AICC / Publications / x103

X103000: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] x x x# [...]

[... _ge6 13 sag ge6_] sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun 1 kusz3# 13_ [...]

[... _ge6 15_ sin x] is#-le10 1 _kusz3_ ina 15 _mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2 lal_ x# [...]

[... _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_] _masz#-masz_-ar2 1 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ ana _szu2 lal_ ar2 _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

[... _ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_] sin# ar2 _lugal 2 kusz3 ge6 22 im szar2 kalag 22#_ [...]

[_ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin_(?)] 3(?)# 1/2 _kusz3 sig_ dele-bat 1 _kusz3 ge6 25_(?) x x# _dir an za ge6 25_(?) ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[...] _za 28 szu2-szu2 ge6# 29 szu2-szu2_ [ina _zalag2_ dele-bat] e# _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 kusz3 8 u_ dele-bat [...]

[...] _zu2 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ka-si# 1(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) sah-le10 2(_ban2_) 3 qa _sze-gisz 2_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a 1 1_/2 _ma-na_ a-na 1 _gin2#_ [_ku3-babbar_ ...]

[... _gu4-ud_] ina _nim_ ina _rin2 szu2 genna_ ina _til_ zib-_me an_ ina _sag itu_ ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 itu bi ta 1 en 11 illu#_ [...]

[...]+6 _izi-szub_ ina _ki a-ha-ki gal2_ [_apin 1_ ...] x# _ulu3 szar2 kalag 1 szu2-szu2 an utah_ i _ge6 2_ ina _zalag2 szu2 an dul ge6 3_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3 3#_ [...]

[_apin 1_ ...] x# _ulu3 szar2 kalag 1 szu2-szu2 an utah_ i _ge6 2_ ina _zalag2 szu2 an dul ge6 3_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3 3#_ [...]

[...] _pisan# mah dib ge6 5 sag ge6 szu2_ ina _zalag2 an_ ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_ [_n n_] ana _szu2_ (error for: _nim_) _gub ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi#_ [_mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu ...]

[...] _ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag#_-[_hun 1_] _kusz3_ ina _zalag2 an sig rin2_-sza2-_si 3 1_/2 _kusz3 12 ulu3 szar2_ ina _kin_-[_sig_ ...]

[_ge6 13_ ... sin ina _igi_] is#-le10 2 _kusz3_ [13] 4# _szu2_ musz x x# _ge6 14 szu2_ ina _zalag2 gir2 gu3 u an_ rad _pisan mah dib 14 1_+[x ...]

[...] ina(?) _szu2 an# mah pisan dib 15 szu2-szu2 ge6 16 10 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-_igi 2 kusz3_ e _mul2-babbar_ [...]

[...] _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi# sag_-_a 2 kusz3 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _lugal 1 kusz3 mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 _sig_ [_masz-masz_-_igi_ ...]

[...] x# _szu2-szu2_ bu-tuq _tir#-an a2 mar gal2 an#-bar7 u 2_-szu2 _gu3_-szu2 _szub an_ rad _pisan_ i [_dib_ ...]

[...] _nu tuh en_ [N] _genna#_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a# 2 1/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi mul2#_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu ina _til_ zib-_me_ [_usz_ ...]

[... ina] _kin-sig#_ [bu-tuq(?)] _tir#-an a2 kur_ u _si gal2# ge6 23 szu2-szu2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sa4#_-[sza2-_absin_ ...]

[...] _an pisan dib 24 szu2#-szu2 an dul ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ x# [x]+2 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] 26# _dir an za szed7 ge6 28# szed7_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat _sig rin2_-sza2-_si#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 30 szu2 30 szu2-szu2_ ina _kin-sig an utah# itu bi ki-lam#_ [...]

[...] _ma-na_ i-nu-szi(!) _mul2-babbar_ ina _masz-masz_ dele-bat ina x x# ina _til_ [_itu_ ina _rin2_ ...]

[...] _illu 1 kusz3 gin 12 8 u lal_ x# [...]

[...] _e#-ki_ ina ga-szi-szu2 a-li#-[il(?) ...] [_gan 1_ ...] x x x x# [...]

[_gan 1_ ...] x x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Arietis. The 13th, .

... Night of the 15th, the moon was 1 cubit ... alpha Tauri; around the 15th, Jupiter's acronychal rising ... .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below beta Geminorum, the moon being 8 fingers back to the west, behind Jupiter .

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. Night of the 22nd, strong gusty wind. The 22nd, .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 3? 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, 1 cubit below Venus. Night of the 25th?, ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th?, last part of the night, the moon .

... ... The 28th, very overcast. Night of the 29th, very overcast; last part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis, Venus being .

... dates, 1 panu 4 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 2 sutu; cress, 2 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 2 sutu; wool, 1 1/2 minas for 1 shekel of silver .

... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Libra; Saturn was in the end of Pisces; Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra. That month, from the 1st to the 11th, the river level .

... there was a "fall of fire" in the district of Ahat.

Month VIII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... strong gusty south wind. The 1st, very overcast, a little rain shower. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. The 3rd, .

... much PISAN DIB. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, overcast; last part of the night, Mars stood ... behind alpha Librae to the westerror for: east. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Arietis; last part of the night, Mars was 3 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. The 12th, gusty south wind; in the afternoon, .

Night of the 13th, ... the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Tauri. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4°, measured ... Night of the 14th, overcast; last part of the night, lightning, thunder, cloudburst, much PISAN DIB. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1+x° .

... in? the west, much rain, PISAN DIB. The 15th, very overcast. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 10°; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below alpha Geminorum, above Jupiter .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis; Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was ... below alpha Geminorum .

... ... very overcast, a section of a rainbow stretched on the west side; at noon, it thundered twice, cloudburst, a little PISAN DIB .

... not removed. Around until ... when Saturn became stationary to the west, it became stationary 2 1/2 cubits in front of eta Piscium, at the end of Pisces .

... in the afternoon, there was a section of a rainbow on the east and north side. Night of the 23rd, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis .

... rain, PISAN DIB. The 24th, very overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... x+2 cubits in front of .

... The 26th, clouds were in the sky, cold. Night of the 28th, cold; last part of the night, Venus was ... below beta Librae .

... Night of the 30th, overcast. The 30th, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: .

... minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini; Venus was in ..., at the end of the month, in Libra .

... the river level rose 1 cubit. The 12th, it receded 8 fingers ... .

... Babylon was in ... .

Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... .


... ... ...

... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Arietis. The 12th, ...

... Night of the 14th, the moon was 1 cubit ... alpha Tauri. Around the 15th, while Jupiter was moving back to the west, ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below beta Geminorum, the moon being 8 fingers back to the west, behind Jupiter ...

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. Night of the 21st, strong gusty wind. The 22nd, ...

Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 3? 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, 1 cubit below Venus. Night of the 24th, ...; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Librae ...

... ... The 28th, very overcast. Night of the 29th, very overcast; last part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis, Venus being ...

... dates, 1 panu 4 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 2 sutu; cress, 2 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 2 sutu; wool, 1 1/2 minas for 1 shekel of silver ...

... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Libra; Saturn was in the end of Pisces; Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra. That month, from the 1st to the 11th, the river level ...

... on the 6th, there was a "fall of fire" in the district of A.HA.

Month VIII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... strong gusty south wind. The 1st, very overcast, a little rain shower. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, rain DUL. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. The 3rd, ...

... much PISAN DIB. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, overcast; last part of the night, Mars stood ... fingers behind alpha Librae to the westerror for: east. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Arietis; last part of the night, Mars was 3 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. The 12th, gusty south wind; in the afternoon, ...

... Night of the 13th, the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Tauri. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4°, measured ... Night of the 14th, overcast; last part of the night, lightning, thunder, cloudburst, much PISAN DIB. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1+x° ...

... ... much rain, PISAN DIB. The 15th, very overcast. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 10°; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below alpha Geminorum, above Jupiter ...

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis; Jupiter, while receding to the west, was ... below alpha Geminorum ...

... ... very overcast; there was a section of a rainbow in the west; around noon, it thundered twice; cloudburst, a little PISAN DIB ...

... the sandal was not removed. Around ... when Saturn became stationary in the west, it became stationary in front of eta Piscium in the end of Pisces. ...

... in the afternoon, there was a section of a rainbow in the northeast. Night of the 23rd, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis ...

... rain PISAN DIB. The 24th, very overcast; rain DUL. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of ... ...

... The 26th, clouds were in the sky; cold. Night of the 28th, cold; last part of the night, Venus was ... below beta Librae ...

... Night of the 30th, overcast. The 30th, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: ...

... wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini, Venus was in ... ..., at the end of the month in Libra ...

... the river level rose 1 cubit; the 12th, it receded 8 fingers ... ...

... Babylon? was impaled ...

Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... ...



[...] x# [...]

[...] sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2 [...]

[... sin] ina _igi gisz-kun#_-[A ...]

[...] [...]

[...] x _an dul_(?) 16# [...]

[...] x# _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_sig_-sza2-[_sag_-_gir2-tab_ ...]

[...] 21# _szu2-szu2_ [x] _szar2 kalag#_ ina _zalag2_ x x# _ge6 22 szu2-szu2 22#_ [...]

[...] ana _szu2 gub 23#_ [x x] x# [x x] _ge6 24_ x _gin_(?)# ina _zalag2_ [...]

[...] ana _nim gub an sig si_-_masz2 2# 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 27_ ina _zalag2 dir an za_ [...]

[...] _dib 29 szu2-szu2 itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im ina _sag itu 1_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) 2 qa ina _murub4_ [_itu_ ...]

[...] _sze-gisz 3_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a 2 1_/3 _ma-na_ a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar#_ ina _masz_-[_masz_ ...]

[...] x x# _genna_ ina _hun an_ ina _masz2 itu bi en 20 illu 2_/3 _kusz3 lal ta 21 en til itu#_ [...]

[...] [...] [_sze 30_ ...] x# _ge6 3_ sin ar2 _mul2#_-ar2-sza2-[_sag_-_hun n n_] _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin x x x# [...]

[_sze 30_ ...] x# _ge6 3_ sin ar2 _mul2#_-ar2-sza2-[_sag_-_hun n n_] _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin x x x# [...]

[...] x x x# [...] x# _ge6 7_ sin e# [...] x [...]

[...] _ge6# 8 sag ge6#_ [...] _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] x x# [...]

[...] ana _szu2_ [...]

AI Translation

... the moon was ... below beta Geminorum .

... the moon was ... in front of theta Leonis .

... ... rain DUL?. The 16th, .

... ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of pi Scorpii .

... The 21st, very overcast, strong gusty ... wind; last part of the night, ... Night of the 22nd, very overcast. The 22nd, .

... stood to the west. The 23rd, ... ... Night of the 24th, ... blew?; last part of the night, .

... stood to the east; Mars was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Capricorni. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky .

... passed. The 29th, very overcast. That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu 2 qa, in the middle of the month, .

... sesame, 3 sutu; wool, 2 1/3 minas for 1 shekel of silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini .

... ... Saturn was in Aries; Mars was in Capricorn. That month, until the 20th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit; from the 21st to the end of the month, .

Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... .

... ... ... Night of the 7th, the moon was above ... ... .

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, ... cubits .

... to the west .


... ... ...

... the moon was ... below beta Geminorum ...

... theta Leonis ...

... ... ...

... ... rain DUL?. The 16th, ...

... ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of pi Scorpii ...

... Night of the 21st, very overcast, strong gusty wind; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, very overcast. The 22nd, ...

... stood to the west. The 23rd, ... Night of the 24th, ... blew; last part of the night ...

... stood to the east; Mars was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Capricorni. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky ...

... passed. The 29th, very overcast. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu 2 qa, in the middle of the month, ...

... sesame, 3 sutu; wool, 2 1/3 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini ...

... ...; Saturn was in Aries; Mars was in Capricorn. That month until the 20th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit; from the 21st to the end of the month, ...

... ...

Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... ...

... ... ... ... Night of the 7th, the moon was above ... ... ...

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, ... cubits? ...

... ... ...

... to the west ...

X103020: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc


[...] x x# [...]

[... sin ar2 ... N] _kusz3#_ ana _nim gub 27_ x# [...]

[... ana] _szu2_(?)# _lal 30 lal2 nu pap itu bi_ [...]

[...] _ma-na_ in6-usz2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _hun_ dele-bat [...]

[... sza2] _szu2_-u _nu igi_ ((_itu_)) _bi illu 4 u lal_ [...] [...] _til# kin mu-9-kam2#_ [...]

[...] _til# kin mu-9-kam2#_ [...]

AI Translation

... the moon stood nn cubits behind ... to the east. The 27th, ... .

... back to the west?. The 30th, equinox; I did not watch. That month, .

... minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Aries; Venus .

... which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 4 fingers .

... end of month VI, year 9 .


... ... ...

... the moon stood nn cubits behind ... to the east. The 27th, ... ...

... being back to the west. The 30th, equinox; I did not watch. That month, ...

..., minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Aries; Venus ...

..., which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 4 fingers. ...

... to the end of month VI, year 9 ...

X103071: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



dele-bat sza2 _szu2# nu igi itu bi illu 1 kusz3#_ [...] _szu# 1 16-30_ na musz _ge6 2_ sin ar2 _lugal 1_+[x ...]

_szu# 1 16-30_ na musz _ge6 2_ sin ar2 _lugal 1_+[x ...]

_ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin e _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2_+[x ...]

_ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _si4 1 kusz3 ge6#_ [... _ge6 13_]

_sag ge6_ sin ar2 _si_-_masz2 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

(d)_udu-idim-mesz_ gab-bi _nu gub-mesz_ [... _ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin x]

[_mul2_-_kur_]-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2/3 _kusz3 ge6_ [...]

_ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

AI Translation

Venus, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level ... 1 cubit .

Month IV, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16° 30', measured. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1+x mm behind alpha Leonis .

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2+x mm above alpha Librae .

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Scorpii. Night ... Night of the 13th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind beta Capricorni .

all the planets did not stand there ... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit ... eta Piscium. Night .

Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon .


Venus, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level ... 1 cubit ...

Month IV, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 16° 30', measured. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1+x cubits behind alpha Leonis ...

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2+x cubits above alpha Librae ...

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Scorpii. Night ... Night of the 13th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind beta Capricorni. ... During the eclipse

none of the planets stood there ... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit ... eta Piscium. Night ...

Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ...



[...] _nim_(?)# [...]

[_ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin x] is-le10 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 22 sag ge6#_ [...]

[_ge6 24_] ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-_igi_-u2 4 1/2 _kusz3_ sin [...]

x _usz 28 13 kur_ szamasz2 ina _na5 kur izi-szub_ ina _ki_ [...]

_ki-lam_ sze-im 2(_ban2_) 2 1/2 qa _ta 19 en 28 2_(_ban2_) 1+[x qa ...]

i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u _an_ ina _rin2_ dele-bat ina _sag itu_ ina _a#_ [ina _til itu_ ina _absin_ ...] _kin 1 18_ na musz ina szamasz2 _gub igi_ sin ar2 dele-bat 3 _kusz3#_ [...]

_kin 1 18_ na musz ina szamasz2 _gub igi_ sin ar2 dele-bat 3 _kusz3#_ [...]

_ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab_ x# [...]

_ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 _genna#_ [...]

_mul2#_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 13 2-40 me_ [...]

[_ge6_] 18 ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ is-le10 1 _kusz3 ge6 19 sag ge6#_ [...]

[_ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin x] _masz-masz_-_igi# 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 22 usan an_ x# [... _ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_]

[sin e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2]-_lugal# 2_/3 _kusz3 lal2 ge6#_ [...]

[...]+2 1/2 qa(?) [...]

AI Translation

... high? ...

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... alpha Tauri. Night of the 22nd, beginning of the night, .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 1/2 cubits below alpha Geminorum, the moon being .

... The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°; the sun rose in a "wall" of the land; a "fall of fire" in the area of .

the equivalent was: barley, 2 sutu 2 1/2 qa; from the 19th to the 28th, 2 sutu 1+x qa .

At that time, Jupiter and Mars were in Libra; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 18°, measured; it could be seen while the sun stood there; the moon was 3 cubits behind Venus .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii ... .

Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni, behind Saturn .

2/3 cubit ... beta Scorpii. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 40' .

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri. Night of the 19th, beginning of the night, .

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... alpha Geminorum. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars was ... ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night,

the moon was 2/3 cubit above rho Leonis. Night .

...+2 1/2 qa .


... ... ...

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... alpha Tauri. Night of the 22nd, beginning of the night, ...

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 1/2 cubits below alpha Geminorum, the moon being ...

... The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°; the sun rose in a "box". There was a "fall of fire" in ...

Barley, 2 sutu 2 1/2 qa; from the 19th to the 28th, 2 sutu 1+x qa; ...

At that time, Jupiter and Mars were in Libra, Venus in the beginning of the month was in Leo, at the end of the month in Virgo; ...

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 18°, measured; it could be seen while the sun stood there. The moon was 3 cubits behind Venus ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii. ...

Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni, ... behind Saturn ...

2/3 cubits ... beta Scorpii. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 40'. ...

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri. Night of the 19th, beginning of the night ...

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... alpha Geminorum. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, rain? ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night,

the moon was balanced 2/3 cubits above rho Leonis. Night ...

... 2? 1/2 ...

X103072: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc


[...] x x x# [...]

[... 2 szamasz2 _gub dir_(?)] _nu# pap im szar2 ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin [...]

[_ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ...] x# ar2 _mul2-babbar 1 kusz3_ ana _nim gub 7 gu4-ud_ ina _nim#_ ina _masz#_ [_szu2 dib_ ...]

[_ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin x _mul2_]-_kur#_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa 2 kusz3 8 si ge6 12 usan genna#_ [...]

[_ge6 13 an ... sa4_]-sza2-_absin_ ((2 _kusz2_)) (erased) 20 _si 10 usz ge6_ ana _zalag2_ sin _an-ku10#_ [...]

[...] x# ar2 _si masz2_ ar2 13 50 _ninda_ na _im szar2 ge6_ [14 ...]

[_ge6 24_ ina] _zalag2_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3#_ [...]

[...] 26+[x] _ki_(?) [...]

AI Translation

... The 2nd, solstice; clouds?, I did not watch; gusty wind. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon .

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 1 cubit behind Jupiter to the east. The 7th, Mercury's last appearance in the east in Capricorn .

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers ... theta Ophiuchi. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Saturn .

Night of the 13th, Mars was 2 cubits ... alpha Virginis, it was erased. The 20th, alpha Scorpii was 10 fingers. Night before sunrise, lunar eclipse .

... ... behind alpha Scorpii, it was eclipsed. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 50'; gusty wind. Night of the 14th, .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind zeta Tauri .

... 26+x° ... .


... ... ...

... The 2nd, solstice; clouds, I did not watch; gusty wind. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ...

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ..., it stood 1 cubit behind Jupiter to the east. The 7th, last appearance of Mercury in the east in Gemini; omitted. ...

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers ... theta Ophiuchi. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Saturn ...

Night of the 13th, Mars was 20 fingers ... alpha Virginis. 10° before sunrise, lunar eclipse ...

... behind the rear horn of the Goat-fish. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 50'. Gusty wind. Night of the 14th, ...

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind zeta Tauri ...

... 26th? ... ...

X103080: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[_mu 8-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal a_ (disz)]_ki-min#_ (disz)se#-lu-ku _lu2-gal lu2-erin2-mesz bar 30_ x x x# na _dir_ sin _nu igi ge6 1 szu2 an utah#_ [...]

[... _ge6 2 usan_ dele-bat _sig szur_-_gigir_]-sza2#-_si 1 1_/2 _kusz3 2 dir an za an# utah ge6 3 sag ge6 dir an dib ge6 4_ [...]

[...] _usan# mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2# _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 10 si_ dele-bat e _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 8# sag ge6_ sin ar2 _lugal 2 1_/2 _kusz3 8 genna_ ina _pa usz#_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 10 _sag ge6_ sin ina# _igi dele_-sza2-_igi#_-_absin 2 kusz3_ ina _igi mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub_ [...]

[...] x x x# [x x x] 8# _si szu2 an utah_ i 12 6-30 _szu2 dir an dib_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin#_ [...]

[...] _an# za ge6 14_ [_n ge6_] musz _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 8 si dir an za_ [...]

[...] _dir# an za 14 dir an dib#_ [(x) szamasz2] _tur3# nigin ge6 15 dir an dib 15 dir an dib im szar2 gir2 gu3 u_ i x# [...]

[...] 16# _dir an dib an dul_-hat [x (x) _ge6_] 17# _dir an dib usan_ dele-bat e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 4 kusz3_ ina _zalag2 genna#_ [...]

[...] x# ina _kin-sig gir2 gu3 u_ i _ge6#_ [18] (or: 19) _sag# ge6 dir an dib gir2 gir2#-gir2 gu3 u_ i _im szar2_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

[... 19(?)] _gu4#-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu4-an igi 20_ na ina 16(?)# [_igi_] _ge6 20 usan gu4-ud sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 1_/2 _kusz3 gu4-ud 4 si#_ [ana ...]

[...] szamasz2 _tur3 nigin ge6 21 dir an za 21 dir# an za_ ina sze-ri3 ni-di s,ar-pu _a2 si_ u _ulu3_ e szamasz2 u _sig#_ [szamasz2 ...]

[...] _ge6 23 szu2 sag ge6 an utah im szar2# 23_ szamasz2 ina _dir kur ge6 25 usan_ dele-bat _sig masz-masz_-_igi 3 kusz3#_ [...]

[... 25 _mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a ina] _igi# dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin usz dir an za ge6 26 dir an za 26 16 kur_ szamasz2 ina _dir kur im szar2 ge6 27#_ [...]

[...] ana _nim dib 27 dir an za_ me-he-e _si gin ge6 28 usan gu4-ud_ e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 1_/2 _kusz3_ x# [...]

[... x]+2 _si_ ana _szu2 lal 29_ ina _kin-sig dir an dib_ ((x)) ki _szu2_ szamasz2 _gir2_ ina _si gir2#-gir2_ (d)_im 1_-en _gu3_-szu2 _szub#_ [...]

[...] _szar2# kalag itu bi ki-lam sze_ ina _sag itu 1_(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa ina _til itu bil2 2_(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa _zu2#_-[_lum_ ...]

[... _ma_]-_na_ a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _absin_ dele-bat ina _sag#_ [_itu_ ina] _hun#_ ina _til itu#_ ina _mul2-mul2#_ [...]

[...] 7 _illu 20 si lal ta 8 en 11 illu 1 kusz3_(?) _gin# ta 11 en 15 2_/3 _kusz3 lal ta#_ [...]

[...] [_gu4 1 ... ge6 2_ sin x _masz-masz_]-_igi# 2 kusz3 2 dir an za ge6 3 dir an za_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2-[sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[_gu4 1 ... ge6 2_ sin x _masz-masz_]-_igi# 2 kusz3 2 dir an za ge6 3 dir an za_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2-[sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[...] _an za 4 dir an dib ge6 5 szu2 an utah_ i 5 _dir an#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 3 kusz3#_ [...]

[...] x x x ana _szu2 gub 9 dir an za_ [...]

[... _ge6 11_] _sag ge6#_ sin ina _igi mul2_-e-[sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab n n_ ...]

[...] 7-30+[x] na 15(?)# [...]

[...] x# 16 _im szar2_ x# [...]

[...] 6+[x] _igi im#_ [...]

AI Translation

Year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general. Month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: x#; clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, overcast, rain shower .

... Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 4th, .

... first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 10 fingers below gamma Virginis; Venus was 1 2/3 cubits above zeta Tauri .

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. The 8th, Saturn became stationary in Sagittarius .

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of gamma Virginis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west .

... ... ... 8 fingers; overcast, a little rain shower. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30'; clouds crossed the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: nn°, measured; beginning of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind beta Scorpii; clouds were in the sky .

... clouds were in the sky. The 14th, clouds crossed the sky; the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 15th, clouds crossed the sky. The 15th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind, lightning, thunder, ... .

... The 16th, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL ... Night of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky; first part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits above gamma Geminorum; last part of the night, Saturn .

... ... in the afternoon, lightning, thunder, gusty wind. Night of the 18th or: 19th, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed continuously, gusty wind, gusty wind; last part of the night, .

... The 19th?, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Taurus; sunset to setting of Mercury: 20°; ideal first appearance on the 16th?. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mercury was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri, Mercury being 4 fingers to .

... the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 21st, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; in the morning, a 'finger' was pierced, the north and south winds were above the sun and below the sun .

... Night of the 23rd, overcast; beginning of the night, rain shower, gusty wind. The 23rd, the sun rose in a cloud. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus was 3 cubits below alpha Geminorum .

... The 25th, when Jupiter became stationary to the west, it became stationary in front of gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds were in the sky. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; the sun rose in a cloud, gusty wind. Night of the 27th, .

... having passed to the east. The 27th, clouds were in the sky, storms blew. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mercury was 1/2 cubit above mu Geminorum ... .

... being x+2 fingers back to the west. The 29th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky; at sunset, lightning flashed continuously in the north; Adad thundered once .

... strong gusty wind. That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, new, 2 sutu 1 1/2 qa; dates, .

... minas were sold for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Aries, at the end of the month, in Taurus .

... the 7th, the river level receded 20 fingers; from the 8th to the 11th, the river level rose 1 cubit?; from the 11th to the 15th, it receded 2/3 cubit; from .

... Night of the 1st, ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits ... alpha Geminorum. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, clouds were in the sky; the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri .

Month II, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits ... alpha Geminorum. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, clouds were in the sky; the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri .

... were in the sky. The 4th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 5th, overcast, a little rain shower. The 5th, clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind gamma Virginis .

... ... stood to the west. The 9th, clouds were in the sky .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii .

... sunrise to moonset: 7° 30+x'; rising of Venus to sunrise: 15° .

... ... The 16th, gusty wind ... .

... 6+x° before sunrise, rain .


Year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general; month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: ...; clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, overcast, rain shower ...

... Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 4th, ...

... first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 10 fingers below gamma Virginis; Venus was 1 2/3 cubits above zeta Tauri ...

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. The 8th, Saturn became stationary in Sagittarius ...

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of gamma Virginis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. ...

... ... ... 8? fingers. The 11th, a little rain shower. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30'; clouds crossed the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: nn°, measured; beginning of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind beta Scorpii; clouds were in the sky ...

... clouds were in the sky. The 14th, clouds crossed the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 15th, clouds crossed the sky. The 15th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind, lightning, a little thunder ... ...

... The 16th, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL ... Night of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky; first part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits above gamma Geminorum; last part of the night, Saturn ...

... ... in the afternoon, lightning, a little thunder. Night of the 18th or: 19th, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky; lightning flashed continuously, a little thunder, gusty wind; last part of the night, ...

... The 19th?, Mercury's first appearance in the west in "Bull of Heaven" i.e., Taurus; sunset to setting of Mercury: 20°; ideal first appearance on the 16th?. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mercury was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri, Mercury being 4 fingers to ...

... the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 21st, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; in the morning, a reddish cloud bank on the north and south side, above the sun and below the sun ...

... Night of the 23rd, overcast; beginning of the night, rain shower, gusty wind. The 23rd, the sun rose in a cloud. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus was 3 cubits below alpha Geminorum ...

... around? the 25th, when Jupiter became stationary in the west, it became stationary in front of gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds were in the sky. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; the sun rose in a cloud, gusty wind. Night of the 27th, ...

... having passed to the east. The 27th, clouds were in the sky, a storm blew from the north. Night of the 28th, Mercury was 1/2 cubit above mu Geminorum ... ...

... being x+2 fingers back to the west. The 29th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. At sunset, lightning flashed continuously in the north, it thundered once. ...

... gusty strong wind. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, new, 2 sutu 1 1/2 qa; dates, ...

... wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus in the beginning of the month, was in Aries, at the end of the month, in Taurus; ...

... the 7th, the river level receded 20 fingers; from the 8th to the 11th, the river level rose 1 cubit?; from the 11th to the 15th, it receded 2/3 cubit; from ...


Month II, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits ... alpha Geminorum. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, clouds were in the sky; the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri ...

... clouds were in the sky. The 4th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 5th, overcast, a little rain shower. The 5th, clouds ... ...

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind gamma Virginis ...

... ... stood to the west. The 9th, clouds were in the sky. ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii ...

... sunrise to moonset: 7° 30+x'. The 15th?, ...

... ... The 16th, gusty wind. ... ...

... ideal first appearance on the 6+xth; wind ...



[...] _sa4#_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3#_ [...]

[... x]+1/2 _kusz3 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_ [_mul2-mul2_ ...]

[... _ge6 21_] ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3(?)# [_kusz3_ ...]

[... _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin] ina _igi masz-masz_-ar2 1 1/2 _kusz3 23 im szar2 ge6_ [...]

[...] x _an_(?)# ana _nim dib ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _lugal# 1 kusz3_ x# [...]

[...] x 1(_ban2_) 3 qa _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 2_(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _murub4 itu 2_(_ban2_) 1 qa# [...]

[...] x _sig2_(?) 4(?) ma(?) 20(?) _gin2_(?) i-nu-szu2# _mul2-babbar_ ina _absin genna_ ina _pa an_ (ina) _alla 22_ dele-bat ina _szu2_ ina _til absin szu2 gu4-ud_ [...] [_kin 30_ ...] x 1 1/2 _kusz3 3 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _rin2 igi 14_ na in 1 _igi ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin e _si4 4 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 4 mul2-babbar#_ [...]

[_kin 30_ ...] x 1 1/2 _kusz3 3 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _rin2 igi 14_ na in 1 _igi ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin e _si4 4 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 4 mul2-babbar#_ [...]

[...] 1 _kusz3 ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi genna 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin [...]

[...] _im# szar2 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _rin2 szu2 11 im szar2 12_ dele-bat ina _nim_ ina _absin igi kur 9 usz_ na-su in 11 _igi im szar2 ge6 10_+[x ...]

[... _ge6 15 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2/3 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2 an sig sag_-_ur-a 3 1_/2 _kusz3 15 12_ na 16 _buru5_ i _zi_-a _ge6#_ [...]

[...] x _lal 17 dir an za im szar2 ge6 18 szu2-szu2 18 dir an za ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ (sin) ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[... _ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _masz_]-_masz#_-ar2 2 2/3 _kusz3 ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3 ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi lugal# 1 kusz3_ ar2# [...]

[... _ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin ...] _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 27 sag ge6 gir2_ ina bi-rit _si_ u _mar gir2-gir2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1_/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[... _itu bi ki-lam sze_ ...] _itu 1_(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) 2 qa _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 2_(_ban2_) 5 qa ina _murub4 itu 2_(_ban2_) 1 qa ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) 5 qa ka-[si ...]

[... ana] 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 dele-bat ina _absin genna_ ina _pa an_ ina _alla_ ina _til itu_ ina _ur-a mul2-babbar_ u _gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2-mesz nu#_ [_igi-mesz_ ...] [_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu_]-_bar# en til itu-kin mu 8-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal a_ (disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu-ku _lu2-gal lu2-erin2-mesz#_

[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu_]-_bar# en til itu-kin mu 8-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal a_ (disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu-ku _lu2-gal lu2-erin2-mesz#_

AI Translation

... 2 cubits ... alpha Virginis .

... x+1/2 cubit. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Tauri .

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3? cubit in front of zeta Tauri .

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Geminorum. The 23rd, gusty wind. Night .

... ... having passed to the east. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis ... .

... ... 1 sutu 3 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 2 sutu 3 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa .

... ... wool?, 4? minas? 20 shekels?. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Cancer; the 22nd, Venus' last appearance in the west in the end of Virgo; Mercury .

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... 1 1/2 cubits. The 3rd, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Libra; sunset to setting of Mercury: 14°; ideal first appearance on the 1st. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. The 4th, Jupiter .

... 1 cubit. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 2/3 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon .

... gusty wind; Mercury's last appearance in the west in Libra; gusty wind. The 11th, Venus' first appearance in the east in Virgo; it was bright, rising of Venus to sunrise: 9°, ideal first appearance on the 11th; gusty wind. Night of the 10+xth, .

... Night of the 15th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of eta Piscium; last part of the night, Mars was 3 1/2 cubits below epsilon Leonis. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 12°. The 16th, a little PISAN DIB. Night .

... ... The 17th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 18th, very overcast. The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of zeta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon .

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Cancri. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, behind .

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... beta Virginis. Night of the 27th, beginning of the night, lightning flashed continuously between north and west; last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind gamma Virginis .

... That month, the equivalent was: barley, ... of the month, 1 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 2 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 2 sutu 5 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 5 qa; mustard, .

... were sold for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Venus was in Virgo; Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Jupiter and Mercury, which had set, were not visible .

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.


... 2 cubits ... alpha Virginis ...

... x+1/2 cubit. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Tauri ...

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3? cubit in front of zeta Tauri ...

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Geminorum. The 23rd, gusty wind. Night ...

... ... having passed to the east. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis. ... ...

... ... 1 sutu 3 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 2 sutu 3 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa ...

... ... wool?, 4? minas 20 shekels?. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Cancer; the 22nd, Venus' last appearance in the west in the end of Virgo; Mercury ...

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... 1 1/2 cubits. The 3rd, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Libra; sunset to setting of Mercury: 14°; ideal first appearance on the 1st. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. The 4th, Jupiter ...

... 1 cubit. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 2/3 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ...

... gusty wind; Mercury's last appearance in the west in Libra; gusty wind. The 12th, Venus' first appearance in the east in Virgo; it was bright, rising of Venus to sunrise: 9°, ideal first appearance on the 11th; gusty wind. Night of the 10+xth, ...

... Night of the 15th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of eta Piscium; last part of the night, Mars was 3 1/2 cubits below epsilon Leonis. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 12°. The 16th, a small attack of locusts. Night ...

... ... back. The 17th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 18th, very overcast. The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of zeta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Cancri. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, behind ...

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... beta Virginis. Night of the 27th, beginning of the night, lightning flashed continuously between north and west; the moon was 1/2 cubit behind gamma Virginis ...

... That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, ... of the month, 1 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 2 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 2 sutu 5 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 5 qa; mustard, ...

... At that time, Venus was in Virgo; Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Jupiter and Mercury, which had set, were not visible ...

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu-bar en til_] _itu#-kin mu 8-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal a_ (disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu-ku _lu2-gal erin2-mesz_

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.


Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 8 of king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.

X103090: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] _itu#-ne 30 13_(?) 40 na _szu2 im# szar2 ge6#_ [...]

[...] _dir# an za ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin _sig#_ [_rin2_]-sza2-[_si n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-e]-sza2#-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 kusz3 8 si_ sin 8 _si#_ [ana _nim dib_ ...]

[_ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_]-szil-tah#-_pa 2 kusz3 6 im szar2 ge6 7 sag_ [_ge6_ ...]

[... _ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ...] _mul2_-_igi#_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 14#_ [...]

[... _ge6 17_ ...] _ulu3 8_(?)# _si_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun#_ [...]

[... _im_] _szar2 ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 ge6_(?)# [...]

[...] sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib_ [_ge6_] 24 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-ar2-sza2-[_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[_mul2-babbar_ ina _sag absin igi n_ na-su in] 23 _igi_ hat-tum ina _kur gar_-an _ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin(?)# ina _igi_(?) [_sag_-_a n n_ ...]

[... x]+1 _mul2 gal_ sza2 ma-gal _kur_ u mesz-hi _tuk_-u2 _ta_(?) _mul#_ x [...]

[...] _itu 4_(_ban2_)# 2 qa _ta 20 en til itu_ sze-im u _zu2#_ [...]

[...] ina pisz-ki _ti_-qi2 ka-si(!) 1 _gur_ sah-le10 [...]

[... i]-nu#-szu2 _mul2-babbar 24_ ina _sag absin igi_ dele-bat ina _ur-a#_ [...]

[...] _lu2-erin2-mesz_ (disz)an-ti-gu-nu-su s,al-tum ina _uru#_ [...] [...] _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab#_ [...]

[... _ge6 4_] _sag ge6#_ sin e _si4# 5_ [_kusz3_ ...]

AI Translation

... Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13°? 40'; overcast, gusty wind. Night .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below beta Librae .

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above beta Scorpii, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east .

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of theta Ophiuchi. The 6th, gusty wind. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits ... gamma Capricorni. Night of the 14th, .

... Night of the 17th, ... 8? fingers south; last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis .

... gusty wind. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind zeta Tauri. Night? .

... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below delta Cancri .

Jupiter's first appearance in the beginning of Virgo; sunset to setting of Jupiter: nn°; ideal first appearance on the 23rd; there was panic in the land. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon? was ... in front? of epsilon Leonis .

... x+1 great star which had very much brightness and a tail ... from the star ... .

... of the month, 4 sutu 2 qa; from the 20th to the end of the month, barley and dates .

... you libate in a bowl. You ... mustard, 1 kurru of cress, .

... At that time, Jupiter's first appearance in the beginning of Virgo; Venus was in Leo .

... the troops of Antiochus took a beating in the city ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii .

... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii .

... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 5 cubits above alpha Scorpii .


... Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 13°? 40'; overcast, gusty wind. Night ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below beta Librae ...

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above beta Scorpii, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east ...

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of theta Ophiuchi. The 6th, gusty wind. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits ... gamma Capricorni. Night of the 14th, ...

... Night of the 17th, ... ... 8 fingers; last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis ...

... gusty wind. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind zeta Tauri. Night? ...

... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below delta Cancri ...

Jupiter's first appearance in the beginning of Virgo; ... ideal first appearance on the 23rd. Panic came about in the land. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon? was ... in front? of epsilon Leonis ...

... ... a meteor which was very bright and had a tail ... from ... ...

... of the month, 4 sutu 2 qa; from the 20th to the end of the month, barley and dates ...

... he? took illegally; mustard, 1 kur; cress, ...

... At that time, Jupiter's first appearance on the 24th in the beginning of Virgo; Venus was in Leo; ...

... the troops of Antigonos fought in ...

Month VI, ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii ...

... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 5 cubits above alpha Scorpii ...



[...] _dib_(?) ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ x# [...]

[...] _im# szar2 ge6 20 szu2 an utah_ [x x x] _szu2-szu2 ge6#_ [...]

[...] x _te_(?) 21 _gu4-ud_ ina _nim#_ [ina x _szu2_] szamasz2 ina _dir ge6_ [...]

[...]_ge6 24#_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _rin2#_-sza2-_si 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 10_+[x ...]

[...] _kusz3# 27 16 kur_ ina _kin-sig#_ [...]

[...] ina _sag itu 3_(_ban2_) ina _til itu#_ [...]

[...]+1 ma ina _til itu 1 1_/2 ma [...]

[...] _en 25 20 si lal_(?)# [...] [_mu 7-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an]-dar# _lugal a#_ [(disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu]-ku _lu2#_-[_gal erin2-mesz_]

[_mu 7-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an]-dar# _lugal a#_ [(disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu]-ku _lu2#_-[_gal erin2-mesz_]

AI Translation

... passed?; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... .

... gusty wind. Night of the 20th, overcast, rain shower ... very overcast. Night .

... ... The 21st, Mercury's last appearance in the east in ...; the sun was in a black cloud. Night .

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Librae. Night of the 10+xth, .

... cubits. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; in the afternoon, .

... in the beginning of the month, 3 sutu, at the end of the month, .

...+1 mina, at the end of the month, 1 1/2 minas .

... until the 25th, it receded 20 fingers .

Year 7 of king Alexander, son of Alexander. Seleucus was general.


... ...; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... ...

... gusty wind. Night of the 20th, overcast, rain shower; ... very overcast. Night ...

... ... The 21st, Mercury's last appearance in the east in Sagittarius?; the sun ... in a black cloud. ...

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Librae. Night of the 20+xth, ...

... cubits. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; in the afternoon, ...

... in the beginning of the month, 3 sutu, at the end of the month, ...

...; wool, x+1 mina, at the end of the month, 1 1/2 minas. ...

... to the 25th, it receded 20 fingers ...

... king Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.



[_mu 7-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an]-dar# _lugal a_ (disz)_ki-min_ (disz)se-lu-ku _lu2#_-[_gal erin2-mesz_]

AI Translation

Year 7 of king Alexander, son of Alexander. Seleucus was general.


..., year 7 of Alexander, son of Alexander; Seleucus was general.

X103210: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



_mu 2-kam2_ (disz)pi-il-ip-su# [_lugal bar 30_(?)] 26(?)# na _aga_ a-pir _dir_ musz sin ar2 dele-bat# [...] _dir# an za 1_ ana sze-ri3 _dir#_ [... _ge6 2_ sin]

e is-le10 4 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3#_ [ana] _nim dib dir an za 2 an-bar7_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin_ ma-disz iq-tur7 _ge6# 3_ sin e _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 3 kusz3 dir an za_ [... _ge6 4_ (_sag ge6_) sin]

e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 5 kusz3#_ [sin N] _kusz3#_ ana _szu2 lal dir an dib 4 dir an dib ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi masz-masz_-ar2 2/3 _kusz3 dir an dib 5_ ina sze-ri3 _dir an dib ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi#_ [_mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ina _igi_]

_genna_(?) 10(?) U(?)# ana _szu2 gub dir an za#_ [x x _ge6_] 7 _sag ge6_ sin ina _igi sag_-A(!) 2/3 _kusz3 dir an dib mar szar2 7_ ina sze-ri3 _dir an za mar szar2 szed7 ge6 8 sag#_ [_ge6_ sin x _lugal n n_]

[_dir_] _an# za 8_ x# [x x x x _ge6_] 9 _sag ge6_ sin _sig gisz-kun_-_ur-a 2 kusz3 20 si_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal usan genna_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-ar2#-[sza2-_alla_-sza2-x _n n_]

[x x x] _ge6 10#_ [_sag ge6_ sin ina _igi_] _giri3_-ar2#-sza2-_ur-a 1 kusz3 8 si dir an dib 10 dir an za ulu3 szar2 ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin#_ [_n kusz3_ ...]

[...] _szar2# szed7 ge6_ [12] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 1_/2 _kusz3 12_ ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6 13 dir an za 13_ ina _kin_-[_sig_ ...]

[x x x _ge6 14_] _u4-zal_ sin ar2 _rin2#_-sza2-_ulu3 2 1_/2 [_kusz3 14_] 4 _szu2 dir_ musz _dir an za an-bar7_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin_ ana _ulu3 bad ge6 15 3 me dir_ musz [...]

[15 N] na# _dir_ musz _an-ku10_ sin sza2 _dib_ ina sze-ri3 _dir_ i(?) _murub4# an_-e (d)_im_ ina _sza3_-szu2 i-szag-gu-um _ge6 16 13 ge6 dir nu pap kur szar2_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [e _si4 n n_]

[sin _n n_] ana _szu2 lal 16 dir an dib si szar2 ge6 17 usan mul2-babbar_ ana _nim_ ina# _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 10 si_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-[szil-_pa n n_]

[x x x] _dir an za ge6 20 dir an dib 20 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu4-an 3 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi_ dele-bat ana _szu2 igi 13_ na _dir an za ulu3#_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me ge6#_ [22]

[ina _zalag2_ sin ar2] _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 2 kusz3 22 dir an dib ge6 23 usan_ dele-bat _sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 2 kusz3 ge6 24 usan gu4-ud sig szur#_-[_gigir_-sza2-_si n n_]

[_ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_] _mul2#_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 1 _kusz3 8 si_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 27 usan gu4-ud_ e dele-bat 2/3 _kusz3 gu4-ud 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal dir an#_ [...]

[x x x x] _ge6 28 dir an dib 28_ ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 29 dir an dib an utah_ i-s,a 29# _dir an dib itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im ina _sag#_ [_itu_ ...]

[x x] x x x _itu# 3_(_ban2_) 4 qa ina _til itu 3_(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa ka-si 1(_gur_) sah-le10 2(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi2#_ [N] ma# a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 [i]-nu-szu2 _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ina _ur-a_ dele-bat ina _sag itu_ ina _hun_-(_ga2_)]

ina _til itu_ ina _mul2-mul2 gu4-ud_ ina _gu4-an genna_ ina _alla an_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi itu bi 1 2 illu 4 si gin_ [3] 4# 5 _illu 5_+[x] _si#_ [_lal_ ...]

_ta 14 en 21_(!) _illu 1 1_/2 _kusz3# lal ta 23_(!) _en 27 illu 1 kusz3 gin# 28 29 illu# 6_+[x] _si_(?)# [_lal_ ...] _gu4# 30 13-20_ na _dir kalag_-ma sin# [_nu igi_] _ge6 1 szu2-szu2 an utah 1_(?) [x x x x ina] _kin-sig 2_ bu-tuq [... _ge6 2_ sin e(?) _mul2_-x-sza2-sze-pit2]

_gu4# 30 13-20_ na _dir kalag_-ma sin# [_nu igi_] _ge6 1 szu2-szu2 an utah 1_(?) [x x x x ina] _kin-sig 2_ bu-tuq [... _ge6 2_ sin e(?) _mul2_-x-sza2-sze-pit2]

[_masz-masz_ x]+2 2/3 _kusz3_ ar2 _gu4-ud 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [...] _usan gu4-ud_ e dele-bat 2/3# _kusz3 gu4-ud 4 si_ ana _nim dib#_ [...]

[x x] x _gu3 u mah an pisan_ [(x) _dib ge6 3_ (_sag ge6_) sin ina] _igi# masz-masz_-_igi 1 kusz3 usan gu4-ud_ e _mul2#_-[_igi_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz n n_ ...]

[(dele-bat) e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2]-sze-pit2#-_masz-masz 20 si gu4#_-[_ud_ e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze]-pit2-_masz-masz 1 1_/2 _kusz3 gu4-ud 4 si_ ana _szu2 lal dir an za#_ [...]

[...] _si#_ ana _nim gub_ x# [... _usan_ dele-bat e _mul2_-ar2]-sza2#-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 20 si dir an za_ [...]

[... _ge6_] x# _sag ge6_ sin e(?) [...] x# ina _zalag2 gir2 gu3 u mah_ x# [...]

[... _usan gu4-ud_] e# dele-bat 2/3 _kusz3 gu4-ud#_ [_n n_ ana _nim dib_ ... a]-ha-mesz x [...]

[... _ge6 9_] _sag# ge6_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2-[sza2-_ur-a n n_ ...]

[... _ge6_] 11# _sag ge6_ sin e _sa4#_-[sza2-_absin n n_ ...]

[...] _gu4#-ud_ ar2 dele-bat 8 _si#_ [...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

Year 2 of king Philip, month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 26°?; earthshine, measured despite clouds; the moon was ... behind Venus ... clouds were in the sky. The 1st, for the morning, clouds ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was

4 cubits above alpha Tauri, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east; clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, around noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits above zeta Tauri; clouds were in the sky ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was

5 cubits above gamma Geminorum, the moon being nn cubits back to the west; clouds crossed the sky. The 4th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of beta Geminorum; clouds crossed the sky. The 5th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Cancri,

Saturn stood 10? fingers? in front of Saturn to the west; clouds were in the sky ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of epsilon Leonis; clouds crossed the sky, gusty west wind. The 7th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky, gusty west wind, cold. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Leonis,

clouds were in the sky. The 8th, ... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 20 fingers below theta Leonis, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was ... above delta Cancri

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of beta Virginis; clouds crossed the sky. The 10th, clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was nn cubits in front of gamma Virginis .

... gusty wind, cold. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, clouds were in the sky. The 13th, in the afternoon, .

... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Librae. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4°, measured despite clouds; clouds were in the sky; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it was open to the south. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3°, measured despite clouds .

The 15th, sunrise to moonset: nn°, measured despite clouds; lunar eclipse which was omitted; in the morning, clouds ... the middle of the sky, Adad erected in it. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 13°; clouds, I did not watch; gusty east wind; last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Scorpii;

the moon being ... back to the west. The 16th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty north wind. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the east, was 10 fingers above rho Leonis; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi,

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds crossed the sky. The 20th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Taurus, 3 1/2 cubits in front of Venus to the west. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: nn°; clouds were in the sky, gusty south and east winds blew. Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind gamma Capricorni. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mercury was ... below beta Tauri,

Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers below eta Piscium, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury being 1/2 cubit back to the west; clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 29th, clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower. The 29th, clouds crossed the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, .

... ... of the month, 3 sutu 4 qa, at the end of the month, 3 sutu 1 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kurru; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Aries;

at the end of the month, in Taurus; Mercury was in Taurus; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, the 1st and the 2nd, the river level rose 4 fingers. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the river level receded 5+x fingers .

from the 14th to the 21st, the river level receded 1 1/2 cubits; from the 23rd to the 27th, the river level rose 1 cubit; the 28th and the 29th, the river level receded 6+x fingers? .

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 20'; dense clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, very overcast, rain shower. The 1st?, ... in the afternoon, 2 butuqqû ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was ... above? eta Piscium,

n+2 2/3 cubits behind Mercury, 1 1/2 cubits ... first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury having passed 4 fingers to the east .

... much thunder, rain, PISAN DIB. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Geminorum; first part of the night, Mercury was ... above eta Geminorum .

Venus was 20 fingers above eta Geminorum; Mercury was 1 1/2 cubits above mu Geminorum, Mercury being 4 fingers back to the west; clouds were in the sky .

... stood nn fingers to the east ... ... first part of the night, Venus was 20 fingers above mu Geminorum; clouds were in the sky .

... Night of the xth, beginning of the night, the moon was above? ... ... last part of the night, lightning, much thunder, ... .

... first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury having passed ... to the east ... together ... .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Virginis .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis .

... Mercury was 8 fingers behind Venus .


Year 2 of king Philip, month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 26°?; earthshine; measured despite clouds; the moon was behind Venus to the east ... clouds were in the sky. The 1st, in the morning, clouds ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was

4 cubits above alpha Tauri, the moon having passed 2/3 cubits to the east; clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, around noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits above zeta Tauri; clouds were in the sky ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was

5 cubits above gamma Geminorum, the moon being nn cubits back to the west; clouds crossed the sky. The 4th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of beta Geminorum; clouds crossed the sky. The 5th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Cancri

it stood 10? fingers in front of Saturn? to the west; clouds were in the sky. ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of epsilon Leonis; clouds crossed the sky, gusty west wind. The 7th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky; gusty west wind, cold. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Leonis

clouds were in the sky. The 8th, ... ... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 20 fingers below theta Leonis, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was ... above delta Cancri

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of beta Virginis; clouds crossed the sky. The 10th, clouds were in the sky; gusty south wind. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ...

... gusty ... wind, cold. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, clouds were in the sky. The 13th, in the afternoon ...

... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Librae. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4°; measured despite clouds; clouds were in the sky; around noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it was open to the south. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3°, measured despite clouds ...

The 15th, sunrise to moonset: nn°; measured despite clouds; lunar eclipse which was omitted; in the morning, a few clouds in? the middle of the sky, Adad rumbled in it. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 13°; clouds, I did not watch; gusty east wind; last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Scorpii

the moon being backsic to the west .... The 16th, clouds crossed the sky; gusty north wind. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the east, was 10 fingers above rho Leonis; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi.

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds crossed the sky. The 20th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in "Bull of Heaven", 3 1/2 cubits in front of Venus to the west; sunset to setting of Mercury: 13°; clouds were in the sky; gusty south and east winds blew. Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind gamma Capricorni. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mercury was ... below beta Tauri

Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers below eta Piscium, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury being 1/2 cubit back to the west; clouds ...

... Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 29th, clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower. The 29th, clouds crossed the sky. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, at the beginning of the month, ...

... ... month, 3 sutu 4 qa, at the end of the month, 3 sutu 1 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kur; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus, at the beginning of the month, was in Aries,

at the end of the month, in Taurus; Mercury was in "Bull of Heaven"; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, the 1st and the 2nd, the river level rose 4 fingers; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the river level receded 5? fingers ...

from the 14th to the 21st, the river level receded 1 1/2 cubits; from the 23rd to the 27th, the river level rose 1 cubit; the 28th and the 29th, the river level receded 6? fingers ...

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 20'; heavy clouds so that I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, very overcast; rain shower. The 1st?, ... in the afternoon, 2 sections? of a rainbow? ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was

2 2/3 cubits above? eta/mu Geminorum, it stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Mercury to the east ...; first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury having passed 4 fingers to the east ...

... lightning?, much thunder, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Geminorum; first part of the night, Mercury was ... above h Geminorum ... Night of the 4th, first part of the night,

Venus was 20 fingers above eta Geminorum; Mercury was 1 1/2 cubits above mu Geminorum, Mercury being 4 fingers back to the west; clouds were in the sky ...

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon stood nn fingers behind Saturn to the east ... first part of the night, Venus was 20 fingers above mu Geminorum; clouds were in the sky ...

... Night of the xth, beginning of the night, the moon was above? ... ... last part of the night, lightning, much thunder, lightning?, ...

... first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit above Venus, Mercury having passed ... to the east ... each other ... ...

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Virginis ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis ...

... Mercury was 8 fingers behind Venus ...

... ... ...



[...] x x x x# [...] [_ne 1_] 15 na sin e _mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ [ana ... _ge6 3_ ...]

[_ne 1_] 15 na sin e _mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ [ana ... _ge6 3_ ...]

[ina _igi_ dele-bat] 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub dir an za si#_ [...]

[x x] 5(?)# _dir an za 5 genna_ ina _alla igi 16_ na _tur_ in 2 _igi#_ [...]

_ge6# 8 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _si4 2 kusz3 usan_ dele-bat e _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [_n n_ ...]

_ge6 13 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 2 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [ina] _zalag2# genna sig sag_-_ur#_-[_a n n_ ...]

_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 3 _kusz3 ge6 18#_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag-ki_-_hun-ga2#_ [_n n ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_]

_mul2-mul2 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin e is-le10 4 _kusz3 ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 8 u_ sin 6 _si_ ana _ulu3#_ [_sig ... ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa n n_]

sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-_igi 1_(?) _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2#-[sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

_ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sag_-_ur-a 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ [_ge6_] 26 _usan_ dele-bat _sig rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _lugal_ [_n n_ ...]

27 23 _kur dir an za ge6 28# me_(?) [x x] _dir an za ge6 29 usan_ dele-bat _sig rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_(!) 4 _kusz3 itu bi ki-lam#_ [sze-im ...]

sah-le10 2(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a 1_ ma a-[na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa]-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 dele-bat ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 genna_ ina _alla an_ ina _alla_ ina _til itu_ [ina _ur-a_ ...]

_itu bi ta 6 en 20 illu# 1_/2 _kusz3_ x# [x] gisz(?)#-ri sza2 bit-qu sza2 _da e2-gisz-hur-an-ki-a gin ta 15_(?)# [...]

_da# e2-gisz-hur-an-ki-a_ x# szir3(?) _sahar-hi--a_ sza2 _e2-sag-gil2_ a-(na(?)) _bal-ri_(?) (d)_utu-szu2_ id-de-ku-u2 [...] [_kin 1 12_ na] a#-kam2 musz _ge6 3_ sin _sig rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ ana _nim dib_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 2 _kusz3 8 kusz3_(!) ana _szu2#_ [_gub_ ...]

[_kin 1 12_ na] a#-kam2 musz _ge6 3_ sin _sig rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ ana _nim dib_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 2 _kusz3 8 kusz3_(!) ana _szu2#_ [_gub_ ...]

[_ge6 5_] _sag# ge6_ sin e _si4 3 si 5 si szar2 ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2 an_ [e _lugal n n_ ...]

[szamasz2 ina a]-kam2 _szu2 8 mul2-babbar_ ina _absin igi 11-30_ (na) ina 6 _igi gu6-ud_ ina _nim_(!) ina _absin_(!) _igi tur 11_ na-su _ge6 9 sag ge6#_ [sin ... _si_-_masz2 n n_ ...]

[_ge6_] 12 _usan_ dele-bat _sig mul2_-e-sza2-_sag-ki_-_gir2-tab 2 kusz3 ge6 13 usan_ dele-bat _sig mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag-ki_-_gir2-tab 14 si#_ [...]

_ge6 15 7 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag-ki_-_hun 4 kusz3 ge6 16_ ina _zalag2 an_ e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal_ [_n n_ ...]

_ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 kusz3 4 si ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2#_ [_lal_ ...]

_ge6 21 usan_ dele-bat e _si4 6# si_ dele-bat 2 _si_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_si 2 kusz3 mul2-babbar_ ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur#_-[_a n n ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin]

ina _igi lugal 2 kusz3_ e _genna 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi an 1 1_/2# _kusz3_ ana# _szu2 gub ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _mul2-babbar 2_/3 _kusz3_ [...]

27 17 _kur 28_ in 3 _usz me_ ana _szu2_ szamasz2 _an-ku10_ [x x x x] x# _mar_ u _si szar2 szir_ ad2 _szu2 30 lal2_-tim _nu pap itu bi ki-lam_ sze-[im _n n_]

ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 4_(_ban2_)(?) ina _til itu 3_(_ban2_) 4 qa ka-si 3(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) sah-le10 3(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_)# _sig2-hi--a 1 ma-na_ a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _absin_ dele-bat ina _rin2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gir2-tab genna_ ina _alla_ ina _til itu_ [ina _ur-a_]

_an_ ina _ur-a gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi itu bi illu 4 si lal du6 30 12_ na _ge6 2_ sin# [(x)]

_du6 30 12_ na _ge6 2_ sin# [(x)]

_ta_(?) _ugu_(?)# [... (disz)](d)_en_-A-_mu a_ sza2 (disz)_gi_-im-(d)_en a_ (disz)mu-sze-zi-bu sza2 ana _tin zi_-szu2 isz-t,ur sza2 _nig2-ga_ [x x x x]

x [...] _sar_-ma

AI Translation

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°; the moon was 2 cubits above Jupiter, the moon being 8 fingers to ... Night of the 3rd, .

it stood 1/2 cubit in front of Venus to the west; clouds were in the sky, the north wind .

... The 5th?, clouds were in the sky. The 5th, Saturn's first appearance in Cancer; rising of Saturn to sunrise: 16°; it was small; ideal first appearance on the 2nd .

Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii; first part of the night, Venus was ... above alpha Virginis .

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of delta Capricorni; last part of the night, Saturn was ... below epsilon Leonis .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind beta Tauri, the moon being 6 fingers low to the south ... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above gamma Geminorum,

the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1? cubit below alpha Geminorum, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri .

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit below alpha Librae; last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Leonis .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, moonrise to sunset: x° ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits below alpha Librae. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .

cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Venus was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo .

That month, from the 6th to the 20th, the river level ... 1/2 cubit ... the bit-quru which was next to Egishhurankia blew; from the 15th? .

... the earth? ... of the Esangila to the west? of Shamash .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 12°, measured despite mist. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2/3 cubit below alpha Librae, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east, it stood 2 cubits 8 cubits! in front of Venus to the west .

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 fingers above alpha Scorpii. The 5th, gusty north wind. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind theta Ophiuchi; last part of the night, Mars was ... above alpha Leonis .

the sun set in mist. The 8th, Jupiter's first appearance in Virgo; rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11° 30'; ideal first appearance on the 6th; Mercury's first appearance in the east! in Virgo; it was small, sunset to setting of Mercury: 11°. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... beta Capricorni .

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Scorpii. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus was 14 fingers below delta Scorpii .

Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7°; last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below beta Arietis. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Mars was ... above rho Leonis .

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 4 fingers in front of beta Tauri. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above eta Geminorum, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west .

Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was 6 fingers above alpha Scorpii, Venus being 2 fingers back to the west. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Cancri; Jupiter was ... behind beta Virginis. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis, 1 2/3 cubits above Saturn. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Mars to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above Jupiter .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°. The 28th, at 3° before sunset, solar eclipse ... ..., gusty west and north wind, ... overcast. The 30th, equinox; I did not watch. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, .

at the end of the month, 2 sutu; dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 sutu?, at the end of the month, 3 sutu 4 qa; mustard, 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, 3 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Libra, at the end of the month, in Scorpius; Saturn was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo;

Mars was in Leo; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 4 fingers.

Month VII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 12°. Night of the 2nd, the moon was

From? ... Bel-aplu-iddin, son of Mushallim-Bel, descendant of Mushezib, who wrote for his life, concerning the property .

... ... you write and


... ... ...

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°; the moon was 2 cubits above Jupiter, the moon being 8 fingers ... Night of the 3rd, the moon

stood 1/2 cubit in front of Venus to the west; clouds were in the sky, north wind ...

... ..., clouds were in the sky. The 5th, Saturn's first appearance in Cancer; rising of Saturn to sunrise: 16°; it was small, ideal first appearance on the 2nd ...

Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii; first part of the night, Venus was ... above alpha Virginis ...

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of delta Capricorni; last part of the night, Saturn was ... below epsilon Leonis ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind beta Tauri, the moon being 6 fingers low to the south. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above gamma Geminorum,

the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below alpha Geminorum, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri ...

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit below alpha Librae; last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Leonis ...

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, ...; ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits below alpha mistake for beta Librae. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, ...

cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Venus was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; ...

That month, from the 6th to the 20th, the river level ... rose 1/2 cubit ... the bridge of the pitqu next to the temple Egishhurankia. From the 15th? ...

next to the temple Egishhurankia, ... the debris of Esangil was removed to the west bank ...

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 12°; measured despite mist. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2/3 cubit below alpha Librae, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east, it stood 2 cubits 8 cubits error for: fingers in front of Venus to the west ...

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 fingers above alpha Scorpii. The 5th, gusty north wind. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind theta Ophiuchi; last part of the night, Mars was ... above alpha Leonis ...

the sun? set? in mist. The 8th, Jupiter's first appearance in Virgo; rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11° 30'; ideal first appearance on the 6th; Mercury's first appearance in the east error for: west in Virgo error for: Libra; it was small, sunset to setting of Mercury: 11°. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... beta Capricorni.

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Scorpii. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus was 14 fingers below delta Scorpii ...

Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7°; last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below beta Arietis. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Mars was ... above rho Leonis ...

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 4 fingers in front of beta Tauri. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above eta Geminorum, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west ...

Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was 6 fingers above alpha Scorpii, Venus being 2 fingers back to the west. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind ... Cancri; Jupiter was ... behind beta Virginis. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis, 1 2/3 cubits above Saturn. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Mars to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above Jupiter, ...

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°. The 28th, around 3° before sunset, solar eclipse ... the west and north wind gusted; it set eclipsed. The 30th, equinox; I did not watch. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, ...

at the end of the month, 2 sutu; dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 sutu; at the end of the month, 3 sutu 4 qa; mustard, 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, 3 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Libra, at the end of the month, in Scorpius; Saturn was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo;

Mars was in Leo; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 4 fingers.

Month VII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 12°. Night of the 2nd, the moon ...

From? ... Bel-apla-iddin, son of Mushallim-Bel, descendant of Mushezibu, which he wrote for his good health, which was from the property of ...

... ... written.



_en-nun_ sza2# [gi-ne2]-e sza2 _ta bar# en til kin_ sza2 _mu-2-kam2_ pi-il-ip-su# _lugal_

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 2 of king Pilipsu.


Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 2 of king Philip.



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar en til_] _kin#_ sza2 _mu 2-kam2_ [...] _lugal#_

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 2 .


Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 2 of king Philip.

X103221: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] in 7 x x# [...]

[...] _an# dib 8 dir an dib ulu3 szar2 ge6 9 sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

[...] _szu2# an_ sze-ni _tuh 10 szu2-szu2 an utah ge6 11_ [...]

[... _ge6 13_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[... _mul2-babbar_ ana] _nim#_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 4 si#_ [...]

[... _ge6 15_ ...] _u4-zal_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag-ki_-_gir2-tab_ [_n n_ ...]

[...] x# ina _kin-sig szu2 16 3-30 ge6_ [...]

[...] _ge6 18 szu2-szu2_ ina _zalag2_ x# [...]

[...] ina _kin-sig dir an dib_ [...]

[...]_dib_(?)# 21 _dir an za_ x# [...]

[... _gu4_]-_ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _masz-masz#_ [_igi_ ...]

AI Translation

... around the 7th, ... .

... crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty south wind. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, .

... overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed. The 10th, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 11th, .

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Virginis .

... Jupiter, while moving back to the east, was 4 fingers above delta Cancri .

... Night of the 15th, ... last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Scorpii .

... ... in the afternoon, overcast. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 30'. .

... Night of the 18th, very overcast; last part of the night, ... .

... in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky .

... crossed?. The 21st, clouds were in the sky ... .

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Gemini .


... around the 7th, ... ...

... crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky; gusty south wind. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, ...

... overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed. The 10th, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 11th, ...

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Virginis ...

... Jupiter when moving back to the east was 4 fingers above delta Cancri ...

... Night of the 15th, ... last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Scorpii ...

... ... in the afternoon, overcast. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 30'. ...

... Night of the 18th, very overcast; last part of the night, ... ...

... in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky ...

... ... The 21st, clouds were in the sky ... ...

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Gemini ...



[...] _en_(?) _til itu illu#_ [...]

[...]-'u(?) [_kin 1_ ...] _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab#_ [_n n_ ...]

[_kin 1_ ...] _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab#_ [_n n_ ...]

[...] _ge6# 5 sag_ (_ge6_) sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa-bil_ [_n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 11_ ina _zalag2_ dele]-bat# _sig gisz-kun_-_ur-a 4 kusz3 ge6 12 usan an_ e [_mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa-bil n n_]

[... _ge6_] 13# [3 _me_] 13 2 na _ge6 14 4-30 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig#_ [_mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun n n_ ...]

[... ina] _zalag2#_ dele-bat e _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 1 si te ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [... _szur_-_gigir_-sza2 ...]

[...] _kusz3 18 lal2_-tim _nu pap ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi masz-masz_-_igi 1 1_/2 _kusz3 si_ [...]

[... _ge6 21_ ...] sin# 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib_ e _genna# 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal 21 szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _dir_ [...]

[... _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin e(?) _mul2_]-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal# 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ ina _igi mul2-babbar 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[... _ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2]-sza2-_a 1 kusz3 25_ ina sze-ri3 _szu2 ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 20 si_ x# [...]

[... 27] 16# _kur ge6 28_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1_/2 _kusz3_ dele-bat 4 _si_ ana _nim dib 28_ x# [...]

[...] _a2 si#_ [u] _kur#_ ana _zalag2_ ki _tab_-u2 ina 9 _usz me_ al-la 2 _si_ i ana _zalag2 tag4 5_ x# [...]

[...] x [x x] (traces of unreadable line)

[... a]-na# 1 _gin2 ku3_-[_babbar sum_ ...]

AI Translation

... until? the end of the month, the river level .

... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of delta Scorpii .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of delta Scorpii .

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi .

... Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits below theta Leonis. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Mars was ... above theta Ophiuchi

... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 3°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 30'; last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Arietis .

... last part of the night, Venus was 1 finger above beta Virginis, it came close. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Tauri .

... cubits. The 18th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Geminorum, the north wind .

... Night of the 21st, ... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, 1 2/3 cubits above Saturn, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 21st, overcast; in the morning, clouds .

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above? rho Leonis, it stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon .

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Virginis. The 25th, in the morning, overcast. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind gamma Virginis ... .

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus was 1/2 cubit below gamma Virginis, Venus having passed 4 fingers to the east. The 28th, ... .

... when it began on the north and east side, it cleared in 9° of night, alas, 2 fingers .

... for 1 shekel of silver .

Human the end of the month, the river level ...

... ...

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... in front of delta Scorpii ...

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi ...

... Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits below theta Leonis. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Mars was ... above theta Ophiuchi

... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 3°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 30'; last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Arietis ...

... last part of the night, Venus was 1 finger above beta Virginis, it came close. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta/zeta Tauri ...

... cubits. The 18th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Geminorum; the north wind ...

... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, above Saturn 1 2/3 cubits, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 21st, overcast; in the morning, clouds ...

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above? rho Leonis, it stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Virginis. The 25th, in the morning, overcast. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind gamma Virginis ... ...

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus was 1/2 cubit below gamma Virginis, Venus having passed 4 fingers to the east. The 28th, ... ...

... solar eclipse ... when it began to clear on the north-east side, at 9° daytime a little more than 2 fingers remained to clear; 5 ...

... ... ...

... for 1 shekel of silver ...

X103222: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc


[...] x x x# [...]

[... _gu4_]-_ud sig# masz-masz_-ar2 2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 14 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2#_-[_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa-bil n n_ ...]

[...] _usan# gu4-ud_ e _genna 14 si_ x# [...]

[...] _an# dib 21 dir an dib ge6 22 dir_ [...]

[...] 2 2/3 _kusz3 dir an za 24 dir an_ [...]

[...] _dir an dib ge6 27 dir an dib 27#_ [...]

[...] _nim gub 29 lugal nam-mesz dir an_ [...]

[...] x# sah-le10 1(_ban2_) 4 qa _sze-gisz 3 1_/2 qa [...]

[... _genna_ ina _masz_]-_masz_ ina _til itu_ ina _alla an_ ina _absin#_ [...]

[...] x# _ka2-gal_ (d)_en_ [...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... Mercury was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Geminorum. Night .

... Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi .

... first part of the night, Mercury was 14 fingers above Saturn ... .

... crossed the sky. The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds .

... 2 2/3 cubits; clouds were in the sky. The 24th, clouds ... the sky .

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, .

... stood to the east. The 29th, king of destinies; clouds ... the sky .

... ...; cress, 1 sutu 4 qa; sesame, 3 1/2 qa .

... Saturn was in Gemini, at the end of the month, in Cancer; Mars was in Virgo .

... ... the gate of Bel .


... ... ...

... Mercury was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Geminorum. Night ...

... Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi...

... first part of the night, Mercury was 14 fingers above Saturn ... ...

... crossed the sky. The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds ...

... 2 2/3 cubits; clouds were in the sky. The 24th, clouds ...

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, ...

... stood to the east. The 29th, the king died; clouds ...

... ...; cress, 1 sutu 4 qa; sesame, 3 1/2 qa ...

... Saturn was in Gemini, at the end of the month in Cancer; Mars was in Virgo ...

... the gate of Bel ...

... ... ...

X103223: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc


[...] x x# [...]

[...] _an-bar7 gir2_ [...]

[...] 1(_barig_) N(_ban2_)# ina _murub4 itu 1_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) ina _til itu 5_(_ban2_) _zu2_ [...]

[... _mul2_]-_babbar#_ ina _alla_ dele-bat ina _mul2-mul2 an_ ina _absin gu4-ud genna#_ [sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi_ ...]

[...] _murub4_(?)# _itu 1_/2 _kusz3 lal_ [...] x# 1 1/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[...] x# 1 1/2 _kusz3_ [...]

AI Translation

... at noon, lightning .

... 1 panu n sutu, in the middle of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu, at the end of the month, 5 sutu; dates, .

... Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus was in Taurus; Mars was in Virgo; Mercury, Saturn, which had set, was not visible .

... middle of the month, it receded 1/2 cubit ... 1 1/2 cubits .

... ... 1 1/2 cubits .


... ... ...

... around noon, lightning ...

... ..., in the middle of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu, at the end of the month, 5 sutu; dates? ...

... At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus was in Taurus; Mars was in Virgo; Mercury and Saturn, which had set, were not visible ...

... in the middle of the month, the river level receded 1/2 cubit.

... ... 1/2 cubit ...

X103224: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[_mu 1-kam2_ (disz)pi-lip2-i-si _lugal gan 1 16_] na# ina szamasz2 _gub igi#_ [_aga_] a-pir _ge6 1 usan an_ e _mul2_-_igi#_-[sza2-_suhur_-_masz2_]

[...] _szu2#-szu2 ge6 3 usan_ [_an_] e# _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 10 si an 2 si_ ana _szu2#_ [_lal_ ...]

[... e(?)]-la-nu _mul2-mul2 szur ud-da_-su# ina _ki igi ge6 4 usan mul2 gal_ sza2 _gim_ di#-[pa]-ri [...]

[...] _u8# u3-tu_-ma(?)# [x] _sag#-du_ u _gu2 3_ pu-uq-qu 3 x# [x x x] x x# [...]

[...] x# _ge6 7_ x x# [x] _pisan#_ i _dib 7 szu2 an_ ne2-hi _e-sir2 tuh#_ [x x x] _szu2 an_ sze-ni _nu tuh#_ [...]

[...] x x# _im-dugud szu2-szu2 ge6#_ [10(?) _sag ge6_ sin ...] is#-le10 2 _kusz3 dir an_ [...]

[...] sin# 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib#_ [...] _u-lu2_ u _kur szar2-me gin#-me_ [...]

[...] _ulu3_(?) u _kur szar2_(?)#-_me_ [...] x (erasure) [...]

[...] x# _szu2-szu2 an_ ne2-hi x [...]

[...] _kusz3 8 si_ x# [...]

[...] _an# dib ge6 16_(?) [...]

[... _dir an_] _za ge6 17 dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ sin [ar2 _gisz-kun_-_ur-a n n_ ...] x x x x x# [...]

[...] 18# _dir an za ge6 19_ [ina _zalag2_] sin x# [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin n n_ ...] 19(?)# ina _kin-sig dir an_ [...]

[... _ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _sa4_-sza2]-_absin# 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin [_n n_] ana _nim dib_ [... ina] _kin-sig szu2 ge6 21 dir_ [...]

[... _ge6 22_] ina# _zalag2_ sin ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an dib 22#_ [... ina _kin_]-_sig dir an za ge6 23_ [...]

[...] _dir# an za 23_ szamasz2 ina _dir kur genna_ ana _me e_-a _dir an dib ge6 24_ [ina _zalag2_] sin# ar2 _si4 2 kusz2 8 si_ [...]

[...] _dir an za ta 23 en 25 szed7#_ ig-te-szir _ge6 20_+[x ...]

[...] _ge6 27 dir an dib# 27 kak-ban_ ana _me e dir an za ge6#_ [28] _dir# an dib 28_ ina sze#-[ri3 ...]

[...] _gin-me_(?) in(?)# 28 dele-bat ina _nim_ ina _masz2 szu2 29 si szed7 gin itu# bi ki-lam sze_ ina _sag#_ [_itu_ ...]

[...] sah-le10 4(_ban2_) _sze-gisz# 1_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a 1_ ma a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar#_ ina _ur-a#_ [...]

[... _genna_ ina _alla_] _an#_ ina _masz2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gu gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi itu bi ta 15 en 20 illu 1_/2 _kusz3 gin# ta 21#_ [...]

[...] x x x x x# _ta lu2-erin2-mesz_-szu2 asz2-szu2 s,al-tum ana muh-hi _lu2-erin2_ ha-ni-i a-na _kur_ ba-ah-tar _gin_(?)# [...]

[...] [...] [_itu-ab 30 16_ (na) _aga_ a-pir ...] x x x _kusz2#_ sin 2/3(?) _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 4 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu igi 12_(?) [na ...]

[_itu-ab 30 16_ (na) _aga_ a-pir ...] x x x _kusz2#_ sin 2/3(?) _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 4 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu igi 12_(?) [na ...]

[...] x 1 _kusz3 dir an za 5_ ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6# 6 dir an dib 6 dir an za_ x# [...]

[...] _dir an za# ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin e is-le10 4 _kusz3 dir# an za ge6 9 usan_ sin# [... _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_]

[...] _ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 1 kusz3 dir an za 10 dir an dib_ x# [...]

[...] 11# ina sze-ri3 _si szed7 ge6# 12 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_ [...]

[...] _e-sir2_(?) _tuh_(?) x x# _ge6 13 usan_ sin ina [_igi sag_-_ur-a_]

[...] sin# ina _igi lugal 2 kusz3_ [x x] _ge6 15_(?)# 8 _ge6 usan_ sin ar2# [_mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_]

[ar2 _lugal n n_ ...] [ina _igi_] _mul2#-babbar 1 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 16_(?) ina _zalag2_ sin ar2(?) _giri3_-ar2#-sza2-_ur-a 1_/2(?) _kusz3 ge6 17#_ [...]

[...] x x# _dir sal an za ge6 18_ sin _tur3 nigin2_ ma-disz iq-tur7 ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4#_-[sza2-_absin_]

[_n n ... dir_] _an dib ge6 19 dir an dib ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_ x# _si_ ana _si_-szu2 sza2 _si gin ge6 21_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin ina _igi_]

[_mul2_-x-sza2-_sag_-_gir2_]-_tab 2 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _si4 1_/2 _kusz3_ [... _ge6_] 23# ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_kur_-sza2#-[_kir4_-szil-_pa n n_]

[...] _dir# an za 23 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu szu2 dir an za_ ina sze-ri3 [x x x] x x# _ge6 24 24 dir_(?)# [...]

[... _ge6_] 26 _usan genna_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 1 si te_ ina _zalag2#_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _dir an za ge6 28 dir an dib 28 dir an za ge6 29 29 dir an za itu bi ki-lam#_ [_sze_ ...]

[...] _murub4# itu 2_(_ban2_) ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) 1 qa _zu2-lum_ ina _sag# itu 4_(_ban2_) ina _til itu 4_(_ban2_) 3 qa ka-si 3(_barig_) [...]

[...] _sig2#-hi--a 1_ ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a genna_ ina _alla# an_ ina _gu_ ina _til itu_ ina zib#-_me_ dele-bat u _gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2# [_nu igi-mesz_ ...]

[...] 4# _u gin 8 illu 20 si_ ina bit-qa sza2 _bal_-(_ri_) (d)_utu-szu2-a lal ta 9 en 19 illu 1 kusz3 8 si ka2#_-[...]

[...] 28# 4 _si gin 29 4 si lal_ [...] [_itu-ziz2 30_ ...] _gub dir an dib# ge6 3#_ sin _sig# mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 4 _kusz3 ge6 4_ sin# [...]

[_itu-ziz2 30_ ...] _gub dir an dib# ge6 3#_ sin _sig# mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 4 _kusz3 ge6 4_ sin# [...]

[...] 6 sin# ina _igi_ is-le10 2/3# _kusz3 dir an za 6 dir an za#_ [...]

[...] 7 _dir sal an za ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin# [...]

AI Translation

Year 1 of king Philip. Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16°; it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit above gamma Capricorni.

... very overcast. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mars was 10 fingers above delta Capricorni, Mars being 2 fingers back to the west .

... it was eclipsed above? eta Tauri, its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, a meteor which was like a torch .

... gives birth to a ewe and ... head and neck 3 cuts ... ... .

... ... Night of the 7th, ... ..., a little PISAN DIB. The 7th, overcast, slow rain so that the sandal was removed ... overcast, rain but the sandal was not removed .

... ... fog, very overcast. Night of the 10th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits ... alpha Tauri; clouds ... the sky .

... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east ... gusty wind and east winds blew .

... gusty south and east winds ... .

... ... very overcast, slow rain ... .

... cubits 8 fingers ... .

... crossed the sky. Night of the 16th?, .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 17th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Leonis ... ... .

... The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis ... The 19th?, in the afternoon, clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Virginis, the moon having passed ... to the east ... in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 21st, clouds .

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Librae; clouds crossed the sky. The 22nd, ... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, .

... clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, the sun rose in a cloud; Saturn's acronychal rising; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Scorpii .

... clouds were in the sky; from the 23rd to the 25th, the cold became severe. Night of the 20+xth, .

... Night of the 27th, clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, Sirius' acronychal rising; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, in the morning, .

... blew?. Around? the 28th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 29th, the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, .

... cress, 4 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo .

... Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, from the 15th to the 20th, the river level rose 1/2 cubit; from the 21st .

... ... from his troops because of the assault against the other troops to the land Bahtar .

Month X, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16°; earthshine ... ... cubits, the moon having passed 2/3? cubit to the east. The 4th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aquarius; sunset to setting of Mercury: 12°? .

... ... 1 cubit; clouds were in the sky. The 5th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, clouds crossed the sky. The 6th, clouds were in the sky ... .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Tauri; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was ... zeta Tauri

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind mu Geminorum; clouds were in the sky. The 10th, clouds crossed the sky ... .

... The 11th, in the morning, cold north wind. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of .

... ... bitumen? ... Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of epsilon Leonis

... the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis ... Night of the 15th?, sunset to moonrise: 8°; first part of the night, the moon was ... behind rho Leonis

... behind alpha Leonis ... it stood 1 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 16th?, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2? cubit behind? beta Virginis. Night of the 17th, .

... ... thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Virginis

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was x# fingers in front of alpha Librae, it was set towards its northern horn. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

2 2/3 cubits below beta/delta Scorpii. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit above alpha Scorpii ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below theta Ophiuchi,

... clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Aquarius; clouds were in the sky; in the morning, ... ... Night of the 24th and the 24th, clouds? .

... Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was 1 finger above delta Cancri, it came close; last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 29th and the 29th, clouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, .

... middle of the month, 2 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 3 panu .

... wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Aquarius, at the end of the month, in Pisces; Venus and Mercury, which had set, were not visible .

... rose 4 fingers. The 8th, the river level receded 20 fingers in the bit qati of the west. From the 9th to the 19th, the river level - remainder? 1 cubit 8 fingers - .

... The 28th, the north wind blew. The 29th, it receded 4 fingers .

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... stood; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 4 cubits below eta Piscium. Night of the 4th, the moon .

... The 6th, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Tauri; clouds were in the sky. The 6th, clouds were in the sky .

... The 7th, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon .


Year 1 of king Philip, month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 16°; the moon could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars was above gamma Capricorni ...

... very overcast. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mars was 10 fingers above delta Capricorni, Mars being 2 fingers back to the west ...

... flashed above? Pleiades, its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, a meteor which was like a torch ...

... a ewe gave birth, and the newborn had 3 heads and necks, 3 buttocks?, ... 6 ..., 3 ...

... ... Night of the 7th, ... a little PISAN DIB. The 7th, overcast; slow rain so that the sandal was removed ... overcast; rain, but the sandal was not removed ...

... ... fog, very overcast. Night of the 10th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits ... alpha Tauri; clouds ...

... the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east ... gusty south and east winds blew ...

... gusty south and east winds ...

... very overcast, slow rain ... ...

... cubits 8 fingers; in ... ...

... crossed the sky. Night of the 16th?, ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 17th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Leonis ... ... ...

... The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis ... The 19th, in the afternoon, clouds ...

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above a Virginis, the moon having passed ... to the east ... in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 21st, clouds ...

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Librae; clouds crossed the sky. The 22nd, ...; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, ...

... clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, the sun rose in a cloud; Saturn's acronychal rising; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Scorpii ...

... ... clouds were in the sky. From the 23rd to the 25th?, cold ... Night of the 20+xth, ...

... Night of the 27th, clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, Sirius' acronychal rising; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, in the morning, ...

... blew. Around the 28th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 29th, a cold north wind blew. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, at the beginning of the month, ...

... cress, 4 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; ...

... Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, from the 15th to the 20th, the river level rose 1/2 cubit; from the 21st ...

... ... from? his troops because of fighting against the Greek troops he went? to Bactria ...

... ...

Month X, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16°; earthshine ... ..., the moon having passed 2/3? cubit to the east. The 4th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aquarius, sunset to setting of Mercury: 12°?. ...

... ... 1 cubit; clouds were in the sky. The 5th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, clouds crossed the sky. The 6th, clouds were in the sky ... ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Tauri; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was ... zeta Tauri

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind mu Geminorum; clouds were in the sky. The 10th, clouds crossed the sky ... ...

... The 11th, in the morning, cold north wind. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was in front of ... Cancri ...

... the sandal was removed? ... Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was in front of epsilon Leonis

... Night of the 14th, ... the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis ... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°; first part of the night, the moon was behind rho Leonis

it stood 1 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2? cubit ... beta Virginis. Night of the 17th, ...

..., thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Virginis

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... fingers in front of alpha Librae, it was set to its northern horn. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

2 2/3 cubits in front of beta/delta Scorpii. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit above alpha Scorpii ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below theta Ophiuchi

... clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Aquarius; clouds were in the sky; in the morning, ... ... Night of the 24th and the 24th, clouds? ...

... Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was 1 finger above delta Cancri; it came close; last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 29th and the 29th, clouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ...

... in the middle of the month, 2 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 1 qa; dates, at the beginning of the month, 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 3 panu ...

... wool, 1 mina. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Aquarius, at the end of the month, in Pisces; Venus and Mercury, which had set, were not visible ...

... it rose 4 fingers; the 8th, the river level receded 20 fingers at the ... at sunset; from the 9th to the 19th, the river level - remainder? 1 cubit 8 fingers - ...

... the 28th, it rose 4 fingers; the 29th, it receded 4 fingers.

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... stood; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 4 cubits below eta Piscium. Night of the 4th, the moon ...

... Night of the 6th, the moon was 2/3? cubit in front of alpha Tauri; clouds were in the sky. The 6th, clouds were in the sky ...

... The 7th, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ...



[... _ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ina] _igi#_ [_masz-masz_]-_igi 1 kusz3 ge6 10_(?) _sag ge6#_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2 2(?) _kusz3 ge6 11#_ [...]

[... x]+1 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib# 11 gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina _gu igi 11#_ x x x x x [x] _ge6 12 sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

[...] x x x x# _tuh_ x x# 12 ina _kin-sig dir an za si szed7 ge6 13 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3#_-[ar2-_lugal n n_]

[ina _igi mul2-babbar n_] _kusz3#_ ana _szu2 gub dir_ x x x x x# _szu2 dir an za si szed7 ge6 14 dir an za ulu3 szar2_-ah ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi#_ [...]

[...] x# 14 5 na [x x x] x# _si szed7_ szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 szu2 ge6 15 2 me dir_ musz _dir an za_ ina _zalag2 szu2 an_ ne2-hi x# [...]

[...]_e#-sir2 nu tuh dir an# za ge6 16 11 ge6 usan_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 kusz3_ ina _zalag2 szu2 16 szu2-szu2 an pisan_ i _dib_ [0(?)]

[_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_] sin# ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 ge6 18 dir an dib 18_ ina sze-ri3 _dir an dib ge6 19 dir an dib 19_ ina [x]

[... _ge6_] 20 _dir an za_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin] ar2 _mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 20 si 20 dir an za ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa 1 kusz3#_

[...] 21 ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6 22 dir an za ge6 23 dir an dib ulu3 szar2 23 dir an za ulu3_ [x]

[...]_dir an dib# ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me 24_ ina _kin-sig gir2 gu3 u mah an_ ha-an-t,u _pisan mah dib mar_ u [...]

[_ge6 25_ x x x] (d)_im 1_-en _gu3_-szu2 _szub usan genna_ ana _szu2#_ ina _lal_-szu2 _sig_ zi-im-sza2-_sza3_-_alla 2 si lal2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _si#_-[_masz2_]

[_n n 25 dir_] _an za ge6 26 dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig suhur_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3 26 dir an za ge6 27 dir an za_ [0]

[x x] x [x x] 27# 12-30 _kur dir an dib ge6 28 dir an dib 28 dir an za ta 22 en 28 si szed7_ [0]

[x x x x] 29 ina sze-ri3 _szu2-szu2 ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me_ szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 szu2 itu bi ki-lam sze_ ina _sag itu 2_(_ban2_) ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) 1 1/2# [qa]

[x x x x] ina _til itu 4_(_ban2_)(?) 4 1/2 qa# ka-si 1 _gur_ sah-le10 1(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _til itu 2_(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) _sig2 1_ ma a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 x#

[i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a gu4-ud_ ina _gu genna_ ina] _alla# an_ ina [zib-_me_] ina _til itu_ ina _lu_ dele-bat sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi itu bi ta 1 en# 16 illu 1 kusz3 4 si ka2#_-[tu2]

[... _en_] _til# itu illu 4 si gin_

[...] [_itu-sze 30_ ...] _ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me 1 szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _an utah ulu3#_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me ge6 2 szu2-szu2 gir2_ [...]

[_itu-sze 30_ ...] _ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me 1 szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _an utah ulu3#_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me ge6 2 szu2-szu2 gir2_ [...]

[x x x] szamasz2# ina a-kam2(?) [x x x] _genna_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a 1/2 _kusz3#_ ar2 _mul2_-_igi#_-sza2-_alla_-sza2#-[_ulu3_] _usz#_ [N] _si_(?)# _sig_ zi-im-sza2-_sza3_-_alla_ x# [x] x# [...]

[x x x x] x# _szed7 ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi_ is-le10 2# 1/2 _kusz3_ [x] _szed7_(?) ig#-te-szir 4 x# [x x x] _ge6# 5_(?) _sag ge6_ sin# [...]

[x x x x x] _ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 1 1_/2# _kusz3 7 dir an za ge6_ [8] _sag ge6#_ sin e _genna 1 1_/2 [_kusz3_]

[...] _kusz3_(?)# 9 szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 kur dir an dib ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin _sig sag_-_ur-a# 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ ana _nim dib dir_(?)# [...]

[dele-bat ina _szu2_ ina _hun-ga2 igi n_ na]-su# ina 6 _igi dir an dib an utah ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2#-_lugal 2 kusz3_ e _mul2-babbar 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3# [_kusz3_ ...]

[...] _ge6 12 usan_ sin ar2 _gisz-kun_-_ur-a 1 kusz3_ x# [x x x x] x _gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina zib-_me szu2 ge6 13#_ [_usan_]

[sin e _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a_] 2 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib dir an za#_ [...] 13 _dir an za ge6 14 dir an dib 2# szu2_ [...]

[... 14] ina sze-ri3 _szu2 an_ sze-ni _nu#_ [_tuh_ ... szamasz2] ina pit2-nu _szu2_ in 14 _genna_ ana _nim lal ge6 15_ x# [x]

[ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2]-_absin# 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [... 15 N] _ge6# dir_ musz szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 kur dir an za ge6 10_+[x ...]

[...] ina _gu4-an_ [_szu2 ... ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_] sin ina _igi mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-(_sag_)-_gir2-tab 8 si_ sin 4 _si_ ana# [...]

[...] 3 _kusz3 en 21 mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a 1/2 _kusz3_ e

_mul2#_-[_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal usz_ ...] 24 _szu2-szu2 an_ sze-ni _tuh 25_ (text: 24) _lal2_-tim _nu pap szu2-szu2#_ [...]

[... _an-ku10_] szamasz2# _bar dib gir2 gir2_ x x x# [...] _igi_(?)# in 30 _mul2-babbar_ ana _nim lal dir an za_ [x x]

[...] _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 4_(_ban2_) ina _til itu 3_(_ban2_) 4 1/2 qa ka#-si 1 _gur_ sah-le10 2(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a_ [0]

[N ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2_]-_babbar#_ ina _ur-a_ dele#-[bat ina] _hun#-ga2 genna_ ina _alla gu4-ud_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi#-mesz itu bi ta 1 en 14 illu_

[... _ta_] 15# _en 20 1_/2 _kusz3_ [_lal_] _ta# 26 en 30 1_/2 _kusz3 gin_ [...] _itu#-bar 1_

[...] _itu#-bar 1_


_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu#-gan en til itu-sze mu 1-kam2_ (disz)pi-lip2#-[i-si] _lugal#_

AI Translation

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Geminorum. Night of the 10th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 2? cubits behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 11th, .

... having passed x+1 cubits to the east. The 11th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 11th, ... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, .

... ... ... The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, cold north wind. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above rho Leonis

it stood nn cubits in front of Jupiter to the west; clouds ... overcast, clouds were in the sky, cold north wind. Night of the 14th, clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind; last part of the night, the moon was in front of .

... ... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5° ... ... cold north wind; the sun set in a black cloud. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2°, measured despite clouds; clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, overcast, slow rain ... .

... the sandal was not removed; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 11°; first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Virginis; last part of the night, overcast. The 16th, very overcast, rain, a little PISAN DIB.

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 18th, clouds crossed the sky. The 18th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds crossed the sky. The 19th, in .

... Night of the 20th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind delta Scorpii. The 20th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi

... The 21st, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky, gusty south wind. The 23rd, clouds were in the sky, the south wind .

... clouds crossed the sky, gusty south and east winds blew. The 24th, in the afternoon, lightning, much thunder, rain quickly, much PISAN DIB, west and .

Night of the 25th, ... Adad thundered once; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was 2 fingers below gamma Geminorum; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni

The 25th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Capricorni. The 26th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky.

... ... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky; from the 22nd to the 28th, cold north wind.

... The 29th, in the morning, very overcast, gusty south and east winds blew; the sun set in a black cloud. That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 2 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 1 1/2 qa;

... at the end of the month, 4 sutu? 4 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kurru; cress, 1 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina.

At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Mercury was in Aquarius; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Pisces, at the end of the month, in Aries; Venus, which had set, was not visible. That month, from the 1st to the 16th, the river level - remainder? 1 cubit 4 fingers -

... until the end of the month, the river level rose 4 fingers

... Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... gusty south and east winds blew. The 1st, overcast; in the morning, rain shower, gusty south and east winds blew. Night of the 2nd, very overcast, lightning .

Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... gusty south and east winds blew. The 1st, overcast; in the morning, rain shower, gusty south and east winds blew. Night of the 2nd, very overcast, lightning .

... the sun set in mist? ... when Saturn became stationary to the west, it became stationary 1/2 cubit behind eta Cancri, nn fingers below gamma Cancri ... .

... ... cold. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Tauri; ... the cold became severe. The 4th, ... Night of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the moon .

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Geminorum. The 7th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above Saturn

... cubits?. The 9th, the sun rose in a black cloud; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east; clouds? .

Venus' first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Venus: nn°; ideal first appearance on the 6th; clouds crossed the sky, rain shower. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above rho Leonis, 1 2/3 cubits above Jupiter, the moon being 2/3 cubit .

... Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind theta Leonis ... ... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Pisces. Night of the 13th, first part of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits above beta Virginis, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east; clouds were in the sky ... The 13th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, clouds crossed the sky. The 2nd, overcast .

... The 14th, in the morning, overcast, rain, but the sandal was not removed ... the sun set in a "box". Around the 14th, Saturn's acronychal rising. Night of the 15th, ... .

last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis ... The 15th, sunset to moonrise: nn°, measured despite clouds; the sun rose in a black cloud; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10+xth, .

... last appearance in Taurus ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers in front of delta Scorpii, the moon being 4 fingers to .

... 3 cubits. Around the 21st, when Jupiter became stationary to the west, it became stationary 1/2 cubit above

rho Leonis became stationary ... The 24th, very overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed. The 25th, equinox; I did not watch; very overcast .

... solar eclipse, ... crossed the sky, lightning flashed ... ... first appearance?. Around the 30th, Jupiter's acronychal rising; clouds were in the sky .

... dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 sutu 4 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kurru; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool,

At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Aries; Saturn was in Cancer; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, from the 1st to the 14th, the river level

... from the 15th to the 20th, it receded 1/2 cubit; from the 26th to the 30th, it rose 1/2 cubit .

... Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month,


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 1 of king Philip.


... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit ... alpha Geminorum. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2? cubits behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 11th, ...

... the moon having passed x+1 cubits to the east. The 11th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Aquarius ... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, ...

... ... The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, cold north wind. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above rho Leonis

it stood nn cubits in front of Jupiter to the west; clouds ... overcast, clouds were in the sky, cold north wind. Night of the 14th, clouds were in the sky; gusty south wind ...; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ...

... ... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. ... ... cold north wind, the sun set in a black cloud. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2°; measured despite clouds; clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, overcast, slow rain ... ...

... the sandal was not removed; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 11°; first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Virginis; last part of the night, overcast. The 16th, very overcast; rain, a little PISAN DIB.

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 18th, clouds crossed the sky. The 18th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds crossed the sky. The 19th, in ...

... Night of the 20th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind delta Scorpii. The 20th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi.

... The 21st, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky; gusty south wind. The 23rd, clouds were in the sky, south wind ...

... clouds crossed the sky; gusty south and east winds blew. The 24th, in the afternoon, lightning, much thunder, fast rain, much PISAN DIB; west and ... winds ...

Night of the 25th, ... it thundered once; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was balanced 2 fingers below Praesepe; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni

The 25th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits below gamma/delta Capricorni. The 26th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky.

... ... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky. From the 22nd to the 28th, cold north wind.

... The 29th, in the morning, very overcast; gusty south and east winds blew; the sun set in a black cloud. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, at the beginning of the month, 2 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 sutu 1 1/2 qa;

... at the end of the month, 4 sutu 4 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kur; cress, 1 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool, 1 mina.

At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Mercury was in Aquarius; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in Pisces, at the end of the month, in Aries; Venus, which had set, was not visible. That month, from the 1st to the 16th, the river level - remainder? 1 cubit 4 fingers -

... to the end of the month, the river level rose 4 fingers.


Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... gusty south and east winds blew. The 1st, overcast; in the morning, rain shower; gusty south and east winds blew. Night of the 2nd, very overcast, lightning ...

... the sun in mist ... when Saturn became stationary in the west, it became stationary 1/2 cubit behind theta Cancri, nn fingers below Praesepe ...

... cold. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Arietis; ... cold ... The 4th, ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon ...

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Geminorum. The 7th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above Saturn

... cubits. The 9th, the sun rose in a black cloud; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east; clouds? ...

Venus' first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Venus: ..., ideal first appearance on the 6th; clouds crossed the sky, rain shower. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above rho Leonis, 1 2/3 cubits above Jupiter, the moon being 2/3 cubits ...

... Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind theta Leonis ... ... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Pisces. Night of the 13th, first part of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits above beta Virginis, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east; clouds were in the sky ... The 13th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, clouds crossed the sky; moonset to sunrise: 2° ...

... The 14th, in the morning, overcast; rain, but the sandal was not removed ... the sun set in a "box". Around the 14th, Saturn moved back to the east. Night of the 15th, ... ...

last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis ... The 15th, sunset to moonrise: ..., measured despite clouds; the sun rose in a black cloud; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10+xth ...

... set in Taurus ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers in front of delta Scorpii, the moon being 4 fingers to ...

... 3 cubits. Until the 21st, when Jupiter became stationary in the west, it became stationary 1/2 cubit above rho

Leonis ... The 24th, very overcast; rain so that the sandal was removed. The 25th, equinox; I did not watch; very overcast ...

... solar eclipse, excluded, omitted; lightning flashed ... ... ... Around the 30th, Jupiter moved back to the east; clouds were in the sky ...

... dates, at the beginning of the month, 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 sutu 4 1/2 qa; mustard, 1 kur; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 1 sutu; wool,

nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Aries; Saturn was in Cancer; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, from the 1st to the 14th, the river level

... from the 15th to the 20th, it receded 1/2 cubit; from the 26th to the 30th, it rose 1/2 cubit.

... Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month.


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 1 of king Philip.



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi]-ne2#-e sza2 _ta itu-gan en til sze mu 1-kam2_ (disz)pi-lip2-i-si _lugal_

AI Translation

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 1 of king Philip.


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 1 of king Philip.

X103241: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[_mu 12-kam2_ (disz)a]-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal bar 1_ sin ina _dir igi 20_ na _dir nu pap# ge6 1 dir an dib 1 szu2-szu2 an utah ge6 2_ sin ar2 _mul2-babbar 1 1_/2 _kusz3 sig_ dele-bat 1 _kusz3_ [... _ge6 3 sag ge6_]

[sin x _szur_-_gigir_-sza2]-_ulu3# 20 si_ ina _igi genna 1 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub szu2-szu2_ (3) ina sze-ri3 _an utah_ i _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 3 kusz3 szu2-szu2 ulu3 szar2#_ [...]

[...] _pisan#_ i _dib 5 szu2-szu2 an_ ne2 _pisan dib_ ina _kin-sig gu3 u_ i _ge6 6 usan_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3_ dele-bat _sig szur_-[_gigir_-sza2-_si_ ...] 20 _si_ [... _ge6 7 sag ge6_]

[sin ina _igi sag_-_ur_]-_a 2# kusz3 an_ e _lugal 2_/3 _kusz3 szu2-szu2 gu3 u_ i _im# szar2 an dul 7_ ina _kin-sig szu2 gir2 gu3 u an pisan_ i _dib_ x# [x x _tir-an a2_] _ulu3_ u _kur gib_ [...]

[...] x# _kusz3_ sin 8 _u#_ [x x x x x] x x [x x x x x] x [x x x ina] _kin-sig gir2-gir2 gu3 u an#_ [sze]-ni _tuh 2 tir-an-mesz_(?)# [...]

[...] _nu_(?)# _tuh usan_ sin _sig gisz-kun_-_ur-a 2_(?) [...] x 9 ina _kin-sig dir an dib# ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin e _giri3_-ar2#-sza2-_ur-a 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ dele-bat e _szur_-[_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_]

[... _ge6 11 sag ge6_] sin e# _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 18 si dir an za ge6_ [12 _sag ge6_] sin# e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib szu2-szu2 gir2 gir2-gir2 12 9-30 szu2 nu pap_ szamasz2 ina pit(?)-nu _igi_(?)#

[... _ge6_] 13# _dir an dib 13 20 ninda_ na _dir nu pap_ ina sze-ri3 [x x x (x)] _ge6 14# 4 me dir_ musz _usan_ dele-bat e _genna 1 kusz3_ dele-bat 5 _si_ ana _nim dib_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 kusz3 8 u_

[... _ge6 15_ ...] x# ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _si4 2 1_/2 _kusz3 15_ ina sze-ri3 _dir#_ [x x x (x)] _im# szar2 an dul ge6 16 szu2-szu2 an_ sze-ni _tuh ge6# 17 usan_ dele-bat e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 20 si_

[...] 17# _szu2-szu2 ge6 18 dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi si_-[_masz2 n n_ (x)] _ge6# 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 2 kusz3 ge6 22 usan_ dele-bat e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa zi 4 kusz3_

[_an_ x _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4]-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal# 20 si_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...] sza2-sze#-pit-_masz-masz 2_/3 _kusz3 23_ ina _kin-sig dir an dib ge6 24 dir an dib 24 dir an za ge6 25 dir an za_

[...] 26 15(?) _kur#_ [x x] x# ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 27_ (or:28) _dir an_(?)# [x] 27 (or: 28) _dir an za#_ [...] x A(?)# [...] 28 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gigir szu2_

[... sze]-ni _nu tuh# itu bi ki#_-[_lam_ ...] x x# _ta 5 en_ [...] [...] _en# 24 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ka-si 3 _gur_(?)# [...] [...] ik-kasz-sza2-du _lu2_-e-man-a-a [...] [...] _gin# ge6 6 illu 8 si lal#_ [...] [...] 24# _illu 1 kusz3 lal 25#_ [...]

AI Translation

Year 12 of Alexander, king. Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the moon became visible in a cloud; sunset to moonset: 20°; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 1st, clouds crossed the sky. The 1st, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind Jupiter, 1 cubit below Venus ... Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night,

the moon was 20 fingers ... zeta Tauri, it stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west; very overcast. The 3rd, in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above gamma Geminorum; very overcast, gusty south wind .

... a little PISAN DIB. The 5th, very overcast, slow rain, PISAN DIB; in the afternoon, a little thunder. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of delta Cancri; Venus was ... below beta Tauri ... 20 fingers ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis; Mars was 2/3 cubit above alpha Leonis; very overcast, thunder, gusty wind, rain DUL. The 7th, in the afternoon, overcast, lightning, thunder, rain, a little PISAN DIB ... ... a rainbow stretched on the south and east side .

... x# cubits, the moon being 8 fingers ... ... ... in the afternoon, lightning flashed, thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. Two rainbows? .

... not? removed; first part of the night, the moon was 2? fingers below theta Leonis ... ... The 9th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above beta Virginis; Venus was ... above zeta Tauri

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 18 fingers above gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above alpha Virginis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; very overcast, lightning flashed continuously. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 30'; I did not watch; the sun was in a "box"?

... Night of the 13th, clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 20'; clouds, I did not watch; in the morning, ... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4°, measured despite clouds; first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit above Saturn, Venus having passed 5 fingers to the east; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above delta Scorpi

... Night of the 15th, ... ... last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii. The 15th, in the morning, clouds ... gusty wind, rain DUL. Night of the 16th, very overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Venus was 20 fingers above mu Geminorum

... The 17th, very overcast. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Capricorni. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus was 4 cubits above gamma Geminorum.

Mars was 20 fingers ... rho Leonis; last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... eta Geminorum. The 23rd, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 24th, clouds crossed the sky. The 24th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, clouds were in the sky.

... The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°? ... ... in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 27th or: 28th, clouds ... The 27th or: 28th, clouds were in the sky ... ... ... The 28th, Jupiter's last appearance in the Chariot

... the sandal was not removed. That month, the equivalent ... ... from the 5th to ... ... until the 24th, 1 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 3 kurru? ... ... the Manneans ... ... blew. Night of the 6th, the river level receded 8 fingers ... The 24th, the river level receded 1 cubit. The 25th, .


Year 12 of Alexander the king, month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the moon became visible in a cloud; sunset to moonset: 20° ;clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 1st, clouds crossed the sky. The 1st, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind Jupiter, 1 cubit below Venus ...

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 20 fingers ... zeta Tauri, it stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west; very overcast. The 3rd, in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above gamma Geminorum; very overcast, gusty south wind; ...

... a little PISAN DIB. The 5th, very overcast, slow rain PISAN DIB; in the afternoon, a little thunder. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of delta Cancri; Venus was ... below beta Tauri ...

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis; Mars was 2/3 cubit above alpha Leonis; very overcast, a little thunder, gusty wind, rain DUL. The 7th, in the afternoon, overcast, lightning, thunder, rain a little PISAN DIB ...

... cubit, the moon being 8 fingers ... in the afternoon, lightning flashed, thunder ...

... rain, but the sandal was not? removed; first part of the night, the moon was ... below theta Leonis ... in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above beta Virginis ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 18 fingers above gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above alpha Virginis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; very overcast, lightning ...

... Night of the 13th, clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 20' ; clouds, I did not watch; in the morning, ... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4°, measured despite clouds; first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit above Saturn, Venus being 5 ...

... Night of the 15th, ... last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii. The 15th, in the morning, clouds ... gusty wind, rain DUL. Night of the 16th, very overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 17th ...

... The 17th, very overcast. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Capricorni. Night ...

... Mars ... rho Leonis 20 fingers; last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... h/m Geminorum. The 23rd, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 24th, ...

... The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°?. ... in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 27th28th ?, clouds ... The 27th28th ?, clouds were in the sky ...

... but the sandal was not removed. That month, the equivalent ...



[...] [...]

[... _ge6_] 5 _sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-[_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa n n_ ...]

[...] _mul2#_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 20 si_ [...]

[...] x# _genna kur ge6 16 16 dir_ [...]

[...] x# [...] x# _ta 12 en 18 zi ir ge6_ [...]

[...] _ge6 18# sag ge6_ x [x x (x) _an_] _utah_ i ina _zalag2_ sin e [...] 3(?)# _kusz3 20 dir an za 21 dir#_ [...]

[_ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin x _masz-masz_-_igi_] 2 _kusz3_(?)# 8 _si_ e _genna 20 si_ sin 4 _si_ ana _nim#_ [_dib_ ar2] _mul2#-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _nim gub 21_ ina sze#-[ri3 ... dele-bat ina _nim_ ina _absin igi_] x# na-su in 10+[x] _igi#_ [x] x# [...]

[x x] x _ge6 22 dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2 2 1/2 _kusz3_ [x x x x] _ge6 23 dir an# za 23 dir#_ [... N] _kusz3_ ina _zalag2 an utah_ i 24 _dir an#_ [x]

ina _kin#-sig an utah_ i _ge6 25 dir an dib_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _mul2_-_tur#_-[sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2]-_lugal# 2 kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 25_ [... ina sze]-ri3 _an utah_ i _ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin

ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 27_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi dele_-sza2-_igi#_-[_absin_ x x x] 27# _lal2_-tim _nu pap ge6 28 usan#_ [...] _kusz3# 14 si 28 15 kur ge6 30_

[ina _zalag2_] dele-bat _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 3 kusz3 itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im [...] _pi zu2 1 pi 5_(?) qa ina _til#_ [_itu_ ...] ka-si 1 _gur_ ina _til itu 1_(_gur_) 2(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) sah#-[le10 ... _gir2_]-_tab gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi itu bi ta 6 en 24_(?) _illu#_ [...] _id2#_-pal-lu-kat3 _lal ta 26 en til itu illu 20 si ka2_-tu2# [...] x# [...] _du6# 1 14_ na _aga_ a-pir _ta_ muh#-[hi ...] (d)_en_(?)# A sza2 (disz)_gi_-im-(d)_en_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi .

... 20 fingers ... delta Capricorni .

... ... Saturn reached Cancer. Night of the 16th and the 16th, clouds .

... ... ... from the 12th to the 18th, ZI IR. Night .

... Night of the 18th, beginning of the night, ... ... a little rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was 3? cubits above ... The 20th, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds .

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits? 8 fingers ... alpha Geminorum, 20 fingers above Saturn, the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east, it stood 2 cubits behind Jupiter to the east. The 21st, in the morning, ... Venus' first appearance in the east in Virgo; sunset to setting of Venus: x°; ideal first appearance on the 10+xth ... .

... ... Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Geminorum ... Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, clouds ... nn cubits; last part of the night, a little rain shower. The 24th, clouds ... the sky.

in the afternoon, a little rain shower. Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above rho Leonis, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 25th, ... in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was

2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Virginis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ... The 27th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, ... cubits 14 fingers. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°. Night of the 30th,

last part of the night, Venus was 3 cubits below gamma Virginis. That month, the equivalent was: barley, ... panu; dates, 1 panu 5? qa, at the end of the month, ... mustard, 1 kurru, at the end of the month, 1 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu; cress, ... Scorpius; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, from the 6th to the 24th?, the river Pallukat, receded; from the 26th to the end of the month, the river level receded 20 fingers ... ... .


... ... ...

... Night of the 16th, beginning of the night, ... a little rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was above ...

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits? 8 fingers ... alpha Geminorum, 20 fingers above Saturn, the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east, it stood 2 cubits behind Jupiter to the east. The 21st, in the morning, ...

... Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Geminorum ... Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, clouds ... a rainbow stretched from the south and the east side ...

in the afternoon, a little rain shower. Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above rho Leonis, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 25th, ... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was

2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Virginis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis. The 27th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, ... Night of the 29th,

last part of the night, Venus was 3 cubits below gamma Virginis. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ... panu; dates, 1 panu 5? qa; at the end of the month, ...

mustard, ...

That month, from the 6th to the 24th, the river level ...

until the end of the month, the river level 20 fingers babtu ...

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14°; earthshine. From ...-Bel, the son of Mushallim-Bel ...



_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar en# til kin mu 12-kam2_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an-dar _lugal#_

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 12 of king Alexander.


Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 12 of king Alexander.

X103242: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] x [...]

[... _ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin x] _mul2_-_tur#_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 1 kusz3_(?)# [...]

[...] _dir# an dib 8 dir an za ge6 9 sag ge6#_ sin [ina _igi dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin_ ...]

[...] _dir# an za ge6 12 12 dir an za ge6 13 dir#_ [...]

[...] sze-ni _nu tuh 14_ [N] na _dir nu pap an-ku10_ sin# [...]

[...] _usan#_ dele-bat e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 20 si_ x# [...]

[... _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin] ar2 _si_-_masz2 2# 1_/2 _kusz3 17 szed7#_ [...] x [...]

[...] sin ar2 _mul2#-me_ [...] x ina _zalag2# dir an#_ [...] _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin [x _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu _n n_ ...]

[x x x] x 23 ina sze-(ri3) _dir an_ [...] x [... _kin_(?)]-_sig#_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 ge6 25 dir#_ [...]

x# [_gir2_] _gir2#-gir2 25_ ina _kin-sig dir#_ [...] x [... _ge6 26_ ...] x# _mah izi ku2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2-mul2 2_ [_kusz3_]

_dir an za gir2 gir2-gir2 26_ ina _kin-sig szu2-szu2_ [x x] _ge6_ [...] szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 kur 28 mul2-babbar_ ina _sag masz-masz igi_

10 _usz_ na-su _ge6 29 usan_ dele-bat _sig sag_-_ur#_-[A ...] _ki#-lam_ sze-e u _ki-lam_ mim-ma gab-bi

_en u4 5_ ina _sila-me e-ki tar_-is _sze-bar 1_(_ban2_) 3 qa 6 7 4(_ban2_) [...] _u2_ ina _murub4 itu sze-bar 1 pi_ ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_)

_zu2-lum_ ina _murub4 itu 1 pi_ ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) _ta murub4 itu_ [...] x x x x x# 3(_ban2_)(?) _sze_(?)-_gisz#_ [...]+2 ma i-nu-szu2 dele-bat ina _alla_ ina _til itu_ ina _ur-a_

_an_ ina _ur-a mul2-babbar 28_ ina _sag masz-masz igi gu4-ud_ u _genna_ sza2# [_szu2-mesz nu_] _igi#-mesz itu bi illu ta 1 en_ ((ina)) _til itu#_ [x x (x)] [_sig 1 n_] na# _ge6 3_ sin _sig# sag_-_ur-a 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib_ [ina _igi_] dele-bat# 1 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub 3 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _alla igi 12_ na _ge6#_ [4 _sag ge6_ sin e] _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 1 2_/3 _kusz3 usan an_

[_sig 1 n_] na# _ge6 3_ sin _sig# sag_-_ur-a 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib_ [ina _igi_] dele-bat# 1 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub 3 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _alla igi 12_ na _ge6#_ [4 _sag ge6_ sin e] _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 1 2_/3 _kusz3 usan an_

[e _giri3_-ar2]-sza2-_ur-a 2# si dim4 an 1 si_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin# ar2 _gisz-kun_-_ur-a 1 1_/2 _kusz3 usan an_ ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2#-[_ur-a n n ge6 6_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _an 2 kusz3_ ana _nim du_

[x x dele-bat] e _lugal#_ [N] _kusz3_ dele-bat 4 _si_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ar2# _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 2 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an za 7_ ina _kin-sig dir#_ [_an za_(?) _ge6 8 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 6 si_

[x x x 8 ina _kin_]-_sig dir an za ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin e _rin2_-sza2#-_ulu3 1 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an za 9_ ina _kin-sig dir an dib ge6 10#_ [_sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_]-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an za_

[_ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ar2] _si4# 2 kusz3 usan_ dele-bat e _mul2_-_tur_-((1))-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 2_/3 _kusz3 dir an dib ge6 12 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-[sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa n n ge6 13_] 4 _me 13 4 szu2 ge6 14 5-30 ge6#_

[x x sin x _si_]-_masz2# 2_/3 _kusz3 14 11_ na _ge6 15_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-[_igi_]-sza2#-_suhur_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3 15 si szar2 ge6 16#_ ina _zalag2 mul2#_-[_babbar_ e] _szur#_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3# 1 kusz3 8 si mul2#-babbar 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 17_(?)# [x] x

[18 _genna_ ina _masz-masz_] _igi 15_ na-su _ge6 19 usan gu4-ud sig#_ [_sag_-_ur-a_ ...] x# [...] 5 _kusz3#_ [_ge6_] 23# ina _zalag2_(!) dele-bat _sig gisz#_-[_kun_-_ur-a n n_]

[ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2-mul2_] 3 2/3 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin [x is-le10 _n n ... ge6 25 usan gu4-ud_] x# _lugal 4 si gu4-ud 1 si_ ana [...]

[ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_] _mul2#-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi genna_ [_n n ... ge6 n usan_] _an sig dele_ sza2 _igi absin#_ [_n n_ ...]

[... ina _sag_] _itu 1_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_)# ina _murub4 itu 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 4 qa ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) [...] qa _sig2 hi-a 2_ ma i-nu-[su2 ...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit ... rho Leonis .

... clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th and the 12th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, clouds .

... rain, but the sandal was not removed. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: nn°; clouds, I did not watch; lunar eclipse .

... first part of the night, Venus was 20 fingers above delta Cancri ... .

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Capricorni. The 17th, cold ... ... .

... the moon was behind the stars ... ... last part of the night, clouds ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... eta Piscium .

... ... The 23rd, in the morning, clouds ... the sky ... ... in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 25th, clouds .

... lightning flashed continuously. The 25th, in the afternoon, clouds ... ... Night of the 26th, ... much ..., a little fire; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind eta Tauri,

clouds were in the sky, lightning flashed continuously. The 26th, in the afternoon, very overcast ... Night ... the sun rose in a black cloud. The 28th, Jupiter's first appearance in the beginning of Gemini;

sunset to moonrise: 10°. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus was ... below epsilon Leonis ... the equivalent was: barley and the equivalent was: everything

until the 5th, in the street of Babylon, he removed barley, 1 sutu 3 qa; the 6th and 7th, 4 sutu ... in the middle of the month, barley, 1 panu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu;

dates, in the middle of the month, 1 panu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu, from the middle of the month ... ... 3 sutu?; sesame, ... 2+2 minas. At that time, Venus was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo;

Mars was in Leo; Jupiter was 28 fingers in front of Gemini; Mercury and Saturn, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level from the 1st to the end of the month .

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: nn°. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, it stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Venus to the west. The 3rd, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Cancer; sunset to setting of Mercury: 12°. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above rho Leonis; first part of the night, Mars

2 fingers above beta Virginis, it came near, Mars being 1 finger back to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind theta Leonis; first part of the night, Mars was ... behind beta Virginis. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits behind Mars to the east,

... Venus was nn cubits above alpha Leonis, Venus being 4 fingers back to the west. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. The 7th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky?. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 6 fingers behind alpha Virginis.

... The 8th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above alpha Librae; clouds were in the sky. The 9th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii; clouds were in the sky.

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii; first part of the night, Venus was 2/3 cubit above rho Leonis; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 30'.

... the moon was 2/3 cubit ... beta Capricorni. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of gamma Capricorni. The 15th, gusty north wind. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Jupiter was 1 cubit 8 fingers above zeta Tauri, Jupiter having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 17th?, .

The 18th, Saturn's first appearance in Gemini; rising of Saturn to sunrise: 15°. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury was ... below epsilon Leonis ... 5 cubits. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Venus was ... below theta Leonis,

last part of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Tauri ... Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mercury was 4 fingers ... alpha Leonis, Mercury being 1 finger to .

last part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of Saturn ... Night of the nnth, first part of the night, Mars was ... below gamma Virginis .

... in the beginning of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu, in the middle of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 4 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu ... qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, .


... ... ...

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... rho Leonis ...

... clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ...

... cirrus clouds. Night of the 12th and the 12th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, clouds ...

... rain, but the sandal was not removed. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: nn°; clouds, I did not watch; lunar eclipse ...

... first part of the night, Venus was 20 fingers above delta Cancri ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Capricorni. The 17th, cold ...

... the moon was ... behind the stars ...; last part of the night, clouds ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... eta Piscium ...

... The 23rd, in the morning, clouds ... in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 25th, clouds ...

... lightning flashed continuously. The 25th, in the afternoon, clouds ... Night of the 26th, ... fire consumed a great ...; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind eta Tauri;

clouds were in the sky, lightning flashed continuously. The 26th, in the afternoon, very overcast ... Night of the ... the sun rose in a black cloud. The 28th, Jupiter's first appearance in the beginning of Gemini;

from the rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 10°. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus was ... below epsilon Leonis ... The sale of barley and everything else

was cut off in the streets of Babylon until the 5th. The equivalent of barley was 1 sutu 3 qa; on the 6th and the 7th, 4 sutu ... in the middle of the month, barley: 1 panu; at the end of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu;

dates, in the middle of the month, 1 panu; at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu; from the middle of the month ... ... 3 sutu?; sesame, ...; wool, x+2 minas. At that time, Venus was in Cancer, at the end of the month in Leo;

Mars was in Leo; Jupiter's first appearance on the 28th in the beginning of Gemini; Mercury and Saturn, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level from the 1st to the end of the month ...

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: nn°. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, it stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Venus to the west. The 3rd, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Cancer; sunset to the setting of Mercury: 12°. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above rho Leonis. First part of the night, Mars

was above beta Virginis 2 fingers, it came near, Mars being 1 finger back to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind theta Leonis. First part of the night, Mars was ... behind beta Virginis. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits behind Mars to the east,

... Venus was nn cubits above alpha Leonis, Venus being 4 fingers back to the west. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis; clouds were in the sky. The 7th, in the afternoon, clouds ... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 6 fingers behind alpha Virginis.

... The 8th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above alpha Librae; clouds were in the sky. The 9th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 1Oth, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii; clouds were in the sky.

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Scorpii; first part of the night, Venus was 2/3 cubit above rho Leonis; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4°?. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 30'.

... the moon was 2/3 cubit ... beta Capricorni. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of gamma Capricorni. The 15th, gusty north wind. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Jupiter was 1 cubit 8 fingers above zeta Tauri, Jupiter having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 17th?, ...

The 18th, Saturn's first appearance in Gemini; rising of Saturn to sunrise: 15°. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury was ... below epsilon Leonis. ... 5 cubits. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Venus was ... below theta Leonis;

last part of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Tauri ... Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mercury was 4 fingers below? alpha Leonis, Mercury having ... 1 finger to the ...;

last part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of Saturn ... Night of the nnth, first part of the night, Mars was ... below gamma Virginis ...

... at the beginning of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu; in the middle of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 4 qa; at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu ... qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, ...



[... _gu4-ud_ ina] _alla#_ ina _til itu_ ina _ur-a an_ ina _sag itu_ ina _ur-a_ ina _til itu_ ina [_absin_ ...]

AI Translation

... Mercury was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo .


... Mercury was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Mars was in the beginning of the month in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo ...



[_szu 30 n_] na-su _kur4_ a-kam2 musz _ge6 2_ sin ina _igi gu4-ud 2 kusz3_ (ana _szu2 gub_) sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _si nim ge6 3_ sin _sig gisz-kun_-[_ur_]-_a# 3 kusz3 usan_ dele-bat ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 4 si_ [...]

[_ge6 4_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 20 si_ ar2 dele-bat 18 _si_ ana _nim gub_ dele-bat ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 si_ dele-bat 2 _si_ ana _ulu3 sig ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi#_-[_absin n n_ ...]

[_ge6_] 6 _sag ge6_ sin e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3 ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi sag_-_gir2-tab 2_(?) [_kusz3 ... ge6 9 sag ge6_]

[sin] e# _si4 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa 20 si_ ina _zalag2 genna_ e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 2 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 12_ ina _zalag2 mul2-babbar_ e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit#-_masz-masz 5 si#_

[_ge6_] 13# 14 _me sag ge6_ sin _sig si_-_masz2 4 kusz3 13 9 szu2 ge6 14 1 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 kusz3 14 5_ na 12 _usz_ na sza2# _gu4-ud 15 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _ur-a szu2_

18 _mul2-kak-ban igi kur 12_ na-su in 16 _igi ge6 19 usan_ dele-bat _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 kusz3 20 si_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun 2 kusz3 19 uz3 u3-tu_-ma

pa-a-ga u _gesztu-ii_ nu-nu _tuk uzu-dir_ ab-bu-tu ina _sag-du_-szu2 _gar_-in _ge6 20 usan an_ e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 20 si ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-mul2# 1 kusz3 ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin

ina _igi_ is-le10 1 _kusz3 4 si mul2-babbar_ e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 4 si# ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 20 si_ ana _sza3_-szu2 _gin_ ina _igi# mul2-babbar 1 kusz3 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 25_

ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _genna 8 si_ (x) sin 8 _si_(?)# ana _si nim ge6_ [26 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_]-ar2 2# _kusz3 8 si_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 28 17_(?) (or 18) _kur itu# bi ki-lam sze 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa ina _murub4 itu 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 3 qa

ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa _zu2-lum 1 pi 3_ qa [...] i-nu-szu2 _mul2#-babbar_ u _genna_ ina _masz-masz_ dele-bat# [ina _absin_(?)] _an#_ ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi_

_itu# bi illu 1_/2 _kusz3 8 si ka2_-tu2 4# [...] _ne# 1 15_ na musz _aga_ a-pir _ge6 2_ [... _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin] ar2 _an 2 kusz3 ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_si 2_/3 _kusz3_

_ne# 1 15_ na musz _aga_ a-pir _ge6 2_ [... _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin] ar2 _an 2 kusz3 ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_si 2_/3 _kusz3_

[_ge6_] 6 _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-[_gir2-tab n n ... ge6 10 sag ge6_] sin# ina _igi si_-_masz2 1 kusz3 8 si usan_ dele-bat

[_sig_] _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 kusz3 8 si ge6 11_ [... _ge6 12 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2]-_suhur#_-_masz2 2 kusz3 ge6 13 3-30 me 13 1-30 szu2_

[... _gu4-ud_ x _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4]-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 1_/2# [...] x# _si szar2_ hi-li _an dib ge6 16 dir an za_

[...] _dir_ u hi-li _an dib im szar2 ge6 17_ x# [...] _dib# im szar2 17 dir an za ge6 18 18#_ [x (x)]

[... _ge6_] 20# ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 is-le10 1 _kusz3 20 si ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ [sin ...] _si gin_ sa-dir _ge6 22 usan#_ [_an_(?) _sig_]

[_rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 n n ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_]-ar2#-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 1 kusz3_ ina _igi mul2-babbar 6 si_ ana _szu2 gub 1 si_ [... _ge6_] 23 ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _masz-masz#_-[_igi_ ...]

[_ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_alla_]-sza2-_si 2 kusz3 ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sag_-_ur-a 2 kusz3 25_(?) [...]

[_an sig rin2_-sza2-_si_] 4 1/2 _kusz3 27 29 kur nu pap_ sin ina _igi gu4-ud 3 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub#_ [...]

[...] x# _en 16 1 pi 3_ qa _ta 17 en 21 1 pi 1_ qa _ta 22 en#_ [...]

[... 1 _gin2_] _ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u _genna_ ina _masz-masz 28_ dele#-[bat ina _szu2_ ina _absin szu2_ ...]

[...] x# _ku3-gi_ sza2 _du3_-usz sza2 _aga_ sza2 (d)_en_ sza2# [...]

[...] [...]

AI Translation

Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: nn°; it was bright, measured despite mist. Night of the 2nd, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Mercury to the west, the moon being 1/2 cubit high to the north. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits below theta Leonis; first part of the night, Venus was 4 fingers in front of beta Virginis .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind beta Virginis, it stood 18 fingers behind Venus to the east; Venus was 2 fingers behind beta Virginis, Venus being 2 fingers low to the south. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis .

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits above alpha Virginis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2? cubits in front of beta Scorpii ... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind theta Ophiuchi; last part of the night, Saturn was 2 2/3 cubits above gamma Geminorum. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Jupiter was 5 fingers above eta Geminorum,

Night of the 13th and the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 14°; beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below beta Capricorni. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind delta Capricorni. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5°; 12° ... Mercury's last appearance in the west in Leo.

The 18th, Sirius' first appearance; it was bright, rising of Sirius to sunrise: 12°; ideal first appearance on the 16th. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit 20 fingers below gamma Virginis; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Arietis. The 19th, a little famine, and

a 'weapon'-mark and 'ear'-mark had a 'weapon'-mark on its head. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars was 20 fingers above alpha Virginis. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit 4 fingers in front of alpha Tauri; Jupiter was 4 fingers above mu Geminorum. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers in front of eta Geminorum, it was set towards its inside, it stood 1 cubit 2/3 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 25th,

last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind Saturn, the moon being 8 fingers? high to the north. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Geminorum, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°?. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa, in the middle of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 3 qa;

at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa; dates, 1 panu 3 qa ... At that time, Jupiter and Saturn were in Gemini; Venus was in Virgo?; Mars was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

That month, the river level - remainder? 1/2 cubit 8 fingers - rose 4 .

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°, measured; earthshine. Night of the 2nd, ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind Mars. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Librae.

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii ... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of beta Capricorni; first part of the night, Venus was

1 cubit 8 fingers below alpha Virginis. Night of the 11th, ... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Capricorni. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 30'. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30'.

... Mercury was 1/2 cubit ... rho Leonis ... gusty north wind, rain DUL. Night of the 16th, clouds were in the sky

... clouds and haze crossed the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 17th, ... ... ... gusty wind. The 17th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th and the 18th, .

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Tauri. The 20th, the north wind. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... the north wind blew, thin clouds. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars? was

alpha Librae. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind mu Geminorum, it stood 6 fingers in front of Jupiter to the west, 1 finger ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Geminorum .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of gamma Cancri. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. The 25th?, .

Mars was 4 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. The 27th and the 29th, I did not watch the moon; it stood 3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west .

... until the 16th, 1 panu 3 qa; from the 17th to the 21st, 1 panu 1 qa; from the 22nd to .

... 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter and Saturn were in Gemini; the 28th, Venus' last appearance in the west in Virgo .

... ... gold, which is used for making the crown of Bel of .


Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: nn°, it was bright; measured despite mist. Night of the 2nd, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Mercury to the west, the moon being 1/2 cubit high to the north. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits below theta Leonis. First part of the night, Venus was 4 fingers in front of beta Virginis ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind beta Virginis, it stood 18 fingers behind Venus to the east; Venus was 2 fingers behind beta Virginis, Venus being 2 fingers low to the south. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis ...

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits above alpha Virginis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2? cubits ... in front of b/d Scorpii. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind theta Ophiuchi; last part of the night, Saturn was 2 2/3 cubits above gamma Geminorum. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Jupiter was 5 fingers above eta Geminorum.

Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 14°; beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below beta Capricorni. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°. Last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind delta Capricorni. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5°; sunset to setting of Mercury: 12°. The 15th, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Leo.

The 18th, Sirius' first appearance; it was bright, rising of Sirius to sunrise: 12°, ideal first appearance on the 16th. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit 20 fingers below gamma Virginis. Last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Arietis. The 19th, a she-goat gave birth, and

the kid had a ... and the ears of a fish, and on its head were ... and a lock like that of a slave. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars was 20 fingers above alpha Virginis. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit 4 fingers in front of alpha Tauri; Jupiter was 4 fingers above mu Geminorum. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers in front of eta Geminorum, it went towards its inside, it stood 1 cubit and 2/3 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 25th,

last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind Saturn to the west, the moon being 8 fingers? high to the north. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits and 8 fingers below beta Geminorum, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 17/18?°. That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa, in the middle of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 3 qa,

at the end of the month, 1 panu 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa; dates, 1 panu 3 qa ... At that time, Jupiter and Saturn were in Gemini; Venus was in Virgo; Mars was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

That month, the river level - remainder? 1/2 cubit and 8 fingers - 4 ...

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°, measured; earthshine. Night of the 2nd, ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind Mars. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Librae.

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii ... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of beta Capricorni; first part of the night, Venus was

1 cubit 8 fingers below alpha Virginis. Night of the 11th, ... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind delta Capricorni. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 30'. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30'.

... Mercury was 1/2 cubit ... rho Leonis ... gusty north wind, haze crossed the sky. Night of the 16th, clouds were in the sky.

... clouds and haze crossed the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 17th, ... crossed the sky, gusty wind. The 17th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th and the 18th, ...

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 20 fingers behind alpha Tauri. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... the north wind blew steadily. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars? was

... below alpha Librae?; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind m Geminorum, it stood 6 fingers in front of Jupiter to the west, 1 finger ... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind a Geminorum.

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of gamma Cancri. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of epsilon Leonis. The 25th?, ...

... Mars was 4 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 29° expected, but I did not watch. The moon stood 3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west ...

... until the 16th, 1 panu 3 qa; from the 17th to the 21st, 1 panu 1 qa; from the 22nd to ...

... for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter and Saturn were in Gemini; on the 28th, Venus' last appearance in the west in Virgo; ...

... gold for making the tiara of Bel which ...

... ... ...



[_en_]-_nun_ sza2 gi-(ne2)-e sza2 _ta bar en#_ [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I to .


Diary from month I to ...

X103280: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc




[x x x] x x# [... _ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin]

[x _mul2_]-_kur#_-sza2-_kir4_-szil#-[_pa ... ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _si_-_masz2_]

[N] _kusz3_ e _mul2-babbar 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6#_ [...]

[15] 8#-30 na _ge6 16 5-10_+[x _ge6 ... ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_]

sza2#-_dur_-nu-nu 1 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 18_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin x _genna_ ...]

_dir# an za 19 dir an za ge6 20 dir#_ [...]

_dir an za 21 dir an za gu4-ud_ ina _szu2 ud-da szu2#_-[_szu2 dib_ ...]

1 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2-me_ ar2-_me_ sza2# [_alla_(?) ...]

_ge6# 26 szu2 26 dir an za ge6 27 dir an za#_ [...]

[x (x)] _ta#_ sze-ri3 _en kin-sig_ a-kam2 _an dib itu bi ki-lam#_ [sze-im ...]

[x x (x)] 4(_ban2_)# 3 qa ka-si 3(?) _gur#_ sah-le10 4(_ban2_) _sze-gisz_ [...]

[...] x x x# [...]-_mesz#_ [...]

[...] [_kin 1 ... ge6 2_ sin] ar2 _rin2_-sza2#-_si 2 kusz3#_ [...]

[_kin 1 ... ge6 2_ sin] ar2 _rin2_-sza2#-_si 2 kusz3#_ [...]

[... _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2]-_kir4#_-szil-_pa 1 kusz3 8 si 5_ [...]

[...] _ge6# 9 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi# mul2_-_igi_-sza2-[_suhur_-_masz2_ ...]

[... _ge6 15_] 2# _ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ [_genna_] 2# 1/2 _kusz3 15 9_ [N na ... _ge6 17_ ...]

[2/3 _hab_-rat ana] _si#_ szal-szu2 _hab_-rat ana _ulu3_ is-le10 _ta sza3_ sin _e3_ [... _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin]

_sig szur#_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [x _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa n n ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2]

6 _kusz3 20 dir an za ge6 21 dir an dib_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_ [... _ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin]

_sig sag_-_ur-a 5 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ [sin x _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal ... genna_]

ana _me e_-a 27 16 _kur itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im 1(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) 4(?) [qa ... _zu2-lum_ ...]

ina _murub4 itu 1_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) 3 qa esz-szu2 2(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) esz-szu2 [...]

i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _masz2 genna_ ina _hun_ dele-bat _gu4-ud_ u _an_ sza2# [...]

2 _kusz3 8 si_ ina se-ke-er sza2 _id2_-pal-lu-kat2 _gin#_ [...] _du6 1 16_ na _aga_ a-pir 4 _gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina _rin2 igi kur_ x# [... _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin x _si_-_masz2_]

_du6 1 16_ na _aga_ a-pir 4 _gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina _rin2 igi kur_ x# [... _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin x _si_-_masz2_]

2 _kusz3 ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2-babbar 1 kusz3 8#_ [_si ... ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2_]

1 2/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 12 sag ge6#_ [sin x _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu _n n_ ...]

_ge6 13 11 me sag ge6_ sin _sig genna 20 si_ x# [...]

_ge6 14 me_ u _ge6 nu tuk dir_ musz _szu2-szu2 ulu3_ x# [...]

_szeg3 e-sir2 tuh ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me_ [...]

[x] 2/3# _kusz3 gu3 u an e-sir2 tuh 16 szu2_ [...]

[x] _si# szar2 ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-[x-sza2-_alla_-sza2 x ...]

[_ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_] sin ar2 _lugal 1 1_/2 _kusz3 20_ [...]

[...] _ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2# [_giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a ... ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_]

[sin x _sa4_-sza2]-_absin# 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was

... theta Ophiuchi ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni

1 1/2 cubits above Jupiter. Night .

The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 30'. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 10+x' ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of theta Ophiuchi,

1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... Saturn .

clouds were in the sky. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds .

clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; Mercury's last appearance in the west ..., omitted .

1 1/2 cubits. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was behind the rear stars of Cancer? .

Night of the 26th, overcast. The 26th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky .

... from morning to afternoon, mist crossed the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .

... 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 3? kur; cress, 4 sutu; sesame, .

... Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits behind beta Librae .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits behind beta Librae .

... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of theta Ophiuchi. The 5th, .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Capricorni .

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2°; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of Saturn. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° ... Night of the 17th, .

2/3 of the disc to the north, 1/3 of the disc to the south; alpha Tauri came out of the moon ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit below zeta Tauri, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Geminorum. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was

The 20th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... below ... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

5 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... rho Leonis ... Saturn

it came close. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 2 sutu 4? qa ... dates, .

in the middle of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu 3 qa; new, 2 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu; new, .

At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn; Saturn was in Aries; Venus, Mercury, and Mars, which .

2 cubits 8 fingers in front of the quay of the Pallukat River blew .

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16°; earthshine. The 4th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Libra; it was bright ... ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2 cubits. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above Jupiter ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above delta Capricorni,

1 2/3 cubits, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... eta Piscium .

Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°; beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers below Saturn ... .

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: nn°, measured despite clouds; very overcast, the south wind ... .

rain so that the sandal was removed; gusty south and east winds blew .

... 2/3 cubit; thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. The 16th, overcast .

gusty north wind. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of ... Cancri .

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. The 20th, .

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Virginis ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... alpha Virginis .



... ... ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night,the moon was ...

... theta Ophiuchi ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was

nn cubits behind beta Capricorni, 1 1/2 cubits above Jupiter. Night ...

The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8?° 30'. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 10+x'. ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

clouds were in the sky. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds ...

clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; Mercury's first appearance in the west, omitted ...

1 1/2 cubits. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind the rear stars of Cancer ...

Night of the 26th, overcast. The 26th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky ...

... from morning to afternoon, mist crossed the sky. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ...

..., 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 2? kur; cress, 4 sutu; sesame, ...

... ... ... ... ...


Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits behind beta Librae ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers ... theta Ophiuchi. The 5th, ...

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Capricorni ...

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: x+2°. Last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of Saturn. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night,

2/3 of the lunar disc to the north, one third of the lunar disc to the south, alpha Tauri came out from the moon ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit below zeta Tauri, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Geminorum. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was

6 cubits below beta Geminorum. The 20th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... below ... Cancri ... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

5 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... rho Leonis ... Saturn's

acronychal rising. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 2 sutu 3? qa ... dates ...

in the middle of the month, 1 panu 2 sutu 3 qa - new, 2 panu 1 sutu; at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu - new, ...

At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn; Saturn was in Aries; Venus, Mercury, and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level ...

rose 2 cubits 8 fingers when the Pallukatu branch was blocked ...

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 16°; earthshine. The 4th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Libra; it was bright, ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2 cubits ... beta Capricorni. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above Jupiter ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was

1 2/3 cubits above delta Capricorni, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... eta Piscium.

Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°; beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers below Saturn ...

Night of the 14th, moonrise-to-sunset and sunset-to-moonrise: zero; measured despite clouds; very overcast, the south wind ... ...

rain so that the sandal was removed. Gusty south and east winds blew, ...

nn+ 2/3 cubits; thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. The 16th, overcast ...

... gusty north wind. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of ... Cancri ...

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis. The 20th, ...

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Virginis ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... alpha Virginis ...

... ... ...



[_genna_ ina _hun an_] sza2 _szu2#_-u2 _nu# igi itu bi#_ [...] [_apin 30_] 12#-40 na _dir_ sin _nu igi ge6_ [...]

[_apin 30_] 12#-40 na _dir_ sin _nu igi ge6_ [...]

ina _nim#_ ina _gir2-tab szu2 ge6# 5 sag ge6_ sin# [x _mul2_-x-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 n n ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2-babbar n n_]

ana _nim gub ge6 9 dir an za 9 dir an za#_ [...]

_ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun 1_+[x ...]

_dir an za 11 dir an za ge6 12 dir an dib#_ [... _ge6 13_ ...]

20 _si masz-masz_ ziq-pi 2/3 _hab_-rat ana _si_ szal-szu2 _hab_-[rat ana ...]

szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 szu2 ge6 14 8-50 me dir nu pap#_ [... sin x]

_szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 4 si szu2-szu2 14 4-30 szu2_ ina sze#-[ri3 ... _ge6 15_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa_]

2/3 _kusz3_ sin 4 _si_ ana _szu2 lal 15 2_ na _im-si szed7#_ [...]

_dir an za 17_ ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 18 szu2 gir2 gu3 u_ i x [...]

_ge6 19 szu2-szu2 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 4 si_ x# [... _ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin x]

_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 6 si 21_ ina _kin-sig dir an za_ (_ge6 22_) ina _zalag2_ [sin e _sa4_-sza2-_absin n n_]

i sin ana _szu2 lal 22 dir an dib ge6 23 dir an dib 23_ [...]

24# _szu2 ta_ sze-ri3 _en kin-sig szeg3_ ne-hi _pisan_ i _dib ge6#_ [25 ...]

[_ge6_] 26# _usan szu2-szu2 szeg3_ ne-hi _e-sir2 tuh_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

26 _szu2-szu2 szeg3#_ na-al-szu2# i _ge6 27 szu2-szu2_ ina _zalag2 im-kur#_ [...]

_ge6 28 usan#_ [_mul2-babbar_ ana _nim_] ina# _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur#_-[_masz2_ ...]

_im-dugud szu2_ x# [...] 29# ina sze-ri3 _szu2_ [...]

ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) x# [...] x# [...]

i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar#_ [ina _masz2_ dele-bat ina _pa_ ina _til itu_ ina _masz2 genna_ ina _hun gu4-ud_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2-me nu igi-me_ ...]

4 5 _illu 6#_ [x x] 8 9 _illu 4 si#_ [...]

30 _illu 4 si# lal itu bi u4 13-kam2_ ina _inim lugal_ x# [...]

sza2 ina _gisz-sar_ sza2 ina bi-rit _e2-sag-gil2_ u _e2-tur3-kalam#_-[_ma_ ...]

ana _e2 bi ti_-u2(?) _ta u4 14-kam2 en u4_ he-pi2# [...]

_e2-gal lugal_ ana _e2_(?) _bi_(?)# _ti_-u2 _itu bi_ al-te#-[me ...]

_lu2-gal_ ki-s,ir _ta uru_-szu-sza2-an a-na mat ha-[ni-i ...] _gan 1 15_ na _dir_ musz

_gan 1 15_ na _dir_ musz

[_en-nun_] sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu-ne en til itu-apin#_ [...]

AI Translation

Saturn was in Aries; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, .

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 12° 40'; clouds, I did not see the moon. Night .

last appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... Capricorni. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind Jupiter,

stood to the east. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky. The 9th, clouds were in the sky .

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+x mm below beta Arietis .

clouds were in the sky. The 11th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, clouds crossed the sky ... Night of the 13th, .

20 fingers; the double-hour of the 'increment' is 2/3; the 'increment' is 2/3; the 'increment' is ... to the 'increment'.

the sun set in a black cloud. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 50'; clouds, I did not watch ... the moon was

1 cubit 4 fingers above zeta Tauri; very overcast. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 30'; in the morning, ... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was

the moon being 4 fingers back to the west. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 2°; cold north wind .

clouds were in the sky. The 17th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 18th, overcast, lightning, thunder, ... .

Night of the 19th, very overcast. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 fingers in front of beta Virginis ... ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

6 fingers ... gamma Virginis. The 21st, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis,

the moon being a little back to the west. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky. The 23rd, .

The 24th, overcast; from morning to afternoon, slow rain, PISAN DIB. Night of the 25th, .

Night of the 26th, first part of the night, very overcast, slow rain so that the sandal was removed; last part of the night, the moon .

The 26th, very overcast, a little rain shower. Night of the 27th, very overcast; last part of the night, a little fog .

Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the east, was ... above gamma Capricorni .

fog ... ... The 29th, in the morning, overcast .

at the end of the month, 2 panu 2 sutu ... ... .

At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn was in Aries; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible .

The 4th and 5th, the river level 6 ... The 8th and 9th, the river level 4 fingers .

The 30th, the river level receded 4 fingers. That month, the 13th, at the command of the king ... .

which is in the orchard between Esangil and Eturkalama .

From the 14th day until the end of the day, .

the king's palace to that house?. That month, I heard .

the cohort commander ... from Susa to the mat Hanî .

Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°, measured despite clouds.

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII .


Saturn was in Aries; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, ...

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 12° 40' expected, but because of clouds I did not see the moon. Night of the ... Mercury's

last appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... Capricorni. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon stood ... behind Jupiter

to the east. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky. The 9th, clouds were in the sky ...

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+x cubits below beta Arietis ...

clouds were in the sky. The 11th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, clouds crossed the sky ... Night of the 13th ...

20 fingers. When the Twins culminated, two-thirds of the lunar disc to the north, one third of the lunar disc to the south ...

the sun set in a black cloud. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 50' ; clouds, I did not watch ... the moon was

1 cubit 4 fingers ... zeta Tauri; very overcast. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 30'; in the morning, ... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above gamma Geminorum

the moon being 4 fingers back to the west. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 2°; cold north wind ...

clouds were in the sky. The 17th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 18th, overcast, lightning, a little thunder, ...

Night of the 19th, very overcast. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 fingers in front of beta Virginis ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

6 fingers ... gamma Virginis. The 21st, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis,

the moon being a little back to the west. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky. The 23rd, ...

The 24th, overcast; from morning to afternoon, slow rain, a little PISAN DIB. Night of the 25th, ...

Night of the 26th, first part of the night, very overcast; slow rain so that the sandal was removed. Last part of the night, the moon was ...

The 26th, very overcast, rain, a little dew. Night of the 27th, very overcast; last part of the night, the east wind ...

Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the east, was ... above gamma Capricorni ...

fog, overcast ... The 29th, in the morning, overcast, ...

at the end of the month, 2 panu 2 sutu ...

At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month in Capricorn; Saturn was in Aries; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible. ...

The 4th and 5th, the river level ... 4 fingers?; the 8th and 9th, the river level ... 4 fingers ...

The 30th, the river level receded 4 fingers. That month, on the 13th, at the command of the king, ...

which in the garden which is between Esangil and Eturkalama ...

they took? to that house. From the 14th to the - "broken" on the original ...

the king's palace they took? to that house. That month, I heard that ...

the chief of the troops ... from Susa to the land of Hana ...

Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 15°; measured despite clouds.

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII ...



[...] x# [...]

AI Translation




[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2]-e sza2 _ta itu-ne en til itu-apin mu 8-kam2_ (disz)a-lik#-[sa]-an#-dar-ri-is _lugal_ sza2 _ta_ mat ha-ni-i

AI Translation

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII, year 8 of king Alexander who from mat Hani


X103291: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] x# [...]

[...] 1/2 _kusz3_ [x] 4 _si_ ana _nim dib#_ [...]

[...] x# _ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin e _si4_ [_n n_ ...]

[... _genna_ ana _nim_] ki# _usz_-u2 _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag#_-[_hun n n_ ...]

[... _gu4-ud_ ina] _nim#_ ina _ur-a szu2 ge6 10_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 14# 8-30 _me szu2_ x# [...]

[... _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin x] _mul2#_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun#_ [_n n_ ...]

[...] 21 x# [...]

AI Translation

... 1/2 cubit ... having passed 4 fingers to the east .

... ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Scorpii .

... when Saturn became stationary to the east, it became stationary ... below beta Arietis .

... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the 10th, .

... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 30'; overcast ... .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Arietis .

... 21st, ... .


... ... ...

... 1/2 cubit, ... having passed 4 fingers to the east. ...

... ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Scorpii ...

... Saturn, when it became stationary to the east, ... below beta Arietis ...

... Mercury's last appearances in the east in Leo. Night of the 10th, ...

... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 30'; overcast ... ...

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Arietis ...

... the 21st, ... ...



[_en-nun_ sza2] gi#-ne2-e sza2 _ta itu-ne# mu 7-kam2 en til itu-apin#_ [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month V of year 7 to the end of month VIII .


Diary from month V of year 7 until the end of month VIII ...



[...] _en til itu-apin mu 7-kam2#_ [...]

AI Translation

... until the end of month VIII, year 7 .


... to the end of month VIII of year 7.

X103292: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[_mu 7-kam_ (disz)a-lik-sa-an]-dar#-ri-is _lugal kur-kur# gan 30_ [...]

[...] _dir# an za 2 dir an dib ge6 3 szu2-szu2_ [...]

[...] _ge6# 7 szu2-szu2 an_ sze-ni _nu tuh 7 szu2-szu2#_ [...]

[_genna_ ...] ana# _szu2 lal usz ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin _sig#_ [_mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu ...]

[...] 10 ina _kin-sig szu2 dir an za ge6 11 sag ge6#_ [sin x _mul2-mul2 n n_ ...]

[...] _tuh dir an za ge6 12 sag ge6_ sin [x is-le10 _n n_ ...]

[_ge6 13 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi szur_]-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3 dir an dib 13 8_ x# [...]

[...] x# _dir nu pap szu2-szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _an dul#_ [...]

[...] 2/3(?)# _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 17 dir an dib ge6 19_ x# [...]

[...]ana# _nim dib ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin#_ [...]

[... _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_] sin ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3 23_ ina _kin-sig_ [...]

[... _ge6 26_ ina] _zalag2#_ sin ina _igi_ dele-bat 2 2/3 _kusz3 26 szu2-szu2_ ina [...]

[...] 27 _an_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a 2 1/2 _kusz3_ ar2 is#-[le10 _usz_ ...]

[...] na#-al-szu2 29 _im-dugud_ [...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

Year 7 of Alexander, king of the lands. Month Kislimu IX, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, .

... clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, very overcast .

... Night of the 7th, very overcast, rain but the sandal was not removed. The 7th, very overcast .

Saturn ... became stationary ... back to the west. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below eta Piscium .

... The 10th, in the afternoon, overcast, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... eta Tauri .

... was covered in ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Tauri .

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of zeta Tauri; clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, moonrise to sunrise: 8° ... .

... ... clouds, I did not watch; very overcast; in the morning, rain DUL .

... having passed 2/3? cubit to the east. The 17th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, ... .

... having passed to the east. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below gamma Virginis .

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Librae. The 23rd, in the afternoon, .

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of Venus. The 26th, very overcast; in .

... The 27th, when Mars became stationary to the west, it became stationary 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Tauri .

... its nalshu. The 29th, fog .


Year 7 of Alexander, king of all countries. Month IX, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ...

... clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, very overcast. ...

... Night of the 7th, very overcast; rain, but the sandal was not removed. The 7th, very overcast. ...

Saturn ... became stationary, being ... back to the west. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below eta Piscium ...

... The 10th, in the afternoon, overcast, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... eta Tauri ...

... the sandal was not removed; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Tauri ...

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of zeta Tauri; clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, 8° ...

... clouds, I did not watch; very overcast; in the morning, rain DUL ...

... the moon having passed 2/3? cubit to the east. The 17th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, ...

... the moon having passed to the east .... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below gamma Virginis ...

Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Librae. The 23rd, in the afternoon, ...

Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of Venus. The 26th, very overcast; in ...

... The 27th, when Mars became stationary in the west, it became stationary 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Tauri ...

... dew. The 29th, fog ...

... ... ...



[...] x [...]

[... _lu2_]-ar#-ba-a-a _du3-mesz#_ [...] [_dir-sze_ ...] _gu4#-ud_ ina _nim_ ina zib-_me igi#_ [...]

[_dir-sze_ ...] _gu4#-ud_ ina _nim_ ina zib-_me igi#_ [...]

[... _ge6 5 sag_] _ge6_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa_ [...]

[...] _an# za ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2#_-[ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3_ ...]

[...] _gu3 u an dul 9 szu2-szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _gir2 gu3_ [U ...]

[...] _an# dib ge6 13 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [...]

[... 2 _tir_]-_an#-na_ ele-nu a-ha-mesz ina _kur gib-mesz ge6 14 12 ge6_(?)# [...]

[...] _sag# ge6 an_ ha-an-t,isz _pisan mah dib tir-an-na_ x# [...]

[... _ge6 16 dir_] _an# dib an dul_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1_+[x ...]

[...] _an# sig masz-masz_-ar2 2 _kusz3 ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _si_-_masz2#_ [...]

[...] _nim# dib 22 dir an dib 24 buru5_ [...]

[...] _gir2# ulu3 szar2 28 ulu3 szar2 29_ ina x# [...]

[...] sze-im sza _gur7 lugal 2 pi_ [...]

[... ana 1] _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

[...] _en 11 illu 2_/3 _kusz3 lal_-is _ta#_ [12 ...]

[...] x x x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... the Arabs made .

Month XII2, ... Mercury's first appearance in the east in Pisces .

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above gamma Geminorum .

... were in the sky. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri .

... thunder, rain DUL. The 9th, very overcast; in the morning, lightning, thunder, .

... crossed the sky. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis .

... the two rainbows were spread across the sky, they were scattered in the land. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 12°? .

... beginning of the night, slow rain, much PISAN DIB, a rainbow ... .

... Night of the 16th, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was 1+x mm behind beta Scorpii .

... Mars was 2 cubits below beta Geminorum. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni .

... having passed to the east. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. The 24th, locusts .

... lightning, gusty south wind. The 28th, gusty south wind. The 29th, in ... .

... barley of the king 2 panu .

... were sold for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter .

... until the 11th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit. From the 12th .


... ... ...

... the Arabs made ...

Month XII2, ... Mercury's first appearance in the east in Pisces ...

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... above gamma Geminorum ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri ...

... thunder, rain DUL. The 9th, very overcast; in the morning lightning, thunder ...

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis ...

... 2 rainbows stretched in the east above one another. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 12° ...

... beginning of the night, rain quickly much PISAN DIB, a rainbow ...

Night of the 16th, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was 1+x mm behind beta Scorpii ...

... Mars was 2 cubits below beta Geminorum. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni ...

... having passed ... to the east. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. The 24th, locusts ...

... lightning, gusty south wind. The 28th, gusty south wind. The 29th, in ...

... barley of the king's kur-measure, 2 panu ...

... for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn, ...

... to the 11th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit. From the 12th to ...

... ... ...

X103301: astronomical-diary tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...] x x# [...]

[...] x# [...] 13 8 _szu2_ x# [...]

[... sin _an_]-_ku10#_ gab-(bi)-szu2 _szu2 10 usz ge6#_ [_gin_ ...] he-pi2 _mul2-babbar szu2 genna#_ [...]

[...] ina _ir2 mar_ ina _zalag2 kur gin-me_ x [...] 4 _u2 ka_+_szid_ ina _an-ku10 nam-usz2-me_ u szib-t,i ina(?) [_kur mah_]

[... kal] _u4 dir an za ge6 15 6 ge6 dir#_ [... sin _sig mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun_] 3 2/3 _kusz3_ sin he-pi2 ana _nim dib mul2 gal_ sza2# [...]

[x x] _an# szur ud-da_-su ina _ki igi szu2-szu2 gir2 gir2#_ [... _ge6 17_ ...] x# he-pi2 _an dul_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 [is-le10 _n n_ ...]

_dir# an za ge6 18 izi-szub_ ina _ki_ ku-mar [u] ina# _ki_ tu-ba a-na tar-s,i _e2_ (d)_ag gal2_ [...]

[x] _ur_(?)#-_ku izi ku2 ge6 19 usan izi-szub#_ [...] ina# _zalag2_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 20 si_ dele-bat e [_giri3_-ar2-sza2-_a n n_]

[dele-bat N] _si_ ana _nim dib ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2# [N] _kusz3#_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal 21 lal2_-tim _nu pap ge6#_ [22 ina _zalag2_]

[sin _sig_] _sag#_-_ur-a 6 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 23#_ [ina _zalag2_ sin] ar2# _lugal 1 kusz3 ge6 24 dir an za ge6 25 dir#_ [_an_ ...]

[x x] _an_ kab-bar _dul 25_ ina sze-ri3 _dir an za ge6_ [26 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin n n_ sin] 2/3(?)# _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal_ ar2 dele-bat 1 _kusz3 8 si_ ana _nim gub_ [...]

_ge6 29 an-ku10_ szamasz2 sza2 _dib_ in 1 _ge6 gin ge6 30_ ina _zalag2#_ [...] x# _gur_ ka-si 3(_gur_) _gur_ ina _til itu 4_(?)# [...]

_sze-gisz 1 pi sig2-hi--a 5_ ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gir2-tab_ dele-[bat ina A ina _til itu_ ina _absin genna_ ina zib-_me gu4-ud_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2_-u2] _nu# igi-mesz itu bi illu#_ [...]

_itu bi u4 11-kam2_ hat-tum ina ma-dak3-tum ina qud-me _lugal gar_-ma(?)# [...]

ana tar-s,i _lugal szub_-u2 (_u4_) 24-_kam2_ ina sze-ri3 _lugal szu2_ za-qip-tum(?)# [...]

_gaba_ a-ha-mesz im-ha-s,u-ma _igi-igi lu2-erin2-mesz_ kab-tum(?)# [...]

_lugal erin2-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-szir3-u2-szi-ma ana _uru-mesz_-szu2-nu [...]

[ana] mat# gu-ti-i _zah2_-it-u' [...] [_du6 1_] 13#-30+[x] na _ge6 2_ sin e _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

[_du6 1_] 13#-30+[x] na _ge6 2_ sin e _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

[... _ge6_] 7 _sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° ... .

... lunar eclipse, all of it, overcast. The 10th, night?, the north wind blew ... haze covered Jupiter; Saturn .

... in the west, at noon, the east wind blew ... ... 4 fingers; in the eclipse, deaths and robbery were much in the east.

... all day clouds were in the sky. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6°; clouds ... the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below alpha Arietis, the moon having passed a little to the east; a meteor which .

... rain so that its light could be seen on the ground; very overcast, lightning flashed ... Night of the 17th, ... ..., rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Tauri .

clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, a "fall of fire" occurred in the district and in the district, opposite the Nabû temple .

... wolves?; a little fire. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, a "fall of fire" ... last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind gamma Geminorum; Venus was ... above beta Virginis.

Venus having passed nn fingers to the east. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was nn cubits below beta Geminorum, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 21st, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night,

the moon was 6 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, clouds ... the sky .

... thick rain DUL. The 25th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below gamma Virginis, the moon being 2/3? cubit back to the west, it stood 1 cubit 8 fingers behind Venus to the east .

Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which was omitted; at 1° after sunset. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, ... ... kurru; mustard, 3 kurru, at the end of the month, 4? kurru .

sesame, 1 panu; wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius; Venus was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; Saturn was in Pisces; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level .

That month, the 11th, panic occurred in the camp in the Qudme-temple of the king and .

in front of the king. The 24th, in the morning, the king of the world ... a zaqiptu-demon? .

The breasts of the soldiers sprang up and before the large troops .

the king abandoned his troops and ... to their cities .

it was eclipsed on the mat of the Gutian .

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 30+x'. Night of the 2nd, the moon was ... above Jupiter .

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, .


... ... ...

... ... ... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° ... ...

... lunar eclipse, in its totality covered. 10° night totality? ... broken Jupiter set; Saturn ...

... during totality the west wind blew, during clearing the east wind. ... fourth? ...; during the eclipse, deaths and plague? occurred? in ...

... all day clouds were in the sky. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 16°; clouds ... the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below alpha Arietis, the moon having passed ... to the east; a meteor which ...

... ... flashed, its light was seen on the ground; very overcast, lightning flashed, ... Night of the 17th, ... broken rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Tauri ...

clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, a "fall of fire" occurred in the district ... ... entered?, opposite of the Nabû temple ...

... a dog? was burned. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, a "fall of fire" ... last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind gamma Geminorum; Venus was ... above beta Virginis,

Venus having passed nn fingers to the east. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was nn cubits below beta Geminorum, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 21st, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night,

the moon was 6 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, clouds ...

... thick rain DUL. The 25th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below gamma Virginis, the moon being 2/3? cubit back to the west, it stood 1 cubit 8 fingers behind Venus to the east. ...

Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which was omitted; it was expected for about 1° night after sunset. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, ... ... kur; mustard, 3 kur, at the end of the month, 4? kur; ...

sesame, 1 panu; wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius; Venus was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; Saturn was in Pisces; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level ...

That month, on the 11th, panic occurred in the camp before the king ...

lay? opposite the king. On the 24th, in the morning, the king of the world ... the standard? ...

they fought with each other, and a heavy? defeat of the troops of ...

the troops of the king deserted him and went? to their cities ...

they fled to the land of the Guti ...

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 13° 30+x'. Night of the 2nd, the moon was above Jupiter ...

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, ...



[x x] x [...]

[a]-na 1 _gin2 ku3#_-[_babbar_ ...]

_itu# bi ta 1 en#_ [...]

ana _e-ki gin_-ku um-ma _e2-sag-il2#_ [...]

u _dumu-mesz e-ki_ a-na _nig2-ga e2-sag-il2_ [...]

_u4# 11-kam2_ ina _uru-ud-kib-nun-ki_ t,e3-e-mu sza2 (disz)a-lik#-[sa-an-dar-ri-is ...]

[x x] a-na _e2-mesz_-ku-nu ul er-ru-ub _u4 13-kam2#_ [...]

[_ka2_]-_sikil#-la ka2_ ka-mi-i sza2 _e2-sag-gil2_ u3 x# [...]

[x x x] _u4 14-kam2 lu2_-ia-ma-na-a-a _mu_-tim _gu4_ [...]

_lugud-da-mesz uzu-me-he2-mesz#_ [...]

[x x x] a-lik-sa-an-dar-ri-is _lugal szu2_ ana _e-ki ku4_(?)# [...]

[x _ansze_(?)]-_kur#-ra-mesz_ u3 u2-nu-ut# [...]

[x x x] u _dumu-mesz e-ki_ u _un-mesz#_ [...]

[...] x# szi-pisz-tu2 ana(?) [...]

[...] um-ma# [...]

AI Translation

for 1 shekel of silver .

That month, from the 1st to .

he went to Babylon, saying: "The Esangila .

and the Babylonians for the property of Esangila .

On the 11th day: in Sippar, the report of Alexander .

... I did not enter your houses. The 13th day .

The 'Gate of the Woman', the gate of the 'Gate of the Esangila' and ... .

... on the 14th day: the Yamaneans will ... oxen.

Long limbs, ... flesh .

... he went to Babylon, .

... horses and ... .

... and the citizens of Babylon and the people .

... ... message to .

... "...


... ... ...

for 1 shekel of silver ...

That month, from the 1st to ...

came to Babylon saying: "Esangila ..."

and the Babylonians for the property of Esangila ...

On the 11th, in Sippar an order of Alexander ...

"... I shall not enter your houses". On the 13th, ...

... to? the outer gate of Esangila and ...

... On the 14th, these? Ionians a bull ...

short, fatty tissue ...

... Alexander, king of the world, came? into Babylon ...

... horses and equipment of ...

... and the Babylonians and the people of ...

... a message to ...

... ... ...

X103321: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-[e ...]

[ina a-mat (d)_en_ u (d)_gaszan_-ia2 lisz]-lim

AI Translation

Diary ...

At the command of Bel and Beltiya may it go well.


Diary ...

At the command of Bel and Beltija may it be well.



[_mu_] 3#-_kam2_ (disz)ar2-ta-sza2-ta sza2 (disz)da-ri#-[ia-a-musz _lugal mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2 ...]

_ge6 2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

_ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ x# [... _ge6 7_]

_sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [... _ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin _sig si_-_masz2_ x x]

sin 4 _si_ ana _nim dib 10 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _absin 2 kusz3#_ [... _ge6 13_]

7-30 _me sag ge6_ sin ina _igi genna 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

16# _genna_ ana _me e_-a _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2-mul2#_ [... _ge6 20_]

[sin] ar2# _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_ [_mul2_-ar2(?)-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz n n ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_]

[_igi_]-u2 5 1/2 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[N] _kusz3 27 12 kur 29 mul2-babbar_ ina _absin szu2 itu bi ki-lam_ [...]

[x x] 5(_ban2_) _sig2-hi--a 6 ma-na_ i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u dele-bat ina _absin#_ [...] [_kin 1_ ...] x x x _dir# an za 1 dir an za ge6 2_ sin ar2 _mul2#_ [...]

[_kin 1_ ...] x x x _dir# an za 1 dir an za ge6 2_ sin ar2 _mul2#_ [...]

[... ana] _si nim ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi_ [_mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa_ ...]

[... _ge6 7 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ina _igi si_-sza2-_masz2 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 9 sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

[_ge6 13 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi_] _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 1 _kusz3 8 si ge6 14_ [...]

[... _ge6 17_] ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3 ge6 18#_ [...]

[...] _lugal_ ana _kur szur ud-da_-su ina _ki igi ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ [sin x _masz-masz_-ar2 ...]

[...] 9# na-su ina 19 _igi ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig sag#_-[_ur-a n n_ ...]

[...] _ge6# 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ [...]

[... _ge6 26_ ina] _zalag2#_ sin _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 3 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana [...]

[... _ge6_] 27# _dir an za im szar2 27 11 usz_ na [_mul2-babbar_ ...]

[... dele]-bat _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 3 kusz3_ dele-bat 2/3 _kusz3#_ [ana _nim gub_ ...]

[_itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im ... ina] _til# itu 3_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 4_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) ina [...]

[... i-nu-szu2 dele]-bat# _gu4-ud_ u _an_ ina _absin genna_ [ina _gu_ ...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

Year 3 of Artaxerxes, who is called king Darius .

Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis, ... behind Jupiter .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae ... ... Night of the 7th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above theta Ophiuchi ... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below beta Capricorni .

the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east. The 10th, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Virgo 2 cubits ... Night of the 13th,

7° 30'; beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of Saturn .

The 16th, Saturn's acronychal rising. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Tauri ... Night of the 20th,

the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Tauri. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... below mu Geminorum. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

5 1/2 cubits in front of beta Virginis, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. The 29th, Jupiter's last appearance in Virgo. That month, the equivalent .

... 5 sutu; wool, 6 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Venus were in Virgo .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... clouds were in the sky. The 1st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, the moon was behind ... .

... high to the north. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi .

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, .

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 14th, .

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of zeta Tauri. Night of the 18th, .

... the king entered the land; its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Geminorum .

... sunset to setting of Mercury: 9°; ideal first appearance on the 19th. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below epsilon Leonis .

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below beta Virginis .

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below gamma Virginis, the moon being 2/3 cubit to .

... Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. The 27th, sunrise to moonset: 11°; Jupiter .

... Venus was 3 cubits below gamma Virginis, Venus stood 2/3 cubit to the east .

That month, the equivalent was: barley, ..., at the end of the month, 3 panu 5 sutu; dates, 4 panu 5 sutu, in .

... At that time, Venus, Mercury, and Mars were in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius .


Year 3 of Artashata, who is called king Darius ...

Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis, behind Jupiter ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. Night? ... Night of the 7th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above theta Ophiuchi ... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below beta Capricorni,

the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east. The 10th, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Virgo 2 cubits ... Night of the 13th,

moonrise to sunset: 7° 30'. Beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of Saturn ...

The 16th, Saturn's acronychal rising. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Tauri ... Night of the 20th,

the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Tauri. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... below mu Geminorum. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

5 1/2 cubits below alpha Geminorum, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon ...

nn cubits. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. The 29th, Jupiter's last appearance in Virgo. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: ...

... 5 sutu; wool, 6 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Venus were in Virgo; ...

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: ... clouds were in the sky. The 1st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, the moon was behind ...

... being high to the north. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was behind theta Ophiuchi ...

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, ...

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 14th, ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of zeta Tauri. Night of the 18th, ...

... flashed from alpha Leonis to the east, its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Geminorum ...

... to setting of ...: 9°; ideal first appearance on the 19th. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below epsilon Leonis ...

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below beta Virginis. ...

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below gamma Virginis, the moon being 2/3 cubit ...

... Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. The 27th, rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11° ...

... Venus was 3 cubits below gamma Virginis, Venus standing 2/3 cubit to the east ...

That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ..., at the end of the month, 3 panu 5 sutu; dates, 4 panu 5 sutu, at the end of the month, ...

... At that time, Venus, Mercury and Mars were in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius, ...

... ... ...



[...] _ulu3_ [...]

[...] _kusz3 28#_ [...]

[...] x# _itu bi ki-lam#_ sze-im 4(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ina _murub4_ [_itu_ ...]

[...] 1(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1 pi sig2-hi--a 6_ [_ma-na_ i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u _an_ ina _rin2_]

[dele-bat ina] _absin#_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 gu4-ud_ ina _pa genna#_ [ina _gu_ ...]

[...] _lal# 28 29 1_/2 _kusz3 gin_ [...] [_gan n n_] na# _sig_

[_gan n n_] na# _sig_

[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2]-e sza2 _ta ne en til apin mu#_-[3-_kam2_ ...]

[... na]-bu-u2#

AI Translation

... south ...

... cubits. The 28th, .

... ... That month, the equivalent was: barley, 4 panu 1 sutu, in the middle of the month, .

... 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, 1 panu; wool, 6 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Mars were in Libra;

Venus was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Aquarius .

... receded ... The 28th and 29th, it rose 1/2 cubit .

Month IX, ... sunset to moonset: nn°; it was low.

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII, year .

. . . who speaks


... south ...

... cubit. The 28th, ...

... That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 4 panu 1 sutu, in the middle of the month ...

... 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, 1 panu; wool, 6 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Mars were in Libra;

Venus was in Virgo, at the end of the month in Libra; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Aquarius. That month, the river level ...

... receded; the 28th and 29th, it rose 1/2 cubit ...

Month IX, ... sunset to moonset: nn; it was low.

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII of year 3 of Artashata,

who is called king Darius.



[... da]-ri#-ia-a-musz _lugal mu_-szu2

AI Translation

... king of the world, his name


... who is called king Darius.

X103322: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] _ge6# 28_ ina# [_zalag2_ ...]

[...] 3# _kusz3_ dele-bat 2/3 _kusz3_ ana [...]

[_itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im (...)] 3(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 4_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til_ [_itu_ ...]

[... i]-nu-szu2 dele-bat _gu4-ud_ u _an_ ina _absin#_ [_genna_ ina _gu mul2-babbar_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi_ ...]

[...] _en 20 illu 4 si gin ta 21_ [_en_ ...]

[...] se-ke-ri sza2 _id2_-pal-lu-ka-[tum ...] [_du6 30_ ... sin ina _igi mul2_-x-sza2]-_sag#_-_gir2-tab 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 2_ sin ar2 _si4#_ [...]

[_du6 30_ ... sin ina _igi mul2_-x-sza2]-_sag#_-_gir2-tab 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 2_ sin ar2 _si4#_ [...]

[... _dir an_] _za ge6 5_ ina _zalag2 mul2-babbar_ ar2 _sa4_-sza2-[_absin_ ...]

[... _ge6 6_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _si_-_masz2 2 kusz2 ge6#_ [...]

[...] _dir# an za ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _genna#_ [...]

[...] x# _ge6 10 dir an za 10 genna_ ina [_gu_ ...]

[... _ge6 12_ ...] x# _u4-zal_ sin _sig mul2_-ar2#-[sza2-_sag_-_hun_ ...]

[...] x x x x# [...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 28th, last part of the night, .

... 3 cubits, Venus being 2/3 cubit to .

That month, the equivalent was: barley, ... 3 panu 5 sutu; dates, 4 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, .

... At that time, Venus, Mercury, and Mars were in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius; Jupiter, which had set, was not visible .

... until the 20th, the river level rose 4 fingers; from the 21st to .

... the ziggurat of the Pallukatu canal .

Month VII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta/delta Scorpii. Night of the 2nd, the moon was behind alpha Scorpii .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Jupiter was ... behind alpha Virginis .

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind beta Capricorni. Night .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was behind Saturn .

... ... Night of the 10th, clouds were in the sky. The 10th, Saturn's first appearance in Aquarius .

... Night of the 12th, ... ...; last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Arietis .


... Night of the 28th, last part of the night, ...

... 3 cubits, Venus being 2/3 cubit to ...

That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ... 3 panu 5 sutu; dates, 4 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, ...

... At that time, Venus, Mercury and Mars were in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius; Jupiter, which had set, was not visible.

... until the 20th, the river level rose 4 fingers; from the 21st to ...

... damming of the Pallukat canal ...

Month VII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: ... The moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta/delta Scorpii. Night of the 2nd, the moon was behind alpha Scorpii ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Jupiter was behind alpha Virginis ...

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind beta Capricorni. Night ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was behind Saturn ...

... Night of the 10th, clouds were in the sky. The 10th, Saturn's ... in ...

... Night of the 12th, last part of the night, the moon was below alpha Arietis ...

... ... ...

... ... ...



[...] 4 _si_ sin 2/3# _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal ge6#_ [...]

[...] 19# _dir an za 20_ ina _kin-sig dir an dib 21#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 22 dir an dib 22_ ina _kin-sig szu2_ [...]

[... _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi giri3_]-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 kusz3 23_ ina _kin-sig dir an#_ [...]

[... _ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_] sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 1_/2 _kusz3 sig_ [dele-bat ...]

[...] 26# _szu2-szu2_ ina _kin-sig an utah_ ki _szu2_ szamasz2 [...]

[...] 27# 12-30 _kur_ ina _kin-sig szu2-szu2 an utah#_ [...]

[...] 1 _danna me nim_-a _an-ku10_ (d)szamasz2# [sza2 _dib_ ...]

[... _itu bi ki-lam_] sze#-im 4 _pi_ ina _murub4 itu 4_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_)(?) [...]

[...] _til itu 4_(_gur_) sah-le10 1(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) _sze#_-[_gisz_ ...]

[... i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2_ dele-bat ina] _absin genna#_ ina _gu an#_ [ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu igi_ ...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

... 4 fingers, the moon being 2/3 cubit back to the west. Night .

... The 19th, clouds were in the sky. The 20th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. The 21st, .

... Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. The 22nd, in the afternoon, overcast .

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Virginis. The 23rd, in the afternoon, clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, ... below Venus .

... The 26th, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower; at sunset, .

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'; in the afternoon, very overcast, rain shower .

... The 1st, a little high; solar eclipse which was omitted .

... That month, the equivalent was: barley, 4 panu, in the middle of the month, 4 panu 1 sutu? .

... until the end of the month, 4 kurru; cress, 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, .

... At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Venus was in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius; Mars was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Mercury, which had set, was not visible .


... 4 fingers, the moon# being 2/3# cubit back to the west. Night ...

... The 19th, clouds were in the sky. The 20th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. The 21st, ...

... Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. The 22nd, in the afternoon, overcast ...

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Virginis. The 23rd, in the afternoon, clouds ...

... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, below Venus ...

... The 26th, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower; at sunset, ...

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'; in the afternoon, very overcast, rain shower? ...

... at 1 double-hour after sunrise, solar eclipse which passed by ...

... That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 4 panu, in the middle of the month, 4 panu 1 sutu? ...

... at the end of the month, 4 kur; cress, 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, ...

At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo, at the end of the month in Libra; Venus was in Virgo; Saturn was in Aquarius; Mars was in Virgo, at the end of the month in Libra; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

... ... ...



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi]-ne2-e sza2 _ta# itu-ne en til#_ [_itu-apin_ ...]

[... (disz)da-ri]-ia-a#-musz _lugal mu_-szu2 [na-bu-u2]

AI Translation

Diary from month V to the end of month VIII .

... Darius, the king, named this name


Diary from month V to the end of month VIII of year 3

of Artashata, who is called king Darius.

X103330: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x# [...]

[... _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin] ar2 _lugal 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[...] _an utah ge6 8 sag ge6_ [...]

[...] _an# utah im szar2 ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin# [... _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_ ...]

[...] x# 10(?) _szu2 an-bar7 gu3 u an utah im_ [...]

[...] _szu2 ge6 13 szu2-szu2 13 9-20_(?) _szu2 dir_ musz _szu2-szu2_(?) [...]

[...] 14(?)# sin _an-ku10_ ina _si_(?) u(?) x# ki _tab_-u2 ina 10 _usz ge6#_ [...]

[...] _mah an dib_ x x x x _ulu3#_ sza2 ana _kur_ s,al-pu _gin_ [...]

[...] _sag ge6 szu2 gir2 gu3 u an_ [sze]-ni _nu tuh im szar2_ [...]

[...] x x# _ulu3_ u _mar szar2-me gin-me gir2 gu3 u an dul_ [...]

[... _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... ar2] _an 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub_ dele-bat _sig mul2_(?)# [...]

[x x] 21 _dir an dib ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [... _ge6_]

23 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun#_ [...]

_ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-mul2_(?)# [... _ge6 26_]

ina _zalag2_ sin _sig szur_-[_gigir_]-sza2-_si 2 kusz3_ sin# [...]

_zu2-lum 1_(_gur_) 2(_barig_) 2(_ban2_)# ka-si 3+[N(_gur_) ... _an_]

ina _sag itu_ ina _masz2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gu#_ [...] [_sig_] 1# 13-30 na _sig_ ana szamasz2 _sig_ [...]

[_sig_] 1# 13-30 na _sig_ ana szamasz2 _sig_ [...]

[x] x _ge6# 3_ sin _sig_ [_gisz-kun_-A ...]

[x x x] x# _ge6 6_ [...]

[x x x x] sin e x# [...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis .

... rain shower. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, .

... rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Librae .

... ... The 10th?, overcast; at noon, thunder, rain shower, cloudburst .

... overcast. Night of the 13th, very overcast. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 20'?, measured despite clouds; very overcast? .

... The 14th?, lunar eclipse in the north? and? ... when it began, in 10° night .

... much ... crossed the sky ... the south wind which was slanted to the east blew .

... beginning of the night, overcast, lightning, thunder, rain but the sandal was not removed, gusty wind .

... gusty south and west winds blew, lightning, thunder, rain DUL .

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Mars to the east; Venus was ... below ... .

... The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon ... Night

The 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis .

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Tauri ... Night of the 26th,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below beta Tauri, the moon being .

dates, 1 kurru 2 panu 2 sutu; mustard, 3+x kurru ... rain

in the beginning of the month, in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius .

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 30'; it was low to the sun .

... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... below theta Leonis .

... ... Night of the 6th, .

... the moon was above ... .


... ... ...

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis ...

... rain shower. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night,

... rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Librae ...

... ... The 10th?, overcast; around noon, thunder, rain shower, wind ...

... overcast. Night of the 13th, very overcast. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 20'?, observed despite clouds; very overcast? ...

... 14th, lunar eclipse; when it began in the north-..., during 10° night ...

... much ... crossed the sky ... the south wind which was slanted to the east blew ...

... beginning of the night, overcast, lightning, thunder, rain but the sandal was not removed, gusty wind ...

... ... gusty south and west winds blew; lightning, thunder, rain DUL ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Mars to the east; Venus was below ... ...

... The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon ... Night

of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis ...

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Tauri ... Night of the 26th,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below beta Tauri, the moon being ...

dates, 1 kur 2 panuj 2 sutu; mustard, 3+x kur ...

at the beginning of the month in Capricorn, at the end of the month in Aquarius ...

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 30'; the moon was low, it was low to the sun ...

... Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... below theta Leonis ...

... ... Night of the 6th ...

... the moon was above ... ...



[...] x x# [...]

x x x# ina _igi_ [x x x x (x)] _ge6 13 7-30_ [... _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ...]

[_mul2_-_kur_]-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2/3 _kusz3 ge6 18#_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-ar2-sza2#-[_sag_-_hun n n_ ...]

_genna_ ana _me e3_-a _ge6 20#_ [ina] _zalag2#_ sin ar2 _mul2-mul2_ x# [... _ge6 23_]

_zi ir_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 20 si_ [... _ge6 26_]

ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_ dele-bat 1 1/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim#_ [_dib_ ...]

_zu2#-lum 1_(_gur_) 2(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ka-si 5(_gur_) [x] x x _til itu_ x x# [...]

[x x (x)] _mul2-babbar_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu#_ [_igi_] _itu bi illu 1 kusz3 lal_ [_itu-ne_] 1 15-30 na sin ina _igi sa4#_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3 en 1 an_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a [... _ge6 4_ sin]

[_itu-ne_] 1 15-30 na sin ina _igi sa4#_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3 en 1 an_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz_-a [... _ge6 4_ sin]

_sig_(?) _mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 4 _si_ ana _szu2 lal_ in 7 _an_ ana _nim lal ge6 8 usan_ [...]

[x] _zi# ir ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 1_/2 _kusz3 zi ir_ x# [...]

[x x x] _ge6 12 dir# an za 12# 30 ninda_ na _dir an dib ge6 13 4 me dir an_ [...]

[... _ge6 14_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat] e# _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 8 si ge6# 15_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2#_-[_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu ...]

[...] _kusz3 ge6 19 usan gir2_ [x] _gir2-me_ ina _zalag2_ sin [...]

[... _ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... _mul2_-_igi_/ar2-sza2-sze]-pit-_masz-masz_ x# [...] x# [...]

[...] dele-bat _sig gisz_-[_kun_-_a n n_ ...]

AI Translation

... in front of ... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 30' ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was .

2/3 cubit ... eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Arietis .

Saturn's acronychal rising. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri ... Night of the 23rd,

ZI IR; last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind mu Geminorum ... Night of the 26th,

last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits below Venus, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east .

dates, 1 kurru 2 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 5 kurru ... ... end of the month, ... .

... Jupiter, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 1 cubit.

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15° 30'; the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. Around the 1st, when Mars became stationary to the west, ... Night of the 4th, the moon was

1/2 cubit below? delta Scorpii, the moon being 4 fingers back to the west. Around the 7th, Mars' acronychal rising. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, .

... ZI IR. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind delta Capricorni; ZI IR ... .

... Night of the 12th, clouds were in the sky. The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 30'; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4°; clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus was 8 fingers above rho Leonis. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Piscium .

... cubits. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, lightning flashed continuously; last part of the night, the moon .

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... eta Geminorum ... ... .

... Venus was ... below theta Leonis .


... ... ...

...# in front of ... Night of the 13th, 7° 30' ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit ... eta Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Arietis ...

Saturn's acronychal rising. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri ... Night of the 23rd,

...; last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind mu Geminorum ... Night of the 26th,

last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits below Venus, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east ...

dates, 1 kur 2 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 5 kur ... end of the month, ... ...

... Jupiter, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level receded 1 cubit.

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15° 30'; the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. Around the 1st, when Mars became stationary to the west, ... Night of the 4th, the moon was

1/2 cubit below? delta Scorpii, the moon being 4 fingers back to the west. Around the 7th, Mars went back to the east. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, ...

... ... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind delta Capricorni; ZI IR ...

... Night of the 12th, clouds were in the sky. The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 30'; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4°; clouds ...

... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus was 8 fingers above rho Leonis. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below eta Piscium ...

... cubits. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, lightning flashed continuously; last part of the night, the moon was ...

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... eta/mu Geminorum ... ... ...

... Venus was ... below theta Leonis ...



[_en-nun_] sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar en_ [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I to .


Diary from month I to ...

X103380: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] _mu#_-szu2 [...]

[...] x x x# [x] _szu2 an utah_ x x x# [...]

[...] 4 _si_ ana _szu2 lal ge6# 5 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-ar2-sza2-[_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[...] _lugal 2 kusz3_ [_ge6 8_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi giri3_-ar2-tu2-sza2-_ur#_-[_a n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 11_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi sa4#_-sza2-_absin 1 1_/2 _kusz3 tur3 nigin2_ [...]

[...] szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 dir an dib 12_ ina _kin-sig szu2 an utah ge6#_ [...]

[...] _an#_ sze-ni _tuh si szar2 ge6 14 12-30 me dir_ [...]

[...] 1+[x] _kusz3# 14 2-30_ (x) _dir_ musz szamasz2 ina# _dir ge6 kur szu2_ [...]

[... ina _zalag2_(?)] _si4_ ana _si_ sin sza2 _si te 15# 2_ na _dir_ [...]

[...] _ge6# 17 szu2-szu2 an dul 17_ ina sze-ri3 [_an_] _utah#_ [...]

[...] u(?) _kur gir2-me 18 szu2-szu2_ ina _kin-sig#_ [...]

[...] ana _ulu3_ u _kur_ x x x# [...]

[...] _kusz3 20 dir an dib_ [...]

[...] 6 _si lal ge6 23_ ina [_zalag2_ ...]

[...] _igi# ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina [_igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu _n n_ ...]

[...] _ulu3# szar2 an dul ge6_ [...]

[...] 2(?)# _pi_ ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_)(?) [...]

[... i]-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... his name .

... ... ... overcast, rain shower ... .

... being 4 fingers back to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri .

... 2 cubits ... alpha Leonis. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, it was surrounded by a halo .

... the sun was surrounded by a halo, clouds crossed the sky. The 12th, in the afternoon, overcast, rain shower. Night .

... rain so that the sandal was removed; gusty north wind. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 30'; clouds .

... 1+x cubits. The 14th, moonrise to sunrise: 2° 30', measured despite clouds; the sun set in a black cloud; overcast .

... last part of the night?, alpha Scorpii came close to the north wind. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 2°; clouds .

... Night of the 17th, very overcast, rain DUL. The 17th, in the morning, rain shower .

... and? east winds blew. The 18th, very overcast; in the afternoon, .

... to the south and east ... .

... cubits. The 20th, clouds crossed the sky .

... receded 6 fingers. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, .

... became visible. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium .

... gusty south wind, rain DUL. Night .

... 2 panu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 2? sutu .

... At that time, Jupiter .


... called ...

... ... overcast, rain shower ... ...

... being 4 fingers back to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of delta Cancri ...

... 2 cubits ... alpha Leonis. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Virginis, it was surrounded by alpha halo ...

... the sun was surrounded by alpha halo, clouds crossed the sky. The 12th, in the afternoon, overcast, rain shower. Night ...

... rain so that the sandal was removed, gusty north wind. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 30'; clouds ...

... 1+x cubits. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 30'; measured despite clouds; the sun rose in a black cloud; overcast, ...

... last part of the night, alpha Scorpii came close to the north horn of the moon. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 2°; clouds ...

... Night of the 17th, very overcast, rain DUL. The 17th, in the morning, rain shower ...

... flashed continuously in the east. The 18th, very overcast; in the afternoon, ...

... stretched to the south and east ...

... cubits. The 20th, clouds crossed the sky ...

... receded 6 fingers. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, ...

... ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ...

... gusty south wind, rain DUL. Night ...

... 2? panu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 2? sutu ...

... At that time, Jupiter ...

... ... ...



[...] x x# [...]

[... _ku3-babbar_ qa-lu]-u2 i-nu-szu2 [...]

[...] _itu bi illu 1_ [...] [_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta_] _bar en szu mu#_-[20]-_kam2#_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)[...]

[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta_] _bar en szu mu#_-[20]-_kam2#_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)[...]

AI Translation

... refined silver. At that time, .

... That month, the river level 1 .

Diary from month I to the end of month IV, year 20 of Umakush, who .


... ... ...

... were bought?. At that time, ...

... That month, the river level 1 ...

Diary from month I to month IV, year 20 of Umakush, who ...



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2] _ta# bar en til szu mu-20-kam2_ (disz)u2#-[ma-kusz sza2 ...]

_mu_-szu2 _sa4_-[u2]

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month IV, year 20 of Umakush, who .

His reddish name


Diary from month I to the end of month IV, year 20 of Umakush who ...

is called ...

X103421: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_mu 16-kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2] ar-tak#-[szat]-su _lugal mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2 _bar#_ [...]

[...] la-(am) _kur_-ha (d)_utu_ ana _si nim sig_-am-ma (d)_utu_ [...]

[_ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin x _szur_-_gigir_]-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3#_ [x x] _dib# 4 dir an za ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin# [x _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz_ ...]

[...] 2/3 _kusz3 lal ge6_ [8] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_si 2_/3 [_kusz3_ ...]

[_ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin x] _sag_-_ur-a 2_/3 _kusz3 tur3 nigin2 mul2 gal_ sza2 ma-gal _kur sig mul2#_ [... _ge6 10_]

[_sag_] _ge6_ sin _sig# mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-[_kusz3_]-ar2#-_lugal 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si_ ana _nim dib 10_ [...]

sza2# _ulu3 gi ge6# 13_ sin _tur3# nigin2_ ma-disz iq-tur7 ina _zalag2_ sin e _sa4_-[sza2-_absin ... ge6 14_]

sin _tur3 nigin2_ ma-disz iq-tur7 14 3-30 na _dir_ musz _ta_ sze-ri3 _en kin_-[_sig ... ge6 15_ ...]

2 2/3 _kusz3 sig genna 6 si# sag kur_ sza2 sin sin ar2 _mul2-babbar 8 si_ ana _nim gub_ [...]

_ge6 17 szu2 im szar2 17 szu2-szu2 kur szar2 ge6 18 szu2-szu2 gir2 gu3 u mah an utah_(?)# [...]

_ge6 19 19 dir an dib ulu3 szar2 ge6 20 dir an dib_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _si_-[_masz2_ ...]

21 _genna_ ana _me e_-a _dir nu pap an-bar7_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2_ ma-disz iq-tur7 _ge6_ [...]

_gir2 gu3 u mah an pisan# mah dib ninda hi-a_ sza2 _gim ninda hi-a_ sze-im [...]

ina _zalag2 gir2 mah_ [x x] x# (d)_im_ dan-nisz i-ram-mu-um _an_ i [...]

_im szar2#_ [x x x x] ina sze-ri3 _szu2 an utah 22 23 24 illu#_ [...]

[...] x 28 szamasz2 _tur3 nu kad2 nigin2#_ [...]

[...]_dib_(?)# 29 30 _illu 1_ [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

Year 16 of Umakush who is called king Artaxerxes .

... will rise. The sun will be low to the north and the sun .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits ... zeta Tauri ... The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... eta Geminorum .

... receded 2/3 cubit. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind delta Cancri .

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... epsilon Leonis, it was surrounded by a halo; a meteor which was very bright was below ... Night of the 10th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below rho Leonis, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 10th, .

of the south. Night of the 13th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much; last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis ... Night of the 14th,

the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 30'; measured despite clouds. From morning to evening, ... Night of the 15th, .

2 2/3 cubits below Saturn, 6 fingers; beginning of the rising of the moon, the moon stood 8 fingers behind Jupiter to the east .

Night of the 17th, overcast, gusty wind. The 17th, very overcast, gusty east wind. Night of the 18th, very overcast, lightning, much thunder, rain shower? .

Night of the 19th and the 19th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty south wind. Night of the 20th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni .

The 21st, Saturn's acronychal rising; clouds, I did not watch; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night .

lightning, much thunder, much rain, much PISAN DIB, bread which like bread .

last part of the night, much lightning ... ... Adad was very bright, rain .

gusty wind ... in the morning, overcast, rain shower. The 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, the river level .

... ... The 28th, the sun was surrounded by a halo which was not closed .

... ... The 29th and the 30th, the river level ... 1 .


Year 16 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes. Month I, ...

... before? sunrise it was high to the north; it went down? and the sun ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits .. zeta Tauri ... The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... mu Geminorum ...

... balanced 2/3 cubit. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind gamma Cancri ...

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... epsilon Leonis; it was surrounded by a halo. A meteor which became very bright was below ... Night of the 10th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below rho Leonis, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 10th, ...

south ... Night of the 13th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Last part of the night, the moon was above alpha Virginis ... Night of the 14th,

the moon was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 30'; measured despite clouds. From morning to afternoon, ... Night of the 15th, ...

2 2/3 cubits, 6 fingers below Saturn; at the beginning of the rising of the moon, the moon was 8 fingers behind Jupiter, it stood to the north ...

Night of the 17th, overcast, gusty wind. The 17th, very overcast, gusty east wind. Night of the 18th, very overcast, lightning, much thunder, rain shower? ...

Night of the 19th and the 19th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty south wind. Night of the 20th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Capricorni ...

The 21st, Saturn's acronychal rising; clouds, I did not watch. Middle part of the day, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night ...

lightning, much thunder, much rain PISAN DIB. Bread which like barley bread ...

last part of the night, much lightning, ..., the weather god thundered strongly, a little rain ...

gusty wind ... in the morning, overcast, rain shower. The 22nd, 23rd, 24th, the river level ...

... The 28th, the sun was surrounded by a halo which was not closed ...

... ... The 29th, the 30th, the river level ... 1 ...

... ... ...



[_en_]-_nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar#_ [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I .


Diary from month I ...



_mu 16-kam2_ (disz)u2#-[ma-kusz ...]

AI Translation

Year 16 of Umakush .


Year 16 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes ...

X103422: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



x [...]

ina _szu2_ ina [...]

1(_gur_) 1(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) 3(?) [qa ...] _kin_(?)# 30 x# [...]

_kin_(?)# 30 x# [...]

_lugal_(?) [...]

x [...]

sin [...]

14 [...]

1 _kusz3_ x [...]

ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 [...]

ana _szu2_ ki _usz_(?)#-[a ...]

ina _zalag2_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

in the west in .

1 kurru 1 panu 5 sutu 3? qa .

Ululu VI, the 30th, ... .

king ...

the moon being .

14 ...

1 cubit ... ...

last part of the night, the moon was behind .

when it became stationary to the west, .

last part of the night?, .


... ...

in the west in ...

1 kur 1 panu 5 sât 3? qa ...

... 30 ... ...

alpha Leonis? ...

... ...

the moon ...

The 14th, ...

1 cubit ...

last part of the night, the moon was behind ...

when it became stationary? to the west ...

last part? of the night ...



[...] _tir-an a2 si#_ [...]

_ge6 28 dir an dib itu bi_ [...]

_mul2-babbar_ ina _gir2-tab_ ina _til itu_ ina _pa-bil_ dele-bat# [...] _ab 30 18 aga_ a-pir sin ina _igi mul2_-[_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2_ ...]

_ab 30 18 aga_ a-pir sin ina _igi mul2_-[_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2_ ...]

_en 6 illu 2 kusz3 gin ge6 7 sag ge6#_ [...]

8 9 _illu 8 si lal ge6 10 sag ge6#_ [...]

_illu 1 kusz3 gin ge6 12 sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

14 50 _ninda szu2 dir nu_ [_pap_ ...]

[x x] ina _zalag2#_ sin ar2# [...]

AI Translation

... a rainbow stretched on the north side .

Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. That month, .

Jupiter was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Venus .

Month X, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 18°; earthshine; the moon was ... in front of gamma Capricorni .

until the 6th, the river level rose 2 cubits. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, .

The 8th and the 9th, the river level receded 8 fingers. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, .

the river level rose 1 cubit. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, .

The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 50'; clouds, I did not watch .

... last part of the night, the moon was behind .


... a rainbow on the north side ...

Night of the 28th, clouds crossed the sky. That month, ...

Jupiter was in Scorpius, at the end of the month in Sagittarius; Venus ...

Month X, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 18°; earthshine; the moon was in front of gamma Capricorni ...

until the 6th, the river level rose 2 cubits. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, ...

The 8th, the 9th, the river level receded 8 fingers. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, ...

the river level rose 1 cubit. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, ...

The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 50 ninda; clouds, I did not watch. ...

... last part of the night, the moon was behind ...



_mu 16-kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz _lugal_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

Year 16 of Umakush, king? .


Year 16 of king? Umakush ...

X103430: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] _dir# an dib_(?)

[...] x# _kusz3_

[...] x# [x x] x# _ge6 18_

[... _ge6 20_ ina] _zalag2#_ sin ina _igi_ [_rin2_]-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3_

[... _ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _si4_ x]+1 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ [ana _nim_] _dib_ ar2 _mul2-babbar_

[... _ge6_] 24# ina _zalag2_ dele-bat _sig si_-_masz2 2# kusz3 24_ ina _kin-sig_

[... _ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... x]+1 _kusz3# sig_ dele-bat 1 1/2 _kusz3 26 20_+[x] _kur 28_ szamasz2# ina _dir_

[... _itu_] _bi# illu 1 1_/2 _kusz3# lal itu bi ki-lam_ sze-[im]

[...] x# _za3 2_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) _sze-gisz-i3 1_(_barig_)(?) 1(_ban2_) _sig2 8 ma-na_

[... _an_ u _gu4_]-_ud#_ sza2 _szu2-me nu igi-me_ [_ziz2_ ... szamasz2 ina] _dir_(?)# _ge6 szu2 ge6 2 szu2-szu2 izi-szub_ ina _uru gal2_-szi# [...]

[_ziz2_ ... szamasz2 ina] _dir_(?)# _ge6 szu2 ge6 2 szu2-szu2 izi-szub_ ina _uru gal2_-szi# [...]

[...] _gal2 ge6 bi szu-ii_ (d)_gaszan-e2_ u3 (d)x# [...]

[...] ina _e2 dingir-mesz_ u3 ina _uru gar_-an 2 _gu4_ [...]

[...] _gir2-me im szar2 an pisan mah dib_ [...]

[... _ge6 9_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2#-[_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[...] iq#-tur7 _im szar2 ge6 11 sag#_ [_ge6_ ...]

[...] 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal 13_ [...]

[... _ge6 14_ sin ar2] _lugal 2 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an_ [...]

[... _ge6 16_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... _dele_-sza2-_igi_]-_absin# 1_/2 _kusz3 16_ szamasz2(?) ina(?) [...]

[...] x# ina _zalag2 gir2 gir2 an utah#_ [...]

[...] _usan# gir2 gu3 u mah#_ [...]

[...] x x# [...]

AI Translation

... clouds crossed the sky?

... x# cubits

... ... ... Night of the 18th,

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Librae

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was x+1 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, it stood behind Jupiter

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Capricorni. The 24th, in the afternoon,

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was x+1 cubits ..., 1 1/2 cubits below Venus. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 20+x°. The 28th, the sun rose in a cloud.

... That month, the river level receded 1 1/2 cubits. That month, the equivalent was: barley,

... ...; cress, 2 panu 3 sutu; sesame, 1 panu? 1 sutu; wool, 8 minas.

... Mars and Mercury, which had set, were not visible.

Month XI, ... the sun set in a black cloud?. Night of the 2nd, very overcast, a "fall of fire" occurred in the city .

... there will be ... that night. Hand of Beltiya and ... .

... are placed in the temple and in the city. 2 bulls .

... lightning flashed continuously, gusty wind, rain, much PISAN DIB .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind zeta Tauri .

... was surrounded by a halo, gusty wind. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, .

... being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 13th, .

... Night of the 14th, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... gamma Virginis. The 16th, the sun? .

... ... last part of the night, lightning flashed, rain shower .

... first part of the night, lightning, much thunder .


... clouds crossed? the sky.

... nn cubits.

... ... Night of the 18th,

... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Librae.

... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was x+1 cubits above alpha Scorpii, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east, it stood behind Jupiter

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below beta Capricorni. The 24th, in the afternoon,

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was ... x+1 cubits, 1 1/2 cubits below Venus. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 20+x. The 28th, the sun ... in a cloud

... That month, the river level receded 1 1/2 cubits. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley,

... ... cress, 2 panu 3 sutu; sesame, 1 panu? 1 sutu; wool, 8 minas.

... Mars and Mercury, which had set, were not visible.

Month XI, ... the sun set in a black cloud?. Night of the 2nd, very overcast; a "fall of fire" occurred in the city ... ...

...; that night, the hands of Belet-biti and of ... ...

... in the temples and in the temple 2 bulls ...

... lightning flashed continuously, gusty wind, rain, much PISAN DIB ...

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind zeta Tauri ...

... billowed; gusty wind. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, ...

... being 2/3 cubit back to the west. The 13th, ...

... Night of the 14th, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; clouds ...

... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... gamma Virginis. The 16th, the sun? ...

... ..., last part of the night, lightning flashed, rain shower ...

... first part of the night, lightning, much thunder, ...

... ... ...



[...] x# [...]

[... _mul2-babbar_ ana _nim_ ki _usz_-u2 _n n ... si4_] 2 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _si nim usz#_ [...]

[...] _zu2-lum 1 gur 3_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) ina _til itu#_ [...]

[...] dele-bat ina _masz2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gu-la an_ ina _gu-la#_ [...]

[...] _illu# 2 kusz3_ ba-ab 3(?) _kusz3 8 si gin#_ [...] [_sze_ ...] _tur3# nu kad2 nigin2 ge6 4# sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2-mul2 2 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

[_sze_ ...] _tur3# nu kad2 nigin2 ge6 4# sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2-mul2 2 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _dib 5 szu2-szu2 an utah# im szar2 ge6 6 szu2-szu2_ ina sze-ri3# [...]

[... x]+1 _si_ ana _nim dib ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin _sig masz-masz_-_igi 3#_ [_kusz3_]

[...] x# _ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin e _lugal 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2_ [_lal_]

[... _ge6 14_ sin ...] _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 kusz3 mul2 gal_ sza2 ma-gal _kur_ u3 mesz-hi _tuk_-u2

[...] _tur3# nu kad2 nigin2 ge6 15 7-30 ge6 usan_ sin (text: szamAsz) _tur3 nu kad2 nigin2_

[...] x#-szu2 _ta mar_ ana _kur szur ud-da_-su ina _ki igi ge6 16 dir an dib_

[... _ge6_] 17# ina _zalag2_ sin e _mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi_

[_mul2-babbar n n_ ana _szu2 gub_ (...) 17 szamasz2 ina] _dir# ge6 kur ge6 18 ulu3 szar2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_

_mul2_-_kur_-[sza2-_kir4_-szil-_pa n n_ ...] x _ge6# 19_ a-kam2 _an dib izi-szub_ i ina _ki szu-an_

[...] _ge6# 21 an#_ ne2-hi _pisan dib 21_ ina sze-ri3 _szu2 an utah_

[...] _szu2# an utah tir-an_ ina _kur gib_

[...] _mul2# gal_ (sza2) _kur_ u mesz-hi _tuk_-u2

[... _gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina zib-_me igi_ ... in] 21 _igi 25_ szamasz2

[...] x# _nim 26 12-30_

[_kur_ ...] _igi itu bi_

[...] ina _til itu_

[...] x#

AI Translation

... when Jupiter became stationary to the east, it became stationary ... alpha Scorpii, being 2 2/3 cubits high to the north .

... dates, 1 kurru 3 panu 2 sutu, at the end of the month, .

... Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Mars was in Aquarius .

... the river level - remainder? 2 cubits - rose 3? cubits 8 fingers. .

Month XII, ... was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri .

... passed. The 5th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 6th, very overcast; in the morning, .

... having passed x+1 fingers to the east. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below alpha Geminorum

... ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above alpha Leonis, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west.

... Night of the 14th, the moon was 1 cubit ... gamma Virginis; a meteor which was very bright had a tail

... was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed.

... its ... was very overcast from west to east; its light could be seen in the sky. Night of the 16th, clouds crossed the sky.

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above delta Scorpii,

Jupiter stood ... in front of Jupiter to the west ... The 17th, the sun rose in a black cloud. Night of the 18th, gusty south wind; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of

... ... Night of the 19th, mist crossed the sky, a "fall of fire" ... in the area of the sky

... Night of the 21st, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 21st, in the morning, overcast, rain shower

... overcast, rain shower, a rainbow stretched in the east.

... a meteor which has a tail and a tail.

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Pisces ... ideal first appearance on the 21st. The 25th, the sun

... high to the north. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'.

... became visible. That month,

... at the end of the month


... ... ...

... when Jupiter became stationary to the east, it became stationary ... alpha Scorpii, being 2 2/3 cubits high to the north. ...

... dates, 1 kur 3 panu 2 sutu, at the end of the month ...

... Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Mars was in Aquarius ...

... the river level - remainder? 2 cubits - rose 3 cubits 8 fingers ...

Month XII, ... was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri ...

... passed. The 5th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 6th, very overcast; in the morning, ...

... having passed x+1 fingers to the east. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below alpha Geminorum.

... ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above alpha Leonis, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west.

... Night of the 14th, the moon was 1 cubit ... gamma Virginis; a meteor which was very bright and had a tail

... was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed.

... ... flashed from west to east, its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 16th, clouds crossed the sky.

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above delta Scorpii,

it stood ... in front of Jupiter to the west. The 17th, the sun rose in a black cloud. Night of the 18th, gusty south wind; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta

Ophiuchi ... ... Night of the 19th, mist crossed the sky; a small "fall of fire" occurred in the area of Shuan

... Night of the 21st, slow rain PISAN DIB. The 21st, in the morning, overcast, rain shower.

... overcast, rain shower, a rainbow stretched in the east.

... a meteor which was bright and had a tail

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Pisces ... ideal first appearance on the 21st. The 25th, the sun

... ... high. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'.

... became visible. That month,

... at the end of the month,

... ...



[... _mu_] x#-_kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-[su ...]

AI Translation

... year ... of Umakush, who is called Artaxerxes .


... xth year of Umakush who is called king Artaxerxes.

X103460: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_mu 12-kam2_ (disz)]u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _lugal mu_-szu2 _sa4#_-[u2] _gan 1 20_ na sin e _gu4-ud 2# 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib#_

[_ge6 2 dir_] _an dib im szar2 2 dir an dib ge6 3 dir an dib an#_ [_utah_(?)] 3 _szu2-szu2 gu3 u_ i _an_ sze-ni _tuh ge6 4 dir an dib 4 szu2-szu2 an utah_

[_en_(?)] 4 _illu 8 u lal_-is _ge6 5 szu2-szu2 gir2 mah gir2-gir2 gu3 u_ x# _an dul 5 szu2-szu2_ ina _kin-sig# gir2 gu3 u an_ sze-ni _nu tuh ge6 6 gir2 gu3 u_

[_an_] sze-ni _tuh 6 szu2-szu2_ ki _szu2_ szamasz2 _gu3 u_ i _ge6 7 sag ge6 gir2# gu3 u an pisan dib ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 1/2 _kusz3_

[ina] _zalag2# mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 8 si ge6_ [9] _usan_ sin ina _igi an 2 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub szu2 9 an dul ge6 10 szu2-szu2 10 szu2 an utah_

_ge6# 11 usan sa4_-sza2-_gu4-an ta sza3_ sin E-a ina _zalag2 an utah 11_ ina sze-ri3 _an utah tir-an a2 si_ u _mar gib ge6 12 sag ge6_ sin

_sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 tur3 nu kad2 nigin_ ina _zalag2 an utah 12 szu2 an utah# ge6 13 11 me dir_ musz _sag ge6_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa# 20 si#_ sin

1 _kusz3_ ana _nim# dib 13 5-40 szu2 si szar2 ge6 14 3 ge6 14 11_ na# 13 14 _szed7_ ig-te-szir 15 3 [x x x x]

_ge6 16#_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _lugal 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 18_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin] ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur_-(A) 1 _kusz3 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2#-[_igi_-_absin n n_]

_ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3_ e _genna 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 8 U ana _nim dib# 21 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _masz2 szu2_ a-kam2 [(x) _ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin]

_sig rin2_-sza2-_si 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin e# _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin# 8 U ana _szu2 lal ge6 27 szu2 27#_ [...]

30# ina sze-ri3 szamasz2 _tur3 nigin ta 8_ [_en til itu_] _illu# nu pap itu bi ki-lam_ (sze)-im 2(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) ina _til itu 3_(_barig_)(?) [...]

ina _til itu 4 gur_ sah 1(_barig_) x# [...] _sig2# 5 ma-na_ ana 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar#_ [qa]-lu#-u2 i-nu-[szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a_ dele-bat ina _gir2-tab_ ina _til itu_ ina _pa genna_ ina _absin_]

_an_ ina _lu gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u2 _nu#_ [_igi_ ... muh]-hi(?) _kur_(?)# _uri-ki_ a-na x# [...] _ab 1 5_ x na x x x x# [...] _dib_ [...]

_ab 1 5_ x na x x x x# [...] _dib_ [...]

2 x x _mah_(?)# _pisan mah dib_ ina _kin-sig an_ [...]

20 na in 29 sza2 _gan igi ge6 5_ sin ina _igi#_ [_mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu ... _ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ar2]

_mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 2 _kusz3_ ina _igi an 1 kusz3 20 si_ ana _szu2 gub#_ [...]+1 _kusz3# ge6 9_ [...]

_an sig mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 1 _kusz3 8 si# ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi#_-[sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz n_] _kusz3 10_ ina sze-ri3 _im-dugud 11 si_(?) [...]

_gir2 gu3 u 12 13 szu2 dir# nu pap_ ina _kin-sig an utah_ x# [...] _nu pap sag ge6 an dul_ in 1-25 [...]

sin _an-ku10 a2 si#_ u _kur_ ki _tab_-u2 [...] 14 _ge6#_ ana _si zalag2 23 gar_ u _zalag2_ [...]

_si# szar2_ ina _gar an_-(_ku10_)-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u [x x] _gub#-mesz si_ sza2 x# [...] x# 5 _kusz3 sig sag_-_ur-a 2 kusz3#_ [ana ...]

u _im-dugud_ x# [x _ge6 14_] 9-40 _ge6 dir nu pap usan#_ [sin ar2 _mul2-babbar n n_] ana _nim# gub 14 im-dugud mah ge6_(?)# [...]

ina sze-ri3# [_im_]-_dugud mah# ge6 16_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi dele_-[sza2-_igi_-_absin ... 16_ dele-bat ina] _nim#_ ina _masz2 szu2 dir nu pap ge6 17 dir_ [x x]

[ina _zalag2_] sin# ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 kusz3 8 si_ ina _igi genna 1#_ [N ana _szu2 du ... 17_] ina sze-ri3 _gir2 gu3 u an_ u _na4_ sze-ni _nu_ [_tuh_ x (x)]

[_tir_]-_an# a2 si_ u _mar gib en 17 genna_ ana _nim_ ki _usz_-u2 2 _kusz3_ e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib usz nu pap 18_ [x (x)]

[_ge6 19_] ina _zalag2_ sin e _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 2_/3 _kusz3 19_ ina sze-ri3 _im-dugud_ szamasz2 ina pit2-[nu] _szu2 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 2 kusz3_ [20 _mul2-babbar_]

[ana _me_] E-a _ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin e _si4 4 kusz3 ge6 23_ ina _zalag2 gu4-ud sig si_-_masz2 2 kusz3 8 si 27 11 kur_ a-kam2 musz 28 _an-ku10#_ [szamasz2 sza2 _dib_]

[_ge6_] 29 ina _zalag2 gir2 gu3 u mah an_ ha-_hu_ (abbr- for mut,) _pisan dib 29_ ina sze-ri3 _gir2 gu3 u mah an pisan_ i _dib_ e _tin-tir-ki ki-ta tin_-[_tir-ki_]

[x] x# _mah szur itu bi ki-lam_ (sze)-im 3(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ina _til itu 3_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 4_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ka-si 4 _gur_ ina _til itu 5 gur_ (sah)-le10 1(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) [x x]

[x x] _sig2# 5 ma-na_ i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a gu4-ud_ ina _pa_ ina _til itu_ ina _masz2 genna_ ina _absin an_ ina _mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) dele-bat sza2 _szu2_-[u2 _nu igi_]

[_itu_(?) _bi_(?) _ta_(?) 1(?) _en_(?)] 14 _illu 8 si gin ta 15 en 19 illu 8 si lal_-is 22# _illu 4 u gin ta 23 en#_ [26]

[_illu n n lal_-is] 27 28 29 _illu 1_/2 _kusz3 gin_

AI Translation

Year 12 of Umakush, which is called king Artaxerxes. Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 20°; the moon was 2 2/3 cubits above Mercury, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east.

Night of the 2nd, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind. The 2nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower?. The 3rd, very overcast, a little thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 4th, clouds crossed the sky. The 4th, very overcast, rain shower.

until? the 4th, the river level receded 8 fingers. Night of the 5th, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously, thunder, rain DUL. The 5th, very overcast; in the afternoon, lightning, thunder, rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 6th, lightning, thunder,

rain so that the sandal was removed. The 6th, very overcast; at sunset, a little thunder. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, lightning, thunder, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind eta Piscium,

last part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 8 fingers above rho Leonis. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Mars to the west; overcast. The 9th, rain DUL. Night of the 10th, very overcast. The 10th, overcast, rain shower.

Night of the 11th, first part of the night, alpha Tauri came out of the moon; last part of the night, rain shower. The 11th, in the morning, rain shower, a rainbow stretched on the north and west side. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was

1 cubit below zeta Tauri, surrounded by a halo which was not closed; last part of the night, rain shower. The 12th, overcast, rain shower. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°, measured despite clouds; beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above gamma Geminorum, the moon being

having passed 1 cubit to the east. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 40'; gusty north wind. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. The 13th and the 14th, cold. The 15th, ... 3° .

Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind alpha Leonis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Virginis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis,

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Virginis, 1/2 cubit above Saturn, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 21st, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Capricorn; mist. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above beta Scorpii, the moon being 8 fingers back to the west. Night of the 27th, overcast. The 27th, .

The 30th, in the morning, the sun was surrounded by a halo. From the 8th to the end of the month, I did not watch the river level. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 2 panu 5 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 panu? .

at the end of the month, 4 kurru; cress, 1 panu ... ... wool, 5 minas were sold for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Virgo;

Mars was in Aries; Mercury, which had set, was not visible ... on? the land of Akkad to .

Month X, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 5° ...

2 ... much? PISAN DIB; in the afternoon, rain .

sunset to setting of Saturn: 20°; ideal first appearance on the 29th of Kislimu. Night of the 5th, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2 cubits in front of eta Tauri, it stood 1 cubit 20 fingers in front of Mars to the west ...+1 cubit. Night of the 9th, .

Mars was 1 cubit 8 fingers below eta Tauri. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was nn cubits below eta Geminorum. The 10th, in the morning, fog. The 11th, the north? wind .

lightning, thunder. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 13°; clouds, I did not watch; in the afternoon, rain shower ... ... I did not watch; beginning of the night, rain DUL; around the 1st and 25th, .

the moon was eclipsed on the north and east side; when it began ..., it cleared on the 14th, night it cleared to the north. The 23rd, it cleared and cleared .

gusty north wind; in its setting, Jupiter and ... stood there; the north wind which ... ... 5 cubits below epsilon Leonis, 2 cubits to .

and fog ... ... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 40'; clouds, I did not watch; first part of the night, the moon stood ... behind Jupiter to the east. The 14th, much fog. Night? .

in the morning, much fog. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ... The 16th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Capricorn; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 17th, clouds .

last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of alpha Virginis, it stood 1 mm in front of Saturn to the west ... The 17th, in the morning, lightning, thunder, rain but the sandal was not removed .

a rainbow stretched on the north and west side. Around the 17th, when Saturn became stationary to the east, it became stationary 2 cubits above alpha Virginis, having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; I did not watch. The 18th, .

Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above alpha Librae. The 19th, in the morning, fog covered the sky; the sun set in a "box". Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii. The 20th, Jupiter's

it came close. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Scorpii. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Mercury was 2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Capricorni. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°, measured despite mist. The 28th, solar eclipse which passed by.

Night of the 29th, last part of the night, lightning, much thunder, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. The 29th, in the morning, lightning, much thunder, rain, a little PISAN DIB, above Babylon, below Babylon

... much ... That month, the equivalent was: barley, 3 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 panu 2 sutu; dates, 4 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 4 kurru, at the end of the month, 5 kurru; cress, 1 panu 1 sutu .

... wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Mercury was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Taurus; Venus, which had set, was not visible.

That month?, from the 1st? to? the 14th, the river level rose 8 fingers; from the 15th to the 19th, the river level receded 8 fingers; the 22nd, the river level rose 4 fingers; from the 23rd to the 26th,

the river level receded ...; the 27th, 28th, and 29th, the river level rose 1/2 cubit;


Year 12 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes. Month IX, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 20°; the moon was 2 2/3 cubits above Mercury, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east.

Night of the 2nd, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind. The 2nd, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower?. The 3rd, very overcast, a little thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 4th, clouds crossed the sky. The 4th, very overcast, rain shower.

Until? the 4th, the river level receded 8 fingers. Night of the 5th, very overcast, much lightning flashed continuously, ... thunder, rain DUL. The 5th, very overcast; in the afternoon lightning, thunder, rain but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 6th, lightning, thunder,

rain so that the sandal was removed. The 6th, very overcast; at sunset, a little thunder. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, lightning, thunder, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind eta Piscium;

last part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 8 fingers above rho Leonis. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Mars to the west; it was overcast. The 9th, rain DUL. Night of the 10th, very overcast. The 10th, overcast, rain shower.

Night of the 11th, first part of the night, alpha Tauri emerged from the moon; last part of the night, rain shower. The 11th, in the morning, rain shower; a rainbow stretched on the north and west side. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was

1 cubit below zeta Tauri, surrounded by a halo which was not closed; last part of the night, rain shower. The 12th, overcast; rain shower. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°, measured despite clouds; beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above gamma Geminorum, the moon

having passed 1 cubit to the east. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 40'; gusty north wind. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. The 13th and 14th, the cold became severe. The 15th, ... ...

Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind alpha Leonis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Virginis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis.

Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Virginis, 1/2 cubit above Saturn, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 21st, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Capricorn; mist ... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits below beta Librae. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above beta Scorpii, the moon being 8 fingers back to the west. Night of the 27th, overcast. The 27th, ...

The 30th, in the morning, the sun was surrounded by a halo. From the 8th to the end of the month I did not watch the river level. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, 2 pan 5 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 pan? ...

at the end of the month, 4 kurru; cress, 1 panu ... ... wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Virgo;

Mars was in Aries; Mercury, which had set, was not visible ... ... Babylonia to ... ...

Month X, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 5°? ... ... ... ...

... much PISAN DIB; in the afternoon, rain ...

rising of Mercury to sunrise: 20°; ideal first appearance on the 29th of month IX. Night of the 5th, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2 cubits behind eta Tauri, it stood 1 cubit and 20 fingers in front of Mars to the west ...+1 cubit. Night of the 9th, ... first part of the night,

Mars was 1 cubit 8 fingers below eta Tauri. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was nn cubits below eta Geminorum. The 10th, in the morning, fog. The 11th, north? ...

lightning, thunder. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 13°; clouds, I did not watch; in the afternoon, rain shower ... I did not watch; beginning of the night, rain DUL. Around 1° 25' ...

a lunar eclipse, obscured on the north and east side when it began ... ... it cleared towards the north? ...; duration of obscuration and clearing: 23° ...

gusty north wind; during the onset of its eclipse, Jupiter and? ... stood there; north wind which ... 5 cubits below epsilon Leonis, 2 cubits to ...

and fog ... ... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 40'; clouds, I did not watch; first part of the night, the moon stood ... behind Jupiter to the east. The 14th, much fog. Night? ...

in the morning, much fog. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ... The 16th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Capricorn; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 17th, clouds ...;

last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of alpha Virginis, it stood 1 ... in front of Saturn to the west ... The 17th, in the morning, lightning, thunder, rain and hail, but the sandal was not removed ...

a rainbow stretched on the north and west side. Until the 17th, Saturn, when it became stationary to the east, was expected to be stationary 2 cubits above alpha Virginis, having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; I did not watch. The 18th, ...

Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits above alpha Librae. The 19th, in the morning, fog; the sun set in a "box". Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii. The 20th, Jupiter's

acronychal rising. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above alpha Scorpii. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Mercury was 2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Capricorni. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°, measured despite mist. The 28th, eclipse of the sun which passed by.

Night of the 29th, last part of the night, lightning, much thunder, fast? rain PISAN DIB. The 29th, in the morning, lightning, much thunder, rain a little PISAN DIB. Above Babylon and below Babylon

much ... rained down. That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 3 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month, 3 panu 2 sutu; dates, 4 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 4 kurru, at the end of the month, 5 kurru; cress, 1 panu 1 sutu ...

... wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Mercury was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Taurus; Venus, which had set, was not visible.

That month?, from the 1st? to? the 14th, the river level rose 8 fingers; from the 15th to the 19th, the river level receded 8 fingers; the 22nd, the river level rose 4 fingers; from the 23rd to the 26th?

the river level receded? ...; the 27th, 28th, and 29th, the river level rose 1/2 cubit.



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e] _ta gan en til sze mu-12-kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _lugal mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2

AI Translation

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, which is called king Artaxerxes.


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes.



[_ziz2 30_] x [x x x] x# ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 4_ ina _zalag2 szu2 an utah 4 an utah ge6 6 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul_x2(_ab2_)-[_mul_x2(_ab2_) _n n ge6 7 sag ge6_]

[sin ar2 is-le10] u _an# 2 kusz3 an#_ e is-le10 3 _kusz3 ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ta 3 en_ [8(?) _illu_ ...]

[_ge6_] 9 _sag ge6#_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 1 2_/3 _kusz3 tur3 nigin2 mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _lugal 8 si 9_ ina _kin-sig_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 ge6 10 sag#_ [_ge6_ x x]

[x (x)] x# 10 _szu2-szu2 ge6 11 szu2 9 10 11 illu 20 si gin ge6 12 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi lugal 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi mul2-babbar 1 kusz3 8 si_ ana _szu2 gub_ [x x]

[(x)] _genna#_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 12 11 szu2 ge6 13 16-30 me_ musz 13 20 _ninda_ na 12(!) 11 _usz#_ na sza2 _gu4-ud_

[13(?) ina] _nim#_ ina _gu szu2 ge6 14 1 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 15_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3 15 szu2-szu2 an utah_

[_ge6_] 16# _szu2-szu2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin_ u _genna 2 kusz3 ta 12 en 16 illu 2_/3 _kusz3 lal_-is _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3_

[_ge6_] 18# _szu2-szu2 18 ulu3 szar2_ hi-lu _an dib ge6 19 szu2-szu2 im szar2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2#-tab 1 1_/2 _kusz3 tur3 nigin 19_ ina _kin-sig szu2_

[_an_] _utah# ge6 20 szu2 20 szu2 an utah ge6 21 szu2 an utah 21 szu2_ ina _kin-sig an dul ge6 22 an dul ge6 23 an_ ((u)) _pisan dib ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_

[sin] _sig# si_-_masz2 1 kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 2_/3(?) _kusz3 ge6 27 usan an sig_

[_szur_-_gigir_]-sza2#-_si 1 kusz3 8 si 27 13 kur ta 26 en til itu illu 2 kusz3 ka2_-tu2 2 _kusz3 4 si gin itu bi ki-lam_ (sze)-im

[x x ina] _til itu 3_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 3 qa _zu2-lum 4 pi_ ina _til itu 4_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ka-si 4(?) _gur_ sah-le10 1(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 1 pi sig2 5 ma-na_

[i-nu]-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a genna_ ina _absin an_ ina _mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) dele-bat u _gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2#_-u _nu igi-me itu bi u4 7-kam2 lu2-nun lu2_-mu-ma(!)-'i-ir#

[_kur_] _uri#-ki_ ina _inim lugal ta_ szu#-sza2-an-_ki_ ana _e-ki ku4#_-ma x# _ta e-ki_ ana szu-sza2-an-_ki e3 itu bi u4 10_+[x-_kam2_]

szi-pisz-tum sza2 _lugal_ ana _ugu_ [...] _sze 1 22-30_ na _aga_ [a-pir kal(?)] _ge6_(?)# _szu2 gir2 gir2 an dul# 1_ x x _dul# ge6 2 an utah 2_ ina sze-ri3 _an utah ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me_

_sze 1 22-30_ na _aga_ [a-pir kal(?)] _ge6_(?)# _szu2 gir2 gir2 an dul# 1_ x x _dul# ge6 2 an utah 2_ ina sze-ri3 _an utah ulu3_ u _kur szar2-me gin-me_

_ge6 3_ sin ina _igi mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 2/3 _kusz3 an#_ e _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ x x x x# _an utah 3 szu2-szu2 an utah ge6 4 szu2-szu2 an utah im szar2_ [...]

_an dib an utah im szar2 ge6 5 sag_ [_ge6_] sin _sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3#_ [_n n_] sin# 4 _si_ ana _nim dib sig an 2 kusz3 4 si szu2 an utah ge6#_ [6]

_sag ge6_ sin e _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 20 si_ sin [...] _ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin _sig# masz-masz_-ar2 3 1/2 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6 8#_

_sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [_ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ... _sag_-_ur-a n n_] ina _igi# mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin

ar2 _mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3#_-ar2-_lugal 2_/3 _kusz3 ta#_ [...] x# _szu2-szu2 an utah ge6 12 szu2-szu2 an utah im szar2_

sin _tur3 nigin2 genna#_ [ina] _sza3 tur3 gub 12_ [...] x x# _an dib_ szamasz2 ina a-kam2 _szu2 ge6 13_

13-20 _me_ a-kam2 _nu pap u4-zal_ sin e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 1_/2 [_kusz3_ ...] 13 840 na _dir_ [_nu pap_]

_an utah ge6 14 8-40 ge6 dir nu pap an_ kab _utah gir2 gir2_(?)# [... _ge6 15_] ina _zalag2_ sin _sig rin2_-sza2#-[_si_]

2 _kusz3 an utah ta 11 en 15 illu 1 kusz3 2 si gin ge6_ [16 ina _zalag2_ sin x (x)] _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag#_-[_gir2-tab n n ... 17_(?)]

_gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _lu igi 14_ na-su _ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur#_-[sza2-_kir4_-szil]-_pa# 1 kusz3 si szar2 en 19 mul2-babbar_ ana _szu2_ ki# _usz_-a

1 _kusz3 4 si_ ina _igi lugal usz nu pap 19_ szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 szu2 ta 16 en 22#_ [_illu n_] _kusz3 lal_-is _ge6 20 usan an_ e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz_

[_n kusz3_] _an dul 20_ dele-bat ina _szu2_ ina _lu igi 9_ na-su ina 16 _igi ge6 21_ [ina _zalag2_] sin# ina _igi si_-_masz2 1 kusz3 ge6 23 usan an_ e

_mul2_-ar2-[sza2-sze]-pit#-_masz-masz 20 si 24_ ina _kin-sig ulu3 szar2 ge6 25 dir an dib#_ [(x)] _si# szar2 25 im szar2 26 22-20 kur dir nu pap_

_ge6# 27 mul2-babbar_ ana _nim lal_-is 27 28 29 _buru5-hi-a zi#_-[a] 29 szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 szu2 ta 23 en til itu illu_

2/3 _kusz3 gin itu bi ki-lam_ (sze)-im ina _sag itu 3_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) ina _murub4 itu_ [x x] 3 qa ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) 3 qa _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 4 pi_ ina _murub4 itu_

3(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _til itu 3_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) ka-si 6 _gur_ sah-le10 1(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) _sze-gisz_ [(x)] 5(_ban2_) _sig2 5 ma-na_ a-na 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_

ina# _ur-a_ dele-bat u _gu4-ud_ ina _lu genna_ ina _absin an_ ina _masz-masz itu bi illu# tar_-is _mu bi buru14#_ sze-im sa-ma-nu _tag_ [_bar_] 30# 17 na _dir_ musz sin ina _dir igi_

[_bar_] 30# 17 na _dir_ musz sin ina _dir igi_

_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e _ta gan en til sze mu-12_-[_kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz] sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su (_lugal_) _mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2

AI Translation

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ...; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, overcast, rain shower. The 4th, rain shower. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Tauri and Mars; Mars was 3 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Geminorum. From the 3rd to the 8th?, the river level .

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind gamma Geminorum, surrounded by a halo; Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 8 fingers above alpha Leonis. The 9th, in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, .

... ... The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, overcast. The 9th, 10th, and 11th, the river level rose 20 fingers. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis, it stood 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of Jupiter to the west .

Saturn, while moving back to the west, was 2 cubits above alpha Virginis. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11°. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 16° 30', measured. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 20'. The 12th!, sunrise to moonset: 11°; Mercury

The 13th?, last appearance in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Virginis. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind gamma Virginis. The 15th, very overcast, rain shower.

Night of the 16th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis and Saturn. From the 12th to the 16th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Librae.

Night of the 18th, very overcast. The 18th, gusty south wind, haze crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, very overcast, gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Scorpii, surrounded by a halo. The 19th, in the afternoon, overcast,

rain shower. Night of the 20th, overcast. The 20th, overcast, rain shower. Night of the 21st, overcast, rain shower. The 21st, overcast; in the afternoon, rain DUL. Night of the 22nd, rain DUL. Night of the 23rd, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit below beta Capricorni, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3? cubits in front of gamma Capricorni. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars was

1 cubit 8 fingers ... beta Tauri. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°. From the 26th to the end of the month, the river level rose 2 cubits, the gate 2 cubits 4 fingers. That month, the equivalent was: barley,

..., at the end of the month, 3 panu 1 sutu 3 qa; dates, 4 panu, at the end of the month, 4 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 4? kur; cress, 1 panu 2 sutu; sesame, 1 panu; wool, 5 minas.

At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Taurus; Venus and Mercury, which had set, were not visible. That month, the 7th, the prince and the satrap

At the command of the king, he entered Babylon from Susa and went out ... from Babylon to Susa. That month, the 10+xth,

The king's message to .

Month XII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 22° 30'; earthshine; all? night? overcast, lightning flashed, rain DUL. The 1st, ... DUL. Night of the 2nd, rain shower. The 2nd, in the morning, rain shower, gusty south and east winds blew.

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of eta Tauri; Mars was 1 1/2 cubits above zeta Tauri ... rain shower. The 3rd, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 4th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind .

crossed the sky, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below zeta Tauri, the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east, 2 cubits 4 fingers below Mars; overcast, rain shower. Night of the 6th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above gamma Geminorum, the moon being ... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 1/2 cubits below beta Geminorum, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 8th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit below delta Cancri. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... epsilon Leonis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit behind rho Leonis. From ... ... very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 12th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind.

the moon was surrounded by a halo, Saturn stood in the halo. The 12th, ... ... crossed the sky; the sun set in mist. Night of the 13th,

The 13th, moonrise to sunrise: 20°; mist, I did not watch; in the morning watch, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Virginis ... The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8°; clouds, I did not watch.

rain shower. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 40'; clouds, I did not watch; thick rain shower, lightning flashed? ... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Librae,

rain shower. From the 11th to the 15th, the river level rose 1 cubit 2 fingers. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Scorpii ... The 17th?,

Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Mercury: 14°. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi; gusty north wind. Until the 19th, when Jupiter became stationary to the west,

it became stationary 1 cubit 4 fingers in front of alpha Leonis; I did not watch. The 19th, the sun set in a black cloud. From the 16th to the 22nd, the river level receded nn cubits. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit above eta Geminorum,

rain DUL. The 20th, Venus' first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Venus: 9°; ideal first appearance on the 16th. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mars was

mu Geminorum. The 24th, in the afternoon, gusty south wind. Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky, gusty north wind. The 25th, gusty wind. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 22° 20'; clouds, I did not watch.

Night of the 27th, Jupiter's acronychal rising. The 27th, 28th, and 29th, locusts attacked. The 29th, the sun set in a black cloud. From the 23rd to the end of the month, the river level

the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 3 panu 2 sutu, in the middle of the month, ... 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu 3 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 panu, in the middle of the month,

3 panu 3 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 3 panu 5 sutu; mustard, 6 kurru; cress, 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, ... 5 sutu; wool, 5 minas were sold for 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was

in Leo; Venus and Mercury were in Aries; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Gemini. That month, the river level receded. That year, the harvest of barley was affected by a "samanu-mark."

Month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 17°, measured despite clouds; the moon was in a cloud;

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, whose name is Artaxerxes, king.


Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ...; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, overcast, rain shower. The 4th, rain shower. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Tauri and Mars, Mars being 3 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of eta Geminorum. From the 3rd to the 8th?, the river level ...

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind gamma Geminorum, surrounded by a halo; Jupiter, while moving back to the west, was 8 fingers above alpha Leonis. The 9th, in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, ...

... The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, overcast. The 9th, 10th, and 11th, the river level rose 20 fingers. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Leonis, it stood 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of Jupiter to the west ...

... Saturn, while moving back to the west, was 2 cubits above alpha Virginis. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11°. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 16° 30', measured. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 20'. The 12th?, rising of Mercury to sunrise: 11°.

The 13th?, Mercury's last appearance in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind beta Virginis. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind gamma Virginis. The 15th, very overcast, rain shower.

Night of the 16th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis and Saturn. From the 12th to the 16th, the river level receded 2/3 cubit. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of alpha Librae.

Night of the 18th, very overcast. The 18th, gusty south wind; haze crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, very overcast, gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Scorpii, surrounded by a halo. The 19th, in the afternoon, overcast,

rain shower. Night of the 20th, overcast. The 20th, overcast, rain shower. Night of the 21st, overcast, rain shower. The 21st, overcast; in the afternoon, rain DUL. Night of the 22nd, rain DUL. Night of the 23rd, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit below beta Capricorni, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3? cubits in front of gamma Capricorni. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars was

1 cubit 8 fingers below beta Tauri. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°. From the 26th to the end of the month, the river level - bab - 2 cubits, rose 2 cubits 4 fingers. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley,

..., at the end of the month, 3 panu 1 sutu 3 qa; dates, 4 panu, at the end of the month, 4 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 4? kurru; cress, 1 panu 2 sutu; sesame, 1 panu; wool, 5 minas.

At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Taurus; Venus and Mercury, which had set, were not visible. That month, on the 7th, the ruler, the satrap?

of Babylonia made ... at the command of ... and entered Babylon, and the ... left Babylon for Susa. That month, on the 10+xth,

a royal edict concerning ...

Month XII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 22° 30'; earthshine; all? night? overcast, lightning flashed, rain DUL. The 1st, ... DUL. Night of the 2nd, rain shower. The 2nd, in the morning, rain shower, gusty south and east winds blew.

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of eta Tauri; Mars was 1 1/2 cubits above zeta Tauri, ... rain shower. The 3rd, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 4th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind ...

crossed the sky, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below zeta Tauri, the moon having passed 4 fingers to the east, being 2 cubits 4 fingers below Mars; overcast, rain shower. Night of the 6th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above gamma Geminorum, the moon .... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 1/2 cubits below beta Geminorum, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. Night of the 8th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit below delta Cancri. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... epsilon Leonis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit behind rho Leonis. From ... very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 12th, very overcast, rain shower, gusty wind;

the moon was surrounded by a halo, Saturn stood in the halo. The 12th, ... ... crossed the sky; the sun set in mist. Night of the 13th,

moonrise to sunset: 13° 20'; mist, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Virginis ... The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 40'; clouds, I did not watch;

rain shower. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 40'; clouds, I did not watch; thick rain shower, lightning flashed ... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below beta Librae;

rain shower. From the 11th to the 15th, the river level rose 1 cubit 2 fingers. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Scorpii ... The 17th?,

Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Mercury: 14°. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi; gusty north wind. Until the 19th, when Jupiter was becoming stationary to the west,

it was expected to become stationary 1 cubit 4 fingers in front of alpha Leonis; but I did not watch. The 19th, the sun set in a black cloud. From the 16th to the 22nd, the river level receded ... cubits. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars was ... cubits above eta Geminorum;

rain DUL. The 20th, Venus' first appearance in the west in Aries; sunset to setting of Venus: 9°; ideal first appearance around the 16th. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mars was

20 fingers above mu Geminorum. The 24th, in the afternoon, gusty south wind. Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky; gusty north wind. The 25th, gusty wind. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 22° 20'; clouds, I did not watch.

Night of the 27th, Jupiter moved back to the east. The 27th, 28th, and 29th, locusts attacked. The 29th, the sun set in a black cloud. From the 23rd to the end of the month, the river level

rose 2/3 cubit. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 3 panu 2 sutu, in the middle of the month, ... 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu 3 qa; dates, in the beginning of the month, 4 panu, in the middle of the month,

3 panu 3 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 3 panu 5 sutu; mustard, 6 kurru; cress, 1 panu 4 sutu; sesame, ... 5 sutu; wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was

in Leo; Venus and Mercury were in Aries; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Gemini. That month, the flood was cut off?. That year, the barley harvest was affected by "rust".

Month I, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 17°; measured despite clouds; the moon became visible in a cloud.

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes.



[_en-nun_] sza2# gi-(ne2)-e _ta gan en til sze mu-12-kam2_ [(disz)u2-ma]-kusz# sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _lugal mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2

AI Translation

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, which is called king Artaxerxes.


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes.



[_en-nun_] sza2# gi-ne2-[e _ta gan en til_] _sze mu-12-kam2_ (disz)u2-ma-kusz sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-[szat]-su _lugal mu_-szu2 na-bu-u2

AI Translation

Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, which is called king Artaxerxes.


Diary from month IX to the end of month XII, year 12 of Umakush, who is called king Artaxerxes.

X103570: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x# [...]

[...]+1/2 _kusz3_ sin 8 _si#_ [...]

[...] ana _nim gub ge6 10_+[x ...]

[...] _gu3 u an#_ ne2-hi _pisan_ i _dib ge6 10_+[x ...]

[...] _nu pap_ ina 40 _me_ ana _szu2_ szamasz2 _an-ku10_ sin _bar dib usan#_ [...]

[... _ge6 15_] sin _sig dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 2 kusz3 15 mul2-babbar_ ana _me e#_ [...]

AI Translation

...+1/2 cubit, the moon being 8 fingers .

... stood to the east. Night of the 10+xth, .

... slow thunder, a little PISAN DIB. Night of the 10+xth, .

... I did not watch; at 40° before sunset; lunar eclipse, ..., omitted; first part of the night, .

... Night of the 15th, the moon was 2 cubits below gamma Virginis. The 15th, Jupiter's acronychal rising .


... ... ...

...+1/2 cubit, the moon being 8 fingers ...

... stood to the east. Night of the 10+xth, ...

... thunder, slow rain, a little PISAN DIB. Night of the 10+xth, ...

... I did not watch. At 40° before sunset, lunar eclipse, excluded, omitted; first part of the night, ...

... Night of the 15th, the moon was 2 cubits below gamma Virginis. The 15th, Jupiter's acronychal rising ...



[...] 1 _kusz3 8 si 17 an-bar7_ ni-di _a2_ x# [...]

[...] _dib_(?)# _ta 12 en 18 illu 1_/2 _kusz3 lal_-is _ge6 19_ x# [...]

[...] _pisan_(?)# _mah dib gu3 u_ i in _en 19 an_ ana _szu2_ ki _usz#_-[a ...]

[... _ge6_] 21 ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_-szil-tah-_pa-bil_ x# [...]

[...] _kusz3 du_(?) _ge6 24 usan gir2_ ina _ulu3 gir2#_ [...]

[...] x# 16 _me_ ana _szu2_-e szamasz2 szamasz2 _an-ku10 a2_ [...]

[...] u _zalag2_ ina _an-ku10_-szu2 _ulu3_ sza2 [...]

[...] x x# [...]

AI Translation

... 1 cubit 8 fingers. The 17th, at noon, a little ... on the side of ... .

... passed?. From the 12th to the 18th, the river level receded 1/2 cubit. Night of the 19th, ... .

... much PISAN DIB, thunder, a little PISAN DIB. Around the 19th, when Mars became stationary to the west, .

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi ... .

... cubits, it thundered. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, lightning flashed in the south .

... ... 16° before sunset, solar eclipse on the ... side .

... and clearing; in its eclipse, the south wind which .


... 1 cubit 8 fingers. The 17th, around noon, a cloud bank to the side of ... ...

... ... From the 12th to the 18th, the river level receded 1/2 cubit. Night of the 19th, ... ...

... much PISAN DIB, a little thunder. Around the 19th, when Mars became stationary to the west, ...

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind theta Ophiuchi ...

... cubits ... Night of the 24th, first part of the night, lightning flashed in the south ...

... ... At 16° before sunset, solar eclipse on the ... side ...

... and clearing; during its eclipse, the south wind which ...

... ... ...

X103610: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta ab#_ [...]

[ina a-mat (d)_en_] u (d)_gaszan_-ia2 lisz-lim

AI Translation

Diary from month I .

At the command of Bel and Beltiya may it go well.


Diary from month X ...

At the command of Bel and Beltiya may it be well.



[... _mu 43_]-_kam2_ (disz)ar-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-tak-szat-su _lugal_ [...]

[...] _an_ ana _nim lal ge6 3 3 an utah_ x# [...]

[... _ge6 5 sag_] _ge6_ sin ar2 _genna 2 kusz3 8 si_ ana _nim#_ [_gub_ ...]

[...] _kusz3# ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2#_-[_babbar_ ...]

[... sin _n n_ ana] _nim dib#_ ina _igi an 1 kusz3#_ [ana _szu2 gub_ ...]

AI Translation

... year 43 of Arses who is called king Artaxerxes.

... Mars being back to the east. Night of the 3rd and the 3rd, rain shower ... .

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits 8 fingers behind Saturn to the east .

... cubits. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind Jupiter .

... the moon having passed ... to the east, it stood 1 cubit in front of Mars to the west .


... year 43 of Arses, who is called king Artaxerxes ...

... Mars being ... back to the east. Night of the 3rd and the 3rd, rain shower ... ...

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits 8 fingers behind Saturn to the east ...

... cubits. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was behind Jupiter ...

... the moon having passed to the east, it stood 1 cubit in front of Mars to the west ...



[...] ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _lugal#_ [...]

[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e] sza2 _ta ab en til dir-sze mu-43#_-[_kam2_ ...]

[...] _szu-ii_ (disz)_tin_-su-(d)_en dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-A-[_mu_(?) ...]

AI Translation

... after the death of king Artaxerxes .

Diary from month I to the end of month XII2, year 43 .

... Hand of Balatu-Bel, son of Bel-aplu-iddin .


... Arses, who is called king Artaxerxes

Diary from month X to the end of month XII2, year 43 ...

... Hand of Uballissu-Bel, son of Bel-apla-...

X103661: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] sza2# _alla_

[... _ge6 7 sag_] _ge6_ sin _sig lugal_

[...] _igi# szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3_

[... _sag_] _ge6#_ sin ina _igi_

[...] x# _tur3 nigin2_

[...] x# [... _ge6_] 12 _usan_

[...] x# 12 ina _kin-sig#_ [...] 13 _gir2 gu3 u_

x _gisz#_-gap2-nu u _gisz-giszimmar_ [... ra-a]-du(?)# _pisan mah dib ulu3_ u _kur_

_gin-me 13 9 szu2 dir nu pap ge6 14 sag ge6#_ [sin ina _igi mul2_-_murub4_-sza2-_sag_]-_gir2-tab 3 kusz3_ ina _zalag2 szu2_

_an utah gir2_ i ina _ulu3 gir2 14 20 ninda_ na _dir_ [...] _gir2_ ina _ulu3 gir2_

ina _an-bar7 gu3 u an utah ge6 15 5 me sag_ [_ge6_ sin ... _si4 ... usan gu4-ud_ ina] _igi_

_mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 1 kusz3 20 si gu4-ud_ ana _si gub ge6#_ [16 ina _zalag2_ sin ... _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_kir4_]-szil#-_pa_

2 2/3 _kusz3 an_ ina _igi gu4-ud 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub dir_ x# [...] 17 _gir2#_

_gu3 u an dul ge6 18 gir2 gu3 u mah an_ x# [...]

ana _szu2 gub 18_ ina sze-ri3 _szu2 an utah 19_ ina _kin-sig#_ [... _tir-an-na_]

ina _kur gib ge6 20 usan gir2 gir2-me_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 ... ge6 24_]

ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi dur_-nu-nu 2 _kusz3 8 si_ x# [...]

27# 11 _kur 29 an dul si szar2 ta_ [...]

ina 22 _gu4-ud_ ar2 _gigir szu2_ ina 28 _an_ ina _gigir_(?)# [_szu2_ ...]

ina _murub4 itu 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til itu# 1_(_barig_) [...]

_sze-gisz_ ina _sag itu 1_(_ban2_) 4 1/2 qa ina _til#_ [_itu_ ...]

dele-bat _gu4-ud_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2_-u _nu igi-me itu bi illu#_ [...] _gu4 30_ a-kam2 i sin _nu igi 14_ na ina _bar-sip-ki igi_(?)# [...]

_gu4 30_ a-kam2 i sin _nu igi 14_ na ina _bar-sip-ki igi_(?)# [...]

_ge6 4_ sin ar2 _mul2_ ar2-_me_ sza2 _alla 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 5 sag_ [_ge6 ... ge6 6_]

_sag# ge6_ sin _sig mul2_-_tur_-sza2-4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal 1 kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3#_ [...]

[_ge6_] 7 _sag ge6 gir2_ ina _mar gir2_ sin ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a_ [...]

[x x] x# _ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1_ x# [...]

[_ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin e _sa4_-sza2]-_absin# 1 kusz3 8 si si szar2#_ [...]

[...] x# [...] [...] ana _si nim_ [...]

[...] ana _si nim_ [...]

[...]-szir3-' 13 szamasz2 ina _dir_(?)# [_szu2_]

[...] _utah#_ a-szam-sza2-a-tum _nigin2_ x#

[...] szamasz2# ina _dir szu2 15 7-30_ na

[...] _ge6 18 szu2 18 dir an za_

[...] _an# utah 24 gu4-ud_

[...] x x#

AI Translation

... of Cancer

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Leonis

... in front of zeta Tauri

... beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of

... ... was surrounded by a halo

... ... ... Night of the 12th, first part of the night,

... ... The 12th, in the afternoon, ... The 13th, lightning, thunder,

... ebony and date palms ... much? PISAN DIB, the south and east winds

blew. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9°; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of delta Scorpii; last part of the night, overcast.

rain shower, lightning flashed, a little in the south. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 20'; clouds ... lightning flashed in the south.

at noon, thunder, rain shower. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5°; beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Scorpii ... first part of the night, Mercury was

Geminorum, it stood 1 cubit 20 fingers in front of Mercury to the north. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... theta Ophiuchi,

Mars stood 1 2/3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west; clouds ... ... The 17th, lightning

thunder, rain DUL. Night of the 18th, lightning, much thunder, rain ... .

to the west. The 18th, in the morning, overcast, rain shower. The 19th, in the afternoon, ... a rainbow

was in the east. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, lightning flashed; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni ... Night of the 24th,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of eta Piscium ... .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°. The 29th, rain DUL, gusty north wind; from .

around the 22nd, Mercury's last appearance behind the Chariot; around the 28th, Mars' last appearance in the Chariot? .

in the middle of the month, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu .

sesame, in the beginning of the month, 1 sutu 4 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, .

Venus, Mercury, and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level .

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... .

Night of the 4th, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind the rear stars of Cancer. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, ... Night of the 6th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below rho Leonis, the moon being 1/2 cubit .

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, lightning flashed continuously in the west; the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis .

... ... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 ... in front of gamma Virginis .

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis; gusty north wind .

... ... ... high to the north .

... high to the north .

... ... The 13th, the sun set in a cloud?.

... a little rain shower, a rainbow stretched .

... the sun set in a cloud. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30'.

... Night of the 18th, overcast. The 18th, clouds were in the sky.

... rain shower. The 24th, Mercury


... of Cancer

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was below alpha Leonis

... in front of zeta Tauri

... beginning of the night, the moon was in front of

... was surrounded by a halo

... ... ... Night of the 12th, first part of the night,

... ... The 12th, in the afternoon, ... Night of the 13th, lightning, thunder

...# bush and date palm ... cloud burst? much PISAN DIB, south and east winds

blew. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9°; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of delta Scorpii; last part of the night, overcast,

rain shower, a little lightning flashed in the south. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 20'; clouds ... lightning flashed in the south;

around noon, thunder, rain shower. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5°; beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Scorpii; first part of the night, Mercury was

1 cubit 20 fingers in front of eta Geminorum, Mercury stood to the north. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits ... theta Ophiuchi;

Mars stood 1 2/3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west; clouds ... ... The 17th, lightning,

thunder, rain DUL. Night of the 18th, lightning, much thunder, rain ...

stood to the west. The 18th, in the morning, overcast, rain shower. The 19th, in the afternoon, ... a rainbow

stretched in the east. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, lightning flashed continuously; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni ... Night of the 24th,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of eta Piscium. ... ...

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°. The 29th, rain DUL, gusty north wind. From ...

Around the 22nd, Mercury's last appearance behind the Chariot. Around the 28th, Mars' last appearance in the Chariot? ...

in the middle of the month, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu ...

sesame, at the beginning of the month, 1 sutu 4 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, ...

Venus, Mercury, and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, the river level ...

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; a little mist, I did not see the moon; sunset to moonset: 14°; in Borsippa it was seen? ...

Night of the 4th, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind the rear stars of Cancer. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, ... Night of the 6th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below rho Leonis, the moon being 1/2 cubit ...

Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, lightning flashed in the west; the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis. ...

... ... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 ... in front of gamma Virginis ...

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis; gusty north wind ...

... ... ...

... high to the north ...

... ... The 13th, the sun ... in a cloud?

... rain shower, tornadoes? whirled? ...

... the sun set in a cloud. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30'

... Night of the 18th, overcast. The 18th, clouds were in the sky.

... rain shower. The 24th, Mercury

... ...

Obverse Column ii


[_sig2 n_] ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _rin2#_ [...]

_an_ sza2 _szu2_-u _nu igi itu bi lu2_-paq#-[du ...]

[_lu2_]-_erin2_-ni _lugal_ s,al-tu2 ana lib3-bi _lu2-erin2_-ni [...]

_kur#_-u2 sza2 bi-rit _id2-me du3-me_-ma _lu2#_ [...]

sza2 bi-rit _id2-me gaz-me itu bi_ x# [...]

sza2 _e2-sag-il2_ ina a-mat _lugal_ a-na x# [...]

_e3-me itu bi u4-19 lu2-agrig_ [...]

ina szu-sza2-an-_ki_ ana mu-ma-'i-ir-u2-tu [...]

25 (disz)tat-tan-nu _lu2-gal_ um-mu [...]

_itu bi lu2-gig an-ti-la#_ [...] _sig 1 15_ na sin _sig#_ [...]

_sig 1 15_ na sin _sig#_ [...]

_ge6 3 sag ge6_ [...] 2/3# _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ [...]

_sag ge6_ x# [...] sin ina _igi# rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ar2# [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin_ ...]

sin ina _igi# rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ar2# [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin_ ...]

[...] [...]

5# 6 _zi ir ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi si4 1 kusz3_ [...]

[... _ge6 7_(?) _sag ge6_] sin ar2# _mul2-babbar 2 kusz3_ ana _nim gub_ [...]

2/3 _kusz3 10 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _ur-a 3 kusz3_ ina _igi_ dele-bat ana _szu2 igi 16_ [na-su in 8 _igi_]

_ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi genna 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 12_ [...] [... ana _szu2_] _igi 16_ na-su in 8 _igi_

sin 8 _si_ ana _ulu3 sig ge6_ sin e _suhur#_-[_masz2_ ...]

_ge6 14 6-50 me 14 11_ na _ge6 15 8-30 ge6#_ [...] [... _ge6_] 13 _sag ge6_ sin# [e] _suhur#_-_masz2 3 kusz3 13 7-40 szu2 ge6 14 6-50 me 14 11_ na# [...]

_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ [sin ina] _igi_(?)# _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2 _kusz2 ge6 19#_ [...] [... _mul2_-_kur_]-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2 _kusz3 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-mul2# 2 kusz3 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ is-le10 1 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 20_+[x ...] [...] x# _du ge6 22 szu2_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 2 kusz3 22 dir an za ge6 25#_ [...]

AI Translation

wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Libra .

Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, the prefect .

The king's troops ... a battle against the troops .

The mountain between rivers is made and a man .

which were between the rivers were destroyed. That month, ... .

of Esangil at the command of the king to ... .

went out. That month, the 19th day, the overseer .

In Susa for the satrap .

25 BC Tattannu, chief of the .

That month, the sick man ... .

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 15°; the moon was below .

Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, ... 2/3 cubit, the moon being 1/2 cubit .

beginning of the night, ... ... the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Librae. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis .

the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Librae. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis .

The 5th and the 6th, ZI IR. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii .

... Night of the 7th?, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits behind Jupiter to the east .

2/3 cubit. The 10th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Leo, 3 cubits in front of Venus to the west, rising of Mercury to sunrise: 16°; ideal first appearance on the 8th.

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 12th, ... ... it was set towards the west; rising of Saturn to sunrise: 16°; ideal first appearance on the 8th.

the moon being 8 fingers low to the south. Night of the moon was ... above delta Capricorni .

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50'. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 30' ... ... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above delta Capricorni. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 40'. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50'. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front? of eta Piscium. Night of the 19th, ... ... eta Piscium. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri .

... Night of the 20+xth, ... ... ... Night of the 22nd, overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below eta Geminorum. The 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, .


wool, ... minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Libra ...

Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, ... ...

the troops of the king fought against the troops of the ...

mountain between the rivers and the ...

between the rivers were killed. That month, ... ...

of Esagil at the command of the king to ... ...

went out. That month, the 19th day, the administrator ...

in Susa to the governorship ...

on the 25th Tattannu, the chief ... ...

That month, sick people recovered? ...

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 15°; the moon was low ...

Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, ... 13 2/3 cubit, the moon being 1/2 cubit ...

beginning of the night, ... ...

the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Librae. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis ...


The 5th and the 6th, ZI IR. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii ...

... Night of the 7th?, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits behind Jupiter to the east ...

2/3 cubit. The 10th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Leo, 3 cubits in front of Venus to the west; sunset to setting of Mercury: 16°; ideal first appearance on the 8th.

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 12th, ...

the moon being 8 fingers low to the south. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above Capricorn. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 40'.

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50'. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11°. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 30'. ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front? of eta Piscium. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of eta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri. ...

... ... Night of the 22nd, overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below eta Geminorum. The 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, ...

Obverse Column iii


[28 _an 1 1_/2 _kusz3_] ar2# _lugal_ [...] [...] _ge6 27 szu2 27 17-20 kur 28 an 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 _lugal_ ana _nim igi 22_ na-su in 15 _igi#_ [...]

[x x] _itu# bi ki-lam_ sze-im# [...]

[x x] ka#-si 1 _gur 3_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) _za3_ x# [...] [...] _zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_)(?) ka-si 1(_gur_) 2(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) _za3 3_(_ban2_) 3 qa _sze-gisz 3_(_ban2_)(?) 3 qa ina _til itu_ [...]

i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _rin2_ dele-bat u _gu4-ud_ ina _sag#_ [_absin_ ...]

_genna_ ina _til pa 28 an_ ina _ur-a igi itu_ [_bi_ ...] [...] _an#_ ina _ur-a igi itu bi illu 2_/3 _kusz3 lal_ x# [...]

ina 29 _genna_ ina _pa usz nu pap_ [...] _ne 1 19_ na ina szamasz2 _gub igi_ sin ina _igi_ [_gu4-ud n n_]

_ne 1 19_ na ina szamasz2 _gub igi_ sin ina _igi_ [_gu4-ud n n_]

sin 8 _si_ ana _si nim_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 1 2/3# [_kusz3_ ...] [... sin 8] _si_ ana# _si nim_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 1 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub_ sin 8 _si_ ana _ulu3#_ [_sig_ ...]

_ge6 2_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1_+[...]

_ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2-babbar_ [... _ge6 5 sag ge6_]

sin e _mul2_-_an-ta_-sza2-_sag_-_gir2_-[_tab 1 kusz3_ ... dele-bat] [...] 1 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 kusz3_ sin# [...]

e _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 kusz3 8_ [_si_ ...]

_gu4-ud_ ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 1_/2 [_kusz3_ ...] [... _gu4-ud_ ina _igi_] _sa4#_-sza2-_absin 1_/2 _kusz3 gu4-ud 8 si_ ana _ulu3 sig ge6 7_ ina _zalag2 mul2 gal_ sza2 ma-gal _kur_ [ina _murub4 an_-e ...]

_mul2 gal_ sza2 ma-gal _kur4_ ina _murub4 an#_-[e ...]

[... _ge6 9_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 _genna 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub 9 dir an_ [...]

[... _ge6 9_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 _genna 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub 9 dir an_ [...]

[... 12] 15#-30 _szu2 ge6 13 9 me 56 ge6_ ana _kur_ szamasz2 _tag4_ sin _an-ku10 a2 kur_ u _ulu3#_ [...]

[...] _kusz3_ ar2 qup-pu ar2 sza2 _gu_ a-dir _si gin_ asz2-sza2 _an-ku10_-szu2 _an_(?)# [...]

[... x]+20 _me nu_ [_pap_ ...]

[...] _zi ir# 14 dir an za zi#_ [_ir_ ...] [...] _zi ir 14 dir an za zi ir#_ [x x x] x# [...]

[_zi_] _ir# ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2-mul2 1 1_/2 [_kusz3_ ...]

2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3#_ [... _ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_] [...] _szur#_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

sin ar2 _masz-masz_-sza2-_sipa 1 kusz3 ge6 21 usan#_ [...]

ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2 _lal2 ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ [...] [...] sin# ina _igi mul2#_ [...]

_ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig lugal 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ [...]

25 ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6 26_ ina _zalag2#_ [...]

27 14 _kur 28 an-ku10_ szamasz2 [...]

_ge6 29 u4-zal dir an za 29#_ [...]

_itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im 1 _pi 3_ [qa ...]

_zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) 3 qa ka-si 2(_gur_) [...]

i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gir2-tab_ dele-bat ina [...]

_genna_ ina _til pa an_ ina _ur-a gu4-ud_ sza2# [_szu2_-u _nu igi_ ...] _kin 30 14_ na _ge6 3 sag ge6#_ [... sin]

_kin 30 14_ na _ge6 3 sag ge6#_ [... sin]

ar2 _mul2-babbar 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1 _kusz3_ ana [...]

sin 1 _kusz3 20 si_ ana _si nim#_ [...]

dele-bat 4 _si_ ana _nim#_ [...]

AI Translation

The 28th, Mars was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis ... ... Night of the 27th, overcast. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 20'. The 28th, Mars' first appearance 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis to the east; rising of Mars to sunrise: 22°; ideal first appearance on the 15th .

... That month, the equivalent was: barley, .

... mustard, 1 kurru 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, ... ... ... dates, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu?; mustard, 1 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu; cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 3 sutu? 3 qa, at the end of the month, .

At that time, Jupiter was in Libra; Venus and Mercury were in the beginning of Virgo .

Saturn was in the end of Sagittarius. The 28th, Mars' first appearance in Leo. That month, ... ... Mars' first appearance in Leo. That month, the river level receded 2/3 cubit ... .

around the 29th, Saturn became stationary in Sagittarius; I did not watch .

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 19°; it could be seen while the sun stood there; the moon was ... in front of Mercury.

the moon being 8 fingers high to the north, it stood 1 2/3 cubits in front of Venus ... ... the moon being 8 fingers high to the north, it stood 1 2/3 cubits in front of Venus to the west, the moon being 8 fingers low to the south .

Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1+x mm behind alpha Virginis .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of Jupiter ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit above beta Scorpii ... Venus stood 1 1/2 cubits to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit above beta Scorpii, the moon being .

1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis .

Mercury was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Virginis ... ... Mercury was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Virginis, Mercury being 8 fingers low to the south. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, a meteor which was very bright ... in the middle of the sky .

a meteor which was very bright in the middle of the sky .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni, it stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Saturn to the east. The 9th, clouds ... the sky .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni, it stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Saturn to the east. The 9th, clouds ... the sky .

... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 15° 30'. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 56'; it was dark in the east; lunar eclipse, on the east and south side .

... cubits behind the 'station' of the 'finger'; it was cloudy, the north wind blew, because of its eclipse, rain? .

... moonrise to sunset: x+20'; I did not watch .

... ZI IR. The 14th, clouds were in the sky, ZI IR .

ZI IR. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind eta Tauri .

Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind zeta Tauri ... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, ... zeta Tauri was 1 2/3 cubits .

the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Geminorum. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, .

last part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Geminorum. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, ... ... the moon was ... in front of .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Leonis .

The 25th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. The 28th, solar eclipse .

Night of the 29th, in the morning watch, clouds were in the sky. The 29th, .

That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 3 qa .

dates, 1 panu 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 2 kurru .

At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius; Venus was in .

Saturn was in the end of Sagittarius; Mars was in Leo; Mercury, which had set, was not visible .

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14°. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, ... the moon was

1/2 cubit behind Jupiter, the moon being 1 cubit to .

the moon being 1 cubit 20 fingers high to the north .

Venus being 4 fingers high to the north .


... Night of the 27th, overcast. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 20'. The 28th, Mars' first appearance 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis to the east; rising of Mars to sunrise: 22°; ideal first appearance on the 15th ...

That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ...; dates, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu?;

mustard, 1 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu var.: 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 3? sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, ...

At that time, Jupiter was in Libra; Venus and Mercury were in the beginning of Virgo ...

Saturn was in the end of Sagittarius. On the 28th, Mars' first appearance in Leo. That month, the river level receded 2/3 cubit ... ...

around the 29th, Saturn became stationary in Sagittarius; I did not watch. ...

Month V, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 19°; it could be seen while the sun stood there; the moon was in front of Mercury? ...

the moon being 8 fingers high to the north, it stood 1 2/3 cubits in front of Venus to the west, the moon being 8 fingers low to the south ...

Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1+x ... behind alpha Virginis ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit above beta Scorpii, the moon being ... Venus

1 cubit 8 fingers above alpha Virginis ...

Mercury was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Virginis, Mercury being 8 fingers low to the south. Night of the 7th, last part of the night,

a meteor which was very bright in the middle of the sky ...

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of beta Capricorni, it stood 1 1/2 cubits behind Saturn to the east. The 9th, clouds ...

... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 15° 30'. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 9°. When 56° night were left to sunrise, lunar eclipse; on the south-east side ...

... cubits behind the rear container of Aquarius it was eclipsed; the north wind blew. During its eclipse Mars? ...

... ... ...

... ZI IR. The 14th, clouds were in the sky, ZI IR ...

ZI IR. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind eta Tauri ...

2 1/2 cubits. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind zeta Tauri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Geminorum. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, ...;

last part of the night, the moon was balanced below beta Geminorum. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, ...

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Leonis ...

The 25th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, ...

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. The 28th, solar eclipse, ...

Night of the 29th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 29th, ...

That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 3 qa ...

dates, 1 panu 4 sutu 3 qa; mustard, 2? kurru ...

At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius, Venus was in ...

Saturn was in the end of Sagittarius; Mars was in Leo; Mercury, which had set, was not visible ...

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14°. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, ... the moon was

1/2 cubit behind Jupiter, the moon being 1 cubit to ...

the moon being 1 cubit 20 fingers high to the north ...

Venus having passed to the east 4 fingers ...

Obverse Column iv


[...] 30# _me_

[...] ana _nim dib_

[...] _n# kusz3 14 13_ na

[...] _usan# mul2-babbar sig_

[...] _si_ ana _szu2 lal_

[... _ge6_] 17 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_

_szur_-_gigir_-[sza2-_ulu3 ... ge6_] 18# ina _zalag2_ sin e

_masz-masz_-[sza2-_sipa_ ...] ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2#-me_

[...] _sa4_-sza2-_absin_

[...] 2/3 _kusz3_

[...] ana _szu2 lal_

[...] [...] _kusz3_(?)# 27 24# [_kur_ ...]

[...] _kusz3_(?)# 27 24# [_kur_ ...]

[...] _kusz3 30_ ina _kin-sig dir#_ [...]

sze-im# 1 _pi_ [x]+1 qa _zu2-lum_ la-bi-ri 1(_barig_) [...]

ka-si 1 _gur 2_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) _za3 4_(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 3_(_ban2_) _sig2#_ [_n ma-na_ a-na 1 _gin2_]

_ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ u dele-bat ina _gir2_-[_tab_ ...]

_an_ ina _absin gu4-ud_ ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2 itu_ [_bi_ ...] _du6 1 19_ na

_du6 1 19_ na

[_en-nun_ sza2] gi-ne2-e# sza2 _ta#_ [_bar en til kin mu_]-38#-_kam2_

[(disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _mu_-szu2] _sa4#_-u2

AI Translation

... moonrise to sunset: nn°.

... having passed to the east

... cubits. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 13°.

... first part of the night, Jupiter was below

... being ... back to the west

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below

... zeta Tauri ... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... above

Geminorum ... last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of the stars

... alpha Virginis

... 2/3 cubit

... back to the west

... ... cubits?. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24° .

... cubits?. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24° .

... cubits. The 30th, in the afternoon, clouds .

barley, 1 panu x+1 qa; dates, old, 1 panu .

mustard, 1 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu; cress, 4 sutu; sesame, 3 sutu; wool, nn minas were sold for 1 shekel.

silver, low. At that time, Jupiter and Venus were in Scorpius .

Mars was in Virgo; Mercury was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra. That month, .

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 19°.

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 38,

Arses, whose other name is Artaxerxes,


... moonrise to sunset: x+30'.

... having passed to the east

... nn cubits. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 13°.

... first part of the night, Jupiter was below

... being back to the west ... fingers.

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below zeta Tauri

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... above gamma Geminorum

..., last part of the night, the moon was in front of the stars

... alpha Virginis

... 2/3 cubits

... being back to the west

... ...

... cubits?. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24#° ...

... cubits. The 30th, in the afternoon, clouds ... That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was:

barley#, 1 panu x+1 qa; old dates, 1 panu ...

mustard, 1 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu; cress, 4 sutu; sesame, 3 sutu; wool, ... minas.

At that time, Jupiter and Venus were in Scorpius, ...

Mars was in Virgo; Mercury was in Virgo, at the end of the month in Libra. That month, ...

Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 19°.

Diary from month I to the end of month VI, year 38 of

Arses who is called Artaxerxes



[... _mu_]-38#-_kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar2#-[tak-szat-su ...]

AI Translation

... year 38 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes


... year 38 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes



[...] _en# til kin mu-38-kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-su _mu_-[szu2 ...]

AI Translation

... to the end of month VI, year 38 of Arses, whose other name is Artaxerxes .


... to the end of month VI, year 38 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes



[...] _en til kin mu-38-kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 _lugal_ sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat#-[su] _lugal mu_-szu2 [...]

AI Translation

... to the end of month VI, year 38, king Arses, whose royal name is Artaxerxes .


... to the end of month VI, year 38 of king Arses who is called king Artaxerxes

X103670: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] _igi#_

[...] x#

[...] _mul2_-ar2#-sza2-_alla#_-sza2-_ulu3_

[...] _tur3# nigin2_ ma-disz iq-tur7 _ge6 12_

[...] _illu 4 si lal ge6 14 sag ge6_

[... a-kam2] musz# sin _ta_ a-kam2 ki E-a al 1/2 i

[_tag4_ ...] _si#_ u _mar zalag2 1-7 gar ir2_ u _zalag2_

[... ki(?)] iz#-ku-u2 _mul2-babbar e_-a ina 10 _usz me_ ana _szu2_ szamasz2

[...] 16# _illu 2 kusz3_ ba-ab 3 _kusz3 20 si_

[...] ana _szu2 lal# 18 dir an za ge6 19_

[...] x# 22 _dir an dib ta_

[...] x# ar2 _genna 3 kusz3_ ana _nim gub_

AI Translation

... will experience .

... delta Cancri

... was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night of the 12th,

... the river level receded 4 fingers. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night,

... measured despite mist; when the moon came out of the mist, it was 1/2 i.

leftovers ... the north and west winds blew. The 1st, moonrise to sunrise: 7°; it was bright, maximal phase, and cleared.

... when? it became stationary, Jupiter came out; at 10° before sunset

... The 16th, the river level - remainder? 2 cubits - remained constant 3 cubits 20 fingers

... being back to the west. The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th,

... ... The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. From

... ... stood 3 cubits behind Saturn to the east


... ...

... ...

... delta Cancri

... was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. Night of the 12th,

... the river level receded 4 fingers. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night,

... measured despite mist; when the moon came out from the mist, a little more than half

of the disc was eclipsed ... it cleared on the north-west side; 1,7° onset, totality and clearing;

... when? it had cleared, Jupiter came out; the eclipse began at 10° before sunset

... The 16th, the river level - remainder? 2 cubits - ... 3 cubits 20 fingers

... being back to the west. The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 19th,

... ... The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. From

... ... stood 3 cubits behind Saturn to the east.



[... _ta_] 23 _en 26 illu 20 si_

[... _dir_] _an# dib 28 an-ku10_ szamasz2#

[...] 5(_ban2_) sah-le10 4(_ban2_) _sze_-[_gisz-i3_]

[... ina] _hun-ga2 gu4-ud_ sza2 [_szu2_-u2 _nu igi_]


[...] x# _im szar2 dir an za_

[...] _sag# ge6_ sin

[...] 28#

[...] x#

[...] 4 _si#_ [x x]

[...] _szar2_

AI Translation

... from the 23rd to the 26th, the river level ... 20 fingers

... clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, solar eclipse.

... 5 sutu; cress, 4 sutu; sesame,

... in Aries; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

... gusty wind, clouds were in the sky.

... beginning of the night, the moon was

... 28

... 4 fingers .

... gusty ...


... from the 23rd to the 26th, the river level ... 20 fingers.

... clouds crossed the sky. The 28th, solar eclipse

which was omitted ... 5 sutu; cress, 4 sutu; sesame,

... was in Aries; Mercury, which had set, was not visible


... gusty wind, clouds were in the sky.

... beginning of the night, the moon

... ... The 28th

... ...

... 4 fingers ...

... gusty? ...

X103680: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[x x] _ge6_(?)# 2 x# [... _ge6 5_]

[_usan_] sin# _sig lugal 2 kusz3_(?)# [...]

[_ge6_] 7 _usan_ sin ina _igi_ [_giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a n n_ ...]

8 ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6#_ [... _ge6 11 usan_ sin ...]

[_rin2_]-sza2-_ulu3 2 1_/2 _kusz3 gu4-ud sig masz-masz_-ar2# [...]

_dir_ u hi-lu _an dib_ szamasz2 ina pit2(?)-[nu ...]

_ge6 13 20 me 13 11-10_ na _nu pap#_ [...]

_ta 30_ sza2 _bar en 13 illu_ [...]

_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-[_suhur_-_masz2 n n_ ...]

dele-bat e is-le10 2 1/2 _kusz3_ dele-bat [...]

_gu4-ud_ ana _ulu3 sig_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ [...]

28 ina sze-ri3 _dir an za_ x x# [...]

ka-si 3 _pi_ [...]

i-[nu-szu2 ...]

AI Translation

... Night? of the 2nd, ... ... Night of the 5th,

first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below alpha Leonis .

Night of the 7th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis .

The 8th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night ... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was .

2 1/2 cubits below alpha Librae; Mercury was ... below beta Geminorum .

clouds and haze crossed the sky; the sun was in a "box"? .

Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 20°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 10'; I did not watch .

from the 30th of month I to the 13th, the river level .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni .

Venus was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Tauri; Venus .

Mercury being low to the south; last part of the night, the moon was in front of .

The 28th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky ... .

mustard, 3 panu .

At that time .


... Night of the 2nd?, ... ... Night of the 5th,

first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below alpha Leonis ...

Night of the 7th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Virginis ...

The 8th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night ... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 1/2 cubits ... alpha Librae; Mercury was ... below beta Geminorum ...

clouds and haze crossed the sky; the sun ... in a "box"? ...

Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 20°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 10'; I did not watch. ...

From the 30th of month I to the 13th, the river level ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni ...

Venus was 2 1/2 cubits above alpha Tauri, Venus being ...

Mercury being low to the south; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ...

The 28th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky; ... ...

mustard, 3 panu ...

at that time, ...



x# [...]

e _giri3_-[ar2-sza2-_ur-a_ ...]

is-le10 1 _kusz3#_ [...]

dele-bat _sig masz-masz_-ar2 [...]

2(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) [...]

sah-le10 3(_ban2_) 3 qa _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) 4 qa [...]

_genna_ ina _pa-bil an_ u _gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u _nu igi#-me_ [...]

_lu2-gig-me an-ti-la_ ina _kur gal2#_ [...] _szu 30 14-30_ na _kur4 ge6 3 sag ge6#_ [...]

_szu 30 14-30_ na _kur4 ge6 3 sag ge6#_ [...]

3 _an 8 usz_ ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2 1/2 _kusz3_ ar2 dele-bat# [...]

in 22 sza2 _sig igi u4 bi gu4-ud 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [...]

_ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [...]

1 1/2 _kusz3 5_ dele-bat ana _an_ u _gu4-ud_ ana _nim_ [...]

_sag_-_gir2-tab 3 kusz3 ge6 7 sag ge6_ [...]

[_mul2_-_kur_]-sza2-szil-tah#-_pa-bil 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[...] [...]

AI Translation

above beta Virginis .

1 cubit ... alpha Tauri .

Venus was ... below beta Geminorum .

2 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 1 sutu .

cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 1 sutu 4 qa .

Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars and Mercury, which had set, were not visible .

there were sick people in the land .

Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14° 30'; it was bright. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, .

The 3rd, Mars was 8 fingers behind beta Geminorum, 1/2 cubit behind Venus .

ideal first appearance on the 22nd of month III. That day, Mercury was 1/2 cubit .

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis .

The 5th, Venus' acronychal rising to the east and Mercury to the east .

3 cubits ... beta Scorpii. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, .

1 1/2 cubits ... theta Ophiuchi .


1 finger ...

above beta Virginis ...

1 cubit ... alpha Tauri ...

Venus was below beta Geminorum ...

2 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 1 sutu ...

cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 1 sutu 4 qa ...

Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars and Mercury, which had set, were not visible ...

There was recovery? of sick people in the land ...

Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14° 30'.; it was bright. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, ...

The 3rd, Mars was 8° behind beta Geminorum, 1/2 cubit behind Venus ...

ideal first appearance around the 22nd of month III. That day, Mercury was 1/2 cubit ...

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Virginis ...

1 1/2 cubits. The 5th, Venus ... towards Mars and Mercury to the east ...

3 cubits ...beta/delta Scorpii. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, ...

1 1/2 cubits ... theta Ophiuchi ...

... ... ...



_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar_ x# [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I ... .


Diary from month I ...

X103690: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x _kusz3 ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

[...] _ge6 26_ sin ina _kur_-szu2 _si_ [...]

[...] _szed7#_ dan-nu _szed7_(?) x#

[...] x sze-am(?) 2(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) 3 qa x x#

[...] _illu# tar_-is# [...] x _ge6 4 4_ [...]

[...] x _ge6 4 4_ [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... x cubits. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, .

... Night of the 26th, the moon was ... in its northern horn .

... it is very cold, it is very cold .

... ... barley?, 2 panu 4 sutu 3 qa .

... the river level receded ... ... Night of the 4th and the 4th, .

... ... Night of the 4th and the 4th, .


... nn# cubits. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, ...

... Night of the 26th, at the last appearance of the moon, ... ...

... severe cold ...

... barley, 2 panu 4 sutu 3 qa ...

... the high water was cut off.

... ... Night of the 4th and the 4th, ...

... ... ...



[...] x#

[...] _im# szar2 an utah_

[...] _ur-a nu kur_-ad2(?)# _usz_ u ana _nim lal_

[...] _ulu3# szar2 szir_ ina 6 _usz me 1_/3 _hab_-rat _szu2_-im

[... _ki-lam_] sze#-im 1(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 2_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ina _til itu_

[...] 1 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a_

[...] 7 sza2 _bar mu-36-kam2 illu 2 kusz3 8 si_

[... _erin2_]-_mesz_-szu2 id-ke-e-ma ana s,al-tum ina _kur_ ra-za-un-du

[...] x#-nu-uh _ta til_ ur-hu _sud3_-tu2

[...] x# nu x x x# a-na

[...] x x#

AI Translation

... gusty wind, rain shower

... he did not reach ...; he died and went back to the east.

... gusty south wind, it thundered for 6° 6°/3 of second.

... the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu; dates, 2 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month,

... 1 shekel of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo;

... The 7th, which was set for the 36th year, the river level - remainder? 2 cubits 8 fingers -

... his troops trembled and to fight in the land of Zandu

... ... from the end of the extispicy

... ... to


... ...

... gusty wind, rain shower.

... Jupiter did not reach ... of Leo, became stationary and went back to the east

... gusty south wind ... at 6° night 1/3 of the disc was covered.

... the equivalent for 1 shekel of refined silver was: barley, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu; dates, 2 panu 1 sutu, at the end of the month,

... At that time, Jupiter was in Leo;

... to the 7th of month I of year 36, the river level ... 2 cubits 8 fingers.

... mustered his troops and went to fight in the land Razaundu

... ... from the end of a far journey

... ... to

... ...

X103700: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



_sig# masz-masz_-_igi 4 kusz3 15#_ [... _gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_]

ina _ur-a szu2 ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin [... _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun n n_ ...]

_ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ sin e is-le10 [_n n ... ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ...]

ina _igi an 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub_ [...]

_zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) [...] _ne 30 14-30_ na musz [...]

_ne 30 14-30_ na musz [...]

ar2 _genna 1 kusz3_ ana _nim gub 6_ x [...]

2 _kusz3 8 si ge6 12 usan_ [...]

16 _si szar2 ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin [...]

9 _izi-szub_ ina _ki eri-du10_ x [...]

ina _igi mul2_-_igi#_-sza2-sze-pit2-_masz-masz 20 si#_ [...]

ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

AI Translation

4 cubits below alpha Geminorum. The 15th, ... Mercury's

last appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Arietis .

Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Tauri ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was .

it stood 2 1/2 cubits in front of Mars to the west .

dates, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 4 sutu .

Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14° 30', measured .

stood 1 cubit behind Saturn to the east. The 6th, ... .

2 cubits 8 fingers. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, .

The 16th, gusty north wind. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was .

The 9th, a "fall of fire" in the district of Eridu ... .

20 fingers in front of eta Geminorum .

last part of the night, the moon .


4 cubits below alpha Geminorum. The 15th, ... Mercury's

last appearance in the west in Leo. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ... beta Arietis ...

Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Tauri ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

it stood 2 1/2 cubits in front of Mars to the west ...

dates, 1 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 4 sutu ...

Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 14° 30', measured. ...

it stood 1 cubit behind Saturn to the east. The 6th, ... ...

2 cubits 8 fingers. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, ...

The 16th, gusty north wind. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

The 9thsic, a "fall of fire" in the district of Eridu ... ...

20 fingers in front of eta Geminorum ...

last part of the night, the moon ...



[...] x x# [... _ge6 22_]

[ina _zalag2_ sin ...] _lugal 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin x# [... _genna_]

ina _szu2_ ina _gir2#-tab szu2 nu pap ge6 28_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

_ki-lam sze 1 pi zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) ka-si# [...] _apin 30_ sin _igi 13-30_ na sin ina _igi gu4-ud#_ [...]

_apin 30_ sin _igi 13-30_ na sin ina _igi gu4-ud#_ [...]

_ge6 9_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat e _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 14 si_ dele-bat 1+[...]

12 _dir an za ge6 13 13 dir an za ge6#_ [...]

ki _tab_-u2 ina 21 _ge6_ gab-bi-szu2 _szu2 20 ge6_ [...]

_rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_ a-dir ina _an-ku10_-szu2 _gir2 gu3 u an_ [...]

_masz-masz_-_igi 1 kusz3_ in _en 18 mul2-babbar_ ana _nim_ ki# [_usz_-u2 ... _ge6 22_]

ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur 2_/3 _kusz3_ ina _igi_ [...]

_an_ ha-an-t,isz _pisan_ i _dib 26 si szed7_ [...]

ina _igi genna 1 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub gu4-ud_ [...]

[x] x 1 _gur# za3 1_(_ban2_) _sze-gisz#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits ... alpha Leonis, the moon being ... ... Saturn

last appearance in the west in Scorpius; I did not watch. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, .

the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu; dates, 1 panu 5 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu; mustard, .

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 13° 30'; the moon was in front of Mercury .

Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus was 14 fingers above alpha Librae, Venus being 1+x .

The 12th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th and the 13th, clouds were in the sky. Night .

when it began, in 21° of night all of it set. 20° of night .

alpha Librae was eclipsed; in its eclipse, lightning, thunder, rain .

1 cubit ... alpha Geminorum. Around the 18th, when Jupiter became stationary to the east, ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of beta Virginis, in front of .

rain quickly PISAN DIB. The 26th, cold north wind .

it stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west; Mercury .

... ... 1 kurru; cress, 1 sutu; sesame, .


... ... ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was ... 2 1/2 cubits ... alpha Leonis, the moon being ... ...

Saturn's last appearance in the west in Scorpius; I did not watch. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, ... That month,

the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu; dates, 1 panu 5 sutu, at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 sutu; mustard, ...

Month VIII, on the 1st which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 13° 30'.; the moon was in front of Mercury ...

Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus was 14 fingers above alpha Librae, Venus being 1+x ...

The 12th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th and the 13th, clouds were in the sky. Night ... lunar eclipse ...

when it began, after 21° night all of it was eclipsed. 20° night ...

alpha Librae was eclipsed. In its eclipse, there was lightning, thunder, rain ...

1 cubit ... of alpha Geminorum. Around the 18th, when Jupiter became stationary in the east ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of beta Virginis, in front of ...

rain quickly a little PISAN DIB. The 26th, cold north wind ...

it stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west; Mercury ...

... ... 1 kurru; cress, 1 sutu; sesame, ...



_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta bar en til sze#_ [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month XII .


Diary from month I to the end of month XII ...

X103721: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc

Obverse Column i


[_mu 32-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar]-tak#-szat-su _mu_-szu2 _sa4_ [...] x#

[...] ar2 _mul2-babbar# 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 2 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 du#_ [...] x#

[x x] _ulu3# gin 1_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 szu2 ge6 2 2 szu2 2 lal2_-tim _nu pap ge6 3_ x [x x]

[... _ge6 4 sag ge6_] sin# [ar2] _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 2 2_/3 _kusz3 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ e _sag3-me-gar 1 kusz3 6 u_ i(?) _gu4-ud_(?)#

[... _ge6 5 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 7 usan gu4-ud sig mul2-mul2 2_/3 _kusz3_ i _gu4-ud_

[... _ge6 8_] _sag# ge6_ sin ar2 _lugal 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ dele-bat e is-le10 2 2/3 _kusz3 ge6 9 dir an za_

[...] _usan_ sin _gisz-hur nigin2 gir2 gu3 u mah_ s,ar-hi _an_ ka-bar sze-nu _tuh_ (or: _nu tuh_) _im-1 szar2_

[_ge6 12_] _usan_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 ge6 13 13 me dir_ musz _usan_ sin ina _igi_

[_rin2_-sza2]-_ulu3# 2 kusz3 13 7 szu2_ ina sze-ri3 _utah ge6 14 3-20 ge6 dir nu pap 14 2-50_ na musz

[x] x x# _gu3 u a2 kur gal2 ge6 15 usan gu4-ud_ e is-le10 3 1/2 _kusz3 gir2_ ina _kur gir2_

[ina _zalag2_ sin] ar2 _si4 8 u_ sin 1/3(!) _kusz3_ ana _ulu3 sig_ (_ge6_) 16 ina _zalag2_ sin _sig mul2_-_kur_-sza2-szil-_pa# 1_/2 _kusz3_ sin 1 _kusz3#_

[...] in(?)# 17 _mul2-babbar_ ina _mul2-mul2 szu2 ge6 18 usan_ dele-bat _sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_

[...] _si_-_masz2 2 kusz3_ (_ge6_) 21 _usan_ dele-bat e _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ sin [x (x)]

[...] 1 1/2 _kusz3 ta 11 en 22 illu 3 kusz3 ka2_-tu2 4 2/3 _kusz3 gin#_

[...] x x x x# 23 _illu lal 26 szu2 ge6_(?) 27 _usan_(?)#

[... ina _zalag2_] sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_lu 2 kusz3 27_ [x]

[...] _ge6# 28 usan_ dele-bat e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze#-[pit-_masz-masz_]

[...] x 28 _szu2 ta 23 en til itu#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

Year 32 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes.

... stood 2/3 cubit behind Jupiter to the east, it stood 2 2/3 cubits in front of Venus to the west ... .

... the south wind blew. The 1st, the sun was surrounded by a halo; overcast. Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 3rd, .

... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind mu Geminorum; Mercury's first appearance in the west, 1 cubit 6 fingers above Jupiter, Mercury? being

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit below eta Tauri, Mercury

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; Venus was 2 2/3 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky

... first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a drawing; lightning, much thunder, thick rain, a little rain shower; gusty wind.

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°, measured despite clouds; first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits ... alpha Librae. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°; in the morning, rain shower. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 20'; clouds, I did not watch. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 50', measured.

... thunder, there was a little ... Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury was 3 1/2 cubits above alpha Tauri; lightning flashed in the east.

last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind alpha Scorpii, the moon being 1/3? cubit low to the south. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit below theta Ophiuchi, the moon being 1 cubit

... around? the 17th, Jupiter's last appearance in Taurus. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri

... 2 cubits ... beta Capricorni. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits above zeta Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was

... 1 1/2 cubits; from the 11th to the 22nd, the river level rose 3 cubits; the inner band was 4 2/3 cubits.

... ... The 23rd, the river level receded. The 26th, overcast. Night? of the 27th, first part of the night?,

... last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Arietis. The 27th, .

... Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus was ... above mu Geminorum

... ... The 28th, overcast. From the 23rd to the end of the month, .


Year 32 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes ...

... the moon stood 2/3 cubit behind Jupiter to the east and 2 2/3 cubits in front of Venus to the west ...

... the south wind blew. The 1st, the sun was surrounded by a halo; overcast. Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 3rd, ... ...

... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind mu Geminorum; Mercury's first appearance in the west, 1 cubit 6 fingers above Jupiter, Mercury being a little?

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind beta Geminorum. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Mercury was 2/3 cubit below eta Tauri, Mercury being a little

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; Venus was 2 2/3 cubits above alpha Tauri. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky.

... first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a "drawing"; lightning, much wailing thunder, heavy rain so that the sandal was removed, gusty north wind.

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°; measured despite clouds; first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°; in the morning, rain shower. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 20'; clouds, I did not watch. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 50'; measured.

... there was thunder in the east. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury was 3 1/2 cubits above alpha Tauri; lightning flashed in the east;

last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers behind alpha Scorpii, the moon being 1/3sic cubit low to the south. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit below theta Ophiuchi, the moon being 1 cubit

... Around the 17th, Jupiter's last appearance in Taurus. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri.

... the moon was 2 cubits ... beta Capricorni. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was 1 1/2 cubits above zeta Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was ...

... 1 1/2 cubits. From the 11th until the 22nd, the river level - remainder 3 cubits - rose 4 2/3 cubits.

... ... The 23rd, the river level receded. The 26th, overcast. Night? of the 27th, first part of the night, ...

... last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Arietis. The 27th, ...

... Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus was ... above mu Geminorum

... ... The 28th, overcast. From the 23rd to the end of the month, ...

Obverse Column ii


ina _alla genna_ ina _rin2 an_ ina _hun_ [...]

_en til itu illu 14 u_ [...]

sza2 _giri3-ii tuk-mesz gim_ x# [...] _sig 30 dir kalag_ sin [_nu igi_ ...]

_sig 30 dir kalag_ sin [_nu igi_ ...]

_ulu3 szar2_ (d)_tir#_-[_an_ ...]

1 _kusz3_ x# [...]

x# [...]

AI Translation

in Cancer; Saturn was in Libra; Mars was in Aries .

until the end of the month, the river level ... 14 fingers .

which had feet like ... .

Month III, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; dense clouds, I did not see the moon .

gusty south wind, a rainbow .

1 cubit ... ...


in Cancer; Saturn was in Libra; Mars was in Aries ...

to the end of the month, the river level 14 ... 14 fingers ...

which have feet like ... ...

Month III the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; dense clouds, I did not see the moon ...

gusty south wind; a rainbow ...

1 cubit ... ...

... ...

Obverse Column iii


x# [...]

ar2 _mul2-mul2#_ [...]

2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6#_ [...]

dele-bat 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub#_ [... _an_ ...]

[_mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_alla_]-sza2-_si 6 u an 6 u_ [...]

_ge6 15 5 me 15 16_ [...]

18 ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2-mul2_ [_n n ... ge6 19_]

ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2#-[_si_ ...]

_si szar2 gin 21_ ina _zalag2#_ sin ina _igi#_ [... _mul2-babbar_]

1/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi# szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1_/2(?)# [...]

sin(?) x x# 2/3 _kusz3_ sin 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib 20_+[x ...]

_ge6# 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi lugal 1 kusz3_ sin 2/3 [_kusz3_ ... dele-bat]

ina# _szu2_ ina _rin2 szu2 dir an za zi ir 26_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

27 16 _kur_ sin ar2 _gu4-ud 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 3 _kusz3#_ [ana _ulu3 sig_ ...]

ina _til itu 1 pi 3_ qa _zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 3+[N(_ban2_) ...]

x [x x x x] x 4 x x x 3 x [...]

AI Translation

behind eta Tauri .

2 1/2 cubits. Night .

it stood 2/3 cubit in front of Venus to the west ... Mars .

6 fingers ... gamma Cancri; Mars was 6 fingers .

Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 16° .

The 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri ... Night of the 19th,

last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Tauri .

gusty north wind blew. The 21st, last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... Jupiter

1/2 cubit in front of zeta Tauri 1/2? .

the moon? being 2/3 cubit, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 20+xth, .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, the moon being 2/3 cubit ... Venus

last appearance in the west in Libra; clouds were in the sky, ZI IR. The 26th, last part of the night, .

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; the moon was 2/3 cubit behind Mercury, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south .

at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 qa; dates, 1 panu 3+x sutu .

... ... 4 ... 3 ... .


... ...

behind eta Tauri ...

2 1/2 cubits. Night ...

stood 2/3 cubit in front of Venus to the west ... Mars was

6 fingers ... gamma Cancri, Mars being 6 fingers ...

Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 16° ...

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri ... Night of the 19th,

last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Tauri ...

a gusty north wind blew. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... Jupiter was ...

1/2 cubit, 1/2? cubit in front of zeta Tauri ... the moon was

... 2/3 cubit, the moon having passed 2/3 cubit to the east. The 20+xth, ...

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, the moon being 2/3 cubit ... Venus'

last appearance in the west in Libra; clouds were in the sky, ZI IR. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, ...

The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°; the moon was 2/3 cubit behind Mercury, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south ... barley ...,

at the end of the month, 1 panu 3 qa; dates, 1 panu 3+x sutu ...

... ... ... ...

Obverse Column iv


[...] x#-_szesz_-szu2 A (disz)(d)_pa-tin_-su

[... isz]-t,ur-ma ib-ri

[...] sza2 x# A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_lu2_(?)#-_dingir-mesz_(?)

AI Translation

...-ahushu, son of Nabû-balassu

... wrote and collated.

... of ..., son of Amel-ilani;


...-ushur-shu, descendant of Nabû-uballissu

... wrote and checked it.

... ... his son? for the life ...



[...] _en_(?) _kin# mu 32-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2

AI Translation

... until? the end of month VI, year 32 of Arses.


... until? month VI, year 32 of Arses.

X103722: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] 1 _kas_-(_bu_) na sin ina _igi mul2-mul2 1 kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _ge6# 2 2 szu2 2 lal2_-tim _nu pap ge6 3#_ [...]

[...] x# _ge6 5 usan_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2# [...]

[...] _kusz3 ge6 9 dir an za 9 im szar2_ [...]

[... _ge6 12 usan_ sin ar2] _sa4#_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 ge6 13 13#_ [...]

[...] x _genna_ ana _me e_-a x# [...]

AI Translation

... the moon was 1 cubit ... eta Tauri, the moon was 1 cubit in front of eta Tauri .

... Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 3rd, .

... ... Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Geminorum .

... cubits. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky. The 9th, gusty wind .

... Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th and the 13th, .

... ... Saturn's acronychal rising ... .


Month I, ...; sunset to moonset: 1 double-hour = 30°; the moon was 1 cubit in front of eta Tauri ...

...Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 3rd, ...

... ... Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Geminorum ...

... cubits. Night of the 9th, clouds were in the sky. The 9th, gusty wind ...

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°. ...

... ... Saturn's acronychal rising; I did not? watch ...



[...] _u2_ x [...] [...] _u2_ x x x# [...] [...] sza2# _mu-32-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-[tak-szat-su ...]

[...] _u2_ x x x# [...]

[...] sza2# _mu-32-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-[tak-szat-su ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... of the 32nd year of Arses, who was called Artaxerxes .

... of the 32nd year of Arses, who is called Artaxerxes .


... ... ...

... ... ...

... of year 32 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes ...



[...] sza2 _mu 32-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-tak-szat-[su ...]

AI Translation

... of year 32 of Arses, who is called Artaxerxes .


... of year 32 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes ...

X103723: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[x] x [...]

[_ge6_] 29 [...]

_sag# hun_ x# [...]

_en_(?)# 22 x [...] _sig 30 dir kalag_ sin [_nu_] _igi# 19_ na _ge6 1 an#_ [...]

_sig 30 dir kalag_ sin [_nu_] _igi# 19_ na _ge6 1 an#_ [...]

_ge6 3_ sin ar2 _alla 2 2_/3 _kusz3 sig_(?) dele-bat 1 _kusz3_ x [... _ge6 6 usan_ sin]

_sig giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 kusz3 8 si_ i sin ana x# [_lal ... gu4-ud ta igi_-szu2]

_en ugu szu2_-szu2 a-kam2 _kalag_ ki _pap nu igi_ ina _szu2_ [...]

_dir sal an dib 8 dir an dib ge6 10 usan_ [...]

[_ge6_] 11# _usan_ sin ina _igi sag gir2-tab 1 2_/3 _kusz3 si_ [_gin_(?) ...]

[x x x] 12 _zi ir_ in _en 12 genna_ ana [_szu2_ ki _usz_-a ...]

[...] x [x x x] 4 2/3(?)# [...]

AI Translation

Night of the 29th, .

beginning of the harvest ... .

until? the 22nd, ... .

Month III, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; dense clouds, I did not see the moon. The 19th, sunrise to moonset: nn°. Night of the 1st, Mars .

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind Cancer, 1 cubit below Venus ... ... Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Virginis, the moon being a little back to the west ... Mercury's first appearance from its front

until its setting, strong mist, when I watched I did not see it; in the west .

thin clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, .

Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of the head of Scorpius; the north wind blew? .

... The 12th, ZI IR. Around the 12th, when Saturn became stationary to the west, .

... ... 4 2/3? .


... ... ...

Night of the 29th, ...

beginning of Aries ...

until? the 22nd ... ...

Month III, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; dense clouds, I did not see the moon; sunset to moonset: 19° expected. Night of the 1st, Mars? ...

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind Cancer, 1 cubit below Venus ... ... Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Virginis, the moon being a little back to the west? ... From Mercury's rising

until its setting dense mist, when I watched I did not see it; in the west? ...

thin clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, ...

Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of the head of Scorpius; the north wind blew? ...

... The 12th, ZI IR. Around the 12th, when Saturn became stationary towards the west, ...

... ... ... 4 2/3? ...



[x x] x sin(?) x [... _ge6 9_]

[_sag_] _ge6#_ sin ina _igi si4 1_/2 _kusz3#_ x [... dele-bat]

_sig# giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2 si_ dele-bat 3 _si_ ana _nim dib ge6#_ [... _ge6 15_]

_usan_ sin e _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 kusz3 8 si lal2_(?) x [...]

_ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun 2_/3 _kusz3 ta 17 en_ x [...]

i _an_ ana _szu2 lal ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ is-le10 1 _kusz3 23_ szamasz2 ina a-kam2 _szu2_ [... _ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... sin _n n_]

ana _nim dib_ e _an 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 lal ta 23 en 25 zi ir#_ [...]

26 _gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _ur-a igi nim_ in 19 _igi 27 23 kur sar bi_ in# [...]

ka-si 1(_gur_) 3(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) _za3 2_(_ban2_) _sze-gisz 3_(_ban2_) _sig2 3_ ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gu4 an_ [...]

_gu4-ud_ ina _ur-a itu bi illu 20 si ka2_-tu2 3 1/2 _kusz3 lal u4 3_ [...] _ne 30_ sin _igi 12_ na _sig_ sin ina _igi gu4-ud 2 kusz3 ge6 3_ sin ar2 [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin_ ...]

_ne 30_ sin _igi 12_ na _sig_ sin ina _igi gu4-ud 2 kusz3 ge6 3_ sin ar2 [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin_ ...]

2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 5 usan_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ ina _igi genna_ [...]

[_ge6_] 9 _usan_ sin ar2 _mul2_-_kur_-sza2-szil-_pa 2 2_/3 _kusz3 11 izi-szub_ x [... _ge6 12_]

[dele-bat] ar2# _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [_n n_] _ge6 13 usan_ sin ina _igi_ [_mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2_ ...]

[...] _ge6# 16_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... the moon? ... Night of the 9th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii ... ... Venus

2 fingers below beta Virginis, Venus having passed 3 fingers to the east. Night ... Night of the 15th,

first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers above gamma Capricorni; it was slow? ... .

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Arietis. From the 17th to ... .

... Mars being back to the west. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri. The 23rd, the sun set in mist ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ..., the moon being .

having passed ... to the east, 2/3 cubit above Mars, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. From the 23rd to the 25th, ZI IR .

The 26th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Leo; ideal first appearance on the 19th. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°; that month, .

mustard, 1 kurru 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 3 sutu; wool, 3 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Mars .

Mercury was in Leo. That month, the river level receded 20 fingers, the delta Capricorni. The 3rd, .

Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 12°; the moon was 2 cubits in front of Mercury. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis .

2 1/2 cubits. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Librae, in front of Saturn .

Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind theta Ophiuchi. The 11th, a "fall of fire" ... ... Night of the 12th,

Venus was ... behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Capricorni .

... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of .


... ... ... Night of the 9th,

beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii ... ... Venus was

2 fingers below beta Virginis, Venus having passed 3 fingers to the east. Night ... Night of the 15th,

first part of the night, the moon was balanced 1 cubit 8 fingers above gamma Capricorni ... ...

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Arietis. From the 17th to the ... ...

Mars being a little back to the west. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Tauri. The 23rd, the sun set in mist ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ..., the moon

having passed ... to the east, 2/3 cubit above Mars, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. From the 23rd to the 25th, ZI IR ...

The 26th, Mercury's first appearance in the west in Leo; ideal first appearance around the 19th. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°. ... ...

mustard, 1 kurru 3 panu 2 sutu; cress, 2 sutu; sesame, 3 sutu; wool, 3 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Mars ...

Mercury was in Leo. That month, the river level - remainder? 20 fingers - receded 3 1/2 cubits. On the 3rd, ...

Month V, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, first appearance of the moon; sunset to moonset: 12°; the moon was 2 cubits in front of Mercury. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis ...

2 1/2 cubits. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Librae, ... in front of Saturn ...

Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits behind theta Ophiuchi. The 11th, a "fall of fire" ... ... Night of the 12th,

Venus was ... behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Capricorni ...

... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of ...

X103724: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ... _masz_]-_masz_-sza2-_sipa 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin ar2# dele-bat 2+[...]

[...] _nim# nim 27 11-30 kur 28 dir_ [...]

[...] 4 1/2 qa _sig2 3_ ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gigir#_ [...]

[...] [...] [_apin ... ge6 5 usan_ sin] ar2# _si_-_masz2 1 kusz3 ge6 7 usan_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur#_-[_masz2_ ...]

[_apin ... ge6 5 usan_ sin] ar2# _si_-_masz2 1 kusz3 ge6 7 usan_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur#_-[_masz2_ ...]

[...] _szu2# lal 12_ ina _kin-sig dir an dib im szar2 ge6 13 szu2_ [...]

[_ge6 15 usan_ sin ina _igi szur_]-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 kusz3_ e _mul2-babbar 2 kusz3 15 18-30_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 18# ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-me_ ar2-_me_ sza2 _alla 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ [...]

[...] _ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin#_ [...]

[...] 26# kal _me szu2 im szar2#_ [...]

AI Translation

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... gamma Geminorum, the moon was 2+x mm behind Venus .

... high to the north. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 30'. The 28th, clouds .

... 4 1/2 qa; wool, 3 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in the Chariot .

Month VIII, ... Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind beta Capricorni. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni .

... overcast. The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 13th, overcast .

Night of the 15th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of beta Tauri, 2 cubits above Jupiter. The 15th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 30' .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of the rear stars of Cancer .

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis .

... The 26th, all day overcast, gusty wind .


Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit ... gamma Geminorum, the moon was 2+x cubits behind Venus ...

... ... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 30'. The 28th, clouds ...

... 4 1/2 qa; wool, 3 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in the Chariot, ...


Month VIII, ... Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit ... beta Capricorni. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni ...

... being back to the west. The 12th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 13th, overcast. ...

Night of the 15th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of beta Tauri, 2 cubits above Jupiter. The 15th, 18° 30' ...

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of the rear stars of Cancer ...

... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind gamma Virginis ...

... The 26th, all day overcast, gusty wind ...



[...] x# _an_ x# _pisan dib ge6_ x x x x# [...]

[...] _ge6 9 usan_ sin _sig lugal 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ sin x# [...]

[... _ge6 10 usan mul2-babbar sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2]-_si 2 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 11 usan_ sin _sig giri3_-ar2-[sza2-_ur-a n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 13_] _usan#_ sin _sig sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3_ x [...]

[... _gu4-ud_ ina] _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_mul2-mul2 1_/2 _kusz3 gu4-ud_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 18# ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-szil x# [...]

[...] _ta# 18 en 22 illu 4 si#_ [...]

[...] 27# 22 _kur_ sin e dele-bat 3 _kusz3_ [...]

[... _sze_]-_gisz_ ina _til itu 2 pi sig2#_ [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... ..., rain PISAN DIB. Night ... .

... Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Leonis, the moon being ... .

... Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Jupiter was 2 2/3 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Virginis .

... Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Virginis ... .

... Mercury was 1/2 cubit in front of eta Tauri; Mercury .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi ... .

... from the 18th to the 22nd, the river level ... 4 fingers .

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 22°; the moon was 3 cubits above Venus .

... sesame, at the end of the month, 2 panu; wool, .


... rain ... PISAN DIB, Night ...

... Night of the 9th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Leonis, the moon being ... ...

... Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Jupiter was 2 2/3 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Virginis ...

... Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits below alpha Virginis ... ...

... Mercury was 1/2 cubit in front of eta Tauri, Mercury being ...

... Night of the 18th?, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi ...

... From the 18th to the 22nd, the river level ... 4 fingers ...

...The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: 22°; the moon was 3 cubits above Venus ...

...; sesame, at the end of the month, 2 panu; wool, ...

... ... ...

X103725: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[x x] x [x] x _ge6# 12_+[x ...]

[x] _gu3 u an dul 15 an#_ [...]

17 szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [... _mul2-babbar_ ...]

1 _kusz3_ ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_gu4-an usz#_ [...]

1 _kusz3 8 si ge6 25_ ina _zalag2 an sig#_ [...]

29 szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2_ szamasz2 ina x# _szu2 ge6 30 30 an pisan#_ [...]

4(_ban2_)(?)# 3 qa ina _til#_ [_itu_ x] 4 1/2 qa _zu2-lum 2_(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) ina _til itu#_ [...]

[x x] x [...] _an_ ina _ur-a gu4-ud_ ina _pa_ dele-bat# [...]

AI Translation

... ... Night of the 12+xth, .

... thunder, rain DUL. The 15th, rain .

The 17th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... Jupiter .

became stationary 1 cubit behind alpha Virginis .

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars was below .

The 29th, the sun was surrounded by a halo; the sun set in ... Night of the 30th and the 30th, rain PISAN .

4 sutu? 3 qa, at the end of the month, ... 4 1/2 qa; dates, 2 panu 2 sutu, at the end of the month, .

... ... ... Mars was in Leo; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Venus .


... Night of the 12th? ...

... thunder, rain DUL. The 15th, rain ...

The 17th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... Jupiter ...

became stationary 1 cubit behind alpha Tauri ...

1 cubit 8 fingers. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars was below ...

The 29th, the sun was surrounded by a halo, the sun set in ... Night of the 30th and the 30th, rain PISAN ...

4? sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month ... 4 1/2 qa; dates, 2 panu 2 sutu, at the end of the month, ...

... ... ... Mars was in Leo; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Venus ...



_en#_-[_nun_ sza2] gi#-ne2-e sza2 _mu-32-kam2_ (disz)ar2#-[szu2 ...]

AI Translation

Diary for year 32 of Arses .


Diary for year 32 of Arses ...



_ziz2 1 16_ na _dir#_ [... sin] _nu# igi ge6 1 1 dir an za#_ [... sin]

ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun-ga2_(?)# [x x x ina] _zalag2# gu4-ud sig si_-_masz2_ [... _ge6 8 usan_ sin]

ar2 is-le10 1/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi mul2#_-[_babbar_ ... ana _szu2_] _gub#_ sin 1 _kusz3_ ana# [... _ge6 10 usan_ sin]

ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 2 kusz3 10_ ina x# [...] x# [...]

_ge6 14 1 me dir nu pap_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _an 3 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [...]

_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2#_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 kusz3 18_ x [...]

[x x x _ge6_] 21 ina _zalag2 an_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 e _mul2_-_tur_-sza2#-[4-_kusz3_-ar2-_lugal_ ...]

[...] _ge6# 24 24 25 dir an za 26_ [...]

[...] _itu# bi ki-lam_ sze-im 4(_ban2_) ina _murub4#_ [...]

[... i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina] _gu4#-an_ dele-bat ina _pa_ ina _til itu_ [...]

[...] _ta# murub4 an_-e ana _si#_ [...]

[...] ana muh-hi _mul2_ x [...]

[...] x x [...]

AI Translation

Month XI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 16°; clouds ... the moon was not visible. Night of the 1st and the 1st, clouds were in the sky ... the moon was

... behind alpha Arietis ... last part of the night, Mercury was ... below beta Capricorni ... Night of the 8th, first part of the night, the moon was

1/2 cubit behind alpha Tauri, it stood ... in front of Jupiter to the west, the moon being 1 cubit to ... Night of the 10th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits behind mu Geminorum. The 10th, in ...

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1°; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was 3 1/2 cubits behind Mars .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. The 18th, ... .

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars, while moving back to the west, was ... above rho Leonis .

... Night of the 24th, the 24th, and the 25th, clouds were in the sky. The 26th, .

... That month, the equivalent was: barley, 4 sutu, in the middle of the month, .

... At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, .

... from the middle of the sky to the north .

... on top of the star ... .


Month XI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 16°; clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st and the 1st, clouds were in the sky ... the moon was

... behind alpha Arietis; last part of the night, Mercury was ... below beta Capricorni ... Night of the 8th, first part of the night, the moon was

1/2 cubit behind alpha Tauri, it stood ... in front of Jupiter to the west, the moon being 1 cubit ... Night of the 10th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits behind mu Geminorum. The 10th, in the afternoon, ... ... ...

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1°; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was 3 1/2 cubits behind Mars ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Virginis. The 18th, ... ...

... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars, while moving back to the west, was ... above rho Leonis ...

... Night of the 24th, the 24th and the 25th, clouds were in the sky. The 26th, ...

... That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 4 sutu, in the middle of the month, ...

... At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month in Capricorn ...

... from the middle of the sky to the north? ...

... towards the star ... ...

... ... ...



[_en-nun_] sza2 gi#-[ne2-e ...]

AI Translation

Diary ...


Diary ...

X103731: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_ge6_] 12 _usan_ sin# [ina] _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2#-[_dur_-nu-nu ...]

_ge6# 13 sag ge6_ sin e _mul2-babbar 2 kusz3#_ [...]

_ge6 14 3-20 me_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) [...]

ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 2 kusz3 ge6 15_ [...]

_ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-me_ ar2-_me_ sza2 [_alla_ ...]

_sag_-_ur-a 2 kusz3 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [... _ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_]

sin# ina _igi gisz-kun_-_ur-a 1 kusz3_ [...]

_gir2# gu3 u an utah im szar2_ x# [...]

ina# _uru_-pal-lu-ka-tum x# [...]

_e2-mesz gul-mesz_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina [_igi ... ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_]

sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 [_kusz3_ ...]

_ge6 25_ ina _zalag2 ki_ sza2 dele-bat 1+[x ... _genna_]

ar2 _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _si nim#_ [...]

in 20 _igi 25 1 usz#_ [...]

26 23 _kur_ sin ina(?) [...]

ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_ [...]

x x x# [...]

AI Translation

Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium .

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above Jupiter .

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20'; last part of the night, the moon was ... behind eta Tauri .

2 cubits in front of beta Tauri. Night of the 15th, .

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of the rear stars of Cancer .

2 cubits ... epsilon Leonis. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Leonis .

lightning, thunder, rain shower, gusty wind ... .

in the city Pallukatu ... .

the houses were destroyed; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Virginis .

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, with Venus 1+x ... Saturn

1/2 cubit behind alpha Librae, high to the north .

ideal first appearance on the 20th. The 25th, moonset to sunrise: 1° .

The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°; the moon was in? .

in front of alpha Librae .


Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ...

Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above Jupiter ...

Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20'; last part of the night, the moon was behind eta Tauri ...

2 cubits in front of beta Tauri. Night of the 15th, ...

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of the rear stars of Cancer ...

2 cubits ... of epsilon Leonis. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Leonis ...

lightning, thunder, rain shower, gusty wind ... ...

in the city Pallukatu ... ...

houses temples were destroyed; last part of the night, the moon was in front of ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Virginis ...

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, ... Venus? 1+x ... Saturn

was 1/2 cubit behind alpha Librae, it was high to the north ...

ideal first appearance around the 20th. The 25th, 1° before sunrise, ...

The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°; the moon ... ...

in front of alpha Librae ...

... ...



[_sag_] _ge6#_ sin ar2 x# [...]

8 _me_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig_ [...]

ina sze-ri3 _gir2 gu3 u_ [...]

_ge6 16_ ina _zalag2_(!) sin ar2 _masz-masz_-ar2# [...]

_ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ [_sag_-_ur-a_ ... dele-bat ina _nim_]

ina _gir2-tab szu2 nu pap ge6 20_ [...]

_ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi_ [_dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin ... ge6 22_]

[ina] _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [...]

[_ur_(?)]-_ku_ a-na _ur-ku ku2_ [...]

[_ge6_] 24 ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-[_ulu3 ... ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig rin2_-sza2-_ulu3_]

2 2/3 _kusz3_ sin 1 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim dib ge6#_ [26 ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi si4_]

1 _kusz3 4 si ge6 27_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 [...]

28 29# _dir an za itu-gan#_ [...]

_itu-gan#_ [...]

AI Translation

beginning of the night, the moon was behind ... .

8°; last part of the night, the moon was below .

in the morning, lightning, thunder, .

Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Geminorum .

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of epsilon Leonis ... Venus was in the east.

last appearance in Scorpius; I did not watch. Night of the 20th, .

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Virginis .

You are a lion, you are a lion .

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Librae ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... below alpha Librae,

the moon having passed 1 1/2 cubits to the east. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Scorpii,

1 cubit 4 fingers. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was behind .

The 28th and the 29th, clouds were in the sky. Month IX, .

Month Kislev IX, .


beginning of the night, the moon was behind ... ...

moonrise to sunset: 8°; last part of the night, the moon was below ...

in the morning, lightning, thunder, ...

Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was behind beta Geminorum ...

Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of epsilon Leonis ... Venus'

last appearance in the east in Scorpius; I did not watch. Night of the 20th, ...

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was in front of gamma Virginis ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Virginis ...

a dog? devoured a dog ...

Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Librae ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits below beta Librae

the moon having passed 1 1/2 cubits to the east. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 4 fingers in front of alpha Scorpii.

Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was behind ...

The 28th and the 29th, clouds were in the sky. ...

month IX ...



[... _en_] _til# apin mu-31-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2

AI Translation

... to the end of month VIII, year 31 of Arses.


... to the end of month VIII, year 31 of Arses.

X103732: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[... _gu4_]-_ud#_ e _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [...]

[...] x 12 17-10 _szu2_ [...]

[...] x _igi ge6 15_ ina _zalag2_ sin# ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 2 kusz3#_ [_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ...]

[_masz-masz_]-_igi 1 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2-me_-ar2-((_me_))-sza2-_alla_ [...]

[x] _ge6 22 dir an za ge6 23 murub4_ [... _ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_]

[sin] ina# _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 5_/6 _kusz3 ge6 25_ ina _zalag2 gu4#_-[_ud_(?) ...]

in# 20 _igi 25 1 usz_ la-am szamasz2 _kur_ x# [... _genna_]

[ar2] _rin2#_-sza2-_ulu3 1_/2 _kusz3_ in 27 ki 28 _gu4-ud_ [ina _nim_ ina ... _szu2_ ...]

_zu2#-lum 2_(_barig_) _pi 3_ qa ina _til itu 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ka-si# [...]

[ina _til_] _itu_ ina _rin2 28 gu4-ud_ (ina _nim_) ina _gir2-tab szu2 an_ [...] [(_itu_])-_apin# 30 10-40_ na a-kam2 sin _nu igi_ [...]

[(_itu_])-_apin# 30 10-40_ na a-kam2 sin _nu igi_ [...]

[n] _kusz3 ge6 6 usan_ sin e _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur#_-[_masz2 ... ge6 11 usan_ sin ...]

[_mul2_]-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun-ga2 2 kusz3 11_ [...]

[x x] x _mul2-babbar_ ina _ugu_ t,ur-ri(?)# [...]

[x x x] x _ge6 14 8 me_ ina _zalag2_ sin [...]

[...] _nu tuh ge6 15 8 ge6_ [...]

[...] in 18 dele-bat ina _nim_ ina _gir2#_-[_tab szu2_ ...]

[... n] _kusz3 ge6 22_ ina [_zalag2_ ...]

AI Translation

... Mercury was above alpha Virginis .

... ... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 17° 10'. .

... ... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Tauri. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was .

1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Geminorum. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Cancri .

... Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, middle part of the night, ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 5/6 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mercury? .

ideal first appearance on the 20th. The 25th, moonrise to sunrise: 1°; it was bright, the sun rose ... ... Saturn

1/2 cubit behind alpha Librae. Around the 27th and the 28th, Mercury's last appearance in the east in .

dates, 2 panu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu 4 sutu; mustard, .

at the end of the month, in Libra; the 28th, Mercury's last appearance in the east in Scorpius; Mars .

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 10° 40'; mist, I did not see the moon .

nn cubits. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was ... above delta Capricorni ... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was .

2 cubits ... beta Arietis. The 11th, .

... Jupiter ... on the horizon? .

... ... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8°; last part of the night, the moon was .

... rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° .

... around the 18th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Scorpius .

... cubits. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, .


... Mercury was above alpha Virginis ...

... ... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 17° 10'. ...

... ... became visible. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of beta Tauri. ... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits ... of alpha Geminorum. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of the rear stars of Cancer ...

... Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, middle part of the night, ... Night of the 24th, last part of the night,

the moon was 1 5/6 cubits in front of alpha Virginis. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, ... ...

ideal first appearance around the 20th. The 25th, 1° before sunrise, ... Saturn was

1/2 cubit behind alpha Librae. Around the 27th or 28th, Mercury's last appearance in the east in ...

dates, 2 pan 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 pan 4 sut; mustard, ...

at the end of the month in Libra; the 28th, Mercury's last appearance in the east in Scorpius; Mars ...

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 10° 40'; mist, I did not see the moon. ...

nn cubits. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was ... above delta Capricorni ... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was

2 cubits ... of beta Arietis. The 11th, ...

... Jupiter was on top of the "band"? ...

... ... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8°; last part of the night, the moon was ...

... rain but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°. ...

... around the 18th, Venus' last appearance in the east in Scorpius ...

... cubits. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, ...



[...] ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 x# [...]

[...] _gir2-tab 5_/6 _kusz3 ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[... _gu4_]-_ud_ ina _nim_ ina _gu szu2 27 18#_ [_kur_(?) ...]

[...] x i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar#_ ina [...]

[...] x ma 2 ma(?) ti(?) x x [...] [_itu-sze_ ...] sin ina _dir igi 15-40_ na _nu_ [_pap_ ...]

[_itu-sze_ ...] sin ina _dir igi 15-40_ na _nu_ [_pap_ ...]

[...] _si gin ge6 3_ sin e _mul2-babbar 2_ [n ...]

[... _ge6 6_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz_ [...]

[... _mul2_]-_murub4_-sza2-_sag-lu 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 9_ x [...]

[...] _kusz3 lal ge6 12 usan_ sin ina _igi_ x [...]

[... _ge6_] 14(?)# ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 2_/3# [...]

[... _ge6_] 18# ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sag_-_gir2-tab_ [...]

[...] 21 _szu2_ szamasz2 ina _dir szu2 ge6#_ [...]

[...] _usan#_ dele-bat e _mul2-babbar 8_ [_si_ ...]

[...] _gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _lu igi_ [...]

[...] ina sze-ri3 _gir2 gu3 u mah_ [...]

[...] sza2 _ka2-gal_ (d)15 x# [...]

[...] x _zu2-lum_ ina _sag itu 1_(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) x [...]

[... i-nu]-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _lu_ dele-bat ina _sag itu_ [ina _lu_ ...]

AI Translation

... last part of the night, the moon was behind ... .

... 5/6 cubit ... beta Scorpii. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon .

... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° .

... ... At that time, Jupiter was in .

... ... 2 minas? ... .

Month XII, ... the moon's first appearance in a cloud; sunset to moonset: 15° 40'; I did not watch .

... the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 ... above Jupiter .

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Geminorum .

... 2 1/2 cubits ... delta Scorpii. Night of the 9th, ... .

... cubits back. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was ... in front of ... .

... Night of the 14th?, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis .

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Scorpii .

... The 21st, overcast; the sun set in a cloud. Night .

... first part of the night, Venus was 8 fingers above Jupiter .

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aries .

... in the morning, lightning, much thunder .

... of the gate of Ishtar ... .

... ... dates, in the beginning of the month, 1 panu 5 sutu ... .

... At that time, Jupiter was in Aries; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Aries .


... last part of the night, the moon was behind ... ...

... Scorpius 5/6 cubit. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ...

... Mercury's last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18°? ...

... ... At that time, Jupiter was in ...

... ... ...

Month XII, ... the moon became visible in a cloud; sunset to moonset: 15° 40'; I did not watch ...

... the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 ... above Jupiter ...

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Geminorum ...

... 2 1/2 cubits ... of the middle star of the head of Aries. Night of the 9th, ... ...

... back nn cubits. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was in front of ... ...

... Night of the 14th?, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis ...

... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of the head of Scorpius ...

... The 21st, overcast; the sun set in a cloud. Night ...

... ... Venus was 8 fingers above Jupiter ...

... Mercury's first appearance in the west in Aries ...

... in the morning, lightning, much thunder ...

... of the gate of Ishtar ... ...

... ... dates, at the beginning of the month, 1 pan 5 sut ... ...

... At that time, Jupiter was in Aries; Venus in the beginning of the month in Aries ...



[... _u2_]-_gug#_ ina _kur gar_-an _un-mesz#_ [...]

[...] _me_ mim-ma szi-pir _dingir_-u2-tu _gim_ sza2 ina _e-ki_(?)# [...]

[...] _lu2-erin2_-ni _lugal_ sza2 [...]

[...] _mu_ x-_kam#_ [...]

AI Translation

... there will be ... of garlic in the land. The people .

... ... whatever divine work ... like that in Babylon? .

... troops of the king who .

... year ... .


... famine occurred in the land. People sold their children? ...

... ... all divine rites like those in Babylon ...

... the troops of the king who ...

... year ... ...

X103751: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc


[...] x _ge6 14 5-40 ge6_ x# [...]

[...] _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi masz-masz_-_igi_ [_n n_ ...]

[...]+1 2/3 _kusz3 21 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2 ud-da szu2_-szu2 _dib#_ [...]

[_ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin n_] _si_(?)# ina _igi genna 2# kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat# [...]

[...] _dir an za itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im 1(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) 3(?) qa ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) _pi#_ [...]

[... i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina] _masz2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gu_ dele-bat ina _ur-a_ ina _til itu_ ina _absin genna_ ina _absin gu4_-[_ud_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2-mesz nu igi-mesz_] [_apin_ ...] _an za# ge6 2 2 dir an za ge6 3 3 dir an za ge6 4#_ [...]

[_apin_ ...] _an za# ge6 2 2 dir an za ge6 3 3 dir an za ge6 4#_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 6# _dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat e _sa4_-sza2#-[_absin_ ...]

[... ina] _zalag2#_ dele-bat _sig genna 3 si_ dele-bat# x [...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 40' ... .

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Geminorum .

...+1 2/3 cubits. The 21st, Mercury's last appearance in the west ..., omitted .

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was nn fingers? in front of alpha Virginis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Venus .

... clouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 4 sutu 3? qa, at the end of the month, 2 panu .

... At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Venus was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; Saturn was in Virgo; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible.

Month VIII, ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd and the 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, .

... Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, Venus was ... above alpha Virginis .

... last part of the night, Venus was 3 fingers below Saturn, Venus being ... .


... ... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 40' .... ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Geminorum ...

...+1 2/3 cubits. The 21st, Mercury in the west ... its last appearance? omitted; ...

Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ..., ..., it stood 2 cubits in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Venus ...

... clouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 4 sutu 3? qa, at the end of the month, 2 panu? ...

... At that time, Jupiter was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Venus was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; Saturn was in Virgo; Mercury and Mars, which had set, were not visible.

Month VIII, ... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd and the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd and the 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4thor: 5th ...

... Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, Venus was ... above alpha Virginis ...

..., last part of the night, Venus was 3 fingers below Saturn, Venus ... ...

... ... ...

X103752: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x x [...]

[...] _ge6# 6 usan_ sin _sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun-ga2_ [...]

[...] _kusz3# ge6 7 gir2 an utah 7#_ ina sze-ri3 _an pisan dib ge6 8 sag ge6#_ [...]

[... _ge6 10 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 1_/2# _kusz3 10 dir an za ge6 11 usan#_ [...]

[...]+1/2 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2 dugud 12 16-20_(?) _szu2 dir nu pap_ ina sze-ri3 _dugud ge6_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 15# 11-10 _ge6 dir nu pap dugud# ge6 16 szu2 16_ ina _kin-sig_ x [x x] x [...]

[...] _dugud# ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi sa4_-sza2-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3 19#_ [ina] sze#-ri3 _dugud mah ge6#_ [20 ...]

[...] x _ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3# 1 1_/2 _kusz3 21#_ [ina sze]-ri3# _dugud ge6 22 an pisan dib#_ [...]

[...] 23 _an pisan dib 24_ ina _kin-sig_ [_an_] x x _pisan mah#_ [_dib_] _ge6 25 szu2 25 an dul_ [...]

[...] 8 _si_ e _mul2-babbar 4 si_ ana _szu2 lal#_ [x] _igi_(?)# _nim_ in [N] _igi itu bi ki-lam sze 2 pi_ ina _til itu#_ [...]

[...] _sze#-gisz 2_(_ban2_) 3 qa _sig2 2_ ma i-nu-szu2 [_mul2_]-_babbar_ u _gu4-ud#_ ina _gu_ dele-bat ina _pa_ ina _til itu_ ina _masz2 genna_ ina [_absin_ ...] [_ziz2 30_ sin] _igi# 15_ na _sig_ sin ina _igi mul2-babbar 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ ana _szu2 gub_ ina _igi gu4-ud# 3 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 1 gir2_ x# [...]

[_ziz2 30_ sin] _igi# 15_ na _sig_ sin ina _igi mul2-babbar 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ ana _szu2 gub_ ina _igi gu4-ud# 3 kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 1 gir2_ x# [...]

[...] _ge6 2 szu2 2 im szar2 dir an za 2_(!) _dir#_ [_an_] _za# ge6 4_ sin _sig mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 1 _kusz3#_ [...]

[...] x x# 4 ina _kin-sig an utah ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin# ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_sag_-_lu 2 kusz3 ge6 6 sag ge6#_ [...]

[...] _ku4#_ ina _kur e3 ge6 7 an utah ge6# 8 usan szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si_ ana _sza3_ sin# [_ku4_ ...]

AI Translation

... Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis .

... cubits. Night of the 7th, lightning, rain shower. The 7th, in the morning, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, .

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Tauri. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, .

...+1/2 cubit; last part of the night, fog. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 16° 20'?; clouds, I did not watch; in the morning, fog. Night .

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 10'; clouds, I did not watch; fog. Night of the 16th, overcast. The 16th, in the afternoon, ... ... .

... heavy ... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis. The 19th, in the morning, much heavy ... Night of the 20th, .

... ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. The 21st, in the morning, heavy fog. Night of the 22nd, rain PISAN DIB .

... The 23rd, rain, PISAN DIB. The 24th, in the afternoon, rain ..., much PISAN DIB. Night of the 25th, overcast. The 25th, rain DUL .

... 8 fingers above Jupiter, 4 fingers back to the west; ..., ideal first appearance on the nnth. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 2 panu, at the end of the month, .

... sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Mercury were in Aquarius; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn was in Virgo .

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 15°; it was low; the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west, it stood 3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west. Night of the 1st, lightning ... .

... Night of the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, gusty wind, clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, the moon was 1 cubit below eta Piscium .

... ... The 4th, in the afternoon, rain shower. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, .

... entered the east; it came out. Night of the 7th, rain shower. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, beta Tauri entered the moon .


... ... ...

... Night of the 6th, first part of the night, the moon was ... below beta Arietis ...

... cubits. Night of the 7th, lightning, rain shower. The 7th, in the morning, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, ...

... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Tauri. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, ...

...+1/2 cubit; last part of the night, fog. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 16° 20'?; clouds, I did not watch; in the morning, fog. Night ...

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 10'; clouds, I did not watch; fog. Night of the 16th, overcast. The 16th, in the afternoon, ... ...

... fog. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis. The 19th, in the morning, much fog. Night of the 20th, ...

... ... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae. The 21st, in the morning, fog. Night of the 22nd, rain PISAN DIB ...

... The 23rd, rain PISAN DIB. The 24th, in the afternoon, ... ... Night of the 25th, overcast. The 25th, rain DUL ...

... Mercury's first appearance in the west 8 fingers above Jupiter, 4 fingers back to the west; it was high, ideal first appearance on the nnth. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 2 panu, at the end of the month, ...

... sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter and Mercury were in Aquarius; Venus was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn was in Virgo ...

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 15°; the moon was faint; the moon stood 1 1/2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west, 3 cubits in front of Mercury to the west. Night of the 1st, lightning ... ...

... Night of the 2nd, overcast. The 2nd, gusty wind, clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, the moon was 1 cubit ... below eta Piscium ...

... ... The 4th, in the afternoon, rain shower. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind alpha Arietis. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, ...

... entered the moon and came out in the east. Night of the 7th, rain shower. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, beta Tauri entered the moon ...



[_en-nun_ sza2] gi#-ne2-e sza2 _ta du6_(?) _en#_ [_til_] _dir-sze_ sza2 (_mu_)-29-_kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar2-tak-szat-[su ...]

AI Translation

Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2, year 29 of Arses, who was called Artaxerxes .


Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2 of year 29 of Arses, who was called king Artaxerxes.



[...] _dir an dib 11 an_ ina _masz2 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ar2 dele-bat ana _nim igi kur nim_-a# [...]

[... _ge6_] 13# ina _zalag2_ sin# e _lugal 1_/2 _kusz3 lal2 13 6-30 szu2 ge6 14 12 me_ in 6 _usz ge6_ ana _zalag2_ x# [...]

[...] x _gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _gu szu2 nu pap ge6 15 3-20 ge6 dir nu pap murub4 an dul im szar2 15 szu2 im szar2 ge6 16_ [...]

_ge6# 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 18_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin] ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi genna 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

[x] dele-bat ana _szu2 lal 20_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2_ ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sag_-_gir2-tab 1 1_/2 _kusz3 gir2 a2 kur gir2-me ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

23# _dir an za ge6 24 dir an za 24_ [x x x] _ge6#_ [25] ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi si_-_masz2 2 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 27_ ina _zalag2_ sin#

[ina _igi_] _an# 1 kusz3_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 2 _kusz3 8 si#_ ana _szu2_ [_gub_ ...] _ge6 28_ x x x 28 x x x# [...]

[_itu_] _bi ki-lam_ sze-im 2 _pi#_ [x x] qa _zu2_ [...]

[x x] _genna#_ ina _rin2 mul2_-[_babbar_] sza2(?)# [_szu2_-u2 _nu igi_(?)] x [...] [_sze 1_ x] 19(?)# na x x# [...]

[_sze 1_ x] 19(?)# na x x# [...]

[x x] _an dul_ [...]

AI Translation

... clouds crossed the sky. The 11th, Mars' first appearance in Capricorn, 2 1/2 cubits behind Venus to the east; it was bright and high .

... Night of the 13th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit above alpha Leonis. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30'. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12°; at 6° before sunrise ... .

... ... Mercury's last appearance in the west in Aquarius; I did not watch. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 20'; clouds, I did not watch; middle part of the night, rain DUL, gusty wind. The 15th, overcast, gusty wind. Night of the 16th, .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Virginis, it stood 1/2 cubit in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae; last part of the night, .

... Venus being back to the west. The 20th, the sun was surrounded by a halo; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind beta Scorpii; lightning flashed continuously on the east side. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, .

The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky. The 24th, ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit in front of Mars, it stood 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of Venus to the west ... Night of the 28th, ... The 28th, ... .

That month, the equivalent was: barley, 2 panu ... qa; dates, .

... Saturn was in Libra; Jupiter, which? had set, was not visible? ... .

Month XII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 19°? ... .

... rain DUL .


... clouds crossed the sky. The 11th, Mars' first appearance in Capricorn, 2 1/2 cubits behind Venus towards the east; it was bright and high ... ...

... Night of the 13th, last part of the night, the moon was balanced 1/2 cubit above alpha Leonis. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30'. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12°. At 6° night before sunrise, ... ...

... ... Mercury's last appearance in the west in Aquarius; I did not watch. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 20'; clouds, I did not watch; middle part of the night, rain DUL, gusty wind. The 15th, overcast, gusty wind. Night of the 16th, ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind gamma Virginis. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind alpha Virginis, it stood 1/2 cubit in front of Saturn to the west. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of alpha Librae; last part of the night, ...

... Venus was ... back to the west. The 20th, the sun was surrounded by a halo; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind delta? Scorpii; lightning flashed in the east. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, ...

The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky. The 24th, ... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 2/3 cubits in front of beta Capricorni. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was

1 cubit in front of Mars, it stood 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of Venus to the west ... Night of the 28th, ... ... The 28th, ...

That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 2 panu ... qa; dates ...

... Saturn was in Libra; Jupiter ... ...

Month XII, ... sunset to moonset: 19°; ... ...

... rain DUL ...

X103753: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x x# [...]

[...] x 5(?) _szu2_(?) x# [...]

[... ina] _igi_ dele-bat 2 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub 8_ ina _kin#-sig gu3 u_ i x# [...]

[...] _ge6 an dul 9 mar szar2 szed7 ta 5 en 8 illu#_ [...]

[...] x# 9 10 _illu 4 si gin ge6 11 sag ge6#_ [...]

[...] x _szu2 12 szu2 an dul gu4-ud#_ [...]

[...] _lu# 2 kusz3 8 si_ x# [...]

[...] x# ina 13 _ge6_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... The 5th?, overcast? ... .

... stood 2 cubits in front of Venus to the west. The 8th, in the afternoon, thunder, ... .

... night, rain DUL. The 9th, gusty west wind, cold. From the 5th to the 8th, the river level .

... ... The 9th and the 10th, the river level rose 4 fingers. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, .

... ... overcast. The 12th, overcast, rain DUL; Mercury .

... 2 cubits 8 fingers ... .

... ... at 13° of night? .


... ... ...

... ... The 5th?, overcast?; ...

..., it stood 2 cubits in front of Venus to the west. The 8th, in the afternoon, a little thunder ...

... the night, rain DUL. The 9th, gusty west wind; cold. From the 5th to the 8th, the river level ...

...; the 9th and the 10th, the river level rose 4 fingers. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, ...

... ... moonset to sunrise: 1°?. The 12th, overcast, rain DUL. Mercury ...

... Aries 2 cubits 8 fingers. ... ...

... ... sunset to moonrise?: 13°; ...



[...] x x _sig2# 2 ma#_-[_na_ ...]

[... _itu_] _bi# sal-ur u3-tu_-ma _giri3# igi-mesz_ x# [...] [_dir-sze_] 30# sin _igi 14_ na _ge6 2_ sin ina _igi mul2-mul2 10 si#_ [...]

[_dir-sze_] 30# sin _igi 14_ na _ge6 2_ sin ina _igi mul2-mul2 10 si#_ [...]

[_ge6 3_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi_ is-le10 1 2/3 _kusz3 gir2 mah_ ina _si gir2-gir2#_ [... _ge6 4 sag ge6_]

[sin x] _szur#_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3_ ina _zalag2 dir an za 4 dir an za ge6 5#_ [...]

[x x] _illu# 8 si lal 7_ dele-bat ina _nim_ ina _sag lu szu2 7 lal2_-tu2 _nu_ [_pap_ ...]

[_ge6 9_] _sag# ge6_ sin ar2 _lugal 1 kusz3 8 si 10 an-bar7_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2_ x# [...]

[x x x] x# _ge6 11 usan_ sin _tur3 nigin2 11 illu 4 si lal_ [...]

[...] _usan_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur 2_/3 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

[...] x x x x# [x x x x] x x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... wool, 2 minas .

... That month, a sacrificial lamb gave birth and the front feet ... .

Month XII2, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 14°. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 10 fingers in front of eta Tauri .

Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Tauri; much lightning flashed continuously in the north ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits ... zeta Tauri; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, .

... the river level receded 8 fingers. The 7th, Venus' last appearance in the east in the beginning of Aries. The 7th, equinox; I did not watch .

Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers behind alpha Leonis. The 10th, around noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo ... .

... ... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 11th, the river level receded 4 fingers .

... first part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Virginis; last part of the night, .


... ...; wool, 2 minas ...

That month, a bitch gave birth, and the young's front feet ...

Month XII2, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 14°. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 10 fingers in front of Pleiades ...

Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of alpha Tauri; much lightning flashed continuously in the north. ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night,

the moon was 2 cubits ... zeta Tauri; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, ...

... the river level receded 8 fingers. The 7th, Venus' last appearance in the east in the beginning of Aries. The 7th, equinox; I did not watch. ...

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers behind alpha Leonis. The 10th, around noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo ... ...

... Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 11th, the river level receded 4 fingers. ...

... first part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Virginis; last part of the night, ...

... ... ...

X103780: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_] sin ar2 _lugal 2# kusz3 8 si_ ana _nim gub_ [...]

_sze#-gisz 2_(_ban2_) 3 qa _sig2 2_ ma i-nu-szu2 dele-bat ina _sag itu#_ [ina _absin_ ina _til itu_ ina _rin2_ ...] _apin 30_ sin _igi 14-30_ na _kur4 ge6 1 an_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 _sig mul2#_-[ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun_ ...]

_apin 30_ sin _igi 14-30_ na _kur4 ge6 1 an_ ana _szu2_ ina _lal_-szu2 _sig mul2#_-[ar2-sza2-_sag_-_hun_ ...]

2 _kusz3_ i sin ana _nim dib ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur#_-[nu-nu _n n_ ...]

_ge6 12 murub4_ sin _tur3 nigin2 an_ ina# _sza3 gub 12 lugal_ u _dumu lugal_ sza2 _e2_-re#-[du-ti(?) ...]

szamasz2 ina a-kam2 _szu2 ge6 14 9-30 me usan_ sin ar2 is-le10 2/3 _kusz3 14 4-30_ na [...]

16# _sag-me-gar_ ina _gir2-tab igi kur 11-30_ na-su _ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2 1 _kusz3_ [... _ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ...]

sza2# _sag_-_ur-a 2_/3 _kusz3 dir an za ge6 20_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _lugal 1 1_/2 _kusz3 dir an za ge6 21#_ [... _ge6 22_]

[ina _zalag2_ sin ar2] _genna 2 1_/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub 22 gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina _pa-bil igi_ in _en 22 an_ ana _szu2_ ki# [_usz_-a ...]

[_ge6 23_] _dir# an za mul2-babbar_ e# [_si4 n kusz3_] 8 _si ge6 24_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3#_ [...]

[x x x] _ge6# 26_ ina _zalag2#_ [sin ina _igi mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab_] 1 1/2 _kusz3_ ina _igi_ dele-bat 3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ge6 28#_ [...]

[...] _kur_(?) 28# x [...] _ki#-lam_ sze-im 1(_barig_) 2(_ban2_) 4 1/2 qa ina _til#_ [_itu_ ...]

[... x]+1 ma i-nu-[szu2 ...] _gu4-ud_ ina _pa-bil#_ [...] [_gan_] 30 sin _igi#_ [...] x [...]

[_gan_] 30 sin _igi#_ [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Leonis to the east .

sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra .

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon became visible on the 14th; sunset to moonset: 14° 30'; it was bright. Night of the 1st, Mars, while moving back to the west, was ... below alpha Arietis .

the moon having passed 2 cubits to the east. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium .

Night of the 12th, middle part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Mars stood in it. The 12th, the king and the crown prince of the Succession Palace .

the sun set in mist. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Tauri. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 30' .

The 16th, Jupiter's first appearance in Scorpius; it was bright, rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11° 30'. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below beta Geminorum ... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was .

2/3 cubit ... epsilon Leonis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon stood 2 1/2 cubits behind Saturn to the east. The 22nd, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Sagittarius; around the 22nd, when Mars became stationary to the west, .

Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky; Jupiter was nn cubits 8 fingers above alpha Scorpii. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis .

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii, it stood 3 cubits in front of Venus to the west. Night of the 28th, .

... the land?. The 28th, ... ... the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 2 sutu 4 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, .

... x+1 minas. At that time, ... Mercury was in Sagittarius .

Month IX, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon became visible ... ... .


Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Leonis to the east ...

sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Venus was in the beginning of the month in Virgo, at the end of the month in Libra; ...

Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance; sunset to moonset: 14° 30'; it was bright. Night of the 1st, Mars, while moving back to the west, was ... below alpha Arietis ...

2 cubits, the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ...

Night of the 12th, middle part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Mars stood in it. The 12th, the king and the crown? prince ...

the sun set in mist. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Tauri. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 30'. ...

The 16th, Jupiter's first appearance in Scorpius; it was bright; rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11° 30'. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below beta Geminorum ... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit ... epsilon Leonis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Leonis; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, ... Night of the 22nd,

last part of the night, the moon stood 2 1/2 cubits behind Saturn to the east. The 22nd, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. Around the 22nd, when Mars became stationary in the west ...

Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky; Jupiter was above alpha Scorpii nn cubits 8 fingers. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis ...

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of beta Scorpii, it stood 3 cubits in front of Venus to the west. Night of the 28th, ...

... ... The 28th, ... ... the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 2 sutu 4 1/2 qa, at the end of the month, ...

... x+1 minas. At that time, ... Mercury was in Sagittarius ...

Month IX, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon's first appearance ... ... ...



[...] _mu-26-kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-tak-szat-su# [...]

AI Translation

... year 26 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes.


... Year 26 of Arses who is called Artaxerxes.

X103790: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc


[...] ar2# _mul2-mesz_ ar2#-_mesz_ [...]

[...] _du_(?)# 13 9-40 _szu2 dir_ musz _an utah#_ [...]

[... _ge6 15 sag_(?)] _ge6 szu2_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 kusz3 8 si#_ [...]

[...]+1 _kusz3 17_ ina _kin-sig szu2 ge6 18 dir an za_ ina _zalag2_ sin [...]

[... _ge6_] 19 sin _tur3 nigin2 mul2-babbar_ ina _sza3 gub_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi si4 1_ [_kusz3_ ...]

[... _an_] _dul# ge6 20 an dul_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi kir4_-szil-tah-_pa 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6#_ [...]

[... _an_] _sig si_-_masz2 2 kusz3 8 si_ i _an_ ana _szu2 lal 22 dir an za_ [...]

[... _ge6 24_] ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _si_-_masz2 3 kusz3_ ar2 _an 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub ge6 20_+[...]

[...] x 40 _kur_ szamasz2 ina pit2-ni _kur 27 dir an za ge6 28 28 szu2#_ [...]

[... _ki-lam sze_ ina _sag itu_ ...]+1 qa ina _murub4_ (_itu_) 2 _pi_ ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 2_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) ina _murub4 itu#_ [...]

[... _an_ ina] _pa#_ ina _til itu_ ina _masz2 gu4-ud_ sza2 _szu2_-u _nu igi_ [_sze_ ...] x# _ge6 2 usan_ dele-bat _sig mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 5 _si_ x [...]

[_sze_ ...] x# _ge6 2 usan_ dele-bat _sig mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 5 _si_ x [...]

[... _ki_] _szu2_ szamasz2 _utah_ i _u2-lal szub-mesz_-ni# [...]

[...] 2 _kusz3# 8 si_ [...]

AI Translation

... behind the stars behind .

... ... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 40', measured despite clouds; rain shower .

... Night of the 15th, beginning? of the night, overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of gamma Virginis .

...+1 cubit. The 17th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon .

... Night of the 19th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Jupiter stood in it; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii .

... rain DUL. Night of the 20th, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi. Night .

... Mars was 2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Capricorni, Mars being a little back to the west. The 22nd, clouds were in the sky .

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind beta Capricorni, it stood 2 2/3 cubits behind Mars to the east. Night of the 20+xth, .

... moonrise to sunrise: x° 40'; the sun rose in a "box". The 27th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th and the 28th, overcast .

... the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, ...+1 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 panu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 1 sutu; dates, 2 panu 3 sutu, in the middle of the month, .

... Mars was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

Month XII, ... ... Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus was 5 fingers below eta Tauri ... .

... at sunset, a little rain shower, they fell .

... 2 cubits 8 fingers .


... behind the rear stars ...

... ... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 40', measured despite clouds; rain shower ...

... Night of the 15th, beginning? of the night, overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of gamma Virginis ...

...+1 cubit. The 17th, in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon ...

... Night of the 19th, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Jupiter stood in it; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii ...

... rain DUL. Night of the 20th, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi. Night ...

... Mars was 2 cubits 8 fingers below beta Capricorni, Mars being a little back to the west. The 22nd, clouds were in the sky. ...

... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind beta Capricorni, 3 cubits behind Mars, it stood 2 2/3 cubits to the east. Night of the 20+xth ...

... moonrise to sunrise: x° 40'; the sun rose in a "box". The 27th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th and the 28th, overcast? ...

... barley, ... x+1 qa, in the middle of the month, 2 panu, at the end of the month, 2 panu 1 sutu; dates, 2 panu 3 sutu, in the middle of the month ...

... Mars was in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, in Capricorn; Mercury, which had set, was not visible.

Month XII, ... ... Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus was 5 fingers below eta Tauri ... ...

... towards sunset, a little rain shower, tornadoes? fell. ...

... 2 cubits 8 fingers ...

X103801: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc


[...] 1 _kusz3 6 si_ x [...]

[...] 1 _kusz3_ dele-bat e _mul2 an_ sza2 _sag gir2-tab 18 si_ x# [...]

[...] _tuh ge6 29 usan an dul itu bi ki-lam_ [...]

[...] _mul2#-babbar_ ina _absin_ dele-bat ina _rin2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gir2-tab genna_ ina A [...] [_ab_ ...] _an#_ ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-_sim-mah 6 si an 8#_ [_si_ ...]

[_ab_ ...] _an#_ ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-_sim-mah 6 si an 8#_ [_si_ ...]

[...] _tur3# nigin2 ge6 5 5 dir an dib ge6 6 sag_ [_ge6_ ...]

[... _ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2]-sza2#-_sag_-_hun-ga2 1 kusz3 8 szu2 ge6 9 sag_ [_ge6_ ...]

[... _ge6_] 11 _sag ge6_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2 [...]

[...] _an utah_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

... 1 cubit 6 fingers ... .

... 1 cubit; Venus was 18 fingers above the star of Mars which was ... omitted .

... was cooled off. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, rain DUL. That month, the equivalent .

... Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Libra, at the end of the month, in Scorpius; Saturn was in Leo .

Month X, ... Mars was 6 fingers in front of eta Piscium; Mars was 8 fingers .

... was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 5th and the 5th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, .

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Arietis. The 8th, overcast. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta Tauri .

... rain shower; last part of the night, the moon .


... 1 cubit 6 fingers ... ...

... 1 cubit; Venus was 18 fingers above the upper star of the head of the Scorpion ... ...

... removed. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, rain DUL. That month, the equivalent ...

... Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Libra, at the end of the month, in Scorpius; Saturn was in Leo ...

... Mars was 6 fingers in front of eta Piscium, Mars being 8 fingers ...

... surrounded by a halo. Night of the 5th and the 5th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, ...

Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Arietis. The 8th, overcast. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of beta/zeta Tauri ...

... rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was ...

... ... ...

X103802: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] sin _sig masz-masz_-ar2 1 _kusz3_(?)# [...]

[...] _za_(?) 14 3 na a-kam2 _nu pap_ x# [...]

[...] _ur#-a 1 kusz3 ge6 17 usan an sig mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-_sim_(?)#-[_mah_ ...]

[...] _dir# an za ge6 18 u4-zal_ sin e _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3 dir an_ [...]

[...] x# _dir an za 19 dir an za ge6 20 dir an za 20 gu4-ud_ ina _szu2_ ina _masz2 szu2 nu pap#_ [...]

[... ina sze]-ri3# _utah_ i _ge6 22 22 dir an za ge6 23_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-szil-tah-_pa 1 kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _usan an sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_hun-ga2 2 kusz3 20 si_ in 26 _genna_ ana _me e_-a 26(?) [...]

[...] 27 12-40 _kur_ szamasz2 ina pit2-nu _kur ta 21 en 27 illu 1 kusz3 gin ge6 28 28 dir_ [...]

[...] 29 _dir an za si szar2 szed7 ge6 30 30 szed7 itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im 2(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ina _til_ [_itu_ ...]

[... _sig2_] 2 ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _absin_ dele-bat ina _gir2-tab_ ina _til itu_ ina _pa genna_ ina _ur-a an_ ina _kun-me_ [...] [_ziz2 1_ ...] _dib# ge6 3 an pisan dib im szar2 3 dir an za ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2#-[_dur_-_sim-mah n n_ ...]

[_ziz2 1_ ...] _dib# ge6 3 an pisan dib im szar2 3 dir an za ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2#-[_dur_-_sim-mah n n_ ...]

[...] x 5 ina sze#-ri3 _an_ sze-ni _nu tuh ge6 6 6 dir an za ge6 7#_ [...]

[...] _illu# 1_/2 _kusz3 ka2_-tu2 x [...]

[...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... the moon was 1 cubit below beta Geminorum .

... ... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3°; mist, I did not watch ... .

... 1 cubit ... eta Piscium. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Mars was ... below eta Piscium .

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above gamma Virginis; clouds ... the sky .

... ... clouds were in the sky. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds were in the sky. The 20th, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Capricorn; I did not watch .

... in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 22nd and the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi .

... first part of the night, Mars was 2 cubits 20 fingers below beta Arietis. Around the 26th, Saturn's acronychal rising. The 26th?, .

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 40'; the sun rose in a "box". From the 21st to the 27th, the river level rose 1 cubit. Night of the 28th and the 28th, clouds .

... The 29th, clouds were in the sky, gusty north wind, cold. Night of the 30th and the 30th, cold. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 2 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month, .

... wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Leo; Mars was in Pisces .

Month XI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... crossed?. Night of the 3rd, rain PISAN DIB, gusty wind. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium .

... ... The 5th, in the morning, rain but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 6th and the 6th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 7th, .

... the river level - remainder? 1/2 cubit - ... .


... the moon was below beta Geminorum ... ...

... ... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3°; mist, I did not watch. ... ...

... Leonis 1 cubit. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Mars was ... below eta Piscium ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above gamma Virginis; clouds ... ...

... ... clouds were in the sky. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, clouds were in the sky. The 20th, Mercury's last appearance in the west in Capricorn; I did not watch. ...

... in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 22nd and the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of theta Ophiuchi ...

... first part of the night, Mars was 2 cubits 20 fingers below beta Arietis. Around the 26th, Saturn's acronychal rising. The 26th?, ...

... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 40'; the sun rose in a "box". From the 21st to the 27th, the river level rose 1 cubit. Night of the 28th and the 28th, clouds ...

... The 29th, clouds were in the sky, gusty north wind, cold. Night of the 30th and the 30th, cold. That month, the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 2 panu 4 sutu, at the end of the month ...

... wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Leo; Mars was in Pisces ...

Month XI ... passed. Night of the 3rd, rain PISAN DIB, gusty wind. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of eta Piscium ...

... ... The 5th, in the morning, rain but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 6th and the 6th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 7th, ...

... the river level - remainder? 1/2 cubit - ... ...

... ... ...



[...] _genna_ ina _alla an_ ina# _gigir gu4-ud_ ina x# [...] [_sze 30_ ...] x _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin _sig mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 3 _kusz3_ ar2 _an 20 si#_ ana _nim#_ [_gub_ ...]

[_sze 30_ ...] x _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin _sig mul_x2(_ab2_)-_mul_x2(_ab2_) 3 _kusz3_ ar2 _an 20 si#_ ana _nim#_ [_gub_ ...]

[... _ge6_] 7# _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 an sig mul2-mul2 1 kusz3#_ [...]

[...] _dir an dib 8 dir an za ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _masz-masz_-[_igi n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin _sig_] _sag# ur-a 2 kusz3_ i sin ana _nim dib_ e _genna 1 kusz3_ [...]

[... _ge6 13 sag_] _ge6_ sin ina _igi giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 1 2_/3 _kusz3 13 1-30_ na _ge6#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 15 16-30 ge6 usan_ sin e _sa4_-sza2-_absin#_ [...]

[...] _dir# an dib ge6 18_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi si4 1 kusz3_ sin# (or: 20+) ...]

[...]+10 _si# ka2_-tu2 2 1/2 _kusz3 gin ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ [...]

[...] _kusz3#_ sin 8 _si_ ana _nim dib 25_(?) [...]

[...] 28 _usan an_ [...]

AI Translation

... Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in the Chariot; Mercury was in ... .

Month XII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below eta Tauri, it stood 20 fingers behind Mars to the east .

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind zeta Tauri; Mars was 1 cubit below eta Tauri .

... clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Geminorum .

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east, 1 cubit above Saturn .

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta Virginis. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30'. Night .

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 16° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis .

... clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of alpha Scorpii, the moon being 20+ .

... 2 1/2 cubits ... the upper front ... .

... cubits, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 25th?, .

... The 28th, first part of the night, Mars .


... Saturn was in Cancer; Mars was in the Chariot; Mercury was in ...

Month XII ... ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below eta Tauri, it stood 20 fingers behind Mars towards the east ...

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind zeta Tauri; Mars was 1 cubit below eta Tauri ...

... clouds crossed the sky. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind alpha Geminorum ...

... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below epsilon Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east, 1 cubit above Saturn ...

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta Virginis. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30'. Night? ...

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 16° 30'; first part of the night, the moon was ... above alpha Virginis ...

..., clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of a Scorpii ... ...

... the river level - remainder x+10 fingers - rose 2 1/2 cubits. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, ...

... cubits, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. 25 or: 26 ...

... Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mars? ...

X103811: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_mu 23_]-_kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-tak#-[szat-su _lugal mu_]-szu2 _sa4_-u2 _bar 1 24-20_ na x [... _ge6 2_ sin]

[ina _igi szur_-_gigir_]-sza2-_ulu3 1 kusz3 8 si_ ar2 _an#_ [_n n_ ana] _nim# gub ge6 3_ sin _sig mul2_-ar2-sza2-sze-pit2#-[_masz-masz n n_ ...]

[_ge6 4_ ...] x# _tur3 nigin2 genna_ ina _sza3 tur3#_ [_gub_(?)] _mul2-babbar_ ina _ugu_ t,ur-ri# [x x] x x# [...]

[_ge6 5 sag_] _ge6#_ sin ina _igi mul2_ ar2-_me_ sza2 _alla 1 1_/2 _kusz3#_ [_dir_] _an za 5_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 5_ [...]

[...] x# _nigin2_ ana _ulu3 bad ge6 7 sag ge6_ [sin] ar2# _lugal 1 kusz3 u4-zal an utah 7_ szamasz2 _tur3#_ [_nigin2_ ...]

[...] _ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 2_/3 _kusz3 9 dir an za ge6 10 sag ge6_ [sin x _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin n n ... ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin]

[ina _igi_] _sa4#_-sza2-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3 dir an za 11 szu2-szu2 ge6 12 szu2 12 4-30 szu2 dir_ musz _ge6 14_ [...]

[... _an_] _sig szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 2 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 15 szu2 izi-szub_ ina _ki eri-du10 gal2 15 an utah_(?)# [...]

[...] _an utah im-gu2 kur szu2_-ap _ge6 18# szu2 18 an utah im szar2 ge6 19 szu2_ [...]

[...] x x x# sin ina _igi_(?) _mul2_-_igi_-_suhur#_-[_masz2_] 2(?) 1/2 _kusz3 20_ ina _kin-sig an utah_ i x [...]

[...] i _an utah_(?)# [x 21(?) ina] _kin-sig gu3 u_ [...] _im szar2 ge6 22_ ina _zalag2_ x [x x] x x [...]

[...] _kalag 23 dir an za# ge6 24_ x [... _ge6_] 25 25 x [...]

[...] 26(?)# x _gir2_(?)# _gu3 u an_ kab-bar _pisan_ [...] x [...]

[...] sze#-im(?) 5(_ban2_)(?) (line continues a little bit lower) 2 qa ina _til itu 1 pi zu2#_-[_lum_ ...] [_gu4 30 n_ na] ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ [a-pir ... _ge6 2_]

[_gu4 30 n_ na] ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ [a-pir ... _ge6 2_]

[sin] ina _igi masz-masz_-_igi 2_/3 (text: 1/3) _kusz3 ge6 3_ sin ar2 _genna_ [_n n_ ...]

[...] 2/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub ta 1 en 4_ [...]

[...] _an# za ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina [_igi dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin n n_ ...]

[...] x# _ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin [x _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 n n_ ...]

[... _ge6 13_] _sag# ge6_ sin ina _igi si4_ [_n n_ ...]

[...] 6 na _dir_ musz# [...]

[...] _sig masz#-masz_-ar2 2 [...]

[...] x e [...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

Year 23 of Arses who is called king Artaxerxes. Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 24° 20' ... ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was

1 cubit 8 fingers in front of zeta Tauri, it stood ... behind Mars to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... below mu Geminorum .

Night of the 4th, ... ... was surrounded by a halo; Saturn stood inside the halo; Jupiter was on top of the halo ... .

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of the rear stars of Cancer; clouds were in the sky. The 5th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. The 5th, .

... ..., it was surrounded by a halo to the south. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis; in the morning watch, rain shower. The 7th, the sun was surrounded by a halo .

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Virginis. The 9th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis; clouds were in the sky. The 11th, very overcast. Night of the 12th, overcast. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 30', measured despite clouds. Night of the 14th, .

... Mars was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 15th, overcast, a "fall of fire" occurred in the district of Eridu. The 15th, rain shower? .

... rain shower, mud covered the land. Night of the 18th, overcast. The 18th, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 19th, overcast .

... ... the moon was 2? 1/2 cubits in front? of gamma Capricorni. The 20th, in the afternoon, a little rain shower ... .

... ... rain shower? ... The 21st?, in the afternoon, thunder ... gusty wind. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, ... ... .

... strong ... The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, ... ... Night of the 25th and the 25th, ... .

... The 26th?, ... lightning?, thunder, thick rain, PISAN ... ... .

... barley?, 5 sutu?, the lower side 2 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu; dates, .

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: nn°; it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine ... Night of the 2nd,

the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of alpha Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind Saturn .

... stood 2/3 cubit to the west. From the 1st to the 4th, .

... were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis .

... ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Librae .

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Scorpii .

... sunrise to moonset: 6°, measured despite clouds .

... 2 mm below beta Geminorum .


Year 23 of Arses who is called king Artaxerxes. Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 24° 20' ... ... Night of the 2nd, the moon was

1 cubit 8 fingers in front of alpha Librae, it stood ... behind Mars to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... below mu Geminorum.

Night of the 4th, ... ... was surrounded by a halo, Saturn stood inside the halo. Jupiter on top of the band? ...

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of the rear stars of Cancer; clouds were in the sky. The 5th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. The 5th, ...

... was surrounded by a halo?, it was open to the south. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind alpha Leonis; last part of the night, rain shower. The 7th, the sun was surrounded by a halo ...

... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind beta Virginis. The 9th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis ... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was

2/3 cubit in front of alpha Virginis; clouds were in the sky. The 11th, very overcast. Night of the 12th, overcast. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 30', measured despite clouds. Night of the 14th, ...

... Mars was 2 1/2 cubits below beta Tauri. Night of the 15th, overcast; a "fall of fire" occurred in the district of Eridu. The 15th, rain shower? ...

... rain shower, mud covered the land. Night of the 18th, overcast. The 18th, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 19th, overcast. ...

... ... the moon was 2? 1/2 cubits in front of gamma Capricorni. The 20th, in the afternoon, a little rain shower ... ...

... a little ..., rain shower? ... The 21st?, in the afternoon, thunder, ... gusty wind. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, ... ...

... strong ... The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, ... ... Night of the 25th and the 25th, ... ...

... The 26th?, lightning?, thunder, thick rain PISAN ...

... barley, 5 sutu? 2 qa, at the end of the month, 1 panu; dates, ...

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, the moon could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine. ... Night of the 2nd,

the moon was 2/3text: 1/3 cubit in front of alpha Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, the moon was ... behind Saturn ...

... it stood 2/3 cubit to the west. From the 1st to the 4th, ...

... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of gamma Virginis ...

... overcast?. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... alpha Librae ...

... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of alpha Scorpii ...

... sunrise to moonset: 6°, measured despite clouds. ...

... 2 cubits? below beta Geminorum ...

... ... ...

... ... ...



[...] sze#-ni _nu#_ [_tuh_ ...]

[...] qa _sze-gisz 2_(_ban2_) 3 qa [...]

[...] _lu2-agrig_ kal(?) [...]

[...] _u4 4-kam2_ ina _e#_-[_ki_ ...] [_kin_] 30# 13-40 na a-kam2# [...]

[_kin_] 30# 13-40 na a-kam2# [...]

[...] _ge6 3 izi-szub_ ina [...]

[_ge6 4_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _mul2#_-[e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab n n_ ...]

[_ge6 5 sag_] _ge6_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2#-[_kir4_-szil-_pa n n_ ...]

[... ana] _mar szur ge6 11 usan_ sin [...]

[... dele-bat x] _giri3_-ar2-sza2-_ur-a 4 si ge6#_ [...]

[... _ge6_] 16 6 _ge6 murub4_ x [...]

[_ge6 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin] _sig# mul2-mul2 4 kusz3_ [...]

[... _sza3_(?)] sin _ku4 ge6 20_+[x ...]

[...] _dir an za 20_+[x ...] x# [...]

[...] _usan zi#_ [...] _dir# an za_ x [...]

[...] _murub4 gir2 gu3 u_ [...] _im_(?)# _kalag gin_ x [...]

[...] x _ge6 27_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [x _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin n n 27_] _lal2 ge6 28_ ina _zalag2_ sin# [x _sa4_-sza2-_absin n n_ ...]

[... _ki_]-_lam#_ sze-im 1(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) _zu2#_ [...] ka#-si 1 _gur 1_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) _za3 2_+[N(_ban2_) ...]

[... _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a_] dele-bat u _an_ ina _sag itu#_ [ina _ur-a_] ina _til itu_ ina _absin genna_ ina _alla ta#_ [...] [...] musz

[...] musz

_en-nun#_ [sza2 gi-ne2]-e# sza2 _ta bar en til kin_ sza2 _mu#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... did not dry out .

... qa; sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa .

... the overseer .

... on the 4th, in Babylon .

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 40'; mist .

... Night of the 3rd, a "fall of fire" in .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii .

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi .

... it set towards the west. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon .

... Venus was 4 fingers ... beta Virginis. Night .

... Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6°; middle part of the night, ... .

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below eta Tauri .

... entered the moon. Night of the 20+xth, .

... clouds were in the sky. The 20+xth, ... ... .

... first part of the night, ZI ... clouds were in the sky ... .

... middle part of the night, lightning, thunder, ... a strong wind blew ... .

... ... Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis. The 27th, equinox. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Virginis .

... the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu; dates, ... mustard, 1 kurru 1 panu 4 sutu; cress, 2+x sutu .

... Jupiter was in Leo; Venus and Mars, in the beginning of the month, were in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; Saturn was in Cancer; from ... ... measured.

... measured.

Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year .


... but the sandal was not removed ...

... qa; sesame, 2 sutu 3 qa ...

... the "steward" ... ...

... on the 4th, in Babylon? ...

Month VI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 13° 40'; mist ...

... Night of the 3rd, a "fall of fire" in ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... behind beta Scorpii ...

Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of theta Ophiuchi ...

... flashed towards? the west. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon was ...

Venus was 4 fingers ... beta Virginis. Night ...

... Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6°; middle part of the night, ... ...

Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below eta Tauri ...

... entered the moon. Night of the 20+xth, ...

... ... clouds were in the sky. ... ... ...

..., first part of the night, ... ... clouds were in the sky ... ...

... middle part of the night, lightning, thunder, ... strong wind blew ... ...

... ... Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was ... gamma Virginis. The 27th, equinox. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, the moon was ... alpha Virginis ...

... the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu; dates ...; mustard, 1 kur 1 panu 4 sutu; cress, ... ...

... Jupiter was in Leo; Venus and Mars were in Leo in the beginning of the month, in Virgo at the end of the month; Saturn was in Cancer. From ...

..., measured.

Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year ...



[_en_]-_nun_ sza2 gi-[ne2-e sza2 _ta bar en_] _til# kin_ sza2 _mu-23-kam2_ (disz)ar2-szu2 [...]

AI Translation

Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 23 of Arses .


Diary from month I to the end of month VI of year 23 of Arses ...

X103812: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc

Obverse Column i


[...] x#

[...] x#

[...] _ge6# 5 sag ge6_

[...] _ge6# 8 sag ge6_

[... N] _kusz3 8 si ge6 10_

[...] sza2# _ulu3_

AI Translation

... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night,

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night,

... nn cubits 8 fingers. Night of the 10th,

... south


... ...

... ...

... Night of the 6th?, beginning of the night,

... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night,

... nn cubits 8 fingers. Night of the 10th,

... of the south

Obverse Column ii


x x x# [...]

ki _pap nu igi ta_(?)# [...]

_ki-lam_ sze-im 1(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) 2 [qa ...]

2(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _til itu 3_(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) ka-si(?)# 1(_barig_) 5(_ban2_) sah# [...]

_sig2 2_ ma i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _alla_ ina _til itu_ ina _ur-a_ dele-[bat ...]

_genna_ u _an_ sza2 _szu2_-u _nu igi-me itu bi zi_-ut _buru5_ i _zi_(?)#-[a(?) ...] _szu 1 27_ na ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ a-pir sin ar2 _lugal 20 si_ ar2 _mul2-babbar#_ [...]

_szu 1 27_ na ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ a-pir sin ar2 _lugal 20 si_ ar2 _mul2-babbar#_ [...]

AI Translation

when I watched I did not see it; from? .

the equivalent was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu 2 qa .

2 panu 5 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 3 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 5 sutu; cress, .

wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Venus .

Saturn and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, a "fall of locusts" .

Month IV, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 27°; it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine; the moon was 20 fingers behind alpha Leonis, behind Jupiter .


... ...

when I watched I did not see it. From? ...

the equivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 1 panu 1 sutu 2 qa ...

2 panu 5 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month 3 panu 1 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 5 sutu ... ...

wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer, at the end of the month, in Leo; Venus ...

Saturn and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, there was a small attack of locusts ...

Month IV, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 27°, the moon could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine; the moon was 20 fingers behind alpha Leonis, behind Jupiter ...

Obverse Column iii


_mul2-babbar_ ina _igi lugal 1_/2 _kusz3 mul2-babbar 4 si_ ana _nim dib ge6 3_ sin ar2#

[_giri3_-ar2]-sza2-_ur-a 1 1_/2 _kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat ar2 _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 5_ [_si_(?) dele-bat _n n_]

[ana] _ulu3# sig ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _dele_-sza2-_igi_-_absin 1 kusz3#_ [... _ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin]

[ar2] _sa4#_-sza2-_absin 1 kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat _sig mul2#_-[ar2-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz n n_]

[_ge6 6 sag ge6_] sin ina _igi_(?) _rin2_-sza2-_ulu3#_ [...]

AI Translation

Jupiter was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, Jupiter having passed 4 fingers to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits behind beta Virginis; last part of the night, Venus was 5 fingers behind eta Geminorum, Venus being .

low to the south. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Virginis ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was

1 cubit behind alpha Virginis; last part of the night, Venus was ... below mu Geminorum,

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front? of alpha Librae .


Jupiter was 1/2 cubit in front of alpha Leonis, Jupiter having passed 4 fingers to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits behind beta Virginis; last part of the night, Venus was 5 fingers? behind eta Geminorum, Venus being

... low to the south. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind gamma Virginis ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was

1 1/2 cubits behind alpha Virginis; last part of the night, Venus was ... below mu Geminorum.

Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front? of alpha Librae ...

Obverse Column iv



[...] x#

AI Translation



... ...

X103813: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[_mu 23-kam2_ (disz)...]-szu2 sza2 (disz)ar-tak-szat-su _lugal mu_-szu2 _sa4_-u2 _du6 1_ [...]

[...] ana _ulu3_ u _mar szur ud-da_-su ina _ki igi ge6 6_ ina _zalag2_ dele-bat e _sa4#_-[sza2-_absin_ ...]

[... _ge6 9_ ... sin] ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _si_-szu2 sza2 _si gin_ [...]

[...] _ge6# 17_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_si 1 2_/3# [_kusz3_ ...]

[...] x x x x x x# [...]

AI Translation

Year 23 of ...shu, who is called king Artaxerxes. Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, .

... it became visible to the south and west; its light could be seen on the ground. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus was ... above alpha Virginis .

... Night of the 9th, ... the moon was 2/3 cubit behind delta Capricorni, it was set towards its northern horn .

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits in front of beta Tauri .


Year 24? of ...xshu who is called king Artaxerxes. Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the prededing month; ... ...

... a shooting star? flashed to the south-west; ist light was seen on the ground. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus was above alpha Virginis ...

... the moon was 2/3 cubit behind delta Capricorni, it was set to its northern horn ...

... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 + x cubits in front of zeta Tauri ...

... ... Night? of the 19th?, last part of the night, the moon was in front? of ... ...



[... sin] _tur3# nigin2 an utah_ x szamasz2(?) _tur3 nigin2#_ ma-disz iq-tur7# [...]

[... _genna_ ...] _mul2#_-ar2-sza2-_alla_-sza2-_ulu3 6 si lal2 itu bi ki-lam_ sze-im# [...]

[...] x# i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _ur-a_ dele-bat u _gu4-ud_ ina _gu4-an genna_ ina _alla an#_ [...]

[...] _kur_ sa-mi-ne2-e _uru sig_-u2 sza2 _kur_ ku-up-ru sza2 ana _du3_ [...]

[...] x# su-un-du _kur_ ia-a-mu-un-ia-am-mu sza2 _lugal du3_-usz# [...]

AI Translation

... the moon was surrounded by a halo, rain shower; the sun? was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much .

... Saturn was 6 fingers ... delta Cancri. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .

... ... At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus and Mercury were in Taurus; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars .

... the land Saminê, the city of the strong one of the land Kupru which to .

... ... the king built ... the city Suundu of the land Yamuniamu.


... was surrounded by a halo; rain shower. The xth, the sun was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much. ...

... was balanced 6 fingers above/below delta Cancri. That month, the quivalent of 1 shekel of silver was: barley, ...

... minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus and Mercury were in Taurus;

... the land Saminê, a famous city of the land Kupru, which for making ...

...sundu of the land Iamuniammu which the king made ...



[_bar_] 1 24-30 na _dir kalag_-ma sin _nu igi_

_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2-e sza2 _ta du6 en til dir-sze_ [...]

AI Translation

Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 24° 30'; dense clouds, I did not see the moon.

Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2, .


Month I, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset: 24° 30'; dense clouds so that I did not see the moon.

Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2 ...

X103820: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x [...]

[...] x _e2_ x [...]

[...] x _kur gin_ x [...]

[...] sza2 _alla 2 kusz3 usan_ x [...]

[... _ge6 6 sag_] _ge6_ sin ina _igi gisz-kun_-_ur-a 2_/3 _kusz3#_

[...] x 5 _si_ ana _szu2 lal ta 5 en 9_ x#

[...] _masz-masz_-ar2 2 _kusz3 8 si dir an za_ in 13

[...] x 20 _si 15 5_ na musz _dir_ i _an za si gin_

[...] _ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2-sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 1 1_/2 _kusz3_

[... _ge6 23_ ...] 2/3# _kusz3_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-_kur_-sza2-_dur_-nu-nu 2 1/2 _kusz3 ge6 24_

[...] _kusz3# 20 si dir an za utah 26 an utah ge6 27 an utah_ i

[... _zu2-lum 2_(_barig_)] 2(_ban2_)# 3 qa ina _til itu 2_(_barig_) 4(_ban2_) ka-si 1(_barig_) 1(_ban2_) _za3 3_(_ban2_) 3 qa _sze-gisz 1_(_ban2_) 1 1/2 qa

[...] _gig# ka_ u ri-szu-tu ina _kur mah_ [_sig 1_ ...] x _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi# giri3_-ar2-sza2-_a 2 kusz3 8 si_

[_sig 1_ ...] x _ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi# giri3_-ar2-sza2-_a 2 kusz3 8 si_

[... _ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_]-sza2#-_absin 1 2_/3 _kusz3 ge6 8 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi rin2_-sza2-_ulu3 2 kusz3 8 si_

[...] _ge6# gin nu pap 14 3-40 szu2 ge6 15 1-20 me_

[... _genna ... masz_]-_masz#_-ar2 _igi kur nim_ in 15 _igi ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin

[... _ge6 26_ ina _zalag2_ sin x _mul2_]-_igi#_-sza2-sze-pit-_masz-masz 1 kusz3 20 si 27 16-20 kur_

[...] _ta 1 en til itu illu 2 kusz3 ka2_-tu2

[... i-nu-szu2] _mul2#-babbar_ ina _alla_ dele-[bat ina] _sag# itu_ ina _alla_

[...] _ku3-babbar en_ muh-hi _a-mesz_ na-qar-' [_szu 30 ... ge6 5_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3 izi-szub_ i

[_szu 30 ... ge6 5_] _sag ge6_ sin ar2 _sa4_-sza2-_absin 2_/3 _kusz3 izi-szub_ i

[...] 8 _si ge6 7 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _rin2_-sza2#-[_ulu3_] 2/3 _kusz3_

[...] 1/2 _kusz3_ ana _nim gub_ [...] x

[...] _ge6 15_(?)# [...] x

[...] sin# ar2 x# [...] (in margin:) [...] x _te lu_

AI Translation

... ... house ... .

... ... the east wind blew ... .

... of Cancer 2 cubits; first part of the night, ... .

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit in front of theta Leonis

... ... being 5 fingers back to the west. From the 5th to the 9th, .

... 2 cubits 8 fingers ... beta Geminorum; clouds were in the sky. Around the 13th,

... ... 20 fingers. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5°, measured; clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew.

... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind delta Capricorni

... Night of the 23rd, ... 2/3 cubit; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 24th,

... cubits 20 fingers; clouds were in the sky, rain shower. The 26th, rain shower. Night of the 27th, a little rain shower.

... dates, 2 panu 2 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 panu 4 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 1 sutu; cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa;

... there was much famine, a little famine in the land.

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of beta Virginis.

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of alpha Librae.

... after sunset, I did not watch. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 40'. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 20'.

... Saturn's first appearance ... beta Geminorum; it was bright and high, ideal first appearance on the 15th. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 20 fingers ... eta Geminorum. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 20'.

... from the 1st to the end of the month, the river level - remainder? 2 cubits -

... At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Cancer

... silver, until the water was scarce.

Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Virginis; a "fall of fire"

... 8 fingers. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Librae

... stood 1/2 cubit to the east ... .

... Night of the 15th?, ... .

... the moon was behind ...


... ... ...

... ... ...

... the east wind blew. ...

... of Cancer 2 cubits; first part of the night, ... ...

... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubits in front of theta Leonis.

... ... 5 fingers back to the west. From the 5th to the 9th, ...

... beta Geminorum 2 cubits 8 fingers; clouds were in the sky. Around the 13th,

... ... 20 fingers. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5°, measured; a few clouds were in the sky; the north wind blew.

... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind delta Capricorni.

... Night of the 23rd ... 2/3 cubit; last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of eta Piscium. Night of the 24th,

... cubits 20 fingers; clouds were in the sky, rain shower. The 26th, rain shower. Night of the 27th, a little rain shower.

...; dates, 2 panu 2 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 2 panu 4 sutu; mustard, 1 panu 1 sutu; cress, 3 sutu 3 qa; sesame, 1 sutu 1 1/2 qa

... there was much "mouth-disease" and rishutu in the land.

Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of beta Virginis.

... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 2/3 cubits behind alpha Virginis 1 2/3 cubits. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of alpha Librae.

... lunar eclipse ... after sunset; I did not watch. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 40'. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 20'.

... Saturn's first appearance ... beta Geminorum; it was bright and high, ideal first appearance on the 15th. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was

... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 20 fingers ... eta Geminorum. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 20'.

... From the 1st to the end of the month, the river level - remainder of 2 cubits -

... At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus was in Cancer in the beginning of the month,

... silver were torn down to the water level?.

Month IV, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Virginis. A small "fall of fire"

... 8 fingers. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit behind alpha Librae

... stood 1/2 cubit to the east ... ...

... Night of the 15th? ... ...

... the moon was behind ... ... ...



[...] x# _sig mul2_ x [...]

[...] _ge6 24 dir an za_ [...]

[...] _en# til itu illu 1_/2 _kusz3 ka2_-tu2 22 _si gin#_ [...]

[... _mul2-babbar_ ina] _alla#_ dele-bat ina zib-_me genna_ ina _masz-masz gu4-ud_ ina _gu an_ [ina zib-_me_ ...]

[...] [_ziz2 30_ ...] x _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi an 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub 3_ ina _kin-sig#_

[_ziz2 30_ ...] x _ge6 3_ sin ina _igi an 2 2_/3 _kusz3_ ana _szu2 gub 3_ ina _kin-sig#_

[...] _en# 6 illu 1 kusz3 ka2_-tu2 1 _kusz3 20 si gin_

[... sin _tur3_] _nigin2 genna_ ina _sza3 gub 8 dir sal an dib ge6 9_

[... 12] 5 _szu2_ ina _kin-sig_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 ge6 13 usan_ sin _tur3 nigin2_

[... ina] _zalag2_ sin ina _igi mul2_-e-sza2-_sag_-_gir2-tab 1 kusz3 20 si_ x# [x] x

[... _ge6_] 22 _im szar2 22_ ina sze-ri3 ni-di ina 15 szamasz2 [...]

[... _dir_] _sal an# za ge6 25_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2_-ar2#-[sza2-_suhur_-_masz2 n n_ ...]

[...] _til itu illu 14 si lal_-is# [...]

[...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... below ... .

... Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky .

... until the end of the month, the river level - remainder? 1/2 cubit - rose 22 fingers .

... Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus was in Pisces; Saturn was in Gemini; Mercury was in Aquarius; Mars was in Pisces .

... ... Night of the 30th, ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon stood 2 2/3 cubits in front of Mars to the west. The 3rd, in the afternoon,

Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon stood 2 2/3 cubits in front of Mars to the west. The 3rd, in the afternoon,

... until the 6th, the river level - remainder 1 cubit - rose 1 cubit 20 fingers.

... the moon was surrounded by a halo, Saturn stood in it. The 8th, thin clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 9th,

... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 5°; in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo

... last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 20 fingers in front of beta Scorpii ... .

... Night of the 22nd, gusty wind. The 22nd, in the morning, a little haze; on the 15th, the sun .

... thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni .

... until the end of the month, the river level receded 14 fingers .


... below ... ...

... Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky. ...

... until the end of the month, the river level - remainder of 1/2 cubit - rose 22 fingers ...

... At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus was in Pisces; Saturn was in Gemini; Mercury was in Aquarius; Mars was in Pisces ...


Month XI, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, ... ... Night of the 3rd, the moon stood in front of Mars, 2 2/3 cubits to the west. The 3rd, in the afternoon,

... until the 6th, the river level - remainder of 1 cubit - rose 1 cubit 20 fingers.

... the moon was surrounded by a halo, Saturn stood in it. The 8th, thin clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 9th,

... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 5°; in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo.

... last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 20 fingers in front of beta Scorpii ...

... Night of the 22nd, gusty wind. The 22nd, in the morning, a cloud-bank was to the right of the sun ...

... thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ... behind delta Capricorni ...

... until the end of the month, the river level receded 14 fingers ...

... ... ...



[...] x _mu 22-kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 _lugal_

[...] _mu 22-kam2#_ (disz)ar2-szu2 _lugal#_

AI Translation

... ... year 22 of king Arses.

... year 22 of king Arses.


... Year 22, king Arses.

... Year 22, king Arses.

X103840: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] x x _an pisan_ i# _dib_ x# [...]

[_ge6 3 sag ge6_ sin x _mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_suhur_]-_masz2# 1 1_/2 _kusz3 gir2_ ina _kur gir2 3 dir an_ [...]

[...] _u2#-lal ge6 7 7 im-dugud an dib_ szamasz2# ina a-kam2# [...]

[...] la-am _kur_-ha _tir-an a2 si_ u _mar gib_ [...]

[_ge6 10 sag ge6_ sin] _sig mul2#-mul2 3 2_/3 _kusz3_ i sin ana _szu2 lal 10 gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina _pa-bil#_-[_sag igi_ ...]

[_ge6 11 sag ge6_ sin e] _sa4#_-sza2-_gu4-an 8 si_ ar2 _mul2-babbar 1 kusz3_ ana _nim gub u4-zal an dul#_ [...]

[... _an_ sze]-ni _nu tuh ge6 13 gir2 gu3 u_ s,ar-hi _an_ ra-a-du _pisan mah dib#_ [...]

[...] _ge6 15 11-30 ge6_ ina _zalag2_ sin ar2 _mul2-me_ ar2-_me_ sza2 _alla 1_/2 _kusz3 ge6 17_ ina _zalag2#_ [...]

[_ge6 19_ ina _zalag2_ sin x] _giri3_ sza2 _ur_-(A) 1/2 _kusz3 19 u2-lal szub-szub_-ni _dir an za_ szamasz2 ina pit2-nu _szu2 ge6_ [...]

[_ge6 21_ ina _zalag2_ sin x _sa4_-sza2]-_absin 1 kusz3 21_ ina sze-ri3 _utah im szar2 ge6 22 gir2 gu3 u kalag an_ ra#-[a-du ...]

[...] 23 _an pisan dib ge6 24 usan an pisan dib#_ ina _zalag2_ sin ina# [_igi_(?)] _sag# gir2-tab_ [...]

[...] x _an#-bar7_ x# _kalag_ x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... rain, a little PISAN DIB ... .

Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... gamma Capricorni; lightning flashed continuously in the east. The 3rd, clouds ... the sky .

... ... Night of the 7th and the 7th, fog crossed the sky; the sun rose in mist .

... a rainbow stretched on the north and west side .

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri, the moon being a little back to the west. The 10th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Sagittarius .

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 8 fingers above alpha Tauri, it stood 1 cubit behind Jupiter to the east; in the morning watch, rain DUL .

... rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 13th, lightning, thunder, much PISAN DIB .

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 30'; last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind the rear stars of Cancer. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, .

Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... the foot of a dog. The 19th, a "fall of fire" occurred; clouds were in the sky; the sun set in a "box". Night .

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit ... alpha Virginis. The 21st, in the morning, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 22nd, lightning, strong thunder, slow rain .

... The 23rd, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, rain PISAN DIB; last part of the night, the moon was ... in front? of the head of Scorpius .

... ... at noon, strong ... .


... ..., rain, a little PISAN DIB ...

Night of the 3rd, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits ... of gamma Capricorni; lightning flashed in the east. The 3rd, clouds ...

... tornado. Night of the 7th and the 7th, fog crossed the sky; the sun set? in mist ...

... before sunrise, a rainbow stretched in northwest direction ...

Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 2/3 cubits below eta Tauri, the moon being a little back to the west. The 10th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Sagittarius ...

Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 8 fingers above alpha Tauri, it stood 1 cubit behind Jupiter to the east; last part of the night, DUL ...

... rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 13th, lightning, wailing thunder, cloudburst, much PISAN DIB ...

... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 30'; last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind the rear stars of Cancer. Night of the 17th, last part of the night ...

Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit ... the foot of the Lion. The 19th, tornados kept falling down; clouds were in the sky; the sun set in a "box". Night ...

Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit ... alpha Virginis. The 21st, in the morning, rain shower, gusty wind. Night of the 22nd, lightning, strong thunder, cloudburst ...

... The 23rd, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, rain PISAN DIB; last part of the night, the moon was in front? of the head of the Scorpion ...

... The 25th, ...; middle part of the day, strong gusty east? wind ...



[_en-nun_ sza2 gi-ne2]-e sza2 _ta du6 en til dir#-sze_ sza2 _mu 20-kam2_ (disz)ar2#-[szu2 ...]

AI Translation

Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2, of year 20 of Arses .


Diary from month VII to the end of month XII2 of year 20 of Arses



[...] ina _kin-sig dir an za ge6 28 an_ na-al-szu2 _izi-szub_ i ina _igi_ [...]

[... _genna_] e _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 6 si itu bi ki-lam sze 4_(_ban2_) 3 qa ina _til itu 5_(_ban2_) _zu2-lum 1_(_barig_) 3(_ban2_) 3 qa kas3# [...]

[... _sig2 n_] ma# i-nu-szu2 _mul2-babbar_ ina _gu4-an_ dele-bat ina _masz2_ ina _til itu_ ina _gu genna_ ina _gisz-gigir gu4-ud_ ina _pa an_ ina _gu itu_ [_bi_ ...]

[...] _en til itu illu 20 si gin apin_ u _gan nu_ ba-ar2 [_ab n n_] na(?)# ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ a-pir 1# _kak-ban_ ana _me e_-a#

[_ab n n_] na(?)# ina szamasz2 _gub igi aga_ a-pir 1# _kak-ban_ ana _me e_-a# _ab_ u _ziz2_ ina _gisz-da nu sar-mesz_

_ab_ u _ziz2_ ina _gisz-da nu sar-mesz_ [_sze ... n_] na(?) _dir kalag_-ma sin _nu igi ge6 1 usan an pisan mah dib ulu3 szar2 kalag_ kal _ge6 gir2 gir2_ x [...]

[_sze ... n_] na(?) _dir kalag_-ma sin _nu igi ge6 1 usan an pisan mah dib ulu3 szar2 kalag_ kal _ge6 gir2 gir2_ x [...]

[_ge6 2_ ...] x x# ina _murub4 an_-e _ta ulu3_ ana _si szur 2 dir an za ge6 3 sag ge6_ sin _sig mul2_-[_mul2_ ...]

[_ge6 4 sag ge6_ sin ar2] is#-le10 2 _kusz3 8 si ge6 5 sag ge6_ sin ar2 _szur_-_gigir_-sza2-_ulu3 14 si_ ar2 _genna#_ [...]

[...] _gu4#-ud sig mul2_-_igi_-sza2-_sag_-_lu 2 kusz3 4 si gu4-ud 8 si_ ana _szu2 lal dir#_ [...]

[...] x x x x _kusz3# ge6 9 sag ge6_ sin ina _igi#_ [_sag_-_ur-a_ ...]

[...] _usan_(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, a little rain shower, a little haze in front of .

... Saturn was 6 fingers above zeta Tauri. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 4 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 5 sutu; dates, 1 panu 3 sutu 3 qa; mustard, .

... wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Saturn was in the Chariot; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Aquarius. That month, .

... until the end of the month, the river level rose 20 fingers; Marchesvan VIII and Kislimu were not visible; sunset to setting of Venus: ...; it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine. The 1st, Sirius' acronychal rising.

Month X, sunset to moonset: ...; it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine. The 1st, Sirius' acronychal rising. The 'abundance' and the 'flight' were not written on the writing-board.

Month X, ..., but the sandal was not removed.

Month XII, ... sunset to moonset: nn°?; dense clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, rain, much PISAN DIB, strong gusty south wind; all night lightning flashed, ... .

Night of the 2nd, ... ... in the middle of the sky, it thundered from south to north. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was ... below eta Tauri .

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Tauri. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 14 fingers behind zeta Tauri, behind Saturn .

... Mercury was 2 cubits 4 fingers below beta Arietis, Mercury being 8 fingers back to the west; clouds .

... ... cubits. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was ... in front of epsilon Leonis .

... first part of the night?, .


... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, dew; a small "fall of fire" in front of ...

... Saturn was 6 fingers above zeta Tauri. That month, the equivalent for 1 shekel of silver was: barley, 4 sutu 3 qa, at the end of the month, 5 sutu; dates, 1 panu 3 sutu 3 qa; mustard, ...

...; wool, nn minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month in Aquarius; Saturn was in the Chariot; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Aquarius. That month, ...

... until the end of the month, the river level rose 20 fingers. The sections for months VIII and IX were not checked.

Month X, ... sunset to moonset?: nn°; the moon became visible while the sun stood there; earthshine. The 1st, Sirius' acronychal rising.

Months X and XI were not written on the writing-board.

Month XII, ... sunset to moonset: nn°; dense clouds so that I did not see the moon. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, rain, much PISAN DIB; strong gusty south wind; lightning flashed all night; ...

Night of the 2nd, ... ... flashed in the middle of the sky from south to north. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was below eta Tauri ...

Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers behind alpha Tauri. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 14 fingers behind zeta Tauri, behind Saturn ...

... Mercury was 2 cubits 4 fingers below beta Arietis, Mercury being 8 fingers back to the west; clouds ...

... ... cubits. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was in front of epsilon Leonis ...

... first part of the night? ...

X103910: astronomical-diary tablet

Achaemenid Oracc



[...] _dir-sze mu 13_

[(d)_silim_]-mu# (d)asar-lu2-hi

AI Translation

... month XII2, year 13.

Shalmu, Asalluhi,


... Month XII2, year 13.

... Asalluhi.



[...] sza2 (disz)ar-tak-szat-su# _mu_-szu2 _sa4_-u2 _dir-sze 30_ sin(?) [x x]

[...] _igi_(?)# _ge6 1_ ina _zalag2 dir an za ulu3 szar2 1_ szamasz2 ina _dir ge6 kur_

[...] x# _ta 24_ sza2 _sze en 1 illu 1_/2 _kusz3 lal_

[...] _szar2_ ina _zalag2 mul2 gal a2 ulu3 ta kur_ ana _mar szur_

[... (d)]_im 1_-en _gu3_-szu2 _szub_

[... na]-su# ina 24 sza2 _sze igi_

[...] sza2 _si 1 kusz3 5_ [_si_]

[... _dir_] _an za_

AI Translation

... of Artaxerxes was red; in the morning watch, the 30th, the moon? .

... became visible?. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind. The 1st, the sun rose in a black cloud.

... ... from the 24th of month XII to the 1st, the river level receded 1/2 cubit

... gusty wind; last part of the night, a meteor flashed from east to west on the south side

... Adad thundered once.

... sunset to setting of Mercury: nn°; ideal first appearance on the 24th of month XII.

... 1 cubit 5 fingers ... alpha Scorpi

... clouds were in the sky.


... who is called Artaxerxes. Month XII2, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month; the moon? ...

... became visible?. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind. The 1st, the sun rose in a black cloud.

... ... from the 24th of month XII to the 1st, the river level receded 1/2 cubit.

... gusty ... wind; last part of the night, a meteor flashed in the south from east to west.

... it thundered once.

...; ideal first appearance on the 24th of month XII.

... northern star of ... 1 cubit 5 fingers.

... clouds were in the sky.