AICC / Publications / x000

X000001: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


en2# sag-ba sag-ba gesz-hur nu-bal-e

gesz-hur dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nu-bal-e

gesz-hur an-ki-a nu-kur2-ru-da

dingir disz-am3 nu-bal-e

dingir lu2-lu7(lu)-ke4 nu-mu-un-da-an-bur2-ra

gesz-par3 nu-dib-ba hul-gal2 mu-du3-a

sa-par3 nu-e3-a hul-gal2-sze3 i3-la2-e

udug hul he2-a a-la2 hul he2-a gidim hul he2-a gal5-la2 hul he2-a [...]

(d)dim3-me he2-a (d)dim3-a he2-a (d)dim3-_lagab_ he2-a

(lu2)lil2-la2 he2-a x ki-sikil-lil2-la2 he2-a ki-sikil-ud-da-kar-ra he2#-[a]

nam-tar hul-gal2 he2-a a2-sag3 gig-ga he2-a tur5-ra nu-dug3-ga he2#-[a]

a sur-ra (d)en-ki sag bi2-in-ga2(?)-ga2(?)-e(?)

gesz-par3 (d)en-ki-ke4 he2-ni-ib2-dab-be2(?)#

zi3-sur-ra (d(?))nisaba-ke4 sag bi2-ib2-x-ta-an-gid2(?)-[i]

sa-par3 (d(?))nisaba-ke4 he2-ni-ib2-sir3-re-e-[ne]

gesz-hur-ra(?)# i3-bal-e

gesz-[hur] dingir gesz-hur an-ki-ke4 szu-ni(?) nam-ta-bar-ra(?)

zi dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ke4 ni2 ba(?)-ra(?)#-[...]

zi dingir gal-gal-e#-[ne-ke4 ...]

dingir gal#-[gal-e-ne-ke4 nam ...]

AI Translation

Incantation: "Its head is not a plan!"

The plans of the gods are not reconciled.

the plans of heaven and earth that cannot be changed

The god will not change his mind.

The god of the people will not release it.

He built a reed basket that was not empty,

He shall pay the restitution in full, he shall not return the money he received.

He who destroys a udug, he who destroys a lament, he who destroys a ghost, he who destroys a reed, he who destroys a .

May the gods be happy with the gods, may the gods be happy with the labag gods,

May a lildish man be ..., may a lildish man be a lildish man be a lildish man be

May the evil fate be released, may the bitter asag-demon be released, may the unfavorable pig be released.

Enki poured out the water from the well.

May Enki smite him with the scepter of the throne.

he will ... the flour of Nisaba.

they shall tie the knots of Nisaba.

he will bring the plans.

The plan of the god, the plan of the universe, his hand will not be turned back.

The true command of the great gods .

The word of the great gods .

The great gods ... .


Incantation: Oath, oath, design that cannot be violated,

divine design that cannot be crossed,

design of heaven and earth that cannot be changed.

No single god can overturn it,

Sum the personal god cannot undo it. Akk neither god nor man can release it.

Unavoidable trap erected against evil,

inescapable net stretched out against evil.

Whether it is an evil udug demon or an evil ala demon or an evil ghost or an evil gala demon or an evil god or an evil mashkim demon,

whether it is the Lamashtu demon or Labashu demon or the Ahhazu demon,

whether it is the lilû demon or the lilitu demon or the ardat lilî demon,

whether it is the evil namtar demon or the sickening asag demon or a bad disease,

if he advances against the dripping water of Enki,

the trap of Enki shall catch him.

If he looks angrily at the magic flour circle of Nisaba,

the net of Nisaba will bind him.

If he violates the design,

the design of the gods, the design of heaven and earth, shall not release him.

If he does not fear the oath of the great gods,

the oath of the great gods will bind him,

and the great gods shall curse him.

X000002: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


szika-gin7# [...]

ur3-ra# [i3-bal-e]

pa-bi kap-pa#-[szu ... he2-ni-ib2-ku5-ru-ne]

ab-ba-ti gu2 bar#-[ra-la2-e]

gu2-bi *(_p2_) ki-szad-su lit,#-[bu-hu ...]

ab ti-ta igi szu(?)# [...]

igi-bi *(_p2_) pa-nu-szu2 lim(!)(_ur_-)ha-s,u# [...]

ab-ta igi la2-ta gu3 mu#-[un-na-an-de2-e]

ka-bi *(_p2_) pa-a-szu2 li-de-lu# [...]

ab-ta sag-e-ta# [mu-un-da-ab-szu2-szu2-ne]

gakkul nu-bad-da-ta# [he2-ni-ib2-szu2-szu2-e-ne]

zalag2-ta# [*(_p2_)] sza2 ina na#-[ma-ri ... mu-un-szi-in-ku10-ku10-ga]

AI Translation

Like a pig ...

he will return the money he received.

They shall bind his hands .

The shepherd will be sated with a sigh.

Its neck is a ... of a chariot.

From the cow's milk .

Its appearance is a ...: he will recover.

He shouts from the horizon:

... his mouth may he .

They will shave their heads from the cows and the goats from the top.

they shall tie together the reeds that are not to be thrown away.

... that in the morning he ... .


They shall scatter him like potsherds.

If he crosses through the roof beams,

they shall cut off his wings.

If he leans into the window,

they shall slaughter him by the neck.

If he looks at him through a side window,

they shall strike his face.

If he shouts through the overlooking window,

they shall block off his mouth.

If he barges in through the front window,

they shall cover him with a mash tub that cannot be opened.

If he darkens at sunrise,

X000005: eponym-list tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[pu2 nu]-ed3#-da-ta he2-[ni-ib2-szub-bu-ne]

[gi]-sal#-ta mu#-un-da-ab#-[...]

ki du-da-ta he2-ni-ib2#-[...]

zu2 kesz2 gi-sal-ta mu-un-da-an-[...]

e2-a he2-ni-ib2#-zi-zi#-[e-ne]

lil2-la2-sze3 he2-ni-ib2-gi4#-[gi4-e-ne]

AI Translation

they shall cast them into a well that cannot be opened.

He ... the reed basket.

. . . from Dudaya .

He ... the ... of the reed bed.

they shall strew at the house.

they shall return to their place.


They shall cast him into a well with no exit.

If he drifts back and forth through the reed screen,

they shall extinguish him wherever he goes.

If he slips through the knots of the reed screen,

they shall remove him from the house

and turn him into nothingness.

X000008: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc



[bar]-ra ki bar#-ra i3-la2-e [...]

kan4#-ne am3-[...]

e2#-a ki nu-ta-e3 he2-eb#-[...]

[(gesz)ig (gesz)sag]-kul#-ta mu-un-da-an-x#-[...]

AI Translation

He goes to the other side, to the other side, .

The gate . . .

May . . . of the house . . . with no exit.

The door of the sagkultu-door ... .


If he roams around outside,

they shall bring him outside to an inaccessible place.

If he lingers at the gate of a house,

they shall make him enter a house with no exit.

If he slips in by the door and the door bolt,

X000009: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[... re]-tu-u2#


[...] he2#-a

[... he2]-a [... lik]-su#-szu2

[... lik]-su#-szu2

[... i3-bal]-e

[...]-ra# [nisz _dingir_-_mesz_] _gal#_-[_mesz_ ...]

[nisz _dingir_-_mesz_] _gal#_-[_mesz_ ...]

[dingir gal-gal]-e#-ne-ke4# [nam ...]

[...] am3#-[...]

[e2 sag]-ga2-na#-[sze3 he2-ni-ib2-ku4-ku4-ne]

[bar-ra] am3(?)#-[nigin-e]

[bar-ra ki ... he2]-ni-ib2-szub-bu-ne


[... he2]-ni#-ib2-ku4-ku4#-[ne]

AI Translation

. . . first-fruits.

. . . may . . . be abundant.

. . . may . . . bless him.

. . . may they bless him.

... he will take away.

. . . . . . of the great gods .

The ... of the great gods .

The great gods .

. . . I . . .

they shall enter into his first-class house.

I have weighed out the .

They shall seize the place where .

. . . they shall enter.


Unavoidable trap erected against evil,

inescapable net stretched out against evil.

Whether it is an evil udug demon or an evil ala demon or an evil ghost or an evil gala demon or an evil god or an evil mashkim demon,

whether it is the Lamashtu demon or Labashu demon or the Ahhazu demon,

the net of Nisaba will bind him.

If he violates the design,


the oath of the great gods will bind him,

and the great gods shall curse him.

If he keeps coming back to the house,

they will make him enter into a sealed house.

If he roams around outside,

they shall bring him outside to an inaccessible place.

If he lingers at the gate of a house,

they shall make him enter a house with no exit.

Obverse Column ii


a-gin7# [...]

dug#-gin7 [...]

szika#-gin7 he2-ni-[...]

ur3-ra# i3-[bal-e]

[pa-bi] he2#-en-ku5-[ru-ne]

[ab-ta] ugu(?) ba-da#-[la2]-e#

[gu2-bi] he2-en-szum-mu-[ne]

[ab] ti#-ta igi mu-un-szi-in-bar-ra-e-[ne]

[igi]-bi he2#-[...]-sag3#-e-ne#

ab-ta igi la2#-[ta gu3] mu-un#-[...]-de2#-e

ka-[bi] he2#-en-tab-e-ne

ab sag-ga2-ta# mu-un-da-ab-szu2-szu2-e#-[ne]

gakkul3# nu-bad-da# he2-ni-ib2-szu2-szu2#-[e-ne]

[zalag2]-ga mu-un#-szi-in-ku10-[ku10-ga]

[... ki (d)utu] e3# he2-ni-ib2-zi#-[zi-e-ne]

[...]-gir2#-gir2-[...] [... bir]-qi# it-ta#-[...]

pu2-ta [...]

tul2-la2-[...] a#-na [...]

AI Translation

Like water .

Like a libation vessel .

Like a shakka-demon .

he will take away his share.

they shall bind each other.

'I have been sated with a sacrificial sheep.

'May they give them to you.'

Who sees the birth of a child, who makes the sucklings grow,

May they . . . . their eyes.

He ... from the abtu-house, from the lata-house,

They shall bind each other.

They smite the head of the sheep.

They shall make the sceptres, which cannot be changed, disappear.

He who makes light shine,

. . . with Shamash they shall stand.

... ... ... ... he ... .

From a well ...

tulla-... to .


they shall pour him out like water,

they shall smash him like a pot,

they shall scatter him like potsherds.

If he crosses through the roof beams,

they shall cut off his wings.

If he leans into the window,

they shall slaughter him by the neck.

If he looks at him through a side window,

they shall strike his face.

If he shouts through the overlooking window,

they shall block off his mouth.

If he barges in through the front window,

they shall cover him with a mash tub that cannot be opened.

If he darkens at sunrise,

they shall uproot him in the light where the sun rises.

If he flashes like lightning in darkness,

If he ascends from a well,

they shall cast him into a pitfall.

Reverse Column i


[e2-a] he2#-ni-ib2#-[zi-zi-e-ne]

[...]-x-x he2-ni-ib2#-[gi4-gi4-e-ne]

habrud-da-ta mu-un#-za-ra-ah#-[e-ne]

mu#-ne he2-ni-ib2-ha#-lam-ma-[...]

ki-in-dar# [e2]-a-ta [mu]-un#-[...]

nu-gal2#-[la]-sze3# he2-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4-ne#

[tu6-du11]-ga# [inim] (d)en-ki-ga-ke4#

[nam]-szub#-ba(?) eridu(ki)-ga-ke4

[mu7]-mu7# abzu eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 nam-mu-un-da#-[...]

[ka-inim-ma zi3-sur]-ra# gesz-nu2-kam#

[en2 sag-ba sag]-ba# sil7-[la2 sil7-la2 ...]

[sag-ba an-na sag]-sze3(?)# [...]

AI Translation

they shall bind the people of the house.

. . . they shall return to him.

They are smitten by the arrows.

May he make .

The foundation of your house .

he shall return to him the one who is not present.

The word of Enki.

the shackles of Eridu,

The ... of the Abzu of Eridu .

Wording of a strewn flour offering.

Incantation: "Sagba, SAGba, Sila, Sila .

The head of heaven is ... the head.


they shall remove him from the house

and turn him into nothingness.

If he slips in through a hole,

they shall eradicate his name.

If he squeezes through the cracks of the house,

they shall make him nonexistent.

Incantation, word of Enki,

incantation of Eridu,

incantation of the Abzu of Eridu, not to be undone.

Incantation for a magic flour circle of a ritual design.

Incantation: Oath, oath. Disappear, disappear! Withdraw, go away!

I conjure you by the oath of heaven,

Reverse Column ii


[...] ni2 x [...]

[ga2-e lu2 (d)]en#-ki-ga-me-[en]

[ga2]-e lu2 (d)#[dam]-gal#-nun-na-me-[en]

[ga2]-e# (lu2)kig2-gi4-[a (d)asar-lu2-hi-me-en]

[szu]-ni(?)# (d)en-ki-ke4# [szu-gu10 i3-gal2]

[tu6] (d)en-ki#-[ke4 tu6-gu10 i3-gal2] [...] (d)e2#-[a ...]

[ana ar2-ki-ia e ta-tu]-ru(?)#

[ki gen-na-gu10-sze3 nam-ba-da]-du#-en

[... ba-ra-an-da-ku4-ku4]-e-ne#

AI Translation

I am the man of Enki.

I am the man of Damgalnuna.

I am the messenger of Asalluhi.

'He is the one of Enki, my hand is there.

The garment of Enki is here, my garment is here. ... Ea .

You have turned back behind me.

I will go to the place where I go

. . . they will enter .


and the place where you rest has become a place without rest.

I belong to Enki!

I belong to Damgalnuna!

I am the messenger of Marduk,

what belongs to Enki belongs to me!

The incantation of Enki is in my incantation,

nor turn back behind me!

Do not go where I go,

do not enter where I enter!

X000010: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


[...] x# [...]

[ku10]-ku10-ga# sza3 irigal-la(?)#-[ta he2-ni-ib2-sir3-re-e-ne]

pu2#-ta [...]

[ub4] nig2#-husz-a-ta [he2-ni-ib2-szub-bu-ne]

pu2-ta du10-us2-sa-ta# [...]

pu2 nu#-ed3-da#-[ta he2-ni-ib2-szub-bu-ne]

gi-sal#-la(?)-[ta ...]

ki _du#_-[...]

zu2# [kesz2 gi]-sal#-ta mu-un-da#-[an-gir5-gir5-re-e-ne]

[e2-a] he2-ni-ib-zi#-[zi-e-ne]

[...] he2-ni-ib2#-[gi4-gi4-e-ne]

[habrud]-da#-ta mu-un-za-la-ah#-[e-ne]

[mu]-bi he2-ni-ib2-ha-lam#-[...]

[ki]-in-dar# (e2)-a-ta mu-un-sur-[...]

nu-gal2-la-asz he2-ni-ib2-gi4#-[gi4-e-ne]

tu6-du11-ga inim (d)en-ki#-[ga-ke4]

tu6(?)# x x x [...]

mu7-mu7# abzu eridu(ki)#-[ga nam-mu-un-da-an-bur2-ra]

ka-inim#-[ma ...]

en2 sag-ba# [sag-ba sil7-la2 sil7-la2 bad-da bad-da]

AI Translation

May they bind the ... of the Irigal with them.

From the well .

They shall cast them on the head of the evil one.

From the well, from the ...,

they shall cast them into a well that cannot be disturbed.

The gisallu-bowl .

When he went .

They are slackening the limbs of the reed bed.

they shall bind them in the house.

. . . they shall return to him.

They are clad in red wool.

May he . . . his name .

The foundations of the temple are ...:

they shall return to him the one who is not present.

The word of Enki

soup ... ...

The one who resounds the Abzu of Eridu,

Wording of .

Incantation: "It is the head, it is the head, it is the ...,


If he flashes like lightning in darkness,

they will bind him with the darkness from the midst of a grave.

If he ascends from a well,

they shall cast him into a pitfall.

If he slips through the bathroom drain,

they shall cast him into a well with no exit.

If he drifts back and forth through the reed screen,

they shall extinguish him wherever he goes.

If he slips through the knots of the reed screen,

they shall remove him from the house

and turn him into nothingness.

If he slips in through a hole,

they shall eradicate his name.

If he squeezes through the cracks of the house,

they shall make him nonexistent.

Incantation, word of Enki,

incantation of Asari of the Abzu,

incantation of the Abzu of Eridu, not to be undone.

Incantation for a magic flour circle of a ritual design.

Incantation: Oath, oath, go away, go away, remove yourself, remove yourself!

X000011: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc

Column i


ki _an_-ba-ni#-[ta] _an_-i-de szu ba-an-ti

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 szum2-mu-dam

2(asz) sze gur

masz2 1(asz) 1(barig) sze-ta tah-he-dam

ki (d)suen-ba-ni-ta er3-ra-ba-ni szu ba-an-ti

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 itu sze ku4-ku4-da szum2-mu-dam

3(asz) sze gur

masz2 nu-ub-tuku

ki nin#-a-ba-ta ur#-(d)da-mu szu ba-an-ti

uludin-bi-sze3 szum2-mu-dam

tukum-bi uludin-bi-sze3 la-ba-an-szum2

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta i3-ag2-e

4(asz) gur sze saga

masz2 nu-ub-tuku

[ki x-x]-_ni_-ta [...]-x

[...]-x in-na-ab-gur-re

tukum-bi nu-na-an-szum2

mu kur2-sze3 sze ba-da-bala

masz2 ba-du12-du12

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 5(asz) sze gur

5(asz) sze gur

sze na-la-nu-um dam-gar3 ugu (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2;ka bi2-in-tuku-a

sze u3 masz2-bi

(d)nanna-ma-an-szum2-e ba-na-an-szum2

sza3-ga-ni ba-an-dug3

kiszib e2 na-la-nu-um u2-gu ba-an-de2

x u2-gu ba-an-de2-a kiszib gaba-ri-bi in-na-an-tak4

ud kur2-sze3 kiszib ul-pad3 zi-;re-dam#

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1(u) sze gur

1(u) sze gur

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)-ta tah-he-dam

ki (d)suen-i-din-na-szu ugula dam-gar3

AI Translation

— The sun was set with the moon.

to be given back in the second month.

2 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be added,

Erra-bani received from Sîn-bani.

to be given back in the second month. Month "Barley brought in."

3 gur of barley,

without interest,

Ur-Damu received from Nin-aba.

to be given back at its due-time.

If at its due-time he has not given it back,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

4 gur of fine barley,

without interest,

... from ...

... he will return

If he does not give it to him,

he will carry off the barley in the future.

he will measure the interest.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur of barley,

The barley of Nalanum, the merchant, against Nanna-manshum he gave.

the barley and its interest

Nanna-manshum has given him.

he has satisfied his heart.

The seal of the house of the nalanum-priest he seized.

... he has sworn, and he has drawn up for him a copy of the sealed tablet.

In the future, should a claim concerning the unopened sealed tablet arise,

he has sworn by the name of the king.

10 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be added,

with Sîn-iddinashu, overseer of the merchants;


... Ilum-ide received 1 gur of barley from Ilum-bani,

to be given back in the second month.

2 gur of barley,

an interest of 60 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be added,

Erra-bani received from Sîn-bani;

to be given back in the second month, the month in which the barley is to be brought in.

3 gur of barley,

without interest,

Ur-Damu received from Nin-aba;

to be given back at its due-time.

If at its due-time he has not given it back,

he will measure an interest of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur.

4 gur of high quality barley,

without interest,

PN1 received from PN2 ...

... he will return it to him.

If he will not give it back to him,

he will transfer the barley to the next year

and it will bear interest;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur of barley,

barley which Nalanum, the merchant, had as a credit upon Nanna-manshum,

this barley and its interest

Nanna-manshum has given back to him,

and has satisfied his = of Nalanum heart.

Now the sealed tablet got lost from the house of Nalanum,

so he = Nalanum has drawn up for him a copy of the sealed tablet, regarding the ...? which got lost.

In the future, should the lost tablet be found, it has to be destroyed;

he has sworn by the name o f the king.

10 gur of barley,

an interest of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be added,

PNs received from Sîn-iddinashu, the overseeer of the merchants,

Column ii


x-x-[...] x x szum2-mu-de3#

tukum-bi sze-bi la-ba-an-szum2;mu-usz

ni2-te-ni-ta i3-ag2-e

kiszib-ba-ni in-tak4

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 5(asz)# sze gur

5(asz)# sze gur

[masz2] 1(asz) gur# 1(barig) sze-ta sze gur10-gur10#-da-sze3

ki (d)iszkur-illat#-[ta] lu2-(d)en-ki dam-gar3 szu ba-an-ti

mu-a 2(asz) gur sze-ta-am3 in-na-ab-gur-re

tukum-bi sza3 mu 3-ta-am3 sze-bi la-ba-an-til

sze u3 masz2-bi i3-ag2-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 2(asz) sze gur

2(asz) sze gur

sze masz2-bi ba-ab-szum2-ma

ki nu-ur2-a-hi-szu-ta [ik]-ka#-la-lum [szu ba-an-ti]

[...] x-ta;am3 in-na-su-su-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 3(u) sze gur

3(u) sze gur

sze _an-sipa_ dam-gar3 e2 nu-ur2-(d)suen-e(!) zu2-kesz2-sze3 in-sig9

itud-da zu2-kesz2-sze3 1/3 gig4 ku3-babbar-ta-am3 in-na-la2-e

tukum-bi e2-kiszib-ba-ka-ni gal2 ba-an-tak4

u3 sze e2-kiszib-ba#-ka-ni u2-gu ba-an-de2#

sze u2-gu ba-an-de2-bi ziz2-da-bi nu-ur2-(d)suen-e bi2-ib-si-si

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 2(u) sze gur esz-de2-a

2(u) sze gur esz-de2-a

masz2 nu-ub-tuku

ki il3-szu(!)(_ba_-)i3-li2 mussa-(_bi_)-ni-ta (d)nanna-arhusz-su3 ensi2

AI Translation

... ... if you want

If he does not pay back that barley,

he will measure out her sattukku-offering.

he has drawn up for him a sealed document.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be added,

Lu-Enki, the merchant, received from Adad-illat;

He shall return the barley tenfold to its owner.

If the interest on that third millenial is not paid,

he will measure the barley and its interest.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

2 gur of barley,

The barley with its interest is given.

PN received from Nur-ahishu;

... ... he will be slighted.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

30 gur of barley,

barley of Ishtar, the merchant, of the house of Nur-Sîn he has weighed out.

he will pay 1/3 shekel of silver monthly.

If he has a copy of his sealed tablet,

and the barley of your sealed tablet he weighed out.

The barley that he brought in is its grain; its grain that Nur-Sîn brought in.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

20 gur of barley as an eshdea loan,

without interest,

Nanna-arhussu, the governor, received from Ilshu-ili, his slave.


... to be given back.

If they do not give back that barley,

he himself will measure it;

he has drawn up his sealed tablet;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur of barley,

with an interest of 60 sila of barley per 1 gur, interest to be paid back by harvesting barley,

Lu-Enki, the merchant, received from Adad-tillatu;

he will return to him 2 gur of barley yearly.

If in the third year he will not pay back this barley in full

he will measure the barley and its interest;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

2 gur of barley,

whose interest has already been given,

Ikkalalum received from Nur-ahishu;

... he will replace it back to him;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

30 gur of barley,

barley with which Ilum-re'î, the merchant, has filled the storehouse of Nur-Sîn by renting it;

he will weigh 1/3 of shekels of silver monthly for the rent.

If his storehouse will be opened

and the barley will get lost from his storehouse,

Nur-Sîn will fill again in the storehouse the lost barley as indemnity;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

20 gur of barley as an eshdea loan,

without interest,

Nanna-arhush-su, the ensi, received from Ilshu-ili, his son-in-law, as arrears of barley for his palace;

Column iii


[...]-x-bi in#-na-ab-gur-re

tukum#-bi sze# [e2]-gal#-la-ni-ta li-bi2-in#-gur

masz2-bi ib2-tah#-e

mu lugal#-[bi] in#-pad3 1(asz) sze gur sze libir

1(asz) sze gur sze libir

masz2 nu-ub-tuku

ki (d)suen-e#-ri-ba-am-ta (d)suen#-[_an_]-_dul3#_-li2 gur10-gur10(?)#-de3 szu# ba-an-ti

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 [...]-x-e-de3 [...] i3-ag2-e

2(asz) sze gur [e2]-gal

ki arad-x-x-[x] (d)en-lil2-ba-ni szu ba-an-ti

(iti)szeg12-a-sze3# ud sze guru7-sze3 al ab-be2-e-ne i3-ag2-e

3(asz) sze gur

sza3 kiszib 1(u) sze gur

ki (d)suen-i-din-na-szu-ta i3-li2-ba-ni-ia szu ba-an-ti

kiszib gaba-ri-a-bi in-[na-an]-tak4#

mu lugal-bi in#-[pad3] 1(ban2) sze-gesz-i3 numun#

1(ban2) sze-gesz-i3 numun#

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)-ta tah-he-dam

ki a-hu-szu-nu-ta inim-(d)inana u2-tul2 szu ba-an-ti

itud buru14 sze-gesz-i3-sze3 szum2-mu-dam

2(asz) gur sze-gesz-i3 numun

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)-ta

ki (d)nanna-kam-ta _an-ne-ni_ szu ba-an-ti

itud buru14 sze-gesz-[i3-sze3] sze-gesz-i3 u3 masz2#-[bi] sza3 _nam ba_ da-mu(ki) i3-ag2-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1(u) (gur) sze-gesz-i3 e2-gal

1(u) (gur) sze-gesz-i3 e2-gal

ki (d)suen-i-din-na-szu ugula dam-gar3-ra-ta gal-zu-(d)nanna i3 sur-re-e-de3 szu ba-an-ti

duh sze-gesz-i3

AI Translation

... ... he will return

If he shall return the barley of his palace,

its interest will be repaid.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 gur of old barley,

without interest,

Sîn-eribam received from Sîn-eribam:

he will measure out ... in the second month.

2 gur of barley for the palace;

Enlil-bani received from PN;

he will measure them in the third month on the day of the barley of the grain-granary.

3 gur of barley,

in the sealed tablet: 10 gur of barley;

Ili-baniya received from Sîn-iddinashu.

He has drawn up a copy of the sealed tablet.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 seah sesame seed,

an interest rate of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be added,

Inim-Ishtar received from Ahushunu;

to be given back in the month of the sesame harvest.

2 gur sesame seeds,

an interest rate of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be charged,

He has received it from Nanna-kam.

he will measure the sesame and its interest in the month of the sesame harvest in the province of Damu.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

10 gur sesame of the palace,

Galzu-Nanna received from Sîn-iddinashu, overseer of the merchants;

sesame oil soup


he will return it to him ...

If he will not return the barley from his palace,

he will add its interest;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 gur of old barley,

without interest,

Sîn-eribam received from Sîn-shululi for harvesting;

he will measure it in the second month in order to ...

2 gur of barley of the palace,

Enlil-bani received from PN;

he will measure it in the third month, the day they will ask the barley in the silos.

3 gur of barley,

from a sealed tablet of 10 gur of barley,

Ili-baniya received from Sîn-iddinashu.

He has drawn up a sealed document as its copy;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

10 sila of sesame as seed,

an interest of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be added,

Enim-Inana, the chief herdsman, received from Ahushunu;

to be given back in the month of the sesame harvest.

2 gur of sesame as seed,

with an interest of 100 sila per 1 gur,

AN.NE.NI received from Nanna-kam;

he will measure the sesame and its interest in the month of the sesame harvest in the ... of Damu;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

10 gur of sesame of the palace,

Galzu-Nanna received from Sîn-iddinashu, the overseer of the merchants, in order to make oil of it.

Sesame bran ...

Column iv


x [...] x [...] x [...] mu-x [...] x-x [...] si-si [...] 10 gig4 ku3-[babbar] in-na-[an-la2]

ud kur2-[sze3] (d)suen-i-[din-na-szu] inim nu-um-[ga2-ga2]

mu lugal-bi in#-[pad3] 5(asz) sze-gesz-i3# [gur]

5(asz) sze-gesz-i3# [gur]

masz2 nu-ub-tuku#

ki lu2-dingir-ra-[ta] szar-ru-um-x#-[x];ka _lal2-ni_ sze-gesz-i3 szu ba-an-[ti]

itud buru14 sze-gesz-[i3-sze3] mu [lugal-bi in-pad3]

mu [lugal-bi in-pad3] 3(u) sze-[gesz-i3 (gur)]

3(u) sze-[gesz-i3 (gur)]

(d)suen-[...] u3 u-bar-[...]

masz2 1(asz) gur# [1(barig) 4(ban2)-ta]

x x [...] geme2 x-[...] x [...] geme2# [...] (d)suen-[...] _ka gar3_ [...] _ab zu_ [...] szu-du8-a-ni#

szu-du8-a-ni# in-du8-[...] sza3 en-nu-ug3-[ta] im-ta-gur-re#-[esz]

tukum-[bi] itud buru14 sze-gesz-i3 sze-gesz-i3 u3 masz2-bi nu-na-an-szum2-mu-usz#

en-nu-ug3-sze3 gibil-x-x# i3-ib-gur-re-e;de3-esz

mu lugal-bi in;pad3-de3-esz 1(asz) gur sze-gesz-i3 numun#

1(asz) gur sze-gesz-i3 numun#

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)-ta

ki _an_-ba-ni-ta (d)nanna(!)-lu2-ti szu ba-an-ti

masz2 sag-du-bi;ta ba-da-tur#

nig2-na-me nu-na-an-szum2

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he paid 10 shekels of silver.

In the future Sîn-iddinashu will not raise a claim.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur sesame,

without interest,

from Lu-dingira, ..., he received sesame oil.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

30 gur sesame,

Sîn-... and Ubar-.

an interest rate of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be charged,

... ... female ... ... female ... Sîn-... ... ... ... his shududu-offerings

he has ... his shudu-offerings, he has returned them from the watch.

If in the month of the harvest sesame, sesame and its interest he does not give it,

they shall return to the guard .

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 gur sesame seed,

an interest rate of 100 sila per 1 gur is to be charged,

Nanna-luti received from Anu.

the interest on its capital has been reduced.

I have not given to him anything.


8 lines illegible ... he has weighed to him 10 shekels of silver.

In the future Sîn-iddinashu will not raise a claim;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

5 gur of sesame,

without interest,

Sharrum-... received from Ludingira as arrears of sesame;

he will measure it in the month of the sesame harvest.

He has sworn by the name of the king.

30 gur of sesame,

Sîn-... and Ubar-...,

with an interest of 100 sila per 1 gur

10 lines lost or illegible.

He will redeem his warranty and from the detention they will return.

If they will not give back to him the sesame and its interest in the month of the sesame harvest,

they will return to the prison again;

they have sworn by the name of the king.

1 gur of sesame as seed,

with an interest of 100 sila per 1 gur,

Nanna-luti received from Ilum-bani;

the interest from its capital has been deducted.

He has given back to him nothing ... rest lost.

Column i


e-la-li2-wa#-[qar] u3 (d)utu-tab-ba-e szeg12 hi-a szum2-mu-de3 szu ba-an-ti-esz

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 dirig szakanka iri(ki)-a i3-_du_-a-gin7-am3# _ugu la_ x _ne#_ [x] masz2 _du_ [x x] bi2-ib-tah-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1(ban2) i3-gesz

1(ban2) i3-gesz

ki a-ku-nu-um-ta _an-sipa_ i3-sur szu ba-an-ti

masz2#-bi itud buru14#-sze3

AI Translation

Eli-waqar and Shamash-tabbê have received the bricks.

In the second month he will make a shakkankanu-offering in the city as he wishes. ... he will add ... interest.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 ban2 of oil,

Ilum-Nergal received from Akunum;

its interest is to be paid in the month of the harvest.


El-ali-waqar and Shamash-tappê have received tot. ... in order to give back bricks;

in the second month, in addition, according to the rate of exchange wich is effective in the town, he? will add to ... the normal? interest;

he? has sworn by the name of the king.

10 sila of sesame oil

Ilum-re'i, the oil-maker, received from Akunum,

in the month of the harvest, its interest ...

Column ii


x-x#-[...] szu ba-an-ti#

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 szum2-mu-dam

1 gun2# siki kur-ra ; saga

[ku3-bi] 6 ma-na [...] x# _ze2_ uzud

[ki ...]-ta# ib#-[ni-(d)kab]-ta# dam-gar3 szu ba-an-ti

ku3-babbar sur-ra-bi (iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 sur-ra-bi

AI Translation

... he has received.

to be given back in the second month.

1 talent of kur-silver, good quality,

its silver: 6 minas ...

Ibni-Kabta, the merchant, received from PN;

The silver is to be paid in the second month.


PN2 received tot. barley from PN1;

to be given back in the second month.

1 talent of wool of the foreign land, of good quality,

its silver is 1 shekel for 6 minas of wool,... of goat

Ibni-Kabta, the merchant, received from PN.

The half of the silver value of the wool in the second month, its further half he will give back ....

Column iii


[...]-x dam-gar3 [...]-x-ta [...]-x-x [...] _ni_ [...]-na [...]-x [...] x x [...]

sze u3 masz2-bi# itud buru14-sze3 in-x#-sze3 bi2-ib-gur-ru

nig2 a2-tuku;bi# a-na gal2-la# [x] x# [...] a-na gal2-la#-x

szu-ri-ta-am3 i3-ba-[e]-ne

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1 sar szeg12 tul2-la

1 sar szeg12 tul2-la

AI Translation

... the merchant ...

he will return the barley and its interest in the month of the harvest to ...;

The property of its interest to be paid ... to be paid .

they shall divide equally.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 sar of reed, thrown away.


... PN, the merchant only final signs of 6 lines are preserved ...

he will return the barley and its interest in the month of the harvest ...;

the profit of the journey, as much as there may be, ..., as much as there may be,

they will divide the half part;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 sar of bricks for the well ... rest lost.

Column iv


x [...] szu [ba-an-ti]

(iti)[...-sze3] szeg12 u3 [masz2-bi] i3-ag2#-[e]

mu lugal-[bi in-pad3] 30 sar szeg12#

30 sar szeg12#

masz2 1 sar szeg12#-ta

ki hu-nu-bu-um#-ta nu-ur2-a-hi-isz szu# ba-an-[ti]


tukum#-[bi] (iti)gu4-si#-[su-sze3] la-ba-ab#-[szum2] [...]

x sar szeg12#

masz2 nu-ub-tuku

ki nig2-ga-(d)nanna#;ta (d)nanna-me-sza4# szu ba-an-ti

AI Translation

... ... he has received.

he will measure the bricks and its interest in the ... month.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

30 sar of bricks;

an interest rate of 1 sar of bricks per 1 sar is to be added,

Nuur-ahish received from Hunubum;

to be given back.

If in the second month he does not give it back, .

x sar of bricks;

without interest,

Nanna-mesha received from Nigga-Nanna;


... PN received ...;

he will measure the bricks and their interest in the month ...;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

30 sar of bricks,

with an interest of 1 sar of bricks,

Nur-ahishu received from Hunnubum;

to be given back.

If he will not give it back in the second month ...

Tot. sar of bricks,

without interest,

Nanna-mesha received from Nigga-Nanna ...

Column i


szu# ba-an-ti

(iti)#gu4-si-su-sze3 szum2-mu-dam

5 gig4 ku3-babbar

[sza3 kiszib 1/3 ma-na]

[lu2-du10-ga munu4-mud6] _an_-ba-ni-ra in-na-ra-sug6

kiszib#-ba-ni [in-na]-an-tak4#

[ugu lu2-du10-ga] [munu4]-mud6(?)# [(disz)]_an#_-ba-ni-e(?) [bi2]-in#-tuku-a

[ku3-babbar] u3# masz2-bi [...]-x

AI Translation


to be given back in the second month.

5 shekels of silver,

from the sealed tablet of 1/3 mina.

Luduga, the mutton of Anu-bani, has slighted.

he has sworn by the name of the seller.

Ilum-bani has imposed upon Luduga the payment of munu-mud.

The silver and its interest .


PN received ...;

to be given back in the second month.

5 shekels of silver,

from a sealed tablet of 1/3 mina,

Luduga, the maltster, has paid back to Ilum-bani

and he Ilum-bani has drawn up his new sealed tablet to him;

... since Ilum-bani has a claim against Luduga, the maltster,

the silver and its interest ...

Column ii


[szum2]-mu-dam [n gig4] ku3-babbar

[n gig4] ku3-babbar

[masz2 1] gig4 x(?) 3(ban2) sze-ta tah#-he-dam

ki# lu2-nin-szubur-ta e-la-li2-wa-qar (d)suen-ba-ni u3 ku-li-ia [szu] ba-an-ti-esz

(iti)gu4#-si-su-sze3 x-x-x-x# sze u3 masz2-bi _ka-ra_-ni i3-ag2-e-ne

mu lugal-bi in-pad3;de3-esz 1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar

1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar

masz2-bi-sze3 nu-hu-tum geme2 geme2 i3-li2-asz-ra-ni ku3-ta gub-ba-asz# ib2-ta-gub-bu#

ki szu-(d)nin-[x] i3-li2-asz-ra-ni# ku3 szu ba-an-ti

1(ban2) dabin-ta-am3 ud 1-e i3-ar3-e 1/3 gig4# x ud# 1-kam

u3 szar-ru#-x-tum lugal geme2-ke4# e2 x x x x ib2-kalag-ge-x

AI Translation

to be given back.

n shekels of silver

an interest rate of 3 seahs per 1 shekel of silver is to be added,

Elali-waqar, Sîn-bani and Kulaya received from Lu-ninshubur;

In the second month ... will measure the barley and its interest.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1/3 mina of silver

he will serve as a pledge. The female slave and the female slave Ili-ashranni will stand in silver.

Ili-ashranni received from Shu-Nin-...;

1 ban2 of semolina per day, he will grind it down 1/3 shekel ... per day.

and Sharru-..., the king, the female slave, the house ... will be .


... to be given back.

x mina of silver,

an interest of 30 sila of barley per 1 shekel is to be added,

El-ali-waqar, Sîn-bani and Kuliya received from Lu-Ninshubur.

They will measure the barley and its interest in the second month ... at his request;

they have sworn by the name of the king.

1/3 mina of silver,

as its interest, the slave-girl Nuhutum, the slave of Ili-ashranni, will serve as a pledge,

Ili-ashranni received from Shu-Nin-x.

She will grind 10 sila of flour a day, 1/3 shekel of ... on one day, ...

and ... the owner of the slave-girl, ....

Column iii


[ki puzur4]-(d)nin#-[gi4-li2];ta (d)suen-li-szer ku3 bala-bala-e-de3 szu ba-an-ti

(iti)gu4-si-su-sze3 ku3-babbar u3 masz2-bi puzur4-(d)nin-gi4-li2 lugal ku3-ga-ke4 sza3 gur-nu-um-ta# ib2-ta-an#-[x]

nig2 kasz4 [...] u3 ku3-babbar [...]

u3 ku3-babbar [...]

puzur4-(d)nin-gi4#-[li2] kasz4 x# [x] in-[...]

mu lugal#-[bi in-pad3] 1(bur3) [...]-x

1(bur3) [...]-x us2-[a-_du_ ...]-x ki _an#_-[x-x]-ta nu-x#-[x-x] szu [ba-an]-ti [...]-x-x

a-sza3 x-(d)suen# _sur_(?) _pap-pap_ x-x-gal a-sza3 _an-sipa_ us2-a-_du an_-ba-ni [...]-x-x [...] [...]

_an_-ba-ni ku3 szu ba-an-ti


AI Translation

Sîn-lishir received from Puzur-Ningili;

In the second month, Puzur-Ningili, the king of the silver, will ... the silver and its interest from the gurnum-flour.

the goods of the messenger ... and silver .

and silver ...

Puzur-Ningili, the messenger ... .

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 bur3 ... next to ... from ... ... he has taken. .

field of ...-Sîn, ..., field of, next to the field of Anu-bani, ... .

Anbani received the silver.



Sîn-lisher received from Puzur-Ningili tot. silver as silver for trading;

in the second month, Puzur-Ningili, the owner of the silver, will ... the silver and its interest from the ...;

the provision for the journey ...

and the silver ...

Puzur-Ningili did ... the journey;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

Nu-... received from PN 1 bur of ..., adjacent ... 6 missing lines

the field of Ur-Sîn, ... the field of Ilum-re'î, adjacent to that of Ilum-bani ...

Ilum-re'î received;

the field ....

Column iv


szu-x#-[...] ku3-babbar ba-ab-szum2-mu# e2-a-ni-ta ba-ra-e3-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1 sag-nita2 _nim_(?)

1 sag-nita2 _nim_(?) i3-li2-en-um mu-ni#-im [arad] a-hu-ni

ki a-hu-ni [lugal-a]-ni-ir [...]-_ni_ in#-szi-sa10

sam2 til-la-ni-sze3 1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar in-na-la2

ud kur2-sze3 a-hu-ni arad-gu10 nu-ub-be2 mu lugal-bi ; in-pad3

AI Translation

Shu-... gave to him silver, and he took it out of his house.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 male ... Ili-enum, his name, servant of Ahuni.

... he seized ... from Ahuni, his master.

as his full price he paid 1/3 mina of silver.

In the future Ahuni, my servant, will not say: "The king has sworn it."


PN will be sold into slavery and will forfeit his house;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

An Elamite? slave, named Ili-ennum, the slave of Ahuni,

PN bought from Ahuni, his master;

1/3 mina of silver, as his full price, he weighed out.

In the future, Ahuni will not say 'He is my slave'; he has sworn by the name of the king.

Column i


[...]-ba#-ni szu# ba-an-ti (iti)szu-numun-a szum2#-mu-dam

[x] sar e2 du3-a [da] e2 x x

[x sar (gesz)]kiri6 x (gesz)gesznimbar sig7#-sig7 ; (al)-szeg6-ga2(?) u3 (gesz)gesznimbar suhuszx2(_tur_) ib2-si-a

lugal (gesz)kiri6 ip-qu2-ba-ni

2 sag-munus 1 sag-nita2# u3 gesz [...] 2 x-x

ha-la-ba ru-ba-tum lukur# (d)nergal a-bi2-ak x szesz-a-ne-ne;ka in-ba-esz

ud kur2-sze3 szesz-a-ne-ne a-sza3# _an-ta_ szub-de3-esz ha-la-ba-x(?)# inim nu-um-ga2-ga2

mu lugal-bi in-pad3-de3#-esz

AI Translation

...-bani received. Month IV, to be given back.

x sar of built house next to the house of .

... orchard, ... of yellow-green date palms, and date palms, the base of the tree,

the king of the orchard will pluck up.

2 female kids, 1 male kid, ... 2 .

The share of the naditu, the naditu of Nergal, the father, ... your brothers, he divided.

In the future, the brothers will divide the upper field, the share ..., and they will not raise a claim.

he has sworn by the name of the king.


...-bani received ...; to be given back in the fourth month.

A built-up house plot of tot. sar, next to the house of ..., 5 lines lost,

an orchard of tot. sar filled with cooked green date palms and date palm offshoots:

the owner of the orchard is Ipqu-bani;

2 slave-girls, 1 slave, and ..., 2 ...:

the allotted share to Rubatum, the naditu of Nergal of Apiak, her brothers, together, have allotted it.

In the future, her brothers will not make any claim about field ... in order to ... and about her share of inheritance;

they have sworn by the name of the king.

Column ii


[ama]-ar#-gi4-ni in-gar

nam-arad-da-ni;ta in-dadag

kiszib nam-dadag-ga-ni in-na-an-szum2

tukum-bi ud ((_asz_)) kur2-sze3 i3-li2-i-mi-ti ib-ni-(d)_mar-tu_ ad-da-ni-ra ad-da-gu10 nu-me-en ba-na-an-du11 nam-arad-da-ni-sze3 ib2-gi4-gi4#-x

[u3 tukum-bi] [i3-li2-i-mi-ti (dumu-nita)-ra] [ib-ni-(d)_mar-tu_] ad-da-ni# dumu-gu10 nu-me-en ba-na-an-du11 1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar in-na-la2-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3-de3-esz kiszib mu-sar

kiszib mu-sar ur-dun dam-gar3 u2-gu ba-an-de2#

inim pu-uh2-ru-um#;ma-ka nigir-((nigir))-e sila#-sila-a [si] gu3 ba-ni-in;rah2(!)(_ri_) [lu2]-na-me(!)(_la2_) [nig2]-na-me(!)(_la2_) [ugu]-na(!)(_ne_) li;bi2#-in-tuku-a

(disz)lu2-(d)suen szagina

AI Translation

he has sworn by the name of Amargini.

he has sworn by the name of his servant.

he gave him the seal of his slander.

If in the future Ili-imitti and Ibni-Amurrum, his father, say to him: "You are not my father, he will return to his servant"

And if Ili-imitti, his son, Ibni-Amurrum, his father, says: "You are not my son," he will pay 1/3 mina of silver.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

The seal of the scribe Urdun, the merchant, he seized.

By the command of your assembly, the herald of the streets roars loudly, may the people and the goods be slandered against me.

Lu-Suen, general;


Ibni-Amurru has freed him = Ili-imitti,

has redeemed him from his slavery,

and he has given to him a document concerning his manumission.

If, in the future, Ili-imitti says to Ibni-Amurru, his father,: 'You are not my father', he will go back to his slavery;

and if Ibni-Amurru, his father says to Ili-imitti, his son: 'You are not my son', he will weigh 1/3 mina of silver;

they have sworn by the name of the king.

The inscribed seal of Urdun, the merchant, got lost.

According to the proclamation of the assembly, the herald blew the horn in all the streets informing that no one shall have any claim against him.

Lu-Suena, the general, Lugal-melam, the governor and temple administrator, Sidu the scribe, Zuzu, the scholar, Bansagen the lamentation performer are the witnesses.

Column iii


(f)sza(?)#-[at-_an_] dumu-munus i-din-(d)[x-x] (disz)u2-qa2-_an_ dumu _arad#_-(d)da-mu nam#-dam-sze3 ba-an-tuku

2(iku) gana2 a-sza3 dalla a-sza3 kesz2-kesz2-x 10 (gesz)gesznimbar gun2-na zag (gesz)kiri6 _arad_-isz8-tar2 1/3 sar e2 du3-a da e2 a-hu-ni 2 (gesz)gu-za sir3-da 1 gesz-nud-ki-nud 1 (na4)kinkin ad-bar szu si3#-ga u2-qa2-[_an_-ra(?)] in-na-an-[szi-ti] u3 u2-qa2-_an_

u3 u2-qa2-_an_ dam-a-ni 1(esze) gana2 a-sza3 gu4-du8 a-sza3 si-(d)en-ki 1(iku) gana2 (gesz)kiri6 1/2 sar e2 du3-a 1 sag-munus 1 sag-nita2 in-na-an-szi-ti#

mu lugal-bi# in-pad3

[sza]-at-_an_ u2-qa2-_an_-ra dam-gu10 in-nu ba-na-an-du11 nig2-gur11-ni-ta ib2-ta-an-sar-re

u3 tukum-bi u2-qa2-_an_ dam-a-ni dam-gu10 nu-me-en ba-na-an-du11 1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar i3-na-la2-e

mu lugal-bi in-pad3 1 sag-geme2

1 sag-geme2 qe2-er-bi2-pi2-sza mu-ni-im geme2 en-na-a

ki en-na-a nin-a-ni-ta e2-a-na-s,i-ir in-szi-sa10

1/3 ma-na ku3-babbar sam2 til-la-ni-sze3

AI Translation

Uqqa-Issar, son of Warad-damu, has received from Shat-ili, daughter of Iddin-..., as her husband.

2 iku of field, the field of the ..., 10 cedars, the front of the orchard, of Warad-Ishtar, 1/3 sar of built house next to the house of Ahuni, 2 throne-beams, 1 scepter, 1 scepter of adbar, hand ..., he ..., and .

and Uqqa-Ilum, his wife: 1 eshe field, ox-grain field, si-Enki; 1 iku field, orchard, 1/2 sar, built house; 1 woman, 1 male slave, he has given.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

Shat-Ishtar ... my wife, he has spoken to me, and has written down her property.

And if Uqqa-Ilum, his wife, says: "You are not my wife," he will pay 1/3 mina of silver.

he has sworn by the name of the king.

1 slave woman named qerubisha, slave woman of Ennâ;

Ea-nashir bought from Enna, her mistress.

1/3 mina of silver, as his full price,


Uqqa-ilam, son of Arad-Damu, has taken Shat-ilim, daughter of Iddin-x in marriage.

2 iku of dalla-field, the field ..., 10 palm trees each bearing 1 talent of dates, bordering on the orchard of Warad-Ishtar, a built-up house plot of 1/3 sar next to the house of Ahuni, two chairs, one bed, one basalt millstone provided with a muller: he = Iddin-x has presented to Uqqa-ilam;

and Uqqa-ilam, his husband, has presented to her 6 iku of gud-du8 field, a field of Si-Enki, one orchard of 1 iku, a built-up house plot of 1/2 sar, one slave-girl, one slave:

he has sworn by the name of the king.

If Shat-ilim says to Uqqa-ilam: 'You are not my husband', she will be expelled from her property,

and if Uqqa-ilam, her husband says to her: 'You are not my wife', he will weigh to her 1/3 mina of silver;

he has sworn by the name of the king.

A slave-girl, named Qerbi-pisha, the slave of Ennâ,

Ea-nashir bought from Ennâ, her mistress;

he weighed to her 1/3 mina of silver as her full price;

Column iv


lugal(?)-ku3-x-ka(?) sza3 nin-(a)-ni ba-an-dug3

nam-dam-ni-sze3 ba-an-tuku 2 dumu-nita2 1 dumu-munus gaba in-szi-tu-ud#

[ud kur2-sze3] [en]-na-a geme2-gu10 nu-ub-be2-a

mu lugal-bi in;pad3 [x] x szub-ba

[x] x szub-ba (disz)a-hu#-ni mu-[ni]-im dumu szu-[isz8]-tar2

ki szu-[isz8]-tar2 ad-da-ni-ta ib-la2-tum nam-dumu-ni-sze3 nam-ibila-ni-sze3 in-gar

1 1/3 gig4 ku3-babbar nam-a2-e3-ni-sze3 in-na-[la2]

ib-la2-tum dumu-gu10 he2-eb-be2 arad-gu10 nu-na-ab;be2-a

mu lugal-bi in-pad3

AI Translation

Lugalku..., who rejoices over his mistress,

he has taken as his wife. He has given 2 sons and 1 daughter, the breast.

In the future, if my wife does not marry me,

he has sworn by the name of the king.

... the house of Ahunu, the man, son of Shu-Ishtar,

from Shu-Ishtar, her father, Ibaltum, as his son and as his heir, has leased.

he shall pay 1 and 1/3 shekels of silver as her annual payment.

Iblatum, my son, may he speak, my servant may he not speak.

he has sworn by the name of the king.


the owner of the silver ? has satisfied the slave-girl'mistress;

he has taken her in marriage and she bore him two sons and one suckling daughter.

In the future, Ennâ does not say any more: 'She is my slave';

he has sworn by the name of the king.

A ..., named Ahuni, son of Shu-Ishtar,

Iblatum has adopted from Shu-Ishtar, his father, and established him as his heir.

He = Iblatum weighed to him 1 and 1/3 shekels of silver for the expenses incurred in raising the child 5 lines lost.

Iblatum will call him 'my child' and will not say any more 'my slave';

he has sworn by the name of the king.

X000012: eponym-chronicle tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



gu gesz-la2 nam#-[szub ...]

zi te#-en-te-en usz2 lil2-la2 nam#-[szub ...]

mu-ra(?)-sukud-da zi ud# [...]

na-[an]-gub-be2-en na-an#-tusz-e#-[en]

nam-ba-gi4-gi4-en nam-ba#-nigin-e-ne

ki nu-ra-zu-sze3 sag-ba mu-un-na-ab-nu2(?)#

ki sed-[de3 ...] ki nu-sed-de3 nam#-ba-gi-en

ga2-e# lu2 (d)en-ki-ga-me-en#

ga2#-e lu2 (d)dam-gal-nun-na#-me-en#

ga2#-e (lu2)kig2-gi4-a (d)asar-lu2-hi-me-en#

szu (d)en-ki-ke4# [szu-gu10 i3-gal2]

tu6# (d)en-ki-ke4 te-e sza2 (d)e2#-[a ina] te#-e-a i-ba-asz2-szi tu6-gu10 i3-gal2#

inim (d)en-ki-ke4 a-mat (d)e2-a ina pi-ia# i-ba-asz2-szi ka-gu10 [i3-gal2]

udug saga-ga a2 zi-da-gu10 mu-un-da#-[...]

(d)#lamma saga-ga a2 kab-bu-gu10 mu-un#-[...] la-mas-si du#-un-qi2 [i]-na# szu2-me-li-ia [...]

AI Translation

You cast down a throne, .

The life of the dead, death of the lilû-demon, will fall .

Who guides the satraps, life .

You stand, you sit.

"You shall be sated, you shall be sated."

'He has sworn by the name of the king that he will not be slandered with your slander.

You are confined to a place where there is no rest. You are confined to a place where there is no rest.

I am the man of Enki.

I am Damgalnuna,

I am the temple entu-priestess of Asalluhi.

Hand of Enki, my hand is here.

The garment of Enki, the garment of Ea, there is on the garment. My garment is here.

The word of Enki, the word of Ea, is in my mouth. My mouth is there.

My good udug, my ..., ... my right hand.

The good protective deity ... my strong ..., the good protective deity in my hand .


You are destroyed by snare, battle, and incantation, may the swearing shatter you!

Extinguisher of life, death, and ghost, you are destroyed by the incantation.

When you rise up, life and daylight are shattered.

Do not stand, do not sit,

do not return, do not roam around.

The oath has made you lie down at a place unknown to you,

and the place where you rest has become a place without rest.

I belong to Enki!

I belong to Damgalnuna!

I am the messenger of Marduk,

what belongs to Enki belongs to me!

The incantation of Enki is in my incantation,

the word of Enki is in my mouth.

The good udug that goes at my right side

and the good lammar that goes at my left side



dingir sag-du-gu10-sze3 ki nam-til3-la-gu10-sze3 [...]

sza3-zu nig2 hul-dim2-ma [...]

igi-zu nig2 hul-dim2-ma# nam-mu#-un-szi#-[in-bar-ra]

ka-zu nig2 hul-dim2-ma nam-ba-ab#-[tum3]

szu#-zu nig2 hul-dim2-ma nam-mu-un-szi-in-sa2#-[sa2]

su-gu10-sze3 [a-na] zu#-um-ri-ia# e ta-at,-ha-a#-a nam-ba-teg3-ge26-ne#

igi-gu10-sze3 a-na pa#-ni-ia e ta-as-sa-ah-ra nam-ba-nigin#-[e]-ne#

egir-gu10-sze3 a-na ar2#-ki-ia# e ta-tu-ra# [...]

ki gen-na-gu10-sze3 nam-mu-da#-[...]

ki ku4#-ku4-da-gu10-sze3# ba-ra-an-ku4-ku4-ne#

e2#-gu10 nam-ba-teg3-ge26-e-ne

[ur3]-gu10 nam#-mu-un-da#-bal-[...]

[tu6-du11-ga] inim# (d)en-ki#-[ga-ke4]

AI Translation

My personal god, where my life .

Your heart is a evil thing and .

Your eyes are filled with evil,

Your mouth is a curse that will be smashed.

May the evil hand of the one who is to be destroyed not be smashed.

My body is a swollen limb, you will not be able to stand up for me.

You have turned towards my face, you have gathered them.

After that, you return to my side .

. . . I will .

they will enter my house where I entered.

My house will not be reconstructed.

My body will not .

The word of Enki,


have set me before the god, my creator, in a place where there is life and peace for me.

Your heart will not carry evil,

your eye will not look at me with evil intent!

Your mouth will not carry evil,

your evil hand will not reach me!

Do not approach my body!

Do not turn around before me,

nor turn back behind me!

Do not go where I go,

do not enter where I enter!

Do not come near my house,

do not break through my roof!

Because of the incantation, the word of Enki,

X000013: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


[szu (d)en-ki-ke4] szu-gu10 i3#-[gal2]

[tu6 (d)en-ki-ke4] tu6-gu10 i3-gal2

[inim (d)en-ki-ke4] ka-gu10 i3-gal2

[udug saga-ga a2 zi-da]-gu10# mu-un-da-an-gen-na

AI Translation

Hand of Enki, my hand is here.

My soup of Enki is here.

The word of Enki is here.

My good udug ...,

Bodine, Walter R.

what belongs to Enki belongs to me!

The incantation of Enki is in my incantation,

the word of Enki is in my mouth.

The good udug that goes at my right side

X000015: eponym-chronicle tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[lu2-ki]-inim#-ma [itud-bi] mu#-bi-im

[n] sze gur

[masz2] nu-ub-tuku

[ki ...]-kur(?)-zu(?)-ta [...]-da-sa2-ke4 [szu ba]-an#-ti

[mu-_du_ ud] buru14#-ka [gur-ru]-dam

[tukum]-bi [mu-_du_ ud buru14]-ka

AI Translation

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

n gur of barley,

without interest

PN received from ...-kurzu ...dasa.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

If at the delivery of your harvest he has not returned it,


Its witnesses, its month, its year.

Tot. gur of barley,

without interest,

PN2 received from PN1;

to be returned at the delivery of the harvest.

If at the delivery of the harvest he has not returned it ...

Obverse Column ii


masz2 1(asz) gur [1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3] bi2-ib-tah-e

lu2-ki-inim-ma itud-bi mu-bi-im

1(u) 2(asz) sze gur

ki _an-apin_-ta ur-du6-ku3-ga-ke4 szu ba-an-ti

ki uludin-bi-sze3 gur-ru-dam

tukum-bi ki uludin-bi-sze3 la#-ba-an-gur

[mu-_du_] ud(?) buru14-ka

AI Translation

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be added,

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

12 gur of barley,

Ur-Dukuga received from Anu-apin;

at the established time he shall return

If at its due-time he does not return it,

Month of Addaru, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of the land of the gods.


... he will add an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur.

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

12 gur of barley

Ur-Dukuga received from Ilum-eresh;

to be returned at its due-time.

If at its due-time he has not returned it,

at the delivery of the harvest ...

X000016: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[lu2-ki-inim]-ma# [itud-bi mu]-bi

[n] sze gur

[masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)] sze-ta-am3

AI Translation

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

n gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,


Its witnesses, its month, its year.

Tot. gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur ...

Obverse Column ii


sze u3# [masz2-bi] gur-[ru-dam]

lu2-ki-[inim-ma] itud-bi [mu-bi]

3(asz) [sze gur]

masz2# 1(asz) gur# [1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3]

AI Translation

the barley and its interest are to be returned.

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

3 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,


The barley with its interest are to be returned in ....

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

3 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur ...

X000017: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...]-szum2# [lu2-ki]-inim#-ma [itud]-bi mu#-bi

[n] sze gur#

[masz2 1(asz)] gur 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze#-[ta-am3]

AI Translation

... ... the witnesses, its month, its year.

n gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,


... Its witnesses, its month, its year.

Tot. gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur ...

Obverse Column ii


[sze] u3# [masz2-bi] gur-ru-dam#

lu2-ki-inim-ma# itud-bi mu-bi#

5(asz) sze [gur]

masz2# 1(asz) gur# [1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3]

AI Translation

the barley and its interest are to be returned.

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

5 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,


The barley with its interest are to be returned in ....

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

5 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur ...

X000018: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


lu2-ki-inim-[ma] itud-bi mu-bi-im#

2(asz) sze gur

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3 sig9-ge4-de3

ki (d)suen-ba-ni-ta (disz)x-x-x-x#

AI Translation

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

2 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

PN received from Sîn-bani .


Its witnesses, its month, its year.

2 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

PN received from Sîn-bani.

X000020: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[1(asz)] sze# gur

[masz2 1(asz) gur] 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3 [sig9]-ge4#-de3

ki# lugal-ezen-ta# (disz)a#-pil-ku-bi-ke4 szu# ba-an-ti

[(iti)]szeg12#-a-ka [sze u3] masz2#-bi

AI Translation

1 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

Apil-kubbi received from Lugal-ezen;

In the third month the barley and its interest are to be added.


1 gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

Apil-Kubi received from Lugal-ezen.

In the third month, the barley with its interest ...

Obverse Column ii


ki [...-ta] (disz)_an_-ba-[ni] szu ba-an#-[ti]

mu-_du_ [ud buru14-ka] sze u3 masz2#-[bi] al-[ag2-e]

AI Translation

Ilum-bani received from PN;

At the delivery of the harvest he will measure the barley and its interest.


Ilum-bani received from PN ...

he will measure the barley with its interest at the delivery of the harvest.

X000021: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


1/3 ma-na ku3#-[babbar]

ki (d)nanna-x-x#-[ta] (disz)i-din-(d)x#-[x] u3 i-din#-(d)da-[mu(?)] x x# _ti_ x#

AI Translation

1/3 mina of silver

Iddin-... and Iddin-Damu ... from Nanna-.


1/3 mina of silver

Iddin-... and Iddin-Damu? ... from Nanna-...

X000022: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


[n] sze gur

masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze-ta-am3 sig9-ge4-de3

ki a-hu-ki-nu(?)-um(?)# (disz)_an_-ba-ni szu ba-an-[ti]


AI Translation

n gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

Ilum-bani received from Ahu-kinum;

in the third month


Tot. gur of barley,

an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be charged,

Ilum-bani received from Ahum-kinum.

In the third month ...

X000023: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


ba-usz2#-[a-ta] ibila (d)nin#-[urta-palil] a-na me-a#-[bi] nam-arad2-da-[ni-sze3] inim nu-um#-[ga2-ga2]


AI Translation

The heir of Ninurta-palil, to whom he has sworn by the name of his servant he has not sworn.

Ninurta-palil 797 BC.


After Ninurta-palil will have died, any heirs of Ninurta-palil, how many there may be, shall not raise a claim concerning his status as a slave.

Ninurta-palil ...

X000024: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


1 sag-nita2# (disz)(d)en-lil2-gal-zu# mu-ni-im arad2 i-lu-su

(disz)i-lu-su lugal-a-ni# ama-ar-gi4-ni in-gar# sag#-ki-ni in-dadag

(disz)(d)#en-lil2-gal-zu# ud# til3-la-ni-[sze3] itud#-da x# [...]

AI Translation

One slave: Enlil-galzu, the slave of Ilusu.

Ilusu, our king, set up his camp and smashed his head.

Enlil-galzu, for the duration of his term, monthly ... .


A man, named Enlil-galzu, the slave of Ilussu,

Ilussu, his master, has freed; he has cleared his forehead.

As long as he Ilussu lives, Enlil-galzu monthly ...

X000025: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


[...] a-sza3 szub5 sze

[sza3 a]-sza3 uz-za

[us2-a]-_du_ a-a-kal-la

[a-sza3] dingir-lu2-ti

[ki dingir]-lu2-ti-ta [...]-x-ta-ke4(?) [nam-apin]-la2 igi 3-gal2-sze3

AI Translation

... a sown field of barley

of the zaza field

adjoining the canal of Ayakalla,

field of the gods

PN has received from Ilutu ... as a loan.


A barley stubble field of ...,

in the uza irrigation district,

its flank bordering the field of Ayakala,

which is the field of Digir-luti,

PN has leased in tenancy from Digir-luti at the rate of one-third of the annual yield.

X000028: school tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[lu2-ki-inim]-ma# [itud-bi] mu-bi-im#

[n] sze gur

[masz2 ...] sze-ta-am3# [tah-he]-dam

[ki ...]-ta [...]-ke4

AI Translation

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

n gur of barley,

an interest rate of ... per n grains is to be added,

from PN2 ...


Its witnesses, its month, its year.

Tot. gur of barley,

an interest rate of ... is to be added,

PN2 received from PN1 ...

Obverse Column ii


[ki] x-x-x-x# (disz)ip-qu2-(d)na-na-a-a szu ba-an-ti

mu-_du_ buru14-ka _ka ab ba_ x sze al-ag2#-e

lu2-ki-inim-ma itud-bi mu-bi

AI Translation

Ipqu-Nanaya received from PN;

... at the delivery of the harvest ... he will measure the barley.

Its witnesses, its month, its year.


Ipqu-Nanaya received from PN;

he will measure the barley at the delivery of the harvest ...

Its witnesses, its month, its year.

Obverse Column iii


la#-[ba-ag2-e] masz2 [...] bi2-ib-[tah-e]

inim-inim-[ni] ba-[an-szum2]

AI Translation

he will not raise a claim; he will pay the interest .

he has sworn by his word.


If he will not measure the barley, he will add an interest of ...;

he has promised.

Reverse Column ii


mu x x x x / ba(?)-x-x 1/2 sar e2 du3-a da e2 (d)suen-x-x in-na-an-szum2

ud kur2-sze3 _an-sipa_ u3 ibila-a-ni / a-na me-a-bi# e2-bi#-[sze3 ...]

AI Translation

... he gave to him 1/2 sar of built house next to the house of Sîn-.

In the future, Isipa and his heirs, as many as there will be, will not raise a claim concerning this house.


As ... he gave a built-up house plot of 1/2 sar, next to the house of Sin-...

In the future Ilum-re'i and his heirs, as many as there will be, will not raise a claim concerning this house.

Reverse Column iii


[n] sze gur

[x sa10]-sa10-de3 [nam-tab]-ba-a-ni#-sze3

[ki] (d)da-mu-a-zu-ta [(disz)a]-ba-(d)nanna-gin7-ke4 [szu] ba-an-ti

[mu-_du_] ud buru14-ka#

AI Translation

n gur of barley,

for buying ..., for his life

Aba-Nanna-gin received from Damu-azu;

at the delivery of the harvest,


Tot. gur of barley,

for buying ..., for a partnership enterprise,

Aba-Nanna-gin received from Damu-azu;

at the delivery of the harvest ...

X000100: tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x-(x)] x sza3#-gu10-da sza3-gu10

[ga-sza]-an-an-na men3

[x] ki(?)# u2 _du_-da sza3-gu10

x-ga#-ta na-ma-gig-ga-gu10

ga-am3-du11 ga-am3(!)(A-)du11

e2 zi-bi uru2-a ba-an-gul-gul

e2 mu-lu zi-bi uru2-a ba-an-tu10-be2-esz

e2-gu10 (iz)-zi gal-gal-la-bi ba-gul

[a]-sza3#-ga2 mu-lu il2 si il2-il2-bi-ta# usz2

x x x# gu4-re# ba-ab-ir

AI Translation

... my heart, my heart

Gashanana, you are indeed my lady!

... my heart

My ..., my fear

I will say: I will say:

The house that was occupied by the city was destroyed.

The man who the life of the city has taken away,

My house, its great izzi-vessel was destroyed.

The man who the field ..., from the field ... died.

... he killed the bulls.

Cohen, Mark E.

... with my heart. My heart!

I am Gashanana!

... My heart!

My heart that has become painful to me because of ...

I want to speak, I want to speak!

This trusty house has been destroyed in the city.

In the city they have strikken the trusty men of the house.

My house, all its great walls are destroyed.

In my field a carrier died from raised horns.

The ox was taken away ...

Obverse Column ii


[... (d)]uszumgal#-an-na

am kun4 mah am e2-gal an-na

u8-zu al-lu sila4-zu al-rig7

uz3-zu al-lu masz2-zu al-rig7

a2-szu-me-ri-zu am2-[ma]-dab5#

mu-gi-na-zu am2-ma-dab5#

eb-zu ub-lil2-la2-za#

gu3 gig-ga bi2-ib#-be2

u3-mu-un e2-e [x]-zu(?)# ub-lil2-la2

szukur2 i3-[ba(?)] al#-gu-re

sanga al-usz2 [x] al-gig(!)-ga

a2 szesz en#-[x]-bi im-me mu-tin-an-na-ke4

ki(?)-sikil(?)-e ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4#

AI Translation

... Ushumgalana

magnificent lion, lion of the palace of heaven

Your ewe is full of life, your lamb is well.

Your sheep are plentiful, your goats are well.

he has taken it as a loan.

he has taken your scepter away from him.

Your sanctum is your ublilla-house.

he screams bitterly,

Lord of the house, ... of the ublilla priestess,

he will weigh the oil of the rations

the priest dies, ... is ill.

The labor of the brother of the en-... he has sworn by the name of Mutinana.

for the young woman Gashanana,

Cohen, Mark E.

Ushumgalana ...

Bull with a magnificent tail, bull of the heavenly temple,

Your ewes are abundant, your lambs are pastured.

Your goats are abundant, your kids are pastured.

Your extremities are seized.

Your limbs are seized

In your shrine, the ublilla shrine

a pained voice arises.

Lord at the house ... the ublilla shrine,

Food rations and oil rations are returned.

The administrator is dead, ... painfully.

Mutinana says: ...!

Young lady Gashanana.

Obverse Column iii


am ug5-ga-sze3 i-bi2# x

i-bi2-na i-bi2 mu-un-na-bar-bar-re

mud al(!)-gu7-e (gesz)ha-lu-ub2# al-ak-e

ag2 tul2-sag-ga2-na al-ku5-de3

ama-gan-e uru2(?) mu-lu#-gu10 zi-da(?)-gu10(?) pel2-la2-bi am3-me#

ta-am3 gu-lu-bi# [am3]-me(?)#

ud-ba ge16-le-gen-na-gu10 ud#-ba(!) me(?)-le-a

me-er-me-re he2-em-zig3-ga a-nigin2(?) eden-na ma-ni-dub

su8-ba amasz ku3-ge er2-ra _bu#_-[x]

amasz ku3 su8-ba amasz ku3-ge# er2-ra _bu_-x#

AI Translation

for the people, .

He smote him, he smote him.

He eats the blood, he eats the halub tree.

he will cut off the water from his trough.

The mother of the city, my man, my life, its womb? is my name.

What is its gulubi?

My day is overcast, my day is overcast

He is a sage, he is a sage, he is a sage of the desert.

The sheepfold of the pure sheepfold .

The pure sheepfold ... The pure sheepfold .

Cohen, Mark E.

He is looking at the dead wild bull!

He is looking at his face.

Consuming blood, as if watering a halub tree.

The water of his well is diverted.

The child-bearing mother says: "the city, my man, my trustworthy one - defiled."

"Why this destroying?", she says.

On this day: My destruction! On this day: Woe!

The storm has risen and coverd? the water pool in the desert for me.

The shepherd at the pure sheepfold ... weeping.

Pure sheepfold! The shepherd at the pure sheepfold ... weeping.

Reverse Column i


u4(?)-lum-ma li-lum-ma

ud zal-zal sila si-si-ig ud me-na ku-ku

mu-gi17-ib ud zal-zal sila si-si-ig ud me-na ku-ku

mu-gib3 an-na

ud gurusz-zu ba-dab5-ba-ta

ud mu-ud-na-zu ba-dab5-ba-ta

(d)uszumgal-an-na ba-dab5-ba-ta

_gum_-_lil2_-_mu_-_mu_-zu szu mu-un-du3-a-ta

mu-lu ug5-ga ud ul-sze3 ba-da-teg3 mu-da-ku-ku

ga-sza#-an-an-na men3 ud ul-sze3 x-(x)-da(?)

AI Translation

When the storm is over, the street is closed, when the storm is dark,

He has sworn by the name of the king. The day is long, the street is narrow. The day is dark.

reed guard of An,

When your young man has been seized,

When you have seized it,

from Ushumgalana seized;

From your ... who has been appointed

The man who the people in the future shall kill,

Gashanana, when .

Cohen, Mark E.

Ulumma! Lilumma

Spending the days in the silent streets - when will there be sleep?

Mugib priestess, spending the days in the silent streets, when will there be sleep?

Mugib priestess of heaven,

since the day your young man has been seized,

since the day your spouse has been seized,

since the day Ushumgalana has been seized,

since your ... was chained,

the one who is dead, forever, approaches and one can sleep?.

I am Gashanana, ... forever.

Reverse Column ii


[gurusz] sag9#-ga-gu10 ga-am3-du11(?)#

[mu-lu-zu] alim-e kur-ra(?)# ba-szub

gurusz-zu alim-e kur-ra# ba-ug5

alim kur-ra i-bi2 gun3-gun3-e

alim kur-ra kiri4 hu-tu#-ul-hu-tu-ul#

alim lu2-gu10-ta u2-mu-un-da

u2 nu-gu7-a-gu10 u2-mu-un-da

a nu-nag-a-[gu10] u2-mu-un-da

ki-sikil sag9#-[ga-gu10 u2]-mu-un-da

gurusz sag9#-[ga-gu10] u2-mu-un-da

gurusz# lu2-zu [...] ha-lam-ma

[(d)ab-ba6] banda3 [...] x-[...]

AI Translation

I want to say "I want to say good things about my male slave"

The satrap of your limbs fell into the netherworld.

Your young man, he has been killed in the netherworld.

The mountain goat whose horns are smashed,

The alim-plant of the mountain, the reeds

from the water of my man to the horizon

My grass that I do not eat

My water that I do not drink, my youth

My beautiful young woman, I am the one who gives birth to me.

My beautiful male worker, .

Your young man ... will be destroyed.

Abba, the banda priest of .

Cohen, Mark E.

I want to say: "My beautiful lad!"

The bison made your man fall in the Netherworld.

The bison killed your lad in the Netherworld

Bison of the mountains, with speckled eyes!

Bison of the mountains with ... nose,

Bison, let go of my man.

Let go of my man who no longer eats food.

Let go of my man who no longer drinks water

Let go of my beautiful girl.

Let go of my beautiful lad,

the lad whose acquaintances have forgotten him.

The young Abba whose acquaintances have forgotten him.

Reverse Column iii


[...] banda3(?)#-zu(?)

[... (d)]uszumgal#-an-na

[...] am e2-gal an-na

[...] me-en

[... me]-en

AI Translation

... your ...

... Ushumgalana

... wild bull of the palace of heaven

... me

... me

Cohen, Mark E.

... your younger ...

Ushumgalana ...

The wild bull of the palace of heaven ...

I am ...

I am ...

X000103: royal-monumental brick

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


[(d)]marduk e2-sag-il2 dur2# gar-ra lugal#-a-ni-ir [ku]-ri-gal-zu szagina (d)[en-lil2-la2] (na4)alan# [hu]-mu-un-[dim2] x [...]

[lu2 (na4)]alan#-ne-e ki-gub-ba-ni#-[ta] [ba-ab]-kur2#-ru-a mu-sar-ra#-gu10 szu bi2#-ib2-ur3#-[a]

[(d)marduk] lugal-gu10 asz2 [gig-ga he2]-en-sar-[re]

AI Translation

For Marduk, the Esagil temple, the firmly established place of his master, Kurigalzu, the general of Enlil, a stone statue of a lion ... .

Whoever alters my statue's position will erase my inscription.

May Marduk, my king, write about the illness that I have.


Kurigalzu, deputy of Enlil has fashioned? a stone statue for Marduk, his lord, who resides in the temple Esagil.

Whoever removes this statue from its socle and erases my inscription,

may Marduk my lord curse him with an evil curse.

X000109: royal-monumental brick

Neo-Babylonian Oracc


en sza3-ta dalla [...]-x-_an_-[...]-x

[... ka-da]-asz-ma-an-(d)en-lil2

AI Translation

Lord of the heart, .

. . . Kadashman-Enlil


Lord, resplendent from the womb ...
