kir [_mu_-szu] ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz-gi6#_ u-szab-ri-[szu-ma] _an-szar dingir_ [ba-nu-u-a] u4-mu _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu# [e-mu-ru] _lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu-ra ana szA-'a-al# [szul-mi-ia]

_lu_-gi-mir-a-a _lu-kur#_ [ek-s,u] sza la ip-tal-la-hu [_ad-mesz_-ia] U ia-a-ti la is,-ba-tu _gir#_-[_ii lugal_-ti-ia] ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en_(?)#-[_mesz_-ia] ina _gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i szat qa-ti _gisz_-szi#-[ga-ri] u-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti#-[szu ka-bit-ti] u-sze-bi-la a-di mah#-[ri-ia]

[ina] 4-e# ger-ri-ia a-na _uru#_-[qir-bit] [szA qé]-reb# _uru_-ha-re-e-ha-as-ta# [lu al-lik] [sza (disz)ta]-an#-da _lu-en#_-[_uru_-szu-nu] [a-na _lugal_]-_mesz# ad-mesz_-ia la# [ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_] [_u un-mesz_] a#-szi-bu-ti# [_uru_-qir-bit]

AI Translation

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I captured the city of Til-Adad and imposed my handiwork upon it.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, without number, from the city Thebes. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I strengthened his guard. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes. I confined his routes and cut off the flow of water and food for the preservation of their lives. In a mighty campaign that cannot be stopped, I confined them.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I destroyed the fortified cities that I had built against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. I opened his routes in the sea and dry land, as many as I had captured. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

The rulers of the middle of the sea and the kings who live in high mountains ... the punishment for these deeds of mine.

I brought to Nineveh their daughters, their own offspring, together with a substantial dowry and a substantial marriage gift, to serve as housekeepers, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu a substantial payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim, and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king, I should renovate the district in the opposite bank of the sea. The distant past, which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard, I made him swear my royal name in a dream. The god Ashur, the god who created me, saw this dream on the very day he was enthroned and sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and who had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he cut them down with a pickaxe made of heavy reeds and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta. Because Tandaya, their city ruler, had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I placed him on the throne and the people living in the city Qirbit under the authority of the god Ashur, my lord.


With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, iii 5' people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria. iii 10' I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from inside the city Thebes. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, iii 20' I set up outposts against him. To prevent his people from leaving, I reinforced its garrison. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes and thus cut off all access to him. iii 25' I made water and food for the preservation of their lives scarce for their mouths. I confined them in a harsh imprisonment from which there was no escape. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. iii 35' I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I dismantled the outposts that I had constructed against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

Rulers who reside in the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and

They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, iii 10'' the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. iii 15'' I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — iii 20'' the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he Gyges clamped them in manacles, handcuffs, and neck-stocks and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

On my fourth campaign, I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside Mount Harehasta lit. "the city Harehasta", since Tandaya, their city ruler, had never bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, and the people living in the city Qirbit

Obverse Column iv


[...] _pap_(?)# x [... a-di a-di(?)]-ni(?)# la al#-la-ku [... (disz)]ah#-sze-e#-ri _man kur_-man-na-a-a [... as,]-ba(?)#-ta har-ra-nu [... _ad_]-_mesz_-ia# la-a# (erasure) kit-nu-szu [...] da-s,a-a-ti [...] x _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ [...] x iq-ba-a [...] aq(?)#-bi-ma [...] x sza# [_kur_]-man#-na-a-a [...] x _me ni#_ [(x)] x-nu [...] x a-ha-mesz [...] at#-ta-'i-id#-[ma] [ad-ke _erim_]-_mesz# me_-ia# [a-na ka-szA-ad _kur_-man-na-a-a] usz#-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu

[al-lik-ma qé]-reb# _uru-bad_-asz-szur [usz-man-nu ad-di-ma Asz]-kun# ka-ra-szi [(disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger]-ri-ia# isz-me-ma [u-ma-'e-e-ra] um-man-szu [ina szat mu-szi ina szi]-pir# ni-kil-ti [a-na e-pesz _me_ it]-bu#-u-ni [a-na mit-hu-s,i] _erim#-hi-a_-ia [_erim-mesz me_-ia it-ti-szu-un] im#-da-ha-s,u [isz-ku-nu] _bad5#-bad5_-szu-un [ma-lak 3 _kaskal-gid a-sza_ szal]-ma-a#-te-szu-nu [u-mal-li _edin_] rap#-szu

a-na# [_uru_-at-ra-a-na _uru_ tukul-ti-szu] in-na#-[bit e-hu-uz mar-qi-tu] _uru_-i-zir-[tu _uru_-ur-me-ia-te _uru_-uz]-bi-a# _uru-mesz_ dan-[nu-ti-szu] al#-me _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-[ti _uru-mesz_ szA-a]-tu#-nu e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su#-[nu u-si]-iq# u-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud# ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu ma-lak 10 u4-me 5 u4-me u-szah-rib-ma szA-qu-um-ma-tu at-bu-uk

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru-mesz_-ni szA li-me-et _uru_-pad-di-ri sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na ra-ma-ni-szu-nu u-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu-la# szal-la-sun _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir# [_kur_] asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter-ra

na-gu-u sza _uru_-ar-si-ia-ni-isz sza# bi-rit _uru_-a-za-qa-na-ni sza# _kur_-ha-ar-si szA-di-i sza _sag kur#_-ku-mu-ur-da-a-a sza# qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a as-pu#-un ina (d)_gisz#-bar_ aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di#-szA-di-i _lu-gal hal-s_,U-szu-nu a-duk Asz#-lu-la szal-lat-su

na-gu-u sza _uru_-e#-ri-is-[te]-ia-na ak-szu-ud _uru-mesz_-szu as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_(?)# [aq]-mu Asz-lu-la szal-la-su ina ti-ib _me_-ia [na-gu]-szu u-szah-rib u-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap#-har _kur_-szu it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di# [szal]-la#-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa# [mi]-s,ir _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_

_uru_-bi-ru-a _uru-lugal_-iq-[bi _uru_-gu-si-né]-e# _uru-mesz_ mah-ru#-u-ti sza# [mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz#_-[ia e-ki-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a] da-Ad-me szA-a-tu-nu [ak-szu-ud] _kur#_-man-na-a-a ul-tu lib#-[bi as-suh] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-til-li u#-[nu-ut _me_-szu-nu] Asz-lu-la a#-[na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na# [esz-szu-ti as,-bat] u-ter-ra a#-[na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri la# [pa-lih _en_-ti-ia] _an-szar_ (d)15 [im-nu-szu i-na _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu] _un-mesz kur_-szu# [si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u] ina _sila#_ [_uru_-szu] id#-[du-u _adda_-szu]

[_egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li-i _dumu_-szu] [u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu] [da-na]-an _an#_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_] [(d)]15# szA _nina#_-[_ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_] (d)#_masz_ (d)nusku# [(d)_u-gur dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _en-mesz_-ia e-mur-[ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia] Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti#-[szu up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a] u-s,al-la-a [_en_-u-ti] (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu#_ [_usz_-ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_] isz-pur-am-ma [u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia] re-e-mu ar-szi-szu _lu#_-[_a kin_-ia szA szul-me] u-ma-'e-er [_edin_-usz-szu]

[ina u4]-me-szu# (disz)bi#-ri-is-ha-at-ri _lu-en-uru_ sza mad#-[a-a] [(disz)sar-a-ti] (disz)pa-ri-hi# [2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi] _lu#-en-uru kur_-sa-hi [sza is,-lu-u] _gisz#-szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia [75 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu]-ud Asz#-lu-la szal-lat-sun [szA-a-szu-nu bal-t,u-us-su-nu] ina# _szu-ii_ as,-bat [u-bi-la a-na _nina-ki uru_ be-lu]-ti#-ia

[(disz)an-da-ri-a _lu_-tur-ta-an(?) _kur_]-ur#-ar-t,i [sza a-na ka-szA-ad _kur_-up]-pu#-um-me [_u uru_-kul]-li#-im-me-ri [ir-da-a il-li-ka] qé#-reb mu-szi-ti [_un-mesz_ a-szi-bu]-ti _uru_-kul-li-im-me-ri [_arad-mesz_] da#-gil pa-ni-ia [ina szat mu-szi] di#-ik-ta-szu ma-a'-as-su [i-du-ku la] iz#-zi-bu a-a-um-ma [_sag-du_ (disz)an]-da#-ri-a ik-ki-su-nim-ma [a-na _nina-ki_] i#-na mah-ri-ia u-bil-u-ni

[ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik] [sza _mun ad du_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti] ul-tu ina# [_kur-elam-ma-ki_ su-un-qu isz-ku-nu] ib-ba-szu-u# [né]-eb(?)-re#-[tu] (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim (erasure?) _un#_-[_mesz_] u-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-ii#_-[su] _un-mesz_-szu sza la-pa-an su-un#-[qi] in-nab-tu-nim-ma u-szi-bu qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_] a#-di zu-un-nu ina _kur_-szu iz-nu#-[nu] ib#-ba-szu-u e-bu-[ru] _un#-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu sza ina _kur_-ia# ib-lu-t,u# u-sze-bil-szu-ma [_lu_-e-la-mu-u] szA# ti-bu-us-su

(disz)ur-ta-ku sza la ag-ru-szu# qa-bal-szu id-ka#-[a] a-na _kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ur-ri#-[ha ta-ha-zu] Asz-szu ti-bu-ut _lu_-e#-[la-me-e] [_lu-a kin_ a]-na _nina#-ki_ il#-[lik-am-ma] [iq-ba-a ia-a-ti a-ma-ti szA-a-ti-na sza ti-bu-ut] [(disz)ur-ta-ki ul Asz-du-ud ina lib-bi-ia]

AI Translation

... ... ... I did not go ... Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea ... I took the road. ... my ancestors were not present ... the armed forces ... the city Arbela ... he told me ... I said and ... of the land Mannea ... ... ... together ... I fought and mustered my battle troops to conquer the land Mannea. I took the road to Assyria.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and sent his army. During the night, by crafty maneuver, they came to do battle. To fight with my troops, my battle troops clashed with them and brought about their defeat. Over a distance of three leagues, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Izirtu, Urmeyate, and Uzbia, his fortified cities. I confined the people living in those cities and thus cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that district. I rained down a torrent of rains for ten days and poured out awe-inspiring brilliance.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away as their own in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I burnt with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and of the land Harsi, which is on the border of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and plundered it the city Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, destroyed its cities, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I destroyed its district, devastated it, and plundered all of its land. With much plunder and substantial booty, I returned and conquered the territory of Assyria.

I conquered the cities Birua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were in the territory of Assyria that the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I wiped away those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. They imposed a grievous punishment upon him and hung his corpse on the streets of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his son, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him.

At that time, I captured and plundered Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, and I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Andaria, the commander-in-chief of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched in procession to conquer the lands Uppumu and Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, iii 20' inflicted a heavy defeat on him during that time. They did not spare a single one. They cut off the head of Andaria and brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he honor my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him a libation bowl of nindabû-flour, which provides for the lives of the people, and I grasped hold of his hands. The people of his who had fled from famine and settled in Assyria until the rains had fallen in his land, and famine had set in, I sent those people who had died in my land to him and I sent the Elamite whose attack I had been able to accomplish.

As for Urtaku, whose army I did not spare, he fled to Karduniash Babylonia and was fighting with the Elamite. A messenger came to Nineveh and told me this: "I did not honor the words of Urtaku that I had spoken to him about the Elamite attack.


... ... ... I did not go ... I took the road ... Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. ... who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and iv 5' who always answered with disrespect. ... the city Arbela ... he commanded me ... I said ... and iv 10' ... of the land Mannea ... ... ... together. I was attentive ... and I mustered my battle troops. I made them take the direct road to conquer the land Mannea.

I went and then set up camp in the city Dur-Ashur and pitched my camp there. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. iv 20' During the night, in a crafty maneuver, they approached to do battle, to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over an area the distance of three leagues march, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

He Ahsheri fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I surrounded the cities Izirtu, Urmete Armaet, and Uzbia Izibia, his fortified cities. iv 5'' I confined the people living in those cities and thus constricted and cut short their lives. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned that district with fire. I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, and plundered the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which the Manneans had taken away and appropriated for themselves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I leveled and burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and lit. "of" Mount Harsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, flattened its villages, burned them with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid waste to his district and made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plunder and substantial booty and set foot in Assyrian territory.

As for the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, iv 30'' I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land incited a rebellion against him and they cast his corpse into a street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. iv 50'' He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. iv 55'' As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Andaria, the field marshal of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched during the night to conquer the land of the city Uppumu and the city Kullimeri, the people living in the city Kullimeri, iv 70'' servants who belonged to me, inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. They did not spare anyone. They cut off the head of Andaria and they brought it to Nineveh, before me.

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, iv 80'' I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and thus held him by the hand. As for his people, who had fled on account of the famine and settled in Assyria until it rained again in his land and harvests grew — iv 85'' I sent those people who had stayed alive in my land back to him. But as for the Elamite whose aggression I had not thought possible lit. "I did not speak with my heart" and a fight with whom I had not contemplated — iv 90'' Bel-iqisha, the Gambulian, Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, servants who belonged to me, and Marduk-shuma-ibni, a eunuch of Urtaku who had sided with them, incited Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, with lies to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad.

Urtaku, whom I had not antagonized, set his attack in motion and hastily brought war to Karduniash Babylonia. On account of the assault of the Elamite, a messenger came to Nineveh and told me the news. I was not concerned about this news of Urtaku's assault. v 1 Because he had regularly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me, I dispatched my messenger to see the king of the land Elam. v 5 He went quickly, returned, and reported to me an accurate report, saying: "The Elamites cover the land Akkad, all of it, like a swarm of locusts. Against Babylon, his camp is pitched and his military camp is laid."

Obverse Column v


[a-na na-ra-ru-ti (d)]_en#_ u (d)_ag en-mesz_-ia [sza ap-tal-la-hu] _dingir_-us-su-un [_erim-mesz me_-ia ad-ke-e-ma] as,#-ba-ta har-ra-nu [a-lak ger-ri-ia] isz-me-ma [hat-tu is-hup-szu-ma i-tur] a#-na _kur_-szu [_egir_-szu as,-bat a-bi-ik]-ta#-szu Asz-kun [at,-ru-us-su a-di] mi#-s,ir _kur_-szu

[(disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la is,]-s,u#-ru ib-ru-ti [ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu mu]-u#-tu u-gar-ru-u [ina ta-né-hi iq-tu]-u# i-zu-bu [ina qaq-qar ba-la-t,i _gir-ii_-szu] ul# isz-kun# [ina _mu-an-na_-szu na-pisz-ta-szu iq-ti il-lik] nam#-mu-szi-szu

[(disz)_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu]-la-a-a# [sza is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun_ be]-lu#-ti-ia [ina ni-szik] PÉSZ# [isz-ta-kan] na#-pisz-tu

[(disz)(d)]_ag#_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu#_-[_en-na_ la na]-s,ir# a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu#-[til-la]-a _a-mesz#_ [ma]-lu#-u-ti

(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du lu#_-[szu-ut] _sag#_-szu mu-szad-bi#-ib-szu sza _hul_-tu u#-[szak-pi]-du# a-na (disz)ur-ta#-ki e-mi-is-su (d)#[_amar-utu lugal_] _dingir-mesz_ sze-er-ta#-[szu _gal_]-tu

ina 1-et _mu-an-na#_ [mé-eh-ret] a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu# lib-bi _an#_-[_szar_ ag-gu] ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti# ul# [ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka-bat]-ti# (d)15 szA u-tak-kil-an-ni [_bala_-e _lugal_-ti]-szu# isz-ki-pu [be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_] u-szal#-qu-u szA-nam-ma

_egir_ (disz)#[te-um-man] tam-szil _gal5-la#_ u-szib [ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] a-na da-a-ki# [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] _u dumu-mesz#_ [(disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze] _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-né-'a#-[a _munus-hul_] (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri#-[tu] _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki#_ (disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki _u 60 numun lugal_ ina la mi-ni _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan dumu-mesz_ ba-né-e sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_

ina 7-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik sza _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ (disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki lu-edin#-mesz_-szu isz-ta-nap-pa-ra a-na sze-bu-li _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu szA in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir-ii#_-ia sze-bul-szu-nu ul aq-bi-szu ina muh-hi me-re-eh-e-ti ina _szu-ii_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a U (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq

[(disz)te-um-man le-mut]-tu# isz-te-né-'i-i [(d)30 isz-te-né-'a]-szu# _giszkim-mesz_ le-mut-ti [ina _iti-szu an-mi_ szat ur]-ri# _en zalag_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma [(d)_utu igi_-szu-ma ki-ma] szu-a#-tu-ma kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih [a-na qi]-it# _bala-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

[_zah_] _kur#_-szu u-kal-lim-an-ni [_gurun_] _esz-bar_-szu szA la in-nen-nu-u ina# u4-me-szu mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu-ma _nundum#_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi-ii_-szu is-hur-ma ga-ba-s,u isz-szA-kin ina lib-bi-szA it-ti# ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti sza (d)30 u (d)15 e-pu-szu-usz ul i-ba-Asz id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu

ina _iti-ne iti_ na-an-mur-ti _mul-pan_ i-sin-ni szar-ra-ti ka-bit-ti _dumu-munus_ (d)_en-lil_ a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti Asz-ba-ak ina _uru-limmu_-_dingir uru_ na-ram lib-bi-szA Asz-szu ti-bu-ut _lu_-e-la-me-e szA ba-lu _dingir-mesz_ it-ba-a u-szA-an-nu-u-ni t,e-e-mu um-ma (disz)te-um-man ki-a-am# [iq]-bi# sza (d)15 u-szA-an-nu-u mi#-[lik t,e-me-szu] sza iq#-bu-u um-ma ul u#-[masz-szar a-di al-la-ku] it-ti-szu ep#-pu-szu# [mit-hu-s,u-tu]

szu-ut me-re-eh-ti# [an-ni-te] sza (disz)te-um-man iq#-[bu-u] am-hur szA-qu-tu qa-rit-tu# [(d)isz-tar] az-zi-iz a-na tar-s,i-szA ak-mi-[is szA-pal-szA] _dingir_-us-sa u-sap-pa-a il-la#-[ka di-ma-a-a]

um-ma (d)be-let [_uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_] a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man#_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] bi-nu-ut _szu-ii_-ki szA ih-szu-hu-szu _an#_-[_szar_] _ad#_ [ba-nu-ki] a-na ud-du-usz esz#-[re-e-ti] szul-lum par-s,e-szu-un# [na-s,ar pi-risz-te]-szu#-un szu-t,u-ub lib-bi#-[szu-un im-bu-u zi]-kir#-szu a-na-ku Asz-re-e-ki Asz-te-né-'i#-i al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti#-[ki] U szul-lum par-s,e-e-ki U szu-u (disz)[te-um-man] _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ la mu#-szA-qir _dingir#_-[_mesz_] ku-us,-s,ur ka-li# a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia

um-ma at-ti (d)#be-let be-le-e-ti i-lat _murub4#_ [be-let _me_] ma#-li-kat _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-szA [sza ina ma-har _an-szar_] _ad#_ ba-ni-ki [_munus-sig5_ taq-bi-i ina ni]-isz# _igi-ii_-szu _ku-mesz_ [ih-szu-ha-an-ni a]-na# _lugal_-u-ti [Asz-szu (disz)te-um-man] _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ [sza a-na _an-szar_] _lugal dingir-mesz_ [_ad_ ba-ni-ki ih]-tu#-u bil-tu [id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu ik]-s,u#-ra ta-ha-zu u-szA-'a-a-la# [_gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu a]-na# a-lak _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

um-ma at-ti [qa-rit]-ti _dingir-mesz gim gun_ ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri# [pu]-ut,#-t,i-ri-szu-ma di-kisz-szu me-hu-u# _im_ lem-nu

in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-u-ti# [(d)]15# isz-me-e-ma la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-[a] u#-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-ka sza# tasz-szA-a _igi-ii_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu ar-ta#-szi _arhusz_

ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu szA am#-hu-ru#-szi 1-en (erasure) szab-ru-u u-tu-ul-ma i#-na-at,-t,al _masz#-gi6_ i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)15 u-szab-ru-u-szu u#-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti

um-ma (d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir#_ e-ru-ba-am-ma 15 u 2-30 tul-la-a-ta(?)# isz-pa-a-ti tam-ha-at _gisz-pan_ ina# i-di-szA szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-[tu] szA e-pesz _me_ ma-har-szA ta-zi-iz szi#-i ki-i _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka il-si-ka (d)15 szA-qu-ut _dingir-mesz#_ i-szA-kan-ka t,e-e-mu um-ma ta-na-at,-t,a-la a#-na e-pesz szA-Asz-me a-szar pa-nu-u-a# szak-nu# te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-szi um-ma# a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti#-ki lul-lik be#-let _gaszan-mesz_ szi-i tu-szA-an-nak-ka um#-[ma at]-ta a-kan#-na

AI Translation

For the sacrificial procession of the god Bel Marduk and the god Nabû, my lords, whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and took the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his land. I pursued him and defeated him. I pursued him as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not kept watch over his enemies, who had put his life in obscurity and had fled in fear, he fled alone in the midst of battle. He did not put his foot in the midst of the land of the living. In that year, he fled alone and went to his fate.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he placed him under the protection of a wolf.

Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, who did not honor my treaty, poured out a large flood of water.

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his eunuch, the one who struck him, who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, king of the gods, gave his great benevolent scepter to Urtaku.

In one year, they all placed their trust in one another. The anger of the god Ashur overwhelmed them, and the anger of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed his royal dynasty. They made another one assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, a mighty dragon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku, and sixty members of the royal family, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who constantly sent his troops against Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, to help those people who had fled and grasped my feet, I did not tell him about the slaughtering of those people. I placed Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq in the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq.

Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds, and the god Sîn constantly sought out evil deeds. In Tammuz IV, an eclipse of the morning began and the light of the night became visible to him, and the sun became visible to him, and he sought out the same thing for all time, in order to end the reign of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

He presented me with a verdict on his case, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap occurred to him and he smashed his lip, turned his face back, and a sacrificial lamb was placed in his belly. With these deeds that the gods Sîn and Ishtar had done, he did not have the strength to fight with his troops.

In the month Abu V, the month of the radiance of the Bow Star, the festival of the mighty queen, the daughter of the god Enlil, I set out to revere her great divinity. In the city Arbela, the city beloved by her heart, they gave me the following order concerning the attack of the Elamite, which had brought about the defeat of the gods: Teumman, as soon as he had said the words that the goddess Ishtar had given me, they gave me the following order concerning the performance of his report, which she said: "I will not abandon him until I go with him."

I received the rest of these gifts that Teumman had commanded. I stood before it and prayed to the goddess Ishtar. She opened her thigh and kissed my feet.

"O Divine Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of your hands, who had become frightened by your insubmissiveness, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered you, to renovate sanctuaries, to ensure their good health, to preserve their secrets, and to please their hearts, I myself, who live in your sanctuaries, have come here to revere your divinity, and to ensure your good health. Moreover, he, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, does not exercise authority over the gods, and is not afraid of my troops.

"You, the lady of ladies, the goddess of battle, the lady of battle, the guardian of the gods, her ancestors, who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, and who has entrusted me with his pure eyes to be king, is appointing Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sinned against the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, and who had sinned against the god Ashur, the father who had engendered you, and had gathered his troops, he was constantly frightened and he was constantly frightened to march to Assyria."

"You, the satrap of the gods, are slain like a ... in the midst of battle and his fate is a wicked storm,

The goddess Ishtar heard my distress and said to me "Do not be afraid!" She made me rejoice. Because of the kindness of your hands that you had granted me, I became frightened and grieved.

During the course of that year, which I had received, one shamash he removed and he looked at the black-headed people. He became frightened and he made me swear by the name of the goddess Ishtar that he had sinned against him.

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she was clad on the right and left. She was holding a bow in her right hand. She was holding a spear, a sharp sword, which was used to do battle before her. She was like the mother who begot her and she came before you. The goddess Ishtar, the exalted one of the gods, gave you orders: "You should be vigilant and go to do battle where you are set." I myself said to her: "Where you go, let me go with you." She said: "You shall be the lady of ladies. You are here."


To aid the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, lords of mine whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and set out on the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and then fear overwhelmed him and he returned to his own land. v 15 I went after him and brought about his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not respected my friendship, whom death called on a day that was not his fate, who came to an end and withered away while wailing — he no longer set foot upon the land of the living. In that year, his life came to an end and he passed away.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he laid down his life through the bite of a mouse.

As for Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur who did not honor my treaty, he suffered from dropsy, that is "full water."

As for Marduk-shuma-ibni, his Urtaku's eunuch, the instigator who had incited Urtaku to plot evil deeds, the god Marduk, the king of the gods, imposed his grievous punishment upon him.

Within one year, they all laid down their lives at the same time. The angry heart of the god Ashur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, become tranquil towards them. They overthrew his royal dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. v 40 Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku — together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had regularly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — and Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, former king of the land Elam — asking me to send back v 55 those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not grant him their extradition. Concerning the aforementioned, he sent insults monthly by the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq. v 60 Inside the land Elam, he was bragging in the midst of his troops, saying: "I will not stop until I go and do battle with him." As for these insolent words that Teumman had spoken, v 65 they reported this news to me. I trusted in the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, who had encouraged me. I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth". I did not give him those fugitives.

Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds, but the god Sîn also sought out inauspicious omens for him. In the month Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the moon lasted longer than the third watch of the night, until daylight, the god Shamash saw it, and it lasted like this the entire day, thus signifying the end of the reign of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and the destruction of his land.

"The Fruit" the god Sîn revealed to me his decision, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap befell him: His lip became paralyzed, his eyes turned back, and a seizure had taken place inside him. He was not ashamed by these measures that the god Sîn and the goddess Ishtar had taken against him, and he mustered his troops.

During the month Abu V — the month of the heliacal rising of the Bow Star, the festival of the honored queen, the daughter of the god Enlil the goddess Ishtar — v 85 to revere her great divinity, I resided in the city Arbela, the city that her heart loves, when they reported to me news concerning an Elamite attack, which he Teumman had started against me without divine approval, saying: v 90 "Teumman, whose judgement the goddess Ishtar had clouded lit. "altered", spoke as follows, the words that he had said, saying: 'I will not stop until I go and do battle with him.'"

On account of these insolent words that Teumman had spoken, I made an appeal to the sublime heroic goddess Ishtar. I stood before her, knelt down at her feet, and made an appeal to her divinity, while my tears were flowing, saying:

"O Divine Lady of the city Arbela! I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of your hands whom the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — requires, whose name he has called to restore sanctuaries, to successfully complete their rituals, to protect their secrets, and to please their hearts: I am assiduous towards your places of worship. v 105 I have come to revere your divinity and successfully complete your rituals. However, he, Teumman, the king of the land Elam who does not respect the gods, is fully prepared to fight with my troops."

"You, the divine lady of ladies, the goddess of war, the lady of battle, the advisor of the gods — her ancestors — the one who speaks good things about me before the god Ashur — the father who had engendered you — so that at the glance of his pure eyes he desired me to be king — with regard to Teumman, the king of the land Elam v 115 who placed a burden on the god Ashur — the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you — he mustered his troops, prepared for battle, and is sharpening his weapons in order to march to Assyria."

"You, the heroic one of the gods, drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and then raise a storm, an evil wind, against him."

The goddess Ishtar heard my sorrowful plight and said to me "Fear not!" She gave me confidence, saying: "Because of your entreaties, which you directed towards me, and because your eyes were filled with tears, I had mercy on you."

During the course of the night that I had appealed to her, a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He woke up and then reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him, saying:

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side and she was unsheathing a sharp sword that was ready to do battle. You Ashurbanipal stood before her and v 135 she was speaking to you like your own birth-mother. The goddess Ishtar, the sublime one of the gods, called out to you, instructing you, saying: 'You are looking forward to waging war and I myself am about to set out towards my destination the battlefield.' You then said to her, saying: v 140 'Let me go with you, wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!' She replied to you, saying: 'You will stay in the place where you are currently residing. Eat food, drink wine, make music, and revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go and accomplish this task, thus I will let you achieve your heart's desire. vi 1 Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.' She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. vi 5 Fire flared up in front of her. She came out furiously and splendidly and went to conquer her enemy. She directed her attention towards Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry."

Obverse Column vi


[ina _iti_]-_kin#_ szi-pir (d)_inanna-mesz_ i-sin-ni _an-szar_ s,i-i-ri [_iti_ (d)30] na#-an-nar _an_-e u _ki_-tim [at-kil a]-na# _esz-bar_ (d)_szesz-ki_-ri nam-ri [U szi-pir] (d)15# _gaszan_-ia sza la in-nen-nu-u [ad-ke _erim-mesz_] _me#_-ia mun-dah-s,e [sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_] (d)30# u (d)15 [it-ta-na-Asz-ra-bi]-t,u# _murub4_ tam-ha-ri [e-li (disz)te-um-man] _man kur-elam#-ma-ki_ [ur-hu as,-bat-ma usz-te-sze-ra har]-ra#-nu

[el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ [ina _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i na-di ma]-dak#-tu [e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia szA qé-reb _bad-an_]-_ki#_

qé-reb# [_du6_-_uru_-tu-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz-kun] ina _adda_-[_mesz_-szu-nu _id_-u-la-a-a as-ki-ir] szal-ma-a-te-szu#-[nu _gim gisz-dih_ u _gisz-kiszi16_] u-mal-la-[a ta-mir-ti _uru_-szu-szA-an] _sag-du_ (disz)te#-[um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] ina qi-bit _an-szar#_ [u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _en-mesz_-ia _kud#_-[is ina _ukkin erim-hi-a_-szu] mé-lam-me _an_-[_szar_ u (d)15 _kur-elam-ma-ki_] is-hu-up-ma ik#-[nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia]

(disz)um-man-i-gasz [szA in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia] ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu [u-sze-szib] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz#_-[szu szal-szA-a-a] ina _uru_-hi-da-lu [a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-kun] _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um#-[bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_] s,i-mit-ti ni-i#-[ri _gisz_-til-li si-mat _me_] sza ina tu-kul-ti _an#_-[_szar_ (d)15 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] bi-rit _uru_-szu-szA-[an u _id_-u-la-a-a] ik-szu-da [_szu-ii_-a-a] ina qi-bit _an-szar#_ [u (d)_amar-utu_] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# ul-tu# [qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_]

ina 8-e ger-ri-ia# _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _dumu_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA a-na _kur_-gam-bu-li lu-u al#-[lik] sza a-na _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu la ik-nu-szu ana _gisz-szudun#_-[ia] ta-ha-zi dan-nu _kur_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu _gim_ im-ba-ri [ak-tUm] _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu# sza qé-reb _id-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu bal-t,u-us-su-un u-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti É-_gal_-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni-szu _lu_-kit-ki-tu-u mu-szA-ki-le-e-szu u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mar-kas _uru_ u _edin_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_

na-gu#-[u szu-a-tu u-szah-rib] ri-gim a-[me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu] ina# tu-kul-ti [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz lu-kur-mesz_-ia a-ni-ir] szal#-mesz a-tu-ra# [a-na _nina-ki_]

_sag-du_ (disz)te-um#-man _man#_ [_kur-elam-ma-ki_] ina _gu_ (disz)du-na-nu [a-lul] _sag-du_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-di ina _gu_ (disz)sa#-[am-gu-nu] _szesz_ (disz)#du-na-nu tar-den-nu [a-lul] it-ti ki-szit-ti _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_ szal]-la#-at _kur_-gam-bu#-[li] sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ ik-szu-da _szu#_-[_ii_-a-a] it#-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu#-[ti] a-na _nina-ki_ e-ru-ub ina _hul-mesz#_

(disz)um-ba-da-ra-a (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq _lu-mah-mesz_ szA (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-ii_-szu-nu isz#-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-ti sza ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e-e-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man (erasure) _en_-szu-nu qé-reb _nina-ki_ e-mu-ru-ma szA-né-e t,e-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-szu# (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq ina _gir an#_-[_bar_ szib-bi-szu is-hu-la kar-as-su]

ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina# [_gaba ka-gal murub4 uru_ sza _nina-ki_] u-mah-hi-ra [mah-hu-risz] Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15# [_en-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ kul-lu-me] ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki#_

(disz)_ibila_-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-sa-lim _dumu# dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu in-nab-tu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti

AI Translation

In the month Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who had risen up against me in battle by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I ran away from Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, a camp in the city Bit-Imbî, a gateway to enter my royal abode, which is inside Der.

I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. With their corpses I crossed the Ulaya River. I filled the plain of the city Susa with their corpses like baltu-plants and scorpions. By the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. In the assembly of his troops, the brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they bowed down to my yoke.

I installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, on his throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I brought them out of the land Elam and I counted them as booty.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. I captured the fortified battle line of the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his chariot drivers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, and I counted them as booty.

I cut down that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. I cut off the head of Ishtar-Nandi on the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, I entered Nineveh with singers performing arias. During joyous celebrations,

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent Teumman to me through their hands, they had sent me a detailed message that I had read in my first year. They saw the omens of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and they seized them. Umbadarâ fled alone and Nabû-damiq cut off his escape route with his iron sword.

I presented the statue of Teumman's head in front of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a gift in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, next to the palace gate.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam,


In the month Ululu VI, "the work of the goddesses," the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn and the message of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors vi 15 who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bit-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der and

I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I blocked up the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. vi 5' By the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, in the midst of his troops, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they the Elamites bowed down to my yoke.

I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, vi 15' harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, vi 20' the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pî-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. vi 40' I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. vi 45' I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu. I hung the head of Ishtar-Nandi Shutur-Nahundi around the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the spoils of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, vi 10'' which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — by whose hands Teumman sent insolent messages, whom I had detained before me by making them wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his own beard and Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, vii 1 he Ummanigash seized Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

Obverse Column vii


(disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _dumu-mesz_ [(disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu]-la#-a-a sza _ad-mesz_-szu-nu a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# [u-dal]-li#-pu-ma U szu-nu u-nar#-ri-t,u [e-pesz] _lugal#_-ti-ia qé-reb bal-til-_ki u# uru-limmu_-_dingir_ a-na da-lAl ah-ra-a-ti u-bil#-szu-nu-ti

(disz)ur-sa-a _man#_ [_kur_]-ur#-ar-t,i da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz#_-[ia isz-me-e]-ma pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia [is-hup]-szu(?)#-ma _lu-mah-mesz_-szu a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia# [isz-pu-ra a-na qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ [...] qar-na-a-te _gisz-gidru-mesz_ [...] _gisz_-pu-ur-t,i-i ta-mar-ta-szu# [...] (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_-iq (disz)um-ba-da-ra#-[a _lu-mah-mesz_ sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_] it-ti _gisz-zu-mesz_ szi-pir me-re-eh#-[ti ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu-un]

sza (disz)man-nu-ki-_pap-mesz lu_-[2-u szA (disz)du-na-ni] U (disz)(d)_ag#_-u-s,al-li _lu_-szA _ugu uru kur_-gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia# iq-bu#-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir eme_-szu-un Asz#-[lu]-up# Asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu-un

(disz)du-na-nu qé-reb# _uru_-ni-na-a e-li _gisz_-ma-ka-s,i id#-du-szu-ma it,-bu-hu-usz as-lisz

si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu# [szA] (disz)du-na-ni U (disz)_ibila_-ia a-ni-ir# [_uzu-mesz_]-szu#-nu u-nak-kis u-sze-bil a-na ta-mar#-[ti] ma#-ti-tan

(disz)(d)_ag_-I (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-ir _dumu#_-[_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu_]-_gu#-en-na_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu-un (disz)ur-ta-[ki id]-ka#-a [a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_] _uri#-ki gir-pad-du-mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[_kam_-esz sza ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-gam]-bu#-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ [_gir-pad-du-mesz_ szA-a-ti]-na# mé-eh-ret _ka-gal murub4 uru_ [_nina-ki_ u-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu]

(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na#_ [...] Asz-ku-nu-usz a(?)#-[na ...] u-nak-ki-sa su-lum#-[mu]-u# [...] _ka-gal-mesz ka-dingir-ra#_-[_ki_ x (x)] _ta_ [...] (disz)um-man-i-gasz# [(...) _arad_] da-gil pa-[ni-ia] sza a-na _lugal_-[u-ti] Asz#-ku-nu ina _kur_-e-lam#-[ti] it-ti-ia [(...)] u#-szam-kir-szu-ma# u#-szA-as,-[li-szu] _gisz#-szudun_ be-lu-ti-[ia] _nig#-ga_ é-sag#-[il2 u é-zi(?)]-da(?)# it-bal(?)#-[ma(?)] u#-sze-bil(?)# [...] x [...]

[_erim-mesz me_-ia szA ina _kur_-man-gi-si szA qé-reb _uru_-su-man]-dir# [_edin_-usz-szu-un e-lu-nim]-ma# [isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu]-un [sza (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ [sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u (disz)at]-ta#-me-tu [_sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu ik-ki-su]-nim#-ma [u-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri]-ia

[szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a]-ti [_lu-a kin_-ia u-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-ma]-ni(?)-gasz(?) [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia szA Asz-pu-ru ik]-la#-ma [la u-ter-ra tur-tu a-mat]-ia

[_an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)]_ag#_ [(d)_masz_ (d)nusku(?)] (d)_u-gur_ [_dingir-mesz_ tik]-le#-ia [di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i]-gasz [i-di]-nu#-in-ni [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal]-kit-ma [szA-a-szu ga-du kim-ti-szu u-ra-sib]-szu# ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma#-[ri-tu szA e-la (disz)um-man]-i#-gasz ek-s,u u-szib# [ina _gisz-gu_]-_za# kur-elam-ma-ki_

ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma# [ul-tu _szu-ii_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi_]-_na_ t,a-'a-a-tu im-hur ul isz-al [szu-lum] _lugal#_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri [(disz)(d)_gisz_]-_nu11#_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-[e-nu] il#-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-[s,i] _erim-hi-a_-ia ina su-up-pe-e# sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u un-ni-ni-ia il-qu-u# isz-mu-u# zi-kir _nundum_-ia _arad-mesz_-szu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su sza si-hu [_ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u] u#-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu

[(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam_]-_ma-ki#_ [sza me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u] e#-[li ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man] sza# ik-ki#-[su a-hu-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia] _u# szesz-mesz#_-[szu qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu] it-ti 85# [_nun-mesz_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_] a-li-kut [i-di-i-szu] sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz#_ [_an-szar_ u (d)15 ip-par-szu-nim-ma] a-na da-lAl _dingir_-ti-szu#-[nu _gal_-ti] it#-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_man_-_pap#_ [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia] sza# ib-szi-mu-szu [ina da-na-ni] [mi]-ra#-nu-usz-szu-un [ina _ugu_ lib-bi-szu-nu]

[(disz)tam]-ma-ri#-[tu a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia] ra#-man-szu [im-nu-ma] a-na kat-a-ri#-[szu u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti] szu-ut 1-en _lu_-[szu-ut _sag_-ia] _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ [(d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)_masz_(?) (d)nusku(?) (d)_u-gur_(?)] _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik#-[le-ia] 1 _lim_-_a-a_ ri-bi-ia [i-ri]-bu-u#-[ni] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _un-mesz_ ma-la it#-ti-szu qé#-reb É-_gal_-ia ul#-zi-is#-su-nu-ti

AI Translation

As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha of the land Gambulu, whose ancestors had trampled upon the kings, my ancestors, and who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to greet me.

Ursâ, the king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him. He sent his envoys to me in the city Arbela to inquire about my well-being. I stationed horses, mules, ..., sceptres, ..., a scepter, his audience gift, ..., Nabû-damiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, before them with writing boards and detailed documents.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the man of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the man of the city Gambulu, who had said evil things about my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they killed him with a mukakku-stick inside Nineveh and seized him alive.

I killed the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, and I sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ... whom I had installed as ... and whom I had made into a fugitive, ... the gates of Babylon ... from ... Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ..., a servant who belonged to me who had been installed as king in the land Elam, I made him swear an oath of lordship and made him exercise lordship over him. He took away the property of Esagil and Ezida and sent it to me ... .

As for the battle troops of mine who were stationed in the land Mangisi, which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir, they brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Zazazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

As for these men, I sent my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. He trampled on the feet of the eunuch of mine whom I had sent and did not return the small audience gifts.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict against Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

As soon as he had accepted bribes from Shamash-shuma-ukin, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, but went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, to fight with my troops. They accepted the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, heard the utterances of my lips, rebelled against him, and iii 10' fought with each other. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words against the cutting off of the head of Teumman, who had cut off the heads of my troops and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and who had come to praise their great divinity, he sided with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom he had created with their might and their might, and v 20'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'' v 25'

Tammaritu became frightened of my oath and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to do obeisance to him. As for Tammaritu, I stationed them in my palace as one eunuch of mine. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the gods who support me, iii 10'' iii 10'' The deities who support me iii 10'' I imposed upon Tammaritu and the people, as many as there were, who were with him, to serve in my palace.


As for Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-iqisha — Gambulians whose ancestors had harassed the kings, my ancestors, and, moreover, who themselves disturbed my exercising the kingship — I brought them inside Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to praise me in the future.

As for Rusâ, the king of the land Urartu, he heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him; vii 15 he then sent his envoys to me in the city Arbela to inquire about my well-being. He ... horses, mules, ..., horn-shaped drinking vessels, scepters, ..., and purtû-weapons as his audience gifts. I made Nabû-damiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, stand with writing boards inscribed with insolent messages before them.

As for Mannu-ki-ahhe, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphemies against my gods, I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ..., whom I had installed as king ..., he severed the peace that was between us ... the city gates of Babylon. Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, ... a servant who belonged to me, whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, incited him to become hostile towards me and to cast off the yoke of my lordship. He took away the property of Esagil and Ezida and sent it ...

My battle troops who were stationed in the land Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir — came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam — Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and they brought them before me.

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II regarding these matters. He detained the eunuch of mine whom I had sent Marduk-sharru-ushur and did not give a reply to my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku and Nergal, the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes from the hand of Shamash-shuma-ukin, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, and vii 25' went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my prayers and listened to the utterances of my lips. vii 30' His servants rebelled against him and together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam vii 40' who march at his side, who had flown away from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — to praise their great divinity, they crawled naked on their bellies, together with Marduk-sharru-ushur, a eunuch of mine whom they had taken away with them by force, and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

Tammaritu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to be his ally. vii 50' For just one eunuch of mine, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the gods who support me, compensated me a thousand fold. I allowed Tammaritu and as many people as there were with him to stay in my palace.

Obverse Column viii


_gisz-pan#_-[_mesz_ sza (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_] qé-reb# [_kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-tar-ri-hu ina lib-bi-szi-na] a-na mit#-[hu-s,i _erim-hi-a kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] e-nen-[na qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gisz-pan#_-[_mesz_ szA-ti-na] uq-t,a#-[na-ar-ra-ba a-na(?) ...] _an-szar_ (d)#[30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_] (d)15 [sza _uru-nina_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri] (d)15# [sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_] (d)_masz#_ [(d)nusku (d)_u-gur_] sza [_lu-kur-mesz_-ia ...] _u#_ [si-it-tu-ti im-...]

u-s,a-am-ma x [...] lu-bu-usz-tu [...] a-na gat-ti-szu [...] ub-bu-t,u [...] mu-ut u-bi-x [...] ir-ku-us [...]

_nig-szu-mesz_-szu-nu# [...] _nig-ga-mesz_-szu-nu gam(?)-lu(?)-u-ti a(?)#-[na a-ki-li] ina un-s,i né-eb-re-ti la# [ig-mi-lu] e-ku-lu _ur-gi7-mesz_ (d)[_nin-kilim-mesz_] _nig-gig_-szu-nu [ra-bu-u] ina szam-mu pi-i-szu-nu [ig-mu-ru] _musz gir-tab_ nam-masz-ti qaq-[qa-ri ma-la ba-szu-u] zer-man-du iq#-[ti-szu-nu-ti] ik-su-su gi-il#-[du ku-ru-us-su] _kusz-da-e-sir-mesz_ [u _kusz-e-sir-mesz_] [a]-na# bu-ri-szu-nu# [u-t,a-ab-bi-hu] [_dumu-mesz_] _dumu-munus#_-[_mesz szesz-mesz nin9-mesz_] [... _du_]-szu-un _uzu-mesz#_ [_dumu-mesz_-szu-nu]

[ina la] ma#-ka-le-e iq-ta-a [i-zu-ba] [mesz]-re#-e-ti-szu-nu e-mu-u [szA-lam-tisz] zi#-i-me _un-mesz_ ku-ri u ni-[is-sa-ti] iq-t,u-ru _gim_ qut#-[ri] et,-lu sza ar-[da-ti] ar-da-tu sza [et,-li] ina re-bet _uru_ i-na-at,-t,a-lu pu-zur#-[szUn] sza la s,u-ba-ti na-an-du#-[qu(?)] te#-di-iq _en_ ar-ni ba-szA-mu u x [...] ih-szu-hu _un-mesz_-[...] mi-tu-tu _gim hal#_ [...] re-e-me _un-mesz ig_-[...]

_ad_ a-na _dumu_-szu _ama_ a-na _dumu#_-[_munus_-szA] ul# i-ra-Asz-szi re-[e-mu(?)] et,-lu# hi-rat-su un-da-Asz#-[szir] _ad_ e#-te-zib _dumu_ na-ram [lib-bi-szu] szu(?)-ut(?) mi-tu#-tu a-ha-mesz la na#-[t,a-li] a-na _lu-kur_ [da-a]-a-ki#-szu it-ta-din# [pi-i-szu] szib-t,u _nam-usz_-[_mesz gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u] u-s,a-hir _un-mesz_ [_kur uri-ki du_-szu-un] bi-rit _uru_ u _edin_ ig#-[mur-szu-nu-ti] _gir an-bar_ ha-an-t,u# _gir-nita sipa_-szu-nu ina _sza_-szu-nu e-zi-iz-ma# u-szam-qit si-it-tu

_adda-mesz un-mesz sila_ su-lu-u pur-ru-ku pu-uh-hu-u _ka-mesz ugu uru_ u _nun_ szA-qu-um-ma-tu na-da-ta szA-hur-ra-tu tab-kat ga-nun-szu-un szu-uh-ru-ub _a-gar_-[_mesz_(?)]-szu-un ba-ku-u sa-ap-du _id-mesz_-szu-un sza u-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz h_É-_nun_ im-la-a sa-ki-ka

(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ik-pu-du né-er-tu U e-li _an-szar dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu mu-u-tu lem-nu i-szim-szu-ma ina mi-qit (d)_gibil6_ id-di-szu-ma u-hal-li-qa nap-szat-su

_lu-erim-mesz_ e-pisz si-hi bar-ti ma-la it-ti-szu szak-nu e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u-s,i ina _szu-ii_-ia lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu a-qar-tu mim-ma si-mat _lugal_-ti# hi-szih-ti É-_gal_-szu ma-la ba-szu-u# _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu _gal-mesz_-szu _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu# _u un-mesz_ li-bit É-_gal_-szu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu nig-ga gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-szA szA-da-di ru-kub _en_-u-ti-szu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri-szu# _un-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ szA la-pa-an mit-hu-s,i _gisz-tukul-mesz#_

_un-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti bu-un-na-an-ni-szu-nu at-bal _kusz-mesz_-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut, u-nak-ki-sa _uzu-mesz_-szu-un

(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-ti# u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ da-na-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma szA ul#-tu re-e-szi u-szam-ri-ru _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [_dumu_]-_mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA Asz-pu-ru [a-na kit]-ri# (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A(?)-[_asz_] [sza _gim_] ib#-ri tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-[szu] [it-ta-na]-al#-la-ku it-ti-[szu] [szA (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_]-_mu-mesz_ ina pi-ir#-[s,a-a-ti] [ina szat mu-szi] us,-s,ab#-[bi-tu ik-lu-u ina ki-li] [(disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_]

[e-li (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)]_amar-utu#_-A-_asz_ [_arad_ da-gil pa]-ni#-ia [szA in-nab-tu] il-li#-[ku] a-na# [_kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki u_ si-it-ti# _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ sza# (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti u#-s,ab-bi-tu u-bi-lu it-ti-szu ina# _szu-ii lu-a kin-mesz_-szu a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi [ki]-a-am Asz-pur-szu-ma [Asz]-szu# _un-mesz_ an-nu-u-ti la tu-sze-bi-la [um]-ma# al-la-kam-ma _uru-mesz_-ka a-na#-qar [_un-mesz uru_]-szu#-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hi-da-lu a-szal-lal# [ul-tu _gisz_]-_gu#-za lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma#

[a-di _lu-a kin_-szu ma-har]-szu la# i-kasz-szA-du [la u-szA-an-nu-szu szi-kin] t,e#-e-me-ia [ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_] (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir#_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku# (d)_u-gur_ szA it-tal-la-ku _a-ii_-a-a i-na-ar-ru ga-re-ia

AI Translation

The bows which Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had brought inside the land Elam and which he had brought inside them to fight with the troops of Assyria — now, inside Assyria, he had these bows made and ... to .... The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who had ... my enemies, and ... and the rest .

... ... ... ... to his own ... ... ... ... ... ... he seized .

Their possessions ..., their extensive property, to the akitu-house, in the midst of the ruins, they did not cease, they ate large dogs and raging lions. They smote their mouths with the sound of their mouths. The snake, the scorpion, the swarm of scorpions, as many as there were, seized them. They slew gildu-sheep, leather bags, and leather bags for their burubu-sheep. They slaughtered their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ... all of them, their flesh, their sons,

They uttered a blasphemous utterance to me. Their sanctuaries were smashed and their rites were ruined. They uttered a blasphemous utterance to the people, a slanderous utterance to the people. They uttered a slanderous utterance to the people, a slanderous utterance to the people, a slanderous utterance to the people, and a slanderous utterance to the people. They uttered a blasphemous utterance to the lord of lord of lordship, a slanderous utterance to the people. ...

The father did not love his son, the mother did not love her daughter, he was afraid, his mood was disturbed, the father abandoned him, his beloved son, and he gave a life without equal to the enemy. He gave his mouth, swollen eyes, sickness, and famine. He surrounded all of the people of Akkad between city and steppe. He slew a sharp sword against them, confined the governor and their shepherd, and cut off the rest.

The additions, the people, the streets, the cult centers, the raging noise, the raging noise, the raging noise, the noise of the gates, the raging noise of the city and the ruler, the raging noise, the raging noise, the raging noise, the raging noise of their fields, the raging noise of their canals, the raging noise of their rivers, which had caused the water to flow, your raging noise,

Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had plotted evil deeds against Assyria, and who spoke a cruel word to the god Ashur, the god who created me, iii 20' a terrible curse afflicted him and he confined him in the womb of the god Gibil and cut off his life.

He did not spare any of the men who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, as many as were placed with him, nor did he spare any of the people who were in my hands. I carried off captives, booty, and property belonging to his palace, as much as there was, his palace women, his nobles, his eunuchs, and the people who belonged to his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, chariots, a sahadû-boat, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his harness-broken steeds, and people, young and old, young and old, who had fled from the combat of his weapons, and iv 10'' his palace.

I imposed upon them a heavy punishment. I smashed their heads, flayed them, and cut off their skin.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had marched about protecting his land like a fox and who had fought with him, whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by guile during the night and hung his corpse on the throne, I captured Indabibi, the king of the land Elam.

After Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and after the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by force and brought down with him, I sent his messengers to Indabibi, saying: "I will come and tear down your cities." I will gather the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu, and I will remove you from your royal throne and

With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who march at my side and tear out my cultic rites, I conquered the cities of the lands Elam and Assyria.


As for the archers among whom Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had bragged within the land Elam about fighting with the troops of Assyria, now, inside Assyria, viii 5 those archers were repeatedly coming close to my .... The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, viii 10 Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who ... my foes .... Moreover, as for the rest, ...

he came out and ... clothing ... to/for his form ... famine ... death ... ... he tied ....

Their possessions were ... and their ... property for something to eat. They could not satisfy their starvation and hunger viii 10' so they ate dogs and mongooses. Their sin was great. They ate grass. As for the snakes and scorpions, as many creatures that there are on earth, and rodents, they brought them to an end. viii 15' They gnawed on animal hides, leather straps, shoes and sandals. To fight their hunger, they slaughtered their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ..., all of them. viii 20' Instead of bread, they ate the flesh of their sons. Instead of beer, they drank the blood of their daughters.

From lack of food, their limbs stopped working lit. "came to an end" and withered away; they became like corpses. The faces of the people darkened as if by smoke with depression and mourning. In the squares of the city, the young man saw the concealed parts of the young woman, and the young woman the concealed parts of the young man. viii 30' Those without clothing donned garments of criminals, sackcloth and .... The people desired ... of the dead. Like ... the mercy on people ....

A father did not show mercy to his son, nor a mother to her daughter. The young man abandoned his wife. The father left his son whom his heart loved. In order not to see one another in a state of dying, viii 40' a person lit. "he" made a promise to an enemy, who would kill him. Plague, pestilence, illness, and the chills reduced the people of the land Akkad, all of them. Between the city and the steppe, the swift iron dagger finished them off. viii 45' The governor, their shepherd, became angry with them and cut down the remainder of them.

The corpses of people were obstructing the streets and alleys; they were blocking gateways. The silence of desolation lay over the city and its ruler; viii 50' a deathly hush had been poured out. Their storerooms were laid waste, their fields wept and mourned, and their watercourses, which had once gushed with an abundance of water, were now filled with silt.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had planned murder against Assyria and uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me, he the god Ashur determined for him a cruel death; viii 60' he consigned him to a conflagration and destroyed his life.

As for the soldiers who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, as many as had made common cause with him, not a single one of them escaped; anyone who tried to get away did not escape my grasp. viii 65' As for clothing and precious jewelry, every royal appurtenance, the necessities of his palace, as much as there was, his palace women, his nobles, his eunuchs, and other people associated with his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, viii 70' chariots, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his harness-broken steeds, and people — male and female, young and old — who had escaped from the clash of arms, di'u-disease, plague, pestilence, and hunger — I captured them and carried them off to Assyria.

As for the people who were guilty, I imposed a harsh punishment upon them. I destroyed their faces, flayed them, and chopped up their flesh.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and as for the Assyrians whom I had sent viii 85' to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, with whom they used to march about protecting his land like a friend and ally and whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized by guile during the night and confined in prison, viii 90' Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, he sent them before me by the hands of his messenger.

With regard to Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and with regard to the rest of the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati viii 100' had seized by guile and taken to Elam with him, I sent a message to Indabibi by the hands of his messengers, saying as follows: "Since you have not sent me those people, I will come and tear down your cities. viii 105' I will carry off the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu. I will remove you from your royal throne and make someone else sit on your throne. The same actions that I used to thwart Teumman, I will make happen to you."

Before his messenger had arrived in his presence and before he could report the issuing of my decision to him, with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who march at my side and kill my foes, ix 1 inside the land Elam, they the Elamites heard about the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to the city Der. Fear of my royal majesty — with which the great gods had endowed me — ix 5 overwhelmed the land Elam and then the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and killed him with the sword. They placed Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, on his Indabibi's throne.

Obverse Column ix


[i-na 10-e(?) ger]-ri#-ia [a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_(?) lu] al-lik [ina me-ti-iq ger]-ri#-ia [_uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i (_uru_ tukul-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_(?)) ak(?)]-szu(?)#-ud [...] x-szu [...] x x

[...] x x [x (x)] [...] x _disz_ x [x] [...] x szA _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [...] x isz-pu-ra-Asz-szu [...] (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ [...] _me_(?)#-ia ina u-s,i mah-s,u [... la(?) iq]-tu-u nap-szat-su [... la]-pa#-an _gisz-tukul_ ((_mesz_)) _an-szar_ la pa-de-e [a]-na# da-la-li ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia e#-disz-szi-szu in-nab-tu ana _kur-elam-ma-ki_ (m(?))#bar(?)-bu-ru _dumu_-szu ul#-tu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i u#-sze-s,a-am-ma _kusz_-szu Asz-hu-ut,

(disz)#tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ mun-nab-tu sza ul-tu# qé-reb _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [it-bu(?)]-u(?) il#-li-ku ana _kur-elam-ma-ki_ [ti-ib _me_]-ia# dan-ni [...] x _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia [szA _ugu_(?) _kur-elam-ma-ki_(?) u-szam]-ri-ru# e-mur-ma [...] x (x) [x (x)]

_uru_-ma#-[dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma] in-na-[bit-ma _kur_-szu e-li]

(disz)am-ba-_lagab#_-[u-a szA mé-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si] Asz-bu [ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ (...)] u-szi#-[...] x _ia_ x [...] _uru_-bu-bi#-[lu] _uru_(?)# mu-szab _en_-ti-szu [u-masz-szir-ma] ki(?)-[ma _ku6-mesz_(?)] szu#-pul _a-mesz_ is,-bat#-[ma] in#-[na-bit(?)] a-na ru-qé-e-[ti]

ina# [ta-a-a-ar]-ti(?)#-ia _uru_-ga-tu-du# [_uru_-ga-tu-du]-ma# _uru_-da-e-ba [_uru_-na-t,i]-i'# _uru-bad_-am-na-ni [_uru-bad_-am-na-ni]-ma# _uru_-ha-ma-nu [_uru_-ta-ra]-qu(?)# _uru_-ha-a-a-u-si [...] _uru_-ha-ra-a' [_uru_-É-(disz)im-bi]-i# _uru_-ma-dak-tu [_uru_-szu-szA]-an _uru_-bu-bé-e [_uru-sze_-(disz)(d)_szu_]-_man_-a-ni _uru_-ur-da-li-ka [_uru_-al-ga]-ri#-gi _uru_-tu-u-bu [_uru_-du]-un(?)#-_lugal uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si [_uru-bad_-(disz)]un-da#-si-ma _uru_-bu-bi-lu [_uru_-sa]-am#-u-nu# _uru_-É-(disz)bu-na-ki [...] _uru_-qa-ba#-ri-na

_un-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su ad# ad_ ba-ni-ia ina _murub4_ ta-ha-zi _nundum-mesz_-szu-un ip-ru-'u-u-ma it#-ba-lu bu-un-na-an-ni-szu-un [sza(?)] ul-tu bi-rit _adda-mesz_ [_bad5_]-_bad5_(?)# _kur-elam-ma-ki_ in-nab-tu [a-na] szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu-un [ina tukul]-ti _an-szar u_ (d)isz-tar [qa-a]-ti# ik-szu-us-su-nu-ti [a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-a [Asz]-hu#-t,a _kusz_-szu-un

[_un_]-_mesz# unug-ki nibru-ki ud-ud-ag-ki_ [_kur_-É-(disz)]dak#-ku-ri _kur_-É-(disz)a-muk-ka-ni [...] (x) x-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ i-har-ra-s,u i#-[t,ap]-pu#-u a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it#-[ti] szal#-lat _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-lu#-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-li _un#-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu Asz-al# us,-s,i-is, ki-i hi-it,#-t,i-szu-nu-ma a-nir-szu#-[nu]-ti# ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_

_un-mesz u#_ [szal]-la-at _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ina qi-[bit _an-szar_] (d)#30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 sza# [_nina_]-_ki#_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 sza# [_uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_] (d)_masz_ u (d)_u-gur_ ah#-bu-[ta] re#-sze-e-ti [a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia] Asz#-ruk [_erim-mesz gisz-pan_] _gisz_-a-ri-tu [...] ak#-s,ur [e-li ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti]-ia# u-rad-di [si-it-tu-ti a-na] _lu#-nam-mesz_-ia [_lu-gal-mesz_-ia ma]-ha#-za-ni-ia [...] x-ia [ki-ma s,e-e-ni u-za-'i-iz(?)]

[(disz)ia-u-ta]-a'# _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a-_dingir_ [_lugal kur_-qa-ad-ri] e#-pisz _arad_-ti-ia Asz#-[szu _dingir-mesz_-szu] im-hur-an-ni-ma u-s,al-la#-[a] _en#_-u-ti _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u-szA#-az-kir-szu-u-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-in# [u-ter]-ma# a-din-szu#

AI Translation

On my tenth campaign, I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a city upon which the land Elam relied. ... ... .

... ... ... of the land Elam ... sent him ... Shamash-shuma-ukin ... my battle array with a mighty ... ... did not spare his life ... he fled from the merciless weapons of the god Ashur to sing the praises of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. He fled to the land Elam and I brought Barburu, his son, out of the city Bit-Imbî and flayed him.

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, a dangerous man who had fled from Assyria and gone to the land Elam, saw the assault of my mighty battle array ... and my weapons which had been set against the land Elam and ... ... .

He abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and fled, then he took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Amba-lagabua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he abandoned the city Bubilu, the city that was a lordly residence of his, and then, like fish, he took to the depths of water and fled to the depths.

On my return march, I conquered the cities Gatudu, Gatuduma, Daeba, Nati', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hausi, ..., Hara', Bit-Imbî, Madaktu, Susa, Bubê, Shep-Marduk-sharrani, Urdalika, Algarigi, Tubu, Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi, Bubilu, Samunu, Bit-Bunakku, ..., Qabarina,

As for the people of the land Elam whose lips Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had cut off in the thick of battle, and whose bodies had become dilapidated, who had fled between the corpses of the devastators of the land Elam to save their lives, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I captured them and brought them to Assyria.

I carried off to Assyria the people of Uruk, Nippur, Duga, Bit-Dakkur, Bit-Amukkani, ..., Assyria, and ...ti of Assyria, together with booty from the land Elam, and brought them to Assyria. I seized those people and annihilated them like criminals and struck them down with the sword.

As for the people and booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal, I gave the first-fruits offerings to my gods. I ... archers, shield bearers, ..., and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, ... ... I imposed upon them the following payment.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and iii 20''''''''''''s lordly majesty. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him.


On my tenth campaign, I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a city upon which the land Elam relied. ... it ... ...

... ... ... ... ... of the land Elam ... he sent him. ... Shamash-shuma-ukin, ... of my combat ... was struck by an arrow, ... his life did not come to an end. ... from the merciless weapon of the god Ashur, to sing the praises of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, had fled alone to the land Elam — I brought Barburu, his son, out of the city Bit-Imbî and flayed him.

As for Tammaritu, king of the land Elam, a fugitive who had set out from Assyria and gone back to the land Elam, he saw the assault of my mighty battle array and the ... of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and ... ... ...

he Ummanaldashu abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Amba-LAGABua Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, ... ix 5'' ... ... ... ... he abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and, like fish, he took to the depths of the waters and fled far away.

On my return march, the cities Gatudu, Gatudu again, Daeba, Nati', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani again, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hayausi, ..., Hara', ix 15'' Bit-Imbî, Madaktu, Susa, Bubê, Kapar-Marduk-sharrani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, ix 20'' Dur-Undasi again, Bubilu, Sam'una, Bit-Bunakku, ..., Qabrina, and Qabrina again — as for those cities, I destroyed, demolished, and burned them with fire. ix 25'' I carried off to Assyria, their people, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their possessions, their property, wagons, horses, mules, equipment, and implements of war.

As for the people of Elam whose lips Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had cut off in the thick of battle, whose faces he had destroyed, and ix 35'' who, to save their own lives, had fled from among the corpses of those who had fallen during the defeat of the land Elam — I captured them with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar. I brought them to Assyria and flayed them.

As for the people of Uruk, Nippur, Larak, Bit-Dakkuri, and Bit-Amukkani, who had broken away from the ... of Assyria and attached themselves to the land Elam, ix 45'' I carried them off to Assyria, together with booty of the land Elam. With regard to those people, I questioned and interrogated them. I killed them with the sword because of their crimes.

As for the people and the booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal — ix 55''b I gave the best of them to my gods. I conscripted archers, shield bearers, ... and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, ..., and my ....

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and implored my lordly majesty. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. x 1 Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. He refrained from inquiring about my well-being and withheld audience gifts from me. He incited the people of the land of the Arabs to rebel with him and they were repeatedly plundering the land Amurru.

Obverse Column x


_erim-hi-a_-ia szA ina mi-s,ir# [_kur_-szu Asz-bu] u-ma-'e-e-ra# [s,e-ru-usz-szu] _bad5-bad5_-szu-[nu isz-ku-nu] _un-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi ma#-[la it-bu-u-ni] u-ra-si-bu [ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_] É _edin_ kul-ta-ri# [mu-szA-bi-szu-nu] _izi_ u-szA-hi-zu ip-[qi-du a-na (d)_gisz-bar_]

_gu4-mesz_ s,e#-e-ni [_ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] [a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina la mi-ni] [se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-szu] [un-da-al-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-szA] [_ansze_]-_gam#-mal-mesz_ ki#-[ma s,e-e-ni] u#-par-ri-is [u-za-'i-iz] [a]-na# _un-mesz_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [qa-bal]-ti _kur_-ia [_ansze-gam-mal_] [ina] _gin#_ ina 1/2 _gin#_ [kas-pi] [i-szam]-mu# [ina _ka_ ma-hi-ri] [_munus-a_sz-tam]-mu# [ina ni-id-ni _lu-lunga_ ina _dug_-ha-bé-e]

[(disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu im]-hur-szu-ma# [e-disz-szi-szu in-na-bit a-na _kur_-na]-ba#-a-a-ti

(disz)a-bi#-[ia-te-e' _dumu_] (disz)#te-e'-ri a-na _nina#_-[_ki_ il]-li#-kam-ma u-na-Asz#-[sziq] _gir#-ii_-ia a-de-e [a-na e-pesz] _arad#_-ti-ia it-ti-szu Asz#-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta#-[a' Asz]-kun-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ku-gi na4-igi-ii-mesz#_ [_na4-babbar-dili_] gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ [_ansze-mesz_] bit-ru-u-ti man-da-at-tu# [szat]-ti#-szam-ma u-kin _edin#_-usz-szu

(disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal kur#_-qa-ad-ri sza it-ti _kur_ asz-szur#-_ki_ ik-ki-ru# ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur mar-tu-ki_ ina zi-kir _mu_-ia szA# _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)#[_ag_] (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)szar#-[rat-kid-mu]-ri (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz#_ [(d)nusku(?)] (d)_u-gur_ u-szar-bu-u (disz)ka#-[ma-as-hal-ta]-a# _man kur_-ma-'a-a-ba [_arad_ da-gil] pa-ni-ia [ina _me_ isz]-ku#-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu [(disz)am-mu-la-di si]-it-ti _un-mesz_-szu [sza la-pa-an da-a-ki] i#-sze-tu-u-ni [u-s,ab-bit ina _szu-ii_] _szu#-ii_ u _gir-ii_

[(disz)na-at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba]-a#-a-ti [sza a-szar-szu ru]-u-qu# [isz-ma-a da-na-an _an-szar_ u] (d)_amar-utu_ [sza u-tak-kil-u]-in-ni [sza ma-ti-ma a-na] _lugal#_-(_mesz_) _ad-mesz_-ia [_lu-a kin_-szu la] isz-pu-ra [la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu]-lum _lugal_-ti-ia [ul-tu (disz)ia-u-ta]-a'# _lugal kur_-a-ri-bi [_arad_ da-gil] pa-ni-ia a-na _kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti in-nab-tu-ma il-li-ku ma#-har (disz)na-at-nu (disz)na-at-nu a-na (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ki-a-am iq-bi-szu um-ma a-na-ku la# _szu-ii kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ul-te-zi-i#-bi U at-ta tasz-kun-an-ni a-na# dan-nu-ti-ka

[ina] u4-me-szu-ma É (d)_ag_ sza qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha sza# (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_erim-tah dumu_ (disz)szam-szi-(d)_iszkur man kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu il-li-ka la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ad-ke-e-ma ina _kasz-sag_ u _gesztin-mesz_ ab-lu-la ka-lak-ku za-bil# tup-szik-ki ina me-lu-li il-bi-nu li-bit-tu ina za-ma#-ri _hul-mesz_ u ri-szA-a-ti ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di _gaba-dib_-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu [x x x (x)] us#-si-ma gi-mir pa-Asz-qi-szu

_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia sza ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ (d)15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku Asz-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu Asz-t,ur-ma e-zi-ba ah-ra-tasz

a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza _an-szar u#_ [(d)]15(?)# a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u# zi-kir-szu _mu-sar_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur#_ liq-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la# [ina _mu-sar_]-e# an-né-e szat,-ru ki-i ia-a-ti-ma lisz#-[ru-ku-szu] da-na-nu u li-i-tu

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# _mu_-ia szu-me (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz ad_-ia U (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su ad ad#_-ia ib-ba-tu [it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i]-szak#-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut# _an_-[e u] _ki_-tim ag-gisz li-ru#-[ru-szu] _lugal_-us-su# lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu# ina _kur_ li-hal#-[li]-qu

[_iti_-x (x x)] _ud#-25-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_asz#_-[_pap_] _lu#_-x x _uru_-kar-(disz)(d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz#_

AI Translation

As for my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, they brought about their defeat and brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and poured out fire upon the temple of the steppe, their cult centers. They then took the god Girra by the hand and made him enter his temple.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They smashed the totality of the land in its entirety and scattered the camels in its entirety like a snare. They gave them to the people of Assyria, who were inside my land, the camels for one shekel and half shekels of silver. They set the ashtamu-priestess at the offering table, the brewer at the libation bowl.

A bitter defeat fell upon Juta' and he fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and bitru-horses as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar who had rebelled against Assyria and plotted evil deeds against the land Amurru, by the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal had made great, Kamashatâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me, in battle brought about his defeat. I captured Ammu-ladin and the rest of his people who had fled from the battle. I hung their hands and feet on their necks.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. iii 20'' As for him, his messenger had never sent a message to the kings, my ancestors, nor inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. After Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, fled to the land of the Nabayateans and came before Natnu. Natnu told him as follows: "I myself have not escaped the grasp of Assyria, and you have set me up as your stronghold."

At that time, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Calah, which Adad-narari I, son of Shamshi-Adad V, king of Assyria, a king who preceded me, had built, had become old. I removed its dilapidated sections and filled it with beer and wine. I plated the door bolts with silver and plated them with shining silver. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams and ... I ...ed its entire structure.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it in my deposited place.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are written on this inscribed object, grant him as much power and fame as I.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of Esarhaddon, my father, and of Sennacherib, my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the great gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld curse him angrily, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Month ..., twenty-fifth day, eponymy of Nabû-nadin-ahi, governor of the city Kar-Shalmaneser 645.


I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him and they brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and x 15 set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus consigned them to the god Gira.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled with them the whole extent of the land, in its entirety, to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats and divided them among the people of Assyria so that within my country x 25 they the Assyrians could purchase a camel for one shekel or even a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug of beer,

As for Iauta', hardship befell him and he fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. x 10' I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin — the king of the land Qedar, who had turned hostile towards Assyria and repeatedly plundered the land Amurru — Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in battle by invoking my name — which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal had made great — x 25' captured Ammi-ladin and the rest of his people who had escaped the slaughter. He placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and had never inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty — x 35' after Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, had fled to the land of the Nabayateans and came before Natnu, Natnu said the following to Iauta', x 40' saying: "Can I myself be spared from the grasp of Assyria? Nevertheless, you have made me your stronghold!" Natnu became frightened and distressed. x 45' He sent his messengers to me to inquire about my well-being and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty and peace agreement, and to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and x 50' turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

At that time, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Kalhu Calah, which Adad-narari III, son of Shamshi-Adad V, king of Assyria, a king of the past who came before me, had built, had become old. I removed its dilapidated sections and then I mixed its kalakku-mortar with beer and wine. Basket carriers made bricks while playing. x 60' While there was singing and joyous celebration, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with long beams of cedar. I decorated all its copings ....

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as x 80' are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of Esarhaddon, my father, or the name of Sennacherib, my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the great gods who reside in heaven and netherworld angrily curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., the twenty-fifth day, eponymy of Nabû-nadin-ahi, governor of the city Kar-Shalmaneser 646.

Q003707: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_szu-ii_ (d)30 (d)nusku as,]-bat# u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina# [_bara_]

[da-ra-a-ti esz-re-e-ti] _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u(?) _kur#_ [_uri-ki_] [a-na si-hir]-ti#-szi-na u-szak-[lil] [mim-ma si-mat É]-_kur#_ ma-la ba-szu-u szA _ku-babbar ku-gi_ e-pu#-[usz] [e-li sza _lugal_]-_mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di# [_dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia# [ina at-ma-ni]-szu-nu s,i-i-ri u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti# [_udu-siskur-mesz_] tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi# u-szam#-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a sat-tuk-ku# gi-nu-u _ugu_ szA u4-me ul-lu-ti u-szA-tir-ma ar-ku-us

_alam#-mesz lugal_-ti-ia szA _ku-babbar ku-gi urudu_ nam-ri ina szi#-pir (d)nin-A-gal (d)kU-si22-ban#-[da] (d)#nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u-sze-pisz-ma(?)# [a-na] mu-ter-ri-szi _ti-la#_-ia [ma]-har# _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia# [u-kin na-an-za]-sun# ul#-tu s,e-he-ri-ia# [a-di ru-bé-ia] [Asz]-te-'a-a Asz-rat# [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _lu#_-szA-an#-[gu-ti ih-szu-hu] i-ram#-[mu na-dan zi-bi-ia]

(d)#_iszkur_ [_szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ra] (d)#é-[a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu] [5] _kusz sze#_-[_am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin_-ni-szA] [e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6 _kusz_] [_si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba] ka#-[a-a-an u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru] s,ip-pa#-[a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu] _masz-ansze_ szu#-[te-szur ina ta-lit-ti] ina _bala-mesz#_-[ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh]-du ina _mu-an-na#-mesz_-ia# [ku-um-mu-ru] HÉ#-_gal_-lum

12# _ansze sze-pad_-[_mesz 3 ansze_] _gesztin-mesz banmin i-mesz_ [_gun_] _sig#-mesz_ ina nap-har# _kur_-ia# [_ki-lam_] nap-szu i-szam#-mu ina# [1 _gin_] kas#-pi

AI Translation

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days and I made them an object of wonder.

I had statues of my royal majesty made from silver, gold, and shining copper by the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra and I had them placed as a levy before the gods who support me. I constantly sought out the sanctuaries of the great gods, and they loved my priestly service and thereby assured my good health.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. He placed five cubits of barley grown in its furrow and thereby brought forth a harvest of five and sixsix cubits. He made the harvest plentiful and he made the harvest plentiful. He made reed beds, reed beds, and reed beds flourish. During my reign, there was abundance and plenty; during my years, there was abundance.

Twelve homers of barley, three homers of wine, a seah of oil, and one talent of wool were sold for one shekel of silver in all of my land.


I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and i 5' I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. i 10' I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days.

I had statues of my royal majesty skillfully made from silver, gold, and shiny copper through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra, and, i 15' as constant petitioners for my life, I installed them in their positions before the gods who support me. From my childhood until I became an adult, I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the great gods. They required my priestly services and they now enjoy my giving them food offerings.

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. i 25' Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

Throughout my entire land, on account of abundant trade, for one shekel of silver one could purchase twelve donkey-loads of grain, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, and one talent of wool.

Obverse Column ii


sza la#-[pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u] pi-qit-ta#-[szu-un u-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u _edin_] u-ter#-[ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu-un] ina masz-kAn-i#-[szu-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti(?)] _kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur#_-[ku-u-si szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a] ik-szu-du a#-[na esz-szu-ti as,-bat] _en-nun-mesz_-szu _ugu_ szA# [u4-me pa-ni u-dan-nin] u-rak-ki-sa# [rik-se-szu]

it-ti hu-ub#-[ti ma-a'-di] szal-la-ti [ka-bit]-ti# pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia u#-[ter]-ra#-am-ma szal-mesz a-tu-[ra a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

_egir_-nu (disz)ni-ku-u(?)# [(disz)_lugal_]-lu-da-ri [(disz)]pa#-aq-ru-ru ina# [a-de]-ia# ih-t,u-u [la is,]-s,u-ru ma#-[mit _dingir_]-_mesz gal-mesz_ [t,a-ab-ti] im-szu-[ma lib-ba-szu-nu] ik#-pu-ud _hul_-tu [da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id]-bu-bu-ma [mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra]-man-szu-un [um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qé-reb] _kur#_-mu-s,ur [i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-szA-ba-ni] mi#-i-nu [e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-ku]-u-si [a-na szA-kan a-de-e u sa]-li#-me [u-ma-'e-e-ru _lu_-rak-bé-szu-un]

_lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma#-[a-ti an-na-a-ti isz-mu-u-ma] _lu_-rak-bé-szu-un a-di szip-ra-[ti-szu-un] is,-ba#-[tu-nim-ma]

AI Translation

As for the land Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, had abandoned their posts after the death of Taharqa's had abandoned them and had abandoned their posts, I took them to a new place. I strengthened its guard more than before and imposed upon it its yoke.

With much plunder and substantial booty, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Nikû, Sharru-lu-dari, and Paqruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. Their hearts raged and they spoke evil words and blasphemies, and they vowed to do obeisance to each other. They said to each other: "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and I am herewith sending him to you." They asked their mounted messengers: "What is it that he has done to Tarqa, the king of Kush, to conclude a treaty and peace agreement?"

I heard these words from my eunuchs, and they took away their mounted messengers, together with their messages, and


who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside, where their posts were, I permitted them to serve in their former positions again. ii 5' I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. I strengthened its guard more than previously and concluded new agreements with it.

With much plunder and substantial booty, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Afterwards, Necho, Sharru-lu-dari, and Pa-qruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oaths sworn by the great gods. They forgot my kindness and their hearts plotted evil deeds. They spoke words of treachery and decided among themselves on a profitless decision, saying: ii 20' "If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then can we ourselves stay?" To establish treaties and peace, they dispatched their mounted messengers to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: "Let peace be established between us so that ii 25' we can come to a mutual agreement. Let us divide the land among ourselves so that no other lord comes between us." With regard to troops of Assyria, the might of my lordly majesty, they constantly sought out evil plans to cut their throats.

Eunuchs of mine heard these words; they seized their mounted messengers along with their messages and

Obverse Column iii


[a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti u-bi-la a]-di(?) mah(?)#-[ri-ia] [_dumu_-szu ma-ti-ma ti]-amtu(?)# la e#-[bi-ra] [isz-szA-a a]-na# e-pesz _arad_-ti#-[ia] [_dumu-munus_-su] _u dumu-munus szesz-mesz#_-[szu] [it-ti] ter#-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur#-[szu] [re-e]-mu# ar-szi-szu-ma# [_dumu_ s,i]-it lib-bi-szu u-ter-ma a-din-szu#

[_uru-hal_]-S,_u#-mesz_ szA _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li# [_lugal kur_]-s,ur#-ri u-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur [ina tam]-tim# u na-ba-li ger-re-te-e-szu# [ma]-la# u-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti# [ma-da]-at#-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am-hur#-[szu] [pa-an _gisz_]-_szudun#_-ia u-ter-ram-ma# [szal-mesz a]-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

[ma-al-ki] _murub4_ tam-tim [u] [_lugal-mesz_ a-szib] szad#-de-e szA-qu-u-ti# da-na-an# [ep-sze-ti]-ia# an-na-a-ti e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en#_-u-ti# (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-ar-u-a#-[da] (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal kur_-tab-a-la# (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me _kur_-hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu-nu it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a'-di U ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-ar-u-a-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti [(disz)]a#-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al [(disz)]a#-du-ni-ba-a'-al [_dumu_]-_mesz#_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim [ul]-tu# _murub4_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma [it]-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu ka-bit-ti [il]-lik#-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia [(disz)a]-zi#-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma [a-na] _lugal#_-ti _kur_-a-ru-ad-da Asz-kun [(disz)a-bi]-ba#-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al# [lu-bul-tu] bir#-me u-lab-[bisz-ma] [_har-mesz ku_]-_gi#_ asz-kun#

AI Translation

Before my time, his son, who had never crossed the sea, came to me to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave him a son, his own offspring, as a present.

I destroyed the forts that I had built against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. I opened his routes in the sea and dry land, as many as I had captured. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

As for the rulers of the middle of the sea and the kings who sit on royal daises, they saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. They brought to Nineveh Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, their daughters, their own offspring, together with a substantial dowry and a substantial marriage gift, to serve as housekeepers, and they kissed my feet.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists.


He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. iii 5' I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

I dismantled the outposts that I had constructed against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre. iii 10' By sea and dry land, I opened all of his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Assyria.

Rulers who reside in the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, iii 20' Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. iii 25' They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. iii 30' I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. iii 40' I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

Obverse Column iv


sza# [ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a] da#-[Ad-me szA-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud] _kur_-man#-[na-a-a ul-tu lib-bi as-suh] _ansze#_-[_kur-ra-mesz gisz_-til-li u-nu-ut _me_-szu-nu]

u#-[szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu] da-na-an _an#_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_] (d)15 szA _nina-ki#_ [(d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_] _dingir-mesz#_ [_gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma] ik-nu#-[szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia] Asz-szu ba#-[lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a] u-s,al#-[la-a _en_-u-ti] (disz)e-ri#-[si-in-ni _dumu_] _usz_-ti#-szu a-na _nina#_-[_ki_] isz#-pur-am-ma u-na#-[Asz-szi-qa] _gir-ii-mesz_-ia re-e-mu# ar-szi-szu _lu-a_ szip-ri#-[ia] sza# szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin#_-usz-szu

[ina] u4-me-szu (disz)bi-ri-is#-[ha-at-ri _lu-en-uru_ sza] mad-a-a#

AI Translation

As for the land Mannea, I conquered those settlements. I dissolved the land Mannea from within. I carried off their horses, equipment, and their battle equipment.

He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened his hands to me and kissed my feet. He sent Erisinni, his son, to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I sent a messenger of mine with a message of goodwill to him.

At that time, Birishatri, the city ruler of the Medes,


which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and iv 5'' bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and iv 10'' he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, iv 15'' to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes,

Obverse Column v


(m(?))#[te-um-man le-mut-tu isz-te-né-'i-i] (d)#[30 isz-te-né-'a-szu _giszkim-mesz_ le-mut-ti] ina _iti#_-[_szu an-mi_ szat ur-ri _en zalag_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma] (d)[_utu igi_-szu-ma ki-ma szu-a-tu-ma] kal u4#-[me usz-ta-ni-ih] a-na qi-[it _bala-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_]

_zah kur_-szu [u-kal-lim-an-ni] _gurun esz-bar_-[szu szA la in-nen-nu-u] ina u4-me-szu [mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu-ma] _nundum_-su uk#-[tam-bil-ma _igi-ii_-szu is-hur-ma] it-ti# [ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti] szA (d)#[30 u (d)15 e-pu-szu-usz]

AI Translation

Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds, and the god Sîn constantly sought out evil deeds. In Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the morning of the lord of light occurred and the sun was seen with him, and like that, all day it occurred to him, to prolong the reign of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

He then presented to me a favorable decision about him that cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap hit him and he smashed his lip and then turned his face towards me and made him act with these deeds that the gods Sîn and Ishtar had done.


Teumman constantly sought out evil deeds, but the god Sîn also sought out inauspicious omens for him. In the month Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the moon lasted longer than the third watch of the night, until daylight, the god Shamash saw it, and it lasted like this the entire day, thus signifying the end of the reign of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and the destruction of his land.

"The Fruit" the god Sîn revealed to me his decision, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap befell him: v 10' His lip became paralyzed and his eyes turned back. He was not ashamed by these measures that the god Sîn and the goddess Ishtar had taken against him.

Obverse Column vii


[(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a] [ina _uru_-hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz]-kun(?) [_gisz_]-_gigir#_-[_mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze_]-_kunga#-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti# [ni-i-ri _gisz_-til-li si-mat] _me_ sza# ina tu-kul-ti# [_an-szar_ (d)15 _dingir-mesz gal_]-_mesz_ bi#-rit _uru_-szu#-[szA-an u _id_-u-la]-a-a [ik]-szu-da [_szu-ii_-a]-a# [ina qi-bit] _an-szar#_ u _dingir_-[_mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qé-reb] [_kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ [ha-disz u-s,a-am-ma] [a-na] gi-mir# [_erim-hi-a_-ia szA-lim-tu szak-na]-at#

[ina] 8#-e [ger-ri]-ia# [_ugu_ (disz)]du#-na-nu# [_dumu_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_]-szA# [a-na _kur_]-gam-bu-li(?)# [lu-u al]-lik# [sza a-na] _lugal# kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_ it-tak]-lu(?) [la-a ik]-nu#-szu [ana _gisz-szudun_]-ia# [ta-ha]-zi# [dan-nu] [_kur_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir]-ti(?)-szu# [_gim muru9_ ak]-tUm(?)# [_uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti]-szu# [sza qé-reb _id-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su] ak-szu(?)-ud

[(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu]-a#-tu [bal-t,u-us-su-un u-sze-s,a]-a# [_dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_]-szu# [_munus_-sek-re-ti-szu _lu-nar-mesz munus-nar_]-_mesz#_ [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am]-nu# [_ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti] É-_gal_-szu [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am]-nu# [_lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz lu_-man-za-az pa-ni]-szu(?)# [_lu_-kit-ki-tu-u mu-szA-ki-le]-e-szu# [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz] am#-nu [gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la] ba#-szu-u [mar-kas _uru_ u] _edin_ [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am]-nu

[(disz)mas-si-ra-a] _lu-gal#_ [_gisz_]-_pan_ [szA (disz)te-um-man] _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [szA a-na kit-ri] _kur_-gam-bu-li# [ma-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na]-nu# Asz-bu [qé-reb _uru_-szA]-pi#-i-(d)_en_ [bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti] as,#-bat [_sag-du_-su ak-kis it-ti pa-ni] (disz)du-na-nu# [kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu] ar(?)#-pi-is

[_uru_ szu-a-tu ap-pul] aq#-qur [ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e] u#-szA-lik [na-gu-u szu-a-tu u]-szah#-rib [ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_]-usz#-szu [ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz lu-kur-mesz_-ia a]-ni(?)#-ir(?) [szal-mesz a-tu-ra a]-na# _kur_ asz-szur

[_sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_

[...] iq#-bu-[u] [... la(?)] t,a#-a-bu [qé-reb _uru-limmu_-_dingir eme_-szu-un] Asz-lu-up [Asz-hu-t,a _kusz_]-szu-un

[(disz)du-na-nu ... hi-ri]-is,# _gal5-la-mesz_ [...] la(?)# e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia [... mesz-re-ti-szu(?)] u-par-ri-is [...] _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki [...] u#-sze-bil

[si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu szA (disz)]du#-na-nu [U (disz)_ibila_-a]-a(?)# a-ni-ir [_uzu-mesz_-szu-nu u-nak-kis u-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti] ma-ti-tan

[(disz)(d)_ag_-I (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-ir _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_]-_mu#_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_ [sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu-un (disz)ur-ta-ki] id#-ka-a [a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_] _uri-ki_ [_gir-pad-du-mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_]-esz [sza ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz]-szur#-_ki_

AI Translation

I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and made my troops strong.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his chariot drivers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, and I counted them as booty.

As for Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to fight with Dunanu, I cut off his head and cut off his fingers from the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned that city with water. I made that district as unsuitable as possible. I cut off the clamor of humans from it and took it away from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Assyria.

The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

... they said ... was not good. I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

Dunanu, ... the satrap of the great gods, ... who did not ... my servantship, ... I scattered his ... ... I sent ... the kings who sat on royal daises .

I killed together with his brothers Dunanu and Aplaya, and I sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria,


I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war vii 5' that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam vii 15' and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. vii 30' I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. vii 35' I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to provide support to the land Gambulu and to guard Dunanu. I cut off his head and beat it against the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

As for that city, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water; I annihilated it. vii 50' I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Assyria.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu.

... who uttered ... unkind ..., I ripped out their tongues and flayed them inside the city Arbela.

As for Dunanu, ..., the very image of a gallû-demon, ... did not do obeisance to me, ..., I had his limbs cut off. ... kings who sit upon royal daises, ... I sent ....

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria,

Obverse Column viii


[ter-ra tuk-te-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka] (disz)#[un-da-su (disz)za-za-az (disz)pa-ru-u] (disz)#[at-ta-me-tu (disz)né-e-szu] [it-ti _lu-a kin-mesz_ szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_] _szesz_ nak(?)#-[ri ur-hu is,-ba-tu-nim-ma] usz-te#-[esz-szer-u-ni har-ra-nu]

_erim-mesz me#_-[ia szA ina _kur_-man-gi-si] sza(?)# [qé-reb _uru_-su-man-dir]

u-ma(?)#-['e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz] _lu_(?)#-[szu-ut _sag_-ia szA] Asz-pu(?)#-[ra ik-la-ma] la u(?)#-[ter-ra tur-tu a-mat-ia]

_an#_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)_u-gur_] _dingir#_-[_mesz_ tik-le-ia] [di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni] [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit]-ma# szA-a#-[szu ga-du kim-ti-szu u-ra-sib-szu ina _gisz-tukul_]-_mesz_ (disz)tam-ma#-[ri-tu szA e-la (disz)um-man-i-gasz ek]-s,u# u-szib# [ina _gisz_]-_gu#-za kur-elam-ma-ki#_

ki-ma# szA-a#-[szu-ma ul-tu _szu-ii_] (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na#_ t,a-'a#-[a-tu im-hur ul] isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia# a-na kit#-[ri (disz)(d)_gisz_]-_nu11_-_mu_-_gi#-na szesz_ la [ke-e-nu il-lik-am]-ma# a-na mit-hu#-[s,i _erim-hi_]-A-ia# ina su-up-pe#-[e sza _an-szar_ u (d)15 u]-sap#-pu-u# un-ni-ni-ia [il]-qu-u(?)# isz-mu-u zi#-[kir _nundum_]-ia _arad-mesz_-szu _edin_-usz#-[szu ib-bal-ki]-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u-ra#-[si-bu _en munus_]-_hul#_-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su [sza si-hu _ugu_]-szu u-szab#-szu-u

u-szib ina _gisz_-[_gu-za_-szu] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu [_man kur_]-_elam-ma#-ki_ sza# _ugu_ ni-kis# [_sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man] me-re-eh-tu# iq-bu#-u szA ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-[u] _erim#-hi-a_-ia um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u _sag#_-[_du man kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ ina qé-reb _kur_-szu ina _ukkin#_ [_erim-hi-a_-szu szA-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi] _u#_ (disz)um#-man-i-gasz ke-e u-na#-[Asz-sziq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an _lu-a_] _kin#-mesz_ sza (disz)asz-szur#-_du_-_a man_ [_kur an-szar-ki_ bi-nu-ut _an-szar_ u(?) (d)]_nin#-lil_

[...] x x [x (x)] [...] x u [x (x)] [...] x u [x] [...] a-na a-ki-li(?)# [ina un-s,i né-eb-re]-ti# la ig-mi-lu [e-ku-lu _ur-gi7_]-_mesz#_ (d)_nin-kilim-mesz_ [_nig-gig_-szu-nu] ra#-bu-u ina# [szam-mu pi-i-szu]-nu# ig-mu-ru _musz-mesz#_ [_gir-tab-mesz_ nam-masz]-ti# qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-szu-u zer-man-du# iq-ti-szu-nu-ti ik-su-su gi-il#-du ku-ru-us-su _kusz#-da-e-sir-mesz_ u _kusz-e-sir-mesz_ a-na bu-ri-szu-nu u-t,a-ba-bi-hu _dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz nin9-mesz_ [...]-_me du_-szu-un

ina la ma-ka-le-e iq-ta-a i-zu-ba mesz-re-ti-szu-nu e-mu-u szA-lam-tisz zi-i-me _un-mesz_ ina ku-u-ri# u ni-is-sa-ti# iq-t,u-ru ki-ma qut-[ri] [et,]-lu# szA ar-da-ti ar-da-tu szA et,#-[li] [ina re-bet _uru_ i-na]-at,-t,a-lu pu-zur#-[szUn]

[_ad_ e-te-zib] _dumu#_ na-ram lib#-[bi-szu] [szu-ut mi-tu]-tu# a-ha-mesz la na-t,a-li(?)# [a-na _lu-kur_ da-a]-a#-ki-szu it-ta-din pi-i-szu# [szib-t,u _nam-usz_]-_mesz# gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u [u-s,a-hir] _un#-mesz kur uri-ki du_-szu-un [bi-rit _uru_ u _edin_ ig]-mur-szu-nu-ti _gir an-bar_ ha-an-t,u [_gir-nita sipa_-szu]-nu# ina lib-bi-szu-nu iz-zi-iz-ma [u-szam]-qit# si-it-tu

[_adda-mesz un-mesz_] _sila#_ u su-lu-u pur-ru-ku [pu-uh-hu-u] _ka-mesz_ [_ugu uru_ u _nun_ szA]-qu#-um-ma-tu na-da-at [szA-hur-ra-tu] tab-kat [ga-nun-szu]-un# szu-uh-ru-bu [_a-gar-mesz_-szu]-un# ba-ku-u sa-ap-du [_id-mesz_-szu]-un# szA u-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz h_É-_nun_

[im-la-a sa-ki-ka] (disz)#(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri [sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur]-_ki_ ik-pu-du né-er-tu [U e-li _an-szar dingir_] ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu [mu-u-tu lem-nu i]-szim-szu-u-ma ina mi-qit (d)_gibil6_ i-di-szu-ma [u-hal]-li#-qa nap-szat-su

[_lu-erim-mesz_] e-pisz si-hi bar-ti [ma-la it]-ti#-szu szak-nu e-du ul ip-par-szid [mul-tah]-t,u# ul u-s,i ina _szu-ii_-ia [lu-bul-tu szu]-kut#-tu a-qar-tu mim-ma si-mat _lugal_-ti [hi-szih]-ti# É-_gal_-szu ma-la ba-szu-u [_munus_-sek-re]-ti#-szu _gal-mesz_-szu _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu [_u un-mesz_] li#-me-et É-_gal_-szu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu nig-ga_ [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-szA] szA-da-di ru-kub be-lu-u-ti-szu [_ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri-szu [_un-mesz_] zi#-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_

[_un-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i] an#-nu kab#-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti [bu-un-na-an-ni-szu-nu] at-bal# _kusz-mesz_-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut, [u-nak-ki-sa _uzu_]-_mesz#_-szu-un

[(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir_] (disz)tam#-ma-ri-tu [u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki_ [da-na-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia e]-mur#-ma [szA ul-tu re-e-szi u-szam-ri-ru _ugu kur_]-_elam#-ki_ [_dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] szA#

AI Translation

As for Undasu, Zazazaz, Parû, Attametu, and Neshu, they sinned against the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, and took the road.

My battle troops who were stationed in the land Mangisi, which is inside the city Sumandir,

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the eunuch of mine whom I had sent, he sinned against my words and did not honor my supplications.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict against Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

As soon as he had accepted bribes from Shamash-shuma-ukin, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. He came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and they swore by the oaths sworn by the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar to fight with my troops. They heard about the slander of me and bowed down to the yoke of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and they threw him into fetters. They attacked the lord of my mistress. Indabibi, a servant of his who had acted insolently against him, seized him and imposed upon him the yoke of my lordly majesty.

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had said a harsh word about the removal of the head of Teumman — Teumman had sworn by the command of my troops: "They will remove the head of the king of the land Elam." He said in his own land in the assembly of his other troops, and Ummanigash Humban-nikash II swore by the command that he should remove the area before the messengers of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu.

They sat down in silence, and their bodies lit. "limbs" were swollen. The people sat down in a cloak and sat down in a heap. Like a snare, they sat down in the street of the city and sat down in the street of the city.

He gave his word to the enemy, his enemy, and he caused the spread of plague, hunger, and plague to spread. He surrounded all of the people of Akkad, the people living in the cities and open country. He struck them down with a sharp sword. He placed a governor and their shepherd in their midst and cut off the rest.

The additions of people, the street and street, the quay, the gates, the city and the ruler, the sahurratu, the food of the mountains, the abundance of their groves, the strewn offerings, the sown fields, the marshes, and the marshes, which had caused abundance,

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had plotted evil deeds against Assyria and uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me, he imposed upon him a severe punishment and he smashed his life with the sword in the midst of the god Gibil.

He did not spare any of the men who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, nor did he spare any of the people who were in his care. He imposed upon me punishment, punishment, and punishment whatever was acceptable to the king, the sacrificials of his palace, as many as there were, his palace women, his nobles, his eunuchs, and the people living in his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, chariots, a harness, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, equipment for his yoke, people who were friendly and pious, young and old,

I imposed upon them a heavy punishment. I smashed their heads, flayed them, and cut off their skin.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and the Assyrians whom I had defeated —


"Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you." Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, set out en route and took the direct road.

My battle troops who were stationed in the land Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir —

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II regarding these matters. He detained the eunuch of mine whom I had sent Marduk-sharru-ushur and did not give a reply to my words.

The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. viii 10'' Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes from the hand of Shamash-shuma-ukin, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, and viii 15'' went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my prayers and listened to the utterances of my lips. viii 20'' His servants rebelled against him and together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — saying: "Will they cut off the head of the king of the land Elam in his own land, in the midst of his troops?" He spoke a second time: "Moreover, how could Ummanigash kiss the ground before the messengers of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu?" viii 30'' On account of these words that he had slanderously uttered, the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu attacked him and then Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... for something to eat. viii 5''' They could not satisfy their starvation and hunger so they ate dogs and mongooses. Their sin was great. They ate grass. As for the snakes and scorpions, as many creatures that there are on earth, viii 10''' and rodents, they brought them to an end. They gnawed on animal hides, leather straps, shoes and sandals. To fight their hunger, they slaughtered their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ..., all of them. viii 15''' Instead of bread, they ate the flesh of their sons. Instead of beer, they drank the blood of their daughters.

From lack of food, their limbs stopped working lit. "came to an end" and withered away; they became like corpses. The faces of the people darkened as if by smoke with depression and mourning. In the squares of the city, the young man saw the concealed parts of the young woman, and the young woman the concealed parts of the young man.

The father left his son whom his heart loved. In order not to see one another in a state of dying, a person lit. "he" made a promise to an enemy, who would kill him. Plague, pestilence, illness, and the chills viii 5'''' reduced the people of the land Akkad, all of them. Between the city and the steppe, the swift iron dagger finished them off. The governor, their shepherd, became angry with them and cut down the remainder of them.

The corpses of people were obstructing the streets and alleys; they were blocking gateways. The silence of desolation lay over the city and its ruler; a deathly hush had been poured out. Their storerooms were laid waste, their fields wept and mourned, and viii 15'''' their watercourses, which had once gushed with an abundance of water, were now filled with silt.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had planned murder against Assyria and uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me, he the god Ashur determined for him a cruel death; he consigned him to a conflagration and destroyed his life.

As for the soldiers who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, as many as had made common cause with him, not a single one of them escaped; anyone who tried to get away did not escape my grasp. As for clothing and precious jewelry, every royal appurtenance, viii 25'''' the necessities of his palace, as much as there was, his palace women, his nobles, his eunuchs, and other people associated with his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, chariots, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his harness-broken steeds, viii 30'''' and people — male and female, young and old — who had escaped from the clash of arms, di'u-disease, plague, pestilence, and hunger — I captured them and carried them off to Assyria.

As for the people who were guilty, I imposed a harsh punishment upon them. I destroyed their faces, flayed them, and chopped up their flesh.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and as for the Assyrians whom

Obverse Column ix


(disz)in(?)#-[da-bi-bi _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] ul-tu# [É s,i-bit-ti u-sze-s,a-Asz-szu-nu-ti] ki-i s,a#-[bat a-bu-ut-ti qa-bé-e _munus-sig5_-szu] la ha-t,e#-[e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu] ina _szu-ii lu-a#_ [_kin_-szu u-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia]

e-li# [(disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_] _arad#_ [da-gil pa-ni-ia] szA in-nab-tu# [il-li-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_] U si-it#-[ti _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza (disz)(d)_ag_(?)-_en#_-[_mu-mesz_ ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti] u-s,ab-bi#-[tu u-bi-lu it-ti-szu] ina _szu-ii lu-a kin#_-[szu a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi] ki-a-am# [Asz-pur-szu-ma] Asz-szu _un-mesz#_ [an-nu-u-ti la tu-sze-bi-la] um-ma# al-la#-[kam-ma _uru-mesz_-ka a-na-qar] _un-mesz_ [_uru_-szu-szA-an] _uru_-ma-dak-tu [_uru_-hi-da-lu a-szal-lal]

a-di _lu_-[_a kin_-szu ma-har-szu la i-kasz-szA-du] la u-[szA-an-nu-szu szi-kin t,e-e-me-ia] ina tukul-ti _an#_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_] (d)15 szA# [_nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_] sza# [it-tal-la-ku _a-ii_-a-a] i#-[na-ar-ru ga-re-ia] [a-lak(?) _lu-a kin_-ia sza a-na _uru_-de-ri Asz-pu-ru] isz#-[mu-u qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia] szA# [u-za-'i-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_] _kur_-[_elam-ma-ki_ is-hu-up-ma] _un#_-[_mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_] s,e#-[er (disz)in-da-bi-bi] ib#-[bal-ki-tu]

(disz)[ia-u-ta-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a-_dingir_] _lugal#_ [_kur_-qa-ad-ri e-pisz _arad_-ti-ia] Asz#-[szu _dingir-mesz_-szu im-hur-an-ni-ma]

(f)#a-[di-ia-a szar-rat _kur_-a-ri-bi] di-ik-ta#-[szA ma-a'-as-su a-duk] kul-ta-re-e-szA# [ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu] szA-a-szA bal-t,u-us-[sa ina _szu-ii_ as,-bat] it-ti hu-bu-ut [_kur_-szA(?)] al-qa-Asz-szi [a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_]

(disz)na-at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba-a-a-[ti sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu] isz-ma-a da-na-(an) _an-szar_ (d)_amar-utu_ [sza u-tak-kil-u-in-ni] szA ma-te9-e-ma a-na# [_lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] _lu-a kin_-szu [la isz-pu-ra] la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum# [_lugal_-ti-ia] ul-tu (disz)ia-u-ta-a'# [_lugal kur_-a-ri-bi] _arad#_ da-gil [pa-ni-ia] a-na _kur_-na-ba-a-a-te [in-nab-tu-ma] il-li-ku ma-har# [(disz)na-at-nu] (disz)na-at-nu a-na (disz)[ia-u-ta-a'] ki-a-am [iq-bi-szu-ma] um-ma a-na-ku la _szu-ii kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_ ul-te-zi-i-bi] U at-ta tasz-kun-an-ni [a-na dan-nu-ti-ka]

i-na 11-e ger-ri-ia a#-[na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu al-lik ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia] _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i _uru_ tukul-ti# [_kur-elam-ma-ki_ ak]-szu#-ud _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu szA [la u]-s,u#-nim-ma la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal#_-[ti-ia] a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu ak-kis _nundum#_-[_mesz_-szu]-nu# ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _un-mesz kur_-ia al#-[qa]-a# a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

(disz)im-ba-ap-pi _lu-gal gisz_-[_pan_ szA _kur-elam-ma_]-_ki#_ szA ina _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i# pa-aq-[du a-na _en-nun_-u-ti] bal-t,u#-[us-su ...] x x [...]

_munus#_-[É-_gal dumu-mesz_-szu szA (disz)]te-um-man# [_man kur-elam-ma-ki_] [szA ina na-Asz-par]-ti# _an-szar_ (d)_en_ [(d)_ag_] [i-na ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su] _sag-du_-su# [it-ti si-it-ti _un-mesz_ a]-szi#-bu-ti _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal]-la-tisz am-nu [...] _lu#-3-u5-mesz_ [... _lu-nar-mesz_] _munus#-nar-mesz_ [...]-e#-szu

AI Translation

I brought Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, out of prison and sent him, together with his good deeds, a message of peace that would not be altered, to the territory of his land, by the hand of his messenger, before me.

After Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and after the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by guile and brought to Assyria, I sent his messenger to Indabibi, saying: "I will come and tear down your cities." I will gather the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu.

Before his messenger could arrive in person and make an appeal to him, he did not honor my words. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who had come to my aid and who had sinned against me, he heard about the advance of my messenger whom I had sent to Der. He then heard about the fear of my royal majesty, which the great gods had encouraged me, overwhelmed the land Elam and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar, who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and

Adiya, queen of the Arabs, I struck her with a great defeat and burned her cult centers with fire. I captured her alive and took her to Assyria with the plunder of her land.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. iii 5' As for the one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, nor had he inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, he fled from Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, to the land Nabayateans and came before Natnu. I told Natnu and Iauta' as follows: "I am not a slave of Assyria, but you have established me as your stronghold."

On my eleventh campaign, I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a city upon which the land Elam relied. I massacred the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, cut off their lips, and took them to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

As for Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî, ... ... .

I brought out a palace woman, the sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose head I had cut off during a previous campaign on the orders of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî, and I counted them as booty. ... three men ... male singers, female singers ... his .


Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, he sent them before me by the hands of his messenger.

With regard to Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and with regard to the rest of the Assyrians ix 10' whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized by guile and taken to Elam with him, I sent a message to Indabibi by the hands of his messenger, saying as follows: "Since you have not sent me those people, ix 15' I will come and tear down your cities. I will carry off the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu. I will remove you from your royal throne and make someone else sit on your throne. The same actions that I used to thwart Teumman, I will make happen to you."

Before his messenger had arrived in his presence and before he could report the issuing of my decision to him, with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, ix 25' Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who march at my side and kill my foes, inside the land Elam, they the Elamites heard about the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to the city Der. Fear of my royal majesty — ix 30' with which the great gods had endowed me — overwhelmed the land Elam and then the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and ix 35' killed him with the sword. They placed Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, on his Indabibi's throne.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods and

I inflicted a heavy defeat on Adiya, the queen of the land of the Arabs. I burned her tents with fire. I captured her alive and brought her to Assyria, together with the plunder of her land.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who ix 10'' had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and had never inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty — after Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, had fled to the land of the Nabayateans and ix 15'' came before Natnu, Natnu said the following to Iauta', saying: "Can I myself be spared from the grasp of Assyria? Nevertheless, you have made me your stronghold!" ix 20'' Natnu became frightened and distressed. He sent his messengers to me to inquire about my well-being and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty and peace agreement, and to do obeisance to me. ix 25'' I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

On my eleventh campaign, I marched to the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a city upon which the land Elam relied. As for the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, I killed them. I cut off their heads, sliced off their lips, and took them to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

As for Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam, who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî, I brought him out of that city alive. ...

I brought out a palace woman and the sons of Teumman — the king of the land Elam whose head I had cut off during a previous campaign on the instructions of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû — together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî and I counted them as booty. ... third-men, ... male singers, female singers. ..., his ...

Obverse Column x


[... a-na _kur_-e]-lam#-ti [(m(?))bar(?)-bu-ru _dumu_-szu ul-tu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i]

[u]-sze#-s,a-am-ma _kusz_-szu# Asz-hu-ut, [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ mun-nab-tu] sza ul#-tu qé-reb _kur# an-szar-ki_ it#-[bu-u il-li-ku ana _kur-elam-ma-ki_] ti-ib _me_-ia dan#-ni x _ta#_ [... _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia szA _ugu_(?) _kur-elam-ma-ki_(?)] u#-szam-ri-ru e#-mur-ma x [...] hi-il-li-mu-u#-tu e-re-[...] qé-reb x [...] x-ia# ru-ku-bi-szu(?)# [...] ip#-pal-si-ih#-ma _lu_-szu-ut _sag#_-[...] x-szu

(disz)um-man-al-da#-[si] _man# kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-reb# _lu-erim_-ia [sza qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_] [e-ru]-bu [isz-me-e-ma] _uru#_-ma-dak-tu _uru_(?)# [_lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-li]

[(disz)]um#-ba-_lagab#_-[u-a szA mé-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si] [Asz]-bu# ina _gisz#_-[_gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma isz-me-e-ma] [_uru_]-bu-bi#-[lu _uru_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma (...)]

(d)#[...] ina _kur-kur_ at-tal#-[la-ku Asz-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu] Asz-t,ur-ma# [a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib]

a-na _egir_ u4#-[me _dumu-dumu dumu dumu-dumu_] u _dumu-mesz lugal#_-[_mesz dumu-mesz_-ia] sza asz-szur u (d)15 a-na be#-[lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_] i-nam-bu-u [zi-kir-szu] e-nu-ma _bad_ szu-a-tu i-lab-bi#-[ru-ma in-na-hu] an#-(hu)-us-su lu#-[ud-disz] [_mu_]-_sar#_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li#-[mur-ma] [_i-mesz_] lip#-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal#_-[qi] [a-na] Asz-ri-szu lu#-[ter]

[ki-i sza] a-na-ku _mu-sar#_-[u] [szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)](d)30-_pap_(?)-_mesz_(?)-_su#_ [_ad ad du_-ia] a-mu#-[ru _i-mesz_ ap-szu-szu _udu-siskur_ aq-qu-u] it-ti _mu#_-[_sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia Asz-ku-nu] at-ta ki#-[i ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-e] szi-t,ir# [_mu_-ia a-mur-ma _i-mesz_ pu-szu-usz] _udu-siskur#_ [_bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e] szi#-[t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun]

[ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil]-ti u#-[hal-la-qu] [it-ti _mu-sar_]-e szi-t,ir# [_mu_-szu] [la i]-szak#-ka-[nu] [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA] _an#_-e u _ki#_-[tim] [_lugal_-us-su] lis-ki-pu# [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_] lu(?)-hal-li-qu#

[...] _ud-10_(?)-_kam#_ [lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_]-_asz_-_pap_ [_lu_-x x _uru_-kar-(disz)](d)sAl-ma-nu-_masz#_

AI Translation

... to the land Elam. Barburu, his son, ... from Bit-Imbî

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, a dangerous man who had come from Assyria and gone to the land Elam, saw the assault of my mighty battle array ... I brought about the defeat of my weapons which had prevailed over the land Elam and ... I entered ... ... my ..., his ..., became frightened and a eunuch of mine ... his .

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam, and abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he, like him Ummanaldashu heard about the advance of my army and abandoned the city Bubilu, the city that belonged to him, and .

I constantly sought out the god ... in all of the lands, established mighty victories, and wrote down the inscriptions for future days.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, or great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I saw an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, I mixed and poured out oil, honey, and sheep fat with an inscribed object bearing my name. You should, just as I did, look at an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name.

He shall not make a claim with any written document, nor change or alter the wording of this tablet. May the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., the tenth day, eponymy of Nabû-nadin-ahi, governor of the city Kar-Shalmaneser 645.


... to the land Elam — I brought Barburu, his son, out of the city Bit-Imbî and flayed him.

As for Tammaritu, king of the land Elam, a fugitive who had set out from Assyria and gone back to the land Elam, he saw the assault of my mighty battle array and the ... ... of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and ... ... ... inside ... my ... his vehicle ..., he threw himself on the ground and ... eunuch ... his ...

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam; he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he, like him Ummanaldashu heard about the advance of my army and abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and ...

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, or great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this wall becomes old and dilapidated. x 10'' May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, anointed it with oil, made an offering, and placed it with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object bearing my name and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name ..., makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., the tenth day, eponymy of Nabû-nadin-ahi, governor of the city Kar-Shalmaneser 646.

Q003708: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A bi-nu-ut _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil dumu lugal gal_-u sza É _usz_-u-ti sza (d)30 ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ ina _sza ama_-szu iz-ku-ru-usz a-na _sipa_-ut _kur an-szar-ki u_ (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ ina _esz-bar_-szu-nu ke-e-nu iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-szu

(disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-mat _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-szu it-ta-'i-id sza iq-bu-u-szu e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina _iti-gu4 iti_ (d)é-a _en_ te-né-sze-e-ti _ud-12-kam ud sze-ga sum-ninda_ sza (d)gu-la u-pa-hir _un-mesz kur an-szar-ki tur_ u _gal_ sza tam-tim e-li-ti u szap-li-ti a-na na-s,ir _dumu lugal_-ti-ia _u egir_-nu _lugal_-ut _kur an-szar-ki_ e-pe-e-sze a-de-e ni-isz _dingir-mesz_ u-szA-az-ki-ir-szu-nu-ti

u-dan-ni-na rik-sa-a-ti ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-ti e-ru-ub ina É ri-du-ti Asz-ru nak-lu mar-kAs _lugal_-u-ti sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su ad ad_ a-lid-di-ia _dumu lugal_-tu u _lugal_-tu e-pu-szu ina lib-bi-szu a-szar (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz ad_ ba-nu-u-a qé-reb-szu ib-bi-szu-u ir-bu-u e-pu-szu be-lut _kur an-szar-ki_ gi-mir mal-ki ir-du-u kim-tu u-rap-pi-szu ik-s,u-ru ni-szu-tu sa-la-tu

U a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A qé-reb-szu a-hu-uz né-me-qi (d)_ag_ kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti szA gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u ih-ze-szu-nu a-hi-it, al-ma-ad szA-le-e _gisz-pan_ ru-kub _ansze-kur-ra gisz-gigir_ s,a-bat _kusz_-a-szA-a-ti ina a-me-lu-ti _lugal-mesz_ ina u-ma-me la-ab-bu la i-szi-hu ina _igi gisz-pan_-ia i-de e-pesz _murub4 me_ kul-lu-ma-ku se-de-ru mit-hu-s,u-u-tu

zi-ka-ru qar-du na-ram _an-szar_ u (d)isz-tar li-ip-li-pi _lugal_-u-ti a-na-ku

re-esz _lugal_-ti-ia ina mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-mA-kan-na u _kur_-me-luh-ha usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)_ur_-da-am-ma-né-e' _lugal kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur_-mu-s,ur _uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz lu_-qé-pa-a-ni sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a isz-tak-ka-nu qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur ina ir-ti-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

_egir_ (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni e-mur-ma _uru_-ni-i' u-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na _uru_-ki-ip-ki-pi ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ u (d)nusku _uru_-ni-i' _uru_-u-nu a-na si-hir-ti-szu ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_ku-babbar-mesz ku-gi-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig-szu-mesz nig-ga uru_ szu-a-tu ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ra u sin-nisz 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_ ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim al-lik sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir szap-ti-ia _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-te9-e-szu u-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

_dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti u-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia _dumu_-szu sza ma-te9-e-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz u-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-a-si am-hur-szu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu u-ter-ma a-din-szu

(disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal uru_-a-ru-u-ad-da a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal kur_-tab-_uru_ (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me _kur_-hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu-nu it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal uru_-ar-u-ad-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the senior son of the king of the House of Succession, whom the god Sîn in distant days had chosen from among his mother's womb, to be the shepherd of Assyria and the gods Shamash and Adad, commanded his steadfast decision in their just decisions.

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, accepted the word of the gods who support him and commanded him to exercise kingship over me. In the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea, the lord of justice, the twelveth day, the day of the sattukku offering, the day of the festival of the goddess Gula, he made the people of Assyria, young and old, of the Upper and Lower Seas, to guard my royal majesty and afterwards he made them exercise the kingship of Assyria. He made the oaths and oaths binding on them.

In the midst of joyous celebrations, I entered the House of Succession, the shaklushku-temple, the seat of kingship, which Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, the son of king and king, in which Esarhaddon, the father who had engendered me, had built, whose interior Esarhaddon had made great, and whose lordship he had exercised over Assyria, all the rulers, he made manifest, and he made abundant the bounty of the land of Assyria.

I, Ashurbanipal, sat on his throne. I grasped the wisdom of the god Nabû, all of the scribal arts, and I took the direct road to the king's palace. I rode alongside them a bow, a horse, a chariot, and a harness-broken chariot. The kings, in the morning, did not fear the storm, but were able to stand before my bow and to wage war. I was able to wage war and battle.

I am the hero, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the one who guides kingship.

On my first campaign, I took the direct road to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Tanutamon, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the territory of Egypt. He abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had established inside Egypt, came to me on foot and kissed my feet.

After I had taken Tammaritu by the road, I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Thebes and fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I conquered the cities Thebes and Dunu in their entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, possessions, and property of that city, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people of all ages, and nobles; two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria.

On my second campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes. I made their lives short and made them bow down to my yoke.

He sent before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. I sent his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with him to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they put their trust in my dynasty. They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu yearly a payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, had gone to his fate, he .


I, Ashurbanipal, the creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the senior son of the king of the House of Succession, the one whom the god Sîn nominated in distant days, while he was in the womb of his mother, for shepherding Assyria and the one for whom the gods Shamash and Adad declared the exercising of its kingship through their firm decisions —

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, carefully observed the words of the gods who supported him, and who instructed him about my exercising the kingship. In the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea — the lord of humankind — i 10 on the twelfth day — an auspicious day, the day of the bread donations to the goddess Gula — he assembled the people of Assyria — young and old — and of the Upper and Lower Seas. In order to protect my position as heir designate and afterwards my exercising the kingship of Assyria, i 15 he made them swear to a treaty, an oath bound by the gods; he made the agreements strong.

In the midst of joyous celebration, I entered the House of Succession, a sophisticated place, the mooring place of kingship, inside of which Sennacherib — the father of the father who had begotten me — had performed his duties as heir designate and king, i 20 the place in whose midst Esarhaddon — the father who had engendered me — was born, grew up, exercised dominion over Assyria, led all of the rulers, expanded his family, and bonded with relatives and kin.

Furthermore, I, Ashurbanipal, learned inside it the wisdom of the god Nabû, all of the scribal arts. I investigated the precepts of every type of scholar there is, learned how to shoot a bow, ride a horse and chariot, and take hold of their reins. Kings among mankind and lions among the animals could not grow powerful before my bow. i 30 I know how to wage war and battle; I am experienced in forming a battle line and fighting.

Heroic male, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, descendant of kingship, I —

At the beginning of my kingship, on my first campaign, I took the direct road to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Tanutamon, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and that I had set foot on Egyptian territory, he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. i 40 The kings, governors, and officials whom Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had stationed in Egypt came to meet me and kissed my feet.

I took the road in pursuit of Tanutamon and I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. i 45 He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Thebes; he fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I conquered Thebes and Heliopolis in their lit. "its" entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, possessions, and property of that city, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria.

On my second campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes. i 60 I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. i 65 He sent at the same time his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, had gone to his fate, ii 1 Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea with their audience gifts, and kissed my feet. ii 5 I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. I clothed Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al in garments with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

Obverse Column ii


(disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal kur_-lu-ud-di na-gu-u szA né-ber-ti _a-ab-ba a_sz-ru ru-u-qu sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri-szu-ma _an-szar du_-u-a u4-mi _masz-gi6_ an-ni-ta e-mu-ra _lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu-ra a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia

_lu_-gi-mir-a-a _lu-kur_ ek-s,u sza la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia U at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia ina _gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i szat qa-ti _gisz_-szi-ga-ri u-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-ti u-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _lugal kur_-man-na-a-a usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti sza ni-i-ba la i-szu-u a-di qé-reb _uru_-i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _us5-udu-hi-a_ ul-tu qé-reb _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma u-masz-szir _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu a-na _uru_-at-ra-a-ni _uru_ tukul-ti-szu in-na-bit-ma e-hu-uz mar-qi-tu na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ma-lak 10 u4-me 5 u4-me u-szah-ri-ib-ma szA-qu-um-ma-tu at-bu-uk

(disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia _an-szar_ u (d)15 im-nu-szu ina _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu _un-mesz kur_-szu si-hu e-li-szu u-szab-szu-u ina _sila uru_-szu id-du-u _adda_-szu

_egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li-i _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na-szu ip-ta-a u-s,a-al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_ isz-pur-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _lu-a_ szip-ri-ia sza szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu

i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku ina _iti-kin_-(d)_inanna_ szi-pir (d)_inanna-mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz an-szar ad dingir-mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir _gim_ ti-ib me-he-e ez-zi ak-tUm _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na si-hir-ti-szA ak-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-szu-nu mul-tar-hu szA ik-pu-da _hul_-tu ina la mi-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu ina _szu-ii ti-mesz_ u-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu

(disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia it-ti-ia u-bil-szu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-sze-szib-szu ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a szA it-ti-szu in-nab-ta ina _uru_-hi-da-la Asz-kun a-na _lugal_-u-ti

ul-tu _gisz-tukul an-szar_ u (d)15 _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szam-ri-ru Asz-tak-ka-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu Asz-ku-na pa-ni-ia _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ tukul-ti _kur_-gam-bu-li ak-szu-ud qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu e-ru-ub _un-mesz_-szu as-lisz u-t,ab-bi-ih (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu mu-nar-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia

AI Translation

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a district in the opposite direction of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the mention of his name, the awe-inspiring radiance of my royal majesty, he made him see in a dream my royal name and the god Ashur, my lord, saw it. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I cut down with the sword the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and I sent them before me their substantial audience gifts.

On my third campaign, I took the direct road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atranu, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I conquered that district. I slew a distance of ten days and a distance of five days. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land rebelled against him and hung his corpse on the street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. To ensure his good health, he opened his mouth to me and kissed my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his son, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and imposed upon him the payment of my eunuchs.

On my fourth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in the month Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir, I conquered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their angry king who had plotted evil deeds, without number. I captured his warriors alive.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and grasped my feet, iii 20' I brought him to the land Elam and placed him on Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his second brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had put to the sword the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I established mighty victories and vi 15'' vengeance on my return march. I set out before me against Dunanu, the Gambulean who had put his trust in the land Elam. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the Gambuleans relied. I entered that city and slew its people. I killed Dunanu and Samgunu, who had encouraged me to exercise kingship, and imposed upon them the yoke of my royal majesty.


As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he Gyges clamped them in manacles, handcuffs, and neck-stocks and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

On my third campaign, I took the direct road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, ii 25 I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Atrana, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I conquered that district. I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land incited a rebellion against him and they cast his corpse into a street of his city.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. ii 45 For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. ii 50 As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

On my fourth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in the month Ululu VI — "the work of the goddesses," the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir — like the assault of a fierce storm, ii 60 I covered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their presumptuous king who had plotted evil deeds. I slew his warriors without number. I captured his fighting men alive. I filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. I made the Ulaya River flow with their blood; I dyed its water red like a red-dyed wool.

I took Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku — a former king of the land Elam — who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and had grasped my feet, with me to the land Elam and I placed him on Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had made the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar prevail over the land Elam and had continually established mighty victories, on my return march, ii 75 I set out towards Dunanu, a Gambulian who had put his trust in the land Elam. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the land Gambulu relied. I entered that city and slaughtered its people like lambs. As for Dunanu and Samgunu, the ones who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, iii 1 I clamped their hands and feet in iron manacles and handcuffs and iron fetters. I carried off people, oxen and sheep and goats, donkeys, horses, and mules out of the land Gambulu to Assyria. As for Sha-pi-Bel, the city upon which he Dunanu relied, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water.

Obverse Column iii


(disz)um-man-i-gasz szA _mun_ ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti sza a-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru it-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri isz-ku-na pi-i-szu (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma szA-a-szu ga-du kim-ti-szu u-ra-as-sib ina _gisz-tukul_

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza a-na re-s,u-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a-mesz_-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu ina su-up-pe-e szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u isz-mu-u un-ni-ni-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma ina _me edin bad5-bad5_-szu isz-kun u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz-mesz_-szu qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu it-ti 85 _nun-mesz_ a-li-kut _a-ii_-szu la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-szu mi-ra-nu-usz-szu-un ina _ugu_ lib-bi-szu-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ra-man-szu im-nu-u-ma Asz-szu e-pesz di-ni-szu a-lak _a-tah_-szu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-iz-ma i-dal-la-la qur-di _dingir-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti sza il-li-ku re-s,u-u-ti

i-na 5-szi ger-ri-ia ina _iti-sig4 iti_ (d)30 _en esz-bar_-e _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-szA-re-du szA (d)_en-lil_ ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu u-bil it-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-szu in-nab-tu-ma is,-ba-ta _gir-ii_-ia _un-mesz uru_-hi-il-me _uru_-pil-la-ti ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni isz-mu-u szA al-la-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i _uru lugal_-ti É tuk-la-a-te szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA _gim bad gal_-e pa-an _kur-elam-ma-ki_ par-ku ak-szu-ud _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu szA la u-s,u-nim-ma la isz-'a-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz_-szu-nu ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _un-mesz kur_-ia al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

(disz)im-ba-ap-pi _lu-gal gisz-pan_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ina _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i pa-aq-du a-na _en-nun_-u-ti bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu u-sze-s,a-am-ma _szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-ma

u-ra-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki munus_-É-_gal dumu-mesz_-szu sza (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ina na-Asz-par-ti _an-szar_ i-na ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-reb _erim-hi-a_-ia szA qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-li

(disz)um-ba-_lagab_-u-a szA mé-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si Asz-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur_-e-lam-ti ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma isz-me-e-ma _uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma ki-ma _ku6-hi-a_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-ti

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA in-nab-ta is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an u-sze-rib Asz-kun-szu a-na _lugal_-ti

_sig5_-tu e-pu-szu-usz szA Asz-pu-ru _a-tah_-su in-szi-ma isz-te-né-'a-a _hul_-tu a-na ka-szad _erim-hi-a_-ia _an-szar_ u (d)15 szA _a-ii_-a-a il-li-ku u-szA-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia lib-bi (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu ek-s,u ba-ra-nu-u ib-ru-u-ma u-ba-'u-u qa-tusz-szu ul-tu _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu id-ku-nisz-szum-ma u-ter-ru-nisz-szu szA-ni-a-nu u-szak-ni-szu-usz a-na _gir-ii_-ia ina li-i-ti da-na-a-ni szA _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia szA szul-me-e _szu-ii_ ma-li-ti pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia u-ter-ra a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

AI Translation

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, who did not honor my treaty and sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword.

Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and who came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and who had mobilized his weapons to fight with my troops, heard about my grievous omens through the prayers that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had addressed to me. Indabibi, a servant of his, rebelled against him and in a pitched battle he brought about his defeat. He sat on his throne.

Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi, his servant, their ally, and fled to Assyria, where they grasped my feet.

Tammaritu became frightened of doing obeisance to me and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty to decide his case and to go on his own. He stood before me and he lauded the might of my mighty gods, who had come to my aid.

On my fifth campaign, in the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn, the lord of decisions, the first-born son of the foremost of the god Enlil, I mustered my troops. He took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. He brought about the defeat of Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Indabibi, his servant, and grasped my feet. The people of the cities Hilmu and Pillatu heard about the assault of my mighty battle array, which I had carried off to the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a royal city, a privileged residence of the land Elam, which is situated like a great wall in front of the land Elam. I massacred the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, flayed them, and took their turbans down for the sake of the well-being of the people of my land.

I brought out Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî, brought him out of that city alive, and I placed him in iron fetters.

I brought to Assyria the queen and her sons, who were born to Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whom I had captured by the command of the god Ashur, on a previous campaign of mine. I brought him out of the city Bit-Imbî along with the rest of the people living there and counted him as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam, and abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he heard about the advance of my army like him and abandoned the city Bubilu, the city that was a lordly residence of his, and took to the depths of far away waters like fish.

I brought out Tammaritu, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, and I installed him as king in the city Susa.

As for the one who sent me my troops and constantly sought out evil ways to defeat my troops, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side and occupy the steppe, the heart of Tammaritu, became frightened of the rams and turned his back on him. They swore by his royal majesty and imposed upon him a punishment similar to mine. With the might and might of the great gods, my lords, I entered the land Elam and marched about triumphantly.

On my return march, with the help of my exalted hand, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Assyria.


As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, who did not honor my treaty and sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin — my hostile brother — Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword.

As for Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and who came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my unfaithful brother — he hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they accepted my prayers. Indabibi, a servant of his, rebelled against him and brought about his defeat in a pitched battle. He sat on his throne.

Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi — his Tammaritu's servant — crawled naked on their bellies and then fled to Assyria and grasped my feet.

Tammaritu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty to decide his case and to come to his aid. He stood before me and was singing the praises of the valor of my mighty gods, who had come to my aid.

On my fifth campaign, in the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn — the lord of oracular decisions, the eldest and foremost son of the god Enlil — iii 35 I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. I took with me Tammaritu, the former king of the land Elam who had fled from Indabibi — his servant — and who had grasped my feet. iii 40 The people of the cities Hilmu and Pillatu heard about the assault of my mighty battle array as I was marching to the land Elam. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them. They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, iii 45 arrived in Assyria to do obeisance to me and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a royal city and residence upon which the land Elam relied that blocks the approach to the land Elam like a great wall. As for the people living inside it, who had not come out and iii 50 inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, I killed them. I cut off their heads, sliced off their lips, and took them to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

As for Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam, who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî, I brought him out of that city alive. I placed his hands and feet in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria.

I brought out a palace woman and the sons of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam whose head I had cut off during a previous campaign on the instructions of the god Ashur — iii 60 together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî and I counted them as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam; he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he, like him Ummanaldashu heard about the advance of my army and abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and, like fish, he took to the depths of far away waters.

As for Tammaritu, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, I brought him into the city Susa and I installed him as king.

He forgot the kindness that I had done for him, in having sent aid to him, and constantly sought out evil ways to conquer my troops. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who marched at my side and iii 75 allowed me to stand over my foes, saw the dangerous and rebellious thoughts of Tammaritu and called him to account: They removed him from his royal throne and then they made him return and bow down at my feet for a second time. Through the mighty victories of the great gods, my lords, I entered the land Elam and marched about triumphantly.

On my successful return march, I turned back lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" to Assyria with full hands. iv 1 As for the cities Gatudu, Gatudu again, Daeba, Nati', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani again, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hayausi, Bit-kunukki-bissu, Bit-Arrabi, iv 5 Bit-Imbî, Madaktu, Susa, Bubê, Kapar-Marduk-sharrani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Til-Tuba, Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi again, Bubilu, Sam'una, iv 10 Bit-Bunakku, Qabrina, Qabrina again, and Hara', I conquered those cities; I destroyed, demolished, and burned them with fire. I carried off to Assyria their gods, their people, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their possessions, their property, wagons, horses, mules, equipment, and implements of war.

Obverse Column iv


ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)isz-tar ad-ke _erim-hi-a-mesz_-ia s,e-er (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i sza ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-szu-du e-nen-na _kur_-ra-a-szi _kur_-ha-ma-nu a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud U szu-u (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-szad _kur_-ra-a-szi _kur_-ha-ma-nu isz-me-e-ma pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-li-kut _a-ii_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit a-na _uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si

_uru_-na-t,i-tu _uru lugal_-u-ti a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-É-(disz)bu-na-ku _uru lugal_-u-ti a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-har-tap-pa-ni _uru lugal_-u-ti a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-tu-u-bu a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud

bi-rit _id_ ka-la-mu _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru man_-ti a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz _uru lugal_-u-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru lugal_-u-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-di-in-_lugal uru_-su-mu-un-tu-na-Asz _uru man_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-pi-di-il-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-ka-bi-in-ak _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud

ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ar-de-e-ma al-lik s,e-er (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud

1-en u4-me 2 u4-me ul u-qi pa-an ar-ke-e ul ad-gul

ina u4-me-szu-ma e-bir _id 14 uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u _u 12_ na-ge-e szA qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-li-szA ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar-me u-ter ina la-a mi-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu ina _gisz-tukul_ u-ra-sib

mun-dah-s,e-e-szu s,i-ru-ti (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ me-ra-nu-usz-szu in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u

_uru_-ba-nu-nu a-di na-ge-e sza _uru_-ta-sa-ar-ra ka-la-mu ak-szu-ud 20-_am uru-mesz_ ina na-ge-e sza _uru_-hu-un-nir ina _ugu_ mi-is,-ri sza _uru_-hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud _uru_-ba-szi-mu _u uru-mesz_ szA li-me-ti-szu ap-pul aq-qur

sza _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu-un ka-mar-szu-nu Asz-kun u-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu-un u-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-szu _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _un-mesz tur_ u _gal a_sz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki 60 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 sza u-ma-'e-er-u-in-ni qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti at-tal-lak szal-t,isz

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-szA-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia _uru_-szu-szA-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u mu-szab _dingir-mesz_-szu-un a-szar pi-risz-ti-szu-un ak-szu-ud ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 qé-reb É-_gal-mesz_-szu e-ru-ub u-szib ina _hul-mesz_ ap-te-e-ma É na-kam-a-te-szu-nu szA _ku-babbar-mesz ku-gi-mesz nig-szu-mesz nig-ga-mesz_ nu-uk-ku-mu qé-reb-szu-un sza _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ mah-ru-u-ti a-di _lugal-mesz_ szA a-di lib-bi u4-me an-né-e u-pah-hi-ru isz-ku-nu sza _lu-kur_ szA-nam-ma

AI Translation

On my sixth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops. I took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. I conquered the city Bit-Imbî Bit-Imbî, which I had conquered in my first campaign. Now I conquered the lands Rashi and Hamanu, together with its districts. Moreover, he, Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, heard about the conqueror of the lands Rashi and Hamanu and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and he abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and fled to the city Dur-Undasi.

I conquered the city Natitu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Hartapanu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Tubu, together with its district.

I conquered the entire area between the Tigris and the River Euphrates, the city Madaktu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

I did not wait one day and two days, nor did I wait for the extispicy.

At that time I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen fortified cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I struck down his warriors with the sword without number.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the city Banunu, together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

I annihilated the gods of the people living inside them, and scattered their gods. I made the mood of the lord of lords more pleasant than that of the gods. I carried off to Assyria his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and people, young and old, sixty leagues of terrain, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given me. I marched about triumphantly in the land Elam.

On my return march, which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had encouraged me to take in hand, I conquered the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened their treasuries and placed in them silver, gold, possessions, and property, which the former kings of the land Elam, together with the kings who had gathered together in the past, and placed in them the treasuries of another enemy.


On my sixth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops and I took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. iv 20 Like the city Bit-Imbî, which I had conquered during a previous campaign of mine, I now conquered the rest of the lands Rashi and Hamanu, along with their lit. "its" districts. Moreover, he, Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, heard about the conquest of the lands Rashi and Hamanu and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and iv 25 then he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and fled to the city Dur-Undasi. He crossed the Idide River and established that river as his defensive position. He prepared himself to fight with me.

I conquered the city Natitu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Hartappanu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Tubu, along with its district.

As for the entire area between the Ulaya and Idide rivers, I conquered the city Madaktu, a royal city, along with its district. iv 35 I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. iv 40 I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

I did not wait one day or two days, nor did I wait for the rear guard. I crossed the river on the very day I reached it.

I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen fortified cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I slew his warriors without number. I struck down his elite fighting men with the sword.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the city Banunu, together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu. I destroyed and demolished the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

As for the people living inside them, I annihilated them. I smashed their gods and thus placated the mood of the lord of lords. I carried off to Assyria its gods, its goddesses, its possessions, and its property, as well as people, young and old. iv 65 Over an area of sixty leagues, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given to me, I marched about triumphantly inside the land Elam.

On my return march, during which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar made me stand over my foes, I conquered the city Susa, a great cult center, the residence of their gods, a place of their secret lore. iv 70b By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened up their treasuries, inside which silver, gold, possessions, and property had been stored — which the former kings of the land Elam down to the kings of this time had collected and deposited — and wherein no other enemy v 1 apart from me had laid his hands, and I brought all of this out and counted it as booty.

Obverse Column v


_ku-babbar-mesz ku-gi-mesz nig-szu-mesz nig-ga_ szA _kur eme-gi7 uri-ki kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ka-la-mu szA _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ mah-ru-u-te a-di 7-szu isz-lu-lu u-bi-la qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ s,a-ri-ru husz-szu-u esz-ma-ru-u eb-bu ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ szu-kut-tu a-qar-tu si-mat _lugal_-u-ti szA _lugal-mesz kur uri-ki_ mah-ru-ti U (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ a-na kit-ri-szu-nu ip-szu-ru a-na _kur_-e-lam-ti lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu si-mat _man_-ti-szu _gisz_-til-li qa-ra-bi si-ma-nu-u mim-ma e-pesz _me_ si-mat qa-ti-szu

ziq-qur-rat _uru_-szu-szA-an sza ina a-gur-ri _na4-za-gin_ szu-pu-szat ub-bit u-kap-pi-ra _si-mesz_-szA

sza pi-tiq _urudu_ nam-ri (d)_musz-sz_ÉSZ _dingir_ pi-risz-ti-szu-un sza Asz-bu ina pu-uz-ra-a-ti szA mam-ma-an la im-ma-ru ep-szet _dingir_-ti-szu (d)szu-mu-du (d)la-ga-ma-ru (d)pa-ar-ti-ki-ra (d)am-man-ka-si-_masz_ (d)u-du-ra-an (d)sa-pa-ag (d)ra-gi-ba (d)su-un-_gam_-sa-ra-a (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki-ir-sa-ma-as (d)szu-da-a-nu (d)a-a-pa-ag-si-na (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in-tim-ri (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa-a (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in-da-kar-bu _dingir-mesz_ (d)15-_mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu it-ti szu-kut-ti-szu-nu _nig-ga_-szu-nu u-na-a-ti-szu-nu

32 _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ pi-tiq _ku-gi ku-babbar urudu na4-gisz-nu-gal_ ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hu-ra-di a-di _alam_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _alam_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si _u alam_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _egir_-u szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 e-pu-szu _arad_-u-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

ad-ka-a (d)_alad-mesz_ (d)_lamma-mesz en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut É-_kur_ ma-la ba-szu-u u-na-as-si-ha _am-mesz_ na-ad-ru-ti si-mat _ka-mesz_-ni esz-re-e-ti _kur_-e-lam-ti a-di la ba-sze-e u-szal-pit _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-szu am-na-a a-na za-qi-qi _gisz-tir-mesz_-szu-nu pa-az-ra-a-ti szA mAm-ma a-hu-u la u-szar-ru ina lib-bi la i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szin _erim-mesz me_-ia qé-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u ina (d)_gisz-bar_

ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu-nu mah-ru-ti u _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-ti (d)15 _gaszan_-ia mu-nar-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ap-pul aq-qur (d)_utu_ u-kal-lim _gir-pad-du-mesz_-szu-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ e-t,ém-me-szu-nu la s,a-la-lu e-mi-id ki-is-pu naq me-e u-za-am-me-szu-nu-ti

ma-lak _iti 25 ud-mesz_ na-ge-e _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szah-rib _mun-mesz u_-sah-le-e u-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu

_dumu-munus-mesz lugal-mesz nin9-mesz lugal-mesz_ a-di qi-in-ni mah-ri-ti U ar-ki-ti szA _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki lu_-qé-pa-a-ni _lu_-ha-za-na-a-ti sza _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du _lu-gal gisz-pan-mesz lu-gar_-nu-_mesz lu_-mu-kil _kusz-pa-mesz lu-3-u5-mesz lu_-szA pét-hal _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan lu-sag-mesz lu_-kit-kit-tu-u gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u _un-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _us5-udu-hi-a_ szA _ugu buru5-mesz_ ma-a'-du Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

_sahar-hi-a uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz U si-it-ti ma-ha-ze-e-szu e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki ansze-edin-na masz-da-mesz_ u-ma-am _edin_ ma-la ba-szu-u par-ga-nisz u-szar-bi-s,a qé-reb-szu-un ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni szi-si-it (d)a-la-la _dug-ga_ u-za-am-ma-a _a-gar-mesz_-szu

(d)na-na-a sza 1 _lim 6 me 30-am 5 mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-su tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti a-szar la si-ma-ti-szA

AI Translation

Silver, gold, possessions, and property of the land of Sumer and Akkad, and Karduniash Babylonia, all of which the former kings of the land Elam had plundered seven times and brought inside the land Elam. They were clad in reddish shariru-gold, eshmarû-gold, pure stones, precious stones, royal emblems, and royal emblems, which the former kings of the land Akkad and Shamash-shuma-ukin had made into their kith and returned to the land Elam to carry off the emblems of his royal emblems, the weapons, the weapons, the weapons, everything that pertains to his hand, and the weapons of the gods of the land Elam, and I counted them as booty.

I covered the ziggurrat of the city Susa with baked bricks colored with lapis lazuli and thereby enlarged its walls.

The god Mushesh, their secret god, whose deeds are revealed in the assembly of the gods, whose deeds no one can see, the god Shumudu, the Lagamaru, the Patikiru, the god Amman-kasi-Ninurta, the god Uduran, the god Sapag, the god Ragiba, the god Sun-gamsara, the god Karsa, the god Kirsamas, Shudanu, the god Ayapagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, the god Silagaraya, Nabsâ, the Nabirtu, and the god Kindakarbu, the gods and goddesses, those gods, those goddesses, together with their possessions, their property, and their dowry,

32 statues of kings, cast with gold, silver, copper, and alabaster, from the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hurad, as well as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusu, and the statue of Tammaritu, a later prince who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had performed obeisances, I took to Assyria.

I brought out bull colossi and lamassus, as many guards of the temple as there were. I destroyed the imposing wild bulls that adorn the gateways, the shrines of the land Elam, as well as the insubmissive. I counted his gods and his goddesses as booty. I erected their ziggurrats, whose branches nobody could cut down and whose hearts could not be soothed. I entered them, saw their faces, and burned them with fire.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the tombs of their former and later kings, who had not revered the goddess Ishtar, my lady, who had disturbed the kings, my ancestors. I took the god Shamash by the hand and took their bones to Assyria. I gathered their scattered evidence and scattered their scattered water.

On a march of one month and twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them.

As for the daughters of kings, the sisters of kings, together with the previous and later gifts of the kings of the land Elam, officials and mayors of those cities, as many as I had conquered, chief archers, prefects, charioteers, third men, cavalrymen, archers, eunuchs, engineers, every kind of artisan there was, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were more numerous than locusts, I carried them off to Assyria.

I took the soil from the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Haltemash, and the rest of his cult centers. I took to Assyria, iii 20'' I made the wild bulls and mashdahu-birds, as many as there were, into their midst. I made the raging clamor of humans, the snare of oxen and sheep and goats, and the raging of the goddess Alala, and I surrounded his fields.

The goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, v 5 said to her: "It is the land Elam that I conquered."


Silver, gold, possessions, and property of the land of Sumer and Akkad — Karduniash Babylonia, all of it — that the former kings of the land Elam v 5 had carried off seven times and brought inside the land Elam; red shariru-gold, shiny eshmarû-metal, precious stones, valuable jewelry, and royal appurtenances that the former kings of the land Akkad and Shamash-shuma-ukin had squandered on the land Elam to help them; v 10 clothing, jewelry, his royal appurtenances, equipment suited for battle, instruments, anything used for waging war, and gear suited for his hands; movable furnishings of his palaces, all of it, on which he sat and lay down, from which he ate, drank, bathed, and was anointed; v 15 chariots, processional carriages, and wagons whose fittings are made of shariru-gold and zahalû-metal; large horses and mules whose trappings are made of gold and silver — I carried off all of this to Assyria.

As for the ziggurrat of the city Susa, which had been constructed with baked bricks colored with lapis lazuli, I destroyed it; I stripped off its horns, which were cast with shiny copper.

As for the deities Inshushinak — the god of their secret lore who lives in seclusion and whose divine acts have never been seen by anyone — Shumudu, Lagamaru, Partikira, Amman-kasiMASh, v 25 Uduran, Sapag, Ragiba, SunGAMsara, Karsa, Kirsamas, Shudanu, Ayapagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagara, v 30 Nabsa, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu — I carried off to Assyria those gods and goddesses together with their jewelry, their property, and their equipment, along with shangû-priests and buhlalû-priests.

Thirty-two statues of kings fashioned from gold, silver, copper, and alabaster from inside the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, along with a statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, a statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi Shutur-Nahundi II, a statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, and a statue of the later Tammaritu, who did obeisance to me by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — I took them to Assyria.

I removed shedus and lamassus, as many protectors of the temple as there were. I ripped out the raging wild bulls that adorned gateways. I had the sanctuaries of the land Elam utterly destroyed and I counted its gods and its goddesses as ghosts. As for their secret groves, v 45 into which no outsider has ever gazed or set foot within their borders, my battle troops entered inside them, saw their secrets, and burned them with fire.

I destroyed and demolished the tombs of their earlier and later kings, men who had not revered the goddess Ishtar, my lady, and who had disturbed the kings, my ancestors; I exposed them to the sun lit. "the god Shamash". I took their bones to Assyria. I prevented their ghosts from sleeping and deprived them of funerary libations.

On a march of one month and twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them lit. "it".

The daughters of kings, the sisters of kings, along with earlier and later family of the kings of the land Elam, officials and mayors v 60 of those cities, as many as I had conquered, chief archers, captains, charioteers, third men of chariot crews, cavalrymen, archers, eunuchs, engineers, every kind of artisan there was, people — male and female, young and old — horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were more numerous than locusts — I carried them off to Assyria.

I gathered earth from the cities Susa, Madaktu, Haltemash, and the rest of his cult centers and took it to Assyria. I allowed onagers and gazelles, as many beasts of the steppe as there are, to dwell inside them the cities as if on a meadow. v 70 I deprived his fields of the clamor of humans, the sound of the treading of oxen, sheep and goats, and the cries of pleasant work songs.

As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, vi 1 then, at that time when she — and the gods, her fathers — nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the evil land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

Obverse Column vi


a-mat qi-bit _dingir_-ti-szA szA ul-tu u4-me _su-mesz_ taq-bu-u e-nen-na tu-kal-lim _un-mesz egir-mesz szu-ii dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu szA ul-lu-us, lib-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na é-an-na ina qé-reb _unug-ki_ u-sze-rib-szi-ma ina é-hi-li-an-na szA ta-ram-mu u-szar-mi-isz _bara_ da-ra-a-te

_un-mesz u_ szal-lat _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku ah-bu-ta re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia Asz-ruk _erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz_-a-rit _lu_-um-ma-ni _lu_-kit-kit-tu-u szA Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di si-it-tu-ti a-na _lu-nam-mesz_-ia _lu-gal-mesz_-ia ma-ha-za-ni-ia gi-mir _karasz_-ia _gim_ s,e-e-ni u-za-iz

ina u4-me-szu É ri-du-ti te-né-e É-_gal_ szA qé-reb _nina-ki uru_ s,i-i-ru na-ram (d)_nin-lil_ szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur an-szar-ki ad ad_ ba-ni-ia ud-di-szu a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu É ri-du-ti szu-a-tu ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-ti la-ba-risz il-lik

e-na-ha É-_gar8-mesz_-szu a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim Asz-szu qé-reb É ri-du-ti szu-a-tu ar-ba-a (d)_alad-mesz_-szu (d)_lamma-mesz_-szu is,-s,u-ru _dumu lugal_-u-ti U (d)_gaszan_-_garza_ s,u-lul-szA _dug-ga an-dul_-sza szA sza-la-me ta-at-ru-s,a _ugu_-ia ul-tu ina _gisz-gu-za ad du_-ia u-szi-bu i-te-né-ep-pu-szu be-lut _kur-kur u un-mesz dagal-mesz_ ka-a-a-an pu-us-su-rat ha-de-e sza ka-szad _lu-kur-mesz_-ia u-pa-sa-ru-in-ni ina lib-bi-szu

50-_am_ ti-ik-pi masz-kAn szi-kit-ti-szu pi-ti-iq-tu ap-ti-iq tam-la-a u-mal-li ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me sze-me-e s,e-er tam-le-e szu-a-tu _usz8_-szu ad-di u-kin lib-na-as-su ina _kasz-sag gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu ab-lu-ul am-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu za-bi-lu tup-szik-ki-szu ina e-le-li ni-gu-tu u-bal u4-um-szu ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-ti ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia szu-bat-su u-rap-pisz u-szar-ri-ha ep-sze-ti-szu

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren-mesz mah-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-lab-na-ni u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu _gisz-ig-mesz_ li-a-a-ri szA e-re-si-na _dug-ga_ me-se-ri _zabar_ u-rak-kis u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu _gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz urudu_ nam-ru u-hal-lip-ma hi-it-ti _ka_ É hi-le-ni-szu e-mi-id É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu na-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia a-na si-hir-ti-szu u-szak-lil

lu-le-e u-ma-al-li _gisz-kiri6-mah_ szA gi-mir _gisz-mesz gurun nig-sa-sa-hi-a_ ka-la-mu az-qu-pa i-ta-te-e-szu

szi-pir ep-sze-te-e-szu ag-mur-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qa-a a-na _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-te u-szar-ri-szu e-ru-ub qé-reb-szu ina za-mar tak-né-e

a-na _egir ud-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma e-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u szA _lugal_-ti li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-né-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-szu da-na-nu u li-i-tu

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _an_-e _ki_-tim ag-gisz li-ru-ru-usz _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu [_lu-en-nam_] _uru#_-sa-mir#-i-na

_iti-sig4 ud-21-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu _lu-en-nam uru_-sa-mir-i-na

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_man_-_pap-mesz#_-[szu] [_lu-en-nam uru_]-sa-mir#-i-na

[... _ud_]-x-_kam_ lim-mu# [...] [...]

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_-_pap_]-_mesz_-szu [_lu-en-nam_] _uru_-sa-me-ri-na

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_]-_pap-mesz#_-[szu] [_lu-en_]-_nam# uru_-sa(?)-mir(?)-i(?)#-na (over erasure)

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)]_ag_-_man_-_pap-mesz#_-[szu _lu-en-nam_] _kur_-sa-mir-i-na

_iti-szu-gar-numun-na_ [_ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu] _lu_-(_en_)-_nam uru_-[sa-mir-i-na]

[...] x [(x)] x [(...)] [...]

[... _ud_-x-_kam_] lim#-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu [_lu-en-nam uru_]-sa#-mir-i-na

[... _ud_-x]-_kam#_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_lugal_-_pap-mesz_-szu [_lu-en-nam_] _uru#_-sa-mir-i-na

[... _ud_-x-_kam_] li-mu# [...] _lu-en-nam#_ [...]

[_iti-szu-gar-numun_]-_na# ud-23-kam_ [lim-mu (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_man_-_szesz-mesz_-szu _lu-gar-kur kur_-sa-mir-i-na

[...] _lu-en#_-[_nam_ ...]

_iti-gu4 ud-27_(?)#-[_kam_ lim-mu ...] _lu-en-nam_ [...]

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_]-_szesz-mesz#_-szu [_lu-en-nam uru_-sa-mir]-i-na#

[_iti_]-_ne#_ li-i-mu# [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_lugal#_-_szesz-mesz_-szu [_lu-en-nam uru_-sa-mir]-i-na

[...] _ud-12-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu [_lu-en_]-_nam# uru_-sa-mir-i-na

_iti-szu#_-[_gar-numun-na ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu ...] [...]

[... _ud_-x-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu] [_lu-en-nam uru_-sa-mir]-i-na

_iti-gu4 ud-24-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_muati_-_man_-_pap-mesz#_-[szu] _lu-en-nam uru_-sa-mir-[i-na]

[_iti-szu_]-_gar#-numun-na_ [_ud_-x-_kam_] [lim-mu (disz)](d)#_ag_-_lugal_-_pap#_-[_mesz_-szu] [_lu-en-nam_] _uru_-sa#-[mir-i-na]

AI Translation

The word of her divine command that she had spoken in distant days, she now revealed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hands of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on her eternal dais in Ehiliana, which she loves.

I gave the people and booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, iii 20'' I had plundered. I added archers, shield bearers, engineers, and engineers who I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, and my entire camp.

At that time, the House of Succession, the palace that is inside Nineveh, the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated to be his royal residence, that House of Succession had become old in a cruel time.

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, because I had bull colossi and lamassus guarding him inside that royal house, and I had the crown prince and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, her sweet protection — her awe-inspiring protection — which I had cast upon me — since I sat on the throne of the father who had engendered me, they constantly exercised dominion over the lands and wide people. They constantly imposed upon me the wrath of conquering my enemies.

I surrounded the terrace with a terrace of fifty courses of brick. I surrounded its structure with a terrace of a terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace. I poured out its beer, wine, and aromatics. I gathered its clay and baked bricks. I made its bricks and its tupshikku-work stand high above the water. At that time, in joyous celebrations, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I made its structure larger than those of the kings, my ancestors, and made its construction more splendid.

I roofed it with magnificent beams of cedar grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I decorated the magnificent columns with shining copper and thereby secured the foundations of the gate of the house of his lordly majesty. I completed this House of Succession, the guardian of my royal majesty, in its entirety.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, which has all kinds of fruit trees, fruit trees, and all kinds of fruit trees.

I finished the work on it and offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. During joyous celebrations, I made him enter his abode.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, the name of my grandfather, and the eternal seed of kingship, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him strength, might, and radiance.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, or the name of my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld curse him angrily, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Sivan III, the twenty-first day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of ... .

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

... ... day, eponymy of ..., governor of .

Du'uzu IV, the twenty-third day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

... the governor .

Month Ayyaru II, 27th day, eponym year of ..., governor of .

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Abu V, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the twelfth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of ... ... .

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Month Ayyaru II, twenty-fourth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.


The words of her divine command that she had spoken in distant days, she now disclosed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hand of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on her eternal dais in Ehiliana, which she loves.

As for the people and the booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku — vi 15 I gave the best of them to my gods. I added the archers, shield bearers, artisans, and engineers whom I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, and my entire camp.

At that time, the replacement House of Succession, the palace that is inside Nineveh — the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu — which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated to be his royal residence — that House of Succession became old during joyous celebrations, and its walls had become dilapidated.

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world — because I had grown up inside this House of Succession, vi 30 because its shedus and lamassus had protected my position as heir designate, and the goddess Belet-parshe had stretched out her benevolent protection and her beneficent aegis over me, because after I had sat on the throne of the father who had engendered me and had continuously exercised dominion over all of the lands and their widespread population, vi 35 good news about the conquest of my enemies was brought to me there, because my dreams in bed at night were auspicious and my egirrû-oracles were positive in the morning, because that very dwelling keeps its owners in good health, and because the great gods determined good things as its fate, vi 40 I removed its dilapidated sections. In order to widen the approach to it, I demolished it in its entirety.

On the site of its original structure, I fashioned its brickwork fifty courses of brick high. I filled in the terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, vi 45 I laid its foundations on that terrace and thereby secured its brickwork. I mixed its kalakku-mortar with beer and wine; I blended its shallaru-plaster. Its brick makers and hod carriers spent their days in rejoicing and singing. While there were joyous celebrations, I built it from its foundations to its crenellations. vi 50 I made its structure larger and its workmanship more splendid than the one of the kings, my ancestors.

I roofed it with long beams of cedar grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of white cedar, whose scent is sweet, and fixed them in its gateways. vi 55 I covered tall columns with shiny copper and positioned the architraves of the gates of its bit-hilani on them. I completed that House of Succession, the protector of my royal majesty, in its entirety. I filled it with splendor.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, which has all types of trees, and every fruit and vegetable.

I completed the work of its construction and then offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. During joyous celebrations, I inaugurated it. I entered inside it amidst songs of praise.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather — the eternal seed of kingship — and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the gods who reside in heaven and netherworld angrily curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Simanu III, the twenty-first day, e­po­ny­my of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of ... ... ....

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.


..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of ..., governor of ....

Du'uzu IV, the twenty-third day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

..., the ... day, eponymy of..., governor of ....

Ayyaru II, the twenty-seventh day, eponymy of ..., governor of ....

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Abu V, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

..., the twelfth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of ..., governor of ....

..., the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Ayyaru II, the twenty-fourth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Du'uzu IV, the ... day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the city Samaria 645.

Q003709: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki# lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim E lib-bi (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki sza-bal-bal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki_

_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukkin_-szu-nu szi-mat _sig5_-tim i-szi-mu szim-ti e-li _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki zi-kir _mu_-ia u-szar-ri-hu u-szar-bu-u be-lu-u-ti

é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra É _an-szar en_-ia u-szak-lil É-_gar8-mesz_-szu u-szal-bi-szA _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u-rak-kis ina _ka_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up _an-szar_ ina é-hur-sag-gu-la u-sze-rib-ma u-szar-ma-a _bara_ da-ra-a-ti

é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz du_-usz u-szak-li-la _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-_mu_ (d)be-let-_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ (d)é-a (d)_di-ku5_ ul-tu qé#-[reb] é-szar2-ra u-bil u-sze-rib# qé-reb szu-an-na#-_ki_

_bara-mah_-hu szu-[bat] _dingir_-ti-szu s,ir-ti 50 _gun_ za-ha-lu#-u eb-bu a#-[na a-gur-ri] ap#-ti-iq-ma u-rab#-ba-a# _edin_-usz-szu

u#-sze-pisz-ma _gisz_-er#-me a-nu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,#-s,i da-re-e szA szit-nu-nu szA-ma-me-esz 34# _gun 20 ma-na ku-gi husz-a_ kip-pat#-su u-szal-bisz u-dan-ni-na# rik-se-e-szu e#-li (d)_amar#-utu en gal_-e s,u-lul#-szu at-ru-us,-ma u-kin ta-ra-an-szu

[_gisz-gigir_] s,ir#-tu ru-kub (d)_amar-utu_ [e]-tel#-li _dingir-mesz en en-en_ [ina] _ku#-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti [ag]-mu-ra nab-nit-sa [a-na] (d)_amar#-utu lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim [sa]-pi#-in _lu-kur-mesz_-ia [a-na] szi#-rik-ti Asz-ruk

_gisz#_-[_na_] _gisz#-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza pa-szal#-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ [ni]-siq#-ti za-a'-na-at a-na ma-a-a-al tak-né-e (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-_mu_ szA-kan ha-szA-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina kA#-[hi]-li#-sU masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria;

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot. They glorified the mention of my name and made my lordship greater than those of the kings who sit on royal daises.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, and clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns and I erected them at the Gate of the Vibration of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him sit on his eternal dais.

I completed Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

I fashioned a ziggurrat, the seat of his exalted divinity, from a cast of 50 talents of shiny zahalû-silver and thereby enlarged it.

I had beams made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose features are exquisite, cast on a cast cast silver pedestal thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold and I strengthened its bonds. I stretched out its covering over the god Marduk, the great lord, and secured its roof.

I had a lofty chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, made and I presented its features with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the ritual of the ru'amû. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they glorified the mention of my name and made my lordship greater than those of all other kings who sit on royal daises.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, and I clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns and I erected them at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Ehursaggula and made him reside on his eternal dais.

I rebuilt Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.

I had a canopy, which rivals the heavens, made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. I clad its perimeter with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold and thereby reinforced its bonds. I stretched out its covering over the god Marduk, the great lord, and thus secured its roof.

As for the exalted chariot, the vehicle of the god Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, I completed its features with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

Obverse Column ii


4 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-u-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina _ka_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi ina _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_ ina _ka_ é-zi-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ ul-ziz

é-masz-masz é-gaszan-kalam-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi_ u-za-'i-in lu-le-e u-mal-li

(d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri szA ina ug-gat lib-bi-szA at-man-szA e-zi-bu u-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-a-ti-szA ina _bala_-ia dam-qi szA _an-szar_ isz-ru-ka tar-szA-a sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-szA s,ir-ti szur-ru-hu mi-se-e-szA szu-qu-ru-ti ina _masz-gi6_ szi-pir mah-he-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na

(d)_utu u_ (d)_iszkur a_sz-al-ma e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu si-mat _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti u-szar-ri-ih u-sze-szib-szi ina _bara-mah_-hi szu-bat da-ra-a-ti par-s,e-e-szA szu-qu-ru-ti u-kin-ma u-szal-li-ma mi-se-e-szA

(d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz gisz_-szu-ri-in-ni a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia ina _ka_ é-galam-mes# É (d)_u-gur_ szA _uru_-tar-bi-s,i az#-qu-up

a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la-du um-mi a-lit-ti la ba-na-at ina lib#-[bi] _ama_-szA a-na e-pesz é-hul-hul iz-kur ni#-bit _mu_-ia (d)30 szA ib-na-an-ni a-na# _lugal_-u-ti um-ma (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A É-_kur_ szu#-a-tu ip#-[pu-usz-ma] qé-reb#-szu u-szar-man-ni [pa-rak] da#-ra-a-ti# [a-mat (d)]30# szA ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz#_ [iq-bu-u e]-nen-na# [u]-kal#-[lim] _un#-mesz egir-mesz#_ [É (d)30 szA (disz)(d)]sAl#-ma-nu-_masz_ [A (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_ibila_] _lugal#_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia# [e]-pu-szu# la-ba-risz u-szA-lik-ma

ina a-mat (d)30 (d)nusku# an-hu-us-su ad-ke e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u-rap-pisz ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil é-me-lAm-an-na É (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia la e-pu-szu ab-na-a qé-reb#-szu _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_

AI Translation

I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun, in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI, in the Gate of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her heart and had stayed in a place not befitting her, in my favorable reign, which the god Ashur had granted me, I was constantly v 5' praying to her for the well-being of her exalted divinity and for the well-being of her supreme court. With the power of dreams and supplications from the past, she constantly sent me messages of peace.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I made the utterance of her great divinity resplendent and settled her on a daise. I firmly established her supreme rites in a sanctuary, a place of long days, and thus completed her rites.

I set up lion-headed eagles and shirinnu-trees as a sacrificial offering for the preservation of my life at the gate of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my mother was born, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, called me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and make me dwell therein upon a long reign." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He reconstructed the temple of the god Sîn that Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built and he made it bigger than before.

By the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku, I cleared away its debris and made it larger than before. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past who came before me had built. I roofed it with long beams of cedar.


I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun and in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI, in gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I decorated Emashmash and Egashankalama with silver and gold, and filled them with splendor.

The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her inner sanctum and had taken up residence in a place not befitting her, relented during the favorable reign lit. "my favorable reign" that the god Ashur had granted me. To complete the emblem of her exalted divinity and to glorify her precious cultic rites, she constantly kept sending me instructions through dreams and messages from ecstatics.

I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I refurbished the emblem of her great divinity and made her sit upon a throne-dais as her eternal abode. I firmly re-established her precious cultic ordinances and properly carried out her cultic rites.

For the preservation of my life, I set up lion-headed eagles and divine emblems in the gateways of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

Before my father was born and my birth-mother was created in her mother's womb, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, named me to rebuild Ehulhul, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that temple and ii 35 make me dwell therein upon an eternal dais." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He allowed the temple of the god Sîn — which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built — to become old and he entrusted its renovation to me.

I removed its dilapidated sections by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them with long beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and I fixed them in their gateways.

Obverse Column iii


2 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ mu-nak-ki#-[pu] ga-re-ia# ina at-man (d)30 _en_-ia ul#-ziz 2 (d)lah-me# esz-ma-re#-e szA ti-is,-bu#-[tu] _gisz_-szu-ri-in-ni mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti#-ia mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib _kur_-i u tam-tim ina _ka_ é-hul-hul ul-ziz

_szu-ii_ (d)30 (d)nusku# as,-bat u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina _bara#_ da-ra-a-ti

é-dim-gal-kalam-ma É _an-gal_ szA# qé-reb _bad-an-ki_ a-na si-hi-ir-ti#-szu ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil

É (d)30 (d)nin-gal (d)_utu_ (d)#a-a sza# qé-reb _nina-ki_ sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad du_-ia e-pu-szu il-li-ku la-ba#-risz É-_kur_ szu-a-tu e-na-ah-ma i-qu-pa É-_gar8-mesz#_-szu É-_kur_ szu-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-szur-min mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li-ia-a-ri sza# e-re-si-na _dug-ga_ u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu ul-tu É-_kur_ szu-a-tu u-szak-li-lu u#-qat-tu-u ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szu [(d)]30 (d)nin-gal (d)nusku (d)#_utu_ u (d)a-a

_bara#_ da-ra-a-ti esz#-re-e-ti _kur an-szar-ki# kur uri-ki_ ana si-hir#-te-szi-na ar-s,ip u-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat É-_kur_ ma-la _gal_-u sza _ku-babbar ku-gi_ e-pu-usz e-li# sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad#-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ tik-le#-ia ina at-ma-na-a-te-szu-nu s,i-ra-a-te u-sze-szib-szu-nu#-ti _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti# ma-har-szu-un aq-qi u-szam-hi-ra kad-ra#-[a]-a sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u e-li sza [u4]-me# ul-lu-ti u-szA-tir-ma#

ar-ku-us _alam lugal_-[ti]-ia# sza _ku-babbar ku-gi urudu_ nam-ri# ina szi-pir (d)nin-A-gal (d)#[kU-si22-ban-da] (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u-sze#-[pisz-ma]

AI Translation

I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which kill my foes, in the amanu-temple of the god Sîn, my lord. I stationed two lahmu-dragons of eshmarû-metal, which protect the limbs of my yoke, who protect my royal path, who bring about the extinction of mountains and seas, in the gateways of Ehulhul.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

I built and completed Edimgalkalama, the temple of the great gods that is inside Der.

As for the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh, which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old and dilapidated. That temple became dilapidated and its walls buckled. I built and completed that temple in its entirety. I roofed it with magnificent cypress beams. I fastened bands of reddish liyari doors with attractive designs. I decorated its gates with shining gleaming doors. I completed its construction and completed its construction. I prayed to the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya.

I built and completed all of the temples in Assyria and Akkad in their entirety. I added everything that is important to the temple with silver and gold, and added it to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days and I made them an object of wonder.

I had a statue of myself standing in the royal throne room lit. "of my royal majesty" made from silver, gold, and shining copper by the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra.


In the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which gore my foes to death. In a gateway of Ehulhul, I also stationed two long-haired heroes of eshmarû-metal, which grasp divine emblems, keep safe my royal path, and bring in the yield of mountain and sea.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

In its entirety, I built and completed Edimgalkalama, the temple of Great Anu that is inside the city Der.

The temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh and which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old — that temple had become dilapidated and its walls had buckled. I built and completed that temple in its entirety and I raised up its superstructure. iii 25 I roofed it with long beams of cypress and fixed doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, in its gateways. After I had thoroughly completed that temple and finished its construction, I brought the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

I built and completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days.

I had statues of my royal majesty skillfully made from silver, gold, and shiny copper through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, and Ninkurra, and, as constant petitioners for my life, I installed them in their positions before the gods who support me. From my childhood until I became an adult, I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the great gods. They required my priestly services and they now enjoy my giving them food offerings.

Obverse Column iv


(d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-szi-ra (d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu# szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di mi-szA-ri# ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-lat (d)_en-lil#_

_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su#-[un] dun-nu zik-ru-u-[tu] e-mu-qi s,i-ra-a-ti# u-szat-(li)-mu-in-ni _kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia# ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u# u-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib-bi-[ia] ul-tu tam-tim e-liti# a-di tam-tim szap-liti# sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# ir-te-ed-du-u a-na-ku lu-u ar#-de ma#-lak _iti ud-20-kam#_ ina _murub4_ tam-tim u na-ba-[li] mi-is,-ru e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad#_-[_mesz_-ia] u-rad-di-ma a-[bel] _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _kur-kur_ szA-a-ti-na u-szak-ni-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia

ina tukul-ti _dingir-mesz#_ [_gal_]-_mesz en-mesz_-ia qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ e-ru-ub _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu ina la mi-ni Asz-kun at-tal-lak szal-t,isz (disz)um-man-al-da-si ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni e-dur-ma me-ra-nu-usz-szu in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta szA-da-a

14 _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA ni-i-ba la i-szu-u a-di 20-_am uru-mesz_ ina na-ge-e szA _uru_-hu-un-nir# ina _ugu_ mi-is,-ri szA _uru_-hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud _uru_-ba-szi-mu _u uru-mesz_ szA li-me-ti-szu

ap-pul aq-qur szA _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu-un ka-mar-szu-nu Asz-kun#

AI Translation

The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. I pursued the people of the god Enlil with a ferocious ferociousness.

The great gods, whose divinity I revered, granted to me a just scepter and exalted strength and they placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and made me attain my heart's desire. They constantly sought out my way from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had constantly sought out my place of refuge. I added the twenty-fourth day to the middle of the sea and the sea and imposed it upon the people living in those lands and made them bow down to my yoke.

With the support of the great gods, my lords, I entered the land Elam and brought about their defeat without number. I marched about triumphantly. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III became frightened by the assault of my mighty battle array, fled naked, and took to the mountains.

I conquered fourteen fortified cities, his royal residences, and smaller settlements, which were without number, together with twenty villages, in the district of the city Hunnir, on the border of the city Hidalu. I conquered the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the people living inside them.


The god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, generously granted me power, virility, and outstanding strength. They placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands and allowed me to achieve my heart's desire. I marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had regularly traveled. At a distance of one month and twenty days journey into the midst of the sea and on dry land, iv 25 I added territory to that of the kings, my ancestors, and ruled it. I made the people living in those lands bow down to my yoke and imposed upon them annual tribute payment. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the kings who sit upon royal daises kiss my feet and great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

With the support of the great gods, my lords, I entered the land Elam, brought about their the Elamites' defeat countless times, and marched about triumphantly. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III became frightened by the assault of my mighty battle array, fled naked, and took to the mountains.

I conquered fourteen fortified cities, his royal residences, and smaller settlements, which were without number, together with twenty villages, in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu. I destroyed and demolished the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

As for the people living inside them, I annihilated them. I smashed their gods and thus placated the mood of the lord of lords. I carried off to Assyria its gods, its goddesses, its possessions, and its property, as well as people, young and old. I devastated an area of sixty leagues inside the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them.

Obverse Column v


(d)na-na-(a) sza 1# _lim 6 me 30-am# 5 mu-an-na-mesz#_ ta-as-bu-su-ma tal-li#-[ku] tu-szi-bu [qé-reb _kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki_ a-szar [la si]-ma#-a-te9-e-szA U ina u4-me-szu-ma szi-i _u dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-szA ib-bu-u szu-mi ana be-lut# _kur-kur_ ta-a-a-rat _en_-u-ti-szA tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu#-u-a um-ma (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u-sze-rab-an-ni qé#-reb é-an-na

a#-mat qi-bit _dingir_-ti-szu-un sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen#-na u-kal#-li-mu _un-mesz egir-mesz szu-ii dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu szA ul-lu-us, lib-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na é-an-na ina qé-reb _unug-ki_ u-sze-rib-szi-ma ina é-hi-li-an-na szA ta-ram-mu u-szar-me-szi pa-rak da-ra#-a-ti

ina u4-me-szu É A-ki-it (d)15 _gaszan_-ia sza qé-reb _nina-ki_ sza ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti tu-rab#-ba-an-ni _lu-kur-mesz_-ia i-na-ru# gi-mir ma-al-ki u-szak-ni#-szA a-na _gir#-ii_-ia sza (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na# ad ad ad du_-ia _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_en#_-ba-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si sza du-ru-ug#-szu bal-til-_ki_ e-pu-szu la-ba#-risz il-lik

mi-qit-[ta]-szA ad-ke ina _iti_ szal-me# u4-me sze-me-e at-ta-ad-di# tem-me-en-szA ina a-gur-ri _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ É A-ki-it szu-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szA ar-s,ip u-szak-lil lu-le-e u-mal-li#

_an-szar_ u (d)_nin#-lil dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia mu-szam-s,u-u ma-la lib-bi-ia

AI Translation

The goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, then, at that time when she and the gods, her fathers, nominated me for ruling over the lands, she made me swear an oath to her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

The words of their divine command that they had spoken in distant days, they now revealed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hands of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on her eternal dais in Ehiliana, which she loves.

At that time, the temple of the akitu-priest of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which is inside Nineveh and which like a mother who was born iii 5 had become old and had become dilapidated, I placed all of my rulers under my authority. As for Bel-bani, son of Adasi, who had built Baltil Ashur in its former condition, he ascended the royal throne and took up residence there.

In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations. I built and completed that akitu-house in its entirety with baked bricks and lapis lazuli. I filled it with splendor.

The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, the ones who make my heart happy,


As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, then, at that time when she and the gods, her fathers, nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

The words of their divine command that they had spoken in distant days, they now disclosed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hand of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on her eternal dais in Ehiliana, which she loves.

At that time, the akitu-house of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, that is inside Nineveh — the goddess who raised me like my own birth-mother, killed my enemies, and made all of the rulers bow down at my feet — and which Sargon II — the grandfather of the father who had engendered me, descendant of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, whose ultimate place of origin is Baltil Ashur — had built, had become old.

I removed its collapsed sections. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I relaid its foundations. In its entirety, I built and completed that akitu-house with baked bricks colored with obsidian and lapis lazuli. I filled it with splendor.

I made the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me and fulfill my heart's desire, enter inside and made them celebrate an akitu-festival. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, who raised me from childhood and protected my kingship, will enter that akitu-house and celebrate joyous festivals.

Obverse Column vi


ina bu-un-ni-szu-nu nam-ru-ti ina ni-isz _igi-ii-mesz_-szu-nu _sig5-mesz_ szA i-bar-ra-a kib#-ra-a-ti (disz)_an-szar_-[_du_-A] _lugal#_ mi-gir lib-bi-szu-nu e-pisz# [É A-ki-it] szu-a-tu ha-disz# [lit]-tap-la-su _ud_-[_mesz_-ia li]-szA-ri-ku lu#-[usz-bi] bu#-'a-a-ru _suhusz gisz_-[_gu-za lugal_-ti]-ia# lu-kin-nu lu-szal-bi#-[ru] _bala-mesz_-ia _lu-kur-mesz_-[ia li]-né-e-ru li-szam-qi-tu# ga-re-ia ina tukul-ti-szu-nu ra-bi-ti e-ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el a-szar u-s,ar-ra-mu lik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

a-na _egir#_ u4-me _dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz dumu-mesz u dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil_ ut-tu-szu-ma a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un#-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir#-szu e-nu-ma É A-ki-it szu#-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in#-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-[qi] a-na Asz-ri-szu lu-ter# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-né#-[e szA-at,-ru] _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu# li#-is,-s,u-ru _bala#_-[_mesz_-ka]

sza _mu_(?)-_sar_(?)#-[u szi]-t,ir# [_mu_-ia ib-ba-tu] ina mim-ma szi#-[pir] ni#-kil-ti# u-hal-la#-[qu] it-ti _mu-sar_-[e] szi-t,ir _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza _an_-e _u ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

_iti-kin ud-24_-[_kam_] lim-me (disz)(d)_muati_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu _lu_-[_nam_] _kur_-sa-mir-i-[na]

_iti-ne-ne-nig ud-6-kam_ lim-me (disz)(d)_muati_-_man_-_pap-mesz_-szu# _lu#-nam kur_-sa-mir-i-na#

AI Translation

With their bright brilliance and their splendid appearance, which make the four quarters of the world shine, may Ashurbanipal, the king who is their favorite, make this temple a success! May he lengthen my days, make the foundations of my royal throne firm, make my reign long, defeat my enemies, and cut short my foes! With their great support, wherever I speak, may I be the lord of the place where I want to be victorious!

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that akitu-house becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and prolong your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, or does anything unclean, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Month Elul VI, twenty-fourth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

Abu V, the sixth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.


With their radiant faces and the gaze of their favorable eyes, which watch over the four quarters of the world, may they look with pleasure upon me, Ashurbanipal, the king who is the favorite of their hearts, the builder of this akitu-house. May they lengthen my days so that I may be fully satisfied with my good fortune. vi 20 May they make the foundations of my royal throne endure and make my reign last for a long time. May they kill my enemies, and cut down my foes. With their great support, may I rule wherever I desire lit. "I say" and achieve whatever lit. "the place" I strive for.

In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, great grandsons, or great, great grandsons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu choose and nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this akitu-house becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship and protect your reign.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Ululu VI, the twenty-fourth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

Abu V, the sixth day, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, governor of the land Samaria 645.

Q003710: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A bi-nu-tu _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil dumu lugal gal_-u sza É ri-du-u-ti sza _an-szar_ u (d)30 _en aga_ ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ ni-bit _mu_-szu iz-ku-ru a-na _lugal_-u-ti U ina _sza ama_-szu ib-nu-szu a-na _sipa_-ut _kur an-szar-ki_ (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ u (d)15 ina _esz-bar_-szu-nu ke-e-ni iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia

(disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_sum-na man kur an-szar-ki ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-e-szu it-ta-id sza iq-bu-u-szu e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia# ina _iti-gu4 iti_ (d)é-a _en_ te-né-sze-e-ti _ud-12-kam ud sze-ga sum-ninda_ sza (d)gu-la ina e-pesz pi-i mut-tal-li sza _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku iq-bu-u u-pah-hir _un-mesz kur an-szar-ki tur_ u _gal_ sza tam-tim e-li-ti U szap-liti

ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-te e-ru-ub ina É _usz_-u-ti Asz-ru nak-lu mar-kas _lugal_-u-ti sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su ad ad_ a-li-di-ia _dumu lugal_-tu _u lugal_-tu e-pu-szu ina lib-bi-szu a-szar (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz ad du_-u-a qé-reb-szu i'-al-du ir-bu-u e-pu-szu be-lut _kur an-szar-ki_ gi-mir ma-al-ki ir-du-u kim-tu u-rap-pi-szu ik-s,u-ru ni-szu-tu u sa-la-tu

U a-na-ku# (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A qé-reb-szu a-hu-uz né-me-qi (d)_ag_ kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-u-ti szA gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u ih-ze-szu-nu a-hi-it, al-ma-ad szA-le-e _gisz-pan_ ru-kub _ansze-kur-ra gisz-gigir_ s,a-bat _kusz_-a-szA-a-te

ina qi-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA az-ku-ra ni-bit-sun a-da-bu-ba ta-nit-ta-szu-un iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia za-nin esz-re-e-ti-szu-un u-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a ke-mu-u-a e-tap-pa-lu _en_ s,al-ti-ia i-na-ru ga-re-ia

zi-ka-ru qar-du na-ram _an-szar_ u (d)15 li-ip-li-pi _lugal_-u-ti a-na-ku

ul-tu _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku t,a-bisz u-sze-szi-bu-in-ni ina _gisz-gu-za ad du_-ia (d)_iszkur szeg-mesz_-szu u-masz-sze-ra (d)é-a u-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu 5 1-_kusz sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin_-ni-szu e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6 1-_kusz si-sa buru14_ na-pa-Asz (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru HÉ-_gal_-lum

ina mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-mA-kan u _kur_-me-luh-ha lu al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad du_-u-a _bad5-bad5_-szu isz-ku-nu i-be-lu _kur_-su U szu-u (disz)tar-qu-u da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu e-li _lugal-mesz lu_-qé-pa-a-ni szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur u-pa-qi-du _ad du_-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-te U e-kem _kur_-mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu-un e-ru-um-ma u-szib qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi _uru_ szA _ad du_-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ u-ter-ru

usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia 20-_am 2 lugal-mesz_ szA a-hi tam-tim _murub4_ tam-tim u na-ba-li _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu ina mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

_lugal-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-di e-mu-qi-szu-nu _gisz-ma-mesz_-szu-nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li it-ti _erim-hi-a_-ia ur-hu pa-da-nu u-szA-as,-bit-su-nu-ti

a-na na-ra-ru-u-ti szA _lugal-mesz lu_-qé-pa-a-ni szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_-ni da-gil pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di _uru_-kar-(d)_du_-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _murub4 gisz-tukul-mesz u me_ ina mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _lu-erim-mesz me_-szu ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut _a-ii_-ia ina _me edin_ rap-szi Asz-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a_-szu

(disz)tar-qu-u ina qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erim-hi-a_-szu nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u (d)15 is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz me-lam-me _lugal_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu-ma sza u-za-'i-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ szu-a-tu as,-bat _erim-hi-a_-ia u-sze-rib u-sze-szib ina lib-bi

(disz)ni-ku-u _lugal uru_-me-em-pi u _uru_-sa-a-a (disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _lugal uru_-s,i-i'-nu (disz)pi-szA-an-hu-ru _lugal uru_-na-at-hu-u (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal uru_-pi-szap-tu (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal uru_-ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na-ah-ke-e _lugal uru_-hi-ni-in-szi (disz)pu-t,u-bisz-ti _lugal uru_-s,a-a'-nu (disz)u-na-mu-nu _lugal uru_-na-at-hu-u (disz)hur-si-ia-e-szu _lugal uru_-s,ab-nu-ti (disz)pu-u-a-a-ma _lugal uru_-pi-in-t,i-t,i (disz)su-si-in-qu _lugal uru_-pu-szi-ru (disz)tap-na-ah-ti _lugal uru_-pu-nu-bu (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal uru_-ah-ni (disz)ep-ti-mur-t,e-e-szu _lugal uru_-pi-ha-at-ti-hu-ru-un-pi-ki

rik-sa-a-te it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki_

_egir_-nu _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti ma-la ap-qi-du ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun_ e-pu-us-su-nu-ti im-szu-ma lib-ba-szu-nu ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu da-bab sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-szA-ba-ni mi-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-ku-u-si a-na szA-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u-ma-'e-e-ru _lu_-rak-bé-e-szu-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-szA-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni szA-nu-um-ma be-lum

isz-te-né-'u-u a-mat _hul_-tim _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-te an-na-a-te isz-mu-u _lu_-rak-bé-e-szu-un a-di szip-ra-a-te-szu-un is,-bat-u-nim-ma e-mu-ru ep-szet sur-ra-a-te-szu-un _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-te is,-bat-u-nim-ma ina bi-re-ti _an-bar_ isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ u-tam-me-hu _szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ ma-mit _an-szar man dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-su-nu-ti-ma szA ih-t,u-u ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun szu-ii_-szu-un u-ba-'i-i-ma szA e-pu-us-su-nu-ti

du-un-qu _un-mesz uru_-sa-a-a _uru_-pi-in-t,i-t,i _uru_-s,i-i'-nu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the senior son of the king of the House of Succession, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Sîn, lords of lordship, had named in distant days as king and whom he had created in the womb of his mother, to be the shepherd of Assyria, the gods Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar commanded me in a steadfast decision about my kingship.

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, heeded the words of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support him, and he, who had ordered my exercising the kingship, iii 20' in the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea, lord of justice, the twelveth day, the day of the sattukku offering of the god Gula, in order to perform the extispicy lit. "word" of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, he assembled the people of Assyria, young and old, who live on the shore of the Upper and Lower Seas, and the abode of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, and the goddesses of the land Elam, and the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, and I imposed upon them the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my good deeds.

In joyous celebrations, I entered the House of Succession, the privileged place, the throne-dais that Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had exercised as a son, a king, and a king, inside it, where Esarhaddon, the father who had engendered me, grew old, exercised dominion over Assyria, and ruled all rulers; he enlarged his family, established pity on him, and he made peace and friendship endure.

I slew all of the scribal arts of the god Nabû, all of whom had sided with me. I took the road, rode, horse, chariot, and cart, and a team of horses and mules.

By the command of the great gods, whose praise I had spoken, they commanded me to exercise kingship and to provide for their shrines. They entrusted me with the work of shepherding my enemies and entrusted me with the securing of my life.

I am the hero, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the one who guides kingship.

After the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku had graciously placed me on the throne of the father who had engendered me, the god Adad had cleared away his rains and the god Ea had opened up his springs. He poured out five cubits of barley from his threshing floor, he poured out five and six cubits of grain for the harvest. He made the reed beds and reed beds shine like daylight. In my reign, abundance and abundance were abundant. In my years, I fashioned a reed bed and deposited it in its foundations.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and ruled over, he, Taharqa, became frightened of the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own strength. He went up against the kings and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt to fight and to defeat Egypt. He entered and stayed in the city Memphis, a city which the father who had engendered me had conquered and returned to the territory of Assyria.

In the course of my campaign, twenty-two kings from the seacoast, the middle of the sea, and the interior of the sea, servants who belonged to me, brought their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet.

I made those kings, together with their forces and their boats, take the road and path with my troops in the sea and the open country.

I quickly advanced to support the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and he v 5'' brought before me his battle troops. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the advance of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came to an end. The brilliance of my royal majesty, which the gods of heaven and netherworld had granted to me, overwhelmed him and he fled to save his own life. I took him to the city Thebes, a city that I had conquered. I brought my troops inside that city Memphis and settled him therein.

Necho, king of the cities Memphis and Sais; Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Memphis; Pishan-huru, king of the city Nathune; Pa-qruru, king of the city Pishaptu; Buuk-kan-Ni'pi, king of the city Hathiribi; Nahkê, king of the city Hininshi; Putu-bishti, king of the city Sha'anu; Ulamunu, king of the city Nathune; Hursiyaeshu, king of the city Tabnu; Pu'aya, king of the city Piinti; Susinqu, king of the city Pushhiru; Tapnahti, king of the city Punubu; Buukkunni'pi, king of the city Ahnu; Epti-murtêshu, king of the city Pihattihunpiku;

I returned safely with a substantial booty and substantial booty and brought it to Nineveh.

Afterwards, these kings, as many as I had appointed, sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. Their hearts raged and they spoke evil words and blasphemies. They swore by the insubmissive and their hearts were afraid. They said to themselves: "Taharqa will flee Egypt and you will stay." They asked their archers what they had heard from Taharqa, the king of Kush, to make a treaty and peace. Let us set a mutual agreement between us and let us discuss peace. We shall divide the land equally among ourselves and let the lord of the land be reconciled.

They heard these words. Their mounted messengers together with their messages came to me and I saw their deeds. These kings came to me and I slew them with iron fetters and iron fetters. I swore the oath sworn by the god Ashur, king of the gods, and I convicted them of crimes that they had committed in the treaty sworn by the great gods, their lords, and I convicted them of crimes that they had committed.

The good things about the people of the cities Sais, Pintitu, and Shi'inu


I, Ashurbanipal, the creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the senior son of the king of the House of Succession, the one whom the god Ashur and the god Sîn — the lord of the lunar crown — nominated in distant days to be king i 5 and created in the womb of his mother for shepherding Assyria, and the one for whom the deities Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar declared my exercising the kingship through their firm decisions —

Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, carefully observed the words of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who supported him, i 10 and who instructed him about my exercising the kingship. In the month Ayyaru II, the month of the god Ea — the lord of humankind — on the twelfth day — an auspicious day, the day of the bread donations to the goddess Gula — in order to perform the noble command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, i 15 Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, he assembled the people of Assyria — young and old — and of the Upper and Lower Seas. i 20 In order to protect my position as heir designate and afterwards my exercising the kingship of Assyria, he made them swear to a treaty, an oath bound by the gods; he made the agreements strong.

In the midst of joyous celebration, I entered the House of Succession, a sophisticated place, the mooring place of kingship, inside of which Sennacherib — the father of the father who had begotten me — had performed his duties as heir designate and king, the place in whose midst Esarhaddon — the father who had engendered me — was born, grew up, exercised dominion over Assyria, led all of the rulers, expanded his family, and bonded with relatives and kin.

Furthermore, I, Ashurbanipal, learned inside it the wisdom of the god Nabû, all of the scribal arts. I investigated the precepts of every type of scholar there is, learned how to shoot a bow, ride a horse and chariot, and take hold of their reins.

By the command of the great gods, whose names I invoked, whose praise I speak about, and who commanded my exercising the kingship, they entrusted me to be the provider of their sanctuaries. In my stead, they always answer my adversaries and kill my foes.

Heroic male, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, descendant of kingship, I —

After the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku gladly made me sit on the throne of the father who had engendered me, i 45 the god Adad released his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow and ears of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvests and an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, and cattle to successfully give birth to their young. During my reign, there was plenitude and abundance; during my years, bountiful produce was accumulated.

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. As for Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had brought about and i 55b whose land he ruled over, he, Taharqa, forgot the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own strength. He marched against the kings and officials, whom the father who had engendered me had appointed inside Egypt, to kill and rob them and to take away Egypt from them. i 60b He entered and resided in the city Memphis, a city that the father who had engendered me had conquered and made part of the territory of Assyria. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported this to me. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. i 65 I raised up my hands and made an appeal to the god Ashur and the Assyrian Ishtar. I mustered my elite forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had placed in my hands and I made them take the direct road to Egypt and Kush.

In the course of my campaign, twenty-two kings of the seacoast, the midst of the sea, and dry land, servants who belonged to me, carried their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet.

I made those kings, together with their forces and their boats, take the road and path with my troops by sea and dry land.

I quickly advanced to support the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kar-Banite. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and i 80 mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle and war. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while he was inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. i 85 The brilliance of my royal majesty, with which the gods of heaven and netherworld had endowed me, covered him; he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I seized that city Memphis and then made my troops enter and reside there.

As for Necho, king of the cities Memphis and Sais, Sharru-lu-dari, king of the city Pelusium, Pi-shan-Huru, king of the city Natho, Pa-qruru, king of the city Pishaptu, Bokennife Bukunanni'pi, king of the city Athribis, i 95 Nahkê, king of the city Heracleopolis, Putu-Bashti, king of the city Tanis, Unamunu, king of the city Natho, Hur-shi-Eshu, king of the city Sebennytos, Puiama, king of the city Mendes, i 100 Sheshonq, king of the city Busiris, Tap-nahte, king of the city Punubu, Bokennife Bukunanni'pi, king of the city Ahni, Eptimu-rteshu, king of the city Trenuthis, Nahti-huru-ansini, king of the city Pishapdi'a, i 105 Bukurninip, king of the city Pahnuti, Shi-hû, king of the city Siut, Lamintu, king of the city Hermopolis, Ishpimatu, king of the city Thinis, and Monthemhet, king of the city Thebes, i 110 those kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts in the face of Taharqa's tactical advance, and had gone to lit. "filled" the countryside, where their posts were, I reappointed them in their former positions. I reorganized Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. i 115 I strengthened its guard more than previously and concluded new agreements with it.

With much plunder and substantial booty, I returned safely to Nineveh.

Afterwards, those kings, as many as I had appointed, sinned against my treaty and did not honor the oaths sworn by the great gods. They forgot the kindness that I had done for them and i 120 their hearts plotted evil deeds. They spoke words of treachery and decided among themselves on a profitless decision, saying: "If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then can we ourselves stay?" To establish treaties and peace, they dispatched their mounted messengers to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: i 125 "Let peace be established between us so that we can come to a mutual agreement. Let us divide the land among ourselves so that no other lord comes between us." With regard to troops of Assyria, the might of my lordly majesty that I had stationed there to help them, they constantly sought out evil plans.

Eunuchs of mine heard these words; they seized their mounted messengers along with their messages and i 130 then they saw their deceitful acts. They seized those kings and clamped their hands and feet in iron fetters and iron handcuffs. The oath sworn by the god Ashur, the king of the gods, defeated them and my kindness, which I had done for them as a favor, called to account those who had sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods.

As for the people of the cities Sais, Mendes, Pelusium, and the rest of the cities, as many as had sided with them and plotted evil deeds, young and old, they my troops cut them down with the sword. They did not spare a single person among them. They hung their corpses on poles, flayed them, and draped the city walls with their skins.

Obverse Column ii


20-_am# lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti szA _hul_-tu isz-te-né-'u-u a-na _erim-hi-a kur an-szar-ki_ bal-t,u-us-su-nu a-na _nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia u-bil-u-ni

a-na (disz)ni-ku-u _ta_ bi-ri-szu-nu re-e-mu ar-szi-ma u-bal-lit, nap-szat-su a-de-e _ugu_ szA mah-ri u-szA-tir-ma it-ti-szu Asz-kun lu-bul-tu bir-me u-lab-bi-su al-lu _ku-gi_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu Asz-kun-szu _har-mesz ku-gi_ u-rak-ki-sa rit-te-e-szu _gir an-bar_ szib-bi szA ih-zu-szu _ku-gi_ ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi Asz-t,ur-ma ad-din-szu _gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ a-na ru-kub _en_-ti-szu a-qis-su _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _lu-nam-mesz_ a-na kit-ri-szu it-ti-szu Asz-pur

a-na masz-kAn-i-szu u-ter-szu U (disz)(d)_muati_-sze-zib-an-ni _dumu_-szu a-na _uru_-ha-at-ha-ri-ba ap-qid _mun sig5_-tu e-li szA _ad du_-ia u-szA-tir-ma e-pu-us-su

(disz)tar-qu-u a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul an-szar en_-ia is-hu-up-szu-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu

_egir_-nu (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e _dumu_ (disz)szA-ba-ku-u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu _uru_-ni-i' _uru_-u-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz-kun u-pah-hi-ra el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a dumu-mesz kur an-szar-ki_ sza qé-reb _uru_-me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu-un _lu-a kin_ ha-an-t,u a-na _nina-ki_ il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti

ina 2-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur_-mu-s,ur _uru_-me-em-pi u-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu in-na-bit a-na qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz lu_-qé-pa-a-ni szA qé-reb _kur_-mu-s,ur Asz-ku-nu ina _gaba_-ia il-li-ku-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

_egir_ (disz)_ur_-da-ma-né-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni e-mur-ma _uru_-ni-i' u-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na _uru_-ki-ip-ki-pi _uru_ szu-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-szu ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

_ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig-szu_ É-_gal_-szu ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_ ul-tu man-za-al-ti-szu-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu ina la mi-ni Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ni-i' e-li _kur_-mu-s,ur _u kur_-ku-u-si _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia u-szam-ri-ir-ma Asz-ta-kan li-i-tu it-ti qa-ti ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra

i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _man kur_-s,ur-ri a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir szap-te-ia _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz_ e-li-szu u-rak-kis ina tam-tim U na-ba-li ger-re-e-ti-szu u-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

_dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-ti u-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (disz)ia-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu szA ma-te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz u-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it _sza_-szu u-ter-ma a-din-szu

(disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man kur_-a-ru-ad-da a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia _dumu-munus_-su it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bil-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia

(disz)mu-gal-lu _man kur_-tab-_uru_ szA it-ti _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti bi-in-tu s,i-it lib-bi-szu it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bil-am-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia _ugu_ (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

(disz)sa-an-da-szar-me _kur_-hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu la i-szu-t,u ab-szA-an-szu-un _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu it-ti nu-dun-né-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_ u-bil-am-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia

ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man kur_-a-ru-ad-da e-mi-du _kur_-szu (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al (disz)sa-pa-t,i-ba-al (disz)bu-di-ba-al (disz)ba-a'-al-ia-szu-pu (disz)ba-a'-al-ha-nu-nu (disz)ba-al-ma-lu-ku (disz)a-bi-mil-ki (disz)_pap_-mil-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim ul-tu _murub4_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu ka-bit-ti il-li-ku-u-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-ti _kur_-a-ru-ad-da Asz-kun-szu

(disz)gu-ug-gu _man kur_-lu-ud-di na-gu-u szA né-ber-ti _a-ab-ba a_sz-ru ru-u-qu szA _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu ni-bit _mu_-ia ina _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri-szu-ma _an-szar dingir_ ba-nu-u-a um-ma _gir-ii_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar-ki_ s,a-bat-ma ina zi-kir _mu_-szu ku-szu-ud _lu-kur-mesz_-ka u4-mu _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru _lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu-ra a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu szA e-mu-ru ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_-szu isz-pur-am-ma u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti

ul-tu _sza_ u4-me szA is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia _lu_-gi-mir-a-a mu-dal-li-pu _un-mesz kur_-szu szA la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia U at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia ik-szu-ud ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia _ta sza lu-en-uru-mesz_ sza _lu_-gi-mir-a-a szA ik-szu-du 2 _lu-en-uru-mesz_ ina _gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti u-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti ka-bit-te u-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

_lu_-rak-bu-szu szA a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia ka-a-a-an isz-ta-nap-pa-ra u-szar-szA-a ba-t,i-il-tu Asz-szu szA a-mat _an-szar dingir du_-ia la is,-s,u-ru a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu it-ta-kil-ma ig-pu-usz lib-bu e-mu-qé-e-szu a-na kit-ri (disz)pi-szA-mi-il-ki _man kur_-mu-s,ur sza is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun en_-ti-ia isz-pur-ma a-na-ku Asz-me-e-ma u-s,al-li _an-szar_ u (d)15 um-ma pa-an _lu-kur_-szu pa-gar-szu li-na-di-ma lisz-szu-u-ni _gir-pad-du-mesz_-szu ki-i szA a-na _an-szar_ am-hu-ru isz-lim-ma

_lu_-gi-mir-a-a szA ina ni-bit _mu_-ia szA-pal-szu ik-bu-su it-bu-nim-ma is-pu-nu gi-mir _kur_-szu _egir_-szu _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu ep-szet _hul_-tim szA ina ni-isz _szu-ii_-ia _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina pa-an _ad du_-szu u-szap-ri-ku ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_-szu isz-pur-am-ma is,-ba-ta _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia um-ma _lugal_ szA _dingir_ i-du-u-szu at-ta _ad_-u-a ta-ru-ur-ma _munus-hul_ isz-szA-kin ina pa-ni-szu ia-a-ti _arad_ pa-lih-ka kur-ban-ni-ma la-szu-t,a ab-szA-an-ka

ina 4-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man kur_-man-na-a-a usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)_gaszan_-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a e-ru-ub it-ta-lak szal-t,isz _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti a-di _tur-mesz_ szA ni-i-ba la i-szu-u a-di qé-reb _uru_-i-zir-ti _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu _un-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni _ta_ qé-reb _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu

u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u-masz-szir _uru_-i-zir-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu

AI Translation

Those twenty kings who had constantly sought out evil deeds and brought them to Nineveh, before me,

I had mercy on Nikû from among them and I made his life abundant. I made a treaty more stringent than the previous one and I established it with him. I clad him in multi-colored garments and adorned him with gold rings. I fastened gold bracelets on his hands. I wrote on it a bronze sword with a finger on its wrists, and I gave him gold rings bearing my name. I gave him chariots, horses, and mules for his lordly majesty. I sent eunuchs of mine and governors to kitrishshu

I appointed Nabû-shezibanni, his son, to the city Hathriba. I made him an object of wonder more precious than the father who had engendered me and I made him an object of wonder.

As for Taharqa, whose home had become frightened and whose fierce weapon, the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him, he came out and brought about his defeat.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, son of Shabaku, sat on his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight with the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Memphis, he brought about his defeat. He confined those people and took away their booty. A friendly messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

On my second campaign, I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Memphis, which is on the border of Egypt, and fled inside the city Thebes to save his own life. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to me and kissed my feet.

After I had taken the road against Damanê, I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Thebes. He fled to the city Kipkipi, a city in its entirety. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, without number, from the city Thebes. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and established my happiness. With the support of my nobles, I returned safely to Assyria.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes. I made their lives short and made them bow down to my yoke.

I brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. I sent Iahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with his daughter and the daughters of his brothers to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, iii 20' who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. He brought his daughter, together with a substantial marriage gift, to Nineveh to serve as a housekeeper, and he kissed my feet.

As for Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, who had spoken with the kings, my ancestors, about the insurrection and rebellion that he had committed against the kings, my ancestors, he brought him to Nineveh with a large marriage gift to serve as a housekeeper and kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu annual payments of large horses.

Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, and had not bowed down to my yoke, brought his daughter, his own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as a housekeeper, and kissed my feet.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had conquered his land, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapati-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-Yashupu, Ba'alhanunu, Ba'al-maluku, Abi-Milki, and Ahi-Milki, the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea and kissed my feet. I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and installed him as king of the land Arwad.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia, a district in the opposite direction of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard, the god Ashur, the god who created me, encouraged him with a dream, saying: "Take the foot of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and conquer your enemies with his own name." When he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. He sent this dream which he saw through the hands of his messenger and he made me see it.

After the Cimmerians had grasped the feet of my royal majesty, I conquered the Cimmerians, who roamed about in his land and who had not bowed down to the yoke of my ancestors, and after they had grasped the feet of my royal majesty, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods, my lords, I surrounded the cities of the Cimmerians who had conquered them with iron fetters and sent them before me with substantial audience gifts.

As for his army, which constantly sends messages to inquire about my well-being, he made it shine like daylight. Because he did not honor the command of the god Ashur, the god who created me, he trusted in his own strength and made his army strong. He sent a message to the aid of Pishamilki, the king of Egypt, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, saying: "I myself am afraid and anxious, but the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, saying: "Let him bind his hands in the face of his enemy and let him be seized." He accepted his feet as I had heard and

The Cimmerians who had plotted evil deeds against me at the beginning of my life, seized him, and smashed all of his land. After him, his son, sat on his throne. The evil deeds which the gods who support me had revealed to me through my father's command before the father who had engendered him had sent to me through his messenger, and he grasped the feet of my royal majesty, saying: "You, my father, have turned away from me and perpetrated evil against him." My brother, a servant who reveres you, turned away from me and made me live.

On my fourth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city.


As for those twenty kings who had constantly sought out evil deeds against the troops of Assyria, they brought them alive to Nineveh, before me.

Among them, I had mercy on Necho and I let him live. I made his treaty more stringent than the previous one and I established it with him. ii 10 I clothed him in garments with multi-colored trim, placed on him a golden hoe, an insignia of his kingship, and fastened gold bracelets around his wrists. On an iron belt-dagger with gold mountings, I wrote out my name and I gave it to him. I presented him with chariots, horses, and mules to be his lordly transport. ii 15 I sent with him eunuchs of mine and governors to help him. Where the father who had engendered me had appointed him as king, in the city Sais, I returned him to his position.

Moreover, I appointed Nabû-shezibanni, his son, in the city Athribis. I performed more kind and good deeds for him than the father who had engendered me.

As for Taharqa, in the place where he had fled, the awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he passed away.

Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of Shabako, sat upon his royal throne. He made the cities Thebes and Heliopolis his fortresses and assembled his forces. To fight against the Assyrian troops ii 25 who were inside the city Memphis, he mobilized his battle array, confined those people, and cut off their escape route. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and told this to me.

On my second campaign, I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. Tanutamon heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and that I had set foot on Egyptian territory, he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his own life, he fled inside the city Thebes. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to meet me and kissed my feet.

I took the road in pursuit of Tanutamon and I marched as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Thebes; he fled to the city Kipkipi. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered that city Thebes in its entirety.

Silver, gold, precious stones, as much property of his palace as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and female — two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty, which was without number, from inside the city Thebes. ii 45 I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and thus achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

On my third campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He sent at the same time Yahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. ii 60 I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea and who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, he bowed down to my yoke. He brought to Nineveh his daughter, together with a substantial dowry, to serve as a housekeeper, and he kissed my feet.

As for Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal who had spoken with disrespect to the kings, my ancestors, he brought to Nineveh his daughter, his own offspring, together with a large marriage gift, to serve as a housekeeper, and he kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

As for Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and had not pulled their yoke, he brought to Nineveh his daughter, his own offspring, together with a substantial dowry, to serve as a housekeeper, and he kissed my feet.

After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had disappeared, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapat-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-iashupu, Ba'al-hanunu, Ba'al-maluku, Abi-Milki, and Ahi-Milki, ii 85 the sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of the land Arwad. ii 90 I clothed Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapat-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-iashupu, Ba'al-hanunu, Ba'al-maluku, Abi-Milki, and Ahi-Milki in garments with multi-colored trim and fastened gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream the mention of my name, saying: "Grasp the feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and conquer your enemies through the mention of his name." ii 100 On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. As for this dream that he had seen, he sent a message about it by the hands of a messenger of his and he reported it to me.

From the day that he grasped the feet of my royal majesty, he conquered the Cimmerians, who were disturbing the people of his land, had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he Gyges clamped two city rulers from among the city rulers of the Cimmerians that he had conquered in manacles, iron handcuffs, and fetters and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

He allowed an interruption in the sending of his mounted messengers, whom he used to constantly send to inquire about my well-being. Because he did not honor the words of the god Ashur, the god who created me, he trusted in his own strength and his heart became proud. ii 115 He sent his forces to aid Psammetichus I, the king of Egypt who had cast off the yoke of my lordly majesty, and then I myself heard about this and made an appeal to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, saying: "Let his corpse be cast down before his enemy and let them carry away his bones." Just as I had appealed to the god Ashur, it was fulfilled and his corpse was cast down before his enemy and they carried away his bones.

The Cimmerians whom he Gyges had trampled down through the mention of my name, attacked and flattened his entire land. Afterwards, his son, sat on his throne. As for the evil deeds, which through my entreaties, the gods who support me had obstructed the father who had engendered him, he sent a message about it by the hands of his messenger and then he grasped the feet of my royal majesty, saying: "You are the king whom the god recognizes. You cursed my father and evil befell him. Pray for me, the servant who reveres you, so that I can pull your yoke."

On my fourth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. ii 130 I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty.

Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city. He fled to the city Ishtatti, a city upon which he relied, and took refuge there. I conquered that district. I laid waste to an area of fifteen days march and poured out over it the silence of desolation.

Obverse Column iii


(disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia ina a-mat (d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ szA _ta_ re-e-szi taq-bu-u um-ma ana-ku mi-tu-tu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man kur_-man-na-a-a ki-i szA aq-bu-u ep-pu-usz ina _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu tam-nu-szu-u-ma _un-mesz kur_-szu si-hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u ina _sila uru_-szu _lu_-szA-lam-ta-szu id-du-u in-da-Asz-szA-ru pa-gar-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu u-szam-qi-tu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_

_egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li-i _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na-a-szu ip-ta-a u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_ isz-pur-am-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qa _gir-ii_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-u-ma _lu-a kin_-ia szA szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu

ina 5-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku ina _iti-kin_ szi-pir (d)_inanna-mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz an-szar ad dingir-mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir ki-ma ti-ib me-he-e ez-zi ak-tu-um _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na si-hir-ti-szA ak-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-szu-nu mul-tar-hu szA ik-pu-da _hul_-tu ina la mi-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu ina _szu-ii ti-la-mesz_ u-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu

(disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _gir-ii_-ia it-ti-ia u-bil-szu a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-sze-szib-szu ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a szA it-ti-szu in-nab-ta ina _uru_-hi-da-lu Asz-kun-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti

ul-tu _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szam-ri-ru Asz-tak-ka-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu Asz-ku-na pa-ni-ia _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ tukul-ti _kur_-gam-bu-li ak-szu-ud qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu e-ru-ub _un-mesz_-szu as-lisz u-t,ab-bi-ih (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu mu-nar-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina _gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u-tam-me-ha _szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ si-it-ti _dumu-mesz_ (disz)_en_-_ba_-szA qin-nu-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu

ina u4-me-szu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu szA _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz Asz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ut _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ mim-ma par-su si-ma-a-te szA _lugal_-ti e-pu-usz-ma a-din-szu _lu-erim-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz-gigir-mesz_ ak-s,ur-ma u-mal-la-a qa-tusz-szu _uru-mesz a-sza-mesz gisz-kiri6-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu-un u-szA-tir-ma _ugu_ szA _ad du_-ia iq-bu-u a-din-szu

U szu-u _munus-sig5_ an-ni-tu e-pu-szu-usz im-szi-ma isz-te-né-'a-a le-mut-tu e-lisz ina szap-te-e-szu i-tam-ma-a t,u-ub-ba-a-ti szap-la-nu lib-ba-szu ka-s,ir né-er-tu _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ szA ina _ugu kur an-szar-ki_ am-ru _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia ip-ru-us,-ma da-bab la kit-te id-bu-ba it-ti-szu-un ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia a-na _nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia isz-pu-ra-Asz-szu-nu-ti

a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar-ki_ sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-mat _sig5_-tim i-szi-mu-usz ib-nu-u-szu ina kit-te u mi-szA-ri _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ szu-nu-ti ina _gisz-banszur_ tak-né-e ul-zis-su-nu-ti lu-bul-ti bir-me u-lab-bi-su-nu-ti _har-mesz ku-gi_ u-rak-kis

rit-te-e-szu-un a-di _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_ szu-nu-ti qé-reb _kur an-szar-ki_ u-szu-uz-zu i-dag-ga-lu pa-an szA-kan t,e-me-ia U szu-u (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza la is,-s,u-ru a-de-ia _un-mesz kur uri-ki kur_-kal-du _kur_-a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim ul-tu _uru_-a-qa-ba a-di _uru-ka_-sa-li-me-ti _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia

usz-bal-kit ina _szu-ii_-ia U (disz)um-man-i-gasz mun-nab-tu szA is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia sza qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti _u lugal-mesz kur_-gu-te9-e-_ki kur mar-tu_-e-_ki kur_-me-luh-he-e sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil_ isz-tak-ka-na _szu-ii_-a-a nap-har-szu-nu it-ti-ia u-szam-kir-ma it-ti-szu isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu-nu

_ka-gal-mesz zimbir-ki ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki_ u-dil-ma ip-ru-sa _szesz_-u-tu e-li _bad uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu mun-dah-s,e-e-szu u-sze-li-i-ma it-ti-ia e-te-né-ep-pu-szu _me_ e-pesz _udu-siskur-mesz_-ia la-pa-an (d)_en dumu_ (d)_en_ nu-ur _dingir-mesz_ (d)_utu_ u qu-ra-di (d)er-ra ik-la-ma u-szab-t,i-la na-dan zi-bi-ia a-na e-kem ma-ha-zi szu-bat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza esz-re-e-ti-szu-nu ud-di-szu u-za-'i-i-nu _ku-gi ku-babbar_ qé-reb-szu-nu Asz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu

ina u4-me-szu 1-en _lu-gurusz_ ina szat mu-szi u-tul-ma i-na-at,-t,a-al _masz-gi6_ um-ma ina _ugu_ ki-gal-li szA (d)30 szA-t,ir-ma ma-a szA it-ti (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar-ki_ ik-pu-du _munus-hul_ ip-pu-szu s,e-lu-u-tu mu-u-tu lem-nu a-szar-rak-szu-nu-ti ina _gir an-bar_ ha-an-t,i mi-qit (d)_gisz-bar su-gu7 tag_-it (d)er-ra u-qAt-ta-a nap-szat-su-un an-na-a-te Asz-me-e-ma at-kil a-na a-mat (d)30 _en_-ia

ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu qé-reb _zimbir-ki ka-dingir-ra-ki_ bAr-sipa-_ki gu-du8-a-ki_ szA-a-szu ga-du mun-dah-s,e-e-szu e-si-ir-ma u-s,ab-bi-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu-un qé-reb _uru_ u _edin_ ina la mi-ni Asz-tak-ka-na _bad5-bad5_-szu si-it-tu-u-ti ina _tag_-it (d)er-ra su-un-qu bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu

(disz)um-man-i-gasz _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szi-kin _szu-ii_-ia sza t,a-'a-a-tu im-hu-ru-szu-ma it-ba-a a-na kit-ri-szu

AI Translation

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, by the command of the goddess Ishtar residing in the city Arbela, who had said from the beginning: "I am guilty of the murder of Ahsheri, the king of the Mannean lands," he did as I had said and placed him in the hands of his servants. He caused the people of his land to revolt against him and they killed him in the street of his city. They killed his city's inhabitants and cut down his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house with the sword.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. He opened his hands to me to ensure his well-being and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his son, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and sent a messenger of mine who was happy with him.

On my fifth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in the month Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir, like a fierce storm, I conquered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their angry king who had plotted evil deeds, without number. I captured his warriors alive.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and grasped my feet, iii 20' brought him to the land Elam and placed him on Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his second brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had put to the sword the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I established mighty victories and vi 15'' victory on my return march. I set up before me the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the Gambulians relied. I entered that city and slew its people. I struck Dunanu and Samgunu, who had encouraged me to exercise my kingship, down with a sword. I struck with iron fetters, a bronze ring, and a bronze ring. I seized the hands and feet of the rest of the sons of Bel-iqisha, his family, and the seed of his father's house.

At that time, I, Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, who did not fear me and who did not fear me, made him the king of Babylon, and I gave him everything that is required for kingship. I conscripted men, horses, and chariots and I filled him with them. I had cities, fields, orchards, and people living inside them brought to me and I gave them more than the father who had engendered me had said.

Moreover, he, this man, saw the good deeds I had done for him and constantly sought out evil deeds. He sat down on his seat and showed his happiness. He imposed upon the Babylonians, who were assiduous towards Assyria, servants who belonged to me, and he spoke indefatigable words with them in a crafty maneuver. He sent them to Nineveh, before me, to inquire about my well-being.

I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, who the great gods had determined as his fate a favorable destiny, set up in truth and justice. I seated them on a firm throne and entrusted them with the provisioning of numerous luxuriant seats. I fastened bands of gold on their wrists and hung them in their palatial halls.

As for them, they sat them down in Assyria, iv 5'

And as for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a dangerous criminal who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty, whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, and the kings of the land Gutiya, the land Amurru, and Meluhha, who had placed their trust in me by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, I made all of them bow down to me and they trusted in their word.

I filled the gates of Sippar, Babylon, and Borsippa with awe-inspiring brilliance and then I made my brother rise up above those cities and I constantly performed battle and sacrifices with me. Before the god Bel Marduk, the son of the god Bel Marduk, the light of the gods, the god Shamash, and the warrior Erra, he looked at me and he made my life abundant. I made the cult centers, the abodes of the great gods, whose shrines I had renovated, shine like daylight. I set up in their midst gold and silver. I imposed upon them punishment and punishment.

At that time, one young man sat in bed and cried, "Write down on the platform of the god Sîn, write down what he had done to the king of Assyria, and make evil things happen." I confined them to a place where they were confined. I smashed their bodies with iron swords, a savage attack of the god Erra, and sinned against the command of the god Sîn, my lord.

On my sixth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Shamash-shuma-ukin. I confined him inside Sippar, Babylon, Borsippa, and Cutha, together with his fighting men, and I brought about their defeat inside the city and the steppe. Without number, I brought about his defeat. iii 20' With the defeat of the god Erra, they put to the sword the remnants of their people, their possessions, and their property.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the king of the land Elam, a subject of mine whom kindness had shown him and who had come to his aid,


As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty — by the command of the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, which she had said from the beginning, saying: "I myself, just as I have commanded, will bring about the death of Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea" — she Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants and then the people of his land incited a rebellion against him. They cast his corpse into a street of his city and dragged his body to and fro. They cut down with the sword his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. iii 20 I had mercy on him and then I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. iii 25 I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

On my fifth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, iii 30 Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in the month Ululu VI — "the work of the goddesses," the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir — like the assault of a fierce storm, iii 35 I covered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their presumptuous king who had plotted evil deeds. I slew his warriors without number. I captured his fighting men alive. iii 40 I filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. I made the Ulaya River flow with their blood; I dyed its water red like a red-dyed wool.

I took Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku — a former king of the land Elam — who had fled to me from Teumman to Assyria and had grasped my feet, with me to the land Elam and I placed him on Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had made the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar prevail over the land Elam and had continually established mighty victories, on my return march, I set out towards Dunanu, a Gambulian who had put his trust in the land Elam. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the land Gambulu relied. iii 55 I entered that city and slaughtered its people like lambs. As for Dunanu and Samgunu, the ones who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, iii 60 I clamped their hands and feet in iron manacles and handcuffs and iron fetters. As for the rest of the sons of Bel-iqisha, his family, the seed of his father's house, as many as there were, Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, and the bones of the father who had engendered them Nabû-shuma-eresh, iii 65 I carried them off together with auxiliary forces, rebels, the people of the land Gambulu, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, horses, and mules out of the land Gambulu to Assyria. As for Sha-pi-Bel, the city upon which he Dunanu relied, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water.

At that time, as for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother for whom I performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king of Babylon — I made and gave him anything that is distinctive, appurtenances of kingship. iii 75 I assembled soldiers, horses, and chariots and placed them in his hands. I gave him more cities, fields, orchards, and people to live inside them than the father who had engendered me had commanded.

However, he forgot these acts of kindness that I had done for him and constantly sought out evil deeds. iii 80 Aloud, with his lips, he was speaking friendship, but deep down, his heart was scheming for murder. He lied to the citizens of Babylon who had been devoted to Assyria, servants who belonged to me, and he spoke words of deceit with them. iii 85 In a crafty maneuver, he sent them to Nineveh, before me, to inquire about my well-being.

I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, for whom the great gods determined a favorable destiny, whom they created in truth and justice, convened those citizens of Babylon at a sumptuous banquet, clothed them in garments with multi-colored trim, and fastened gold bracelets around their wrists.

While those citizens of Babylon stayed in Assyria obediently awaiting my decisions, he, Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother who did not honor my treaty, incited the people of the land Akkad, Chaldea, Aram, and the Sealand, from the city Aqaba to the city Bab-salimeti, servants who belonged to me, to rebel against me.

Moreover, as for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a fugitive who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty and whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, as well as the kings of the land Gutium, the land Amurru, and Meluhha Ethiopia, whom I had installed as rulers by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, he Shamash-shuma-ukin made all of them become hostile towards me and they sided with him.

He Shamash-shuma-ukin locked the city gates of Sippar, Babylon, and Borsippa and then broke off our brotherly relations. On the walls of those cities, iii 110 he posted his fighting men and they were constantly doing battle with me. He withheld the performing of my offerings before the gods Bel Marduk, Son-of-Bel Nabû, the light of the gods — Shamash — and the warrior — Erra — and he discontinued my giving them food offerings. iii 115 He plotted evil ways to deprive me of the cult centers, the dwelling places of the great gods whose sanctuaries I had renovated and decorated with gold and silver, and in whose midst I constantly established appropriate procedures.

At that time, one young man lay down during the night and saw a dream, saying: "On a socle of the god Sîn, it is written 'I will grant a cruel death to those who have plotted evil deeds and initiated sedition against Ashurbanipal, the king of Assyria. I will bestow on them a horrible death by a swift iron dagger, fire, famine, and plague.'" I heard these words and I trusted in the words of the god Sîn, my lord.

On my sixth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Shamash-shuma-ukin. I confined him, together with his fighting men, inside Sippar, Babylon, Borsippa, and Cutha, and I cut off their escape routes. I brought about his defeat countless times in city and steppe. As for the rest, they laid down their lives through plague, famine, and starvation.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the king of the land Elam installed by me lit. "my hand", who had accepted bribes from him Shamash-shuma-ukin and set out to help him, Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword.

Obverse Column iv


_egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na re-s,u-ut (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu ina su-up-pe-e szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-u un-nin-ni-ia il-qu-u isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum-ii_-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-su _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma

ina _me edin_ isz-ku-na _bad5-bad5_-szu (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man mé-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u sza ik-ki-su a-hu-ur-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u _sag-du man kur-elam-ma-ki_ qé-reb _kur_-szu ina _ukkin erim-hi-a_-szu szA-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi U (disz)um-man-i-gasz ke-e u-na-Asz-sziq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an _lu-a kin_ szA (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar-ki ugu_ a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-te szA il-zi-nu _an-szar_ u (d)15 e-ri-hu-szu-ma

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia u-na-Asz-sziq-ma qaq-qa-ru u-sze-szir ina ziq-ni-szu man-za-az _gisz_-ma-gar-ri-ia is,-bat-ma a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ra-man-szu im-nu-ma Asz-szu e-pesz di-ni-szu a-lak re-s,u-ti-szu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-zu-u-ma i-dal-la-lu qur-di _dingir-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti sza il-li-ku re-s,u-u-ti

a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A lib-bu rap-szu la ka-s,ir ik-ki mu-pa-si-su hi-t,a-a-te a-na (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma szA-a-szu ga-du _numun_ É _ad_-szu ina qé-reb É-_gal_-ia

ul-zis-su-nu-ti ina u4-me-szu _un-mesz kur uri-ki_ sza it-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du _hul_-tu né-eb-re-e-tu is,-bat-su-nu-ti a-na bu-ri-szu-nu _uzu dumu-mesz_-szu-nu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu-nu e-ku-lu ik-su-su ku-ru-us-su

_an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku sza ina mah-ri-ia il-li-ku i-na-ru ga-re-ia (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri szA i-gi-ra-an-ni ina mi-qit (d)_gisz-bar_ a-ri-ri id-du-szu-ma u-hal-li-qu nap-szat-su

_u un-mesz_ szA a-na (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri u-szak-pi-du ep-sze-e-tu an-ni-tu _hul_-tu e-pu-szu sza mi-tu-tu ip-la-hu nap-szat-su-nu pa-nu-usz-szu-un te-qir-u-ma it-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na en_-szu-nu la im-qu-tu ina (d)_gisz-bar_ sza la-pa-an ni-kis _gir an-bar_ su-un-qi bu-bu-ti (d)_gisz-bar_ a-ri-ri i-sze-tu-u-ni e-hu-zu mar-qi-i-tu sa-par _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia szA la na-par-szu-di is-hu-up-szu-nu-ti e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u-s,i ina _szu-ii_-ia im-nu-u _szu-ii_-u-a

_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-szA szA-da-di _gisz_-szA s,il-li _munus_-sek-re-e-ti-szu _nig-ga_ É-_gal_-szu u-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia _lu-erim-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu szil-la-tu pi-i-szu-nu szA ina _ugu an-szar dingir_-ia szil-la-tu iq-bu-u U ia-a-ti _nun_ pa-lih-szu ik-pu-du-u-ni _hul_-tu pi-i-szu-nu Asz-lu-uq _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu Asz-kun

si-it-ti _un-mesz_ bal-t,u-sun ina (d)_alad_-(d)_lamma_ sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su ad ad du_-ia ina lib-bi is-pu-nu e-nen-na a-na-ku ina ki-is-pi-szu _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu ina lib-bi as-pu-un _uzu-mesz_-szu-nu nu-uk-ku-su-u-ti u-szA-kil _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ zi-i-bi _ti8-muszen-mesz muszen-mesz an_-e _ku6-mesz_ ap-se-e

ul-tu ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti e-te-ep-pu-szu u-ni-ih-hu lib-bi _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _adda-mesz un-mesz_ szA (d)er-ra u-szam-qi-tu U szA ina su-un-qi bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu ri-he-et u-kul-ti _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ sza _sila-mesz_ pur-ru-ku ma-lu-u re-ba-a-te _gir-pad-du-mesz_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ u-sze-s,i-ma at-ta-ad-di a-na ka-ma-a-ti ina szi-pir i-szip-pu-ti _bara-mesz_-szu-nu ub-bi-ib ul-li-la su-le-e-szu-nu lu-'u-u-ti _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu ze-nu-u-ti (d)15-_mesz_-szu-nu szab-sa-a-te

si-it-ti _dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki gu-du8-a-ki zimbir-ki_ sza ina szib-t,i szag-gasz-ti U né-eb-re-e-ti i-sze-tu-u-ni re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-nu-ti ba-lat, na-pisz-ti-szu-nu aq-bi qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u-sze-szib-szu-nu-ti _un-mesz kur uri-ki_ ga-du _kur_-kal-du _kur_-a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim sza (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ ik-ter-u-ma a-na 1-en pi-i u-ter-ru a-na pa-ra-as ra-ma-ni-szu-nu ik-ki-ru it-ti-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia a-na pat, gim-ri-szu-nu ak-bu-us _gisz-szudun an-szar_ szA is,-lu-u e-mid-su-nu-ti

ina 7-e ger-ri-ia ina _iti-sig4 iti_ (d)30 _en esz-bar dumu_ resz-tu-u a-szA-re-du szA (d)_en-lil_ ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu u-bil it-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-szu in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _gir-ii_-ia _un-mesz uru_-hi-il-mu _uru_-pil-la-ti _uru_-du-mu-qu _uru_-su-la-a-a _uru_-la-hi-ra di-bi-ri-i-na ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni isz-mu-u szA al-la-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up-szu-nu-ti

is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i mah-ru-u _uru lugal_-u-ti É tuk-la-a-te szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ki-ma _bad gal_-e pa-an _kur-elam-ma-ki_ par-ku sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur an-szar-ki ad ad du_-ia il-la-mu-u-a ik-szu-du U szu-u e-la-mu-u _uru_ mé-eh-ret _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i mah-re-e szA-nam-ma e-pu-szu-ma _bad_-szu u-dan-nin-u-ma u-zaq-qi-ru szal-hu-u-szu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i iz-ku-ru ni-bit-su ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia ak-szu-ud _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu szA la u-s,u-u-nim-ma la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir

AI Translation

After Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, he came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, and iii 20'

Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had spoken to me about the obliteration of the head of Teumman, a fugitive, who had cut off my troops, saying: "They will kill me!" He imposed the obliteration of the head of the king of the land Elam on him inside his land in a similar assembly. Moreover, Ummanigash Humban-nikash II swore by the command of the messenger of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, upon these words which he had spoken, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had mercy on him and

Tammaritu grasped the feet of my royal majesty and made the land gush. At his feet, he took up the position of captain of my chariot and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he became frightened to do obeisance to me and to do obeisance to me. He stood before me and appeased the mighty warriors of my gods who had come to my aid.

I, Ashurbanipal, a widespread, unrivalled king who acted with wicked intent, had mercy on Tammaritu and I placed him, together with the seed of his father's house, in my palace.

At that time, the people of Babylonia who had conspired with Shamash-shuma-ukin and plotted evil deeds, took to the streets and ate the flesh of their sons and their daughters, ate the flesh of their daughters, and cut off their lips.

Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who had come before me and had smashed my foes, killed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, who had plotted evil deeds against me, and destroyed his life.

And the people who had perpetrated this evil deed against Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, and who had feared their lives, had acted with evil intent against Shamash-shuma-ukin, their lord, and had not bowed down to the sword, who had bowed down to the sword before the scepter of iron, the scepter of iron, the scepter of iron, and the scepter of iron, and bowed down to the sword, the scepter of the great gods, my lords, which had not been bowed down to me, overwhelmed them, they did not spare a single person, they did not spare a single person in my hands.

I brought before me chariots, a harness, a harness, his palace women, and the property of his palace. Those men, who had spoken evil things about Ashur and my god, and who had plotted evil things against me, the prince who reveres him, I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those men.

I have now gathered all of the people alive with the protective deity that Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had placed inside it. I have placed those people inside it, and I have smeared their flesh with a fox. I have slew lions, pigs, birds of the sky, fish of the Apsu, and ... the lions.

After I had performed these deeds and shook the hearts of the great gods, my lords, I had the corpses of the people whom the god Erra had cut off and who had been deprived of life by hunger, iii 20'' lions and pigs that were snatched from the street, iii 20'' snatched from the streets of the streets of the streets of the streets of the cities of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar, and I confined them to the streets of the streets of the cities of the city Babylon and Cutha. Through the craft of the craft of the scribal arts, I decorated their sanctuaries and deposited their cult centers. I prayed to their angry gods and their angry goddesses.

I had mercy on the rest of the citizens of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar who had sinned against me in the face of hostilities and hostilities. I confined them inside Babylon. I imposed upon them tribute and payment in recognition of their good deeds. The people of Akkad, as many as the lands Chaldea, Aram, and the Sealand, who had sinned against Shamash-shuma-ukin and turned them into one extispicy, sided with me. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, I imposed upon them the yoke of the god Ashur, who had sinned against them.

On my seventh campaign, in the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn, the lord of decisions, the first-born son of the foremost of the god Enlil, I mustered my troops. He took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. He brought about the defeat of Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Indabibi, his servant, and grasped my feet. The people of the cities Hilmu, Pillatu, Dumuqu, Sulaya, and Lahiru heard about the assault of my mighty battle array, which I had carried off to the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them.

As for the former city Bit-Imbî, a royal city, a privileged residence of the land Elam, which like a great wall before the land Elam had become dilapidated, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had conquered, and which Elam had built — the city was further along than the former city Bit-Imbî, and its wall had become stronger and its wall had become dilapidated. The city Bit-Imbî became dilapidated and its wall had become dilapidated. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty.


Afterwards, Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and who did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my hostile brother — and hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, iv 10 they accepted my prayers and listened to the utterances of my lips. Indabibi, a servant of his, rebelled against him and brought about his defeat in a pitched battle.

As for Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent words on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman — which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off — saying: "Will they cut off the head of the king of the land Elam in his own land, among his assembled troops?" He spoke a second time: "Moreover, how could Ummanigash kiss the ground iv 20 before a messenger of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria?" On account of these words that he had slanderously uttered, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar attacked him and then Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, fled to me from Indabibi, and then crawled naked on their bellies and came to Nineveh.

Tammaritu kissed the feet of my royal majesty and swept the ground with his beard. He took hold of the platform of my chariot and then handed himself over to do obeisance to me. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty to decide his case and to come to his aid. They the fugitive Elamites stood before me and iv 35 were singing the praises of the valor of my mighty gods, who had come to my aid.

I, Ashurbanipal, the magnanimous and forbearing one who abolishes sins, had mercy on Tammaritu and allowed him, together with the seed of his father's house to stay in my palace.

At that time, as for the people of the land Akkad who had sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin and plotted evil deeds, hunger took hold of them. They ate the flesh of their sons and their daughters on account of their hunger; they gnawed on leather straps.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who march before me and kill my foes, consigned Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had started a fight against me, to a raging conflagration and destroyed his life.

Moreover, as for the people who had incited Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, so that he performed this evil deed, who feared death, whose lives were precious to them, and who did not fall into the fire with Shamash-shuma-ukin, their lord, and those who had escaped the cut of an iron dagger, famine, starvation, iv 60 and raging fire, and had taken refuge — the net of the great gods, my lords, from which there is no escape, overwhelmed them. Not a single one of them escaped; anyone who tried to get away did not escape my grasp; they the gods placed them in my hands.

They brought before me chariots, a processional carriage, a parasol, his palace women, and property of his palace. As for those soldiers with blasphemous mouths who had uttered blasphemy against the god Ashur, my god, and had plotted evil deeds against me, the ruler who reveres him, I slit open their mouths and brought about their defeat.

As for the rest of the people, those still alive, at the bull colossus where they had laid flat Sennacherib — the father of the father who had engendered me — I myself now laid flat those people there as a funerary-offering for him. I fed their dismembered flesh to dogs, pigs, vultures, eagles, birds of the heavens, and fish of the apsû.

After I had performed these deeds and pacified the hearts of the great gods, my lords, I brought out of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar the bones of the people's corpses that the god Erra had cut down and those who had laid down their lives from famine and starvation, the remnants of meals for dogs and pigs, which were obstructing the streets and filling the squares, and iv 85 I cast them outside. Through the craft of the purification priest, I purified their daises; I cleansed their sullied streets. Through taqribtu-rituals and ershangû-rituals, I appeased their angry gods and their furious goddesses. As for their regular offerings, which had diminished, I confirmed them in full again, just as they were in distant days.

As for the rest of the citizens of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar who had escaped plague, slaughter, and famine, I had mercy on them; I commanded the preservation of their lives. I settled them inside Babylon. As for the people of the land Akkad, together with those of Chaldea, Aram, and the Sealand, whom Shamash-shuma-ukin got as help and united, iv 100 and who decided on their own to become hostile towards me, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, I subdued them to their full extent. I imposed upon them the yoke of the god Ashur that they had cast off. iv 105 I installed over them governors and officials appointed by me lit. "my hand". I confirmed regular offerings and contributions as first-fruits offerings for the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, and the gods of Assyria. I imposed upon them tribute payment in recognition of my dominion to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

On my seventh campaign, in the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn — the lord of oracular decisions, the eldest and foremost son of the god Enlil — I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. I took with me Tammaritu, the former king of the land Elam iv 115 who had fled to me from Indabibi — his servant — and who had grasped my feet. The people of the cities Hilmu, Pillatu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, and Lahiru of Dibirina Yadburu heard about the assault of my mighty battle array as I was marching to the land Elam. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, iv 120 and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them. They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, arrived in Assyria to do obeisance to me and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

As for the earlier city Bit-Imbî, a royal city and residence upon which the land Elam relied that blocks the approach to the land Elam like a great wall, which Sennacherib — king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me — had conquered before my time, and where he, the Elamite Ummanaldashu had built another city opposite the earlier city Bit-Imbî and then strengthened its city wall, iv 130 raised its outer wall high, and named it the new city Bit-Imbî — I conquered it in the course of my campaign. As for the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, I killed them. I cut off their heads, sliced off their lips, and took them to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

Obverse Column v


(disz)im-ba-ap-pi _lu_-qe-e-pu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i _lu_-ha-tan (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu u-sze-s,a-am-ma _szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-u-ma u-ra-a-szu a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

_munus_-É-_gal u dumu-mesz_-szu szA (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ina na-Asz-par-ti _an-szar_ ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _un-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

(disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-reb _erim-hi-a_-ia szA qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-ru-bu isz-me-ma _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-li

(disz)um-ba-_lagab_-u-a szA ul-tu _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ta-se-hu-u a-na _uru_-bu-bi-lu in-nab-tu-u-ma mé-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma isz-me-ma _uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma ki-ma _ku6-mesz_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-u-ti

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _gir-ii_-ia qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an u-sze-rib Asz-kun-szu a-na _lugal_-ti

_sig5_-tu e-pu-szu-usz szA Asz-pu-ru _a-tah_-su im-szi-ma isz-te-né-'a#-a _hul_-tu a-na ka-szad _erim-hi-a_-ia ki-a-am iq-bi it-ti lib-bi-szu um-ma _un-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na _munus-mesz_-e i-tu-ru ina _igi kur an-szar-ki_ szu-nu szu-nu-ma ir-ru-bu-nim-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur-elam-ma-ki an-szar_ u (d)15 szA _a-ii_-a-a il-li-ku u-szA-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia lib-bi (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu ek-s,u ba-ra-nu-u ib-ru-u-ma u-ba-'u-u qa-tusz-szu ul-tu _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu id-ku-nisz-szum-ma

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia szA szul-me-e _szu-ii_ ma-li-ti pa-an _gisz-szudun_-ia u-ter-ra a-na _kur an-szar-ki uru_-ga-tu-du _uru_-ga-tu-du-ma _uru_-da-e-ba _uru_-na-t,i-i' _uru-bad_-(disz)am-na-ni _uru-bad_-(disz)am-na-ni-ma _uru_-ha-ma-nu _uru_-ta-ra-qu _uru_-ha-a-a-u-si _uru_-É-_na4-kiszib_-É-su _uru_-É-(disz)ar-ra-bi _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-bu-bé-e _uru-sze_-(disz)(d)_szu_-_man_-a-ni _uru_-ur-da-li-ka _uru_-al-ga-ri-ga _uru_-tu-u-bu _uru-du6_-tu-u-bu _uru_-du-un-_lugal uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si

i-na 8-e ger-ri-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i szA ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-szu-du e-nen-na _kur_-ra-a-szi _uru_-ha-ma-nu a-di na-ge-szu ak-szu-ud U szu-u (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-szad _kur_-ra-a-szi _uru_-ha-ma-nu isz-me-ma pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-li-kut _a-ii_-ia is-hu-up-szu-ma _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit a-na _uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si _id_-id-id-e e-bir-ma _id_ szu-a-tu

_uru_-na-t,i-tu _uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu _kur_-ud _uru_-É-(disz)bu-na-ku _uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu _kur_-ud _uru_-har-tap-a-nu _uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu _kur_-ud _uru_-tu-u-bu a-di na-ge-szu _kur_-ud

bi-rit _id_ ka-la-mu _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu _kur_-ud _uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-di-in-_lugal uru_-su-mu-un-tu-na-Asz _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-pi-di-il-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud _uru_-ka-bi-in-ak _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szu-ud

ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ar-de-e-ma al-lik _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza la ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-si _uru lugal_-ti-szu _kur_-ud

_erim-hi-a_-ia _id_-id-id-e a-gu-u szam-ru e-mu-ru ip-la-hu a-na né-ba-ar-te (d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ina szat mu-szi a-na _erim-hi-a_-ia _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri-ma ki-a-am iq-bi-szu-nu-ti um-ma a-na-ku al-lak ina ma-har (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal_ szA ib-na-a _szu-ii_-a-a e-li _masz-gi6_ an-ni-ti _erim-hi-a_-ia ir-hu-s,u _id_-id-id-e e-bi-ru szal-mesz

14 _uru-mesz_ mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA ni-i-ba la i-szu-u _u 12_ na-ge-e szA qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-li-szA ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar-me u-ter ina la mi-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-ras-sib mun-dah-s,e-e-szu _mah-mesz_

(disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ mi-ra-nu-usz-szu in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u

_uru_-ba-nu-nu a-di na-ge-e szA _uru_-ta-sa-ar-ra ka-la-mu ak-szu-ud 20-_am uru-mesz_ ina na-ge-e szA _uru_-hu-un-nir ina _ugu_ mi-is,-ri szA _uru_-hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud _uru_-ba-szi-mu _u uru-mesz_ szA li-me-ti-szu ap-pul aq-qur

sza _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu-un ka-mar-szu-nu Asz-kun u-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu-un u-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-szu _nig-szu_-szu _nig-ga_-szu _un-mesz tur_ u _gal a_sz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki 60 kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 sza u-ma-'e-e-ru-in-ni qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-ru-ub at-ta-lak szal-t,isz

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-szA-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia _uru_-szu-szA-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u mu-szab _dingir-mesz_-szu-un a-szar pi-risz-ti-szu-un ak-szu-ud ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 qé-reb É-_gal-mesz_-szu e-ru-ub u-szib ina _hul-mesz_ ap-te-e-ma É nak-kam-a-ti-szu-nu sza _ku-babbar-mesz ku-gi-mesz nig-szu-mesz nig-ga-mesz_ nu-uk-ku-mu qé-reb-szu-un

AI Translation

I brought out Imbappi, the official of the city Bit-Imbî, a Hittite, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, alive from that city and then I placed him in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria.

I brought out a palace woman and the sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose heads I had cut off during a previous campaign on the instructions of the god Ashur — together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî — and I counted them as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam, and abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had fled to the city Bubilu after the land Elam had rebelled and sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to him Ummanaldashu, he heard about the advance of his army and abandoned the city Bubilu, the city that belonged to him, and he became frightened like fish by pouring out vast amounts of water.

I brought out Tammaritu, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, and I installed him as king in the city Susa.

As for the one who wrote this letter, his army grew afraid and constantly sought out evil ways to defeat my troops. He said to himself as follows: "The people of the land Elam have returned to women and are in the presence of Assyria; they have become afraid and have become frightened of the land Elam." The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side and have entrusted me with the territory of my foes, feared the heart of Tammaritu, the pious and merciless, and seized his hands. He removed him from his royal throne and

On my return march, I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to Assyria. I conquered the cities Gatudu, Gatudu, Daeba, Nati', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hausi, Bit-Nakkib-Esu, Bit-Arrabi, Bit-Imbî, Madaktu, Susa, Bubê, Sher-Marduk-sharrani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Til-Tubu, Dun-Sharru, Dur-Undasi,

On my eighth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, which I had conquered in my first campaign. Now I conquered the land Rashi and the city Hamanu, together with its district. Moreover, he, Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, heard about the defeat of the land Rashi and the city Hamanu and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and he abandoned the city Madaktu, his royal city, and fled to the city Dur-Undasi. He crossed the Tigris and ditches of that river.

I conquered the city Natitu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Hartapanu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Tubu, together with its district.

I conquered the entire area between the Tigris and the River Euphrates, the city Madaktu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

As for my troops, the Tigris, a rugged river, saw a flood, and they became frightened at the onset of the night. The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, during the night, prayed to my troops and they said to me as follows: "I shall go before Ashurbanipal, the king whom I created." They drew up before this dream of my troops and the Tigris, they crossed over.

I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I defeated him without number and carried off his warriors with the sword. I counted his warriors as booty.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the city Banunu, together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

I annihilated the gods of the people living inside them, annihilated their gods, and made them forget the lord of lords. I carried off to Assyria his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and people, young and old, sixty leagues of terrain, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given me. I entered the land Elam and marched about triumphantly.

On my return march, which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had encouraged me to take in hand, I conquered the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened their treasuries, inside which silver, gold, possessions, and property were stored.


As for Imbappi, the official of the city Bit-Imbî, an in-law of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, I brought him out of that city alive. I placed his hands and feet in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria.

I brought out a palace woman and the sons of Teumman — a former king of the land Elam whose head I had cut off during a previous campaign on the instructions of the god Ashur — together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî and I counted them as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam; he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who had fled to the city Bubilu after the land Elam had revolted and who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he, like him Ummanaldashu heard about the advance of my army and abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and, like fish, he took to the depths of far away waters.

As for Tammaritu, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, I brought him into the city Susa and I installed him as king.

He forgot the kindness that I had done for him, in having sent aid to him, and constantly sought out evil ways to conquer my troops. v 25 He said the following to himself lit. "his heart", saying: "As for the people of the land Elam, they have become women. Who are they in the face of Assyria? They the Assyrians are coming in and constantly plundering the land Elam." The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who marched at my side and v 30 allowed me to stand over my foes, saw the dangerous and rebellious thoughts of Tammaritu and called him to account: They removed him from his royal throne and then made him return and bow down at my feet for a second time. On account of these words, with the fury that my heart had because the unfaithful Tammaritu had sinned against me, through the mighty victories of the great gods, my lords, I marched about triumphantly inside the land Elam in its entirety.

On my successful return march, I turned back lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" to Assyria with full hands. As for the cities Gatudu, Gatudu again, Daeba, Nati', v 45 Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani again, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hayausi, Bit-kunukki-bissu, Bit-Arrabi, Bit-Imbî, Madaktu, Susa, v 50 Bubê, Kapar-Marduk-sharrani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Til-Tuba, Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi again, Bubilu, v 55 Sam'una, Bit-Bunakku, Qabrina, Qabrina again, and Hara', I conquered those cities; I destroyed, demolished, and burned them with fire. I carried off to Assyria their gods, their people, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their possessions, their property, wagons, horses, mules, equipment, and implements of war.

On my eighth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops and I took the direct road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. Like the city Bit-Imbî, which I had conquered during a previous campaign of mine, I now conquered the rest of the land Rashi and the city Hamanu, along with their lit. "its" districts. Moreover, he, Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, v 70 heard about the conquest of the land Rashi and the city Hamanu and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and then he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and fled to the city Dur-Undasi. He crossed the Idide River and established that river as his defensive position. He prepared himself to fight with me.

I conquered the city Natitu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Hartappanu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Tubu, along with its district.

As for the entire area between the Ulaya and Idide rivers, I conquered the city Madaktu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. v 85 I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

My troops saw the Idide River, a raging torrent and were afraid to cross it. During the night, the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela showed a dream to my troops and said the following to them, v 100 saying: "I myself will go before Ashurbanipal, the king that my own two hands created." My troops trusted this dream and they safely crossed the Idide River.

I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I slew his warriors without number. I struck down his elite fighting men with the sword.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the city Banunu, together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu. I destroyed and demolished the city Bashimu and the villages in its environs.

As for the people living inside them, I annihilated them. I smashed their gods and thus placated the mood of the lord of lords. I carried off to Assyria its gods, its goddesses, its possessions, and its property, as well as people, young and old. Over an area of sixty leagues, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given to me, I entered the land Elam and marched about triumphantly.

On my return march, during which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar made me stand over my foes, I conquered the city Susa, a great cult center, the residence of their gods, a place of their secret lore. v 130 By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened up their treasuries, inside which silver, gold, possessions, and property had been stored — vi 1 which the former kings of the land Elam down to the kings of this time had collected and deposited — and wherein no other enemy apart from me had laid his hands, and I brought all of this out and counted it as booty.

Obverse Column vi


_ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu-mesz nig-ga-mesz_ szA _kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ka-la-mu sza _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ mah-ru-u-ti a-di 7-szu isz-lu-lu u-bi-lu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ s,a-ri-ru husz-szu-u esz-ma-ru-u eb-bu ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ szu-kut-tu a-qar-tu si-mat _lugal_-ti sza _lugal-mesz kur uri-ki_ mah-ru-u-ti U (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ a-na kit-ri-szu-nu ip-szu-ru a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu si-mat _lugal_-u-ti _gisz_-til-li qa-ra-bi si-ma-nu-u mim-ma e-pesz _me_ si-mat _szu-ii_-szu

ziq-qur-rat _uru_-szu-szA-an sza ina a-gur-ri _na4-za-gin_ szu-pu-szat ub-bit u-kap-pi-ra _si-mesz_-szA sza pi-tiq _urudu_ nam-ri

(d)_musz-sz_ÉSZ _dingir_ pi-risz-ti-szu-un sza Asz-bu ina pu-uz-ra-a-ti sza mam-ma-an la im-ma-ru ep-szet _dingir_-ti-szu (d)szu-mu-du (d)la-ga-ma-ru (d)pa-ar-ti-ki-ra (d)am-man-ka-si-_masz_ (d)u-du-ra-an (d)sa-pa-ag sza _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ ip-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un (d)ra-gi-ba (d)su-un-_gam_-sa-ra-a (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki-ir-sa-ma-as (d)szu-da-nu (d)a-a-pa-ag-si-na (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in-tim-ri (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa-a (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in-da-kar-bu _dingir-mesz_ (d)15-_mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu

32 _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ pi-tiq _ku-babbar ku-gi urudu na4-gisz-nu-gal_ ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hu-ra-di a-di _alam_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _alam_ (disz)isz-tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si _alam_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _egir_-u sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 e-pu-szu _arad_-u-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

ad-ka-a (d)_alad-mesz_ (d)_lamma-mesz en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut É-_kur_ ma-la ba-szu-u u-na-as-si-ha _am-mesz_ na-ad-ru-u-ti si-mat _ka-mesz_-ni esz-re-e-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-di la ba-sze-e u-szal-pit _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-szu am-na-a a-na za-qi-qi _gisz-tir-mesz_-szu-nu pa-az-ra-a-ti sza mAm-ma a-hu-u la u-szar-ru ina lib-bi la i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szi-in _lu-erim-mesz me_-ia qé-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u ina (d)_gisz-bar_

ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu-nu mah-ru-u-ti _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-u-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia mu-nar-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ap-pul aq-qur u-kal-lim (d)_utu_-szi _gir-pad-du-mesz_-szu-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ e-t,ém-me-szu-nu la s,a-la-lu e-mi-id ki-is-pi na-aq _a-mesz_ u-za-am-me-szu-nu-ti

ma-lak _iti 25 ud-mesz_ na-ge-e _kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szah-rib _mun u-zag-hi-li-sar_ u-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu-un

_dumu-munus-mesz lugal-mesz nin9-mesz lugal-mesz_ a-di qi-in-ni mah-ri-ti u _egir_-ti sza _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki lu_-qé-pa-a-ni _lu_-ha-za-na-a-ti sza _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du _lu-gal gisz-pan-mesz lu-gar_-nu-_mesz lu_-mu-kil _kusz-pa-mesz lu-3-u5-mesz lu_-szA pét-hal-li-_mesz lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan lu-sag-mesz lu_-kit-kit-tu-u gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u _un-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _us5-udu-hi-a_ sza e-li _buru5-hi-a_ ma-a'-du Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

_sahar-hi-a uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz U si-it-ti ma-ha-zi-szu-nu e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ ina _iti ud-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na pat, gim-re-e-szA as-pu-un ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni szi-si-it a-la-la _dug-ga_ u-za-am-ma-a _a-gar-mesz_-szu _ansze-edin-na-mesz masz-da-mesz_ u-ma-am _edin_ ma-la ba-szu-u par-ga-nisz u-szar-bi-s,a qé-reb-szu

(d)na-na-a sza 1 _lim 6 me 30-am 5 mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-szu tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-szar la si-ma-te-e-szA U ina u4-me-szu-ma szi-i _u dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-szA tab-bu-u szu-mi a-na be-lut _kur-kur_ ta-a-a-rat _dingir_-ti-szA tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ lem-né-ti u-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u-sze-rab-an-ni qé-reb é-an-na

a-mat qi-bit _dingir_-ti-szu-un sza ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen-na u-kal-li-mu _un-mesz egir-mesz szu-ii dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu szA ul-lu-us, lib-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na é-an-na ina _iti-gan ud-1-kam_ ina qé-reb _unug-ki_ u-sze-rib-szi-ma ina é-hi-li-an-na szA ta-ram-mu u-szar-me-szi _bara_ da-ra-a-ti

_un-mesz u_ szal-lat _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)_gaszan_-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku ah-bu-ta

AI Translation

Silver, gold, possessions, and property of the land of Sumer and Akkad, and Karduniash Babylonia, all of which the former kings of the land Elam had plundered and carried off inside the land Elam, whose radiance was exalted, whose radiance was resplendent, whose precious stones, precious stones, and royal emblems, which the former kings of the land Akkad and Shamash-shuma-ukin had made into their kitrishty, had brought to the land Elam, whose emblem is royal emblems, a weapon, a weapon, every kind of combat, and the emblem of his hand —

I surrounded the city Susa with a ziggurrat made of baked bricks colored with blue glaze. I surrounded its horns with bright copper.

The god Mushesh, their secret god, whose divinity is unrivalled in the midst of a battle, whose deeds no one can see, the god Shumudu, the Lagabaru, the Partikira, Amman-kasi-Ninurta, Uduran, and the Sapag, whose divinity the kings of the land Elam had revered, the gods Ragiba, Sun-gamsara, Karsa, Kirsamas, Shudanu, Ayapagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagaraya, Nabsâ, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu, those gods and goddesses,

32 statues of kings, cast with silver, gold, copper, and alabaster, from the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hurad, as well as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusi, and the statue of Tammaritu, a later prince who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had performed — I took them to Assyria.

I brought out bull colossi and lamassus, as many guards of the temple as there were. I destroyed the sanctuaries of the land Elam, together with the unused ones, and I counted its gods and its goddesses as ghosts. I erected in them a stele which no one had ever built and whose limbs no one had ever laid. My battle troops entered inside them, saw their faces, and burned them with fire.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the tombs of their former kings, who had not revered the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and who had disturbed the kings, my ancestors. I took the sun out of their feet and took it to Assyria. I deprived them of water from the wells and deprived them of the flow of water.

On a march of one month and twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them.

As for the daughters of kings and the sisters of kings, as many as I had conquered, I carried off to Assyria the people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were too numerous to be carried off as booty, chief archers, prefects, charioteers, third men, cavalrymen, archers, eunuchs, engineers, all of the craftsman, as many as there were, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were carried off to Assyria.

I dug out the earth in the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Haltemash, and the rest of their cult centers, and took them to Assyria. In a single month, I surrounded the land Elam in its entirety. I slew the raging noise of humans, the raging of oxen and sheep and goats, and the raging of the good river. I surrounded its irrigated fields, herds of donkeys and gazelles, and every kind of grass, as much as there was, inside it.

The goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, then, at that time when she — and the gods, her fathers — nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her divinity, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the evil land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

The words of their divine command that they had spoken in distant days, they now revealed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hands of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. On the first day of Kislev IX, in Uruk, she entered Ehiliana, which she loves, and made her dwell on her eternal dais.

The people and booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku —


Silver, gold, possessions, and property of the land of Sumer and Akkad — Karduniash Babylonia, all of it — that the former kings of the land Elam had carried off seven times and brought inside the land Elam; red shariru-gold, shiny eshmarû-metal, precious stones, valuable jewelry, and royal appurtenances that the former kings of the land Akkad and Shamash-shuma-ukin vi 15 had squandered on the land Elam to help them; clothing, jewelry, royal appurtenances, equipment suited for battle, instruments, anything used for waging war, and gear suited for his hands; movable furnishings of his palaces, all of it, vi 20 on which he sat and lay down, from which he ate, drank, bathed, and was anointed; chariots, processional carriages, and wagons whose fittings are made of shariru-gold and zahalû-metal; large horses and mules vi 25 whose trappings are made of gold and silver — I carried off all of this to Assyria.

As for the ziggurrat of the city Susa, which had been constructed with baked bricks colored with lapis lazuli, I destroyed it; I stripped off its horns, which were cast with shiny copper.

As for the deities Inshushinak — the god of their secret lore who lives in seclusion and whose divine acts have never been seen by anyone — Shumudu, Lagamaru, Partikira, Amman-kasiMASh, vi 35 Uduran, Sapag — whose divinity the kings of the land Elam constantly revered — Ragiba, SunGAMsara, Karsa, Kirsamas, vi 40 Shudanu, Ayapagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagara, Nabsa, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu — I carried off to Assyria those gods and goddesses together with their jewelry, their property, and their equipment, along with shangû-priests and buhlalû-priests.

Thirty-two statues of kings fashioned from silver, gold, copper, and alabaster from inside the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, along with a statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, a statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi Shutur-Nahundi II, a statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, and a statue of the later Tammaritu, who did obeisance to me by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — I took them to Assyria.

I removed shedus and lamassus, as many protectors of the temple as there were. I ripped out the raging wild bulls that adorned gateways. I had the sanctuaries of the land Elam utterly destroyed and I counted its gods and its goddesses as ghosts. vi 65 As for their secret groves, into which no outsider has ever gazed or set foot within their borders, my battle troops entered inside them, saw their secrets, and burned them with fire.

I destroyed and demolished the tombs of their earlier and later kings, men who had not revered the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and who had disturbed the kings, my ancestors; I exposed them to the sun lit. "the god Shamash". I took their bones to Assyria. I prevented their ghosts from sleeping and deprived them of funerary libations.

On a march of one month and twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them.

The daughters of kings, the sisters of kings, along with earlier and later family of the kings of the land Elam, officials and mayors vi 85 of those cities, as many as I had conquered, chief archers, captains, charioteers, third men of chariot crews, cavalrymen, archers, eunuchs, engineers, vi 90 every kind of artisan there was, people — male and female, young and old — horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were more numerous than locusts — I carried them off to Assyria.

I gathered earth from the cities Susa, Madaktu, Haltemash, and the rest of their cult centers and took it to Assyria. During one full month, vi 100 I flattened the land Elam to its full extent. I deprived his fields of the clamor of humans, the sound of the treading of oxen, sheep and goats, and the cries of pleasant work songs. I allowed onagers and gazelles, as many beasts of the steppe as there are, to dwell therein the cities as if on a meadow.

As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, vi 110 then, at that time when she — and the gods, her fathers — nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her divinity, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the evil land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

The words of their divine command that they had spoken in distant days, they now disclosed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hand of her great divinity. vi 120 She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. In the month Kislimu IX, on the first day, I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on her eternal dais in Ehiliana, which she loves.

As for the people and the booty of the land Elam, which I had plundered by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku — vii 1 I gave the best of them to my gods. I added the archers, shield bearers, artisans, and engineers whom I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among the cult centers, the dwelling places of the great gods, my governors, my nobles, and my entire camp.

Obverse Column vii


(disz)um-man-al-dasz _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza szu-usz-mur _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 dan-nu-u-ti e-mu-ru ul-tu _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi-ti-szu i-tu-ram-ma qé-reb _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_ szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 ap-pu-lu aq-qu-ru Asz-lu-lu szal-lat-su e-ru-ub u-szib ina si-pit-ti a-szar ki-hul-le-e

szu-ut (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_ sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun en_-ti-ia sza _lugal-mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-na dan-nu-ti-szu isz-ku-nu it-tak-lu a-na (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)in-da-bi-bi (disz)um-man-al-dasz _lugal-mesz_ szA e-pu-szu be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki lu-a kin_-ia szu-ut sze-bul (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ ina ma-le-e lib-ba-a-ti u-ma-'e-er _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-dasz

(disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_ a-lak _lu-a kin_-ia szA qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma ik-ku-ud lib-ba-szu ir-szA-a na-kut-tu na-pisz-ta-szu pa-nu-usz-szu ul e-qir-ma ih-szu-ha mi-tu-tu a-na _lu_-ki-ze-e ra-ma-ni-szu iq-bi-ma um-ma ra-si-ban-ni ina _gisz-tukul_ szu-u _lu_-ki-zu-szu ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu-nu up-ta-at-te-hu a-ha-mesz

(disz)um-man-al-dasz ip-lah-ma _adda_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ szu-a-tu ina _mun_ usz-ni-il-ma a-di _sag-du lu-ki-zu_-szu sza u-ra-si-bu-szu ina _gisz-tukul_ a-na _lu-a kin_-ia id-din-ma u-sze-bi-la-Asz-szu a-di mah-ri-ia _adda_-szu a-a-din a-na qé-bé-ri _ugu_ szA mah-ri mi-tu-us-su ut-tir-ma _sag-du_-su ak-kis ina _gu_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_szu-ii_-s,a-bat _lu_-(d)30-ma-gir (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri szA it-ti-szu a-na szum-ku-ri _kur-elam-ma-ki_ il-li-ku a-lul

(disz)pa-'e-e szA mé-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-dasz e-pu-szu be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ na-mur-rat _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 ez-zu-ti sza 1-szu 2-szu 3-szu it-bu-ku _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki_ ih-su-us-ma ir-szA-a hi-ip lib-bi ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia

_un-mesz_ mul-tah-t,e sza _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi-i _uru_-ku-s,ur-te-e-in _uru-bad_-_lugal uru_-ma-su-tu _uru_-bu-bé-e _uru_-É-(disz)un-za-a-a _uru_-É-(disz)ar-ra-bi _uru_-ib-rat _uru-an-za-gar_-sza-(disz)ta-pa-pa _uru_-ak-bar-i-na _uru_-gur-u-ki-ir-ra _uru_-du-un-nu-(d)szA-masz _uru_-ha-ma-nu _uru_-ka-ni-s,u _uru_-ar-an-zi-a-sze _uru_-na-qi-da-a-te _uru_-dim-tu-szA-(disz)si-ma-me _uru_-É-(disz)qa-ta-at-ti _uru_-sza-(disz)qi-sa-a-a _uru_-su-ba-he-e _uru-du6_-hu-um-ba sza ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15

ina 9-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erim-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)u-a-a-te-e' _man kur_-a-ri-bi usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz la is,-s,ur-u-ma is,-la-a _gisz-szudun en_-ti-ia sza _an-szar_ e-mi-du-usz i-szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni a-na szA-al szul-mi-ia _gir-ii_-szu ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti man-da-ta-szu ka-bit-tu ki-i _kur-elam-ma-ki_-ma da-bab sur-ra-a-te _kur uri-ki_ isz-me-e-ma la is,-s,u-ra a-de-ia ia-a-ti (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a sanga ku_ re-e-szu mut-nen-nu-u bi-nu-ut _szu-ii an-szar_ u-masz-szir-an-ni-ma

ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 _erim-hi-a_-ia ina gi-ra-a _uru_-a-za-ar-_dingir uru_-hi-ra-ta-a-qa-s,a-a-a ina _uru_-u-du-me ina né-reb _uru_-ia-ab-ru-du ina _uru_-É-(disz)am-ma-ni ina na-ge-e szA _uru_-ha-u-ri-i-na ina _uru_-mu-'a-a-ba ina _uru_-sa-'a-ar-ri ina _uru_-ha-ar-ge-e ina na-ge-e sza _uru_-s,u-bi-ti di-ik-ta-szu ma-'a-at-tu a-duk ina la mi-ni Asz-kun _bad5-bad5_-szu _un-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi ma-la it-ti-szu it-bu-u-ni u-ra-as-sib ina _gisz-tukul-mesz u_ szu-u la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ dan-nu-ti ip-par-szid-ma in-na-bit a-na ru-qé-e-ti

(disz)u-a-a-te-e' ma-ru-usz-tu im-hur-szu-u-ma e-disz-szi-szu in-na-bit a-na _kur_-na-ba-a-a-te

AI Translation

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had seen the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he returned from the mountains, his place of refuge, and entered the city Madaktu, a city that I had destroyed, demolished, and plundered by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar. He sat down in mourning in the place of the kihulû.

As for Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had violated my treaty and sinned against my lordly majesty, who trusted in the might of the kings of the land Elam and trusted in Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Indabibi, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the kings who had exercised dominion over the land Elam, I sent my messenger, whom Nabû-bel-shumati had taken away by force.

Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, heard about the advance of my messenger who had entered the land Elam and his heart pounded. He did not give his life to him and he sinned against the king his own son. He said to his own son: "It is my sacrificial sheep." His king's sacrificial sheep has been struck down with the sword. I have been slain with their iron belt-daggers.

Ummanaldashu became frightened and he slew a corpse of that Nabû-bel-shumati with salt, and then he sent his bodyguard, who had smashed him, with the sword, to my messenger. I sent him before me, but he did not give his corpse back to me. I removed his corpse inside the temple, then I cut off his head and hung it on the neck of Nabû-mukin-shabat, the temple administrator. Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, who had gone with him, to the destruction of the land Elam.

Pa'ê, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, became frightened by the brilliance of the fierce weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, which they had repeatedly used against the land Elam, and then became frightened of my pious heart. He fled to me from the land Elam and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

The people of the cities Bit-Imbî, Kushurtin, Dur-sharri, Masutu, Bubê, Bit-Unzaya, Bit-Arrabi, Ibrat, Anzagar-sha-Tapapa, Akbarina, Gur-Ukirra, Dunnu-Shamash, Hamanu, Kanishu, Aranziash, Naqidate, Dimtu-sha-Simame, Bit-Qatatti, Sha-Qisaya, Subahe, and Til-Humba, which had been defeated in my first campaign, which had been defeated by the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar.

On my ninth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the road against Uaite', the king of the Arabs. He who had violated my treaty and did not honor the kindness I had done, and had cast off the yoke of my lordship, which the god Ashur had granted me, and who had cast off my feet. He opened his feet to inquire about my well-being and he received a substantial payment from me. Like the land Elam, he heard about the slander of the land Akkad and he did not honor my treaty. He abandoned me, Ashurbanipal, the holy priest, the pious priest, the creation of the god Ashur, and abandoned me.

By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my troops fought with each other in the cities Azar-ilu, Hirataqashâ, Udumu, in the pass of the city Yabrudu, in the city Bit-Ammani, in the district of the city Haurina, in the cities Mu'aba, Sa'arri, and Harge, in the district of the city Shubitu. I fought with him without number. I struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had fought with him. He fled from the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and fled to the city Til-Adad.

Uaite', a raging lion, approached him and fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.


As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had seen the rage of the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he returned from the mountains, his place of refuge, and he entered the city Madaktu, which I had destroyed, demolished, and plundered by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar. He sat down in mourning, at a place of mourning.

With regard to Nabû-bel-shumati, the grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had sinned against my treaty and cast off the yoke of my lordship, vii 20 who had made the kings of the land Elam his fortified position and trusted in Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Indabibi, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, kings who had exercised dominion over the land Elam, vii 25 I dispatched my messenger to Ummanaldashu with a message filled with rage concerning the extradition of Nabû-bel-shumati.

Nabû-bel-shumati, the grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, heard about the advance of my messenger who had entered into the land Elam; he lit. "his heart" became anxious and distressed. His life was not precious to him and he wanted to die. He spoke to his own personal attendant, vii 35 saying: "Strike me down with the sword." He and his personal attendant ran each other through with their iron belt-daggers.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III became frightened and preserved the corpse of that Nabû-bel-shumati in salt, and then he gave it to my messenger, along with the head of his personal attendant who had struck him down with the sword, and sent him my messenger before me. vii 45 I did not agree to hand over his corpse for burial. I made him more dead than before: I cut off his head and hung it around the neck of Nabû-qati-shabat, the simmagir-official of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, who had gone with him Nabû-bel-shumati to make the land Elam hostile towards me.

Pa'ê, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, thought about the awe-inspiring brilliance of the fierce weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar that they had poured over the land Elam, not one time or two times, but three times, and he became disheartened. He fled to me from within the land Elam and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

As for the people, the survivors of the cities Bit-Imbî, Kushurtayin, Dur-sharri, Massutu, Bubê, Bit-Unzaya, Bit-Arrabi, Ibrat, Dimtu-sha-Tapapa, Akbarina, Gurukirra, Dunni-Shamash, Hamanu, vii 65 Kanishu, Aranziashe, alu-sha-naqidate, Dimtu-sha-Simame, Bit-Qatatti, alu-sha-Qisaya, Subahê, and Til-Humban, vii 70 who had fled from the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar during a previous campaign of mine and had taken to Mount lit. "city" Salatri, a rugged mountain — as for those people who had established Mount lit. "city" Salatri, a mountain, as their defensive position, vii 75 the awe-inspiring brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them and they fled to me from the mountains, their place of refuge, and grasped my feet. I conscripted them as archers and added them to my royal contingent, which they the gods had placed in my hands.

On my ninth campaign, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Uaite' Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs vii 85 who had sinned against my treaty, had not respected the kindness that I had done for him, and had cast off the yoke of my lordship, which the god Ashur had imposed upon him so that he pulled my yoke. He refrained from inquiring about my well-being and vii 90 withheld audience gifts and his substantial payments, from me. Just like the land Elam, he listened to the lies spoken by the land Akkad and then he did not honor my treaty. He abandoned me, Ashurbanipal, the holy priest, vii 95 the pious servant, the creation of the hands of the god Ashur, and he gave his forces to Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu, sons of Te'ri. vii 100 He sent them to aid Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, and he sided with him. As for the people of the land of the Arabs who were with him, he made them hostile towards me and then they were constantly plundering the people whom the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods vii 105 had given to me to be their shepherd lit. "to perform their shepherdship" and whom they had placed in my hands.

By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my troops — at the ... of the cities Azarilu and Hirataqashaya, in the land lit. "city" Edom, vii 110 in the pass of the city Yabrudu, in the land lit. "city" Bit-Ammon, in the district of the city Haurina, in the land lit. "city" Moab, in the city Seir, in the city Hargê, in the district of the city Shōba — vii 115 I inflicted a heavy defeat on him; I brought about his defeat countless times. I struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up with him. However, he escaped from the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and fled far away. They my troops set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus burned them with fire.

As for Uaite' Iauta', hardship befell him and he fled alone to the land of the Nabayateans.

Obverse Column viii


(disz)u-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-_dingir dumu szesz ad_ szA (disz)u-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)bir-(d)_iszkur_ sza ra-man-szu isz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti _kur_-a-ri-bi _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz kur_-u _gal_-u t,e-en-szu u-szA-an-ni-ma il-li-ka a-di mah-ri-ia a-na kul-lum ta-nit-ti _an-szar u dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-ma _gisz_-szi-ga-ru Asz-kun-szu-ma it-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ ar-ku-us-szu-ma u-szA-an-s,ir-szu _ka-gal murub4 uru-nina-ki_ né-reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-ti

U szu-u (disz)am-mu-la-di _man kur_-qé-ed-ri it-ba-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _lugal-mesz kur mar-tu-ki_ sza _an-szar_ (d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)_gaszan_-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun szA-a-szu bal-t,u-us-su it-ti (f)a-di-ia-a _dam_ (disz)u-a-a-te-e' _man kur_-a-ri-bi is,-ba-tu-nim-ma u-bil-u-ni a-di mah#-ri-ia ina qi-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

ina qi#-bit _an-szar_ (d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri sza a-na re-s,u-tu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ a-na e-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ il-li-ku re-s,e-e-szu a-duk _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun si-it-tu-ti szA qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-ru-bu ina su-un-qi hu-szah-hi e-ku-lu _uzu_ a-ha-mesz a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ u-s,u-nim-ma e-mu-qi-ia szA ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ szak-nu szA-ni-ia-a-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu isz-ku-nu-ma szu-u e-disz ip-par-szid-ma

U szu-u it-ti _kur_-na-ba-a-a-ta-a-a pi-i-szu isz-kun-ma ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ la ip-lah-ma ih-tab-ba-ta hu-bu-ut mi-s,ir _kur_-ia

ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku (disz)na-at-nu _man kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu sza (disz)u-a-a-te-e' ina mah-ri-szu in-nab-tu isz-me-ma da-na-an _an-szar_ szA u-tak-kil-an-ni sza ma-te-e-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _lu-a kin_-szu la isz-pu-ra la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu-un ina pu-luh-ti _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ ka-szi-du-u-ti is-sa-an-qa-am-ma isz-a-la szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia

U (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri la ha-sis t,a-ab-ti la na-s,ir ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ da-bab sur-ra-a-te it-ti-ia id-bu-ub-ma pi-i-szu it-ti (disz)na-at-ni _lugal kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti isz-kun-ma e-mu-qi-szu-nu id-ku-u-ni a-na ti-ib _hul_-tim a-na mi-s,ir-ia

ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _erim-hi-a_-ia ad-ke _edin_ (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu _id-idigna_ u _id-buranun-ki_ ina _illu_-szi-na gap-szi szal-mesz lu-u e-bi-ru ir-du-u ur-hi ru-qu-u-ti e-tel-lu-u hur-szA-a-ni szA-qu-u-ti ih-tal-lu-pu _gisz-tir-mesz_ szA s,u-lul-szi-na rap-szu bi-rit _gisz-mesz gal-mesz_ gi-is,-s,i _gisz-gesztin-gir-mesz_ har-ra-an _gisz_-ed-de-ti e-te-et-ti-qu szal-mi-isz mad-bar a-szar s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti

ir-du-u il-li-ku ina _iti-sig4 iti_ (d)30 _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-szA-re-du szA (d)_en-lil ud-25-kam_ szA-da-hu szA (d)be-let-_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ka-bit-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu _uru_-ha-da-at-ta-a at-tu-musz ina _uru_-la-ri-ib-da É _bad_ szA _na4-mesz_ ina _ugu_ gu-ub-ba-a-ni szA _a-mesz_ at-ta-ad-di usz-man-ni _erim-hi-a_-ia _a-mesz_ a-na masz-ti-ti-szu-nu ih-bu-ma ir-du-u il-li-ku qaq-qar s,u-um-me a-szar lap-lap-ti a-di _uru_-hu-ra-ri-na bi-rit _uru_-ia-ar-ki _u uru_-a-za-al-la ina mad-bar Asz-ru ru-u-qu a-szar u-ma-am _edin_ la ib-ba-szu-u _u muszen an_-e la i-szak-ka-nu qin-nu _bad5-bad5 lu_-i-sa-am-me-e'

_ta_ lib-bi _uru_-a-za-al-la a-di _uru_-qu-ra-s,i-ti 6 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru a-szar s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti ir-du-u il-li-ku _lu_-a'-lu szA (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in

AI Translation

As for Uaite', son of Hazael, grandson of the brother of the father of Uaite', son of Bir-Adad, who had engendered him as king, the god Ashur, king of the gods, the great mountain, he gave me his word and came before me. To show the praise of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I imposed a heavy punishment upon him. I imposed upon him a scepter and I made him stand with a dog and made him stand with a dog. I opened the gate of the citadel of Nineveh, the place where the abode is erected.

Moreover, he, Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar, fled and used to fight with the kings of the land Amurru whom the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods had entrusted to me. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I brought about his defeat. They captured Adiya, wife of Uaite', the king of the Arabs, and brought him before me. By the command of the great gods, my lords, I brought him before me.

By the command of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, I defeated Abi-Yate' and Ayamu, sons of Te'ri, who had come to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin to Babylon and I carried off his booty. I brought about the defeat of the rest of them who had entered Babylon and ate together meat. To save their lives, they brought my forces, which were placed over Shamash-shuma-ukin, over them and he fled to me.

Moreover, he set his mind to the land of the Nabayateans and did not fear the oath sworn by the great gods and feared the defeat of my land.

With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — and who had fled before Uaite' Uaite' Uaite' heard of the might of the god Ashur, which he had encouraged me, and iii 55 whose messenger had never sent to the kings, my ancestors, and who had not inquired about the well-being of their royal majesty — he sat down in the midst of the fierce weapons of the god Ashur and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty.

Moreover, Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, who did not honor the good deeds and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods, spoke treachery with me and sided with Natni, the king of the land of the Nabayateans, and their forces he entrusted to me to wage war against me.

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I mustered my troops and took the direct road against Abi-Yate'. They crossed the Tigris and Euphrates in their wide floods and iii 20' crossed over remote mountains and high mountains. They surrounded the wide forest with large trees, cypress, and eddetu-trees, and I took the direct road where there was a swarm of swarms of swarms of swarms of eddetu.

In the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn, the first-born son of the god Enlil, the twenty-first day, the festival of the Lady of Babylon, the substantial tribute of the great gods, I moved out from the city Hadattâ and spent the night in the city Laribda, a wall of stone on top of a watercourse. I imposed upon my troops water for their libations and they went down to the desert. The desert, a place of hunger, as far as the city Hurarina, between the city Yarakki and the city Azalla, in the madbar, a remote place where no day rises and no bird of the sky rises, I brought about the defeat of the Isamme' tribe.

From the city Azalla to the city Qurashitu, six leagues of terrain, where raging floods erupted, they marched. The 'experts' of the god Atar-sama'in marched about triumphantly.


As for Uaite' Iauta', son of Hazael, son of the brother of the father of Uaite', son of Bir-Dada, who made himself king of the land of the Arabs — viii 5 the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the great mountain, deranged his mind and he Iauta' came before me. To show the praise of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, viii 10 I imposed a heavy punishment upon him. I placed him in a neck-stock, bound him with a bear and a dog and then made him guard the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, whose name is the Entrance to the Place Where the World Is Controlled.

Moreover, he, Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar, set out to fight with the kings of the land Amurru whom the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods had entrusted to me. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, viii 20 Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I brought about his defeat. viii 25 They my troops seized him alive together with Adiya, wife of Uaite' Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, and brought him before me. By the command of the great gods, my lords, I placed him Ammu-ladin in a dog collar and made him guard the gate.

By the command of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, I fought with Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu, sons of Te'ri, who had come to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin by entering Babylon as his allies, and I brought about his defeat. viii 35 As for the rest who had entered Babylon, they ate each other's flesh on account of famine and starvation. In order to save their own lives, they came out of Babylon and viii 40 then the forces of mine who were stationed against Shamash-shuma-ukin, brought about his defeat for a second time. He Abi-Yate' then fled alone and grasped my feet in order to save his own life. I had mercy on him, viii 45 made him swear to a treaty, an oath bound by the great gods, and then installed him as king of the land of the Arabs in place of Uaite' Iauta', son of Hazael.

However, he Abi-Yate' sided with the Nabayateans, did not respect the oaths sworn by the great gods, and constantly plundered the territory of my land.

With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — and before whom Uaite' Iauta' had fled, heard about the might of the god Ashur, who had encouraged me. viii 60 The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and who had not inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, out of fear of the conquering weapons of the god Ashur, approached me and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty.

Moreover, Abi-Yate', the son of Te'ri who who did not remember my kindness and did not honor the oaths sworn by the great gods, spoke lies to me and sided with Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans. They then mustered their forces for a wicked assault on my borders.

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, viii 75 Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I mustered my troops and I took the direct road against Abi-Yate'. viii 80 They my troops safely crossed the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers when they were in full spate, traveled on remote paths, climbed high mountains, crept through forests whose canopies were wide, and viii 85 constantly passed safely between tall trees, thorn bushes, brambles, and paths filled with eddittu-bushes. Over desert — a place of parching thirst in which no bird of the heavens flies viii 90 and where no onagers or gazelles graze — a distance of one hundred leagues from Nineveh, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar — the wife of the god Enlil — they advanced and marched in pursuit of Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, and Abi-Yate', who had come with forces of the land of the Nabayateans.

In the month Simanu III, the month of the god Sîn — the eldest and foremost son of the god Enlil — on the twenty-fifth day, the procession of the Lady of Babylon, the venerated one of the great gods, viii 100 I set out from the city Hadattâ and set up my camp at the city Laribda, a stone fortress next to water cisterns. My troops drew water to fill their drinking vessels, and viii 105 then advanced and marched through a land of parching thirst lit. "a land of thirst and a place of parching" as far as the city Hurarina, which is between the cities Yarki and Azalla, in the desert, a distant place where there are no creatures of the steppe viii 110 and where no bird of the heavens makes its nest. They lit. "I" brought about the defeat of the Yisamme', the confederation of the god Atar-samayin, and the Nabayateans. viii 115 They lit. "I" plundered countless people, donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats. My troops marched about triumphantly over a distance of eight leagues. They returned safely and drank water to their satisfaction in the city Azalla.

They my troops advanced and march­ed from the city Azalla to the city Qurashiti, a distance of six leagues through a place of parching thirst. ix 1 They lit. "I" surrounded the confederation of the god Atar-samayin and the Qederites of Uaite', son of Bir-Dada, the king of the land of the Arabs. As for his gods, his mother, his sisters, his wife, his family, the people of the land Qedar, all of it, ix 5 donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats, as many as I had captured with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I made their feet take the road to Damascus.

Obverse Column ix


ina _iti-ne iti mul-pan_ ma-rat (d)30 qa-rit-tu _ud-3-kam_ nu-bat-tu szA _lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu_ ul-tu _uru_-di-masz-qa at-tu-musz 6 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru mu-szi-tu ka-la-szA ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di _uru_-hul-hu-li-ti ina _kur_-hu-uk-ri-na _kur_-u mar-s,u _lu_-a'-lu szA (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'#-ri _kur_-qid-ra-a-a ak-szu-ud _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-am-mu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-un u-s,ab-bit ina _szu-ii_

mun-nab-ti szA la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia in-nab-tu ip-la-hu is,-ba-tu _kur_-hu-uk-ku-ru-na _kur_-u mar-s,u ina _uru_-ma-an-ha-ab-bi _uru_-ap-pa-ru _uru_-te-nu-qu-ri _uru_-s,a-a-a-u-ra-an _uru#_-mar-qa-na-a _uru_-sa-ra-te-in _uru_-en-zi-kar-me _uru#_-ta-a'-na-a _uru_-sa-ra-a-qa a-szar kup-pi nam-ba-'i szA _a-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu-u _en-nun-mesz_ ina muh-hi u-szA-an-s,ir-ma _a-mesz ti-la zi_-ti-szu-nu ak-la masz-ti-tu u-szA-qir a-na pi-i-szu-un ina s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu si-it-tu-u-ti _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ru-ku-pi-szu-nu u-szal-li-qu

_un-mesz nita_ u _munus ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e#-e-ni ina la mi-ni Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki#_ nap-har _kur_-ia szA _an-szar_ id-di-na ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-szA um-dal-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-szA _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u-par-ri#-is u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz kur an-szar-ki_ ina qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ina 1 _gin 1_/2# [_gin_] kas-pi# i-szam-mu ina _ka_ ma-hi-ri _munus-a_sz-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _lu-lunga_ ina ha-pe-e _lu-nu-gisz-kiri6_ ina ki-szi-szu szA _u-sar_ im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u a-me-lu-tu

(disz)u-a-a-te-e' a-di _erim-hi-a_-szu sza a-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar en_-ia ip-par-szi-du in-nab-tu ma-har (disz)na-at-na u-szam-qit-su-nu-ti (d)er-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu-nu isz-szA-kin-ma a-na bu-ri-szu-nu e-ku#-lu _uzu dumu-mesz_-szu-nu ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-e-szu-nu szat,-ra ina pit-ti i-szi-mu-szu-nu-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar#-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku

ba-ak-ru su-hi-ru _gu4-amar udu-nim_ ina _ugu 7-ta-am_ mu-sze-ni-qa-a-te# e-ni-qu-u-ma szi-iz-bu la u-szab-bu-u ka-ra-sun _un-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi 1-en a-na 1-en isz-ta-'a-a-lu4 a-ha-mesz ina _ugu_ mi-né-e ki-i ep-sze-e-tu an-ni-tu _hul_-tu im-hu-ru _kur_-a-ru-bu um-ma Asz-szu a-de-e _gal-mesz_ szA _an-szar_ la ni-is,-s,u-ru ni-ih-t,u-u ina _mun_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal_ na-ram lib-bi (d)_en-lil_

(d)_nin-lil_ ri-im-tu (d)_en-lil-la_-i-tu ka-dir-ti i-la-a-ti sza it-ti (d)a-num (d)_en-lil_ szit-lu-t,a-at man-za-zu u-na-kip _lu-kur-mesz_-ia ina _si-mesz_-szA gasz-ra-a-te

(d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_gisz-bar_ lit-bu-szat me-lam-me na-szA-a-ta _ugu kur_-a-ri-bi i-za-an-nun nab-li

(d)er-ra qar-du a-nun-tu ku-us,-s,ur-ma u-ra-as-si-pa ga-re-ia

(d)_masz_ szil-ta-hu qar-ra-du _gal_-u _dumu_ (d)_en-lil_ ga-Asz-ru ina us,-s,i-szu zaq-ti u-par-ri-i' _zi_-tim _lu-kur-mesz_-ia

(d)nusku _sukkal_ na-a'-du mu-szA-pu-u _en_-u-ti sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ qa-rit-tu (d)be-let-_uru#-limmu_-_dingir a-ii_-a-a il-lik-ma is,#-s,u-ra _lugal_-u-ti mé-eh-ret _erim-hi-a_-ia iz-ziz-ma u-szam-qi-ta ga-re-ia

ti-bu-ut _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza ina e-pesz _me_ il-li-ku re-s,u-ti _erim-hi-a-mesz_ sza (disz)u-a-a-te-e' isz-mu-u-ma _ugu_-szu ib-bal-ki-tu szu-u ip-lah-ma ul-tu É in-nab-tu u-s,a-am-ma ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _szu-ii_ ik-szu-us-su-ma u-ra-Asz-szu a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

ina ni-isz _szu-ii_-ia szA a-na ka-szad _lu-kur-mesz_-ia am-da-ha-ru _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil_ ina _gisz_-hu-ut-né-e ma-sze-ri s,i-bit _szu-ii_-ia _uzu-me-z_É-szu ap-lu-usz ina la-ah-szi-szu at-ta-di s,er-re-tu ul-li _ur-gi7_ ad-di-szu-ma ina _ka-gal_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi szA _murub4 uru-nina-ki_ sza né-reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-te na-bu-u zi-kir-szA u-szA-an-s,ir-szu _gisz_-szi-ga-ru a-na da-lAl ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ (d)15 _u dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u-bal-lit, nap-szat-su

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _uru_-u-szu-u sza ina a-hi tam-tim na-da-ta szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud _un-mesz uru_-u-szu-u szA a-na _lu-nam-mesz_-szu-nu la sa-an-qu la i-nam-di-nu man-da-at-tu na-dan szat-ti-szu-un a-duk ina _sza un-mesz_ la kan-szu-u-ti szip-t,u Asz-kun _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu _un-mesz_-szu-nu Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

_un-mesz uru_-ak-ku-u la kan-szu-ti a-nir _adda-mesz_-szu-nu ina _gisz_-ga-szi-szi a-lul si-hir-ti _uru_ u-szal-mi si-it-tu-ti-szu-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ a-na ki-s,ir ak-s,ur-ma _ugu erim-hi-a_-ia ma-a'-da-a-ti sza _an-szar_ i-qi-szA u-rad-di

AI Translation

In the month Abu V, the month of the Bow Star, the scepter of the god Sîn, the third day, the evening watch of the king of the gods, the god Marduk, I moved out from the city Damascus. I marched for six leagues a day, all day, and marched as far as the city Hulhulitu, in the rugged mountain of the land Hukrina. I defeated the A'lu of Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, the Qidri. I carried off his booty. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I captured Abi-Yate' and Ayammu. I captured them alive in the thick of battle.

The blood that had flowed from my weapons became drenched and seized the land Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. I confined the cities Manhabbi, Apparu, Tenuquru, Shaurran, Marqana, Sartin, Enzikarme, Ta'na, and Saraqa, places of a dike of water, as much as there was, and I confined the water for their lives. I imposed upon them corvée. I made their lives miserable. I carried off the remainder of their camels, their owners, and I carried off their booty.

I carried off to Assyria people, male and female, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. I gave all of my land to Assyria, which the god Ashur had given me, in its entirety. I divided up the camels into equal parts and divided them among all of its people. In the midst of my land, I gave the camels for one and a half shekels of silver to the people of Assyria. The brewer was given a female kid in a ration, the brewer in a ration, the gardener in his rations, the camels and people were given the camels and people.

As for Uaite' and his troops, who had not kept my treaty, who had fled before the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and had fled before Natna, the god Erra, the fierce warrior, placed a sling in their midst and ate their flesh in their midst, as many as had been written in their treaties, they listened to them with a supplication. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku imposed upon them a levy of tribute and tax, and they imposed upon them corvée.

The people of the land of the Arabs gathered together and prayed to one another: "What is it that these evil deeds are?" The land of the Arabs responded: "We have not forgotten the great treaties that the god Ashur had concluded and we have not sinned against Ashurbanipal, the king beloved by the god Enlil."

The goddess Mullissu, the beloved of the goddess Mullissu, the most exalted of the goddesses, who with the gods Anu and Enlil smashed my positions and cut down my enemies with her mighty horns:

The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, the fire god, will make the aura of the land shine like the sun.

The god Erra, the hero, slew my foes and slew my foes.

Ninurta, the great hero, the powerful son of the god Enlil, cut down with his mighty sword the life of my enemies.

The god Nusku, attentive vizier, the one who makes lordly things shine, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the fierce lady, the Lady of Arbela, came to my aid and entrusted me with kingship, stood in front of my troops and cut down my foes.

The assault of the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, who had come to my aid during a campaign, overwhelmed the troops of Uaite' and rebelled against him. He became frightened and fled from the temple and with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, he grasped hold of his hands and took him to Assyria.

With my mighty hand, which I had constantly strived to defeat my enemies, I slew the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu with the hutnû-tool, the tool of my hand, and cut down his flesh. In his womb I sat down and drank beer. I gave him a dog and made him sit in the eastern gate of the citadel of Nineveh, which is the entrance to the sanctuaries of the dead. I made him hold the shigaru-tool for the praise of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and I made him live.

On my return march, I conquered the city Ushû, whose location is situated on the shore of the sea. I massacred the people of the city Ushû, whose governors are not well-managed, and who did not pay tribute to their regular offerings. I put an end to the hardships of the people and carried off to Assyria their gods and their people.

I carried off the uncounted people of the city Akku. I hung their corpses on poles and carried off the rest of the city. I took the rest of them to Assyria. I surrounded and added them to my extensive troops which the god Ashur had granted.


In the month Abu V, the month of the bow-star — the warrior, daughter of the god Sîn — on the third day, the day of the evening meal of the king of the gods — the god Marduk — I set out from the city Damascus. I advanced and marched a distance of six leagues, the entire night, as far as the city Hulhuliti, ix 15 at Mount Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. I reached the confederation of Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, the Qederite. I brought about his defeat and plundered him. As for Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu, ix 20 by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I captured them alive in the thick of battle. I placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and took them to Assyria, together with plunder from their land.

The fugitives who had fled from my weapons became frightened and took to Mount Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. In the cities Manhabbi, Apparu, Tenuquri, Shayuran, Marqanâ, Saratein, ix 30 Enzikarme, Ta'nâ, and Saraqa, whereever there was a spring or a source of water, as many as there were, I had guards stationed over them and thus I withheld from them the water which sustains their lives. I made drink scarce for their mouths and ix 35 they laid down their lives from parching thirst. As for the rest of them, they cut open the camels that they rode and drank the blood and the liquid from the excrement to quench their thirst. As for those who had gone up and entered into the mountains, and had sought refuge there, ix 40 not a single one of them escaped; anyone who tried to get away did not escape my grasp. I conquered them whereever they took refuge.

They lit. "I" carried off to Assyria people — male and female — donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. ix 45 They filled with them the whole extent of my land, all that the god Ashur had given to me in its entirety, to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats and divided them among the people of Assyria so that within my country they the Assyrians could purchase camels for one shekel or even a half shekel of silver at the market gate. ix 50 The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug of beer, and the gardener for his bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camels and slaves.

As for Uaite', along with his troops, who did not honor my treaty, who had flown away from the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and had fled into the presence of Natnu, the god Erra, the warrior, cut them down. Famine broke out among them and they ate the flesh of their children on account of their hunger. ix 60 The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku decreed curses, as many as were written in their treaties, accordingly upon them.

The foal of camels, the foal of donkeys, the calf, and the spring lamb sucked more than seven times at their wet nurses and yet they could not satisfy their stomachs with milk. The people of the land of the Arabs constantly asked one another: ix 70 "Why have evil deeds such as these lit. "this" befallen the land of the Arabs?" The other answered: "Because we did not honor the great treaties sworn by the god Ashur and sinned against the kindness of Ashurbanipal, the king who is loved by the heart of the god Enlil."

The goddess Mullissu, the wild cow, the supreme goddess, the most impetuous one among goddesses, whose position is equal in rank with that of the gods Anu and Enlil, gored to death my foes with her powerful horns.

The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, who is clothed in fire and cloaked in awe-inspiring radiance, rained down fire upon the land of the Arabs.

The god Erra, the warrior, was fully prepared for battle and struck down my foes.

The god Ninurta, the arrow, the great warrior, the powerful son of the god Enlil, sliced through the lives of my enemies with his sharp arrows.

The god Nusku, the attentive vizier who makes lordship resplendent, who by the command of the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, and the warrior, the Lady of Arbela, marched at my side and protected my royal majesty, stood at the front of my troops and cut down my foes.

As for the assault of the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, who had come to my aid to do battle, the troops of Uaite' heard about this and they rebelled against him Uaite'. ix 95 He Uaite' became frightened and came out from the place where he had fled. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, ix 100 Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I captured him and brought him to Assyria.

Through my entreaties that I had constantly made to the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu in order to conquer my enemies, I pierced his Uaite''s jaw with the ... of the ... that my own hands hold. I put a lead-rope through his gums, placed him in a dog collar, and ix 110 then made him guard the door of the eastern gate of the citadel of Nineveh, whose name is the Entrance to the Place Where the World Is Controlled. So that he could sing the praises of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, I had mercy on him and spared his life.

On my return march, I conquered the city Ushû Palaetyrus, whose location is situated on the shore of the sea. I slew the people of the city Ushû who had not been obedient to their governors by not giving payment, their annual giving. ix 120 I rendered judgement on those insubmissive people: I carried off their gods and their people to Assyria.

I killed the insubmissive people of the city Acco. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. I took the rest of them to Assyria. I conscripted them to my royal contingent and added them to my numerous troops that the god Ashur had granted to me.

Obverse Column x


(disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e-ri it-ti (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _szesz_-szu i-zi-zu-ma it-ti _erim-hi-a_-ia e-pu-szu _me_ ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su ina _szu-ii_ as,-bat ina _nina-ki uru en_-ti-ia _kusz_-szu Asz-hu-ut,

(disz)um-man-al-dasz _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ul-tu ul-la _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia ina qi-bit _dingir_-ti-szu-nu s,ir-tu szA la in-nen-nu-u _egir_-nu _kur_-su _ugu_-szu ib-bal-kit-ma la-pa-an sah-masz-ti _arad-mesz_-szu szA u-szab-szu-u _ugu_-szu e-disz-szi-szu ip-par-szid-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u ul-tu _kur_-e É mar-qi-ti-szu a-szar it-ta-nap-rasz-szi-du ki-ma _sur-du-muszen_ a-bar-szu-ma bal-t,u-us-su al-qa-Asz-szu a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza _egir_ a-ha-mesz e-pu-szu be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza ina e-mu-qi _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia u-szak-ni-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia (disz)u-a-a-te-e' _man kur_-a-ri-bi sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)15 _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-ku-nu [ul-tu] _kur#_-szu al-qa-Asz#-szu a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ ul-tu a-na na-sah _udu-siskur-mesz_ e-lu-u ina é-masz-masz szu-bat _en_-ti-szu-un ma-har (d)_nin-lil ama dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ hi-ir-tu na-ram-ti _an-szar_ e-pu-szu _garza-mesz_ É A-ki-it

(disz)15-_bad lugal kur_-ur-ar-t,i sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu a-na _ad-mesz_-ia isz-ta-nap-par-u-ni _szesz_-u-tu e-nen-na (disz)15-_bad_ da-na-nu ep-sze-e-tu sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ i-szi-mu-in-ni isz-me-e-ma ki-ma szA _dumu_ a-na _ad_-szu isz-ta-nap-pa-ra _en_-u-tu U szu-u ki-i pi-i an-nim-ma isz-ta-nap-pa-ra um-ma lu-u szul-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia pal-hi-isz kan-szisz ta-mar-ta-szu ka-bit-tu usz-ta-né-eb-ba-la a-di mah-ri-ia

ina u4-me-szu É _usz_-u-ti te-né-e É-_gal_ szA qé-reb _nina-ki_ [_uru_] s,i-i-ru na-ram (d)_nin-lil_ [sza (disz)(d)]30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur an-szar-ki ad ad du_-ia ud#-di-szu a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu É _usz#_-u-ti szu-a-tu ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-ti la-ba#-risz il-lik e-na-ha É-_gar8-mesz_-szu

a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur an-szar-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim Asz-szu qé-reb É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu ar-ba-a _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_gaszan_-_garza-mesz_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku _dumu lugal_-u-ti is,-s,u-ru s,u-lul-szu-nu _dug-ga an-dul_-la-szu-nu sza szA-la-me it-ru-s,u _ugu_-ia ul#-tu ina _gisz-gu-za ad du_-ia u-szi-bu e-te-né-ep-pu-szu be-lut _kur-kur u un-mesz dagal-mesz_

50-_am_ ti-ib-ki masz-kAn szi-kit-ti-szu pi-tiq-tu ap-tiq tam-la-a usz-mal-li la-pa-an esz-re-e-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ap-lah-ma tam-la-a szu-a-tu szi-kit-ta-szu ul u-szaq-qi ma-a'-disz ina _iti dug-ga ud sze-ga edin_ tam-le-e szu-a-tu _usz8_-szu ad-di u-kin _sig4_-su ina _kasz-sag_ u _gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu ab-(lu)lul am-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu

ina _gisz_-s,u-um-bi-_mesz kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ina qi-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia Asz-lu-la a-na e-pesz É ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu _un-mesz kur_-ia ina lib-bi i-zab-bi-lu _sig4-hi-a lugal-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u sza ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-nu u-s,ab-bi-tu ina _szu-ii_ a-na e-pesz É ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu _gisz_-al-lu tup-szik-ku u-szA-Asz-szi-szu-nu-ti u-szA-az-bi-la ku-dur-ri la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu za-bi-lu tup-szik-ki-szu ina e-le-li nin-gu-u-ti ub-ba-lu u4-um-szu-un

_gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ tar-bit _kur_-si-ra-ra _kur_-lab-na-na u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu _gisz-ig-mesz_ li-ia-a-ri szA e-re-si-na _dug-ga_ me-ser _zabar_ u-rak-kis u-rat-ta-a _ka-mesz_-szu _gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz urudu_ nam-ru u-hal-lip-ma hi-it-ti _ka_ É hi-la-ni-szu e-mid É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia a-na si-hir-ti-szu

u-szak-lil lu-le-e u-mal-li _gisz-kiri6-mah_ szA gi-mir _gisz-mesz gurun nig-sa-sa-hi-a_ ka-la-mu az-qu-pa i-ta-te-e-szu

szi-pir ep-sze-e-te-szu ag-mur-ma _udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qa-a a-na _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-te u-szar-ri-szu

e-ru-ub qé-reb-szu ina za-mar tak-né-e a-na _egir ud-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-u-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u szA _lugal_-u-ti li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-né-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-usz da-na-nu u li-i-tu

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu la i-szak-ka-nu _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku de-e-ni it-ti ni-bit _mu_-ia li-di-nu-usz

_iti-gu4-si-sa ud-15-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_utu_-_kalag_-in-an-ni _lu-gar-kur kur uri-ki_

_iti-bara-zag-gar ud-1-kam_ lim-mu (disz)(d)_utu_-_kalag_-in-an-ni _lu-gar-kur kur uri-ki_

_iti-kin_-(d)_inanna ud-28-kam#_ lim-me (disz)(d)_utu_-_kalag_-in-an-ni _lu-nam ka-dingir-ra-ki_

_iti-gu4-si#_-[_sa ud_-x-_kam_] li-i#-[mu ...] _lu#_-[...]

[...] [...]

AI Translation

Ayamu, son of Teru, stood with Abi-Yate', his brother, and they used to do battle with my troops. I captured him alive in the thick of battle. I confined him in Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had previously said to me "Do obeisance" to me by the command of their exalted divinity, which cannot be changed, iii 5'' he rebelled against him and, in the face of the repression of his servants, who had incited him to rebel against him, he fled alone and took to the mountains. I took him from the mountains of his district, where he constantly scurried, and I took him to Assyria.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam after me, and who had made it happen through the strength of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, to my yoke, I took Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, whom I had defeated by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, out of his land I took him to Assyria. After I had gone up to make sacrifices, I had them occupy Eamashmash, their abode, before the goddess Mullissu, the mother of the great gods. I had the cult centers of the Akitu House, the akitu-house, the cult centers of the god Ashur, and the cult centers of the cult centers of the cult centers of the land of the Arabs.

Issar-duri, the king of the land Urartu, who constantly sends messages of brotherhood to the kings, his ancestors, to my ancestors, now Issar-duri heard about the might and might of the great gods and constantly sent messages of lordship to his father like a son to his father. Moreover, he himself constantly sent messages saying: "May the king, my lord, be well!" He was apprehensive and constantly sent his substantial audience gift to me.

At that time, the House of Succession, the palace that is inside Nineveh, the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated to be his royal residence, that House of Succession had become old during joyous celebrations and its walls had buckled.

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, because I had exercised kingship over that temple, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Sharrat-parakki, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, my royal son, and they kept guardian over them, and they kept guardian over me, and they constantly exercised dominion over the lands and the widespread population.

I ripped out its foundation pit 50 courses of brick and thereby enlarged its terrace. I became frightened of the shrines of the great gods, my lords, and I did not complete that terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace and thereby secured its brickwork. I poured out its beer and wine. I poured out its booty.

With the wagons of the land Elam, which I had carried off by the command of the great gods, my lords, to rebuild that royal house, the people of my land ate there. They ripped out bricks from the kings of the land of the Arabs who had sinned against my treaty and who had fled in the thick of battle. I placed them in the hands of the kings of the land of the Arabs to rebuild that royal house. I made them carry baskets and baskets. I made brick-shaped kundura-wood, whose bricks are piled up, and I hung them in their abodes in the midst of celebration.

I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I decorated the magnificent columns with shining copper and imposed upon them the payment of its full price. I enlarged that house, the residence that engendered my royal majesty, in its entirety.

I planted and completed a garden with all kinds of fruit trees, fruit trees, and all kinds of fruit trees.

I finished the work on it and offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. During joyous celebrations, I made him enter into his daises.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, the name of my grandfather, and the eternal seed of kingship, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him power and mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, or the name of my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku give an inscribed object bearing my name.

Ayyaru II, fifteenth day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of Babylonia 645.

Month Nisan I, first day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of Babylonia 645.

Ululu VI, the twenty-eighth day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of Babylon 645.

Ayyaru II, the ... day, eponymy of ..., .


As for Aya-ammu, son of Te'ri, who had stood with Abi-Yate', his brother, and did battle with my troops, I captured him alive in the thick of battle and flayed him in Nineveh, my capital city.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam whom from the distant past the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, had commanded to do obeisance to me — by the command of their exalted divinity, which cannot be changed, x 10 afterwards his land rebelled against him. He then fled alone from the rebellion that his servants had incited against him and he took to the mountains. From the mountains, his place of refuge where he had always fled, I caught him like a falcon and took him alive to Assyria.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam after one another x 20 and whom I had made bow down to my yoke through the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs whose defeat I had brought about by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and whom I had taken out of his own land to Assyria — after I had gone up to perform sacrifices and x 25 had performed the rites of the akitu-house in Emashmash, the seat of their dominion, before the goddess Mullissu — the mother of the great gods, the spouse loved by the god Ashur — I made them take hold of the yoke of my processional carriage. x 30 They pulled it up to the gate of the temple while I was seated above them lit. "while they were below me". There I humbled myself lit. "I stroked my nose" and paid careful attention to their divinity. In a rally of my troops, I made visible their the god's strength, through which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, x 35 Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku made those insubmissive to me bow down to my yoke and made me stand over my enemies in mighty victories.

As for Ishtar-duri Sarduri III, the king of the land Urartu, whose kings, his ancestors, used to regularly send messages of brotherly relations to my ancestors, now, Ishtar-duri heard about the mighty deeds that the great gods had determined for me and, x 45 like a son to his father, he constantly sent messages concerning my dominion. Moreover, he constantly sent messages according to this wording, saying: "May it be well with the king, my lord." Reverently and humbly, he was now sending his substantial audience gifts before me.

At that time, the replacement House of Succession, the palace that is inside Nineveh — the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu — which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated to be his royal residence — that House of Succession became old during joyous celebrations, and its walls had become dilapidated.

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world — because I had grown up inside this House of Succession, x 60 because the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Belet-parshe, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku had protected my position as heir designate, and x 65 stretched out their benevolent protection and their beneficent aegis over me, because after I had sat on the throne of the father who had engendered me and had continuously exercised dominion over all of the lands and their widespread population, good news about the conquest of my enemies was brought to me there, x 70 because my dreams in bed at night were auspicious and my egirrû-oracles were positive in the morning, because that very dwelling keeps its owners in good health, and because the great gods determined good things as its fate, I removed its dilapidated sections. x 75 In order to widen the approach to it, I demolished it in its entirety.

On the site of its original structure, I fashioned its brickwork fifty courses of brick high. I filled in the terrace. I showed reverence before the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, and x 80 so I did not raise up the structure of that terrace too high. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace and thereby secured its brickwork. I mixed its kalakku-mortar with beer and wine; I blended its shallaru-plaster.

With wagons of the land Elam that I had carried off by the command of the great gods, my lords, in order to build that House of Succession, the people of my land were carrying bricks there. As for the kings of the land of the Arabs who had sinned against my treaty and x 90 whom I had captured alive in the thick of battle, in order to build that House of Succession, I made them take up hoes and baskets of earth, and carry kudurru-baskets. Its brick makers and hod carriers x 95 spent their days in rejoicing and singing. While there were joyous celebrations, I built it from its foundations to its crenellations. I made its structure larger and its workmanship more splendid than the previous one.

I roofed it with long beams of cedar grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of white cedar, whose scent is sweet, and fixed them in its gateways. I covered tall columns with shiny copper and positioned the architraves of the gates of its bit-hilani on them. I completed that House of Succession, my royal residence, in its entirety. I filled it with splendor.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, which has all types of trees, and every fruit and vegetable.

I completed the work of its construction and then offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. During joyous celebrations, I inaugurated it. I entered inside it amidst songs of praise.

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather — the eternal seed of kingship — and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather, or does not place it with an inscribed object of his own, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, render judgement on him by invoking my name.

Ayyaru II, the fifteenth day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of the land Akkad 644, 643, or 642.

Nisannu I, the first day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of the land Akkad 644, 643, or 642.

Ululu VI, the twenty-eighth day, eponymy of Shamash-da''inanni, governor of Babylon 644, 643, or 642.

Ayyaru II, the ... day, eponymy of ....

... ...

Q003711: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x x x [...]

sa-al-hu ad-di [_gisz_]-_na# gisz-esi_ is,-s,i da#-[re-e] szA _ku-gi husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)_amar-utu_ ra-a'-im _bala_-ia a-qisz

6 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia ina _ka_ lu2-gu-dU-e-ne _ka_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_ ina _ka_ é-zi-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-(_ki_) ul-ziz

ki-zAlag-ga szu-bat (d)_izi-gar 83 gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat é-zi-da szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti nak-lisz u-sze-pisz

2 per-ku _ku-babbar_ eb-ba sza _asz4 gun-ta-am ki-la_-szu-nu ina kA-mah u kA-nam-ti-la a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu s,ir-ti u-hum-mesz _suhusz-mesz_-szu-nu

u-kin é-mes-lam É (d)_u-gur_ szA qé-reb _gu-du8-a-ki_ szA i-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ina _gisz-u-szub gisz-esi gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ hi-bisz-ti _szim-hi-a sig5-hi-a_-szu al-bi-in al-lu u-szat-rik-ma usz-te-esz-szi-ra _usz8_-szu ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me sze-mi-i ina i-gu-la-a _i dug-ga ku-babbar ku-gi_ ad-di tem-me-en-szu U ad-da-a szi-gar-szu

[ina] _gisz#-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-ka gisz-esi gisz-tug_ [_gisz_(?)]-_kim_(?) u _gisz-umbin_ us-si-ma szi-kit-ti-szu(?) [ul]-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla# ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu#

AI Translation

I presented a bed of ebony, a durable wood, whose appearance is adorned with reddish gold, to the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in the Gate of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I fashioned anew a tall kizlaga, the seat of the god Nergal, 83 talents of shiny zahalû-metal, and I had it built anew for the appearance of a throne, the emblem of Ezida, the seat of his great divinity.

I deposited two silver perkus, whose weight is sixty talents each, in the Kamah and the Kamanutila, as a reed mat for his exalted royal residence. I firmly firmly established their foundations.

I restored Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old. I rebuilt its dilapidated sections and removed its dilapidated sections. I clad its foundation with ebony and musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, with aromatics, and thereby secured its brickwork. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundation with oil, good oil, silver, and gold. I laid its foundation with bitumen, a beautiful gold and silver ornament.

I fastened bands of silver on musukkannu-wood, a bed of ebony, boxwood, a thornbush, and a thornbush and I completed its construction from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure.


I placed the bed ... ... ... which is laden with sexual charm.

I presented the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, with a bed of ebony, a durable wood, and which is clad with reddish gold.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in the gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I cast Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nuru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zahalû-metal and, to make it shine like a brazier, I had the appurtenances of Ezida, the seat of his great divinity, expertly fashioned.

In the gates Kamah and Kanamtila, for the processional way of his exalted rulership, I made the foundations of two shiny silver pirkus, whose weight is six talents each, as firm as a mountain.

As for Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I renovated its collapsed sections and removed the portions of it that had collapsed. In brick molds of ebony and musukkannu-wood, I made its bricks with crushed pieces of aromatics. I made people take up hoes and had its foundations put back into alignment. In an auspicious month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundations with perfumed oil, good quality oil, silver, and gold. Moreover, I secured its door bolts.

I adorned its structure with musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, ebony, boxwood, hilepu-wood, and UMBIN-wood and built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure.

Obverse Column ii


x (x) x x [x] x [...] u-kin qé-reb(?)# x [x x x] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia szA ap-tal-la-hu-szu-nu-ti ke-nisz ip-pal-su-u-in-ni-ma i-tap-pa-lu _a-ii_-a-a ina qi-bi-ti-szu-nu s,ir-ti ina kul-lat _kur-kur_ at-tal-lak-ma ma-hi-ri ul i-szi

_uru_-ni-i' _uru lugal_-u-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur _u kur_-ku-szi ak-szu-ud _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ku-babbar ku-gi un-mesz_-szu a-na la mi-ni Asz-lu-la 2 tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti-iq za-ha#-le-e eb-bi man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_ sza 2 _lim 5 me gun# ki-la_-szu-nu ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu-nu as-suh#-ma u#-ra-a

a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri szA a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu(*)-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu u-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak-nis-su-nu-ti

_dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu _dugud_-ti a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti u#-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

AI Translation

... ... ... ... I established. Inside ... the great gods, my lords, who had always looked steadfastly upon me and listened to my prayers, I marched about at their exalted command in all lands and had no rival.

I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush. I carried off large horses, harness-broken steeds, linen garments, silver, and gold, his people, without number. I removed two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, the entrance to the temple, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which had fallen from their seats and I returned them to their proper places.

As for Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who had not respected my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes. I made their lives short and made them bow down to my yoke.

I sent before me his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with his substantial payment, to serve as housekeepers.


... ... I established therein .... The great gods, my lords, whom I constantly revered, looked steadfastly upon me and stood in for me. At their exalted command, I constantly marched about through all the lands and had no rival lit. "there was no one to rival me".

I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush. I carried off large horses, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, silver, gold, and its people without number. I removed from their places two magnificent obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, which stood at a temple gate and whose weight was 2,500 talents, and I brought them to Assyria.

As for Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who did not honor my royal commands and who did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes and thus constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers, together with his substantial payment.

Obverse Column iii


[...]-na [...] x

Asz-szu ba#-[lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na-a-szu] ip-ta-a u-s,al-la#-[a _en_-u-ti] (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du#-[ti-szu] ana _nina-ki_ isz-pu-ram-ma u#-[na-Asz-szi-qa] _gir-ii_-ia _dumu-munus_ s,i-it _sza_-szu (ana) e-pesz# [_munus-agrig_-u-ti] it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu ka#-[bit-ti] u-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri#-[ia] 30 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ man-da-at-ti#-[szu] mah-ri-tu u-rad-di#-ma e#-[mid-su]

(disz)ur-ta-gi _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki en mun#_ [_ad du_-ia(?)] ul u-masz-szir it-ti-szu szit-ku-na [_igi-ii_-a-a(?) ar-szi(?)] sa-li-mu a-na tar-s,i-szu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_ ...] su-un-qu hu-szah-hu isz-kun-[...] ib-ba-szi né-eb-re-ti (d)nisaba# [ba-lat,] _zi_-tim _un-mesz_ u-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat [_szu-ii_-su] _un-mesz_-szu szA la-pa-an un-s,i bu-bu#-[ti] in-nab-tu-nim-ma u-szi-bu qé-[reb _kur an-szar-ki_(?)] bi-ru-su-nu u-szab-bi#-[i-ma(?)] u-bal-lit, nap-szat-su-nu qa-ti#-[szu-nu as,-bat(?)]

AI Translation

As for the preservation of his own life, he opened his steeds and presented them to me. He sent Erisinni, his son, his heir designate, to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I sent a daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper, together with his substantial payment, before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, the lord who was loved by the father who had engendered me, did not abandon his friendship with him. I became frightened before him and ... in the land Elam ... ... ... ... ... he sent him to the shelters of the goddess Nisaba, who provides for the lives of the people, and I grasped hold of his hands. As for his people, who had fled from hunger and hunger and settled in Assyria, I cut off their reed beds and deprived them of their lives.


No translation possible

For the preservation of his own life, he Uallî opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. He sent before me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper, together with his substantial payment. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

I did not abandon Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, an ally of the father who had engendered me. My eyes were firmly fixed on him and I showed favor. During his time, in the land Elam, ... he brought about famine and starvation ...; there was hunger. iii 15'' I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and thus held him by the hand. As for his people, who had fled on account of hunger and starvation and settled in Assyria, I appeased their hunger and thereby brought them back to life. I took them by the hand. iii 20'' Through the good planning of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, ... The ally of the father who had engendered me, who had worked with him, ...

Obverse Column iv


[a]-na# na-ra-ru#-tu _dingir-mesz# kur uri-ki lu#-erim-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,#-ba-tu har-ra-nu (disz)#ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ a-la-ka ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma ha-at-ta is-hu-up-szu-ma i-tu-ur a-na _kur_-szu(?)# ar#-ki-i-szu as,-[bat] [a-bi]-ik#-ta-szu Asz-[kun] [at,-ru-us]-su# a-di mi-s,ir# [_kur_-szu]

[(disz)ur-ta-ku(?) szA(?) la(?) is,]-s,u(?)-ru(?) ib-ru-u#-[ti] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

To show the gods of Akkad the strength of my battle troops I mustered and took the road. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and fear overwhelmed him. He returned safely to his land. I pursued him and defeated him. I pursued him as far as the border of his land.

Urtaku, who had not kept watch over the ..., .


To support the gods of the land Akkad, I mustered my battle troops and took the road. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to his own land. I went after him and brought about his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

As for Urtaku, who had not honored my friendship, ... ... ...

Obverse Column v


(disz)ta-am#-ri-ti _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a ina _uru_-hi-da#-lu a-na _lugal_-tu Asz-kun ina tu-kul-ti# _an-szar_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ it-ti szal(?)#-[lat] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ma-at-ti szal(?)#-mesz a#-[tu]-ra# a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_

[ina me]-ti-iq# ge-er-ri-ia [_ugu_ (disz)du]-na#-nu _dumu_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA [ana _kur_-gam-bu]-lu# lu-u al-lik# [_uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en_] _uru_ dan-nu-ti-[szu] [...] ak-szu-[ud] [(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_]-szu# ul-tu qé-reb _uru#_ [szu-a-tu(?)] [bal-t,u-su-un] u-sze-s,a-[a] [...] x (x) [...]

[...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x

AI Translation

I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, I returned safely with the booty of the land Elam and brought it to Assyria.

In the course of my campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city. I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. ... ... .


I installed Tammaritu, his third bro­ther, as king in the city Hidalu. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, I returned safely to Assyria with much booty from the land Elam.

In the course of my campaign, I marched against Dunanu, the son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, .... I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. ... ... ...

No translation possible

Obverse Column vi


[...] x x x x (x x) [x x] x [...] [pu]-luh#-tu _lugal_-u-ti-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma _lu-ra-gaba#_-[szu-nu] szA t,u-u-bu u su-lum-me-e it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu-nu# ka-bit-ti u-sze-bi-lu-ni a-di mah-ri-ia# szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz-'a-a-lu u-na-Asz-szi-qu sze-pi-ia u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-ti

(disz)ku-ra-Asz _lugal kur_-par-su-ma-Asz li-i-ti u da-na-na# szA ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag dingir-me gal-me en-mesz_-e-a _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-la-szu a-bu-ba-nisz as-pu-nu isz-mé-e-ma (disz)a-ru-uk-ku _dumu_-szu _gal_-u it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu a-na e-pesz _arad_-u-tu a-na ni-nu-a _uru_ be-lu-ti-ia isz-pur-am-ma u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti

(disz)pi-is-lu-mé-e _lugal kur_-hu-di-mi-ri szA a-szar-szu ru-u-qu szA ina a-hi _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-li-tu Asz-bu szA ul-tu _ud-mesz_ ru-qu-ti ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-e-a _lu-ra-gaba_-u-szu la isz-pu-ru la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-szu-un i-na-an-na li-i-ti u da-na-na# szA ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz# en-mesz_-u-a _ugu kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-ku-nu isz-mé-e#-[ma] pu-luh-ti _lugal_-u-ti-ia is-hup-[szu-ma] _lu-ra-gaba_-u-szu szA szul-mi it-ti [ta-mar-ti-szu ka-bit-ti(?)]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them and they sent their mounted messengers with messages of goodwill and peace with their substantial audience gifts. Before me, they inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty and they kissed my feet. They glorified my lordship.

As for Kurash, the king of the land Parsumash, mighty victories, which I achieved over the land Elam with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I fought with him and defeated all of the land Elam. He then sent Arukku, his son, his magnate, with his payment to Nineveh, my capital city, to do obeisance to me and he made me bow down at my lordly majesty.

Pislimê, the king of the land Hilammiri, whose location is remote and which is on the border of the land Elam — iii 20'


... ... ... Fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them and they sent before me their mounted messengers with messages of goodwill and peace, together with their substantial audience gifts. They asked about the well being of my royal majesty, kissed my feet, and made appeals to my lordly majesty.

Cyrus, the king of the land Parsumash, heard about the mighty victories that, with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû — the great gods, my lords — I had achieved over the land Elam and that I had flattened the land Elam, all of it, like the Deluge, and he sent to Nineveh, my capital city, Arukku, his eldest son, with his payment, to do obeisance, and he made an appeal to my lordly majesty.

Pislumê, the king of the land Hudimiri — whose location is remote and which is situated on the far side of the land Elam, which from distant days, in the time of the kings, my ancestors, it had not sent its mounted messengers and did not inquire about the well-being of their royal majesties — now vi 20' heard about the mighty victories that, with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû — the great gods, my lords — I had achieved over the land Elam and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sent to Nineveh, my capital city, his mounted messenger with a message of peace, with his substantial audience gifts, and he made an appeal to my lordly majesty.

Obverse Column vii


x [...] x [...] a-x [...] ni-[...] x [...]

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column viii


[...] x (x) [x x x] [... ina] _lugal#-mesz dumu-me_-e-a# [...] i-nam-bu-szu-ma [...] ud#-da-szu _mu-sar_-u [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia] ul#-tu Asz-ri-szu la u-nak#-kar

[a-na Asz-ri-szu] li#-ter szA _mu-sar_-u# szi-t,ir [_mu_-ia] u#-nak-kar-ru-u-ma it-ti szi-t,ir [_mu_-szu la] i#-szak-ka-nu (d)gu-la _gaszan gal_-ti [si]-im#-mu la-az-zu szA la ba-la-t,u [ina] zu#-um-ri-szu li-szab-szi _usz-mesz lugud gim# a-mesz_ li-ir-tam-muk ina _gig_ taz-bil-ti na-pisz-ta-szu liq-ti ag-gisz li-ru-ur-szu-ma _mu_-szu u _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-liq

_iti-gu4 ud-6-kam mu-30-kam_ (disz)#_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila# lugal# kur an#_-[_szar-ki_]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... among the kings, my descendants, ... he will name him and ... he will renew it. I will not remove an inscribed object bearing my name from its place.

As for the one who alters an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the goddess Gula, the great lady, make an inexhaustible omen concerning his reign stand in his lap, may she make blood flow like water, may she smite him with a sick person's death, may she curse him with an angry curse, and may she make his name and his descendants disappear from the land.

Ayyaru II, sixth day, 30th year of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.


... ... ... one of the kings, my descendants, whom ... name and ... he should renovate ... and should not remove an inscribed object bearing my name from its place. May he return it to its place.

Whoever alters an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscription bearing his name, may the goddess Gula, the great lady, make persistent lesions, which never heal, appear on his body; may he constantly bathe in blood and pus as if they were water; may his life come to an end from a prolonged sickness; and may she curse him angrily and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Ayyaru II, the sixth day, the thirtieth year of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.

Q003712: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal_ [_lugal_ dan-nu] _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki lugal_ [kib-rat _limmu_-tim] bi-nu-ut _szu-ii an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ ni-bit# [(d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_] na-ram (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar#-[pa-ni-tum] mi-gir (d)_ag_ [(d)]tasz#-me-tum# _nun_ na-a'-du _gir-nita#_ [it]-pe-szu# _lu-sipa_ ki-i-nu mut-tar-ru-[u _un-mesz_] _dagal-mesz#_ mut-nen#-nu-u [la mu-up(?)]-par(?)-ku-u(?)# sza ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ (d)_nin_-[_lil_ (d)_en_] (d)_ag_(?)# isz-tam-ma#-ru a-na _ud-mesz#_ [da-ru]-u(?)-ti#

za-nin ma-ha-zi mu-szak#-[lil esz-re-e(?)]-ti# mu-kin sat-tuk-ki _nidba-mesz_ bat,-[lu-ti(?) ...] _szu_(?)# pa-lih _an-szar_ (d)_nin#-lil_ (d)#[30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_(?) (d)_amar_]-_utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun#_ [(d)15 sza _nina_]-_ki#_ (d)15 sza É-kid-mu-ri [(d)15 sza _limmu_]-_dingir-ki#_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku sza ul-tu s,e#-[he-ri-szu a-di ra-bé-szu(?)] _egir#_-szu-nu it-tal-lak-u-ma ip-tal#-[la-hu] _dingir#_-us-sun ina su-up-pe-e U te-me-qi kak-[da-a(?) ak-mi]-sa# szA-pal-szUn

[...]-_mesz_-ia [...] [...] ha-disz [...] [...] _mesz#_ [...] x [...] a-na-[...] dun-[nu(?) ...]

_lugal-mesz_ x [...] x [x (x)] mal-ki _gal#_-[_mesz_ szA s,i-tasz u szi]-la(?)-an# a-na kit#-[ri-szu-nu u]-paq(?)-qu#-u-ni _an-szar_ (d)#[...] _gesztu-ii dagal_ u#-szat-lim-u-in-ni kul-lat# [t,up-szar-ru-ti u-szA-hi]-zu ka-ra-szi [ina _ukkin_ lu-li-me zi-kir] _mu#_-ia u-szar-bu-u [... ke]-mu#-u-a i#-tap-pa-lu# [...] _lu-kur-mesz#_-ia [...]-tu(?) ga#-re-ia [...]-ka#-ru [...]-ru-ti#

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, creation of the hands of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, chosen of the gods Sîn, Shamash, and Adad, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, favorite of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, attentive prince, capable governor, faithful shepherd, shepherd of the extensive people, faithful shepherd who does not change the insubmissive, who constantly praises the praises of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, and who constantly praises the good deeds of the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, the great gods, the gods who support me, and who constantly praise my great divinity, who constantly seeks out my name and my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who constantly seeks out my name, who is a king of the world, who is assiduous towards his desire to please the god Ashur, the great lord, who loves his throne, who is assiduous towards his desire to please the god Ashur, his lordship, and who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks out his name, who constantly seeks

As for the one who provides for cult centers, completes sanctuaries, establishes regular offerings, and ..., the one who reveres the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who marched after them from his childhood until his adulthood and became frightened of their divinity, I imposed upon them regular offerings, offerings, and gifts.

... my ... ... joyfully ...

The god Ashur and the goddess ... granted to me a wide understanding and allowed me to complete all of my scribal art. They made the mention of my name shine in the assembly of scholars lit. "the assembly of scholars". ... they listened to my prayers. ... my enemies ... my foes ... ... .


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, creation of the hands of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu; one who was chosen by the gods Sîn, Shamash, and Adad; beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu; i 5 favorite of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu; pious prince, capable governor, true shepherd, leader of a widespread population, one who prays piously without ceasing; who i 10 extols for everlasting days the praises of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, and Nabû; son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

provider of cult centers, one who completes shrines, one who reconfirms interrupted sattukku- and nindabû-offerings ..., one who reveres the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, i 20 Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku; who constantly followed them from his childhood until he became an adult and who continually revered their divinity. I constantly knelt down at their feet in supplication and prayer. While I was still in the womb of my mother, the great gods nominated me to be king; they spread their benevolent protection over me; ... they required my priestly services.

... my ...s ... with pleasure ... to/... ....

Kings ... great rulers from both east and west are anxious for me to be their ally. The deities Ashur, ... granted me a broad mind and allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They made the mention of my name great in the assembly of princes lit. "stags". In my stead, they stand in, ... my enemies, ... my foes, ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


sa-pi-in# [_lu-kur-mesz_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti Asz-ruk]

_gisz-na gisz-mes#_-[_ma-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e _na4-mesz_] ni-siq-ti# [za-a'-na-at] a-na ma-a-a-al# [tak-né-e (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia] szA-kan ha-szA-di# [e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz] ina kA-hi-li#-[sU masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni]-tum# sza ku-uz-bu [sa-al-hu] ad-di#

_gisz-na gisz-esi_ is,-s,i(?)# [da-re-e szA _ku-gi_] _husz#-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)_amar#-utu_ ra-['i-im _bala_]-_mesz_-ia aq-qisz#

u-na-at _ku-babbar ku-gi#_ [_na4-mesz_ ni]-siq#-ti _urudu an-bar_ mim-ma szi-pir É#-[_kur_] u#-sze-pisz-ma qé#-reb é-sag-il2# [É-_gal_] _dingir#-mesz_ u-kin

é#-sa-bad É (d)gu#-[la szA qé]-reb# _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [ul-tu] _usz8_(?)#-szu a-di# [gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u]-szak#-lil

6# [_am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti]-ia# ina _ka_ lu2#-[gu-dU-e-ne _ka_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_] ina é-zi#-[da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ ul-ziz]

_kun4_(?) _ku-gi husz#_-[A szA 50 _ma-na ki-la_-szA] a(?)#-na me-le(?)-e(?)# [szA-qu-u-ti ...] ina é(?)-me-szar2-ra szu#-[bat(?) ...] u-hum-misz# [...]

ki-zAlag-ga szu-bat (d)_izi-gar#_ [83 _gun_] za-ha-lu-u eb#-bu [ap-tiq-ma] a-na nu-um#-mur [_ki_]-_ne_ si#-[mat é-zi-da]

nak-lisz u-sze-pisz# 2 per-ki# [_ku-babbar_ eb-bi] sza(?) _asz4_(?) _gun-ta#-am_ [_ki-la_-szu-nu] ina kA-mah u kA-nam-ti-la a-na(?)# [tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu s,ir-ti] hur(?)-szA#-nisz Asz-pu-uk ak(?)-s,ur(?) _du_(?)# x [...] [...] _bu_(?) _szu#_ [x (x)] _szu_(?)# x (x) [...] [...] x x [x] x [...]

AI Translation

I imposed upon him corvée for the sake of destroying my enemies.

I skillfully built a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, and precious stones for the throne of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to be a throne-bearer and to exercise lordship over the people. I erected it in Kahilisu, the abode of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I presented to the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, a bed of ebony, a durable wood, whose color is red with reddish gold.

I had a roof made of silver, gold, precious stones, copper, and iron, and I had it firmly in place in Esagil, the palace of the gods.

I built and completed Esabad, the temple of the goddess Gula that is inside Babylon, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the eastern gate, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I fashioned a ... of reddish gold, whose weight was fifty minas, for a supreme height. I erected it in Emesharra, the dwelling .

I fashioned a ziggurat, the seat of the god Nergal, of 83 talents of shiny zahalû-metal, and I deposited it for the celebration of the cult center, the site of Ezida.

I made two shiny silver haloes, whose weight is one talent each, for the journey of his exalted royal majesty. I erected them high up in the mountains. ...


the one who overwhelms my enemies, I gave the chariot as a gift.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I presented the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, with a bed of ebony, a durable wood, and which is clad with reddish gold.

I had utensils of silver, gold, pre­cious stones, copper, and iron made for every type of temple service, and had them deposited in Esagil, the palace of the gods.

I built and completed Esabad, the temple of the goddess Gula that is inside Babylon, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Lugudue­ne Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I ... a threshold of reddish gold, whose weight is fifty minas, to ascend to a high place ..., in Emesharra, the seat of ... as a mountain.

I cast Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nuru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zahalû-metal and, to make it shine like a brazier, I had the appurtenances of Ezida expertly fashioned.

In the gates Kamah and Kanamtila, for the processional way of his exalted rulership, I heaped up like mountains two shiny silver pirkus, whose weight is six talents each, and I constructed ... ... ... ... ... ...

Obverse Column iii


[(x)] x [...] nap-szat-[su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri] a-na _gisz_(?)#-[_szudun_(?)]-ia(?) u(?)#-[szak-nis-su-nu-ti]

_dumu_(?)-_munus_(?)#-su _u#_ [_dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu] it-ti# man-da-at#-[ti-szu _dugud_-ti] a-na e#-pesz _munus-agrig_-u#-[ti u-bi-la a-di _igi_(?)-ia] (disz)ia-a#-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu sza ma#-[te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra] isz-te#-nisz u-sze-bi-la a#-[na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia]

(disz)ia-ki-in-lu#-u _lugal kur_-a-ru-ad#-[da a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim] sza a-na _lugal#-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# [la kan-szu] ik#-nu-szA [...] x x [...] [_dumu-munus_]-su it-ti nu-dun-né-e# [ma-a'-di] [a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u]-ti a-na _nina-ki#_ [u-bil-am-ma]

(disz)u#-[al-li-i(?) ...] si-hu _ugu_-szu u#-[szab-szu-u ...] _egir_-nu (disz)u-al-li#-[i _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu] da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)_nin_-[_lil_ ...] (d)15 szA _nina#-ki_ [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz#_-[ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-szA a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia] Asz-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti-szu up-na#-[a-szu ip-ta-a u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti] (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-[ti-szu a-na _nina-ki_ isz-pur-am-ma] [x x] x x (x) [x] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... I cut off their lives and made them bow down to my yoke.

I brought before me Yahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with his wife and the daughters of his brothers, together with his substantial payment, to serve as a housekeeper.

Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, who had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, ... ... ... ... ... he brought his daughter to Nineveh to serve as a housekeeper with a substantial dowry.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, ..., and Ishtar of Nineveh, ..., the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his brother, to Nineveh and ...


I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers, together with his substantial payment. He sent at the same time Yahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me.

Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. He brought his daughter, with a substantial dowry, to Nineveh to serve as a housekeeper.

Uallî ... incited a rebellion against him Ahsheri ... Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, ..., the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and ... ... ...

Obverse Column vii


[...] x _ku_(?)# [...] [...] x _ri_(?)# [...] [...] x U(?)# [...]

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column viii


[...] _kaskal-ii su_-[tu ...] [...] is,-ba-tu(?)#-[ma ...] [...] il#-lik-u-ni a-di# [mah-ri-ia] [szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia] isz-['a-a-lu] [u-na-Asz-szi-qu sze-pi-ia] u#-s,al-lu-u be#-[lu-ti]

[... (disz)tug-dam-mu(?)]-u# _numun_ hal-ga#-[te-e] [...] la# ba-bil [...] [... a-na e]-muq# ra-man-i-szu it#-[ta-kil-ma] [... ki-ma] _zi#_-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ma-a'#-[di ...] [...] x id-ka-[am-ma(?) a-na(?) e-pesz(?) _murub4_(?) u _me_(?)] [ina(?) mi-s,ir(?) _kur an-szar-ki_(?) it-ta]-ad-di _karasz_-[su ...] [... im(?)]-da#-_tar_-ma _lu mu ra da_ x [...] [... (d)15] sza# _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _limmu_-_dingir#_-[_ki_ ...] [... a-na(?)] pi#-i-szu er-hi e-zi-zu#-ma [im-ta-ra-as,(?) _ugu_-szu-un(?)]

[... _un-mesz_(?)] _kur#_-szu _ugu_-szu ib#-bal-ki-tu-ma [...] na-pisz#-tu isz-kun ina _ki-hul_-e u-szib-ma [... ta-nit(?)]-ti# _dingir-mesz_-ia ina _ukkin erim-hi-a_-szu i-dab-bu-ub [...]-szu#-un pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ [... (d)15 sza] _nina#-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_]-ia# szA u-tak-kil-(u)-in-ni is-hup-szu-ma [_lu-mah-mesz_-szu szA t,u]-u#-bi U su-lum-me-e [...]-ti#-szu it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz#_ [...] x _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-kub _en_-ti-szu# [...] _gisz#_-til-li u-nu-tu _me_

[a-na la ha-t,e]-e# mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ nisz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [_en-mesz_-ia(?)] u#-szA-az-kir-szu-ma u-dan-nin it-ti-szu# [Asz-ta]-kan ma#-mitu szu-u ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ip-ru-us,-ma [i]-ta#-szUn e-tiq-ma(?)# a-na mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ u-s,a-mir _munus-hul#_ [a-szar ti]-ib# _gada_ ih-t,i a-na mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ a-na szA-ka-ni-szu [na-mur-rat(?) _gisz_]-_tukul#-mesz an-szar en_-ia is-hup-szu-ma [mah-hu-tisz il]-lik-am#-ma ina mi-qit t,e-e-me u-na-Asz-szak rit-ti-szu

[...] u#-nak-kir-ma e-mid-su sze-ret-su _gal_-tu# [mut-ta-as-su im-ma]-szid-ma# si-ih-lu isz-szA-kin ina lib-bi-szu [...]-ti#-szu la ba-sze-e _erim-hi-a_-szu [... _eme_-szu] im-mar#-t,a-ma im-qut _gisz_-szu [ina(?) za-a-bi(?) u(?) ha-a-li(?) u8-a(?) a-a(?) iq]-ta-ti na-pisz#-tusz [...] x _ki_(?)# [...] x

x [...] pu-luh#-[ti ...] i-dal#-[la-lu ...] _lu_-rak-bu-szu-nu(?)# [...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-ia [...] si-it-ti na-ki-ri la(?) kan-szu-ti# x [...] _gisz-tukul-mesz dingir_-ti-ka ez-zu-ti ik-szu-du x [...] a-na zi-kir _mu_-ia ip-ta-la-hu _arad_-u#-[ti ir-ri-szu(?)]

da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa#-[ni-tum] (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum _en-mesz_-[ia] at#-ta-'i-id-ma al-bi-in ap-pi#

[É(?)] A-ki-it (d)_en-lil_-u-ti-ka at-man#-[ka(?)] [x x] x szu-bat te-re-e-[ti-ka(?)] [... la-ba]-risz# il-lik-u(?)#-[ma(?)] [... tem]-me#-en-szA la i(?)-[...] [...] x _igi_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... the road to Sutu ... ... seized and ... ... came before me. They inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, strove for my life, and praised my deeds.

... Tugdammû, the evildoer, ... who was not ..., trusted in his own strength and ... like the bite of many locusts ... he acted and ... to wage war and battle he confined himself in the territory of Assyria. His camp ... he grew old and ... ... ... the goddess Ishtar of Nineveh, the goddess Ishtar of Arbela ... he became angry at his mouth and he threw down his yoke.

... the people of his land rebelled against him and ... he established a life in prison and ... they spoke ... the praise of my gods in the assembly of his troops. ... their ... fear of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and he entrusted to me his envoys, who showed him favor and peace, ... his ... with horses, ... horses, his lordly ..., ... a tillu-shield, ...

I made him swear an oath by the great gods, my lords, to not commit any sin against the territory of Assyria and I strengthened it with him. I swore an oath by the great gods, my lords, and he swore it. He crossed over the boundary of Assyria and made evil progress in the place where he was wearing a linen garment. The terrifying radiance of the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he became frightened in the midst of a dream.

... I smashed his great yoke and imposed upon him a heavy punishment. He sat down in his midst and a sigh of mourning was set up in his heart. ... his ... was unsuitable for his troops, ... his tongue was swollen and his limbs were twisted. He was confined in a cage and a hyena, and his life did not last long. ... ... .

... fear ... they trembled ... their mounted messengers ... my horses ... the rest of the enemies who were unsubmissive ... they fought with the fierce weapons of your divinity ... they became frightened at the mention of my name and became frightened of my servant.

I trusted in the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, my lords, and I fashioned a stele.

The akitu-house of your divine majesty, your dwelling, ..., the seat of your sworn oaths, ... had become old and its foundations had not ...


... a remote road ... they took and ... they came before me. They inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, kissed my feet and made appeals to my lordly majesty.

... Tugdammî, a nomad, ... who does not bring ... he trusted in his own strength, ... like an invasion of a swarm of locusts ... viii 10 he mustered ... and to wage battle and war, he set up his camp on the territory of Assyria. ... ... ... The deities ... Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, ... became furious at his provocative speech lit. "mouth" and it sickened them. viii 15 By the command of their great divinity, where they had been situated, ... fire fell from the sky and burned him, his troops, and his camp. Tugdammî became frightened and distressed. ... ... to the city HARshallê. ... they carried him.

... the people of his land rebelled against him. ... he laid down his life. He resided in a place of mourning and .... He was speaking about the praise of my gods in the midst of his troops ... their .... Fear of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, viii 25 ... Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and he sent his envoys with messages of goodwill and peace. He sent me his ... together with horses, ... horses of his lordly vehicle, ... equipment, and implements of war, his substantial payment, and he kissed my feet.

I made him swear oaths sworn by the great gods, my lords, not to infringe on the territory of Assyria and I reinforced them with him. I established the treaty. He broke the oaths sworn by the great gods, my lords; viii 35 he transgressed the limits set by them and plotted evil deeds against the territory of Assyria. Where flax grows, he sinned, by establishing himself on the territory of Assyria. The awe-inspiring brilliance of the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him; he went into a frenzy and tried biting off his hands during a loss of all reason.

... he became hostile and I imposed upon him his great punishment. Half of his body was stricken with palsy and a piercing pain was lodged in his heart. ... his ... did not exist, his troops ... His tongue was scratched and he became impotent. His life ended through dissolving and melting like a wax figurine, saying "Woe! Alas!" ... ... ...

... fear of ... They were singing praise ... their mounted messengers ... my horses .... They conquered with the furious weapons of your divinity the rest of the enemies who had not bowed down .... At the mere mention of my name, they became afraid and they were requesting to be my servants.

I paid careful attention to and humbled myself at the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, my lords.

As for the akitu-house of your divine supremacy, your inner sanctum, ..., the seat of your decrees, ..., which had become old and ... whose foundation was not ... ... ...

Q003713: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x [...] [a-na(?)] ta-mar-ti [_un-mesz kur_-ia(?) ...] [ki-i] mul#-ta-'u-u#-[ti _a sal nap_ ...] [u]-s,i# ina _edin#_ [Asz-ri rap-szi] [el-la]-mu#-u-a szur-bu-te# [la-ab-bi i-lit-ti hur-szA-a-ni] [ez]-zu#-u-te tar-[ba-s,u isz-hi-t,u] [ina 1-et] u-re-ia s,i-mit-ti ru-kub _en#_-[ti-ia] [10] _usz#_ u4-mu ina a-la-[ki] sza ur#-mah-hi na-ad-ru-[ti] ina 1-_ta#-am gisz_-szil-ta-hi nap-szA-te-szu-nu ap-ru-u'#

ik-szu-dam-ma _iti-sze iti_ i-sin-ni É A-ki-it# sza szar-ra-ti (d)_isz-tar-mesz_ sza _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-[szA] a-na szA-kan szi-tul5-ti pa-ra-as _esz#_-[_bar_] i-pa-ah-hu-ru pa-nu-usz#-[szA] u-bi-la-an-ni lib-bi a-na _uru_-[_limmu_-_dingir_] _uru_ re-me-ni-ti sza su-up-pu-szA [_dug-ga_] bu-un-ni (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia hi-it-bu#-[s,u-ma] it-ta-nab-szA-a ina kar-[...] a-na a-mar _dingir_-ti-szA s,ir-[ti] sza la i-szab-bu-u la-lu-u _ha_ x [...] as#-su-uq _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ sza x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... for the observation of the people of my land ... like a sailor ... I took the road in a wide open country. In my extensive land, the fierce wild bulls of the highlands, the fierce wild bulls, took to the mountains. In my first expeditionary force, the vehicle of my lordly majesty, I slew for ten days in the path of the fierce lions with one shillû-sheep.

The month Adar XII, the month of the festival of the akitu-house of queens and goddesses, which the gods, her fathers, had presented to me to decide the case, and to present to her, my heart prompted me to go to Arbela, the merciful city whose streets are well, the benevolent name of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, and which has enraged me, I ... in the city Kar-... to see her exalted divinity, which cannot be shaken, ... I rationed large horses, which .


... ... ... for the admiration of the people of my land, ... for pleasure ... I went out. In the steppe, a widespread place before me, huge lions, a ferocious mountain breed, attacked cattlepens. With a single team harnessed to the vehicle of my lordly majesty, forty minutes after dawn, I pierced the throats of the raging lions with only a single arrow each.

The month Addaru XII — the month of the akitu-festival of the queen of the goddesses, when the gods, her parents, assemble before her to take counsel and make decisions — arrived and my heart prompted me to go to the city Arbela, the city of compassion where it is pleasant to pray to her. The countenance of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, was exuberant and constantly appeared to me in Kar-.... To see her exalted divinity, with whose charms one cannot be fully sated, ... ... I selected large horses — which ..., whose limbs were massive and whose ... ...

Q003714: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


x [x (x)] x [...] (d)_amar-utu abgal dingir#_-[_mesz_ uz-nu ra-pa-Asz-tu] ha-si-su pal-ka-a# [isz-ru-ka szi-rik-te] (d)_ag dub-sar_ gim-ri ih#-[ze né-me-qi-szu] i-qi#-szA-an-ni a-na [qisz-ti] (d)nin-urta (d)_u-gur_ dun-ni zik#-[ru-te] e-mu-qi la szA-na-an u-szar-szu#-[u gat-ti] szin-na-at _abgal_ a(?)#-[da-pa a-hu-uz] ni-s,ir#-[tu ka-tim-tu kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-tu]

AI Translation

... ... ... The god Marduk, the sage of the gods, gave me a broad mind and a broad mind; the god Nabû, the scribe of all, gave me his wisdom and entrusted me with the service of the gods Ninurta and Nergal; he made me attain a mighty victory, a power without equal; I surrounded the sage Adapa with treasures, possessions, and possessions, all of the scribal arts.


... the god Marduk, the sage of the gods, granted me a broad mind and extensive knowledge as a gift; the god Nabû, the scribe of everything, bestowed on me the precepts of his wisdom as a present; and the gods Ninurta and Nergal endowed my body with power, virility, and unrivalled strength. I learned as much as the sage Adapa, the secret and hidden lore of all of the scribal arts.

Obverse Column ii


[... _mu-an_(?)]-_na-mesz_-ia sza szA-qi-isz [u-szi-bu ina(?)] _gisz#-gu-za ad_ ba-ni-ia

[é-hur-sag-gal]-kur#-kur-ra É _an-szar en_-ia u-szak-lil [É-_gar8-mesz_-szu _ku-gi_] hu-usz-szu-u u-szal-bisz [u-nam]-mir# ki-ma u4-mi [_an-szar en gal_(?)]-u# a-na lib-bi u-sze-rib [ina é-hur-sag]-gu#-la at-man _dingir_-ti-szu u-sze-szib [_udu-siskur-mesz_ tasz]-ri#-ih-ti ma-har-szu aq-qi-ma# [u-szam-hi]-ra# kad-ra-a#-[a]

[...] é#-sag-gil u _ka-dingir_-[_ra-ki_] [... _en_] _en#-en_ esz-szisz ar-s,ip# [...] x _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu u-kin-ma [_bara-mesz_-szu(?) ki-ma szi]-t,ir# _an_-e u-ban#-ni

[u-sze-pisz-ma(?)] _gisz_-er#-mi a-nu _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ [is,-s,i da-re]-e szA# szit-nu-nu szA-ma-mesz [34 _gun 20_] _ma-na ku#-gi_ ru-usz-szu-u [kip-pat-su u]-szal#-bisz-ma [u-dan-ni-na] rik#-se-szu

[_bara-mah_-hu at-man _dingir_]-ti#-szu s,ir-te [szA e-li gi-pisz tam-tim] gal#-la-te [na-du-u ...] (d)_amar#-utu_

AI Translation

... the years that I spent in exile, I sat on the throne of the father who had engendered me.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord. I decorated its walls with reddish gold and made them shine like daylight. I made the god Ashur, the great lord, enter inside it. I sat down at Ehursaggula, the abode of his divinity. I offered sumptuous offerings before him and presented them with my gifts.

I built anew Esagil and Babylon, ... the lord of lords, anew, ... I firmly established its plans and firmly established its daises as if they were objects of the heavens.

I had beams made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with a cast of thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold, and I firmly secured its bolts.

The throne-dais, the seat of his exalted divinity, which is elevated above the rest of the great seas, ... the god Marduk.


... my years that I sat proudly on the throne of the father who had engendered me.

I completed Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord. I clad its walls with reddish gold and made them shine like daylight. I made the god Ashur, the great lord, enter inside there and made him reside in Ehursaggula, the inner sanctum of his divinity. I offered sumptuous offerings before him and presented him with my gifts.

... Esagil and Babylon, ... the lord of lords Marduk, I built anew. ... I firmly established its designs and then made its daises shine like the stars lit. "writings" of the heavens.

I had a canopy, which rivals the heavens, made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. I clad its perimeter with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold and thereby reinforced its bonds.

As for the throne-dais, the inner sanctum of his Marduk's exalted divinity, which is placed over the massive body of the roiling sea Tiamat, ... the god Marduk

Obverse Column iii


e-mu-qi#-[ia _mah-mesz_] a-na na-ra#-[ru-ti ha-mat _lugal-mesz_] _lu-nam-mesz_ [_arad-mesz_-ni da-gil pa-ni-ia] ur-ru-hisz t,e#-[e-mu Asz-kun-szu-nu-ti] har-ra-an _kur#_-[mu-s,ur u-szA-Asz-ki-na _gir-ii_-szu-un] szam-risz [ha-an-t,isz ir-du-u il-li-ku] a-di [_uru_-kar-ba-ni-ti]

(disz)tar-qu#-[u _man kur_-ku-u-si] x [...]

AI Translation

I quickly set out with my great forces and quickly gave them orders to go on campaign against the kings and governors, servants who belonged to me. They quickly bowed down at my feet and marched as far as the city Kar-Banite.

Taharqa, king of Kush, ... .


my huge forces, I quickly gave the order to them to support and aid the kings and governors, servants who belonged to me, and I made them take the road to Egypt. They traveled furiously and quickly and marched as far as the city Kar-Banite.

Taharqa, the king of Kush, ...

Q003715: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina _mu_]-_an-na#_-[szu na-pisz-ta-szu iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu]

[(disz)_en_-_ba_]-szA _kur_-gam-bu-la#-[a-a szA is,-lu-u _gisz-szudun en_-ti-ia]

[ina ni]-szik# PÉSZ isz#-[ta-kan na-pisz-tu ...] [isz-szi a-ga]-nu(?)-ti(?)-la(?) me(?)-e(?) ma(?)#-[lu-u-ti ...]

[_lugal_]-us#-su isz-ki-pu [_bala_-szu e-ki-mu] [be]-lut(?)# _kur-elam-ma#-ki_ u-szal-[qu-u szA-nam-ma]

[ar-ka] (m(?))te-um-man hi-ri-is, _gal5-la_ u(?)-szib(?) ina _gisz_(?)#-[_gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] [a-na] da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _dumu_(?)-_me_(?) (m(?))um(?)#-[man-al-dasz] [isz]-ta#-né-'i _munus-hul#_ [(disz)um]-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu# [_dumu_]-_mesz#_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [(disz)ku]-dur#-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-dasz# [_lugal_] a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta#-ki a-di 60-szu _numun_ [_lugal_] [ina la] mi-ni _erim-mesz gisz-pan dumu-mesz_ ba-né-e szA _kur-elam-ki#_

at#-kil a-na a-mat _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu#_ [(d)]_en#_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki#_ [_dingir_]-_mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia szA u-tak-kil-u-in-[ni] [qi]-bit# pi-i-szu er-hu ul am-gur [_un_]-_mesz#_ szu-a-tu-nu ul ad-din-[szu] [... qi]-bit# pi-i-szu er-hu _dingir-mesz_ e-zi-zu(?)#-[ma] [e-mi]-du-usz# hi-t,i(?)-[x (x)] [ina u4-me-szu-ma] mi#-ih-ru im-hur-[szu-ma] [_nundum_-su uk]-tam(?)-bil(?)-ma(?)# _igi-ii#_-szu is#-[hur-ma]

AI Translation

In that year, his life passed away and he went to live.

Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship,

With the yoke of the sceptre, he established life ..., he sat down on the throne, ... the numerous waters.

As for the one who removes my inscription and my name from the kingship, I imposed it upon him. I made another inscription, a revocation of my earlier oath, and imposed it upon him.

After Teumman, the great dragon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku, the sons of Ummanaldashu. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king who came before Urtaku, together with sixty members of the royal family, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam

I trusted in the word of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me. I did not honor his harsh words, nor did I give him those people. ... The harsh words of his harsh words, the gods, stood by him and he acted with ... negligence. At that time, a mishap struck him and his brow was twisted and his eyes were turned back.


In that year, his Urtaku's life came to an end and he passed away.

As for Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, he laid down his life through the bite of a mouse.

... suffered from dropsy, that is "full water." ...

They overthrew his kingship and took away his dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II. 10' Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku — together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam, 15' who had fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty — regarding these people, these fugitives, Teumman constantly sent me insults saying "Send me those people!" and a second time, saying "I will come and wage war against you!"

I put my trust in the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me. 25' I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth". I did not give him those people. The gods became angry with ... the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth" and they imposed upon him his punishment. At that time, a mishap befell him: his lip became paralyzed, his eyes turned back, and

Q003716: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[pu-luh]-ti _lugal_-u-ti-ia# [szA u-za-'i-nu-in-ni] [_an-szar_] (d)_en_ u (d)_ag kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_ is-hu-up-ma] [_un_]-_mesz# kur-elam-ma-ki_ s,e-e-er(?)# [(disz)in-da-bi-bi] [ib]-bal#-ki-tu-ma i(?)#-[na-ru-usz i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_] [(disz)um]-man-al-ta-Asz _dumu_ (disz)at-ta#-[me-tu u-sze-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu]

[ina u4]-me#-szu _du6-ku ki#-nam-tar#_-[_tar_-(_re_)-_e-ne_] [szu]-bat# (d)lugal-dim-me-er-an#-[ki ...] [...] x _dingir#-mesz_ s,i-ir(?)#-[...] [...] _nam-mesz#_ [...]

AI Translation

As for the fear of my royal majesty, which had overwhelmed me, the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû overwhelmed the land Elam and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and turned to him. With the sword, Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, sat on his throne.

At that time, the throne-dais, the seat of the god Lugaldimmeranki, ... the exalted gods ... destinies .


Fear of my royal majesty — with which the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû had endowed me — overwhelmed the land Elam and then the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and killed him with the sword. They placed Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, on his Indabibi's throne.

At that time, Duku, where destiny is de­ter­mined, the seat of the god Lugaldimmeranki, ... the exalted gods ... fates ...

Q003717: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x _an_(?)# E x [...] [... (disz)]te-um-man [...] [...] x-tim(?) _lugal_ szA x [...] [...] x (x) x _na_(?) E(?)# [...] [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] (d(?))_ag_(?)# [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

... ... Teumman ... king who ... ... ... ... ... ... the god Nabû ... .


... ... ... Teumman ... ... a king who ... ... ... ... ... Nabû ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


[...] x [...] [...] x (x) [...] [...] _din_(?) x [...] [...] U(?)# [...] [...] x x [...] [... al-la(?)]-kam-ma [...]

[... _an-szar_]-_du_-_a man kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_ ...] [...] e(?)-la(?)-mu(?)#-[u ...] [(disz)in-da-bi]-bi# _arad_-su(?)# [...] [...] _uz_-zu(?)#-szu(?)-nu(?)#-[ti(?) ...] [...] x (disz)in-da#-[bi-bi ...] [... _kur_]-_elam-ma-ki#_ x [...] [(disz)in-da-bi]-bi sza _ugu_(?)-[...] [...]-pa-ra [...] [szu-ut(?) me]-re(?)#-he(?)-e-[ti(?) ...] [_an-szar_(?)] (d)_nin-lil_ (d(?))#[...] [ip-ta(?)]-a(?) u-s,al-la#-[a ...] [...]-szu(?)-u(?)-ni# [...] [... _erim_]-_hi-a_-ia# [...] [...] _ti_ x [...] [...] _bi_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... and ... ... ... ... I came and .

... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... the Elamite ... Indabibi, his servant, ... their limbs ... Indabibi ... the land Elam ... Indabibi, who ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the ... of the ... ... the gods Ashur, Mullissu, and ... opened up their ... and ... ... ... my troops ...


... ... ... and ... ... ..."I will come and ...."

... Ashurbanipal, the king of Assyria, ... the Elamite ... Indadbibi, his servant, ... ii' 10' ... ... Indabibi ... the land Elam ... Indabibi, who ... on ... ... ... ii' 15' insolent messages ... the deities Ashur, Mullissu, ... he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal ... ... ... my troops ... ... ...

Q003718: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [...] x x x (x) x [...] [...] x x x U x [...]

[_erim-mesz me_-ia ina _uru_-man]-gi#-si szA qé-reb _uru_(?)-[su-man-dir] [_edin_-usz-szu-un e-lu-nim]-ma(?) isz(?)-ku(?)-nu(?) tah(?)#-[ta-szu-un] [sza (disz)un]-da(?)-si(?) _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man# [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] [sza (disz)za]-za-az# (disz)par-ru-u (disz)[at-ta-me-tu] _sag#-du-mesz_-szu(?)#-nu(?) _kud_(?)-su(?)-[nim-ma] u-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-[ia]

szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti _lu-a kin_-ia# u-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um#-man-i-gasz _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia szA a-na# szA-al szul-mi-szu Asz-pu-ru ik-la-ma# la u-ter-ra tur#-ti a-mat-ia#

_an-szar#_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ [...] [...] (d)#nusku(?) x(?) _an_ [...] [_dingir-mesz_] ti(?)#-ik-[le-ia di-in kit-ti] [it-ti (disz)]um#-man-i-gasz i-di#-[nu-in-ni] [...] [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

My battle troops who were stationed in the city Mangisi, which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir, came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu, a son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu and brought them before me.

As for these men, I sent my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a eunuch of mine whom I had sent to inquire about his well-being, but who had not returned my words to me.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, ... Nusku, ... ... ... the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ...


No translation possible

My battle troops who are stationed in the city Mangisi — which is inside the territory of the city Sumandir — came up against them and brought about their defeat. They cut off the heads of Undasu — a son of Teumman, a former king of the land Elam — Zazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu, and they brought them before me.

I dispatched my messenger to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II regarding these matters. He detained the eunuch of mine whom I had sent Marduk-sharru-ushur to inquire about his well-being and did not give a reply to my words.

The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, ... Nusku, ... ... the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. ... ... ...

Q003719: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... e-pu]-szu#-usz [... _munus_]-_hul#_ [...]-mu [...] x _sza_(?) [...]-u#-ti [...] x-ti [...]-ti#-ia [...]-pal#-su-ma [...] x-_za_ [...] x-szu [... a]-ra#-mu [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

... I did ... evil ...


No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


[...] [...] [_alam_] (disz)#ha-lu-si mu-nar-[rit, ...] a-di _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ [...] szA e-pu-szu be-lut _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_] it-ti szal-la-ti-szu-nu ka-bit#-[ti] a-na ta-mar-ti _un-mesz egir_-[_mesz_] ina _nina-ki_ ina _ka_ É-_gal_-ia [ul-ziz(?)] ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu-nu ap-pul [aq-qur] _gir-pad-du-mesz_-szu-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ [_an-szar-ki_]

(d)na-na-a szA ul-tu GÉSZ-_u g_ÉSZ-_u 7 usz 15 mu-an-na#_-[_mesz_] ta-Asz-bu-szu-ma tu-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma#-[ti-szA] a-di u4-mu im-lu-u ik-szu-da a-dan#-[nu] a-lak-szA a-na _unug-ki_ e-reb-szA a-na# [é-hi-li-an-na(?)] iq-bu-u _lugal_ x [...] ina qi-bit _an_-[_szar_(?) ...]

AI Translation

... ... I set up in Nineveh, at the gate of my palace, a statue of Halusu, the one who ..., together with statues of kings ... who had exercised dominion over the land Elam, together with their substantial booty as audience gifts for the later people. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cult centers of the kings, their ancestors, and took them to Assyria.

The goddess Nanaya, who from the beginning of the year sat on her throne for seventy-five years and remained in her unreliable place until the day became too dark, decreed a time limit for her to go to Uruk and to Ehiliana. The king ... by the command of the god Ashur .


... ... ... the statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, who had disturbed ..., together with statues of ... kings who had exercised dominion over the land Elam, with their substantial booty, I erected in Nineveh, in a gate of my palace, for the admiration of future people. I destroyed and demolished tombs of the kings, their ancestors, and I took their bones to Assyria.

As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in a place not befitting her, as soon as the time had come and the fixed time had arrived, they the gods commanded her journey back to Uruk and her reentry into Ehiliana. The king ... by the command of the god Ashur ...

Q003720: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na#-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila#_ [...] bi-nu#-ut _szu-ii an-szar#_ [...] _dumu_ (disz)_an#_-[_szar_]-_pap_-_sum_-[_na_ ...]

[...] [...] [... e]-pisz# x [...] [...] (d)_ag#_ ina ni-szi _igi#-ii-mesz_-szu-nu# [...]

[... u-szak]-lil É-_gar8-mesz_-szu# [...]

[... _gaszan_]-ia# szA qé-reb _nina-ki_ é-gaszan-kalam-ma x [...]

[... _dingir-mesz_] _gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ma-ha-zi-szu-nu# [...]

[...] _zabar# an-bar_ [...] [...] _bara-mesz_-szu _ku-mesz_ [...]

[...] szA _ku-babbar# ku-gi_ lu-u Asz-tak-kan é#-[...]

[... é]-mes-lam É (d)_u-gur_ szA _gu#_-[_du8-a-ki_ ...]

[...] mi(?)#-na-a-ti si-mat É-_kur_ szA _ku-babbar ku-gi_ [...]

[... (d)]na#-na-a _gaszan# gal_-tu ul#-[tu ...] [...] ina é#-hi-li-an#-na szA ta#-ram-mu# [...]

[...] x ar-s,ip u#-[szak]-lil# sat-tuk-ki-szu-nu bat,-[lu-tu ...]

[... _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en_]-_mesz_-ia# u-szal-li#-mu _an-dul_-szu-nu _dug#_-[_ga ugu_-ia it-ru-s,u-ma ...] [...] a#-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak#-[ni-szu(?) ...]

[...] x ma-hir ul i-szi _uru_-ni-i' _uru lugal_-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur# [u _kur_-ku-u-si _kur_-ud ...]

[...] a#-di la ba-sze-e u-szA-lik _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-[szu ...]

[... it-ti (disz)tug-dam]-mi-i _lugal erim_-man-da _numun#_ [hal-ga-te-e ...]

[...] a(?)#-ni-ir u-szam-qit _kur_-ma-ta-a-a _kur_-man-na-a-a _kur_(?)#-[...] [...] _kur_(?)#-x-up-pi u _kur_-qa-de-e szA ina a-[hi ...]

[...] Asz(?)#-bu ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ ((d)_en_(?)) (d)_ag_ (d)[...]

[...]-ia la kan-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_en_ [...]

[... ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti sza szul-mu] (d)#_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap#-[li-ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi ...]

[...] la# na-par-ka-a man-da-at#-[ta-szu _dugud_-tu ...]

[...] (d)_en_(?)# x x x [...]

(d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum# [...] [...]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, ..., creation of the hands of the god Ashur, ..., son of Esarhaddon, .

... ... ... ... the god Nabû, before their eyes .

... I completed its walls .

... my lady, which is inside Nineveh, Egashankalamma ... .

... the great gods, my lords, their cult centers .

... bronze, iron ... his holy dais .

I set up ... of silver and gold in E.

... Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha .

... the measurements of the temple of silver and gold .

... Nanaya, great lady, from ... in Ehiliana, which you love .

... I built and completed ... and their regular offerings .

... the great gods, my lords, made them whole, they imposed a kind of punishment upon me and ... they made him a part of my throne .

... ... had not ... The city Ni', a royal city of Egypt and Kush, I conquered .

... I made his gods and his goddesses march at my side, as if they were a lion.

... with Tugdammî, king of the Manneans, a horde of evil .

... I cut down and cut down the land Media, the land Mannea, the land ..., the land ...uppi and the land Qadê, which is on the border of .

... By the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, .

... my ..., unrivalled in strength, the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, .

... from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun .

... without interruption, his heavy tribute .

... Bel ... ...

Marduk, Zarpanitu, ... .


I, Ashurbanipal, ... creation of the hands of the god Ashur ..., son of Esarhaddon, ...

..., builder of ..., ... and Nabû ... with the gaze of their eyes, ....

... I completed ... its walls. ...

... my lady, that is in Nineveh, Egashankalama ...

... the great gods, my lords, their cult centers ...

... bronze, iron, ... his pure daises ... I constantly set up ... of silver and gold.


Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha, ....

... dimensions, temple appurtenances of silver, gold, ....

Nanaya, the great lady, who from ... in Ehiliana, which she loves. ...

... I built and completed. I ... their abandoned regular offerings. ...

..., the great gods, my lords, fully carried out ..., spread their benevolent protection over me, and ... they made ... bow down to my yoke. ... I had no rival lit. "there was no rival".

I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush. ...

... I brought to naught. I ... its gods and its goddesses. ...

... with Tugdammî, king of a barbarian horde, a nomad, ...

... I killed and cut down with the sword. The land Media, Mannea, ... the lands ...uppi and Qadê, which is on the shore of ...

... ... By the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, ...

... of mine who are insubmissive ... the might of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, ...

... from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun ...

..., without interruption, ... his heavy payment ...

... Bel Marduk ... ...

Marduk, Zarpanitu ....

Q003721: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(...) ina kA-hi-li-sU masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz]-bu# sa-al#-[hu ad-di]

[_gisz-na gisz-esi_ is,-s,i da-re-e szA _ku-gi husz-a_ lit-bu-szat] a(?)-na(?) (d)#[_amar_]-_utu_ ra-im _bala-mesz#_-[ia a-qisz]

[... a-a(?)]-ak-ku _ku_ szu#-bat ru-bu-[ti-szu x x] [...]-uk#-tu a-na (d)_amar-utu# en_-ia esz-szisz# [ar-s,ip]

[(...) 2 per-ku _ku-babbar_ eb-ba sza] _asz4# gun_-[_ta-am_(?)] _ki-la_-szu#-[nu] [...]-a#-ni u _ka-mesz_-ni u-hum#-mesz _suhusz-mesz_-szu-nu [u-kin]

[(...) 6 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-ti] na#-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u-ti-[ia] [... ina] _ka#_ é-zi-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa-_ki_ ul#-[ziz]

[... ki-zAlag-ga szu-bat (d)_izi-gar 83_] _gun#_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu ap-tiq-ma# [... _dingir_(?)]-ti-szu _gal_-ti ma-har-szu u-szat-ri-is,#

[... _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_(?) is,-s,i(?) da]-re#-e szA 50 _ma-na ku-gi husz-a_ lit-bu-szat# [...] szu#-bat (d)a-nu-ti-szu ina at-man (d)_ag en_-ia u-szar-szid

[... szA] qé-reb _nina-ki ku-babbar ku-gi_ lu uh-hi-iz

[(...) é-mes-lam É (d)_u-gur_ szA qé-reb _gu-du8-a_]-_ki_(?)# szA e-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz [an-hu-us-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ina] _gisz#-u-szub gisz-esi gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ [hi-bisz-ti _szim-hi-a sig5-hi-a_-szu al-bi-in al-lu u]-szat#-rik-ma usz-te-esz-sze-ra _usz8_-szu [ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me sze-mi-i ina i-gu-la-a _i dug-ga ku-babbar ku-gi_ ad]-di# tem-me-en-szu u ad-da-a _si-gar_-szu

[ina _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz-ka gisz-esi gisz-tug gisz_(?)-_kim_(?) u _gisz-umbin_ us]-si#-ma szi-kit-ti É [ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ul]-la#-a re#-szi-szu [... _gisz-ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat]-ri-s,a# _ugu_-szu [...]-_mesz#_-szu

AI Translation

I deposited my clay cone in Kahilisu, the mashakku-vessel of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charms.

I presented to the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, a bed of ebony, a durable wood, whose color is reddish gold.

... ..., the abode of his royal majesty, ... I built anew ... for the god Marduk, my lord.

... I erected two silver pedestals, whose weight is one talent each, ... and gates, and thereby firmly established their foundations.

... I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, ..., at the gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I ripped out ..., the tallest of the four, the seat of the god Nergal, 83 talents of shiny zahalû-metal and ... I made its great divinity resplendent before him.

I had ... musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose weight is fifty minas of reddish gold, ..., the seat of his divinity, built with the help of the god Nabû, my lord.

... which is inside Nineveh, I plated with silver and gold.

I renovated Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old. I removed its dilapidated sections and thereby weakened its structure. I hung its bricks on beams of ebony and musukkannu-wood, aromatics, and aromatics, and then I firmly established its foundations. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations with good oil, fine oil, silver, and gold. I fixed its door bolts.

I installed musukkannu-wood, kakkannu-wood, ebony, boxwood, kimu-wood, and cypress and I completed the construction of the temple from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure. I roofed it with ... large cedar beams. I ... its ...s.


... I placed the bed in Kahilisu, the residence of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I presented the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, with a bed of ebony, a durable wood, and which is clad with reddish gold.

... pure sanctuary, his princely abode. I constructed ... ... anew for the god Marduk, my lord.

... in ... ... and gateways, I made the foundations of two shiny silver pirkus, whose weight is six talents each, as firm as a mountain.

... I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in ..., in the gateways of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

... I cast Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nuru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zahalû-metal and made ... of his great divinity spread out before him.

I ... a ... of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with fifty minas of reddish gold, and ... I secured it ... the seat of his high rank, in the inner sanctum of the god Nabû, my lord.

I inlaid with silver and gold the ... that is inside Nineveh ....

As for Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I renovated its collapsed sections and removed the portions of it that had collapsed. In brick molds of ebony and musukkannu-wood, I made its bricks with crushed pieces of aromatics. I made people take up hoes and had its foundations put back into alignment. In an auspicious month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundations with perfumed oil, good quality oil, silver, and gold. Moreover, I secured its door bolts.

I adorned the structure of the temple with musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, ebony, boxwood, hilepu-wood, and UMBIN-wood and built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure. ... I roofed it with long beams of cedar. ... its ....

Obverse Column ii


_um_(?)#-[...] (disz)x [...] x [...] _igi_ [...] x [...] (disz)[...] x [...]

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column i


[...]-x x (x) [...] [... e]-te#-et-ti-qu szal-[mi-isz ...] [... _ta nina-ki uru_ na]-ram# (d)isz-tar _gaszan nina#_-[_ki_ ...] [... (disz)u-a-a-te]-e' _lugal kur_-a-ri-bi# [...] [... ina] _ugu_(?)# gu-ub-ba-ni szA A-[_mesz_ ...] [... _erim-hi-a_-ia _a-mesz_ a-na] masz-ti-ti-szu-nu ih-bu#-[ma ...] [... qaq-qar s,u-um-me]-e a-szar lap#-[lap-ti ...] [...] x [...]

[...] x x [... har-ra-an(?) _kur_-di-masz-qa(?) u-szA-Asz-ki-na(?) sze-pu]-usz#-szu-un

[(disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-am-mu i]-na(?) qi-bit# [_an-szar_ u] (d)15 _en-mesz_-ia [ina _murub4_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u]-us-su#-nu us,-s,ab-bit# ina qa-ti [_szu-ii_ u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-nu]-ti it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu-nu al#-[qa-Asz-szu-nu]-ti# ana _kur an-szar-ki_

[mun-nab-ti(?) szA(?) la-pa-an(?) _gisz-tukul-mesz_(?)] _an#-szar_ in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu [_kur_-hu-uk-ku-ru-na _kur_]-u mar-s,u [a-szar kup-pi nam-ba-'i] szA# _a-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu-u _en-nun#-mesz ugu_-szu [u-szA-an-s,ir-ma _a-mesz ti-la_] na-pisz-ti#-szu-nu ak#-la [masz-ti-tu u-szA-qir a-na pi-i-szu]-nu ina s,u-um(?)-me(?)#-e lap-lap-ti isz-ku#-nu na-pisz#-tu

[_un-mesz nita_ u _munus ansze-mesz_] _ansze-a-ab#_-[_ba_]-_mesz gu4-mesz_ u _us5#-udu_-[_hi-a_] [(ina la mi-ni) Asz-lu-la u-za-'i-iz a-na _un-mesz_] _kur# an-szar-ki_ ina qa-bal-ti _kur_-[ia] [_ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ina 1 _gin 1_/2] _gin#_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka#_ [ma-hi-ri] [_munus-a_sz-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _lu-lunga_ ina] ha#-bé-e _lu-nu-gisz-kiri6_ ina ki-szi#-[szu szA _u-sar_]

[im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-a_]-_ab#-ba-mesz u_ a-me#-[lu-tu (...)] [(disz)u-a-a-te-e' ...] x [(x)] in-nab-tu# [ma-har(?) (disz)na-at-na(?)] [...] szA a-na [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... he escaped safely ... from Nineveh, the city beloved of the goddess Ishtar, the lady of Nineveh ... Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, ... on the water-heap ... my troops poured water into their libation vessels and ... a rugged mountain, a place of terror ... ... .

... ... ... I made them take the road to Damascus.

By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I captured Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu and took them to Assyria, where they were confined in a cage. I placed them under the authority of a bronze arrowhead. I took them to Assyria together with booty from their land.

The evil that had fallen upon the weapons of the god Ashur and had seized the land Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain, where there was no irrigation ditch, I had guards stationed over it and I had the water for their lives taken away. I made their mouths shut and they made their lives miserable.

I carried off people, male and female, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I divided them among the people of Assyria. In the midst of my land, they bought camels for one and half shekels of silver at the market gate. I gave a female kid as a gift, a brewer as a gift, a gardener as a gift, and a gardener as a gift.

... Uaite' ... fled to me before Natna ... who to ... ... .


... ... they my troops constantly passed safely ... from Nineveh, the city loved by the goddess Ishtar, the lady of Nineveh, ... Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, ... next to water cisterns. ... My troops drew water to fill their drinking vessels, and then ... a land of parching thirst lit. "a land of thirst and a place of parching" ...

... ... ... I made their feet take the road to Damascus.

As for Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I captured them alive in the thick of battle. I placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and took them to Assyria, together with plunder from their land.

The fugitives who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur took to Mount Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. Whereever there was a spring or a source of water, as many as there were, I had guards stationed over it and thus I withheld from them the water which sustains their lives. I made drink scarce for their mouths and they laid down their lives from parching thirst.

They lit. "I" carried off people — male and female — donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. I divided them among the people of Assyria so that within my land they the Assyrians could purchase camels for one shekel or even a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug of beer, and the gardener for his bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camels and slaves.

... Uaite' ..., who had fled into the presence of Natnu, ... whom to ... ... ...

Obverse Column ii


(d)15# x (x) [...] ia-a-ti (disz)_an_-[_szar_-_du_-A ...] ha-disz nap-lis#-[in-ni(?) ...] _dingir-mesz_ su(?)#-[...] _ti-la zi#_-[_mesz_(?)-ia(?) ...] _gisz-gidru#_ [...] _a#_ [...]

AI Translation

Ishtar ... ... my brother Ashurbanipal ... joyfully prayed to me ... the gods ... life of my life ... scepter ... .


O Ishtar, ... look with pleasure upon me — Ashurbanipal, ... the gods ... the preservation of my life ... scepter ...

Q003722: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na (d)]_nin-lil#_ ru-ba-tu s,ir-tu e-tel-lat (d)i-gi-gi u (d)GÉSZ-U szA-ru-uh-tum i-lA-a-ti szar-rat# [szar-ra]-a#-ti (d)isz-tar ta-na-da-a-ti szA ku-uz-bu za-a'-nat# ma-lat nam-ri-ri be-el-tu szur-bu-tu sza ina _dingir-mesz_ kul(?)#-lat(?) da-Ad-me szu-tu-qAt be-lut-sa szur-ba-a-ta _dingir_-us-sa# (d)_zib_ be-let _du_ mim-ma szum-szu szA ina pat, szA-ma-me# u qaq-qa-ri [s,a-bi-ta-at(?)] mar#-kas bu-ru-um-me _ku-mesz_ szA ina _an_-e rap-szu-ti szur-szu-du gis-gal-la-[szA(?) ...]

[hi-rat(?) (d)]_en#-lil-la# dingir-mesz_ szA-qu-u _lugal an_-e u _ki#_-tim mu-szim szi-ma-a-ti _ama dingir-mesz#_ sza qi#-bit-sa la in-nen-nu-u la ut-tak-ka-ru s,i-it [pi-i]-szA ha-mi-mat _garza-mesz_ (d)a-num szu#-qu-ru-ti ta-me-hat pi-qi#-ti (d)_en-lil_-u-ti ri-im(*)-tu (szA)-qu-tu# szA qar-na-szA ed-da mu-nak-ki-pat za-'i-[ri ...] ka-bi-sa-at(?)# Asz-t,u-ti ra-ki-pat _ud-mesz gal-mesz_ szA ina _dingir-mesz_ ge-ru-szA la i-szu-u ina (d)15-_mesz_ la ib-szu-u [...]

an#-tum réme-ni-tum le-qAt un-ni-ni sze-ma-at# ik-ri-bi na#-s,i-rat na-pisz-ti qa-i#-[szat _ti-la_] a-li-kat i-di [_lugal_] mi-gir-i-szA sza ina _pap-hal# bad4_ u-sze-zi#-[bu] _nun_ pa-[lih]-szA a-szi-bat [_nina-ki_] _uru# ku_

szu-bat [(x)] x _dingir-mesz gal-mesz gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan_-ia [a-na-ku] (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a#_ [_man_] _szu man kur_ [_an-szar-ki_ ti-ri]-is, _szu-ii_-[ki(?)] _gir-nita_ mut#-nen-nu-u szA-'i-it, ni-ri-ki ki-s,ir# [...] _u mu szu_ [...] u-sza-pu-ma u-s,al-lu-u be-lut-ki a-na x [...] x _an_ x [... ib-szA-a(?)] _gesztu-ii_-szu [...] ina er#-bi qi-szA-a-ti _sza-gi-guru6-a_ tés-li-[ti ... szA]-pal-ki [...]

szA a-bu la u-rab-ban-ni la is,-pu-pan-ni [kap-pi ...] x _tar_ x [... nu]-bal-lu [...]-U tah-ti-nin-ni [...] x _ti_ x [... sa(?)]-li#-mu [s,u-lul-ki] _dug-ga_ tu-szat-ri-s,i _ugu_-[ia ...] szur-szu-disz tu#-[sze-szi-bi-in-ni ina _gisz-gu-za_(?)] _ad# du_-ia

(d)_alad_ dum-qi na-s,i-ru (d)_lamma_ me-szA#-ri mu-szal-li#-[mat(?) _zi_(?)]-tim(?)# _a-ii_-a-a# [lil-li-ku(?) ... ina tukul-ti(?)]-ki# _gal_-ti at-ta-lak ar-ki-ki i-da-a-a tal-li-ki# a-ta-tab-lak#-[kat ... a]-a-bi-ia ina li-i-ti da-na-ni ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_ tu-[szA-zi-zi-in-ni _edin_] ga-re-ia [... szA] la(?) ut(?)-tak#-ka-ru e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-ia taq-bi-i ana _ud-mesz_ da-ru-te [...] isz-re-e-te [... _an-szar_ u (d)_nin_]-_lil_ ina ni-isz _igi-ii_-szu-nu _sig5-mesz_ ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma iq-bu-u _za_ [... ina qi-bi(?)]-ti#-ki s,ir-te

é-hur-sag#-gal-kur-kur-ra É _an-szar en_-ia szA (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki ad_ ba-[nu-u-a la ig]-mu-ra szi#-pir-szu i-na qi-bit _an-szar en gal_-e _en_-ia szi-pir-szu ag-mur-ma É-_gar8-mesz_-szu u-szal-[bi-szA] _ku#-gi ku-babbar_ [_gisz_-tim-me _gisz_]-_eren# mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku-babbar_ u-rak-kis ina _ka_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qup _an-szar_ ina é-szar2-ra tam-szil É (d)_en-lil_ szA _an_-e [u-sze]-rib-ma [u-szar-ma-a pa]-rak da-ra-a-ti

é-masz-masz É (d)_nin-lil gaszan_-ia# at-ma-nu mu-szab be-lu-ti-szA _ka-mesz_-szu sip-pi-szu _si#-gar_-i-szu [_ku-babbar ku-gi_ lu]-u# uh-hi-iz

A-ki-tu mu-szab be-lu-ti-szA sza _ud-21-kam_ szA _iti-ab gaszan gal_-tu us,-s,u-ma u-szal-la-mu [...] par#-s,e-szA(?) [ul-tu u4-me(?) _lugal_]-_mesz# ad-mesz_-ia im-ma-szu-ma ina si-ma-ti-szA _libir-ra-mesz gim_ szA mah-ri la szu-pu-szA-tu i-na-an-na a-na-[ku ina a-gur-ri(?) tam]-lit# _na4-zu na4-za-gin_ a-na si-hir-ti-szA ar-s,ip u-szak#-lil lu-le-e u-mal-li da-ad-me na-ki-ri sza ik#-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a si-ma-a-ti na-ki#-ri szA ina qi-bit _dingir#_-u-ti-szA s,ir-ti Asz-tak-ka-nu _u lugal-mesz_ la kan-szu-[ti]-ia#

ina szi-pir (d)nin-zA-dim _ugu_-szA u-s,ir# é-ki-bi-kU-ga ziq-qur-rat _nina#-ki_ [...] _gisz_-mA-tum-ma-al(?)# _gisz-ma_ (d)_nin-lil_ szA _gisz-eren_ ab-ni-ma _ku-babbar_ uh-hi-iz _ka asz-a-an_ szA mu-us-sah-ra(?)#-[...] x isz-pil-lu-ur-ti#

a-szar pel-lu-de#-e x (x)-ti _lugal_ a-na si#-hir-ti-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil ul-tu mim-ma szi-pir É [...]-ia# e-pu#-szu _ku-babbar ku-gi_ u-za-'i#-[nu]

at-man (d)_ag en_-ia szA qé-reb _nina-ki ku-babbar ku-gi_ lu-u uh-hi-iz É (d)30 (d)nin-gal (d)_utu_ [(d)a]-a szA [qé]-reb# _nina-ki_ a-na si-hir#-ti-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil (d)30 (d)nin-gal (d)[nusku (d)_utu_ (d)]a#-[a _dingir-mesz_] tik-le#-[ia ...] x ina qé-reb-e-szu

u-sze-rib-ma u-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti é-gaszan-kalam-ma# [...] É-_gar8-mesz_-szu u-[szal-bi]-szA# _ku-gi#_ [... u-sze(?)]-pisz

_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ud-disz é-sag-il2 u-szak-lil# _bara-mesz_-szu tam-szil szA-ma-mi# [...] be-lum [(d)_gaszan_-_mu_] (d)be-let-_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ (d)é#-a (d)_di-ku5_ [...] x ka-bat-ti# [...] _udu-nita_-[_mesz_ ... iq(?)]-bu#-u a-lak u-ru-uh szul-me ra(?)#-[...] _lugal_ [...]-su a-[...] _uru_(?)# (d)asal(?)#-[lu2(?)]-hi(?) _ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ [...]

_bara#_-[_mah_]-hu# szu-bat _dingir_-u-ti-[szu s,ir-ti 50 _gun_] za#-ha-lu#-[u eb]-bu a-na a-[gur-ri ap-ti-iq-ma u-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu]

[u-sze-pisz-ma(?) _gisz_-er-me a-nu] _gisz-mes-ma#-kan-na gisz_ da-[re-e ... 34] _gun_ [20 _ma-na_] _ku#-gi husz#_-[A kip-pat-su u-szal-bisz ... u]-szat-ri-is,#

[_gisz-gigir_ s,ir]-tum# ru-kub# be-lu-ti-szu ina [_ku-gi ku-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)_amar-utu lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e] u _ki_-tim

[sa-pi-in _lu_]-_kur-mesz_(?)#-ia a-na szi-rik-[ti Asz-ruk _gisz-na gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ is,]-s,i# da-re-e [szA pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-nat a-na ma-a-a-al] tak-né-e (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia [szA-kan ha-szA-di e-pesz] ru(?)-'a#-[a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina kA-hi-li-sU masz]-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum

szA ku#-[uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di _gisz-na gisz-esi_ is,]-s,i da#-[re-e szA _ku_]-_gi# husz-a_ lit-bu#-[szat a-na (d)]_amar-utu man# dingir-mesz_ ra-'i-im _bala_-ia aq-qisz

[u-na-at _ku-babbar ku-gi_] _na4#-mesz_ ni-siq-ti# _zabar an-bar#_ mim-ma [szi-pir] É#-_kur_ u-sze-pisz-ma qé-reb [é]-sag#-gil É-_gal dingir-mesz_ u-kin#

[é-sa]-bad# É (d)gu#-[la szA] qé#-reb _ka-dingir-ra#_-[_ki_ ul-tu _usz8_-szu a]-di# gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil

[6 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi]-is# _lugal_-u-ti-[ia ina _ka_ lu2-gu]-dU#-e-ne _ka_ s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi [u _ka_ (d)_lamma_-_ra-bi_ ina é-zi-da szA qé-reb bAr-sipa]-_ki#_ ul-[ziz]

[_kun4_(?) _ku-gi_] _husz#-a_ szA 50 _ma-na ki-la_-szA a-[na me-le-e(?) szA]-qu(?)-u-ti

[... ki-zAlag-ga szu]-bat# (d)_izi-gar 83 gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu [ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat é-zi-da nak-lisz] u-sze-pisz

[2 per-ki _ku-babbar_ eb]-bi szA _asz4 gun-ta-am ki-la_-szu(*)-nu(*) ina# [kA-mah u kA-nam]-ti#-la a-na tal#-[lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu] s,ir#-ti hur#-szA-nisz Asz-pu-uk

[...] szA# ul-tu _ud-mesz_ ul-lu-u-ti [(x)] im-[ma-szu-u] szi#-pir-szu [...] x ap-tiq-ma

[...] x-szu é-mes-lam É (d)_u-gur_ szA _gu-du8-a_-[_ki_ szA i-na]-hu#-ma il-li-[ku la-ba]-risz# an-hu-su ud-disz

[mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ul-tu] _usz8#_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil _gisz_-[_ur-mesz gisz-eren mah_]-_mesz#_ u-szat-ri-[s,a _ugu_-szu] _gisz-ig-mesz gisz_-li#-ia-a-ri [szA e-re-si]-na _dug-ga_ u-rat-ta-a ina _ka-mesz_-szu ina _gisz-mes-ma-kan_-[_na gisz-ka gisz_]-_esi gisz#-tug_ [_gisz_(?)-_kim_(?) u _gisz_]-_umbin_ us-si-[ma] É

[é-hul]-hul# É (d)30 szA qé-reb _uru-kaskal_ szA ul-tu _ud-mesz#_ [_su-mesz_(?) (d)30(?) ...] x u-szad-gi-lu pa-[nu]-u-a [ul-tu] _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak#-[lil ...] u#-szal-bisz é-me-lAm#-an-na

É ((d))nusku(*) _sukkal mah_ ab-na-a qé-reb#-[szu 2 _am-mesz ku-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia ina at-man] (d)30 _en_-ia ul-ziz 2 lah-me esz-ma-re-e

szA ti-is,-bu#-[tu _gisz_-szu-ri-in-ni (mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia) mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib _kur_-i u tam-tim ina _ka_] é#-hul-hul ul-ziz É A-ki-tu

mu-szab(?)# [be-lu-ti-szu(?)] ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil _ku-babbar ku_-[_gi ... gisz_]-_mes-ma-kan-na gisz#_ da-re-e za-[ha]-lu#-[u] eb-bu

[... _ku-gi_] _husz#-a_ u-za-'i-in [...] az#-qup (d)30 _en_-ia# [...] at#-man (d)#[nusku] _sukkal# mah_

[s,a-bit ab]-bu-ut-ti#-ia mu-szah-sis [(...)] (d)30 _en_-ia _ku-babbar_ uh-hi#-[iz (...)] x _gisz si_ x ti szA a-na szub-ruq [... (d)_im-dugud-muszen-mesz_(?)] _husz-mesz_ [...] é-me-lAm-an-na É (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ im-nu u szu#-me-lu ul#-ziz

[... _szu-ii_ (d)30 (d)nusku as,]-bat#-ma u-sze-rib u-sze-szib pa-rak da-ra#-a-ti

é-dim-gal-kalam-ma É _an#-gal_ szA _bad#_-[_an-ki_ a-na] si#-hir-ti-szu ar#-s,ip(*) u-[szak-lil _an_]-_gal_ (d)_gaszan_-_bad-an-ki_ (d)#_dumu_-É qé-reb-szu u-sze-rib-ma u#-[sze-szib(?) pa-rak(?) da-ra-a]-ti(?)# _ki-tusz gisz-mes-ma#-kan-na gisz_ da-re-e# a-na# mu-szab _en_-ti-szu _ku_-[_babbar_ eb]-bu u#-[szal-bisz ...] _ku_(?)#-_babbar_ szA _ku-gi husz-a_ lit-bu-szu a-na si#-[hir-ti-szu ...] x-su

[(d)]_im-dugud-muszen-mesz ku-babbar_ eb-bi szA ma-lu-u pu-luh-tu a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia# [ina _ka_ é-galam-mes É] (d)#_u-gur_ szA _uru_-tar-bi-s,i ul-ziz

esz-ret _kur an-szar-ki#_ [...]-szu-nu u-sze-pisz sat-tuk-ki _u#_ [...] _igi_ [...] lu-u u-kin u-ter Asz#-ru-usz-szUn

_ugu_ nin-da-bé-e kun-nu-[ti lu-u u-szA]-tir lu(*)-u u-t,Ah-hi-id _dingir-mesz# gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# [szA ap-tal-la-hu-szu]-nu-ti ke-nisz ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma i#-[tap-pa-lu] _a-ii_-a-a _an-dul_-la-szu-nu _dug-ga ugu_-ia it-ru#-[s,u-ma ep-sze]-ti#-ia _sig5-mesz_ ha-disz ip-pal-su-ma ik-tar#-[ra-bu] _lugal_-u-ti _kur-kur du_-szi-na ul-tu tam-tim _an_-[_ta_] a-di# tam-tim szap-li#-ti a-na ni-[ri-ia] u-szak#-[ni-szu]-u#-ma i-szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni ina qi-bi-ti-szu#-[nu] s,ir#-ti ina kul-lat# [_kur-kur_] at#-tal-lak#-[ma ma-hi-ri ul] i#-szi

_uru_-ni-i' _uru lugal_-u-ti _kur_-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-u-si _kur_-ud szal-lat-su ka#-bit-tu [Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an_]-_szar-ki_

(disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri szA a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru _uru-hal-s_,U-[_mesz ugu_-szu u-rak]-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re#-ti-szu u-s,ab-bit a-na ni-ri-ia u-szak-[nis-su-nu]-ti#

(disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal kur_-a-ru-ad-da (disz)sa-an-di-szar#-me _kur_-hi-lak-ka-a-a szA a-na _lugal-mesz#_ [_ad-mesz_]-ia [la kan-szu]

ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-dun4#_-[ia (disz)gu-ug-gu] _lugal_ [_kur_-lu-ud-di] _an#-szar dingir_ ba-nu-u-a ni-bit# [_mu_-ia] ina _masz-gi6_ u#-[szab-ri-szu um-ma] _gir-ii#_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur an-szar-ki_ s,a-[bat-ma] i-na zi-kir# [_mu_-szu ku-szu-ud _lu-kur-mesz_]-ka i#-na zi-kir _mu_-ia _lu-kur-mesz#_-szu ik-szu-ud# [...] _lu_-rak-bu-szu szA szul-me it#-[ti ta-mar-ti-szu(?) ka]-bit(?)#-ti u-sze-bi-lam-ma u-na-Asz-sziq# _gir-ii_-ia#

(disz)u-al-li#-[i _lugal_(?) _kur_-man-na-a-a(?) da-na-an(?)] _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil en-mesz_-ia# [... e-mur-ma(?)] ik-nu-szA a-na# [_gisz-dun4_-ia] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal#-mesz_ man-da-at-ta-szu [...] szat-ti-szam la na#-[par-ka-a ...]-ma u-s,a-al-la-a be-[lu-u-ti]

ina e#-muq _an-szar mah-mesz_ szA _gaba#_-[_ri_] la# i-szA-a _kur-elam-ma-ki dagal_-[tu ...] _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-kun(?)# [... _uru_]-_mesz#_-szu dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu a-di [_uru-mesz tur-mesz_] szA ni-[ba la] i(?)#-szu(?)-u ak-szud(?)# [...]-ti-szu u-nam-me _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-pi-[di-il-ma ...] ap-pul# [aq-qur ...] A' _mu dingir-mesz_ x [...]-szu _nig-ga_-szu szal-lat-su _dugud_-tu Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

(disz)um-man-[i-gasz szA in-nab-tu is,-ba]-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia ina# [_gisz-gu_]-_za#_-[szu u-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma]-ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a

ina _uru_-hi-da-a-li# ap-qid (d)[na]-na#-a szA ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ tas-bu-szu-ma [tu-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma]-ti-szA ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA-an u-sze-s,a-am-ma a-na _unug#-ki uru#_ be-lu-ti#-[szA u]-sze#-rib-szi ina é-an-na szA ta-ram-mu

u-szar#-[me-szi pa-rak da]-ra-a-ti (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-da-si# [sza _egir_ a-ha-mesz] e#-pu-szu be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ [(d)]15# a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ u-szak-szi-du qa-ti is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-u-ti-ia ip-pu-szu _arad_-u-ti

(disz)du-na#-nu [_dumu_] (disz)#_en_-_ba_-szA _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a sza _gisz-dun4 an-szar_ is,#-lu-u a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ tu-kul-ti#-szu szA ina bi-rit# _id-mesz_ na-da-at szu(*)-bat-su ak-szu-ud szA-a-szu bal#-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu _dugud_-tu al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_

[(disz)(d)_muati_]-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila#_-_asz arad_ da-gil pa-ni-ia# [szA] ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u in-na-bi-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ hat-ti _an-szar en_-ia is-hup#-szu _nu_ x _har lu_-ki-zu-[szu szu-u _lu_]-ki#-zu-szu ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu-nu [u]-ras-si-bu a-ha-mesz (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ pu-luh-tu ir-szi-ma pa-gar-szu u-sze#-[bi-la] a-di mah-ri-ia a-na ep-szet da-na#-an _an#-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ pa-gar-szu ul ad-din a-na qé-bé-ri

(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu szA _mun_ e#-pu-szu-usz Asz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki mun#_ e-pu-szu-usz im-szi-ma _kur uri-ki kur_-kal-du _kur_-a-ru-mu _arad-mesz_ da-gil pa-ni-ia it-ti-ia u-szam#-kir-ma ip-ru-sa _szesz_-ut-tu# [(d)_en_]-_lil_ [(d)_nin-lil_(?)] u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ep-sze-ti-szu _hul-mesz_ ip-pal-su-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-ti _me_-szu-nu dan-ni

x [...] x [...] (d)#_gisz-bar szu-ii_-szu u-szA-hi-zu u-szaq-mu-u pa-gar-szu (disz)u-a-a-te-e' _lugal kur_-su-mu-il

szA# [it]-ti#-szu isz-szak-nu bal-t,u-us-su ina _szu#_-[_ii_] as,-bat (disz)am-mu-la-ad-di _lugal kur_-qé-da-ri ina mit-hu-s,i _gisz-tukul-mesz_ ina _szu-ii erim-hi-a_-ia isz-szA-kin-ma a-di# mah-ri-ia il-qu-u-ni bal-t,u-us-su

ul-tu _gisz-tukul_-(_mesz_) _an-szar_ ka-szi-du-ti _kur-elam-ma-ki du_-szA ik-szu-du i-na-ru (disz)ku-ra-Asz _man kur_-par-su-u-ma-Asz (disz)pi-isz-lu-me-e# _lugal kur_-hu-di-me-ri _lugal-mesz_ szA a-szar-szu-nu ru-u-qu szA ina a-hi _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ul-liti Asz-bu pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ (d)[_nin_]-_lil u_ (d)15 a-szi#-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_(*) is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma ir-szu-u na-kut-tu _lu-mah-mesz_-szu-nu szA t,u#-[u-bi u su]-lum#-me-e it#-ti ta-mar-ti#-szu-nu _dugud_-tu a-na mah-ri#-ia u-bi-lu-nim-ma u-na-Asz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e#-[e] (disz)#um-man-al-da(?)#-[si _lugal-mesz_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_ (disz)ia-u-te-e' _lugal kur_-su-mu-il szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil u_ (d)15 [a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ ik]-szu-da _szu#-ii_-a-a ul-tu# a-na e-pesz _udu-siskur-mesz_ szul-lum par-s,e ina é-szar2-ra é-masz-masz é#-[...]-e(?)# ina _gisz_-szA szad-da#-[di] ru-[kub _lugal_]-ti-ia

ki-ma# mur-ni-is#-[qi] as,-mid-su-nu-ti is,-[ba]-tu# ab-szA-ni (disz)(d)15-_bad man#_ [_kur_-ur-ar-t,i] szA _lugal-mesz ad#-mesz_-szu a-na _ad#_-[_mesz_-ia] isz-ta-nap-pa-ru-u-ni _szesz_-tu i-[na]-an#-na da-na-an ep-sze-e-ti [sza] _dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz_] i#-szi-mu-u#-[in-ni isz-me-e-ma] hat-tu _ugu_-szu im-qut#-[ma isz]-ta#-nap-pa-ra

um-ma lu-u szul-mu a#-[na] _lugal# en_-ia [(disz)na-at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba]-a#-a-ti szA a#-[szar-szu ru]-u-qu sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu ik#-nu-szA a-na _gisz-dun4#_-[ia ... _kur_]-na(?)#-ba-a-a-ti(?)# [...] x _ad_ x [... ik]-lu-u ta-[mar-ta-szu] ina qi-bit _an_-[_szar_] (d)#_nin-lil dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz_] _en#-mesz_-ia szA u-tak-kil-u-in-ni [...] _bad5-bad5_-[szu Asz-kun _uru-mesz_-szu] ap#-pul [aq-qur] a-na _du6_ u kar-me u-ter

(disz)nu-hu-ru _dumu_-szu szA la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz an-szar_ u (d)15 ip-par-szi#-[du ...] ma(?)-a-ti [...]-szu#-nu is-hup-szu-ma it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu ka#-[bit-ti il-li-ka(?)] a-di mah-ri-ia

re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma ina _gisz-gu-za ad_-szu u-sze-szib#-[szu (disz)]hu-un-da-ru _lugal kur-ni_-[_tuk-ki ... an-szar_ u (d)_nin_]-_lil dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia is-hup-szu-ma it-ti [man-da-at-ti-szu(?) ka-bit-ti(?)] a#-na _nina-ki_ szat-ti-szam la ba-t,a-li il-li-kam-ma u-s,a#-[al]-la#-a be#-lu-u-[ti]

[...]-ra-a-_bad_-te _lugal kur_-x-[up-pi] (disz)pa-de-e _lugal kur_-qa-de-e szA ina _uru_-iz-ke-e Asz-bu szA ma#-ti-ma(*?)# [...] la ik-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil lu_-rak-bu-szu-nu sza t,u#-[u-bi] [su-lum-me-e isz-pur-u]-ni it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu-nu ka-bit-ti ma-lak 6 _iti_ ir-du-u-ni il-lik#-[u]-ni# a-di mah#-[ri]-ia#

szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz-a-lu4 u-s,al-lu-u be-lu-u-ti (disz)szi#-i-lum _man edin_(?)# szA ina _kur_-ha-az-ma-a-ni ina a-hi _ni-tuk-ki murub4_-at tam-tim Asz-bu pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _dingir-mesz_ tik-le#-[ia] is#-hup-u-szu-[ma] ur-hu _su_-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li is,-bat-am-ma it-ti man-da-ti-szu _dugud_-ti# [il-li]-ka# a-di mah-ri-ia

szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz(*)-al-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia [(disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal kur_-tab]-_uru#_ szA it-ti _lugal-mesz ad-mesz#_-[ia] id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil en-mesz_-ia [is-hup-u-szu-ma(?) ...] x szA a-na ni-ri la ik-nu(?)-szu(?)# [_dumu_]-_munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_

man-da-ta-szu _dugud#_-tu u-sze-bi-lam-ma u-na#-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia [(disz)mu(?)]-us-si _dumu_-szu szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a man-da-at-ta-szu _dugud_-tu u-sze-bi-lam#-ma u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti# [ni-isz] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u-szA-az-kir-szu-ma i-szit, ma-mit _dingir_-u#-ti-szu-nu _gal_-te it-ti# (disz)tug-dam-mi-i _lugal numun_ hal-ga-ti-[i] isz-ta-kan pi-i-szu _an-szar kur_-u _gal_-u szA i-ta-a-szu la in-né-et(?)-ti#-qu ik-szu-us-su-ma ina (d)_gisz-bar_ a-ri-ri pa-gar-szu u-szaq-me ba-lu _gisz-pan ansze-kur-ra-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu [qin]-ni-szu

isz-szal(?)#-lu-u-ni a-na _kur an-szar-ki_ (disz)tug-dam-mi#-[i] _lugal#_ szad-da(*)-a-a-u gu-tu-um-_ki_ musz-tar-[hu] sza pa-lah _dingir_-[_mesz_] la# i-du-u a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-szu it-ta-kil-ma _erim-hi-a_-szu id-kam-ma a-na e-pesz _murub4#_ u ta-ha-zi# ina mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ it-ta-di _karasz_(*)-su _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15# a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ [a-na] pi-i-szu er-hi e-ziz-u-ma im-ta-ra-as,# _ugu_-szu-un i-na a-mat [_dingir_]-ti-szu#-nu _gal#_-[ti (d)_gisz_]-_bar#_ ul-tu _an_-e im-qu-tam-ma szA-a-szu _erim-hi-a_-szu _karasz_-su u-[qal]-li-szu-nu-ti

pu-luh-ti _an#-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)[15 a-szi]-bat# _uru-limmu#_-[_dingir dingir-mesz_ szA u]-tak-kil-u-in-ni is-hup-szu#-ma _lu-mah-mesz_-szu# szA t,u-u-bi U su-lum-[me-e ...] am#-hur _ku-gi_ lu-bul-tu bir-me [_gada_]-_mesz#_ it-ti _ansze-kur#-ra-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...] s,i-mit#-[ti ni-ri _ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz#_ ru-kub be-lu-ti-szu til(?)#-[li] u-nu-ut _me_ man-da-at-ta-szu _dugud#_-[tu] u-sze#-bi-lam-ma u-na-Asz#-[sziq _gir_]-_ii#_-ia

a-na la ha-t,e-e [mi]-s,ir# _kur an-szar-ki_ zik#-ru szA [_an-szar_ u (d)]_nin#-lil_ u#-[szA]-az#-kir-szu-ma u-dan-nin it-ti-szu Asz-ta-kan ma-mitu szu-u ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [_en-mesz_-ia ip-ru-us,]-ma# i-ta-szUn [e-tiq-ma a-na mi-s,ir _kur_] _an#-szar-ki_ u-s,a-am-mir _munus-hul#_ a-szar ti-ib [_gada_(?)] ih#-t,i ina mi-s,ir# [_kur an-szar-ki_]

a-na# szA-ka-ni na-[mur-rat(?) _gisz-tukul-mesz_] _an#-szar en_-ia is-hup-szu-ma mah-hu-tisz il-lik-ma ina# mi-qit t,e-[e]-me# u-na-szak rit-ti#-szu mut-ta-as-su im#-ma-szid-ma si-ih-lu isz-szA(?)#-[kin ina lib-bi-szu] _eme#_-szu im-mar-t,a-ma im-qut _gisz_-szu ina za-a-bi u ha-a-li u8-a a-a iq-ta#-ti na-pisz-tusz [...]

ina hat-ti# ra-ma-ni-szu-nu [u-ra-si-bu a]-ha-mesz ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_ i-dal-la-lu ta-nit-ti _an-szar en gal_-[e _en_]-ia# ina u4-me an-na-a Asz-mu#-[u] al-bi#-[in ap-pi ina la-ban] ap#-pi at-ta-'i#-id da-na-an _dingir#_-[_mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia szA il-li]-ku re-s,u-ti si-it-ti _lu-kur-mesz_ la kan-szu#-[ti] pu-luh-ti _an-szar_ (d)_nin#_-[_lil_ (d)15 a-szi-bat] _limmu_-_dingir-ki dingir-mesz#_ [...] a#-na zi#-[kir] _mu_-ia ip-tal-la-hu _arad_-u-ti ir-[ri-szu]

ina u4-me-szu _na4_-x [... é-masz]-masz É [(d)_nin-lil_ szA (disz)asz-szur-_pap_]-_ibila# lugal_ pa-ni mah-ru-u i-pu-szu-[ma] i-na-ha a-[...] _kisz_(?)# [...] _na4_(?)# _kur_-e esz-qi [x x] ab-tuq-ma [...] é-masz-masz É (d)_nin-lil gaszan_-ia [x x] _alam_ x [...] _dingir_-u-ti-szA _gal_-ti# [...]

sa-pi-in [...] _szen ab tuk_(?)# [... (d)_nin-lil_] _gaszan gal_-[tu] x [...] szu-a-tu ha-[disz lip-pal-lis-ma ...] x x U x [...] x [...] ba-lat, _zi_-tim [...]-_mesz# gid_-[_da-mesz_ ...] a-na szi-rik#-[ti ...] [x za]-e-ri-ki _kur_ la ma#-[gi-re-ki ...] [e-ma] u-s,a#-am-ma-ru lu-uk#-[szud ...] ki#-ma szA ul-tu s,e-her-ia tal-[...] x x [...] a-na szur-ru-uh nar-bi-ki [...] x-ia tu-szam-[...] i-na-an-na a-di [...] x szA ina s,i-it pi-i-[ki(?) ...] ki-i pi-i an-nim-ma# [...] _szu ta_ a-li-ku# [...]

ta-nit-ti _dingir_-u-[ti]-ki# ra-bi-ti [... s,al]-mat _sag-du_ a-na _egir#_ [_ud-mesz_ ...] _nun egir_-u ina _lugal-mesz dumu#-mesz_-ia szA ina _bala_-[szu ... szu-a]-tu# in-na-hu-ma [la-ba-risz il-la-ku] an-hu-us-su lu#-ud-disz szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-na Asz-[ri-szu li-ter (d)_nin_]-_lil gaszan gal_-tu [ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me]

sza# szi-pir _szu-ii_-ia# [u-szA]-an#-nu-u u#-[nak-ka-ru szu-mi] szat,#-ru i-[pa-Asz-szi-t,u ...] [(d)]_nin-lil# gaszan gal_-tu a-na ni-isz# _szu-ii_-[szu a-a iz]-ziz(?)-ma(?)# [...] [...] _murub4 u# me_ re-s,u-us-su a-a il-lik x [...] [...] ma#-har _an-szar_ ha-'i-i-ri-szA _munus-hul_-szu lit-[tas-qar ...]

AI Translation

For the goddess Mullissu, august queen, pre-eminent one of the Igigu and the Shedus gods, exalted one of the goddesses, queen of queens, goddess of praise, who is adorned with a lustration of radiance, supreme lady, whose lordship is supreme among the gods of all inhabited regions, the one who has a supreme lordship, the goddess Zab, lady of everything, who roams the netherworld and the netherworld, the one who carries off the treasures of the pure brewers, whose ... is supreme in the vast heavens, whose ... is supreme in its .

The daughter of the Enlil of the gods, the exalted one, king of heaven and netherworld, who decrees the fates of the mother of the gods, whose command cannot be changed and whose command cannot be changed, the one who comprehends the rites of the supreme Anu, the one who grasps the feet of the divine Enlil, the exalted one, whose horns are pointed, the one who breaks up the enemies ..., the one who constantly seeks out the great days, the one who cannot be reconciled with the gods, the one who cannot be reconciled with the goddesses .

The god Antu, merciful one, who accepts prayers, who listens to the utterances of the people, who provides life, who goes to the aid of the king, her favorite, who makes the wall rise, the prince who reveres her, who resides in Nineveh, the holy city,

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who grasps your hands, the pious governor, the one who carries out your oaths, ... and the one who ..., ... he made and he made glorify your lordship to ... ... ... he ... his ears ... in the midst of prayer, supplication, ... your arms .

As for the one who does not allow my father to make me prosper, does not allow me to achieve a dream, ... ... ... we shall be reconciled ... you have encouraged me ... ... you have made a good supplication and a favorable supplication come forth over me ... you have made me stand supremely high on the throne of the father who had engendered me.

May a good shedu, a protective spirit, a protective spirit, who protects my life, march at my side ... with your great support I marched, after you had come, I marched, and ... my enemies with your mighty strength and mighty strength you made me stand over my foes ..., who did not cease my exercise of kingship, ... inscriptions ... the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu looked favorably upon me and commanded me ... by your exalted command

As for Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, whose construction Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had not finished, by the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I completed its construction and clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on magnificent cedar beams and erected them at the Gate of the Vizier of the lands. I made the god Ashur enter Esharra, the replica of the temple of the Enlil of the heavens, and made him reside on his eternal dais.

I decorated Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, my lady, the sanctuary, the seat of her lordly majesty, its gates, its gates, its gates, with silver and gold.

As for the akitu-house, her residence of lordship, which he had built on the twenty-first day of the month Tebet X and had completely reconstructed ... her cult centers, it became familiar to the kings, my ancestors, and, in its original structure, it was as perfect as before. Now I built and completed it in its entirety with baked bricks colored with obsidian and lapis lazuli. I filled in the ruined settlements of enemy settlements, which I conquered. I established the ruined settlements of enemy settlements, which I established by the command of her exalted divinity, and ruled over kings who were not submissive to me.

By the craft of the goddess Ninzadim I made Ekibikuga, the ziggurrat of Nineveh, ... I built a tamarisk, a boat of the goddess Mullissu, of cedar, and I hung it on a silver ... gate. The gate that ... the ... of the god Ashur ... I filled with splendor.

In the place where the king ... ..., I built and completed it in its entirety. After I had done everything that I had done for the house of ..., I decorated it with silver and gold.

I built and completed the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh, in its entirety. I completed it. The deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, ... inside it.

I had the palace Egashankalama ... built and I had its walls covered with gold ... made.

I renovated Babylon and completed Esagil. I erected its daises, the replica of the heavens, ... the gods Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu, ... ... ... ... ... sheep ... commanded me to go and ... well-being ... king ... ... the city Asalluhi of Babylon .

I fashioned a magnificent throne, a seat for his exalted divinity, 50 talents of shiny zahalû-silver for its roof and thereby enlarged it.

I had a roof made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, ... I roofed it with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold. I roofed it ... with ... and made it shine like daylight.

I decorated it with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld.

I fastened bands of silver and copper on beds of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose appearance is resplendent, and whose stones are pure, to be an object of wonder for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu. I skillfully built a harrow to carry out the ritual for the ru'amû-demon in Kahilisu, the abode of the goddess Zarpanitu.

I presented to the god Marduk, the king of the gods, the one who loves my reign, a bed of ebony, a durable wood, and a throne of reddish gold.

I had a wall made of silver, gold, precious stones, bronze, and iron, and I had it firmly in Esagil, the palace of the gods.

I built and completed Esabad, the temple of the goddess Gula that is inside Babylon, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

A reddish gold ring whose weight is fifty minas, for a high height.

I cut down ..., the tallest of the four, the seat of the god Nergal, 83 talents of shiny zahalû-metal and had it made anew for the shining of the bed chamber, the emblem of Ezida.

I piled up two shiny silver perki, whose weight is sixty talents each, in the Kamah and the Kamanutila for the journey of his exalted royal majesty.

... which had become old in distant days, I removed its construction ... and

... ... I renovated Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old.

I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of reddish liyari-wood, whose fragrance is sweet, on doors of musukkannu-wood, a type of bed, ebony, boxwood, cypress, and juniper and I installed them in its gates.

As for Ehulhul, the temple of the god Sîn that is inside the city Harran, which the god Sîn ... had made supreme from distant days, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... I clad it with ... and made it an object of wonder.

I built inside it the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier. I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which slew my foes, at the amanu-demon of the god Sîn, my lord. I made two eshmarû-shaped statues of myself.

I stationed at the gate of Ehulhul a akitu-house, which is clad with shurinnu-gold and which completes the foundations of my royal throne, which provides for the protection of the mountains and seas, and which is a symbol of the god Ashur, my lord.

I built and completed the residence of his lordly majesty. I fashioned silver, gold, ..., musukkannu-wood, durable cedar, and zahalû-wood, a durable wood.

I adorned ... with reddish gold ... I prayed to the god Sîn, my lord. ... I prayed to the god Nusku, the exalted vizier.

As for the one who removes my inscriptions and ... the god Sîn, my lord, I weighed out silver ... ... ... which ... to strew ... the fierce wild bulls ... I erected Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, in a splendid fashion.

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand and made them enter into their respective temples. I made them sit on their eternal daises.

I built and completed Edimgalkalama, the temple of the god Anu of Der in its entirety. I brought the god Anu, the Lady of Der, and the Mar-biti into it and made them dwell on their eternal daises. I clad the seats of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, for his lordly residence with shining silver. ... I ... ... silver, whose interior is decorated with reddish gold, ... .

I stationed fierce wild bulls of silver, which are laden with fear, at the gate of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu, for the preservation of my life.

I had the sanctuaries of Assyria built ... their ... and I deposited them before ... and restored them.

I made them a lord of sceptres and he made them a prince. The great gods, my lords, whose steadfast hearts I constantly revered and whose benevolent wrath I constantly admired, looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and praised my good deeds. I made all of the lands from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea bow down to my yoke and they bowed down to my yoke. By their exalted command, I marched through all the lands and did not have a rival.

I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush, and carried off its substantial booty to Assyria.

As for Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who had not respected my royal commands, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes and made them a part of my cult.

I captured Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia, the god Ashur, the god who created me, iii 5'

Uallî, the king of the land Mannea, saw the might of the gods Ashur and Mullissu, my lords, ... and he bowed down to my yoke. He ... large horses, his payment ... a price that cannot be beat ... and he made me bow down to my lordship.

With the great strength of the god Ashur, which cannot be equaled, I ... the extensive land Elam ... I established ... the king of the land Elam ... I conquered his fortified cities, his treasury, together with smaller settlements, which were without number. ... I made his ... shine. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Susa, Pidilma, ..., and ... I dedicated it to the name of the gods ... ... his property and his heavy booty. I carried it to Assyria.

I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and grasped the feet of my royal majesty, on his throne. I placed Tammaritu, his second brother, on his royal throne.

I appointed the goddess Nanaya, who had lived in the city Hidalu for a long time and had settled therein in a place not befitting her, and I brought her out of the city Susa and made her enter into Uruk, her lordly city. I made her dwell in Eanna, which she loves.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam after me, whom the gods Ashur, Mullissu, and Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela had made bow down at my feet, they made them act as my royal servants.

Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of the god Ashur, trusted in the land Elam. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers. I captured him alive. I took him to Assyria together with the substantial booty of his land.

Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me who had sinned against my treaty and fled inside the land Elam, fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him. He ... the ... of his cohort commander and he smashed his cohort commander with the iron sword. Together Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, became frightened and sent his cella to me. I did not give him a gift of the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu.

Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, who had done good things for me and whom I had installed as king of Babylon, became angry and made the lands Akkad, Chaldea, and Arumu, servants who belonged to me, bow down at my feet and iii 20'

... ... ... ... the god Girra he made his hand grasp and made his face shine. Uaite', king of the land Sumu'il,

I captured alive Ammi-laddi, the king of the land Qedar, while fighting with my troops. He escaped before me and I captured him.

After the weapons of the god Ashur had defeated all of the Elamite forces, they struck down Kurash, king of Parsuash, and Pishlumê, king of the land Hubushkia, kings whose places are remote and who live in the plain of the land Elam, fear of the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, and the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela overwhelmed them and they became frightened. They brought before me their envoys, whose benevolent majesty and whose benevolent majesty they had shown me, and they kissed my feet.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, kings of the land Elam, Iautê, the king of the land Sumu'il, who by the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and Ishtar residing in the city Arbela conquered, I took hold of them from their abodes to perform sattukku-offerings and to provide for the rites in Esharra, Emashmash, and ... on the platform of my royal majesty.

Issar-duri, king of the land Urartu, who constantly sends messages of brotherly kindness to my ancestors, heard about the might of the great gods and fear fell upon him and constantly sent messages of friendship to my lords.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote and who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors — bowed down to my yoke. ... the land of the Nabayateans ... ... ... ... he bowed down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, ... I brought about his defeat. I destroyed, devastated, and turned his cities into ruin hills.

As for Nuhuru, his son, who fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, ... the land ... their ... overwhelmed him and he came before me with his substantial payment.

He had mercy on him and placed him on the throne of his father. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him and he came to Nineveh with his substantial payment, without ceasing, and he made an appeal to my lordly majesty.

...-ra-darte, king of the land ...uppi, and Padê, king of the land Qadê, who live in the city Izkê, who had never ... ..., and who had not crossed the border of Assyria, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, their mounted messengers who had sent me messages of goodwill and peace, together with their substantial payment, who had come before me for six months and had come before me —

Shilum, the king of the steppe, who resides in the land Hazamanu, in the midst of the sea, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him and he became frightened of the cold in the sea and the cold; he came before me with his substantial payment, and I counted him as booty.

As for Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, who had spoken with the kings, my ancestors, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, overwhelmed him and ..., who had not bowed down to the yoke, he bowed down to the yoke with his own daughter and with large horses.

He sent him his heavy tribute and he kissed my feet. He sent Mussi, his second son, a tribute that was not to be missed, and he made him exercise lordship. He made the oath sworn by the great gods, my lords, binding him and he swore the oath sworn by their great divinity. He swore by the command of the god Ashur, the great mountain, whose position cannot be overthrew and he cut down his body with a fire. He made him carry a bow, horses, his brothers, and his family.

Tugdammî, the king of the slaves of Gutum, the raging lion who does not know how to revere the gods, trusted in his own strength and he mustered his troops to wage war and battle on the territory of Assyria. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar who resides in Arbela, bowed down to his yoke and he smashed their foes. By the command of their great divinity, the fire rose from the sky and he, his troops and his camp, bowed down to their yoke.

The fear of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, the gods who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and he sent his envoys ... with messages of goodwill and peace. He sent gold, linen garments, multi-colored trim, ..., a scepter, horses, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, a bridle, and a heavy tribute, his substantial payment, and he kissed my feet.

I made him swear by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu to not forget the territory of Assyria and strengthened his ties with him. I swore by the oath sworn by the great gods, my lords, and he swore it. He passed away and I made him enter the territory of Assyria. He sinned against the evil that had occurred in the territory of Assyria.

The brilliance of the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. He sat down in the midst of the news and his hands became frightened. He sat down in his bed, a sigh of terror was set upon him. His tongue became confused and his body sank. His limbs were swollen and his life was cut short. .

They fought with each other in a fury and fought with each other. They drew up in battle lines and fought with each other. I heard about the might of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, on this day. I slew with the sword and fought with the sword. I was afraid of the might of the great gods, my lords, who had come to my aid. The fear of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and Ishtar who resides in Arbela, the gods ..., became frightened at the mention of my name and became frightened of his servant.

At that time, the stone ... Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, which Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built and ... ... ... ... I cut down mountain stone ... and ... Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, my lady, ... a statue ... her great divinity .

May Mullissu, the great lady, ... ... ... may she look upon this ... with pleasure and ... ... life ... long days ... to achieve ... ... to conquer the land that is not submissive ... wherever he plans to go, may she make ... as you did from my childhood ... to strew your greatness ... you ... my ... now until ... which by your command ... like this ... from the road .

May a later prince among the kings, my descendants, who during his reign ... this land become dilapidated and old. May he restore its weakened portions and return my inscribed name to its place. Then the goddess Mullissu, the great lady, will listen to his prayers.

As for the one who alters the work of my hands or changes my inscribed name ..., may the goddess Mullissu, the great lady, not stand by his hand and ... not go through battle and battle with him ... may she make an appeal to the god Ashur, her lord, and to eradicate his evil .


For the goddess Mullissu, exalted ruler, the pre-eminent one among the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the most splendid of goddesses, the queen of queens, the Ishtar worthy of praise, who is endowed with sexual charm and filled with awe-inspiring radiance, the supreme lady whose lordly majesty is the most outstanding and whose divinity is the greatest among the gods of all settlements, the very competent one, the lady of all things that are found in the whole lit. "territory" of heaven and netherworld, the one who holds the bond of the bright firmament, whose place is firmly founded in the wide heavens, ...,

wife of the Enlil of the gods Ashur — the most exalted one, the king of heaven and netherworld, the one who decrees fates — the mother of the gods whose commands cannot be changed and whose pronouncements cannot be altered, the one who has gathered to herself all of the valuable divine offices of the god Anu, the one who grasps the responsibility of supreme power, the lofty wild cow whose horns are pointed, the one who gores ... foes to death, ..., the one who treads on the unyielding, the one who rides great storm-demons, who does not have an opponent among the gods and whose ... does not exist among goddesses ..., whose widespread net is laid for trapping enemies, from whose snare enemies do not escape, ... to the side of the capable, who rules over the totality of everything and makes all of the lands bow down to her yoke,

the goddess Antu, the merciful one, the one who accepts supplications and hears prayers, the one who protects life and grants good health, the one who goes at the side of the king — her favorite — who rescues the ruler who reveres her from trouble and difficulty, the one who resides in Nineveh — the holy city, the dwelling of the ... of the great gods — the great lady, my lady:

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one to whom your hands are stretched out, the pious governor, the one who pulls your yoke, ... ... ... ... who made ... resplendent and made appeals to your lordly majesty, whose mind thought to ... ... ..., with erbu-offerings, gifts, voluntary offerings, petitions ... at your feet ...; son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

whom no father has raised nor taught to spread his wings, ... ... ... wing ... you protected me ... ... ... peace, you had your beneficent protection spread out over me, ... you had me firmly placed on the throne of the father who had engendered me. May a good, protective shedu and a just lamassu that preserves life walk at my side, ....

With your great support, I follow after you and you march at my side. I constantly overcome ... my enemies. You allowed me to stand over my foes in victory, strength, and triumph. ... Through your ..., which cannot be changed, you commanded my exercising the kingship for everlasting days. ... shrines ... The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu looked upon me with their benevolent glance and commanded ... At your exalted command, I set ... to complete sanctuaries, provide for cult-centers, and put in order ... cultic rites and kidudû-rites:

As for Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of the god Ashur, my lord, whose construction Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had not finished, I finished its construction by the command of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and clad its walls with gold and silver. I fastened bands of silver on tall columns of cedar and erected them at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made the god Ashur enter into Esharra, which is a replica of the temple of the Enlil of the heavens, and made him reside on his eternal dais.

As for Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, my lady, the inner sanctum, the dwelling place of her lordly majesty, I inlaid its gates, door jambs, and door bolts with silver and gold.

As for the akitu-house, the dwelling place of her lordly majesty, where on the twenty-first day of Tebetu X her great divinity goes out and properly carries out ..., whose rites had been forgotten since the days of the kings, my ancestors, and which had not been constructed according to its original specifications, like the previous one — I now built and completed it in its entirety with baked bricks inlaid with obsidian and lapis lazuli. I filled it with splendor. Through the craft of the deity Ninzadim, I depicted on it images of the settlements of enemies that I had conquered and representations of enemies whose defeat I had regularly brought about by the command of her exalted divinity, as well as those of kings who had not bowed down to me.

As for Ekibikuga, the ziggurrat of Nineveh, .... As for Matummal, the boat of the goddess Mullissu, I built it with cedar and inlaid it with silver. As for the outer gate that ... ... the cross-shaped, the place of pelludû-rites, the ... of the king, I built and completed it in its entirety.

After I had done every type of work on the temple of ..., my lady, and decorated it with silver and gold, I inlaid the inner sanctum of the god Nabû, my lord, that is in Nineveh, with silver and gold.

As for the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is inside Nineveh, I built and completed it in its entirety. I made the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, ... enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

As for Egashankalama, ..., I clad its walls with gold ... and made ....

I renovated Babylon, completed Esagil, and ... its daises, replicas of the heavens. ... the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu. ... mood ... sheep ... commanded the going on a peaceful road ... the king ... ... ... the city of Asalluhi, Babylon, ....

As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.

I had a canopy ... made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. I clad its perimeter with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold ... I stretched out ....

As for the exalted chariot, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, I completed its features with gold, silver, and precious stones. I gave it as a gift to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies.

I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with pashallu-gold and studded with precious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu to carry out the wedding and to make love. I placed it in Kahilisu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanitu, which is laden with sexual charm.

I presented the god Marduk, the king of the gods, the one who loves my reign, with a bed of ebony, a durable wood, which is clad with reddish gold.

I had utensils of silver, gold, precious stones, bronze, and iron made for every type of temple service, and had them deposited in Esagil, the palace of the gods.

I built and completed Esabad, the temple of the goddess Gula that is inside Babylon, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

I ... a threshold of reddish gold, whose weight is fifty minas, to ascend to a high place ....

I cast Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nuru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zahalû-metal and, to make it shine like a brazier, I had the appurtenances of Ezida expertly fashioned.

In the gates Kamah and Kanamtila, for the processional way of his exalted rulership, I heaped up like mountains two shiny silver pirkus, whose weight is six talents each.

... whose construction had been forgotten since distant days, ... I fashioned and ... its ....

As for Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I renovated its collapsed sections and removed the portions of it that had collapsed. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

I roofed it with long beams of cedar and fixed doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, in its gateways. I adorned the temple with musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, ebony, boxwood, hilepu-wood, and UMBIN-wood.

As for Ehulhul, the temple of the god Sîn, which is in the city Harran and which the god Sîn ... in distant days entrusted its renovation to me, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I clad .... Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier.

In the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which gore my foes to death. In a gateway of Ehulhul, I also stationed two long-haired heroes of eshmarû-metal, which grasp divine emblems, keep safe my royal path, and bring in the yield of mountain and sea.

I built and completed the akitu-house, the residence of his lordly majesty. I ... with silver and gold ....

... musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, I decorated it with shiny zahalû-metal, ... and reddish gold. ... I set up ... the god Sîn, my lord, ....

As for the inner sanctum of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, the one who intercedes on my behalf, the one who reminds ... the god Sîn, my lord, I inlaid it with silver.

As for ... ..., which to cause lightning to strike ..., I erected fierce lion-headed eagles in the ... of Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, on the right and left. ....

I took the gods Sîn and Nusku by the hand, made them enter into their respective temples, and made them sit on their eternal daises.

In its entirety, I built and completed Edimgalkalama, the temple of Great Anu of Der. I made the deities Great Anu, Sharrat-Der, and Mar-biti enter into it and made them sit on their eternal daises. For the dwelling place of his lordly majesty, I clad a seat of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, with shiny silver. ... of silver, that is clad with reddish gold, in its entirety, ... ...

For the preservation of my life, I stationed lion-headed eagles of shiny silver, which are full of fearsomeness, in gateways of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu.

As for the shrines of Assyria, I had their ... made. ... regular offerings and ... ... ... I reconfirmed and returned them to their proper places. I increased them over the established nindabû-offerings and provided them in abundance.

The great gods, my lords, whom I constantly revered, looked steadfastly upon me and stood in for me. They spread their benevolent protection over me, looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and constantly blessed my kingship. They made all of the lands from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea bow down to my yoke and they the lands pulled my yoke. At their the gods' exalted command, I constantly marched about through all the lands and had no rival lit. "there was no one to rival me".

I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush, and carried off its substantial booty to Assyria.

As for Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who did not honor my royal commands, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia, the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream the mention of my name, saying: "Grasp the feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and through the mention of his name, conquer your enemies." Through the mention of my name, he conquered his enemies. ... He sent his mounted messenger with messages of goodwill, together with his substantial audience gifts and he kissed my feet.

As for Uallî, king of the land Mannea, he saw the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, ... and he bowed down to my yoke. He ... large horses as his payment, yearly, without ceasing and he made appeals to my lordly majesty.

Through the exalted strength of the god Ashur, which does not have a rival, ... the extensive land Elam. I established ..., the king of the land Elam. ... his fortified cities, his treasury, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, I conquered. ... I devastated ... his .... As for the cities Susa, Pidilma, ..., I destroyed them, demolished them, ... ... gods ... and I carried off to Assyria its ... its property and its substantial booty.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled and grasped the feet of my royal majesty, I placed him on his Teumman's throne. I appointed Tammaritu, his third brother, in the city Hidalu.

As for the goddess Nanaya, who since distant days became angry and went to live in a place not befitting her, I brought her out of the city Susa and then made her enter into Uruk, the city of her lordly majesty, and dwell on her eternal dais in Eanna, which she loves.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanalda­shu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised lordship over the land Elam one after the other, and whom the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela allowed me to conquer, they grasped the feet of my royal majesty and did obeisance to me.

As for Dunanu, the son of Bel-iqisha, a Gambulian who cast off the yoke of the god Ashur and relied upon the land Elam, I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city upon which he relies, whose location is situated between rivers. I captured him alive and I took him back to Assyria with substantial booty from his land.

As for Nabû-bel-shumati, the son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, a servant who belonged to me, who had sinned against my treaty and fled inside the land Elam, terror of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him. He ... his personal attendant and he and his personal attendant struck each other down with their iron belt-daggers. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, became frightened and had his Nabû-bel-shumati's corpse brought before me. To show the mighty deeds of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, I did not agree to hand over his corpse for burial.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother for whom I performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king of Babylon, he forgot the acts of kindness that I had done for him, made the land Akkad, Chaldea, and Aram, servants who belonged to me, become hostile towards me and broke off our brotherly relations. The deities Enlil, Mullissu, and Marduk, the gods who support me, looked upon his evil deeds and came to my aid. ... their mighty battle array. They made the fire-god grasp his hands and had his body burned.

As for Uaite', the king of the land Sumu'il, who had sided with him, I captured him alive.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar, he was delivered into the hands of my troops during a clash of arms and they brought him alive before me.

After the conquering weapons of the god Ashur had conquered all of the land Elam and killed its people, Cyrus, the king of the land Parsumash, and Pislumê, the king of the land Hudimiri, kings whose locations are remote and who live on the far side of the land Elam, fear of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, overwhelmed them and they became distressed. They sent their envoys with messages of goodwill and peace, with their substantial audience gifts, before me and they kissed my feet.

As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, kings of the land Elam, and Uaite', the king of the land Sumu'el, whom I had captured by the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela — afterwards, in order to make offerings and to successfully complete rituals in Esharra, Emashmash, and E... I hitched them like thoroughbred horses to a processional carriage, the vehicle of my royal majesty, and they took hold of my yoke.

As for Ishtar-duri Sarduri III, the king of the land Urartu, whose kings, his ancestors, used to regularly send messages of brotherly relations to my ancestors, now, he heard about the mighty deeds that the great gods had determined for me and terror fell upon him; he then constantly sent messages saying: "May it be well with the king, my lord."

As for Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans, whose location is remote, and who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, he bowed down to my yoke. ... the land of the Nabayateans ... ... ... withheld his audience gifts, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the great gods, my lords who had encouraged me, ... I brought about his defeat. I destroyed and demolished his cities, and turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I carried off to Assyria him, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and substantial booty from his land.

As for Nuhuru, his son, who fled before the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, ... ... ... their ... overwhelmed him and he came before me with his substantial payment. I had mercy on him and placed him on the throne of his father.

As for Hundaru, the king of the land Dilmun, the ... of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him; he then came to Nineveh with his substantial payment yearly, without interruption, and made appeals to my lordly majesty.

As for ...raBADte, the king of the land ...uppi, and Padê, the king of the land Qadê who lives in the city Izkê, who never ... or set foot in Assyrian territory, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, they sent me their mounted messengers with messages of goodwill and peace, together with their substantial payments. They traveled a distance of six months' journey, came before me, inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, and made appeals to my lordly majesty.

As for Shilum, a king of the steppe who lives in the land Hazmani, which is on the shore of Dilmun, in the middle of the sea, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him and he took the long road by sea and dry land; he then came before me with his substantial payment, inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, and kissed my feet.

As for Mugallu, the king of of the land Tabal, who spoke to the kings, my ancestors, with disrespect, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, overwhelmed him, and he ..., who had not bowed down to the yoke, sent his daughter, his own offspring, together with large horses, as his substantial payment, and kissed my feet.

As for Mussi, his son, he sent his substantial payment yearly, without ceasing, and made appeals to my lordly majesty. I made him swear oaths sworn by the great gods, my lords, but he neglected the oaths sworn by their great divinity and sided with Tugdammî, the king of the nomads. The god Ashur, the great mountain whose boundaries cannot be transgressed, conquered him and had his body burned with a blazing fire. Without my having to use bows or horses, his brothers, his clan, the seed of his father's house, his extensive troops, his supporters, horses, mules, without number, let themselves be carried off to Assyria willingly.

As for Tugdammî, the king of the mountain-dwellers, the presumptuous Gutian who does not know how to revere the gods, he trusted in his own strength and then mustered his troops and set up his camp on the territory of Assyria to wage battle and war. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela became furious at his provocative speech lit. "mouth" and it sickened them. By the command of their great divinity, fire fell from the sky and burned him, his troops, and his camp. Tugdammî became frightened and distressed, and he withdrew his troops and his camp and returned back to his land.

Fear of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, the gods who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and he sent his envoys with messages of goodwill and peace. I received .... He brought gold, garments with multi-colored trim, and linen garments, together with large horses, ..., harness-broken steeds, horses of his lordly vehicle, equipment, and implements of war, his substantial payment, and he kissed my feet.

I made him swear by the names of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu not to infringe on the territory of Assyria and I reinforced it with him. I established the treaty. He broke the oaths sworn by the great gods, my lords; he transgressed the limits set by them and plotted evil deeds against the territory of Assyria. Where flax grows, he sinned, by establishing himself on the territory of Assyria.

The awe-inspiring brilliance of the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him; he went into a frenzy and tried biting off his hands during a loss of all reason. Half of his body was stricken with palsy and a piercing pain was lodged in his heart. His tongue was scratched and he became impotent. His life ended through dissolving and melting like a wax figurine, saying "Woe! Alas!" ..., in their own terror, they struck each other down with the sword, thereby singing the praises of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord.

On the day that I heard this, I humbled myself with expressions of humility lit. "stroking the nose" and paid careful attention to the might of the great gods, my lords, who came to my aid. As for the rest of the enemies who had not bowed down, fear of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, and the Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, the gods .... At the mere mention of my name, they became afraid and were requesting to be my servants.

At that time, the stone ... of Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, that Ashunasirpal II, a king of the past who came before me, had built had become dilapidated, ... stone of the mountain, massive blocks of ... I cut free and ... Emashmash, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, my lady. An image of ... her great divinity ... the one who overwhelms ... ... ....

... may the goddess Mullissu, the great lady, ... look upon this ... with pleasure and ... ... ... the preservation of my life, ... long ...s ... as a gift. ... those hostile to you, lands that were not submissive to you ... so that I may achieve whatever I strive for. ... like that from my childhood, you ... to glorify your greatness ... you ... my .... Now, until ... that according to your utterances ... according to that ... ... the one who goes ... the praise of your great divinity ... the black-headed people.

In the future, ... may a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, during whose reign this ... becomes dilapidated and old, renovate its dilapidated sections and return an inscription bearing my name to its place. The goddess Mullissu, the great lady, will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who changes or alters my handiwork, erases my inscribed name, ... may the goddess Mullissu, the great lady, not be present for his prayers and ...; may she not go to his aid in war and combat; ... before the god Ashur, her husband, may she speak bad things about him ....

Q003723: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru-hal-s_,U-(disz)(d)_iszkur_-rém-a-ni(?) szA _kur_(?) [...] man-na-a-a _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la [szal-lat-su ...]

AI Translation

I conquered the city Halshu-Adad-remanni, which is called ... Mannea, and plundered it .


I conquered, plundered, ... the city Birtu-sha-Adad-remanni, of/which ... the Manneans.

Q003724: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)te-um-man (sza) ina mi-qit t,e-e-me a-na _ibila#_-szu iq-bu-u szu-le-e _gisz-pan_

AI Translation

Teumman, who had said in a dream to his heir: "Take the bow!"


Teumman, who, during a loss of all reason, said to his son: "Shoot the bow!"

Q003725: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ina _me_ dan-ni muh-hu-s,u (disz)tam-ri-i-tu _dumu_-szu _gal#_-u _szu-ii_-su is,-ba-tu-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti-szu# in-nab-tu ih-lu-pu qé-reb qisz-ti ina tukul#-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 a-nar-szu-nu-ti _sag#-du_-szu-nu _kud_-is mé-eh-ret a-ha-mesz

AI Translation

Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had been struck during a mighty battle and whose hand Tammaritu, his son, had grasped, fled inside the city to save his life and escaped. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I captured them alive. I cut off their heads and they stood in their separate midst.


Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had been struck during a mighty battle and whose hand Tammaritu, his eldest son, had grasped — they fled in order to save his Teumman's life and slipped into the forest. With the support of the god Ashur and goddess Ishtar, I killed them. I cut off their heads in front of one another.

Q003726: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_sag-du_ (disz)te-um-[man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza ina _murub4_ tam-ha#-[ri ik-ki-su] a-hu-ru-u _erim-hi-a_-ia a-na pu-us#-[su-rat] ha-de-e u-szah-ma-t,u a-na _kur an#_-[_szar-ki_]

AI Translation

As for the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had sinned against me in the thick of battle, he ripped out my troops and brought them to Assyria to be a spectacle.


The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which a common soldier in my army had cut off in the midst of battle. They dispatched it quickly to Assyria to give me the good news.

Q003727: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)ur-ta#-ku ha-ta-nu (disz)te-um-man szA ina us,-s,i# muh-hu-s,u la iq-tu-u _zi-mesz_ a-na na-kas# _sag-du_ ra-ma-ni-szu _dumu kur_ asz-szur i-szA-si-ma# um-ma al-ka _sag-du kud_-is _igi lugal en_-ka i-szi-ma le#-e-qi _mu sig5_-tim

AI Translation

Urtaku, the haruspex of Teumman, who had not bowed down to the yoke, asked for the replacement of his own head, a son of Assyria, saying: "Come, cut off the head, and give it to the king, your lord, so that he may make good things happen."


Urtaku, an in-law of Teumman who had been struck by an arrow but had not yet died, called out to an Assyrian to cut off his Urtaku's own head, saying "Come here and cut off my head. Carry it before the king, your lord, and obtain fame."

Q003728: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)i-tu-ni-i _lu_-szu-ut _sag#_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki#_ szA er-ha-nisz isz#-tap-pa-rasz-szu a-di mah-ri-ia# ta-ha-zi dan-nu# e-mur-ma# ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-szu# _gisz-pan_ si-mat _a-ii_-szu ik-si#-ma _szu-ii_ ra-ma-ni-szu#

AI Translation

I saw the corpse of Itunî, a eunuch of Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had been sent away by a fox, before me, and with his iron sword, his own arrow, he cut off his hands and his own hands.


Itunî, a eunuch of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whom he Teumman insolently sent again and again before me, saw my mighty battle array and, with his iron belt-dagger, cut with his own hand his bow, the emblem of his strength.

Q003730: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[si-id-ru sza (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur_] _an#-szar-ki_ szA-kin _bad5#_-[_bad5 kur-elam-ma-ki_]

AI Translation

The sand dunes of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who imposed the defeat of the land Elam.


Battle line of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who established the defeat of the land Elam.

Q003731: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ [_kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza qé-reb _du6_-_uru_-tu-u-bu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A [_man gal man_ dan-nu] _man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ ina la mi-i-ni [isz-ku-nu(?)] id-du-u _adda#-mesz_ qu#-[ra-di-szu]

AI Translation

As for the troops of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who were inside Til-Sharruken, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, without number, they killed them and plundered their warriors.


The defeat of the troops of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had brought about by inflicting countless losses at the city Til-Tuba, and during which he had cast down the corpses of his Teumman's warriors.

Q003732: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)]um-man-i-gasz# mun-nab-tu _arad_ szA is,#-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia ina e#-pesz pi-ia ina _hul-mesz_ qé-reb# _kur_-ma-dak-te u _uru_-szu#-szA-an _lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia# szA [Asz]-pu-ru u-sze#-rib-ma u#-sze-szib-szu ina _gisz-gu-za#_ (disz)te-um#-[man szA ik]-szu-da# _szu-ii_-a-a

AI Translation

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a prisoner who had grasped my feet, while performing my speaking, he brought a eunuch of mine whom I had sent to me inside the land Madaktu and the city Susa and placed him on the throne of Teumman, whom I had conquered.


The fugitive Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a servant who had grasped my feet. When I gave the command lit. "at the working of my mouth" in the midst of celebration, a eunuch of mine whom I had sent with him ushered him into the land Madaktu and the city Susa and placed him on the throne of Teumman, whom I had defeated.

Q003733: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



AI Translation



The city lit. "land" Madaktu.

Q003734: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na#-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal szu lugal kur an-szar#_-[_ki_] [szA] ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15# _en-mesz_-ia _lu_-[_kur-mesz_]-ia(?)#

ak-szu-du am-s,u ma-la lib#-bi-ia# (disz)ru-sa#-a _lugal kur_-ur-ar-t,a# da-na-an# _an-szar en#_-ia isz-me-ma pu-luh-tu _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up-szu-ma# _lu-mah-mesz_-szu a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi#-ia isz#-pu-ra ana qé-reb _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (disz)(d)_muati_-_sig5_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _lu-mah-mesz_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-ti _gisz-zu-mesz_ szi#-pir me-re-eh-tu ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu-un

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, defeated my enemies and .

As for Rusâ, the king of the land Urartu, he heard about the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him. He sent his envoys to me in Arbela to inquire about my well-being. I stationed Nabû-damqa and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, before them with writing boards and detailed documents.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, conquered my enemies and achieved my heart's desire.

Rusâ, the king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he then sent his envoys to me in Arbela, to inquire about my well-being. I made Nabû-damiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam, stand before them with writing boards inscribed with insolent messages.

Q003735: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz) (disz) _ugu an-szar# dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u sil-la-tu _gal_-tu _eme_-szu-nu Asz-lu-up asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu-un

AI Translation

I ripped out their tongues and flayed them.


PN1 and PN2 uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me. I tore out their tongues and flayed them.

Q003736: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



AI Translation



The city Arbela.

Q003737: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ szA ina qi-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ik-szu-du s,u-um-me-rat lib-bi-szu lu-bul-tu szu#-kut-tu si-mat _lugal_-u-ti szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi#-na szesz nu gi-na munus_-sek-re-te-szu _lu_-[szu-ut] _sag-mesz#_-szu _lu-erim-mesz me_-szu _gisz-gigir gisz_-szA szad-da-di# [ru]-kub _en_-ti-szu mim-ma hi-szih-ti É-_gal_-szu ma-la ba#-szu-u _un-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz _tur gal#_ u-sze-et-ti-qu ina mah#-ri-ia#

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the great gods achieved his heart's desire: They brought before me the people, male and female, the embodiment of kingship, of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, his palace women, his eunuchs, his battle troops, chariotry, a procession of his lordly majesty, everything that pertains to his palace, as much as there is, and people, male and female, young and old.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the great gods, achieved his heart's desires: They paraded before me clothing and jewelry, royal appurtenances of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my unfaithful brother — his palace women, his eunuchs, his battle troops, a chariot, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, every necessity of his palace, as much as there was, and people — male and female, young and old.

Q003738: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... Asz-ku-nu]-usz# a-na _lugal_-u-ti [...] [...] x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... I installed him as king ... ... .


... I installed him as king ... ... ....

Q003739: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-ha-ma-nu _uru lugal_-u-ti szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Hamanu, a royal city of the land Elam.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Hamanu, a royal city of the land Elam.

Q003740: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-ha-ma-nu _uru lugal_-u-ti szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Hamanu, a royal city of the land Elam.


I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the city Hamanu, a royal city of the land Elam.

Q003741: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru#_-[É-(disz)]bu#-na-ki _uru_ [(_lugal_-u-ti) szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ (...)] [...]

AI Translation

The city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city of the land Elam, ... .


... the city Bit-Bunakku, a royal city of the land Elam.

Q003742: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku# _an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ szA ina# [qi-bit _an-szar_ u] (d)_nin-lil_ ik-szu-du s,u-um-me-rat lib-bi-szu _uru_-di-in#-[_lugal_] _uru#_ sza _kur-elam-ma-ki_ al-me# _kur_-ud _gisz#_-[_gigir_]-_mesz# gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga#-mesz_ [u-sze-s,a]-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-[nu]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu achieved his heart's desire: I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Dinsharri, a royal city of the land Elam. I brought out chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, achieved his heart's desires, surrounded and conquered the city Dinsharri, a city of the land Elam. I brought out chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.

Q003743: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru- uru# lugal_-u-ti szA _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ al(?)-me(?) ak(?)-szu(?)-ud(?)# Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city, a royal city of the land Elam.


I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city ..., a royal city of the land Elam.

Q003744: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_uru_-x-x]-tu _uru_ szA _kur_-[_elam-ma-ki_ al-me _kur_-ud] [ap-pul aq]-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ [aq-mu]

AI Translation

I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city ...tu, a city of the land Elam.


I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, demo­lished, and burned with fire the city ...tu, a city of the land Elam.

Q003745: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-na-[ku _an-szar_-_du_-A ...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] _an-szar#_ [...] _elam_(?)-_ma#_-[_ki_ ...]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, ... ... ... ... ... the god Ashur, ... Elam .


I, Ashurbanipal ... the god Ashur ... the land Elam ....

Q003746: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-[ku _an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_] sza ina [tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 (...)] _lu-kur_-[_mesz_-szu ik-szu-du ...] sza [...] Asz-[lu-la szal-lat-su ...]

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... conquered his enemies, ... who ... I carried off his booty .


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, ..., conquered his enemies, ... plundered ... of ....

Q003748: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)um-man-al-dasz(?) (_man_(?) _kur-elam-ma-ki_(?)) sza(?) szu-usz-mur(?)] _gisz-tukul an-szar en_-ia [(...) e-mu-ru-ma(?) i-tu-ru(?)] ul-tu _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi-ti-szu [... _lu-en_]-_uru_(?)# sza _uru_-mu-ru-u-bi-si [... da-na]-an(?)# _an-szar en_-ia [ih-su-us-ma ... (disz)]um-man-al-dasz is,-bat-ma [...] il-qa-Asz-szu a-di mah-ri-ia

AI Translation

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had seen the might of the god Ashur, my lord, ..., and had returned from the mountain, his place of refuge, ... the city ruler of the city Murubisi, ..., fear of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and ... Ummanaldashu fled and ... took him before me.


Ummanaldash Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had seen the rage of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, ... and had returned from the mountains, his place of refuge. PN, the city ruler of the city Murubissi Marubishti, thought about ... the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and .... He seized Ummanaldash, and ... brought him before me.

Q003749: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] ep(?)-szet(?) qa(?)#-ti-szu _sig5-mesz_ i-ram-mu gi-mir mal-ki szA kisz-szA(?)-ti(?)# [_kur-kur_(?)] [... (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu(?) (disz)pa-'e-e(?) (disz)um-man-al]-dasz(?) _lugal#-mesz_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_ szA ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)_nin-lil_ ik-szu-da# _szu-ii_-[a-a] [...]-a(?) [i]-zi#-zu-ma nap-tan _man_-ti-szu-nu _szu-ii_ ra-me-ni-szu-nu e-pu-szA-ma u-sze-rib-u-ni ina [_igi_-ia]

AI Translation

... his good deeds were pleasing to all rulers of the lands ... Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the kings of the land Elam who had grasped my hands with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu ... I stood by and made their royal provisions more plentiful than those of their predecessors and brought them before me.


... who love his good deeds lit. "the good deeds of his hands", all of the rulers of the entirety of the lands ... — As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, kings of the land Elam whom I had defeated with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, ... they stood ... and then they prepared their royal meal with their own hands and had it brought before me.

Q003750: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na-ku _an-szar_-_du_]-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ [szA ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _lu_]-_kur-mesz_-szu ik-szu-du [...] _uru#_-É-(disz)lu-up-pi [al-me _kur_-ud] _un#-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [_ansze-kunga-mesz_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal]-la#-tisz am-nu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar conquered his enemies ... I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Bit-Luppi. I brought out the people living inside it, chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, conquered his enemies ..., surrounded and conquered the city Bit-Luppi. I brought out the people living in it, chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and counted them as booty.

Q003751: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... it-ti(?) asz-szur u (d)]15 u-szam-kir#-u-ma ik#-s,u-ra _me_ ina szur-ru-((ut)) mit-hu-s,i-szu ina _uru_-[...] [...] sza# u-tak-kil-u-in-ni _erim-hi-a_ mi-is,-tu _bad5-bad5 erim-hi-a#_-[szu isz-kun ...] [...]-szu#-un sit-ta-tu-szu-nu szA ina _bad5-bad5_ ip-par-szid-du pa-na#-[...] [...] _man_(?) ki#-a-am i-qab-bu um-ma la ta-pal-lah asz-szur _ki_(?)#-[...]

AI Translation

... they made peace with Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and they plotted war. In the midst of his battle, in the city ... ... which they had defeated, he put to the sword his troops and brought about the defeat of his troops. ... their ..., who had fled to ... in the defeat, ... the king, as he wishes, said: "You should not fear Ashur, ... .


... had incited ... to rebel against the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and he prepared for battle. At the beginning of his fight, in the city ..., who had encouraged me, a small body of troops brought about the defeat of his troops. ... their ..., the rest of them who had fled when they were defeated ... .... They were speaking as follows, saying: "Do not be frightened! The god Ashur ...."

Q003753: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ szA _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)15# be-let _me_ szi-mat qar-ra-du-ti i-szi-mu-usz# [...] (d)_igi-du_ a-lik mah-ri ba-'u-u-ri sza# _edin_ szal-t,isz u-sze-pisz#-an-ni ki-i mul-ta-'u-u-ti _a sal nab_ [...]

u-s,i ina _edin a_sz-ri rap-szi la-ab-bi na-ad-[ru-(u)]-ti i-lit-ti hur-szA-a-ni _husz-mesz_ it-bu-[nim-ma] il-mu-u _gisz-gigir_ ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)#[15] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina 1-et u-re-e# [s,i-mit]-ti# ni-ri-ia [...] el-lat _ur-mah-mesz_ szu-a-tu-[nu] u-par-ri-ir#

[(disz)um-man]-ap-pa _dumu#_ [(disz)ur]-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ki_ szA in-nab-tu-ma is,-ba-tu# [_gir-ii_-ia] [...]-nu-ti _ur-mah_ ina muh-hi-szu it-bi-ma _en_(?)-u-ti# [...] ip-lah-ma u#-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti#

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for whom the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, mistress of battle, determined the fate of warriors ..., the god Palil, who marches before the king, had me built a fortress in the steppe lit. "the steppe" like a dream, .

In the steppe, a wide area, wild bulls of the mountains grew up and they rode on chariots, my royal vehicle. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, I ... in one extispicy ... I scattered the pure lions.

Ummanappa Humban-appa, son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled and grasped my feet ... ... a lion seized him and ... my lordly majesty ... he became frightened and prayed to my lordly majesty.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for whom the god Ashur — the king of the gods — and the goddess Ishtar — the lady of battle — determined a destiny of heroism, ...: The god Palil, the one who goes before me, let me go triumphantly hunting in the steppe. For pleasure ... ... I went out.

In the steppe, a widespread place, raging lions, a ferocious mountain breed, attacked me and surrounded the chariot, the vehicle of my royal majesty. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, with a single team harnessed to my yoke ... I scattered the pack of those lions.

Ummanappa, a son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled and had grasped my feet, ... ... a lion attacked him and he ... my lordly majesty, ..., became frightened, and made an appeal to my lordly majesty for help.

Q003754: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ ina me-lul-ti# [_nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah_] ez#-zu szA _edin_-szu _ta sza gisz_-na-bar-ti u-sze-s,u-nim-ma ina _gir-ii_-ia ina _gisz-kak-ti 3_-szu as-hul(?)#-[(ma(?))] na-pisz#-ta-szu ul iq-ti ina qi-bit (d)_igi-du lugal edin_ sza dun-nu zik-[ru]-tu# u-szat-(li-ma)-an-ni# _egir_ ina _gir an-bar_ szib-bi-ia as-hul-szu-[(ma)] na-pisz-tu isz-kun

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria: With my lordly brilliance, I brought out a fierce lion from its steppe and I placed it on my feet in a fetter three times and its life did not come to an end. By the command of the god Palil, the king of the steppe, who gave me strength and confidence, I struck him with my iron sword and he made a life lasting.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria — while carrying out my princely sport, they had a fierce lion that was born in the steppe lit. "of its plain" brought out of a cage and, while on foot, I pierced it three times with arrows but its life did not come to an end. Through the command of the god Palil, the king of the steppe who had generously granted me power and virility, I subsequently stabbed it with my iron belt-dagger and it laid down its life.

Q003755: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki_ ina mul-ta-'u-ti-ia ina _gir-ii_-ia _ur-mah_ ez-zu szA# _edin_-szu ina _gesztu-ii_-szu as,-bat-ma ina tukul-ti _an-szar u_ (d)isz-tar be-let ta-ha-zi ina _gisz_-az-mar-e sza _szu-ii_-ia as-hul zu-mur-szu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria: With my pleasure and at my feet I captured a fierce lion that was tangled in its meadowland and with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the lady of battle, I destroyed its features with the azmarite bow that I had in my hand.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, while enjoying myself on foot, seized a fierce lion that was born in the steppe lit. "of its plain" by its ear and, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — the lady of battle — pierced its body with the lance that was in my hand.

Q003756: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki_ ina me-lul-ti _nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah_ szA _edin_-szu ina _kun_-szu as,-bat-ma ina qi-bit (d)nin-urta (d)_u-gur dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina _gisz_-hu-ut-pal-e sza _szu-ii_-ia muh-ha-szu u-lat#-ti

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, while he was still in my princely majesty, took a lion from its open country by its tail and, by the command of the gods Ninurta and Nergal, the gods who support me, I cut off its tail with the pickaxe that I had brought out of it.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, while carrying out my princely sport, seized a lion that was born in the steppe lit. "of its plain" by its tail and, through the command of the gods Ninurta and Nergal, the gods who support me, shattered its skull with the mace that was in my hand.

Q003757: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur an-szar-ki#_ szA _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ e-mu-qi s,i-ra-a-ti u-szat-li-mu-usz _ur-mah-mesz_ szA ad-du-ku _gisz_-til-pa-a-nu ez-ze-tu szA (d)15 be-let _me ugu_-szu-un az-qu-up muh-hu-ru e-li-szu-nu u-ma-hir _gesztin_ aq-qa-a e-li-szu-un

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for whom the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu had granted great strength — I imposed upon them the fierce arrows of the goddess Ishtar, mistress of battle, and poured wine over them.


I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, to whom the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu have granted outstanding strength, set up the fierce bow of the goddess Ishtar — the lady of battle — over the lions that I had killed. I made an offering over them and poured a libation of wine over them.

Q003758: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_ag en mah_ a-szib é-zi-da

szA _sza nina-ki en_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur asz_ i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti szA ina szA-kan _umusz_-szu u _sum_ ur-ti-szu _dugud_-ti ina mit-hu-s,i _bad5-bad5 kud_-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man

_man kur-elam-ma-ki_ u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz szA _egir_ (disz)te-um-man _du_-szu _man_-ut _kur-elam-ki_ ina qi-bi-ti-szu _gal_-ti qa-ti _kur_-su-nu-ti-ma ina _gisz_-szA szA-da-di ru-kub _man_-ti-ia _lal_-su-nu-ti

u ina tukul-ti-szu _gal_-ti ina kul-lat _nigin kur-kur_

_gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu _kisal_ É (d)_muati en_-ia ina pi-i-li esz-qi szi-kit-ta-szu

u-rab-bi ana szat-ti (d)_muati_ ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki-ka ke-e-ni _tin ud-me_-ia _gid-mesz_ li-s,a-a szap-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku é-zi-da ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li-lab-bi-ra _gir-ii_-a-a

AI Translation

To the god Nabû, the exalted lord who dwells in Ezida:

As for Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who rejoices at the supplications of his great divinity, who in the midst of his battle and the mention of his mighty victories in the battle had cut off the head of Teumman,

Moreover, by his great command, I captured Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam after Teumman, and I slew them on a raft, a royal device, in my royal vehicle.

And with his great support, in all of the lands,

At that time, I enlarged the courtyard of the temple of the god Nabû, my lord, with bitumen. I reconstructed its structure.

On account of this, O Nabû, look with pleasure upon this stele and may your face be bright. May my life be long, may my days be long, may my feet be long, may my feet be firmly planted before your divinity. May my feet be firmly planted before your divinity.


For the god Nabû, the exalted lord who dwells in Ezida — which is inside Nineveh — his lord:

Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one requested and required by his Nabû's great divinity, who, at the issuing of his directive and the giving of his stern order, cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, in the clash of battle.

Moreover, by his great command, I defeated Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam after Teumman, and then harnessed them to a processional carriage, the vehicle of my royal majesty.

Furthermore, with his great support, I constantly established proper procedures in every single land.

At that time, I enlarged the structure of the courtyard of the temple of the god Nabû, my lord, with massive blocks of limestone.

On account of this, O Nabû, look upon this courtyard with pleasure and may it be acceptable to you. May the command for a long life for me lit. "a life of my long days" come forth from your lips through your reliable cuneiform signs. May my feet grow old walking about in Ezida in your divine presence!

Q003759: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_nin-lil_ be-let _kur-kur_ a-szi-bat é-masz-masz

(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar-ki nun_ pa-lih-szA _gir-nita du_-ut _szu-ii_-szA szA ina qi-bi-ti-szA _gal_-ti ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi ik-ki-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_

u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz szA _egir_ (disz)te-um-man _du_-szu _lugal_-ut _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ina tukul-ti-szA _gal_-ti _szu-ii kur_-su-nu-ti-ma ina _gisz_-szA szA-da-di ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia as,-mid-su-nu-ti

u ina zik-ri-szA _dugud_ ina kul-lat _kur-kur du-mesz_-ma

_gaba-ri nu tuk_ u ina u4-me-szu _kisal_ É (d)15 _gaszan_-ia ina pi-i-li esz-qi szi-kit-ta-szu

u-rab-bi a-na szat-ti (d)_nin-lil_ ki-sal-lu szu-a-tu lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ki ia-a-ti (disz)asz-szur-_du_-A pa-lih _dingir_-ti-ki _gal_-ti ba-lat, _ud-mesz gid-mesz dug-ga sza_ qi-szim-ma _du-du_-ku é-masz-masz lu-lab-bi-ra _gir-ii_-a-a

AI Translation

For the goddess Mullissu, mistress of the lands, who dwells in Emashmash,

Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres her, the governor who exercises authority over her, who by her great command shaved off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, in the thick of battle.

Moreover, with her great support, I captured Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam after Teumman, and I placed them on the throne of my royal majesty.

And by her strong command, all the lands will be at peace.

And at that time, I reconstructed the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, with bitumen.

On account of this, O Mullissu, may this courtyard be made perfect for you. May my personal god, Ashurbanipal, who reveres your great divinity, decree for me a life of long days, the attainment of my heart's desire, and may my feet be at ease in Emashmash.


For the goddess Mullissu, the lady of the lands who dwells in Emashmash:

Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the ruler who reveres her, the governor who is the creation of her hands, who, at her great command, cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, in the thick of battle.

Moreover, with her great support, I defeated Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam after Teumman, and then harnessed them to a processional carriage, the vehicle of my royal majesty.

Furthermore, at her stern pronouncement, I marched through all of the lands and had no rival therein.

Moreover, at that time, I enlarged the structure of the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, with massive blocks of limestone.

On account of this, O Mullissu, may this courtyard be acceptable to you. Grant me — Ashurbanipal, the one who reveres your great divinity — long life lit. "life of long days" and happiness, and then may my feet grow old walking about in Emashmash!

Q003760: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man gal man kal man szu man kur_ asz-[szur] re-e#-szu mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-me_ na-ra-am (d)asz-szur u# (d)_nin-lil_ hi-szih-ti (d)_muati_ u (d)_amar#-utu_ na-s,ir _ad-hal dingir-me gal-me_ musz-te9-e'-u Asz(?)#-[re(?)]-e# _sanga ku_ szA na#-[dan zi]-bi-szu i-ra#-[mu] _dingir-me_ szu-ut _an ki#_ mu-x [x] x é#-szar2-ra mu-na#-ki-mu si-mat É(?)#-[_kur_(?)]

x [x x] x [x] x x x [x] x _munus-sig5 i_ [...] _gal_ [x] _szi_ x (x) x x [...] x x _ku_ x [...] [x] _an_(?) [...] x x _ma_

ina _ga-nun#_-[ni-szu(?) u]-szar#-[ma]-a(?) szu-bat-su é-sag#-[il2 u-szak-lil] _gaba-ri_ ap-se-e# É-_gal man dingir-mesz#_ (d)_amar-utu ku-babbar_ [_ku-gi_] u-za-['i-in] u#-szA-an-bi-t,a (d)_utu_-[nisz]

(d)_amar-utu_ [_en_ s,i]-ru(?)# na-bu-u# [zi]-kir# [_mu_]-ia ul-tu _ki_-x [...] x x a-[szar] nab-ni-ti-szu qé-reb _gisz-ma#_ [u-sze-li(?)]-ma u#-szA-as,-bi-[it _kaskal_(?)] szu#-an-na(?)#-(_ki_) [ina] é-sag#-[il2 szu-bat] _en#_-ti-[szu] u#-sze-rib(?)-[ma ...] szub#-tusz-szu x x x [...] x _dingir-me_ tik-le-ia [... _kur_]-mu-s,ur u _kur_-ku-si [... szu-an]-na-_ki_ e-kur#-rU _ku-gi_ [...] x _kur_-a-ra-al-li

x x _da_(?)# [...] ina u4#-me-szu-ma s,i-in#-da _gisz-gigir#_ [_lugal_(?) _dingir_(?)] s,ir-tu ru#-[kub] _en en_-(_en_) _gisz-na gisz-mes_-[_ma-kan_]-_na#_ is,-[s,i da]-re-e# szA _ku-gi_ lit-bu-szat# [...]-at a-na ma#-a-a-al (d)[...] _an_(?)-_szar_(?)# [u] (d)#x [...] x [(x)]-ia# [...]

AI Translation

Assurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, beloved of the gods Ashur and Mullissu, who is the one who takes care of the needs of the gods Nabû and Marduk, guardian of the great gods, the one who constantly seeks out the shrines, holy priest whose sacrifices are pleasing to the gods of heaven and netherworld, ... Esharra, who makes the emblem of the temple pleasing,

I completed Esagil, completed the outer wall of the Apsû, the palace of the king of the gods, the god Marduk, and clad it with silver and gold. I made it shine like the sun.

The god Marduk, the exalted lord, the one who speaks the praise of my name, brought out of ..., the place of his creation, and made him sit on a boat. He made the journey to Shuanna Babylon enter Esagil, the seat of his lordly majesty, and ... he erected therein ... the gods who support me ... Egypt and Kush ... Shuanna Babylon, he conquered with gold ... the land Arallu.

At that time, I had a shindû-pole, a king of the exalted gods, the vehicle of the lord of lords, a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose gold is ..., made for the presence of the gods ..., Ashur, and ... ... .


Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the pious servant, the one who reveres the great gods, beloved of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the one required by the gods Nabû and Marduk, the one who protects the secret knowledge of the great gods, 5 the one who is assiduous towards sanctuaries, the holy priest whose giving of food offerings the gods of heaven and netherworld enjoy, the one who ... Esharra, the one who amasses temple appurtenances,

No translation possible

I made him take his seat in his own private room. I completed Esagil. As for the replica of the apsû, the palace of the king of the gods, the god Marduk, I decorated it with silver and gold and made it shine like the sun.

As for the god Marduk, the exalted lord, the one who called me by name, from ... ... the place of his creation, I loaded him into a boat and 20 made him take the road to Shuanna Babylon. I made them enter into Esagil, the seat of his lordly majesty and placed him on his seat. ... ... the gods, my helpers, ... Egypt and Kush 25 ... Shuanna Babylon, a temple ... gold ... the underworld ... ....

At that time, the trappings of the exalted chariot of the king of the gods Marduk, the vehicle of the lord of lords, and a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, 30 that is clad with gold ... as a bed for the goddess ... the god Ashur and the goddess ... my ...



[...] x x [...] [...] a-na [...] [_bad_ szu]-a-tu e-na-ah-ma i-[...] a-szar#-szu u-me-es-si dan-na-as-[su ak-szud] [ina] _iti# dug-ga ud sze-ga usz8_-szu ad-[di] [u-kin] _sig4#_-su ina pe-e-li _na4#_ [_kur_-i (dan-ni)] [...] szA(?)# te-me-en-szu# ina _i-gisz#_ [...] [_szim-hi_(?)]-A(?) _dug-ga-mesz_ [ab]-lu-la ta-ra-hu#-[usz] [ul-tu] _usz8_-szu# [a]-di _gaba-dib#_-szu ar#-s,ip u-szak-lil _ugu#_ [sza u4]-me pa-ni u-szA#-tir u-szar#-ri-ih nab-ni-su

[_na4_]-_na#-ru-a-mesz_ sza _man-mesz_ a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pisz _bad#_ szu-a-te ina# [_i-gisz_] ap#-szu-usz _udu-siskur#_ [aq]-qi it#-[ti _na4_]-_na#-ru-a-mesz#_

szi-t,ir _mu_-ia Asz#-[kun _nun_] _egir_-u# ina _man-mesz dumu-mesz#_-[ia sza asz-szur u (d)isz-tar a]-na be-lut _kur u un-mesz_ i#-[nam-bu-u zi]-kir#-szu e-nu-ma _bad_ szu#-[a-tu i-lab-bi-ru(?)]-ma in#-na-hu an-[hu-su lu-ud-disz ki-ma] ia#-a-ti-ma _na4-na-ru-a-mesz#_ [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i-gisz_] lip#-[szu]-usz# _udu#-siskur_ liq-qi [it-ti _na4_]-_na#-ru-a-mesz#_ [szi]-t,ir# _mu_-szu lisz-kun# (d)asz-szur (d)_iszkur_ (d)_inanna_ [ik]-ri#-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u

_iti-du6-ku_ li-mu (disz)u8-a-nu _lu-en-nam kur_-qu-e

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... that wall had become dilapidated and ... I cleared away its debris and ... I laid its foundations. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations. I ... its foundation with hard stone from the mighty mountain ... I infused it with sweet aromatics. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I made its features larger than those of distant days and thereby reinforced its foundations.

I poured oil onto the steles of the kings who came before me and made that wall. I made a sacrifice with the steles.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. Just like me, may he anoint with oil the monumental inscriptions written in my name, make sacrifices, and place them with the monumental inscriptions written in my name. The gods Ashur, Adad, and Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

Tishri VII, eponymy of Uanu, governor of Que 645.


... ... ... to/for ... that wall became dilapidated and ... I identified its original site and reached its foundation pit. rev. 5' In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I relaid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. With limestone, a strong mountain stone, ... of its foundations. I mixed the mud for its revetment with oil ... and pleasant-smelling aromatics. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. rev. 10' I made it larger than the one in the days of the past and its appearance more resplendent.

As for the steles of the kings who came before me who built this wall, I anointed them with oil, made an offering, and placed them with steles bearing my name.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this wall becomes old and dilapidated. Just like me, rev. 20' may he anoint the steles bearing my name with oil, make an offering, and place them with steles bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Adad, and Ishtar will then listen to his prayers.

Tashritu VII, eponymy of Awianu, governor of the land Que 655.

Q003761: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na# [_en_] _gal_-i# [...] gasz-ru szit-ra-hu# [...] a-szA#-red (d)i-gi-gi# u (d)GÉSZ-_u en#_ [...] _lugal#_ la szA#-na-an _en_-ia _ku#_ x [...]

ana(?)-ku(?)# [(disz)]_an#-szar_-_du_-_a man kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_ ...] x-bu-u-ti# x x [...] musz#-te-e'-u asz-ri#-[ka(?) ...] szA(?)# ur-ru u _gi6 disz im_ x [...] pa-lih _dingir_-ti-ka _gal#_-[ti ...] um(?)-ma-ma _disz an_ x [...] a-szir _dingir-mesz_ u _lu_(?)# [...] mu-rik _ud-me_(?)# [...] ana-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du#_-[A ...]

AI Translation

To the great lord ..., exalted, exalted ..., foremost of the Igigu and the Igigu gods, lord ..., unrivalled king, my lord, ... .

I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... ... who constantly seeks out your shrine, ... who ... morning and evening ... who reveres your great divinity ... saying: "... ..., who dwells in the gods and the man ... who prolongs the days ... I, Ashurbanipal, .


To the great lord, ..., powerful, splen­did, ..., foremost among the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, lord of ..., unrivalled king, my lord, ... ...:

I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... ... ... the one who is assiduous towards your places of worship, ... who day and night ... ..., the one who reveres your great divinity ... ... ... the one who directs gods and humanity ..., the one who prolongs my days, ..., I, Ashurbanipal, ..., rev. 1 son of the king of the gods ... in his good physical health ..., shepherdship ... ...



at-ta lu tukul-ti# [...] at-ta lu a-lik _a#_-[_ii_-ia ...] ina qi-bi-ti-ka s,ir#-[ti ...] u4-mu# _iti_ u _mu-an_(?)-_na_(?)# [...] u4-mu# _iti_ u _mu-an-na#_ x [...] x x (x) x x x [...] lu-na-'i#-id qur-di#-[ka ...] szi(?)-me(?) a-a-szi et,-ra#-[an-ni ...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

You should have ... support ... You should go and raise my hands ... By your exalted command ... day, month, and year ... day, month, and year ... ... ... may I praise your heroism ... my name is a gift to me ...


You Marduk, be my support! .... You, be the one who goes at my side! .... By your exalted command, ... day, month, and year ... day, month, and year ... ... ... rev. 10 so that I might praise your valor ... listen to me, spare me, ... ... ....

Q003762: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_] ka-szid _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ra-[pa(?)-Asz(?)-tu(?)] mu-szah-rib da-Ad#-[me-szA] A (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur an#_-[_szar-ki_] A (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_] _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na man szu man_ [_kur an-szar-ki_] ul-tu _bad5-bad5_ (disz)(te)-um-man i-na# [_me a_sz-ku-nu] ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu_ ina qé#-[reb _nina-ki_] s,a#-[lam _lugal_-u]-ti#-ia _na4_-[...]

AI Translation

The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, conqueror of the extensive land Elam, the one who annihilates its settlements, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world and king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world and king of Assyria; after I had brought about the defeat of Teumman in battle, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, I erected a royal statue of myself ... stone .


The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who conquered the wide land Elam and who devastated its settlements, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria — after I had brought about the defeat of Teumman in battle, by the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, inside Nineveh, ... an image of my royal majesty ...

Q003763: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur asz a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003764: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [_man kur_] _asz_-[ma]

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003765: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kiszib_(?)# (disz)(d)asz-szur-_du#_-[_a man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur asz a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_-ma]

AI Translation

Seal of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.


Seal of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003766: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_(?) (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur asz_] [A (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz_] _man kur# asz_ [A (disz)30]-_pap#-mesz_-_su_ [_man_] _kur asz_-[ma]

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003767: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur an-szar-ki a_ (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur an-szar-ki_

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q003768: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A (_man gal man_ dan-nu) _man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)](d)#30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003769: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A (_man gal man_ dan-nu) _man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)_an_]-_szar#_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur#_ [_asz a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# man kur asz a_ (disz)_man_-_gin man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of Assyria.


The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of Assyria.

Q003770: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[szA]-kin# _bad5-bad5_ [_kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki_

AI Translation

Who brought about the defeat of the land Elam.


The one who brought about the defeat of the land Elam.

Q003771: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... u-nam-mir(?) ki]-ma u4-me# [... ina é-gaszan-hi]-li#-kU-ga [... pa-rak da]-ra#-a-ti

[...]-_mesz#_-szu [...]-_mesz#_ [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

... I made shine like daylight. ... in Egashanhilikkuga ... a lasting place.

... his ...s ...


... I made it shine like daylight ... in Egashanhilikuga ... and I made Sharrat-Kidmuri dwell on her eternal dais.

... his ...

Obverse Column ii


_kur_-mu-s,ur _kur_-ku#-[u-su ik-szu-du-ma ina la mi-ni isz-lu-la szal-la-as-su] _kur_ szu-a-tu a-na si-hir#-[ti-szA i-be-el-ma a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ter] _mu-mesz uru-mesz_ mah-ru-ti# [u-nak-kir-ma a-na esz-szu-u-te isz-ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un] _arad#-mesz_-szu a-na _lugal_-ti _lu-nam#_-[u-ti _lu-gar_-nu-u-te u-pa-qi-da ina lib-bi] _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti#-[szu szat-ti-szam-ma u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu-un]

55 _alam lugal#_-ti-szu-nu# x [...] li-i-tu ki-szit-ti _szu#-ii_-szu ma#-x [...] ina ma-ha-za-a-ni É-_kur-mesz_(?) szA qé-reb# [...]

ul-tu# _ad_ ba-nu-u-a im-x [...] (disz)tar-qu-u ba-lu# _dingir-mesz_ a-na# [e-kem _kur_-mu-s,ur usz-tam-s,a-a a-na _da_ ...] da-na-an(?) _an_(?)-_szar_(?) _en_(?)-ia(?) e(?)#-[mi-isz-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-szu] ep(?)-szet(?) ma(?)-ru-usz(?)-tu szA _ad du_-u-a e#-[pu-szu-usz ul ib-bal-kit ina lib-bi-szu] il-li-kAm-ma qé#-reb _uru_-me-em-pi e#-[ru-um-ma _uru_ szu-a-tu u-ter ra-ma-nu-usz] e-li _un#-mesz kur_ asz-szur# sza qé-reb# [_kur_-mu-s,ur _arad-mesz_-ni da-gil pa-ni-ia]

al-la-a-ku# ha-an-t,u ina qé(?)-reb _nina#_-[_ki_ il-li-kam-ma u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-szi] e-li# ep-sze-e-ti an-na#-[a-ti lib-bi i-gu-ug-ma is,-s,a-ri-ih ka-bat-ti] al#-si-ma _lu_-tur-tan _lu#_-[_nam-mesz_ a-di _erim-mesz szu-ii_-szu-nu e-mu-qi-ia _mah-mesz_] a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha#-[mat _lugal-mesz lu-nam-mesz arad-mesz_-ni da-gil pa-ni-ia] ur-ru-hisz t,e-e#-[mu Asz-kun-szu-nu-ti har-ra-an _kur_-mu-s,ur u-szA-Asz-ki-na _gir-ii_-szu-un]

AI Translation

He conquered Egypt and Kush and carried off its booty without number. He ruled over that land in its entirety and reorganized the boundaries of Assyria. He changed the names of former cities and reorganized them into new ones. He appointed his servants to be kings, governors, and governors. He imposed upon them annual tribute and payment in recognition of his overlordship.

55 statues of their royal majesties ... ... the remission of debts ... ... in the cult centers of the temples which are inside .

After the father who had engendered me ..., Taharqa, the eldest of the gods, became frightened to enter Egypt to ... the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and trusted in his own strength. He did not change the deeds that the father who had engendered me had done. He came to his own aid and entered the city Memphis. He returned that city and made it a fortress again. He ascended the ranks of the Assyrians who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me.

I quickly came to Nineveh and gave orders to do likewise. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my mood became frightened. I summoned my commander-in-chief and governors, together with the troops under their authority, my exalted forces, and quickly gave orders to them to go on campaign against the kings and governors, servants who belonged to me. I made them take the road to Egypt and made them bow down at my feet.


wherein he Esarhaddon conquered Egypt and Kush and then carried off its booty without number. He ruled over that land in its entirety and made it part of the territory of Assyria. He changed the former names of the cities and gave them new names. He appointed his servants therein as kings, governors, and officials. He imposed upon them annual tribute payment in recognition of his overlordship.

Fifty-five of their royal statues ... the victory that he had achieved ... ... in cult centers and temples, which are inside ....

After the father who had engendered me ... ..., Taharqa, without the consent of the gods, made a serious attempt to take away Egypt for .... He scorned the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and trusted in his own strength. The harsh deeds that the father who had engendered me had performed against him did not cross his mind. He came and entered the city Memphis, and then turned that city over to himself. Against the people of Assyria who were inside Egypt, servants who belonged to me, ii 15' whom Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had appointed as kings there, he dispatched his army to kill, rob, and plunder them.

A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported this to me. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. I summoned my field marshal and governors, together with the troops under their authority, my elite forces, and ii 20' I quickly gave the order to them to support and aid the kings and governors, servants who belonged to me, and I made them take the road to Egypt.

Q003772: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


ina mah-re#-[e ger-ri-ia] a-na _kur_-mA-kan u _kur_-me-luh#-[ha lu al-lik] (disz)tar-qu-u _man kur_-mu-s,ur# [u _kur_-ku-u-si] sza (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an#_-[_szar-ki ad du_-u-a] _bad5-bad5_-szu isz-ku-nu(?)# [i-be-lu _kur_-su] da-na-an (_an_)-_szar#_ [(d)15 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma] it#-ta-[kil ...] x x [...]

AI Translation

On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and whose land he had conquered, iii 20' he trusted in the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in ... ... .


On my first campaign, I marched to Makan Egypt and Meluhha Ethiopia. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, i 5 whose defeat Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had brought about and whose land he ruled over, forgot the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted ... ... ...

Reverse Column i


[Asz-ta-kan] li#-[i-tu] [it-ti] qa#-ti ma-li-ti# [szal]-mesz# a-tu-ra a-na _nina-ki#_ [_uru_] _en_-ti-ia

[x x]

AI Translation

I set out and brought the booty with my substantial booty to Nineveh, my capital city.



thus I achieved victory. With full hands, I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

No translation possible

Q003773: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x x [...] x x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...]

[...] x x (x) [um-ma _gir-ii_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur an-szar_]-_ki_(?)# s,a-bat-ma [ina zi-kir _mu_-szu ku-szu-ud] _lu_(?)-_kur_(?)-_mesz_(?)#-ka [u4-mu _masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu] e-mu#-ru [_lu_-rak-bu-szu isz-pu-ra a-na szA-'a]-al szul-mi-ia [_masz-gi6_ an-ni-tu szA e]-mu#-ru [ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_-szu isz-pur-am-ma u]-szA#-an-na-a ia-a-ti

[ul-tu _sza_ u4-me szA is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_]-ti-ia# [_lu_-gi-mir-a-a mu-dal-li-pu] _un_(?)-_mesz kur_(?)#-szu [szA la ip-tal-la-hu _ad_]-_mesz_-ia# [U at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti]-ia# ik-szu-ud#

AI Translation

... ... "I took the foot of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and I captured him by the command of his name." Your enemies saw this dream on the very day he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. He sent this dream that he saw to my messenger and he told me this:

After the Cimmerians had grasped the feet of my royal majesty and the people of his land, who had not bowed down to the yoke of my fathers, and who had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, I conquered and plundered the land of the Cimmerians.


No translation possible

... ... saying: "Grasp the feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and conquer your enemies through the mention of his name." On the very day he saw this dream, ii 5' he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. As for this dream that he had seen, he sent a message about it by the hands of a messenger of his and he reported it to me.

From the day that he grasped the feet of my royal majesty, he conquered the Cimmerians, who were disturbing the people of his land, ii 10' had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

Obverse Column iii


[...] x [...] (x) x x [ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu Asz-lu]-la# szal-la-su# [ina ti-ib _me_-ia na-gu-szu] u#-szah-rib# [u-s,a-ah-hi-ir] nap#-har _kur_-szu [it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a']-di# szal-la#-ti ka-bit-ti# [szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa] mi-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_

[_uru_-bi-ru-a _uru-lugal_-iq]-bi# _uru_-gu-su-né-e [_uru-mesz_ mah-ru-u-te sza] mi#-s,ir _kur an-szar-ki_ [sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_]-ia# e-ki-mu _kur_-man-na-a-a [da-Ad-me szA-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud _kur_]-man-na#-a-a ul-tu lib-bi as-suh# [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz gisz_-til-li u]-nu#-ut _me_-szu-nu [Asz-lu-la a]-na# _kur an-szar-ki#_ [_uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a-na esz]-szu#-ti(?) as,(?)-bat# [u-ter-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_] _an_(?)#-[_szar-ki_]

(disz)ah-sze-e#-[ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia] _an-szar#_ u (d)15# [im-nu-szu ina _szu-ii arad-mesz_-szu] _un-mesz kur_-szu si#-[hu _ugu_-szu u-szab-szu-u] ina _sila uru_-szu _lu#_-[szA-lam-ta-szu id-du-u] in-da-Asz#-[szA-ru pa-gar-szu] _szesz-mesz#_-szu _numun_ É _ad#_-[szu u-szam-qi-tu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_]

_egir_-nu# (disz)u-al#-[li-i _dumu_-szu u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu] da-na#-an _an-szar_ (d)30# [(d)_utu_ (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_] (d)15 szA _nina#-ki_ (d)#[15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_]

AI Translation

... ... ... I burned with fire and plundered it. With the assault of my battle array, I overwhelmed its district and scattered its entire land. With much plunder and substantial booty, I returned safely and surrounded the territory of Assyria.

I conquered the cities Birua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusunê, cities that were previously in the territory of Assyria and which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I wiped away those Manneans from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. They imposed a grievous punishment upon him and he hung his corpse on the street of his city. They killed his governors and cut off his brothers and the seed of his father's house with the sword.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal.


... ... I burned the villages in the district of the city Eristeyana with fire, and plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid waste to his Rayadishadî's district and iii 5' made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plunder and substantial booty and set foot in Assyrian territory.

As for the cities Birrua, Sharru-iqbi, and Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria iii 10' which the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those settlements. I tore the land Mannea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their implements of war. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria.

As for Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants. The people of his land incited a rebellion against him. iii 20' They cast his corpse into a street of his city and dragged his body to and fro. They cut down with the sword his brothers and the seed of his father's house.

Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his own life, he opened up his hands to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. iv 5 I had mercy on him and I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they brought it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

Obverse Column iv


ina u4-me-szu (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _lu-en-uru#_ [sza mad-a-a] [(disz)]sar-a#-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi 2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi# [_lu-en-uru kur_-sa-hi] [sza is,]-lu#-u _gisz-szudun_ be(?)#-[lu-ti-ia] [75 _uru-mesz_-szu-nu] dan-nu#-ti ak(?)-szu(?)#-[ud ...] [...] x (x) [...]

[...] A(?) [...] x [...]-ia#

[...] _an_ [...] x

AI Translation

At that time, I captured and plundered 75 of their fortified cities, including Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, the city ruler of the land Sahu, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship. ...

... rain ... .


At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, iv 15 I conquered seventy-five of their fortified cities ... ... ...

No translation possible

No translation possible

Q003774: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na] e-pesz# [_me_] [it-bu-u-ni a-na mit-hu]-us,# _erim-hi-a_-ia# [_erim-mesz me_-ia it-ti-szu-un im]-da-ha-s,u# isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu-un [ma-lak 3 _kaskal-gid_] _a-sza_ szal-ma#-a-te-szu-nu u-mal-lu-u _edin_ rap-szu

[ina qi-bit _an_]-_szar_ (d)_nin#-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag#_ [(d)15 szA] _nina#-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)#[_u-gur_ (d)nusku] [_dingir-mesz gal_]-_mesz# en-mesz_-ia szA u-tak-ki#-[lu-in-ni] [qé-reb _kur_]-man#-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal#-[lak szal-t,isz] [ina me-ti]-iq# ger-ri-ia _uru_-a#-[a-u-si-Asz _uru-hal-s_,U]

AI Translation

In the course of a campaign, by means of treachery, they came to fight with my troops. My battle troops clashed with them and brought about their defeat. Over a distance of three leagues, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Ayusiash and Harran.


During the night, in a crafty maneuver, they Ahsheri's troops approached to do battle, to fight with my troops. My battle troops fought with them and brought about their defeat. Over an area the distance of three leagues march, they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

By the command of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire the cities Ayusiash — a fortress of his —

Q003775: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na] ra#-ma-ni-szu-nu# [u-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu] [Asz]-lu(?)#-la szal-lat-sun# [_uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu] [a]-na mi-s,ir _kur an#_-[_szar-ki_ u-ter-ra]

na#-gu-u szA _uru#_-[ar-si-ia-ni-isz] sza bi-rit _uru_-a-za-qa#-[na-ni sza _kur_-ha-ar-si szA-di-i] sza _sag kur_-ku-mu-ur-da#-[a-a sza qé-reb _kur_-man-na-a-a] as-pu-un ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq#-[mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-szA-di-i] _lu-gal# hal-s_,U-szu-nu a#-[duk Asz-lu-la szal-lat-su]

[na-gu-u] szA _uru#_-[e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud]

AI Translation

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire those cities. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I burnt with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and of the land Harsi, which is at the head of the land of the Kumurdeans, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and carried off his booty.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana.


I conquered, burned with fire, and plun­dered the cities in the environs of the city Paddiri, which the Manneans had taken away and appropriated for themselves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

I leveled and burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and lit. "of" Mount Harsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander, and I plundered it Arsiyanish.

I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana,

Q003776: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)e-ri-si-in]-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti#-[szu] [a-na _nina-ki_ isz-pur]-am#-ma u-na-Asz-sziq _gir-ii_-ia# [re-e-mu] ar-szi-szu-ma [_lu-a kin_-ia szA] szul#-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu [_dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu] u-sze-bi#-la a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti [ma-da-ta-szu mah-ri-tu szA i]-na# ter-s,i _lugal-mesz_ [_ad-mesz_-ia u-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a]-di mah-ri-ia#

AI Translation

Erisinni, his son, sent his messenger to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and sent a messenger of mine with messages of well-being to him. I sent him a daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. He brought before me his former payment, which the kings, my ancestors, had squandered in the time of the kings, my ancestors, and he brought it before me.


He sent Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and then I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. i' 5' He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me.

Q003777: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[... szul]-me u(?)#-[ma-'e-er ...] [...] ter(?)-s,i(?) _lugal_(?)#-[_mesz_ ...] [...] u-rad#-[di-ma ...]

[...] mad#-a-a (disz)sar-a#-[ti ...] [... _en_-ti]-ia(?)# ((U)) 75 _uru-mesz_-[szu-nu ...] [...] al#-qa-a a-na# [...]

AI Translation

... I sent word of well-being ... ... the kings ... I added ... and .

... the Medes, Sarate, ... my lordly majesty, and 75 of their cities ... I took and to .


I had mercy on him Uallî. I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

At that time, as for Birishatri, a city ruler of the Medes, and Sarati and Parihi, two sons of Gagî, a city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, I conquered and plundered seventy-five of their fortified cities. I captured them alive and took them to Nineveh, my capital city.



[... _kur_-ur]-ar#-t,i szA a#-na [...] [... il]-li-ka qé(?)#-[reb ...] [... ma-(a')-as]-su# i-du#-[ku ...]

[...] _tu su_ [...] [...] x _kur szi_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... the land Urartu, which ... to ... ... came inside ... ... many of them killed .


As for Andaria, the governor/field marshal of the land Urartu, who had advanced and marched during the night to conquer the lands of the cities Uppumu and Kullimmeri, the people living in the city Kullimmeri, servants who belonged to me, inflicted a heavy defeat on him during the night. ....

No translation possible

Q003778: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


ina 6-szi ger-ri-ia# _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ lu-u al-lik sza# _mun ad_ ba-ni-ia la ha#-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti# ul#-tu ina _kur-elam-ma-ki_ su-un-qu# isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu-u né-eb-re-tu# (d)#nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim [_un-mesz_] u(?)-sze#-bil-szu-ma as,#-bat [_szu-ii_-su] [_un_]-_mesz_-szu sza la-pa#-an su-un#-qi [in-nab-tu-nim-ma] [u-szi]-bu# qé-reb [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [a-di zu]-un#-nu ina _kur_-szu iz-nu-nu(?)# [ib-ba-szu-u _buru14_] [_un-mesz_ szA]-a#-tu-nu sza# [ina _kur_]-ia ib#-[lu-t,u u-sze-bil-szu-ma]

AI Translation

On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me and did not honor my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and I grasped hold of his hands. As for his people, who had fled from famine and settled in Assyria, until they had gathered in his land, I sent him harvests, and those people who had died in my land I sent to him.


On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, i 5 I sent to him grain, which sustains the lives of people, and thus held him by the hand. As for his people, who had fled on account of the famine and settled in Assyria until it rained again in his land and harvests grew — i 10 I sent those people who had stayed alive in my land back to him. But as for the Elamite whose aggression I had not thought possible lit. "I did not speak with my heart" and a fight with whom I had not contemplated — Bel-iqisha, the Gambulian, Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, servants who belonged to me, and i 15 Marduk-shuma-ibni, a eunuch of Urtaku who had sided with them, ...

Obverse Column ii


ina 1-et _mu-an-na#_ mé-(eh)-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu# lib-bi _an-szar_ ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti ul# ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka-bit-tu (d)isz-tar [szA] u-tak-kil#-an-ni [_bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu] isz-ki#-pu [be-lut _kur_-e-lam-ti u-szal]-qu#-u szA-nam#-[ma]

[_egir_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la_ u]-szib ina _gisz-gu#_-[_za_] [(disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta]-ki# [_u dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur]-ta#-ki [isz-te-né-'a-a] _munus#-hul_ [(disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam]-ma#-ri-tu [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ [(disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)]um#-man-al-da-sze [_lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)]ur#-ta-ki [_u 60 numun lugal_ ina la mi-ni _lu-erim_]-_mesz# gisz-pan_ [_dumu-mesz_ ba-né-e sza _kur_]-_elam#-ma-ki_

[ina 7-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_] lu#-u al-lik [szA _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam]-ma#-ri-tu [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki_ [(disz)ku-dur-ru (disz)pa-ru]-u# _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze# [_szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki] _lugal kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_] [_lu-edin-mesz_-szu isz]-ta#-nap-pa-ra a-na sze-bu#-[li] [_un-mesz_] szA-a-tu-nu# szA in-nab-tu-nim#-[ma] is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia sze-bul-szu-nu ul aq-bi-[szu] ina _ugu_ me-re-he-e-ti ina _szu#-ii_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra#-[a]

AI Translation

In one year, they all placed their trust in one another. The anger of the god Ashur overwhelmed them and the pity of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed his royal dynasty. They made another one take over the lordship of the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the bright, stag, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku, and sixty members of the royal family, without number, archers, and nobles of the land Elam

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had constantly sent his troops to fight with Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam. I did not tell him about the fugitives that had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not tell him about the fugitives that had fallen into the hands of Umbadarâ.


Within one year, they all laid down their lives at the same time. The angry heart of the god Ashur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, become tranquil towards them. ii 5 They overthrew his royal dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of a gallû-demon, sat on the throne of Urtaku. He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who came before Urtaku — ii 15 together with sixty members of the royal family, countless archers, and nobles of the land Elam fled to me before Teumman's slaughtering and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had regularly sent his envoys to me concerning Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu — the sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam — and Kudurru and Parrû — the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, former king of the land Elam — asking me to send back ii 25 those people who had fled to me and grasped my feet. I did not grant him their extradition. Concerning the aforementioned, he sent insults monthly by the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq. Inside the land Elam, he was bragging in the assembly of his troops. ii 30 I trusted in the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, who had encouraged me. I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth".

Obverse Column iii


Asz-szu (disz)te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza a-na# [_an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_] _ad_ ba#-ni-ki ih-tu-u bil#-[tu] id-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu# u-szA-'a-la _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_

um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz# gim gun_ ina qa-bal tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu-ma# di-kisz-szu me-hu-u _im_ lem#-[nu]

in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-tu (d)15 isz-me-e#-[ma] la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-a u-szar#-hi-is, lib#-[bu] a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-ka szA tasz-szA-a _igi-ii_-ka im-la-a# [di-im-tu] ar-ta-szi re-e-[mu]

ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu szA am-hur-[szi] 1-en _lu_-szab-ru-u u-tu-ul-ma i-na-t,al _masz#_-[_gi6_] i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi szA (d)15 u-szab-ru-szu# u-szA-an-na-a ia-a-ti

um-ma (d)15 a-szi-bat _uru-limmu_-_dingir-ki_ e-ru-ba-ni 15 u 2-30 tul-la-a-ta isz-pa-a-ti tam-ha-at _gisz-pan_ ina i-di-szA szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu szA e-pesz _me_ ma-har-szA ta-zi-iz szi-i ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka# il-si-ka (d)15 szA-qut _dingir-mesz_ i-szak-kan-ka t,e-e-mu# um-ma ta-na-t,a-la a-na e-pesz szA-Asz-me(*) a-szar pa-nu-ki szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-szi um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik be-let _gaszan-mesz_ szi-i tu#-szA-an-nak-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na lu Asz-ba-ta

AI Translation

As for Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had sinned against the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, he took a bribe and cut down his troops. He then made his weapons bow down to march to Assyria.

"You, the satrap of the gods, are smitten like a ... in the midst of battle and his limbs are afflicted with a wicked wind.

The goddess Ishtar heard my distress and said to me "Do not be afraid!" She made me rejoice. With regard to the supplications that you have addressed to me and your face, she has shown mercy.

During the course of that year, which I had appealed to her, one of the archers went out and saw a black ghost. He sinned and made me swear by the night that the goddess Ishtar had made him enter.

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and sat down on the right and left. She was holding a bow in her right hand, she was holding a spear in her left hand, she was holding a sacrificial sheep that was able to do battle. She was like the mother who had engendered her and she was with you. The goddess Ishtar, the most exalted of the gods, called you to act, saying: "You are to be able to perform the ritual in the place where you are standing." You said to her: "Let me go to the place where you are going." She said to you: "You are the lady of ladies. I have now set up a position for you."


"with regard to Teumman, the king of the land Elam who placed a burden on the god Ashur — the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you — he mustered his troops, prepared for battle, and was sharpening his weapons in order to march to Assyria."

"You, the heroic one of the gods, drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and then raise a storm, an evil wind, against him."

The goddess Ishtar heard my sorrowful plight and said to me "Fear not!" She gave me confidence, saying: "Because of your entreaties, which you directed towards me, and because your eyes were filled with tears, I had mercy on you."

During the course of the night that I had appealed to her, a dream interpreter lay down and saw a dream. He woke up and then reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ishtar had shown him, saying:

"The goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side and she was unsheathing a sharp sword that was ready to do battle. You Ashurbanipal stood before her and iii 20' she was speaking to you like your own birth-mother. The goddess Ishtar, the sublime one of the gods, called out to you, instructing you, saying: 'You are looking forward to waging war and I myself am about to set out towards my lit. "your" destination the battlefield.' You then spoke to her, saying: 'Let me go with you, wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!' iii 25' She replied to you, saying: 'You will stay in the place where you are currently residing. Eat food, drink wine, make music, and revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go and accomplish this task, thus I will let you achieve your heart's desire. Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, iii 30' you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.' She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. Fire was flaring up in front of her. She came out furiously and splendidly and went to conquer her enemy. She directed her attention towards Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry."

Obverse Column iv


[ina] _iti#-kin_ szi-pir (d)_inanna#-mesz_ i#-sin-ni _an-szar mah# iti#_ (d)30 (d)na#-an-nar# _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil# a#-na _esz-bar_ x (d)_szesz-ki#_ nam-ri [U] szi#-pir (d)15 _gaszan_-ia szA la in#-nen-nu-u [ad]-ke# _erim-mesz me_-ia mun-dah(?)-s,e(?)# szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30(?)# u (d)15(?)# it#-ta-na-Asz-rab-bi-t,u _murub4_ tam-ha-ri# [e]-li# (disz)te#-um-man _man kur-elam-ma_(?)-_ki_(?)# ur-hu(?)# [as,-bat-ma] usz#-[te]-sze-ra# har-ra(?)#-[nu]

il-la#-mu-u-a# [(disz)te-um-man _man_] _kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_] [i-na] _uru_-É-(disz)im-bi#-[i na-di ma-dak-tu] [e]-reb# ((U)) _lugal_-ti-ia szA qé#-[reb _bad-an-ki_]

[...] x [...] x [...] x [is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia ina _gisz-gu-za_]-szu u-sze#-szib [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu] _szesz_-szu# szal-szA-a-a [ina _uru_-hi-da]-lu a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-kun [_gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_]-s,u#-(um)-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (erasure) [s,i-mit-ti] ni-i-ri _gisz_-til-li si-mat _me_ [sza ina tukul]-ti# _an-szar_ u (d)15 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (erasure) [bi-rit _uru_-szu-szA]-an# u _id_-u-la-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a [ina qi]-bit# _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

ina# 8-e ger-ri-ia

3-szu nis-hu _nu al-til_

AI Translation

In the month Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright light of the bright light of the god Nannaru, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who constantly strived to defeat me by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I ran away from Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

As for Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I stationed him in the city Bit-Imbî, a camp in my royal abode which is inside Der.

I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I imposed the tribute and payment upon them.

On my eighth campaign,

The third was not completed.


In the month Ululu VI, "the work of the goddesses," the festival of the exalted god Ashur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light Sîn iv 5 and the message of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar. I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bit-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der

... I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikas II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his Teumman's throne. iv 5' I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that iv 10' I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

On my eighth campaign

Third extract, inscription not complete.

Q003779: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [...] [...] _u# pa_ x [...] [...] _a#_ [...] [...] _tu_ [...]

[...] u-masz-szir# [(x)] [...] _sig5_-[tu] [...] _lugal_-u-ti-ia# [...] isz#-ma-a sur-ra-a-ti# [...] x-qa-mu-u _numun_ É _ad_-szu [id-ku-u-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_] _kur-elam-ma-ki_

[(disz)ur-ta-ki szA la ag-ru-szu] id#-ka-a qa-bal-szu [a-na _kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ur]-ri#-ha _me_ [Asz-szu ti-bu-ut _lu_]-e#-lam-e [_lu-a kin_ a-na _nina-ki_] il#-lik-am-ma [iq-ba-a ia-a-ti a-ma-ti] szA-a-ti-na [sza ti-bu-ti (disz)ur-ta-ki ul Asz]-du#-ud a-na lib-bi-ia [szu-ut _lu-mah-mesz_-szu szA su]-lum-me-e [isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah]-ri-ia [a-na a-mar _man kur-elam-ma-ki lu-a kin_-ia] Asz-pur#-ma [ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram]-ma [a-ma-a-ti ka-a-a-ma-na]-ti# [u-szA-an-na-a ia-a]-ti#

AI Translation

... abandoned ... good ... my royal majesty ... heard about the conquest of ... and the ... of the seed of his father's house. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, fled alone and took refuge in his own country.

As for Urtaku, who had not bowed down to me and had fled his camp, he ascended Mount Karduniash Babylonia and waged war against the Elamite. A messenger came to Nineveh and told me the news. I did not honor those things that I had written about. As for the one who had bowed down to Urtaku, he constantly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me. To see the king of the land Elam, I sent my messenger to greet the king of the land Elam and quickly he came back and told me the news.


No translation possible

... abandoned ... good things ... my kingship ... heard about the lies ... ... the seed of his father's house, incited Urtaku, the king of the land Elam.

Urtaku, whom I had not antagonized, set his attack in motion and hastily brought war to Karduniash Babylonia. On account of the assault of the Elamite, a messenger came to Nineveh and i' 15' told me the news. I was not concerned about this news of Urtaku's assault. Because he had regularly sent his envoys with messages of peace before me, I sent my messenger to see the king of the land Elam; i' 20' he went quickly, returned, and reported to me an accurate report,

Reverse Column i


[...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Q003780: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_lugal_-us-su isz-ki-pu] e-ki-mu _bala#_-[szu] [be-lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_] u-szal-qu-u szA-nam#-[ma]

[ar-ka (disz)te-um-man] hi#-ri-is, _gal5-la-mesz_ lem-[nu-ti] [u-szib ina _gisz_]-_gu#-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki# [a-na da-a-ki _dumu_]-_mesz#_ [(disz)]ur#-ta-ki [_dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da]-a#-si [_szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-ta-né-'i le]-mut(?)-tu(?)#

AI Translation

He swore by the command of his great divinity that he should exercise dominion over the land Elam and that he should not abandon the land of Elam.

After Teumman had sat on the throne of Urtaku, he constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the brother of Urtaku.


They overthrew his kingship and took away his dynasty. They made somebody else assume dominion over the land Elam.

Afterwards, Teumman, the very image of evil gallû-demons, sat on the throne of Urtaku. 5' He constantly sought out evil ways to kill the children of Urtaku and the children of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku.

Q003781: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x (x) [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] x x x x x [...]

[...] x sza# _nina-ki lugal#_-[us]-su# [...] [... (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man]-ap-pi# (disz)ta-am-ma-ri-it#-tu (disz)ku#-[dur-ru ...] [... _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur]-ta#-ku (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _lugal#_-[_mesz_ ...] [... _kur_-e]-lam#-ti sza a-na mit-hu-us, _gisz-tukul-mesz#_ [...] [...] x e#-zi-bu-ma u-masz-szi-[ru ...] [... qé]-reb# _kur_-e-lam-ti# [...] [... ina tukul]-ti# _an-szar_ (d)#[15(?) ...]

[...] x _us_ x [...] [...] _hu_ x [...] [...] x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... of Nineveh, his kingship ... Ummanigash, Ummanappi, Tammaritu, Kudurru, ..., sons of Urtaku, Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, kings ... the land Elam, which ... to wage war ... they abandoned and abandoned ... inside the land Elam ... with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar .


No translation possible

... of Nineveh, his kingship ... 5' ... Ummanigash, Ummanappi, Tammaritu, Kudurru and Parrû ... sons of Urtaku and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the kings ... the land Elam, who ... to fight with the weapons of ... they left and thus abandoned ... inside Elam ... 10' ... with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ...

No translation possible

Q003782: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[szA (_ugu_) (disz)um-man-i]-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)ku-dur-ru# [(disz)pa-ru-u] mun#-nab-ti szA is,-ba-tu _gir-ii lugal_-ti-ia# [(disz)te-um]-man# isz-tap-pa-ra me-re-eh-[tu] [at-kil] a-na _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA# [_nina-ki_] [(d)]15# szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)nusku (d)_u-gur_ sza u-tak-kil#-[u-in-ni] [qi]-bit pi-i-szu er-hu ul am-gur ul a-din-szu mun#-[nab-ti szA-a-tu-nu] id#-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu ik-s,u-ra ta-[ha-zu]

el-la#-mu-u-a (disz)te-um#-[man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_] [x] x x x [...]

AI Translation

As for Ummanigash, Ummanappa, Tammaritu, Kudurru, and Parrû, the captives who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty, Teumman sent me a message of rest. I trusted in the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who had encouraged me, by his angry command, I did not fear his angry words, and I did not give him those captives back. He gathered his troops and assembled his battle troops.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, ... .


Teumman regularly sent insults concerning Ummanigash, Ummanappa, Tammaritu, Kudurru, and Parrû, fugitives who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty. I trusted in the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, i' 5 Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal who had encouraged me. I did not comply with the utterances of his provocative speech lit. "mouth". I did not give him those fugitives. He mustered his troops, prepared for battle, and was sharpening his weapons in order to march to Assyria. I mustered my battle troops, warriors who dart about. i' 10 I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, ... ...

Q003783: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih a-na qi-it _bala-mesz man kur_]-_elam-ma-ki#_ [_zah kur_-szu]

[u-kal-lim-an-ni _gurun esz-bar_-szu] sza la in-nen-nu-u# [ina u4-me-szu-ma mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu]-ma# _nundum_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi_-szu is,-hi-ir [it-ti ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a]-ti# sza _an-szar_ u (d(*))15(*)(erased) (d)30 [(d)_utu_ (d)_en_] (d)#_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ [(d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_] (d)#nusku (d)_u-gur_ e-pu-szu-usz [ul i-ba-Asz id]-ka-a _erim-hi-a_-szu

[ina _iti-ne iti_ na-an]-mur#-ti _mul-pan_ [i-sin-ni szar-ra-ti ka]-bit#-ti _dumu-munus_ (d)_en-lil_ [a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-szA _gal_-ti Asz-ba-ak ina _uru-limmu_]-_dingir# uru_ na-ram _sza_-szA#

AI Translation

He sinned all day, in the eponymy of the king of the land Elam, and he razed, destroyed, and burned his land.

At that time, a decision about his health that had not been decided was presented to him and he took away his crown. He then turned his attention to him and became angry. With these deeds that the deities Ashur and Ishtar, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal had done, he did not have a 'response'.

In the month Abu V, the month of the shining of the Bow Star, the festival of the heavy queen, I placed the daughter of the god Enlil as a cult-priest of her great divinity in the city Arbela, the city beloved by her heart.


it an eclipse lasted like this the entire day, thus signifying the end of the reign of the king of the land Elam and the destruction of his land.

"The Fruit" the god Sîn revealed to me his decision, which cannot be changed. At that time, a mishap befell him: His lip became paralyzed and his eye became small. i' 5' He was not ashamed by these measures that the deities Ashur and Sîn, Shamash, Bêl Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku and Nergal had taken against him, and he mustered his troops.

During the month Abu V — the month of the heliacal rising of the Bow Star, the festival of the honored queen, the daughter of the god Enlil the goddess Ishtar — to revere her great divinity, I resided in the city Arbela, the city that her heart loves,

Q003784: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


x [...] x [...] it#-[...] a-na# [...]

(disz)um-[man-i-gasz ...] sza in-nab#-[tu ...] qé-reb _uru_-szu#-[szA-an ...] u-sze-rib-szu(?)# [...] ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)te-um#-[man u-sze-szib ...] _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... to .

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, ... who had fled to me and had ... in the city Susa, I brought him ... and made him sit on the throne of Teumman. I ... chariots, wagons, .


No translation possible

Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ... who had fled ... inside the city Susa ... I made him enter ... I placed him on the throne of Teumman ... With the chariots, wagons, ...

Reverse Column i


_szesz_ nak-ri# [...] usz-te-esz-sze-ru#-[ni har-ra-nu ...] a-di szu-nu it-ti-[...] e-pesz pi-i-szu x [...] _lu_-e-la-mu-u# x [...] u#-x [...]

AI Translation

The enemy brother ... brought me on the road. ... together with them with ... to do his word ... the Elamite ... .


... of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, ... took the direct road ... until they ... ... his command ... that Elamite ... ... ...

Q003785: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)]tam-ma#-[ri-tu _szesz_-szu szal-szA-a-a] ina _uru_-hi-da#-[lu a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-kun] _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um#-[bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_] s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri# [_gisz_-til-li si-mat _me_] sza ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)15# [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia] bi-rit _uru_-szu-szA-an u _id#_-[u-la-a-a] ik-szu-da [_szu-ii_-a-a] ul-tu# qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ha-disz u#-[s,a-am-ma] a-na gi-mir _erim-hi-a_-ia szA-lim-tu [szak-na-at]

_ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _dumu_ (disz)_en#_-[_ba_-szA] a-na _kur_-gam-bu-li lu-u al#-[lik] sza a-na _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak#-[lu] la-a ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri#-[ia] ta-ha-zi dan-[nu] _lu_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-[szu] ki-ma _muru9_ ak-tUm# _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en uru_ dan-nu-ti-szu sza qé-reb _id-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu# bal-t,u-su-un u-sze#-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _munus_-sek-re-ti-szu# _lu-nar#-mesz munus-nar-mesz_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal#-la-tisz am#-nu _ku-babbar# ku-gi nig-szu_ na-kAm-ti É-_gal_-szu# [u]-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu# [_lu_-szu-ut _sag_]-_mesz_ man#-za-az# pa-ni-szu _lu_-kit-ki-tu#-u [mu-szA-ki-le-szu] u-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la#-tisz am-nu# [gi-mir um-ma-a-ni] ma#-la ba-szu-u [mar-kas _uru_ u _edin_ u-sze-s,a-am-ma] szal-la#-tisz am-nu

[(disz)mas-si]-ra#-a _lu-gal_(?)# [_gisz-pan_] [szA (disz)te]-um-man _lugal kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_] [szA a-na] kit-ri _kur_-gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-ti# [(disz)du-na-nu] [Asz]-bu# qé-reb _uru_-szA-pi#-[i-(d)_en_] [bal-t,u]-us-su# ina qa-ti [as,-bat _sag-du_-su ak-kis] [it-ti pa-ni (disz)]du-na-ni(?)# [kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu ar-pi-is]

_uru#_ szu-a-tu ap-pul# [aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit,] a-di# la ba-sze-e# [u-szA-lik] na-gu#-u szu-a-tu# [u-szah-rib] ri#-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru#-[sa _edin_-usz-szu] ina tu#-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz lu-kur#_-[_mesz_-ia a-ni-ir] szal-mesz a-tu-ra a#-[na _nina-ki_]

_sag-du_ (disz)te-um#-man _lugal kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_] ina _gu_ (disz)du-na-nu [a-lul] _sag#-du_ (disz) [...] ina _gu#_ (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _szesz_ (disz)du-na-nu tar-[den-nu a-lul] it#-ti ki-szit-ti _kur#_-[_elam-ma-ki_] szal#-la-at _kur_-[gam-bu-li] sza# ina qi-bit _an-szar_ ik#-szu-da [_szu-ii_-a-a] it-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e-pisz [nin-gu-ti] a-na _nina-ki_ e-ru#-ub ina _hul#_-[_mesz_]

[(disz)um]-ba-da-ra-a# (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5#_-[iq] [_lu_]-_mah#-mesz_ szA (disz)#te-um-man _man kur-elam_(?)#-[_ma-ki_] [sza] (disz)te#-um-man# ina _szu-ii_-szu-nu isz-pu-ra# [szi-pir me-re-eh-ti] sza# ina mah-ri-ia# [ak-lu-u u-qa-'u-u] [...] [...] [szA-né-e] t,e-e-me# [is,-bat-su-nu-ti] [(disz)um-ba-da]-ra#-a ib-qu#-[ma ziq-na-a-szu] [(disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_]-iq# ina _gir an-bar#_ [szib-bi-szu] [is-hu-la] ka-ra-as#-[su]

[ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te]-um#-man ina _gaba ka-gal#_ [_murub4 uru_] [sza _nina-ki_] u#-mah-hi-ra mah-[hu-risz] [Asz-szu da-na-an _an-szar_ u] (d)#15 _en-mesz_-ia _un-mesz_ kul#-[lu-me] [ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)]te#-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_]

[(disz)_ibila_-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)]_ag#_-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-[_asz_] [sza la-pa-an] _ad# ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu# [in-nab-tu a]-na# _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [ul-tu (disz)um-man-i]-gasz# qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [Asz-ku-nu a]-na# _lugal_-u-ti# [(disz)_ibila_-ia] _dumu#_ (disz)(d)_ag_-sa-[lim] [is,-bat u-sze-bi-la] a#-di _igi_-[ia]

AI Translation

I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and I counted them as booty among my entire army.

I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, I confined the Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his stewards and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his craftsmen, as many as there were, and I counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to serve as a guard for the land Gambulu. I cut off his head and cut off his visibility from the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with a fire. I cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. I hung the head of ... on the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing arias, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent them to me by the hand of Teumman, they had them carry out the extispicy that I had carried out in my first regnal year. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... they took fright at my report. Umbadarâ fled alone and Nabû-damiq cut off his escape route. Nabû-damiq cut off his hands with his iron belt-dagger.

I presented the statue of Teumman's head opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh, in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, opposite the statue of the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash took Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.


I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment suited for war i 5' that I captured between the city Susa and the Ulaya River with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and salvation was established for my entire army.

I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, i 15' I covered Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, and the treasures of his palace and I counted them as booty. i 25' I brought out eunuchs, his attendants, engineers, and his food preparers and I counted them as booty. I brought out all of his artisans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted them as booty. i 30' I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, and I counted them as booty. I did not leave a single person of his land — male and female, young and old — and I brought them out and counted them as booty.

I captured alive Massirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to provide support to the land Gambulu and to guard Dunanu. I cut off his head and beat it against the face of Dunanu, the ally who could not save him.

As for that city, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water; I annihilated it. I laid waste that district and cut off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and returned safely to Nineveh.

I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunanu. I hung the head of Ishtar-nandi Shutur-Nahundi around the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu. With the spoils of the land Elam and i 50' the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — by whose hands Teumman sent insolent messages, whom I had detained before me by making them wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and i 60' madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his own beard and Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father i 70' had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam, he Ummanigash seized Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, and sent him before me.

Obverse Column ii


[(disz)du-na-nu qé]-reb _uru#_-[ni-na-a] _ugu#_ [_gisz_-ma-ka-s,i] id-du#-[szu-ma] it,-bu#-[hu-usz] as#-[lisz]

si-it-ti# [_szesz-mesz_-szu] szA# (disz)du-na-[ni] _u#_ (disz)_ibila#_-a-a a-ni-[ir] _uzu-mesz#_-szu-nu u-nak#-[kis] u-sze-bil# a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti#-[tan]

(disz)(d)_ag_-_i#_ (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-[ir] _dumu-mesz#_ [(disz)(d)]_ag#_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu#_-[_en-na_] szA# [_ad_ ba]-nu#-szu-un (disz)ur-ta-ku [id-ka-a] [a-na mit]-hu#-s,i _kur#_ [_uri-ki_] [_gir-pad-du_]-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam#_-[esz] [szA ul-tu qé]-reb# _kur_-gam-bu-li il-qu#-[u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_gir-pad-du_]-_mesz#_ szA-a#-[ti-na] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

As for Dunanu, they seized him inside Nineveh on a boat and seized him.

I killed the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, and I sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, those bones ... .


As for Dunanu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

As for the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, chopped up their flesh, and sent them out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, ii 10' whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

Obverse Column iii


[u-sze-bi-la] a-di mah#-[ri-ia]

(disz)ia#-u-ta#-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-_dingir# lugal# kur_-qé-ed-ri# e-pisz _arad_-ti-ia# Asz#-szu _dingir-mesz_-szu sza _ad#_ ba-nu-u-a isz-lu-la im-hur#-an-ni-ma# u-s,al-la#-a _lugal_-u-ti# _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u#-szA-az-kir#-szu-u-ma# (d)a-tar-sa-ma-in u-ter#-ma a-din#-szu ar-ka-nu ina a-de-ia ih-t,i-ma# t,a-ab-ti(?) la is,-s,ur(?)# is,-la-a _gisz-szudun#_ be-lu-ti-ia# a-na szA-'a-al szul#-mi-ia _gir#-ii_-szu ip-ru-us# ik-la-a ta#-mar-ti# _un-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi# it-ti-szu u#-szA-bal-kit-ma#

_erim-hi-a_-ia szA# ina mi-s,ir# _kur_-szu Asz-bu# u-ma-'e-e#-ra s,e-ru-usz#-szu _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu isz-ku#-nu _un#-mesz kur_-a-ri-bi# ma-la it-bu-u-ni u-ra-si-bu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz#_ É# _edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-szA-bi-szu-nu _izi_ u-szA-hi-zu ip-qi-du a-na (d)_gisz-bar#_

_gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal#_-[_mesz_] a-me-lu-tu# isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina(?)# [la mi-ni] se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na [si-hir-ti-szu] um-da-al-lu-u a-na# [pat, gim-ri-szA] _ansze-gam_(*)-_mal-mesz_ [ki-ma s,e-e-ni] [u]-par#-[ri-is ...]

AI Translation

I am herewith sending them to me.

As for Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who did obeisance to me, he approached me about his gods, who had encouraged me as my father, who had engendered me, and he encouraged me to be king. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. He then sinned against my treaty and did not respect my good deeds. He grasped the feet of my lordship and he imposed upon him punishment and punishment punishment. He imposed upon him the people of the land of the Arabs and he imposed upon him corvée.

As for my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, they brought about their defeat and brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and poured out fire into the open country, their cult centers, and prayed to the god Girra.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They slew the entire land in its entirety, and piled up the camels in its entirety like sheep and goats .


he Indabibi sent them before me by the hands of his messenger with messages of goodwill and peace.

Iauta', son of Hazael, the king of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me about his gods, whom the father who had engendered me iii 5' had carried off, and implored my royal majesty. I made him swear an oath by the great gods and then I gave the god Atar-samayin back to him. Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty, did not respect my kindness, and cast off the yoke of my lordship. iii 10' He refrained from inquiring about my well-being and withheld audience gifts from me. He incited the people of the land of the Arabs to rebel with him and they were repeatedly plundering the land Amurru.

I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him and they brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus consigned them to the god Gira.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled with them the whole extent of the land, in its entirety, to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats ...

Obverse Column iv


[a-de-e a-na e-pesz _arad_]-u#-[ti-ia] [it-ti-szu Asz-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' Asz]-kun#-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti# [_ku-gi na4-igi-ii-mesz na4-babbar-dili_ gu-uh]-lu# _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ [_ansze-mesz_ bit-ru-u-ti man-da-at-tu szat]-ti#-szam-ma u-kin _edin_-usz-szu

[(disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal kur_-qa-ad]-ri szA# it-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ik-ki-ru [ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut] _kur# mar-tu_ ina zi-kir _mu#_-[ia] [szA _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)]_ag#_ (d)15# [szA _nina-ki_] [(d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ u-szar-bu-u] (disz)ka#-[ma-as-hal]-ta-a _lugal#_ [_kur_-ma-'a-a-ba] _arad_ da-gil# [pa-ni-ia] ina _me edin_ isz-ku#-[nu _bad5-bad5_-szu] (disz)am-mu-la-di si-it#-[ti _un-mesz_-szu] sza la-pa-an da#-[a-ki i-sze-tu-u-ni] u#-s,ab-bit [ina _szu-ii_]

[(disz)na]-at-nu# _lugal_ [_kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti] [...] x [...]

[...] x [(...) ab-lu-la ka]-lak(?)-ku(?)# [za-bil tup]-szik(?)-ki(?)# [ina me-lu-li il]-bi-nu li#-bit-tu# ina _hul#_-[_mesz_ u] ri-szA-a-te ul#-tu _usz8_-szin a-di# _gaba-dib_-szin# a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia ar-s,ip (erasures) u-szak-lil _ugu_ szA u4-me pa-ni u-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-szin#

_mu#-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-te-ia sza# ina tu-kul-ti _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)#15 sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ [ina] _kur#-kur_ at-tal-la-ku Asz-ku-nu da-na-nu li-i-tu# [Asz-t,ur]-ma# a-na ah-rat u4-me e#-[zib]

[e-nu-ma] É-_gal#_ szu-a-tu [x (x)] x (x) [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and bit-rituals as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Qedar who had rebelled against Assyria and constantly sought out evil ways to destroy the land Amurru, by my own name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal had made great, Camas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me, in a pitched battle, they brought about his defeat. They captured Ammu-ladin and the rest of his people who had fled from the slaughter.

Natnu, king of the land of the Nabayateans, ... ... .

... ... I surrounded and completed the route, the payment of baskets, and the restitution of the debts incurred by them. During joyous celebrations, I built and completed them from their foundations to their parapets for my royal residence. I strengthened their foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

When that palace ...


I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iauta'. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, and prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

As for Ammi-ladin — the king of the land Qedar, who had turned hostile towards Assyria and repeatedly plundered the land Amurru — Kamas-haltâ, the king of the land Moab, iv 10' a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in a pitched battle by invoking my name — which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal had made great — captured Ammi-ladin and the rest of his people who had escaped the slaughter. iv 15' He placed their hands and feet in iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans ...

... I mixed their kalakku-mortar with beer and wine. Basket carriers made bricks while playing. iv 5'' While there was joyous celebration, I built and completed them from their foundations to their crenellations to be my royal residence. I strengthened their foundations more than previously.

I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands and established mighty victories — and I deposited it for future days.

When this palace ... ... ...

Q003786: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA# e-li# [(disz)um-man-i-gasz ek-s,u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_]

ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma ul-tu# [_szu-ii_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_] t,a-'a-a-tu im-hur [ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia] a-na# kit-ri (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu#_-[_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma] [a-na mit-hu]-s,i# _erim-hi-a_-[ia ina su-up-pe-e sza _an-szar_ u (d)15]

[...] (x) x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

Tammaritu, who was seated on the throne of the land Elam above Ummanigash, a skilled craftsman.

After he had accepted bribes from Shamash-shuma-ukin, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. He went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he sent his troops to fight with me.


Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

Just like him Ummanigash, he Tammaritu accepted bribes from the hands of Shamash-shuma-ukin, did not enquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, and went to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, ii 5 to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar,

No translation possible

Q003787: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


[x] x x x [...]

ul#-tu (disz)#[in-da-bi-bi (...)] ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)#[tam-ma-ri-tu u-szi-bu] e-pu-szu be#-[lut _kur-elam-ma-ki_] _dumu-mesz_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza (disz)#(d)_ag#_-_en_-_mu#_-[_mesz dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_/_asz_] ina pi-ir-s,a-a#-[ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu] u-bi-lu [it-ti-szu] (disz)in-da-bi-bi# [_lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_] Asz-szu la ha-t,e-[e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu] ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_-szu# [u-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia]

_ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu-mesz dumu#_ [(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na_/_asz_] sza in-nab-tu il#-[li-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_] U si-it-ti _dumu-mesz#_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] sza# (disz)(d)_ag#_-_en_-_mu-mesz_ u-[s,ab-bi-tu u-bi-lu it-ti-szu] ina _szu-ii lu-a kin_-szu a-na# [(disz)in-da-bi-bi] ki#-a-am Asz-pur#-[szu-ma] [Asz]-szu _un-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu la tu#-[sze-bi-la] um#-ma al-la#-kam-ma _uru_-[_mesz_-ka a-na-qar _un-mesz_] [_uru_]-szu#-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak#-[tu _uru_-hi-da-lu a-szal-lal] [ul-tu _gisz_]-_gu-za#_ [_lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma]

AI Translation

After Indabibi ... sat on the throne of Tammaritu and exercised dominion over the land Elam, the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, had captured by oath during the night and brought to me with him, Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, sent him to me, in order not to violate the territory of his land, by the hands of his messenger, before me.

Concerning Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who fled and went to the land Elam, and the rest of the Assyrians who had captured Nabû-bel-shumati and brought him with him, I sent his messenger to Indabibi, saying: "I will go and kill those people." I will tear down your cities and pluck up the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu. I will remove you from your royal throne and


No translation possible

After Indabibi ... sat on the throne of Tammaritu and exercised dominion over the land Elam, ii' 5' as for the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, had seized by guile during the night and taken to Elam with him, Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, ii' 10' in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land, sent them before me by the hands of his messenger.

With regard to Nabû-bel-shumati, grand­son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had fled and gone to the land Elam, and with regard to the rest of the Assyrians ii' 15' whom Nabû-bel-shumati had seized and taken to Elam with him, I sent a message to Indabibi by the hands of his messenger, saying as follows: "Since you have not sent me those people, I will come and tear down your cities. ii' 20' I will carry off the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu. I will remove you from your royal throne and

Q003788: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[ina 8-e ger-ri-ia] _ugu#_ (disz)du-na-ni [_dumu_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA a-na _kur_-gam-bu-li] lu# al-lik [sza a-na _man kur-elam-ma-ki_] it#-tak-lu [la ik-nu-szu ana _gisz-szudun_-ia ta]-ha-zi dan-nu [_kur_-gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu] ki-ma _muru9_ ak-tUm [_uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)_en_] _uru_ dan#-nu-ti-szu [sza qé-reb _id-mesz_] na#-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

[(disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu] ul-tu# qé-reb# _uru_ szu-a-tu [bal-t,u-us-su-un] u#-sze-s,a-a [_dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus_]-_mesz#_-szu [_munus_-sek-re-ti-szu _lu-nar-mesz munus_]-_nar#-mesz_ [u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am]-nu#

[sza ina qi-bit _an-szar_ ik]-szu#-da _szu-ii#_-[a-a] [it-ti _lu-nar-mesz_ e]-pisz# nin-gu-ti# [a-na _nina-ki_ e]-ru-ub# ina _hul-mesz#_

[(disz)um-ba]-da#-ra-a [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_sig5#_-iq _lu-mah-mesz_ [sza] (disz)#te-um-man _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ sza# (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-ii_-szu-nu isz#-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh#-ti sza ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e-me-e-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu-nu qé-reb _nina-ki_ e#-mu-ru szA-né-e t,e-e-me is,-bat-su#-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq#-na-a-szu

AI Translation

On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. I conquered the mighty battle array of the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers, and I counted them as booty.

As for the one who by the command of the god Ashur had achieved my heart's desire, I entered Nineveh with singers performing arias. During joyous celebrations,

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-dammiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent Teumman to me through their hands, they sent me a detailed message that I had read in my first year. They saw the cut off of the head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and they seized them. Umbadarâ fled alone and took to the mountains.


On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu, which had put its trust in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. With my mighty battle array, i 5 I covered the land Gambulu in its entirety like a fog. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers.

I brought Dunanu and his brothers out of that city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers and I counted them as booty.

With the spoils of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of the god Ashur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in the midst of celebration.

As for Umbadarâ and Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — by whose hands Teumman sent insolent messages, whom I had detained before me i 10' by making them wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his own beard and ii 1 Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

Obverse Column ii


ni-kis _sag-du_ [(disz)te-um-man] ina _gaba ka-gal murub4 uru_ [sza _nina-ki_] u-mah-hi-ra mah#-[hu-risz] Asz-szu da-na-an (_an_)-_szar_ u (d)15# [_en-mesz_-ia] _un-mesz_ kul#-[lu-me] ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man# [_man kur-elam-ma-ki_]

(disz)_ibila_-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)_ag#_-[sa-lim] _dumu# dumu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu#_-[A-_asz_] sza# la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba#-ni-ia# _ad_-szu in#-nab-tu a-na _kur#-elam-ma-ki#_ ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qé-reb _kur_-e-lam-[ti] [Asz-ku-nu a]-na# _lugal_-u-ti#

u-bil a#-[na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan]

(disz)(d)_ag_-[I (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_-ir] _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)#[_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz _lu-gu-en-na_] sza _ad#_ [ba-nu-szu-un] (disz)ur-ta#-[ki id-ka-a] a-na mit#-[hu-s,i _kur uri-ki_] _gir-pad-du#_-[_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam_-esz] sza ul#-[tu qé-reb _kur_-gam-bu-li] il-qu#-[u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _gir-pad-du#_-[_mesz_ szA-a-ti-na] mé-eh-ret# [_ka-gal murub4 uru nina-ki_] u-szah#-[szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu]

(disz)um#-[man-i-gasz ...]

AI Translation

I presented the statue of Teumman's head in front of the Citadel Gate of Nineveh in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. I placed the statue of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the right side of the city gate.

Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, descendant of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam,

I brought it to the audience of all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

Ummanigash Humban-nikash II .


As for the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed it opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords — the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-Baladan, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me — after I had installed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II as king in the land Elam,

I brought Dunanu and Aplaya's bodies out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

As for Nabû-na'id and Bel-etir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of Nippur, whose father, the one who had engendered them, ii 5' had stirred up Urtaku to fight with the land Akkad — the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, ii 10' I made them lit. "his sons" crush those bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, ...

Obverse Column iv


si#-[it-tu-ti im-...]

u#-[_bi_-szu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ ...] _u#_ [_un-mesz kur uri-ki_ ma-la ...] sza [ia-a-ti u-masz-szi-ru-in-ni ...] it#-[ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz ...] x [...]

AI Translation

The rest ...

Shamash-shuma-ukin ... and the people of the land Akkad, as many as ... who had abandoned me ... with Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ... .


As for the rest, ... they the gods put them to shame.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, ..., and the people of the land Akkad, as many as ..., who had abandoned me ... with Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ...

Obverse Column v


ina szam#-[mu pi-i-szu-nu ig-mu-ru _musz gir-tab_] nam-masz#-[ti qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-szu-u] zer-man-du iq#-[ti-szu-nu-ti ik-su-su] gi-il-du ku-ru-[us-su _kusz-da-e-sir-mesz_ u _kusz-e-sir-mesz_] a-na bu-ri-[szu-nu u-t,a-ab-bi-hu _dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz_] _szesz-mesz_ [_nin9-mesz_ ...]

[_id-mesz_-szu-un sza u-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz_] HÉ#-_nun_ [im-la-a sa]-ki#-ki

[(disz)(d)]_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na# szesz_ nak-ri sza# a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ik-pu-du né-er-tu _u#_ e-li _an-szar dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq#-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal#_-tu mu-u-tu lem-nu# [i-szim]-szu#-ma ina mi-qit (d)_gibil6#_ [id-di-szu-ma] u-hal-li-qa nap#-[szat-su]

_lu-erim-mesz_ e-pisz si-hi [bar-ti] ma-la it-ti-szu [szak-nu] e-du# ul ip#-[par-szid] a-a-um#-ma ul u#-[s,i ina _szu-ii_-ia] it-ti si-it-ti [...] ma-la in-né-ez-ba _hu_(?)# [...] [lu]-bul#-tu szu-kut-tu a-qar#-tu mim-ma si-mat _lugal#_-u-ti [_munus_]-sek#-re-ti _lu_-szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu _u un-mesz_ [li]-me-et É-_gal_-szu _ku-babbar ku-gi nig-szu nig-ga_ [hi]-szih#-ti _szu_(*) É-_gal-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu-u [_gisz_]-_gigir#-mesz gisz_-szA szA-da-di ru-kub be-lu-ti-szu# [_ansze_]-_kur-ra#-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-ri-i-szu _un-mesz#_

_un#-mesz en_ hi-t,i an-nu kab#-[tu e-mid-su-nu-ti] bu-un-na-an-ni-szu#-(nu) at-bal [_kusz-mesz_-szu-nu Asz-hu-ut,] u-nak#-[ki-sa _uzu-mesz_-szu-un]

(disz)in-da-bi-bi szA _egir#_ [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu]

AI Translation

They slew a snake, a scorpion, a scorpion, as many snakes as there were, and a zombine. They slew gildu-sheep, kurusu-sheep, and leather bags for their clothing. They slew sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ..., ..., ..., and ..., and they slew them.

The rivers which had been drenched had become dilapidated.

Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had plotted evil deeds against Assyria, and who spoke evil things about me before the god Ashur, the god who created me, iii 5' a great evil demon named him, seized him by the hand of the god Gibil and destroyed his life.

He did not spare any of the men who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, as many as were placed in his hands. He did not spare anyone from my hands, together with the rest of the ... who had escaped, ..., a bribe, a bribe, anything that swore my kingship, eunuchs, his eunuchs, and people who were in his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, possessions, the possessions of all of the palaces, as many as there were, chariots, wagons, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his harness-broken steeds, and people who had come before him, iii 15,000 of his palaces, iii 15,000 of his palaces, iii 15,000 of his palaces, oxen, sheep, and goats, horses, his steeds, his oxen, sheep, and goats, his horses, his oxen, his sheep, his horses, his oxen, his sheep, his horses, his oxen, his sheep, his horses, his oxen, his sheep, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his horses, his mules, his horses, his horses, his mules, his horses, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules, his horses, his mules

I imposed upon them a heavy punishment. I smashed their heads, flayed them, and cut off their flesh.

Indabibi, who ... after Tammaritu.


They ate grass. As for the snakes and scorpions, as many creatures that there are on earth, and rodents they brought them to an end. They gnawed on animal hides, leather straps, shoes and sandals. v 5' To fight their hunger, they slaughtered their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ...

their watercourses, which had once gushed with an abundance of water, were now filled with silt.

As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had planned murder against Assyria v 5'' and uttered grievous blasphemies against the god Ashur, the god who created me, he the god Ashur determined for him a cruel death; he consigned him to a conflagration and destroyed his life.

As for the soldiers who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, as many as had made common cause with him, not a single one of them escaped; not one escaped my grasp. With the rest ... v 15'' as many who had been spared ... As for clothing and precious jewelry, every royal appurtenance, his palace women, his eunuchs, and other people associated with his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, the necessities of the palaces, as much as there was, v 15''E chariots, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his harness-broken steeds, and people — male and female, young and old — I took them to Assyria.

As for the people who were guilty, I imposed a harsh punishment upon them. I destroyed their faces, flayed them, and chopped up their flesh.

Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land Elam and as for the Assyrians whom I had sent vi 5 to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, with whom they used to march about protecting his land like a friend and ally and whom Nabû-bel-shumati vi 10 had seized by guile during the night and confined in prison, Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them from prison. So that they would intercede with me, say good things about him, and in order to prevent me from doing harm to the territory of his land,

Q003789: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


u-ma-'e-e-ra# [s,e-ru-usz-szu] _bad5-bad5_-szu-nu isz-ku-nu _un#_-[_mesz kur_-a-ri-bi] ma-la it-bu-u-ni u-ra-si-bu ina _gisz#_-[_tukul-mesz_] É _edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-szA-bi-szu-nu# _izi_ u-szA-hi-zu ip-qi-du# a-na (d)_gibil6#_

_gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal#-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-(lu)-u-ni ina la mi-ni se-he-ep _kur_-szu ka-la-mu a-na si-hir#-ti-szA um-da-al#-lu-u [a-na] pat,# gim-re-e-szA [_ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] ki-ma s,e-e-ni [u-par-ri-is] u-za#-'i-iz [a-na _un-mesz kur_ asz-szur]-_ki#_

AI Translation

As for the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had come to me, they struck me down with the sword. They smashed their cult centers with the sword and prayed to the god Gibil.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They slew all of his land in its entirety and gathered all of its people. I scattered the camels like sheep and goats and divided them among the people of Assyria.


I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him Iauta' and they brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, and set fire to pavilions and tents, their abodes, and thus consigned them to the god Gira.

They carried off without number oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people. They filled with them the whole extent of his land, in its entirety, i 10' to all of its borders. I apportioned camels like sheep and goats and divided them among the people of Assyria

Obverse Column ii


_szu-ii#_ [u _gir-ii_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-di-ma] a-na# [_uru-nina-ki_ a-di mah-ri-ia u-sze-bi-la]

(disz)na#-[at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba-a-a-ti] sza [a-szar-szu ru-u-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an _an-szar_ u (d)_amar-utu_] sza [u-tak-kil-u-in-ni] sza# [ma-ti-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] _lu#_-[_a kin_-szu la isz-pu-ra] la# [isz-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia] ul#-[tu (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _lugal kur_-a-ri-bi]

AI Translation

I had a sling and a pole made of iron and I had it brought to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, who had encouraged me. As for him, a messenger of his had never sent a message to the kings, my ancestors, nor inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. After Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, fled to me and kissed my feet.


He Kamas-haltâ placed Ammu-ladin and his people's hands and feet in iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans — whose location is remote — heard about the might of the gods Ashur and Marduk, ii 5' who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, and had never inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty — after Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs,

Q003790: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[nap-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u]-kar-ri# [a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak]-ni#-is-su-nu-ti

[_dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi]-szu# _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu [a-na e-pesz _munus_]-_agrig#_-ti u-bi-la a#-di mah-ri-ia# [_dumu_-szu sza ma-ti]-ma# ti-amtu la e-bi-ra [isz-te-nisz u-sze-bi-la] a#-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia [_dumu-munus_-su _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu] it#-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-a-si [am-hur-szu re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma] _dumu# e_ lib-bi-szu u-ter-ma a-din-szu

[(disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal uru_-a-ru-u]-ad#-da a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim [(disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_] _kur_-tab-_uru_ [(disz)sa-an-di-szar-me _kur_-hi]-lak-ka-a-a [sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu] ik#-nu-szu a#-na _gisz-szudun#_-ia [_dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu-nu it-ti nu]-dun-né#-e ma-a'-di# [a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti a-na _nina-ki_] u-bi-lu-nim-ma# [u-na-Asz-szi-qu] _gir_(?)-_ii_-ia# [e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] _gal-mesz#_

AI Translation

I cut off their heads and thereby weakened them to my yoke.

He sent before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. I sent his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with his daughter and the daughters of his brothers to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry, and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu the payment of large horses.


I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He Ba'alu brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. i 5' He sent at the same time his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his offspring, back to him.

As for Yakin-Lû, the king of the city Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku Cilicia, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. They brought their daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry, and i 15' they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

Obverse Column ii


sza(?)# [szul-me u-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu] _dumu-munus#_ [s,i-it lib-bi-szu u-sze-bi-la] a-na# [e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti] ma-da#-[at-ta-szu mah-ri-ti] sza ina(?)# [ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-szab-t,i-lu] isz-szu(?)#-[u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia] 30# [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu mah-ri-ti] u(?)#-[rad-di-ma e-mi-is-su]

[...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

I sent a daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. iii 20'' They brought before me his former payment of horses which he had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.


I dispatched my messenger with a message of goodwill to him Uallî. He sent me his daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. As for his former payment, ii 5' which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried it before me. I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

No translation possible

Obverse Column iv


_un-mesz uru_-hi-il#-[me _uru_-pil-la-ti] ti-ib _me_-ia dan-ni isz#-[mu-u szA al-la-ku a-na _kur-elam-ma-ki_] nam-ri-ri _an-szar_ u (d)15 _en#_-[_mesz_-ia] pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-[hup-szu-nu-ti] szu-nu _un-mesz_-szu-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu#-nu s,e#-[e-ni-szu-nu] a-na# e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia a#-na _kur an#_-[_szar-ki_] im-qu-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _gir#_-[_ii lugal_-ti-ia]

ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-(disz)im#-[bi-i _uru lugal_-ti] É tuk-la-a#-ti szA _kur#-elam-ma-ki#_ [ak-szud] _un-mesz_ a-szib lib-bi-szu szA la u#-[s,u-nim-ma] la isz-'a-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti#-[ia a-nir] _sag-du#-mesz_-szu-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz#_-[szu-nu ap-ru-u'] [a]-na# ta-mar-ti _un-mesz kur#_-[ia al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_]

[(disz)im]-ba-ap-pi _lu-gal gisz#_-[_pan_ szA _kur-elam-ma-ki_] [sza ina] _uru#_-[É-(disz)im-bi-i pa-aq-du a-na _en-nun_-u-ti]

u-sze-s,a#-[am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

(disz)um-man-al#-[da-si _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ e-reb _erim-hi-a_-ia] szA# qé-reb _kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_ e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma] _uru_-ma-dak-tu# _uru lugal#_-[ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma] in-na-bit-ma _kur#_-[szu e-li]

[(disz)]um#-ba-_lagab_-u-a szA mé-[eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si] [Asz-bu ina _gisz_]-_gu#-za kur_-e(?)-lam(?)#-[ti ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

The people of the cities Hilmu and Pillatu heard about the assault of my mighty battle array, which I had carried off to the land Elam. The brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them with fear of my royal majesty. They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats fled to Assyria to do obeisance to me and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a royal city, a house of support for the land Elam. I massacred the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, flayed them, and took their turbans down to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam, who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî,

I brought out and counted them as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam, and abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umbalakkûa, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, like him Umbalakkû, ... .


The people of the cities Hilmu and Pillatu heard about the assault of my mighty battle array as I was marching to the land Elam. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them. iv 5 They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, arrived in Assyria to do obeisance to me and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Bit-Imbî, a royal city and residence upon which the land Elam relied. iv 10 As for the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, I killed them. I cut off their heads, sliced off their lips, and took them to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

As for Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam, who was stationed as a guard in the city Bit-Imbî,

I brought out and I counted them as booty.

As for Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops, who had entered inside the land Elam; he abandoned the city Madaktu, a royal city of his, and then fled and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, like him Ummanaldashu ... ... ...

Obverse Column v


bi#-rit _id#_ ka-la-mu _uru_-ma-dak#-[tu _uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge]-szu# _kur_-ud# _uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz _uru lugal_-u#-[ti-szu ak]-szud# _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru lugal_-u-ti#-[szu ak]-szud# _uru_-di-in-_lugal uru_-su-mu-un-tu#-[na-Asz _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak]-szud# _uru_-pi-di-il-ma _uru lugal_-ti#-[szu ak-szud] _uru_-bu#-bi-lu _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak-szud _uru#_-[ka-bi-in-ak _uru lugal_-ti-szu _kur_-ud]

ina tukul#-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ar-de-e-ma al-lik# [s,e-er (disz)um-man-al-da-si]

sza la ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia ina me-ti#-[iq ger-ri-ia] _uru-bad_-(disz)un-da-a-si _uru lugal_-ti-[szu ak-szud]

1-en# u4-me 2 u4-me ul u-qi pa-an ar#-[ke-e ul ad-gul]

ina u4#-me-szu-ma e-bir _id 14 uru#-mesz_ mu-szab# [_lugal_-ti-szu] a#-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz_ szA ni-ba la i(?)#-szu-u _u#_ [12 na-ge-e] szA qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_ ka-li-szA ak-szud# ap-pul aq#-[qur] ina (d)#_gisz-bar#_ aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar#-me u-[ter] ina la-a mi-ni a#-duk qu-ra-di-szu ina _gisz-tukul#-mesz_ [u-ra-sib]

mun-dah#-s,e-e#-szu s,i-ru-ti (disz)um-man-al-da#-[si] [_lugal kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ me-ra-nu-usz#-szu in-na-(bit)-ma is,-[ba-ta _kur_-u]

[_uru_-ba-szi-mu _uru_-ba-nu]-nu a#-di na-ge#-[e] sza# _uru_-ta-sa-ar#-[ra ka-la-mu ak-szud] 20#-_am uru-mesz_ ina na-ge#-[e sza _uru_-hu-un-nir] ina _ugu_ mi-is,-ri sza _uru#_-[hi-da-lu ak-szud]

60# _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 sza# [u-ma-'e-(e)-ru-in-ni] qé#-reb _kur_-e-lam-ti at-tal-lak szal#-[t,isz]

[ina] ta#-a-a-ar-ti-ia szA _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-szA-zi#-[zu-in-ni] [_edin_ ga]-re#-ia _uru_-szu-szA-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u mu-szab _dingir-mesz#_-[szu-un] [a-szar] pi-risz#-ti-szu-un ak-szud ina a-mat _an-szar_ u (d)15 [qé-reb É-_gal_]-_mesz#_-szu e-ru-ub u-szib ina _hul-mesz_ [ap-te-e-ma É] na#-kam-a-te-szu-nu szA _ku-babbar-mesz ku-gi-mesz_ [_nig-szu-mesz nig-ga-mesz_ nu]-uk-ku-mu qé-reb-szu-un [sza _lugal-mesz kur_]-e#-lam-ti mah-ru-u-ti [...]

AI Translation

I conquered the entire area between the Tigris and the River Euphrates. I conquered the city Madaktu, a royal city, together with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

I did not wait one day and two days, nor did I wait for the extispicy.

At that time I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". I struck down his warriors with the sword without number.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the cities Bashimu and Banunu, together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu.

I marched safely through the land Elam on my sixtyth campaign, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given me.

On my return march, which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had encouraged me to take in hand, I conquered the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened their treasuries, inside which silver, gold, possessions, and property were stored, which the former kings of the land Elam .


As for the entire area between the Ulaya and Idide rivers, I conquered the city Madaktu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, royal cities of his. v 5 I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had not bowed down to my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, a royal city of his.

I did not wait one day or two days, nor did I wait for the rear guard. I crossed the river on the very day I reached it.

I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire fourteen cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and twelve districts that were in the land Elam, all of it. I turned them into mounds of ruins lit. "mounds and ruins". v 15 I slew his warriors without number. I struck down his elite fighting men with the sword.

Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountains.

I conquered the cities Bashimu and Banunu together with the district of the city Tasarra, all of it. v 20 I conquered twenty villages in the district of the city Hunnir, which is on the border of the city Hidalu.

Over an area of sixty leagues, by the command that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had given to me, I marched about triumphantly inside the land Elam.

On my return march, during which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar made me stand over my foes, I conquered the city Susa, a great cult center, the residence of their gods, a place of their secret lore. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered its palaces and stayed inside them during celebrations. I opened up their treasuries, inside which silver, gold, possessions, and property had been stored — v 30 which the former kings of the land Elam ... ...

Obverse Column vi


[_erim-mesz me_-ia qé-reb-szin e]-ru-bu# [e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq]-mu#-u ina (d)_gisz-bar_

[ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu-nu mah-ru]-ti# u _egir-mesz_ [la pa]-li-hu#-[ti (d)15] _gaszan_-ia [mu-nar]-ri#-t,u _lugal-mesz#_ [_ad-mesz_-ia ap-pul] aq#-qur (d)_utu_ u-kal-lim [_gir-pad_]-_du#-mesz_-szu-nu al#-[qa-a a-na] _kur an-szar-ki_ [e-t,ém-me-szu-nu] la s,a-la-lu e-mid ki-is-pu# [naq] me-e# u-za-am#-me-szu-nu-ti

[ma-lak] _iti 25# ud-mesz_ na-ge-e _kur#_-[e]-lam#-ti u-szah-rib [_mun-mesz u_]-sah-le-e u-sap-[pi]-ha# _edin_-usz-(erasure)-szu

[ri-gim] a#-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4#-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni [szi-si]-it# (d)a-la-la _dug-ga_ ap-ru-us u#-hal-li-qa e-bur#-szu

[(d)na-na-a] sza# 1 _lim 5 me 30-am mu-an#_-[_na_]-_me_ ta-as-bu-su tal-li-ku [tu-szi-bu qé]-reb _kur#_-e-lam-ti# [a]-szar# la si-ma-te9-e-szA [U ina u4-me-szu tab-bu-u szu-mi a-na be-lut _kur-kur_] ta#-a-a-rat _en_-ti-szA [tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma (disz)_an-szar_-_du_]-A ul-tu qé-reb _kur-elam-ki_

[lem-né-ti u-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u-sze-rab-an-ni qé-reb é]-an#-na a-mat qi-bit [_dingir_-ti-szA ...] x x

AI Translation

They saw the faces of my battle troops inside them, and they smote them with the sword.

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the tombs of their former and later kings, who had not revered the goddess Ishtar, my lady, the raging rage of the kings, my ancestors. I took the god Shamash by the hand and took their bones to Assyria. I imposed upon them corvée and forceful libations of water.

In a span of one month and twenty-five days, I overwhelmed the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them.

I cut off the clamor of humans, the roar of oxen and sheep and goats, the cries of the sweet alallu-gods, and its reeds.

The goddess Nanaya, who 1,053 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, and then, at that time when she nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal has escaped from the land Elam."

The evil will bring me out and bring me into Eanna. The word of her divinity ... .


my battle troops entered inside them, saw their secrets, and burned them with fire.

I destroyed and demolished the tombs of their earlier and later kings, men who had not revered the goddess Ishtar, my lady, and who had disturbed the kings, my ancestors; I exposed them to the sun lit. "the god Shamash". I took their bones to Assyria. I prevented their ghosts from sleeping and deprived them of funerary libations.

On a march of one month and twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land Elam and scattered salt and cress over them lit. "it".

I cut off the clamor of humans, the sound of the treading of oxen, sheep and goats, and the cries of pleasant work songs and so ruined his harvest.

As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,530 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, then, at that time when she nominated me for ruling over the lands, vi 15 she entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the evil land Elam and make me enter Eanna again."

The words of her divine command ... ...

Q003791: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[_har-mesz ku-gi a_sz-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu]-ti#

[(disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal kur_-lu-ud-di na-gu-u szA né-ber-ti _a-ab_]-_ba_ [Asz-ru ru-u-qu sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir] _mu#_-szu [ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz-gi6_ u-szab-ri-szu-ma _an-szar_] _dingir#_ ba-nu-u-a [u4-mi _masz-gi6_ an-ni-ta e-mu-ra _lu_-rak]-bu-szu isz#-pu-ra

[a-na szA-'a-al szul-mi-ia _lu_]-gi-mir#-ra-a-a _lu#-kur_ ek-s,u [sza la ip-tal-la-hu] _ad-mesz_-ia [U at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu _gir_]-_ii# lugal_-ti-ia

AI Translation

I hung gold bracelets around their wrists.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a district in the opposite bank of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to me.

To ensure my well-being, I sent the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and who now had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty.


and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. I made them stand before me.

As for Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — the god Ashur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream my royal name. ii 5' On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

As for the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty,

Obverse Column iii


[30 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at]-ti-szu mah#-[ri-ti u-rad-di-ma e-mi-is-su]

[ina 4-e ger-ri-ia] a#-na _kur#-elam-ma-ki_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra# [har-ra-nu] [ina qi-bit _an-szar_ (d)30] (d)_utu#_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15# [szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_] [(d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_] (d)nusku [(...)] [ina _iti-kin_-(d)_inanna_ szi-pir] (d)15#-_mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz an-szar ad dingir#_-[_mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir] [_gim_ ti-ib me-he]-e# ez-zi ak#-tUm _kur-elam-ma-ki_ a#-[na si-hir-ti-szA] [ak-kis _sag-du_] (disz)#te-um-man _lugal_-szu-nu# mul-tar-hu szA ik-pu#-[da _hul_-tu]

[(disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)]ur#-ta-ki _man kur-elam-ma#_-[_ki_ sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man] [a-na _kur an-szar-ki_] in#-nab-tu is,#-[ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia] [it-ti-ia u-bil]-szu# a-na _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_ u-sze-szib-szu ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man] [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu] _szesz#_-szu szal-szA-a-a# [szA it-ti-szu in-nab-ta] [ina _uru_-hi]-da#-lu Asz-kun# [a-na _lugal_-u-ti]

[ul-tu _gisz-tukul_] _an#-szar_ u (d)15 [_ugu kur-elam-ma-ki_ u-szam-ri-ru] [Asz-tak]-ka#-nu da-na-nu# [u li-i-tu] [ina ta-a-a]-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na#-[ni _kur_-gam-bu-la-a-a] [sza a]-na# _kur-elam-ma-ki_ it-tak-lu# [Asz-ku-na pa-ni-ia] [_uru_-szA]-pi#-i-(d)_en uru_ tukul-ti _kur_-gam-bu-li# [ak-szu-ud qé-reb _uru_ szu-a-tu e-ru-ub] [_un-mesz_]-szu# as-lisz u-t,ab-bi-ih (disz)du#-[na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu] [mu-nar]-ri#-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina# [_gisz_-s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_]

(disz)um#-man-i-gasz szA _mun_ ma-a'-as-su e#-[pu-szu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma-ki_] Asz-ku#-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti sza# [a-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru] it-ti# (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz#_ [nak-ri isz-ku-na pi-i-szu] (disz)tam-ma-ri#-tu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit#-[ma szA-a-szu ga-du kim-ti-szu] u-ra#-as-sib-szu [ina _gisz-tukul_]

(disz)tam-ma-ri#-tu szA _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-[gasz u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_] sza a-na re#-s,u-u-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11#_-[_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ la ke-e-nu] il-lik-am#-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erim-hi#_-[A-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu] ina su-up-pe-e szA# _an-szar_ u (d)15 u-sap-pu-[u isz-mu-u un-ni-ni-ia] (disz)in-da-bi-bi# _arad_-su _edin_-[usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma] ina _me edin_ [_bad5_]-_bad5#_-szu isz-kun [u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu]

(disz)tam-ma-ri#-[tu] _szesz#-mesz_-szu qin-nu-szu# [_numun_ É _ad_-szu it-ti 85 _nun-mesz_] a-li-kut# [_a-ii_-szu] la-pa-an# [(disz)in-da-bi-bi _arad_-szu]

AI Translation

I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

On my fourth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, ..., in the month Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir, like a fierce storm, I conquered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their angry king who had plotted evil deeds.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and grasped my feet, iii 20' he brought him to the land Elam and placed him on the throne of Teumman. I installed Tammaritu, his second brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had put to the sword the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I established mighty victories and achieved victory on my return march. I set up before me the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the Gambulians relied. I entered that city and slew its people. I struck Dunanu and Samgunu, who had encouraged me to exercise my kingship, down with a hammer and iron fetters.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, who had not honored my treaty, he sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword.

Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and who came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin, my unfaithful brother, and who had mobilized his weapons to fight with my troops, heard about the advance of my prayers through the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar. Indabibi, a servant of his, rebelled against him and in a pitched battle he brought about his defeat. He sat on his throne.

Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi, his servant.


I added thirty horses to his former payment and imposed it upon him.

On my fourth campaign, I took the direct road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, iii 5' in the month Ululu VI — "the work of the goddesses," the month of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the father of the gods, the god Nunnamnir — like the assault of a fierce storm, I covered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their presumptuous king who had plotted evil deeds. I slew his warriors without number. I captured his fighting men alive. I filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. I made the Ulaya River flow with their blood; I dyed its water red like a red-dyed wool.

I took Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, a son of Urtaku — a former king of the land Elam — who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and had grasped my feet, with me to the land Elam and I placed him on Teumman's throne. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Hidalu.

After I had made the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar prevail over the land Elam and had continually established mighty victories, on my return march, I set out towards Dunanu, a Gambulian who had put his trust in the land Elam. iii 20' I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the land Gambulu relied. I entered that city and slaughtered its people like lambs. As for Dunanu and Samgunu, the ones who had disturbed my exercising the kingship, I clamped their hands and feet in iron manacles and handcuffs and iron fetters. iii 25' I carried off people, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, horses, and mules out of the land Gambulu to Assyria. As for Sha-pi-Bel, the city upon which he Dunanu relied, I destroyed, demolished, and dissolved it with water.

As for Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, for whom I had performed many acts of kindness and whom I had installed as king in the land Elam, who did not honor my treaty and sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin — my hostile brother — iii 30' Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword.

As for Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and who came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my unfaithful brother — he hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. iii 35' As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they listened to my prayers. Indabibi, a servant of his, rebelled against him and brought about his defeat in a pitched battle. He sat on his throne.

Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with eighty-five nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi — his Tammaritu's servant — iv 1 crawled naked on their bellies and then fled to Assyria and grasped my feet.

Obverse Column iv


in-nab-tu#-[nim]-ma# is,-ba-tu _gir-ii#_-[ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia] ra#-man-szu [im-nu]-u-ma# Asz-szu e-pesz# [di-ni-szu a-lak _a-tah_-szu] [ina] qi-bit(?)# [_an-szar_ u (d)15 u-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-iz-ma]

AI Translation

Tammaritu became frightened of doing obeisance to me and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty to do obeisance to him. He stood before me and prayed to my lordly majesty:


Tammaritu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty to decide his case and to come to his aid. He stood before me and

Obverse Column v


[re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia Asz-ruk] _lu-erim#-mesz gisz-pan#_ [_gisz_-a-rit] [_lu_-um-ma-ni _lu_-kit-kit-tu-u szA Asz]-lu#-la ul-tu qé-reb# [_kur-elam-ma-ki_] [_ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di] si-it-tu-ti# [a-na _lu-nam-mesz_-ia] [_lu-gal-mesz_-ia ma-ha-za-ni-ia gi-mir] _karasz_-ia# [_gim_ s,e-e-ni u-za-iz]

[ina u4-me-szu É ri-du-ti te-né-e É-_gal_] sza qé#-[reb _nina-ki uru_ s,i-i-ru] [na-ram (d)_nin-lil_ szA (disz)(d)30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-[_su man kur an-szar-ki ad ad_ ba-ni-ia]

AI Translation

I added the archers, shield bearers, engineers, and engineers who I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my magnates, my cult centers, and my entire camp.

At that time, the palace, the residence of the former princes, which is inside Nineveh, the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built —


I gave the best of them to my gods. I added the archers, shield bearers, artisans, and engineers whom I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, and my entire camp.

At that time, the replacement House of Succession, the palace that is inside Nineveh — the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu — which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me,

Q003792: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] 2 _gisz_-tim#-me _mah-mesz#_ [pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_] ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu#-[nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_]

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia _ugu#_ [(disz)ba-'a-li _lugal kur_-s,ur-ri a-szib _murub4_ tam-tim al-lik] sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu#-[u zi-kir szap-ti-ia] _uru-hal-s_,_u-mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis ina tam-tim na#-ba-li ger#-[re-e-te-szu u-s,ab-bit] nap#-szat-su-nu u-si-iq u-kar-ri a-na _gisz-szudun_-ia u-szak#-[ni-is-su-nu-ti]

_dumu#-munus_ s,i-it lib-bi-szu _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz#_-[_mesz_-szu] [a-na] e#-pesz _munus-agrig_-u-ti u-bi-la a-di mah#-[ri-ia _dumu_-szu] [sza ma-ti]-ma ti-amtu# la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz# [u-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _arad_-ti-ia] [_dumu-munus_-su _u dumu-munus-mesz szesz_]-_mesz_-szu it-ti ter#-[ha-ti ma-a'-a-si am-hur-szu] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... I removed two magnificent ... columns, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, from their ... and I took them to Assyria.

On my second campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I captured all of his routes. I made their lives short and made them bow down to my yoke.

He sent before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He sent his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with him to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. ... .


... ... two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria.

On my second campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal commands and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of all of his routes. I constricted and cut short their lives. I made them the people of Tyre bow down to my yoke.

He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. 10' He sent at the same time his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. ...

Q003793: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x [...] [...] x-szu x [...] [...] _an_ [...] [...] x _ka-dingir-ra#_-[_ki_ ...] [... as-su(?)]-ha-am-ma x [...] [... ha]-an#-t,isz(?) x [...] [...]-szu# is,-s,a-ru-uh# [ka-bat-ti(?)] [...] x a(?)#-szib(?) x [...] [... u]-ma#-'e-er ha#-an-t,isz# [...] x x x x [...] x-bi-szu [...] x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... Babylon ... I abandoned and ... quickly ... ... his ... he was frightened, his mood ... ... ... ... I sent ... quickly ...


... his ... Babylon ... i 5' ... I tore out and ... quickly ... his ... my temper turned hot ... who dwells in ... he sent ... and quickly ... i 10' ... ... ... his ... ...

Obverse Column ii


[_uru lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu _kur_]-ud# [_uru_-hal-te-ma-Asz _uru lugal_-ti-szu _kur_]-ud [_uru_-szu-szA-an _uru lugal_-ti-szu] _kur#_-ud [_uru_-di-in-_lugal uru lugal_-ti-szu ak]-szu#-ud [_uru_-su-mu-un-tu-na-Asz _uru lugal_-ti-szu ak]-szu-ud# [_uru_-pi-di-il-ma _uru lugal_-ti]-szu ak-szu-ud# [_uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru lugal_-ti-szu] ak-szu-ud [_uru_-ka-bi-in-ak _uru_] _lugal#_-ti-szu _kur_-ud

[ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 ar-de-e-ma] al#-lik [_edin_(?) (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man kur-elam_]-_ma#-ki_ [sza la ik-nu-szu a-na _gisz-szudun_]-ia

[...] x-ud(?) [...]-szu(?) x [...] x [...] i(?)#-szu(?)-u(?) [...] x

AI Translation

I conquered the city Haltemash, his royal city, I conquered the city Susa, his royal city, I conquered the city Dinsharri, his royal city, I conquered the city Sumuntunash, his royal city, I conquered the city Pidilma, his royal city, I conquered the city Bubilu, his royal city, I conquered the city Kabinak, his royal city,

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

... ... his ...


As for the entire area between the Ulaya and Idide rivers, I conquered the city Madaktu, a royal city, along with its district. I conquered the city Haltemash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Susa, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Dinsharri, a royal city of his. ii 5' I conquered the city Sumuntunash, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Pidilma, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. I conquered the city Kabinak, a royal city of his.

With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I advanced and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam who had not bowed down to my yoke.

No translation possible

Obverse Column iii


32# [_alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ pi-tiq _ku-gi ku-babbar urudu na4-gisz-nu-gal_] ul-tu qé#-[reb _uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hu-ra-di] a-di _alam#_ [(disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a] _alam#_ (disz)isz#-[tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si] sza ina ter#-[s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] e-pu-szu# [...] x [x] _u alam#_ [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu] _egir#_-[u] sza ina qi#-[bit] _an-szar#_ [u] (d)15# ul-tu qé#-[reb] _kur#-elam-ma-ki_ in-nab#-tam-ma _gir-ii_-ia [is,-ba]-tu e-pu-szu _arad_-u-ti

[_alam_ (disz)]hal-lu-su _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_ an-nu-u [sza a]-na(?)# _kur an-szar-ki_ ik-pu-du le-mut-tu [it(?)-ti(?)] (disz)#(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur an-szar-ki ad ad du_-ia e-pu#-szu s,e-lu-u-tu _eme#_-[szu] sza isz-ni-is,-s,u ak-kis _nundum-mesz#_-szu sza iq-ba-a me-re-eh-tu ap#-ru-u' _szu-ii_-szu u-kar-ri-it sza _gisz-pan#_ is,-ba-tu a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur an-szar-ki_ a-na da-la-li# ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ u (d)15 _dingir-mesz#_ ti-ik-le-ia ina _ka#_ [é-gal]-zag-di-nu-tuku# sza qé-[reb _nina-ki_ ...]

AI Translation

32 statues of kings, cast with gold, silver, copper, and alabaster, from the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, as well as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, and the statue of Hallusu, which I had made in the time of the kings, my ancestors, ... and the statue of Tammaritu, the later king who had fled from the land Elam by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and who had grasped my feet, I made, and I made them my servants bow down and performed the obeisances.

This statue of Hallussu, the king of the land Elam, which he had made for Assyria and who had exercised lordship over it, I cut off his tongue, which had been swollen, and cut off his lips, which had been swollen. I smashed his lips, which had been swollen and twisted, and smashed his hands. He took a bow to fight with Assyria, to sing the praises of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods who support me, at the gate of Egalzagdinutuku, which is inside Nineveh .


Thirty-two statues of kings fashioned from silver, gold, copper, and alabaster from inside the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, along with a statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, a statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi Shutur-Nahundi II, a statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, iii 5' who in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had done ..., and a statue of the later Tammaritu, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar fled to me from inside the land Elam and then iii 10' grasped my feet and did obeisance to me — I took them out of the land Elam to Assyria.

As for this statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, king of the land Elam — who had plotted evil deeds against Assyria and iii 15' initiated sedition against Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me — I cut out its tongue that had scoffed, sliced off its lips that had spoken insolent words, and cut off its hands that had seized the bow to fight with Assyria. iii 20' To sing the praises of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods who support me, I ... it in the gateway of Egalzagdinutuku "Palace Without a Rival", which is inside Nineveh.

Q003794: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_egir_-nu il-[...] sza _mun_ im#-szu-[ma ...] (disz)tam-ma-ri#-tu szA _egir#_ [(disz)um-man-i-gasz u-szi-bu] ina _gisz#-gu-za kur-elam-ma#-ki_ x [...] _kud_-is-ma id-da-[...]

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza _egir_ [(disz)um-man-i-gasz u-szi-bu ina _gisz-gu-za_] _kur_-e-lam-ti la isz-[a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia] a-na re-s,u-u-ti (disz)(d)_gisz#_-[_nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri] il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-[hu-s,i _erim-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu] ina su-up-pe-e sza _an#_-[_szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_] (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15# [szA _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_masz_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)nusku]

AI Translation

Afterwards, ..., who forgot the kindness of the god Marduk and ... Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ... ... and ... .

As for Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II and did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, he, Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin and iii 20''''' fought with my troops. In the oath sworn by the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku,


Afterwards, ... Ummanigash Humban-nikas II, who forgot my kindness and .... Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash, cut down ... and ... ....

Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash Humban-nikas II and who did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, came to the aid of Shamash-shuma-ukin — my hostile brother — and hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. i 10 As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku

Reverse Column i


sza _lugal-mesz#_ [_kur-elam-ma-ki_ mah-ru-u-ti] a-di _lugal-mesz#_ [szA a-di _sza_ u4-me an-né-e] u-pah-hi-ru# [isz-ku-nu] sza _lu#_-[_kur_ szA]-nam#-ma e-li a-a-szi# _szu-ii_-su la# [u-bi-lu ina lib-bi] u#-[sze-s,a]-am-ma szal-la-tisz [am-nu]

_ku-babbar-mesz#_ [_ku-gi_]-_mesz nig-szu#-mesz nig_-[_ga_ (...)]

AI Translation

As for the former kings of the land Elam, together with the kings who had come before me in the past, they established the kingship of another land. They did not let another one take his hand over it, but instead brought him there and he was victorious.

Silver, gold, possessions and property .


the contents of Susa's treasuries which the former kings of the land Elam down to the kings of this time had collected and deposited — and wherein the treasuries no other enemy apart from me had laid his hands, and I brought all of this out and counted it as booty.

Silver, gold, possessions, and property ....

Q003795: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Reverse Column i


it-ti szu#-[kut-ti-szu-nu _nig-ga_-szu-nu u-na-a-ti-szu-nu] a-di# szA-an-ge#-[e bu-uh-la-le-e Asz-lu-la a-na _kur an-szar-ki_]

32 _alam-mesz#_ [_lugal-mesz_ pi-tiq _ku-gi ku-babbar urudu na4-gisz-nu-gal_] ul-tu qé-reb# [_uru_-szu-szA-an _uru_-ma-dak-tu _uru_-hu-ra-di] a-di# _alam_ (disz)um#-[man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a] _alam_ (disz)isz-tar-na#-[an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si] _u alam_ (disz)tam#-[ma-ri-tu _egir_-u] szA ina qi-bit _an-szar_ u (d)#[15 e-pu-szu _arad_-u-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_]

ad-ka-a (d)_alad_ (d)_lamma#_-[_mesz en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut É-_kur_ ma-la ba-szu-u] u-na-as-si#-ha _am_-[_mesz_ na-ad-ru-ti si-mat _ka-mesz_-ni] esz-re-e-ti# _kur_-e-lam#-[ti a-di la ba-sze-e u-szal-pit] _dingir-mesz_-szu (d)15-_mesz_-[szu am-na-a a-na za-qi-qi] [_gisz-tir_]-_mesz#_-szu-nu pa#-[az-ra-a-ti]

AI Translation

I carried off to Assyria with their possessions, property, and possessions, as well as a shangû-demon and a pig.

I took 32 statues of kings, made of gold, silver, copper, and alabaster, from the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hurad, as well as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusu, and the statue of Tammaritu, a later prince, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had done, and who had taken them to Assyria.

I brought out bull colossi and lamassus, as many guards of the temple as there were. I destroyed the sanctuaries of the land Elam, together with the ruins of their ruined portions, and I counted its gods and its goddesses as ghosts. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire their ancient groves.


I carried off to Assyria those gods and goddesses together with their jewelry, their property, and their equipment, along with shangû-priests and buhlalû-priests.

Thirty-two statues of kings fashioned from gold, silver, copper, and alabaster from inside the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, rev. i' 5' along with a statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, a statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi Shutur-Nahundi II, a statue of Hallushu Hallushu-Inshushinak I, and a statue of the later Tammaritu, who did obeisance to me by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar — I took them to Assyria.

I removed shedus and lamassus, as many protectors of the temple as there were. I ripped out the raging wild bulls that adorned gateways. I had the sanctuaries of the land Elam utterly destroyed and I counted its gods and its goddesses as ghosts. As for their secret groves,

Reverse Column ii


[a-na be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir]-szu [e-nu-ma É _usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma e]-na-hu [an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_]-ia# _ad_-ia [_ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u szA _lugal_-ti] li#-mur-ma [_i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it]-ti# _mu-sar#_-e [szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina] _mu-sar_-e [an-né-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru]-ku#-szu

[da-na-nu u li-i-tu sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_]-ia#

AI Translation

When that temple becomes old and dilapidated, may he restore its weakened portions. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather, the eternal seed of kingship, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are written on this inscribed object, grant him the same protection as I do.

The inscription written in my name is favourable.


In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when this House of Succession becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of my father, and the name of my grandfather — the eternal seed of kingship — and then rev. ii' 5' anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, grant him mighty victories, just like me.

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name,

Q003796: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Reverse Column i


x x [...] isz-tu#-[u ...] _gisz_-s,u(?)-um(?)#-[bi(?)-_mesz_(?) ...] x x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... beams ... .


... ... drank ... wagons ... ... ...

Reverse Column ii


[pi-ti-iq-tu ap-ti-iq] tam-la(*)-a u-mal#-[li] [ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me sze-me-e s,e]-er# tam-le-e szu-a-[tu] [_usz8_-szu ad-di u-kin lib]-na-as-su [ina _kasz-sag gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu ab]-lu#-ul am-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu [la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu za-bi]-lu# tup-szik-ki-szu [ina e-le-li ni-gu-tu u-bal u4-um-szu ina] _hul-mesz_ ri-szA-a-ti#

AI Translation

I cleared away the debris and filled the terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace and thereby secured its foundations. I poured out beer and wine on it, filtered its water, and deposited its clay cones, its bricks, and its tupshikku-work on the netherworld. At that time, in joyous celebrations, I re-established the privileged status of the city Ashur and the privileged status of the city Ashur.


On the site of its original structure, I fashioned its brickwork fifty courses of brick high. I filled in its terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace and thereby secured its brickwork. I mixed its kalakku-mortar with beer and wine; I blended its shallaru-plaster. rev. ii' 5' Its brick makers and hod carriers spent their days in rejoicing and singing. While there were joyous celebrations,

Q003797: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [(d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_]-_mu#_ (d)be-let-_ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_] [(d)é]-a# (d)[_di-ku5_] [ul-tu] qé#-reb é-szar2-ra u#-[bil] [u]-sze#-rib qé-reb szu-an#-[na-_ki_]

[_bara_]-_mah_(?)-hu(?) szu-bat _dingir#_-[ti-szu s,ir-ti]

AI Translation

... ... ... I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

The throne-dais, the seat of his exalted divinity,


... I brought the deities Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, the Lady of Babylon, Ea, and Mandanu out of Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon.

As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity,

Q003798: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_dingir_-ti-szu] s,ir#-ti [50 _gun_ za]-ha#-lu-u [eb-bu a-na] a#-gur-ri [ap-ti-iq]-ma [u-rab-ba]-a# _edin_-usz-szu

[u-sze]-pisz#-ma [_gisz_-er-me a-nu] _gisz-mes-ma-kan-na_ [is,-s,i da]-re-e [szA szit-nu]-nu# szA-ma-mesz [34 _gun 20 ma_]-_na# ku-gi husz-a_ [kip-pat-su u]-szal#-bisz

AI Translation

I fashioned fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.

I had beams made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, that is clad with a shining finish, and I filled its base with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold.


As for the throne-dais, the seat of his Marduk's exalted divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zahalû-silver into bricks and thereby enlarged it.

I had a canopy, which rivals the heavens, made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. i 10' I clad its perimeter with thirty-four talents and twenty minas of reddish gold

Obverse Column ii


e-li# [sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia] u#-[rad-di] _dingir-mesz_ [_gal-mesz_] ti-ik#-[le-ia] ina at-ma-ni#-[szu-nu s,i-i-ri] u-sze-[szib-szu-nu-ti] _udu-siskur-mesz#_ [tasz-ri-ih-ti] ma-har-[szu-un aq-qi] u#-[szam-hi-ra kad-ra-a-a] sat#-[tuk-ku gi-nu-u]

AI Translation

I added to the sanctuaries of the kings, my ancestors. I settled them in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I regularly offered regular offerings and offerings to the great gods, my lords.


I added temple appurtenances to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made regular offerings and contributions more plentiful than those of distant days.

Q003799: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_amar-utu lugal szar_ (d)i-gi-gi u (d)a-nun-na-ki ba-ni _an_-e u _ki_-tim mu-kin gisz-hur-ru a-szi-ib é-sag-il2 _en ka-dingir-ra-ki en gal_-i be-li-ia

a-na-ku (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ mu-sze-szib _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi szA i-na qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-ti U sat-tuk-ki-szi-na bat,-lu-tu u-ki-nu par-s,i ki-du-de-e ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma u-te-ru Asz-ru-usz-szu-un

ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma ina é-sag-il2 szA da-ra-a-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 _u dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-ki-in ki-din-nu-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid U i-na _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nu-un-ma

ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir é-umusz-a ina u4-me-szu-ma im-gur-(d)en-lil _bad ka-dingir-ra-ki_ né-met-(d)en-lil szal-hu-u-szu sza la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu in-na-ab-tu Asz-szu ma-as,-s,ar-ti é-sag-il2 U esz-re-e-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ du-un-nu-nu ina e-muq um-ma-na-a-ti-ia sur-risz né-met-(d)en-lil szal-hu-u-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma _ka-gal-mesz_-szu u-rak-kis _gisz-ig-mesz_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-rat-ta-a ina _ka-mesz_-szu

_nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina _bala_-e-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu um-ma-ni en-qu-tu szi-ta-'a-al im-gur-(d)en-lil _bad_ né-met-(d)en-lil szal-hu-u ki-ma si-ma-ti-szu-nu la-bi-ra-a-ti e-pu-usz _mu-sar_-u-a a-mur-ma _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-ka szu-kun

ik-ri-bi-ka (d)_amar-utu_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi szat,-ru u _mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-ab-bat _mu-sar_-u-a it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_amar-utu lugal_ gi-im-ri ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, king of the world, king of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, creator of heaven and netherworld, who establishes plans, who dwells in Esagil, lord of Babylon, great lord, my lord:

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all cult centers, who established proper procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, and restored their rites as before.

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in Esagil, a place of longing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like daylight.

At that time, with regard to Imgur-Enlil, the wall of Babylon, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, which had become old and buckled, I had the protection of Esagil and the sanctuaries of Babylon firmly secured with the strength of my labor forces. I had Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew with the craft of the god Kulla and I enlarged its gates. I had doors made and installed them in its gates.

The former prince, during whose reign this work fell into disrepair, questioned the enquiring troops. He rebuilt Imgur-Enlil, the wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, the outer wall, according to their ancient specifications. He saw my royal inscription, made an offering, and placed it with your royal inscription.

May the god Marduk hear of the granting of my inscription and the inscription of my favorable name through extispicy. May he not make my royal inscription stand with his royal inscription. May the god Marduk, king of all, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


For the god Marduk, king of all the Igigu gods and Anunnaku gods, creator of heaven and netherworld, who establishes archetypes and dwells in Esagil, lord of Babylon, great lord, my lord:

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in the eternal Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil "House whose Top is High" with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha "House of Counsel" glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament.

At that time, with regard to Imgur-Enlil "The God Enlil Showed Favor", the city wall of Babylon, and Nemetti-Enlil "Bulwark of the God Enlil", its outer wall, which had become old and buckled and collapsed, in order to increase the security of Esagil and the other sanctuaries of Babylon, with the strength of my labor forces I had Nemet-Enlil, its outer wall, built quickly anew with the work of the god Kulla and I refitted its gates. I had new doors made and hung them in its gateways.

O you future prince, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, question skilled craftsmen! Rebuild Imgur-Enlil, the city wall, and Nemet-Enlil, the outer wall, according to their ancient specifications! Look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with your own royal inscription! The god Marduk will then listen to your prayers.

But as for the one who destroys my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or does not place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription, may the god Marduk, king of everything, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003800: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-ba-a-ni-_ibila lugal_ x [...] _lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-ra-a-ti# [...] _nun_ la szA-na-an szA ul-tu# [...] szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir# [...] _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal_ (x) [...] _lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ [...]

_lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-[ma ...] szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-[qa-at-tu-u ...] sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 [...] ki-din#-nu-ut _ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ ...] [a]-na# _sig_ [...]

_mu-sar#_-[u-a ...] (d)é-a _lugal_ ap#-[si-i ...] _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na [...]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, king ..., king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, ..., unrivalled prince who from ... the rising sun had ruled and all of ... son of Esarhaddon, king ..., king of Sumer and Akkad, son of .

I, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., which my father who had engendered me had not finished ..., the regular offerings for Esagil ... the privileged status of Babylon ... to be .

My inscribed object ... the god Ea, king of the Apsu, ... his name and his seed in .


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamas-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

But as for the one who ... destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the god Ea, king of the Watery Abyss apsû, speak evil of him before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003801: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7 u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (m)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-ki-in ki-din-nu-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-(_mu_)-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-tUr-kalam-ma É (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_ (d)_gaszan_ s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia lit-tas-qar da-mi-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti [it]-ti _an_-e _u ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u-a [U szA (m)(d)]_gisz-nu11#_-(_mu_)-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [_szesz_ ta-li-mi-a u4-me-szu] li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu

[sza szu-mi szat,-ru u _mu_ ta]-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar#_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_ ina ma-har# (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _munus-hul_-szu lit-tas-qar _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I built Eturkalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Babylon.

May the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience old age.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Babylon inflict upon him a terrible curse before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, make his name and his seed disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I had Eturkalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, rebuilt anew.

May the goddess Ishtar-of-Babylon, the august lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she say good things about me daily before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu! May she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience the fullness of old age!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Babylon speak evil of him before the god Bel and the goddess Beltiya and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003802: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7 u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (m)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-di-nu-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-mah É (d)nin-mah szA qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz a-na szat-ti (d)nin-mah _gaszan_ s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia lit-tas-qar da-mi-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u-a U szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu

sza szu-mi szat,-ru _u mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)nin-mah ina ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _munus-hul_-szu lit-tas-qar _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I rebuilt Emah, the temple of the goddess Ninmah that is inside Babylon.

On account of this, may the goddess Ninmah, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience old age.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ninmah, before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, make his evil deeds disappear, and may she make his name and his seed disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I had Emah, the temple of the goddess Ninmah which is inside Babylon, rebuilt anew.

On account of this, may the goddess Ninmah, the august lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and say good things about me daily before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu! May she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience the fullness of old age!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ninmah speak evil of him before the god Bel and the goddess Beltiya and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003803: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu dumu_ (m)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu

_lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ szA ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu u-szi-bu ina qé-reb bal-til-_ki_ ina u4-me _bala_-ia ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur# Asz#-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qi-di U szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA# za-ru-u-a la u#-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak#-lil

ina u4-me-szu-ma# di-'a-a-ni u _bara-mesz_ szA# si-hir#-ti é-sag-il2# ki-i si#-ma-a-ti-szu-nu la-bi-ra-a-ti

ina Asz-ri-szu-nu lu-u ad-di a-na szat-ti# (d)_amar-utu en gal_ ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti# ha-di-isz _igi-bar_-ma _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu u_ hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti U szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri

ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun

ik-ri-bi-i-szu (d)_amar-utu_ i-szem-me [szA] szu-mi szat,-ru i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na _kur-kur_ li#-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

In my first regnal year, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I made the di'anu-offerings and the daises of the entire circumference of Esagil as old as their original forms.

On account of this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune.

If at any time in the future, during the days of a future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler restore its weakened portions. May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription.

May the god Marduk hear of the piousness of the one who erases my inscribed name and destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position. May the great lord, the god Marduk, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had created him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I re-erected the platforms and daises of all of Esagil in their original positions according to their ancient specifications.

On account of this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future prince, this work falls into disrepair, may that prince repair its dilapidated state! May he write my name with his own name! May he look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and set my royal inscription back in its place! The god Marduk will then hearken to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the great lord, the god Marduk, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003804: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_-asz-szur _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-me nun_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ u (d)_amar-utu_ ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu za-nin é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ szA ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir _si-gar_-szu u szA esz-re-e-te ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u-kin an-dul-lu szA ep-sze-tu-szu _ugu_ kal _dingir-mesz dug-ga_ e-li

a-na-ku-ma _en_ [_gal_] (d)_amar-utu_ szA ina _bala#_-[e] _lugal_ mah-[ri] ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-[i-szu] u-szi-bu ina qé-[reb] bal-til-_ki_ ina u4-[me] _bala_-ia ina ri-szA-ti# a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki# é-sag#-il2 u _dingir-mesz# ka-dingir_ u-kin ki#-din-nu-ut _tin-tir-ki#_ ak-s,ur# Asz-szu dan#-nu a-na _sig_ la ha#-ba-lu (m)(d)_gisz-nu11#_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta#-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu# _tin-tir#-ki_ ap#-qid u szi-pir é-sag#-il2 szA# za-ru-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil _gisz-ur-mesz_

[ina] qé#-reb-szu ina u4#-me-szu-ma é-kar-za-gin-na É# (d)é#-[a] szA qé-reb é-sag-il2 esz-szisz

u#-sze-pisz (d)#é-a _lugal abzu_ szi-pir# szu#-a-ti# [ha]-disz# _igi-bar_-ma ia-a-ti (m)_an#_-[_szar_]-_du#_-_a man kur_-asz-szur# [_nun_] pa-lih-szu a-mat _munus-sig5_-ia lisz-szA-kin# szap-tusz-szu# _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu# t,u-ub _uzu#_ u hu-ud# lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz gisz-gu-za#_ [_lugal_-u]-ti#-ia ki-ma _kur_-i li#-[szar-szid] it#-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim# lu#-kin _bala_-u#-a u szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-[_gi_]-_na# lugal tin-tir#-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu

li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri# ma-ti#-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun#_ ar-ku-u szA ina# [u4]-me _bala_-szu# szi#-pir szu#-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su# lu-ud#-disz s,a-lam _lugal#_-u-ti-ia li-mur#-ma [_i-gisz_ lip]-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti s,a-lam-i#-szu lisz#-kun ik-ri-bi-szu#

(d)#é-a i-szem-me# szA szu-mi# szat,-ru# i-pa#-[Asz]-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal#_-u-ti-ia# [i-ab-ba]-tu# lu#-u a#-szar-szu [u]-na-kar#-[(u)]-ma# [it]-ti# s,a-[lam-szu] la i-szak-[kan] (d)é-a _en_ s,i-i-ru ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu li-szA-bal-kit-ma li-t,i-ir be-lut-su _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted him with the administration of all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts and sanctuaries are made to look like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament, who made all of the sanctuaries resplendent, who made the cult centers shine like daylight, who made the dripping rain showers shine over all cult centers, who made the dripping rain showers shine over all the good gods, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain showers shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the sun, who made the dripping rain shower shine like the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the dripping rain shower, who made the d

I, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that strong might not harm the strong. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I rebuilt Ekarzagina, the temple of the god Ea that is inside Esagil.

May the god Ea, king of the Apsu, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain. May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune.

In the future, may a later prince, when this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his inscribed object.

May the god Ea hear of the plight of those who erase my inscribed name and destroy my royal statue. May they not change his position and not place him with his own statue. May the god Ea, the exalted lord, glare at him angrily and overthrow his royal throne. May he make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods — whose doorbolt I made glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament — who repaired the damaged parts of all their sanctuaries, who established my protection over all cult centers, whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who created him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and in order that the strong might not harm the weak, I appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished. I roofed it with immense beams of cedar and cypress, the produce of Mount Amanus and Mount Lebanon. I had doors made of boxwood, musukkannu-wood, juniper, and cedar and I hung them in its gates. I had vessels made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and precious stones and I placed them inside it.

At that time, I had Ekarzagina, the shrine of the god Ea which is inside Esagil, rebuilt anew.

May the god Ea, king of the Watery Abyss apsû, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips! May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain! May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future prince, this work falls into disrepair, may that prince repair its dilapidated state! May he look at my royal statue, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my statue with his own statue! The god Ea will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal statue, or changes its position and does not place it with his own statue, may the god Ea, august lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow his royal rule, and take away his sovereignty. May he Ea make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him!

Q003805: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur_-asz-szur ana _tin zi-me_-szu a-gur-ri é-sag-gil u é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, for the preservation of his life had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, in order to ensure his good health had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.

Q003806: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur_-_asz a_ (m)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_-_asz man ka-disz-ki_ a-gur-ri é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q003807: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)asar-ri umun gal lugal-a-ni-ir (m)_an-szar_-_du_-A lugal imin lugal ma-da-asz-szur(ki) dumu (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz_ lugal imin lugal ma-da-asz-szur(ki) lugal _tin-tir-ki_ nam-ti-la-bi-sze é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz mu-na-dim

AI Translation

For the god Asari, great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, had Etemenanki rebuilt anew for his life.


For the god Asari, great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of Babylon, for the sake of his life had Etemenanki constructed anew.

Q003808: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana] (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-[_du_-A] A (m)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu_ [_man kur_-_asz_] a-gur-ri é-temen-an#-[ki] esz-szisz u-[sze-pisz]

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q003809: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)#_amar-utu umun_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur#_-asz-szur a-gur-ri é-temen-an-ki a-na# _tin_-szu esz#-szisz u#-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki for his life.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, for the sake of his life had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q003810: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na (d)na-bi-um ...] (x) _gar_-ni _dingir-mesz_ ti-iz-qar szA-qu-u musz-tar-hu [...] na#-szu-u t,up-pi _nam-mesz dingir-mesz_ szA gu-um-mur te-re-e-ti [...] x x x _ki_ szA-kin szi-tul-tu a-na _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ [...] szA# la isz-szA-an-na-nu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu [...] szA szur-ba-a-ti e-nu-us-su [a-szib é-zi-da É ki-(i)-nu ina bAr-sipa-_ki_ ma-ha-zu] ra-Asz#-bu _en gal en_-ia

[a-na-ku (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz]-szur# _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti [_dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita tin_]-_tir#-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki#_ [mu-sze-szib _tin-tir-ki_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e]-ti# kul-lat ma-ha-zi# [szA ina qé-reb-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-ti U sat-tuk-ki-szi-na] bat,#-lu-tu u-ki-nu# [par-s,i ki-du-de-e ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma u-te-ru Asz]-ru#-usz-szu-un#

[ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_] i#-ru-um-ma# [ina é-sag-il2 szA da-ra-a-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk]-ki# é-sag-il2(?)# [_u dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-ki-in ki-din-nu-u-tu _tin_]-_tir_(?)#-_ki_ ak-s,ur# [Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_] _szesz#_ ta-li-me [a-na _lugal_-u-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid U i-na _ku-babbar ku-gi_] ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ [é-sag-il2 az-nu-un-ma ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u]-nam#-mir é-umusz-a

ina [u4-me-szu-ma _dug-ga_-su-pur-szu _bad_ bAr-sipa-_ki_ sza la-ba]-risz# il-lik-u-ma [i-qu-pu in-na-ab-tu Asz-szu _en_]-_nun_ é-zi-da _u#_ esz-re-e-te bAr-sipa-_ki_ dun-nu-nu [ina e-muq um]-ma#-na-ti-ia [sur-risz _dug_]-_ga_-su-pur-szu _bad#_-[szu ina] szi#-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma [_ka-gal-mesz_-szu] u#-rak-ki-si _gisz-ig-mesz_ (x) [...] x-ni-ma u-rat-ta-a ina _ka-mesz_-szu

[_nun_ ar]-ku#-u sza ina _bala_-e-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu _lu_-um-ma-a-ni en-qu-tu szi#-ta-'a-al [_dug-ga_]-su#-pur-szu _bad_ bAr-sipa-_ki_ ki-ma si-ma-ti-szu la-bi-ra-a-te e-pu-usz [_mu-sar_-u-a] a#-mur-ma _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-ka szu-kun

[ik-ri-bi]-ka# (d)na-bi-um# [i]-szem#-me sza szu-mi szat,-ru _u mu_ ta-lim-ia [ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti] i-ab-[bat _mu_]-_sar#_-u-a it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu [(d)na-bi-um (...) ag-gisz lik]-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

For the god Nabû ..., the one who establishes the gods, the exalted, the exalted, ..., the one who carries out the tablet of the destinies of the gods, the one who carries out the scribal arts, ..., the one who establishes the rites for the gods of heaven and netherworld, ... whose weapons cannot be changed, ... whose exalted ..., who dwells in Ezida, the true house, in Borsippa, the great lord, my lord,

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all cult centers, and established proper procedures in them. I restored the rites and rituals that had been established in them and restored their proper procedures.

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reaffirmed his eternal residence in Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha shine like daylight.

At that time, with regard to Taburshu, the wall of Borsippa, which had become old and buckled and collapsed, with regard to the guard of Ezida and the sanctuaries of Borsippa, with the strength of my army, I had Taburshu, its wall, rebuilt anew with the craft of the god Kulla and I re-built its gates. I ... doors ... and installed them in its gates.

A later prince, during whose reign this work fell into disrepair, sought out skilled scholars. He built Tab-supurshu, the wall of Borsippa, according to its ancient specifications. He saw my royal inscription, made an offering, and placed it with your royal inscription.

The god Nabû will hear your prayers. He who erases my inscribed name and the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device will destroy my royal inscription and my royal inscription. May the god Nabû, ..., glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


To the god Nabû ... commander of the gods, eminent, exalted, splendid, ... who bears the tablet of the fates of the gods, who controls the omens ... ... who gives advice to the gods of heaven and netherworld, ... whose weapons cannot be equaled, ... whose lordship is supreme, who dwells in Ezida — the proper temple, located in Borsippa, the awesome cult center — great lord, my lord:

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in the eternal Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament.

At that time, with regard to Tabi-supurshu, the city wall of Borsippa, which had become old and buckled and collapsed, in order to increase the security of Ezida and the other sanctuaries of Borsippa, with the strength of my labor forces I had Tabi-supurshu, its city wall, built quickly anew with the work of the god Kulla and refitted its gates. I had new doors made and hung them in its gateways.

O you future prince, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, question skilled craftsmen! Rebuild Tabi-supurshu, the city wall of Borsippa, according to its ancient specifications! Look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with your own royal inscription! The god Nabû will then listen to your prayers.

But as for the one who destroys my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or does not place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription, may the god Nabû, ..., glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003811: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku _an#-szar_-_du_-_a man# gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_-asz-szur _man#_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun#_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _an-szar_ (d)_utu# u#_ (d)_amar-utu_ ul-tu tam-tim e-lit# a#-di [(x)] tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma# gi#-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu# [za]-nin# é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ [szA ki]-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir _si-gar#_-szu U szA esz-re-e-ti ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u-kin an-dul-lum szA ep-sze-e-tu-[szu]

_man szu man kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu#_ szA ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu u-szi-bu ina qé-reb bal#-til-_ki_ ina u4-me _bala_-e-a ina ri-szA-a-[ti] a#-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki# é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-lim a-na _lugal_-u-ti _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gar8_ é-zi-da szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-ni-szu# tem-me-en-szu ina _bala_-e-a an-hu-us-su# lu-disz-ma u-za-aq-qi-ir hur-sa-nisz#

a-na szat-ti (d)na-bi-um _en_ s,i-ru ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma# ia-a-ti (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a nun_ pa-lih-szu a-mat da-mi-iq-ti-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szu _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti-ia ki-ma _kur_-i li-szar-szid it-ti _an#_-e u _ki_-tim lu-kin _bala_-u-a _u#_ szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ [_lugal_] _tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu [li]-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri

[ma]-ti-ma# ina ah-rat u4-me _nun egir_-u# szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi#-pir szu-a-ti in#-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu#-ud-disz s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it#-ti s,a-lam-i#-szu li-isz#-kun(*) ik-ri-bi#-i-szu (d)_ag#_ i-szem-me

szA szu-mi# szat,-ru i-pa#-Asz-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal#_-ti-ia i-ab-ba#-tu lu#-u a-szar#-szu u-nak#-ka-ru-ma it-ti# s,a-lam-szu la i-szak#-kan (d)na-bi#-um _en_ szur#-bu-u ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me#-szu-ma _gisz-gu-za lugal#_-ti-szu li-szA#-bal-kit-ma li-t,ir be-lut-su _mu#_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li#-hal-liq-ma a#-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted him with the administration of all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts are made to look like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and who has cleared away their debts from all sanctuaries, I imposed upon all cult centers the protection of his deeds.

I, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time the wall of Ezida, which had become old and whose foundation had become weak, during my reign I rebuilt its dilapidated sections and raised them as high as mountains.

On account of this, may the god Nabû, the exalted lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, the prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain. May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune.

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of a future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state. May he find an inscribed object bearing my royal image, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his inscribed object. The god Nabû will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or changes the position of my royal statue, or changes its position and does not place it with his own royal statue, may the god Nabû, the exalted lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow his royal throne, overthrow his sovereignty, destroy his name and his seed from the lands, and have no pity on him.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods — whose doorbolt I made glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament — who repaired the damaged parts of all their sanctuaries, who established my protection over all cult centers, the one whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and 20 reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who created him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and in order that the strong might not harm the weak I appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon.

At that time, with regard to the enclosure wall of Ezida "True House" which had become old and whose foundation had become weak, during my reign I renovated its dilapidated sections and made it high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Nabû, the august lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips! May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain! May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future prince, this work falls into disrepair, may that prince repair its dilapidated state! May he look at my royal statue, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my statue with his own statue! The god Nabû will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal statue, or changes its position and does not place it with his own statue, may the god Nabû, supreme lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow his royal rule, and take away his sovereignty! May he Nabû make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him!

Q003812: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur_-_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ mu-sze-szib _tin-tir-ki_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi szA ina qé-reb-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-ti

_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_-asz-szur a-na-ku-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti# a-na _tin-tir#-ki_ i-ru-um-ma ina é-sag-il2 szA da-ra-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk#-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qid U szi-pir é-sag-il2 la qa-ta-a u-szak-lil ina _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nun-ma

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-babbar-ra szA qé-reb _zimbir-ki_ É (d)_utu en gal en_-ia szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu in-nab-tu Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-'e ina szi-pir (d)kulla

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma ki-ma _kur_-i re-e-szi-i-szu ul-li a-na szat-ti (d)_utu di-kud-gal dingir-mesz en gal en_-ia ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti ha-disz lip-pa#-[lis]-ma a-na ia-a-szi (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_-asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit#-[tu-tu] t,u-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti u szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

_lugal tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu

(d)_utu_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi szat,-ru _u mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_utu en_ e-la-ti u szap-la-ti ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods his helpers rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, and established appropriate procedures in them.

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reaffirmed his eternal residence in Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil that had not been completed. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like daylight.

At that time, with regard to Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar, the temple of the god Shamash, the great lord, my lord, which had become old and buckled, I constantly sought out its original emplacement through the craft of the god Kulla.

On account of this, may the god Shamash, great judge of the gods, great lord, my lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may he determine for me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him, for the lengthening of my days, the attainment of very old age, good health, and happiness. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin,

May a future ruler, in days to come, renovate its dilapidated sections when that work falls into disrepair. May he write my name with his name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place his royal inscription with his own royal inscription.

May the god Shamash hear of the deeds that I have written down and my good name through ritual. May he not write my name with his own name, destroy my royal inscription, or make it disappear from his royal inscription. May the god Shamash, lord of upper and lower lands, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods, his helpers, rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in the eternal Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the unfinished work on Esagil. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I restored the damage done to all the sanctuaries. I extended my protection over all the cult centers.

At that time, I sought the original emplacement of Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar, the temple of the god Shamash, the great lord, my lord, which had become old, buckled, and collapsed. I had it rebuilt anew with the work of the god Kulla and raised its top as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Shamash, great judge of the gods, great lord, my lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure! May he determine for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him — as my fate, a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, the king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future prince, this work falls into disrepair, may that prince renovate its dilapidated sections! May he write my name with his own name! May he look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription! The god Shamash will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or does not write my name with his own name, or destroys my royal inscription, or does not place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription, may the god Shamash, lord of the upper world and the netherworld, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q003813: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-na (d)_inanna# unug-ki_ e-tel-lat _an_-e u _ki_-tim ga-szir-ti _dingir-mesz_ s,i-ir-ti szA# ina s,i-tan u szi-la-an ur-tu ta-nam-di-nu ta-szak-kan szi-ki-in-szA# i-lat tam-ha-ri ez-ze-ti szA ina qé-reb te-sze-e a-szam-szA-nisz i-su-ur-ru a-li-kAt i-di _lugal_ mi-gir-i-szA mu-ra-si-bat# ga-re-e-szu be-let _kur-kur_ ha-mi-mat par-s,i musz-te-szi-rat gi-mir szu-luh-hu a-szi-bat é-nir-gAl-(d)a-nim szA qé-reb é-an-na be-el-ti _gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an szA ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-bé-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu szA e-li _uru_-s,ur-ru szA qa-bal tam-tim e-lit u _ni-tuk-ki_ szA qa-bal tam-tim szap-lit ni-ri be-lu-ti-szu u-kin-nu-u-ma i-szu-t,u ab-szA-an-szu szA ep-sze-tu-u-szu e-li kal _dingir-mesz_ t,a-a-ba

_dumu dumu_ (m)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_-asz-szur-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru#-[um-ma] sat-tuk-ku é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-lu (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu# _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid u szi-pir é-sag-il2 la qa-ta-[a] u-szak-lil ina _ku-babbar ku-gi_ u ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nun-ma ki-ma szi#-[t,ir bu-ru-mu]

e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi# u-szat-ri-s,i an-dul-lum ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gar8_ é-an(?)-na(?)# si-hir-ti [...] szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu ik-kAm-ru Asz-ra-ti-szu-nu Asz-te-e'-[e-ma esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma]

[u]-szak#-lil-ma ki-ma szA-di-i ul-la-a re-szi-szu-un a-na szat-ti (d)_inanna# unug-ki gaszan gal_-[ti] szi#-pir szA-a-szu ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma ia-a-ti (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_-asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu a-mat da-mi#-[iq-ti-ia] lisz-szA-kin szap-tu-usz-szA _ti ud-mesz su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud# [lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti] U szA (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia _ud-mesz_-szu li-ri-ku lisz-[bi bu-'a-a-ri]

a#-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-e-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su# [lu-ud-disz] szu-mi# it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur# bal_-qi

it#-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu (d)_inanna unug-ki_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u-a i-a-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_inanna unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the supreme judge of heaven and netherworld, the most exalted of the gods, the exalted one, who in the midst of the night and day you give her, the goddess of fierce battle who in battle constantly seeks out her place of refuge, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, the one who carries out his battle array, the lady of the lands, the one who knows the rules, the one who keeps all of the cult centers, the one who dwells in Enirgalanam, which is inside Eanna, the great lady, his lady:

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted to him all rulers; who established his lordship over the city Tyre, which is in the middle of the Lower Sea, and over the city Til-Adad, which is in the middle of the Lower Sea, and who has achieved his yoke; who has performed his deeds above all the gods,

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil that was without number. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament.

At that time, the wall of Eanna, the whole wall of ..., which had become old and buckled, became dilapidated. I constantly sought out their original emplacements and had them rebuilt anew.

On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres her — be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

May any future ruler, during the days of his reign, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he write my name with his name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

May the goddess Ishtar of Uruk hear of the plight of those who do not write my name with his name, or destroy my royal inscription, or change its position and not place it with his own royal inscription. May the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, most powerful of the gods, august one, who executes the command she gives in the east and in the west, the fierce goddess of battle who whirls around in the melee like a dust storm, who goes at the side of the king, her favorite, and slays his foes, mistress of the lands, who has gathered to herself all divine offices and administers correctly all purification rites, who dwells in Enirgalanim — which is inside Eanna — great lady, his lady:

Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; who imposed the yoke of his rulership upon the city Tyre — which is in the midst of the Upper Sea — and Dilmun — which is in the midst of the Lower Sea — so that they bore his yoke lit. "pulled his yoke-rope"; whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; during whose reign the god Adad made his rain and the god Ea his springs last a long time for his land, who continually seeks after his people with prosperity and wealth, whose people are all in a state of prosperity, and whose settlements rejoice; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, and constantly established appropriate procedures in them; grandson of Sennacherib, who was also great king, mighty king, king of the world, and king of Assyria —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which had not been finished. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I repaired the damaged parts of all their sanctuaries and extended my protection over all cult centers.

At that time, with regard to the enclosure wall of Eanna, the perimeter ... which had become old, buckled, and a heap of ruin, I sought their original emplacement and had them rebuilt anew. I completed them, raising their tops as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria and prince who reveres her— be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

May any future prince, during the days of whose reign this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections! May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription! The goddess Ishtar of Uruk will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who does not write my name with his name, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position and does not place it with his own royal inscription, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, glare at him angrily, make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands, and have no pity on him!

Q003814: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_en-lil lugal dingir-dingir en# an_-e _u ki_-tim _nun_ x [...] pa-ri-is pu-ru-us-su-u szA la in-nen-nu-u# [qi-bit-su(?)] a-szA-red (d)i-gi-gi ma-am-lu4 (d)a-nun-na-ki mu-ma-['e-er ...] ta-mi-ih s,er-ret gi-im-ri sa-ni-[iq mit-hur-ti(?)] _en kur-kur igi-gal dingir-mesz_ a-szib é-kur szA qé-reb# [_nibru-ki_ (_en gal_-i) _en_-szu]

_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila#_ [_lugal gal_] _lugal#_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz#-[szat _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_] [... _lugal_ sza ina kul-lat] _kur-kur_ ma-hi-ru# [la i-szu-u] [_dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_] dan#-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur#_-[asz-szur-_ki_] [_dumu dumu_] (d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su# lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki_-ma# _lugal# kur_-_eme_-((_ur_))-_gi7_ u _uri-ki gir-nita an-szar_ (d)_en-lil_ u (d)nin-urta za-nin ma-ha-zi _e ma tar du du_ si-ma-ak-ku

a-na ba-lat, _zi_-szu ur-ruk u4-me-szu szu-un-mur _su_-szu szu-ul-lum _numun_-szu e-li# a-a-bi-szu u-zu-uz-zu _bal-mesz_-szu la-ba-ri _gisz-gidru_-szu szu-te-szu-ri _en_-us-su# [_ugu_] _kur#_-szu szu-t,ub-bi _un-mesz_-szu ina t,uh-di u nu-uh-szu i-tar-ri-i

é-gi-gu-nu-u ziq-qur-rat _nibru-ki_ szA ina i-rat _zu-ab_ szur-szu-du tem-me-en-szu szA i-ga-ri-szu la-ba-risz il-li#-ku-ma ib-ba-szu-u se-ri-ih-szu ina _sig4-al-ur-ra udun ku_-tim ma-qit-ta#-szu ak-szir-ma# u-szak-lil bu-na-a-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-nam-mir-szu ki-ma u4-mu re-szi-szu ki-ma szA-di-i ul-li-ma u-szA-an-bi-it, zi-mi#-[szu]

a-na szat-ti (d)_en-lil lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)_en-lil dingir-mesz en_ [_gal_-u(?) (_en_-szu)] é-gi-gu-nu-u s,a-ad-di ma-a-tim ha-disz ina nap-lu#-[si-szu] szA _an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki sipa_ ki-i-nu pa-lih _dingir_-u-ti-szu# [_gal_-ti(?)] _lugal_-us-su lik-tar-rab _bala-mesz_-szu li-is,-s,ur ana _ud-mesz#_ [_su-mesz_] _gisz-gidru sipa_-tu sa-ni-qat mit-hur-ti li-szat-mi#-[ih-szu(?)] _ugu kur_-szu lisz-t,ib re-é-ut-su _ugu_ na-ki-ri#-[szu lisz-ziz(?)]

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, lord of heaven and netherworld, prince ..., the one who constantly seeks out his cultic rites, whose command cannot be changed, foremost of the Igigu gods, foremost of the Anunnaku gods, the one who ..., the one who carries out the rites of all, the one who strikes enemies, lord of the lands, wisest of the gods, the one who dwells in Ekur, which is inside Nippur, the great lord, his lord:

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., king who has no rival among all the lands; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; vice-regent of the gods Ashur, Enlil and Ninurta, who provides for the cult centers, king of all the lands; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Sumer and Akkad; viceroy of the gods Ashur, Enlil, and Ninurta, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cult centers, who provides for the cul

He made his lordly majesty supreme over his land, made his people prosper, and made his land prosper, and made his people prosper. He made his people prosper, and made his land prosper.

As for Egigunû, the ziggurrat of Nippur, whose foundations had become old and whose copings had become old, I clad its perimeter with baked bricks colored with shining gold and completed its construction. I had its brickwork made with the craft of the god Kulla and I made its appearance resplendent. I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain and made its appearance resplendent.

On account of this, may the god Enlil, king of the gods, and the god Enlil, the god of the gods, the great lord, his lord, joyfully bless Egigunû, the satrap of the land, with his firm 'yes', whom Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the true shepherd who reveres his great divinity, entrust to him, overthrow his reign, and make his reign as secure as daylight. May the scepter of shepherdship, the one who makes the conflict cease and his army prevail over his enemy. May the god Ashur, my lord, look upon him with his mighty yoke.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, lord of the heaven and netherworld, prince ..., one who renders decisions, whose order cannot be changed, foremost of the Igigu gods, hero of the Anunnaku gods, who rules ..., one who holds the lead-rope of everyone, one who makes opposing forces agree, lord of the lands, wisest of the gods, one who dwells in Ekur which is inside Nippur, the great lord, his lord:

Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... king who has no equal in all the lands; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, who was also great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; 10 king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, vice-regent for the gods Ashur, Enlil and Ninurta, one who provides for the cult centers, ... sanctuaries —

In order to ensure his good health, to prolong his days, to make his appearance lit. "body" radiant, to ensure the well-being of his offspring, so that he stand victoriously over his enemies, that his reign endure, that he lead his people aright with his staff, that his rule please his land, and that he guide his people in abundant prosperity,

With regard to Egigunû, the ziggurrat of Nippur, whose foundation is made secure on the breast of the Watery Abyss apsû, whose enclosure wall had become old and eroded, I repaired its dilapidated sections with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln, and completed its structure. I had it built anew with the work of the god Kulla and made it shine like daylight. I raised its top as high as a mountain and made its appearance resplendent.

On account of this, when the god Enlil, king of the gods, chief god of the gods, great lord, his lord, looks upon Egigunû, the sign of the lands, with pleasure, may he Enlil constantly bless the kingship of Ashurbanipal — king of Assyria, true shepherd who reveres his great divinity — and keep his reign safe until far-off days! May he cause him to grasp a staff of shepherdship which makes opposing forces agree! May he make his shepherdship pleasant to his land! May he make him stand victoriously over his enemy!

Q003815: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal kur-kur-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-ba-an-ap-lu sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ub-da limmu-ba é-kur é ki Ag-gA-a-ni szeg12 al-Ur-ra-ta mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of all the lands, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the pious shepherd, strong king, king of the four quarters, rebuilt Ekur, his beloved temple, with bitumen and baked brick.


For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, his lord: Ashurbanipal, his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the four quarters of the world, rebuilt Ekur, his beloved temple, with baked bricks.

Q003816: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal dingir-re#-e-ne-ke4 nir-gAl an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-ba-an-_ibila_ sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ki-szar2(?)-ra(?) x é-gi-gUn-na# szeg12 al-Ur-ra mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, the one who rules heaven and netherworld, prince who decrees fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the humble shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world, ... I had Egiguna ... clad with baked bricks.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decides the fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the world, rebuilt Egigunû with baked bricks.

Q003817: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nir-gAl an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-_du_-_ibila_ sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ki-szar2-ra A-x sza3 é-hur-sag-galam-ma-ke4 pa-pa-hi nam-lugal-a-ni libir-ra-bi-ta(*) galam-bi szeg12 al-Ur-ra mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decrees fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the humble shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world, the ... of Ehursaggalama, the cella of his former kingship, I had its brickwork ... cast in copper.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decides the fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the world, skillfully rebuilt with baked bricks ... within Ehursaggalama, his ancient royal cella.

Q003818: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[szi]-pir(?) szu-a#-ti in-na#-[hu ...] en-qu-u-tu szi-ta-al# [...] É (d)15# ki-i si-ma#-[ti-szu(?) ...] i-szem#-me _mu-sar_-u(?)#-[a ...]

it-ti _mu-sar#_-e-ka szu#-[kun ...] it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru# [...] la i-szak-ka-nu qi(?)-bit(?)# x [...] (d)_inanna_ a-ga-de#-_ki_ [...]

AI Translation

... the work on that inscription was lost ..., it was a shattered document, it was a reed-bed document ... The temple of the goddess Ishtar, according to its original, ... he heard of my inscribed object .

You shall place ... with your inscribed name. He shall not write his name with his own name, he shall not place ... ... the goddess Ishtar of Agade, .


this work falls into disrepair ..., question skilled craftsmen! ... Rebuild ..., the temple of the goddess Ishtar according to its ancient specifications! ... The goddess Ishtar of Agade will then listen to your prayers. Look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and set my royal inscription with your own royal inscription!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, or does not write my name with his name, or destroys my royal inscription, or does not set my royal inscription with his own royal inscription ... ... the goddess Ishtar of Agade will ...

Q003819: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a(?)-na(?) (d)_en_(?)-_lil_(?)# [(...) _en_-szu(?)] (m)_an-szar_(?)-_du_-_a man szu man kur#_-[asz-szur (...)] _man_ kib-rat# _limmu_-tim(?)# [(...)] a-na _ti_-szu u-sze-pisz(?)# [(...)]

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, ... his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., king of the four quarters of the world, ..., had this for the sake of his life .


For the god Enlil, ... his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... king of the four quarters of the world, had this ... built for the sake of his life.

Q003820: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_u-gur_ dan-dan-nu(*) _dingir-mesz_ kasz-kasz _dingir-mesz_ szur-bu-u git-ma-la mut-tal-la e-tel-lu _szesz_-szu a-szib é-sza-hul(*)-la _en_ si-ra-ra-_ki_

_en_-szu (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki man tin-tir-ki man kur_-szu-me-ri _u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (m)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu_

_man kur_-asz-szur-_ki_-ma ana _tin zi-mesz_-szu i-na a-gur-ru _udun ku_(*)-tim ki-sal-li é-sza-hul(*)-la u-ra-bi-i-ma tal-lak-ta-szu ki-ma u4-me u-nam-mir

AI Translation

For the god Nergal, the mighty one of the gods, the mighty one of the gods, the perfect one, the perfect one, the pious, the pious, his brother, who dwells in Eshahula, lord of Sirara,

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria:

For the preservation of his life, he surrounded the courtyard of Eshahula with baked bricks colored with gold and made its construction shine like daylight.


For the god Nergal, mightiest of the gods, most overpowering of the gods, the supreme, perfect, and noble sovereign of his brothers, the one who dwells in the temple Eshahula, the lord of Sirara, his lord:

Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

In order to ensure his good health, he enlarged the courtyard of the temple Eshahula with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln and made its processional way shine like daylight.

Q003821: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x (x)] x x x x [...] [(x)] x qé-reb é-sag-il2# [...] e#-nu-ma nu-u-ru szu-a-ti# [...] _munus#-sig5_-ti _an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_-[_kur_(?) ...] u4-mi-szam lit-tas#-x x x [(...)]

AI Translation

... ... ... inside Esagil ... When this light ..., may the good fortune of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands, ... last long. .


... ... in Esagil .... When that light ... the good of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands .... Let him daily ... ....

Q003822: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x [...] [... (d)]15(?)# szA(?) _uru_(?)-_limmu_(?)#-[_dingir_(?) ...] [... isz-ku]-nu u-par-ri#-[ru ...] [... ip-par-szid]-ma# e-ru-ub a#-[na ...] [... a-di qé]-reb# _uru_-ni-i' _uru_ dan#-[nu-ti-szu ...] [... in]-na-bit a-na# [...] [...] ik-szu#-du is#-[pu-nu ...] [... ni-s,ir]-ti# É-_gal_-[szu ...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... the goddess Ishtar of the city Arbela ... they placed ... and scattered ... they fled and entered ... as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city ... they fled and ... they conquered ... they destroyed ... the treasure of his palace ... .


... ... ... With the support of ..., Ishtar of Arbela, ..., they my troops brought about his defeat in a widespread pitched battle and scattered his forces. Tanutamon fled alone and entered the city Thebes, his royal city. They went after him on a march of one month and ten days, on narrow roads, 5' as far as the city Thebes, his fortified city. ... he fled to .... They conquered that city in its entirety and flattened it like the Deluge. They brought out of it Thebes, without number and in abundance, silver, gold, ore from its mountain, precious stones, any precious object, the treasures of his palace, ...

Q003823: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x e-mur#-ma _ki_ x [...] [...] x-ma a-na ha-la-qi na-bu-x [...] [...] szap#-pi-na-ti-szu szA ul-tu pa-[an ...] [...]-ti# _uru_-s,ur-ri _pa_-li-szin u-x [...] [...] ana# ma-ka-li-szu-nu _a-mesz_ ana masz-ti#-[ti-szu-nu ...] [...] x a-na pi-i-szu-un u-szA-qir# [...] [...] x x x x x x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... saw ... and ... ... and for the halqû-offering of ... ... his shapinatu which from ... the city Tyre, their district, ... ... for their abodes, water for their abodes ... ... I made ... for their mouths ...


... he saw and ... ... and in order to destroy ... ... his boats, which from before ... of the city Tyre, their ... ... 5' ... for their food and water for their drink ... I made them scarce for their mouths ... ... ...

Q003824: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x [...] [... (disz)_an-szar_]-_du_-_a man kur#_ [_an-szar-ki_ ...] [... an-ni]-tu(?)# e-mu-ru [...] [... u4]-me# sza is,-ba-[tu ...] [... la ip-tal]-la-hu _ad-mesz#_-[ia ...] [... (d)]_nin#-lil ta sza lu#_-[_en-uru-mesz_ ...] [... ta]-mar-ti-szu ka#-[bit-ti ...]

[... _uru_-szA-pi-i-(d)]_en# uru_ tukul-ti _kur_-[gam-bu-li ...] [... _dumu_]-_mesz#_ (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_-szA# x [...]

[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x (x) [...] [...] x x x (x) [...] [...] x x x (x) [...] [...] (x) [...]

AI Translation

... ... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... saw this ..., ... the days that had elapsed ..., who had not feared my ancestors ... the goddess Mullissu, from among the city rulers ... his substantial audience gift .

... the city Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the land Gambulu relied ... sons of Bel-iqisha .


... ... ... saying: "Grasp the feet of Ashurba­ni­pal, king of Assyria, and conquer your enemies through the mention of his name." On the very day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. As for this dream that he had seen, he sent a message about it by the hands of a messenger of his and he reported it to me. From the day that he grasped the feet of my royal majesty, he conquered the Cimmerians, who were disturbing the people of his land, A 5' had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, he Gyges clamped two city rulers from among the city rulers of the Cimmerians that he had conquered in manacles, iron handcuffs, and fetters and sent them before me, together with his substantial audience gifts.

... Sha-pi-Bel, a city upon which the land Gambulu relied ... the sons of Bel-iqisha ...

No translation possible

Q003825: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina la mi-ni] a#-duk qu-ra-di-szu ina _szu-ii_ bal-[t,u-(u)-ti u-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu] [szal-ma-ti]-szu-nu _gim gisz-dih gisz-kiszi16_ u#-[mal-la-a ta-mir-ti _uru_-szu-szA-an] [(disz)um]-man-i-gasz sza in-nab-ta is,-ba-[ta _gir-ii_-ia ina _gisz-gu-za_-szu u-sze-szib] [(disz)tam]-ma-ri#-tu _szesz_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz szal-szA#-[a-a ina _uru_-hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u-ti Asz-kun]

[szu]-ut a-lak# (d)na-na-a a-na _unug-ki_ a#-[...] [x x (x)] ma#-la e-pu-szu-usz im-esz-ma [...] [... (disz)](d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ ...]

[(disz)tam-ma]-ri#-tu _dumu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz-[ma _szesz ad_-szu _edin_-usz-szu ib-bal-kit-ma] [szA-a]-szu# ga-du# kim-ti#-[szu u-ra-sib-szu ina _gisz-tukul-mesz_] [(disz)tam-ma]-ri-tu# sza _ugu#_ (disz)um#-[man-i-gasz ek-s,u u-szib ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_]

[...] x x [...]

AI Translation

I captured his warriors alive. I filled the plain of the city Susa with their corpses like baltu-plants and kishku-plants. I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his throne. I installed Tammaritu, the third brother of Ummanigash, as king in the city Hidalu.

As for the one who went to Uruk, ..., as much as he had built, he reconstructed it and ... Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, .

Tammaritu, son of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the brother of his father, rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.


I slew his Teumman's warriors without number. I captured his fighting men alive. I filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants. I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on his throne. I installed Tammaritu, the third brother of Ummanigash, as king in the city Hidalu.

... concerning the journey of the goddess Nanaya to Uruk ... he scorned my kindness, as much as I had done for him, and ... Shamash-shuma-ukin, the king of Babylon, ....

Tammaritu, the son of another Ummanigash, the brother of his father, rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. Tammaritu, who was even more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

No translation possible

Q003826: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza(?) _ka-gal nibru#-ki_ x x [...] (disz)(d(?))_ag_(?)-_mu_-_kam_-esz _gal_(?)# x _en#_ [...]

[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

... of the city gate of Nippur ... Nabû-shuma-eresh, chief ..., lord .


That/those of the gate of Nippur ... ... Nabû-shuma-eresh ... ...

No translation possible



[x] x x x [...] a-na mit-hu-s,i it-ti# [_erim-hi-a kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ...] um(?)-ma(?) a(?)#-lik-ma tuk-te-e x [...] (disz)un-da-su _dumu_ (disz)te-um#-[man ...] (disz)at-ta-me-tu _lu-gal gisz#_-[_pan_ ...] sza _lu-a kin-mesz_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11#_-[_mu_-_gi-na_ ...] ina _murub4_ it-ti a-ha-mesz x [...] a-di e-pesz pi-i-szu-nu la x [...] _lu_-e-la-mu-u _ar_(?) _ru_ [...] e-mur-ma(?)# _erim-mesz me_-ia x [...] x-im-x-su-ma x x (x) [...] _lu-a kin-mesz_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu#_-[_gi-na_ ...] x x x x u-na-ah-x [...] x x-ti(?)-ia x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... to fight with the troops of Assyria ... saying: "Go and take a bribe ... Undasu, son of Teumman ...; Attametu, chief archer ..., whom the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin ... in the thick of battle with each other ... until they did not ... the Elamite ... saw and my battle troops ... ... ... the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin ...


... ... to fight with the troops of Assyria ..., saying: "Go, and exact revenge ...." Undasu, a son of Teumman ... rev. 5' Atta-metu, the chief archer, ... which the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin ... in battle with each other ... until they spoke I/he did not .... The Elamite ... ... rev. 10' saw and my battle troops ... ... him and ... ... the messengers of Shamash-shuma-ukin ... ... ... my ... ... belonging to Undasu, Zazaz, ...

Q003827: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _sag#_ [...] [qé]-reb# _kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [...] um#-ma szup-ra-an-ni [...] ki-ma _bad gal_-e szA mi#-[s,ir ...] Asz-szu ma-am-man mi-s,ir _kur-elam#_-[_ma-ki_ ...] (disz)un-da#-su la ra-Asz t,e-e#-[me U mil-ki ...] ul ih-su-us it-ti lib-bi#-[szu(?) ...] _bad5-bad5_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki a_sz-kun(?)# [...] sza szA-ni-a(?)-nu(?) a-na _kur-elam#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... inside the land Elam ... saying: "Send me ... like a great wall that ... the territory of ... As for anyone who ... the territory of the land Elam, Undasu did not have a plan or counsel ... he did not trust in his heart ... I brought about the defeat of Teumman, the king of the land Elam ... which a second time to the land Elam .


... inside the land Elam ... saying: "Send me ..." ... the city Bit-Imbî like a great wall within the territory of ... 5' because nobody ... the territory of the land Elam ... Undasu, who does not have sense or insight, ... did not conceive with his mind ... I brought about the defeat of Teumman, the king of the land Elam ... who, for a second time, to the land Elam ... ...

Q003828: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[... u-masz]-szir#-an-ni-ma# [it-ti (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ ...] [... _erim-hi-a_-ia] sza# ina mi-s,ir _kur_-szu Asz-[bu ...] [...] _en_-ia _bad5-bad5_-szu Asz-kun di-[ik-ta-szu ...]

[... ina la] mi#-ni Asz-lu-la (disz)u-a-a-te-e' ma-ru#-[usz-tu ...]

[... (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e'] _dumu#_ (disz)te-e'-ri# a-na _nina#_-[_ki_ ...] [... ku-um (disz)u]-a-a-te#-[e' ...] [...]

AI Translation

... abandoned me and I sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin ... my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, ... I brought about his defeat ... my lord. I imposed upon him his punishment .

... I carried off Uaite', a mighty man, .

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, to Nineveh ... in place of Uaite' .


... he Uaite' Iauta' abandoned me and sided with Shamash-shuma-ukin ... I dispatched my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, ..., my lord, I brought about his defeat and I inflicted a heavy loss on him ... I carried off without number.

As for Uaite' Iauta', hardship befell him ....

Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh ... I installed him as king in place of Uaite' Iauta' ....



[... (d)]_utu#_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)[_en_ ...] [...] ina _me edin_ [...] [... (disz)am-mu-la-di-in] si-it-ti _un-mesz_-szu sza# [...]

[...] _an-bar_ ad-di-ma u-ra-a a-na [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ...] [...] bal-t,u#-us-sa ina _szu-ii_ as,-bat it-ti [hu-bu-ut _kur_-szA ...]

[(...) (disz)na-at-nu _lugal kur_-na-ba-a]-a-ti szA a-szar-szu ru-u#-[qu ...] [... a-na _lugal-mesz ad_]-_mesz_(?)-ia _lu#_-[_a kin_-szu ...]

AI Translation

... the gods Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, ... during a pitched battle, ... Ammi-ladin, together with his people, who .

I ... iron fetters and brought them to Assyria. ... I captured her alive. With the plunder of her land .

Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote ... ... to the kings, my ancestors, his messenger .


... the deities ..., Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, ... in a widespread pitched battle ... I captured Ammi-ladin and the rest of his people who ... I placed his hands and feet in iron fetters and brought him to Assyria.

... I captured her Adiya alive and with the plunder of her land ....

Natnu, the king of land of the Nabaya­teans — whose location is remote — ... who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, ...

Q003829: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



x x [...] x x _ti_(?)# x x [...]

[...] x da#-a-ki# x [...]

[...] x x _ku-gi_ szA _ta_(?)# x [...]

[...]-re(?)#-e u-x x u x _bur_(?)# x x [...] [...] x ma(?)-la(?) x x ep-pu#-szu ha(?)-[...] [...] x x x _lagab re e szi_ [...] [...] dun-nu zik(?)#-ru-ti _lugal#_-[u-ti(?) ...]

AI Translation

... ... gold which from ... .

... ... ... ... as much as ... they did ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kingship .


No translation possible

... to kill ....

... ... gold which ... ....

... ... ... ... ... ... ... power, virility, and kingship ....



(disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ nak-ri szA a-na _kur_ asz-szur ik-pu#-[du né-er-tu ...] um-ma al-la-kam-ma _uru-mesz_ szA-a-tu-nu a(*)-nap-pal(?)# [...] _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ul-tu _sza#_ a-szal-la-lam-ma x [...] (disz)#(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu#_-_gi-na_ szA mé-re-eh-tu# iq-bu-u [...] ina mi-qit# (d)_gisz-bar ta ki#_ [...]

_un-mesz_ mu-szah-bir-e-szu e-pisz si-hi bar-ti szA it#-[ti-szu(?) ...] e-du ul#-tu lib-bi-szu-nu ul ip-par#-[szid ...] [...]-szu#-nu szA ina qi#-bit [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother who had plotted evil deeds against Assyria ..., saying: "I will go and destroy those cities." I will gather the Assyrians from among them and ... Shamash-shuma-ukin, who had spoken insolent words, ... in the midst of fire from .

As for the people who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, who had sided with him ..., they did not leave their midst. ... their ..., who by the command of ... ... .


Shamash-shuma-ukin, my hostile brother, who had planned murder against Assyria ..., saying: "I will come and destroy those cities .... I will carry off Assyrians from their midst and ...." As for Shamash-shuma-ukin, who had spoken these insolent words, the god Ashur determined for him a cruel death; he consigned him to a conflagration ... and destroyed his life.

As for the people, instigators for him who had perpetrated sedition and rebellion, and who had made common cause with him ..., not a single one of them escaped; ... their ..., which by the command of ...



gi#-mir mal-ki nap#-har s,al-mat _sag-du#_ [...] [ma(?)]-har(?)-szu u-szam-hi-ru x x [...] [x] x _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ x [...] [...]-szu(?)-ma(?)# [...]

AI Translation

All rulers, all black-headed people ... brought before him ... ... Assyria ... ... ... and .


All of the rulers and all of the black-headed people ... presented before him ... ... Assyria ... him and ...

Q003840: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)suen an-na pirig dingir-re-e-ne lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni-ir

(m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma dumu (m)(d)#nin-gal-_sum-ma_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a é-kisz-nu6-gal

é-temen-ni-gUr-ru nig ud ul-li(*)-a-ta é-gar8 dirig-ga-bi te-me-en-bi a-ri-a usz8-bi bi2-in-szusz-szusz kan4-bi ha-lam-me-e-ne ki-bi bi2-in-kig-kig sza3 dub te-me-en-bi u-me-ni-dU sag-bi ba-ni-in-il2 (gesz)ig (gesz)taszkarin gesz sag kur-bi-ta sU-ud-da gag urudu bi2-in-dU-a késze-da-bi kalag-ga usz ku3-sig17-a-ke4 si-gar ku3-babbar zAlag-zAlag aszkud nu-kusz-U urudu kalag-ga ku3-babbar u-me-ni-dab-dab kan4 é sag-dili é hal-la-ta dU-a da-ri-sze gub-bu-de

lu2 mu-sar-ra-gu10 szu bi2-ib2-Ur-e-a ha-ba ki-bi kur-ru-da (d)suen (d)nin-gal dingir bad-gal-gu10 mu-bi hé-en-ha-lam-e-ne

AI Translation

Sin, the lord of heaven and earth, the king of the gods, the king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord:

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, son of Ningal-iddin, who was also viceroy of Ur, who provides for Ekishnugal:

In Etemennigurru, the thing that had been forgotten since distant days, its egirgû-house, its foundations had been firmly fixed. Its gates had become dilapidated and its foundations had become dilapidated. I firmly fixed its top in place. I firmly fixed the door of the tashkarin-tree, the wooden door that had been fashioned from the mountain, and the bolt of copper. I firmly fixed its door bolts with a strong silver base, a strong silver base, a strong bronze base, and a strong copper base. I firmly placed the gates of the Sagdili, the House of Heaven, the dwelling of my eternal residence.

My inscription is smashed. The place where it is smashed is a mountain. May Sîn and Ningal, my great gods, change its name.


For the god Sîn of heaven, lion of the gods and king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord:

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, son of Ningal-iddin, who was also viceroy of Ur, who provides for Ekishnugal —

With regard to Etemennigurru, whose enclosure wall had collapsed in the distant past, whose foundation terrace had lain waste, and whose foundations were covered over, I sought the location of its forgotten gates. I put its foundation inscription inside a box and raised its the temple's top. I inlaid with silver a door of boxwood, wood of finest quality from a distant mountain, fixed with a copper peg, whose bands were strong, whose bottom was of gold, whose door bolt was of shining silver, and whose bar and pivot were of strong copper, in order that it might stand forever fixed in the doorway of the "secret house," the house of divination.

May the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, the gods, my helpers, destroy the name of anyone who erases my inscription or changes its position!

Q003841: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)suen an-na pirig dingir-re-e#-ne lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni-ir

(m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma dumu (m)(d)nin-gal-_sum-ma_ szagina urim(ki)-ma é-temen-ni-gUr-ru é ki Ag-gA(*)-na gibil-bi in-na-dU

AI Translation

Sin, the lord of heaven and earth, the king of the gods, the king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord:

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, son of Ningal-iddin, viceroy of Ur, rebuilt Etemennigurru, the temple that was once a ruin hill.


For the god Sîn of heaven, lion of the gods and king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord:

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, son of Ningal-iddin, who was also viceroy of Ur, rebuilt anew Etemennigurru, his beloved temple.

Q003842: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal an ki-a zi nam-til-la-sze _an-szar_-_du_-_ibila_-ke4 lugal lugal-e-ne lugal-a-ni (d)30-_tin_-su-iq-bi szagina urim(ki)-ma eridug(ki)-ga-ke4 u-a é-gisz-nu11-gal esz abzu zAlag-ga-ke4 é-lugal-galga-si-sa2 é ki Ag-gA-a-ni gibil-bi mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of heaven and netherworld, the one who provides for the life of Ashurbanipal, king of kings, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur and Eridu, the one who provides for Ekishnugal, the pure shrine of the Abzu, rebuilt Elugalgalgasisa, his beloved temple.


For the god Nanna, king of heaven and netherworld: in order to ensure the good health of Ashurbanipal, king of kings, his lord, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur and Eridu, who provides for Ekishnugal, the shining shrine of the Watery Abyss apsû, rebuilt anew Elugalgalgasisa, his beloved temple.

Q003843: royal-inscription cone

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(d)nanna] lugal#-a-ni [x _an_]-_szar_-_du_-_a#_ [lugal] ki-szar2-ra-ke4 [(m)(d)]30#-_tin_-su-iq-bi szagina urim(ki)-ma eridug(ki)-ga zi#-ni-((ki))-sze é-lugal-galga-si-sa2 gibil#-bi mu-na-an-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, his lord: ... Ashurbanipal, king of the world, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur and governor of Eridu, renovated Elugalgalgasisa.


For the god Nanna, his lord, ... of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur and Eridu, for the sake of his life rebuilt Elugalgalgasisa anew.

Q003844: royal-inscription cone

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-uszumgal-an-na ki#-gub (d)nin-ka-si-ke4 mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eushumgalana, the abode of the goddess Ninkasi.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eushumgalana, the station of the goddess Ninkasi.

Q003845: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-esz-ban-da ki-tusz (d)szu-zi-an-na mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eeshbanda, the abode of the goddess Shuzianna.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, the viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eeshbanda, the abode of the goddess Shuzianna.

Q003846: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-an-ki-kU-ga ki-gub (d)kU-sU-ke4 mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eankikkuga, the abode of the god Kusu.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eankikuga, the station of the god Kusu.

Q003847: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-ad-gi4-gi4 ki-tusz (d)nuska mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eadgigi, the abode of the god Nuska.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eadgigi, the abode of the god Nusku.

Q003848: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-kiszib-gal-é-kur-ra ki-tusz (d)nin-imma-ke4 mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Ekiszibgalekura, the abode of the goddess Ninimma.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Ekishibgalekura, the abode of the god Ninimma.

Q003849: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e]-ne# [lugal-a]-ni [(m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11_]-_ga_ [szagina urim](ki)-ma [u-a] eridug#(ki)-ga [é-x]-x-ga(?)-kU-ga [ki-tusz/gub] (d)en-nu-gi-ke4 [mu-na]-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built E...gukkuga, the residence/sit of the god Ennugi.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built E...kuga, the abode/station of the god Ennugi.

Q003850: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-an-szar2 ki-tusz nam-lugal-la-ni mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eanshar, his royal residence.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eanshar, his royal abode.

Q003851: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-sza-du10-ga ki-tusz nam-(d)en-lil-lA-a-ni mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eshaduga, the residence of his Enlilship.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eshaduga, the abode of his Enlilship.

Q003852: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil-e-ne lugal-a-ni (m)(d)_en-zu_-_ti-la-bi_-_du11-ga_ szagina urim(ki)-ma u-a eridug(ki)-ga é-_asz_-_an_-_amar_ ki-tusz (d)en-lil-lA-ke4 mu-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eash-anamar, the abode of the god Enlil.


For the god Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his lord: Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eashanamar, the abode of the god Enlil.

Q003853: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)nin-gal _un_-gal é-gisz-nu11-gal (d)nin-men-na ki Ag-gA urim(ki)-ma nin-a-ni-ir

(m)(d)_en-zu_-_tin_-su-iq-bi szagina urim(ki)-ma gi6-par é (d)nin-lil-le nita-dam ki Ag-gA (d)suen gibil-bi mu-na-dU alan nig-dim-dim-ma (d)nin-gal-ke4 u-me-ni-dim sza3 é dingir _hu_-dU-sze u-mu-un-ku4-ku4 é-gar6-ta ki-tusz nam-en-na-ni dU bi2-in-ri-a

AI Translation

For Ningal, the great lord, Ekishnugal, Ninmena, beloved of Ur, his mistress,

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, the gipar, the temple of the goddess Ninlil, the beloved male, the god Sîn, restored. The statue of the nigdimdim that the god Ningal had made great, he made enter into the heart of the temple of the happy god. From Egara, the residence of his lordship, he made it shine.


For the goddess Ningal, queen of Ekishnugal, divine Ninmenna "Lady of the Crown", beloved of Ur, his lady:

Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, built anew the Giparu, the house of the supreme goddess, beloved wife of the god Sîn. After he constructed a statue, a re-creation of the goddess Ningal, and brought it into the house of the wise god, she took up residence in Enun, which was built to be her lordly abode.

Q003854: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)nin-gal _gaszan_ s,ir-ti szar-rat i-la-a-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

ana _tin zi-mesz_ szA _an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal kur_-asz-szur-_ki lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat be-li-szu (m)(d)30-_tin_-su-iq-bi _dumu_ (m)(d)nin-gal-_mu lu-gir-nita_ uri-_ki eridu-ki_ u _lu_-gu-ra-sim-mu Asz-ri ip-te-e-ma pu-hi-li-tUm-ma ib-ni-ma u-kin ah-ra-tasz _a-mesz_ nag-bi da-ru-ti u-szab-ra-a qé-reb-szu

szA _nun_ pe-tu-u _pu_ szu-a-ti li-ri-ku u4-mu-szu lisz-ta-an-dil _nunuz_-szu

AI Translation

To Ningal, august lady, queen of goddesses, scion of the great gods,

For the preservation of the life of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, strong king, king of the world, his lord, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, son of Ningal-iddin, governor of Ur, Eridu, and the Gurasimu, he opened the granary and he deposited it in its foundations. He made therein a spring of fresh water for eternity.

May the prince who is a fugitive drain that well drain, and may his days be long!


For the goddess Ningal, august lady, queen of the goddesses, most valiant of the great gods:

In order to ensure the good health of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, mighty king, and king of the world, his lord, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, son of Ningal-iddin, viceroy of Ur, Eridu and the Gurasimmu tribe, opened up its emplacement, rebuilt the well named Puhilituma, and established it for all time. He made inexhaustible spring water appear in it.

With regard to any future prince who reopens this well, may his days be long and his offspring extensive!

Q003855: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_gaba-ri sig4#-al-ur-ra_ nap-pal-ti uri-_ki_ ep-szet amar-(d)_en-zu lugal_ u-ri ina szi-te-e'-u u-s,u-ra-a-ti é-gisz-nu11-gal (m)(d)_en-zu_-_tin_-su-iq-bi# _gir-nita uri5#-ki_ isz-te-e'-u# (m)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_sum-na dumu_ (m)_mu_-(d)pap-sukkal _lu-gala_ (d)_en_-(erasure)-_zu_ a-na ta-mar-(erasure)-ti i-mur-ma isz-t,ur

[(x)] (d)_bara_ (d)_en-lil_ x [...] _an# me_ [...]-u(?)# [...] x

AI Translation

The brickwork of the granary, the food of Ur, the work of Amar-Sîn, the king of Ur, he made. In the midst of the reed beds of Ekishnugal, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, the governor of Ur, went up to the throne. Nabû-shuma-iddin, son of Iddin-Papsukkal, the chief lamentation priest of Bel-shuma, saw the work and wrote it for the audience.

... the throne of Enlil ... .


Copy from a baked brick from the debris of Ur, the work of Amar-Suen, king of Ur, which Sîn-balassu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, had discovered while looking for the ground-plan of Ekishnugal. Nabû-shuma-iddin, son of Iddin-Papsukkal, the lamentation-priest of the god Sîn, saw it and wrote it down for display.

No translation possible

Q003856: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_nir-gal_-_dingir-mesz man szu man kur asz-ki a_ (disz)_asz_-_du_-_a man szu man kur asz-ki a_ (disz)_asz_-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz-ki_-ma u-sze-pisz-ma _sig4-al-ur-ra_ ana e-pesz é-zi-da sza qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha ana _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia _ba_-isz

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, had a brickwork made and I had it clad with baked bricks for the construction of Ezida, which is inside Calah, for the preservation of my life.


I, Ashur-etel-ilani, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, who was also king of Assyria; had baked bricks made for rebuilding Ezida, which is inside Kalhu. I dedicated this brick for the preservation of my life.

Q003858: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-na (d)_mes en_ szur-bé-e _ur-sag# mah en en-en_ szA-qu-u szA gat-tu szur-ru-hu _ugu_ kal _dingir-mesz_ ma-a'-disz szur-bu-u na-szi me-lam#-me ez-zu-ti la-bisz na-mur-ra-te t,a-rid (d)#kin-gu ka-szid tam-tim gal-la-ti ka-mu lem-nu#-ti a-szib é-esz-ér-ke4 szA qé-reb _zimbir-ki_-(d)a-ru-ru _en gal_-e _en_-szu

(m)_an#_-[_szar_]-e#-tel-li-_dingir-mesz man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (m)_an-szar_-_du_-_a#_-_a man szu man kur_-asz-szur-_ki_ u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz-nig-gidru ku-gi husz-a_ szA a-na s,i-bit _szu-ii_-szu _ku_-tum szar-ku a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-szu _gid-da ud-mesz_-szu _gin bala-mesz_-szu szA-lam _numun_-szu szur-szu-du _gisz-gu-za man_-ti-szu sze-me-e su(*)-up-pi-szu ma-ha-ri tés-lit-i-szu ina qé-reb é-esz-ér-ke4 u-kin da-risz

U szA _lu-ku4_-É _lu_-ki-na-al-ti _un-mesz_ szu-a-te mal ba-szu-u mu-szal-li-mu al-ka-ka-ti-szu szu-bar-ra-(szu)-nu a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti isz-kun

(erasure) szA ina _ugu gisz-nig-gidru ku-gi_ szA (d)_mes_

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, supreme lord, exalted hero, lord of lords, exalted one, whose brilliance surpasses all of the gods, exalted one, who is encircled by the fierce brilliance of the fierce radiance of the god Kingu, conqueror of the great seas, the one who overwhelms the evil, who dwells in Eesherke, which is inside Sippar-Aruru, the great lord, his lord:

Ashur-etel-ilani, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a scepter of reddish gold, whose fingernail was a pure scepter for the preservation of his life, the lengthening of his days, the lengthening of his reign, the well-being of his offspring, the attainment of his lofty crown, the foundation of his royal throne, the understanding of his supplications, the audience gift, and his téslitu-offerings, in Eesherke.

Moreover, as for the temple-enterers and the kinaltu-officials, those people, as many as there were, who were able to complete their rites, they established their securing of their positions for future days.

That which is written upon the gold scepter of Marduk.


For the god Marduk, supreme lord, august hero, lord of lords, exalted, whose figure is splendid and who is vastly superior to all of the other gods, bearer of the awe-inspiring, terrible radiance, clothed in splendor, who drove off the god Kingu, defeated the angry sea, and overcame the evil ones, who dwells in Eesherke — which is inside Sippar-Aruru — great lord, his lord:

Ashur-etel-ilani, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, had a scepter of red gold made which was then presented for his Marduk's pure hands to grasp. He Ashur-etel-ilani set it up forever inside Eesherke in order to ensure his good health, to prolong his days, to confirm his reign, to ensure the well-being of his descendants, to make his royal throne secure, and to ensure that his prayers are heard and his supplications granted.

He established for all future days the freedom from taxation of those privileged to enter the temple, the collegium, those people, as many as there are, who look after his Marduk's ways.

That which is written upon the gold scepter of the god Marduk.

Q003859: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)urasz _en mah sag-kal dingir-me gal-me_ é-i-bi2-(d)a-num _bara_ ra-asz-bu _en gal_-u _en_-szu (m)_an-szar4_-_nir-gal_-_dingir-me man kur_-_an-szar-ki_

mu-ud-disz _bara dingir-me gal-mesz_ ((_gal-me_)) _dumu_ (m)_an#-szar_-_du_-_a man kur_-_an-szar-ki sipa_ s,al-mat _sag-du_ é-i-bi2-(d)a-num Asz-ri el-lu szA qé-reb dil-bat-_ki_ szu-bat (d)urasz u (d)nin-é-gal# usz-szisz a-gur-ru pi-ti-iq (d)bAhar esz-szisz ib-ni-ma _suhusz pu ki_-szu

ki-i pi-i la-bi-ri-im-ma u-kin a-na# du-ur u4-me zu-mur _pu mu-mesz gim id-idigna_ u _id_-(_buranun_) ub-bi-ib-ma ana nap-ta-nu _dingir-me gal-mesz_ u-kin _a-mesz#_ szu-ni-te9-e-ma a-na nap-ta-nu usz-tah-ma-t,u u4-mi-szam ana (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)urasz u (d)nin-é-gal a-szi-bu qé-reb# É _mu_(*)-_me sig5_-ti (m)_an-szar_-_nir-gal_-_dingir-me_(*) _man_ mi-gir-szu-un li-iq-bu-u li-ri-ik _bala_-szu

AI Translation

For the god Urash, the exalted lord, foremost of the great gods, E-ibbi-Anu, the exalted dais, great lord, his lord: Ashur-etel-ilani, king of Assyria.

As for the one who renovates the dais of the great gods, son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, shepherd of the black-headed people, built E-ibbi-Anu, the pure sanctuary, which is inside Dilbat, the abode of the god Urash and the goddess Ninegal. He built anew anew a curved cedar structure, a product of the god Bahar, and thereby secured its foundations.

In order to prolong the days of the watercourses like the Tigris and Euphrates, I established the watercourses for the dining of the great gods. I made those waters flow continuously for the dining halls. On the very day that I dwell in that temple, may Ashur-etel-ilani, the king who loves them, command and decree his reign.


For the god Urash, august lord, foremost of the great gods of E-ibbi-Anum — the shrine which is worthy of honor — great lord, his lord:

Ashur-etel-ilani, king of Assyria, who renovated the shrines of the great gods, son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, shepherd of the black-headed, renovated E-ibbi-Anum, the holy place which is inside Dilbat, the abode of the god Urash and the goddess Ninegal. He rebuilt it anew with baked bricks, the product of the god Bahar and, with regard to the foundation of the well, he re-established its position as it had been in ancient times.

For future days he cleaned this entire wall in order to make its water as pure as that of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and he established its water for the meals of the great gods. That water should be brought every day in good time for their meals. May they say good things about Ashur-etel-ilani, the king, their favorite, to the deities Nabû, Marduk, Urash, and Ninegal, who dwell in that temple. May his reign be long!

Q003860: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(d)en-lil] [lugal kur]-kur#-[ra] [lugal-a]-ni-ir [_an_]-_szar#_-e-tel-lu4-_dingir-mesz_ sipad# sze-ga-bi u-a nibru(ki(*)) sag-us(*) é-kur-ra lugal kalag-ga lugal ub-da limmu-ba é-kur-ra é ki Ag-gA-a-ni szeg12 al-Ur-ra-ta mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of all the lands, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the humble shepherd, provider of Nippur, the foremost of Ekur, the strong king, king of the four quarters, built Ekur, his beloved temple, with bitumen and baked brick.


For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, his lord: Ashur-etel-ilani, his obedient shepherd, who provides for Nippur, supporter of Ekur, mighty king, king of the four quarters of the world, rebuilt Ekur, his beloved temple with baked bricks.

Q003861: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_ki-mah_ szA (m)(d)_utu_-ib-ni _dumu_ (m)da-ku-ru szA# (m)_an-szar_-_nir-gal_-_dingir-mesz lugal kur_-asz-szur re-e-mu ir-Asz-Asz-szum-ma ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-asz-szur a-na É-(m)da-kur _kur_-szu u-bil-la-Asz-szum-ma ina _ki-mah_ ina qé-reb É-szu szA _bad_-szA-la-di-ni u-szA-as,-li-lu-szu

man-nu at-ta lu-u _lu_-szak-nu _lu_-szA-pi-ru lu-u da-a-a-nu lu-u _nun_ szA ina _kur_ isz-szak-ka-nu a-na _ki-mah_ u e-s,e-et-ti szu-a-ti la ta-ha-at,-t,u a-szar-szu u-s,ur s,i-il-li t,a-a-bi e-li-szu tu-ru-us, a-na szu-a-ti (d)_amar-utu en gal_-u pa-le-e-ka lu-ur-rik# s,u-lul-szu t,a-a-bu e-li-ka li-isz-kun# _mu#_-ka _numun_-ka U ba-la-t,u u4#-me-ka _gid-da-mesz_ a-na u4-me s,a-a-ta# lik-ru(?)-bu#

szum-ma _nun_ szu-u lu-u _lu_-szak-nu lu-u _lu_-szA-pi-ru lu-u da-a-a-nu lu-u _gir-nita_ szA ina _kur_ ib-ba-Asz-szu-u a-na _ki-mah_ u e-s,e-et-ti szu-a-ti i-ha-at,-t,u-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ri a-na a-szar szA-nam-ma i-leq-qu-u U man-ma a-na le-mut-tum u-szad-ba-bu-szu-ma i-szem-mu-u (d)_amar-utu en gal_-u _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu U na-an-nab-szu i-na pi-i _un-mesz_ li-hal-liq

(d)_ag_ sa-ni-iq mit-hur-ti mi-na-a-ta u4-me-szu _gid-da#-mesz_ li-kar-ri#

(d)_u-gur#_ ina di-i' szib-t,u# u szag-ga#-Asz-ti la i-gam-mi-il nap-szat-su

AI Translation

The tomb of Shamash-ibni, son of Dakuru, which Ashur-etel-ilani, king of Assyria, had seized and brought out of Assyria to Bit-Dakur, his land, and he had it deposited in a tomb inside his house of the wall of Shaladini.

Whoever you are, be it a prefect, a treasurer, or a judge, or a prince who is placed in the land, do not abandon this tomb and abandoned settlement, but guard its place and keep safe the good omens. For this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, lengthen his reign and make his protection good for you. May he make your name, your seed, and your life last for ever.

If a prince, whether a prefect, a governor, a steward, or a governor, who is living in the land, a fugitive, or an enemy, destroys his land, changes its position, or causes others to alter it, or hears it, may the god Marduk, the great lord, make his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from the mouths of the people.

May Nabû, who makes the opposition agree, give me a long life!

Nergal shall not make his life miserable by a curse, deceit, or rebellion.


The tomb of Shamash-ibni, the Dakkurian, upon whom Ashur-etel-ilani, king of Assyria, had pity, brought from Assyria to Bit-Dakkuri, his own country, and laid to rest in a tomb inside his home of Duru-sha-Ladini "Fortress of Ladinu".

Whoever you are, whether governor or commander or judge or prince, who is appointed in the land, do not harm this tomb or its bones! But rather look after its position and extend your good protection over it! For doing this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, lengthen your reign, establish his good protection over you, and bless your name, your descendants, and your long life for all time!

But if that prince or governor or commandant or judge or viceroy who appears in the land harms this tomb or its bones, or changes its position, taking it to another place, or if another person incites him to plan wicked things against this tomb and he listens to him, may the god Marduk, the great lord, make his name, his descendants, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from mention by the mouths of the people!

May the god Nabû, who makes opposing forces agree, cut short the number of his days lit. "the number of his long days"!

May the god Nabû, who makes opposing forces agree, cut short the number of his days lit. "the number of his long days"! May the god Nergal not spare his life from malaria, plague, or slaughter!May the god Nergal not spare his life from malaria, plague, or slaughter!

Q003862: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)_en#-zu_-_lugal_-_gar_-un _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu# [_lugal szu lugal kur_] _an#-szar-ki_ ni-isz _igi-ii an-szar_ (d)_en-lil_ (d)_nin-lil gir-nita_ mut#-nen-nu#-[u _lu_-x] x é-szar2-ra ma-al-ku szuk-nu-szu i#-tu-ut kun lib-bi (d)30 (d)_nin#_-[_gal_ (d)_utu_ u (d)a-a na-ram (d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_]-_du#_-tum (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun_ tab-szu#-ut (d)isz-tar a-szi-bat _uru-nina#_ (d)isz-tar a-szi-bat [_limmu_-_dingir-ki_ mi-gir (d)_u-gur_] _u#_ (d)nusku

[ki-ma _ad_ u _ama_ it-ta-nar-ru-in-ni-ma i-na-ru a-a-bi-ia u-szam-qi-tu] ga(?)#-re-ia [t,a-bisz u-sze-szib-u-in-ni ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ad_] _du_-ia [(d)é-a (d)be-let-_dingir-mesz_ a-na e-nu-ti kisz-szA-ti ib-nu-in-ni ina nap-har x x u-szA]-ti(?)#-ru nab-ni-ti [(d)30 _lugal_ a-ge-e a-na kun-ni _suhusz kur_ szu-te-szur ba-'u-la-a-ti a-ge-e _en_-u-ti e-pir-an-ni _gisz-gidru lugal_-u]-ti# u-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u-a [(d)_nin-lil_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki_ an-tum ...] x _sag-mesz_-ia

[_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat] _limmu#_-tim [_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u_] _uri-ki_ [...] x _an_

[...] x _dug-ga_ ih-ti#-x x [x] x [x x] _ban_(?) _ni ki_(?)# [...] [x x (x)]-u#-tu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pit-lu-ha-ku Asz-ra-te#-szu-nu Asz-te-'u-u u-s,al-lu-u _en_-us#-[su-nu ...]

[i]-da(?)#-a-a i-zi-zu-ma u-sa-at dum-qi e-pu-szu-u-ni ke#-mu-u-a i-tap-pa-lu i-na-ru a-a-bi-ia# [...] [_lu_]-_kur#-mesz_-ia ik-mu-u a-a-ab# _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ la ma-gi#-ru-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is,-bu-tum# [...] [x] x x _im-mesz_ ti-bu-ti-ia u-szab-bi-ru kab-[...]

[ina] _sag lugal#_-u-ti-ia i-na# mah-re-e# _bala_-ia sza ina _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti [ra-bisz u-szi-bu] [za-na]-an# ma-ha-zi szuk-lul esz-ret _bad-mesz_-ni da-Ad#-me _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [...] [x x] x-e-ri ka-a#-a-an usz-ta#-da-na# [kar-szu-u-a] [_dingir-mesz_] _gal#-mesz_ sza ap-tal-la-hu-szu-nu-ti _dingir_-us-su-nu [...] [x x] en#-né-ti-ia de-e-ni e-pu-szu-ma _ugu edin_ x [...] [...] x-in#-ni [...]

[ina] u4#-me-szu É _na4-gisz-nu11-gal_ né-reb _im-mar-tu_ sza a-na É# [...] [sza (disz)(d)]30#-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal kur#_ [asz]-szur#-_ki ad# ad du_-ia# [e-pu-szu e-na-ah-ma la-ba-risz il-lik] [an-hu]-us-su ad#-ke ul-tu# [_usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil] [_ugu_ szA pa-ni]-ti#-im-ma szi-kit-ta-szu u-[rab-bi(?) ...]

[_nun_] _egir#_-u i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz#_-[ia e-nu-ma É szu-a-tu in-na-hu-ma il-la-ku la-ba-risz] [an]-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz [_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_]-ia5 _u mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# szu-me sza (disz)(d)30-[_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur]-_ki_(?) _ad_(?) _ad_(?)# [_du_-ia li]-mur#-ma [I]-_gisz_ lip-szu#-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar#_-[e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz]-kun _an#-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ ik-ri-bi-szu# [i-szem-mu]-u

_iti-szu-gar-numun-na_ li-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-tap-pu-ti-a#-[lik]

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, chosen of the gods Ashur, Enlil, and Mullissu, pious governor, ... of Esharra, the king whose rule is supreme, chosen of the hearts of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, beloved of the deities Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, the one who dwells in Nineveh, the one who dwells in Arbela, favorite of the gods Nergal and Nusku:

When my father and mother constantly praised me and he swore my defeat, he made my foes happy and settled me on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me. The gods Ea and Belet-ili created me for dominion over the world and ... in all ... they made me a great person. The god Sîn, king of the crown, made me the one to establish the foundations of the land and to ensure the well-being of the people. He made me hold the king's throne. The goddess Mullissu, who resides in Nineveh, Antu ... ... ... ... my eunuchs.

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad ... .

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the great gods, I prayed to them, I prayed to them, I prayed to them, ... their lordship .

They stood by me and performed good deeds. They swore by my word and swore by my oath. They seized my enemies ... and my enemies seized me. The people of Assyria, who were not submissive to my royal majesty, took ... ... they made the lands of my foes bow down .

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, I provided for the sanctuaries, the complete renovation of the sanctuaries, the settlements of Assyria, ... ... constantly ... I constantly prayed to the great gods whose divinity I love, ... my lordly majesty, and ... over the steppe ... ... .

At that time, the alabaster storehouse which was to be the house ... that Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, had become dilapidated and old. I removed its debris, built it from its foundations to its crenellations, and completed it more than before. .

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu will then hear his prayers.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Nabû-tapputi-alik.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, favored by the deities Ashur, Enlil, and Mullissu; pious governor, ... of Esharra, humble ruler; chosen by the steadfast hearts of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya; beloved of the deities Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu; creation of the goddess Ishtar who resides in Nineveh and the goddess Ishtar who resides in Arbela, favorite of the gods Nergal and Nusku; 5 the one whom the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, and the great gods, my lords, steadfastly looked upon among my brethren and selected for kingship; whom they commanded to perform the roles of provisioner of all cult centers, priest of all sanctuaries, and shepherd of the totality of the black-headed people;

whom they guided like a father and a mother, whose foes they killed, and whose adversaries they cut down; whom they gladly placed on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me; whom the god Ea and the goddess Belet-ili created for dominion over the world and whose form they made surpassing among all ...; 10 whom the god Sîn, king of the crown, crowned with the crown of lordship and whose hand he made take up the scepter of kingship to make the foundation of the land firm and to direct the people; whose head the goddess Mullissu who resides in Nineveh, the goddess Antu, ... raised up; resplendent young man, superb man, who comprehends reason and counsel, who speaks eloquent words, magnanimous, discerning, whose words are pleasing to the people like the armannu-fruit; 15 whose help and battle ... his good fortune; ... their words; ... his head;

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; ... ...;

... ... ... ... I constantly revered the great gods, and I was assiduous towards their sanctuaries and beseeched their lordly majesties ....

They stood by my side, carried out correct procedures for me, constantly answered enemies in my stead, killed my foes, ..., bound my enemies, captured the enemies of Assyria who had not bowed down to my royal majesty, ... 5' ... they broke the ...s of the assault against me, ...;

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, I constantly gave thought to providing for cult centers and completing the sanctuaries of fortresses and settlements of Assyria, ... ... The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, ... rendered judgment on those who had sinned against me, and in the open country ... me ....

At that time, the house of alabaster, the western entrance which ... to the palace ..., that Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the grandfather of the father who had engendered me, had build, had become dilapidated and old — I removed its dilapidated sections. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations, made its structure larger than the one before, ....

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that house becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the grandfather of the father who had engendered me, and then anoint them with oil, make an offering, and place them with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu will then hear his prayers.

Du'uzu IV, eponymy of Nabû-tappûti-alik 613*.

Q003863: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] u-kin par#-s,e ki-du-de-e# x [...] [... ir]-te-'u-u# ba-'u-la-ti _aga en_-u-ti x e-pi-ru#-[usz na-an-nar _an_-e (d)30] [_gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu] usz#-pa-ru ke-e-nu a#-na _sipa_-u-ti _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ (d)_amar-utu#_ [... u-szat-me-hu rit-tu-usz-szu] [lib-bu] rap#-szu ka-rasz ta-szim#-ti sza a-na t,u-ub _uzu un-mesz#_ [...] [a-hi]-iz# t,e-e-me la-mid szi-tul-ti sza né-me-qi-szu u-szA-hi-zu-szu# [(d)é-a ...]

_nun#_ na-a'-du _gir-nita_ it-pe-szu _sipa_ ke-e-nu isz-szak-ku s,i-i-ru [...] sza# ina tukul-ti _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum ul-tu s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi# [a-di e-reb (d)_utu_-szi ...] ina qi-bit _dingir_-ti-szu-nu s,ir-ti a-a-bi-szu ik-mu-u u-szam-qi-tu ga-re-szu gi-mir za-ma-ni-szu is-pu-nu [...] a-na zi-kir _mu_-szu kab-ti szA im-bu-szu _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum mal-ki sza x [...]

le-'u-u mu-du-u szA _kur an-szar-ki ki-tusz_ ne-eh-tu a-na szu-szu-bi# [...] pa-lih _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-_mu_ (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir#-ki_ [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (_en-mesz_-szu)] szA ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu a-di _gal_-szu _egir_-szu-nu it#-tal-lak-u-ma u-s,al-lu-u be-lut-sun ina su-up-pe-e# [...] na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu#-[ut a-ki-i ...]

mut-nen-nu-u mun-dal-ku sza ta-nit-ti _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag#_ [(d)tasz-me-tum ...] mu-kin# isz-di _kur_-szu mu-t,ib lib-bi _erim-hi-a_-szu sza ina kit-te u me-szA-ri _gim_ x [...] ha-tin# _lu-erim-mesz_ ki-din-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mu-ub-bi-ib sat#-[tuk-ki ...]

_an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ ep-sze-ti-ia# [_sig5_]-_mesz_ ha-disz lik#-[...] _ugu lugal-mesz#_ x x x [...]

AI Translation

... I established rites and rituals ... ... ... they constantly sought out the lordly majesty ..., they made the light of heaven shine forth, the god Sîn a just scepter, they made firm omens for shepherding the extensive people, the god Marduk ... they made him hold his hand, he was a wide-spread man, he was a lone one, he was a lone one, he who provides for the well-being of the people ... I sought out the truth, he who provided him with the scepter whose wisdom the god Ea .

Prince who loves his shepherdship, true shepherd, exalted ..., who with the support of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, from the rising sun to the setting sun ..., who by the command of their exalted divinity conquered his enemies and smashed his foes, ..., ... ..., for the mention of his great name, which the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, rulers who ... .

To ..., who reveres the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, and the great gods, his lords, who marched after him from his childhood until his youth and made them exercise their dominion, with supplications ..., guardian of truth who loves justice, who performs good deeds, who goes to the aid of ...,

The steadfast shepherd who loves the praise of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, ..., who establishes the foundations of his land, who soothes the heart of his troops, who, in truth and justice, like ..., who provides for the privileged people, as many as there are, who provides regular offerings, .

May Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, and Nabû look with pleasure upon my good deeds ... ... over the kings ... .


... firmly established; ... cultic rites and kidudû-rites ... constantly shepherded the people; whom the light of heaven, the god Sîn, crowned with the crown of lordship; whose hand the god Marduk, ..., made take up a just scepter and a true staff for shepherding a widespread population; magnanimous, discerning, who ... to please the people; 5' who comprehends reason, who learned deliberation; the one to whom the god Ea, ..., taught his wisdom;

pious ruler, capable governor, true shepherd, exalted vice-regent, ...; the one who, with the support of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu ... from sunrise to sunset; who, by the exalted command of their divinity, binds his foes, cuts down his adversaries, flattens all of his enemies, ...; at the mention of whose venerated name, which the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu gave to him, the rulers of/who ...;

the capable one, who knows how to make Assyria dwell in a peaceful abode ...; who reveres the deities, Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Beltiya Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, his lords; who, from his childhood until he became an adult, constantly followed after them the great gods, beseeched their lordly majesties, and with supplications ...; who guards truth, who loves justice, who renders assistance, who goes to the aid of the weak, ...;

the pious and judicious one, who ... the praise of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu; who makes the foundation of his land firm, who pleases the hearts of his troops, who ... in truth and justice like ...; who protects the privileged people, as many as there are; who keeps pure the regular offerings; ....

The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, and Nabû with pleasure ... ... my good deeds; ... over the kings ... ...

Q003864: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _lugal_] _szu lugal kur# an-szar-ki_(?)# [...] [... (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar]-pa-ni#-tum na-ram (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum# [...] [... _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra_]-_ki_(?)# _lugal kur eme-gi7#_ [u] _uri-ki dumu_(?) (disz)_an_(?)-_szar_(?)#- [...] [... _gir-nita_] _ka_(?)-_dingir_(?)-_ra_(?)-_ki_(?) _lugal# kur eme-gi7_ u(?)# [_uri-ki_]

[...] sza# x _szu_ x u#-sze-s,u-u a-na re-sze-e#-[ti] [...] x-nisz _sag-du_ u-szA-qi-ru nab-ni#-[ti] [...] x (x) _szu_ a#-na _lugal#_-[u-ti]

[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x-nu-szu [...] [...] _abgal dingir-mesz_ [...] [...] x ina(?) lib(?)-bi(?)# e-szA#-[...] [...] x x x x (x) [...]

[...] (x) [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] x-_mesz_ (x) x x x-_mesz_ hu-ud lib-bi x x x x x (x) [...] [...] (x) x x a-lik it-bal _a-ii_-a-a _lu-kur-mesz_-ia# x x x [...] [...] hu-ud lib#-bi ina t,u-ub _uzu-mesz_(?)# [na-mar] ka-bat-ti# [...]

[_nun egir_-u ina _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu_]-_mesz_-ia e-nu#-ma tam-lu-u szu#-a-tu in(?)-na(?)#-[hu-ma il-la-ku] la(?)-ba(?)-risz(?)# [an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz] [_mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia] li#-mur-ma _i-gisz#_ lip-szu-usz# [_udu-siskur bal_-qi it]-ti _mu-sar_-e szi#-[t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun] [_an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni]-tum(?) (d)_ag#_ (d)tasz-me-tum# [ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u]

[szA _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_]-ia u-nak#-ka-ru szi-pir _szu-ii_-ia# [...] x x A(?) _mu_(?)-ia [...] [...] (x) a-na ni#-isz _szu-ii_-szu a#-a iz#-zi-zu-ma a-a isz-mu-u su-up-pi-szu ag-gisz# li-ru-ru-szu-ma [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu]

[... lim-mu (disz)](d)#30-_man_-_pap lu-en-nam#_ [_uru_(?)]-hi#-[in-da-na]

AI Translation

... king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, beloved of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, ..., governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Ashur-..., ..., governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

... who ... brought out and made them enter into the first place ... ... ... he raised the head and made it a place of wonder for ... ... to be king.

... ... ... ... ... ... the sage of the gods ... ... within ... ... .

... ... ... ... ... ... happiness ... ... ... ... went, my army and my enemies ... ... happiness in good health, a pleasant mood .

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that terrace becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters an inscribed object bearing my name, or my handiwork, ... my name, ..., or my name, ..., or does not place it in the hands of his own hand, or disregards or destroys it, may a later prince restore it, make his name and his descendants disappear from the land.

... eponymy of Sîn-sharru-ushur, governor of the city Hindanu 645.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, ... king of the world, king of Assyria, ... of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, beloved of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, ...; son of Ashurbanipal, ..., governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Esarhaddon, ... ...; son of Sennacherib, ...; descendant of Sargon II, ..., governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad:

... ... whom they the gods made pre-eminent, ... ..., they held my form in high esteem ... ... for kingship ....

No translation possible

... ... ... ... happiness ... ... ... my side ... my enemies ... happiness, good health, and a bright spirit ....

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that terrace becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name, ... my handiwork, ... my ..., may the deities ... not be present for his prayers and not heed his supplications. 10 May they curse him angrily and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

..., ... day, eponymy of Sîn-sharru-ushur, governor of the city Hindanu.

Q003865: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] [...] [...]-bi [...] [...] _id-idigna#_ [...] [...] szu#-bat-su(?)# [...] [...] e-pu-[szu ...] [... ar]-s,ip# u-szak#-[lil ...] [... u]-mal#-li [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... the Tigris ... its site ... I built ... I built and completed ... I filled ...


... the Tigris River ... whose site ... which ... built ... I built and completed it ... I filled ...

Q003866: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x A [(x)] _ad_ [...] [... _lugal kur_] _an#-szar-ki_ x [...] [... e]-pu#-szu e-na-ah-[ma] la-ba#-[risz il-lik ...] [... ul-tu] _usz8#_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi#-[szu] ar-s,ip [u-szak-lil ...] [...] x szi-kit-ta#-szu [u-rab-bi(?) ...] [...] x [x x] x [...]

[... e-nu-ma(?)] É# [szu-a-tu(?) ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... king of Assyria ... ... ... whose work he had done became dilapidated and old ... I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations ... I enlarged its structure ...

... when that house .


... ... ... that ..., king of Assyria, ... had built became dilapidated and old ... I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... I enlarged its structure. ... ... ...

... when that house ...

Q003867: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na-ku (disz)(d)_en-zu_]-_lugal#_-_gar_-un _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal#_ [_kur an-szar-ki_] [ni-isz _igi-ii an-szar_] (d)#_en-lil_ (d)_nin-lil gir-nita_ mut-nen-nu-u _lu#_-[x x é-szar2-ra] [ma-al-ku szuk-nu-szu i-tu]-ut kun lib-bi (d)30 (d)_nin-gal_ (d)_utu_ u (d)a-a na-ram [(d)_amar-utu_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tum (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun_] [tab-szu-ut (d)isz-tar a]-szi#-bat _nina#-ki_ (d)isz-tar a-szi-bat _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ mi-gir# [(d)_u-gur u_ (d)nusku]

ki-ma _ad#_ u [_ama_] it#-ta-nar#-ru-in-ni-ma i-na-ru# [a-a-bi-ia u-szam-qi-tu] ga-re-ia t,a-bisz u#-sze-szib-u-in-ni ina _gisz#_-[_gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ad_] _du#_-ia (d)#é-a (d)be-let#-_dingir-mesz_ a-na e-nu-ti kisz-szA-ti ib-nu-in#-[ni ina nap-har x x u-szA-ti(?)]-ru# nab-ni-ti (d)30 _lugal_ a-ge-e a-na kun-ni _suhusz kur_ szu-[te-szur ba-'u-la-a-ti a-ge-e _en_-u]-ti e-pir-an-[ni] _gisz-gidru lugal_-u-ti [u-szat-me-eh] rit-tu-u#-[a] (d)_nin-lil_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki_ an-tum x [...] x _sag#_-[_mesz_]-ia(?)#

[_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal man_ dan-nu _lugal szu man kur an-szar man_] _kur# eme-gi7_ u _uri#-ki_ [_man_] kib-rat# [_limmu_]-tim# [_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_] _u uri-ki#_

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, chosen of the gods Ashur, Enlil, and Mullissu, pious governor, ... of Esharra, the pre-eminent ruler, chosen of the hearts of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, beloved of the deities Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, the one who is appointee of the goddess Ishtar who is in Nineveh, and the goddess Ishtar who is in Arbela, favorite of the gods Nergal and Nusku:

When my father and mother constantly praised me and he swore my defeat, he made my foes happy and settled me on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me. The gods Ea and Belet-ili created me for dominion over the world and ... in all ... they made me attain my wish. The god Sîn, king of the crown, made me the one to establish the foundation of the land and to ensure the well-being of the people of the crown of lordship. He made me hold the king's yoke. The goddess Mullissu, who resides in Nineveh, Antu ...

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, favored by the deities Ashur, Enlil, and Mullissu; pious governor, ... of Esharra, humble ruler; chosen by the steadfast hearts of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya; beloved of the deities Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu; creation of the goddess Ishtar who resides in Nineveh and the goddess Ishtar who resides in Arbela, favorite of the gods Nergal and Nusku; the one whom the god Ashur, the goddess Mullissu, and the great gods, my lords, steadfastly looked upon among my brethren and selected for kingship; whom they commanded to perform the roles of provisioner of all cult centers, priest of all sanctuaries, and shepherd of the totality of the black-headed people;

whom they guided like a father and a mother, whose foes they killed, and whose adversaries they cut down; whom they gladly placed on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me; whom the god Ea and the goddess Belet-ili created for dominion over the world and whose form they made surpassing among all ...; whom the god Sîn, king of the crown, crowned with the crown of lordship and whose hand he made take up the scepter of kingship to make the foundation of the land firm and to direct the people; whose head the goddess Mullissu who resides in Nineveh, the goddess Antu, ... raised up; resplendent young man, superb man, who comprehends reason and counsel, who speaks eloquent words, magnanimous, discerning, whose words are pleasing to the people like the armannu-fruit; whose help and battle ... his good fortune; ... ... ... their words; ... ... ... ... ... his head;

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;



[_nun egir_-u i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia e-nu-ma É szu-a-tu in]-na(?)-hu(?)-ma(?)# [il-la-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu_]-_sar_-u# [szi]-t,ir _mu_-ia [_u mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me sza (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki ad ad_] _du#_-ia li#-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz# [_udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu_]-_sar#_-e szi-t,ir# _mu_-szu lisz-kun _an-szar_ (d)_nin#_-[_lil_ ik-ri]-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u

sza _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir# [_mu_-ia] ul#-tu Asz-ri-szu u-nak-ka-ru it-ti _mu-sar#_-e szi#-[t,ir] _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu# _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil#_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)[_amar_]-_utu#_ (d)_numun_-_du_-tum (d)_muati_ (d)_papnun#_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir#-ki dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim _gisz-gu-za_-szu li-szA-bal-ki-tu li-ru-ru _bala_-szu _gisz-gidru_-szu li-t,i-ru _a-ii_-szu lik-su-u ina _ki-ta# lu-kur_-szu li-sze-szi#-bu-usz ka-mi-isz

_mu-sar_-u sza _bad nina-ki#_

_iti#-kin_ lim-mu (disz)_en_-_pap_-_pap lu_-szA# _igi kur#_

AI Translation

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name from its place and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Marduk, Zer-banitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods of heaven and netherworld, overthrow his throne, overthrow his reign, appoints his yoke, and causes him to succeed, and he may sit down on his enemy's throne.

The written document of the wall of Nineveh.

Month Elul VI, eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, governor of the land.


May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that house becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the grandfather of the father who had engendered me, and then anoint them with oil, make an offering, and place them with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name from its place and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the deities Ashur, Millissu, Sîn, Shamash, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods of heaven and netherworld, r 10' overthrow his throne, curse his reign, take away his scepter, bind his arms, and make him sit bound at the feet of his enemy. May they curse him angrily and make his name, his offspring, his dynasty, and his progeny disappear from all of the lands.

Inscription concerning the wall of Nineveh.

Ululu VI, eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, palace overseer 616*.

Q003868: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(d)_ag_ (d)#[tasz-me-tum] ina ni-isz _igi-ii-mesz#_-[szu-nu _sig5-mesz_] ke-nisz ip-pal-su#-[szu-ma] is-su-qu-szu a-na [_lugal_-u-ti] a-na kun-ni (erasure) _suhusz_ [_kur_] szu-te-szur ba-'u-la(*)(over erasure)-[a-ti] dal#-ha-a-ti a-(na) tu-qu#-[ni] [ab]-ta#-a-ti a-na ke-sze20-ri a-ge#-[e] [be-lu-ti i]-pi-ru#-usz na-an-nar _an#_-[e (d)30] [_gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu] usz-pa#-ru ke-[e-nu] a-na re#-['u-u-ti _un_]-_mesz dagal#_-[_mesz_] (d)_ag#_ [pa-qid kisz-szA-ti] u-szat-me-[hu rit-tu-usz-szu] lib-bu rap#-[szu ka-rasz ta-szim-ti]

AI Translation

The gods Nabû and Tashmetu looked steadfastly upon him with their firm approval and he appointed him to kingship to secure the foundation of the land, to make the weak weak to be a burdensome burden, to make the weak weak weak to be a burdensome burden, to make the lordly crown supreme, to make the light of heaven shine, to make the scepter of the god Sîn a just scepter, to establish a firm omen for shepherding the widespread people, and the god Nabû, the overseer of the world, made him hold his hand, a widespread heart, the foremost of all,


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; the one whom the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu steadfastly looked upon with their benevolent glance and selected for kingship; whom the light of heaven, the god Sîn, crowned with the crown of lordship to make the foundation of the land firm, to direct the people, to put in order what is confused, and to repair what is destroyed; whose hand the god Nabû, overseer of the world, made take up a just scepter and a true staff for shepherding a widespread population; magnanimous, discerning, who comprehends reason and counsel, who learned deliberation; reliable judge, who speaks about truth and justice; to whom treacherous talk is anathema and lies an abomination; pious ruler, capable governor, true shepherd, leader of a widespread population; whose kingship the great gods made pleasing in all of the lands like the finest oil;

Obverse Column ii


_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-[_ibila lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu] _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar lugal#_ [_kur eme-gi7_] _u uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu#_-[tim] _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur#_ [_an_]-_szar-ki# nun_ la szA-na-an [_sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_lugal_]-_gi-na lugal gal#_ [_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki gir-nita_]

[ina _sag lugal_-u-ti-ia ul]-tu _an-szar_ [(d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)30] (d)_utu_ [(d)nin-urta (d)_u-gur_ u] (d)nusku [ina bi-rit masz-szi-ia ut]-tu-un-ni-ma [ih-szi-hu] _lugal#_-u-ti [ki-ma _ad_ u] _ama#_ it-ta-nar-ru-un-ni-ma [i-na-ru] a#-a-bi-ia [u-szam-qi-tu] za#-'i-i-ri-ia [u-sa-at _sig5_] i#-pu-szu-u-ni [t,a-bisz u]-sze#-szib-u-in-ni [i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-u]-ti# _ad du_-ia [sza za-na-an] ma#-ha-zi [...] x [(x)] x x

AI Translation

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

At the beginning of my kingship, after the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Shamash, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku placed me between my limbs and they revered my royal majesty, they revered me like a father and a mother, and they cut down my enemies. They made good things happen for me and they made me sit on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me, who provides for the cult centers .


son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

At the beginning of my kingship, after the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Shamash, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku chose me among my brethren and desired me as king, guided me like a father and a mother, and killed my foes, cut down my enemies, performed good deeds for me, and gladly placed me on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me; I constantly gave thought to providing for cult centers, ... ...

Obverse Column iii


x (x) [...] la#-ba-risz# [il-lik] [_ta_(?) _ud_]-_mesz#_ ma-a'-du-te ni-du#-[tu il-lik-ma] [i-te]-me qaq-qa#-[risz] (d)_ag_ (d)#tasz-me(*)(text: extra horizontal?)-tum _en-mesz_-ia# (ina) É (d)[isz-tar] asz-szur-i-ti# [Asz-bu-ma] i-mah-ha-ru sur#-[qé-ni] _lugal-mesz_-ni [_ad-mesz_-ia] a-li-kut mah#-[ri-ia] _du_-esz É szu-a-tu la ih#-[su-su-nim-ma] ul isz-ku-nu uz-nu

a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un# _lugal_ kisz-szA-ti _lugal kur an-szar-ki_ pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ musz-te-e'-u Asz-ri-szu-nu e-pe-esz É szu-a-tu ina lib-bi-ia ib-ba-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-la ina# _gisz-hur_-szu la-bir-tu [ina _masz_]-_kan_-szu# mah-ri-ti [ina _iti dug-ga_] u4-me# sze-me-e [ina szi-pir ka-kU-gal-lu-ti ina] _na4_(?)-pi(?)-li(?)# [...] x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... he went backwards. He came back from a long distance and approached the ground. I placed the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, in the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and they looked upon me with pleasure. The kings, my ancestors, who came before me, did not know how to build that temple and did not give me a firm positive answer.

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who reveres the great gods, the one who constantly seeks out their sanctuaries, had this temple built in my heart and I was able to carry it out with pleasure. With his ancient drawing, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, with the craft of the craftsman, with limestone .


... it became old. For a long time, it fell into disrepair and became level with the ground. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, took up residence in the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and there they received strewn offerings. The kings, my ancestors who came before me, did not think about rebuilding that temple and they did not pay it any attention.

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who reveres the great gods, who is assiduous towards their places of worship, conceived in my heart to rebuild that temple and wanted to carry it out. According to its original plan, on its former site, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, according to the craft of the incantation priest, I filled in its foundation with limestone

Obverse Column iv


[ar-s,ip u-szak]-lil# [...]-ia# [...] x-ma [ki-ma _ud-mesz_ u]-nam#-mir [(d)_ag_ (d)]tasz#-me-tum [_dingir-mesz gal_]-_mesz# en-mesz_-ia [ul-tu É] (d)#isz-tar asz-szur-i-te [u-sze]-s,a#-am-ma [ina _iti dug_]-_ga#_ u4-me sze-me-e [qé]-reb-[szu] u-sze-rib-ma [u]-szar-me _bara_ da-ra-a-ti

_gu4#-mah_-hi resz-tu-u-ti _gukkal#-mesz_ ma-ru-ti zi-i-bi qa-Asz-du-ti ina ma-har (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum _en-mesz_-ia aq-qi-ma usz-par-zi-ha qé-reb é-kur-ri (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum ep-sze-ti-ia _sig5-mesz_ ha-disz ip-pal-su-ma ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti

_nun egir_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia e#-nu-ma É szu-a-tu in-na-hu-ma [il]-la#-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su [lu-ud]-disz _mu-sar_-u [szi-t,ir] _mu#_-ia li-mur-ma [_i-gisz_] lip-szu-usz [ni-qa-a] li(?)-iq(?)#-[qi]

AI Translation

I brought out the gods Nabû and Tashmetu, the great gods, my lords, from the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and I made them enter it in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, and I made them dwell on their eternal daises.

I offered oxen of first-class and old age, oxen of old, and sheep and goats as a gift before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and I scattered them inside Ekur. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and entrusted me with the kingship of the land of Nineveh.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing my name.


I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... my ... and made it shine like daylight. I brought the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, the great gods, my lords, out of the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I made them enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

I offered prime quality prize bulls and fattened fat-tailed sheep as pure food offerings before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and thus I lavishly provided for them inside that temple. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and constantly blessed my kingship.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

Obverse Column v


sza _mu-sar_-u szi-[t,ir _mu_-ia] u-nak-kar-[u-ma] it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu(?)# la i-szak-ka-nu U szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-szu a-a# iz-zi-zu-ma a-a isz-mu-u su-up-pi-szu ag-gisz li-ru#-ru-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu [ina _kur_ li]-hal#-li-qu

[...] x-_kam_ [...]

_iti#_-[...] lim-mu# [...]

_iti-du6_ [...] lim-mu (disz)#[...]

AI Translation

As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, or does not write my name with his name, may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu not stand by him in his prayer and not listen to his supplications. May they curse him angrily and make his name, his seed, and his offspring disappear from the land.

Month ..., eponym year of .

Month Tishri VII, ..., eponymy of .


As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name and does not write my name with his name, may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu not be present for his prayers and not heed his supplications. May they curse him angrily and make his name, his seed, and his offspring disappear from the land.

..., ... day, eponymy of ....

..., ... day, eponymy of ....

Tashritu VII, ... day, eponymy of ....

Q003869: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[ba(?)-ne(?)]-e [É] szu#-a-tu [ina lib-bi]-ia [ib-ba]-szi#-ma [ka-bat-ti] ub#-la [ina _gisz_]-_hur#_-szu [la-bir-tu ina _masz_]-_kan#_-szu [mah-ri]-ti [ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me] sze#-me-e [ina szi-pir ka-kU-gal-lu]-te(*?)(over erasure) [...] _ka_ [ina _na4_-pi-i]-li [tem-me]-en#-szi [usz-mal]-li(?)#-ma [u-zaq-qir hur]-szA#-nisz [ul-tu _usz8_]-szu [a-di gaba-dib-bi]-szu [ar-s,ip u-szak]-lil# [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

I had a foundation in my heart and I brought about the destruction of that temple. I built and completed it with his original design, with his old foundation, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, by means of a crafty device, ... ... with limestone, and raised it as high as a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... ... .


conceived in my heart to rebuild that temple and wanted to carry it out. According to its original plan, on its former site, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, according to the craft of the incantation priest, ... I filled in its foundation with limestone and made it high as a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ...

Obverse Column ii


_gukkal_(?)#-[_mesz_] ma#-ru-ti(?)# zi-i-[bi] qa-Asz-du#-[ti] ina ma-har# (d)_ag_ (d)[tasz-me-tum] _en-mesz_-[ia] aq#-qi-ma usz-par#-[zi-ha] [qé]-reb# é-kur-[ri] [(d)]_ag#_ (d)tasz-[me-tum] [ep-sze]-ti#-[ia] [_sig5-mesz_ ha-disz] [ip-pal]-su#-[ma]

AI Translation

I offered sumptuous, pure offerings before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and I made them enter into Ekur. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and


I offered prime quality prize bulls and fattened fat-tailed sheep as pure food offerings before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and thus I lavishly provided for them inside that temple. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and

Q003870: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_kur an#_-[_szar-ki_] sza [_an-szar_] _lugal_ [_dingir-mesz_] ina ni-[isz _igi-ii_-szu] dam-qa-a#-[ti] ha-[disz] ip-pal-su#-[szu-ma] is-su-qu#-[szu] a-na _lugal#_-[u-ti] [a-na] kun#-[ni]

AI Translation

Assyria, which Ashur, king of the gods, had seen with his benevolent glance, he joyfully looked at him and praised him as king, to be our ally.


Assyria; the one whom the god Ashur, the king of the gods, with his benevolent glance, looked with pleasure upon and selected for kingship; to make firm

Obverse Column ii


[...]-u [...]-u-a [a-na] kun(?)#-ni [_suhusz_] _kur_ [szu-te]-szur [ba-'u-la]-a#-ti [_kur an_]-_szar#-ki_ [...] x _pa_

AI Translation

... ... ... to establish the foundation of the land, to ensure the well-being of Assyria, ... .


... ... to make the foundation of the land firm, to direct the people of Assyria, ... ...

Obverse Column iii


szak-ka-nak-ku _ka-dingir-ra-ki# lugal kur eme-gi7# u uri#-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz#_-[_su_] _lugal gal#_-[u] _lugal_ dan#-[nu] _lugal_ [_szu_]

AI Translation

governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world,


governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; 5 son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world,

Obverse Column iv


it-ta#-[nar-ru-un-ni-ma(?)] x x [...]

AI Translation

They constantly praised me and ... .


they the gods guided me and ... ...

Obverse Column vi


[_mu_-szu _numun_-szu] _nunuz_(?)-szu# [ina _kur_ lu-hal]-liq-qu

[...] lim-mu [(disz)asz-szur-_kur_]-_lal_-in [_lu-en_]-_nam#_ [_uru_-pu-um-mu]

AI Translation

May they destroy his name, his seed, and his offspring from the land.

... eponymy of Ashur-matu-taqqin, governor of the city Pummu 645.


May they the gods make his name, his seed, and his offspring disappear from the land.

..., ... day, eponymy of Ashur-matu-taqqin, governor of the city Uppummu 623*.

Q003871: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)#[30-_lugal_]-isz#-kun _lugal# gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki_ sza _an-szar_ (d)#[_nin-lil_ (d)]_amar#-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum ina ni-isz _igi-ii_-szu-nu _sig5-mesz_ ke-nisz ip-pal-su#-szu-ma is-su-qu-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti a-na kun-ni _suhusz kur_ szu-te-szur ba-'u-la-a-ti# dal-ha-a-ti a-na tu-qu-ni ab-ta(*)(text: _ra_)-a-ti a-na ke-sze20-ri a-ge-e be-lu-ti i-pi-ru-usz na#-an-nar _an_-e (d)30 _gisz-gidru_ i-szar-tu usz-pa-ru ke-e-nu a-na re-'u#-u-ti _un-mesz dagal-mesz_

_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim _dumu_ (disz)(d(*))asz(*)-szur(*)(over erasure)-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal# gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki nun_ la szA-na-an _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na lugal gal lugal_ dan#-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar-ki_

_gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ ina _sag lugal_-u-ti-ia ul#-tu _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)nin-urta (d)_u-gur u_ (d)nusku ina bi-rit masz-szi-ia ut-tu#-un-ni-ma ih-szi-hu _lugal_-u-ti ki-ma _ad_ u _ama_ it-ta-nar-ru-un-ni-ma i-na-ru a-a-bi-ia u-szam#-qi-tu za-'i-i-ri-ia u-sa-at _sig5_ i-pu-szu-u-ni t,a-bisz u-sze-szib-u-in-ni ina# [_gisz-gu_]-_za# lugal_-u-ti _ad du_-ia sza za-na-an ma-ha-zi szuk-lul esz-re-e-ti szu-te-szur pe-lu#-de-e ka-a-a-an usz-ta-da-na kar-szu-u-a

lib-bi ub-la ina u4-mi-szu-ma É (d)_ag_ szA qé-reb bal#-[til-_ki_ szA (disz)(d)]sAl#-ma-nu-_masz du_ É _an-szar_ e-pu-usz e-na-ah-ma (disz)(d)asz-szur-_sag_(?)-i(?)-szi(?) A(?) (m(?))mu(?)#-[tak-kil-(d)nusku(?) e-pu-usz] e#-na-ah-ma (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_erim-tah dumu_ (disz)szam-szi-(d)_iszkur_ e-pu-usz-ma e-na#-[ah-ma la-ba-risz il-lik ul-tu _ud-mesz_ ma-a']-du-ti ni-du-tu il-lik-ma i-te-me qaq-qa-risz [(d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum ina É (d)isz-tar asz-szur-i-ti] Asz-bu-ma i-mah-ha-ru sur-qé-ni

[ul isz-ku-nu uz-nu a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _lugal_] _szu lugal kur an-szar-ki_ pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [musz-te-e'-u Asz-ri-szu-nu e-pe-esz É szu-a-tu ina lib]-bi#-ia ib-ba-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-la [ina _gisz-hur_-szu la-bir-tu ina _masz-kan_-szu mah-ri-ti ina _iti dug_]-_ga#_ u4-me sze-me-e ina szi-pir ka-kU-gal-lu-ti ina _na4_-pi-i-li [tem-me-en-szi usz-mal-li(?)-ma u-zaq-qir hur-szA]-nisz# ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil

[u-szar-me _bara_ da-ra-a-ti _gu4-mah_-hi] resz#-tu-u-ti _gukkal-mesz_ ma-ru-u-ti zi-i-bi qa-Asz-du-ti [ina ma-har (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun en-mesz_-ia aq]-qi#-ma usz-par-zi-ha qé-reb é-kur-ri (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun_ [ep-sze-ti-ia _sig5-mesz_ ha-disz ip-pal]-su#-ma ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti

[_nun egir_-u ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_]-ia# e-nu-ma É szu-a-tu in-na-hu#-ma [il-la-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us]-su# lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia [li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz ni-qa-a] li#-iq-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun [_an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)]zar#-pa-ni#-[tum (d)]_ag#_ (d)tasz-me-tum ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-mu-u

[szA _mu-sar_-u szi]-t,ir# _mu_-ia# u-nak-kar-u-ma [it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi]-t,ir# _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu U szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu [la i-szat,-t,i-ru _an-szar_ (d)_nin_]-_lil#_ (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)_ag_ (d)tasz-me-tum [a-na ni-isz] _szu-ii_-szu# a-a iz-zi-zu-ma a-a isz-mu-u su-up-pi-szu [ag-gisz] li#-ru-ru-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

[... lim]-mu# (disz)_en_-_szesz_-_szesz lu_-szA _igi kur_

_iti-du6-ku ud-4_(?)-_kam_ lim-mu (disz)_en#_-_szesz_-u-s,ur _lu#_-szA _igi_ É-_gal_

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, whose good deeds the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu looked with their firm benevolent eyes and iii 20'' whose steadfast mind listened to him and iii 20'' he trusted in his kingship, to secure the foundation of the land, to ensure the well-being of the people, to make the weak and the weak endure, to establish the lordly majesty, to establish the kingship of the land, to establish the radiance of heaven, and to appoint the god Sîn, a just scepter, to shepherd the widespread people, and to make them the people of the land of Assyria obey the command of the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, and to make them the kings of the world, to strengthen the foundations of the land, to establish the foundations of the cult centers, to establish the foundations of the gods, to make them the people of the land of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, and to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, and to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, and to make them the people of Assyria obey the commands of the gods, and to make them the people of Assyri

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

At the beginning of my kingship, after the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Shamash, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku had encouraged me between my limbs and they revered my royal majesty, they revered me like a father and a mother, slighted my enemies, cut down my foes, made me good, and made me sit on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me. They constantly gave me the scepter of the cult centers, the securing of shrines, and the securing of cult centers, and constantly encouraged me.

At that time the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur that Shalmaneser, the builder of the temple of the god Ashur, had built, had become dilapidated and Ashur-resha-ishi, son of Mutakkil-Nusku, had built. Had Adad-narari, son of Shamshi-Adad II, rebuilt, had become dilapidated and old. After many years of famine, he came and saw the area around it. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu erected in the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and he erected the brickwork.

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who reveres the great gods, the one who constantly seeks out their shrines, had a dream about rebuilding that temple in my heart and then I made it shine like daylight. With his original design and with his former foundation, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I filled its foundation with limestone and raised it as high as a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

I offered first-class bulls and young calves, young and old, a rare breed of meat, before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and then I scattered them inside Ekur. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and crowned me with kingship.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

Whoever erases an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name or writes my name with his name, may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu not stand by him in his prayer and not listen to his supplications. May they curse him and make his name, his seed, and his offspring disappear from the land.

... eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, governor of the land.

Month Tishri VII, fourth day, eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, palace overseer.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; the one whom the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu steadfastly looked upon with their benevolent glance and selected for kingship; whom the light of heaven, the god Sîn, crowned with the crown of lordship to make the foundation of the land firm, to direct the people, to put in order what is confused, 5 and to repair what is destroyed; whose hands the god Nabû, overseer of the world, made take up a just scepter and a true staff for shepherding a widespread population; magnanimous, discerning, who comprehends reason and counsel, who learned deliberation; reliable judge, who speaks about truth and justice; to whom treacherous talk is anathema and lies an abomination; 10 pious ruler, capable governor, true shepherd, leader of a widespread population; whose kingship the great gods made pleasing in all of the lands like the finest oil;

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, 15 king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

At the beginning of my kingship, after the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Shamash, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku chose me among my brethren and desired me as king, guided me like a father and a mother, killed my foes, cut down my enemies, performed good deeds for me, and gladly placed me on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me; 20 I constantly gave thought to providing for cult-centers, completing sanctuaries, and putting in order pelludû-rites; I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, and wanted to do whatever was suitable for their great divinity.

At that time, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur, which Shalmaneser I — the builder of the temple of the god Ashur — had built, became dilapidated and Ashur-resha-ishi I, son of Mutakkil-Nusku rebuilt it and it became dilapidated again; and Adad-narari III, son of Shamshi-Adad V rebuilt it and it became dilapidated and old. For a long time, it fell into disrepair and became level with the ground. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu took up residence in the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and there they received strewn offerings. The kings, my ancestors who came before me, did not think about rebuilding that temple and they did not pay it any attention.

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who reveres the great gods, who is assiduous towards their places of worship, conceived in my heart to rebuild that temple and wanted to carry it out. According to its original plan, on its former site, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, according to the craft of the incantation priest, 30 I filled in its foundation with limestone and made it high as a mountain. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... my ... and made it shine like daylight. I brought the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, the great gods, my lords, out of the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar and, in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I made them enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

I offered prime quality prize bulls and fattened fat-tailed sheep as pure food offerings before the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, my lords, and thus I lavishly provided for them inside that temple. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and constantly blessed my kingship.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name and does not write my name with his name, may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu not be present for his prayers and not heed his supplications. May they curse him angrily and make his name, his seed, and his offspring disappear from the land.

..., eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, palace overseer 616*.

Tashritu VII, the fourth day, eponymy of Bel-ahu-ushur, palace overseer 616*.

Q003872: royal-inscription cone

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_lugal#_-_gar_-un _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki a_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki# man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki a_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_

_man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki nun_ la szA-na-an _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki# gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ ina _sag lugal_-ti-ia ki-i t,e-me _dingir_-ma a-na _du_-esz É (d)_ag#_ szA qé-reb bal-til-_ki_ lib-bi ub-la ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-mu sze-me-e te-me-en-szu ad-di-ma ina _kasz-sag gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu ab-lul la-bin _sig4-mesz_-szu

_iti-du6-ku_ lim-mu (disz)sa-'i-lu _lu-gal muhaldim_

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Assurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

At the beginning of my kingship, by divine will, I laid the foundations of the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur in a favorable month, on an auspicious day, and I poured out his foundations with beer and wine. I clad his walls with layers of bricks like a mountain.

Month Tishri VII, eponymy of Sa'ilu, chief cook.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad:

At the beginning of my kingship and in accordance with the will of the gods, I wanted to rebuild the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations and I mixed its kalakku-mortar with beer and wine. Its brick makers and hod carriers spent their days in rejoicing and singing. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

Tashritu VII, eponymy of Sa'ilu, the chief cook 620*.

Q003873: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-isz-kun _man gal man kal man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki a_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man szu man kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki_] A (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur_ asz-szur#-_ki a_ (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz sza#_-[_bal_]-_bal_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na man szu man kur asz_ [_gir-nita_] _ka#-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki#_

ina [_sag_] _lugal#_-ti-ia szA _an-szar_ (d)_en_(?) (d)#_muati_ (d)[isz-tar(?)] t,a#-bisz u-sze-szib-u-in#-ni ina _gisz-gu#_-[_za_] _ad# du_-ia É (d)_ag#_ [szA] qé-reb# bal-til szA ul-tu# _ud-mesz su-mesz_ la(?) ma(?)-al(?)-du ke(?)-e-mu-u ni-du-tu# ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ar-s,ip

u-szak-lil (d)_ag_ (d)_papnun_ qé-reb-szu(?)# u-sze-rib-ma u-szar(?)-ma(?)#-a pa-rak(?)# da-ra-a-ti

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

At the beginning of my kingship, which the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar had graciously placed on the throne of the father who had engendered me — I built and completed the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur, which had not been built in distant days, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I made the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria; 5 son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad:

At the beginning of my kingship, when the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar gladly placed me 10 on the throne of the father who had engendered me, in place of an empty lot I built and completed the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur, which had not been created lit: "born" from distant days, from its foundations to its crenellations.

I made the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

Q003874: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki nun_ la szA-na-an _sza-bal-bal_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu_

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world,


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, 5 governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; 10 the one who renovates the chapels of the temple of the god Nabû, my lord, that is inside Baltil Ashur: I repaired its lit. "that" enclosed courtyard with baked bricks, the craft of the god Nunurra.

Q003875: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É]-_gal#_ (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _man gal man_ [dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [A (disz)asz]-szur-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [A (disz)asz]-szur-_pap_-_asz man gal man_ dan-nu _man#_ [_szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [A (disz)(d)30]-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan#-[nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [_sza-bal_]-_bal_(?) (disz)#_lugal_-_gi-na man#_ [_gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [...] x (x) [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria ... .


Palace of Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; 5 descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ...

Q003876: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na (d)_muati en_ nik-la-a]-ti# szit-ra-hi _dumu nun#_ mut-[tal-li] [sa-ni]-iq (d)i-gi-gi# (d)GÉSZ-U a-szi-ir _du_ mim-ma szum-szu mu-du-u [_nam kur_] [réme]-nu#-u ta-a-a-ru a-szib qé-reb bal-til _en gal_-e [_en_-szu]

[(disz)](d)#30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu# _lugal szu lugal kur_ [asz-szur] _a#_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu# _lugal szu lugal kur_ [asz-szur] A (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan#-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur# u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz_-kal-li szul-pi _ku#-gi husz-a_ a-na me-si _szu-ii_-szu _ku-mesz_ a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-szu _gid-da ud-mesz_-szu szA#-lam _numun_-szu szur-szu-du _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu# sa-kap _lu-kur-mesz_-szu ka-szad i-zi-im-ti-szu u-kin ma-har-[szu]

szA ina _ugu#_ kal-li szul-pi szA (d)_muati_ [szA _uru-sza-uru_]

AI Translation

For the god Nabû, the lord of the shitru-demons, the eldest son of the prince, the one who is the favorite of the Igigu and the Shedu gods, the one who knows everything, the one who knows the fate of the land, the merciful one, the one who dwells in Baltil Ashur, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, and he had a throne of reddish gold firmly in his hand for the preservation of his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his offspring, the throne of his royal majesty, the defeat of his enemies, and the defeat of his foes —

which is on the kallu-vessel and the shurpu-vessel of Nabû of the Inner City.


For the god Nabû, lord of ingenious things, the splendid one, son of the ruler Marduk, the noble one, the one who controls the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who directs everything there is, the one who knows the fate of the land, the merciful and compassionate one, the one who resides in Baltil Ashur, the great lord, his lord:

Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; 5 son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a kallu-bowl and shulpu-bowl of reddish gold made for washing his pure hands and had them firmly placed before him Nabû in order to preserve his life, lengthen his days, establish the well-being of his offspring, make the throne of his royal majesty secure, overthrow his enemies, and achieve his desires.

That which is upon a kallu-bowl and shulpu-bowl of the god Nabû of the Inner City Ashur.

Q003877: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_papnun_ i-lat tasz-me-e u sa-li-me qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ szA-qu-ut (d)#[_inanna-mesz_] hi-rat (d)_muati ibila_ resz-tu-u szA ku-uz-bu za-a'-nat ma-lat nam#-[ri-ir-ri] sa-ni-qat# (d)i-gi-gi (d)GÉSZ-U a-szi-ir _du_ mim-ma szum-szu le#-qat un#-[ni-ni] [szA] ina qé-reb szA-Asz-me u _murub4_ u-sze#-zi-bu _nun_ pa-lih [_dingir_-ti-szA] il#-tum szur-bu-tu a-szi-bat qé-reb bal-til-_ki gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan#_-[szu]

(disz)#(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur# A (disz)_an-szar_-_du_(*)-A(*)(text: _pap_-_asz_) _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur# A (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur# u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz-dilim ku-babbar_ eb-bi a-na qur-ru-ub-e nap-tan sze-rim (erasures) U li-la-a-ti ma-har _dingir#_-ti-szA a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-szu _gid-da ud-mesz_-szu szA-lam _numun_-szu szur-szu-du _gisz#-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu

sza ina _ugu dilim ku-babbar_ szA (d)_papnun_ szA _uru-sza-uru#_

AI Translation

For the goddess Tashmetu, goddess of truth and justice, queen of the gods, favorite of the goddesses, spouse of the god Nabû, first-born son who is clad in awe-inspiring radiance, who is encircled by the Igigu and the Shedu gods, who dwells in every kind of shrine, who makes everything good, who dwells in the midst of the heavens and the netherworld, the prince who reveres her divinity, supreme iltu, who dwells in Baltil Ashur, great lady, his lady:

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, descendant of Ashurnasirpal II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a throne made of pure silver, for the celebration of life, good health, and joy before her divinity, for the preservation of his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his offspring, and the throne of his royal majesty.

Concerning the silver levy of Tashmetu of the Inner City,


For the goddess Tashmetu, the goddess of acceptance and reconciliation, heroic one of the gods, sublime one of goddesses, wife of the god Nabû — the firstborn son — who is endowed with sexual charm and filled with awe-inspiring brilliance, the one who controls the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who directs everything there is, the one who accepts supplications, the one who saves the ruler who reveres her divinity in the midst of combat and battle, 5 supreme goddess, the one who resides in Baltil Ashur, the great lady, his lady:

Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had a spoon of shining silver made for serving the morning 10 and evening meals before her divinity and had it firmly placed before her Tashmetu in order to preserve his life, lengthen his days, establish the well-being of his offspring, make the throne of his royal majesty secure, overthrow his enemies, and achieve his desires.

That which is upon a silver spoon of the goddess Tashmetu of the Inner City Ashur.

Q003878: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na an-tum _gaszan dingir#_-[_mesz_ ...] ba-na-at _du_ mim-ma _mu_-szu# [...]

a-szi-bat _uru_-asz-szur _gaszan gal_-tu# [_gaszan_-szu (disz)(d)]30#-[_man_-_gar man kur asz_] _dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-_du_-_a man kur asz a_ (disz)asz-szur#-[_pap_-_asz man_] _kur# asz a_ [(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_] _sza_(*)-_bal_(*)-_bal_(*) (x(*))(erased) [(...)] u-sze-pisz-ma _gisz-banszur gisz-mes-ma-kan gisz#_ da-re-e esz-[ma-ra-a] eb-bu u-szal-bisz-ma a-na ra-kas nap-tan eb-bi si-mat _dingir#_-[ti-szA] sza ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a i-mah-ha-ru _gal_-tum _dingir_-[ut-sa] a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti u-kin ma-har-szA

a-na szat-ti an-tum _gaszan gal_-tu _gisz-banszur_ szu-a-tu ha-disz ina nap-lu-si-ki# ia-a-ti (disz)(d)30-_man_-_gar gir-nita_(*) mi(*)-gir(*) _sza_(*)-ki(*) _nun_(*) pa(*)-lih(*)-ki(*) ina(*) bu(*)-un-ni-ki nam-ru-ti ha-disz nap-lis-in-ni x-_a-an sig5#_ lib-szA-a kar-szi(?) ur-ri-ki _ud-mesz_-ia szum-dili _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia _mu_ na-an-na-bi ki-in-ni ana s,a-a-ti# _lu-kur-mesz_-ia né-e-ri ki-szad la ma-gi-re-ia szuk-ni-sze# ana _gir-ii_-ia# na(?)#-pisz-ti szA ta-qi-sze _gim_ u-lu-u _i-gisz_ t,ib-bi _ugu un-mesz dagal_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

To Antu, lady of the gods, . . . creator of everything, his name .

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had a table made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, and a shining eshmarû-wood, and he had it made for a joyful meal, the embodiment of her divinity, which is always unceasingly receiving and receiving, and he had it installed before her.

On account of this, O great lady, look with pleasure upon this table, and may my heart, Sin-sharru-ishkun, the most exalted governor, the prince who reveres you, and your bright face be appeased with your sweet ..., prolong my days, prolong my years, and make my steadfast years endure for my enemies, the enemies who are hostile to me, and the lands that are unsubmissive to me, be at my feet. May the life that you give me, like the oil of good fortune, be good for the wide people.


For the goddess Antu, lady of the gods, ..., the one who created everything there is, ..., who resides in the city Ashur, the great lady, his lady:

Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of Assyria; son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; had a table made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, and clad it with shining eshmarû-metal, and then had it firmly placed before her Antu to set out pure meals befitting her divinity so that her great divinity may constantly and unceasingly receive meals forever.

On account of this, O Antu, great lady, when you look with pleasure upon this table, with your bright countenance also look with pleasure upon me, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, the governor who is the favorite of your heart, the ruler who reveres you. ... good rainfall, prolong my days, increase my years, make my name and progeny firm for eternity, kill my enemies, and make the neck of those insubmissive to me bow down at my feet. Make my life, which you have granted me, pleasing to a widespread population like the finest oil. Make my walking about ... the gods and before your great divinity endure for eternity. Intercede on my behalf and speak favorably about me to the god Anu, the father of the gods, your beloved husband.

Q003879: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na (d)sza-la] _gaszan#_ szur-bu-tu hi-rat (d)_iszkur_ szA-ga-pi-ri szA _kasz4_ mur-ta-as,-nu [...] (x) x _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ mu-szim(*)-mu(*)(over erasures) (szi-ma)-a-ti _illu du_-at _du-a-bi_ [x x (x)]-at# asz-na-an u t,uh-di mu-kil-lat _zi_-ti _un-mesz_ mu#-bal-lit,-t,a-at ka-la mim-ma-ma [...] kul-lat rag-gi na-si-ih na-gab za-ma-ni a-li#-kat _a-ii lugal_ mi-gir-i-szA# [...] x da-na-ni u# li-i-ti s,a-bi-ta#-[at] ab#-bu-ti qa-bat _munus-sig5_

[a-szi-bat qé]-reb bal-til#-_ki gaszan_ (erasure?) _gal_-tu [_gaszan_-szu (disz)(d)]30#-_man_-_gar man kur asz_ [A (disz)asz-szur-_du_]-_a# a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz_ [A (disz)(d)]30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [u-sze-pisz]-ma# _gisz-banszur gisz-mes-ma-kan-na gisz#_ [da]-re#-e esz-ma-ra-a eb-bu u-szal#-[bisz-ma] [a-na ra-kas] nap#-tan eb-bi si-mat _dingir_-ti-szA sza# ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a i-mah-ha-ru _gal#_-[tum _dingir_-ut-sa] [a-na u4]-me# s,a-a-ti u-kin ma-har-szA

[a-na] szat-ti# (d)sza-la _gaszan gal gisz-banszur#_ szu-a-tu ha-disz ina nap-lu-si-ki# ia#-a-ti (disz)((d))30-_man_-_gar#_ (_man kur_) _asz si#-sa buru14_ na-pa#-Asz(*)(text: _pa_) (d)nisaba szat-ti-szam la# na-par-ka-a pah-ri-i ina re-szi-ia ina qi-bit-ki s,ir-ti# ina HÉ-_nun_ t,uh-di szal-mesz la-ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-lat asz-szur ina é-szar2#-ra É-_gal dingir#-mesz_

AI Translation

For the goddess Shala, supreme lady, spouse of the god Adad, the sage of battle, ... ... the great gods, who determines the fates, who determines the fates of the floods, who makes all of the lands happy, who provides for the lives of the people, who restores everything, ... all of the wicked, who slays all enemies, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, ..., who ... might and justice, who slays enemies, who strikes enemies with lightning:

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, descendant of Sennacherib, had a table made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, and he had it clad with shining eshmarû-metal for a joyful meal, the embodiment of her divinity, which is pleasing to her divinity daily, placed before her.

On account of this, O Shala, great lady, look with pleasure upon this table. For my life, Sin-sharru-ishkun, king of Assyria, the harvest, the harvest, and the abundance of the grain, a life without equal, at my feet, by your exalted command, with plenty and plenty, I constantly seek out the abodes of the people of Ashur in Esharra, the palace of the gods.


For the goddess Shala, supreme lady, wife of the god Adad — the majestic, the runner, the roaring one — ... the great gods who determine the fates of flood water, the one who creates everything, who ... grain and abundance, who supports life for the people, who keeps everything alive, who ... all of the wicked, who rips out all enemies, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, ... mighty victories, who intercedes on my behalf, who speaks favorable things about me, who resides in Baltil Ashur, the great lady, his lady:

Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, son of Sennacherib, had a table made of musukkannu, a durable wood, and clad it with shining eshmarû-metal, and then had it firmly placed before her Shala to prepare pure meals befitting her divinity so that her great divinity may constantly and unceasingly receive meals forever.

On account of this, O Shala, great lady, when you look with pleasure upon this table, heap up for me, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, king of Assyria, successful harvests and the prosperity of grain, yearly, without ceasing. By your exalted command, in Esharra, the palace of the gods, let me always safely shepherd the subjects of the god Ashur with abundance and plenty.

Q003880: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-[na-ku (disz)(d)30]-_lugal#_-_gar_-un _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu_ [_lugal kur_] _an#-szar-ki#_ ni-isz# [_igi-ii_] _an#-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ na-ram (d)_amar-utu_ (d)zar-pa-ni-tum bi-bil lib#-[bi (d)30] (d)_nin-gal#_ i-tu-ut# ku-un lib-bi (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ mi-gir# [_dingir-mesz_] szu#-ut _an ki_ szA _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)30 (d)_nin-gal_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA# [_limmu_-_dingir-ki_] (d)#_u-gur_ u (d)nusku i-na bi-rit# masz-szi-szu ke-nisz ip-pal-su-szu-ma is#-[su-qu-szu a]-na# _lugal_-u-ti

ki-ma [_ad_ u _ama_ it]-ta#-nar-ru-szu-ma i-na-ru a-a-bi-szu u-szam-qi-tu# [ga]-re-szu# szA (d)é-a(?)# a-na e-nu-te kisz-szA-ti ib-nu-szu-ma ina nap-har x [...] a-na kun#-[ni _suhusz kur_ szu-te-szur] ba#-'u-u-la-a-ti a-ge-e _en_-u-ti e-pi-ru-usz [na-an-nar _an_-e (d)30] _gisz-gidru_ i#-[szar-tu usz-pa-ru ke-e-nu a]-na# _sipa_-u-ti _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ (d)_ag_ pa-qid kisz#-[szA-ti u-szat-me-hu rit-tu-usz-szu] dal#-[ha-a-ti a-na tu]-qu#-ni ab-ta-a-ti [a-na ke-sze20-ri ...] [... a]-na szu-szu-bi (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_ ul-lu-[u _sag-mesz_-szu]

[_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal lugal_] dan#-nu _lugal szu lugal kur an-szar lugal kur#_ [_eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim] [_dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz]-szA#-ti _lugal#_ [_kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_] [_dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_] kisz#-szA-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur#-[_ki nun_ la szA-na-an]

[ul-tu _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)]_ag_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ be-lut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ u-[szad-gi-la(?) pa-nu-u-a(?) ...] _szu-ii_(?)#-[u-a u-mal-lu-u(?) u-sa]-at# dum-qi e-pu-szu-u-in-ni za-'i-i-ri-ia ik-mu-u x [...] t,u-da-at# [...]-ni#-ma t,a-bisz u-sze-szib-u-in-ni ina _gisz-gu-za lugal#_-[u-ti _ad du_-ia] i-na _gisz-mi_-szu-nu _dug-ga#_ [s,u-lu-li-szu]-nu rap-szi ke-nisz ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-u-[lat (d)_en-lil_] ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di# [ra-bé]-ia ar-ki _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia lu at-tal-lak-ma lu ab-ri x [x x]

i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia# [i-na mah]-re-e _bala_-ia [szA ina _gisz-gu-za_] _lugal#_-u-ti ra-bisz# [u-szi-bu] É# [(d)_ag_ szA qé-reb bal-til-_ki_] szA (disz)#(d)_iszkur_-_erim-tah#_ [x x (x)] x _lugal_ pa-a#-(ni) mah-ri-ia [e-pu-szu e-na-ah-ma] i-na [...] x _ki_ i-na szi-pir# [ka-kU-gal-lu-ti ...] i-na x [...] te-me-en-szu ad#-di-ma É# x x x [...] É szu-a-tu# [...] x ar-s,ip# [u-szak-lil ...] _gisz-hur-mesz_-szu _gal-mesz#_ [...] x x [...] (d)_ag_ u (d)tasz-me-tum# [...] szub-tu [...]

(d)_ag ibila_ gasz-[ru ...] ha#-disz nap#-[lis]-ma# lim-ma-hir pa-[nu-uk-ka ...] ur-rik u4-me-ia# [_mu-an-na_]-_mesz#_-ia szu#-[um]-dil# na-an-na-bi ki#-[in(?) ana s,a-a-ti(?)] kur-bu _lugal_-u-ti# [hu-ud lib-bi t,u-ub _uzu_]-_mesz#_ na-mar ka-bat-ti a-na da-risz ki-i-[na] _lu-kur-mesz_-ia# [né-er ki-szad la ma]-gi#-re-ia szuk-nisz sze-pu-u-a

_nun egir_-u# [ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia] e-nu-ma É szu-a-tu in-na-hu-ma il-la-ku la#-ba-risz an-hu-us-[su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi]-t,ir# _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it#-ti _mu_-[_sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz]-kun# (d)_ag_ u (d)tasz-me-tum ik-ri-bi#-szu i-szem-mu-u

szA _mu#-sar_-u# [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u-nak-ka-ru-ma it]-ti# szi-t,ir _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu _an-szar_ (d)_en_ (d)#[_ag_ a-na ni-isz _szu-ii_-szu] a#-a iz-zi-zu-ma a-a isz-mu-u su-up-pe-e-szu _lugal_-us-su# [lis-ki-pu(?)] ag#-gisz li-ru-ru-szu-ma _mu#_-[szu] _numun_-szu# ina _kur_ li-hal-liq-qu

[_iti_-x x (x)] _ud#-3-kam_ lim-mu (disz)da-ad-di-i _lu-agrig#_

AI Translation

I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, chosen of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the one who pleases the hearts of the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, chosen of the hearts of the gods Nabû and Marduk, favorite of the gods of heaven and netherworld, whom the gods Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Ningal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Nergal and Nusku steadfastly looked upon him and appoint him to kingship.

As soon as a father and a mother had entrusted him with his shepherdship, they smashed his enemies and cut down his foes. The god Ea created him for the lordship of the world and in all ... ... to establish the foundation of the land and to ensure the well-being of the people, to establish lordship over the land, and to make the radiance of heaven and the god Sîn shine forth with a just scepter for shepherding the widespread people, the god Nabû, the overseer of the world, he made him hold his hands in his hands. To prevent averting the flood, to prevent the flood from coming in, ... to save the god Bel Marduk and the god Nabû, he raised his heads.

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler;

After the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, and Shamash had granted me dominion over the land and people, ... they filled my hands with joy and made me happy. They slew my enemies and ... ... ... and made me happy. I sat on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me. With their benevolent scepter and their steadfast protection, I constantly sought out the subjects of the god Enlil from my childhood until my adulthood. I marched about among the great gods, my lords and .

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, when I sat on the royal throne, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur, which Adad-narari ..., a king of the past who had come before me, had built, it became dilapidated and with ... ... by means of a crafty device ... I laid its foundations and ... ... that temple ... I built and completed ... its great designs ... the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu ...

O Nabû, august heir, ..., be at peace with your face and may my days be long and my years long. Be present in my majesty for the preservation of my royal majesty, for the satisfaction of my heart, happiness, and physical well-being, and for the preservation of my mood forever. Protect my enemies, defeat my enemies, and make my enemies bow down at my feet.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû not stand by him and not listen to his prayers. May they overthrow his kingship, curse him angrily, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

Month ..., third day, eponym year of Daddî, overseer.


I, Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, favored by the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the desire of the hearts of the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, chosen by the steadfast hearts of the gods Nabû and Marduk, the favorite of the gods of heaven and netherworld; the one whom the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, Ningal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Nergal, and Nusku steadfastly looked upon among his brethren and selected for kingship; whom they commanded to perform the roles of provisioner of all cult-centers, priest of all sanctuaries, and shepherd of the totality of the black-headed people;

whom they guided like a father and a mother, whose foes they killed, and whose adver­sa­ries they cut down; the one whom the god Ea created for dominion over the world and ... among all ...; whom the light of heaven, the god Sîn, crowned with the crown of lordship to make the foundation of the land firm and to direct the people; whose hand the god Nabû, overseer of the world, made take up a just scepter and a true staff for shepherding a widespread population; ... to put in order what is confused and to repair what is destroyed; whose head ... raised up to make the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû dwell ...; ..., who comprehends reason and counsel, who speaks eloquent words, ..., who administers just verdicts, whose words are pleasing to the people like the armannu-fruit; to whom treacherous talk is anathema and lies an abomination; the forbearing one, the pashishu-priest ...; who ... their taboo; who protects ...;

son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled ruler; descendant of Sargon II, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; ..., pious ruler, capable governor, beloved of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu ...;

After the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Sîn, and Shamash nominated me for ruling over the land and people, they placed ... into my hands, performed good deeds for me, bound my enemies, ... the path of ... and gladly placed me on the royal throne of the father who had engendered me, under their benevolent protection and their extensive aegis, I constantly shepherded the subjects of the god Enlil in a just manner. From my childhood until I became an adult, I constantly followed after the great gods, my lords, and I beheld .... I was assiduous towards their sanctuaries and wanted to do whatever was suitable for their great divinity. I constantly gave thought to providing for cult centers, completing sanctuaries, and putting in order forgotten cultic rites and kidudû-rites.

At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year when I sat in greatness on my royal throne, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Baltil Ashur, which Adad-narari III ..., a king of the past who had come before me, had built, became dilapidated and in ... ..., according to the craft of the incantation priest, ... through ... I laid its foundations and the temple ... ... I built and completed that temple ... its grand designs ... ... ... the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu ... seats.

O Nabû, powerful heir, look with pleasure upon ... and may it be acceptable to you .... Prolong my days, increase my years, and make my progeny firm for eternity. Bless my kingship and make firm for me happiness, good health, and a bright spirit forever. Kill my enemies and make the neck of those insubmissive to me bow down at my feet.

May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sectionss when that temple becomes dilapidated and old. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. The god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who removes an inscribed object bearing my name and does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû not be present for his prayers and not heed his supplications. May they overthrow his kingship, curse him angrily, and make his name and his seed disappear from the land.

..., the third day, eponymy of Daddî, the treasurer 622*.

Q003911: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_] _kur# asz_ [na-mur-tu szA (disz)ka-ri-bi-_dingir man kur_-sa]-ba#-a' [...] x u-szap-t,ar# [szA szu-mi szat,-ru i-pa-szi]-t,u [ana dul-li szA _dingir lu_]-ti# _du_-szu [x x (x) _mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu]-hal#-liq

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, ... ... he had made. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may he make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, ... ... I was having it incised. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003912: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_] _asz_ [na-mur-tu szA (disz)ka-ri-bi]-_dingir#_ [_man kur_-sa-ba-a' u-qar]-ri-ba [szA ana dul]-li# szA _dingir_ [_lu_-ti _du_-szu szu-mi] szat,#-ru [i-pa-szi-t,u _an-szar_ (d)a]-num (d)#30

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, Anu, and Sîn make his name great.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person or erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn,

Q003913: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# man_ [_kur asz_] [na-mur-tu szA (disz)]ka-rib-[_dingir_] [_man kur_-sa-ba]-a'# u-qar-[ri-ba] [szA ana] dul-li szA# [_dingir_] [_lu_-ti] _du#_-[szu x x]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, .


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person ...

Q003914: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)](d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur#_ [_asz_] [na]-mur#-tu szA (disz)_numun_-_zi#_-[_si-sa_] [_dumu_ (disz)](d)_amar-utu_-A-_asz_(?)# [u]-qar-rib-an-ni# [szA _mu_] szat,-ru i-pa-szi-t,u# [ana dul]-li# szA _dingir lu_-ti _du#_-[szu] [_an-szar_] _mu#_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal-liq#

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Zeriya-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan presented to me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Nabû-zer-kitti-lishir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan presented to me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003915: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ [(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _man#_ [_kur asz_ na-mur-tu] szA (disz)x [...] x x [...] u-qar#-[ri-ban-ni] man-nu szA# [_mu_ szat,-ru] i-pa-szi#-[t,u ana dul-li] szA _dingir lu#_-[ti _du_-szu] _an#-szar mu#_-[szu _numun_-szu] [lu-hal-liq]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that ... ... presented to me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that ... ... ... presented to me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003916: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30]-_pap#-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ [szA _mu_ szat,]-ru i-pa-szi-t,u [ana dul]-li(?)# szA _dingir lu_-ti _du_-szu [x x (x) _mu_-szu] _numun#_-szu lu-hal-liq [_kur_-ti] _uru_-du#-me-ti

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may he make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deity ... make his name and his seed disappear. Booty of the city Dumetu.

Q003917: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# man kur asz_ [szA _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa-szi#-t,u [ana dul-li szA _dingir lu_]-ti# _du_-u-ni [... (d)]_utu#_ (d)_iszkur_ [...] (d)#_u-gur_ [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu] lu#-hal-li-qu [_kur_-ti _uru_-du]-me-ti

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Shamash, Adad, ..., and Nergal make his name and his seed disappear. The city Dumetu, a fortress of the god Ashur, and the city Til-Adad, a fortress of the god Ashur, destroy its name and its seed.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Shamash, Adad, ..., and Nergal make his name and his seed disappear. Booty of the city Dumetu.

Q003918: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30]-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur#_ [_asz_] [_kur_-ti] _uru#_-du-me-ti# [szA _mu_ szat,]-ru# i-pa-szi-[t,u] [ana dul]-li# szA _dingir lu_-ti# [_du_-szu] [... (d)]30# (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur#_ [...] (d)[x x] [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the city Dumetu. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and ... make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: Booty of the city Dumetu. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003919: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-_su_ [_man kur_] _asz_ [_kur_-ti _uru_]-du#-me-ti [szA] _mu#_ szat,-ru [i-pa-szi]-t,u [ana dul-li] szA _dingir_ [_lu_-ti] _du_-szu [_an-szar_ (d)]30# (d)_utu_ [_mu_-szu _numun_]-szu [lu-hal]-li#-qu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the fortress of the city Dumetu. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: Booty of the city Dumetu. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003920: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _man kur_ asz-szur [_kur_-ti] _uru#_-du-ma [szA _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa#-szi-t,u [ana dul-li szA _dingir_] _lu_-ti# _du_-szu [...] (d)15 [... (d)]_muati#_ (d)urasz [_mu_-szu _numun_]-szu lu#-hal-li#-qu

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the city Duma. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Ishtar, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: Booty of the city Duma. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Ishtar, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003921: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su man kur asz_] _kur_-ti x [...] szA _mu_ szat,-ru# [i-pa-szi-t,u] ana dul-li [szA _dingir lu_-ti _du_-szu] _an-szar mu_-szu [_numun_-szu lu-hal-liq]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: mountain ... ... ... whose name is erased and placed in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: Booty of .... Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003922: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)](d)#30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ [_man kur asz_] [_na4_]-_nir#_ bi-nu-ut _kur_-[...] [...] x#-s,i-ia [...] [... ina] mah#-ri-ia u#-[szap-t,ar(?)] [szA] _mu#_ szat,-ru i-pa-[szi-t,u] [ana] dul#-li szA _dingir_ [_lu_-ti _du_-szu] _an#-szar_ (d)30 (d)[_utu_ ...] (d)#15 (d)_en_(?) (d)[...] [_mu_]-szu# _numun_-szu lu-hal-li#-[qu]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is a stone, a creation of ... ... ... ... ... I had it written in my presence. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, ..., Ishtar, Bel Marduk, ... make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is hulalu-stone, a product of Mount ... my ... ... I was having it incised in my presence. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, ..., Ishtar, Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003923: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su# man kur_ [_asz_] [...] _sza kur_-za-[x (x)] [...] _en ni#_ [(x)] [szA ana dul]-li# szA [_dingir_] [_lu_-ti _du_-szu szu]-mi szat,-[ru] [i-pa-szi]-t,u# _an_-[_szar_] [...] (d)_utu_ [((d)x)] [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu]-hal-li#-[qu]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: ... of the land Za..., ..., lord of ..., who ... for the service of a god or another person, erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, ..., Shamash, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is ...-stone from Mount Za... ... ... Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person or erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, ..., Shamash, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003924: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)](d)#30-_pap_-[_mesz_-_su man kur asz_] [_na4-babbar_]-_min5_(?)# bi-nu-ut# [...] [...] i-[...] [...] [...] [x (x)] (x) x [...] [_mu_-szu] _numun_-szu lu#-[hal-x (x)]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is a piece of papparminu-stone, a creation of ... ... ... ... ... may I destroy his name and his seed.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is papparminu-stone, a product of ... may ... ... ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003925: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)[30-_pap-mesz_-_su_] _man_ [_kur asz_] szA _mu_ [szat,-ru] i-pa-szi#-[t,u] ana dul-li# [szA _dingir_] _lu_-ti [_du_-szu] _an-szar mu#_-[szu _numun_-szu] lu-[hal-liq]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003926: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)](d)30#-_pap-mesz_-_su#_ [_man kur_] _asz#_ [szA _mu_] szat,#-ru [i]-pa-szi-t,u [ana dul]-li szA _dingir#_ [_lu_]-ti# [_du_-szu] [_an-szar_ (d)30] (d)#_utu_(?) [_mu_-szu] _numun_-szu [lu]-hal#-li-qu#

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003927: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)]30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su man kur asz_] [szA _mu_] szat,-ru# [i-pa-szi-t,u] [ana dul]-li szA# [_dingir lu_-ti _du_-szu] [_an-szar mu_-szu] _numun#_-szu [lu-hal-liq]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003928: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_pap_]-_mesz#_-_su man_ [_kur asz_] [szA _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa-((ti))-szi-t,u# [ana dul-li szA] _dingir# lu_-ti _du_-szu# [_an-szar_ (d)]30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur#_ [...] (d)urasz [_mu_-szu _numun_]-szu lu-hal-li-qu#

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003929: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur#_ (disz)(d)[30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_] [szA] _mu_ [szat,-ru i-pa-szi-t,u] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name ... ... .


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name ...

Q003930: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)[30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ (...)] x x x [...]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib ... ... .


Palace of Sennacherib, ... ... ...

Q003931: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x a x [...] [szA _mu_(?)]-i szat,-ru i-[pa-szi-t,u] [ana dul]-li# szA _dingir lu#_-[ti _du_-szu] [...] (d)#30 (d)_utu#_ [x x x] [... (d)]_en_ (d)[x x x] [_mu_-szu] _numun#_-szu lu#-[hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Sîn, Shamash, ..., Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.


... ... ... Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Sîn, Shamash, ..., Bel, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003932: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [ina mah-ri]-ia(?) u#-[szap-t,ar] [szA _mu_ szat,]-ru# i-pa-szi#-[t,u] [ana dul-li] szA [_dingir lu_-ti _du_-szu]

AI Translation

... ... ... I had it written in my presence. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person


... I was having it incised in my presence. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person

Q003933: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana dul-li] szA _dingir#_ [_lu_-ti _du_-szu] [_an-szar_] (d)#30 (d)[_utu_ (d)_iszkur_(?)] [...] (d)#_en_ (d)[...] [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu lu-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

May Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.


Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003934: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana dul-li szA] _dingir# lu_-ti# [_du_-szu] [_an-szar_ (d)30 (d)]_utu_ (d)[_iszkur_(?)] [...] (d)#_muati_ (d)[urasz(?)] [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu] lu#-hal-li#-[qu]

AI Translation

May Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear from the service of any other god.


Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003935: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [...] szA a-na# [...] [... _lu_]-ti# _du_-[szu (...)] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... who to ... a man will do ...


... Whoever places it in ... or another person ...

Q003936: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _du_]-szu [... (d)]_iszkur#_ [...] x

AI Translation

... ... Adad ... .


... Whoever places it ..., Adad, ...

Q003937: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur u-ra-a-ti _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza a-na s,a-at u4-me la u-tab-ba-la ka#-[mu]-nu# u-sze-pisz _na4-dag-gaz na4-babbar-dili na4-babbar-min5 na4-nir_ szi-hi-il ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_-ia _u na4_-asz-pu-u _na4-dur-mi-na na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4_-a-lal-lum _na4-gi-rim-hi-li-ba na4-en-gi-sa6 na4-gisz-nu11-gal na4_-sa-a-bu _na4_-hal-tum nu-sa-a-ti _na4_-as-kup-pa-a-ti É-_gal_-ia pa-na-at u-ra-a-ti szA-szi-na szap-la-a-ni _gir-ii_ mur-ni-is-qi-ia usz-mal-li

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had a façade of white limestone that cannot be altered in the future. I had a stele made of agate, babbardilû-stone, babbarminu-stone, nirû-stone, the stone that carries the scepter of my precious stones, and ashpu-stone, breccia, breccia, alallu-stone, girimhiliba-stone, engisa-stone, alabaster, sabu-stone, haltu-stone, and a door bolt, and I had the door bolts of my palace facing the door bolts facing the door bolts facing the door bolts.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I had horse troughs of white limestone built so that fungus cannot carry them off into death in the future. I filled the space in front of these horse troughs under my warhorses' feet with blocks of pappardilû-stone, papparminu-stone, and hulalu-stone, leftovers of my choice stones, as well as jasper, marble, breccia, pendû-stone, alallu-stone, girimhilibû-stone, engisû-stone, alabaster, sabû-stone, haltu-stone, and fragments of slabs used in the building of my palace.

Q003938: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz na4_-na-ah-bu-s,u# an-ni-u a-na (disz)asz-szur-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu#_-[ia] at-ti-din man-nu szA _ta_ pa-ni-szu _ta dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-me dumu-me_-szu i-na-Asz-szu-u-ni _an-szar man dingir-mesz_ a-di# _dumu-mesz_-szu _ti-la_ li-ki-mu-szu-nu a-du ma-li-ke-e-szu _mu_-szu-nu _numun_-szu-nu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this nahbushu-stone to Ashur-ili-muballissu, my son. Whoever in the future, at any time, whether his sons or grandsons, seeks to kill them, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, as well as his sons, take away from them their life, as well as their dowry, their name and their seed from the land.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this nahbushu-vessel to Ashur-ili-muballissu, my son. Whoever should take it away from him, from his sons, or from his grandsons, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, take away his life, as well as those of his sons, and may he lit. "they" make their names and their seed, as well as those of his advisors, disappear from the land.

Q003939: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz na4_]-kap-pu an-nu-u a-na asz-szur#-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu_-ia at-ti-din man#-[nu szA _ta_ pa-ni-szu _ta dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-me dumu-me_-szu i-na-Asz-szu-u-ni] [_an-szar man dingir-mesz_ a-di _dumu-mesz_-szu _ti-la_ li]-kim#-szu-nu a-du ma-li-ke-e-szu _mu_-szu-nu [_numun_-szu-nu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this kappu-stone to Ashur-ili-muballissu, my son. Whoever in the future, at any time, whether he or his sons or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur, king of the gods, shall destroy their names and their seed from the land.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this kappu-vessel to Ashur-ili-muballissu, my son. Whoever should take it away from him, from his sons, or from his grandsons, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, take away his life, as well as those of his sons, and may he lit. "they" make their names and their seed, as well as those of his advisors, disappear from the land.

Q003940: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu man_] _kur_ asz-szur _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim [(...) _dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-_gi-na_ (...) _man gal_-u] _man#_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-[szur]

[(_man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim) i-na mah-re-e ger-ri]-ia# szA (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila#_-[_sum-na_] [_man kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz (...)] Asz#-tak-an _bad5-bad5#_-[szu] [...] x x x x [x x (x)]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, son of Sargon II, ..., great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II who was also great king, strong king, king of the world, and king of Assyria:

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, ..., and .


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, ... son of Sargon II, ... great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world:

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, ... ... ... ...



[...] x x [...] _bur#_ at-ti _ud ud_ di-ni [... szi-pir(?)] _szu-ii_-ia ta-mur i-li [...] suk#-ki ina _kur uri_-(_ki_) _ki_-tim [...] _sze_(?) _li igi_

AI Translation

... ... ... you ... a lawsuit ... you saw my handiwork ... ... ... in Akkad and the netherworld ... .


... ... ... ... ... you, my god, have seen my handiwork ... shrines in Akkad, earth, ... ...

Q003941: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)](d)#_en-zu_-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal#_ [_gal_-u] [_lugal_ dan-nu] _lugal# szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki lugal_ [kib-rat _limmu_-tim] _re_-É-_um_ it-pe-szu mi-gir _dingir-mesz_ [_gal-mesz_] na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi#-[szA-ri] e-pisz u-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ti a#-[ki-i] sa-hi-ru dam-qa-[a-ti] et,-lu git-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar#-[du] a-szA-red kal ma-al#-[ki] rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-[gi-ri] mu-szab-ri-qu za-[ma-a-ni]

(d)asz-szur szA-du-u [_gal_-u] _lugal_-ut la szA-na-an u-szat-li#-[ma-an-ni-ma] _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib [pa-rak-ki] u-szar-ba-a _gisz#_-[_tukul-mesz_-ia] ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-[ti sza szA-lam (d)_utu_-szi] a-di _a-ab-ba_ szap-li-[ti sza s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi] gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ [u-szak-nisz sze-pu-u-a] U mal-ki szep-s,u-[ti e-du-ru ta-ha-zi]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great one, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Moreover, he made the enemies of his enemies bow down at my feet.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. He made all of the black-headed people from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun bow down at my feet. Thus did recalcitrant rulers come to fear battle with me.

Reverse Column i


x (x) [...] u(?)-zaq(?)#-[qir(?) hur-szA-nisz(?) ...] Asz-szu ina ra-a-di# [(...) isz-de-e-szu la e-né-sze (ana(?))] li-me-et _bad uru#_ [...] ki-su-u u-sze-pi(*)-szA u-[...]

szA _murub4 uru_ u _nina-ki uru_ be#-[lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su-nu usz-rab-bi] re-ba-ti-szu-un u-szA-an-dil#-[ma bi-re-e-ti U] su-qa-a-ti usz-par-di-ma u#-[nam-mir _gim_ u4-me]

ina mé-eh-ret _ka-gal# murub4 uru_ ina a-gur#-[ri _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e-e] a-na me-ti-iq _gisz-gigir en_-ti-ia u-sze#-[pisz ti-tur-ru]

_mu-sar_-a ab-ni-ma li-i-tu u da-na-nu [sza (...)] _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri Asz-tak-[ka-nu U] mim-ma e-pisz-(ti(?)) _szu_(?)-_ii_-ia# u-szA-Asz-t,ir# [qé-reb-szu] it-ti _mu-sar_-e szA(?) mal#-ki a-li-kut mah#-[ri _ad-mesz_-ia] ina _bad murub4 uru_ szA _nina-ki uru_ be-[lu-ti-ia] a-na _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia e-zib# ah-[ra-tasz]

ma-ti-ma ina _dumu-mesz#_-ia [ar-ku-ti] szA _an-szar_ a-na be-lut _kur_ u [_un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu] e-nu-ma _bad_ szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru#-[ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur#-[ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz] _udu-siskur_ liq-qi a-na Asz-ri#-[szu li-ter] (d)asz-szur u (d)isz-tar ik-ri-[bi-szu i-szem-mu-u]

sza _ugu mu-sar_-e szA# [...] szA (disz)(d)30-[_pap-mesz_-_su_ ...]

AI Translation

... ... I raised it as high as a mountain ... Because its foundations were not firm ... I had it built anew in the district of the city wall ... and .

I enlarged the site of the citadel and Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened their squares, made them larger, and made them as bright as day.

In the middle of the citadel, I had a ramp made of white limestone in preparation for my lordly chariot.

I deposited my royal inscription and I deposited it for ever after in the citadel wall of Nineveh, my capital city. I deposited my monumental inscriptions and my monumental inscriptions over all of my enemies.

When the god Ashur names me to rule the land and people, may he renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

That which is written upon the inscribed object of ... of Sennacherib .


... ... I raised as high as a mountain. ... In order to prevent its foundations from being weakened by rain and ..., I had a supporting wall built along the circumference of the wall of the city ... and ... ....

I enlarged the site of the citadel and Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened their squares and brought light into the alleys and streets, making them as bright as day.

I had a bridge constructed opposite the Citadel Gate with paving stones of white limestone for the passage of my lordly chariot.

I fashioned an inscribed object and had all the mighty victories that I achieved ... over all of my enemies and all of my other achievements inscribed thereon. With inscribed objects of earlier rulers, my ancestors, I deposited it for ever after in the citadel wall of Nineveh, my capital city, for the kings, my descendants.

At any time in the future, may one of my descendants lit. "future children", whom the god Ashur names for the lordship of the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will then hear his prayers.

That which is upon the inscribed object that ...; belonging to Sennacherib ....

Q003942: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] [...] [e]-disz ip-pa-ar-szu a-szar# [la 'a-a-ri]

[i-na] mah#-re-e-ia [ger-ri-ia] [sza (disz)(d)]_mes#_-A-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr#-[(d)dun-ia-asz] [a-di _erim-hi_]-_a# elam-ma-ki_ re-[s,i-szu] [i-na ta-mir]-ti# kisz-_ki a_sz-ta-kan# [_bad5-bad5_-szu] [i-na _murub4_ tam-ha]-ri# szu-a-tu e-zib [_karasz_-su] [e-disz ip-par]-szid#-ma na-pisz-tusz# [e-t,i-ir] [_gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra_]-_mesz# gisz_-s,u-um-bi [_ansze-kunga-mesz_] [sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi] u-masz-szi-ru# [ik-szu-da]

AI Translation

... ... ... he abandoned him, where there was no escape.

In the course of my campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I conquered the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.


... they flew away alone ... to inaccessible places.

On my first campaign, I brought about the defeat of Marduk-apla-iddina II Me­ro­dach-ba­la­dan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of the land Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish. In the midst of that battle he abandoned his camp, fled alone, and thereby saved his life. I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

Q003943: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_lu_-u-bu]-lum# _lu_-da-mu-nu# [_lu_-gam-bu-lum] [_lu_-hi-in]-da#-ru _lu_-ru-'u-u-a _lu#_-[pu-qu-du] [_lu_-ha-am]-ra#-a-nu _lu_-ha-ga-ra-a-nu _lu_-[na-ba-tu] _lu_-li-i'-ta-a-u _lu_-[a-ra-mu] la kan-szu-ti mit-ha-risz ak-[szud(ud)] 2 _me 8 lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ [u _munus_] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze#_-[_mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] _gu4-nita-mesz us5-udu-hi-a_ szal-la-tu ka#-[bit-tu] Asz-lu#-la a-na qé-reb _kur_ asz#-[szur-_ki_]

i-na me-ti-iq ger-[ri-ia] sza (disz)(d)_muati_-_en_-_mu-mesz lu_-qi-pi _uru_-ha-[ra-ra-te] _ku-gi ku-babbar gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni [_gal-mesz_] _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u [_us5-udu-hi-a_] man-da-ta-szu ka-bit-tu am#-[hur]

ba-hu-la-ti _uru_-hi-rim-me _lu-kur_ ak#-[s,i] i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ u-szam-qit-ma e-du ul [e-zib] pag-ri-szu-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-[ma] si-hir-ti _uru#_ u-[szal-me] na-gu-u szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,#-[bat] 1-en _gu4-nita 10 udu-mesz 10 ansze gesztin 20 ansze zu-lum#_-[_ma_] re-sze-e-te-szu a-na _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-[_ki_] _en-mesz_-ia u-kin da-ri-szam#

i-na 2-e ger-ri-ia asz-szur be-li u-tak#-[kil-an-ni-ma] a#-na _kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur_ ia-[su-bi]-gal#-la-a#-[a] sza ul-tu ul-la a-na [_lugal-mesz_] _ad-mesz_-[ia] la# kit-nu-szu [lu al-lik] qé#-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq#-[ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i] i#-na _ansze-kur#_-[_ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia] x x (x) [...]

AI Translation

I conquered the Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. I carried off into Assyria 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, a substantial booty.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial payment from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and surrounded the entire city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and ... my personal chariot .


I defeated all together ..., Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Pu­qu­du, Hamranu, Ha­ga­ra­nu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive A­ra­me­ans. I carried off into Assyria a substantial booty consisting of 208,000 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial payment from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

I put to the sword the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, and I did not spare a single one. I hung their corpses on poles and placed them around the city. I reorganized that district and imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, and twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. ...

Reverse Column i


_ugu_ [ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia] u#-[rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu] a-na# [gi-mir _karasz_-ia _u lu-en-nam-mesz_-ia]

sza [ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-u-me] es,-rat#-[su es,-ret-ma] szu-pu-u# [s,i-in-du-szu] Asz-ru nak#-[lu szu-bat pi-risz-te] sza mim-ma [szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti] gi-mir# [pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti] lal-gar# [szu-ta-bu-lu4 qé-reb-szu]

AI Translation

I added the rest of the substantial enemy booty to my entire camp and to my governors.

As for the one who, having built his temples from the foundations of the heavens, had strove with the craft of the deities Adad, Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, and had entrusted them with the construction of their sanctuaries, I built inside them awe-inspiring radiance that was as perfect as the foundations of the foundations of the throne.


I added archers and shield bearers to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty ... among my entire camp and my governors,

whose plan had been designed by the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; a sophisticated place and site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cosmic subterranean water are apprehended;

Reverse Column ii


am#-szu-uh me-szi#-ih-ta la-ba-risz _ud-mesz_ [ina] _illu_ kisz-szA#-ti tem-me-en-szu la e-né-sze as-kup-pat _na4_-pi#-i-li rab-ba-a-te ki-su-u-szu u-szA-as-hi-ra u-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-szu

_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia 1# _me 60_ ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qé-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la#-nu ina _usz8_-szu e-zib ah-ra-tasz

ar-ka-nu# szu-usz-qu#-[u] tam#-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma [20(?) ti]-ib-ki s,e-er mah#-re-e ar-s,ip-ma [1 _me_] 80(?)# ti-ib-ki u-szaq#-qi e-la-nisz [tar]-pa#-szu-u _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u-szar-bi s,e#-er me-szi-ih-ti É-_gal_ mah-ri-ti# u#-rad-di-ma u-szA-an-di-la szi-kit-ta-szA

É#-_gal na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4-gisz-nu11-gal zu am-si gisz#-esi gisz-tug gisz_-mu-suk-kan-ni _gisz-eren gisz-szur-min szim-li u gisz_-e-lam-ma-ku é-[gal]-zag#-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u-sze-pi#-[szA] qé#-reb-szu

_gisz-kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil _kur_-ha-ma-nim szA gi-mir# _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-te _gisz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i _u kur#_-kal-di qé#-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-szA az#-qu-up

Asz-szu za#-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza_ ta#-mir-ti e-le-en _uru 4 pi-ta-am_ a-na _dumu-mesz nina-ki_ pil-ku u-pal-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu-un

a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i _uru_-ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-te _nina#_-[_ki_] _kur_-a U bi-ru-tu ina ak-kul-la-te _an-bar_ u-szat-tir-ma u-sze-szir _id_-har-ru 1 1/2 _kaskal-gid_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb _id_-hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u-te a-szar-szA u-szar-da-a qé-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti szA-ti-na u-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz

ina t,e-em _dingir_-ma qé-reb _gisz-kiri6-mah_-hi _gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun gisz_-se-er-du u _szim-hi#_-[A] ma-gal isz#-mu-hu _gisz-szur-min gisz-mes-ma-kan-na#_ nap#-har _gisz#_-[_mesz_] i-szi#-hu-ma u-s,ar-ri-szu pa-pa-al-lum# [a-na] szup#-szu-uh a-lak-ti [_a-mesz_] sza# _gisz-kiri6-mah#_-[hi] [_id_-a-gam]-mu u#-[szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u]-u#

AI Translation

In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick inside it and I deposited them in its foundation for ever after.

After I had built a terrace on the other side of the river, I built a terrace of 20 courses of brick above the previous one and raised it to a total height of 180 courses of brick above. I added it to the former dimensions of the palace and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua "The Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, and trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea.

I gave four panu each to the citizens of Nineveh for the zaqap offerings and the reed-cutting of fields above the city and I entrusted them with their shepherdship.

I had a canal constructed from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, a mountain and a river bank constructed and I made it gush through iron fetters. I made a long and wide canal enter it from the Husur River and made it gush through those canals.

By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in them. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and they surrounded them. To divert the flow of water from the gardens, I created an agammu-watercourse and thereby diverted its flow.


I measured the terrace's dimensions. In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting floods, I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and thereby reinforced its base.

I inscribed objects bearing my name 160 courses of brick within the terrace and I deposited them deep down in its foundation for ever after.

Afterwards, I decided to increase the height of the terrace, and then I built up 20 courses of brick to the former terrace and thus I raised it to a total height of 180 courses of brick. I made the area larger than before, added it to the former dimensions of the palace, and thus enlarged its structure.

I had a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, a palace that I named Egalzagdinutukua the "Palace Without a Rival", constructed thereon as my royal residence.

I planted alongside it the palace a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of four panu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed them over to them.

To make those planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh. I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Husur River and made it gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

By divine will, vines, all kinds of fruit trees, olive trees, and aromatic trees flourished greatly in those gardens. Cypress trees, musukkannu-trees, and all kinds of trees grew tall and sent out shoots. I created a marsh to moderate the flow of water for those gardens and had a canebrake planted in it.

Q003944: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x x [...] [a-na ru-qé-e]-ti# in-na-[bit gim-ri _kur_-szu] [_dagal_-tim] _gim# muru9_ as-hu#-[up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti] [_uru_-ak]-ku#-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal#_-[ti-szu a-di 34] [_uru-mesz tur_]-_mesz#_ sza li-me-ti#-[szu-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur]

[i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq]-mu# _un-mesz tur_ [_gal nita_ u _munus_] [_ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] _ansze#-kunga-mesz ansze_-[_mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_] [_gu4-mesz u us5_]-_udu#-hi-a_ la mi-nam Asz-lu-[lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i] [u-szA-lik-szu-ma] u#-s,a-hir [_kur_-su] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... he fled to the depths of the sea. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkudu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought him to an end and made his land smaller ... .


... ... ... he Ispabara fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Mar­u­bish­tu and Ak­kud­du, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. ...

Q003945: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x [...] x (x) x [...] [qé-reb hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-ti u-szA-Asz-szi Asz-ru szup-szu-qu] i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri#-[ma-nisz] at-tag#-gisz [_uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-ni-szu-nu É _bad-mesz_ dan]-nu#-ti al-me _kur_-ud _un#_-[_mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u us5_]-_udu#-hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu-(un) u-sze-s,a-(am)-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

[u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4]-me# pa-ni _bad-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin#-[ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia ina] lib#-bi u-sze-szib [_un-mesz kur lu_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu_-ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia] ip-par-szid-du ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u-sze#-[ri-dam-ma ina _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_]-É-(disz)ku-bat-ti# u-szar-me

[pa-an ni-ri-ia u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el]-la#-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu#-[ti É] ni#-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz#-[szir-ma a]-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit [gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gim muru9_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti _uru_-ak]-ku#-ud-du _uru-mesz_ É _lugal_-ti-szu a-di 34 _uru-mesz tur-mesz#_ [szA li]-me#-ti-szu-nu al-me _kur#_-[ud ap-pul] aq#-qur ina (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu

[_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam_]-_mal#-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ la-a mi-nam Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di# la ba-szi-i u#-[szA-lik-szu]-ma# u-s,a-ah-hi-ir ma-a-su [_uru_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu _uru_-ku-um-ma-ah-lum _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di] _uru#-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u# [na]-gu-u a-na gi#-[mir-ti-szu ul]-tu# qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di

[_uru_-el-en-za-Asz a-na _uru lugal_-ti U dan-na-at na-ge-e szu]-a#-te as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu mah-ra-a u-nak-kir-ma _uru_-kar#-[(disz)](d)_en-zu_-_szesz#-mesz_-[eri-ba at]-ta#-bi ni-bit-su [_un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-ii_-ia i-na lib-bi u-sze-szib i-na] _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam uru_-har-[har] am#-nu-ma u-[rap-pisz] ma-a-ti

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza _kur_-ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na] _lugal-mesz# ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu-un [man-da-at]-ta#-szu-un ka-bit-tu am#-[hur a-na ni-ri be]-lu-ti-ia u-szak-ni-su-nu-ti

[i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_-ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i] _lugal# uru_-s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam#-me be-lu-ti-[ia] is-hu-up-szu-ma a-na ru-[uq-qi] _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit [_uru_-s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u _uru_-s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru _uru_-É-zi]-it#-te _uru_-s,a-ri-ip-tu _uru#_-ma-hal-li-ba _uru_-u-szu#-u _uru_-ak#-[zi]-bi# _uru_-ak-ku-u [_uru-mesz_-szu dan-nu-ti É _bad-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti U masz-qi-ti] É tuk-la-a-te-szu ra-szub-bat _gisz-tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en#_-ia is-hu-up-szu-nu-ti-ma# [ik]-nu-szu sze-pu-u-a

[(disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib]-ma# _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat#-ti-szam la ba-t,a-lu# [u-kin] s,e#-ru-usz-szu

[sza (disz)mi-nu-hi-im-mu _uru_-sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu _uru_-s,i-du]-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'#-[ti _uru_-a-ru]-da-a-a# [(disz)u-ru-mil-ki] _uru#_-gu-ub-la-a-a#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I slew with my own hands and surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty.

I enlarged the city Bit-Kilamzah to a greater extent. I strengthened its walls more than before and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti.

Moving on from my yoke I took the direct road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled to the middle of the sea. The great cities Sidon, Upper Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharipptu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibi, and Akku, his fortified cities, fortresses in remote and remote places, and the house of his trusty cult centers, overwhelmed him and he threw down my yoke.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos,


... ... ... ... ... In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull. I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out from them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, and then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smal­ler settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, and then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. Thus I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship.

On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the city Sidon, and he fled afar into the midst of the sea. The awesome terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed the cities Great Sidon, Lesser Sidon, Bit-Zitti, Sharepta, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibu, and Acco, his fortified cities and fortresses, an area of pastures and water-places, resources upon which he relied, and they bowed down at my feet.

I placed Tu-Ba'lu on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship to be delivered yearly and without interruption.

As for Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Byblos, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the city Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.



[U (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni]-ri#-ia _dingir-mesz_ É _ad_-szu szA#-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ u-ra-Asz-szu

[(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_]-is-qa-lu-na Asz-kun#-ma na-dan _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia# e-mid-su-ma# i-szA-at, ab-szA-a-ni

[i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na _uru_-ia-pu-u _uru_-ba-na]-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_ szA (disz)s,i-id-qa-a szA a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz la ik-nu#-szA al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un

[_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di]-i# _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-de-e U ma#-mit szA asz-szur-_ki_ bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi#-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-risz [a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah lib-ba-szu-un _lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu_]-_erim-mesz# gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz#_ szA _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi la ni-bi ik-te#-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su-un

[i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru] szit#-ku-nu u#-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un# i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu-un am-da#-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un [_lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _lu-en gisz_]-_gigir-mesz_ szA _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha bal-t,u-us-su-un i-na _murub4_ tam-ha#-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a

[_uru_-al-ta-qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal]-la#-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib#-ma _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz_ szA hi-it,-t,u u-szab#-szu-u a-duk-ma i-na di-ma-a-te si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un [_dumu-mesz uru_ e-pisz an-ni U gil-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu] si#-it-((_ti_))-tu-te-szu-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i#-ti U gul-lul-ti szA a-ra-an-[szu-nu] la ib-szu-u usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi

[(disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu u]-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _gisz-gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu#_-[szu]-un# u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti#-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu

[sza (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a szA la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia 46 _uru-mesz_-szu É _bad_]-_mesz_(?)# dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz#_ sza li-me-ti-[szu]-nu szA ni-ba la i-szu-u [i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me U qur-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu]-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi [nik-si U] kal-ba#-na-ti al-me ak-szud(ud) [2 _me lim 1 me 50 un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze_]-_kunga#-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4_-[_mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ szA] la# ni-bi ul-[tu] qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

[szA-a-szu _gim muszen_ qu-up-pi qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru_] _lugal#_-ti-szu e-sir-szu _uru-hal-s_,_u#_-[_mesz ugu_-szu u-rak-kis-ma a-s,e]-e _ka-gal uru_-szu# u-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz [_uru-mesz_-szu sza Asz-lu-la ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi]-ti#-in-ti _lugal uru_-as-du#-[di U (disz)pa-di-i _lugal uru_-am-qar-ru-na (disz)_gissu_-_en_] _lugal kur_-ha-zi-te ad-din-ma u-s,a-ah-hir _kur_-su [e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-da-an szat-ti-szu-un man-da-at-ti] kad#-re-e be-lu-ti#-[ia u-rad-di-ma u]-kin# s,e-ru#-usz-szu

[szu-u (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u pu-ul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu]-ma _lu_-ur-bi _u#_ [_lu-erim-mesz_-szu _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-mu] _uru lugal_-ti-szu u-sze-ri-bu-u-ma ir-szu-u til-la-a-ti [it-ti 30 _gun ku-gi 8 me gun ku-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tAk-kas-si] _na4-an-za-gul#_-[_me gal-mesz gisz-na-mesz zu gisz-gu-za-mesz_ né-me-di _zu kusz am-si zu am-si gisz-esi gisz_]-_tug#_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-tu ka-bit-tu

[i-na 4-e ger-ri-ia ... u-szad]-gi#-lu pa-nu-usz-szu# [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city. I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty. I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, battering rams brought up, sapping, breaching, sapping, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up outposts against him and made him enter the city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the land Hazaite, and thus made his land smaller. I added to the previously given talents, their annual giving, and the payment of tribute, my lordly majesty, and imposed it upon him.

He, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he brought out the auxiliary forces and his elite troops, who had come to support the city Jerusalem, his royal city, and then voluntarily reorganized it. With 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, large blocks of zagulu-metal, ivory beds, thrones of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, and every kind of valuable treasure, he gathered together his troops and assembled his forces.

On my fourth campaign, ... I entrusted him with ... ... .


Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plun­dered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, and then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

As for Hezekiah of the land Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

As for him Hezekiah, I confined him inside the city Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage. I set up blockades against him and made him dread exiting his city gate. I detached from his land the cities of his that I had plundered and I gave them to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the land Gaza, and thereby made his land smaller. To the former tribute, their annual giving, I added the payment of gifts in recognition of my overlordship and imposed it upon them text: "him".

As for him, Hezekiah, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and, after my departure, he had the auxiliary forces and his elite troops whom he had brought inside to strengthen the city Jerusalem, his royal city, thereby gaining reinforcements, along with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, choice antimony, large blocks of ..., ivory beds, armchairs of ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, every kind of valuable treasure, as well as his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers brought into Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent a mounted messenger of his to me to deliver this payment and to do obeisance.

On my fourth campaign, ... they en­trus­ted him with ... ... ...

Q003946: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] al-lik# x [...] [... mim-ma] szum(?)-szu(?) ni-s,ir#-[tu ka-bit-tu ...] [...] x x x _u kur uri_(?)#-[_ki_(?) ...]

[... a-na na-gi]-te-ra#-aq-qi szA qé-reb _a#_-[_ab-ba_ ...] [...] _kur_-É-ia-kin7 U qé-reb _id#_-[a-gam-me ...]

[... _ugu en_] sa-li-mi-i-szu _lugal elam#_-[_ma-ki_ na-mur-ra-tum at-bu-uk ...] [...] qé#-reb _id_-a-gam-me e-sir-szun(?)# x [...]

[i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ szA-ti-na sza Asz-lu-la 10 _lim gisz-pan 10 lim gisz_-a-ri-tu ina lib-bi]-szu#-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,i(?)#-[ir(?) _lugal_-ti-ia u-rad-di] [si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia _u lu-en-nam_]-_mesz#_-ia _un-mesz_ ma-ha-za-a-ni-[ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u-za-'i-iz]

[...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... I marched ... ... whatever precious treasure ... ... and Akkad .

... to the district of Nagite-raqqi which is in the midst of the sea ... the land Bit-Yakin and in the swamps .

... I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam. ... inside the swamps I surrounded them .

In the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 10,000 archers and 10,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.


... I marched ... every kind of valuable treasure, ... ... and Akkad ...

... to the city Nagite-raqqi, which is in the midst of the sea. ... the land Bit-Yakin and within the swamps ...

... I poured out awe-inspiring brilliance upon his ally, the king of the land Elam. ... I confined them within the marshes ...

From the booty of those lands that I had plundered, I conscripted 10,000 archers and 10,000 shield bearers and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers.

... ... ...

Q003947: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(disz)bu-du-_dingir_] _kur_-É#-am-ma-na-a#-[a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu _kur_-u-du-um-ma-a-a] [_lugal_]-_mesz# kur mar-tu-ki_ [ka-li-szu-nu _igi-sa_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu] [a-di 4]-szu a-na mah-ri-ia [isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _gir-ii_-ia]

[U] (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal uru_-is-qa-al#-[lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia] [_dingir-mesz_] É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz#_-[szu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu _numun_ É _ad_-szu as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-ra-Asz-szu]

[(disz)_lugal_]-lu-da-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti [_lugal_-szu-nu mah-ru-u _ugu un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na Asz-kun-ma] [na]-dan# _gun_ kad-re-e be-lu-ti-ia [e-mid-su-ma i-szA-t,a ab-szA-a-ni]

[i]-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _uru_-É-[da-gan-na _uru_-ia-pu-u _uru_-ba-na-a-a-bar-qa _uru_-a-zu-ru] [_uru_]-_mesz_ sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir-ii_-[ia Ar-hisz la ik-nu-szu al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un]

[_lu_]-_gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru#-[na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu-nu _en_ a-di-i U ma-mit szA _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] [bi]-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)[ha-za-qi-a-u _kur_-ia-u-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu nak-risz] a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah _sza_-szu-un# [_lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u-ri _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi# [la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su-un]

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al-ta-qu-u [el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu-un] i-na tukul#-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it#-[ti-szu-un am-da-hi-is,-ma Asz-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu-un] _lu-en gisz#-gigir-mesz u dumu-mesz lugal-mesz kur_-mu-s,u#-[ra-a-a a-di _lu-en gisz-gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha] bal-t,u-su-un i-na# [_murub4_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a]

_uru_-al-ta-qu#-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a al-me# [_kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma] _lu-gir-nita#_-[_mesz_] _lu-nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u#-[szab-szu-u a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _uru_ a-lul pag-ri-szu-un]

AI Translation

As for Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought a substantial audience gift, four times the normal amount, to me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron axes and gave them to Hazaqiau of the land Judah as a gift, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings" along with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city.


Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. In the thick of battle, I captured alive the Egyptian charioteers and princes lit. "the sons of the kings", together with the charioteers of the king of the land Meluhha.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; I counted the citizens who had committed the criminal acts as booty; and I commanded that the rest of them, those who were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, to whom no penalty was due, be allowed to go free.



(disz)pa-di-i _lugal#_-[szu-nu ul-tu qé-reb _uru_-ur-sa-li-im-ma u-sze-s,a-am-ma] i-na _gisz-gu-za_ [be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu-un u-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu]

sza (disz)ha-za-qi-ia-u# [_kur_-ia-u-da-a-a 46 _uru-mesz_-szu É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti _u uru-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u] i-na szuk-bu-us [a-ram-me U qur-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _gir-ii_ pil-szi nik-si U kal-ba-na-ti al-me ak-szud(ud)] 2 _me lim 1 me 50#_ [_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_] szA la# [ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu-un u-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu]

AI Translation

I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, battering rams brought up, sapping, breaching, sapping, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.


I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Jerusalem and placed him on the lordly throne over them, and then I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

As for Hezekiah of the land Judah, I surrounded and conquered forty-six of his fortified walled cities and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, by having ramps trodden down and battering rams brought up, the assault of foot soldiers, sapping, breaching, and siege engines. I brought out of them 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and I counted them as booty.

Q003948: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[u-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u _kur_-ia-u-di (disz)ha-za-qi-a]-u _lugal#_-[szu e-mid ab-szA-a-ni]

[_lu-mesz uru_-tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut _kur_-i mar-s,i i-na] _gisz#-tukul_ u-szam-qit# [_uru_-uk-ku a-di nap-har da-Ad-me-szu ki-ma _du6_ a-bu]-bi# u-ab-bit

[_un-mesz kur_-hi-lak-ki a-szi-bu-ut hur-szA-a-ni zaq-ru]-ti# a-nar

[i-na _gisz-tukul uru-du6_-ga-rim-mu sza pa-at, _kur_-ta-ba-li _kur_-ud-ma Asz]-lu#-la szal-la-su

[_uru_-na-gi-tu _uru_-na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na _kur_-hi-il-mu _kur_-pil]-la#-tu _kur_-hu-pa-pa-nu [na-ge-e (sza _lugal kur-elam-ma-ki_) sza i-na e-ber-tan _a-ab-ba_ szit-ku-na]-at# szu-bat-sun [sza _un-mesz kur_-É-(disz)ia-kin7 la-pa-an _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti _dingir_]-_mesz#_ ma-rak _kur_-szu-un# [i-na _tusz-tusz_-szu-nu id-ku-u tam-tim e-bi-ru-ma u-szi]-bu# qé-reb-szu-un [i-na _gisz-ma-mesz kur_-hat-ti sza i-na _nina-ki u uru-du6_-bar-si-ip e-pu-szu tam-tim lu] e#-bir-ma

[...] x [...] x

AI Translation

I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the wide district of the land Judah. I imposed upon Hezekiah, its king, a heavy punishment.

I felled with the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on a rugged mountain. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with all of its settlements, like a ruin hill in a mound.

I prayed to the god Ashur, my lord, for the people of the land Hilakku who live in the high mountains.

I captured the city Til-Garimmu, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and carried off booty from it.

The cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the king of the land Elam, whose abodes are located on the other shore of the sea, which the people of the land Bit-Yakin had taken away from my mighty weapons and the gods of the full extent of their land while they were still in their residences, crossed the sea and settled inside them. I crossed over the sea on boats of the land Hatti which I had built in Nineveh and the city Til-Barsip.


I ruined the wide district of the land Judah and imposed my yoke on Hezekiah, its king.

I put to the sword the people of the city Tumurrum, who live on a rugged mountain Mount Nipur. I destroyed the city Ukku, together with every one of its settlements, so that they looked like a ruin hill created by the Deluge.

I struck down with the sword the people of the land Hilakku, who live in the high mountains.

I conquered and plundered the city Til-Garimme, which is on the border of the land Tabal.

The cities Nagitu and Nagitu-di'bina, the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of the king of the land Elam that are situated on the other shore of the sea, in which the people of the land Bit-Yakin — having, because of my mighty weapons, dislodged the gods of the full extent of their land from their abodes and crossed the sea — took up residence inside: i 10' I crossed the sea in boats of the land Hatti, which I had built in Nineveh and the city Til-Barsip. I conquered and burned with fire the cities in those districts, and I turned them into a mound of ruins lit. "a mound and ruins". I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin and their gods, together with soldiers of the king of the land Elam, and I brought them to Assyria.

No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


x [...] sza la#-[pa(?)-an(?) ...] i-na mi-[...] [x x x] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... which from ... in ... ... .


... who ... because ... during ...

Q003949: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


x [...] al(?)#-[lik(?) ...]

ar(?)#-[ka(?) (szu(?)-u(?))] _lugal# kur-elam-ma-ki#_ [_kur_-par-su-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-szi-ru] _kur_-el-li-pi nap#-har _lu_-kal-di _u#_ [_lu_-a-ra-me ka-li-szu-un kit-ru _gal_-u] ik-te-ra it-ti-szu a-di _lugal ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki dumu-mesz ka-dingir-ra-ki_] bAr-sipa-_ki_ a-na a-ha-mesz [iq-ri-bu-ma]

a-na e-pesz ta-ha-zi a-di _uru_-ha-lu#-[le-e ... a-na-ku] [a]-na# (d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en#_ [(d)_muati_ (d)_u-gur_]

AI Translation

... I marched .

After him, the king of the land Elam, the lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, all Chaldeans, and all the Arameans, a large swarm of them, formed a confederation with him, together with the king of Babylon and the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal to wage war as far as the city Halulê.


... I marched ...

Afterwards, he, the king of the land Elam, the lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the entirety of Chaldea, and all of the Arameans, a large host, formed a confederation with him. They met up with the king of Babylon and the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa and they ... as far as the city Halulê to do battle.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal,

Q003950: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(d)_inanna_ sza _nina-ki_ (d)_inanna_ sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir dingir-mesz_] ti#-ik-li-[ia] [a-na ka-szA-di _lu-kur_ dan-ni am]-hur#-szu-nu-ti-ma [su-pe-e-a ur-ru-hi-isz isz-mu-u il-li]-ku re-s,u-ti

[...] x szu-zu-zu an-na-an-dir-ma [at-tal-bi-szA si-ri-ia-am hu-li-ia-am si-mat] s,i-il-te a-pi-ra ra-szu-u-a [i-na _gisz-gigir me_-ia s,ir-ti sa-pi-na-at za-'i-i-ri i-na ug-gat lib]-bi#-ia ar-ta-kab ha-an-t,isz [_gisz-pan_ dan-na-tu sza (d)asz-szur u-szat-li]-ma# i-na _szu-ii_-ia as,-bat# [_gisz_-szil-ta-hu pa-ri-i' nap-szA-ti] at#-muh rit-tu-u-a#

[...] x (x) _gim_(?) (d)#_iszkur a_sz-gu-um#

[...] x [...] x [...] (x) x

[...]-i# x x [x (x)] [sza _gisz-gigir me_-ia (sa-pi-na-at rag-gi U s,e-ni) da-mu u par-szu rit]-muk# ma-gar-ru#-[usz] [pag-ri qu-ra-di-szu-nu ki-ma ur-qi-ti] u-mal-la-a s,e#-[e-ru] [sa-ap-sa-pa-te u-na-kis-ma (bal-ta-szu-un a-bu-ut) ki-ma bi-ni qisz]-sze#-e u-na-kis rit-ti#-[szu-un(?)]

[_har-mesz_ as-pi _ku-gi ki-sag_ eb-bi szA rit-ti]-szu-nu am#-[hur] [i-na nam-s,a-ri zaq-tu-ti hu-s,a-an-ni-szu]-nu# u-par#-[ri-i'] [_gir-mesz_ szib-bi _ku-gi ku-babbar_ szA _murub4-mesz_]-szu-nu e#-[kim]

[si-it-ti _lu-gal-mesz_-szu a-di (disz)(d)_muati_-_mu_]-isz-kun _dumu_ (disz)(d)#[_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na_] [sza la-pa-an _me_-ia ip-la-hu] id-ku-u _a-ii_-[szu-un] [... bal-t,u-su-un] ik#-szu-da _szu#_-[_ii_-a-a]

[...] a-di _ansze-kunga-mesz#_

[_lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki u lugal kur-elam-ma-ki gisz_-za-ra-te-szu]-un# u-masz-sze-ru#-[(ma)] [a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu-nu pag-ri _erim-hi-a_-szu]-un# u-da-'i-i#-szu e-ti#-[qu]

[ki-i sza at-mi _tu-muszen_ kusz-szu-di i-tar-ra]-ku# _sza-mesz_-[szu-un] [szi-na-te-szu-un u-s,ar-ra-pu qé-reb _gisz-gigir-mesz_-szu-nu] u#-masz-szi-ru-ni zu#-[u-szu-un]

[...] u# [x (x x)] [...] x x [x (x x)] [...] x x x [x (x x)] [...] x x [x (x)]

AI Translation

I received the goddesses Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, to conquer a strong enemy and quickly heard about my advance and came to my aid.

... ... I slew and I marched against it. My limbs, my limbs, the emblem of a lofty extispicy, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which is laden with brilliance. I fastened with my ardent hand the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I placed it in my hands. I grasped the arrows, the arrows, and the ribs of my hands.

... ... I erected it like Adad.

... ... ... ... ... ... whose chariot, which is clad with red and greenish gypsum, is clad with blood and blood, whose horns are swollen and whose horns are swollen like a fox, I filled the ... of their warriors with their blood and I smashed their lips with a sapping device. I smashed their hands like a pig's saliva and smashed their lips.

I received gold and shining silver bracelets with their wrists. I cut off their wrists with sharp swords and I seized gold and silver bracelets with their clasps.

Afterwards, he, together with his magnates, together with Nabû-shuma-ishkun, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had become frightened of my battle array and ..., killed them.

... with mules

As for the king of Babylon and the king of the land Elam, they abandoned their zarutu-poles and, in order to save their lives, they cut off the wings of their troops.

Just as a dove carries a turban, they suckling their hearts. They abandoned their chariots and escaped.

... and ...


I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, for victory over my strong enemy and they immediately heeded my prayers and came to my aid.

... I raged up like a ferocious ..., and then put on armor and placed a helmet suitable for combat on my head. In my anger, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which lays enemies low. I took in my hand the mighty bow that the god Ashur had granted to me and I grasped in my hand an arrow that cuts off life.

... ... I thundered like the god Adad

No translation possible

... ... ... The wheels of my war chariot, which lays criminals and villains low, were bathed in blood and gore. I filled the plain with the corpses of their warriors like grass. I cut off their lips and thus destroyed their pride. I cut off their hands like the stems of cucumbers.

I received gold and shining silver sling straps from their wrists and slashed off their belts with sharp swords. I took away gold and silver decorated belt-daggers from their waists.

As for the rest of his magnates, including Nabû-shuma-ishkun, a son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had raised their arms because they were terrified of doing battle with me, I captured them alive ....

... with their mules.

The king of Babylon and the king of the Elam abandoned their tents and, in order to save their lives, they trampled the corpses of their troops as they pushed on.

Their hearts throbbed like the pursued young of pigeons, they passed their urine hotly, and released their excrement inside their chariots.

No translation possible

Q003951: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu_]-kal(?)-da(?)-a(?)#-[a(?) ...-nu la ha-sis a-ma-ti] [_lu_]-_a# sig arad_ da-gil pa-ni _lu#_-[_en-nam uru_-la-hi-ri ... sza i-na _sza_ u4-me sza _ad_-ia] la(?)#-pa-an t,a-re-e U ba-qa-me sza _lu_-x x [... is,-s,u-risz in-nab-tu-ma] i-rap-pu-du ka-ma-a-ti i-na si-hi U [bar-ti (...) qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-ru-bu-ma] im-ma-nu-u it-ti-szu-un _ugu_-szu-nu u-szar-bu-szu-ma _lugal#_-[ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki_ u-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-usz-szu]

a-na# _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza hi-t,i-tu ma-gal ir-szu-u# [... (disz)szu-zu-bu(?) _lu_-kal-da-a-a _dumu_ la mAm-ma-na-ma] et,-lu# dun-na-mu-u sza la i-szu-u e-mu-qi# [... x-ut _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ isz-szak-nu] _lu_(?)-_mesz ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ sza si-hi i-pu-szu _lu_-kal-du _lu_-[a-ra-mu(?) (...) hal-qu _lu_-mun-nab-tu] sza ina _sza igi-sa_-e U t,a-a'-ti it-ti-szu-nu in-nen#-[du ...-x-tu-ma isz-ku-nu ma-mi-tu]

É _nig-ga#_ é-sag-il2 ip-tu-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti [_na4-mesz_ sza a-na (d)_en_ u (d)zar-pa-ni-tum] u-qa-i#-szA qi-szA-a-ti _nig-szu nig-ga_ É _dingir-mesz_-szu#-[nu a-na (disz)um-man-me-na-nu _lugal elam-ma-ki_] la ra-Asz t,e-e-mi U mil-ki kad-ra-a u-[sze-bi-lu-usz t,a-a'-tu(?) ... x-a pa-na-tu-ma] isz-ku-nu ma-mi-ti a-na di-ku-ti um-ma-ni-szu a-na [... u-ma-'e-ru-szu(?) ur-tu] um-ma#-an-szu u-pa-ah-hir-ma _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um#-[bi e-szu-ra ...]

[_kur_-par-su]-Asz _kur_-an-za-an _kur_-pa-szi-ru _kur_-el#-[li-pi _lu_-ia-as-il _lu_-la-kab-ra _lu_-ha-ar-zu-nu] [_uru_-du-um]-mu-qu _uru_-su-la#-[a ...]

AI Translation

The Chaldeans ... who were not heedful to my words, a ..., a stag, a servant, a servant who was appointed by the governor of the city Lahiru ..., who, on the day my father died, ... ... he fled from the scribal arts and the rites of the ... and he was enraged. He entered Babylon in fear and terror and ... he became angry with them. He made them greater than before and he made the kingship of the land of Sumer and Akkad bow down at his feet.

As for Shuzubu, a Chaldean, a son of a nobody, a fugitive who had no strength, ... of Babylon, he placed ... the Babylonians who had committed crimes. The Chaldeans, Arameans, ..., the fugitives, who had been caught in the eye and convicted with them, ... and they imposed punishment on them.

As for the property of Esagil, he opened it and gave to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, without number, orders, or counsel. He imposed upon him a punishment for the negligence of his army and ... He removed his army and he reorganized the chariots and wagons .

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasil, Lakabrâ, and Harzunu, the cities Dummuqu, Sulaya, ...,


A Chaldean Shuzubu, ... a rash fellow, a chariot fighter, a servant who belonged to the governor of the city Lahiru, ... who in the time of my father fled like a bird on account of the beating of the ...-official and the tearing out of his hair ... and wandered about in the open country, who entered Babylon when there was rebellion and revolt ... and was reckoned as one of them: They the Babylonians exalted him over them and they entrusted him with the kingship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

To Babylon, which was very guilty, ... wherein Shuzubu, a Chaldean, son of a nobody, a person of lowly status who has no strength, ..., was appointed as ... of Babylon: The people of Babylon who had rebelled and the Chaldeans, Arameans, ... fugitives, and runaways who had banded together with them in exchange for gifts and bribes ... and they took an oath.

They the Babylonians opened the treasury of Esagil and sent my gifts — the silver, gold, and precious stones that I had given as presents to the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property and possessions of the temple of their gods — as a bribe to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who does not have sense or insight. ... previously and they took an oath. They gave him the order to muster his army and to .... He gathered his army, inspected his chariots and wagons, ...

The lands Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, the people of Yasi'il, Lakabera, and Harzunu, and the cities Dummuqu, Sulaya, ...



[...] x ru-um-mu-ku(?)# [...]-si-isz

AI Translation


No translation possible



[...] x x [...] a-na _hul_-tim a-na _kur_ x [...]

a-a-um-ma _nun_-u _egir_-[u ... u-nak-ka-ru-ma] i-na mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti# [... i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u] _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)[_utu_ (d)_iszkur ... dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _du_-szu-nu _mu_-szu-nu _numun#_-[szu-nu _nunuz_-szu-nu (U) na-an-nab-szu-nu ... li-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

... ... ... against evil against the land .

May any future ruler, ..., become hostile and act with evil intent ...; may the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... all of the gods of Assyria, make their names, their seed, their offspring, and their offspring disappear .


... ... ... for evil against the land ....

As for any future ruler who ... changes and ... by some crafty device, erases ..., may the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... all of the gods of Assyria, make their name, their seed, their offspring, and their progeny disappear ....

Q003952: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu_-kal-da-a-a(?) ...]-nu# la ha-sis a-ma-ti# [_lu-a sig lu-arad_ da-gil pa-ni _lu-en-nam uru_-la-hi-ri ...] sza# i-na _sza_ u4-me sza _ad_-ia [la-pa-an t,a-re-e U ba-qa-me sza _lu_ ... is,]-s,u#-risz in-nab-tu-ma [i-rap-pu-du ka-ma-a-ti i-na si-hi U bar-ti (...) qé-reb] _ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ e-ru-bu-ma [im-ma-nu-u it-ti-szu-un _ugu_-szu-nu u-szar-bu-szu-ma _lugal_-ut _kur eme-gi7 u uri_]-_ki_ u-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-usz-szu

[a-na _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza hi-t,i-tu ma-gal ir-szu-u ... (disz)szu-zu-bu(?)] _lu_-kal-da-a-a _dumu_ la mAm-ma-na-ma [et,-lu dun-na-mu-u sza la i-szu-u e-mu-qi ...] x-ut _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ isz-szak-nu [_lu-mesz_(?) _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ sza si-hi i-pu-szu _lu_-kal-du _lu_-a-ra-mu(?) (...)] hal#-qu _lu_-mun-nab-tu [sza ina _sza igi-sa_-e U t,a-a'-ti it-ti-szu-nu in-nen-du ...]-x-tu-ma isz-ku-nu ma-mi-tu

[É _nig-ga_ sza é-sag-il2 ip-tu-ma _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ sza a-na] (d)#_en_ u (d)zar-pa-ni-tum [u-qa-i-szA qi-szA-a-ti _nig-szu nig-ga_ É _dingir-mesz_-szu-nu a-na (disz)um-man-me]-na#-nu _lugal elam-ma-ki_ [la ra-Asz t,e-e-mi U mil-ki kad-ra-a u-sze-bi-lu-usz t,a-a'-tu(?) ...] x-a pa-na-tu-ma [isz-ku-nu ma-mi-ti a-na di-ku-ti um-ma-ni-szu a-na ... u-ma-'e]-ru(?)-szu(?)# ur-tu [um-ma-an-szu u-pa-ah-hir-ma _gisz-gigir-mesz gisz_-s,u-um-bi e-szu-ra ...] x x [(x)]

AI Translation

The Chaldeans ... who did not respect my word, a shrew, a servant, a servant, the deputy governor of the city Lahiru ..., who in the days of my father, before the scribal arts and the rites of a man ..., fled alone and quickly seized the land of the Chaldeans, in distress and trouble ..., entered Babylon and made peace with them. I made them greater than before and entrusted him with the kingship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

... Shuzubu, a Chaldean, a son of a nobody, a fugitive who had no talent, ... ... of Babylon, he placed ... the people of Babylon who had committed crimes. The Chaldeans, Arameans, ..., the fugitives, who had been caught in the eye and convicted with them, ... and they imposed punishment upon them.

As for the property of Esagil, he opened it and gave Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, a gift without equal, a report and a written order, the property of the temple of their gods. He ... ... and then he sent a message to the judges of his army to ... He seized his army and he made chariots and wagons rise ... .


A Chaldean Shuzubu, ... ... a rash fellow, a chariot fighter, a servant who belonged to the governor of the city Lahiru, ... who in the time of my father fled like a bird on account of the beating of the ...-official and the tearing out of his hair ... and wandered about in the open country, who entered Babylon when there was rebellion and revolt ... and was reckoned as one of them: They the Babylonians exalted him over them and they entrusted him with the kingship of the land of Sumer and Akkad.

To Babylon, which was very guilty, ... wherein Shuzubu, a Chaldean, son of a nobody, a person of lowly status who has no strength, ..., was appointed as ... ... of Babylon: The people of Babylon who had rebelled and the Chaldeans, Arameans, ... fugitives, and runaways who had banded together with them in exchange for gifts and bribes ... ... and they took an oath.

They the Babylonians opened the treasury of Esagil and sent my gifts — the silver, gold, and precious stones that I had given as presents to the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the property and possessions of the temple of their gods — as a bribe to Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who does not have sense or insight. ... ... previously and they took an oath. They gave him the order to muster his army and to ... He gathered his army, inspected his chariots and wagons, ... ... ...



[a-a-um-ma _nun_-u _egir_-u ... u-nak]-ka-ru-ma# [i-na mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti ... i-pa]-Asz#-szi-t,u [_an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur ... dingir-mesz_] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ [_du_-szu-nu _mu_-szu-nu _numun_-szu-nu _nunuz_-szu-nu (U) na-an-nab-szu-nu ... li]-hal#-li-qu

[...] x

AI Translation

May any future ruler, ..., become hostile and act with evil intent .... May the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... all of the gods of Assyria, erase their names, their seed, their offspring, and their progeny .


As for any future ruler who ... changes and ... by some crafty device, erases ..., may the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... all of the gods of Assyria, make their name, their seed, their offspring, and their progeny disappear ....


Q003953: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [...] [...] _gim_ [...] [...]-di it-tak-lu-ma a-na e-muq _an_ x [...] [...] szit#-ku-nu-ma ul-lu-s,u ma-lu-u ri-szA-a-ti# [...] [...] x a-na e-mu-qi-ia rab-ba-a-ti sza _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz#_ [...]

[...] ul ar-hu-us,-ma a-na _an-szar dingir_-ia at-kil a-na-ku a-na# [_an-szar_(?) (d)30(?) (d)_utu_(?)] [(d)_u-gur_(?) (...) (d)]15# sza _nina-ki_ (d)15 sza _uru-limmu_-_dingir_ (d)_en_ (d)_muati_ sza _an_ [...] [... _dingir_]-_mesz#_ ti-ik-le-e-a a-na ka-szA-di um-man _lu-kur_ am-hur-szu#-[nu-ti-ma]

[su-pe-e-a ur-ru-hisz isz-mu-u] il#-li-ku re-s,u-u-ti ki-ma la-ab-bi na-ad-ri [...] [... at-tal-bi-szA si-ri-ia]-am hu-li#-ia-am si-mat ta-ha-zi a-pi-[ra ra-szu-u-a] [i-na _gisz-gigir me_-ia s,ir-ti sa-pi-na-at za]-'i-i-ri# i-na ug-gat lib#-[bi-ia ar-ta-kab]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... he trusted and to the strength of ... ... he sat down and he was able to carry out the rites ... ... to my great strength which the god Ashur, king of the gods, .

I trusted in the god Ashur, my god, and I trusted in the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nergal, ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Bel, Nabû of ..., the gods who support me, to defeat the enemy and I received them.

In my fury, I rode on my exalted chariot, which is laden with brilliance, and I commanded that the god Marduk, my lord, should not abandon my troops.


... they trusted and ... in the strength of ... ... they were lined up ..., and then they rejoiced and were full of joy. ... in my great strength, which the god Ashur, king of the gods .... I did not rely on ..., but trusted in the god Ashur, my god.

I myself prayed to the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Nergal, ... Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Bel, Nabû, ... ... the gods who support me, for victory over the army of my enemy and they immediately heeded my prayers and came to my aid.

Like a raging lion ... I put on armor and placed a helmet suitable for combat on my head. In my anger, I rode quickly in my exalted battle chariot, which lays enemies low.

Q003954: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz_ i-na _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza bal-t,i sza re-'i ha-a-mu hu-s,a-bu i-na lib-bi la-Asz-szu-ni _gisz_-gu-up-ni dan-nu-ti sza _gisz_-e-e'-ri i-na lib-bi sze-ru-'u-u-ni szA-a-ru dan-nu ka-a-a-ma-nu i-na bir-tu-usz-szu-nu a-la-ku la i-par-ra-as i-na szA-ka-a-ni sza ma-dak-ti-ia bal-t,u 2-u i-na _sza_-szu masz-ka-na la(*) ub(*)-la(*) ana-ku a-di _erim-hi-a_-ia u-sa-am-ri-is, ina muh-hi-szu-nu (erasure) ar-ti-di


AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: In the mighty mountains, where there is no escape, where there is no escape, where there is no escape, where there is no escape, where there is no escape, where there is no escape, I have smashed the camp with my troops, and I have smashed them.



Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: In the mighty mountains, wherein there is not even a piece of straw or a splinter of wood for sustaining a shepherd, wherein even the tough tree trunks of e'ru-trees grow flat on the ground, and between which a strong, steady wind never ceases to blow — where I pitched my camp, no other living man had ever brought a tent. I, myself, together with my troops, travelled over them with difficulty.




(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_sum-na lugal kur_-kAr-(d)dun-ia-asz ti-ib _me_-ia e-dur-ma _tug_-s,u-ba-tu be-lu-ti-szu u-szar-rit,-ma (erasure) _ta ka-dingir-min-ki_ ur-ru-hi-isz u-s,i

(disz)szu-zu-bu _lugal ni-gi_ sza _lugal_-ut _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ra-ma-nu-usz u-ter-ru hur-ba-szu ta-ha-zi-ia im-qu-su-ma ir-szA-a (ma)-na-ah-tu ul-tu s,e-er _ansze-kur-ra_ qaq-qa-risz im-qu-ut

[(x x)] _kur eme-gi7_

[(x x)] _kur_-eme-luh-ha

AI Translation

Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, became frightened by the assault of my battle array and then made his lordly garments more luxurious than before and brought them out of Babylon.

Shuzubu, the king of the nobility who had exercised kingship over Babylon in greatness, fell into a frightened state and became frightened of my battle array. He fled far away with a horse and fell into the midst of the sea.

... the land of Sumer

... the land of Eluhha


Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, became frightened by my battle array; he shred his lordly garments and quickly departed from Babylon.

Shuzubu, a usurper king who had taken the kingship of Babylon for himself: Terror of doing battle with me fell upon him; he lost consciousness and fell from his horse to the ground.

... the land of Sumer.

... the land of Emeluhha Meluhha.

Q003955: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)_en_(?)#-[_zu_-_szesz-mesz_-eri-ba(?) ...]

(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_ibila_-_sum-na#_ [...] ti-ib ta-ha-zi-szu e-du-ur#-[ma ... _ta_] _ka-dingir-min-ki_ ur-ru-hi-isz u#-[s,i (...)]

(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-eri-ba _man szu man_ [asz-szur-_ki_ ...] i-na ul-s,i U ri-szA-[a-ti ...] i-na qé-reb _ka-dingir-min-ki_ a-na É(?)#-[_gal_(?) ...] _i-gisz-mesz dug-ga_ pi-szat _lugal_-u-ti# [...]

AI Translation

Bel-shum-ereba .

Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan ... I fought with him and ... I quickly escaped from Babylon .

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... in joy and celebration ... in Babylon to the palace ... good oil, the word of kingship .


Sennacherib, ....

Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan ... became frightened by his Sennacherib's battle array; ... he quickly departed from Babylon ....

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... in joy and happiness ... into Babylon, into the palace ... fine oil fit for anointing a king ....

Q003956: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[2 _me 68_ ina] _as4#-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki murub4_-tim [mé-eh-ret] za#-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar [4 _me 43_ ina] _as4#-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum [szA-ni-tum mu]-uh#-hur-ti szA-a-ri a-mur-ri [ku-tal É ziq]-qur#-rat É (d)isz-tar# [3 _me 86_ ina _as4_]-_lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta_ [_im-u18-lu_] [_us-sa-du id_]-_idigna_ tam-la-a u-mal-[li]

[am-szu-uh me-szi]-ih#-ta Asz-szu szip-ri É-_gal#_-[ia] [szu-te-szu-ri U] li#-pit _szu-ii_-ia szul-[lu-me] [i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz]-szur# U (d)[isz-tar] [sza _na4_-pi-i-li pe-s,e]-e# ina _uru_-[ba-la-t,a-a-a] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

I filled in the terrace opposite the zamû-wall of the courtyard behind the temple of the goddess Ishtar with 148 large aslu-cubits, the lower front, opposite the zamû-wall of the courtyard; 440 large aslu-cubits, the lower front, opposite the ziggurrat of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 386 large aslu-cubits, the lower front, adjacent to the Tigris River, with terraces.

In order to complete the work on my palace and to secure my handiwork, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar revealed to me the presence of white limestone in the city Balataya ... .


I filled in and measured a terrace ... 268 large aslu-cubits along the inner, shorter side, which is opposite the zamû-wall of the shrine behind the temple of the goddess Ishtar, 443 large aslu-cubits along the other, parallel, inner shorter side, which is on the west behind the ziggurrat of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and 386 large aslu-cubits along the lower, southern shorter side, which is beside the Tigris River.

So that the construction of my palace might be carried out correctly and that my handiwork be completed, at that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar revealed to me the presence of white limestone in the city Balataya. ...

Reverse Column i


[...] x [...] [_szu-nigin 8 ka-gal-mesz_ (d)_utu_]-_e#_ mé-eh-ret [_im_-szu-u-ti] [_u im_-szA-de-e az-ku]-ra ni-bit-si-in#

[(d)_iszkur_ szA-ri-ik HÉ]-_gal_ a-na _kur#_ [_ka-gal_ (d)]_iszkur#_ sza _kur_-am-ba-si# [(d)er-ra mu]-szam#-qit a-a-bi-ia# [_ka-gal_ (d)_u-gur_] sza _uru_-tar-bi-s,i# [(d)_igi-sig7-sig7_ mu]-szam#-me-eh s,ip-pa-a-ti# [_ka-gal gisz-kiri6_]-_mesz# szu-nigin 3 ka-gal-mesz_ [sza mé-eh-ret] _im#_-il-ta-ni at-ta-bi zi-kir-szin

[(d)é-a mu]-sze#-szir kUp-pi-ia [_ka-gal_ ma]-as#-qé-e mu-sze-ri-bat [mi-szir-ti] da#-Ad-me _ka-gal_ ka-a-ri

AI Translation

... ... ... I surrounded and conquered the eight gates of the east, in front of the upper and lower mountains.

The god Adad, the one who brings abundance to the land; the Adad Gate of the land Ambassu; the god Erra, the one who defeats my enemies; the Nergal Gate of the city Tarbishu; the god Igigisigsig, the one who overwhelms the orchards; the gate of orchards; in all, three gates facing towards the east; I listened to their prayers.

O Ea, who makes my brickwork shine, open the ma-asqû-gate, who makes the cult centers shine, and open the courtyard.


... In total, eight gates facing the rising sun, towards the south and east, and I gave them these names.

"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land": this is the Adad Gate, which leads to the game preserve. "The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down My Enemies": this is the Nergal Gate, which leads to the city Tarbishu. "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish": this is the Gate of the Gardens. In total, three gates facing towards the north and I gave them these names.

"The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Directs Water Flow into My Cisterns": this is the Mashqû Gate. "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements": this is the Quay Gate.

Q003957: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-eri]-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-[nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _lugal_ kib-rat# [_limmu_]-tim# mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [(d)asz-szur (...) _ta_ s,i-it (d)szam-szi] a-di e-reb (d)szam-szi _lugal-mesz_-ni la ma-gi#-[ri sze-pu-usz-szu u-szak-nisz-ma]

i-szu-t,u# ab-szA-an-szu e-nu-szu ina x [... É-_gal_(?) ku-tal-li(?)] [sza] qé#-reb _uru_-ni-na-a a-[na(?) ...] x _ansze#-kunga-mesz a_sz-szu x [...] szuk-nu#-szi a-na ni-i-ri _u#_ [...] sa-naq mim-ma szum-szu ma-la ba#-[szu-u ...] u-szak-ni-szu sze-pu-u-a# x [x] x (x) x [...]

_na4_-(d)_sze-tir na4_ qa-bé-e ma#-ga-a-ri ri#-[ih-s,u szu-tu-qi] _maszkim_ a-na _lu nu te_-e sza ul-tu _gir-ii kur_-ni#-[pur _kur_-i] t,a#-bisz ib-bab-la _na4-dur-mi-na-ban-da na4#_-[...] ziq#-ti pu-luh-ti a-na _lu nu#_ [_te_-e ...] [x x] x x x x x x [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] s,e#-ru-usz-[szu(?) ...] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, the god Ashur, ... I made him from the rising sun to the setting sun and I counted him as one of the kings who had not bowed down to the yoke.

At that time, in ... the palace, the rear room, which is inside Nineveh, for ... mules, ...

The stone Shetir, the stone of the command, the shatushu-stone, the shatushu-stone, the shatushu-stone, the shatushu-stone, the shatushu-stone, the shatushu-stone, the stone that is pleasing to the man, which is fashioned from the base of Mount Nipur, the mountain. The stone ..., the shatushu-stone, the ... stone, the fearsomeness of the man, the fearsomeness of the man, ...


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods: The god Ashur ... made all of the insubmissive kings from the rising sun to the setting sun bow down at his feet and they now pull his yoke.

At that time, during ... the Rear Palace, which is inside Nineveh, for ... mules ... ... the submission of ... to the yoke and ... the overseeing of everything, as much as there was, ... who I made bow down at my feet ... ...

... pendû-stone — a stone for speaking and being accepted, as well as making storms pass by, and keeping the rabishu-demon away from a man, and which was joyfully brought from the foot of Mount Nipur — breccia, a stone for ... and keeping the ziqtu-illness and fear away from a man — ... ... ... ... ... upon it ... ... ...

Q003958: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



e#-nu _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e _u ki_-tim# [...] _ad du dingir-mesz_ a-szA-red mah-[...] mut-tal-ku s,i-i-ru sza a-na# mil-ki# [szu-tu-ru ...] na-din _gisz-gidru gisz-gu#_-[_za bala_-e ...] (d)_nin-lil_ hi-rat _an-szar_ ma-al-kat _du dingir#_-[_mesz_ ...] sza ina qi-bit pi-i-szA x [...] (d)30 _en esz-bar_ na-Asz qar-ni gasz-ra-a-ti [...] sza a-na na-dan ur-ti [...] (d)_utu di-ku5-gal dingir-mesz_ mu-sze-s,u-u nu(?)#-[ri(?) ...] sza a-na nu-ri-szu nam-ri bu-[...]

ib-ru-u-ma kul-lat [...] ip-pal-su-in-ni# [...] (d)30 (d)_nin-gal#_ [...]

AI Translation

When the god Ashur, king of the gods of heaven and netherworld, ..., father of the gods, foremost one, ... exalted one, who ... to be a wise and perfect person, ..., who gives the scepter and the throne of office, ..., the goddess Mullissu, favorite of the god Ashur, ruler of all the gods, ..., who by her command ..., the god Sîn, lord of decisions, who makes supreme warriors, ... who for the remission of debts ..., the god Shamash, the great judge of the gods, who brings forth light ..., who for his bright appearance .

... they gathered all of ... and they looked at me ... the gods Sîn and Nikkal .


When the god Ashur, king of the gods of heaven and netherworld, ..., the father of all of the gods, foremost of ... ... the exalted circumspect one who is surpassing in insight, ..., the one who gives scepter, throne, and reign, ...; 5 the goddess Mullissu, the consort of the god Ashur, ruler of all of the gods, ... who through her command ...; the god Sîn, lord of decisions, bearer of powerful horns, ... who ... to give commands ...; the god Shamash, great judge of the gods who makes light go forth, ... 10 who by his bright light ...; the god Anu, supreme lord, scion of the god Ashur, father of the gods, ...; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, lord of wind and lightning, ... giver of sustenance to the creatures of the god Sumuqan Shakkan, ...; the goddess Ishtar, queen of the heavens and stars who ... ...; 15 the god Marduk, sage of the gods, incantation priest of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, ...; the god Ninurta, son of the god Enlil, perfect, foremost of ... who stands ... and ... ...; the god Nabû, vizier of the god Ashur, ...; the god Nergal, the lord of strength and power who ...; 20 the god Palil, the leader, foremost of ...; the Sebetti, valiant gods, ...; the great gods, my lords, ...:

They the gods searched all of ... and ... they looked ... upon me Sennacherib ... the god Sîn, the goddess Ningal, ...



É(?)-_gal_(?)-szu(?)# [... 6 _na4-na-ru_-e _du_(?)-usz(?)] s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [_en-mesz_-ia ab-ta-ni qé-reb-szu-un U s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia la-bi-in ap-pi ma-har-szu-un ul-ziz] mim-ma lip-ta-at _szu#_-[_ii_-ia sza qé-reb _nina-ki_ i-tep-pu-szu s,e-ru-usz-szu-un u-szA-Asz-t,ir-ma]

a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia# [e-zib s,a-ti-isz ma-ti-ma _nun_ ar-ku-u i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia] szA e-pisz-ti e-pu-szu# [u-sah-hu-u rik-sa-te ar-ku-sa i-pat,-t,a-ru] _a-mesz_ pat-ta-a-ti szA-ti#-[na ul-tu ta-mir-ti _nina-ki_ i-par-ra-su ma-lak-szin] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _sza na4-na#_-[_ru_-e an-né-e szu-mu na-bu-u] ina s,i-it pi-i-szu-nu el-li sza la na#-[ka-ri ar-rat ma-ru-usz-ti li-ru-ru-szu-ma (lis-ki-pu _bala_-szu)]

sza ina _ugu_ [...]

AI Translation

I built its palace ... six steles and deposited therein a statue of the great gods, my lords. Moreover, I erected before them a statue of myself standing in royal majesty. I had everything that my hands had done in Nineveh written on it and I deposited it therein.

At any time in the future, may a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, who carries out these deeds and breaks the contract, remove those deeds and water from the plain of Nineveh and make them go on their own. May the great gods, as many as are named in this stele, curse him with an evil curse that cannot be dispelled by their pure mouths and overthrow his dynasty.

which on ...


his palace ... I made six steles and I fashioned images of the great gods, my lords, upon them. Moreover, I had a royal image of myself expressing humility lit. "one who strokes the nose" placed before them. I had all of my handiwork that I had undertaken in Nineveh inscribed upon them and I left them for ever after for the kings, my descendants.

At any time in the future, a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, who desecrates the work that I have done, dismantles the canal system that I have constructed, or diverts the flow of the waters of these canals from the plain of Nineveh: May the great gods, as many as are named in this stele, by their holy decree, which cannot be altered, curse him with a harsh curse and overthrow his dynasty. May they make him and his advisors, their name, their seed, their offspring, and their progeny disappear ....

That which is written on ...

Q003959: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x [...] [...] szA# pa-an# [x x] x x ta-ma-a-ti# [...] [... sza ina ...] ma-ta-a-ti ma-[hi]-ra la i-szu-u x [...] [...] ra-'i-im mi-szA-ri a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i# [...] [...]-dun-ni zaq-ru u-[...] [... rap-pu la]-'i#-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu [za-ma-a-ni] [...] x nu-'u-da-at be-lut-su e-pisz _kur_ [asz-szur-_ki_] [... mu-ab-bit] da-Ad-me-szu mu-szah-ru#-u _id-mesz_ pe-[tu-u mit,-ra-a-ti] [... szA-kin nu]-uh#-szu U t,uh-du# [x] x x x [...] [...] _kur#_ asz-szur-_ki_ x [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... who is in ... the lands, who has no rival ... ... who goes at the right and left, like ...


... ... ... who before ... ... seas ..., who does not have a rival in ... lands, ... ... who loves justice, goes to the aid of the weak, ... ... ... the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning, ... whose dominion is more praised, the builder of Assyria, ... the one who destroys its settlements, the one who has canals dug, the one who opens up streams, ..., the one who establishes abundance and plenty ... ... Assyria ...



[...] x x [...] [... i-na szi-pir _szu-ii lu_-tim _ka_]-szu la ip-pe-[te9 ki-ma] [bi-bil lib-bi _dingir-mesz_ u-szah-bab ma-a-me isz-tu _id_ ap-pal]-su#-ma usz-te-esz#-[sze-ra szi-pir-szA] [a-na _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-lik i-di-ia mu-kin-nu _bala_-ia _gu4-mesz niga-mesz udu-mesz_ du-usz]-szu-ti# _udu-siskur-mesz_ [eb-bé-ti] [lu aq-qi _lu-erim-mesz_ szu-nu-ti sza _id_ szu-a-tu ih-ru-u _tug-gada tug-mesz_ bir-me u-hal]-lip-szu-nu-ti [_har-mesz_]

[_ku-gi gaba-mesz ku-gi a_sz-kun-szu]-nu#-ti ina x [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... By the craft of a craftsman, I did not open his gate. I made the hearts of the gods happy. I opened up a canal and opened its canal. I offered pure sacrifices to the great gods who march at my side and establish my reign. I offered pure oxen, grain, and sheep. These men of that canal wore linen garments and I clasped their hands in bracelets.

I surrounded their the temples' outer walls with gold and ...


... ... ... Its sluice gate was not opened through the work of human hands. According to the heart's desire of the gods, I made it gurgle with water. After I inspected the canal and made sure its construction was performed correctly, I offered pure sacrifices of fattened oxen and an abundance of sheep to the great gods, who march at my side and who make my reign secure. I clothed those men who dug out this canal with linen garments and garments with multi-colored trim, and I placed gold rings and gold pectorals on them.

... ...

Q003960: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x x [...] [...] la(?)# i-du-u hi-ri-s,u# [... mu-szar-szid szi-pir (d)kulla ul-tu szi-pir bal-t,u-ti] [a-di _ki-mah_] si#-mat mi-tu-tu ina _na4_(?)#-[pi-i-li(?) ...]

[_an-szar_] pa-qid (d)i#-gi-gi u (d)a-nun-na-ki _ad du#_ [_dingir-mesz_ ...] [_ugu_ gim]-ri# a-szib pa-rak-ki u-szar#-[ba-a _gisz-tukul-mesz_-ia ...] [ul-tu] tam-tim e-li-ti szA e-reb [(d)_utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti szA s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi (gi-mir) mal-ki]

[sza kib]-ra#-a-ti sze-pu-u-a u-szak-nisz-ma i-[szu-t,u ab-szA-a-ni i-na u4-me-szu-ma _nina-ki_] [ma-ha]-zu# s,i-i-ru szu-x [...] [szu-bat]-su(?)# s,u-uh-hu-rat _uru_ szu-pu-u# [...] [x x] x _du6_(?) U szA u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su ma-am(?)#-[man(?) ...] [...] x x x (x) é-gal-zag-di-nu-[tuku-a ...] [...] x-de-e-ma(?)# [... U(?) _un-mesz_-szu(?) _a-mesz_(?) szi-qi(?) la(?) i-da-a-ma(?) a-na(?) zu-un-ni(?)] [ti-ik(?) _an_-e(?)] tur#-ru-[s,a(?) _igi-ii-mesz_-szun(?) ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... who did not know hirishu-disease ... who completed the work of the god Kulla from the work of the dead to the tomb, the sign of death, with limestone .

The god Ashur, who oversees the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the father who had engendered the gods, ... made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. ... I brought all of the rulers from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center ... its site, the shuhurhurtu-house of the city, the shuhurtu-house ... ... and in the days before its site, no one ... Egalzagdinutukua ... ... ... and its people did not know water, they saw it ... ... the ... of the heavens, their eyes .


... ... ... did not know, moats ... the one who makes brickwork structures lit. "the craft of the god Kulla" secure, from buildings for the living to tombs befitting the dead made from limestone, ...:

The god Ashur, the one who regulates the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the father of all of the gods, ... made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. ... From from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun he made all of the rulers of the four quarters of the world bow down at my feet and they now pull my yoke.

At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, ... ... whose site had become too small, the outstanding city ... ... and which in former days, its site no one ... ... Egalzagdinutukua the "Palace Without a Rival" ... ... ... Moreover, its people did not know artificial irrigation, but had their eyes turned for rain and showers from the sky. ...



[...] x [...]

[(...) a-na mé-resz _sze-am u sze-gisz-i_] u#-szam-ka#-[ra szat-ti-szam _nun_ ar-ku-u i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia] [sza it-ti lib-bi usz]-tam#-mu-ma a-na qa-a-pi# [la tur-ru i-tam-ma(?) a-ki-i i-na _sza_(?) _lu-erim-mesz_ an-nu-ti e-s,u-ti] [_id_ szu-a-tu u-szah]-ri# ni-isz (d)asz-szur _dingir_-ia [_gal_ at-ta-ma-a szum-ma ina _sza lu-erim-mesz_ an-nu-ti _id_ szu-a-tu la ah-ru-u] [U i-na _mu-an-na_] 3 _iti_ la u-qat-tu-[u szi-pir-szA ... la ig-gam-ru-u u-qat-tu-u hi-ru-sa]

[a-na pa-te-e] _id_ szu-a-tu _lu-masz-masz#_ [_lu-gala_ u-ma-'e-er-ma u-szat-...] [_na4-gug na4-za-gin_] _na4#-musz-gir na4-babbar-dili-mesz na4#_-[_mesz_ ni-siq-ti _bal-gi-ku6 nig-bun-na-ku6_ tam-szil pi-ti-iq] [_ku-babbar ku-gi szim-hi-a_] _i-gisz# dug-ga_ a-na (d)#é-a [_en_ nag-bi kup-pi U ta...- (d)en-bi-lu-lu _gu-gal id-mesz_] [(d)en-e-im-du _en_] _e#_ u _pa5_ u-qa-a-a-isz# [qi-szA-a-ti a-na _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ut-nin-ma su-up-pi-ia]

[isz-mu-ma u]-sze-szi-ru li-[pit _szu-ii_-ia _ka id_ szu-a-tu ba-lu(?) _gisz-mar u gisz-mar-sze-ra-ah_ a-na ra-ma-ni-szu] [ip-pe-te9-ma] u-szar-da-a# [_a-mesz h_É-_nun_ ...] [...] x (x) [...]

AI Translation

Afterwards, among the kings, my descendants, who had sided with their hearts and had not bowed down to the ground, he bowed down to the water of that river like those of these elite troops. By the command of the god Ashur, my great god, you, may I not die of thirst for this river among these elite troops, nor for three months or even a single year. ... they did not stop their work and they did not cut off its irrigation.

To the bank of that river, I sent a mashmashu-priest and a lamentation singer and ... ... I gave to the great gods carnelian, lapis lazuli, serpentine, pappardilû-stone, precious stones, fish, nigbunnû-fish, a replica of a pithoiqqû-demon, silver, gold, juniper, and good oil. I gave Enbilulu, the canal-side, and the canal-side, to the great gods and they gave me instructions.

He heard of this and made it shine like daylight. He opened the mouth of that river, made a grove of juniper and juniper trees, and made them gush about in water and abundance ...


... I provided irrigation annually for the cultivation of grain and sesame.

To a later ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, who deliberates the matter in his heart but is not able to believe it and says "How did he have this canal dug out with only these few men?": I swear by the god Ashur, my great god, that I dug out this canal with only these men. Moreover, I completed the work on it within one year and three months; ... was completed and I finished its excavation.

In order to open that canal, I sent an exorcist and a lamentation singer and ... Carnelian, lapis lazuli, musharu-stone, pappardilû-stones, precious stones, turtles and tortoises whose likenesses are cast in silver and gold, aromatics, and fine oil, I gave as gifts to the god Ea, the lord of underground waters, cisterns, and ..., and to the god Enbilulu, the inspector of canals, and the god En'e'imdu, the lord of dikes and canals. I prayed to the great gods; they heeded my supplications and made my handiwork prosper.

This sluice gate of the watercourse opened by itself without the help of spade or shovel and let an abundance of water flow through. ... ... ...

Q003961: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(d)]_giskim#_-_masz man szar a_ (d)_silim_-nu-_masz man kur_ asz-szur _kur_-ti# _kur_-kAr-du-(ni-szi) mu-né(*)-kir6 _sar_-ia _mu_-ia asz-szur (d)_iszkur mu_-szu _kur_-su lu-hal-li-qu

_na4-kiszib_ an-nu-u _ta kur_ asz-szur ana _kur uri-ki_ szA-ri-ik ta-din ana-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur ina 6 _me mu-mesz ka-dingir kur_-ud-ma _ta nig-ga ka-dingir_ us-se-s,i-Asz-szu

_nig-ga_ sza-ga-ra-ak-ti-szur(*)-ia-asz _lugal kisz_

(d)_giskim_-_masz man szar a_ (d)_silim_-nu-(_masz_) _man kur_ asz-szur [_kur_]-ti# _kur_-kAr-du-ni-szi mu-né(*)-kir6 _sar_-ia _mu_-ia asz-szur (d)_iszkur mu_-szu _kur_-su lu-hal-li-qu

_nig#-ga_ sza-ga-ra-ak-ti-szur(*)-ia-asz _lugal kisz_

szA ina _ugu na4-kiszib_ sza _za-gin_

AI Translation

Tukulti-Ninurta, king of the world, son of Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria: The one who removes my inscription and my name: May Ashur and the god Adad make his name disappear from the land.

This seal was given from Assyria to Akkad. I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, ascended Babylon in 6,000 years and brought him out of the property of Babylon.

Property of Shagarakti-Shuriash, king of the world.

Tukulti-Ninurta, king of the world, son of Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria: booty of Karduniash Babylonia. Whoever removes my inscription and my name, may Ashur and the god Adad make his name disappear from the land.

Property of Shagarakti-Shuriash, king of the world.

which is written upon the seal of lapis lazuli.


Tukulti-Ninurta I, king of the world, son of Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria: Booty of Karduniash Babylonia. As for the one who removes my inscription and my name, may the god Ashur and the god Adad make his name disappear from the land.

This seal was given as a gift from Assyria to Akkad. I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, after six hundred years conquered Babylon and took it out from the property of Babylon.

Property of Shagarakti-Shuriash, king of the world.

Tukulti-Ninurta I, king of the world, son of Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria: Booty of Karduniash Babylonia. As for the one who removes my inscription and my name, may the god Ashur and the god Adad make his name disappear from the land.

Property of Shagarakti-Shuriash, king of the world.

That which was engraved upon a seal of lapis lazuli.

Q003962: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _ugu na4-kiszib_ qal _na4 giszgal_ sza [...] ki-i an-ni-i ta-[szat,-t,ar(?)]

_kur#_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal# kur_ asz-[szur-_ki_] _na4_ sza# [_ta sza uru_]-ga-la#-[x-(x)] Asz#-szA-[an-ni ina _igi_]-ia# u-szap-[t,ar]

man-nu# [sza _mu_ szat,-ru] i-pa-[(Asz)-szi-t,u] a-na# dul-li# [szA _dingir_] _u lu#_-[ti _du_-szu] [(d)asz]-szur (d)30 (d)_utu mu#_-szu _numun_-szu [lu-hal-li-qu]

AI Translation

Concerning the seal, small, the ... stone of ..., you write as follows:

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: I had a stone which I had brought from the city Gala... placed before me.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.


You will write as follows upon the small seal-shaped pearl that ...:

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: I had a stone that I carried here from the city Gala... I was having it incised in my presence.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.



É#-_gal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal#_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_] _na4#_ sza _ta sza uru_-ga-la-x-[(x) ...] Asz-szA-an-ni ina _igi_-ia u-szap#-[t,ar]

man#-nu sza _mu#_ szat,-ru i-[pa-(Asz)-szi-t,u] [a-na dul]-li# sza _dingir u#_ [_lu_-ti _du_-szu] [(d)asz-szur (d)30] (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)15 (d)#[x x] _mu#_-szu _numun_-szu# lu-hal-li-[qu]

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. I had a stone which ... from the city Gala... written on it and placed before me.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Ishtar, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.


Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: I had a stone that I carried here from the city Gala... I was having it incised in my presence.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Ishtar, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.

Q003963: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na te-re-ti(?)# [...] (d)#i-gi-gi _ab_ x [...] a#-na nik-la-ti-ia szA qé-reb x [...] (d)#a-nun-na-ki pal-hisz li#-[qu(?)-lu(?)]

_dub# nam-mesz_ ri-kis (d)_en-lil_-u-[ti] be-lu-ut _dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e U er-s,e#-[ti] _lugal_-u-ut (d)i-gi-gi U (d)a-nun#-[na-ki] pi#-risz-ti szA-ma-mu U esz-mah#-[(hi)] mar#-kAs er-mi a-nu u ga-an-zer s,er-ret te#-[né-sze-ti(?)] szA# _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ qa-tusz-szu is,-ba-tu-ma it-mu-hu [ir-tusz-szu] s,a#-lam bi-na-ti-szu tam-szil si-ma-ti-szu s,e-ru-usz-szu# [x x] s,er#-re-e-ti _an_-e _gal-mesz_ mar-kAs (d)[i-gi-gi] u (d)a-nun-na-ki u-kal rit-tusz#-[szu]

s,a-lam (d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal kisz lugal kur_ [asz-szur] e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu#_ (d)_iszkur# dingir#-mah_ (d)15 szA É-kid-mur-ri _sipa#_ la-bi#-in ap-pi mu-ter _sag-din an-szar# en_-szu [ina] mah-har s,a-lam# _an-szar en_-szu usz#-ziz

[_an-szar_] _ad_(?)# _an_-e _lugal dingir-mesz_ mu-szim _nam#-mesz_

AI Translation

For my supplications ... the Igigu gods ... ... for my supplications which are in ... the Anunnaki gods, may they be joyful in their supplications.

Tablet of fates, the scepter of the Enlil of the lordship of the gods of heaven and netherworld, kingship over the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, secret rites of heaven and netherworld, and eshmahhu-rites, the rites of humanity, and the rites of the people, which the god Ashur, king of the gods, placed in his hands and he sat down, he made his statues, a replica of his own image, and ... the rites of the great heavens, the rites of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, he held his hands.

The statue of Sennacherib, king of the universe, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, the Great One, and Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, the faithful shepherd who fashioned the apsû, the one who entrusted the sagdin-priest of the god Ashur, his lord, I placed before the statue of the god Ashur, his lord.

Ashur, father of heaven, king of the gods, who decrees fates,


... for oracles ... May the Igigu gods ... ... May the Anunnaku gods reverently look after the skillfully crafted things that I ... in ....

The Tablet of Destinies, the bond of supreme power, dominion over the gods of heaven and netherworld, sovereignty over the Igigu and A­nun­na­ku gods, the secret of the heavens and the netherworld, the bond of the cover of the heavens lit. "Anu" and the netherworld Ganzer, the lead-rope of mankind, which the god Ashur, king of the gods, took in his hand and held at his breast — a representation of his form, a replica of his proper appearance, is ... on it the Tablet of Destinies: He grasps in his hand the lead-rope of the great heavens, the bond of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods.

He Sennacherib had an image of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Belet-ili, and Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, the shepherd who expresses humility lit. "one who strokes the nose", the agent of the god Ashur, his lord, placed in front of the representation of the god Ashur, his lord.

O Ashur, father of heaven, king of the gods, the one who decrees fates, only you hold the Tablet of Destinies of the gods in your hands. Look after the reign of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and determine as my fate a good destiny, a destiny of good health, and kingship. Lift up my head among all who sit on royal daises, so that rev. 5 the foundation of my throne will be as secure as a mountain until the distant future. For me, the one who provides for you, make all of the lands from east to west submit to my yoke so that the people, the black-headed, pray to you and so that my sons, my grandsons, my dynasty, and my progeny endure forever with the black-headed people.

Q003964: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na _an#-szar lugal_ kisz-szat _dingir-mesz_ ba-nu-u ram-ni-szu _ad dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ sza ina _zu-ab_ isz-mu-hu gat-tu-usz _lugal an_-e u _ki_-tim# _en dingir-mesz_ ka-la-ma szA-pi-ik (d)i-gi-gi u (d)a-nun-na-ki# pa-ti-iq er-mi (d)a-nim u ki-gal-li e-pisz kul-lat da-Ad-me a-szib bu-ru-mu _ku-mesz_ (d)_en-lil dingir-mesz_ mu-szim _nam-mesz_

a-szib é-szar2-ra szA qé-reb bal-til-_ki en gal_-i _en_-szu (disz)#[(d)30-_pap-mesz_]-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a#-[na _ti-la_-szu(?)] _gid-da ud-mesz_-szu _dug_-ub lib-bi-szu _gin bala#_-[szu ...] _li-li-iz zabar husz-a_ pi-ti#-[iq ...] szA ina szi-pir (d)szi-ka-gu e-rim _kusz_(?)# [...] nak-lisz u-sze-pisz-ma a-na sa-[la-mi-szu ...] U nu-uh lib-bi-szu# x x [...] _ud-5-kam ud-7-kam_ x [...] U i-sin-ni# [...]

AI Translation

For the god Ashur, king of all the gods, creator of his descendants, father of the great gods, who in the Apsû became angry and became angry, king of heaven and netherworld, lord of the gods, the one who smashed all the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who smashed the arrows of the god Anu and the netherworld, the one who rebuilt all inhabited settlements, the one who resides in the holy cult centers of the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees destinies,

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, for his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his heart, and the lengthening of his reign ..., a bronze ring, a tiara, ..., which by the craft of the god Shikagu had become thick like a skin, ... I had it skillfully built and for his life, ... and the well-being of his heart ... the fifth day, seventh day, ... and the festival .


To the god Ashur, king of all of the gods, the one who created himself, father of the great gods, whose form took its beautiful shape in the apsû, king of heaven and netherworld, lord of all gods, the one who molds the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who formed the cover of the heavens lit. "the god Anu" and the netherworld, creator of the whole of the inhabited world, 5 the one who dwells in the bright firmament, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates, and the one who dwells in Esharra, which is in Baltil Ashur, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, had a kettledrum of reddish bronze, cast by ..., 10 which is covered with leather through the craft of the deity Shikaggu, ..., skillfully made for his life, the prolongation of his days, his happiness, the securing of his reign, ..., and to reconcile him Ashur ... and to appease his heart ... ... on the fifth day, the seventh day, ... and the festival ...

Q003965: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-[szur]-_ki#_ e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

É# a-ki-it _edin_ szA _ezen#_ [qé-re-ti] szA ul#-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ im-ma-szu-u [ina] bi-ri# qi-bit (d)_utu_ u (d)[_iszkur du_-usz(?) é-(a)-ab(?)]-ba(?)#-ug5-ga É ka-mu-u tam(?)-tim# _mu_-szu am-bi _mu_ É pa-pa-hi-szu é-dUb-dUb-ab#-[ba É mu-ri(?)]-ib(?)# ki-s,ir tam-tim ni-bit-su az-kur

_ka#-gal zabar husz-a_ szA ma-la a-ga-sa#-[lak-ki ina] szi-pir (d)_simug_ [u] nik-lat _ni_-ia u-sze-pisz-ma s,a-lam [_an-szar_ szA a-na _sza_ ti-amat] s,al-ti _du_-ku _gisz-pan#_ ki-i szA na-szu-u ina _gisz-gigir_ szA ra-ak-bu a-bu-bu# [szA s,a]-an#-du (d)_mar-tu_ szA a-na mu-kil ap-pa-a-ti it-ti-szu rak-bu a-na# [_ugu_] pi#-i szA (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_

ina bi-ri iq-bu#-nim-ma s,e-er _ka-gal_ szA-a-szu e-s,ir _dingir_-[_mesz_ ma-la] ina _igi_-szu _du_-ku _u egir_-szu _du_-ku szA ru-ku-bu rak-bu szA ina _gir-ii_-szu-(nu) _du_-ku man#-[zal-ta-szu]-nu# ki-i szA ina _igi an-szar_ si-id-ru u _egir an-szar_ si-id-ru ti-amat (_en_) nab-nit# [qer-bi]-szu# szA _an-szar man dingir-mesz_ a-na lib-bi-szu s,al-ti il-la-ku a-na _ugu_ pi#-i szA (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ s,e-er _ka-gal_ szA-a-szu e-s,ir

si-it-ti _dingir-mesz_ szA ina _gir-ii_-szu-nu il-la-ku ina _ugu_ pi-i szA# (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur kimin_(?)# a-di la-a _an-szar_ ti-amat i-kam-mu-u u-ma-ma-a-nu szA ti-amat i-na-Asz-szA-a [x (x) x]-_mesz#_-szu i-nam-di-nu ki-i an-ni#-i ina _gir-ii_-szu-nu i-du-ul-lu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods,

I built a akitu-house in the steppe, a sanctuary that had become old in distant days, by the command of the gods Shamash and Adad. I named it Ea-ABAGGA, the kammû-house of the sea. I named it Edubba-Abba, the abode of his cella, and Edu-dubba-Abba, the abode of the sea.

By the craft of the smith and my crafty mind, I had a large bronze gate, which I had made as large as I could fit, made, and I erected upon it the statue of the god Ashur, which goes to battle in Tiamat. I had it cast like the one that is in a chariot, which is a raging beast, a roaring beast, and the god Amurru, which is a weapon for destroying the cella, according to the command of the gods Shamash and Adad.

I have commanded that the gods, as many as go before him and go behind him, who go at the rakku-demon and who go at their feet, and their protection, as they go before Ashur, the canal, and after Ashur, the canal, Tiamat, the creator of its inner sanctum, which the god Ashur, king of the gods, goes to his heart, I have commanded that the gate of his go against the command of the gods Shamash and Adad.

The rest of the gods who go at their feet, according to the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, ditto. They will eat Tiamat until the god Ashur sets it. They will eat the ...s of Tiamat and they will eat ...s. They will eat it like this at their feet.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods:

Through divination, at the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, I built the akitu-house of the steppe for the qeritu-festival, which had been forgotten for a long time. I named it Eabbaugga, "House where Tiamat Is Put to Death." I named its cella Edubdubabba, "House that Makes the Host of Tiamat Tremble."

Through the craft of the deity Ninagal and my own expertise, I had a gate of reddish bronze made that is entirely one single metal band. According to the command that the gods Shamash and Adad gave me through divination, I depicted on this gate an image of the god Ashur, who is going to fight Tiamat, showing the bow as he carries it, in the chariot which he rides, and the Deluge which he has harnessed, and the god Amurru as the driver who rides with him.

According to the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, I depicted on this gate a scene showing the gods, as many as go in front of him and go behind him, those who ride in vehicles and those who go on foot; their positions as they are arrayed before the god Ashur and arrayed behind the god Ashur; and Tiamat, with the creatures created inside her, against whom the god Ashur, king of the gods, goes to fight.

According to the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, ditto = I depicted on this gate a scene showing the rest of the gods who go on foot. According to the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, I did not depict the scene before Ashur captures Tiamat, carries off the beasts of Tiamat, gives ... his ...s as they run about on foot like this one, ... who are not depicted with them. I put in writing the details of the scene on this gate and splendidly erected it ... in silver, gold, and bronze.



ul-ziz# u-nu-ut _ku-babbar ku-gi zabar#_ [_husz-a_] he#-pu-u ul-tu _ugu 1 lim gun#_ a-di 1 _gin_ szub-szu-lim-ma a-ha-mesz s,a-ba-tu mu-nak-kil nik-la-te-szu-nu s,a-bit pit-qi-szu-nu a-le-'e-e a-na-ku szum-ma szA bu-szul szA _zabar_ szA-a-szu a#-na qip-ti la ta-szak-kan at-mi _lugal dingir-mesz an-szar dingir_ ba-ni-ia szum#-ma a-szar mAl-t,a-ru an-nu-u szat,-ru u masz-kAn s,a-lam _an-szar_ u s,a-lam _dingir-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu a-na _sza_ ti-amat s,al-ti il-la-ku es,-ru la pit-qa szu-u

s,a-lam _an-szar_ szA a-na _sza_ ti-amat s,al-ti _du_-ku s,a-lam (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur (d)szar2-ur4 (d)szar2-gaz (d)ka-ka (d)nusku (d)_di-ku5#_ (d)tiszpak (d)_masz_ szA _bad_ (d)kU-sU (d)ha-ia (d)7-_bi_ an-nu-ti _dingir-mesz_ szA ina _igi an-szar_ il-la-ku (d)_nin-lil_ (d)sze-ru-U'-a (d)30 (d)_nin-gal_ (d)_utu_ (d)a-a (d)_gur_-_kur_ (d)a-num an-tum (d)_iszkur_ (d)sza-la (d)é-a (d)dam#-[qi-na (...)] (d)be-let-_dingir-mesz_ (d)_masz_ an-nu-ti _dingir-mesz_ szA _egir an_-[_szar du_]-ku#

_gisz#-tukul_ ka-szi-du ina _gisz-gigir an-szar_ szak-nu

ti#-amat a-di nab-nit qer-bi-szu

AI Translation

I have been sated with the splendor of the god Ashur, the god who created me, and I have been sated with the splendor of the god Ashur, the god who created me. I have been sated with the splendor of the silver, gold, and bronze, from one thousand talents to one shekel and I have been sated with their lustration. I am a lord of their weapons, who carries off their weapons, and who knows their craft. If you do not place a bronze tavern, you will not be able to rely on the name of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the god who created me. If you write this inscribed name and place where this is written and the image of the god Ashur and the image of the gods, as many as there are with him, to the battle of Tiamat is an eshru-demon, a eshru-demon,

The statue of the god Ashur, which he made for the battle in Tiamat: The statue of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The deities Sharur, Shargaz, Kakka, Nusku, Mandanu, Tishpak, Ninurta of the wall, Kusu, Haya, and the Seven, these gods who go before Ashur: Mullissu, Sheru'a, Sîn, Nikkal, Shamash, Aya, Gur-mati, Anu, Antu, Adad, Shala, Ea, Damqina, ..., Belet-ili, Ninurta, these gods who go after Ashur.

The weapon is placed on the chariot of Ashur.

Tiamat, together with the creation inside it,


To break down utensils of silver, gold, and reddish bronze, to melt down metal from 1,000 talents to one shekel, and to smelt them together: 20 I myself, the one who understands their technique and who grasps their casting, have mastered these skills. If you do not believe the record of the casting of this bronze, I hereby swear by the king of the gods, the god Ashur, the god who created me, where this inscription is written down and where the image of the god Ashur and the image of the gods, as many as go to fight against Tiamat with him, are depicted, that I myself had this metal-work cast. So that it will be known to future generations: 25 I increased therein the amount of tin. Know through this that I myself had this metal-work cast.

The image of the god Ashur, who goes to fight against Tiamat. The image of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The deities Sharur, Shargaz, Kakka, Nusku, Mandanu, Tishpak, Ninurta of the Wall, Kusu, Haya, and the Sebetti — these are the gods who go in front of the god Ashur. The deities Mullissu, Sherua, Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, Aya, Kippat-mati, 30 Anu, Antu, Adad, Shala, Ea, Damqina, ..., Belet-ili, and Ninurta — these are the gods who go behind the god Ashur.

The victorious weapon is placed in the chariot of the god Ashur.

Tiamat with the creatures created inside her.

Q003966: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _an-szar_] _lugal dingir-mesz ad dingir-mesz_ szA-qu-(u) ba-nu-u _dingir gal#_ [szA-pi-ik(?)] (d)i-gi-gi u (d)a-nun-na-ki ta-me-eh s,e-rat _an_-e [_gal-mesz_(?)] _sza_ ru-qu ma-lik ra-ma-ni-szu musz-te-e'-u [pa]-qi#-du mu-szim _nam-mesz_ szar-hu git-ma-lu [mu]-ma#-'e-er kul-lat gim-ri sa-niq _dingir-mesz#_ szu-ut _an ki_ e#-mu-qi _mah-mesz_ szA a-na _kur_ a-szar e-ta-gu [ma]-ru#-usz-tu szak-na-at szu-us-pu-nu a-bu-bisz sza# kul-lat kib-rat _limmu_-tim la ma-gir szak-kan-ki-szu

AI Translation

For the god Ashur, king of the gods, father of the gods, exalted one, creator of the great gods, appointee of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, who is at the front of the great heavens, the one who is assiduous towards his own ruler, the one who constantly seeks out the righteous, the perfect one, the one who decrees destinies, the one who carries out the scepter of all rulers, the one who carries out the great gods of heaven and netherworld, the exalted forces who go to the land where they have been assiduous towards the distant past, the one who carries out the scepter of all the four quarters, the one who carries out the scepter of all the four quarters, the one who carries out the scepter of all the four quarters, the one who carries out the scepter of all rulers, the one who is not submissive to the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father of the gods, the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name, and the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name in the lands as his own name, the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name in the lands as his own name, the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name in the lands as his own name, the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name in the lands as his own name, the one who fashioned the god Ashur's name in the lands as his own name.


To the god Ashur, the king of the gods, the father of the gods, the lofty one, the creator, the great god, the one who molds the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who holds the lead-rope of the great heavens, the deep-hearted one who deliberates only with himself, the assiduous one, the regulator, the one who decrees fates, the splendid one, the perfect one, 5 the leader of absolutely everything, controller of the gods of heaven and netherworld; the exalted force that makes devastation come like the Deluge to the land where there is negligence and hardship, who makes a destructive flood sweep over all four quarters of the world — which are unsubmissive to his governor Sennacherib — so that 10 tribute and payment is imposed upon them and so that they carry their work baskets daily, without interruption; the lord of everything who holds the lead-rope of heaven and netherworld, the one who dwells in Ehursagkurkurra — the awe-inspiring shrine, exalted sanctuary, and holy dwelling place — the awesome radiance and awe-inspiring luminosity that 15 has mercy on their governors, his great ..., who quickly accepts supplications and prayers addressed to him, who makes his angry weapons rage against the unyielding, ... the road to joy, ... ... weapons ... ... ...



[1] _kusz 2_/3# _kusz_ ina 1-_kusz lugal#_ [kab-lu] [szA] _gisz#-na_

[3] _kusz#-mesz 3_-su _kusz_ ina 1-_kusz lugal gid-da_ szA _gisz#_-[_gu-za_] [1] _kusz 2_/3 _kusz dagal_-szu _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz a-mesz_ i-lab-bu-ni 4# _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ ina _ugu 2_ gi-se-e szA szid-di 2 : ina pu-u-te _pap gisz-gu-za 1 kusz 2_/3 _kusz gid-da gisz_-kit-tur-ri 2/3 _kusz_ mu-lu-u 2/3 _kusz dagal_-szu ku-up-te a-di _musz-husz_

da-ba-bu sza ina _ugu gisz-na_ sza ina _ugu gisz-gu-za_ sza sze-pa-a-te 1-ma szu-u sza _gisz-na5_ la sza-t,ir

AI Translation

The height of the bed is 1 2/3 cubits, the width 1 cubit.

3 cubits, 3 fingers, 1 cubit, the length of the throne, 1 2/3 cubits its width, the lamassus, the water, and 4 lamassus on 2 reeds of the shaddû-wall; 2 : in front of the throne; 1 2/3 cubits the length of the kitturru-wood; 2/3 cubit, the width of the kuptu-wood, together with the mushhushu-wood;

The speech which is written on the bed and on the throne of the shapatu is one; it is not written on the bed.


The legs of the bed are one and two-thirds cubits, measured by the royal cubit.

The length of the throne is three and one-thirds cubits, measured by the royal cubit. Its width is one and two-thirds cubits. Water surrounds lamassu-figures. There are four lamassu-figures on the two rungs of the sides; two ditto = lamassu-figure on the frontpiece. The entire throne: The length of the kitturru is one and two-thirds cubits. Its height is two-thirds of a cubit. The width of the kuptu, as far as the mushhushu-dragon, is two-thirds of a cubit.

Wording of the inscription that is on the bed and the throne at the footend. It is a single text. That of the chest was not copied.

Q003967: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[... a]-na _kur_-ia# [...]-szA#-a-ni [...]-x-szu [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

... to my land ...


... to my land ... ... ... ... ...

Reverse Column iii


x [...] a-na _an-szar man_(?)# [_dingir-mesz_(?) ... a-na (...)] _gin bala_-ia szum-dul x# [...] _suhusz gisz-gu-za_-ia a-na u4-me# [...]

_an-szar man dingir-mesz en gal_ x [(x) ep]-sze#-ti-ia lip-pa#-[lis] dam-qisz ina nap-lu-si-szu# ep-sze(*)-te bi-bil x [(x)] ma-la i-tep-pu-szu# _ugu_-szu li-t,ib-ma lim-ma-hir pa-nu-usz-szu# _un-mesz_ kib-rat# er-ba-'i li-szak-ni-szA-szu-ma li-szu-t,a ab-szA-an-szu bi-lat# da-Ad-me ka-bit-tu nu-hu-usz _an_-e _ki_-tim ina é#-szar2-ra szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu _gal_-ti li-szA-az-nin szat-ti-szam

(d)_nin-lil_ szar-rat é-szar2-ra hi-rat _an-szar_ ba-nit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u4-me-szam a-mat _munus#-sig5_-szu ina _igi an-szar_ lisz-szA-kin szap-tu-usz-szA

[x x] kisz-szu-ti# sze-be-e lit-tu-ti _gid ud-mesz_-szu _gin bala_-szu# x x _asz-ti man_-ti-szu _an-szar_ (d)_nin-lil_ lit-tas-qa#-ru a-na du-u-ri a-na da-a-ri#

6 _kusz-mesz 2_/3 _kusz_ ina 1-_kusz gid_ a-ma-ru 3 _kusz 3_-su _kusz_ ina 1-_kusz lugal_ pu-u-tu# 12 na-al-ba-a-te _ku-gi_ szid-du sza# _gisz-na# 6_ : _dagal_-szu _sag-du_ a-ma-ra-a-te _musz-husz_(?)# dir(?) te sa x sze-'i-i-tu na-al-ba-na-a-te# x [x x] x-_mesz na4-babbar_(?)#-[_dili_(?)] _gisz-haszhur_ a-bi _na4-zu na4-gug na4#-za-gin_ i-lab-bu#-[ni] sze-'i-i-tu szap-li-tu _ku-gi a-mesz_ ina muh-hi kab-bu#-[u] kab-la-a-te _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz ki-ta munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ s,u-pur# [x (x)]

3 _kusz-mesz 3_-su _kusz_ ina 1-_kusz lugal gid-da gisz-gu#_-[_za_] 1 _kusz 2_/3 _kusz dagal_-szu _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz a-mesz_ i-lab-bu-[ni] 4 _munus_-(d)_lamma-mesz_ ina _ugu 2_ gi-se-e sza szid-di# 2 : ina pu-u-te _pap gisz-gu-za 1 kusz 2_/3 _kusz gid-da gisz_-kit-tur-ri 2/3 _kusz_ mu-lu-u 2/3 _kusz dagal_-szu ku-up-te a-di _musz-husz#_

da-ba-bu szA ina _ugu gisz-na_ szA ina _ugu gisz-gu-za_ sza (d)_en_ szA ina É _an-szar_ kar-rat-u-ni pa-Asz-szu-t,u-u-ni _mu_ szA (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A ina muh-hi sza-t,ir-u-ni _iti-sig4 ud-27#-kam_ lim-mu (disz)a-u-ia-nu [a]-na _ka#_-[_dingir_]-_ra#-ki_ [...] u-[ter-(ru)]

AI Translation

... ... to the god Ashur, king of the gods, ... to ..., to prolong my reign, to ..., to ..., to ... the foundation of my throne, for the days of .

May the god Ashur, king of the gods, the great lord, look upon my deeds with pleasure and may he make the deeds that he has done good upon him, and may he make his face favorable to him. May he make the people of the four quarters of the world bow down at his feet and make him attain his wish. May he make the substantial tribute of the settlements, the abundance of heaven and earth, luxuriant in Esharra, the seat of his great divinity, be set as high as the heavens.

May Mullissu, queen of Esharra, spouse of the god Ashur, creator of the great gods, whom Sennacherib, king of Assyria, daily called by name, establish her good fortune before the god Ashur.

May the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu make his sovereignty supreme, his long life, his long reign, and his ... kingship endure forever.

The length is 6 2/3 cubits, the width 3 3/3 cubits, the height 1 cubit. The king holds the responsibility for 12 naallu-glasses of gold, the weight of the bed. The width is 6 : the top of the nallu-glasses is a snake's head. The ... of the naallu-glasses ...

The length of the throne is 3 1/3 cubits, the width 1 2/3 cubits. The lamassus float water on the two reeds of the shaddû-vessel. The length of the throne is 1 2/3 cubits. The width of the kitturru is 2/3 cubit. The width of the kuptu is 2/3 cubit. The kuptu-vessel is as wide as the mushhushu-dragon.

The speech which is written on the bed and on the throne of the god Bel Marduk which is in the temple of the god Ashur, and which is written on the name of Ashurbanipal, was made in Sivan III, the twenty-seventh day, the eponymy of Auianu. He returned to Babylon .


... I ... to the god Ashur, king of the gods, ... for ... the securing of my reign, the increasing of ..., ..., ... the foundation of my throne for ... days.

May the god Ashur, king of the gods, the great god, ... look kindly upon my deeds. When he looks, may the works that are the desire of ..., as much I have done, please him and be acceptable to him. May he make the people of the four quarters of the world bow down to him so that they pull his yoke. May he make the substantial tribute of the settlements, the abundance of heaven and earth, pour into Esharra, the seat of his great divinty, annually.

May the goddess Mullissu, the queen of Esharra, the consort of the god Ashur, creator of the great gods, have a good word about Sennacherib, king of Assyria, set upon her lips daily before the god Ashur.

May the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu discuss the ... of power, the attainment of very old age, the lengthening of his Sennacherib's days, the securing of his reign, and the ... of the throne of his kingship forever and ever.

The length of the sideboard is six and two-thirds cubits, measured by the royal cubit. The frontpiece is three and one-third cubits, measured by the royal cubit. There are twelve gold platings on the side of the bed; iii 20' six ditto = gold platings on the side. There is a ... mushhushu-dragon on top of the sidewalls. The matress has a nalbattu-form that has ... ... of pappardilû-stones, and hashhur-api ornaments of obsidian, carnelian, and lapis-lazuli arranged around it. The lower matress is gold and water is ... on it. The legs are lamassu-figures. Beneath the lamassu-figures a ... claw-shaped ornament. iii 25' There are eight lamassu-figures on the two rungs of the sides. There is one lamassu-figure on each ... .... Water surrounds lamassu-figures .... The rungs are ... with water. The legs of the bed are one and two-thirds cubits, measured by the royal cubit.

The length of the throne is three and one-thirds cubits, measured by the royal cubit. Its width is one and two-thirds cubits. Water surrounds lamassu-figures. There are four lamassu-figures on the two rungs of the sides; two ditto = lamassu-figure on the frontpiece. The entire throne: The length of the kitturru is one and two-thirds cubits. Its height is two-thirds of a cubit. The width of the kuptu, as far as the mushhushu-dragon, is two-thirds of a cubit.

Wording of the inscription that was cut off and erased from the bed and the throne of the god Bel Marduk that were in the temple of the god Ashur and of the inscription written upon them in the name of Ashurbanipal. Simanu III, twenty-seventh day, eponymy of Awianu 655, they were returned to Babylon.

Q003968: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



mu-szak-lil ma-ha#-[zi-szu mu-ma-ag-gir _kur_ na-ki-ri] mu-ab-bit da-Ad-me#-[szu-un ...]

e-nu-ma s,a-lam _an-szar en#_-[ia ... ud(?)]-di(?)-szu(?)# pa-ra-as, é-szar2#-[ra u-szak]-li#-lu ki _lugal_-_gin lugal#_ [_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ a]-bi#-ia a-bi lu-u [...] a-szar-szu(?) [...] x-pi-ia masz(?)# [... _an_]-_szar_

[...] u [...] [...]-a

AI Translation

Who completes his cult centers, who makes the enemy land hostile, who annihilates their settlements, ...,

When I ... the statue of the god Ashur, my lord, ... I completed it and completed the stele of Esharra. Like Sargon II, king of Assyria, my father, my father, ... his place ... my ... ... the god Ashur.

... and ... ...


the one who brings his cult centers to completion, makes enemy lands submissive and destroys their settlements, ...:

When I refurbished the images of the god Ashur, my lord, ... and carried out to perfection the rites of Esharra, 5' just like Sargon II, king of Assyria, my father — my father .... Its place ... my ... the god Ashur

No translation possible



szi#-ik-nu sza _ugu na4#-kun4-mesz_ sza _na4_-a-lal-lum sza É (d)asz-szur sza _lugal_ ina muh-hi i-za-zu-ni qaq-qu-ru i-na-Asz-szi-qu-ni

AI Translation

The stone slabs of alallu-stone that the king places on it and places on the ground:


The arrangement of the inscription that is upon the paving slabs of alallu-stone in the temple of the god Ashur upon which the king stands when he kisses the ground.

Q003969: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina] u4-me-szu#-ma kum-mu# x [x] É(?)-_gal_(?) _uru_-bal#-til-_ki_ szu#-bat _lugal_(?)-_mesz_(?)# _ad_(?)#-_mesz_-ia sza(?) ul(?)-tu(?) u4-me(?) s,a(?)#-a-te szA(?) (disz)tukul-ti#-A-é-szar2-ra# _dumu#_ (disz)asz-szur-_sag_-i-szi _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ e-na#-ah-[(ma)] (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_ibila man kur_ asz-szur-_ki# dumu_ (disz)tukul-ti-(d)#_masz man kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ an-hu-sa ud#-disz kum-mu szA-a-tu a#-na x x x x x x ul nu-uk-ku-lat e-pisz-tusz ki-is,-s,u szA(?)-a(?)#-tu aq-qur#-[(ma)]

kum#-mu ra-ba-a a-na szu-bat be-lu-ti-ia esz-szisz u-sze-pisz#-[(ma)] ina szi-pir _lu-szitim-gal_-le-e en-qu-ti ul-tu usz-szi#-szu a#-di na-bur-ri-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil# gu-szur-_mesz_(?) ere#-ni s,i#-ru-ti tar-bit# _kur_-ha-ma-nim u-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu _gisz-ig-mesz_ li-ia-a-ri szu-ta#-ha-te u-ra-kis#-[ma]

u-rat-ta-a _ka_-szu asz-szur _en gal_-u _dingir-mesz u_(?)# [(d)]_isz_(?)#-[_tar_(?)-_mesz_(?)] a-szi-bu-ut bal-til-_ki_ ina qer-bi-szu aq-re ri-i(?)#-[me(?)] bit-ru-te szu-'e-e ma-ru-ti _udu-siskur#-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-[te]

ma#-har-szu-nu aq-qi ina qi-bi-ti s,ir-te sza(?) (d(?))#[asz(?)]-szur(?)# _en# gal_-e a-bu _dingir-mesz_ mu-szim# szi-ma-te qé-reb É-_gal#_ x x [(x)] [lit(?)]-tu(?)#-tu lu-ul-lik(?) szA# la x [x] x lu#-usz-ba-a bu-'a#-[(a)-ri(?)]

AI Translation

At that time the ... palace in Baltil Ashur, the residence of the kings, my ancestors, which had become dilapidated from distant days, which Tiglath-pileser I, son of Ashur-resha-ishi I, king of Assyria, had built — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of Assyria, renovated it. I did not make that ... a reconstructed palace. I removed that reconstructed palace and deposited it in its foundations.

I had a great throne built anew for my lordly residence and, by the craft of skilled craftsmen, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with magnificent beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus. I fastened bands of silver on doors of white cedar and I installed them in its gates.

I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Baltil Ashur. I offered sumptuous offerings, old and young, as well as splendid sacrifices.

By the exalted command of the god Ashur, the great lord, father of the gods, the one who decrees fates, may I go and live in the palace ..., and may I be sated with the satisfaction of not ...!


At that time, the private room ... of the palace of Baltil Ashur, the seat of the kings, my ancestors, from distant days, of Tiglath-pileser I, son of Ashur-resha-ishi I, king of Assyria, became dilapidated. Ashurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of Assyria, renovated its dilapidated sections. That private room ... and its construction was inexpert and thus I tore down that cella.

I had a large private room constructed anew to be my lordly seat and through the craft of well-trained master builders I built and completed it from its foundations to its battlements. I roofed it with magnificent beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus. I fastened metal bands on facing doors of white cedar and I installed them in its gate.

I invited inside it the god Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Baltil Ashur, and then I made splendid offerings before them of enormous wild bulls and fattened sheep.

By the exalted command of the god Ashur, the great lord, the father of the gods, the one who decrees fates, inside the palace ... may I attain old age, which without ...., and be sated with happiness.

Q003970: royal-inscription prism

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz# gisz_-s,u-um-bi _ansze_-[_kunga-mesz_] sza i-na qit-ru-ub# ta-ha-zi u-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu#-ii_-a-a

a-na# É-_gal_-szu sza qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma# ap-te-e-ma É ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku-gi ku#-babbar_ u-nu-ut _ku-gi ku#-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim#-ma szum-szu _nig-szu nig-ga#_ la ni-bi ka#-bit-tu _gun munus-un-mesz_ É-_gal_-szu _lu-tirum-mesz lu#_-man-za-az pa-ni _lu-nar-mesz munus#-nar-mesz_ si-hir#-ti um-ma-a-ni [ma]-la# ba-szu-u mut#-tab-bi-lu-tu É-_gal_-usz# u#-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz# am-nu

i#-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 75 _uru-mesz_-szu dan#-nu-ti É# _bad-mesz_ sza _kur_-kal#-di _u 4 me 20 uru#-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu al#-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la szal-la#-su-un _lu_-ur-bi _lu_-a-ra-mu _lu#_-kal-du sza qé#-reb _unug-ki nibru-ki#_ kisz-_ki uru_-hur-sag-kalam-ma _gu-du8-a-ki# zimbir-ki_ a-di _dumu-mesz uru en#_ [hi]-it,-t,i# u#-sze-s,a-am-ma# [szal-la]-tisz am-nu

i-na ta-a-a-ar-[ti-ia] _lu#_-tu-u'-mu-na [_lu_-ri-hi-hu] _lu_-ia-daq-qu# [_lu_-u-bu-du] _lu#_-gib-re-e [_lu_-ma-la-hu] _lu_-gu#-ru-mu [_lu_-u-bu-lu] _lu#_-da-mu-nu [_lu_-gam-bu-lu] _lu#_-hi-in-da-ru [_lu_-ru-'u-u-a] _lu_-pu-qu-du# [_lu_-ha-am-ra-a-nu] _lu_-ha-ga-ra-nu# [_lu_-na-ba-tu] _lu_-li-i'-ta#-[a-u _lu_-a-ra-mu] la kan-szu-ti# [mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)] [x] x x [...]

AI Translation

I captured the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that I had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'muna, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Arameans. ... .


I seized the chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle.

I joyfully entered his palace, which is in Babylon, and then I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold and silver utensils, precious stones, all kinds of possessions and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with his palace women, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and I counted them as booty.

With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 75 of his fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted them as booty.

On my return march, I defeated all together the Tu'­mu­na, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Ma­la­hu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hin­da­ru, Ru­'u­'a, Pu­qu­du, Ham­ra­nu, Ha­ga­ra­nu, Nabatu, and Li'ta'u, insubmissive Ar­a­me­ans. ... ...

Obverse Column ii


[_ad-mesz_]-ia la kit-nu-szu lu al#-[lik] [qé-reb hur]-szA-a-ni zaq-ru-te _a-sza_ nam-ra-s,i# [i-na _ansze_]-_kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _gisz-gigir gir-ii_-ia# i#-[na ti]-ik-ka-te u-szA-Asz-szi# Asz-ru# [szup-szu-qu] i-na _gir-ii_-ia ri#-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz#

_uru_-É-(disz)[ki]-lam-za-ah _uru_-ha-ar#-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku#-bat-ti _uru-mesz_-szu-nu# É _bad-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al#-me _kur_-ud _un-mesz ansze#-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u# us5-udu-hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu#-un u-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _u uru-mesz_-szu#-nu _tur-mesz#_ sza ni#-ba la i-szu#-[u] ap-pul# aq-qur u-sze#-me kar-mesz# [É] _edin#_ kul-ta-ri [mu]-szA-bi-szu-nu i-na# (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu-ma

di-tal-lisz u-sze#-me u-ter-ma _uru_-É-(disz)ki#-lam-za-ah# szu-a-tu# a-na _uru#_-bir-tu-ti as,#-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni# _bad#-mesz_-szu u-dan-nin#-ma _un-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit#-ti _szu-ii_-ia [ina] lib-bi# u-sze-szib _un-mesz kur lu#_-kasz-szi-i _u kur lu#_-ia-su-bi-gal#-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _gisz-tukul#_-[_mesz_]-ia# ip-par-szid-du# ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-i u#-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na _uru_-har-disz-pi _uru_-É-(disz)ku#-bat-ti u-szar-me# i-na _szu-ii lu_-szu-ut _sag_-ia _lu-en-nam# uru_-ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu-nu-ti#

i-na qer-bi _uru_ ul-ziz pa-an ni-ri-ia# u-ter-ma a-na _kur_-el-li-pi# as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a# (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu-un _uru-mesz_-szu# dan-nu-ti É ni-s,ir-ti-szu u-masz-szir-ma# a-na ru-qé-e-ti in-na-bit# gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-tim _gim muru9#_ as-hu-up _uru_-mar-u-bisz-ti# _uru_-ak-ku-ud-du _uru-mesz_-ni É _lugal_-ti-szu# a-di 34 _uru-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu# al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)_gisz-bar_ aq-mu#

_un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz# ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz# gu4-mesz u us5-udu-hi-a_ a-na la mi-nam# Asz-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i# u#-szA-lik-szu-ma u-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su# _uru#_-s,i-s,i-ir-tu [_uru_]-ku-um-ma-ah-lum# _uru-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _uru-mesz tur-mesz#_ sza li-me-ti-szu-nu _kur_-É#-[(disz)]ba-ar-ru-u# [na-gu]-u a-na gi-mir-ti#-szu [ul-tu qé-reb _kur_-szu] [ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi]-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ u-rad-di#

[_uru_-el]-en-za-Asz a-na _uru#_ [_lugal_-u-ti] [U] dan-na-at na-ge#-[e szu-a-tu] [as,-bat-ma _mu_]-szu mah-ra-a# [u-nak-kir-ma]

AI Translation

In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was frightened and constantly frightened at my feet.

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire the cult centers, their abodes, and

I strengthened the city Bit-Kilamzah and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, then I brought him Ispabara's land down to ashes and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and added it to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, then I changed its former name and


I marched to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. In very rugged terrain I roamed about on foot like a wild bull.

I surrounded and conquered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins their smaller settlements, which were without number. I burned with fire pavilions and tents, their abodes, and reduced them to ashes.

I made that city Bit-Kilamzah a fortress again and I strengthened its walls more than before, and then I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I brought down from the mountains the people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made, had all the victorious conquests that I achieved over them written on it, and I erected it in that city.

I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with thirty-four smaller settlements in their environs.

I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and then I brought him Ispabara to nought and made his land smaller. I detached from his land the cities Shishshirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs and the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added this area to the territory of Assyria.

I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district, and then I changed its former name and

Obverse Column iii


[...] (disz)kam#-mu-su-na-ad-bi _kur#_-[ma-'a-ba-a-a] (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu [_kur_-u-du-um-ma-a-a] _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur# mar-tu-ki#_ [ka-li-szu-un] _igi-sa_-e szad-lu#-[ti ta-mar-ta-szu-nu ka-bit-tu] a-di 4-szu a-na mah#-ri-ia# [isz-szu-nim-ma]

isz-szi-qu _gir#-ii_-ia _u#_ [(disz)s,i-id-qa-a] _lugal uru_-is-qa-al-lu-na [sza la ik-nu-szu] a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz_ [É _ad_-szu szA-a-szu] _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu_-[_munus-mesz_-szu _szesz-mesz_-szu] _numun#_ É _ad_-szu# [as-su-ha-am-ma] a-na _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [u-rasz-szu]

(disz)_lugal_-lu-da-ri [_dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti] _lugal_-szu#-nu mah#-[ru-u] _ugu# un-mesz uru_-is-qa-al#-[lu-na Asz-kun-ma] na-dan _gun_ kad-re#-[e be-lu-ti-ia] e-mid-su-ma i-szA#-[a-t,a ab-szA-a-ni]

i-na me-ti-iq ger#-[ri-ia _uru_-É-da-gan-na] _uru_-ia-ap-pu-u _uru#_-[ba-na-a-a-bar-qa] _uru_-a-zu-ru _uru-mesz_-ni# [sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza] a-na _gir-ii_-ia Ar-hisz# [la ik-nu-szu] al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la# [szal-la-su-un]

_lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz u#_ [_un-mesz uru_-am-qar-ru-na] sza (disz)pa-de-e _lugal#_-szu-nu [_en_ a-de-e] U ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur-_ki#_ [bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma] a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u# [_kur_-ia-u-da-a-a] id-di-nu-szu nak-risz a#-[na an-zil-li i-pu-szu] ip-lah _sza_-szu-un _lugal-mesz_-ni# [_kur_-mu-us,-ri] _lu-erim-mesz gisz-pan#_ [_gisz-gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_] sza _lugal kur_-me-luh-ha e-mu-qi la# [ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma] il-li-ku re-s,u#-[us-su-un]

i-na ta-mir-ti _uru_-al#-[ta-qu-u] el-la-mu-u-a si-id#-[ru szit-ku-nu] u-szA-'a-lu _gisz-tukul-mesz_-szu#-[un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia] it-ti-szu-un am-da-hi#-[is,-ma ...] [...] [...] [...]

ik-szu-da _szu-ii_-a-a _uru_-al-ta#-[qu-u _uru_-ta-am-na-a] al-me _kur_-ud Asz-lu-la# [szal-la-su-un] a-na _uru_-am-qar-ru-na# [aq-rib-ma] _lu-gir-nita-mesz lu-nun-mesz#_ [sza hi-it,-t,u u-szab-szu-u] a-duk-ma i#-[na di-ma-a-te ...] [...] [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, brought a substantial audience gift, four times the normal amount, to me and

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had cast off iron fetters and who had handed them over to Hazaqiau of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They gathered together the kings of Egypt, archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they threw their weapons into the netherworld like a lion. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and ...

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers ...


... Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought extensive gifts, four times the normal amount, as their substantial audience gift before me and kissed my feet.

Moreover, as for Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not submitted to my yoke, I forcibly removed the gods of his father's house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and other offspring of his father's house and took him to Assyria.

I set Sharru-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship so that he now pulls my yoke.

In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Daganna, Joppa, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, the cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly.

As for the governors, the nobles, and the people of the city Ekron who had thrown Padî, their king who was bound by treaty and oaths to Assyria, into iron fetters and who had handed him over to Hezekiah of the land Judah in a hostile manner, they became frightened on account of the villainous acts they had committed. They formed a confederation with the kings of Egypt and the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, forces without number, and they came to their aid.

In the plain of the city Eltekeh, they sharpened their weapons while drawing up in battleline before me. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and ... I captured ... ....

I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers around the city; ...

Q003971: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man_ kib-rat _limmu_-tim mut-tar#-[ru-u] _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)[_iszkur_] (d)_u-gur_ (d)15 szA É-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah u dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, é-szar2-ra u é-mes-mes szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ra-bisz mu-du-u e-pisz _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi-szu na-si-ih#

_erim-hi-a_-szu a-na-ku i-nu-szu é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra szA qé-reb (erasure) é-szar2-ra pa-rak _an-szar en gal_-i _en_-ia szA ul-tu _ud-mesz su-mesz_ si-ma-tu-szu im-qu-ta-a-ma _ka_-szu pe#-tu-u a-na _im-u18-lu_ ina _igi-ii_ ra-pa-Asz-ti szA (d)é-a isz-ru-ka# ina igi#-gAl-lu-u-ti szA _an-szar_ u-szat-li-man-ni ia-a-szi ina t,e-em ram-ni-ia am-tal-lik-ma _ka_ é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra a-na na-pa-ah (d)_utu_-szi mé-eh-ret _im-kur-ra_

pe-ta-a-szu lib-bi ub-la-an-ni t,e-em (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ al-mad-ma an-na ki-i-nu i-pu-lu-in-ni-ma szA _ka_ szu-a-[ti] a-na na-pa-ah (d)_utu_-szi mé-eh-ret _im-kur-ra_ (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ iq-bu-u pe-ta-a#-szu ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gar8_ an-da-ak-kis-ma a-na _gaba an-szar en_-ia mé-eh-ret _im-kur-ra ka_ esz-szisz# ap-te-e-ma _ka lugal_-ti#

_mu_-szu am-bi É szA-hu-ru esz-szisz e-pu-usz-ma _ka_-szu u#-rap-pisz ina _ka_ É szA-hu-ru# szu-a-tu 4 _gu4 dumu_ (d)_utu zabar husz-a_ e-lisz _szu-ii_-szu-nu (d)_utu_-szi na-szu-u u-kal-lu s,u-lu-lu szap-lisz _gir_-szu-nu i-na _ugu 2 bara zabar_ szA _ku6-lu-u18-lu zabar_ szA _suhur-masz-ku6 zabar_ szur-szu-du gis-gal-la _zag_ u _gub_ szA _ka ur-idim u gir-tab-lu-u18-lu_ kul-lu szi-ga-ri _ka_ szu-nu-tu#

_ka kaskal_ szu-ut (d)_en-lil_ az-za-kar _mu_-szu _kisal_-szu esz-szisz ab-ni-ma _kisal_ si-dir man-za-az (d)i-gi-gi _mu_-szu am-bi _ka_-szu szA a-na s,i-it (d)_utu_-szi a-na _ugu id ka_ bu-ru-mu az-za-kar ni-bit-su _ka_ né-re-bi-szu a-na _kisal_ né-reb (d)i-gi-gi _mu_-szu az-kur _ka_ szA a-na _im-u18-lu ka_ kan-su (d)i-gi-gi _mu_-szu am-bi _ka_ né-re-bi-szu a-na _kisal# ka_ hi-[s,ib] _kur mu_-szu az-kur _ka_-szu szA a-na _im-si-sa ka mul-mar-gid-da mu_-szu am-bi

_ka_ né-re-bi-szu a-na _kisal ka bara nam-mesz mu_-szu az-kur _ka_ pa-pa-hi É szA-hu-ru É-_gar8-mesz_-szu a-di _kisal#_-szu É-_mesz ka-mesz_ ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla u-szak#-lil-szu-ma ki-ma# _kur_-i re-szi-szu ul-li ina nik-lat lib-bi-ia szA _ka-mesz_

_u kisal#_-[szi]-na _mu_-szu-nu am-bi-ma ni-bit-si-na az-kur te-em-me-en-na at-ta szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-[_su_] _man# kur_ asz-szur ra-'i-im ki-na-a-ti e-pisz s,a-lam _dingir_-szu ba-an É da-me-eq-ta-szu a-na _an-szar_ qi-bi# it#-ti bal-til-_ki_ u é-szar2-ra lisz-te-li-pu _nunuz-mesz_-szu _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu it-ti s,al-mat _sag-du_

li-ku-nu a-na du-ur da-a-ri a-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u szA _an-szar_ a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u _mu_-szu szA ina _bala_-szu É szu-a-tu in-na-hu an-hu-su lid-disz _mu-sar_-a-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz

_siskur_ liq-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun _an-szar_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me mu-nak-kir _mu-sar_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia _an-szar man dingir-mesz u dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szA _an_-e _u ki_-tim ar-rat ma-ru-usz-tu li-ru-ru-szu-ma _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-szu li-ki-mu-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu U na-an-nab-szu i-na _ka un-mesz_ li-hal-li-qu#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Ili-mah, and the other great gods, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra and the temples of the reverence of the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who built Assyria, the one who completes Assyria, the one who completes his cult centers, the one who makes the cult centers resplendent, the one who makes the cult centers resplendent, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splendor, the one who makes the cult centers shine with splend

At that time, with regard to Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is inside Esharra, the seat of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, which had become dilapidated and whose gate had become dilapidated, which had been opened in distant days by the wide eye of the god Ea, which the god Ashur had granted to me, and which had become dilapidated by the appearance of the god Ashur, I went and opened the gate of Ehursaggalkurkurra in front of the east.

I heard the word of the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm 'yes'. They said to me the same thing about that gate: "To the destruction of the sun, opposite the east wind, the gods Shamash and Adad said: "Open the gate!" At that time, I destroyed the wall and opened a new gate opposite the east wind. I opened the new gate of the king, my lord, and

I built anew the Shahuru temple and enlarged its gate. In the Shahuru Gate, this temple, four bulls, the sons of Shamash, clad with reddish bronze, hung them up high on their hands, and hung them up high on their feet. I erected two bronze dais for the bronze lion colossi and bronze colossi on the right and left of the door of the lion and the girtablû-demon gates and surrounded the door of that temple.

I named it the Gate of the Path of the Enlil. I renamed its courtyard and named it the Gate of the Sidir, the Place of the Igigi. I named it the Gate of the Rising Sun on the River. I named it the Gate of the Burumu. I named it the Gate of the Entry to the Igigi Gate. I named it the Gate of the Rising to the north. I named it the Gate of the Gate of the Hibiscus. I named it the Gate of the Hibiscus. I named it the Gate of the Rising Star.

I had the gate of the cella, the house of the shuru, its walls, together with its courtyard, and the gates, from its foundations to its crenellations, completed by the craft of the god Kulla and raised its superstructure as high as a mountain. With my own strength, I built the gates of the cella, the house of the shuru, and the walls of its gates.

I reconstructed the foundations of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves justice, the one who fashioned images of his god, and the one who reconstructed the temple of his goodness for the god Ashur. May they make his offspring, his sons, and his grandsons, live with the black-headed people of Babylon and Esharra.

May any future ruler whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of that temple during his reign, and may he find my inscribed object, anoint it with oil, and make it shine like daylight.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and alters my inscription, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh curse and overthrow his kingship. May they destroy his life, his seed, his offspring, and his offspring from the mouths of the people.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuru, Belet-ili, and the other great gods, the one who carries out to perfection the rites of Esharra and Emashmash, who knows well how to revere the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the builder of Assyria, the one who brings his cult centers to completion, the one who uproots enemies and destroys their settlements, circumspect ruler whose dominion is more praised than that of all kings who sit on royal daises, the support of his land, the one who is trustworthy in battle and combat, and the protection of his troops, I:

At that time, with regard to E­hur­sag­gal­kur­kur­ra, which is within Esharra, the sanctuary of the god Ashur — the great lord, my lord — and whose proper orientation fell by the wayside in distant days: Its gate opened toward the south. With the extensive wisdom that the god Ea had given me, with the perspicacity that the god Ashur had granted to me, I took counsel with myself and made up my mind to open the gate of Ehursaggalkurkurra towards the rising sun, facing east.

I found out the will of the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm 'yes,' and then the gods Shamash and Adad commanded that that gate be opened towards the rising sun, facing east. At that time, I made several breaches in the wall, and then I opened a new gate towards the god Ashur, my lord, towards the east, and named it "The Royal Gate."

I built anew the bit-shuhuru and widened its gate. At that gate of the bit-shuhuru, four bull-shaped son-of-Shamash figures of reddish bronze raise up in their hands a sun disk and hold up the roof above, while below, their feet are firmly planted in place on two bronze daises, one of a bronze fish man and one of a bronze carp man. On the right and left of the gate, a lion-man figure and a scorpion-man figure hold the door bolts. I named that lit. "those" gate "The Gate of the Path of the Enlil-Stars."

I built anew its courtyard and named it "The Courtyard of the Row of Pedestals for the Igigu gods." I gave the gate that faces the rising sun, towards the river, the name "The Gate of the Firmament." I gave its entrance gate to the courtyard the name "The Entrance of the Igigu gods." I gave the gate that faces south the name "The Kamsu-Igigu Gate." I gave its entrance gate to the courtyard the name "The Gate of the Abundance of the Land." I gave its gate that faces north the name "The Gate of the Wagon Star." I gave its entrance gate to the courtyard the name "The Gate of the Dais of Destinies."

I completed the gate of the cella, the bit-shahuru, its walls, together with its courtyard, its rooms, and its gates, from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla and I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain. With my innate expertise, I named the gates and their courtyard and I gave them their names.

O foundation inscription, speak favorable things to the god Ashur about Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves correct behavior, the one who fashioned the image of his god, and the one who built this temple, so that his offspring, his sons, and his grandsons may flourish together with Baltil Ashur and Esharra and endure forever with the black-headed people.

May any future ruler whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people and during whose reign that temple becomes dilapidated renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find my inscribed objects, anoint them with oil, make an offering, and put them back in their text: "its" place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and disrespects my words, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh curse, and may they overthrow his kingship, deprive him of his life, and make his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from the mouth of the people.

Q003972: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-eri]-ba [_man gal man_ dan-nu] _man szu man kur_ asz-szur [e-pisz s,a-lam] _an-szar#_ (d)_nin-lil_ [... u _dingir_]-_mesz# gal-mesz_ mu#-szar-bu-u [szu-luh-hi-szu-un(?)] mu-szak-lil pa#-[ra-as, é-szar2]-ra ma-szu-ti ina bi-ri [ina] qi-bit# [(d)_utu_ (d)]_iszkur_ mu-ud-disz bal#-til-_ki#_ mu#-x [...] szu-luh-hi-szu mu-ter# [(d)_lamma_ é]-szar2-ra la e-pisz-ti

a-na [Asz-ri-szu a-na-ku e]-nu-szu isz-tu s,a-lam _an-szar en gal#_-[i _en_-ia u s,a-lam _dingir_]-_mesz gal-mesz_ e-pu-szu-ma# u#-[szar-me-szu-nu-ti] szu-bat-su-nu né-eh-ti _iti#_-[_bar-sag-sag_] _iti_ resz#-tu-u szA [a-bi (d)_en-lil iti_ na]-an-mur-ti _mul-apin ezen_ [qé-re]-e-ti szA _lugal# dingir-mesz an-szar#_ szA [ul]-tu u4#-me _su-mesz#_ ina [e-szA-a-ti] u sah-ma#-[szA]-a#-ti É A-[ki-it] _edin_ im#-ma-szu-u ina [qé-reb _uru_] in-né#-ep-pu-szu pa-[ra]-as,# [_lugal dingir_]-_mesz# an-szar_ it-[ti szip]-ri#-[im]-ma szu#-a-ti

[ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me szal-mu ina szi-pir i-szip]-pu#-ti

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, ..., and the great gods, the one who makes their shrines resplendent, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra, the one who by the command of the gods Shamash and Adad renovated Baltil Ashur, ... ..., the one who restored the protective spirit of Esharra, the one who had not built it,

At that time, after I had made statues of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and statues of the great gods, and had made them dwell in peaceful dwellings, I re-established the month Barsagsag, the first month of the reign of the father of the god Enlil, the month of the radiance of the Pleiades, the rites of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, which since distant days, through esheshû and sahmashû-rites, the temple of the Akitu-temple, in the countryside, and I re-established the king of the gods, the god Ashur, with the work of this rites.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, by means of extispicy,


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, ... and the other great gods, the one who makes great 5 their purification rites, the one who carries out to perfection the forgotten rites of Esharra through divination, at the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, the one who renovated Baltil Ashur, the one who ... its purification rites, the one who returns the unfinished protective spirit of Esharra to its place, I:

Then, after I had made the image of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and the images of the great gods, and installed them in their peaceful dwellings, in the month Nisannu I, the first month, the month of father Enlil, the month of the heliacal rising of the Plow-star: 15 The festival of the feast of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, which from distant days, because of chaos and disruption, and the akitu-house of the steppe had been forgotten; the rites of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, had been performed inside the city. With regard to that work, I made up my mind to rebuild that akitu-house, and then I found out the will of the gods Shamash and Adad, and they answered me with a firm 'yes' and commanded me to rebuild it.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, through the craft of the purification priest

Q003973: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti mu-tar-ru-u _un-mesz dagal-mesz_ e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, é-szar2-ra ma-szu-u-ti ina bi-ri ina qi-bit (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ mu-szar-bu-u szu-luh-hi-szu-un mu-ter (d)_lamma_ é-szar2-ra ba-t,il-ti a-na Asz-ri-szu szA pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ra-bisz mu-du-u mu-ul-li _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina szub-ti-szu-nu

mu-szar-bu-u si-ma-ti-szu-nu e-pisz _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi-szu mu-ma-gir _kur_ na-ki-ri mu-ab-bit da-Ad-me-szu-un mu-szah-ru-u _id-mesz_ pe-tu-u mit,-ra-a-ti mu-szah-bi-ib pat-ta-a-ti szA-kin nu-uh-szu u t,uh-du ina u-ga-ri _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ rap-szu-ti mu-kin _a-mesz_ szi-qa-a-ti ina qar-ba-a-ti _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ szA ul-tu u4-me pa-ni hi-ri-i-ti u szi-qi ina _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ mam-ma-an la i-mu-ru a-a-um-ma la i-du-u

szu-ut mah-ri la i-pu-szu mu-szar-szid szi-pir (d)kulla ul-tu szi-pir bal-t,u-ti a-di _ki-mah_ si-mat mi-tu-tu ina _na4_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i szA ma-na-a-ma ina _kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ la i-pu-szu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ma-al-ku pit-qu-du szA _ugu lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki nu-'u-da-at be-lut-su tukul-ti _kur_-szu na-a'-id qab-li u _me_

s,u-lul _erim-hi-a_-szu a-na-ku e-nu-szu isz-tu s,a-lam _an-szar en gal_-i _en_-ia u s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz du_-ma u-szar-me-szu-nu-ti szu-bat-su-nu né-eh-ti _iti-bar-sag-sag iti_ resz-tu-u szA a-bi (d)_en-lil iti_ na-an-mur-ti _mul-apin_ i-sin-ni qé-re-ti szA _lugal dingir-mesz an-szar_ szA ul-tu u4-me _su-mesz_ ina e-szA-a-ti u sah-ma-szA-a-ti É a-ki-it _edin_ im-ma-szu-u ina qé-reb _uru_ in-né-ep-pu-szu pa-ra-as, _lugal dingir-mesz an-szar_ it-ti szip-ri-im-ma szu-a-ti a-na e-pesz É a-kit lib-bi ub-la-ni-ma

iq-bu-u-ni e-pe-e-szu ina _iti dug-ga_ u4-me szal-mu ina szi-pir i-szip-pu-ti né-me-eq ka-kU-gal-u-ti ina _na4_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu ad-di-ma ul-la-a re-szi-szu ul-tu _usz8_-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu ina _na4 kur_-i u-szak-lil-szu-ma u-saq-qir-szu hur-szA-nisz 2-_ta_ pat-ta-a-ti a-na i-ta-ti-szu u-szah-ri-i-ma _gisz-kiri6_ nu-uh-szi s,ip-pat _nig-sa-sa-hi-a_ u-szA-as-hir-szu-ma mu-sa-re-e ku-uz-bi

i-ta-ti-szu u-szal-me isz-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ah-pu-u _dingir-mesz_-szA u-szab-bi-ru _un-mesz_-szu ina _gisz-tukul_ as-pu-nu Asz-szu qaq-qar _uru_ szu-a-ti la mus-si#-i qaq-qar-szu as-suh-ma a-na _id_-pu-rat-ti a-na tam-tim u-szA-bil e-pe-ri-szu a-na _ni-tuk-ki_ ik-szu-du-ma _ni-tuk-ki_-a-a i-mu-ru-ma hat-ti pu-luh-ti szA _an-szar_ im-qut-su-nu-ti-ma na-mur-ta-szu-nu ub-lu-u-ni it-ti na-mur-ti-szu-nu _erim-hi-a_ di-ku-ut _kur_-szu-nu za-bil tup-szik-ki _gisz-mar zabar gag-mesz zabar_ u-nu-ut szi-pir _kur_-szu-nu

a-na na-qar _tin-tir-ki_ isz-pu-ru-u-ni a-na nu-uh-hi lib-bi _an-szar en_-ia ta-nit-ti dan-nu-ti-szu _un-mesz_ a-na da-la-li a-na ta-mar-ti _un-mesz_ ah-ra-a-ti _sahar-hi-a tin-tir-ki_ as-su-ha-am-ma ina É a-ki-ti szu-a-ti ka-re-e _du6_ u-gar-ri-in

ina na-de-e _usz8_ szA É a-ki-ti na-mur-tu szA (disz)ka-ri-bi-_dingir lugal kur_-sa-ba-a' _na4-babbar-dili#_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz szim-mesz dug-mesz_ [i]-qa-ri-ba-am-ma isz-tu lib-bi na-mur-ti szu-a-tu _na4-mesz szim-mesz_ a-na _sza usz8_-szu ad-di a-na _sza usz8_ É a-ki-ti szA-a-tu _ku-babbar ku-gi na4-gug na4-za-gin na4-nir na4-musz-gir na4-babbar-dili na4-babbar-min5 im-sig7-sig7_ nap-har _szim-mesz_ t,a-bu-tu ki-ma(?)# x x hi _usz8_ szu-a-ti i-gu-la-a I ru-usz-ti

ki-ma _a-mesz id_ lu as-lu-uh te-mé-en-na at-ta szA (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ ra-im ki-na-a-ti e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ ba-an É da-me-eq-ta-szu a-na _an-szar_ qi-bi it-ti bal-til-_ki_ u é-szar2-ra lisz-te-li-pu _nunuz-mesz_-szu _dumu-mesz_-szu _dumu dumu-mesz_-szu it-ti s,al-mat _sag-du_ li-ku-nu

a-na du-ur da-a-ri a-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u szA _an-szar_ a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _un-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u _mu_-szu szA ina _bala_-szu É szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lid-disz _mu-sar_-a-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _siskur_ liq-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun _an-szar_ ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

mu-né-kir _mu-sar#_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia e-pisz [la] _mun_ a-[na] x-_mesz_ x u _nunuz-mesz_-szu-nu _an-szar lugal dingir-mesz_ u _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz_ szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim ar-rat [la] nap-szu-ri ma-ru-usz-ti li-ru-ru-szu-ma _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-su li-ki-mu-szu _mu_-szu _numun_-szu _nunuz_-szu U na-an-nab-szu ina nap-har _kur-kur_ li-hal-li-qu

AI Translation

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra, the one who reconstructed the ruined portions of Esharra by the command of the gods Shamash and Adad, the one who made their sanctuaries resplendent, the one who returned the protective spirit of Esharra to its place, the one who reveres the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who makes the great gods bow down at their feet,

Who makes their rites perfect, who builds Assyria, who completes its cult centers, who conquers the enemy land, who destroys their settlements, who irrigates canals, who makes canals flow, who makes abundance and abundance plentiful in the wide district of Assyria, who establishes fresh water in the midst of Assyria, who since distant days has not seen the wrath of famine and hunger in Assyria, who has no one known,

The one who did not do anything to alter the work of the god Kulla, from the work of old to the tomb, the one who sinned against injustice, with limestone, stone from the mountains, which no king of the past who came before me had made, the pious ruler who is more apt than the kings who sit on royal daises, the one who knows the support of his land, the one who loves battle and battle,

I myself built anew from the statue of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and the statue of the great gods and made them dwell in peaceful dwellings. The month Nisannu, the first month of the reign of the father of the god Enlil, the month of the radiance of the star Pisces, the festival of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, which since distant days, through a processional way and a struggle, the temple of the akitu-house, had become dilapidated inside the city. The king of the gods, the god Ashur, made me do this with this work and I reconstructed it.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, by means of crafty maneuvers, I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains, and raised its superstructure. I completed it from its foundations to its crenellations with stone from the mountains and raised it as high as a mountain. I raised two embankments on top of it and planted a garden with fruit and vegetables. I surrounded it with a canopy of reddish color and surrounded it with a canopy of reddish gold.

I smashed his city with the sword. I smashed his people with the sword because the area of that city was too small. I tore down that area down to the Euphrates River and brought its water to the sea. I captured the people of Til-Sharruken and they saw the fear of the god Ashur and brought about their defeat. With their defeat, I sent troops, judges of their land, bronze baskets, bronze casseroles, and the work of their land.

As for the people who had come to the quay of Babylon, I heaped up earth for the enjoyment of the heart of the god Ashur, my lord, and for the enjoyment of the people who had come before me. I surrounded Babylon's ruined portions with earth and deposited them in that Akitu temple.

At the opening of the passage of the Akitu temple, the audience gift of Karibi-ilu, king of the land Saba, he presented precious stones, aromatics, and jugs of wine, and from that audience gift I added stones and aromatics to that wall. For that wall of the Akitu temple, silver, gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, musharu-stone, babbardilû-stone, papparminu-stone, and all kinds of pleasant aromatics, like ..., he poured out a magnificent libation bowl.

As for you, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who possesses a firm 'yes' and the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur, and who fashioned the house of his goodness for the god Ashur, may they make his offspring, his sons, and his grandsons, live with black-headed people in Baltil Ashur and Esharra.

May any future ruler whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate the dilapidated sections of this temple during his reign, read my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it in its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and does not give attention to ... or their offspring, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with an unjust slander and overthrow his kingship, overthrow his life, destroy his name, his seed, his offspring, and his offspring from all lands.


Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, leader of a widespread population, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, the one who carries out to perfection the forgotten rites of Esharra through divination, at the command of 5 the gods Shamash and Adad, the one who makes great their purification rites, the one who returns the abandoned protective spirit of Esharra to its place, who knows well how to revere the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, who exalts the great gods in their dwellings, who makes their accoutrements great,

the builder of Assyria, the one who brings his cult centers to completion, the one who makes enemy lands obedient, the one who destroys their settlements, the one who has canals dug, the one who opens streams, the one who makes watercourses gush, the one who establishes abundance and plenty in the wide plains of Assyria, the one who provides irrigation water in the meadows of Assyria — 15 which from the days of yore no one in Assyria had seen or known canals and artificial irrigation and which none in bygone times had used —

the one who makes brickwork structures lit. "the craft of the god Kulla" secure, from buildings for the living to tombs befitting the dead made from limestone, stone from the mountains, with which none of 20 the kings of the past who came before me in Assyria had used, circumspect ruler whose dominion is more praised than that of all kings who sit on royal daises, the support of his land, the one who is trustworthy in battle and combat, and the protection of his troops, I:

Then, after I had made the image of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and the images of the great gods, and installed them in their peaceful dwellings, in the month Nisannu I, the first month, the month of father Enlil, the month of the heliacal rising of 25 the Plow-star: The festival of the feast of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, which from distant days, because of chaos and disruption, and the akitu-house of the steppe had been forgotten; the rites of the king of the gods, the god Ashur, had been performed inside the city. With regard to that work, I made up my mind to rebuild that akitu-house, and then I found out the will of the gods Shamash and Adad, and they answered me with a firm 'yes' and commanded me to rebuild it.

In a favorable month, on a propitious day, through the craft of the purification priest and the wisdom of the exorcist, I laid its foundation with limestone, stone from the mountains, and I raised its superstructure. I completed it from its foundations to its crenellations with stone from the mountains and raised it as high as a mountain. I had two canals dug around each of its sides, and then 35 I had it surrounded with a lush garden, an orchard with fruit, and placed a splendid plantation around it.

After I destroyed Babylon, smashed its gods, and put its people to the sword, I removed its earth in order to make the site of that city unrecognizable and I had it carried to the sea by the Euphrates River. When its dirt 40 reached Dilmun and the people of Dilmun saw it, fear and terror of the god Ashur fell upon them and they brought their audience gifts to me. Together with their audience gifts, they sent people mustered from their land, corvée workers, with bronze spades and bronze plowshares, tools manufactured in their land, in order to demolish Babylon.

In order to pacify the god Ashur, my lord, for people to sing the praises of his might, and for the admiration of future people, I removed dirt from Babylon and piled it up in heaps and mounds in that akitu-house.

While laying the foundation of the akitu-house, the audience gift of Karib-il, king of the land Saba — pappardilû-stone, choice stones, and fine aromatics — was presented to me 50 and from that audience gift I laid stones and aromatics in its foundation. Like ..., I ... silver, gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, hulalu-stone, musharu-stone, pappardilû-stone, papparminu-stone, damatu-paste, and all of the finest aromatics in the foundation of that akitu-house. I sprinkled that foundation with perfumed oil and fine oil as abundantly as river water.

O you, foundation inscription, speak favorable things to the god Ashur about Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves correct behavior, the one who fashioned the image of the god Ashur, and the one who built this temple, so that his offspring, his sons, and his grandsons may flourish together with Baltil Ashur and Esharra and endure forever with the black-headed people.

May any future ruler whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people and during whose reign that temple becomes dilapidated renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find my inscribed objects, anoint them with oil, make an offering, and put them back in their text: "its" place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who alters my inscribed object and disrespects my words, who does unkind things to ... and their offspring, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh, irreversible curse, and may they overthrow his kingship, deprive him of his life, and make his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear in all lands.

Q003974: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku szA _kisal_ é-szar2-ra É-_gal dingir-mesz_ ina _na4_-pi-li _babbar_-e te-men5-szu ad-di

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With white limestone, I laid the foundations of the courtyard of Esharra, the palace of the gods.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With white limestone, I laid the foundations of the courtyard of Esharra, the palace of the gods.

Q003975: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz_ e-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods,


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods.

Q003976: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ É a-ki-ti szu-a-ti ul-tu _usz8_-szA a-di gaba-dib-bi-szA ina _na4_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i u-zaq-qir hur-szA-nisz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I raised up the superstructure of that akitu-house from its foundations to its crenellations with limestone, stone from the mountains.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I raised this akitu-house as high as a mountain, from its foundations to its crenellations.

Q003977: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)_u-gur_ (d)isz-tar sza É-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza É A-ki-it mu-szab _an-szar en_-ia ina _na4_-pi-li _babbar_-e te-men5-szu ad-di

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the other great gods, I: With white limestone, I laid the foundations of the akitu-house, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, and the other great gods, I: With white limestone, I laid the foundations of the akitu-house, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord.

Q003978: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur_ asz-szur _du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)sze-ru#-u-a (d)a-nim (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_iszkur_ (d)15 szA É-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ (d)ka-ka (d)ha-ia (d)kU-sU (d)lumha (d)dunga (d)é-gal-ki#-ba u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na-ku te-me-en É a-ki-ti szA i-sin-nu qé-re-ti _an-szar_ ina pi-i-lu _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu ad-di

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Great Oval, Kakka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the other great gods: I laid the foundations of the akitu-house of the festival of the festival of the god Ashur with limestone, stone from the mountains.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, Kaka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the other great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I laid the foundations of the akitu-house for the festival of the feast of the god Ashur.

Q003979: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu#_ [_man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz] s,a-lam _an-szar_ x x x [(...)] u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [ana]-ku(?)# É a-ki-te(?) _edin#_ [(sza)] i-sin-ni qé-re-[ti] _an-szar ta usz8_-szA a-di gaba-dib-bi#-[szA ina] _na4#_-pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i esz-[szisz] u-sze-pisz-ma u-za-qir [hur-szA-nisz]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur, ..., and the great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I had the akitu-house of the steppe, which is the akitu-house of the festival of the god Ashur, built anew from its foundations to its crenellations and raised it as high as a mountain.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, ... ..., and the other great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I had the akitu-house of the steppe for the festival of the feast of the god Ashur, built anew from its foundations to its crenellations and I raised it as high as a mountain.

Q003980: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)#(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu_ [_man kur asz_] e#-pisz s,a-lam _an-szar#_ [(d)_nin-lil_] (d)sze-ru-u-a (d)30 (d)_nin#_-[_gal_] (d)_utu#_ (d)#a-a (d)a-num an-tum(?)# [(d)]_iszkur_ [(d)]sza-la (d)15# szA É-kid-mu-ri# [_dingir_]-_mah#_ (d)ha-ia (d)kU-sU [(d)lumha] (d)dunga (d)é#-gal-ki(?)-ba(?)# [u] _dingir-mesz# gal-mesz_ [ana-ku] É a-ki#-[te] [_edin_ ina _na4_-pi-i]-li# _na4_ [_kur_]-i esz-szisz# [u-sze-pisz-ma] u#-za-qir hur#-szA-nisz#

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sherua, Sîn, Nikkal, Shamash, Aya, Anu, Antu, Adad, Shala, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the other great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I had the Akitu-house built anew and raised it as high as a mountain.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sherua, Sîn, Nikkal, Shamash, Aya, Anu, Antu, Adad, Shala, Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the other great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I had the akitu-house of the steppe built anew and I raised it as high as a mountain.

Q003981: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x (x) [...] [...] _dingir-mah_ (d)#[...] [...] (d)ha-ia# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... the goddess ... ... Haya .


... ... ..., Belet-ili, ..., Haya, ...

Q003982: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ É a-na (d)za-ba4-ba4 _du_

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a temple for the god Zababa.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built this temple for the god Zababa.

Q003983: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man szu man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku musz-la-lum É-_gal_ szA qé-reb bal-til-_ki_ ina _na4_-pi-i-lu _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu ad-di

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I laid the foundations of the palace that is inside Baltil Ashur.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With limestone, stone from the mountains, I laid the foundations of the Step Gate of the Palace, which is in Baltil Ashur.

Q003984: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur_ asz-szur É a-na (disz)_an-szar_-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi du_-usz

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built this house for Esarhaddon.


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built this house for Ashur-ili-muballissu.

Q003985: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana#-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz#_-[_su_] _man kur_ asz-szur _du_-isz(?) [s,a-lam _an-szar_] u _dingir-me gal-me_ É(?)# an-nu-u ana asz-szur-_dingir-mu#_-[_ti-la-bi_] _dumu_-ia tar-den-nu# [_du_-usz-ma] [_usz8_]-szu# ad-di

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu and I laid its foundations.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu and I laid its foundations.

Q003986: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-me gal-me_ É an-nu-u a-na (disz)_an-szar_-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu_-ia tar-den-nu szA ina _gir-ii an-szar du_-usz-ma ina pi-i-li# _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu# ad-di

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu, who was also at the feet of the god Ashur, and I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu, who is in the service of the god Ashur, and I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.

Q003987: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su# man kur_ asz-szur _du_-isz s,a-lam# [_an-szar_] u _dingir-me gal-me_ É an-nu-u [a-na] (disz)_an-szar_-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu_-ia tar-den-nu szA ina _gir-ii an-szar_ ib-ba-nu-u _du_-ma ina pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu ad-di

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu, who was created by the command of the god Ashur, and I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu, who was created for the service of the god Ashur, and I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.

Q003989: other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana-ku (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam _an-szar_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ É _du_-ma a-na (disz)_an-szar_-_dingir-mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu_-ia tar-den-ni ad-din _usz8_-szu ina pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i u-dan-nin-ma ad-di

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this temple and gave it to my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu. I strengthened its foundation with limestone, stone from the mountains, and I gave it to the god Ashur-bel-shumati.


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house and gave it to my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu. I strengthened and laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.

Q003990: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana]-ku (disz)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man kur asz_ É _du_-ma ana [asz]-szur-(_dingir_)-_mu_-_ti-la-bi dumu#_-ia tar-den-ni ad#-din x x

AI Translation

I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built this house and gave it to my second son Ashur-ili-shumu-uballit .


I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built this house and gave it to my second son Ashur-ili-muballissu. ...

Q003991: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)(d)30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su_ ...] _du_-isz s,a-lam [...] it#-ti _du_ [...] _en#_-ia x [...] [x] _sag_ [...]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, ... who fashioned images of ... with the ... of my lord ... ... .


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods ... with all of ... my lord ...

Q003992: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)(d)]30-_pap-mesz#_-[_su_ ...] [x x] _an_ x [...] [x x] _na_(?) x [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

Sennacherib ...


Sennacherib, ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Q003993: royal-inscription block

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(disz)](d)#30-_pap#_-[_mesz_-_su_] _man# szu man#_ [_kur asz_]

AI Translation

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.


Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria,

Q003995: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na [_an-szar_(?) ...] [... a-szib é]-szar2-ra _en gal en#_-[szu(?)]

[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su_ (_man szu_) _man kur asz du_-isz s,a-lam] _an-szar_ (d)a-nim (d)30 [... u _dingir-me gal-me_] _nun#_ mun-dal-ku mu-szak-lil pa-[ra-as, ...] i# man da x u# x um-mu-lu 1-et _gisz_-[...] u-szar#-bu-u u-szar-ri-hu# si-ma(?)-ku(?)# _ka_ szu-a-tu x [...] x x# _dingir-mesz_-ni né-reb-szu u-rap-pisz-ma _gisz-ig masz-tab-ba gisz-eren gisz ku#_ [u-sze-pisz-ma ina _ka ... ugu na4_-ka-szur-re-e _na4 kur_-i] u-szar-szid# man-za-as-si-in ina _ka_ bit-a#-nu-u

AI Translation

To Ashur ... ... who dwells in Esharra, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, ..., and the great gods, the wise prince who completes the assembly of ..., king of ..., the one who ... a single ... and made it shine like daylight, ... ... ... the gods of his entrance ... I had a door made of musharu-wood, a pure wood, and I installed it in the gate ... over kashurrû-stone, stone from the mountains, and placed it in the gate Bit-Anu.


For the god Ashur, ... who dwells in Esharra, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, ..., and the other great gods, judicious ruler, the one who carries out to perfection 5 the rites of Esharra ... ... ... after I enlarged ... and made the sanctuaries splendid, this gate ... ... gods, I widened its entryway and ... had twin doors of cedar, the pure wood, made and had them secured in their positions upon kashurrû-stone, stone from the mountains, in the Gate .... In the inner gate, which through ... for the coming and going of the god Ashur, king of the gods, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for eternity.

Q003996: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na _an-szar man dingir-mesz# en gal_-i _en_-[szu]

(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-[_su_] _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-[_ki_] e-pisz s,a-lam _an_-[_szar_] _u dingir-mesz gal_-[_mesz_] a-na _ti_-[szu] _gid-da ud-mesz#_-[szu] _gin bala_-[szu] _silim# numun_-szu _gisz-ig masz-tab#_-[_ba_] _gisz-eren gisz ku_ u-[sze-pisz-ma(?)] ina _ka mul-mar_-[_gid-da_] _ugu na4_-ka-szur-[re-e] _na4 kur_-i u-szar-szid man-za-as-si#-in

AI Translation

To Ashur, king of the gods, great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, had a door made of cedar, a pure wood, made for his life, the lengthening of his days, the easing of his reign, the well-being of his offspring, and for the installation of a kashurrû-clad door-beam on the Gate of the Long Star Star, and he had it positioned it in front of the kashurrû-clad door-beam, stone of the mountains, for his entrance.


For the god Ashur, king of the gods, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, had twin doors of cedar, the pure wood, made for his life, the lengthening of his days, the securing of his reign, and the well-being of his offspring, and he had them secured in their positions upon kashurrû-stone, stone from the mountains, in the Gate of the Wagon Star.

Q003998: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana _an-szar man dingir_]-_mesz ad_ ba-nu-u (d)i-gi-gi u (d)GÉSZ-U [...] mu#-szim _nam-mesz# en kur-kur_ x x x [a-szib é-hur-sag-gal-kur]-kur#-ra szA qé-reb é-szar2-ra# _en gal en_-szu

[(disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_] _gal# man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur x x x x x x [... _du_-isz] s,a-lam _an-szar_ (d)sze-ru-u-a# x x x [...] (d)15 sza É-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ (d)[ka-ka] [(d)]ha#-ia (d)kU-sU (d)lumha (d)dunga (d)é-gal-[ki-ba]

u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana _ti_-szu _gid# ud-me_-szu _gin bala_-szu _silim_ [_numun_-szu] x x x te-ret-ti ana [_ud-me_] s,a-a-ti x x [x x] x x _zabar_ x x [...] x x x [x (x)]-ti x _bara_ (ina szi)-pir (d)nin-A-gal ip-tiq-ma x [...] x [x x] x x x É (d)da-gan-ni [...] x x x x x _bara nam-mesz_ ma-lak _an-szar en_ [...] [(x)] x x x rit-ti [...] [...] [...]

AI Translation

For the god Ashur, king of the gods, father who created the Igigu and the Shedu gods, ..., who decrees fates, lord of the lands, ..., who dwells in Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is inside Esharra, great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... ..., the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, ..., Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, Kakka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba,

and the great gods for his life, the lengthening of his days, the lengthening of his reign, the well-being of his seed, ... scribal arts for long days ... bronze ... ... ... ... a dais by the craft of the god Ninagal and ... ... ... the temple of the god Dagan ... a dais of fates, the path of the god Ashur, lord ...


For the god Ashur, king of the gods, the father who engendered the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, ..., the one who decrees fates, lord of the lands, ..., who resides in Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is inside Esharra, the great lord, his lord:

Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world king of Assyria, ..., ..., the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, ..., ..., Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri, Belet-ili, Kaka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the other great gods:

For his life, the lengthening of his days, the securing of his reign, and the well-being of his offspring, ... for eternity ... ... 10 ... bronze ... ... ... dais he cast through the craftsmanship of the god Ninagal and .... ... temple of the god Dagan ... ... the Dais of Destinies, the path of the god Ashur, ... lord, ... ... ... ... ....

Q003999: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] szA# x [...] [...] _kur_-szu [...] [...] _en gal_ [...]

[... é-hur-sag]-gal#-kur-kur-ra szA [...] [...] _ka_-szu _bad_-u a-na _im-u18_-[_lu_ ...] [...] szA# é-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra# [...]

[...] _ka#_ szu-a-ti# x [(x)] s,i(?)# x [...] [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... of ... ... his land ... great lord .

... Ehursaggalkurkurra which ... ... its gate, a fortress, to the east ... of Ehursaggalkurkurra .

... that gate ...


... of/which ... the support of his land ... great lord ...:

At that time, with regard to Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is within Esharra, the sanctuary of the god Ashur — the great lord, my lord — and whose proper orientation fell by the wayside in distant days: Its gate opened toward the south ... of Ehursaggalkurkurra ...

... that gate ... ... ... ...