AICC / Publications / q008

Q008316: royal-inscription other-object

8th century Oracc


ana (d)u-a-ru-ba-a (disz)(d)sar5-du-ri

AI Translation

Sarduri dedicated this to the goddess Urubâ.


For the goddess Uaruba Sarduri dedicated it.

Q008319: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x [x (x)] x x x [...] [... _ka_]-_dingir-ra#-ki sipa gin_ mu-kin isz-di _kur_ sza ina ni#-kil-ti _zu_-ti-szu u#-[...] [... ina] _sza# uru_ s,a-a-te# u-szA-asz-qi _uru_ ki-din-ni sza _mul-al-lul_ ina szA-ma-mi es,-ru-ma _szab_ x [...] [...] x it-ru-ra isz-da-a-szu szu-bat _uru_-szu in-na-as-ha-ma la u-s,ab-bu-u nab-nit#-[sa ...] [... ta(?)-mir(?)]-ti(?)#-szu ku-um _gu4-mesz_ u _us5-udu-hi-a_ im-lu-u _ur-mah-mesz_ ina _gisz-gigir lugal_(?)#-[ti-ia(?) ...]

[...] _zimbir#-ki_ e-szA-a-te u-dan(?)#-[nin(?) ...] [...] _id h_É#-_gal-la_ a-gu-u ez-zi(?)# [e]-du#-u szam-ru# [...] [...] x x x [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... Babylon, the shepherd who firmly established the foundations of the land, who by his steadfast heart ... I made a city worthy of praise. The city, which Cancer had set up in the sky and ... ... ... he sat down and he sat down. The site of his city was destroyed and its features could not be found. ... its plain, instead of oxen and sheep, he slew lions in my royal chariot.

... I strengthened Sippar's sanctuaries ... ... a river of abundance, a fierce flood, a fierce flood, ...


... ... ... of Babylon, true shepherd, who makes the foundations of the land firm, who ... by his clever knowledge ... within the eternal city he elevated. The city of privileged-status, which is depicted as the "Crab" in the heavens and ... ... its foundations were tottering. The abode of his city was torn out and one could not examine its structure ... 5' ... its plains were full of lions instead of oxen and sheep. In my royal chariot ... which with mighty strength, the fierce bow, the merciless arrow ...s, I slew and totally destroyed them. The plains ... ... I cut off from inside it and I made the people happy ....

... in Sippar he/it made chaos increase ... The Arahtu River, normally a river of abundance, turned into an angry wave, a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge ... ... ... ... ...



[...] x x x x [...] x x x x [...] [...] a-na# (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gin gir-nita_-szu-un pa-lih (d)_ag_ u [(d)_amar-utu_ ...] [...]-re#-esz _kur-kur_ sza nap-har da-Ad-me x-ku-nu szu-pi-[...]

[... u]-szal#-bi-in ina _iti_ szal-me it-ti _lu_-x x x [...] [...]-_mesz#_-szu u-mat#-te-ha né-reb-e-szu _gisz-ur-mesz_ [_gisz_]-_eren#_ [...] [...] _gisz-ha#-szur_ u-t,i-ib# né-pe-su _gisz-ig-mesz# gisz-eren#_ [...] [...] _ka-mesz#_-szu _ud-8-kam ud-esz-esz_ ud-da-kam _ib#_ [...] [...] sza# szu-bat ta#-szi-la-a-te u-sze-rib ki-i (d)_utu_ nap-har(?)# [...]

[... pu]-ul#-lu-qu _udu-nita-mesz_ du-usz-szu-u _lu-gala-mesz#_ [...] [...]-lu(?) _i-gisz_ ut-ta-qi-ma x [...] [...] x-ni szi-mat la szA-na-an _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ e-x [...] [... (d)]é#-a _ad_-szu-nu e#-pu-szu ab#-bu-ti# x x x [...] [... man(?)]-da(?)-te# ka-bit-te(?)# mi-nu-te(*?) x x [...] [...] x-la(?)#-tu ina a-mat (d(?))#[...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... for Shamash-shuma-ukin, their governor, the one who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk ... ... ... the lands ... your ... .

In a favorable month, I brought out his ...s and made them enter his gates. I cut down beams of cedar ... ... and juniper. I installed doors of cedar ... in its gates. On the eighth day, the esheshu-festival, the eponymy of ..., I made all of the ... enter into the palatial halls. Like the god Shamash, I made all of the ... enter into the halls.

... I slaughtered mighty sheep. The magnates ... I poured out oil and ... ... the unrivalled destiny of the great gods ... ... the god Ea, their father, did ... ... ... substantial tribute, ... ... by the command of the god ... .


... ... ... ... ... for Shamash-shuma-ukin, their governor, who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk ... ... of the lands who established all settlements ... ....

... I had bricks made. In a favorable month with the ... .... I transported its ...s and I installed long beams of cedar at its entrances. As for its ..., I made its workmanship pleasing with ... and cyprus. I ... its cedar doors. ... its gates, on the eighth day, a festival day, all day long .... I made ... enter the ... of the splendid abode. Like the god Shamash, I illuminated the entire ....

... were slaughtered and sheep were abundant. Lamentation-priests .... I poured out libations of oil and ... ... a fate without equal, the great gods ... ... for whom the god Ea, their father, interceded ... ... substantial tribute, the amount of which was countless ... ... by the command of the god ...

Q008320: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur an-szar-ki man_] kib#-rat _limmu_-tim [E lib-bi (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man kur an-szar-ki gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki man kur eme-gi7_] U(?) _uri#-ki_ [_sza-bal-bal_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su man_ kisz-szA-ti _man kur an_]-_szar-ki_

[_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukkin_-szu-nu szi-mat _sig5_-tim i-szim-mu] szim#-ti [uz-nu ra-pa-Asz-tum isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u-szA-hi-zu ka]-ra#-szi [e-li _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki zi-kir _mu_-ia u-szar-ri]-hu#

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria:

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and granted me a broad mind. They made all of the scribal arts shine like daylight. They made the mention of my name shine over the kings who sit on royal daises.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria —

The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot and they granted me a broad mind and allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts. They glorified the mention of my name and made my lordship greater than those of all other kings who sit on royal daises.

Obverse Column ii


a-mat (d)30 szA(?) ul(?)#-[tu u4-me ru-qu-ti iq-bu-u e-nen-na u-kal-lim _un-mesz_ ar-ku-u-ti] É (d)30 sza# (disz)(d)#[sAl-ma-nu-_masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_ibila lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu] la-ba-risz u#-[szA-lik-ma u-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a]

ina a-mat (d)30 (d)nusku# [an-hu-us-su ad-ke e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u-rap-pisz] ul-tu _usz8_(?)#-[szu a-di gaba-dib-bé-e-szu ar-s,ip u-szak-lil] é-me#-[lAm-an-na É (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia la e-pu-szu ab-na-a qé-reb-szu] _gisz_-[_ur-mesz gisz-eren mah-mesz_ u-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu-un (...)]

AI Translation

The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He had the temple of the god Sîn, which Shalmaneser I, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had previously built, rebuilt it anew and entrusted its care to me.

By the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku, I removed its dilapidated sections and made its site larger than the one in the days of the past. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I built Emelamanna, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past who came before me had built. I roofed them the temple with long beams of cedar .


The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation. He allowed the temple of the god Sîn — which Shalmaneser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built — to become old and he entrusted its renovation to me.

I removed its dilapidated sections by the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past who had come before me had built. I roofed them with long beams of cedar.

Obverse Column iii


it-ti# [_mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu la i-szak-ka-nu] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [szA _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu] _mu_-szu _numun_-szu# [ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu]

a-na tur-ri tuk-te-e [...] ina u4-me-szu (d)_uru_-_inim#_-[sa ...] da-na-an _dingir-mesz gal#_-[_mesz_ ...] (d)_inanna_ a-ga-de#-[_ki_ ...] (d)na-na-a [...] (d)a-nu-[ni-tum ...]

AI Translation

May the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

At that time, the goddess Uru-nimsa ... the might of the great gods ... the goddess Ishtar of Agade ... the goddess Nanaya ... the goddess Anunitu .


As for the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, makes it disappear by some crafty device, or does not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

In order to exact revenge .... At that time, the goddess Ushur-amassa ... the might of the great gods ... the goddess Ishtar of Akkad, ..., the goddess Nanaya, ..., the goddess Anunitu, ...

Obverse Column iv


[...] x x x x [x] x [x] [...] esz#-re-e-ti-szu szA-lal# _un-mesz_-szu [... il-li]-ku u-szi-bu qé-reb# _kur_-e-lam-te [...] x ir-szA-a sa-li#-mu [...] ir#-szA-a ta-a-a-ar-tu

[...] e-mu-u _gisz-tir_-ma(?)# [...] x ik-szi-it,-ma [...] x u-kin _bara-mesz_-szu# [...] x u _dingir-mesz#_ ma-la it-ti-szA(?)# [... u-szar]-me _bara#_ da-ra-a-ti#

[... il]-li(?)-ku# u-szi-bu qé-reb _kur#-elam_ sza _mu_-[...] [...] x il-bi-ru ih-ze-szu _dingir-mesz_ an-nu#-[ti ...] [... (d)]a#-nu-ni-tum [...] (d)15#-_mesz_-szu(?)-nu(?) Asz(?)-lu(?)-la(?) ana# _kur_ asz-szur [...] x x bi-ri#-szu [...] x-tim

AI Translation

... ... ... his shrines, the well-being of his people, ... they went and settled in the land Elam ... he became frightened, ... he became frightened, ... he became frightened, ... he became frightened,

... he surrounded the city with a forest and ... he erected ... and ... he erected its daises. ... and the gods, as many as were with her, ... he made the eternal daises shine forth.

... who went and settled in the land Elam, which ... ... had crossed over and revolted against him. These gods ... the goddess Anunitu ... their goddesses I carried off to Assyria ... ... his ... .


... ... ... his shrines and to plunder his people ... the goddess Nanaya who went to live in the land Elam, ... relented ... made the return trip.

... became a forest and ... cut down and ... established his daises ... and gods, as many as there were with her, ... made them dwell on their eternal daises.

..., who went to live in the land Elam, which ... whose mountings had become old, those gods ..., the goddess Anunitu, ... their goddesses I carried off to Assyria. iv 15' ... ... between it ... ...

Q008321: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[2 _gisz_-tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha]-le-e eb#-[bi sza 2 _lim 5 me gun ki-la_-szu-nu man-za-az _ka_ É-_kur_] [ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu-nu] as-suh#-[ma al-qa-a a-na _kur an-szar-ki_]

[i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia ...] x x [... _un_]-_mesz murub4_ tam-tim A(?)# [...] [...] x ep-sze-ti# [x x] x an-na-a-ti e#-[...] [...] ma#-lak _iti 20_ u4-me ina _murub4#_ [tam]-tim# u na-ba-li mi-is,-ru# [e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u-rad-di-ma a-bel]

[ina qi-bit] _an-szar_ (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ (d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)15 szA _limmu_-_dingir-ki_ (d)_masz_ (d)#[...] [...] x x (d)na-na-a _dumu-munus_ ka-bit-tu na-ram-ti-szu-nu iz-ku-[ru ...] [ak-kis _sag-du_] (disz)te-um#-man _lugal kur_-e-lam-ti mul-tar-hu szA a-na (d(?))#[...] [... ina] la# mi-ni a-duk qu-ra-di-szu ina qa-ti bal-t,u#-[u-ti u-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu] [szal-ma-a-ti-szu]-nu ki-ma# _gisz-dih_ u _gisz-kiszi16_ u-mal#-[la-a ta-mir-ti _uru_-szu-szA-an] [...] in-nab-ta# is,-ba-ta _gir-ii_-ia# [...]

AI Translation

I tore down two magnificent palatial halls, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which were set up at the gate of the temple, from their ruins and took them to Assyria.

On my return march, ... ... the people of the middle of the sea ... the deeds ... these ... ... I added a month and twenty days in the middle of the sea and the flatlands to the territory of the kings, my ancestors, and ruled it.

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, a rebel who ... to the god ... ... iii 20' I killed his warriors without number. I captured his warriors alive. I filled the plain of the city Susa like a fig tree and a cypress tree. ... he fled and grasped my feet .


two tall obelisks cast with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 2,500 talents and which stood at a temple gate, I ripped them from where they were erected and took them to Assyria.

On my return march, ... the people from the midst of the sea ... deeds ... these .... At a distance of one month and twenty days journey into the midst of the sea and on dry land, I added territory to that of the kings, my ancestors, and ruled it.

By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, ... whom ... the goddess Nanaya, the honored daughter, their beloved, had nominated ..., I cut off the head of Teumman, the presumptuous king of the land Elam, who to the goddess ... I slew his warriors without number. I captured his fighting men alive. 10' I filled the plain of the city Susa with their bodies like baltu-plants and ashagu-plants ... fled to me and grasped my feet ...

Q008322: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(disz)um-man-i-gasz sza in-nab-ta is,]-ba-ta _gir#_-[_ii_-ia] [ina _gisz-gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man] u-sze-szib [(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_ (disz)um-man]-i#-gasz szal-szA-a-a [ina _uru_-hi-da-lu Asz]-kun#-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti#

[...] a-na# _unug-ki#_ [...] x-szu-ma

[...] x-bi(?)-ti(?)# [...] x-ma(?)# [...] x x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled to me and grasped my feet, on the throne of Teumman. I installed Tammaritu, the third brother of Ummanigash, as king in the city Hidalu.

... to Uruk ... ... and


I placed Ummanigash Humban-nikas II, who had fled to me and had grasped my feet, on the throne of Teumman. As for Tammaritu, the third brother of Ummanigash, I installed him as king in the city Hidalu.

... to Uruk ... him and

No translation possible

Obverse Column ii


[lib-bu rap-szu la ka]-s,ir ik-ki# [szA-ni-a-nu] ad#-ke _erim-hi_-(A)-ia [s,e-er (disz)um-man-al]-dasz aq-ba-a a-la-ku [at,-ru-ud (disz)um]-man-al#-dasz _man kur-elam-ma-ki_ [la-pa-an] _gisz-tukul-mesz_(?)#-ia in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu e-li

(disz)um-ba-_lagab_-u-a szA mé-eh-ret# (disz)um-man-al-dasz Asz-bu ina _gisz-gu-za kur-elam-ma-ki_ ki-ma szA-a-szu-ma isz-me-e-ma _uru_-bu-bi-lu _uru_ mu#-szab _en_-ti#-szu u-masz-szir-ma ki-ma _ku6-hi-a_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-ti

(disz)tam-ma-ri-tu szA is,-ba-tu _gir-ii_-ia# qé-reb _uru_-szu-szA#-an Asz-kun#-szu a-na _lugal_-u-ti

_munus-sig5_ e-pu-szu-usz im-szi-ma isz#-ta-né-'a-a _munus-hul_ a-na ka-szad _erim-hi-a_-ia _an-szar_ (d)15 (d)na-na-a [szA] _a#-ii_-a-a il#-li-ku [u-szA-zi-zu-in-ni s,e-er] ga(?)-re-ia#

AI Translation

I ordered my troops to march against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III. I came and captured Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, without my weapons and he fled alone to his own land.

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he heard about the advance of my army like him and abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and took to the depths of far away waters like fish.

I installed Tammaritu, who had grasped my feet, as king in the city Susa.

The gods Ashur, Ishtar, and Nanaya, who march at my side, encouraged me and entrusted me with the advance of my troops.


I, Ashurbanipal, the magnanimous and forbearing one, mustered my troops for a second time and gave the command to march against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III. I drove away Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, and he fled from my weapons and took to the mountains lit. "ascended his mountain".

As for Umba-LAGABua, who sat on the throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldashu, he, like him Ummanaldashu heard about the advance of my army and abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and, like fish, he took to the depths of far away waters.

As for Tammaritu, who had grasped my feet, I installed him as king inside the city Susa.

He forgot the kindness that I had done for him and constantly sought out evil ways to conquer my troops. ii' 15' The deities Ashur, Ishtar, and Nanaya, who marched at my side and allowed me to stand over my foes,

Reverse Column i


ta#-as-bu-szu-[ma] tal-li-ku# tu-szi-bu qé-reb _kur-elam-ma#-ki_ ta-a-a-rat _dingir_-ti-szA tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a

a-mat _dingir_-ti-szA sza ul-tu u4-me _su-mesz_ taq-bu-u e-nen-na tu-kal-li-ma _un-mesz egir-mesz szu-ii_ (d)na-na-a (d)_uru_-_inim_-sa (d)_unug-ki_-a-a-i-tu at-mu-uh-ma

AI Translation

I surrounded and conquered the land Elam and made the rejoicing of her divinity surpass my previous position.

The word of her divinity, which she had spoken in distant days, she now revealed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hands of the goddesses Nanaya, Urukayitu, and


As for the goddess Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went to live in the land Elam, she entrusted me with the return of her divinity.

Her divine words that she had spoken in distant days, she now disclosed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hands of the goddesses Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, and Urkayitu, and ...

Reverse Column ii


[...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation


No translation possible

Q008323: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x x [...] [...]-u Asz-ku-na tah-ta#-[szu-un ...] [...] _uru#_-szu-szA-an u-szah-rib# [...] [... (d)na-na-a (d)_uru_-_inim_-sa (d)]ar#-ka-a-a-i-tu szA ul#-[tu ...] [... u-sze]-ri#-ba é-an-na ina [...] [... mu-szam-qi(?)]-ta#-at _lu-kur-mesz_-ia [...] [...] x x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... I placed their trust in them ... I made the city Susa resplendent ... I brought out the deities Nanaya, Nabû-amassa, and Arkaitu, who from ... had brought into Eanna, in ... who defeated my enemies ... ... .


... ... ... I brought about their defeat ... I devastated the city Susa ... the goddesses Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, and Arkayitu Urkayitu, who from ... 5' ... I made them enter Eanna in ... who cuts down my enemies ... ... ...

Q008324: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Reverse Column i


(d)na#-[na-a] (d)u-s,ur-a#-[mat-sa] (d)_unug-ki_-a-a#-[i-tu] a-na be-lut# [_kur_] U [_un-mesz_] i-nam#-[bu-u _mu_-szu]

AI Translation

The gods Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, and Urukiyatu will name him for ruling over the land and people.


whom the goddesses Nanaya, Ushur-amassa, and Urkayitu nominate for ruling over the land and people,

Reverse Column ii


[(sza(?) ina(?) _ugu_(?)) _mu-sar_(?)]-e [sza(?)] _unug#-ki_

AI Translation

which is written upon the tablet of Uruk.


That which is written upon the inscribed objects of Uruk.

Q008325: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)]_an#-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal#_ [...] [...] _lugal# kur_ szu-me-ri [u _uri-ki_ ...] [...] x _ki_ x (x) [...]

AI Translation

... Ashurbanipal, king of ..., king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, ... ... .


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, ..., king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, ... ... ...

Q008326: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x [...] x-u-a [... _mu-sag_]-_nam#-lugal-la_ [... qé]-reb# _kur_ kasz-szi-i [...] x isz-ta-ni mi-lik-szu-un [...]-u# _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [... la] ik#-nu-szu a-na ni-ri-ia [...] x _da gar_(?)-_mesz_ i-tab-ba-ku [...] x i-te-ep-pu-szu i-dab-bu-ub ze-rat

[_kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_]-_du_-_ibila lugal_ dan-nu _lugal kur_ asz-szur-_ki_ [...] _sig5 u gal u mu_ e-mid/pap re-szi-ia [...] sza ih#-mu-t,u da-ba-bi ki-i-nu [... a-na] _uru#_-qir-bi-ti Asz-pur-szu-ma [... har-ra-na(?) u-szA]-as,#-bit-su [...] x Asz#-pur-ma [...]-su(?)#-un

AI Translation

... my ... ... kingship ... in the land Kashû ... ... their counsel ... the king of Assyria ... who had not bowed down to my yoke ... ... they sat down ... they did ... they did ... they spoke ... they were angry.

I, Ashurbanipal, strong king, king of Assyria, ..., ..., ..., who had imposed my yoke, ... who had sinned against truthful words, ... I sent him to the city Qirbit and ... I took him on a road ... I sent and ... their .


... my ... the beginning of my reign ... inside the land of the Kassites 5' ... their counsel changed ..., the king of Assyria, ..., who had not bowed down to my yoke, ... pours out ...s ... constantly did ... he was uttering hostilities towards Assyria.

I, Ashurbanipal, strong king, king of Assyria, ... ... ..., who was quick with reliable words, ... I sent him to the city Qirbit and ... I made him take the road. 15' ... I sent and ... them.



[...] x [...] x-ra-nisz [...] x _u#_ x u#-sze-rib-ma [...]-ta#-din is,-ba-tu# ik-szu-du-ma [...] x-nu i-na-ru i-na _gisz-tukul-mesz_ [...] x-nu u-szal/sal-lih-ma [...] x a-li-ki pa-ni-szu-un [...]-ma a-na la ba-ri-i-szu(?)# [... ina _gisz_-ga-szi-szi] i-lu-ul-ma _uru_ u-szal-mi# [...] x a-na qé-reb ni-nu-a-_ki_ [...] x _ki#_ x _gal_-a ha-disz i-ri-szA

[...]-ru(?)-bu _lugal_-u-ti [...] mu#-szam-qi-tu ga-re-szu [...] x-_mesz_ ru#-qu-ti [...] x _tin_ lisz-bi [...] x-ri-szu

[...] _mu_(?)#-_an_-_na_ [...] x-ga-a [...]-ti(?)#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... he brought in and ... he gave. He captured and captured ... and ... he slew with the sword ... he made them flee and ... their faces ... and ... to no where he had gone ... he slew with a chariot and surrounded the city ... he joyfully departed to Nineveh ... ... great .

... kingship ... who makes his enemies bow down ... distant ... may he ... ... his .

... year ...


... ... ... ... ... ... he made his troops enter and ... ... they seized and conquered, and rev. 5 ... ... they killed with the sword ... ... and ... their leader ... and, in order not to see him, ... he hung ... on poles and surrounded the city with them rev. 10 ... to Nineveh ... ... he gleefully rejoiced.

... ... kingship ..., who cuts down his foes, ... distant ...s rev. 15 ... may he be fully satisfied with his life ... ...

No translation possible

Q008327: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x _an i bi_ x [...] [... (disz)asz-szur-_du_]-_a# man kur_ asz-szur mut-nen#-[nu-u ...] [...] _dingir_(?)-ti-ki ut-tu-ma x [...] [... _lugal_]-_mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-szu x [...] [...] x (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man kur#_ [asz-szur ...] [... (disz)(d)30]-_pap_(?)#-_mesz_-_su_(?)# [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, pious ... your divinity ... kings, his fathers, ... Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, ... Sennacherib, ... .


... ... ... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the pious one, ... your divine ... chose and ... the kings, his ancestors, ...; 5' ... son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, ...; grandson of Sennacherib, ...

Q008328: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [... szat(?)]-ti(?)#-szam(?)-ma [...] x a-ki-i [... (disz)]ur-ta(*)-gi _lugal_ [...] x _ha ra za an nu_ [...] x ina _gir-ii_-szu it-ta-suk [... (disz)um]-man#-ni-ga-Asz _szesz_-szu i-na [...] x _ig tur_(?)# x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... as ... Urtaggi, king ... ... ... ... he sat at his feet. ... Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, his brother, in ... ... .


... yearly ... as ... Urtaku, the king 5' ... ... ... he threw down ... at his feet ... Ummanigash, his brother, in ... ...

Q008329: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_amar-utu lugal szar_ (d)i-gi-gi u (d)a-nun-na-ki ba-ni _an_-e u _ki_-tim mu-kin gisz-hur-ru a-szi-ib é-sag-il2 _en ka-dingir-ra-ki en gal_-i be-li-ia

a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ mu-sze-szib _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ e-pisz é-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi szA i-na qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-ti U sat-tuk-ki-szi-na bat,-lu-tu u-ki-nu par-s,e ki-du-de-e ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma u-te-ru Asz-ru-usz-szu-un

ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma ina é-sag-il2 szA da-ra-a-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 _u dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-ki-in ki-din-nu-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid U i-na _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nu-un-ma

ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir é-umusz-a ina u4-me-szu-ma im-gur-(d)_en-lil bad ka-dingir-ra-ki_ né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-u-szu sza la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu in-na-ab-tu Asz-szu ma-as,-s,ar-ti é-sag-il2 U esz-re-e-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ du-un-nu-nu ina e-muq um-ma-na-a-ti-ia sur-risz né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-u-szu ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma _ka-gal-mesz_-szu u-rak-kis _gisz-ig-mesz_ u-sze-pisz-ma u-rat-ta-a ina _ka-mesz_-szu

_nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina _bala_-e-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu um-ma-ni en-qu-tu szi-ta-'a-al im-gur-(d)_en-lil bad_ né-met-(d)_en-lil_ szal-hu-u ki-ma si-ma-ti-szu-nu la-bi-ra-a-ti e-pu-usz _mu-sar_-u-a a-mur-ma _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-ka szu-kun

ik-ri-bi-ka (d)_amar-utu_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi szat,-ru u _mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-ab-bat _mu-sar_-u-a it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_amar-utu lugal_ gi-im-ri ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, king of the world, king of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, creator of heaven and netherworld, who establishes plans, who dwells in Esagil, lord of Babylon, great lord, my lord:

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all cult centers, who established proper procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals as before, and restored their sanctuaries as before.

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in Esagil for ever. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like daylight.

At that time, with regard to Imgur-Enlil, the wall of Babylon, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, which had become old and buckled and collapsed, I had the protection of Esagil and the sanctuaries of Babylon strengthened with the strength of my labor forces. I had Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew with the craft of the god Kulla and I enlarged its gates. I had doors made and installed them in its gates.

The former prince, during whose reign this work fell into disrepair, inspected the enquiring troops. He built Imgur-Enlil, the wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, the outer wall, according to their ancient specifications. He saw my royal inscription, made an offering, and placed it with your royal inscription.

May the god Marduk hear of the granting of my inscription and the inscription of my favorable name through extispicy. May he not make my royal inscription stand with his royal inscription. May the god Marduk, king of all, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


For the god Marduk, king of all the Igigu gods and Anunnaku gods, creator of heaven and netherworld, who establishes archetypes and dwells in Esagil, lord of Babylon, great lord, my lord:

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in Esagil forevermore. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament.

At that time, with regard to Imgur-Enlil, the city wall of Babylon, and Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, which had become old and buckled and collapsed, in order to increase the security of Esagil and the other sanctuaries of Babylon, with the strength of my labor forces I had Nemetti-Enlil, its outer wall, built quickly anew with the craft of the god Kulla and I refitted its gates. I had new doors made and fixed them in its gateways.

O you future ruler, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, question skilled craftsmen! Rebuild Imgur-Enlil, the city wall, and Nemetti-Enlil, the outer wall, according to their ancient specifications! Look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with your own royal inscription! The god Marduk will then listen to your prayers.

But as for the one who destroys my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or does not place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription, may the god Marduk, king of everything, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008330: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu

_lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ szA ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu u-szi-bu ina qé-reb bal-til-_ki_ ina u4-me _bala_-ia ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur# Asz#-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qi-di U szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA# za-ru-u-a la u#-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak#-lil

ina u4-me-szu-ma# di-'-a-ni u _bara-mesz_ szA# si-hir#-ti é-sag-il2# ki-i si#-ma-a-ti-szu-nu la-bi-ra-a-ti

ina Asz-ri-szu-nu lu-u ad-di a-na szat-ti# (d)_amar-utu en gal_ ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti# ha-di-isz _igi-bar_-ma _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu u_ hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti U szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri

ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi ina Asz-ri-szu lisz-kun

ik-ri-bi-i-szu (d)_amar-utu_ i-szem-me [szA] szu-mi szat,-ru i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na _kur-kur_ li#-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

In my first regnal year, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I re-erected the daises and daises of the entire circumference of Esagil according to their ancient specifications.

On account of this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune.

If at any time in the future, during the days of a future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler restore its weakened portions. May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription.

May the god Marduk hear of the piousness of the one who erases my inscribed name and destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position. May the great lord, the god Marduk, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, 5 governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had created him, 10 entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re–established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, 15 to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I re-erected the platforms and daises of all of Esagil in their original positions according to their ancient specifications.

On account of this, may the god Marduk, the great lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state! May he write my name with his own name! May he look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and set my royal inscription back in its place! The god Marduk will then hearken to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the great lord, the god Marduk, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008331: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-ba-a-ni-_ibila lugal gal#_ [_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar_] _lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-ra-a-ti# [_limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an] _nun_ la szA-na-an szA ul-tu# [tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma] szap-liti i-be-lu-ma gi-mir# [ma-li-ki u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu] _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal#_ [(_lugal_ dan-nu) (_lugal szar_) (_lugal kur_ asz-szur)] _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki dumu_ [_dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal_ dan-nu]

_lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-[ma szi-pir é-sag-il2] szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-[qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil] sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 [u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin] ki-din#-nu-ut _ka#_-[_dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu] [a]-na# _sig_ [la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_]

_mu-sar#_-[u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru] (d)é-a _lugal_ ap#-[si-i ina ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _munus-hul_-szu lit-tas-qar] _mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na [_kur-kur_ li-hal-liq]

AI Translation

Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, prince who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

I, Shamash-shuma-ukin, the king of Babylon, completed the work on Esagil that my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, the king of Babylon, to the position of strong king in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

May the god Ea, king of the Apsu, destroy his evil deeds in the presence of the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, and destroy his name and his seed from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; 5 son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamas-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

But as for the one who ... destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the god Ea, king of the Watery Abyss apsû, speak evil of him before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008332: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-ki-in ki-din-nu-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-(_mu_)-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-tUr-kalam-ma É (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_ (d)_gaszan_ s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia lit-tas-qar da-mi-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti [it]-ti _an_-e _u ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u-a [U szA (disz)(d)]_gisz-nu11#_-(_mu_)-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki_ [_szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu] li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu

[sza szu-mi szat,-ru u _mu_ ta]-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar#_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)_inanna tin-tir-ki_ ina ma-har# (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _munus-hul_-szu lit-tas-qar _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and ruled all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I built Eturkalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Babylon.

May the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience old age.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Babylon inflict upon him a terrible curse before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, make his name and his seed disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; 5 son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. 10 I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I had Eturkalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, rebuilt anew.

May the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she say good things about me daily before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu! May she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience the fullness of old age!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ishtar of Babylon speak evil of him before the god Bel and the goddess Beltiya and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008333: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita ka-dingir-ra-ki lugal kur eme-gi7 u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_pap-mesz_-_su lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

szi-pir é-sag-il2 szA _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-di-nu-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-mah É (d)_nin-mah_ szA qé-reb _ka-dingir-ra-ki_

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz a-na szat-ti (d)_nin-mah gaszan_ s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia lit-tas-qar da-mi-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u-a U szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu

sza szu-mi szat,-ru _u mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru (d)_nin-mah_ ina ma-har (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _munus-hul_-szu lit-tas-qar _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted to him all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I rebuilt Emah, the temple of the goddess Ninmah that is inside Babylon.

On account of this, may the goddess Ninmah, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience old age.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ninmah, before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu, make his evil deeds disappear, and may she make his name and his seed disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; 5 son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

I completed the work on Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. 10 I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time, I had Emah, the temple of the goddess Ninmah or Belet-ili that is inside Babylon, rebuilt anew.

On account of this, may the goddess Ninmah, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and say good things about me daily before the god Bel Marduk and the goddess Beltiya Zarpanitu! May she determine as my fate a long life and make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he experience the fullness of old age!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, may the goddess Ninmah speak evil of him before the god Bel and the goddess Beltiya and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008334: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _man_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-me nun_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ u (d)_amar-utu_ ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu za-nin é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ szA ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir _si-gar_-szu u szA esz-re-e-te ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u-kin an-dul-lu szA ep-sze-tu-szu _ugu_ kal _dingir-mesz dug-ga_ e-li

a-na-ku-ma _en_ [_gal_] (d)_amar-utu_ szA ina _bala#_-[e] _lugal_ mah-[ri] ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-[i-szu] u-szi-bu ina qé-[reb] bal-til-_ki_ ina u4-[me] _bala_-ia ina ri-szA-ti# a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki# é-sag#-il2 u _dingir-mesz# ka-dingir_ u-kin ki#-din-nu-ut _tin-tir-ki#_ ak-s,ur# Asz-szu dan#-nu a-na _sig_ la ha#-ba-lu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11#_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta#-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu# _tin-tir#-ki_ ap#-qid u szi-pir é-sag#-il2 szA# za-ru-u-a la u-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u-szak-lil _gisz-ur-mesz_

[ina] qé#-reb-szu ina u4#-me-szu-ma é-kar-za-gin-na É# (d)é#-[a] szA qé-reb é-sag-il2 esz-szisz

u#-sze-pisz (d)#é-a _lugal zu-ab_ szi-pir# szu#-a-ti# [ha]-disz# _igi-bar_-ma ia-a-ti (disz)_an#_-[_szar_]-_du#_-_a man kur_ asz-szur# [_nun_] pa-lih-szu a-mat _munus-sig5_-ia lisz-szA-kin# szap-tusz-szu# _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu# t,u-ub _uzu#_ u hu-ud# lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz gisz-gu-za#_ [_lugal_-u]-ti#-ia ki-ma _kur_-i li#-[szar-szid] it#-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim# lu#-kin _bala_-u#-a u szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-[_gi_]-_na# lugal tin-tir#-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu

li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri# ma-ti#-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun#_ ar-ku-u szA ina# [u4]-me _bala_-szu# szi#-pir szu#-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su# lu-ud#-disz s,a-lam _lugal#_-u-ti-ia li-mur#-ma [_i-gisz_ lip]-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti s,a-lam-i#-szu lisz#-kun ik-ri-bi-szu#

(d)#é-a i-szem-me# szA szu-mi# szat,-ru# i-pa#-[Asz]-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal#_-u-ti-ia# [i-ab-ba]-tu# lu#-u a#-szar-szu [u]-na-kar#-[(u)]-ma# [it]-ti# s,a-[lam-szu] la i-szak-[kan] (d)é-a _en_ s,i-i-ru ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _gisz-gu-za lugal_-ti-szu li-szA-bal-kit-ma li-t,i-ir be-lut-su _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted him with the administration of all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts and sanctuaries are made to look like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament, who made all of their debts complete, I imposed upon all cult centers and imposed upon all cult centers an adullu whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods.

I, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him — at that time, during my reign, he entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished.

At that time, I rebuilt Ekarzagina, the temple of the god Ea that is inside Esagil.

May the god Ea, king of the apsû, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain. May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, his days are long.

In the future, may a later prince, when this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his inscribed object.

May the god Ea hear of the plight of those who erase my inscribed name and destroy my royal statue. May they not change his position and not place him with his own statue. May the god Ea, the exalted lord, glare at him angrily and overthrow his royal throne. May he make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk rules from the Upper Sea 10 to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods — whose doorbolt I made glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament —, who repaired the damaged parts of all their sanctuaries, who established my protection over all cult centers, whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and 20 whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according 30 to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king 40 had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who created him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re–established the privileged status of Babylon and 50 in order that the strong might not harm the weak, I appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. I completed the work on Esagil which my father had not finished. I roofed it with long beams of cedar and cypress, the produce of 60 Mount Amanus and Mount Lebanon. I had doors made of boxwood, musukkannu-wood, juniper, and cedar and I fixed them in its gates. I had vessels made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and precious stones and I placed them inside it.

At that time, I had Ekarzagina, the shrine of the god Ea that is inside Esagil, rebuilt anew.

May the god Ea, king of the Watery Abyss apsû, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ruler who reveres him — be set 70 upon his lips! May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain! May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state! May he look at my royal image, 80 anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my image with his own image! The god Ea will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal statue, or changes its position and does not place it with his own image, may the god Ea, 90 exalted lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow his royal rule, and take away his sovereignty. May he Ea make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him!

Q008335: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur_ asz-szur ana _tin zi-me_-szu a-gur-ri é-sag-gil u é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, for the preservation of his life had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, in order to ensure his good health 5 had baked bricks made anew for Esagil and Etemenanki.

Q008336: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur asz a_ (disz)asz-szur-_pap_-_asz man szu man kur asz man ka-disz-ki_ a-gur-ri é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u-sze-pisz

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, 5 king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q008338: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)#_amar-utu umun_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man szu man kur#_ asz-szur a-gur-ri é-temen-an-ki a-na# _tin_-szu esz#-szisz u#-szal-bi-in

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki for his life.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, for the sake of his life had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q008339: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana] (d)_amar-utu umun_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-[_du_-A] A (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz man szu_ [_man kur asz_] a-gur-ri é-temen-an#-[ki] esz-szisz u-[sze-pisz]

AI Translation

For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.


For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world and king of Assyria had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki.

Q008340: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)asar-ri umun gal lugal-a-ni-ir (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A lugal imin lugal ma-da asz-szur-_ki_ dumu (disz)_an-szar_-_pap_-_asz_ lugal imin lugal ma-da asz-szur-_ki_ lugal _tin-tir-ki_ nam-ti-la-bi-sze é-temen-an-ki esz-szisz mu-na-dim

AI Translation

For the god Asari, great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, had Etemenanki rebuilt anew for his life.


For the god Asari, great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of Babylon, for the sake of his life had Etemenanki constructed anew.

Q008341: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[szi]-pir(?) szu-a#-ti in-na#-[hu ...] en-qu-u-tu szi-ta-al# [...] É (d)15# ki-i si-ma#-[ti-szu(?) la-bi-ra-a-ti e-pu-usz (...) ik-ri-bi-ka (d)_inanna_ (a-ga-de-_ki_)] i-szem#-me _mu-sar_-u(?)#-[a a-mur-ma _i-gisz_ pu-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi]

it-ti _mu-sar#_-e-ka szu#-[kun szA szu-mi szat,-ru ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u szu-mi] it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru# [_mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu] la i-szak-ka-nu qi(?)-bit(?)# x [...] (d)_inanna_ a-ga-de#-_ki_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... I built the temple of the goddess Ishtar according to its ancient specifications. ... The goddess Ishtar of Agade will listen to your prayers. Look at my royal inscription, make an offering, and place my royal inscription in it.

Whoever erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, does not write my name with his name, destroys my royal inscription, does not place it with his royal inscription, ... ... the goddess Ishtar of Agade .


this work falls into disrepair ..., question skilled craftsmen! ... Rebuild ..., the temple of the goddess Ishtar according to its ancient specifications! ... The goddess Ishtar of Agade will then listen to your prayers. Look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and set my royal inscription with your own royal inscription!

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, or does not write my name with his name, or destroys my royal inscription, or does not set my royal inscription with his own royal inscription ... ... the goddess Ishtar of Agade will ....

Q008343: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na-ku _an#-szar_-_du_-_a man# gal man_ dan-nu _man szu man kur_ asz-szur _man#_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun#_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _an-szar_ (d)_utu# u#_ (d)_amar-utu_ ul-tu tam-tim e-liti# a#-di [(x)] tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma# gi#-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu# [za]-nin# é-sag-il2 É-_gal dingir-mesz_ [szA ki]-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u-nam-mir _si-gar#_-szu U szA esz-re-e-ti ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u-kin an-dul-lu4 szA ep-sze-e-tu-[szu]

_man szu man kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu#_ szA ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu u-szi-bu ina qé-reb bal#-til-_ki_ ina u4-me _bala_-e-a ina ri-szA-a-[ti] a#-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki# é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-ti _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-lim a-na _lugal_-u-ti _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qid

ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gar8_ é-zi-da szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-ni-szu# tem-me-en-szu ina _bala_-e-a an-hu-us-su# lu-disz-ma u-za-aq-qi-ir hur-sa-nisz#

a-na szat-ti (d)na-bi-um _en_ s,i-ru ep-sze-te-ia _munus-sig5-mesz_ ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma# ia-a-ti (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a nun_ pa-lih-szu a-mat da-mi-iq-ti-ia lisz-szA-kin szap-tusz-szu _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz gisz-gu-za lugal_-u-ti-ia ki-ma _kur_-i li-szar-szid it-ti _an#_-e u _ki_-tim lu-kin _bala_-u-a _u#_ szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_ [_lugal_] _tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu [li]-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri

[ma]-ti-ma# ina ah-rat u4-me _nun egir_-u# szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi#-pir szu-a-ti in#-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu#-ud-disz s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz# _udu-siskur bal_-qi it#-ti s,a-lam-i#-szu li-isz#-kun(*) ik-ri-bi#-i-szu (d)_ag#_ i-szem-me

szA szu-mi# szat,-ru i-pa#-Asz-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal#_-ti-ia i-ab-ba#-tu lu#-u a-szar#-szu u-nak#-ka-ru-ma it-ti# s,a-lam-szu la i-szak#-kan (d)na-bi#-um _en_ szur#-bu-u ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me#-szu-ma _gisz-gu-za lugal#_-ti-szu li-szA#-bal-kit-ma li-t,ir be-lut-su _mu#_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li#-hal-liq-ma a#-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted him with the administration of all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts are made to look like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament and who has cleared away their debts from all sanctuaries, I imposed upon all cult centers the protection of his deeds.

In my first regnal year, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who had engendered him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

At that time the wall of Ezida, which had become old and whose foundation had become weak, during my reign I rebuilt its dilapidated sections and raised them as high as mountains.

On account of this, may the god Nabû, the exalted lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, the prince who reveres him — be set upon his lips. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain. May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune.

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of a future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state. May he find an inscribed object bearing my royal image, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his inscribed object. The god Nabû will then hear his prayers.

As for the one who erases my inscribed name or changes the position of my royal statue, or changes its position and does not place it with his own royal statue, may the god Nabû, the exalted lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow his royal throne, overthrow his sovereignty, destroy his name and his seed from the lands, and have no pity on him.


I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, 5 and Marduk rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers, who provides for Esagil, the palace of the gods — whose doorbolt I made glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament — who repaired the damaged parts 10 of all their sanctuaries, who established my protection over all cult centers, the one whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; son of Esarhaddon, 15 king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and 20 reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings, who restored the rites and rituals according to the old pattern; grandson of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king 25 had resided in Baltil Ashur in the presence of the father who created him, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re–established the privileged status of Babylon and 30 in order that the strong might not harm the weak I appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon.

At that time, with regard to the enclosure wall of Ezida "True House" which had become old and whose foundation had become weak, during my reign I renovated its dilapidated sections and made it high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Nabû, the exalted lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and 40 may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, ruler who reveres him — be set upon his lips! May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain! 45 May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler repair its dilapidated state! May he look at 55 my royal image, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my image with his own image! The god Nabû will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name, or destroys my royal statue, or changes its position and 70 does not place it with his own image, may the god Nabû, supreme lord, glare at him angrily, overthrow 75 his royal rule, and take away his sovereignty! May he Nabû make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him!

Q008344: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x (x)] x x x x [...] [(x)] x qé-reb é-sag-il2# [...] e#-nu-ma nu-u-ru szu-a-ti# [...] _munus#-sig5_-tim _an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_-[_kur_(?) ...] u4-mi-szam lit-tas#-x x x [(...)]

AI Translation

... ... ... inside Esagil ... When this light ..., the good omen of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands ... daily ... .


... ... in Esagil .... When that light ... the good of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands .... Let him daily ... ....

Q008345: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a(?)-na(?) (d)_en_(?)-_lil_(?)# [(...) _en_-szu(?)] (disz)_an-szar_(?)#-_du_-_a man szu man kur#_ [asz-szur-_ki_ (...)] _man_ kib-rat# _limmu_-tim(?)# [(...)] a-na _ti_-szu u-sze-pisz(?)# [(...)]

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, ... his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., king of the four quarters of the world, ..., had this for the sake of his life .


For the god Enlil, ... his lord Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... king of the four quarters of the world, had this ... built for the sake of his life.

Q008346: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na (d)_u-gur_ dan-dan-nu(*) _dingir-mesz_ kasz-kasz _dingir-mesz_ szur-bu-u git-ma-la mut-tal-la e-tel-lu _szesz_-szu a-szib é-sza-hul(*)-la _en_ si-ra-ra-_ki_

_en_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_ibila man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu man kur_ asz-szur-_ki man tin-tir-ki man kur_ szu-me-ri _u uri-ki dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su man gal man_ dan-nu(*) _man szu_

_man kur_ asz-szur-_ki_-ma ana _tin zi-mesz_-szu i-na a-gur-ru _udun ku_(*)-tim ki-sal-li é-sza-hul(*)-la u-ra-bi-i-ma tal-lak-ta-szu ki-ma u4-me u-nam-mir

AI Translation

For the god Nergal, the mighty one of the gods, the mighty one of the gods, the perfect one, the perfect one, the pious, the pious, his brother, who dwells in Eshahula, lord of Sirara,

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria:

For the preservation of his life, he surrounded the courtyard of Eshahula with baked bricks colored with gold and made its construction shine like daylight.


For the god Nergal, mightiest of the gods, most overpowering of the gods, the supreme, perfect, and noble sovereign of his brothers, the one who dwells in the temple Eshahula, the lord of Sirara, his lord:

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, 5 king of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria —

In order to ensure his good health, he enlarged the courtyard of the temple Eshahula with baked bricks from a ritually pure kiln and made its processional way shine like daylight.

Q008348: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal kur-kur-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-ba-an-ap-lu sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ub-da limmu-ba é-kur é ki Ag-gA-a-ni szeg12 al-Ur-ra-ta mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of all the lands, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the pious shepherd, strong king, king of the four quarters, rebuilt Ekur, his beloved temple, with bitumen and baked brick.


For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, his lord: Ashurbanipal, 5 his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the four quarters of the world, rebuilt Ekur, his beloved temple, with baked bricks.

Q008349: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal digir-re#-e-ne-ke4 nir-gAl an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-ba-an-_ibila_ sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ki-szar2(?)-ra(?) x é-gi-gUn-na# szeg12 al-Ur-ra mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, the one who rules heaven and netherworld, prince who decrees fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the humble shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world, ... he built Egiguna with bitumen.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decides the fates, 5 his lord: Ashurbanipal, his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the world, rebuilt Egigunû with baked bricks.

Q008350: royal-inscription brick

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(d)en-lil-lA lugal digir-re-e-ne-ke4 nir-gAl an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir _an-szar_-_du_-_ibila_ sipad sze-ga-bi lugal kalag-ga lugal ki-szar2-ra A-x sza3 é-hur-sag-galam-ma-ke4 pa-pa-hi nam-lugal-a-ni libir-ra-bi-ta(*) galam-bi szeg12 al-Ur-ra mu-un-na-dU

AI Translation

For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decrees fates, his lord: Ashurbanipal, the humble shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world, the ... of Ehursaggalama, the cella of his former kingship, I had its brickwork ... cast in copper.


For the god Enlil, king of the gods, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, prince who decides the fates, 5 his lord: Ashurbanipal, his obedient shepherd, mighty king, king of the world, skillfully rebuilt 10 with baked bricks ... within Ehursaggalama, his ancient royal cella.

Q008351: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an szA ina a-mat _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu _dumu_ (disz)_an-szar_-_szesz_-_sum-na lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur _gir-nita tin-tir-ki lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri-ki_ mu-sze-szib _tin-tir-ki_ e-pisz é-sag-il2

_lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti# a-na _tin-tir#-ki_ i-ru-um-ma ina é-sag-il2 szA da-ra-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk#-ki é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin ki-din-nu-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ap-qid U szi-pir é-sag-il2 la qa-ta-a u-szak-lil ina _ku-babbar ku-gi_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nun-ma

ina u4-me-szu-ma é-babbar-ra szA qé-reb _zimbir-ki_ É (d)_utu en gal en_-ia szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu in-nab-tu Asz-ra-ti-szu Asz-te-'e ina szi-pir (d)kulla

esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma ki-ma _kur_-i re-e-szi-i-szu ul-li a-na szat-ti (d)_utu di-kud-gal dingir-mesz en gal en_-ia ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti ha-disz lip-pa#-[lis]-ma a-na ia-a-szi (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_ asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu _tin_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit#-[tu-tu] t,u-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti u szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

_lugal tin-tir-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur bal_-qi it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu

(d)_utu_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi szat,-ru _u mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-Asz-szi-t,u szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_utu en_ e-la-ti u szap-la-ti ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who by the command of the gods his helpers ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted him with everything he had to do — son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, and rebuilt Esagil.

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reaffirmed his eternal residence in Esagil. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil that had not been completed. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like daylight.

At that time, with regard to Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar, the temple of the god Shamash, the great lord, my lord, which had become old and buckled, I constantly sought out its original emplacement through the craft of the god Kulla.

On account of this, may the god Shamash, great judge of the gods, great lord, my lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may he determine for me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him, for the lengthening of my days, the attainment of very old age, good health, and happiness. Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin,

May a future ruler, in days to come, renovate its dilapidated sections when that work falls into disrepair. May he write my name with his name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place his royal inscription with his own royal inscription.

May the god Shamash hear of the deeds that I have written down and my good name through ritual. May he not write my name with his own name, destroy my royal inscription, or make it disappear from his royal inscription. May the god Shamash, lord of upper and lower lands, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.


Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who by the command of the gods, his helpers, rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, 5 king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and reconfirmed their interrupted regular offerings; grandson of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in the eternal Esagil. 10 I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the unfinished work on Esagil. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I restored the damage done to all the sanctuaries. I extended my protection over all the cult centers.

At that time, I sought the original emplacement of Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar, the temple of the god Shamash, the great lord, my lord, which had become old, buckled, and collapsed. I had it rebuilt anew with the craft of the god Kulla and raised its top as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the god Shamash, great judge of the gods, great lord, my lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure! May he determine 20 for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the ruler who reveres him — as my fate, a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, the king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler, this work falls into disrepair, may that ruler renovate its dilapidated sections! May he write my name with his own name! May he look at my royal inscription, 25 anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription! The god Shamash will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favorite brother by some crafty device, or does not write my name with his own name, or destroys my royal inscription, or does not place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription, may the god Shamash, lord of the upper world and the netherworld, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands!

Q008352: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-na (d)_inanna# unug-ki_ e-tel-lat _an_-e u _ki_-tim ga-szir-ti _dingir-mesz_ s,i-ir-ti szA# ina s,i-tan u szi-la-an ur-tu ta-nam-di-nu ta-szak-kan szi-ki-in-szA# i-lat tam-ha-ri ez-ze-ti szA ina qé-reb te-sze-e a-szam-szA-nisz i-su-ur-ru a-li-kAt i-di _lugal_ mi-gir-i-szA mu-ra-si-bat# ga-re-e-szu be-let _kur-kur_ ha-mi-mat par-s,e musz-te-szi-rat gi-mir szu-luh-hu a-szi-bat é-nir-gAl-(d)a-nim szA qé-reb é-an-na be-el-ti _gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu

(disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu_-ti _lugal lugal-mesz nun_ la szA-na-an szA ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti i-bé-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu szA e-li _uru_-s,ur-ru szA qa-bal tam-tim e-liti u _ni-tuk-ki_ szA qa-bal tam-tim szap-liti ni-ri be-lu-ti-szu u-kin-nu-u-ma i-szu-t,u ab-szA-an-szu szA ep-sze-tu-u-szu e-li kal _dingir-mesz_ t,a-a-ba

_dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_su lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu lugal kur_ asz-szur-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)_amar-utu_ ina ri-szA-a-ti a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i-ru#-[um-ma] sat-tuk-ku é-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz tin-tir-ki_ u-kin# ki-din-nu-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ak-s,ur Asz-szu dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-lu (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na szesz_ ta-li-mi a-na _lugal_-u-tu# _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ap-qid u szi-pir é-sag-il2 la qa-ta-[a] u-szak-lil ina _ku-babbar ku-gi_ u ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ é-sag-il2 az-nun-ma ki-ma szi#-[t,ir bu-ru-mu]

e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi# u-szat-ri-s,i an-dul-lu4 ina u4-me-szu-ma É-_gar8_ é-an(?)-na(?)# si-hir-ti [...] szA la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu ik-kAm-ru Asz-ra-ti-szu-nu Asz-te-'e-[ma esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma]

[u]-szak#-lil-ma ki-ma szA-di-i ul-la-a re-szi-szu-un a-na szat-ti (d)_inanna# unug-ki gaszan gal_-[ti] szi#-pir szA-a-szu ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma ia-a-ti (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a lugal kur_ asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu a-mat da-mi#-[iq-ti-ia] lisz-szA-kin szap-tu-usz-szA _ti ud-mesz su-mesz_ sze-bé-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud# [lib-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti] U szA (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal ka-dingir-ra-ki szesz_ ta-lim-ia _ud-mesz_-szu li-ri-ku lisz-[bi bu-'a-a-ri]

a#-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u szA ina u4-me _bala_-e-szu szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su# [lu-disz] szu-mi# it-ti _mu_-szu lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu-siskur# bal_-qi

it#-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu (d)_inanna unug-ki_ i-szem-me szA szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u-a i-a-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu u-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la i-szak-ka-nu (d)_inanna unug-ki gaszan gal_-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu-ma _mu_-szu _numun_-szu ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu re-e-mu

AI Translation

For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the supreme judge of heaven and netherworld, the most exalted of the gods, the exalted one, who in the midst of the night and day you give her, the goddess of fierce battle, who in the midst of battle constantly seeks out her place of refuge, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, the one who carries out his battle array, the lady of the lands, the one who knows the rules, the one who keeps all of the cult centers, the one who dwells in Enirgalanam, which is inside Eanna, the great lady, his lady:

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, prince who has no rival, who ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted to him all rulers; who established his lordship over the city Tyre, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, and over the city Til-Adad, which is on the shore of the Lower Sea, and who made his lordship manifest; who made his deeds pleasing to all the gods;

In my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil that was without number. I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made it shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament.

At that time, the wall of Eanna, the whole wall of ..., which had become old and buckled, became dilapidated. I sought out their original emplacements and had them rebuilt anew.

On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres her — be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

May any future ruler, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

May the goddess Ishtar of Uruk hear of the plight of those who do not write my name with his name, or destroy my royal inscription, or change its position and not place it with his own royal inscription. May the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands and have no pity on him.


For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, most powerful of the gods, exalted one, who executes the command she gives in the east and in the west, the fierce goddess of battle who whirls around in the melee like a dust storm, who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, and slays his foes, 5 mistress of the lands, who has gathered to herself all divine offices and administers correctly all purification rites, who dwells in Enirgalanim — which is inside Eanna — great lady, his lady:

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, ruler who has no rival, who rules from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and has subjugated all rulers; who imposed the yoke of his rulership upon the city Tyre — which is in the midst of the Upper Sea — and Dilmun — which is in the midst of the Lower Sea — 10 so that they bore his yoke lit. "pulled his yoke-rope"; whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods and whose shepherdship is sweet to the black-headed people; during whose reign the god Adad made his rain and the god Ea his springs last a long time for his land, who continually seeks after his people with prosperity and wealth, whose people are all in a state of prosperity, and whose settlements rejoice; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, 15 renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, and constantly established appropriate procedures in them; grandson of Sennacherib, who was also great king, strong king, king of the world, and king of Assyria —

During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing. I reconfirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Shamash-shuma-ukin, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak. I completed the work on Esagil which had not been finished. 20 I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, and precious stones and made Eumusha glisten like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament. I repaired the damaged parts of all their sanctuaries and extended my protection over all cult centers.

At that time, with regard to the enclosure wall of Eanna, the perimeter ... which had become old, buckled, and a heap of ruin, I sought their original emplacement and had them rebuilt anew. I completed them, raising their tops as high as a mountain.

On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria and prince who reveres her— be set upon her lips! May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness! Moreover, with regard to Shamash-shuma-ukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he be fully satisfied with his good fortune!

May any future ruler, during the days of whose reign this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections! May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription! The goddess Ishtar of Uruk will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who does not write my name with his name, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position and does not place it with his own royal inscription, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, glare at him angrily, make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands, and have no pity on him!

Q008353: royal-inscription tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] [x x] x x _tar szu bad#_ [x x (x) ma-ka]-le#-e _ku-mesz_ mim(?)-ma(?) x-su(?)# [x] _du_(?) ma-har(?)-ka kun(?)-nu(?) [x x (x) ia-a]-ti(?)# (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-A(*) _man kur_ asz-szur-_ki# arad_ mi-gir lib-bi-ki [...] kit(?)#-tim re-'u-u-ti# mi-szar szA tasz-ru-ki(*)(copy: _ku_) ina qi#-bi-ti-ki#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... before you ... ... me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, servant who is the favorite of your heart ... truthful counsel, mercy, and justice, at your command.


... ... ... pure food offerings, everything ... established before you ... to me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the servant who is the favorite of your heart, ... truth and just shepherdship that you bestow at your command ... the preservation of my life ... ... a bright spirit ... Grant ... as a gift, ... come to my aid and always stand in for me, kill my enemy, and make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain for eternity.



a#-na u4-me _su-mesz_ ki-ma _kur_-i szur-szi-di ma#-nam-ma ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-e-[a] e#-nu-ma _gisz_-at-ta-ri szu-a-ti in-na-hu#-ma _du_-ku la-ba-risz# [an]-hu#-ut-su lu#-ud-disz szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia it-ti szi-t,ir _mu_-szu lisz-kun# [...] x ik-ri-bi-(erasure)-szu i-szem-[mu-u]

[szA ...] x u-nak-ka-ru _mu_-szu i-szat,-t,a#-[ru] [... a-na] ni#-szi _szu-ii_(*)-szu a-a iz-zi#-[zu-ma] [... ag-gi]-isz#

AI Translation

In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated sections when this attaru becomes old and dilapidated. May he place an inscribed object bearing my name with an inscribed object bearing his name. ... will then hear his prayers.

Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the hands of a stranger, ..., or does not stand by and ...,


May someone among the kings, my descendants, restore its dilapidated sections when this cart becomes dilapidated and old. May he place on it the writing of my name with the writing of his name. ... will then listen to his prayers.

As for the one who changes ... and writes his own name, may ... not be present for his prayers and ... angrily

Q008354: royal-inscription cylinder

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[é-dim-gal-kalam-ma (szA qé-reb _bad-an-ki_) É _an-gal_] _en gal#_ [_en_-ia szA la-ba-risz il-li-ku-ma] [...] x x x x Asz-ra#-ti-szu Asz-te-'e# ina szi-pir# [(d)kulla esz-szisz(?) u-sze-pisz-ma(?)]

[... u]-zaq-qir hur-sa-nisz a-na# szat-ti _an-gal en_ s,i-i-ri szi-pir# [szA-a-szu(?) ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma] [ia-a-ti(?) (disz)_an_]-_szar#_-_du_-_ibila lugal kur_ asz-szur# _nun_ pa-lih-ka _ti_ u4-me _su-mesz_ sze-bé#-[e lit-tu-tu] [t,u-ub _uzu_ hu]-ud# lib-bi na-ma-ri ka-bat-ti# szi-i-mi szi-ma-ti ina li-i#-[ti u da-na-ni(?)] [_edin_ na-ki]-ri-ia szu-zi-za-an-ni#-ma ku(?)-szu-du a-a-bi-ia me-e-x [...] [_suhusz gisz-gu-za lugal_]-u#-ti-ia u-hum-mesz szur-szi-di it(?)#-ti _an#_-e _u ki#_-tim ki-i(?)#-[ni(?) _bala_-u-a]

[a-a-um-ma _nun_] _egir#_ szA ina u4-me _bala_-szu szi-pir szA-a-szu# in-na-hu# an-hu-us-su# [lu-ud-disz] [szu-mi it-ti _mu_-szu] lisz(?)-t,ur# _mu-sar_-u#-a li-mur-ma _i#-gisz_ lip-szu-usz _udu_(?)-_siskur_(?) _bal_(?)-qi(?) it-ti# [_mu-sar_-e-szu]

[lisz-kun ik-ri-bi]-i#-szu _an-gal#_ i-szem#-me szA szu-mi szat,-ru ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-asz(?)#-[szi-t,u] [_mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu] U(?)# lu-u a-szar-szu u#-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu la# [i-szak-kan] [...] x rik#-sa-ti-ia u-pat,-t,a-ru _an-gal en_ s,i-i(?)#-[ru(?) ...] [...] di(?)-'i(?) U di#-lip-ti szA-a-szu ga-du kim(?)#-ti-i(?)-szu(?) x [...] [...] x a-na ha#-pe-e# _un-mesz_-szu a-na szA-la-la(?)# [...] [_mu_-szu _numun_-szu i-na _kur-kur_(?)] li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir#-[szi-szu re-e-mu]

AI Translation

As for Edimgalkalama, which is inside Der, the temple of the god Anu, the great lord, my lord, which had become old and ... ... I constantly sought out its original emplacement. With the craft of the god Kulla, I had it built anew and .

On account of this, may the god Anu, the exalted lord, look upon this work with pleasure and may he determine for me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres you, a life of long days, fullness of old age, good health, happiness, and a bright mind, a destiny of abundance, in joy and greatness, over the plain of my enemy and a ... of my enemies, ... ..., and ... the foundation of my royal throne be as secure as heaven and netherworld, the foundation of my reign.

May any future ruler, during the days of his reign, renovate the dilapidated sections of this temple. May he write my name with his name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription.

The god Anu will hear of the deeds that he has done to my inscribed name by some crafty device. He will destroy my inscribed objects, or change their position and not place them with his inscribed objects. ... I will make my rites clear. The god Anu, the exalted lord, ... ... his anger and distress, together with his family, ... ... to pacify his people, to make his seed flourish, ... may he destroy his name and his seed from the lands and not have mercy on him.


At that time, I sought the original emplacement of Edimgalkalama, which is inside the city Der, the temple of Great Anu, the great lord, my lord, which had become old, ... ... I had it rebuilt anew with the craft of the god Kulla, …, and made it high as a mountain.

On account of this, may Great Anu, the exalted lord, look upon this work with pleasure. Determine for me — Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the ruler who reveres you — as my fate, a long life, fullness of old age, good health, happiness, and a bright spirit. Make me stand over my enemies in mighty victories. To drive off my enemies ... .... Make the foundations of my royal throne as secure as a mountain! Make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld!

May any future ruler, during the days of whose reign this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections! May he write my name with his own name, look at my royal inscription, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, and place my royal inscription with his own royal inscription! Great Anu will then listen to his prayers.

But as for the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device, or destroys my royal inscription, or changes its position, or does not place it with his own royal inscription, ... ... dismantles my construction, may Great Anu, the exalted lord, ... di'u-disease and anxiety, together with his family, ... to destroy his people, to carry off ..., .... May he make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands, and have no pity on him!

Q008355: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana (d)]su-ti-ti _gaszan#_-szu (disz)_an-szar_-_du_-_a man kur_ asz-szur ana _tin#_-szu _ba_-isz

AI Translation

For the goddess Sutitu, his lady: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, presented this object for the sake of his life.


For the goddess Sutiti, his lady: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, presented this object for the sake of his life.

Q008356: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ana (d)su-[ti-ti] _gaszan_-szu (disz)_an_-[_szar_-_du_-A] _man kur_ asz-szur ana _tin_-szu _ba#_-[isz]

AI Translation

For the goddess Sutitu, his lady: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, presented this object for the sake of his life.


For the goddess Sutiti, his lady: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, presented this object for the sake of his life.

Q008357: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... (disz)_an-szar_-_du_]-_a man#_ [_kur_ asz-szur]

AI Translation

... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.


... Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.

Q008358: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur an-szar_-_du_-_a man gal#_ [_man_ dan-nu] _man# szu man kur an-szar-ki_

AI Translation

Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,


Palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.

Q008368: royal-inscription vessel

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_ (disz)(d)30-_lugal_-_gar_-un _man_ [_gal_ ...] _man kur asz_-ma

AI Translation

Palace of Sennacherib, great king, ..., king of Assyria.


Palace of Sîn-sharra-ishkun, great king ..., king of Assyria.

Q008370: royal-inscription other-object

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


É#-_gal_ (disz)asz-szur#-_pap_-[A ...]

AI Translation

Palace of Ashurnasirpal .


Palace of Ashurnasirpal, ....