AICC / Publications / x106

X106510: astronomical-diary tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _en_(?) lisz-lim

AI Translation

... may he be well.


At the command of ... Bel? may it be well.

Obverse Column i


[x x x] sin ina(!) _dir igi_-mar _gur_(?) _nim_-a

_sag# ge6 szu2 ge6 1 illu gin 1_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2 ge6_

2 2 _szu2_-up _ulu3 gin 3_ ma-disz _szu2_ ina _kin-sig szeg3# szur_

_ge6 4 4 szeg3 szur 6 an-bar7_ szamasz2 _tur3 nigin2_

ana _kur tar_-is 7 sin _tur3 nigin2 illu gin_-kam2

_ge6 12 szu2_-up 12 13 14 _szu2 14 dingir ki dingir_ (x) _igi_

_illu lal_-is _gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ar2 (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_kun-me szu2_(!)

u3 _sag-usz_ ar2 (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_kun-me szu2 u4-me szu2-me nu pap_

17 ina sze-ri3 _szu2_-up _gu3 u ulu3 szar2 szeg3 na4 tur_

_an ki nundun gir2-tab usz_-id ana _mul2 sa4_

sza2 _sag_ (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_gir2-tab te ta 22 en 24_ [x x]

25 _an_ ina _nim mul_x2(_ab2_) sza2 15 (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_gir2-tab_ [x x x x]

_illu gin ge6 20 szu2_-up _gir2 gu3#_ [U x x x x]

i _im kalag ge6 21 szeg3_ [...]

_szeg3_ i _gir2 gir2 ulu3_ [...]

ina _igi_ (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_rin2 2 kusz3_ x# [...]

sza2 15 (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_gir2-tab_ x# [...]

_du_ szamasz2 ina _dir szu2_ x# [...]

_an#_ ne2 _szur ulu3_ [...]

[x] x# _ge6_ [...]

AI Translation

... the moon could be seen in a cloud; it came near?

beginning of the night, overcast. Night of the 1st, the river level rose. The 1st, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night

The 2nd and 2nd, overcast, the south wind blew. The 3rd, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain so that

Night of the 4th and the 4th, rain szur. The 6th, at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo.

it was eclipsed to the east. The 7th, the moon was surrounded by a halo; the river level rose.

Night of the 12th, overcast. The 12th, 13th, and 14th, overcast. The 14th, one god was seen with the other.

the river level receded; Mercury's last appearance in the east behind the Leopard.

and Saturn set behind the Arrow; I did not watch the days of the eclipse.

The 17th, in the morning, overcast, thunder, gusty south wind, rain, small hailstones.

Mars was in the region of the Euphrates; the Scorpion became stationary to the red star.

which is at the head of Scorpius; from the 22nd to the 24th, .

The 25th, Mars was in the east, the Scorpion of the 15th .

the river level rose. Night of the 20th, overcast, lightning, thunder, .

strong ... wind. Night of the 21st, rain .

a little rain, lightning flashed, the south wind .

2 cubits in front of alpha Librae ... .

of the right of Scorpius ... .

went out; the sun set in a cloud ... .

slow rain, the south wind .

... ... Night .


Month I, ..., the moon became visible in a cloud; it was bright? and high.

Beginning of the night, overcast. Night of the 1st, the river level rose. The 1st, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night

of the 2nd, and the 2nd, overcast. The south wind blew. The 3rd, very overcast. In the afternoon it rained.

Night of the 4th, it rained. The 6th, middle part of the day, the sun was surrounded by a halo.

It was split towards the east. The 7th, the moon was surrounded by a halo. The river level rose.

Night of the 12th, overcast. The 12th, the 13th, the 14th, overcast. The 14th, one god was seen with the other.

The river level receded. Mercury's last appearance in the east behind Pisces,

and Saturn's last appearance behind Pisces, I did not watch because the days were overcast.

The 17th, in the morning, overcast. Thunder, gusty south wind, rain, small hailstones.

Mars became stationary in the area of the Lip of the Scorpion, it came close to the bright star

of the Scorpion's head. From the 22nd to the 24th, ...

The 25th, Mars was east of the star to the right of the Scorpion ...

The river level rose. Night of the 20th, overcast. Lightning, thunder, ...

a little ..., strong wind. Night of the 21st, rain ...

A little rain, lightning flashed, the south wind ...

2 cubits in front of the Scales. ... ...

to the right of the Scorpion 1? ...

... The sun set in a cloud. ... ...

It rained slowly, the south wind ...

... ... night ...

Obverse Column ii


_si gin 14 an-ku10#_ [...]

(_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_szu-gi igi illu_ [...]

ana _ulu3# gar_ x x# [...]

_usan_ x x# [...]

U x# [...]


AI Translation

the north wind blew. The 14th, solar eclipse .

The Old Man star is seen. The river level .

to the south ... .

first part of the night, ... .

and ... ...



The north wind blew. The 15th, rain? ... ...

first appearance in the Old Man. The river level ...

was placed towards the south. Obscuration? ... ...

first part of the night, ...

... ...

... ...

Reverse Column iii


sza2 x [...]

ina _kin#_-[_sig_ ...]

x [...]

_si gin an-ku10_ sin x [...]

20(?) sin _tur3 nigin2 gu4-ud_ ina _sza3#_ [_gub_ ...]

_im kalag 21_ x x [...]

AI Translation

of ... ...

in the afternoon, .

the north wind blew; lunar eclipse ... .

The 20th?, the moon was surrounded by a halo; Mercury stood in it .

strong wind. The 21st, ... .


of ... ...

in the afternoon ...

... ...

The north wind blew. Lunar eclipse ... ...

The 20th?, the moon was surrounded by a halo, and Mercury stood in it ...

strong wind. The 21st, ... ...

Reverse Column iv


[...] _mul_x2(_ab2_) sza2 x [...]

[...] x x 15(?) sin(?) [...]

[...] x x x x x [...]

[x x] x x x [x] _du_ x [...]

[x x x] x _kusz3_(?) x _pi 15_ sin x 5(?) _kusz3_(?) x x [...]

[x] x x x x x (d)_u gu3_-szu2 [...]

x x x x x 5 _gu4-ud_ ina _nim_ ina nu-nu _igi_ [...]

x x x x x x _du-me_ ana _ulu3_ x [...]

x _im an_ ne2 _szur 12 tur3_(?) x _illu gin_ x [...]

_erin2-me kur uri-ki_ ana _sza3 erin2 kur_ asz-szur s,al-tu2 _du3-me erin2 mu_ x [...]

13 _illu_ i _gin 14_ ni-di ina 15 szamasz2 _szub ge6 15 szu2_-up 3 _tir#_-[_an_]

1 ina _mar 1_ ina bi _si_ u _mar_ u3 1 ina _si igi-mesz szeg3 gir2 gu3 u_ x

_dir 15 dingir ki dingir igi ulu3 szar2_ hi-lu _igi an dib ge6 16_ sin _tur3 gal_(?)

_nigin2 16 tur3_ szamasz2 _nigin2 18_ szamasz2 _tur3_ x _nigin2 ulu3 gin 19_ dele-bat ina _ki_

(_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_hun-ga2_ ar2 _an 10 si gub_ sin _tur3 nigin2 si4_ ina _sza3 gub 20 an_ ina 2-30

x# _ki_ (_mul_x2)(()(_ab2_)())_hun-ga2 1 si te_ sin _tur3 nigin2 sag3-me-gar_ ina _sza3 gub ulu3 gin_

[x x] x _a 27 tir-an_ sza2 _suh-me_-szu2 ma-'-disz _mah_ ina _nim gib_

[x x x x] hi-ri-tum _nam ud-kib-nun-ki erin2 kur uri-ki_ u _kur_ asz-szur

[s,al-tu2 _ki_ a-ha]-mesz _du3-mesz_-ma _erin2 kur uri-ki bal-me_ ma-'-disz _gaz_

[x x x] _si# gin 28 szeg3_ i ina _kin-sig tir_ x _dir_(?) ina _kur gib_

[x x x x] 29 _illu_ i _gin an utah szur mu bi szeg3_ i _ki tu_ x [...]

AI Translation

... the star of ... .

... ... The 15th?, the moon? .

... ... The 15th, the moon was 5? cubits? ... .

... ... ... ... his voice .

... The 5th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Pisces .

... ... ... to the south ... .

... slow rain so that the 12th, a halo? ... the river level rose ... .

troops of Babylonia went into the army of Assyria; troops ... .

The 13th, the river level rose a little. The 14th, a cloudbank fell in the 15th; Night of the 15th, overcast. The 3rd, a rainbow

1 in the west, 1 in the west, the north and west, and 1 in the north, were seen; rain, lightning, thunder, .

clouds. The 15th, one god was seen with the other; gusty south wind, haze crossed the sky. Night of the 16th, the moon was surrounded by a large halo?.

it was surrounded by a halo. The 16th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. The 18th, the sun was surrounded by a halo, the south wind blew. The 19th, Venus'

the Hireling stood 10 fingers behind Mars, the moon was surrounded by a halo, the north wind blew inside it. The 20th, Mars' first appearance in 2° 30'.

... 1 finger ... with the Hireling; the moon was surrounded by a halo; Jupiter stood in it; the south wind blew.

... ... The 27th, a rainbow whose radiance was very much in the east

... the cult center of the city of Sippar, the troops of Babylonia and Assyria

they waged war with each other and killed many troops of Babylonia.

... the north wind blew. The 28th, a little rain. In the afternoon, a ... cloud? stretched in the east.

... The 29th, the river level rose a little, rain shower. That year, rain ... .


... the star of ...

... ... right? of the moon ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... right of the moon? ... ...

... ... thunder, ...

... The 5th, Mercury's first appearance in the east in Pisces. ...

... towards the south ...

... It rained slowly. The 12th, a halo ... The river level rose ...

The troops of Babylonia fought against the troops of Assyria; the troops ......

The 13th, the river level rose a little. The 14th, a cloud bank lay to the right of the sun. Night of the 15th, overcast. Three rainbows,

one in the west, one between north and west, and one in the north, were seen. Rain, lightning, thunder, ...

clouds?. The 15th, one god was seen with the other. Gusty south wind, ... seized the face of the sky. Night of the 16th, the moon was surrounded by a large halo.

The 16th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. The 18th, the sun was surrounded by a halo; all day the south wind blew. The 19th, Venus

stood in the region of Aries, 10 fingers behind Mars; the moon was surrounded by a halo, and alpha Scorpii stood in it. The 20th, Mars was 1 finger to the left

of the front? of Aries; it came close. The moon was surrounded by a halo, Jupiter stood in it. The south wind blew.

... ... The 27th, a rainbow whose brightness was very great stretched in the east.

... in Hiritu in the region of Sippar the troops of Babylonia and of Assyria

fought with each other, and the troops of Babylonia turned to flight and were heavily defeated.

... The north wind blew. The 28th, a little rain. In the afternoon, a very red? rainbow stretched in the east.

... The 29th, the river level rose a little. A rain shower fell. That year little rain ... ...